Helldivers 2 Want us to Leave NEGATIVE Reviews... PSN Situation

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hell divers 2 has over 100,000 negative reviews in 24 hours as the community have absolutely hit back over this insane PSN requirement now there have been developments here guys and it looks like Arrowhead are trying their best here to potentially reverse some of this however they need to reverse the entire thing cuz I'll be honest this is just absolutely insane can you imagine buying a game playing the game for over 3 months and then being told actually you can't play this game any longer unless you make a PSN account and then you happen to be in a region or in a country where you can't even legally make a PSN account so therefore you cannot play the game actually insane but what I will say is the community reaction to this has been absolutely poetic it has been awesome it has been super you know we've we've effectively been trained as a community to go after goals together complete the major order attack this planet defend this planet do this do that now we're actually using that Community against this horrific decision all hell divers are hell divers and everybody should be able to play this game in what world does Sony think this is a good idea to just remove massive SS of the player base it is actually fraking insane let's break this down though because there have been developments the world famous Community manager spits has uh dropped this bombshell in Discord today internal discussions are ongoing about the mandatory linking change and while I can't reveal details the response from our Dev teams has been pretty universally negative and we're looking for better options so the first thing there is we've got an official response from an arrowhead official saying the devs the studio do not like this they do not want this and they are looking at ways to try and alleviate this but what and how will those ways manifest spitzen goes on to say if a better solution tion isn't provided for players who are in regions without PSN coverage I'm assured that we won't be making the requirement mandatory for those players we're not going to force people to either break Sony terms of service or not play the game now this is a statement that could be the statement that um gets rid of the PSN requirement completely on Steam you cannot have this both ways you cannot simply say oh right so if you're in a region that doesn't have PSN legally you won't need it you can just carry on playing on Steam because then the entire argument from Arrowhead and I guess from by proxy from Sony was that oh wait we need your PSN and steam accounts linked so we can ban you on Steam if you've been a naughty little boy well that doesn't hold any water does it if they're just going to go oh by the way it doesn't matter if you don't have PSN in your region you can just use steam then you need to let everyone use steam then guess what you need to do Arrowhead it needs to be optional doesn't it if you want to link your PSN account that's the that's just the end of the story that is actually the end of the story story so this can only really end in one way they need to remove the PSN requirement things get murky though because check this out this is over on uh the uh the PSN page for hellis 2 and it says do I have to sign into to PSN to play a PlayStation game on PC signing into PSN is optional when playing a PlayStation game on PC and then this was changed Sony were caught in the act look at this do have to sign into a PSN into PSN to play a PlayStation game on PC some PlayStation games may require you to sign in and link to an account of PSN so what are they going from here it's optional it's not optional it's a requirement it's this is just horrible here is a list of all of the regions and countries where you cannot make a PSN I'm not going to read this off I'll be here all day if I did it this is millions of players this is insane this is actually insane it is this has to be one of the worst fum balls in games I've seen for ages and what is it with games that I I end up liking and massive fumbles what's going on the world hates me Spitz then comes back and talks about players um and what we can actually do to help the devs and this again is an amazing comment look at this players making their displeasure known through reviews and refunds Etc gives us more pull in the discussions with Sony they don't read our Discord it hurts to see the game's popularity suffering ratings but discussions are ongoing going and our team is on the side of the players in this fight it's unrealistic to expect people to make PSN accounts in different regions to get past the account linking requirement we're aware of that discussions are ongoing now this is interesting isn't it because this you've got a community manager straight up saying look if you refund the game and leave negative reviews it gives us more pull we can then go to Sony and go you absolute bastard you're destroying this game that we've built that that is like a once in a generation hit you need to just get rid of this requirement now we need to start repairing the damage ASAP that's what the devs are saying it has to be what the devs are saying this is this is insane it's actually insane to get this much detail between what's going on with all this corpo bollocks in the background it it's AB it's just insane Spitz also talks about the reaction they had yesterday to um some of the comments I covered them in videos and I did actually say in my videos you have to remember that Community managers I mean it's not right what was said but the community managers are like the line and they just get hit with everything and they're almost you know I I like to give them the benefit of the doubt a lot of the time because in some ways I see it similar to like positions I've been in the past where you're not really designed as a human to interact with hundreds of thousands millions of people who are wanting to talk to you send messages through you just can't do that you know and even you might get thousands of positive comments you get a negative comment and it it does tip you over the edge sometimes and I guess we're only human in that way anyway spit says this yeah I was complet completely unaware how many countries didn't have the ability to make a PSN account when I made that statement I deeply regret implying that it was so easy for everyone to just sign up and not have to worry about it it's absolutely not Our intention to force people to break Sony terms of service or just not play the game if they're in a restricted region the needs to be a better solution so yeah you know fair enough and again just to illustrate this is not coming from Arrowhead Arrowhead didn't just wake up in the morning and go oh yeah let's just turn PSN on and force it for everybody spits says that change the steam announcement and the FAQ are all coming from Sony and not from our team at Arrowhead and this is an issue isn't it because it shows you once again big gaming Publishers can absolutely piss all over the Goodwill their studios are building up with stupid insane decisions that they don't care about they they actually don't give a you know this is something and you know I said this in my video yesterday this is something which is just like it's never going to happen right PSN is just going to be forced on and that's the end of the story because that's the way these things always go but it doesn't have to be like that does it and we're seeing now a game that is built on rallying your community to go to one objective and deal with the objective it is now it's almost become Ultra super meta it's outside of the game it is everyone rallying together to try and get this stupid requirement removed because we want hell divers in regions of the world who do not and cannot make a PSN account to be able to play the game but once you get rid of the requirement for them you have to get rid of the requirement for everybody and it then then needs to become optional this whole about oh yeah it's to help us ban players it's complete absolute bollocks and I'll say it time and time and time again the only reason Sony want a PSN account to be made is because a game they are publishing has suddenly exploded with millions and millions of potential new customers that don't have PSN accounts Sony wants you to make a PSN account so it can add you to its quarterly reports so it can add you to potentially becoming a customer that is the only reason anyone telling you that that's not the reason is fraking mental and they're sipping on some insane Sony Kool-Aid I'm going to say this at the end of the video cuz it just needs to be said the Publishers honestly all of them are they all just want to do whatever they can do to make as much money as possible it is we don't want this the community is fighting back against this this is an ongoing development developing story let's see where this goes but I am slightly more hopeful than I was yesterday that we might see this change removed the only way Arrowhead can repair the damage from this is to just come out and say this has been removed it is gone it is no longer part of it Sony have give the go- ahead cuz they don't want Goodwill to be eroded away from what could be the start of a brand new franchise gaining a ton of traction because that's what it feels like at the moment I I I got a horrible taste in my mouth and I don't want to play hell divers it's horrible all right guys thank you for watching the video let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below and I'll catch you guys in the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 177,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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