Helldivers 2 Community Tricked by Sony - Devs RESPOND!

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Sony have lied to us and they've also tricked us hello everybody and welcome to the channel that is the question of this video because it would look like Sony while they have walked back on the PSN requirement have not walked back on the actual relisting of the game in the regions where it was removed after they tried to enforce the PSN requirement now I gave them the benefit of the doubt in a recent video I uploaded to the channel where I said hey maybe this is coming next week and hopefully it is and it'll all be fine but I'm starting to worry here because they managed to delist the games very fast we're not too sure whether it was Sony or valve that actually delisted the game from sale in the regions where PSN is not actually available to the customers so of course if you didn't have PSN you wouldn't be able to play the game effectively um the question is though why haven't they just turned this back on why hasn't it just been a flip of the switch it's back for sale in the regions it was taken from so this is a debate isn't it and it looks like Sony is uh well it looks like they could have possibly played us let's check this out so this is a message from Johan um this is from yesterday over in the Discord server and there's a response which says is there any news about the 177 countries the listed issue and he says sorry no I'm speaking to our partners at PlayStation and valve and pushing for it to be undone getting the account link King took a Herculean effort but I won't rest in my desire to have it available everywhere now the devs are working for this the devs are pushing for this the CEO himself is saying look Arrowhead want the game for sale in those regions but why isn't the game for sale in those regions it is quite shocking so these are the regions where the game is not available for sale now to give a very fast tldr in case you're not have to speed with everything that happened with PSN essentially what happened is Sony said you need a PSN account you need to link a PSN account to your Steam account to be able to play hell divers 2 uh at a certain date if you don't do this then you won't be able to play hell divers 2 now the game was for sale in every region on Steam essentially globally some of those regions can't actually sign up for PSN accounts so if you're in a region that couldn't sign up for a PSN account but you've been playing hell divers for basically 3 months unaffected and then Sony coming and say you need a PSN account you physically cannot sign up to a PSN you could have used a VPN to fake your location but then that's grounds for Sony to ban you from the PSN Network so go figure it just wouldn't work um so what Sony did is a couple of days or I think it was about 30 hours later I'll show you some info in a moment on that um they they just said okay the game is not for sale in regions where there isn't a PSN okay well of course we know the whole drama broke down and Sony then backtracked and said actually no PSN isn't a requirement you guys can just carry on playing how you like but crucially they haven't reinstated the game in those regions just yet so look at this tweet from Pirate software and now he breaks down what happens but he actually gives time stamps here and evidence to show you know this is what happened so he says for those claiming these two actions were not associated and trying to community note me Sony restricted sales at uh 2200 hours UTC on May the 4th and sent out the notice of walking back the PSM requirement at 0400 hours UTC on May the 6th these actions were 30 hours apart the way the wave of down fot started on May the 3rd and continued until Sony announced the PSM requirement was dropped on May the 6th you can review this in the package information and Via steam's customer review tool and he links to all of the sources so the situation is essentially this PSM requirement is announced massive Community backlash tons of negative reviews the the image of PlayStation the image of Hell Dives is getting absolutely destroyed Sony then D list the game for sale in regions that cannot sign up for a PSN this is over 177 regions I think it's over 150 countries um around the world where the game would not be available for sale if you bought the game you wouldn't even be able to play it this gives valve a massive headache they need to start issuing refunds and the game gets delisted then a few hours later we get the the whole okay actually we're backtracking you don't need PSN as a requirement but now that's been quite a while ago hasn't it and we still don't have the game reinstated for sale globally on Steam so what's going on here has Sony tricked us have they actually managed to stop us negative review bombing the game and actually we we've started positively review reviewing the game uh once again but actually the game still isn't for sale in the regions where you can't sign up for a PSN account now obviously this hasn't helped Sony's ultimate goal of getting everybody onto PSN but corporations you know they can play the long game there is a potential that maybe down the line they start offering incentives for us to sign up to PSN maybe we get loot attached to it and things like that people will sign up to that over time and then they will ultimately get their PSN players and does Sony actually care about PSN you know in regions where well there isn't a PSN probably not this is bad though it needs to be reversed and Sony need to sort this out I'm hoping I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt still but it is a giant Corporation so it is absolutely stupid of me to do that but hopefully this gets sorted next week because if it doesn't well I'm going to be asking questions and I think a lot of people are going to be asking questions and people are already asking questions about this cuz it is very strange isn't it why isn't the game Sony for sale in the regions where you yday after the PSN um account link it was enforced because those regions obviously can't sign up to PSN so they couldn't fulfill it anyway but why haven't you reinstated it m so let's talk about weapon balance because I mean yeah there's big problems here so this is taken from Reddit just because it does a very good job of side by-side comparisons and it asked the question why does this weapon exist now look at the breaker incend look at the breaker spray and pray the the incend does more damage and it's also got the fire effect which is now been fixed damage over time does a lot of damage the spray and prey why would you take this like it is worse in every single way why would you take it because it's got 30 extra fire rate I I mean no this though is the worst offender of this The Liberator and the tenderizer the tenderizer I still maintain feels quite nice to use but it's just not as good as a liberator The Liberator is better at what the tenderizer does and the tenderizer is a new premium weapon look at the stats it's literally worse in every single way capacity 45 against 35 it's just terrible that feels it needs more capacity recoil 15 to 10 okay it beats it on recoil fire rate 640 to 600 but it's got the same damage it's meant to be a high caliber assault rifle it doesn't feel high caliber it feels almost pointless it's crazy this goes into the debate of like what are the devs doing are the devs actually looking at the numbers of the weapons and going okay this one should be better than that one or are they just going like just release it we're not even testing what's going it it honestly makes no sense maybe they're overworked that could be the other element to this but anyway this is the the the worst one so the Pomer is insane this this SMG is insane because it's got the concussive effect right now look at the Liberator concussive it's an assault rifle that's meant to have the concussive effect now in the past this had explosive so it did explosive damage now though it does concussive look at the stats though it is literally worse than the Poma in every single way there is no world the assault rifle should be doing less damage than the SMG surely surely right that is insane to me like that is just it's it's it's terrible it's horrifically bad now this last one is the adjudicator and the Liberator penetrator now their armor piercing the adjudicator began Life as a DMR now it very quickly was not very good at that job so they gave it fully auto mode uh ful Auto fire I should say and bumped it into the assault rifle category um why would you use the Liberator penetrator why would you use it when this weapon is better in every single way now there's other weapons as well we've seen this with energy based weapons the sickle just being insanely better than every other energy weapon at the time or there have been Buffs and Nerfs subsequently but this is a debate isn't it it's a debate about the balance of the game it's a debate about what is going on with weapon balance like I don't care about things being finally tuned for some sort of stupid perfect vision of this is the way everything should be and this is uh you know the weapons are all finally tuned they've all got their own space it's almost like PVP balance right I don't care about that it's a PVE game I want things to feel super powerful again I will use this example imagine if the tenderizer was the weapon from Starship Troopers when you got this bad boy we're literally annihilating bugs with it we're blasting them away we're ripping through Hive commanders Hive guards with it cuz maybe it's even got medium armor penetrating it's just ridiculous right it's doing massive amounts of damage it feels super powerful that's offset though by a slightly smaller magazine no one would care and if it had an insane sound effect as well no one would care part of the reason why I've been enjoying using the Poma is yeah it's got the Stagger effect from concussive which is great but it sounds fraking sick and it fires like I feel like I'm doing damage like I'm doing work and I think they're completely failing at this at the moment and the Liberator is probably well the Liberator compared to the uh tenderizer is probably the best example of that and the tenderizer just doesn't feel like it's tenderizing anything I mean the name suggests it's destroying meat it's not it's not it's not doing anything so you got to sort this out Arrowhead you got to make your weapons feel more meaningful cuz I think they nailed that in the early days of the game but every update we've had so far everything just feels limp and that is not great in fact that's probably fast track to just well people tuning out of your game I do also have some updates about the actual tenderizer so the tenderizer if you were an eagle-eyed viewer enough would have noticed that with the uh polar um Patriots war bond stuff it basically it should be black now it it wasn't black and and gray it was actually this color which is uh yeah it's just like standard military camo color um but I've got good news because a Dev jumps in and says yeah this was a mistake we've since fixed it it's going to be updated eventually I made the fix myself so I know it's done which is good news cuz now it at least it represents graphically what it should represent now I'm hoping that what we get is a massive buff patch to all of these weapons I'm sure we will cuz Arrowhead have got to do something with them make them more meaty um but yeah maybe that'll come at some point and then we've got a rather strange response from a couple of days ago from the balance Dev um somebody says thoughts on the new war bond coming this Thursday and he says good war bond No Bad weapons everything s tier and a thumbs up and then there's obviously a bunch of reactions now this could have just been a meme a joke a piss take right as we'd say in the UK or he could have legitimately believed this like oh yeah they're all really strong they're super good weapons um if you use the plasma weapon from this war bond you'll very quickly realize it's garbage if you use the tenderizer you'll be like okay it's fine but it's not as good as a Liber the starting weapon everybody gets you know what I mean the only weapon of use is the Poma at the moment so this is a inherently bad weapon war bond I think the incend grenade is good and I think the pom is fine everything else needs to be buffed it's crap so how would this Dev even believe that to be true that everything is s tier and awesome well there is one sort of elephant in the room and it's what difficulty is this de playing the game on I mean if you're running around on like difficulty 3 4 5 yeah everything does feel strong but I mean if you pump up the difficulty very quickly it it it you know where's the power fantasy in these weapons you don't have all day to stand there to charge up the plasma weapon and fire it you're getting absolutely swamped by everything it doesn't make any sense so I again and also they just don't feel fun to use these weapons so I don't know what's going on here this could be signs of a deeper issue at Arrowhead or it could just be a Dev Tak in the piss or it could just be I don't know someone just on a mad one but it doesn't make any sense does it it is very weird there was also this comment on Reddit and and this actually is quite interesting and it's about the devs actually play testing updates it also carries 10 mags but resupply boxes only give you five clear-cut evidence that this gun is from a build that precedes their ammo rework where they made it so every primary gets full ammo back from one resupply box meaning they didn't even bother to test it recently and then a user respond saying this needs to be higher up so this is a complex issue because this could be they are again heavily overworked and they're they're trying to keep this Cadence of every month we're dropping a new war bond and this is leading to them putting the wrong version of weapons into the war bond or they're not even testing what is going into the war bond to make sure that it is you know accurate and correct in the up-to-date versions or they're just literally making war bond so long ago that they're not going back and retroactively fixing them which is an issue and this leads me on to another issue are they making war bonds too fast again this was prompted by Reddit in which this post says if this is the for monthly war bonds they need to be less frequent so let's take a step back here what does polar Patriots say to you if you pull somebody in off the streets and go okay there's a game and in the game there's going to be an update and there's going to be new weapons and it's called polar Patriots what would you think and you say also it's snow themed cuz it's polar well you're thinking right there's going to be some sort of freeze weapon Weaponry there's going to be maybe like an ice grenade maybe there's going to be some sort of like freeze laser r or something I don't know but you're thinking freeze weapons you're also thinking for the armor the armor might have some sort of a buff against being cold so maybe you know you you get extra stamina on planets that have got cold or you don't get affected by blizzards or you can see through blizzards that's what you would think however that's not the case is it in fact it's not the case at all with this war bond why is that is it because the devs don't have enough time is it because they've literally got a list that that theyve they've made which has got the names of all the war bonds and they're trying Loosely sort of link to them while keeping the Cadence really high so they can keep up with this one monthly drop of war bonds I think though to be quite honest guys this war bond might be you know this might be the one that breaks their back right because it is very clearly not that interesting the other ones have been okay they've all had suspect weapons and it's been a meme for a while going well actually there's only really one good weapon in a war bond I think you can argue yeah there's a good weapon and maybe a grenade in in the war bonds I mean the stone grenade think was really good the thermite grenade is not that great although to be fair I've not used it since it's been fixed with the damage over time but I still feel it might not be that good um the incend grenade I think is okay the impact one uh from Polar again it's the polar war bond and it's got an incend grenade like what in what world does that make sense you know what I mean it's crazy um so yeah like they're they're a bit all over the place it's not like every page of the war bond the sick weapons that you want now I get the devs don't want to put the best weapons in a paid war bond but even using the mentality of everything being a side grade you've still got to make them feel fun you've got to make them feel awesome like I said if the tenderizer was the weapon from Starship Troopers and it had like similar sound effects and muzzle flashes and in the way it functioned and it had a a good solid punch to it you would I would use it I would use it I'd be like this is sick you know what I mean or there was cool mechanics on new weapons like I don't know maybe you fire like sticky bombs and then you can detonate them like imagine spraying like loads of little bomblets into a a massive group of terminats and then pressing alternate fire and it detonates them that' be freaking sick who even cares if it's not balanced or whatever even if it's weak the fact that it's got a different mechanic would make it feel sick and the list of this kind of thing goes on and on and on and on and on and currently these war bonds well at least the recent one it's just kind of more of the same stuff and none of it is really exciting I do think the Punisher is a good weapon though but is it really super exciting ah it's okay oh the pummeler I should say not the Punisher The Punisher is awesome anyway ladies and gentlemen thank you for listening and watching the video let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below again it's I think this is going to be one of those really um controversial topics for the game because weapon balance whether you like it or not it is integral to the game but this isn't a PVP game this isn't balanced to make everything Fair it's balanced to make things fun and you cannot launch stuff into the game that isn't powerful that feels crap and doesn't feel fun to use cuz people won't they won't use it and there's only so many times you're going to be able to do that and they just won't care about later additions and newer weapons being added to the game all right guys thanks for watching as I said remember if you did enjoy the video do like the video leave leave a comment below subscribe to the channel it all helps the algo and yeah thanks for watching I'll catch you guys on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 77,948
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: jgXh03GJ3vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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