Sixteen Restaurants Fight For The Best In Britain! | Full Series | Ramsay's Best Restaurant

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foreign over the last six months my team and I have been checking out your best love restaurants from thousands of nominations tonight the competition continues with another of your top culinary favorites Chinese [Music] food is one of the great Cuisines of the world top Chinese Chef shoot techniques and flavor combinations that you won't find in any other cuisine there's a Chinese restaurant on nearly every High Street and there's an incredible range from small family run outfits to Mission star fine dining please cover the noodles please thank you buddy we tend to think of Chinese food as being all about chow mein and special fried rice but great Chinese restaurants serve food that says sophisticated and complex as anything you'll find in a posh French restaurant I've chosen two fantastic restaurants to battle it out for placing the semi-finals tonight from Mayfair in London it's the crazy coloring Genius of Kai no my style of cooking is the new modern Chinese as a chef we need to cook on our heart versus the best of the Northwest blackburns you and you a brilliant family-run restaurant another food do the talking earliest memory of food was just cooking with my father he said oh you can't reach the cookers so stand on these four cases to lift yourself up I can only choose one Chinese restaurant to go through the semi-finals so they must prove to me beyond all doubt that they are the most worthy contender subject both restaurants to three challenging tests starting with a contract of 30 guests all arriving and ordering at the same time every restaurant's worst nightmare first though Sasha into Mayfair to sample the avant-garde Delight on offer at Michigan star Kai where is he Chef you look like you just come with a Chinese boy band look at that hair ah incredible so what's that I know you are a superstar Kai's kitchen is led by Alex the demanding head chef he's a perfectionist who runs his kitchen with a rod of iron to ensure his sophisticated dishes are spot on every time how many times I'm told man Alex hold his skills in some of Asia's top five star hotels before being poached by Kai's ambitious owner Bernard the intentional was to change people's perceptions about Chinese restaurants they're trying to reinvent Chinese cuisine and they put a 21st century Twist on it amongst Ty's bold and unusual dishes is a unique liquid version of a lamb shank well that does not look like a lamb shank in there so is it supposed to be like a lamb's shank soup or yes right yes it's it's one of those dishes which catches people out by surprise so a lot of people absolutely love it and some people don't like it I've just never had a lamb chat like that before no no absolutely not um if you're going to sell that today obviously on the menu make sure the customers understand what it is before yes I don't want them disappointed they tastes delicious which is a really strange way of executing it I love these guys they are very very creative and this food is out there and I just hope that my diners get it and love the experience Ty will need to be on top of the game to survive My ultimate pressure test two hours two courses yeah I'm gonna be over everything I'll be in the kitchen I'll be in the dining room and I'll be watching and listening to everything so make sure that you give my dinos an experience never to forget normally bookings are staggered to take the pressure off the kitchen but not tonight my 30 diners will push Kai to the edge and give them a chance to shine on Alex's Ultra Modern menu tonight is a choice of three starters Wasabi prawns with mango and basil seeds steamed scallops with ginger and spring onions and Kai's unusual take on a lamb starter nothing else with such radical dishes my guests will need a clear explanation when they order the flavor of lamb shank but it actually comes as a soup get ready to go the first orders hit the kitchen and it sounds like head chef Alex is launching a full-scale military assault Channel [Music] yeah and uh what's the table for table five for a starter dogs what let's go yeah do you have any uh nurofen I've got a headache why is everybody shouting none of yours are the the order I need to coordinate just moments into service and it's clear that Kai's unusual first course isn't going down well with my diners oh the description of it wasn't quite what I expected okay that should have been explaining term for you always yeah I apologize so I'd like it possible to change this for the scallop dish this was too wet I did explain it was a wet dish like a soup style but I'm the one that um change it for the scallops I've ordered paper table five foreign exactly what I predicted liquid lamb shank maybe a step too far from my guess so I hope Alex is amazingly sophisticated main courses are going to impress off to make cyan honey marinated lamb spiced with chilies and an extravagant Lobster dish scented with crisp Curry leaves and cooked with lemon chili and shallots now in front of house is getting in the muddle that is our starter with the main course nothing seems to be coming out together we can't keep a table hanging for seven minutes without anything else arriving on a day like today that's what I'm trying to say okay okay thank you let me do the new oh everything okay starters John send a starter and then 10 seconds later send the main course so my question originally was who cooled away the main courses I advice Alex is it always this crazy yes if I'm busy uh it's a very talented service and uh yeah one shouting fine but 15 in the show at the same time it's such a mess that one Diner's dish the lamb has been missed altogether I'm hoping it's going to arrive reasonably soon because I'm I'm very very hungry at the moment I need one lamb please tell me he's coming he's coming okay gustar restaurant this is unforgivable even worse Bernard the owner is busy serving up excuses before he starts cock-ups normally a meal here everything is in the middle of the table so everybody's sharing it's just unusually today we've had to serve everything individually I think that customer deserves it the fact that he took the order down incorrectly is from the customer's fault no so we should be telling them that I'd rather you just sort of hand in the air deal with it and move on okay my apologies [Music] once the food arrives most of my diners are blown away by Alex's amazing dishes it is fantastic the the Lambs tender just wonderful I have lobster and it was absolutely fantastic I've never had Lobster that's been fried before and it was a really nice contrast as well as having the strawberries and the grapes in there the lobster was lovely very uh subtle flavors or garlic and chili but yeah amazing end of service and time to say okay what I thought the customers that did get the food on time loved the food it's quirky and it's very striking when it hits all those notes but we have to remember that when customers come here for the first time you've got to hold their hand every step of the way that's where we've got to work on yeah just got to keep working keep working make it a little bit better every single time but I know you can go further because you've done it with the food and you can do it with a service as well hit all those notes there put them together bang you have an amazing restaurant I'm scouring the country in a quest to find my very best restaurant my coach load of 30 diners is about to hit the second Chinese restaurant battling for a place in the semi-finals of my Nationwide competition it's family run you and you in Blackburn so many of you nominated them you are new had to go into my top two Chinese [Music] it's got that that energy that Vibe and this family run run with great Passion you can feel that because they care about every little detail family is the most important part of this restaurant I think personally it makes this restaurant what it is you know it that's the heart and soul of the restaurant it's not just a livelihood it's more than that it's a definite passion that Charlie started out with a chippy over 30 years ago before opening his first restaurant in 1989. he's 65 they're still flames in him you know he's like he's quicker than me there's a saying um the older the ginger the hotter it gets now all three of his children work in the business [Music] what makes this restaurant Stand Out is that Charlie and his head chef son Victor sourced the very best local ingredients let's go dollars are massive arrived um this morning they're beautiful thank you you and you will have just two hours to serve all 30 of my diners a perfect meal I'm excited I'm ready tonight's dishes include hand dive salt and pepper scallops fillet steak with Hoisin and chili bean sauce and a luxurious stir-fried Dover Soul absolutely delicious okay it's cooked beautifully that's for me what I just needs is just a touch more seasoning yeah thank you good thank you side order with you mankos sir my diners look excited by what's on offer but I wish the front of house team would make a point of telling them how fantastic the raw ingredients are like salt and pepper scallops with asparagus and mushrooms it's Victor and Charlie's chance to show me they can handle this challenge let the food do the talking once that turbo Wok is fired up dishes start flying out the door amazing yeah wow that's quick it's just over two minutes from the first order coming in for food to leave the kitchen Victor's brother and sister I joined front of house by at least eight other waiting staff who seem to do a lot of waiting seems to be a lot of people just Milling about and not really paying the attention to the table are we having a beauty pageant in here look all these waitresses in here Blackburn's Next Top Model hello [Music] it's complete Overkill and half the time they don't even know where to put themselves my main concern is the way the kitchen is working the head chef picks the ingredients another Chef adds the sauce then it's Dad Charlie who does all the cooking just cooking cooking cooking you're not even coming up rare don't you feel guilty that's the way you want it that's how he wants to do it Charlie huh you want some help yeah yeah yeah that's a little bit weird for me the only one doing any work is your dad is control control is he a control group yeah needs to let go a little bit he still thinks he's going to do one day a week at 90 seriously seriously yeah orders have already backed up by the time head chef Victor steps in to help with the cookie there's something quite unique about seeing the father and son of a soap together too busy to argue [Music] although dishes are now getting out there's a problem a bit of soy sauce there's a soy sauce yeah I'll sort it for you no problem no one tasting anything which is quite normal for the way they work as a Chinese Kitchen but the young guys now starting to cook and also Victor's cooked as well now so you've got the same dish be cooked by three different individuals so that's how things started becoming consistent I can't believe that Charlie and Victor are letting down their delicious and unique ingredients through lack of seasoning they taste a little bit Bland yeah on you know there's two different tables and one table enjoyed the scallops the other one fell though they were a little bit Bland so just make sure if someone's gonna cook it they're going to taste it as well if it needs a touch more Soul okay Charlie thank you thank you it's not just the scallops they're also under seasoning their most expensive dish three plates with a 30 pounder head dover sole have been sent back give me a favor to give me another doe of a soul what's wrong don't facility on the season it definitely needs more salt y at the beginning of service I mentioned that to myself yeah fish tastes delicious but it's under seasoned and three times tonight you guys come back Bland you've got to do it justice Charlie's happened to redo the soul it's an expensive dish to get wrong so many times [Music] yeah yeah when they hit their stride you will use food is extraordinary really nice and the man the Phillips date was absolutely delicious yeah now the you family need to hear tonight's service this is a first for me I've never come across a Chinese restaurant that has such unique ingredients and so if you are going to hell and back to Source those ingredients shout about it I could cry on the back of the Dover soul because I said to you when you cooked it for me earlier it needed more seasoning and it came back three times tonight taste it do it just this yeah you're the chef and your father's a sous chef and tonight it looked like you were the apprentice and your father was the chef and grabbed the reins and let him sit behind you well done thank you slow down now on those small little details with the final seasoning across those dishes and you've got something pretty phenomenal [Music] all right and you and you have took their hearts out but both have their failings and things are about to get a whole lot tougher the coast trip really showed me what these Chinese competitors are made of and now I've called both of them to a meeting with me to find out how their restaurants run when I'm not breathing down their necks I've been spying on them and they have no idea if you want to know how a restaurant treats an ordinary customer on an ordinary day send in a secret Diner that's exactly what I do they should get amazing food and excellent service nothing less is good enough Sarah Durden Robertson has worked with me and other top chefs to create and perfect thousands of dishes [Music] through critic Simon Davis is one of the best in the business and has judged food and service at thousands of restaurants I'm allergic to those I can't eat sultanas it's one thing serving easy to please customers but how will my competitors perform when my undercover diners are deliberately difficult and demanding first up is cayenne Mayfair in their first test my customers didn't get a proper steer on Alex's ambitious menu has owner Bernard improved things since my last visit unknown to all of you you can test it twice after I left Kai I sent in my secret Diner and I need you to watch this yes at one o'clock yes starters I've ordered Wasabi pause and soft shell crab but I'm going to change my order once I've seen that he's put it through and I'm going to order the lamb shank sorry can I change my order yeah I started from I'd like the lamb shank yes yes thank you [Music] thank you so the kitchen's ended up cooking an extra dish because the waiter never said that it was an exchange that's why he didn't come and ask seems to be a bit of a lack of communication between some of the front of her stuff in the kitchen what goes through your mind when you see that the burners uh I think part of the reason why we made a mistake is because it's not unusual for somebody to have three starters between two people oh my goodness in a martini glass that's not what I was expecting wow enjoy it thank you did I read the menu right that there's no resemblance to the dish that I was reading about I'm really sorry I just I can't believe that that's it wasn't clear from the menu at all but that's what that dish comes like foreign why are we serving lamb shank in a martini glass that's hot it just seems so strange and such a bizarre thing to do uh it's a fancy starter fancy starter Jesus thanks supposed to arrive flaming at the moment oh oh was it there I missed it was a great dramatic session to be great and dramatic and they do it at the customer's pack I can't see it and I guess can't see it completely pointless I said where did that happen sorry just behind you the issue we have with the Chinese rice wine flaming is that very often the Flames are quite hard to see no one can see the [ __ ] Flame because it doesn't give off a lot of flame it's a little bit of fun it's a bit of Showmanship I don't see anything wrong with that there's a consistent strand through here that you're trying to be clever with the martini glass the lamb shank and now you're fombaying something that it's got nothing to do with flavor don't damage what you've got by trying to be too clever this is your first time it is yeah I'm very sorry um but that's extraordinarily kind of I mean the dishes have been delicious that's really kind thank you you know that's somebody who clearly Prides himself on the service they feel they ought to offer and all the food they want to hit the table it has to be perfect or they're not happy and he's really not happy okay and brilliantly handle at the ends offering the whole thing on the house [Music] I think the the emotion I feel right now is more determination than disappointment you've got to get your head down and make things better I hope we can win it tonight two fantastic restaurants are battling it out to become my best Chinese and win a place in the semi-finals of my Nationwide restaurant competition time for you and you to find out how they measured up when I sent in my secret spy unknown to all four of you you've actually been tested twice I sent in my secret Diner and this is what you saw here we are you and you I told the you family to focus on detail and to properly season the stunning ingredients they source and I want to see them use the waking staff wisely so they're not just hanging around I booked a table I got a table name of Duncan for two people [Music] would have hoped to have been offered a drink by now having been here for five minutes I know they're busy but there's quite a lot of Staff as well I can't see who's managing the place it feels a bit frantic I really would like to have a drink actually I get rather annoying put on some drinks time to call over the waitress to get a drink which given that to my right there's four waiters and waitresses and they've all got their backs to us I'm sure they're busy it's a busy night but later 10 minutes for a drink is that normal they wait 10 15 minutes no it's not but that wasn't a normal Friday night because one of the kitchen hands was our fill yeah so I had to go in and help these guys that's why I've disappeared for so long what you need to do is pay money for better staff and less of them that are more reliable which was happenable the problem is there's now a huge gap between starters main courses they should bring the starters out a little bit later and that would be such a glaring Gap what they should be doing now is coming up to us and just having a quiet word and you know saying I'm very sorry blah blah you know what that will completely dilute the situation completely ignored completely ignored it becomes an insult where they become offended like he said defuse it that's okay okay thank you it's David Soul with sugar snap peas and cats looks actually rather rather Bland um and the fish itself it's pretty non-descript hi there I just this Dover so it doesn't really taste them much it needs much more seasonal when you've got customers that are sat waiting over half an hour for food it's to be perfect and that was dealt with quite well so I'm going to send this back again and ask to change the dish I still don't like it I'm afraid I'll change it to something else I'm so sorry after all that effort I complain that I have a lot in restaurants but that is the best I can almost ever see that dealt with 10 out of 10 for dealing with a very very tricky customer brilliantly handled and he's fussy beautifully done I really really really really like that the strawberry Samosa it's worth a trip alone seriously I've never heard such an amazing compliment to Chinese desserts fantastic really good as a dining experience I had a quite a sluggish start but it's just accelerated and I've now reached a crescendo where I think this is one of the one of the best Chinese restaurants I've been to in many years what a strong finish and he left on a high we've got this far now and we just really want to I'm ready to explore I'm ready to win this competition I'm going to take the place and hope get to the end of this competition you know my two best Chinese restaurants have one final chance to really deliver in my competition I'm taking them out of their comfort zones and into the kitchen of my own michelin-start restaurant I've asked each Chef to create one amazing dish for 20 guests test here today is about quality and consistency every single plate they produce must be perfect their performance will win one of them a place in the semi-finals the other will be eliminated from the competition pressure will either make or break them [Music] three star Michelin restaurant yeah some people just want to win this were [Music] definitely try our best to mix the diner happy yes this is an amazing battle about to take place now because we've got two completely contrasting restaurants I want the quality to stand out create something magical the sad news is there's only one of you going through to the semi-final make sure it's you good luck to both of you thank you thank you they must create their dish using the finest quality beef as their main ingredient and I'm expecting great things from both teams it's not just me they have to impress some highly distinguished guests will also judge both restaurants dishes including data shung a world Authority on Chinese cuisine and respected businesswoman May Sim lie Obe I've also invited each restaurant's front of house team [Music] oh the chefs there is nowhere to hide I'm expecting culinary perfection okay on all the four covers Table Six Kai Four beef and ginger yeah okay uh yes chef will be great yeah Chef thank you is it easy if I show like that is that will that will that make it easier no tell me no is it who is it is it easy okay good no just in case at Kai Alex is a gifted and passionate Mastermind elevating modern Chinese food to new heights Alex and Wing his sous chef hope to enchant my guests with the creation you'd never find on a High Street Chinese menu they're making beef sirloin with ginger and spring onion pesto served with broccolini bamboo stalks and pumpkin is accompanied by spice rice and a soy reduction how are you gonna cook the beef it's so nice to see in my kitchen and how nice is that we've been here five minutes you haven't shouted very good thank you thank you an order you and you cucumbers away terrible three please two stunning wagyu beef yeah chef yes sir thanks Charlie and contrast you and you is going for more classic dish walks here at Kobe beef with sweet soy sauce lime garlic and ginger Kobe beef is an amazingly tender cut of meat but the Magic in this dish lies with the flavoring that's what we've always done that's um keeping things simple using fresh really good ingredients you know I've been waiting to see if Victor the head chef can live up to the title and take control from his father foreign thing you put on that plate I want to see you taste I need to see you taste yeah yeah a lot on your shoulders right now and that standard has to be met by you today yeah sure Victor has the pressure of the competition and the desire to impress his dad resting on his shoulders he needs to stay calm and in control but for my first table of four Victor dishes up just one plate that's the first beef yes so just miss him between Marsha sorry Missy what just missing three more on this yeah so is that three in there yeah how long is that gonna take three minutes how long is it gonna take four minutes yeah four minutes well that's gonna be [ __ ] by four minutes what do you want me to do serve that are you gonna do four fresh portions again serve that yeah foreign [Music] between four plates come on guys I know you can do better than this but if you talk to each other the rice comes at the same time [ __ ] hell guys bad start by you and you I mean completely disorientated no team work and they're Father and Son for God's sake so they look like two strangers in the kitchen come here two seconds you this is not a [ __ ] rehearsal do you understand I can't understand that one portion I've got dining room full of guests out there and more importantly slow down and come to the hot plate together okay come on on the other side of the kitchen Alex is also feeling the pressure Ty two portions away Alex two please stand by the plate look at me look at me yeah four more bees that's it thank you after those two beef yes thank you okay now two trades the whole plate please Alex isn't communicating with me or a sous chef Wing [ __ ] you now come on guys and this complex dish needs perfect coordination Alex look at me if you get a little bit organized yeah so the beef doesn't hang around too long on the hot plate yeah it's Gotta Go yes I can't sit here too long it's gonna work together a little bit more yeah Chef yeah so you're putting it on it's taking about four or five minutes but it's got to go we can't keep it back too long yeah otherwise it's gonna be cold ready to go service please Alex is amazing but he seems to be struggling to cope in my kitchen without his large team you got chicken start boiling over on the hot plate please okay fine um [Music] as well stop you go you let's go go go you happy with that all right I'll be there yes yep Joe please let's go table two where's the sauce good thank you sauce pull the left-hand side Alex I want all the pots and pans off the floor my kitchen here in 50 I've never had an accident and today I'm not gonna have one yeah let's go Jesus Christ very nice that looks beautiful service please go October one please yeah thank you [Music] you've done a fantastic job I'm still a bit nervous but you know with seeing this now I I feel a lot better [Music] yes yes thank you come on and look at me I want you to take a grip solid hold those reins yeah and get this thing back on track yes and make sure every plate is absolutely perfect please you know your mother sat out there you know that don't you yes sir yeah [Music] okay four B please stand by come on nice now nice now let's go please let's go thank you thank you excellent Gordon just sat on the nerves and then know what I need to do you and you have come back strong and they've got that Focus going on now [Music] plate after plate of Victor's mouth-watering beef is finally being served [Music] the beef is delicious very tender what do you think the whole thing just completely melts in your mouth doesn't it I'm really proud of my dad and my brother for just getting this far and what they've cooked today has been amazing in a kitchen they're not so used to as well our kids are definitely done as proud about seven yes yes yeah yes [Music] service is over and it's time to discover what my distinguished guests think about these two extraordinary dishes starting with Victors thank you very much this is a real treat wonderful it was so tender and special it worked very well it's like a beef how was that extraordinary like no beef I've ever tasted the uh you and you one have more authentic flavor to me dish not only the presentation but the flavor is much better as well I think was the better dish mainly because of the tenderness of the beef the accompanying dishes particularly the rice that the rice was outstanding my Diner's comments are Testament to the incredible standards of both Kai and new and used food but this competition is about more than just one dish both these fantastic Chinese restaurants have had their ups and downs throughout this heat but now it's time for me to choose between them winning today is very important for me uh because uh I really want to make a proud to my family as a one of a top alternative in London but if I beat guys would be unbelievable I mean they're such a fantastic restaurant and their dish is unbelievable you know so we can only see you know um if we beat him it would be unbelievable only one of them can go through to the semi-finals I've got to make a very difficult choice [Music] my two top Chinese chefs Alex and Victor have finished the service of their lives and my free Michelin starred restaurants [Music] who sells exceptional competitors but one team has to go it's time to taste this incredible food cooked here today starting with a dish created by Alex from Kai and Mayfair the sauce a beef marinated 24 hours rice wine [Music] beats delicious sauce is very very strong pumpkins very crunchy bamboo shoot crunchy slightly acidic but delicious beef just melts in your mouth it's delicious I mean it is really delicious my God it's got a texture of fogger it needs the greens with it it's very rich but it's incredibly Moorish and you feel like it's done with a level of authenticity they both hold an amazing flavor who has the edge of this one [Music] both these teams have cooked their hearts out but they can only be one winner [Music] I brought you here today for one reason and one reason only to do something extraordinary to do something that was out of your comfort zone and into a completely different League Kai the dish he looked at it and it was like it'd come out of a a Gucci handbag it was all precise and just Beauty done the beef phenomenal love the marinade intelligent smart and it had that kind of wow criticizing the dish I would have cooked the pumpkin for another two minutes it's a little bit crunchy inside you knew the wagyu absolutely beautiful because you you played your strengths what would I change it was simple today I didn't think you'd go simple I thought you'd go a little bit more a little bit more daring but this competition is not going to be won or lost on one dish alone I'm looking for the best restaurants great food great service great atmosphere friendly approach and something that you want to go back to that restaurant for that phenomenal experience [Music] the restaurant that's going through to the semi-final based on everything I've seen tasted and being part of is [Music] Union oh continue those fireworks yeah you deserve to be out there love the fireworks love it love it love it good job you have an amazing restaurant look after it of course I'm absolutely gutted that we're not getting through the answer wasn't the answer we would have liked to hear but we have to move on and keep going with what we do every single day well done really well done I said you had a lot of weight on your shoulders today and you pulled it off I was just based on that dish is based on the whole experience really well done it should be incredibly proud a bloody good job really well done thank you okay well done well done well done I'm very happy it feels amazing I can't wait to tell people um yeah it was good I believe [Music] we're really proud of you not to say yeah I'm all about it yeah you do a good job you're a good teacher yeah you do a good job [Music] [Music] good job [Music] really sorry to say goodbye to Kai and that Chef's a bit of a Mad genius however you and you great restaurants what an amazing family and they're they're consistent and United night my brand new Nationwide restaurant competition with one of the world's favorite Cuisines it's Italian and it promises to be an incredible battle between two very different but equally stunning Italian restaurants I've always loved Italian food and that is best it really manages to transform simple fresh ingredients into extraordinary dishes packed full of flavor man of the onion please Ashley thank you the Italians take their cooking and the ingredients very very seriously and they're fiercely competitive love that passion you send in a huge number of Italian nominations the two fighting were placed in the semi-finals of this Nationwide competition are both Exceptional casamir from Bristol versus manula from London we're going to see royal young Talent from the West country take on a highly experienced Chef in the cafeteria go to war you win it that's what we're here for casimir's cutting-edge Italian food will battle it out with menuda's authentic rustic dishes two ambitious young culinary Alchemists will challenge a sicilian gastronomic Godfather if you've messed up you're going to get it I mean you're going in for the high jump with me this guy's a limit you just want to move forward and get to the top of the game but who will come out on top hopefully if you don't make any mistakes bring it up it's what we do I'm going to push both these Italian contenders the Breaking Point with three daunting challenges I intend to test them for the absolute limit because they can only be one winner the first of my two brilliant Italian competitors is manula a truly exceptional restaurant that fought its way through thousands of nominations [Music] named after the Sicilian almond is run by 45 year old Santino who cooks hearty authentic food inspired by the love of his birthplace Sicily my cooking it is all about Simplicity it's about taking as few ingredients as possible and making sure that the quality of those ingredients shine that's delicious he spent years as a head chef at some of London's top restaurants before opening manula a year ago they quickly gained a lower following this place screams Sicily I mean that man Cooks from the heart it's a good police got Santino is fiery and passionate demanding nothing less than Perfection from all these kitchen staff what the [ __ ] is that doing in there yeah Andy's front of house managers Angelo and Rocco if you've messed up you're going to get it I mean you went in for the high jump with me I'm a very competitive person I go out to win I don't like to lose I'll put my food against antibodies in the country no doubt I love Santino's competitive spirit and is going to need every ounce of it to handle my first pressure test because my 30 handpick guests are about to arrive and order all at the same time if every restaurant's worst nightmare when's last time you did 30 covers like that we can do this we can do this okay I love that level of confidence you're in new restaurants absolutely on the blog a lot to prove I'll be watching everything I'll be like a hawk over the dining room Rocco and here in the kitchen as well okay two hours to produce the best meal these 30 customers have ever eaten [Music] do your customers proud and more importantly don't let yourselves down yeah good luck thanks santina's restaurant is packed I'm gonna push the kitchen in the front of house to the Limit and in the process give them a chance to shine every service is war go to war you win it that's what we're here for sometimes on the menu tonight is a choice of three starters Sicilian tomato salad hot smoked Venison and oh the linguine Billy wouldn't lobster for you okay no problems please that must be 14 or 16 linguine of lobster service has only just started and already I can see a problem he's gonna bring the [ __ ] in there about five minutes time because everyone's ordering linguine but no one's controlling it Jacob gone it takes about a quarter of an hour to cook each Lobster linguine two covers so put the linguine in 13 minutes linguine finished service within the two hour time limit I want three lobsters one two three a good mate today should be able to sell the other dishes on the menu push the risotto yes that is linguine push the venison the Venice is delicious I'm afraid I'm gonna have the linguine Scottish Lobster as well as well please please guess what how long for the next four linguine and two linguine another six linguine after that and with the clock ticking 17 is up against it Jesus Christ I feel for him right now in there because he's about to explode it's like an angry name you just pulled the pin and he's gonna go any minute now guaranteed why because he's getting screwed upstairs they have to help him and make his life a little bit easier in there are they selling in that delicious venison Lobster [Music] one more Lobster please thank you very much here we go four linguine two lobsters please get me Rocco please [Applause] the risotto is delicious four linguine Lobster just for a change clean the place my darling here we go two-thirds of the diners have ordered the lobster linguine the starters have taken an hour to leave the kitchen I spotted a weakness here and it's not the food this is the nicest I've ever had it's really good the lobster was lovely nice and spicy and once again Rocco has failed to sell the two quicker dishes on the menu everyone's gone for the beef fillets well done for you as well what is he playing at guys check on 3B that's one hour gone one hour left guys one hour are you gonna get all those beef out especially ones that are well done it's a tall order we're gonna be up to it we're going to be up to give me the hockey three beats now searching for my best Italian and I'm putting Sicilian restaurant manula in London's West End to the test with my first challenge 30 customers have just arrived and all ordered at the same time Jesus Christ Rocco's front of house took orders for over 20 Lobster linguine and almost sank the kitchen now head chef Santino's been overwhelmed by the large number of orders taken for the main course that's one hour gone one hour left to go left guys one hour he's gonna sink he's upstairs they're just taking orders with all the linguine on every check and more importantly it will be all this beef three beef one Mees in one rare one medium well yeah don't screw the kitchen I feel like I'm gonna fall down any minute now I swear to God I feel like I'm on a faint [Music] give me some water [Music] right let's go seven nine we're not going to be late do you understand me we are not going to be late we're just 35 minutes left of my two hour time limit the finishing line is in sight the last thing Santina needs is another front of house [ __ ] up 25 1400 they're waiting for the starter so yeah we've been cooking for 90 minutes it says we didn't send a check because we wanted to slow down now Rocco says he's held back the order to help the kitchen catch up but what he really means is they're even further behind with the service than Santino thought come on you gotta you gotta you have to have the balls and explain the [ __ ] up you can't hold a ticket back if you do hold a ticket back he's got a no we have a problem we need to fix it let's go quickly I'll smoke medicine I've got one Morada I've got four linguine I've got one two three four five [ __ ] Felicity the bottom line is he forgot the ticket yeah he didn't hold anything back you forgot the [ __ ] ticket and he's come here and instead of being a man yeah and say to me with balls look Chef this happened yeah it can happen to anyone he's come to me and said to me and lie to me thinking I'm stupid something isn't this [ __ ] I mean big time all because of Rocco but I have to say he's got my respect tonight because he's encouraging those Cooks along every ounce of the way we're nearly there come on guys we can do this come on boys believe it I mean if that was me in that situation 10 years ago I would have flat my lead big time and pickle the balls of Rocco turn them into [ __ ] I'm not losing come on move it okay Santino has cooked his heart out tonight he's only just made it to the end of service but for my diners his simple Sicilian food has been outstanding I had the lobster start perfectly cooked really nice by the chili and then had the beef it's all ready what was the menu tonight beef with the risotto no the menu was linguine beef linguine beef 25 times we had the passion the soul and food but we didn't match it with a service when you have a table of six you've got to get that six in and we waited 92 minutes before you realized that that table was forgotten that's not good enough Rocco look back on it and learn that's all you can do that's all you can do do it again and I'll kill you right but today I won yeah well done thank you thank you chef [Music] s oh my God it was like the biggest rush in your life it was just amazing I don't know what went on with the front house I could kill him but we held it together I got the so stupid smile on my face I'm so happy I am so proud [Music] now it's time for my second Contender to be put to the test such a wonderful restaurant that my team and I felt it simply had to be in the top two this is Casimir in Bristol a fantastic Italian restaurant now it's run by two young brothers who today are the youngest holders of the mission star in Britain I've got some very very high hopes for them in this competition I love this restaurant because it's a family affair mum and dad front of house and in the Kitchen Two Brothers creating Cuisine unlike anything I've ever seen in an Italian restaurant really good presentation unique Brothers Peter and John Ray are so creative and experimental that frankly they make Heston look old-fashioned really want to take customers through a new experience something special and magical what I really like about these two guys is their energy and their ambition they are really seriously pushing the culinary boundaries out to the extreme and they're still in their early 20s you think exactly alike because obviously it's two minds thinking on one job they were almost like one complete person if that makes sense [Music] YouTube I don't know if you're completely Bonkers or a pair of child Geniuses they've got a gastronomic instinct which can't be taught or learned [Music] I was proud of my boys from the very first day they were born the first step the first smile but now what can I say it's just the proudest father in the world but I can see that this success has come at a price Peter and John Ray's culinary dreams are being funded by every penny of their parents life savings we have to sacrifice our retirements oh yeah basically yeah it was a big gumball I telling you was a big gamble let's hope Packer's paternal faith is going to be rewarded because Casimir are about to face my first pressure test I'm gonna hit them with 30 diners all arriving and ordering at the same time okay guys hey everybody at the station we have just two hours to produce the perfect meal for my special guests there's a lot of anxiety in me so just want to get it Go in get the service out hopefully we don't make no mistakes today yum is about pressure I'll be watching everything I'll be in the kitchen I'll be in the dining room I'll be missing nothing you guys want a Michelin star last year phenomenal today raise the bar again my 30 guests are about to experience an avant-garde take on Italian cuisine will they love it or wish they'd just gone for a pizza but then let's go start going boys first out chicken liver Pathways love everybody very strong that Master puree you want to be that strong it's one of the main elements because obviously that's why we highlight the tops yes we're quite we like the herbs and we just want the other things next up beetroot risotto with Pickles all nine and table seven housing risotto yeah very good nice and sweet [Music] bravely trout sous-vide the fish is vacuum packed and cooked in a warm water bath so its texture remains unchanged [Music] it's daring to experiment like this but you can't alienate the customer they need to understand what's being served to be able to appreciate it is the fish meant to be cooked like this it's a bit of a strange consistency it is it's because it's cooked in a water bath so it keeps the texture and the flavor and the taste right okay um I really just don't like it to be honest I mean you can particularly probably pan by it but it'll actually ruin the texture of it no no I'll eat my peas you sure yes it is coming here for the first time you have to explain it has very pink very very pink just yeah I'm just I'm just observation I do still do stops the confusion she will miss challenged me on what I was saying rather than just accepting that I didn't like it and I feel it wasn't cope properly which then made it very hard for me to send it back it's crucial to keep customers on side and Mum Susan has to take responsibility for that front of house we're not in the 1980s and if a customer wants their fish cooked a little bit more two seconds two minutes whatever it may be you get it done next up Quail with celery root puree on a pastry nest also served very rare and again customers should be told [Music] when we asked how the quail was cooked we went to turn around and said well of course somebody have to get used to and I thought I didn't you know I didn't really appreciate that too much I'm worried by how much food is coming back uneaten just the one thing that strikes me no one takes any food back in the kitchen it just dumped here no one gives these guys yeah they always do at the end of the evening what not there and then well it depends if obviously something said yeah I'm I'm here to find out how you're running a restaurant yeah yeah fish comes back no it comes back and no one goes back in the kitchen with it yes I know they're your son but it doesn't stop it from telling me the truth motherly love is a wonderful thing but keeping the truth from your chefs is a mistake did you ever will get feedback from the dining room absolutely yeah yeah when pretty much makes nights so most likes yes and what kind of feedback do you get back Peter in general normally really positive everything uh normally runs really perfect perfectly smooth I get complaints in my ration that's the only way I've learned because you constantly get feedback on a daily basis not always great and blowing smoke of each other's ass you only learn from negatives not the positives [Applause] Peter and John Ray have finished service in less than two hours and despite some criticisms most of my guests love Casimir I thought the food was really special really spectacular I thought the dishes were really intricate and really clever and really well balanced flavors really really good you wouldn't go to many other places and get this sort of cooking and these sort of ideas on your plate and the presentation is fantastic a Michelin star doesn't confirm everything you send out it's perfect if you're trying to be avant-garde you've got to go with your customers you've got to take every customer forward and like I said if she wants her fish cooked more I cook it I cook her trout more and if anything comes back that's half eaten these two what they need to know is what's wrong with it there and then not at the end of the night not 15 minutes later you know how many chefs have you got into all I want in my restaurant on a daily basis is the negatives that makes me better and they're your chefs not your sons they're your sons on your day off this family depends on this restaurant and it's a business it's not a playground there's a big difference there is a big difference very big difference well done thank you it's difficult when you've got family working together obviously with your mum and dad run in front of house like Gordon said laughing and wrapping Us in Cotton walls absolutely everything he says to be true there's two very talented young chefs in there what they need now is that level of guidance but tough love and not having their ass kissed by their mother tonight two brilliant restaurants are battling to become my best Italian and win a place in the semi-final [Applause] most of the limits now I'm invited to London for a debrief what they don't know is since they last saw me I've sent secret diners into the Russians to see how they perform when they're not in the spotlight and their guard is down [Applause] [Music] ERS are invaluable they'll catch any restaurant off guard and I use them on a weekly basis food critic Simon Davies is one of the best in the business and has judged food and service at thousands of restaurants Sarah Durden Robinson has worked with me and other top chefs for years creating and perfecting thousands of dishes it's one thing serving easy to please customers but how will my competitors perform when my undercover diners are deliberately difficult and demanding is there any way you can turn the noise down a bit I'm allergic to those I can't eat sultanas first to face the music is Sicilian restaurant manula [Music] what I need to tell you now you've actually been tested twice I sent in a secret Diner the coach trip identified front of house as manula's weak point will serifying that manager Angelo has improved things since my last visit we had a table from okay they haven't been to stairs for about 10 minutes either then washed off their feet and they can't cope or they've actually forgotten 10 minutes before even a menu a drink bread olive oil it is too long you're not 10 minutes 10 bloody minutes 10 goddamn minutes to wait that's that's that seems at all unacceptable would you recommend in your anti-party yes we've got very nice burrata cheese very creamy okay otherwise so when I asked him about the um the starters and said because you tell me what would you recommend what's your favorite and then he just pointed at everything and read out what it said on the menu which is what I've been doing for the last 10 minutes uh a lady wants your personal recommendation she's not asking to read the menu out again she's asking for help I've just I'm just delicious but I've just tasted his it's absolutely fantastic can I can I change and have that instead yes no problem do you mind okay yeah let me check her window manager okay thank you Prego what's going on Prego what's going on look at your face he's just so delicious I wanted that one instead you want to leave the screen yeah yeah I don't want the squid I want to have the beef yeah it's absolutely fine of course yeah yeah no no that's fine okay sure thank you [Music] because that's so delicious fish yeah it's good it's good thank you that was a disaster [Music] have you any idea how flexible we have to be with customers today I deliberately put her in there to see what level of flexibility your restaurant has yes thank you is it okay yeah no it was but I tried his beef it was so delicious and I thought oh I made a mistake yeah thank you gracious really really gracious why are you coming out and being 10 times more Charming than your maitre d ude that squid I have only absolutely delicious but this the service that's letting it down it's not doing Justice to what's coming out of the kitchen anyway Angela talk to me please I remember I say I remember very well the day was a crazy lunch so I agree with you that many things went wrong the day fortunately it's not always like that foreign now that was a bad day we all have them bounce back and put it right you're more capable of doing it foreign the first thing to do I mean we're people coming in look from the menu give the drinks ten minutes seems to be a little bit too long I mean a little bit it's too long so I don't think anyway I'm not going to sugarcoat it it's not a good thing no but definitely come back from it and you know we're a restaurant we're a live thing we you know we're growing all the time we've only just got there and we're doing amazing amazing work every day every service we're doing a great job and that's why we're still in this and we can win this tonight two brilliant restaurants are battling out to become my best Italian and win a place in the semi-final of my Nationwide restaurant competition I'm not losing come on move it now it's Bristol restaurant casimir's turn to discover that I've been spying on them [Music] you've had one so far in this competition and unknown to all four of you there's actually been two tests yeah because no one spotted the second one did they well the first one was the first one was when you came and the second one is I don't know after I left the restaurant I sent my secret Diner to your restaurant um and this is what you saw [Music] hi there hi I'm late I'm sorry okay uh Duncan yeah it's okay sir sorry about that no no problem we've got two valid trout Simon my undercover critic is having the trout which some of my 30 diners left uneaten slightly undercooked um and also the peas fit like bullets I thought the trout was slightly undercooked I thought and the peas peas could have done with another minute on the brunch it's about this isn't it I think well it's about taste but they were undercooked yeah there is no debate about that [Music] damn it's about taste isn't it uh excuse me you're now going to undermine a customer got to take criticism seriously thank you so this is vegetables that's cold excuse me oh my God sitcons yeah it's a bit cold it's a bit cold and it's I'm afraid yeah because the plates the Plate's a bit cold thank you it was completely cold [Music] a bit like a Headmaster then what's wrong with your if your children in the kitchen if you're working with families it's often very hard to be objective about their mistakes and their errors mum and dad as always overprotective as parents you're not drop them off to school anymore the customer's King they're the ones passing with the 55 crate the 10 courses they're the ones that want to boast with their friends on the way back about coming to this amazing amazing restaurants you have to act a little bit more humble so flowers thank you thank you it's the finale since I say this is a this is a very good restaurant going to do excellent things that's a little bit misjudged just think about doing a tasting menu it doesn't have 10 dishes but just has six dishes which are fabulous there's a problem is you remember the bad ones you don't so much remember the good ones oh the place has the most amazing potential yeah customer feedback is crucial and what you've got to do is just listen [Music] despite the customers not by us not by all you guys not buying food it's always been about our customers we had to have a plan how we answer to the customer Gordon say we I treat them with cotton walls but perhaps it's being a father but uh yeah so we I'm gonna I'm gonna try to be a little bit tougher I'm I'm putting my my point of view across much in a much tougher way after enduring my coachload of diners and the undercover team I sent in both Manila and Casimir have survived blooded but unbowed now it's time for the final test as the chefs leave their restaurants and their friend of house teams behind and go It Alone in my kitchen I've asked them to create a dish worthy of a place on the menu at my free Mission Star Restaurant it's been an incredible journey for both these amazing Italian restaurants serious contenders in this competition and all very talented chefs today I'm going to eliminate one of them from the competition both chefs will cook just one course but it'll be the most important dish of their lives [Music] a final chance to prove themselves gotta prove what we believe in you know the last year has been a roller coaster ride for for me and for Dragon Ball as well actually opening Manila then Darkness hit us both he lost his father I lost my brother this is for them and for us yeah yeah of a mandala yeah exactly where we want our food to be in that Pinnacle in that freestyle restaurant a lot of anxiety in us I should get it right as well I think um we'll get everything perfect everything just needs to be a bit much yeah we realize if our food was to ever reach freestyle status today it needs to have that edge thank you but it's not just me they have to impress I've invited 20 highly distinguished guests including Carlos presenti director of the Italian cultural Institute and Anna Del Conte one of the most respected Italian food writers in Britain these Discerning diners will be served both competing dishes and every plate must be perfect right gentlemen today's the day one of you will be going through the semi-final and sadly one of you will not be cooking again in this competition you've now got the perfect platform to show off every plate is crucial it starts now good luck for the chefs there is nowhere to hide they'll be judged purely on the quality of their food oh I've challenge them to create one dish using a classic Italian ingredient veal and I can't wait to see what they do with it okay first to get on for Veil please yeah until now Santino has been let down by his front of house but his cooking Flawless tonight he's designed a dish true to Sicilian Roots Philadelphia served with Summer truffles layered potatoes girol mushrooms and a cream of celeriac I'm going to keep it really simple pan fry the veal and we're going to serve it with a little potato cake which has been done with a shoulder reveal and pot roasted braised right six hours okay really slow what's the sauce the sauce is gonna be a little reduction on Marsala wine because you've got lots of earthiness on the dish so I wanted to give it an element of sweetness like a dipping Chutney almost okay all right all right this is classic Santino he's created a robust dish with few ingredients a beautiful layered cake with a braised drill delicious like a braised oxtail it's a real sort of hearty but amazing dish mushrooms potato before Dragon Ball Santino's now got to focus his passion and energy into making this a winning dish this is absolutely everything to me there's a lot riding on this liquid okay a little bit more liquid that veal with a truffle is delicious but they're cooking giraffe the most amazing mushrooms and Jackie was not even season them there's only four things on the plate and they have to be done perfectly and if the mushrooms are under season it just destroys the whole dish just tastes like mushrooms thank you 've got to test jacamole yeah everything an absolutely amazing Journal yeah peeled by hand yeah it's so safe brilliantly and no salt on there relax use your head yeah use everything at all yeah these sushi have to let him down but santinas remain calm and impressively focused [Music] [Music] the potato cake is good just got lots of flavor yeah it's a beautiful dish it tastes amazing it tastes absolutely fantastic four cups away table six four caponata please yeah I was worried the Casimir boys might risk it all with something dangerously experimental but I can see a change in them they're veal caponata served with sweetbreads has all the hormones of a classic Italian Dish but knowing these boys there'll be something more to it you wouldn't do this without a Twist there's got to be a Twist somewhere yeah and I'm starting to find out where it is but where's the liquid nitrogen very sensible what have you done it's a classic this this has really been refined so like again precise temperature will read in some water bath with the sweet breads and the veil you know a very refined classic and you've got that chefy part with the veil sweetbreads yeah absolutely how are you cooking that we've cut them in a water bath yep at 62 for two hours yeah it's a nice craft and it should be just a melt in your mouth made sure when you cook them they're cooked in the center as well yeah some of my coach diners found Peter and John Ray's fish and quail to experimental I Hope they've picked the sweet breads right for my diners tonight service please [Music] it's delicious but with everything to play for the boys are starting to panic in my kitchen they're out their comfort zone and it's showing do me a favor don't slice that Veil into your 30 seconds away from completing that dish when you slice the veil what happens to it starts to get cold yeah but what comes out of it so we want those juices that natural flavor and you've just bust your balls to do four stunning dishes or slice at the very last minute yeah olive oil let's go come on come on come on you can't slice the veal when you're five minutes away from completing the dish you want that slice when you're seconds away from that final Magic on that plate so we've got to get rid of the nerves now relax composed and step up to the plate quickly so I know you're all used to your mum wiping your ass but I'm not going to clear that after you guys yet no [ __ ] way am I clearing down after you in my own Kitchen yes yeah sure every time we set up a dish yeah we clear away guys yeah that's normally my kitchen and I'm sure it's more than yours yeah I'm not clearing your [ __ ] mess dish Sensational [Music] yes yes a little bit hotter than your water bath yeah sure be careful you've scold yourself I'll get your mum on my back Casimir glass table Yeah I want that last table going out exactly like the first table service please go nice and aesthetic well done good job slow start Strong Finish Well Done lay down wait a minute service is over every Diner has been served both restaurants dishes and I'm about to discover what my distinguished guests thought of them starting with casimirs nice to see you the sweet bread sweet bread the Silver's the little big Philip for me it was so far I prefer the Casa Mia dish the single elements were better and the mix also was better for me nice to see you how was it I look at that dish I can see the boys and that brought tears to my eyes the meat was very well cooked and I like the combination of meat and truffle very well done so which one do you prefer something obviously when you hit it it was like it went into your marks it was very sweet my Diner's comments have confirmed the level of excellence in this competition now it's up to me to choose a winner whatever I decide will affect the future of both these restaurants and their chefs I'm still confident I'm still very very confident simpler flavors the hit home program that's what I do that's why I stand by and I'm not going to change what I am I think we've done enough um you know I mean we've sent out dishes um in time in we've communicated we've played it everything's cooked perfectly we're in a totally different environments we're ever used to but loved it absolutely loved it only one of these two brilliant Italian restaurants can go through to the semi-finals it's a very tough decision but one I've got to make my two top Italian restaurants manula from London and Casimir and Bristol have finished their final Challenge and for one of them the journey is about to come to an end they both proved themselves exceptional restaurants but now it all hangs in the balance it's time for me to taste the amazing dishes cooked here tonight by Santino and the Casimir Brothers Peter and John Ray after which I'll make my final decision looks great and a nice clever use of seasoned ingredients the zeros the summer truffles that's delicious it's got such great finesse but very bold flavors really good I absolutely love the puree it looks quite rich but it actually tastes quite healthy really nice if I've got one criticism it's a braised shoulder it's almost like braised oxtails very rich and it sort of overpowers the potatoes Casimir it looks dainty sweet breads very dangerous to serve in any restaurant hmm nice combination of flavor it's fragrant that buzzer at the end is really helps to lift it clever I've got a problem with the rawness of the courgettes because it sort of spools the textures however the meat's cooked perfectly ricotta Works bloody brilliantly with a sweet breads as for me today is that both these dishes taste better than I tasted in their restaurants [Music] [Applause] so it's the moment of truth two outstanding Italian restaurants but only one can win a place in the semi-final [Music] okay first off well done the Magic and the personalities coming through on those plates today was fabulous Casimir whatever happens after this competition continue cooking food like that the Ricotta and the sweet bread and the fillet packed full of flavor elegant and that worked criticizing the dish a lot going on there a hell of a lot going on the textures were amazing but you courgettes were too crunchy there's a huge heart in what you do and you are one focused guy love what you did with the Slayer puree Jennifer the truffles that's you how could I criticize the dish I thought the shoulder was quite heavy but packed full of flavor thank you competition is not going to be won or lost on one dish alone it will be down to this which restaurant would I love to return to and eat one more meal customer you guys and your restaurants have been under immense pressure think back to that coach load of diners walking in there 30 of them sitting down it's a nightmare for any restaurants you've been under scrutiny with secret diners filming Undercover I think both restaurants took the criticism admirably and I think you really handled not just the positives but the negatives as well and that's what I love to see how you bounce back sadly they're going to be one restaurant going through to the semi-final [Music] based on everything [Music] I've seen tasted and been part of the restaurant that's going through to the semi-final [Music] awesome in [Music] great job absolutely brilliant [Music] you are a man that is on a mission when your team is as good as you you're going to pop big time it's been a great experience we said before we came in no matter what happened we'd be happy I like to win but uh that's you know that's the game congratulations it's really job well done I didn't expect it I didn't you know we didn't have it it was such a tough call because we work our nuts off a lot of the time and uh you have time obviously approval from Gordon to the next round is just unbelievable and uh my mum and dad are suck on it yeah they've sacrificed everything or not [Music] I'd be right I know um you know mum and Dallas sacrificed everything over the last 10 years and uh as long as everybody sticks together I think we'll uh keep going far you know I think we're just going to go to that next semi-finals and knew that we can actually move forward and get through to the final and hopefully go on to win the thing thank you I've lost manula that's a big voice and a heavyweight in this contest but I have found Casimir two young guys that mean business and now it's game on the last six months my team and I have been checking out your best restaurant nominations all over the country and tonight the competition continues was one of the Britain's most popular Cuisines Indian Curry is a national Obsession and these days we will expect really high standards from our Indian restaurant I spent a lot of time out in India and learn for myself what real good Indian food is all about so tonight's restaurants are gonna have to be bloody good to impress me from over 2 000 Indian nominations I've chosen what I think are the best two to fight it out for placing the semi-finals tonight from Bradford the curry capital of the north it's prashard whatever I cook it from my heart low cooking they don't head to head to head famous Cuisine from a London heavyweight the brilliant in Southall give me the prongs come on my father was a top chef in India he used to cook for the maharajas this competition could be the ultimate test of both my Indian tenders it'll be a battle to the very end because only one restaurant can come out on top foreign first they'll descend on the Patel family who run tiny pressure there are over 60 Indian restaurants alone in this fantastic City but this one is somewhat special the smallest restaurant in this competition but I think is going to give the big boys a serious Run for the money hello Bobby hi Gordon good to see you welcome to see you very well thank you yeah I've never had a vegetarian restaurant in the competition so I'm so excited yeah I'm happy as well yeah in just under half an hour my dad is going to be here they think they're coming for an amazing lambuna so convert them this place used to be a little dress now it's a 22-seat restaurant run by cauti Patel with her son Bobby and his wife me now being vegetarian what we put passion into other restaurants offer us a side dish we have to really step up we really have to bring the flavors out give them something totally different incredibly Minal the head chef has never cooked professionally until she married Bobby moved to England and joined his mum in the kitchen six years ago she is not my daughter-in-law she's my daughter I can describe how much I love cooking whatever I cook it from my heart that's delicious one mouthful of that I feel like I'm back in Mumbai the exact same for my diners please no I can't leave that to waste I've got to eat some more of that I'm sorry Jesus we have huge Drive huge ambition we didn't come into this business thinking we're gonna make loads of money we came into the business about showing the world how good we are at food now that must prove it [Applause] the pressure's on you big time and I know this means a lot I can see it on your face but here's your chance now to really stamp your whole in this competition good luck all the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up right now [Music] oh god wow very nice right imagine all right ladies and Gentlemen let's show the world war Prasad really is let's rock let's show Ramsay let's go Ramsay's best restaurant Bring It On to accommodate my guests Bobby had to squeeze an extra eight seats into the tiny dining room sorry a little bit of a small restaurant but the food is fantastic I promise you to find size huge Ambitions to supply the flag of vegetarian Indian cuisine first time in a vegetarian restaurant yes let's hope it's a memorable experience I'm a confirmed carnivore so anything without me isn't really fast as a meal my diamonds are gonna be a hard crowd to please yeah we'll take a massive team effort to convert them okay here we go and I need three person patties no problem minnows like the new girl on the Block and I'm just hoping that she can cope with such a demand because she's the least experience at the starter she's serving coconut pitches potato and chickpea chat and spicy vegetable pakoras for me leave that one make the chat first this will be the hardest service of their lives now I need now she may be inexperienced but we now's got to drive this kitchen like never before table number four right Mommy now [Music] this is just the first course I told you just listen what I'm saying you can tell it's been cut together okay very very fresh I thought it was excellent and it's actually spiced not too hot but just right every Plate's been that's incredible number two table number four all of them say fantastic food really really happy thank you thank you very much halfway there keep it going guys yes big push on the main courses now yeah Mommy make a Puri [Music] only one hour left so you know I'm getting panicked uh small kitchen all these dishes how long do they normally wait in between courses roughly uh 10 10 minutes yeah well the kitchen the size they can only cook at such a speed yeah you've got one Grill so you've got three large tables now waiting for Lane courses yeah I need now I said that quickly [Music] the pressure's really on and some diners have been waiting for an hour just to let you know guys that um this afternoon obviously we have all 30 guests in at once there may be a little bit of a wait for your main to hope you can be patient with it yeah about the fact that it'll be a little while but obviously there is a deadline on how much time we've got to serve oh yeah somebody passed the booty please now there's great Synergy there between the dining room and the kitchen and they're working brilliantly well together they're supporting each other through every plate take this come on come on take this hurry up now [Music] last four main courses yes yes the main courses have been badly delayed but what we've charm of the dining room has kept the customers on site and averted a crisis I don't think you can make trick things interesting a big surprise to be honest thank you I'm really enjoying it it's absolutely delicious lightly spiced hotter in the center it's lovely it's Heaven on the plate even the most Ardent carnivores have been converted amazing presentation and then the taste itself was it lived up to how it looked in fact some time I think it was even better than it looked you know so I think I think we'll try and come here again service is over see ya bye-bye take care and it's time for the Prasad team to hear my verdict okay um let's cut to the chase the the problem I have witnessed the service is that you've you've now just completely and I mean really completely blown open this whole competition you raised the bar be the communication and making sure that customers not agitated waiting for food you're there and it sounded amazing me now I was nervous about youth but that first ticket came on and you were just on fire thank you and you've made 30 of my diners the happiest I've ever heard them [Applause] you're not go backwards no no you maintain an improve on what you've got good job an amazing standard of Vegetarian Cuisine it's going to take some beating [Music] a coach load of 30 diners are about to descend on the second Indian restaurant batting for a place in the semi-finals of my Nationwide restaurant competition it's the brilliant in London voted for by you in drones it's been open for 37 years that's almost as long as I've been around it has three generations of customers and any Russian that can boast that must be doing something absolutely spot on [Music] I've been running this Punjabi restaurant for 40 years with dipna Shankar and dadgulu at the helm this is a huge ship and to be right amongst the best it just encourages us more and more to do even better these days gurus retired from the stove leading the Brilliance Kitchen in the hands of head chef Jazz let's get it going all the ingredients all the meats they are cooked freshly piping hot served to the customers within seconds the brilliant is known for its parts of it I don't want people waiting for more than five or six minutes you walk in here you taste the food and you really start to believe they've earned their place as a fun Runner of Indian food in this country boasting 220 seats 28 years of the good food guys and over 80 Awards the brilliant is an Indian heavyweight delicious it's pretty good excellent I'm happy yeah I'm about to hit them with my first challenge like prashad they'll also have just two hours to serve my 30 diners who will arrive in order all at once it takes some balls to call it the brilliant because you can't be anything less than brilliant absolutely on a nightlight tonight absolutely yeah very confident we've got only 30 diners we're gonna make sure these guests have a fantastic experience brilliant service on the menu tonight are two of the house Specialties lamb chops marinated in nutmeg and cardamom and King prawns with fresh herbs and lime juice both cooked in the traditional Tandoor oven um two abortions and two Tandoori prawns but I'm worried head chef Jazz has only used one of the kitchen's two Tandoor ovens and already Tandoori orders are racking up three prawns one lamb chops come on guys let's go it's real how long for front five minutes five minutes yeah you need to get a move on yeah please is there a problem with the Tandoor oven a little bit because there's so many Tandoori dishes and why aren't we using two of them it is now but not the beginning that's what I'm trying to say okay guys please please get a move on please this is not brilliant okay good it looks like it's been half eaten have you got another one that looks a little bit better okay the thing is they have given the cuts if I start eating that and I go to that it looks like someone's taking a bite out of it I'm only saying it for you you can say no Gordon that's how I'm sending it's fine okay give me one more piece of Lamb Chop please I'm not trying to catch you out yeah I'm just saying that that's not you at your best friends [Music] that looks beautiful thank you so much two tables in 45 minutes it's a joke 100 settings 30. we should have been finished by now using just one Tandoor oven has slowed service to a crawl and orders just aren't getting out there why can't you go with that get that thing there there's more than one way to the Kitchen come on serve the food please please please there you go come on come on I need the prawns why are they going in the oven where the cook they should be gone help me to understand you [Music] and they're a bit rubbery okay it's got to be the longest time I've ever sat in a restaurant without being feds it's an unwelcome wake-up call for owner an ex-head Chef Gulu kitchen needs leadership and Jazz looks lost the Russian's reputation hangs in the balance all right [Music] okay I need the problems plates no problems in your plates I want it straightway in there yeah hurry up boys get me the prawns are the prawns ready yeah give me the prawns come on straight straight succulent full of flavor until I finish okay next I need four methi chickens eat them piping hole [Music] a lot more energy in the kitchen that more importantly the old men's in there so he's gonna put a rock up their ass table number five the dishes are there and now we're now we're fired up yeah get that on what's remaining on this we've solved everybody it was far from a perfect start but for my diners the food has really hit the mark [Music] my food is absolutely delicious I normally go for the standard like creamy curries um but this was something completely different and I specifically asked for it to be milder and they did it to Perfection it was stunning brilliant that was absolutely Divine it's probably the best Curry I've ever had really really delicious glad you enjoyed it I love this Russians 40-year pedigree but tonight they've only got it together after a chaotic start okay their status took too long to leave this kitchen 30 covers tonight felt like 300 covers it was a little bit too casual but still it takes time especially the Tandoori stuff which is right from the stretch not good enough this restaurants is not used to sending out mediocre warm prawns you take a prawn from that Tandoori Oven and you stick it in there game over you've got to command that kitchen Jazz from the outs main causes needed a rocket yeah you put your jacket on bang and it turned yes and the kitchen came to life and there it was the old man at the helm and here we go again there was that a fire in your belly and you got it out don't get pissed off no no I'm not get eager to come back you're gonna be even more stronger now thank you good night it was a bit bit of a shock to the system yeah we can still win this we can we will win this okay good well done thank you my Indian restaurants reacted very differently to the pressure of the coast trip now I've asked them both to come to London so I can catch up with them what they don't realize is that I've been assessing them secretly I sent him my own undercover diners to prashad and the brilliant to see how each restaurant performed when they have no idea I was watching and their guard was down Simon Davis is a meticulous food critic who's assessed the food and service at thousands of restaurants Sarah Durden Robinson has worked with me and other top chefs for years helping to create and perfect thousands of dishes secret diners are a very useful trick with the trade and they give you honest immediate feedback and no holds bars I've asked Sarah and Simon to be delivering awkward customers to see how the restrooms cope [Music] so why should I eat it think they're here to discuss their performance with my 30 diners they have no idea what I'm about to show them first up Bradford's pashard [Music] food was brilliance the problem I have now is that was that just done for me or does that restaurant function like that every day every day every day how can you say that because we do it every day we passionately do it every day so yes we know is uh what we're doing is a good because our customer tell us that was a big test you've actually been tested twice after I left I sent in a secret Diner and a secret filmed everything filmed filmed [Music] do we need a reservation or can we just have some lunch yeah we okay can you give me a steer on what to have yeah I can't really decide what do you fancy well I'm feeling quite hungry hungry yeah I'm feeling quite hungry uh things not to miss if you're sharing would be Pettis and would be charged and where's this is this mainly Southern India no this is Northern no we're from northern you're good right a good job so it'd be similar to Rajasthani or uh no no registan is a lot more okay knowledgeable great first interaction with the diners the food will speak for itself you know we have that as a given so it's up to me to kind of make that person feel comfortable if they have questions to answer them openly and with as much information as they can give so let's try one of these should we go award-winning tattoos first yeah right here [Music] I love that coconut it's really clever that so I mean I ate that probably 20 30 seconds again it's tasting different flavors are still coming through Curry quite late in the day um see what they do excuse me if I change one of my curries could I it's all right any goats any any vegetable handy I think yeah we got these bags it's a good guy I couldn't have dealt with that better you could ask you could say that this one do we have a bit more punch in this one let's see if we can play around with that there's anything you can do to make that one a little bit hotter a little bit a little bit hotter yeah how hot do you want it not not to the degree that you know you just laugh at us when we walk out the door [Music] came back like a fresh dish no hassle at all it's so refreshing to see that level of flexibility there's no intimidation you're not making them feel awkward there's no guilt if I if I hadn't behaved that way in front of my customers I know two people in the kitchen would have been very angry at me you could easily walk past this place and never come in actually I'm surprisingly it's not some of the best Indian food probably a burrito you know it's Blow Me Away really it's been really fantastic well-sourced expertly done and done with passion and knowledge we'll find pretty well done thank you you made me feel nervous because you raised the bar so high that I didn't think you could do that again oh my God you can't believe it well done I'm feeling fantastic you know um Gordon Ramsay big big man um telling me that you know everything we're doing is good we were nervous before uh just can't contain it so far prasada punching way above their weight but I have concerns over how much this tiny version depends on Bobby's front-up house child tonight two fantastic Indian restaurants are battling it out in my Nationwide competition to find my best restaurants now it's time for the London restaurant the brilliant to find out I've been snooping on them unknown to all of you once I left the brilliant I then sent in my secret diners and this is what they saw on the coach trip head chef Jazz failed to take control of the kitchen and at times the food suffered onigulu had to step up to the Tandoor to save the day have the brilliant learn from their mistakes I wanted to take this [Music] screams off everywhere very distracting it's like in a pub when they've got the television on and everyone ends up there I don't know if I'm in a nightclub or a restaurant is there any way you can turn them turn the noise down a bit thank you oh God that's so much better I didn't know you're in charge of the service um whose idea is all those screens and the music they've been around for um quite a while and some customers actually like them are quite adapted to the idea but then you do obviously get a clash sometimes and when when we are asked we do mellow it down it's a fresh mint chocolate it's fantastic It's mouth-watering So Fresh So absolutely delicious these chocolates are really great so many different things so many different flavors that really gets your palette and your appetite going nice really good start fresh clean chutneys exciting vibrant and a really nice way of relaxing customers really nice way one of the common problems hello thank you something's just come out of the tando they should be sipping and Plumping juices and these are just met they are definitely still overcome uh Jazz prawns why aren't they coming out overcooked still as soon as we take the prawns out quickly served in I'd ask you to look at that seriously in terms of attempting to cook them less I think what we need to do is every portion of prawns that goes out this week do one extra prawn and test it before it goes out because that's something that we need to work on a relaxing the Masala back just say but I'm going to say it's not spicy enough for me I'd like it a little hotter I want to see what they do hello said on the money that it was spicy don't switch as a spicy it's wet because I like really hot food it's very mild would it be possible to have the same thing but otter thank you very much thanks amazing [Music] um this is really awful it's too it's too spicy now for me but I'll maybe change it for something else that's really kind thank you so patient so tolerant I'm lucky thank you very much [Music] customer's always right that's what they're paying for you can adapt to the customer's needs great it didn't start well but what cut to the end of the meal and I am so happy and I don't think they could have looked after me any better I don't think they've handled my constant complaints on any better I don't think they could be more professional the food is outstanding when the food arrives they love the food when the service matches the food you have something quite exciting there Jazz I want you to step up to the mark I need to do something I think I'm a bit nervous right now but later on I'm going to develop the confidence that was valuable feedback that was absolutely amazing we've got to be so positive to make sure that we learn from the mistakes my undercover evidence has hit them hard now they need to learn from this experience there's no time to waste because both restaurant chefs are about to face their biggest challenge yet I'll be taking them out of their kitchens and into mine I've asked them to create and cook a dish that lives up to the standards at my three Michelin starred restaurants very nice I'm very very very exciting today to cooking in the Gordon Ramsay's restaurant I'm putting home my hundred percent thought in it it's a dream for every Chef to cook for a three-style restaurant and I'm looking forward in winning this competition tonight one of them will win a place in the semi-finals and one will be eliminated this is my dream here everything I've ever worked for it's a small beautiful restaurant and it's an amazing place for both of your restaurants today to really shine I asked you to come here to take it to a different level with your foods and really aspire to do something unique at the end of it sadly there's only one restaurant that's going through the semi-final make sure it's you good luck our challenge both Chef to create one Exquisite course not a pressure on their shoulders today because they've got to develop and evolve those dishes into something stunning I'm expecting a dish that's perfectly spiced with delicious textures and Sublime flavors but it's not just me they have to impress I've invited 20 guests who know their barges from their biryanis to come and try both restaurants dishes including enam Ali founder of the British Curry Awards and respected Indian cookbook author and broadcaster Manju Mali all my diners will try both restaurants dishes restaurants front of house teams are here as my yes and I'll be watching the chefs every move and there's nowhere to hide okay first to get on it's for the Brilliance at four covers away Table Six yeah four gel Frazee oh Keisha [Music] tonight the brilliant are taking on Prasad at their own game cooking a vegetarian take on a much loved classic paneer gel Frazee Jazzy's recipe matches chili Laden Indian curd cheese with a sauce flavored with a unique blend of 15 spices I'm making my own cheese today wow isn't that a bit crazy on a day like today Chef I'm in your restaurant I have to do something crazy this is the type of flourish Jazz needs to live this classic dish to new heights opportunities like these never knocked on your doors that's the reason why I'm working so hard I want to achieve something today I'm excited to see sous chef Sunil making a specialty rarely found in the UK paper thin ramali roti [Music] look at me just like a normal restaurant I need an answer right well you don't answer me I'm just going to stop and look at you again okay because like you do in your kitchen you get a response but I'm calling out tickets and no one's responding just acknowledge what I'm saying right otherwise I'll just go like this [ __ ] it stick the tickets up there and I've got to call it out for jail Frazee okay Chef thank you welcome back so far in this competition HF Jazz has produced some stunning traditional Punjabi Cuisine for the brilliant but on occasion he's lost control of the kitchen his food has missed the mark and onigulu has had to save the day you got no Gulu in the kitchen today yeah you don't need him in the kitchen do you no no well you've got your work cut out the heat's on yeah this is the biggest moment in our history of the brilliant tonight the hopes and dreams of the brilliant rests on Jazzy's shoulders let's go first dish coming from brilliant thank you it smells good I like the paneers nice and softer the Chili's got a kick wow if I can see you then I know it's thin enough table five four stunning kofta yes yes [Music] prashad I'm making vegetable coffee chopped vegetables encasing a potato Patty deep fried then served in a fresh tomato sauce [Music] those coffees in there too early because it's starting to break up a vegetable coffee is very hard to get right I've got so many elements they can explode and sort of disintegrate you're getting the timing right on this dish is critical so Manel and kaushi need to work together perfectly for me I bet it is lovely yes you need to be a bit faster I am fastly look at here what are you doing come on give me a time how long just a minute in our own kitchen manal struggle with the pressure and only just came out on top and tonight there's no supportive husband Bobby in the kitchen to help her by now I'm pretty sure if I know minnow and my mom they'll be right in the middle of the cooking and just totally focused on giving you the best food [Music] but this is my kitchen and manel's way out of a comfort zone hey anybody seen my onion it was here you go look at me after every table we have to tear down we can't continue working in a mess yeah thank you look after your ingredients yeah come on Mom can I have that please mommy do you have some more come on guys oh God come on ladies what are you looking for what are you looking for me now Joe please yeah I need one more but whatever thank you so let's go let's go please no it was four that's it four don't worry about that it's four listen to me listen to me I'm here I'm here to help you you're confusing yourself not me far away please thank you it's a very very very lot of pressure we and Mumbo are going through a lot of place a lot to do it's a very complicated dish so it's mid time so that's why I'm I'm just panicking so vegetable kofta looks amazing table three please how is everybody very happy this is very very good it's a lovely shake the presentation is immaculate and beautiful looking it's really nice isn't it last night with policeman out Kelsey four cops are away nice very nice little clue down both of you well done [Music] oh so hot service is over so it's time to discover what my distinguished guests thought of both restaurants dishes starting with a brilliant really good to see you let's talk the Jeff Rosie how was that for you combination is very good also the paneer also icon is tasty it's not only the cheese it has got a spice yes presentation also remarkable roti that's very very traditional this is very hard to make I was really nervous I'm now relieved they've done a fabulous job and delicious and you could taste the fresh ginger so that was great it looked good as well I think the pressure dish is awesome the only thing I'd say rice is supposed to be nice and fluffy and separate they've got somehow they've got this bit strong right but overall I think this is excellent phenomenally proud the dish that they've made today you know I definitely think that we've done our very best my diners clearly love the food though neither restaurant quite achieved perfection now it's up to me to choose a winner whatever I decide will affect the future of both these restaurants if I lose today I will be broke down I need to win I really need to win this competition but I don't know I'm so panicking it's definitely going to win I think we gave over a full hundred percent into it and we are happy we are fighting we are happy with why I think we have done a good job only one Indian restaurant can go through to the semi-finals and after tonight's service the decision is going to be tougher than ever thank you my two top Indian restaurants the brilliant from London and Prasad from Bradford have completed their final challenge they are both exceptional restaurants but one of them is about to be eliminated to help me make my choice I'm going to taste each of their dishes [Music] it's a very difficult one to get around those vegetables banned with a potato and that rich tomato gravy the downside a little bit of fapping around unnecessary on the plate I'd rather see one big stunning one as opposed to three individual ones cut in the middle you can see those vegetables oh my God pretty tasty the right amount of heat and that nice textured kofta rice shame the rice actually lets it down it's um it's overcooked they're brilliant gel Frazee Chili's everywhere red and green chili and the secret of this shelf crazy is the the texture and the balance of the Heat they've got the heat correct in the Masala it definitely needs that writer to cool it down paneer delicious handmade and made here and that takes a lot of skill the only issue I have there is the the rawness the vegetables those crunchy peppers are sort of spoiling the texture of the joffrezi both restaurants felt the pressure here today and both of them haven't hit it 100 percent no they've fallen short of the last hurdle both restaurants [Music] two outstanding Indian restaurants but only one can win a place in the next round [Music] okay first of all that was a very interesting service I could identify issues from both restaurants in a way that I didn't expect from brilliance sumptuous delicious finding that balance with the masalas is a tough one love the way you had the balls to make that premiere the one issue I had was the the rawness of the vegetables the peppers were barely cooked and it didn't completely spoil the dish but it didn't enhance it Prasad I thought the koftas were a bold move loved the vegetables inside delicious the Graver was seasoned beautifully they had that right amount of heat the big shock for me was the the overcooked rice I've eaten in your restaurant and I know how well you cook and I didn't expect to see overcooked rice today this competition is not going to be won or lost on one dish alone I'm looking for the best restaurant in Britain brilliant I turn up with a coach load of diners 30 of them jumping into the restaurant eager to taste that food we could also a sluggish stars but my God did those diners enjoy that food I sent in my secret diners and again I've never seen a restaurant so excited to help when it's not even their faults good sign [Music] I turn up in the back of Beyond of Bradford 30 diners could have barely fit in the pressure was immense however they love the food then I sent in my secret Diner and peeled up the food [Music] he's a tough one a very tough one sadly there's only one restaurant going through to the semi-final the restaurant going through based on everything I've seen and tasted [Music] sauce [Applause] [Music] [Music] well done that restaurant will continue being unique there's no two ways about that and that was for me one of the tightest and the closest decisions I've ever had to make you never journey of 35 years with one numerous Awards and we'll be we'll be back again right the the show carries on and the brilliant will carry on congratulations [Music] really well done and I'm so happy thank you for the family and for the restaurant why because the food is extraordinary thank you thank you well done I'm so happy I can't even think about it so happy I'm so happy it was really difficult for me because I wasn't in there every single step of the way as a family whenever we perform we're always together service kitchen everything together today I had to sit back and look like I was eating enjoying food I didn't have an appetite at all but you know we're just I can't I can't tell you fantastic for the past six months my team and I have been all over the country checking out the best of your restaurant nominations now my Nationwide competition continues this time to find the best of British British restaurants used to be all about prawn cocktails and black forest gatter but today there are restaurants all over the UK cooking the most amazing delicious modern British food every British question should be using the finest ingredients we have some of the best meat fish and vegetables on the planet so there's no excuse not to cook with it [Music] you nominated thousands of British restaurants and along with my best restaurant team I put them under extreme scrutiny and chosen my two favorites to do battle for placing the semi-finals from deepest Kent it's a tiny but elegant Michelin starred restaurant the west house you get the next two suits please it's always got to be that same passion if you'd like to drive from the first time you made it they're going head to head with the milestone in Sheffield on the Watercress on very last as it's going it's about Yorkshire people Yorkshire chefs producing Yorkshire food we're about to see the Battle of Britain because the west house and the Milestone must take on three extraordinary challenges the first is every restaurant's worst nightmare 30 hungry customers who will arrive and order all at once first stop the milestone in Sheffield match is standing on what used to be called Pence Corner in the old red light district now this is an amazing location for a fantastic restaurant it's run by four local Lads front of house are the owners Mark and Matt who've sunk every penny into this business one salmon one the kitchen is headed by Young Guns Simon and James Simon they're going cage fighter no one [ __ ] with you also let's do that these guys are real they're grafters you can see that just from the minute you shake their hands it's solid like a plate of Sheffield Steel I love the fact that they've made their name by Breaking All the Rules serving up hearty organic dishes like rolled Pig's head and Trotter sausages and what's that there are um uh pigs that we have it's a farm just outside Sheffield right wear your own pigs and it goes on the menu yeah we encourage customers to actually go out there and get their hands dirty and start foraging for us while swapping for beer wine or a meal it's my mom's allotment and cheese pick them all by hand especially for you guys in just three years the Milestone of storm Sheffield's restaurant scene and the locals love it there are a great deal I'll go for the Nestle gnocchi nice I was made on the nettle gnocchi there's a lot of nettle in there isn't it yeah the knock is delicious pretty good indeed I think what I like more than anything is the fact that it's very seasonal very nice I thought that food was easily of a mission star standard today you've got a chance to become The Best of British show off I mean really show off people use the devil because of the youth and they did you used to think I wear a cocky little [ __ ] but I'm passionate I'm dedicated and I've got the drive to take it further because my diners are expecting something incredible and they all need to be served two courses in just two hours this is a young Dynamic restaurant that's going places give that experience to my 39ers today and they'll be leaving on cloud nine any questions don't hesitate to ask the starters include black pudding with Bloody Mary cucumber and gin soup with cured salmon and the Pea panna cotta it's the people I've got to representative spring it's a really nice summary option and the idea is that you're walking down a Garden Path rather than choose the more adventurous options most diners are sticking to the traditional Fair yeah it looks like we're gonna have a lot of black put in an order it's good that there's such a popular choice on the menu but the punters might not want it once they've been served this first of all from the kitchen today it's a little appetizer homemade chicken and black pudding to me it seems to be a lot of black pudding coming out of the kitchen popular today yeah but they're already starting off with that pudding as well did not anyone tell me that beforehand or not no no if they're giving away black pudding as a canopy yeah they should have said it before they took the orders there's so much back pudding going out yeah there you go first two courses black pudding black pudding I don't eat black pudding twice with Sheffield people is it like really heavy dishes as well they're like they're like that meaty flavor that's not a small size of black pudding is it the man size one I wasn't too cute on the black budget I thought it was really nice because it's too much it's for me to be honest it's on to the mains Simon's ambitious food includes turbot poached and red wine nettle gnocchi and pan-fried rabbit loin with pigtail cannoni doing this all at once in all fairness cheer all in yeah yeah Simon has made the unusual decision to operate this service like a banquet instead of Staggering the dishes he's preparing all the main courses at the same time so it's gonna go everything away the problem now is that Simon has all the rabbit dishes ready but the other main courses are lagging behind and food can't leave the pass until the order for the whole table is cooked as it sits in the window and dries out I'm just getting nervous I don't want a food coming back saying it's dry you've got one hour 10 minutes left so if you can just do one table at a time you'll see the fastest restaurant in Britain I'm going for the best restaurant it's not good enough two hours 30 diners two courses only so stagger them like a normal service it's a shame it's just sat there disintegrating under those lights when it should be in front of the customer and they're getting that magic there and then is it possible of course yeah these are my worst fears come true when food sits too long in the past it gets cold it gets dry it gets sent back so that's exactly what I was just trying to say generally it's not a banquet and everyone's got it in their mind that we've got to treat this today like a banquet that's a [ __ ] shame the rabbit line the player's not hot now Simon's in trouble there's no rabbit line left so Thinking Fast he substitutes it with rabbit leg but he's starting from scratch and the leg takes longer to cook than the loin so we're short of one portion of it but it's coming up now do you guys want to explain that to the customer I I just yeah the rabbit's still raw there that's what I'm trying to say [Music] oh you're welcome this one looks like they're just throwing it together a little bit more for you watch it more than done a little bit having tried and failed twice Matt the owner wants to make amends can I get you anything no well only because these guys are eating obviously your experience has been that's a bit up to scratch a bit of fish you okay guys enjoy it's let down what was otherwise a great service no complaints whatsoever one little tiny bit of service just got us start us bye bye Mains are going fine until that one point one table yeah [Music] most of the diners leave happy but I've got concerns okay uh right how do you feel it's not hardly healthy obviously mistakes are made um I think I'm just gonna learn from them yeah whose decision was it to serve my diners as a banquet never mind when all the checks came on I made a decision because all of them were having starters yeah so I was going to try and sweep the room yep said one course second course third course that was a big mistake for me today for every 30 seconds that food is sat there it's going down and down and down and down in standard but you've got a dream set up because your customers are sat two meters away from your stove and it was such a shame because then food came back because it wasn't hot enough the good news is the customers love the food and that's what I'm trying to say you're on the verge of just really popping out there you ready your own pigs you make your fresh bread twice a day so you bust your balls to create that food and when it sits there and they're not benefiting God I could scream you're doing yourself an injustice and that responsibility is on your shoulder sign because you're the head chef you know and I know you can do a lot better than what you did today thank you thank you all done [Music] we're always looking to improve Lessons Learned yeah we're younger ambitious want to be the best we could look at what mistakes we did and not allow them to happen again it's the British heat of my Nationwide restaurant competition and a squad of hungry diners are about to descend on my second competitor from thousands of your nominations I've chosen the west house from biddington in Kent how are you my wife good to see you too right where is it people are in the kitchen good to see you thank you I met Graham 15 years ago when he worked next door to my first London restaurant even then he showed real Flair the idea is to build dishes around the central ingredient and you know not Fanning around with it too much not Chuck too many other things on the plate and try and enhance you know bring out the flavors Graham hasn't always been a chef started out as a drummer for 80s hair rockers Yaya no I've never heard of them either [Music] has some of the hair but happily not the shorts luckily I've done that for a long time various tours and albums and also got to see the world and eating a lot of restaurants as well which is quite good 17 years ago Graham gave up rock and roll to follow his dream of becoming a chef working in a string of Top London restaurants then eight years ago he took a huge risk he moved his family to the Kent Countryside and opened up the west house 18 months after opening he won his first mission star that's not bad for a drummer and when you won the mission style well you're on your own in the kitchen wow so it is a one-man band back to playing the drums again everything about this family Russian is understated Old English charm graeme's partner Jackie Works friend of house with their children Jake and Jess who's in charge it'll be me happy been in charge yeah [Music] at the beginning I didn't know what I was doing and uh now eight years on it's not as bad as it was but I didn't like it at first no I'll start off with the hammered eggs it's very um it's very clean really nice flavors pop it on the menu yeah yeah very I can imagine why what I like most about West house is the fact that Graeme is a is a true Chef he cooks from the heart not into Frills he's into flavor and it shows this quaint English restaurant is about to be severely tested because my diners will soon be arriving and ordering all at the same time my worst fear is the organ tits up basically I'm just expecting the whole family to put in an amazing performance today to pull this one off just like the Milestone they have just two hours to serve everyone this little 11 Table Restaurant is going to be packed you have a mission star so myself and my diners are expecting experience there [Music] it's a three and two twos now as soon as you can get the first table yeah that's you both ready to order no one had it that looks like air type of controller though what is that I'm getting there I've never seen tickets before okay what is that there that's one one ham hock and one mackerel yeah Jesus Christ tickets are confusing but the food coming out of the kitchen is simply perfect starters include warm smoke had a Carpaccio with bacon dressing and pea shoes and that delicious ham hock with Scotch egg and black pudding how's the um ham hockey absolutely good enjoying it really delicious these are amazing yeah the little Scotch eggs with black pudding yeah so first thing cause he's coming up now Jake griddle's gonna be busy today isn't it it's gonna be a bit in it so you're grilling gnocchi as well it's the first one for me I've never seen that before she should color it off then it gets tossed through with the artichokes for Mains there's a choice of roast chicken with herb gnocchi Brill with samphire or Lamb with sweet breads as soon as you were there no one out there I'm nervous how many orders taken just left there why would you just dump an order there like that I'm finding the ordering system impossible to Fathom and Jackie's handwriting is more like a doctor's than a maitre d no one can read it no it's one hit one had it yeah I rewrote the ticket out and then picked that up as well and he already it was my faulty I left it on there because it was but he couldn't understand my writing so it's my fault so Dave was the [ __ ] day to do it if everything okay table ten two chickens two lamb look the two in the middle Jackie's supposed to be in control of front of house but it doesn't feel like it something's not right the service isn't as I'd imagine for a Michelin star restaurant I've been here about 40 minutes and um aside from the drink soda we haven't had seen the staff coming to get take any orders for food there's five tables in there they still have another order taken right it just it'll shout out what's all just to get he's telling you when to take the orders at the moment yeah yep three I'll get two free nine and table three yeah you tell them when to take the orders right that's right people love already eaten one course I think at least so it's hoping that we might get asked what we would like to order soon there are tables there watching stars and Main Course has been served and yet the end of the order taken yeah you wouldn't normally have 30 in the restaurant at once which is so they haven't had their order taken let alone just seems a little bit I saw the title there the diamonds controlled by the kitchen so they're rudderless they can't do anything unless the kitchen says so which is just crazy they need to function control freak so it's not control freak it's trying to stay focused I'm sorry it is because you're not in the dining room so they're all sat there staring at your teeth okay control freak all right I've never seen anything so stupid in all my life chefs don't tell waiters when to take an order that's the responsibility of the dining room to give it to the chef he's trying to control [ __ ] everything there's been no editing main causes as well no not yet not yet eight months in this kitchen working alongside you and you can't do a main course yet I think it's you don't want to tell them that you know that no it's so I mean there's a lot to do over there sorry about the delay for these starters just over an hour how are they it's really very nice we've waited far too long um drinks we ordered some drinks before they took drinks and started taking the order and nothing's at the table yet drinks on through hours they're not lying let's put it that way but they're just saying they've ordered drinks and nothing's happened now to give control back to the front of house I can see a solution if you'd like it different I can go and get that cooked further for you place everything on it because everything's cold now okay right yeah Graham's son Jake is on top of things yeah just be a few minutes just redoing it for you wouldn't you be best when you're done you you seem to be the only one that actually knows how to do it properly that's not been disparaging to mum but you seem to know what you're doing it's sort of I wanted to do it it's mine in his way and she's got a little enough ways that she seem to be you won't break up he seemed to know yeah and the service would be a lot smoother without somebody running it tough it's tough clean yourself delicious I think the only thing that wasn't really up to the standard was the disservice it was worth the wait there that's that's the good thing oh [ __ ] that my diners have no complaints about the food because the cooking is inspiring but Graeme is tripping up the service and he has to understand this okay here's the issue unfortunately okay the service is nowhere near to the stand of the food you left two tables you know sat there for over an hour before we even took their order and the dining room felt short staffed food sent to the same table twice the stud's already gone Jackie across the two hours you didn't give me the impression that you were enjoying it as much as you should have are you a hundred percent happy running that dying room on a normal day yeah on a normal day but today I was a bit you know panicking right yeah Jay you were the one Shining Light out there and why you're not at the helm relieving the pressure from your mother and working closely with your father I'll never know you've sort of castrated the dying room because you're controlling them you've got to cut some of the control freak in you and allow them to do their job and you'll be surprised at the results I'm telling you it because I want this place to really succeed in this competition why because the food is beautiful well done it's like any any criticism you you take it on board then you filter it through and and react so yeah I mean there's some there's some food for full I'm looking for the best restaurant not the best chef and service is crucial today customers are prepared to wait but they're not prepared to wait for now to get their order taken no chance [Music] by pushing both fresh from two extremes I've uncovered the areas they need to improve on now I've invited them both to London for a progress report but the restaurants haven't got a clue that they face one more test without telling them I sent in my secret diners because I really want to find out exactly what happens when the teams don't know they're under scrutiny sent in top food critic Simon Davis with instructions to be as difficult as possible something that comes quite naturally to him the teams don't know that I've been spying on them first to face the music is the milestone I wanted to make sure that you weren't just rolling out the red carpet for me I had a secret Diner in there and this is what he saw okay great I love that I love the fact you do dripping such a good idea the dripping you have your roast and then the dripping you'd have throughout the week spread on the bread I'm so good cheap cheerful slightly nostalgic really nice and look how happy you know customer sounds really good all right this is Ox tongue corn beef nowhere near seasoned or not very Bland that's quite disappointing actually [Music] the the diner shot up wow dripping except and then back oh [ __ ] when you've got the balls to put corned beef and oxygen on a plate that simply it has to be seasoned perfectly we've actually changed it already because we've had the comment card that night it was essentially a lack of seasoning here yeah you know thanks a lot oh really well I wasn't expecting that I know I personally have to pay for I'd like to pay for it no I'd like to pay for it really they won't let us pay no charge nice gesture gives them no reason to complain about it I love the way he was so patient and so polite really polite on several occasions we've seen some really succinct very focused ability in the kitchen with very well sourced food and then you get things like these this bowl of chips you know it's not even places that claim to call themselves gastro pubs that serve better chips than that it's useless burnt chips it's a simple stupid mistake that shouldn't really happen ever could have a word with a chef as a chef chef around well I want to talk to you about something I want to talk about that look at that would you eat that would you eat that no so why should I eat it well no I want to talk to a chef all right hi there brilliant well they're gone now but I wanted to talk [Music] since then so we understand that there is slight issues but I just wonder why you love that chip to go out when it was burnt because I wasn't in there at that time it sounds like you're trying to do quite a lot up there so I understand these issues well you better get back up there but thanks for coming down all right bye I thought you were going to blow a gasket to be honest I could cry I could cry a chip goes out like it's on the back of an ass end of a a takeaway van there's flashes of Brilliance in there and it works in such a magical way and that you bust your balls fresh bread we're in Peaks cooking skills you know slow down and focus on what you've got the chips will burn they shouldn't have been burned they should have been absolutely fine they should have been fantastic the guy should have been picking them out of the bowl saying my God these are [ __ ] amazing chips I've seen a lot of problems that we do need to solve but we've also seen a lot of strings that we know we have got so as long as we bring everything together tighten it up I think we can improve and we can make things better than the Ever After [Music] the Milestone from Sheffield are battling out with the west house from Kent to become my best British restaurant Graham and his family team from the west house are about to discover that I've been spying on them I sent in undercover Diner Sarah Durden Robertson she's a cookie writer and a food consultant when I sent my 30 diners into the west house mum Jackie confused everyone with her ordering system have things improved since I've known to all four of you you've actually been under two tests because after I left I sent in a secret Diner and here's what they saw do you make the bread here yeah all the bread's lined every morning it comes down about eight o'clock usually who this year oh God he seems quite proud of his father and what they do because he talks back and with great affection I kind of feel like I'm sitting in the family kitchen it's made it all a lot more personal actually really good lovely start oh what is this again what should I do I think I ordered a mackerel cup hatches I thought I got mad for a second it's okay [Music] they're not busy how could you confuse the two tables I should remember what's going on damn watching your food being put down on a table in front of you it's like eating second-hand food whenever that happens again the food goes back into the kitchen I forgot that how'd you feel watching that that's it that I messed it up though I could go and write those tickets for you now and show you the correct procedure and what ways can be so much easier for you it would do me a favor do that because I've been trying to do that for about eight years but I get ignored but if you do listen to him yeah so I ordered the [Music] um the interesting thing is they didn't ask me how I wanted the lamb done so I'm afraid when it arrives I may discover I've got a problem with it ah thank you I'm sorry to be a pain I didn't realize that the lamb became so pick would it be possible to have one butter done oh yeah I'll just go and see thank you surely you must ask a customer medium pink well done no that's their probative it's not this old 1980s Chef mentally what I say goes and it saves the frustration doesn't it it saves that dish been done twice oh thank you um so they've bought two completely new main courses rather than bringing back the half cold first take they pulled back an entirely new main course that is very impressive great recovery wonderful recovery the fact that you took time and done two new main courses yeah pain in the house of the kitchen but you did it without any hassle and left a really nice impression despite the fact that they actually ended up cooking four main courses they've only charged for one each so it's 48 pounds of Health I think it's just that is clearly experience phenomenal food delicious value for money spot on I want to come back here because it felt like they'll come into your house if you get up to the speed with a modern day system of taking tickets it doesn't need to be that pressurized putting those tissues down so we have to look at the disorganization that's it you know I came straight back in the kitchen and told Graham what had done I remember that and I was so gutted that I've done it you know because I said in eight years I've never made that mistake before it would be fantastic to sit there see that secret footage and there'd be absolutely not a single finger on sit there and put each other on the back and all these but life's not really like that is it Graham's putting a brave face on things but he must realize he's got a lot of work to do if he's going to win this competition I put both teams through the ringer to test their skills as chefs and rest on tours now it's their last chance to prove themselves [Music] to earn a place in the semi-finals they've got to cook one exceptional dish something worthy of a place on my three Michelin style menu I'd be alive I said I slept well last night because she's just running everything through over and over and over and yeah it's just all the pre-match nerves and then there's some pretty much tension quite daunting never been in a place quite like this it's a mixture of excitement and nerves I want to win more than anything I've got to get everything absolutely right so it all rides on this really good luck to earn the honor of representing British cuisine in the semi-finals their dish must be nothing less than exceptional [Music] best restaurants are going head-to-head for the very first time there's no undercover footage there's no coach it's just you on a plate it's 20 stunning dishes and that is it make sure as you go through the semi-final good luck I've asked them to create their dishes using a classic British ingredient benison these are two amazing restaurants coming head to head and for me the best of British is always exciting more than any other category I'm expecting great flavors great balance and phenomenal fireworks I've invited 20 esteemed guests to judge both teams Creations the diners include Elizabeth Carter editor of the good food guide and award-winning British farmer Wilfred Emanuel Jones and the front of house teams from both restaurants are here too so in terms of nervous and skill to turn why 11 11. this is our last chance to prove ourselves I'm not a four covers table two West house four venison line yeah Graham's divides the dish worthy of his Michelin starred status he is using venison loin so with onion marmalade potatoes pickled cherries and finish with crispy bacon and venison liver it's hard to get because the hamster's breakfast they call it the tennis Nick this part it's got a great flavor you know but you need to keep it nice and rare it's a technical dish with the potential for disaster especially if Graham's control freakery prevents sous chef Ben from supporting him I know Eli you won't let anyone do anything what are you actually doing today apart from making green tea are you actually participating in the cooking yeah definitely I'm doing all the garnish looking after Christian bacon or potatoes onion marmalade cherries and I'll help plate as well I know you love taking your time when you put these dishes together it's actually one hour for 20 not one hour per dish yeah just in case because I know what you like when you get buried away there's no pulling you bang out there is there I finished the Graham is that the food is so complex there's four or five elements so it just need to offload and open up and bring Ben with him to get that dish absolutely perfect so for more send one table clean your [ __ ] down send the next table clear your [ __ ] down yeah what I'll do Ben I'm gonna leave these for you to play the last wall I could deliver it Graham's delegating at last but with time on his hands he started cooking the delicate venison liver too early that liver is your is your danger zone you know that great I do danger zone so you cook it rare here it goes out there pink when it sits there it's firm as [ __ ] do you understand so when he's two-thirds of the plate dress are you happy have the combos he's a fry that at the last moment tell me when I'm gonna liver yeah yeah you ready uh yeah go for it so who lives in yeah yeah and try and stand those Cherry stems up please they look fantastic absolutely fantastic no two ways About It Go please table two two more Venice on the way now please Graeme we're Chef total four please thank you working my little team at the moment I mean it's great cause Ben's getting involved putting stuff on the pass allowing me to cook the liver and things last minute Graham's happy with his food but will the diners agree that was absolutely the flavors are all there I mean exactly what we always get in the restaurant and I'm very proud of him yeah it's a good dish it looks good as well Graham's dish has set the bar seriously High to being with a chance of winning the Milestone Lads really have a battle on their hands so on all the full covers the table six Milestone four position date going head-to-head against the missions Direction you've got no cooking school today no downstairs no upstairs one kitchen 20 diners no excuses what's the chances I'm optimistic um yeah I think we're gonna do it obviously they've got a Michelin star we haven't so so The Underdogs but if we can do this then it'd be amazing hey Jeff Simon is pulling out all the stops with a ballsy dish of Rose venison line and a haunch of Venison and nettle Wellington so with beetroot fondant Watercress puree and braised lettuce this could be the dish of my career if all goes well and it could change things for us drastically how far are you off Simon six minutes seven six yeah Simon's dish requires perfect timing something you messed up when he fed my coach diners [Music] I'd rather keep the customers waiting next to five minutes yeah the server beetroot that's not good proper yeah there's no room for mistakes all six elements of this dish must be cooked to Perfection I thought venison up to the past now guys make every plate count yeah [Music] service yep go please but in his haste to get the food out Simon has made a terrible Schoolboy error but like this good oh [ __ ] I can't forget that lettuce I'm [ __ ] up do you want me to come on you should know that by now get me wrong please urgently let's go uh that's the braised letters that we've got off the main course find it's not on there now they haven't finished it then not even halfway through go please yeah yeah just apologize quickly thank you [ __ ] awesome just behind me it's a braised baby gem lettuce a more experienced Chef would recover from a mistake like this quickly but Simon's rattled I missed it off the plate I saw him pissed off I'm pissed off at myself look at me look at me there's nothing it's gone yeah you can pull it back come on one more table let's go yeah thank you 30 seconds venison will be at first right coming up on this here yep oh trap lights up at this time the lettuce is on the plate yeah not separate table one please yeah say this start working up another Forge yeah yeah sometimes bounce back and he's talking to James and more importantly they're together as a team so it's a dynamic duo as opposed to one up one down nice the dishes look fantastic absolutely delicious James yeah so I'm Gonna Keep it going yeah yeah actually last table yes by the last type of look exactly and takes exactly the same as the first pleasure gently okay good off we go roasted loin metal Wellington thank you it looks absolutely brilliant it smells Divine this is just spectacular incredibly succulent yeah hold on guys yeah yeah big deep breath hold on Chef nice one service is over my Discerning guests have tasted both restaurants food I want to find out what they thought starting with a milestone let's talk the venison with a Wellington wonderful combination of flavors the texture the taste it really worked for me Wilfred how was it the person who did the Wellington I would hear so eager to win yeah it looks like a cage fighter it looks like it's ready for action yeah in a big way and you can see that in the dish there was too much going on and then the one with Charlie it was a bit more laid back against his West house that was my preference and it's because it wasn't trying to harm I prefer the west house I thought the way they cook the venison was perfect and I absolutely loved the liver which is something I normally don't eat and was a real treat I referred the Wellington yeah I thought it was actually fantastic I thought the pastry was brilliant it was really light extremely difficult to shoot yes it's actually a bit like two beautiful ladies both brigades have fallen well but they've also come up against pressure corn doesn't miss anything because he's just eyes on everything I think overall it went really really well yeah the food looks amazing we tasted every dish that went out so hopefully that'll be the winning dish I'm hoping for the best but it's all in the eyes of Gordon at the end of there both of these restaurants have great strengths but they've also both got floors I'd love to put them both through to the semi-finals but I can't which of them has the potential to be truly great I've got to decide my top two British restaurants the mission starred West house from Kent and the Milestone from Sheffield have absolutely cooked their hearts out I'm about to tell one of them their competition Journey ends here there have been errors yet both still produce truly outstanding food to help me make my choice I need to compare both dishes visually stunning I can transport these two plates and put them in any top restaurants and they wouldn't look out of place that's how excited I am about the best of British milestone braised lettuce beetroot a Wellington done with a cheap gut phenomenal and the nettle pancake mind-blowing it's delicious buttery slightly gamey line of venison that just just melts in your mouth it's just like put a knife through butter it's that soft wonderful West house got a wow factor delicious God so hot liver very difficult to get right it's got that little touch of gamey bitterness to it that really goes well with the rich cut from the loin seasoned usually the cherries make it work because the acidity and it's got that side of that Moorish Sumptuous richness I am really taking back by these dishes the standard is incredible I love this one love it love it love it but then there's magic in this one for me right now they're both winners [Music] two remarkable British restaurants but only one can win a place in the semi-finals [Music] okay um I invite his both of you here today to blow me away for one restaurant to excel um I didn't get that no because I got both restaurants excelling in a big way and it's amazing to see that kind of performance in what my mind is one of the most exciting categories but the joy of watching and tasting what you've just done in there has now become a nightmare on a personal front because I have to eliminate one of you and put one of you through to the semi-final so I thought well which dish would I put on my lunch menu tomorrow morning I came up with the decision both of the dishes would sit there that's what I'm faced with right now so the winner is not based on one dish because if it was both of you will be going through think of the journey I turn up with a coach 30 diners come swooping in causes havoc and it's the biggest pain in the ass that any restaurant could ever wish for I then film you undercover I send an awkward secret Diner to turn the place upside down to see how you handle that kind of pressure here's my question which restaurants would I prefer to return to West us would I go to that intimate stunning family-run Michelin star done with charm or would it be the Sheffield I suppose balls of steel because it is run with a heartbeat that is missing a lot of restaurants tough very tough [Music] it is so hard you've got no idea yeah the restaurant going through to the semi-final based on everything I've seen is [Music] Milestone congratulations [Music] [Music] that was for me one of the toughest most difficult decisions I've ever made but that dish was unique and don't stop cooking like that yeah going out this stage as far as I'm concern makes us you know but what's the second best British restaurant in the competition so you know we carry on we do we do it we do at a restaurant and you know keep the customers happy and that's that's the main thing guys well done really well done yeah phenomenal you pulled out the subs there today and it worked yeah good job well done well done well done [Music] yeah just amazing it's fantastic it's a dream come true it's proved a point to us for and to a lot of the people that are expecting a lot from us and thank God we've actually come through and we've we've made it with that kind of determination that's where the future of British cooking is up there in Sheffield but right now this competition is only going to get tougher and I hope they don't let me down [Music] over the last six months my team and I have been all over the country checking out your best restaurant nominations and tonight my search continues with another of the UK's favorite cuisines Thai [Music] over the last 10 years typhoon has taken Britain by storm even the pubs are doing it now but really top-notch authentic Thai restaurants are so hard to find as you can have a chance please I've eaten some great restaurants in Thailand and I know that's secret to authentic Thai food it's all about getting that balance right between the Sweet Bitter hot sour and salty flavors tonight's contenders I'm gonna have to be at the top of the game to impress me from hundreds of Thai nominations I've hand-picked my top two to go head to head for a place in the semi-finals [Applause] from San Andrews Scotland's golfing capital it's Nam Jim Too Short you know how good Thai food is I just very proud fighting it out with a colossal Thai restaurant from the heart of London mango tree I'm always fired up I don't need Gordon sticker rocket up my ass I'm there I'm ready namjim and the mango tree will be battling to prove they have what it takes to be my best Thai restaurant for the first of three grueling challenges I've dispatched 30 fervent Foodies who'll descend on each restaurant in turn and order on Mass 50 miles north of Edinburgh it's Bonnie St Andrews this town is not only famous for his golf venue but also Nam Jim an amazing Thai restaurant is run by a dynamic duo husband and wife Sandy and B and they Pride themselves on cooking authentic Thai Cuisine today I'm expecting nothing less than a hole in one okay good to see you anyone's Scottish in the Brigade no or Thai sorry well husband sorry the only Scott in the village the first and only Thai restaurant in Saint Andrews Nam Jim's charm and authentic Cuisine has taken the tan by storm it's just simple but perfect I'm determined to wow the locals bees even created an inspired signature dish using Scotland's National Fair haggis very spicing it doesn't actually taste like haggis it tastes like pork doesn't it that's delicious what I love most about this place is their chef B she's bursting with energy she's happy in her cooking her staff are happy and it shows in the food amazingly but he had never cooked professionally until she and her husband Sandy open Nam gym eight years ago successful businesses all the detail we kind of try and be the best we can be we use the best ingredients in Thailand great service we just try and do everything as good as it can be don't we this is one the restaurants a huge following of Celebrity Golf fans [Music] this is my hold of them that's a Tiger Woods's mother Mr Sean Connery yeah Mr Samuel Jackson he just said thank you very much your food is wonderful I was so proud now being Sandy's hard-fought reputation is about to be tested to its limits my coach full of hungry diners I've just ran the corner all 30 of them will expect a faultless meal in just two hours [Music] I'm gonna be over everything not just the dining room but in the kitchen as well thank you and as you know I miss nothing I'll be spotting everything manager Sandy is in charge of keeping all my 30 diners happy Haney's team must explain B's unique Thai Dishes one of the house Specialties is the Thai Scottish haggis we can also make that with a vegetarian haggis which is essentially pulses and nuts and oatmeal I think the orders are starting to roll now yeah yeah as well as the Haggis bees menu includes vegetarian jungle Curry and Tamarind duck with Pak choy ing to lamb to prawns as fast as front of house send the orders through be in her efficient type Brigade on knocking out amazing food it's quick it's not a long-winded style of cooking it's done in a very fresh and sort of Rapid Way [Music] candy the only Brit on the team is the all-important link between the dining room and the kitchen are you at your weakest in here when they're speaking fluential I just kind of ignore what they're talking about and I can see kind of what they're doing more than anything they've been working together for so long it's a really well-oiled machine it's not a race to me the standards far more important yeah okay starters or anything to go by the standards don't seem to be a problem like I guess I've never tested it's exceptional it's absolutely beautiful these Brigade are on fire but at this hectic pace it's vital that every member of the team is on top of every detail because it's the vegetarian one Sandy stop stop cocoa cream there's no coconut cream on there before you take anything you've got to tell her yeah see each other control here isn't it so you're taking dishes she doesn't know who's gone one lamb Cutlass as well guys and that's all the start has done for everybody then Sandy thinks all the starters are out but a quick scan of the dining room reveals he's missed a whole table however the spicy haggis Sandy are we missing an order we don't we don't have symptoms all the tables are taken yeah just front of house boss sanded your boot all over this so that's so that's all gone I've done it all yeah no that's all gone really yes C3 they've got their food so it smells nice can't taste the way it smells nice okay no problem the two c3s as opposed to C2 yeah and you don't help much when you take food don't tell it where it's got it I know I'm just the fly in the ointment at last the missing table get their food okay okay man cost me two please whilst B's kitchen ramps up for the mains Sandy's front of house team and tated we've got more waiters in here now than we have [Music] is that one more lamps here do you know where you're going Sandy Sandy looks a little bit sort of lost there yeah you know when he comes in a little bit Yeah pressure like this it's just like you like to be out so you handle pressure better than he does despite his confusion Sanders got nearly all the main courses and desserts out with 45 minutes to spare and it's soon clear how he's done it it's a bit weird she's eating her dessert while I'm having my main course I don't think we expected that when we ordered it you know when he ordered it I thought I'd be watching the video started and then we'd have our meal together I'm sure it's best to serve the starter yeah Gap main course Gap and then desserts we thought rather than somebody sit there eating while the partner has nothing for 20 minutes it was less rude for somebody to be eating at the same time I know that's personally how I would prefer it it doesn't make sense no I agree we haven't seen that so far in the competition [Music] okay last table got out guys [Music] today being a kitchen team really have scored a hole in one yeah Thai vegetarian highness which was really Exquisite the food was fantastic start to finish it was delicious really not the socks off after the food really my birthday was good worth waiting for yeah pretty much it with such fantastic food the wheat link here is clearly front of house I've spoken to the diners and not everybody enjoyed having their dessert and the main course at the same time dessert is a sort of sweet Grand Finale not to be eaten opposite a duck the Saving Grace today is that everyone loved the food that's for me the most important tying up get the service as good as the food in 99 of the way there [Music] my best restaurant here Squad of 30 diners are on their way to the second Thai restaurant battling for a semi-final place in my Nationwide competition Palace is one of the most popular Thai restaurants in the capital it's mango tree hello [Music] knock has been front of house manager of this huge 160 seat restaurant since it opened 10 years ago Chris my baby this is my life as well how are you very nice to meet you so nice to see a Englishman heading a Thai Kitchen where you from I'm Thailand you're from Thailand thank God for that HF Mark's passion for Asian Cuisine led him to work in Vietnamese and Japanese kitchens before coming to the mango tree what we're trying to create is that essence of the Thai street food served in an eloquent way his accomplished take on Thai Cuisine attracts 350 diners a night on a busy weekend you feel like you're in a five-star restaurant I really enjoy coming here it's one of those places that you can really trust for Mark controlling such a vast operation is made Harder by a less than ideal restaurant layout with the kitchen and dining room on different floors all the food is sent by Lyft that was with all these ear pieces and it's like someone from the secret police coordinate food and service staff use radio headsets and it all else fails there's always the phone yeah it's coming right now when a customer happy when a staff happy I am very proud what I'm doing Knox Battalion of waiters and Mars revered food this these restaurants should find my first test at Doddle [Music] which load of 30 diners arriving and ordering all at once they'll expect every dish to be cooked to perfection [Music] my dine is to leave tonight you know on cloud nine I want their jaws on the floor really push it out yeah and good luck we got a new order two million come one chicken satay we're just gonna do what we do best and that's the quality and the consistency of the food you don't want to be complacent if there's 30 Pad Thai there'll be 30 great Pad Thai that simple Mark has hand-picked a small selection of his most popular dishes for my guests tonight including shrimp tom yum chicken satay and tiger prawn pad thai he's taking these Thai Classics to a new level of sophistication with truly authentic flavors and exquisite presentation but upstairs in front of the house I discovered he's made a big mistake with his menu there's no vegetarian option we can speak to Chef they can prepare whatever you like I think we actually would like to speak to the manager and just find out why there's not a vegetarian option six meals here and not even one of them are vegetarian completely unacceptable I'm gonna help you man oh yeah um I do apologize for this time but all of the dish in here can be substitute to vegetarian that's not a problem so you don't need to worry about it Knox professionalism has carved a potential mutiny meanwhile the Fisher meat eaters are loving the starters beautiful flavors complement each other amazing I would definitely recommend but there's a serious problem with one Diner's chicken satay the chicken cooked it seems quite fleshy inside and quite pink it's absolutely yeah sorry that's uh excuse me I'm sure [Music] you don't expect it from the top restaurant to ask for my food to be sent back to the kitchen new order one chicken satay well done a raw you all eat them both the chicken satay starter and the baby chicken main course are half cooked free service and finished up to order by commy Chef Nielsen on this occasion he's got it badly wrong heavy part Cooks the chicken you won't expect it to go out pink no it's very annoying when we're dealing with the people that we are dealing with tonight no excuse for it Mark's been quick to send up a replacement dish but I want to see how well this lift system works in my restaurants I can bark orders at my waiters over the past but here every dish that leaves the kitchen must travel up two flights of stairs by dumb waiter to Mikey it's his job to send the food to the right table what table is that well they should tell you what table it is before they send the [ __ ] thing though yeah I actually don't know never what is coming in the late I can only guess seeing the food and period to the ticket okay no it's selling food but no one's told him what table in terms of you haven't got the tickets for this one yeah so it's just sat there diet please 300 okay everything in the lift send it as service ramps up the system is falling apart oh this is the main it is yes we wait while they finish the start and then you drink our main meal but most of the mistakes I've picked up by the waiting staff before they hit the dining room it's not missing I don't got a ticket for a guyang uh but I go what table is it send it down to you [Music] this is crazy what a mess lots of great food go nowhere fast oh so oh if you send me again table 38 they will 38 they got the main cause already that list is busier than [ __ ] Paris knickers yes huh foreign it goes up on the left they grab it out it pisses down the side those diners are going to get pissed off with that tell me it's nothing short of a miracle that all 30 diners eventually received the correct food oh looks lovely yeah I was waiting for I'm in heaven I'm in heaven but it seems once again this table has got a problem with their food after the earlier cock-up with the undercooked chicken starter unbelievably it's happened again this is little all right so let me just take it back I'm always afraid yes now we're looking just there yeah it's on the bone [ __ ] damn come back walk Mark is on the war path how's it possible huh you're not checking any of them I mean look you're [ __ ] pre-cooking them is it that hard Libby wants to eat raw chicken you huh to my horror the true scale of the chicken scandal is only just unfolding it's definitely raw the other bits were okay but yeah just this one that piece no problems the same again he also had it now what I've got fun there [Music] no on the table same table yeah it's right I think yeah the thighs raw yeah this is the last thing I expected from this incredible restaurant My Chef Mark looks as shocked as me this is what we're talking about quality and the consistency I'm the one who looks the crap [ __ ] me that felt like 300. yeah well he's surprising there's two two tables that kind of messed it up [Music] fingers crossed for this one this piece is okay it's stunning it's really really good it's it's a very big difference from the last place I got it's a credit to knock in a front of house team that the majority of my diners seem unaffected by the chaos really really nice really tasty the service is amazing today really really good they're really accommodating when I said that I didn't like spicy food and stuff the pad thai was really really nice and Mild right to everyone because there was a problem with the menu and the vegetarian our particular waiter has been absolutely wonderful with us really attentive so it took a great interest into our experience here at the mango tree in the end most of my diners seem happy but for Mark it's been one of the toughest nights of his career uh right where should we start I know what you're capable of you don't have to read the comments to why this session is in this competition and the support you've got from customers is phenomenal totally then my diners arrive and unfortunately they haven't had that same experience that's where it hurts for me come back and come back strong absolutely [Music] nice [Music] let me throw that away fat all the way sick of looking at it every time something isn't right you know I do take it very personally it's no reflection that our team can't cook but situations do happen sometimes it's how you Rectify them is the most important thing and and hopefully they um they don't happen again [Music] [Music] no I'm Jim and the mango tree have survived the coast trip now I want to meet up to review their performances also they think they have no idea I've been spying on them with the help of undercover diners who've been filming secretly and Davis is a professional secret diner with an Eagle Eye for weak spots in restaurant food and service Sarah Durden Robertson is a top food consultant who's been expertly dissecting menus food and service for years I've asked them both to be demanding to see how the restaurants respond too spicy for me could I order the chicken I'd really like to have that but I ordered this one first up is namjim and I'm about to show them a friend of house Fiasco that no one is prepared for unknown to both of you I sent in a secret Diner that's very cool and this is what he saw good evening how are you have you got a table book to the name of Duncan Ah that's the Thai haggis thank you very much that hangers it's a creative idea it's a fun fact invented the spice level is perfectly pitched it's the sort of thing that could set this restaurant a cart from other Thai restaurants in the country absolutely loved it and that kind of wow factor my God could I try a glass of the white I do can I just try a little bit I know I've never had Taiwan before I don't know what it's going to be like if you don't like it you know what am I gonna do with the bottle you know okay can you bring a bottle okay yeah thanks it it means you have to have it yet well if it's not really nice wine I won't want to drink it wow that's not how we offer wine services Sunday no that's a bit of a shock to me yeah okay if you don't like it you don't have to have it okay yeah [Music] I do like that so I don't think I do like that actually yeah I know but I told you that I didn't like it I wouldn't have it can't wait to actually looked at me I went was he behave like that if you were there Sandy I think not what it's more likely to do would be probably to come and ask what to do about the situation damn it's not ideal it is appalling I'm just shocked in all honesty um I told you before I'm not paying for it oh yeah call the police basically I told you before if I have to hold on a minute I asked for a glass of Thai wine uh okay are you gonna let me speak okay and you give me the evil eye and you say to me I'm gonna you have to pay for that one and then and then you say to me if you don't pay for that one I'm gonna go and call the police sir do you call that decent service dude perfect I'll pay for it but I mean that's just absurd that ranks as about the most aggressive service I've ever seen in my life oh my God I'll call the police I'm lost for words incredible what I would love to happen is I'll put out the knowledge Branch to the manager he takes it we kind of kiss and make up figuratively speaking excuse me hi there hi there um what's happening I'm not gonna charge you for Facebook all this business with the police I thought it was very strange with the customers foreign how does it make you feel what you see that style of service been running your business yeah I'm both shocked very embarrassed and uh not more than a little bit angry overall that's been a very energizing experience on many levels I'm enthusiastic and excited about the quality of the food the service has been smiling and courteous apart from the one blip and I'm leaving here thinking I would definitely come back here and I would tell people about it and the two things that when you're a restaurant owner you really want your diners to leave thinking about some night ahead well it will be corrected that will never happen again obviously the gentleman has Has Come Away with a decent experience apart from that one live as he called it but it to be honest it's difficult for me to look beyond that blip everything you did was perfect [Music] it's I'm I'm upset and I think it's a combination of been very excited and very happy and then one minute and then going the complete opposite end of the spectrum the next and you know so at the minute I think I'm just a little bit lost forward so I'm just very you know a bit angry for someone to point out of this you know because of the bad service and then the thing is not it's not that not what we want our customers come first in everything I hope we haven't blown our chances within the competition um we're gonna have to work hard [Music] tonight two amazing restaurants are going head-to-head in a competition to find my best restaurant in Britain [Applause] now it's the turn of London's Thai culinary giant mango tree to get the Spy treatment how are you are you well good welcome we've actually been tested twice because since I've left the mango tree I sent in my secret Diners right yeah and here's what they saw on the coach trip head chef Mark was crestfallen when undercooked chicken was sent back to the kitchen manager knock supervision kept them on side but how do they do when I'm not watching I've got all these plastic wipe clean covers but they never wipe them clean it's got food cakes all over it it's revolting nothing more disappointing first touch of the menu dirty that glass noodle salad is so spicy foreign that's exactly what you should do exactly uh well handled great when somebody says they want something a certain way we don't understand what they're less spicy is sure so it gives them the opportunity to to do that themselves but it was 100 on the back tables pulling this serving mats from under the cutlery so every table he does every time they do it I feel like I've overstayed my work and they're trying to clear the tables would you please get out now I feel like saying I'm terribly sorry am I in your way what a shame when they feel that awkward and the noise is ridiculous especially when you're trying to eat dinner the food was fantastic hopeless loved it complained about a couple of things sent them back and they completely dealt with it but their customer care is pretty shockingly bad it's a bizarre place it's neither one thing or the other they care and they don't care uh food delicious second to none but that attention detail with the service it has to be worked out for everybody you forget that sometimes when you're doing such big numbers so don't take it personally take it professionally absolutely [Music] it was interesting yeah there's a bit of an eye-opener what we saw on the film it is upsetting if I were a customer very disappointed I don't feel let down by the service because we are the team we take the Pats on the back together but we take the knocks together as well and we will fix it there is more to the competition and we don't want this to be the end for us both restaurants have been left reeling by these Revelations but there's still everything to play for for their final battle and bringing the chefs face to face in my Flagship restaurant I've challenged each Chef to create one amazing dish for 20 guests but to guarantee a place in the semi-finals it'll have to be the finest dish of their lives well happy to be here it's dream so we both very very proud if we win that would be brilliant it was our customers that have put us where we are it speaks volumes that they're proud of what we're doing everything is focused on today in winning right choose pressure test this one to 20 stunning dishes make them taste absolutely delicious create that level of perfection sadly one of you believe in competition and one of you will be going through to the semi-final make sure it's you good luck yeah thank you both freshers will be attempting to impress me with a dish made from chicken the perfect meat to complement the heady aromatic herbs and spices used in Thai cooking both Omega Tree and Nam Jim have had their ups and downs and I'm hoping that they put all that aside and they focus on those 20 dishes and use that as they come back outside a dining room full of VIPs all with a passion for Thai food will help me judge both issues tonight including Thai cookie writer oi cheap chai Sara and one of my all-time favorite Thai chefs patriarch all the front of house teams can do is wait and Hope unorder two covers away Table Three the mango tree two baby chicken yes chef for mango tree headshot Mark is sticking his neck out with a new complex dish made from the baby chickens that almost flawed him on the coach trip if he was gutted when undercooked chicken was sent out three times cooked enough I just hope he knows what he's doing today I'm happy with that oh lovely flavor beautiful smell you're quite fond of baby chicken aren't you I am we've changed it from obviously when we've done it in the restaurant we've learned from our mistakes of um you know making sure it Cooks it's why I wanted to do it because I'm not going to run away from anything good very bold to put that baby chicken back on the menu again Mark's pose it's only two of them him or not so it's pure Focus but Nam Jim I'm worried that b is still shaking by my secret Diner's bombshell kitchen I'm nervous I don't want this to affect the quality of our dish first of all I want to clear something really important that's gone the wine I want you to set that completely behind you today is about you and your food and show me that passion yeah tonight be sticking to what she does best authentic food packed with flavor marinated chicken with pan-fried oyster mushrooms and a Punchy basil puree but to elevate this dish to my restaurant's three Mission star standards she needs to be completely on the ball full rides please be service please Table Six come on guys the food's hanging around too long just making simple mistakes away now please no I'm Jim two chicken feet you're not even listening to me after that is two more not four more you've got four chicken in there okay so do you want to take two chicken outs oh this is not all right after this there's only two more okay you've got four in the pan so why don't you take two outs B's lack of focus is beginning to worry me I need to see her really step up to the mark he's doing okay this is messy at the moment I'm rushing let's focus on the service V yeah let's focus on these yeah B she's had a rocky ride up into this stage I want that to be put behind her and just focus on the 20 plates and come back but come back strong service please Table Six as quick as you can please yeah thank you oh I'm so nervous about me me getting there let's go let's go let's go let's go it's been a struggle but she's got the food out so this place is much better yeah well then be good job thank you go please enjoy the chicken is very subtle and the sauce is beautiful it's lovely Aroma but presentation I'm not quite I'm quite confident I thought bees dish was excellent after his chicken disaster Mark has determined every piece will be cooked to Perfection today hold on please mark four portions table two in three minutes his final touch is to grill it to turn the skin a delicious golden brown Mark your dishes it's supposed to be crispy the skin I don't want it to come across as burn okay first table table five please yeah happy with that Mark no no what is that fragrance Jasmine yeah very nice Mark has gone the extra mile and his food looks wonderful let's go please double five thank you mango tree it looks beautiful I am happy I'm so happy I'm so excited about it from the mango tree you can see from my face this is wow factor for me the finishing line is within sight when the unthinkable happens um I'm just a bit disappointed because actually as you can see this is not really cooked let me show it to the the chef okay so thank you very much let me take it away for you [Music] the chicken is undercooked where's it under oh [ __ ] it it's their last night and come off the bone there you see it clear as day [ __ ] me [ __ ] [ __ ] damn I'm so pissed off pink chicken comes back again and if there was ever a time not to serve it it's right now not good enough for more Mark please how long just give me times I can tell the dining room three minutes three minutes for table one please tell Rob don't worry about the leg yeah [ __ ] the leg pretty pissed off made tweet my own words I'm not happy pleasure even I could never have guessed servers would end like this for mango tree it's been a challenging night for everyone but it's time to find out what my diners thought of both dishes starting with mango tree let's talk chicken well ours wasn't cooked no well that was a ridiculous mistake yeah my apologies it just it wasn't even leaving the bone it was probably still clucking fortunately not all my diners had the same experience this look great when it came yes and when we tasted it the herbs go right through it better than sex I prefer the mango tree because I love the chicken on the bone it kept it really moist very very tasty and the broth with it just worked loved it all I had to go for 19. because I like this so so much it's beautifully marinated subtle and then you've got the sauces complement the combination yes and the chicken is lovely but the rice is with too much water I mean you know your rice I'm sorry now I face a very difficult Choice which one of these two restaurants should go through to the semi-finals for Gordon Ramsey to say you're the best that has meant a lot I would never forget it neither restaurant has been without fault but even good restaurants have their bad days I'm obviously hoping that the other 19 dishes make a bigger impact and impression than the one but can I forgive Mark for undercooking chicken again my two Top Thai contenders Nam Jim and mango tree have completed a nail biting service in my Flagship restaurant both Chester produced an incredible dish but both have fallen short of perfection now I have to choose which restaurant is truly deserving of a place in the semi-final but first I need to make my own judgment on both dishes [Music] now I'm Jim it looks slightly clumsy chicken's delicious it's got that nice crisp protection of the outside you spare that sauce on top of that chicken the whole thing just comes alive not eye-catching but mouth-watering and taste mango tree have gone the extra mile and it looks like it's been done with great finesse Flair lovely the broth is almost like a sort of Tom Young Gun it's like two dishes in one rice soft fluffy and Incredibly fragrant nice little spray at the end with that Jasmine really nice chicken's delicious but I'm just slightly nervous about that soft chewy skin should be crispy [Music] [Applause] two remarkable Thai restaurants but only one can continue through to the next round right I brought both Russians here to give you an opportunity a unique opportunity to really cook like you've never cooked before now I'm Jim I saw the dish it didn't look the most appetizing having been to your restaurant and seen the style in which you've delivered food it was a little bit of a surprise to see something so basic as that I tasted the chicken and bang it was just yeah it was amazing however at this stage of the competition this round is not one on a single dish namjim secret diners no experienced food like that absolutely love that food haggis in a Thai restaurant it doesn't even sound right but for you to turn into something that good very few restaurants can do that anywhere mango tree the fascinating thing with you Mark is you're not even you're not even from Thailand you seem to have this magic with Thai Cuisine that is a is a gift and my mango tree's at its best is untouchable send in a secret Diner absolutely blown away with that food I mean really blown away with that food to do the Busan again at this stage in the competition I admire the balls [Music] it was sweet it was delicious and authentic how could I criticize that how could I look at that dish and tell you how to do it better I didn't have to for the first time this competition I just came back [Music] you've left with a very tough decision [Music] the restaurant going through to the semi-final is [Music] Nam Jim congratulations [Music] well done yes oh good job what are you with your touch and the amount of experience you have with type is in I know you've got more coming very disappointed you know I'm sorry for letting odd and north and the team and our customers down but you know that's the way it goes you know I wish Nam Jim all the luck but I'm pissed off at the moment someone never told me before I'm I'm good and I'm into this competition so it's meant so much for me it's a bit mind-boggling for us we're all very very proud and a little bit shocked and stunned I think I'm so happy [Music] what an amazing day and two great Russians I'll be sorry to say goodbye to Mango Tree but the same hand we've opened the door to something quite magical in St Andrews because they are a force to be reckoned with but for namjim now the competition really starts because the next stage of this competition it's gonna be even tougher tweaks into my Nationwide restaurant competition and so far I've found my best Italian restaurant Casimir from Bristol my best Indian prashard from Bradford my best Chinese you and you in Blackburn my best British the milestone in Sheffield and my best Thai restaurant Nam Jim from Saint Andrews tonight we'll see who will be joining them in the semi-finals from your favorite French restaurants I spent years learning how to cook in France and I know just how good French restaurants can be I'm expecting tonight's contenders to deliver something really special remember the peace please Lisa thank you talk to any Frenchman he'll tell you they have the best restaurants in the world but there are lots of British restaurants serving great French food for centuries French restaurants have set the standards in the dining room as well as in the kitchen a good French restaurant will wow you with the elegance and the sophistication of its Service as well as its food from nearly a thousand nominations I've chosen two brilliant French restaurants to battle it out for placing my semi-finals winchingham fields in Lincolnshire serves stunningly complex fine dining dishes so beautifully presented it takes your breath away okay tutorial away please we know wintering fields we we live it we breathe it and it is that nice place where you can sit down and be treated like a king for a night batting against them edinburgh's headed up by a gallic gastronome who Wows his diners with simple rustic dishes bursting with flavor second two goat cheese two Microsoft two beef make it snappy please I'm not cooking for Kings I'm cooking for simple guys like me for Country Boys both my French restaurants are about to face three formidable challenges designed to put them under extreme pressure first off I've deployed an army of 30 hungry customers who will invade each restaurant in turn and all order at once they're on their way to sample the food on offer at the 16th century manor house and estate at winchingham fields in Lincolnshire what I like most about this place is it's it's quaint and it's like a little mini Oasis and also they depend on the local ingredients stuff produced on their doorstep and they turn that into the most amazing food hi guys I've forgotten how beautiful this place is amazing amazing amazing five years ago husband and wife team Colin and Beck put everything that they had into this stunning restaurant we're so much at stake really and I don't want to go run fast while Beck takes care of front of house Colin heads up the kitchen space ASAP it's been it's been waiting two minutes he creates exciting modern dishes capturing all the Fantastic flavors of great French cuisine without the heaviness Lobster risotto I'm excited about this delicious Colin's pulling out all the stops to put this place on the map the restaurant boasts a five grand champagne on the menu one waiter for every two customers and even has its own helicopter pad this is the The Landing facilities for the restaurant we give them the coordinates and then we just pick them up yeah they've got all the staff all the gear the most amazing kitchen there's obviously a lot of riding on this you can see it in Colin's face he's under pressure big time which is under five minutes from now then my diners will be here and they are so excited about walking into winter fields and being blown away you have dedicated your life to getting this place right really make this count big test today two hours 30 of my diners two courses make sure they leave on cloud nine good luck my 30 guests are all looking forward to being treated and fed like royalty it should be uh push it together on the path you know a team they're cool we're cool the Sumptuous dining room screams luxury a very nice menu for you Colin quickly serves an amuse Bush not only will it prepare my guest for the meal ahead but it also shows off Colin's expansive approach to cooking but it's not the only thing that's expansive after he left the appetizers he didn't collect the menu which are quite big you can't really place it anywhere Jesus what is that tell us like this is your life huh all you need as Amy Andrews to pop out from the [ __ ] fireplace we're away after the first amuse Bush comes another carrot moose with coriander ice cream a little Amish Bush bloody hell will you have time to get two appetizers and two courses in you don't do things by half do you there's a lot going on you know honestly sometimes less is more [Music] the red delicious but it was quite a lot of flavors to be served before you've actually eaten your main meal perhaps maybe just one would have been enough I admire Colin's Eiffel Tower sized Ambitions to provide a stunning gutronomic experience but the minutes are ticking by and the theatrics show no sign of giving way to proper food I've never seen a bread trolley outside the Humber Bridge it's only big enough for trolley for a bit yeah it does work very well really yeah I just watched the way to push it by it was like banging left and right so 30 minutes of gone and we haven't even taken orders yet I'm not a Fufu man I'm a flavors man and I want this food to get out of the kitchen because when they get to taste this food they'll be blown away at last orders have been taken Colin's menu will do any french Gourmet proud that includes paper fried Cornish breed with muscle and saffron fricassee a beautiful ham hock and fogart terrine and one of my favorites John Dory Sir with a beerco ham and a nollipop sauce that's really nice the food's going down a storm but it's overshadowed by the service please one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven boo anymore look at all you guys there seems to be an awful lot of people I don't think you've got any more on the resin here just check there's no one in here I don't know I'm just in the same person twice yeah there are three front of house managers and 12 other waiting staff what are you doing there I'm just making sure I just calling for service if you'd like some teal coffee or no no no no oh hello unfortunately just for the staff Colin that's one hour gone one hour to go yes okay how long on that lamp for his Mains Colin is showcasing his unique take on the Glorious French tradition of fine dining he's serving a delicious rolled saddle of lamb with polenta chicken cannelloni with foie gras and an opulent Lobster risotto accompanied by a Parmesan twill and lobster bisque [Music] it's chaotic with too many people involved it would be so much better if just one person took responsibility the status means desserts and then we have a little appetizer tick basically the chef can see it from where he is and everybody up here knows where they are up here I'm not convinced despite all the waiting staff this restaurant's letting my diners down we went through May course yes Benoit guys so it's just one hour 20 minutes with nothing in front of them all these waiters are flying around no starters you're better than that too Dory too brave it's away now okay Philly ready service please as time ticks on everything's starting to get muddled up um which table do you want last table four and the full scale of the mess is only just becoming clear oh I've got terminal four here right are you sure that's 10 before are you still waiting on starters a little over an hour and a half now I'll start it wants to play with no starters we keep watching everybody else how far is that away exactly a minute okay come on come on come on come on come on unfortunately someone crossed it off at the top how can you have so many management out there and they cross it off and they haven't even sent them yet huh they've got more managers here they've got in Buckingham Palace keep going keep going keep going with time running out fast and some guests still not served I'm starting to feel the worst I say that's it 20 minutes to go Colleen 20 minutes to go we'll get there about a skin of our afternoon chicken sauce Amy chicken sauce about five minutes says [ __ ] let's get it out three waiters guys last table [Music] if you want to someone help him do the ice cream put Skirmish on it you know but I see the problem is she probably she's given me that which is table four and table six right that's it time out two hours gone [Music] incredibly for the first time in this competition not all my diners have been fed two courses for a restaurant this good it's embarrassing do I want to be judged on a vicious word or do I want to have that served in front of me or it's a no-brainer it's beautiful I mean just stunning they can't tell everybody how [ __ ] delicious it is because it's gone far to two hours oh the only comfort for Colin is the fact that the diners that did receive their food loved it it was nice it was well worth waiting for well worth waiting for we did wait a little longer than expected uh and when it came yeah well worth it once food has arrived we have forgotten how long we've been waiting because it's delicious end of service and time for me to tell winching and feels whether I thought things were bong or not big test feedback from the dining room service claustrophobic that's what it pulled some of the waiters out and get rid of some of the drapes I think you know that kind of the stayed you know winchendum fields-esque service can look very I mean everybody direct feedback back from the customer so I experience the service being too claustrophobic no I appreciate you listened you ignore it no no ignore it at your peril if my diners felt that your service was claustrophobic please listen to it because it's valuable information we're looking for the best restaurant in Britain not just for the best food but the best service and it goes hand in glove the customers love the food which is great news sadly didn't get a chance to taste it all because we ran out of time don't worry about the Fufu I think you guys try too hard and I just think you guys just need to chill the minute you match the service with a level of attention to detail on the food you've got something unique here I'm looking for the nation's best French restaurant and your nominations have led me to a fantastic place in Edinburgh one of the best French restaurants in Scotland a definite contender in this competition I fell in love with French food from a very early age so my standards are already high and tonight I'm hoping to be inspired by this amazing little Bistro where's the Frenchman where's he hiding he's hiding as usual in his little dungeons what's what chef hey golden I see you yeah my wife's gonna see too hey Jeff Sean Michelle has spent his whole life cooking in high-end French restaurants but a decade ago he turned his back on the world of exclusive oat Cuisine to open his own restaurant serving No Nonsense No Frills French rustic fair that remain your form definitely the style of cooking I wanted to do was totally different there's nothing to do with what's being done actually in restaurant nowadays that's they come from here come from I'm not cooking for Kings I'm cooking for poppers I'm gonna give a simple guys like me for Country Boys Jean-Michel and sous chef Yani serve at favors like delicious pan-fried scallops The Bistro classic twice baked Rock 4 souffle and rabbit rietz this award-winning Bistro has earned its loyal following yeah that's nice I've got the texture there it's delicious the minute you walk through the door of the guy you really feel like you're back in France and that's one of the biggest compliments I can pay a Frenchman with food this good combined with jean-michel's bonami surely my coach diners can't fail to be seduced you can do it lead the kitchen Drive the kitchen no problem run the dining room give some French charm to the service some of the guests will come in and think that the rabbit is a little bit intimidating explain John Michelle's in love with lapan and he adores rabbit and more importantly sell it more shorts here we go hi there good evening restaurant manager Julie and are all French front of house team waste no time in lane on the charm a little Annie's push for you it's you how's the menu sound I'm absolutely enticing enticing if you have any question about the rabbit the cook no problem okay so much too rabbits one meringue one brioche orders are starting to come in thick and fast thank you very much Julie and her team have done a great job of selling the rabbit so I got three rabbit already yeah out of six guests I'll be over there a freshman happy always happy Jean-Michel and Julie have a unique system of communicating service Judy do you want me to tell you when you're ready for the starters in the main course no just fine just fine where we live she comes when you bang she comes sounds like a porn movie how's everybody up there Julie yeah the atmosphere upstairs is Buzzy and relaxed and my diners love the food [Music] that's nice that was a super super is lovely yeah good but the kitchen is far too relaxed for my liking and there are some silly mistakes occurring Sean Michelle is that hot enough is that it was cold out on top Alexa the rabbit's flying out playing huh let's go for those two rubbish see another miniature the most popular dish tonight is the saddle of rabbit with black pudding and apple that's good to go yeah the meat's wrapped in fat to baste the rabbit as it Cooks that's really nice really good it's all nice it's great to see Jean-Michel using such a traditional technique but I'm worried about how he's running his kitchen the board is full of checks you're halfway there yes this is where we're right up against it right now Jean-Michel doesn't seem to be taking the lead in the kitchen leaving both his Brigade and front of house team rudderless can't get away from the side of this one can you no he loves it once he gets going that's him I know he loves cooking but with so many orders on at the same time someone needs to be taking control are you supposed to read his mind because he doesn't talk to you right [Music] the rabbit's been left under the lights on the hot plate for two minutes while Jean-Michel plates up the lamb a rabbit goes dry within 30 seconds are you such a shame Joey I said this is what hurts for me you've gone from a chef into a cook and the Lamb's not ready the rabbit's standing there it's just getting in there look at me two seconds he's gone silent he's a voice in here now otherwise it'll be the [ __ ] [ __ ] huh [Music] as a leader yeah I'm not saying it to make you look stupid I'm trying to get the food out at the same time it's not my kitchen so when the rabbit sits there for two minutes and yanning's looking at you waiting for a call I just it needs it needs a leader two three minutes on a pond dolphin please such a shame jean-michel's gone from the owner now into a cook because he's not talking to anybody next to go pole chef One Fish Two Line one rabbit thankfully has found his voice and sort of started holding the reins because this place needs an organizer and someone as a front runner I love the way yanny is tasting everything he's proven to be the rock in the Kitchen Tonight hold on two seconds Audrey Audrey bring that back please I'm not asking you to [ __ ] on your boss yeah but when you're standing there slicing the [ __ ] rabbit has gone dry there's two lamb to be plated up and he's not saying anything to you right next you come [ __ ] amazing Foods yeah but I don't understand why you disappear in service when you you don't talk to anybody yeah so I'm just struggling to identify who is the leader tonight yeah yeah I want to find the best restaurant in Britain and the best restaurant in Britain doesn't have food that sits on the hot plate for two and a half three minutes we're on to desserts always a highlight of great French cuisine true to form jean-michel's created simple Rusty desserts including brioche pan Purdue with apricots I'm so sorry but the chef check the desserts or do you just run out with them well when he's busy like that okay he's not busy there's only two tickets left please show him the desserts a cursory glance just doesn't do it he should have tasted them it was quite tart yeah it was it was lovely that we are today was absolutely delicious that the apricots were just too tired okay apricots aren't ripe and they should never be used in the first place [Music] that's why I asked has the chef seen them an hour ago we missed nothing going out of the kitchen whether you're running a bistro fine dining or a burger store you watch everything damn what a shame I'm a bit disappointed with the with a dessert I think that separicose could have been much better there have been serious mistakes in the Kitchen tonight but what's the verdict front of house it's delicious yeah it's the first time I've ever tried rabbit and so it's lovely fish was a really meaty wholesome party yeah I loved it it was fantastic cheers [Music] exactly what I think tough night very tough every restaurant in every category is going under that level of scrutiny it's a pressure test we know as chefs that food shouldn't hang for a long time on the hot plate I know I have to take the blade for it to shoot off the other person because I know they can do the job well I did love downstairs was how often everyone was tasting stuff so when you run upstairs with apricots that the chef hasn't tasted I'm gonna ask you to come back down and if you tasted those apricots before they left the hot plate I guarantee you I said stop we're not serving the pampered with apricots apart from that friendly service bloody good food thank you thanks very much like Eric's got great potential but it has to be consistent on every plate whether it's the most amazing starter or a phenomenal dessert it has to be that exact standard across every plate and has to decide if he wants to cook all night long then pass the leadership qualities to his number two and if he wants to lead then lead he wants to cook then cook [Music] foreign trip was a massive challenge for winterfields and legarre now I'm inviting both teams to London to discuss how they're getting on in the competition but what they don't know is that secret diners sent by me have been to their restaurants the first is restaurant critic Simon Davies I've rigged in with secret cameras and asked him to be demanding and difficult I'm allergic to those I can't eat sultanas now we'll really see how these restaurants perform when I'm not there watching and so will they first to see the evidence is Colin from wintingham fields and his sous chef Slavic Hi how are you big test for you wasn't it yeah I've never done something like that before so yeah a bit of happy confidence unknown to you you've actually been tested twice I sent in my secret Diner foreign and this is what happened on the coach trip they let my diners down with over fussy food and service but have they learned from their mistakes hi there they just came to us first off great welcome and these Bush arrives at the table didn't ask them gets put down and bang they start eating uh you'll find three different menus but only two are available you have the very first one which is the lunch menu and then if you turn the page over you'll see a red ribbon on the right of the red we're going to see the menu surprise that's the one that we only do in the evening uh okay it will excuse you have to come back on the left hand side however you'll find the a la carte which is fully available as well we started the main courses and then you're trying to do desserts at the back of the money surface in the following page the menu is Big imposing huge descriptions it's long-winded it's getting heavier and heavier and heavier and they just want to be left alone [Music] right so we get another move there's three things we've had so far that we haven't ordered you know beginning to feel like I've really started to eat now and we haven't had the first of all three courses I hope you don't bring us another fish otherwise I will be unamused one is a really nice gesture great opener sets the tone for what's happening next but any more than one and it looks like you're trying too hard uh roasted Lobster that's going to Lobster results and the side the chocolate glasses parmesan cheese thank you enjoy I can't believe I did that I was so annoying when he pointed out that Morale Mushroom I swear this finger virtually touched the mushroom is not touched it that's that [ __ ] her off food is exquisite you need to look at your service you need to really just bring that in and bring a breath of fresh air in there and you'll surprise yourself and more importantly attract a different climbed towel which you've been slightly nervous of going for let's go [Music] it was great to get feedback from Gordon it was great for him to say to me you know it's Gordon Ramsey telling you what's great about your cooking what's not so good about it and and what to fix about it and anyone who can say negative things about it is great because that means we can analyze it work it do we need to change it it's great feedback you know it is priceless refined French restaurant winchingenfield from Lincolnshire service please it's been waiting two minutes it's battling out with edinburgh's charming Bistro La garage to become my best French restaurant 's team Jean-Michel Yani and Julie are about to discover that one of my spines has been checking them out I sent in expert food consultant and cuckoo writer Sarah Durden Robertson she knows what makes a great restaurant hello hello thank you so much for coming that was a tough test what you didn't know is that you've actually been tested twice when I left the gate I sent in a secret Diner let's watch it shall we hmm my 30 diners love legariq's rustic charm but the service and food suffers from jean-michel's lack of leadership in the kitchen are things running more smoothly now hello um table for two Duncan what would you recommend yeah nice liaison between the kitchen and the restaurant good outside so I don't understand why it's so hot [Music] oh my goodness thank you oh I'd be delighted it's so hot ah the man with the power you should have just asked you if only I'd known you guys sent it on are we not allowed to have that on in the morning to get the Russian nice and cool when butter starts melting on the table are you cutting back on the electricity bill no no no no no I don't know what happened to put it on or it's a bit of a school boy error when we can't have the air conditioning on what a shame is it too late or could I just have boiled new potatoes please or just a bit batteries just boiled new potatoes okay thank you beans are delicious is that yeah that is that's okay yeah it's okay okay yeah thank you she's putting my clothes and potatoes [Music] I'm talking about the um horrible greasy scented potatoes that came out swimming in fat they look Dreadful in the kitchen we have to be able to be more [Music] um yeah you can't do everything you can't do everything no you can't but when you cook a stunning main course the garnish is even as important it boils down to the consistency again doesn't it what a shame I'm a bit worried you're not going to make it to the airport is there any way we could take these in a doggy bag oh yes not the ice cream obviously because I just think we're not going to make the flight in time otherwise sorry that's my fault [Music] thank you very much they do know we're in a wash now we're ready to go waiting for her to come and take the money she's answered the phone she's gone off to the kitchen she still hasn't come to take the money what a shame right at the very end yeah dying to get to the flight it's the nursing requests and it's just been blatantly ignored so it was like sort of small little niggling facts that you put them all together it's like a bit of a blow power performance when I know when that ration's on song it's the best Bistro in the country appointed by the the potatoes that's something that's a lack of concentration or a lack of supervision with the service this thing we can change the cooking the potatoes the communication with the chefs of this kind of thing can easily be resolved foreign [Music] s have struggled this is their last chance to impress me I'm taking the chefs out of their kitchens and into mine at my three Mission starred restaurant in London where I'm challenging them to create one mind-blowing dish I feel very confident we're a very very strong team so we are going to work our bollocks off and it's going to be you know hopefully a three Mission star result [Music] in this restaurant this kitchen today is a hell of an experience we're here to Win It I want them to raise their game and cook like they've never cooked before this is it the battle of the French within these four walls there's everything I've ever wanted ever worked for and I suppose my dream come true there's no greater platform for both these restaurants today to show off only one restaurant going through the semi-final make sure it's you and every time you put food onto that plate think semi-final and good luck all the best guys French cuisine is close to my heart so I can't wait to see what Jean-Michel and Colin create using fish as their main ingredient for example five thank you but it's not just me they'll have to impress 20 distinguished guests will also help me judge both restaurants dishes including gilquillo head chef at the French Embassy and food writer novelist Joanne Harris author of chocolate and two popular French cookbooks both restaurants front of house teams are dining here today and Colin's dad but they can only sit and wait while their chefs battle it out and Jenny give me a time for the first table please six or seven minutes to the past year let's go seven minutes thank you Yanni love the information have made their names with simple rustic food but today they're going Hot Cuisine with post John Dory so with polenta cake and longest teens a lightly battered oyster and a longer steam bisque [Music] so you run one of the best beach shows in the country this doesn't sound like a bistro Classic this sounds like you we're cooking in your kitchen today we don't want to do special cooking we're trying to raise our camera so you're going uh you're up there under Europe so Michelle turned his back 10 years ago I'm trying dining because he wanted to become a little bit more rustic but today he's going back to that fine dining style and he's ready to pushed the boat out what he had for breakfast this morning I don't know it must have been a [ __ ] strong pot of porridge Only Hope Jean-Michel and sous chef Yani aren't over stretching themselves winting on fields four red mullet please Colin give me a time please on the first table one please okay three minutes Sunday four fish please three minutes to the window thank you on the other side of the kitchen calling from winchingham Fields usually has the opposite problem creating food that's just too fussy Colin Slavic um exposed because they haven't got their Entourage of 25 chefs and 15 gardeners and four you know individuals to wash their cars so today they are on their own tonight Collins pan fried red mullet and serving it with a bully based sauce and a Mediterranean salad the whole idea about this dish is that it's a salad so each part has to be perfect and that's what makes the dish it's not just the flavors you can show off you can show off courgettes and green beans so that's good okay how integral is it on a scale of one to ten the garnish is going to be about seven out of ten the rest of it before wow it's not bad for you is it I know yeah listening listening because deconstructing a nicoise salad in this way is a bold move now he's got rid of all the distracting Thrills Colin's gonna have to really focus on flavors to make this work I thought Colin I went you can feels doesn't go more complicated over the top yeah he's reigned it in he's he's gone simpler it's a chance to concentrate and really really show off over at lagerig the timing of their polenta and deep fried oyster must be perfect to disappear in your mouth it's precise cooking just check your place a little bit of water there work together just trying to drain that fish next time in the cloth when you dry that fish a little bit like that when you come to Sauce it the sauce will glaze and stick exactly that yeah wait what's the sauce in the room of the plates as they plate up the Press the Press clearly taken its toll sourcing the plate like he's shaking hands of the queen it's going all over the place it's a shame because he looks nervous which I didn't expect especially if I'm a Frenchman you know I probably go don't make me shake you know it's incredible I was ready I'll get the oysters in you start plating happy with their ship that's absolutely beautiful Chef yeah perfect hey jean-michel's hour of need I'm delighted to say that sous chef Yani is stepping up to the plate again I love the way you're tasting as well yes yeah what you're tasting yeah is what they're eating yes let's go go last table now please yeah two John Dory away double three please fish good to go polite are good to go this this is good to go let's go Jean-Michel and Yanni are really working as a team sending out plate after plate of exquisite looking food John Michelle they look great fantastic very nice go please a little time of the plate well done excellent go double four please good good good thank you just from the garlic thank you coach John Dory and langostin cake place the Beignet on top and a lobster bisque whatever momentum going guys please yes Colin's gone for a simple dish so his cooking must rely on flavors not frails and I'm not sure he's nailed it before he passed it it tasted fragrant like a light blue base although it's almost like it's just fishiness and it's done more veggies you want it to taste and what's on there fish exactly yeah fine okay today they have to make sure that dish is all about Flavor not how things look let's have a how long please 10 seconds fish 10 seconds work together come on guys gently check your plates nice come on wait work together work together work together yeah vibrant colors love the idea of the egg yolk on there let's go good happy with those Colin Lee Chef yeah they look fantastic go table one please go beautiful I love that level of creativity and the confidence to be that simple without red mullet brilliant last hour yes make it look absolutely perfect like the first hour yes thank you Colleen get over every one of your dishes yes good okay thank you good excellent okay pan-fried red mullet you have tomato fondue courgettes I finished with potato galette on top rotation is brilliant and I'd expect nothing less but I hope his dish is as successful as leggerigs beautiful that involves a little bit of skill to get something out that's still sizzlingly crispy service is over and it's time to find out which of these two incredible dishes my guests preferred starting with winchingham Fields nice to see Excellence now let's talk fish um red mileage how was it really nice and crispy on the edge and what do you think of the sauce I love that that's one of my favorite things yeah it's really good okay summer time and yeah it's really simple and I really like it I thought the Redmond was absolutely fantastic and when it came out that the skin was really nice and crispy and it was still very fresh and hot from the pan it was like being in the Mediterranean you know on a sunny day sunshine on a play the fish was slightly overcooked for me but overall uh it was a really good dish ladies let's talk don't worry that was it on the whole I think it was very nice because the whole balance of the dish was beautiful and the flavors were very complementary to each other we all found I think that the oyster was a slightly odd thing because we couldn't quite tell what it was yeah interesting Johnny Dory I loved the um love the fish and really delighted by the oyster I thought that was a real treat [Music] both French teams have excelled themselves in my kitchen serving up Exquisite food worthy of their reputations and mine I think to go through the semi-finals would be it would be excellent for the restaurant and for everyone back in Edinburgh all the staff we've worked with I think it would be a dream come true for us all we're actually where the printers are thinking and then we take it from there I was happy with everything that went out there was nothing I wasn't happy with each individual part was cooked that I wanted to be cooked so everything went out I'm happy now I must decide which team has that all important je ne sais quoi to take them through to the semi-final the chefs were my top two French restaurants Colin from wintergan fields in Lincolnshire and John Michelle from lagai in Edinburgh have just finished the service of their lives two exceptional restaurants but only one can stay in the competition help me choose I'm going to taste each team's dish [Music] visually both dishes look attractive great finesse so let's read first this guy surprised me today polenta lined inside with longest team ambitious and dangerous tastes very good John Dory sources delicious Rich robust and a really nice sort of shellfish bisque really good doesn't need the oyster fried at the end not really no the sauce is the is the key there a lot of Hearts true French passion all over that plate Woodington Fields red mullet crisp you can hear it as we cut across beautiful hmm delicious packed full of flavor the Intriguing part there is the sauce it's like a sort of tomato bully-based bisque very clever and it looks intricate but it is very very simple bloody delicious this is a tough call because they've really surprised me and I'm more surprised with Jean-Michel because I didn't think he had the capabilities of doing that and I didn't think that Colin could Reign it in two outstanding French restaurants but only one can win a place in the semi-finals [Music] okay the winner today is based on everything we've experienced Colin he pulled it back he sort of rained it in which I didn't expect to see today that dish delicious excelling is difficult under pressure but you push the boat out think of the journey when we started off with 30 diners turning up unexpectedly for any restaurant anywhere in the country that is immense pressure I mean really immense pressure both thresholds handled it brilliantly well after that I then secretly filmed your restaurants in operation unknown to any of you to make sure that you weren't just rolling out the red carpet because it was me and that told me a lot so based on everything I've seen everything I've eaten and everything I've experienced the winner is going to come down to this the restaurants that I want to go back to is it the legary that French charm that real come in sit in my front room with an Ambiance that is electric or is it the Sumptuous wrestling with rooms that you walk in and you're sort of Blown Away with that charm tough the winner of the French category foreign [Music] congratulations John Michelle you surprised me today and you are a credit not just to your restaurant but your country because you showed flashes of brilliance don't stop well done well done well done I'll be disappointed but at the same time very pleased with what we've done today I'm going to take it back to ragarig and take it from there and start again [Applause] high five great result for us which I'm really chuffed to bits with Gordon Ramsay one of the most famous chefs in the world um telling me that you know he likes my food and he wants to go back to my restaurant so yeah how big do you get on top of that you know it's fabulous so yeah we're really really just a bit [Music] cheers [Music] over the past six months my team and I have been all over the country checking out your best restaurant nominations and tonight my competition continues this time to find the best North African North African food is like no other the careful layering of different spices results in wonderfully aromatic dishes one mouthful can really transport into a completely different world the best restaurants will mix gutsy flavors with Rich sweet and intricate combinations of spices to deliver dishes that will excite all the senses I'm hoping tonight's contenders will show what this fantastic Cuisine has to offer tonight my two favorite North African restaurants will battle it out for a place in the semi-finals from Central London it's Momo a glamorous celebrity haunt as renowned for its vibrant atmosphere as its food table two you've got a great team and a great feeling and great passion and we we're gonna win it the moment machine is taken on a zoo from Hammersmith West London a small family-run restaurant loved by the locals yes I think I am the best I would love to see someone challenging me I predict a furious fight as two London restaurants take each other on in three extraordinary challenges [Music] the first is every restaurant's worst nightmare 30 hungry diners who will arrive and order all at the same time as they're heading for Momo tucked away behind London's region street it's run by a very passionate northerner Dave he's been cooking since the age of 15 and he now heads up a brigade of 26 chefs this session has also been visited by some serious a-listers from Madonna to Gwyneth Paltrow and if they can look after those kind of customers my diners today are in for a real treat how are you very good very good so the secret success of momo has been what we all work together as a team and we create we create an atmosphere and hopefully delicious food yeah open 13 years ago it's excellent food stylish surroundings and party atmosphere quickly established Momo as one of London's most fashionable restaurants as soon as you enter it's like a theater you come in you see the atmosphere you see The Deco you see the buzz you want to get involved we get lots of film stars lots of footballers politicians lots of you know people want to go through the back door what I love most about Momo is you feel comfortable straight away and the atmosphere is it's quite sexy I need one lamp tagine not coriander free miniature 37 year old David has cooked in kitchens all over the world cookies be my life from from the age of 14 and a half 15. our weight table 50 tagine lamb sirloin steak medium rare yes during his travels in Morocco David Fell in Love with North African food I love the passion of Moroccan Cuisine I think it's a great flavors everybody thinks Moroccan Cuisine is couscous and tagine it's vast assisted for seven years by French Tucson Philip David gives traditional recipes his own personal touch it doesn't look like a creme brulee that's delicious only a Yorkshire would [ __ ] fry a creme brulee but it works David that's some of the best food I've tasted so far in this competition make sure that you give my diners the exact experience you just delivered to me now Momo is about to be put through his Paces because my ravenous diners have arrived all expecting food and service fit for London's Literati hello welcome to my mom and the service shouldn't pose a problem as front of house manager Murad has a team of nine waiters this place deals with big numbers easily so they can become a little bit complacent because there's only 30 diners coming in and sometimes Russians get bad reputations for just looking after the a-listers and forgetting the real customers it's the first ticket on you oh do you want to scalloped one fish in a day two Momos medium as first orders arrive head chef David directs his Brigade like a conductor with an orchestra the 14 door star six year police don't put all nasty two minutes past it make sure the first three or four tables go fast and slow down there are three starters Moroccan aubergine caviar with mixed Peppers wood Pidgey and pastier a delicate North African pie and Scholars with aubergine Chutney and a fresh herb salsa David's on fire and the first starters are out within minutes yeah and it looks like we're about to get on good the two ladies on the end here don't throw their main course out as quick you know hold it back a little bit David is doing his best to control the flow of food same table one and slow down on Fourteen and six but it's front of house who need to pay service and make sure every table gets their food at the right time I've just told the team to slow down slow down it's not a race very good flavor combination light which Cooks incredibly well very tasty absolutely delicious some of my diners are less impressed uh gentlemen the pigeon pastilla how's that it's okay it's a bit too dry and um not enough pictures it was just a bit too dry and just oh I did like it can you put one in for me okay the fishing plastic is really authentic you've got three layers you've got like a onion compost pigeon and like scrambled eggs and topped with almonds it's not dry if anything it needs a bit more pigeon in there [Music] for Mains there's a choice of three smoked lamb shank with couscous and spicy sausages fish wrapped in Vine leaves with white beans and that North African staple chicken tagine [Music] of course a very traditional I love the way you taste every tagine is going out he may be doing it every day but you're still tasting it every time is focused while front of house look busy but don't seem coordinated David the F6 is a little bit impatient for the starters there are lots of waiters but it doesn't seem like the managers are controlling service and some of my diners have slipped through the net and starters obviously haven't arrived yet no everyone else is getting their main courses how are we waiting for 25 minutes yeah it's too long how's that big type of sex there when I started what's going upstairs come in about three minutes three minutes it's slowing down so we not get everything together we're at the same time yes finding that balance one table complaint is too fast one table complaining it's too slow so you've got to just try to find that balance to who hasn't had their main courses you know when you get 30 customers at once you want to save it like a party it's very hard to pace yourself one thing they're not it's short staffed they seem to have a manager for teaspoons managed for the bread and manage it for the lid the couscous so Sarah should be impeccable today so they should get that balanced ride you can't serve a table two courses with one table nothing that's bad management and far too many chiefs in dying room and not enough Indians in fact there's more managers in this dining room there are grains of [ __ ] couscous we definitely come again we said that as soon as the main course came out it's a lovely feeling here we've been made to feel very comfortable it did take quite a while to come and receive my food I didn't like waiting that long to notice um what we got was nice lunch is over but I'm disappointed that service was inconsistent for some of my diners timing was all over the shop and that was down to the the suits and booted the managers far too many managers and a real lack of communication with the kitchen and thank God David was on fire because we had too many managers on the floor that couldn't spot hooping serve what [Music] that one you're used to big numbers so 30 diners should have been a walk in the park how did I go for you went very well I really enjoyed it very good nice Buzz a great Buzz great atmosphere yeah great atmosphere my biggest concern today was the fact that there was one table next to the big table that had their starters and main courses and the sixth top had nothing to eat when somebody hasn't got food in front of them and they're eyeing up the table next door to them they get jealous we had two complaints the plastic of the pigeon if anything maybe not so small in terms of die so they can identify what they've got on the fork is a piece of pigeon and you didn't sell enough desserts I thought that was the best creme brulee I've ever tasted in a decade share the starter but make sure you save room for that dessert that's how good they are well done thank you thank you very much it's nice to have feedback and even if it's negative or not good feedback it keeps you on your toes when you've got a great team and a great feeling and great passion and we we're going to win it we're here to win sorry next my other North African Contender Azu creates magical dishes from a kitchen Lost in Time hasn't got a nonstick [ __ ] pan for God's sake you know those pans are older than me and that's saying something it's the North African heat of my Nationwide restaurant competition and 30 hungry diners are about to descend on my second competitor here in Hammersmith is one of the best kept secrets in town this is a zoo a romantic small North African Russian run by a lovely husband and wife team Chris and Chris now although it's small it's punching way above his weight a serious Contender to go all the way in this competition [Music] this kitchen is the size of a cupboard look at it it is thank God you're small and thin and good looking unbelievable they're scary what are they on there for that's the takeaway I will take you away okay former head mistress Chris and her Chef husband Chris opened the zoo 11 years ago they work seven days a week running this 35 cover restaurant with the help of just five other members of Staff two large plates please I will give her all to this restaurant I do love working hard I mean you manage once a century to have sort of day off where you want to stand by but you feel like guilty why am I away and it's in that guilt makes your day not a day off you cook every day and it's it's a passion it's never a job for you is it yes it is what's the secret behind the success of your food my wife your wife Chris I don't know what to do without her to be honest she's very very good support and believes really in what I do for that I love you more Chris learned to cook authentic North African food at his grandmother's knee in Algeria this is the food of my childhood when I was living in Algeria when she was cooking she's always you know having you next to her and you see how you do she's doing it and it looks like he's still cooking with her pots too when was last time you bought a new pan that's a good question what have you changed in 10 years in this kitchen uh not much where's the fridge I've got this one here okay all right wow okay great starting they're delicious Mercy very rare you see sardines today everyone thinks it's a oily fish and no one wants it but that is delicious well there's very few chefs that I know with a mentioning star that I can cook like he can I'm very passionate about my food I mean it makes me happy Chris is such a perfectionist he insists on overseeing everything that's cooked in his Tiny Kitchen sorry for taking over no worries Grace like Kevin if he wants to check everything from the scratch even I think he'll work with him 20 years he's gonna Never Gonna Change I do strive to be the best Puma I will carry on doing it until the end because this is it this is my life and his life's about to be turned upside down by my next challenge okay my Diner's gonna be here in just under five minutes yeah I'm gonna be watching everything I'll be in the kitchen watching how you work and I'll be in the dining room scrutinizing everything your reputation is legendary tonight it's on the line Chris is just two hours to cook and serve two courses for 30 customers quite a pressure for a small restaurant and the clock starts now hello hello hope you enjoy your evening with us thank you thank you [Music] one lamb card become clear that it's not just the kitchen that's stuck in a Time Warp Chris so when you take the orders there's no computers it's all handwritten checks and you much prefer that as opposed to the 21st century it works if it works don't change it uh what am I doing [Music] the fluster Chris has put the wrong table number on an order and now a second order has come in for the same table and table four can you remember what you did oh they hold it hold it hold it hold on first era of the evening that that's done twice don't worry thank you uh do you prefer this by handwritten like that is it easy for you I got used to it and but if the 2004 is confusing right yes it is if you had a computer you wouldn't have these problems yeah no that was my fault I shouldn't have done it yeah is your husband yes I know he's your head chef he's your toy boy look after him there is a choice of three starters marinated sardines with spicy sauce grilled pepper salad with merge sausages specialty pastry filled with tuna potato and a soft egg then deep fried Chris wait these have been here for two minutes the egg yolk is runny and I want when you come in that egg yolks should sort of run all over the tuna there it is wow wow yeah really really good not too okay with the starters over Chris has 30 complex Mains to cook on his tiny stove there are three choices of tagine cod with King prawns and seafood chicken with olives and preserved lemons or lemon a spicy sauce handed down from his grandmother I'm ready although he's got a sous chef and two others to help him just as I thought perfectionist Chris wants to do everything himself okay thank you I'll do that don't worry if he carries on like this food will be delayed [Music] and why don't you do the Christmas [Music] but he's doing everything [Music] it's just in the place can you dress the place you've got the one working there pans everywhere one two three of you do nothing yeah it is the chef he doesn't want to say bomb is true okay [Music] there's more space out here there is in there you've got to take some of the responsibility away from him uh come on all right it's incredible I mean I thought I was a control freak Chris takes it to a completely different level and he just cannot delegate you're a control freak well I'm not a control freak but but he's doing everything no well no well um I just want him to open up and talk the danger of one person oh [ __ ] me I'm sure you can get your own finger Bowl um do you need them to get your finger ball you do yeah one finger ball please for the fish tagine this is getting ridiculous from the power should be helping the kitchen not hindering finger Bowl oh geez it's potentially catastrophic because he's so used to that one-man band top of the tube station again the other drums the guitar they all go in the mouth and he's just playing everything and everyone's running around him crazy now he pushes him off his bench and goes in there chops the peppers and he's got about 12 things going on the stove I mean the guy's a freak you can see him can't organize them his own funeral jumping in the coffin and saying goodbye to everyone saying the prayer at the End closing the lid messy avoir oh don't bother the kitchen for nothing excellent coming up to it halfway there and it won't offload to go in and tell him to do something else he's got his concentration I think we need to keep his friends but why is he paying all those members of staff and he's doing everything on his shoulders it's not letting his Brigade near the stove means some customers are still waiting for the mains it's been a while now yeah 25 minutes I'd say this guy won't accept help from anyone I've got to get through to him somehow can you start talking to your brigades oh wait okay guys hello how are you come on hi hi Ali let's get on with it I've got the fish you've got everything Chris last table look at me for two seconds is there any chance to give them that you can stand over here right and let your sous chef all right your second chef and your third Chef boy cook the last table go outside and take some fresh air just out there just just to two minutes you come over here and you go and get some fresh air out out right let them do it okay just the last table I'll kill you guys if you don't do it properly dead in two weeks if you continue like this ah let it go okay last time how long three minutes come on guys give one more leave them alone ah he's fine that's something I have to work on but you know when you love cooking that's what you do fish it's delicious fairy tons very Savory mint really comes through full of flavor a little bit of spice really nice the food's wonderful the place has got so much charm so much character such a great welcome people at home here it's a family room place and we love it really good service is over and my diners are leaving happy [Music] okay right first of all service unique ladies well done thank you yeah even down to the handwritten tickets okay the first ticket went in second ticket two tables before it doesn't matter and as for the kitchen oh where do I start with you food is delicious Sublime just amazing my biggest problem is you I want thousands more customers to enjoy your food but you won't be around if you don't open up and delegate I will you'll be surprised on what it does messy well done seriously well done really good thank you oh yeah what was good for me is realizing that I I must delegate you take it on board yeah put it this way I will take more break [Music] guys a genius it looks like an angel he hasn't got all the pictures and fittings and the Posh address but what he has got is an amazing palette and for me somebody to watch very closely [Music] for a zoo and Momo my coach trip was I've been hit by a hurricane however they both came through and they're still standing strong now I've invited into my office to meet up with the help of secret diners I've uncovered how these restaurants perform when they think I'm not around I sent top food critics Simon Davis to Momo undercover hoping they'd improved on their service problems [Music] after I left Momo I sent in my secret diners and they filmed your restaurants Undercover this is what happened I about an hour and a half or something um so let's go for the wood pigeon and the prawns and then we'll have I think a tagine so we've seen two of the waiters now are you ready to order them we've bought it already are you ready yeah we're good [Music] sometimes we get overwhelmed and we just like we help each other that's of course obviously here lack of communication yeah but if somebody's in a rush that gets set across the board to everybody doesn't it in terms of they are there I don't think it looks wildly appetizing it looks a little bit dry the wood pigeons be minced to such a degree you can't really distinguish it from any other meat in my opinion I think mincing up the word pigeon isn't is an error [Music] they didn't they didn't mince out that little piece of wood pigeon shouldn't leave bones in it no it's also bloody dangerous bone you know it's one of the things where clumsy yeah honest with you it does happen ever so often but it's just yeah care and attention could I have a little side order of chabuni yeah just a little a little bit of taboo it was almost as if he was too busy to deal with us oh no I've got some of that is but it is a bit perplexing we've had two occasions now where they've been a mistake because they're not communicating with each other excuse me I ordered some tabouli I wondered if it was kind to be to be honest with you I'm now confused about what I've told which waiter thank you so the tabood has arrived but it was a good 10 minutes and I had to ask two different waiters and it got delivered by a third fragmented Service as opposed to two waiters looking after that they've been interrupted four or five times with five different waiters it's a busy restaurant and you know you've got to nobody still control it's no excuse they haven't filled our water up since we arrived I'm just going to leave that there it's in a very prominent position we'll just see if they fill it up should I have a little more water it's over an hour since early water and now I've asked for summer it still hasn't come excuse me have some water ah the water and just because it's a Moroccan restaurant doesn't mean we have the water retention ability of a camel oh we've been waiting an hour for water I shouldn't be waiting that long for water definitely not I mean for me to watch that it's very you know um yeah disappointing he's met so many waiters and none of them noticed that the water glass they were empty but you are somewhat over staffed with bodies there when you've had the eighth and 9th the tenth waiter hit the table you feel a bit sort of Jesus you know I'm just you know on a convertible hand has been passed along to the next person as a restaurant different transport you to another place you can eat good health and eating out in restaurants it's about having fun and excitement and sharing that with your friends and this takes a lot of boxes the food's good bloody good a few areas of tightening up service needs to come together glamorous grades attentive individuals but they need to play as a team and then when the team's all singing of that hymn sheet you've got one amazing restaurant thank you it's good to get constructed criticism we go back and we sort it out that's what we get paid for sometimes honest it hurts the most but you just get back up again say more stronger it's the North African heat of my best restaurant competition and Charming family Runner Zoo from West London are going head-to-head with Central London celebrity giant Momo [Music] johnstar 14 door star six year fleece leave them alone return of a zoo to hear some difficult home truths thanks to my undercover secret diner food and recipe writer Sarah Durden Robertson has traveled in North Africa and sampled at the cuisine first hand as they will have to be on top form to impress her [Music] what I'd like to tell you is that you've actually been tested twice that's the news my undercover tea right went to your restaurant oh gosh and this is what happened hello for two Duncan please thank you maybe well maybe the sardines and the olives I think thank you hi do you know what could I swap two of those sorry it must be equipped and a half oh could I have the prawns though instead and the Burak okay if you could ask okay changes their minds that's their prerogative because they're paying right and we have to show that level of flexibility done it's what it's already done did the sardines gosh that was very quick okay well could I still do you mind if I still change so I'd like to not have the sardines okay but can I order something else as an extra order then could I just have the Burek yes rule number one never humiliate a customer yeah and already it's been made to feel vulnerable awkward and very silly yeah all because she just wanted to change her dish hello yes I'm sorry this is just a bit too spicy for me that is the in the menu it's spicy hot yes I know I know and he did say yes but I thought I'd actually just too spicy for me I'll give you another one but I charge you for this one okay that's no problem yeah wrong when Cass was arriving for the very first time yeah they make a mistake on their order yeah we have to be prepared to change you want the customers to come back right Watch What Happens Next this one a stake away maybe he can have it tomorrow or something oh that's really kind thank you yes because I've hardly touched it you're very good thank you thank you no that's incredibly quick how did he do that well you have to do it with him eating the same time so I just how to speed the process thank you thank you thank you so much this is absolutely delicious I have been to Marrakesh some of the best food I've ever had and this takes me right back so you pulled it back in a very Charming way see and look at the difference in what happened when we changed that dish yeah amazing I love this place Chris is amazing so Charming your customers are in love with you and your food okay and if you want to charge them ring me up and I'll pay for the [ __ ] dish okay I've got a good gym I trust my team I believe in my team and that did happen it won't happen again and that's it now is let's see what's coming ahead so a Momo I found my chest really tough but honestly I do admire their fighting Spirit now it's time for the final challenge as both teams cross London to come and cook in my Flagship restaurant and this is the very last chance they've got to shine [Music] test is to create one mind-blowing dish worthy of my Michelin starred restaurant I want them to really push themselves and cook like they've never done before only one restaurant can go through to the semi-finals this is what drives are made of a farmer's boy I mean that was a butcher so this is this is you know to make them proud as well I want to win I really want to win being in Ramsay's restaurant it's an honor and I'm very very happy I think I'm not going to disappoint him tonight it is very very important day [Music] welcome welcome good to see you right during this competition because both your Russians are unique the excitement behind the North African cuisine and what it can deliver in textures flavors spice is mind-blowing this is the dish of your life right because this is what's going to catapult one of you into the semi-final make sure it's you good luck I've asked them to come up with one Exquisite dish featuring lamb a star ingredient of North African cuisine one side with the zoo you've got traditional and the other side with Momo you've got this new wave a lifestyle of North African cuisine and completely opposite ends of the spectrum to help me choose who's best both teams Creations will be served to highly distinguished guests including Elsie Owusu director of the royal African society larvae ramiki head of culture and press at the Moroccan Embassy distinguished Moroccan chef and restaurateur Joseph balilti the front of house teams from both restaurants are also dining here today David is an excellent Chef I know everything's going to be delicious it's like a holiday cooking for 20. I'm usually cooking for 200. so I should technically be a walk in the park it's an enormous challenge but I think he will cope very well sugar hamis where is the hummus gonna have a trim my one big concern today with the zoo is it's been so used to cooking these little bolt hole it's a completely different set today I hope didn't get the better of him and he just stays focused but you're a little bit lost in the kitchen with all the space all you're happy with something fine it's gonna be fine excess Chris is cooking a traditional spicy lamb tagine so with couscous but he's not stopping there I also to cook a stunning lamb dish you've done that extra mile and you're making bread right the authentic semolina bread will be served with fresh hummus a unique spice mixture of tomatoes roasted Peppers chilies and coriander took over table four lamb tagine yes sir Momo four stunning lamb yes sure thank you David from Momo is preparing a delicious roast loin of lamb with aubergine Ragu barley couscous and a lamb's liver with Harissa wrapped in spinach and deep fried in tempura batter I want to do something else in North African food I want to show the next level of the next Dimension we can go lands of a tempura and you're wrapping the liver yeah some spinach deep fried hopefully it's about 50 51 seconds yeah we timed it last time twice so you really are pushing the boat out in a big way it's incredible he's pushing the boundary out with the Lamb's liver which is not everyone's cup of tea I just hope and in our time that doesn't come back to buy him on the ass give me an estimated time for fortagin five minutes max Chef if there's ever a night to work as a team this is it but as the pressure builds Chris is up to his old tricks not before me all right that's all free wait wait I check don't stop and he can't help himself he wants to do everything no no no you don't touch the plates yeah okay because these first dishes hit the pass within minutes Jesus well that was quick okay service please first table coming out Rob let's go Azu yeah four covers Table Six pass Chris yeah Chef it's dinner yeah take your time yes service please let's go Chris is cooking faster than [ __ ] Usain Bolt runs he's just totally focused refuses to talk to me and his head is steeped right in that couscous here we are thank you let's go [Music] amazing really the bread is bread is like I remember my grandmother that's happened it tastes too amazing yeah I'm very proud of him the sauce was too much sauce for me ready for my test yeah yeah Chef David's modern take on North African cuisine is a lot more sophisticated yeah it's good the five elements to his dish require delicate timing and Sushi Philip is getting ahead of himself Chef all right don't slice too soon not ready no ready Chef no ready don't go yeah I'll give you 90 seconds before I want the lap come on listen to David Phillip slow down please don't slice that lamb too early yeah when Debbie gives you the call yeah on that juice yeah in amongst that couscous not left on the board yes yeah please and you know Philip you can leave it resting here leave your fat side down like that yeah I always got to do is render and stay nice and warm see what I'm saying thank you yeah yes saw that one down Chef yeah Chef slow that one down yes at this stage in the competition David can't afford to make mistakes Philip yeah one more rubber G one's not good every dish perfect Momo need to pull together as a team give your man dressing as well please yes yes yeah like a proper teamwork good in the middle so you can work off oh Trace there you go yes [ __ ] and they've pulled it off David they look fantastic very nice of beautiful colors okay service please raise up please table two please yes [Music] fantastically ornate looking food let's see very nice it's just that musty Smoky feel it's something a bit different we kind of all agreed that liver's not a favorite thing on the list but the way it executed it it's excellent it smells in your mouth the flavors aren't quite as complex it's a bit dry it is yes the last of Chris is exquisite tagines are flying out of the kitchen like here's just one table to serve here we are smells amazing next yeah breathe take some fresh air that's happened yeah lovely well done well done service is over and it's time to find out what my distinguished guests think about these two extraordinary dishes starting with a zoo right how was your lamb shank the lamb shank was my favorite it's really soon as I experienced that sauce I knew that was it yes authentic and delicious I just enjoyed it for what it was very simple perfectly Blended I dipped the bread in first mouthful oh I like them both but I thought the the mermaid dish was fresh it was beautifully presented it was just all together delightful I prefer the Azu dish you could just imagine yourself being in the old Sook definitely I prefer them in Momos dish because the meat was very well cooked I'm used to Moroccan Cuisine because I'm Moroccan myself so it is really a sort of a nouvelle Cuisine the temporal liver I was not expecting it to be quite as mouthful sort of melt on the tongue as it was it was really really delicious I love the Azu dish I adored the flavors they were so powerful I wanted more [Music] Medina's comments confirmed the Brilliance of the food served here by both the zoo and Momo I think the dish went extremely open I've tasted it I'm very happy with it I'm happy well you know there's always room for improvements but what made me proud is we've come together I'm really proud thank you Chef both these teams of amazing chefs have approached North African cuisine in very different ways let's see if the traditional is gonna beat the modern that's not the traditional dispatch now I have an incredibly difficult decision to make because only one restaurant can go through to the semi-finals [Music] my two top North African contenders Momo and a zoo both from London have thrown everything at the final challenge they are both outstanding restaurants but over the course of my three tests they've both made mistakes I'm about to tell one of them they've cooked in this competition for the last time to help me make my choice I need to taste both dishes starting with David's from Momo it looks modern 21st century and stunning very pretty almost too pretty for North African cuisine Lamb's delicious I mean really delicious delicate cooked beautifully liver difficult one to get right not only that but it's tempered and you don't think of sort of fried liver with North African cuisine however the combination of and The Barley couscous works brilliantly well I've got an issue with the liver however the lamb is cooked perfectly and it's a loin of lamb so it's it's been shown respect authentic classic untouched meat falling off the bone [Music] that's delicious I mean really delicious lamb is just melting your mouth it needs to be a little bit more trimmed excess fat removed however sauce is incredible you can see there's 30 years experience into that because it's just packed full of flavor this is such an amazing contrast and Momo's interpretation is modern fresh fragrant delivers a big punch uncertain about the liver everything else it is delicious azuz is Rich authentic and just steeped with passion like him and right now it's I'm stuck do I go forward with the modernization of North African cuisine or do I stay in the history of something classically done too tight to cool [Music] two fantastic North African restaurants [Music] but only one can win a place in the semi-final right what I saw today was two completely different dishes but done with pride history and innovation Azu you stuck to your roots I think you're back in Algeria yes sure and you're back with your mother and your your grandma and you were you were there yeah sure I could identify the authenticity the classic style and the richness of that beautiful David it's very rare to find a British Chef cooking out of his comfort zone but tonight you came and you you moved the goal posts you modernized North African cuisine and it was done with flair which I didn't expect you to do however this round is not one on a single dish just think of the journey so far in this competition go back to the coachload of diners turning up all at the same time the pressure of serving all those guests in under two hours was a nightmare then all of a sudden you can let your hair down and let's get back to cooking and then you've been secretly filmed both restaurants came through that test and they both had their highs and they both had their lows listening to the diners tasting both dishes based on everything we've done in this competition the restaurant going through to the semi-finals thank you congratulations to [Music] David don't stop that level of pushed into the extreme well done thank you well done I'm good at the moment um I've got a lot of fight left in me give me them a chance congratulations yeah very very proud so pleased because he you know it means such a lot I'm sorry to see Momo go David is a brave and passionate Chef who's pushing the boundaries of North African cuisine but a zoo are a truly fabulous restaurant and I can't wait to go back there that's why they've gone through right now this competition is only going to get tougher and I hope they don't let me down my Nationwide Russian competition is entering the home straight so Tonight is the last Heat so far I found my best Italian restaurant Casimir from Bristol my top Indian prashard from Bradford my favorite Chinese you and you in Blackburn for Thai Nam Jim from Saint Andrews for British the milestone in Sheffield flying the flag for French winchingen field from Lincolnshire and my best North African restaurant Azu from West London first is do or die with the last place in my semi-finals up for grabs from your favorite Spanish restaurants [Music] over the last couple of years there's been a real growth in Spanish cooking in the UK there's so much more to it than just paella foreign s are hugely proud of the culinary Heritage but also great innovators the best Spanish restaurants combine tradition and modern techniques to keep you coming back for more [Music] I've hand-picked two amazing Spanish restaurants from hundreds of nominations to battle it out [Music] from the heart of the capital it's Fino the established pioneer of modern Tapas in the UK with the business plan this restaurant in London [Music] El Paratha de Tapas in Notting Hill flying the flag for a whole new generation of Spanish cuisine we always call that extra mile not just me everybody I'm going to push both the Spanish contenders to the very age with three incredible challenges Christian's worst nightmare 30 ravenous customers will arrive in order all at the same time [Music] stop number one is Fino a sleek and stylish Tapas restaurant in central London open seven years ago it's owned by two brothers Sam and Eddie now the heart boys have really helped change and transform our perception on Spanish cooking they have the most amazing female head chef downstairs who runs her kitchen with such military position my diners tonight are in for one hell of a treat female female not all the boss is a female yeah yeah that's enough right yeah that's enough and the rest of them are terrified I can imagine they don't put a finger out of place yeah really surprise surprise Brother Sam and Eddie have restaurants in their blood raise around their parents Mission starred restaurant and hotel we grew up from a pretty tender age in restaurants the whole time literally from the moment we could hold a knife or pour wine at drinks parties and hand round the olives in just seven years the brothers have built their own Empire of high-end London restaurants renowned for their vibrant atmosphere and fantastic service fina's got an amazing energy consider about 90 people at once and they're all having three to four Tapas each you know it's something like 700 dishes coming out of the kitchen so there's a great Buzz to the rooms tough and talented head chef Nieves has been cooking Exquisite classic Tapas afino since it opened many of the dishes inspired by her Basque roots for me the most important thing is [Music] no more than three ingredients that's what I like in the plate as Perfection we're actually called a traditional Spanish restaurant you know we're not trying to break the mold what we like to do is just Source the best ingredients we can and cut them simply so the secret is just to let that duck egg yolk ooze it's delicious I mean who would have thought that peas and broad beans could be so exciting that's one portion well I suppose it's one Papas portion that's shared isn't it oh yeah I wouldn't share that with anybody no this woman is truly gifted could her incredible passion take Fino all the way in this competition [Music] my dad is gonna be arriving just under five minutes from now never I can feel that adrenaline yeah from here I can see it pulsating through those veins you can probably do this standing on your head alone with no one in the kitchen however yeah just just do what you do best and good luck they're going to need it because in just a few minutes we've got company my 30 Discerning diners will arrive in order on mass so far every restaurant in the competition has struggled with this Challenge and I fear even a slick operation like Fino is going to fill the Heat foreign [Music] like a caged tiger we'd love to talk you through the menu and explain what we're good on this evening actually we've heard it's fantastic um in the dining room purveyors of charm salmonetti are already breaking the ice you've got a poached duck egg with fresh peas broad beans ham on and some fresh mint a coconut flours are stuffed with goat's cheese with a little bit of thyme and shallots and then dipped some tempura and deep fried the brothers are clearly just as passionate about tonight's menu as their head chef okay I need chewing total never as best roots are coming through loud and clear in the simple but Exquisite seasonal Delicacies of a quality rarely found outside Spain this is really nice wow they look good yeah presentation this is delicious absolutely fantastic one of the best dishes I've actually ever had just over 45 minutes gone and this place is absolutely rocking customers loving the food great atmosphere in there but right over there on that hot plate that's where the real Spanish fire is because she is over everything every place is immaculate okay guys I need yeah right now okay yes one now Bears is seasoning every dish tasting every sauce okay it's very funny very tiny very tiny like a true artist she has complete Command over every plate this woman is a culinary Picasso okay start to play the potatoes yes [Music] [Music] for the cooking [Music] everything like this no one's allowed to touch anything about her just passed everything to her and she does everything yes yes okay one last question addition please yes she's a control freak she's worse than me every night she's like this yeah yeah she's really fascinated [Applause] I can't fault never as his dedication but I can see a problem she's sending out dishes as soon as they're ready rather than ensuring everyone on the table is fed together [Music] we wanted them both to arrive at the same time so we could get and stuck in because it seem to be arriving at present where's the squid have we asked kitchen uh no because it is Eddie's on it but I've clocked another lady waiting for her turbot it was that last uh main course level five eight years oh yeah this sort of issue could ruin a whole table's dining experience and Sam knows it of course on Table 9 coming my friend's food getting cold while I was waiting for mine so yeah a little bit missed no one don't make me choose is determined not to let a little slip up like this ruin her service within minutes two hot dishes are winging their way out to the dining room [Music] 21 and just to make sure there's no hard feelings Sam is on the charm offensive let me show you how you feel at the table do you know your way around more or less I'm very happy to do it some people like to fiddle around and do it themselves others prefer it finishes thank you it's meaty but it's a very light flavor there's a lot of vinegar and olive oil that they put with it as they do in Spain and it doesn't overpower the fish it's really really lovely yeah yes almost gone yes yes and in the French I want to see one two three four five six seven eight terrible okay as well as the delicious turbot for the main course nerves is serving a specialty roast suckling pig mouth-wateringly sweet and tender it smells [ __ ] amazing it's another Spanish show stopper the cycling Pig's fantastic full of flavor really well cooked the simple potatoes that it comes on a really exquisite the whole thing just melts in your mouth and more important it's got a really nice fragrance sort of well-timed bay leaf and rosemary this could well be the best food I've seen so far in this competition the longer I'm here the more excited I'm getting how many more make calls have you got to go that's it that's it yeah all gone [Music] but with a combination of delicious desserts and salmonelli's unfaltering charm the dining room is still buzzing mother grew up in Majorca but but she's actually half Scottish half Bulgarian so we sort of look Spanish but aren't at all fish was beautifully cooked I had a turbot I couldn't fault it it was beautiful food was fantastic today absolutely brilliant delivered on flavor and I'm very very impressed thank you very much goodbye thank you very much right um okay what can I pick on what can I say that we have to improve on here there was a moment in service tonight service gets awkward and that was just after the starter had gone that's the only Awkward Moment I Saw the food's amazing you can smile now yeah no no no you don't do it often but you can now yes the service Tonight YouTube Just raise the bar good job in my quest to find the best restaurant in Britain my Posse of hungry diners are riding into town about to roll up at the second Spanish Contender fighting for the last place in the semi-final the pioneering alparata de Tapas or the pirate in London's hypnotting Hill is managed by Roberto and the kitchen run by Madrid boy Omar it's only been over two years already it's got rave reviews this young Spanish does have talent hola how are you very well good to see you very indeed thank you I'm so happy to be here small restaurants small kitchen big fashion big passion show that on every plate of course HF Omar has a hugely impressive CV having worked for the celebrated molecular gastronome Baron adren of el Boule in Spain voted one of the best restaurants in the world it was a tremendous experience for me that has influenced the rest of my cooking and the rest of my career this young Pretender has an Ultra Modern approach to Tapas and uses molecular cooking techniques to take Spanish cuisine into the 21st century with huge Style I like beautiful things in life as we all do so I think it is great when you are sitting down in your table and something beautiful comes into it even though you don't expect it Omar's experimental methods can turn a traditional dish on its head like his jellied gazpacho it's very clever because you've got this nice chilled jelly tasted exactly the same but a completely different texture yeah in his mission to stand out Omar bravely Embraces daring ingredients like his concrete Cox comb the crest that comes from the head of the Cockerel which most British butchers throw away they actually give it to us for free really all the time because no one's ordering them no I don't think there's many chefs anywhere in the country that has three ingredients that can be clever enough to charge money for it smart ass competition has just gone up a notch on the back of the Antonio Banderas are cooking little bastard far too good looking to be a chef his passion guts and a huge pair of kahalas service Omar will need balls of steel tonight two hours to serve all 30 of my Discerning diners take his claim to be the most avant-garde Spanish Chef in Britain we're here 30 of them those dishes you cooked me earlier were like little sort of miniature works of art so make sure my thought is have the exact same experience good luck let's do it [Music] we will put all our effort all our knowledge all our commitment to make this happen I really want to win this Omar's definitely not playing it safe with a picture of a capaccio and his coxcomb longest team miloso a type of Spanish risotto I've got this image of this chicken's head basically costs come is just the top of the of the cloth they're really 10 like really amazing with some able guidance from manager Roberto the overtly avant-garde menu is creating quite a stir [Music] no way not for me I'm gonna give it a try Okay first checks with all 30 orders taken can this young Buccaneer seize this enormous Challenge and Lead his crew to a resounding success two omegas another picture [Music] this is complex food and a lot could go wrong but so far Omar's as cool as a cucumber in his gazpacho this place are Immaculate I mean we've just started service and we're only a half hour into it but composed yeah bloody good for the food looking absolutely spotless but will his unorthodox dishes be too experimental for my Diner's taste the Carpaccio Pig strotter yeah it's amazing the texture takes a bit of getting used to see but the flavors are incredible I never thought I'd say I'd eat a pig's children customers along with food and it's not exactly what they expected listen to the atmosphere yeah anyone think there's music play in the background the music other customers they're happy [Music] even the Costco miloso is going down well but each dish must be made to order and he's putting pressure on the kitchen the rice is popular tonight though yeah it's selling quite a lot and the coxcom I think challenge sometimes so well it's a rare ingredient the very rarely see kitchen sends out the last Cox cone miloso that's edible right it is really chuckling really tasty and really nice here it's off road that's nicer than I ever imagined it to be yeah it's fantastic cool but Roberto fails to notice the happy Diner's neighbor has yet to be fed I think there's just been a small mixer my main course hasn't arrived yet customer's happy very happy yeah how many tables you got left to go uh desserts no more hot food no more food really [Music] finally Roberto spots the problem oh [ __ ] there's no way Omar can get this out quickly [Music] a bit of butter everyone's already finished theirs sorry Mom what happened I did a mistake because of the Russian everything came out once but yeah the most important thing is to do the food correctly even though they need to wait a couple of minutes extra it's fine it's not until desserts start to leave the kitchen that the delayed miloso is sent was it worth the wait absolutely worth the wait but just to show me it took um or you guys will finish yours but I surely let it down he does the food's fantastic El parata is near faultless performance has been down to Omar's sheer skill and passion he's pulled off the remarkable making humble and unappealing ingredients taste like a million dollars it's detailed it's a piece of art on the plate it looks beautiful it tastes beautiful things that I never would have thought of eating but actually worked really really well [Music] tough challenge my diners are over the moon well done thank you wait for the final yes yeah what are you there are you we are yeah I love that confidence it's always like you've won the World Cup good job thank you excellent foreign [Music] thrived in my coach trip they performed quite brilliantly now I've invited them both to come and see me to review their performances at least that's what I've told them what neither team realizes is that they've already faced my second very revealing test I asked my secret diners to visit their restaurants I've seen exactly what each restaurant is like when they're not in the spotlight first I deployed Sarah Durden Robertson a top food consultant armed with secret recording equipment she never shirks in a mission to be a tricky customer could I swap two of those could I have the prawns instead and the Burak organize the established heavyweight Fino hi guys that was a big test but unknown to yourselves after I visited I sent in a secret Diner this is what they saw you ready your heart is beating hello hello I've touched something I don't know what it is my hands covered in oil oh no that's okay I don't know where it's come from oh it's the side of the table don't worry it's just all here it's got all oil on it so I can see it's not brilliant my first experience in the restaurant they tidied it up very quickly but as she was doing it I noticed that my glass isn't clean either so I'm also sending that back that's not very good I guess it looks pretty oh yes thank you actually I know I've started badly but she could not have handled it better thank you very much bad start dirty table not a good sad dealt with amazingly bang just like that if we were to have Sherry we were saying a manzania or a female or a montiato what's the difference with the between there is not much difference at the Village they are very close so all of them they have this would it be possible maybe to try a little bit like this one yes please I'm one of the monkeys yes I've been to her breath which is the Cherry capital of Spain going through all the classes all the tastings but she actually managed to explain it very well in about three sentences kind of thing why did I just come here and speak to her I would put a Sherry master class in seconds so nice to get that level of excitement an amazing insight and very knowledgeable nice touch he wasn't slapped out and slapped on the table looked at himself in the mirror didn't look at the table oh wow okay okay don't worry I think yeah I don't think we all do that thank you this guy trying to give my razor clams to the wrong table he doesn't have a clue but I wasn't happy I'm out here at all my God and it's not even my restaurant but it pains me of course we don't want that to happen definitely not anyone who comes into contact with with the customers needs to know what they know what they're talking about engaged next Sarah's going to play one of the dirtiest tricks in the secret Diner's book [Music] never own hairs in the food I was so so so there's a hair in this salad I just wondered if I could swap it thank you no that's okay thank you really well the waitress I've taken it away she showed it to the manager who had a good look at it they looked at each other at Falls and she's taking it straight back to the kitchen so I don't know anyway thank you very much thank you apologetic bang straight away customer at ease dealt with brilliantly [Applause] everything else what'd you make of that Anna who's looking after them did a great job but I think sort of seeing the junior guy not up to speed is something that we can do something about and you know something that we we ought to improve on definitely tough test we're only human and when you make mistakes clearly that's how you handle them you know we've got a couple of things to you know to take away and work on of course we're disappointed it wasn't 100 perfect but I think most of the team really do know what they're doing and and you know it's a reasonably easy job for us to make sure that they all do you know it's a good challenge for us over the next few weeks our next challenge is going to be tough we must send everything perfect so I want to win nowadays and I will love to win and I hope we win next my undercover spy gets the cold shoulder from El parata that's Facebook on the computer check it out his mates and still my secret diners without the wine [Music] renowned Spanish restaurant Fino okay it's locking horns with young Pretenders El Paratha de tapas they're fighting for the last remaining place in my semi-finals parata's 26 year old head chef Omar sous chef Adrian and front of house manager Ricardo I put in a hugely impressive performance in my first test but they're about to find out I've been spying on them hi guys hi um thank you so much for coming I have something to tell you you've been tested twice because after I left I then sent in my secret diners to make sure it wasn't a freak night [Laughter] and this is what happened El Toronto here we go professional snooper Simon Davis Macy's living spotting faults with restaurants food and service I told him not to hold back when he visited El parata [Music] it's lovely actually like the cheese that Bobby on cheese is really it's in your mouth and then just keeps going just keeps keeps delivering now this will be a real Telltale sign this is an octopus with Paprika on and then capers that's one of the best dishes I've had for some time actually they know what they're doing loves the food some of the most exciting food he's ever eaten but what about the service the waiters put the food down about 11 minutes ago he hasn't come back at all not once to either see how we're getting on engage Us in conversation it tells me he doesn't really care but he's just walked by again didn't say anything to us I'm not feeling hugely welcome here at a customer at the moment that may very well be because he doesn't like the cut of my gym but I've been looking around the other tables and no one's really getting particularly good service good food is nothing without great service they go hand in glove we got here I think that's making that hard well that's interesting isn't it because they're not olives they're raisins there's no peppers and there's no capers it's a trace description this year so he says it says it's with capers and olives but I see a small amount of sultanas as you've changed the dish yeah but it's the old dish on here I'm allergic to those I can't eat sultanas you want me to take away the plate no I can't it's been on if it's been on the plate I can't I can't have it yeah we were keen on that one I can't just offer to take this or Thomas off and bring back the plate also very in mind that now we've been chatting and looking at it and stuff it's cold now Cod on the menu so the Capers and peppers arrives with raisins what happened there fore no I'm dead in the menu not changing the menu I mean how uninterested was that waiter he's like a zombie yeah I feel quite ashamed when I've seen this sort of attitude in the service guys I got a cool hip amazing restaurant there you're sat on something potentially brilliant and if someone wants to turn up to work and talk like that to customers getting washing [ __ ] dishes I'll give you a glass of glass of red wine which would you advise no I'm gonna have this one the Remy yep thank you just a glass so where's my where's my glass of red wine that's Facebook on the computer check it out his mates and still my secret diners without the wine excuse me um I ordered a glass of red wine yeah so I hope I didn't interrupt you no okay foreign [Music] what kind of impression does that serve to customers when a waiter is sat there on a computer I think at just over 40 went ahead for the quality of the food and the ability of the chef it's good value where it's suddenly stops being good value is when you have service like the service that we've seen today it's such a shame to see fantastic food let down by extremely poor service all their hard work especially these guys put it in the kitchen can't just down the train I bad attitude and just horrified every right to feel let down but it's not over and done with it's still very strong in this competition and you need to bounce back a lot to do there was no problem with the food it was a problem with the service so I I feel personally responsible for that so yeah I just feel you know that we fail disappointed so we need to work together as a team and we will make sure this doesn't happen ever again foreign s have been tested to their limits but things are only going to get tougher I'm taking the chefs out of their kitchens and pissing them against each other in my Flagship restaurant I've challenged each Chef to create one amazing dish for 20 guests really really excited one of the biggest day for me in my career if we go forward now it's going to be just a dream you know come true [Music] really means a lot for a chef to be here I hope I can deliver on quality as this restaurant they serve to win them the last remaining place in the semi-finals it will have to be the finest dish of their lives big tests 20 guests only one stunning dish make sure that every ounce of passion excitement knowledge and experience goes into that plate and at the end of it one restaurant is going through the semi-final one is leaving the competition off you go both restaurants begin all out to win with a classic Spanish ingredient pork favored for his amazing versatility Forks are very tough for me to get right and when it's overcooked nothing worse dry outside a dining room full of VIPs all with a passion for Spanish food will help me judge both dishes tonight including renowned Spanish familiar Bruno marsiano and the Spanish Ambassador Don carlis Casa Juana epaulette all the front of house teams can do is wait and Hope four Pig cheeks yeah sure thank you [Music] after my secret Diner's bombshell Omar is putting everything on the line tonight with an incredibly complex dish he's mixing the refined with The Rustic a rich Pig Trotter foie gras and Ham on Wellington so with a sweet fake puree will sit alongside some of the cheapest cuts of the pig slow braised tongue and cheeks they are the ugly cats of the pork you need to be very skillful to make the best out of them but uh yeah very confident that taste all the food I'm very happy with the flavors the combination of them all together so hopefully they will like it things so you really are going all out there there's a lot going on there a lot of going on the combination I think it's just fantastic in the mouth seriously ambitious I mean there's like three dishes on that one plate he's obsessed with being so quirky I just hope the sort of balance of that dish comes together and it's not too weighted I know the four covers table five Fino four four cups yes yes come on guys please at least give me an answer look it's not it's not complicated okay now in her own kitchen Nevis is a control freak shouting orders left right and center but today she's like a different person I want to hear that communication and a little bit of oomph please I hope a silence doesn't mean she's lost her nerves one Fino four pork cutlets yes yeah good now it's sounding like a professional kitchen let's go yeah today never is sticking to a basque route creating a simple dish packed with authentic flavors pork cutlets marinated in sweet paprika accompanied by a silky smooth cauliflower puree and broad beans cooked with Hamel same painting strengths you're keeping it exactly what you look like in Fino that's what I do four simple things on the plate but tasting amazing together yeah good I hope that I got the right one thank you thank you we've been home I'm expecting magic she's kept it simple it has to be perfect every element on there four cutlets away how long give me a time I'm ready good no yes that looks fantastic love the colors huh vibrant shouting summer okay look again beautiful absolutely fantastic you happy with those table two please go give me go guys yeah food's looking amazing they're just so focused on getting their dishes absolutely spot on so focused I mean that's the most focused I've seen any chef in this competition nerves is lavishing her complete attention on each dish letting the ingredients speak for themselves yes two pork away last table please yes fantastic go olive oil happy yes yes very nice well done good job [Music] but will my diners be wowed or underwhelmed by the Simplicity of her dish little colors yeah nice combination how long for the first table please three minutes three minutes great Omar and Adriana are attempting to elevate the cheapest cuts of pork up to my Michelin standards can they really make a silk purse out of a sales ear when we come to Hot Plate come together so we've got a bit of you know teamwork going on there yeah I don't want that food hanging around here too long when it's cooked like that I want it out yes to make sure all five elements reach the table piping hot and beautifully succulent they must pull together our second time to come and help him so he did four plates that's obviously work as a team I want to get involved yeah okay just about perfection that's all come on you gotta wipe all these little plates I've got the ambassador of Spain out there guys I want everything done and that's the tongue there yesterday you managed to impress my diners with these challenging ingredients once but can Omar pull it off again go please number one service please [Music] I'm sure you have never tried the tongue before quite surprised really really nice service is over okay good well done water before I taste both dishes I'm Keen to find out what my guests thought of them starting with alperata let's talk pork the Wellington yeah extraordinary both are very good but El pirate is being more creative in texture in flavor I've never had pizza before it's actually delicious I love pink slotters but I thought the sort of little wrap could have done with a bit more pink structure and a bit less pastry but you know delicious you know picking up straws will El parata be so generous about Fino's dish good evening nice to see you talk to me about the pork chop yeah it was great I really enjoyed the combination of flavors was great I've seen it was just understanding this and it was really really good the alphina dish was a very simple dish done very very well beautiful I prefer the final dish I think it's more simple but at the end it was better for me the other one it was too much [Music] tonight I've witnessed some of the most outstanding food in the competition from two remarkable chefs we've tried our best we've put a lot of passion and knowledge into our preparation and service went smooth so I'm very happy very pleased I'm happy with this I would love to win yeah now I have the impossible task of choosing which of these two will go through to my semi-finals my two Spanish contenders Fino and El Paratha de Tapas have both attained near Perfection at my Flagship restaurant tonight my diners were blown away by some of the best foods seen in the competition [Music] now I face a truly difficult decision which of these Spanish restaurants do I believe represents the future of Spanish cooking before I choose I need to taste the food cooked here tonight I mean really vibrant and just ooze perfection s marinated pork chop four things on the plate delicious I mean really good got that nice spicy authentic Spanish taste for a pork chop it's fabulous Comfort puree a little bit grainy but the combination of the resting juices and that chicken stock across the ball Beans really delicious to get four ingredients on a plate tasting that amazing that's a very confident clever cook looks amazing start off with a pork cheek and the tongue that is phenomenal just melts in your mouth one criticism the Fig puree very very sweet a little bit too much the Wellington it's got that robust rustic flavor to the dish delicious it's the cheapest cuts and they've made it taste like the most expensive [Music] two incredible Spanish restaurants but only one can go through to the semi-final okay first off well done an amazing job from both restaurants I invite you here today to really create something that is off the charts now there's you play to your strengths four things on the plate very bold the pork was stunning cooked beautifully Hamill broad beans it was delicious what could I criticize there you make a cauliflower puree found it a slight touch too grainy [Music] Oma I asked for fireworks you create an explosion I ask you to use pork and the only thing you didn't use were the toenails of the Trotter pork cheek beautifully braised tongue Brave and then you do a Wellington Pig's Trotter wrapped in pastry I've never seen that could have criticized that dish the pure is very sweet you put sweet and Rich together it needs acidity just something to bang to lift and separate that I put the two dishes together and looked at them where'd you start there was a fraction in it it's been an amazing journey and it's been packed with highs and lows the winner of the Spanish category for me is the restaurant that I want to revisit is it for the fireworks from apparata or is it the warmth and the skill from Fino the closest thought contest the restaurant going through to the semi-final based on everything I've experienced seeing tasted is Fina congratulations absolutely amazing amazing amazing amazing simplicity at its best wonderful congratulations really well done good job [Music] Omar we haven't seen the last of Youth you have the most amazing excitement with your level of creativity well done thank you it's a shame you know a good restaurant needs to be consistently good and we have antenna away but uh yeah we will get it right [Music] it's a great thing for for the team for the restaurant for me especially for me is kind of can't even as fake is is unbelievable what an extraordinary day so sorry to see Alberta leave the competition but so happy for Fino to get semi-finals and now a real battle begins being with a Chance of becoming my best restaurant all my semi-finalists will need to be faultless you've got to take criticism seriously I want to know if they've corrected the problems I identified earlier in the competition it needed more seasoning to help me find out I've sent back in my team of secret diners two of these restaurants will be leaving the competition immediately foreign [Music] Casimir from Bristol Brothers John Ray and Peter are young and ambitious and produce delicious food but earlier in the competition I discovered that some of the avant-garde dishes were confusing diners as the fish meant to be cooked like this it's a bit of a strange consistency it is I sent in a new secret diner food expert Rob Allison to find out if the boys arraigned in their wild experimentation you guys definitely understand flavors every time these boys create a dish there's a huge Jeopardy olives with star anise doesn't sound like a perfect combination but yet again they've pulled it off next roast Lambs sous-vide with kidneys and pine nuts it's delicious the best hand in the kidney it will work something else but what about the addition of vacuum packed cucumber to the dish I'm not too sure foreign damn just when you think you're taking off it crash lands up with being The Cutting Edge on the edge of all the innovations that go on and food that they've actually forgotten that what they're serving is to be enjoyed and it's not to be dissected it's a biological experiment much the food at Casimir is magical but some of the dishes are still misfiring it sounds really negative and it sounds like yeah we could be possibly going home that's the way it looks next to face the video evidence is Chinese winner you and you from Blackburn in Lancashire father Charlie and his son head chef Victor were Overjoyed to win their heat you and you oh but I had concerns they were heavily over staffed we're having a beauty pageant in here look all these waitresses in here Blackburn's Next Top Model it's an issue that needs to be addressed it's not really that busy I think the problem is when you get a lot of stuff and the restaurant's not very busy it's more interesting kind of standing on the gossip and actually looking after the customers with your new that was my one big concern what's the point on all those staff when they're not looking after customers I don't know someone is responsible for Chopsticks and somebody is responsible for clearing generally get one and there's one wait one week it's our waiter it's not the way to have a warm service you don't make customers feel relaxed every time something hits the table it's a new waitress I'm looking for the best restaurant on a daily basis with the best food and the best service and I want to see restaurants get better despite the setback I'm pleased to see you and you are still serving up wonderful food nice nice crunchy apple I've got the Apple be a little bit softer but it's nice and crunchy and the Butter's actually really light nice ridiculous [Music] guys that's a real strong element with you and you they are constantly pushing the boundaries out and they're trying to reinvent Chinese cuisine but with a 21st century approach nice namjim was my Champion Thai from Saint Andrews in Scotland it's a great restaurant but my undercover cameras discovered really surprising problems with service what that ranks as about the most aggressive service I've ever seen in my life when my new secret Diner get better treatment you know yes we can do it yeah great flexibility from the dining room staff um she didn't want the chicken the beef Curry she wanted prawns and so they did it it wasn't even on the menu the service is Miles better what about the food when I went there I discovered that some of the dishes were slow in leaving the kitchen that's not hot the sauce isn't hot and the um the rice isn't very warm eyes it should be really hot when it goes to the table food not piping hot it was also the concern if food hangs on the hot plate it shouldn't sit there as it sits there the goodness is disappearing but more importantly the food's getting cold Spanish Fino is the final restaurant to stay elimination in the face they barely put a foot wrong in their heat head chef Neves produces authentic Spanish food that has impressed everyone Simon Davis is there to see if they've kept their standards up yeah incredible my secret Diner is blown away but listen to the atmosphere in the background you know it's buzzing and uh you can't buy the atmosphere really good start but in his main course my secret Diner detects signs of over seasoning foreign ER slightly clumsy on the seasoning what a shame I told all four restaurants to expect my core they know that I'm looking for Perfection but only two will survive this stage it's the moment of truth I am nervous whether we've done enough I can't I can't answer that let's hope so my fp2 Sam please how are you I'm very well thank you how are you yeah not bad thanks not bad hi yeah is that Victor it is yes nervous seasoning I'm deeply concerned about all those staff I want to see restaurants get better lime across this competition and you and you it's not going to the next stage of this competition all right sorry we didn't get through sorry I do our best [Music] stuff in this really my area and I think we lost lost it to go through to the next round because of that it's all right just I think like you probably do sorry Hollywood standard Victoria you want to do your best now yeah Sam I'm sorry unfortunately I have to eliminate two restaurants from this competition [Music] because you're through to the next stage of this competition congratulations [Applause] [Music] that's good I'm my legs is shaking now it's always good so it's a good sign it's a good sign One Restaurant is out and one has survived my sudden death elimination now I have to make one more very tough call just very nervous I think you won't be right mine if you wasn't actually nervous about this situation to go out at this stage would be very upsetting it's the first semi-final of my Nationwide restaurant competition Spanish heat winners Fino have survived my secret dining elimination now it's down to my best Thai Nam Jim and my top Italian Casimir one of them is about to be knocked out hi is yes it is hello Gordon unfortunately I have to limit the limit of this competition [Music] I fell in love with now I'm Jim from the first minute I walked in there thank you whatever happens after this phone call you Phenom Jim it's been an amazing journey today is where it comes to an end [Music] all right okay thanks darling Oh Jesus look listen I'm very very proud of everyone yeah they're Denver so yeah competition is getting harder and Casimir congratulations [Music] the more it sinks in yeah we feel fantastic and uh yeah it's just brilliant it's a feel appreciated and given a chance to keep going so two brilliant restaurants remain in the first semi-final and I'm gonna pitch them both in a head-to-head battle first I have a surprise in store I'm about to drop in unexpectedly for a meal on avant-garde family-run Italian restaurant Casimir from Bristol and modern Spanish tapas restaurant Fino from London to help me decide who will make it to the final I've enlisted two trusted lieutenants for a second opinion on strengths and weaknesses of these two restaurants together Angela Hartnett one of the most successful British sheriffs of the last 15 years so Simon Davis one of my secret diners an expert in putting restaurants through their Paces they know the restaurant business inside out I trust their opinions implicitly tune your classic [Music] the first time I visited Casimir I found their cooking to be new and exciting but I discovered young chefs John Ray and Peter sometimes push things too far and their experimental dishes can be hit and miss if you're trying to be avant-garde you've got to go with your customers you've got to take every customer forward their parents Susan and Paco sang their life savings into the restaurant but it's their sons who caught all the shots and cook exactly what they want whether the customer likes it or not I want to find out what Angela and Simon think so we've caught them on the Hop how are you very well welcome to casino hi guys how are we how are you doing how are you both did you Andrew Harmon Simon days right look forward to seeing you after thank you Casimir are fully booked expectations are high for top-notch food and service it was still for you wasn't it yes please thank you thank you thank you very nervous I've already made a few mistakes but which I don't normally do but I think that's just nervous so I know casamil will be trying to impress me but in a great restaurant everyone should get special treatments so I've asked my personal assistant and her partner to dine here as well anonymously I'll find out what they think later disable in this restaurant diners literally get what they're given casimir's avant-garde nine course tasting menu [Music] for our fish course we're having salmon cooked sous-vide in a water bath with cauliflower puree and a lemon Emulsion that's picturesque that is Ravishing actually beautifully presented plate of food delicious it's really good they have a great finesse next what the menu refers to as a traditional risotto but true to form the boys have given it their unique twist using barley instead of rice and it's topped with cold yogurt not parmesan I mean traditional is the wrong word you can't call that a traditional risotto the cold and the hot sensation I found it just could chill the whole dish down for me it's very sweet again thank you my love thank you you can't win everything you know and that's it um it's a tasting menu there's certain dishes that people won't like um hopefully they like all of them and you know and some more than others but uh that's it really next course is lamb yet another dish cooked in a water bath you'll have a spa it'll have a spa bath [Music] huge fan of the sous vide method but the real skill is understanding which dishes it suits you guys will correct me if I'm wrong that's where sous-vide cooking falls down doesn't do it just because that Bloody well doesn't taste very much because it's being essential it's like a boiled lamb stew as opposed to you know a cannon that warrants that sort of nutty buttery slightly gamey flavor yeah damn what a shame finally it's time for dessert an unusual take on a traditional Italian pudding that starts with an introduction from the boys our earliest memory of good Italian cooking was the dessert Tiramisu given to us by our father in takeaway Carlton but you know what the best bit here it says Sometimes the best really is that simple Wow Let's see the way people make bathrooms there's too much alcohol it's too sweet you've got to take that espresso that is actually good very good no it's good we've tasted some outstanding Cuisine but some dishes have fallen short technically um they're in A League of Their Own yeah Stella really stellar and you know really the top of that tree but they need to cook for the punter yeah the moment they're cooking for themselves they're cooking for their parents and they're cooking for their hero chefs it's always difficult with a family restaurant but here more than anywhere else Chef's John Ray and Peter need a strong guiding hand and their parents aren't providing it I don't think they're giving the feedback you can't as a parent you can't be that brutal you know you can't be a manager and slap it down so no one likes this time to call the family together for a debrief here's what we saw highs and lows technically brilliant without Shadow of Doubt but you need to Reign it in you need to rein it in and understand it from a customer's point of view not your ambition because when the customers are happy you're happy you're in business customers are the power today and for me the secret behind any good experience is how everybody else feels in that dining room and there's a second surprise tonight because there's someone in that dining room that means a lot to me because she organizes my life Jennifer please darling and Michael how was it overall it was an absolutely fantastic experience we all made to feel very special and we really enjoyed our evening and we thought the chefs were ingenious and talented and I think at the end the tiramisu wonderful 10 out of 10. really really cute lovely thank you my look of a Diner's enjoyed their meal but I'm still concerned over Susan and Paco have they got it in them to run this restaurant with a firm hand I love my mum and Dad's a bit so I've said that before but you know me and Peter there's no question about it we're ambitious as hell we want to be in the same league as golden Ramsey and Angela Harlot one day we I like to think we're all messed up but this makes me more determined to win this competition Will Never After as an overall experience going out for dinner yeah it was it was it was good but it can be great slow down and rain in a bit and if they can control their ambition and focus on their customers they'll surprise themselves next it's time to surprise Fino well we can't afford a deal all three of us is give them an easy ride turn the place upside down and really put them under pressure yeah so far this hugely successful Spanish tapas restaurant has powered through this competition as we turn up unannounced I hope they haven't let their high standards slip how are you are you well good to see you like most lunchtime diners we want to be in and out in just one hour patchef never as an owner salmonetti will have to produce a perfect meal with speed and Efficiency Services fully book yes I think today we're here for a lunch and we want to be treated like a normal customer as you would do which makes the best thing for us is to Eddie and I to leave you in the hands with one of our normal waitresses and make them take it from there unknown Tofino my PA Jennifer is also dining here and once again she'll offer a secret perspective on the restaurant's performance [Music] spit phase one isn't it one of the first dishes to arrive is chipperoni's deep fried baby squid excuse me I have a plate please they're stumbling about aren't they yeah they're good but I tell you what there is a way with ham with the salt out there quite a lot of salt over seasoning is once again a problem Angela's Keen to get to the root of the issue no with the fishing the seasoning but always I like to have a little bit more just a little bag because the only one thing is every dish that goes up in the past she puts extra salt and pepper oh really and I said to her okay don't they finish it off themselves she was oh no but I add a bit more each time which you don't need without tasting it well yeah not tasting it doesn't make sense you've got to trust your chefs your service we told the restaurant that we're on an hour's deadline but the main still take 40 minutes to arrive just just dip your fingering up that's cold damn this shouldn't be cold but the problem with the pork belly is not just the temperature wow far too many aren't there it's really overpowering it's like going to the dentist with anesthetic crap it's not their finest hour no with that one we have to leave in just five minutes and still no one's taking our dessert orders we're running very tights up time could you recommend something quick free desserts and um what would you which is our specialty which is like a Spanish Creamery we're out of time we have to go that's why I asked me to choose secret desserts no do a second two seconds please I'd like the pill and I'd like Sam and Eddie please thank you so much damn that's a shame [Music] I have to be honest I'm disappointed because it's nowhere near as good as it was last time around there's a strand of over seasoning food that has been cooked by the Brigade and re-seasoned by the chef before it goes what I'm more nervous about is the sloppy service well I think what's interesting is look looking around the room yeah is um the tables who obviously weren't trying to test test out the service um you know because I've seen the Mayan eyes was was good and the quality of the food was good Eddie's bold claim is about to be put to the test by my PA Jennifer how was lunch we have some mixed feedback we felt that the welcome needed work the staff seemed preoccupied at the beginning and we felt a little abandoned I thought that the stuffed courgette flower with the goats cheese was a Triumph it looked pretty as a Picasso and The Taste was divine however towards the end when the restaurant became extremely busy unfortunately the service tailed off and we began to feel neglected and in fact our team coffee order was it forgotten [Music] we've said before we like to be the best we like to win and obviously it's not a great day when when it when it goes wrong carpet suddenly being taken out from under our feet um and that's not a good feeling my last experience here was near Flawless and it was almost on the verge of perfection that was embarrassing [Music] great restaurants need to be flexible and constantly evolved to survive through these difficult times so I want my semi-finalist Casimir and Fino to really prove to me they can create something extraordinary Against All Odds they both now face one grueling test for a place in the final a challenge like they've never ever experienced before in just 12 hours they must turn this bare shell into a thrilling vibrant pop-up restaurant open for one night only I want to save my two semi-finalists can create an amazing one-off dining experience with a tight budget and a deadline [Music] Daybreak and I've called both Fino and Casimir to meet me here in Islington North London good morning it's early right and you're probably thinking what in the hell am I doing here and let's be honest it doesn't look very glamorous does it no four bare walls Bleak yeah today you're going to transform this boring somewhat cold shell into the most amazing unique pop-up restaurants forget your restaurant you create something magical good luck of restaurants are one of the hottest Trends in the food World they spring up in unexpected locations cause a big storm and then disappear overnight there's the cash both restaurants will have a 2 000 pound budget to spit between front of house for decor and the chefs for ingredients let's take 600 because I don't want to be in a chef [Music] good luck guys exactly they've only got until 7 pm to create their restaurant from scratch but up to 50 hungry diners who will expect nothing but the best there's so many things we have to cook we have to do we have to prepare it's gonna be a really really you know new challenge I'm taking the chefs to the markets and I'll be really fascinated to see how this amazing produce gets their creative juices flowing and they'll have to really think on their feet and adapt their menus based on what they find first up The Butchers free-range chicken fillets guinea fowl duck breasts let's go through your mind because you've got to start coming up main course one of them what is going to be okay you guys yeah I've got to get that locked down here we've got to think about this for the next five goddamn minutes throughout this competition Casa may have produced some amazing food but some of it has been so experimental it has missed the mark will they be tempted to show off tonight or will they reign in for their diners but Peter and John Ray are tempted by real Rolls-Royce ingredients beef they'd let the cook at sous-vide with a Frogger parfait served with popcorn there's not been a water bath inside you can cook without a [ __ ] water bath let's get that right yeah quite easy so you've got to come out of that frame for a minute and go back to the beginning I want these boys to forget some of their wild experimentation tonight can they cook something simple and perfect with no frills [Music] oh this is available yeah we're gonna go for the valley pork nice Pino's head chef Nevis Cooks fantastic Spanish tapas and pork features heavily on their menu but I want to see if you can go one step further and do something extraordinary for this one night only you're very comfortable with Paul can't you love Pork yeah and you do it as a main course starter or it's going to be as a main course because there are the cuts you've got the most amazing line I know I know but people love belly pork I love it you know crispiness tender hopefully hopefully I'll get it right so 14 of those decision made pork belly a great cheap cut good luck thank you very much but John Wayne Peter still can't decide between flashy beef or simple pork oh I know it's a big decision yeah and time is running out fast hopefully it boosted slightly cure it let's go I'm surprised Casimir have gone for pork too but they've chosen a Prime Cut as well as a belly and I'll be fascinated to see what both restaurants do with it one night only let's see what they've given us a successful restaurant isn't just about fabulous food the front of house teams must race against the clock to bring their pop-up restaurants to life [Music] it's cheaper and nicer they're working to a tight budget and I want to see how creative they can be I I personally think that we ought to go no class I think it's a wooden table salmonetti helped by one of their managers kashka are going for a simple Spanish feel I mean that's not bad isn't it no I don't think [Music] helped by the restaurant manager and Susan and Paco are downstairs trying to choose croppy the boys will like stressful isn't it there are real Bargains to be had at 15 Pence a plate but they're scared it won't meet the boy's high expectations I'm feeling very stressed what do we get it all done across London I'm taking the chef to another of my favorite markets for fish right now this is a dream come true for any chef because this produce is incredible there's too much of choice too much choice just trying to get the right device fish it doesn't get any better than this nerves is drawn to the delicious mackerel and wild sea bass it's incredible oh that's amazing it's amazing amazing the wild sea bass is an irresistible ingredient for the young chefs from Casimir 2. excellent decision done good in Chelsea Paco Susan and Anne have decided to search for plays in a department store but time is tight and they'll have just 40 minutes to get everything they need excuse me could you tell me of each they're five pound each oh my god do you do anything cheaper than these or is this the cheapest here the plates start from two pounds each but Susan could have got similar backup base for just 15 Pence so if we could have 35 of these 35 of these 35 of those it's a costly decision spending more money on plates here means they'll have less to spend on the look of the restaurant okay okay let me think let me think should we just put some big candles around we need some flowers as well we need to go we've got no money when they're in real shed here what we're gonna put on the tables come on guys we're Wasted what we're going to put on the table then let's take these then we ain't got no choice okay so we can have different colored ones I know the boys are going to hate it but they're cheaper and um we need to have some ready oh that's five of each that's 469 pounds oh it's okay it's okay it's okay so all right come on this is we're just tired and stressed I'm just worried about this evening it may not be the best decoration and the best looking restaurant in the world but the service and the food are gonna be extraordinary okay so yeah I think focus on that okay Susie okay let's focus on that it's midday just seven hours left for the teams to create their pop-up restaurants back at base they're taking delivery of their furniture and Crockery as well nice and then it looks like a Japanese restaurant oh Paco we've had it now [Music] Susan's um out of depth they need to understand a pop-up is a one night only Mega experience and this is it show off create those fireworks because that's what's going to make your restaurant win this competition stop it let's just cut this [ __ ] now look guys we've only got three hours right oh [ __ ] it who cares we're gonna do it we're gonna do it well come on come on upstairs I get the sense that Posh boy salmonetti haven't been to Ikea before and didn't realize that there are eight natural wood tables come flat packed the first one was 20 minutes 15 minutes it's going to take us an hour again which is time we'd rather be doing something else and also by the end of it blisters all over our house but never mind [Music] downstairs Paco and Susan are working on the finishing touches I was expecting this morning oh is this gonna even look like a dining room but we're getting there slowly with no time to spare Sam and Eddie finally masked their flat pack tables I would say hi I don't think so it's definitely different to our restaurant but it still captures what we are about good job I'm pleased with what we've done with it I I can't believe that we've actually made this horrible room and looking somewhere here we're there just we are there some you know it's been it's been a closer on thing this afternoon but we're sorted [Music] it's seven o'clock queues of hungry diners wait to be seated this morning allows you to create from scratch two stunning restaurants yeah four bare walls two empty shells one kitchen the pressure's on guys and in three hours time one restaurant's leaving this competition and one restaurant is going through to the final they have just three hours to impress with a thrilling one-off dining experience so this is my brother how are you okay wonderful okay I've been waiting too long and that experience should start as soon as people walk in and welcome to the pop-up restaurants [Music] tomato mozzarella hey Casimir restaurant check on table before you got the first order in five minutes Susan you're feeling okay wow aren't you smiling nice one table one all right one two one whatsoever I have to say I'm impressed I've had my doubts where the mum Susan can run a restaurant with a firm hand but tonight she seems determined to prove me wrong they've come together at the right time and we know it's not how you start it's how you finish but great [ __ ] Style [Music] taking orders leaving Fino playing catch up [Music] but as their first orders reach the kitchen already there's a problem what what's up what's it done it's the semi-finals of my Nationwide restaurant competition and it's Spain versus Italy Fina from London and Casimir from Bristol they've created pop-up restaurants from scratch and at the end of tonight's service I'll decide who goes through to the final pass me a restaurant check on table before nice one man great [ __ ] start but Pino's kitchen has grown to a whole can't decipher salmonetti's handwritten checks I mean they're really awesome and they don't seem as gelled as they should be service please the Casimir boys have created two amazingly simple starters on their menu a delicious fresh tomato jam salad with mozzarella dusted in Parmesan guys I need to hear like your [ __ ] hangover Cliff chatting for your life service so service come on fantastic food but served in a soup bowl yeah this is the foods ladies what do you have a salad the mozzarella it was very nice the second starter is a rustic Paris mushroom soup [Music] so you've got more Super than they have in there same table they have to be the exact same size I'm watching everything [Music] right I could have him and that was the best soup you ever tasted because it was almost sort of phone but it's not to everyone's liking I just think it's too cold it's time for me to warm it up a few yeah just give me two seconds I'll be straight back okay in the past I found doting mum Susan usually leads to her son's defense on any criticism of their food one customers complaining just like it a bit warmer no problem but tonight it's great to see her treat her sons like chefs not children just say yes straight away two minutes okay okay I love Fino's Spanish infused starters succulent baby beetroot salad with walnuts and Stilton and a spectacular mackerel dish with grapes and apple salad [Music] and the fish was beautifully cooked and the flavor of the grapes went really well with it these dishes are Fino at their best but under this intense pressure nervous needs to make sure every plate is perfect girls a little bit of feedback one tail I just overhearing them a little bit salty they said on the start of the mackerel a little bit one table so one hour in Fino I've fallen behind they've got the really [ __ ] start not only that but food's going back and the mackerel is salty which is a common thread across Fino I'm gonna pick up the speed uh pick up the gear pick up the standards you know but this will get better onto the mains and never as his plan is to knock the dinosaurs off with the wonderful flavors of afino classic belly of pork with red wine sauce now that pulp looks fantastic crispy she's also cooking an amazing wild sea bass with Squid wrapped in smoked pancetta it's almost perfect but with little else but fit on the plate I worry it lacks balance and needs some garnish yes I know we don't have them in the menu near this what I'm trying to do to make her happy she wants potatoes can we do it yes if we can do them Chef please I think it'll sort out a situation okay my one concern with the bass was no starch on there the rich sauce the squid it needs to start you don't need something along those lines but we can boil potatoes it takes six or seven minutes I love the way Fino are doing everything they can to please their customers you said two minutes two minutes ago uh there'll be about quite uh four minutes here five minutes back in the kitchen John Ryan Peter are also serving pork but they're mixing belly with prime cup fillet topped with Italian garnishes the boys are also creating a fantastic Italian sea bass with cannellini beans I love it because it's so simple no wild avant-garde frails for this dish with my main course this game was crispy this the fish was cooked perfectly table one main course said that was the best piece of fish she's ever had in her life [Music] renewal finishing with a classic Spanish dessert Santiago tart could this popular sweet be their winning touch thank you ladies it's me again the good looking one for their dessert John Ray and Peter are serving a modern Italian take on apple crumble with all modern infused custard but they've added a Twist that's leaving some of my diners confused the apples kind of like lukewarm but the rest of it is very cold um just not sure slightly warm because it's too hot the flavor can be affected casimir's apple crumble is meant to be eaten warm but it's leaving some customers cold it was stunning if I hate the rest of the dessert to let it down a little bit 10 p.m and service is over tonight the diners decided how much to pay they love both restaurants so the takings were equal but this challenge wasn't simply about money well done a tough 12 hours it was a battle against time and pressure to create a thrilling dining experience for one night only we've put our heart and soul into this evening the kitchen and put their heart and soul into it and I just think uh we're gonna win but I mean I I believe we had the edge today to be in um the final of Ramsay's best restaurant would be a culmination of you know kind of a lot of hard work it'd be amazing it'd be absolutely fantastic thanks bye I'm so happy because both restaurants seriously pushed the boat out and the hard part for me right now is that I have to make a decision between those two restaurants [Music] this has been one of the toughest challenges I've ever set [Music] there are times that I honestly didn't think both restaurants were going to make it and I started to panic and as the clock ticked away the restaurants just started emerging coming individual restaurants with identity character the atmosphere in both restaurants amazing food stunning and on the back of the last three hours you've made it incredibly difficult for me [Music] to decide on which restaurants go through to the final that's what a pop-up restaurants is all about a one-off one night only unique experience and on the back of that performance it's such close call based on everything I've seen these guys definitely understand flavors let's see how the Cucumber goes over this yeah everything I taste it that's delicious love it it's a proper Spanish dish and that's picturesque beautifully presented plate of food everything I've listened to she wants potatoes can we do it yeah Chef please [Music] the restaurant going through to the final is Casimir yes yes yes [Music] well done thank you well done you can smile you can smile well done well done well as it was a new you know new challenge so it was really tough obviously disappointed but I mean the guys they are amazing they're in the final because they understood the first time in this competition what customers want John Ryan Peter dropped the Frills and they delivered I think they're amazing it's incredible we've got two little Geniuses but my God can they cook [ __ ] impressive last week Bristol's culinary Wizards Casimir Triumph and the first semi-final well done you can smile all restaurants will compete in the second semi-final for a chance to take on Casimir in the Grand Final for that place The Best of British Sheffield's the milestone Indian winners from Bradford prashard my best North African Azu from London and finally winner of the French heat winchingen fields from Lincolnshire first I want to know if they've corrected the problems that I identified early in the competition you need to look at your service to help me find out I sent in a team of secret diners but there's a big surprise in store for these restaurants I'm going to throw two of them out right now is sudden death elimination which two restaurants Will Survive first to face possible elimination our French winners winchingham Fields head owner Colin is aiming for the ultimate fine dining experience created a luxurious dining room and serves Exquisite food but I thought Colin was trying too hard overloading these diners with too many appetizers and too many waiters one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven boo anymore look at all you guys just check there's no one in here I don't know with their place in the final at stake I've since sent in another secret Diner Rob Allison an expert foodie with a critical eye and I've sent all my semi-finalists their own copy of the footage so that they know what I'm judging them on and this is a second appetizer or news Bouche um sometimes these little touches get too much and or I've ordered my meal I want my long sins I've told Colin endless times less is more and here we go again thank you perfect thank you this dish looks absolutely delicious but it's not mine [Music] really perfectly cooked longer Steam I'm gonna mix up on the the start I'm in disaster um I mean it happens probably one percent of the time and and guess what it's him yeah it's just not good enough next to face undercover scrutiny our Indian winners Prasad from Bradford Please Mum Kelsey and daughter-in-law me now produce some of the best food I've ever eaten and it's all vegetarian that's delicious one mouthful of that I feel like I'm back in Mumbai now I can't leave that to waste I've got to eat some more of that I'm sorry Jesus son Bobby runs front of house with charm and wolf Cheryl farmer as a food expert with 20 years experience I'm expecting her to love this place as much as I did but when she went in undercover Bobby wasn't anywhere to be seen instead another member of staff was running front of house seems like the man's rushed up to go back to uh to go back to his cooking it would be nice to have been offered a drink at that before wasn't it nobody asking the secret diner for drinks and they just left alone I mean this doesn't even look like the same restaurants in the kitchen it's nice to put in the background but you don't hear people sprinkling the fans out [Music] you can hear this kitchen Porter by the sound of things beating the hell out of his pants cleaning this looks like a completely different restaurant food was Rich it was um all the dishes were really nice this spiced my secret diners love the food um thank God because they're not enjoying the service Gordon's going to absolutely crucify me it's about getting it right every time the contrast from that footage in comparison to what I received last time it's night and day next to face my video evidence is a zoo from London the North African heat HF Chris produced some wonderful authentic Algerian food sardines and hummus [Music] they're delicious may I see but my coach trip exposed some weaknesses front of house [Music] that's done twice I've sent an undercover critic Simon Davis to see if Chris has ironed out his front of house problems and is still sending out perfectly cooked food and that's the chicken man a little bit dry the chicken damn disappointing I have chicken slightly overcooked dry um this actual sauce tasted simple charming and delicious but they have to be consistent finally is the Milestone from Sheffield run by four ambitious young men this restaurant is Reinventing classic British food but they made errors but my last secret Diner paid a visit would you eat that no so why should I eat it to progress in this competition I need to know the Milestone team are learning from their mistakes moving season I start with a little freebie homemade hummus with cumin and flatbread next up it's Place fillets serve with a lemon pith puree what is lemon places are delicate fish and it needs help acidic certainly but not maybe lemon pith slightly bitter [Music] my one problem with Milestone is their lack of experience can they get better I'm I'm uncertain all four restaurants are waiting with baity breath for a phone call from me they know that two of them are about to leave the competition so tense well it's all on this phone call really as a restaurant time I help you hi Simon hello Gordon how are you Happy Birthday how are you I'm good I'm a little bit stressed but I'm well foreign [Music] is not going any further in the competition that's no problem thank you very much I'm sorry no worries I'll continue to doing will you okay thank you I'll say it stops here it's really disappointing for not winning I I'm like gutted I wanted to win this competition with My Soul I'm taking a break [Music] thank you very sorry but you guys are gonna have to keep on working congratulations oh cheers I've just had a hard time well done Take Care thank you bye-bye I can't put into words how much it means to me personally it's the biggest thing I've ever done in my career it's the second semi-final of my Nationwide wrestling competition as you are out and British heat winners the Milestone have survived my sudden death elimination they will now compete for a place in the final against either my best Indian Prasad or my best French restaurant winchingham Fields hi is that Colin yes it is hi Bobby it's Gordon hi Gordon Bobby yeah I'm pissed off yeah I have to eliminate two restaurants from this competition [Music] I got so then you've got that support of the dining room it should be absolute perfection you've already shown up until now [Music] and you have to focus in that restaurant on a daily basis winching and field [Music] is leaving the competition okay right [Music] okay bye-bye big gutting because I know we are you know so much better than that but that's consistency for you you need to be bang on every time all the time right now you need to focus because you're going through to the next stage [Music] oh my God copy I will never ever let you down again congratulations thank you thank you so much thank you they need to focus now and he's been given a lifeline and the restaurants across the board is too good to leave this competition two fantastic restaurants remain both desperate for a place in the final now I've got a big shot for them I'm about to pay a surprise visit to my two remaining semi-finalists to help me decide on who should go through to the final I've enlisted two trusted lieutenants for a second opinion on the strengths and the weaknesses of these amazing restaurants Michelin star Chef Angela Hartnett needs no introduction an undercover Diner Simon Davis a top restaurant critic and a confirmed carnivore it's time to surprise prescard in Bradford rest of the company accomplished hard I know they'll fight tooth and nail for a place in the final and after letting my secret Diner down they'll need to how did they react s anymore today Prasad will need to pull out all the stops to impress us but they have absolutely no idea that we're about to walk through the door [Music] when I heard it he's here I was so nervous and oh I get panicky you know I'm just I've just found my my first bug bear that Bloody door alarm no one steps in thank you thank you thank you very much I'm very very privileged to see you actually any drinks for you I love the mango that's like the mango last yeah thank you I'll have it okay all right thank you thank you nice warm reception I know Prasad will be trying to impress me today but every customer needs the same treatment so I've got another trick up my sleeve Angela's mum Juliano's here too she's also a fantastic chef and she'll be a secret extra pair of eyes and ears and Bobby we're up against it TimeWise they've got 90 minutes okay so we can tell the audience please thank you so much we're hungry and we want to try as much of this food as possible so we're gonna bombard the kitchen with orders I'd like to go for the masala dosa happy pikachori and then maybe some brewery as well but surely the special shot corn roll as well please anything else you'd recommendation best doser I had with a try on it yeah give me my give me yeah do that perfect you can compete with Delhi guys listen yeah I don't want any mistakes this is the big order Minal is focused on my table but will she pay as much attention to Angela's mum in a great restaurant every Diner is a VIP one person we're on fire this is prashad this is what we do okay they're very welcome I mean very very photography mom medium chat ing is fine as long as it produces results [Music] Simon thank you thank you [Music] the contented silence at our table speaks volumes foreign [Music] Grand authentic and smells amazing it's like the banquet [Music] oh my God they're loving the food who's missing meat yeah not me [Music] time to give Prasad a collective appraisal so um I was a little bit nervous coming back today to be totally honest Angela how was a few I don't know for me phenomenal food absolutely phenomenal blown away I thought it was so good masala dosa oh as good as the one I had in Delhi yeah yeah it was brilliant absolutely Simon the stuff you do just you know Beggars believe that kofta with the cauliflower is just it's a revelation yeah um food today Flawless outstanding lovely warm service but we've been watching everything I mean every table and there's another surprise because we have an extraordinary lady here Mrs Harnett Andrew's mum hello guys see this lady taught me how to cook and her mother taught her what do you honestly think no fabulous food I love those balls with potatoes and dull everything is perfect and they'll be the service it's beautiful yeah wonderful thank you very much good would you come back oh God yes today was about Redemption and you certainly redeemed yourselves and this whole experience will help me decide on who's going through the final uh thank you for a delicious delicious lunch can you do something without door yeah please that alarm thank you thank you you know three heavyweights in the food industry turning up to an ex launderette in the middle of Bradford looking for faults being demanding been difficult and could be fine fault no we're back on track we're back there I think we're gonna go and win my other semi-finalist is the Milestone okay on my way to Sheffield how will they cope with the three of us dropping in for a surprise dinner oh guys that don't give up on anything they rear their own pigs they made their own bread they turn their own butter and they really are pushing the boundaries down beyond belief so uh I think we'll be impressed but the Watercress on very last as it's going since I first met these Young Guns they've impressed me with their mixture of classic and creative British dishes it's about Yorkshire people Yorkshire chefs producing Yorkie food but they also run a cooking school and an outside catering company as well as the restaurant and I can't help but feel they're trying too hard straight upstairs yes with so many fingers and so many pies sometimes they're fallen short of perfection [Music] how are you good to see you again likewise don't expect to see us did you no Simon tonight I'm with two very influential guests and we're gonna be looking at everything seven four three there's a table has just come in the serial complainers they go everywhere and they just slate you no matter what this evening is pumping he's the main management I know that we focused on me and my guess but how will they treat Angela's sister Anne who's eating on the other side of the dining room it's a lot more elaborate than I had the impression up for me yeah just things like parmesan gnocchi yeah kind of quirky yeah I mean it's not your average snow yeah they're pushing the boat out yeah yeah big time I just hope it tastes as good as it sounds absolutely it does seem nice and seasonal at Jeff Simon and sous chef James have made their Mark by Breaking All the Rules serving up local ingredients with a quirky twist for our starters we bought a black pudding with bacon pepper mackerel with horseradish snow and a tomato consomme with a flower pot full of tapenard for soil and pea shoots is there an earthquake is that your handshake yes it's very hard to eat the soup and navigate your way around a uh things like this I just wanted to thrive at the chef we'll get his head and go it's just gimmick isn't it see how it tastes [Music] what is that that is how much tapana can you put in a dish like that I mean I know that's the soil but bloody hell doesn't make sense too much soiled less signal and this is all they need to know less is more [Music] they're Keen as mustard I mean really Keen but far too ambitious for their own good the minute you start trying to become too clever you're up for intense scrutiny it's not gonna let it affect it main course next for our Mains we've got more conventional [Music] salmon wrapped in a herb crust vegetarian cannelloni and bavette of beef I mean they're attractive looking dishes I mean I like the presentation I actually think this is a really well sourced meat well-cut well handled if I had any criticism it would be the red wine Jew because it's really sweet it's almost a consistency of neat ribinas how's your um cannelloni going it's actually very nice mushroom's delicious yeah they can cook but they just need to Rave it back in finally it's time for pudding a tree of strawberry desserts Bakewell tart it sounds nice that looks good and a great local cheeseboard see that and that fits this thing here looks like it's out of Paris Hilton's bathroom no it doesn't make sense it's really good it looks delicious and it tastes delicious I'm rich ice cream what else this is great that's actually the best thing I've eaten tonight this one here yeah that's actually nice time to call the team together for a debrief can I just say that was delicious really good unfortunately didn't start like that if there's one strong message you're trying to bloody hard I've tasted the greatness and tonight has been a disappointment stick to what you're good at doing yeah and for me the secret of any good restaurant is how every other table has been looked after and tonight there's no second surprise we've actually got Angela's sister having dinner with us as well next next I didn't really like the bread I thought the bread was a bit heavy and I like the Tomato thing I have to say but I love all that and what was your starter James I had the back pudding it was quite sticky and quite quite heavy so don't worry about trying to be too different when you're good at what you do get back to what you're good at doing and stick to that thank you very much good luck with everything [Music] I feel like I've been told off by my dad the valley points up yeah it was constructive so it's we have to take our own chin and do overcome with the main thing yeah I'm disappointed because I came back to the milestone for a magical experience hoping they'd learned but they just want to be different tonight was a big disappointment contenders prashard from Bradford and the Milestone from Sheffield are fighting to win the second semi-final of my restaurant competition we want to serve every single customer like we do at home quick now now now later tonight one of them will make it into the final and have a chance to be crowned my best restaurant and Milestone once again have survived my secret diners and a flying visit which really turned both our restaurants upside down they both now face one more grueling test for a place in the final a challenge that they've never faced before I've called Prasad and the Milestone to meet me in North London good morning you're probably thinking what in the hell are we doing here this early in the morning standing in a pretty unimpressive room yeah and look at it bare bleak this space now becomes your restaurants and you're going to transform these four walls into the most amazing pop-up restaurant only one Russians going through to the final make sure it's you I'm giving each of them one floor of this empty building they've got just 12 hours to create an exciting vibrant pop-up restaurant that will open its doors at 7 pm for one night only foreign restaurants are one of the hottest tickets in the food World they spring up in unexpected locations cause a big storm and then disappear overnight both restaurants will have a 2 000 pound budget it will be split between the chefs 500 is enough and front of house you want to feel like you're in a wedding you want to feel like you're in a party you've got to make and create that atmosphere the challenge is massive leave the restaurant has done anything like this before it will push them to the very limits of their creativity and the Ingenuity Matt please we need to decide on players the decisions they make now could cost them a place in the final wow I love that table requires assembly a Time the chefs are heading to some of London's best markets to choose their ingredients for tonight's menu Simon and James are looking for fantastic meat to wow their diners we're looking towards a thick end of the pork belly it's on people to enjoy what they're getting good quality poor cheeks hot liver and mince the Milestone prize itself on serving amazing classic British food that's all the pictures we've got after that disappointing flying visit they'll need to prove to me that they can deliver great food plate after plate the people are going to see something different I think we've done it right there coconut yes these is a hard noise it's a good one now are in the element in the vegetable market for the perfect vegetarian restaurant you need perfect vegetables and here's the place fine Tomatoes fine tomatoes one box over there Assad serve up some of the most delicious and exciting food I've ever tasted this challenge will show me if they have the potential to develop their restaurant and Thrive outside their comfort zone coming yeah yeah okay good the chefs head back to base while their front of house teams make their final purchases let's go then yeah but have a look at those I see that in a glass yeah yeah so eight of these yeah eight of those please that's the exact idea we're looking for prasad's chance to create an incredible interior a million miles away from their simple Bradford Cafe so we're going to get some of this one then how much one 3.8 meters of the other one can I get five meters of the red if I get rid of the red you can have three and a half meters of each of these gonna have five meters of both of those and I'm canceling the red the chefs of just six hours to create culinary magic it's gonna really show we can turn these humble ingredients into something surely spectacular on the plate to compete Prasad will need to make the vegetarian menu really sing when you make the curries hard to make it because we're making so fresh they're getting getting on with it and still we are preparing so yes I am a little bit nervous we don't want to panic when you do the Panic then you always do the mistake include baked yam and potatoes with spiced coconut and peanut filling vegetable peeler rice and stuffed baby aubergines two cut them in half yeah and you start them with the with the Masala Masala yeah nice I want both restaurants to amaze and Delight my diners I don't want carbon copies of Prasad or the milestone yeah we're opening just under four hours from now you know that to give you a little bit of a taste of the Asia wow good luck quite a complicated table not planned for um oh my goodness uh it gets more complicated as we get along okay guys we're opening just under four hours yeah get going as soon as Gordon walks in it dawned on me what was ahead of us we've got it before we don't want to let the lights down in the kitchen they're gonna do their side we need to make sure we do our side so it's a lot of pressure on us with the amount of time we've got fingers crossed we will literally just be ready Bobby has been bold with his plans for the space I hope he has time to put it off under pressure still not getting any further forward with these tables what a mess I know we're a pushed for time yeah yeah but just one downstairs pop your head downstairs very quickly all right looking fantastic [Music] okay they're looking in a pretty good shape aren't they they are and this is looking like a campsite the biggest mistake we've made is we didn't go for ready-made table right now we're sort of on our second table yeah getting put together we're opening in just under three hours from now and I you know we've got a lot to do yeah yeah what are they uh coloring Jesus where'd you go a [ __ ] Camp shop we were we're trying to go with the with the look in the feel of the tables and match everything with the whites and the blacks Jesus well he's [ __ ] not impressive Garden Bobby's in a mess and um and it looks Dreadful and pretty crap knife and forks and Dreadful tables like they've been hanging around outside a pub you can't see the end in sight so quite nervous you can see you two hours two hours is a long time we didn't come all this way to lose because we couldn't build tables downstairs the Milestone I'm much happy with their tables but they haven't paid any attention to the rest of their space the tables look great yeah yeah the Russian looks [ __ ] there's no thought process with the charging up four walls I'm interested in a stunning restaurant yeah yeah that's what I would like to see yeah but have you got any Fabrics no cushions or not all name pieces of furniture to liven up no this is it the idea of a proper restaurant yeah it's not just a location but it's a shown off aspect you can rear your own pigs you make your own bread and come in the dining room it's like I know what you guys are like when you use your imagination so I give you the flexibility to go and do something out the box [Music] [ __ ] up well it's a one night only two thousand pound to create something exciting and magical and the wow factor Milestone are going for something simplistic they've paid it safe but that may not get you into the final there's no lack of ambition in the kitchen however Simon and James are serving celeriac and skate scampi with a silver mullet and braised oxtail accompanied by English squash and wild mushrooms that's your oxtail yep so you should be happy that's cooking time yeah man this tastes delicious really nice if they pull this food off it'll be amazing this one here he's in there that's delicious that's delicious things are taking shape two tables are done time is on our hands you've got all the Cutler on the table for both courses uh no we haven't unwrapped it yet do you care Bobby I care a lot more you do I I'm worried [ __ ] Cutlery Plain Jane dying room and I know you can do better I'm really sorry [Music] with very little time left before prashad opened their doors Kelsey goes upstairs to the dining room we have been some errors you know but we can't constantly focus on them we can't change those errors right now yeah yeah I'm sure you will do it this is it the shitterbust if it goes bad back to Sheffield we've done the best we can but we're here to win it listen to me yeah every part of what we do is with our heart with a 22 seat restaurant working our guts off if we're not good enough we're not good enough we'll still give it our best shot we're opening in just under five minutes from now and this is it everything they've worked for all day depends on the service and I've never had an evening that's been so dependent on an amazing performance in the kitchen because both restaurants have been let down by the front of house and it's up to the kitchen now to redeem themselves in a big way and pull it back foreign [Music] and outside the pop-up restaurants being run by my two semi-finalists queues of hungry diners wait to be seated when those customers arrive blow them away warm welcome a three-hour service but prove to me tonight why you deserve a place in the final good luck to both restaurants each restaurant can seat 25 customers if they can squeeze in a second sitting they could serve as many as 50. good evening my name is Bobby come and have a seat I want them to really impress me and ensure my diners have a thrilling once in a lifetime dining experience straight away Bobby and his brother Maya are Charming their guests the chefs have put together a theme around a wedding or a little family restaurant we really want you to be an extended part of our family and enjoy a meal but are there diners hearing the Indian wedding bells talk to me about the decor I guess it was a wedding so I think they got it right it's a bit sort of shabby with the girls and the tables and stuff but then the um sort of welcoming Etc was really really nice Bobby and his team are quick on the draw and start taking orders story and the Milestone still haven't taken any orders Matt Mark while you're gassing away get some orders in here they're not here for the life is driving me [ __ ] same diamonds full and not one order into the kitchen [Music] all right Jay hold on three oxtail one Pollock first ticket in 25 minutes later meanwhile prashad sumptious starters yam and potato puree and marinated stuffed Leaf Parcels are flying off the pass am I supposed to go out hot or room temperature is that the right the right temperature oh it is yeah yes okay good that should say is quite nice it's quite a subtle flavor how's your yam um this one was good but this works I don't know what is that why are things supposed to mean it's undercooked I've never seen food like this coming from you both it's raw taste your food and stop rushing don't be sorry to me besides your guests we want to serve every single customer like we do at home all right okay okay delicious filling but what's the point in putting in between two slices of raw yam three belly one mullet at last the Milestone boys are getting the food out yes chef That's it man [Music] thank you very much but there's mixed reviews [Music] the first two tables food looks amazing needs seasoning first two tables chef chef thankfully minell and Kelsey are starting to hit their stride their Punjabi main courses of delicious mutter paneer he's with Indian curry cheese and amazing spice stuffed aubergine are going down a storm the aubergine nice um in the kitchen the Milestone boys own full flow serving their Mains of pan-fried silver mullet and pork cooked three ways [Music] started went out and it was a disaster now the main courses are going out and it seems to be a lot more settled and more control outside more hungry diners are waiting for the meal of their lives now as you start to be thinking of turning those tables yeah okay now aside for Prasad experience I don't want them to freezing cold nor do you back upstairs Tails relayed and keep that energy in the dining room please with just an hour of service left the Milestone are starting their second sitting but upstairs Prasad seemed to have lost all urgency leaving hungry diners waiting outside in the cold at this rate there won't be enough time before closing to take an extra sitting come on come on you've got to work until the same time sorry you know it's almost like you'd say uh it's not everyone's giving up come on come on come on come on unless the whole family pulls together no one else will be eating in Prasad tonight me now Kelsey could you go upstairs and help clear the tables please yeah please we've got just under one hour to go okay so can you go upstairs and watch the table so we get some more table set down I'm telling them to do it yeah because you need help listen listen there's nothing to do so I'm asking them to give you a hand and you're getting out and go and say no please go upstairs you can get chippy with me yeah I'm asking them your mum to go upstairs and help you you get defensive I do yeah because we don't like her to do those jobs right okay fine the table don't clear the table yourself we'll clear it so she can't promise the table no she can't relay it no wow yeah be cracked Under Pressure Cleaning tables away and trying to set customers that are standing outside in the cold um it's difficult to have that level of arrogance and get it thrown in my face like that you know that's that's his call but stay calm and deal with it um I've stepped up and said something I shouldn't probably said to Gordon you know he knows exactly what I should do what shouldn't I'm really sad because I respect that man to stand up to him like that not clever Bobby has finally turned some tables a man couchy have fixed the problems with their yam starters to the delight at prashar's new guess and a yum dish and it's it's really spicy and really tasty the spice is not too hot it's just it's just right it's lovely we started [ __ ] we can finish strong come on running them round finish strong running them around and finish strong come on and say sorry but it's not the time I'm not here to fight with you yeah I'm here to support big day tough day everyone's under [ __ ] pressure you got 20 minutes left pull it back 20 minutes left pull it back [Music] and the Milestone are now doing everything they can to serve their diners wonderful food wait no no no no no and both dining rooms are buzzing as the final plays have been served best course of the evening I've had not very impressive though delicious [Music] okay three two yeah one and stop turn everything off please yeah 10 p.m and service is over it's been a long tough day for both restaurants [Music] I hope we've won this can't guarantee it there's no guarantees in this um because I mean we've we've thought we've lost before and we've won so we don't know [Music] I know we didn't perform to the level that we would a lot of people do all the food come here come on I have to really really protect my ladies we did everything the best week I know I know Prasad on the Milestone have embraced this huge Challenge and have a lot of satisfied customers but both restaurants had problems in their kitchens and front of house now I have to decide who deserves a place in the final [Music] thank you [Music] this has to be the toughest challenge both restaurants have ever faced quite frankly from both restaurants I was disappointed because I knew that the personalities didn't shine tonight you undersold yourselves Prasad I didn't see Bobby the face of prashad tonight let's be honest Milestones I felt that you spent far too long getting those first three or four tables in standing outside knocking get the orders in get these guys out the traps and on the back of your performance and your performance let me tell you it is so difficult to gauge an outright winner two phenomenal restaurants were put on the spot today [Music] the restaurant going through to the final [Music] is Prasad [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] got it really really good but end of the day we did our best I'm still proud of what we did uh really proud of James the boys in the restaurant chin up yeah let's go get some pills yeah welcome [Music] yes good job you're in the final and good luck [Applause] what a final Prasad versus Casimir a small 20-seater vegetarian Indian restaurant from Bradford up against the Young Guns a Michelin star boys tip for the top [ __ ] game on [Music] for six months might my team and I have traveled all over Britain [Music] and arguing over the great restaurants you nominated I've put all these contenders through a series of grueling pressure tests we are not going to be late yeah and I've been blown away by their Drive determination and passion to reach the final let's show the world war facade really is and now it's the final showdown just two restaurants remain incredible Indian cooking combining passion and great skill Bradford's amazing press Shard and my best Italian avant-garde Casimir from Bristol what a fight this is gonna be on the one hand I've got two very talented young guys cooking Ultra Modern Italian food like no other restaurant anywhere in England today on the other hand I've got this tiny Indian restaurant headed up with a mother and daughter-in-law that quite honestly are cooking some of the most delicious vegetarian food I've ever tasted anywhere in the world this for me is going to be one of the most difficult choices I've ever made having made it this far both restaurants think they have what it takes to win this competition we want to win you know there's no doubt about it we want to win we'll go in there to to hopefully uh be crying Ramsey's best restaurant we could do it you know I mean we could really seriously bloody do it can't we absolutely customers journey to this point has been far from Easy the avant-garde take on Italian food is bold and delicious really good presentation uh unique but sometimes it's too experimental and doesn't always hit the mark this young Chef showed me to have the balls to strip back the excessive frails and become worthy finalists well done you can smile you can smile rapper's prashad have been the surprise of this competition and now this humble restaurant has tasted success they're hungry to win this is the tough very tough complication I tell you work hard and live to God we will fight so much and we want to win we want to win it will be a biggest day in my whole life their small unpretentious restaurant serves fantastic Gujarati Cuisine with no heirs or Graces that's delicious one mouthful of that I feel like I'm back in Mumbai whatever I cook it from my heart I love cooking I sent in a coach load of diners but not everyone was happy to be in a vegetarian restaurant I'm a confirmed carnivore so anything without me isn't really the cost as a meal but they all left converted amazing presentation and then the taste itself I think we'll try and come here again the Exquisite food and sheer determination of mineral and Kelsey booked them their place in the final everything has been built into this moment one final grueling test which will help me choose my best restaurants my finalists are traveling to Petrus my new Central London restaurants these luxurious surroundings will be the battlefield for the biggest day of their cooking careers it's here they'll find it out for the title of my best restaurant oh wow [Music] will be for everyone my parents my family my customer as well I'm already sunk into when I was like no this is not a final one this is what we need to do perfect and we're going with them before absolutely crazy after all these years of putting in hard work doing something what's really different and people not necessarily agreeing with it and following us hopefully this is going to prove a lot of people wrong [Music] [Applause] we're coming to work hard and hard and hard and I can see what hard working pay wow factor thank you good morning good morning this is it big day today you are in control of your destiny Casimir versus Prasad to unique restaurants going head to head in the final good luck to both and may the best restaurant win thank you very much thank you this is the first time each restaurant has met and now they're about to be pitched Head to Head across my kitchen now finally we let them we know who they are and I we are a strong candidate as well so we need to work hard both restaurants start prep and I'm expecting nothing less than Perfection each team must produce a stunning three-course menu that sums up what's best about their restaurant encapsulates their love of food and demonstrates their passion for cooking if we get it right it'll simply just be Bliss and people will just enjoy it and say God damn this is a lovely dish [Music] Bobby and his brother Maya will be running service for prashad whilst mum and dad team Paco and Susan will be running front of house for the Casimir boys we know the food is going to come fantastically good so let's match the food with the service I've packed the dining room with some of the brilliant restaurant teams that have taken part in this competition so both food and service will be under extreme scrutiny we're going to give our heart on a plate in passion in love in dignity every single thing counts today and I've got one more surprise for the restaurants my finalists will also be cooking for one of Britain's best chefs Angela Hartnett and my two secret diners today there's no secret footage you actually be cooking live in front of them sat on the chef's table and a big tasting scrutinizing dissecting and really getting to grips with what you think is your best menu so far excited very [Music] not send anything that's less than 110 perfects good luck thank you thanks Gordon we're opening in one minute from now yeah good luck off you go guys yes good luck yeah all the best we'll do our best yeah thank you tonight I'm choosing my best restaurant will it be Casimir from Bristol or Prasad from Bradford this will be the service of their lives first up the starters away now three stunning risotto to form John Ray and Peter are pushing the boundaries with an experimental dish at their Bristol restaurant they're known for their avant-garde take on Italian cuisine still in their 20s these two young chefs are fearless in their approach to cooking they retain the flavors and spirit of Italian food but give it their unique stamp we think in our own little world almost and our own little bubble what sometimes can come across as being young and naive but I think it also helps create what we are and that's something different their starter for the final is risotto with mushrooms and rosemary but naturally it has a twist we're going to use new potatoes to create little grains of rice that are going to give you that impression in the mouth of your eating rice but instead you have that amazing flavor of potato this dish is typical of Casimir it's clever unusual and packed full of flavor it'd be a lot easier just to get the rice I think but we will take it to depths that many chefs will have the time or even patience to do first the potatoes are laboriously cut into individual shaped grains of rice next Peter and John Ray finely chopped garlic and slots with a Precision of Surgeons it's all about speed sometimes about perfection and getting it right followed by button mushrooms and porcini they're going to have a real depth of flavor to them a lot more than the fresh mushroom itself it's about just playing around with textures and with flavors just like a traditional risotto they start by sweating the slots off in olive oil I don't want to bring any caramelized flavors keep it very clean very pure next I add the garlic and porcini so that'll start getting that background flavor into the dish pour in the white wine and reduce so now we're going to put in the potatoes exactly like we've really putting kind of really rice and then go with our chicken stock and what the chicken stock is going to do is just reduce bring out the starch from the potato so you're going to start to get the creaminess then they add mushrooms chopped Rosemary grated Parmesan just screams Italy definitely it's just fantastic butter for richness and to give it a delicate onion note chopped chives we look at ourselves sometimes as artists we don't just assume that we're chefs what we do is just replicate masterpieces of work again and again and again finally this mouth-watering masterpiece is finished with rosemary infused oil the flavors oh my God I like these pants this is pans made it's so small right I know they're [ __ ] absolutely the experimental nature of the boys cooking means it requires extraordinary attention to detail and this is really slowing them down I just need some bigger pants it's a very small I now just say to me now that's what I said you've got to get organized guys I want to get into the best restaurant not the most disorganized no stop to make matters worse they aren't working together properly either as one Cooks the first order the other should be getting the next ready how long for that first chef table please one minute Chef thank you are you starting the six behind it is anyone starting I'm just saying is anyone starts yes okay good if I boast about the teamwork it has to deliver the teamwork to understand there's no point in John Ray watching you and you watching John Ray yeah let's go get involved together guys it's really massive pressure but hopefully we're just going to cook what we always cook from the heart and everything's going to be perfect [Music] well it won't be if they don't start working together customers are waiting and Casimir haven't served a single dish well you said eight minutes we're now in 12 minutes how long for the first risotto should have two minutes two minutes yeah thank you let's go so he's not gonna serve it well you got the next one ready come on guys Pete look at me please can you look at me no come here both in a minute look so can he not serve that well you get the next one ready yes I do know come on in guys please finally the risotto leaves the kitchen hey Audrey's in the system now yeah yeah so hey I know it's hard getting out the traps yes I appreciate that but I need a [ __ ] system it's working now it's wise we're going to sink yeah yeah sink sink sink although the boys are sending out food slowly their parents are doing their best to be Charming so this is a new potato risotto with wild mushrooms and rosemary oil just playing with your mind with different textures the first restaurant Casimir defeated on the way to the final was the Fantastic Italian manula from London what will head chef Santino think of their starter they're pushing the boundaries further they're taking what risotto is and saying they set the rice out and replace it with potato I mean who the hell would do that I mean but it really did work so it's very clever thumbs up definitely casimir's food has gone down well but the boys are worryingly disorganized [ __ ] let me tell you why you can't stand there where you're heading a pan and then run up to the hot plate and start serving food and you can't stand there my man and look around him you've got to work together yes pop up Santa was amazing yes roll off the road amazing but there seems to be no system here today got to get a system come on I know Chef me time to find out what my experts made of Casimir starter uh risotto how was it it's salty for me but overall flavor I thought was delicious would that taste better than a normal risotto done with a bore rice what we said what is the point there's no point in having that they're always trying to do something different they're always pushing it and Reinventing things and that's quite fun did it work yes or no I loved it did it work yes or no yeah yes it worked for the starter prasada making chat a delicious take on a traditional Gujarati Street Food prasad's small 22-seat Indian restaurant in Bradford has been at the heart of the local community for 18 years over time they've transformed humble vegetarian dishes from Gujarat in Northwest India into something truly magical when I'm making any food I'm so happy I put my positive thinking and my love so I'm making not for the business I'm making like my family chat's a popular Street dish but it isn't easy to prepare this recipe has layer upon layer of wonderful flavors look simple and sound simple but lot of going on three sauces boiling potatoes boiling chickpeas flying pasties making chili sauce making noodles we're making our own samosas it's complicated first minnow prepares a rich Tamarind sauce by bowling Tamarind dates and jaggery and unrefined cane sugar right balance sweet and sour next calci slices Samosa pastry leaves into squares and deep fries fried brown colored any crispy for the noodles manal Blends gram flour with sunflower oil it's like soft smooth if it's not smooth then it's noodle be funky meanwhile couch is on to the next Source blending garlic chili powder salt and lemon juice [Music] make really hot things I like extra hot then the samosas first they fry peas and add turmeric coriander and garam masala a special blend of spices garam masala is my own garam masala I roast it and then I grind it myself that's why the everything's so tasty finally potatoes are boiled diced and turned into the mix the last process is a delicate one filling the Samosa pastry it's a lot to do if something goes wrong it's difficult Samosa is a you know it's a very tricky very tricky the balance of flavors and textures in this dish Are Pitch Perfect sweet sour spicy crunchy and soft the way that Prasad bring vegetarian food to life is a revelation [Music] Prasad five covers away table one yes thank you okay but now I want to hear you just disintegrated me now I want to hear you yeah yeah trivinda five have gone I need six now please thank you yeah in contrast to the Casimir boys minell and kaushi are showing fantastic teamwork from the word go mom yes you're right you're fine how are you fine do you do those other two please uh me now yeah good okay good thank you Milan Kelsey are really hitting their stride their organization is spot on but they need to watch their presentation I can't wipe your plates yeah I cannot wipe your plates yeah okay go please that's Table Three okay Bobby is integral to the success of prashard his service throughout the competition has been charismatic professional and knowledgeable hi there you enjoying combination of flavors thank you thank you yeah we're trying to it's a traditional Street dish so basically the hot with the cold the sweet with the spicy just to kind of ignite all your flavors all the way through the meal he's also playing his part in the kitchen encouraging me now and giving a customer feedback let me know yeah table number three compliments to the chef the starters are amazing thank you keep coming thank you just when it's all going so right dishes get sent to the wrong table and Bobby's two starters short [Music] related to a ready table for stars which is table number five I might take two of these and complete a mistake like this can throw a kitchen into chaos if they're not clear they come back down with a tray okay and they tell me and I Rectify it again okay they cannot go to a different [ __ ] table so when I send two chat away on seven and two away in table eight it's got to go there Manila doesn't miss the beat she just deals with the problem smoothly and efficiently I cannot have this mistake starting with the main course okay let's go I need two more got a bit of a telling off not good uh but we've rectified that how long for the five minutes let's go I got two table one please let's go nice and steady let's go I'll wait now two Chef let's go in the first round of the competition Prasad came up against another exceptional Indian the brilliant from London what will front of house manager dipna think of their chat I really like it to hear what my experts made of Prashant starter I quite like The Adventurous task of trying to put the hot Samosa inside the garnish it's the joy of prashad is that they are very comfortable within their own boundaries and you know we've been some fantastic food up in Bradford okay go please just lay down well done well done well done well done starter's finished I need to taste both dishes for stars chat have a nice sweet Tamarind flavor I like the hot Samosa running through but I've got that balance between the sweet Savory and the heat there as well very good risotto of new potatoes only these guys would turn potatoes into granules of rice it's very rich for the steps you can only eat two or three mouthfuls of it so it's not like a proper risotto however very clever if there's one criticism on that it's just a touch too salty two very interesting starters um right now which one to prefer out of those two what I have to say Prasad my final is Casimir the culinary Alchemist from Bristol and prashad the Masters of vegetarian Indian Cuisine from Bradford are battling it out for the title of my best restaurant I want both these amazing Russians to do their talent Justice tonight so I'm expecting perfection in their main courses are tough okay customer three stunning tablet away Chef table yeah sure Prasad three stunning Bindi Chef table okay fantastic yeah pretty good I guess we're a little bit slow they need to improve their coordination skills rather than sort of trying to cook silently as one table's going the chef one working so there's not that static in between John Ray and Peter never make life easy for themselves at their restaurant in Bristol they're always pushing the boundaries with their food trying to create new and exciting flavor and texture combinations sometimes we play too extreme but I think that's just because it's the way we are we will always take it that step further we're never hold back we'll always put it up there and give it our best shot for the main course they've stayed true to their inventive Spirit pairing meat with fish when Peter first presented this to me and I tried it I was just blown away I just thought it works fantastically they're cooking roast turbot with chicken wings and roast salsify Peter starts by finishing the fish and it isn't long before he pulls out one of his potions now we're going to use something called protein glue protein glue or transglutamine eyes literally bonds fillets together by just sprinkling it over the top then we just match up the fillets from the tops of the bottom we create that kind of big thick piece of fish then the salsify a vegetable from the root of the purple sassified flower it's very earthy but it's got sweetness as well almost like a a kind of sweetness of oyster fruit Casimir form all the ingredients in this dish are cooked sous vide in a water bath so we place that inside a vacuum pump bag the takes 15 minutes the chicken wings take 12 hours anything good takes time I think as long as we can see a great end result then it's worth all the time in the world next I heard you a blend of chives shovel and parsley is pureed finely sieved and then placed in this machine that creates a vacuum removing all the air bubbles we use this all the time constantly there's no more weight in four days for things to rest in the fridge so the outcomes eh so you can see now it's pure I've criticized Casimir for over using the water bath because not all ingredients suited so have they learned their lesson the whole secret is just to finish it in a pan and just let the skin just crisp and create that caramelized golden flavor and it's unbelievable absolutely unbelievable it's great news because customers are comfortable with pan frying but it's just one more stage in an already complicated process the most key thing is the timing of everything you know at the time it's not that I mean we'll pretty much be screwed this is beautiful refined cooking Simplicity on the plate achieved with technical precision and attention to detail we're under a massive amount of pressure today you know Gordon wants 110 and he pushes you all the way not only does he wants speed uh some communication but he wants the distance gonna act perfect you know obviously you see tonight we've got like 3v1 chef's table that we've got to please and the rest of the donors so absolutely mad experience casimir's main course is a complicated dish and it will demand the kind of teamwork they haven't shown yet the boys are still infuriatingly slow getting food out I need to see some form of [ __ ] teamwork going on yeah there's one thing I've got with you guys it's a stop start stop start you've got to get 21st century flow nice to push the boat out we've got to get into a flow yes finally they seem to be hitting their stride I'm sure they'll just like over there satisfied yeah one there one there and the food looks amazing yeah good go please table one thank you let's go guys but how has the unusual combination of chicken and fish gone down with my diners two of it works excellent with me I think it's absolutely sound choice that they've made the turbo was perfect the chicken wings were really good and the South Side brought it all together the creaminess in the middle again that's what I expect from Cars I mean they're very clever they know what they're doing and he was executed really good that's ready a turbo looks fantastic guys yeah keep it going yes yes whilst the boys daring dish has really impressed upstairs their parents are clearly feeling the strain are on the pillar for the other lady yes with one course still to go will they be able to hold it together I'm feeling a little bit under pressure a little bit this is Gordon Ramsay best restaurant you want to do your best time to find out what my experts on the chef table thought of casimir's main course fantastic I thought that was delicious it was a fantastic combination the Jew brought the whole thing together seasoned the whole plate perfectly yeah I thought it was a good effort you know they also be puree was delicious the roasted itself so we we show up in experience when they're hard you know they did it perfectly and they're being really reinvented they're coming out with new dishes specifically for this competitions yep the ballsiness yeah [Music] have chosen to cook a simpler main course it's not hard because every day we making this we're so happy got a like he said very good very good so we happy be happy we got a confidence now the putting their faith in a dish that's loved by the devoted band of Bradford regulars what we chosen the meal is a traditionally Gujarati meal okra is very popular my customer love the okra in the Prasad is a fast time selling dish the keto eight about success is the way they transform traditional family recipes with a unique balance of tastes textures and spices in India every two days we eat in Okra and the Dal and the rice for the main course they're cooking okra Curry silver the Gujarati Dal soup rice and raita we now starts by chopping an onion and frying it with fenugreek seeds and chopped garlic then calci adds turmeric red chili powder ground coriander and tomatoes next the okra sometimes called ladies fingers is a type of green bean it's sticky inside so if you dry them there before it's better if you make fresh then you stick with each other Kelsey fries it and adds it to the curry next the lentil soup or Dal lentil is sick time because we need to boil it's not ready at least 15 minutes when the lentils are ready Manel liquidizes them and then adds liquid diced tomatoes then the prashard magic turmeric red chili powder jaggery and finely coriander this is a very balanced meal because okra it's not too spicy curry that lentil soup it's very creamy and Rich and little bit of sweet and tangy so flavor is balanced very well finally manal fries dried chilies and adds cumin and then returns to the Dal yeah he's done in Indian Cuisine is a not much going on in the presentation so now I have to try bit harder if Gordon says we need finesse when we serving the complex interplay of taste Works brilliantly in this dish creamy crunchy cold spicy prasada always trying to elevate humble vegetables to odd Cuisine how long for the five please ten minutes thank you what's really impressing me today is how prasada trying to keep the soul of their homely Gujarati dishes but giving them a facelift for my restaurant let's go Mariah but a service ramps up even prashad's calm facade is beginning to crack food has been spilled and they're starting to get in each other's way excuse me you got swear yeah I got 20. yeah away now Bobby's back on form and holding it together in the dining room we're in the flow now the food's coming up it's good and it's been received well have Prasad done enough to convince my diners their main cause is worthy of the final delicious but will it be enough to impress my demanding experts prasads Bindi how was that okra the tastes were really intense very powerful and really expertly done and done with ease you can tell the person that took that they just do it with ease it comes you know it's very passionate and it just really skillful very interesting very hard to get okra tasting delicious but it was good the Opera was great I just think they could have lifted everything slightly one level up [Music] okay Cal seeing me now main course is all gone good job great job yes stay down get ready for desserts yes after judging the starters I put Prasad ahead on the night as pulled it back okay main courses custom here turbot cooked Water Bar you all right delicious there's elements of maturity across this plate because they're listening they're using the techniques they're akin to with this slow cooking water bath but they're bringing in you know the roasting of the chub at the end very clever but the chicken the turbo work and there's Harmony there really good Prasad wow that's delicious just you want more [ __ ] was delicious got a little crunch it really is vibrant and a nice blender spices really nice what they have done across this main course is they've refined it they've really brought Gujarati to Knightsbridge both teams have really taken on board my constructive prison and today delivered two fantastic main courses which one would I prefer right now both of them the dessert will be the decider both teams have to keep their nerve and cook the dish of their lives hi guys nice caution last course keep it going yes okay end on a high yes should the restaurant in Bradford prashad serve a huge range of deliciously sweet Indian desserts which calcium are now are attempting to modernize for their final dish they hope will win them this competition we'll be making homemade Indian sweets this sweets is a delicate same time it's a rich also Gordon will definitely like it he like my food so I'm sure he liked this one also all three of their traditional Indian desserts use a combination of ghee flour and sugar either refined white or the Indian favorite jaggery and unrefined sugar that is extremely sweet but extremely popular in Indian desserts sesame seeds and they're gonna get together very well rolled with sesame seeds another is flattened spiced with cardamom then finished with pistachios and almonds and the third and final sweet is a simple blend of sesame seeds and jaggery that is cut into squares and the finished dish will be washed down with sweetened ginger tea in India people how they drink the tea half milk half water boiling put some ginger and sugar and keep boiling until it's really good taste I think Prasad have been clever to create a simple dish that is easy to plate and requires very little cooking during service fishing a classic main course what I like about it is quite modern and they've sort of taken a leaf out of casimir's book there and thought well they're doing that with Italian food I can do that with vegetarian Indian food clever they look fantastic but before I make my own mind up I want to see what my experts and diners think of these modernized Indian sweets I was quite excited the way they made them look almost like sort of um little miniature Petty fours yeah very very sweet but they were just eye-wateringly sweepers sometimes you get a sugar rush this kind of gave me a sugar bash on the head you know yeah just too much very different but then they're quite traditional within themselves so I thought that was a nice mixture of old and new and trying to mix stuff a bit I like the one at the end which was the slightly harder one um to me mainly because it was less sweet you know it had a great structure to it you know had a lovely little buttery nutty flavor to it I don't think they'll ever get away from those over sweetness star but I have to applaud them for their modernization of a dessert yeah I think they did a great thing today probably remind me of restaurants because it's very spicy very um fragrant when I actually bit into the um that there was one Sesame which we call it that was really nice I really liked that I don't like ginger tea at all but I like that ginger tea it wasn't too gingery if I must say so again John Ray Pizza end on a high please yes yes last course yeah come on yeah sure make it well yes for Casimir to beat this they'll have to really pull something out of the bag but the Panna cottas they prepared earlier were way too thick so now they've said they're much too solid just Mountain back down the Panna cottas at the moment so just getting the jealousy in level one putting no milk into it I'm gonna put some pine nuts back in some sugar and hopefully restore feet this is a brave move late in the day but everything these boys do is risky especially the rest of the dessert that they've been perfecting in their Bristol HQ we always try to go out with a big bang or a big wow it's going to be an award-winning dish and it's going to win it's got a bad competition the first part is the lemon sorbet but the boys are not using just any lemons Mafi lemon's amazing we use them all the time in the kitchen because they're bloody brilliant um they're not as harsh as normal lemons and they've got a fantastic Aroma for us the desserts are such an important part but the lemons will not just be used in the sorbet the Amalfi Coast is in southern Italy and that is where the boys want to take the diners we want to almost recreate that Amalfi Q smell that's the plan that's a little magic plan that we've got in our head the boys are making a lemon tea which they'll put over the kitchen alchemist's favorite the tea is going to be infused with zest and lemon juice that's going to be poured on the bottom what's going to be hot we're going to pour liquid nitrogen that's going to flood the aroma around the table bloody brilliant and it works really well this end of the night spectacular could steal the show If Only They get it out on time just send some food will you let's go unbelievable everything hangs on the panna cotta if it collapses so all their dreams are becoming my best restaurant has turned out absolutely perfect so I'm really happy with it brilliant texture that consistency looks lovely thank you chef the panna cotta is perfect and now's the moment when it should all come together okay liquid nitrogen Wizardry has wowed my experts and the diners but is this just another Casimir gimmick oh that's lovely oh that is very clever proof of the pudding is as ever in the eating very good delicious this is really really special panna cotta and how was that I mean for me it was delicious I mean made to test you just move it and it's got that wobbliness to it the structure I thought the lemon with the pine nut was absolutely brilliant and I mean I'm like you I hate the gimmicky normally but I thought it served its purpose I love the way they tried to get that extra element in there so it's all the senses it's smell it did it work though yes it did work yeah it enhanced it it wasn't just a gimmick when you're very inventive like those chefs are sometimes it's just all invention and no practicality there's no purpose to it that had purpose and it added to it and what a finale I mean it just looked amazing for the restaurant it worked for the dish [Music] it has taken a shed load of Drive determination and skill to get to the final all our customers are happy plates are empty that's why we are released we're going to win definitely we are I don't know if you want it's too close to call again it's too close these guys are faster than us tonight there's no doubt about it we're running around like Crooks literally running around like bricks in here but we we did that this year we can cook in the dining room thoughts now turn to which restaurant the diners preferred definitely I would say overall that I preferred a shark I really enjoy The Shard and my team on the chef's table have offered their expert analysis the starter main course desserts was an imbalance that it had finesse did it work across the three courses both brigades took risks in different ways by the time they came to the end of the main course they were in their Rhythm they've got those nerves on top of the fact this is a massive competition clear who's [ __ ] winning in your Camp that's for sure I like the way you threw the balance of that I've listened to everyone else's opinions now I have to decide who should be my best restaurant but before I choose I'm going to taste the crucial dessert course is that should always end on the high Prasad they've done a little selection of desserts sesame seed oh very very sweet very heavy and then you sort of wash that down with a ginger chai it's nice T's lovely no one really knows Indian desserts that well so to cut them up into almost like a little sweet Petty Force they are delicious quite nice without sweet and savory quite light and again you've got that Vibrance nice here we go they're mouthy Hills come to Knightsbridge all that fragrant zest that's like lemon pulp in there over the dry ice and really nice rich and mouthy lemons beautiful wow it's almost like you're taking a steam bath a fragrant lemon now the texture hmm that's lovely you've got that caramelized pine nuts infused across the panna cotta really nice but the whole thing is fresh and fragrant two very interesting desserts across the board and uh love prasad's little finesse with their dessert brilliant Casimir these guys are smart which one for me would I eat again [Music] two outstanding restaurants both of whom have proved they can deliver at the highest level I'm about to reveal which one is worthy of the title of my best restaurant [Music] well done what a night and my god did the customers love it tense day difficult day both restaurants have been under immense pressure tonight's performance you must have balls the size of melons to announce a risotto and not put rice anywhere near the dish you made it out of potatoes customers loved it then the combination of the turbot and the chicken wing tough to get that meat and fish work at the same time it worked and then the finale not just the wow factor with the texture of the panna cotta but that kind of Magic on top of that Prasad you left the boy standing today with the way that you organize yourselves okra one of the most unwanted vegetables anywhere in the country so with the Dal yeah they loved it I know a mission star Indian restaurants in this city that can't put food on a plate like that well done desserts they're never ever going to be everybody's cup of tea because it's like a sweet Petty four but I love the attitude to refine it well done [Music] Casimir you managed to excite in a way that very few restaurants do but you're only going to be highly successful when your customers are with you sometimes you step too far and you forget the customers prashad Kelsey your heart is bigger than any woman I ever known you're too generous put more in the till yeah and stop giving it away okay that's been my experience from start to finish It's been a tempestuous Journey based on everything I've experienced tasted witnessed the winner and a mighty congratulations goes to Samia [Music] well done Kelsey Prasad I know that is for you congratulations well done well done my darling thank you well done Bobby well done John Ray Pete's congratulations well well deserved well done well done well done well done well done well done well done come here well done good job good job well done well done just amazed the maps you it means it's unbelievable it's a dream come true sir [Music] absolutely everything I mean I'll never give so much energy and passion into dishes and all my life literally I know you're disappointed Ma I know but we haven't lost we came second remember you're two in twelve thousand months two yeah we are disappointed but Prasad need to grow we want to learn more and we we're going to be success one day I'm totally gutted for Prasad you know you've got two self-taught ladies that cooked here tonight as if they were cooking for their lives their food's amazing was up against two real thoroughbreds that are gonna leave a a lasting impression there are elements of that dinner tonight that was of a three-star standard a three Mission star standard we're chefs spent 25 30 years to perfect to you because you back to us what you've allowed uh me and Pete to do and the direction you uh you kind of the direction in the vision you had on kind of what me and Pete wanted to do with food and allow us to do it together foreign [Music] was payback night because their sons proved why their mum and dad have backed them all the way and tonight I mean they really Sean yeah cheers
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 165,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All In The Kitchen, Best British restaurant, Best restaurant in Italy, Best restaurant in Paris, British food classics, British food culture, British food history, British restaurants, Chef war series, Food battle, Food challenge, Food challenge tournament, Food contest, Food rivalry series, Food rivalry show, Gordon Ramsay's favorite dish, Gordon Ramsay's recipes, Restaurant cook-off show, Restaurant cookery face-off, Restaurant face-off, Restaurant rivalry
Id: fZr9oTDK7pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 481min 49sec (28909 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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