Helldivers 2 Flame Weapons Receive HUGE Buff - Weapon Balance Update!

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wake up hell divers a brand new patch has dropped and guess what they have finally fixed damage overtime effects working well or not working I guess I guess I was going to say only working for the host um but now they work for everyone apparently now this hasn't been comprehensively tested just yet and as we do know there are sometimes patch notes where they say things have been fixed and they actually haven't been fixed or it causes another issue however this is in the patch notes right now testing is underway but as far as we are aware damage overtime effects now work for everyone in the lobby that means that if you're using Flame or Weaponry or even a thermite grenade the damage over time effects will apply this is a huge buff to fire damage though guys I cannot stress how insane this will be especially against terminats nothing will the only thing that you can't really kill is a bile tie and everything else you can annihilate them okay let's break this patch down cuz it's a juicy one patch 1.32 a democratic day to You Hell divers and citizens today we bring you yet another patch addressing various Freedom hampering issues and this is the patch overview for this patch we have made improvements and changes to the following areas some weapon and enemy balancing crash fixes social menu issues damage overtime damage fixed misaligned scopes fix General fixes and improvements so let's kick this off with the balancing this is primary secondary and support weapons now this this is for the R9 Eruptor and we knew this change was coming this was teased last week but increased explosion damage by 40 and removed shrapnel from the explosion this is to avoid cases in which players would randomly on-shot themselves or their teammates in a huge radius around the explosion now of course this happened to me remember I made a video thinking it was actually projectiles being reflected back because of the Ricochet changes actually it wasn't it was just the Eruptor exploding and the shrapnel killing everyone around it or doing enough damage to you the firer of the weapon to actually kill you at what seemed like crazy ranges now to fix this they've kind of gone the easy way and they've just removed the shrapnel from the weapon so instead of trying to tone the shrapnel down and keep it as part of the weapon they've got rid of it but actually this is a massive buff for the Eruptor cuz they they're literally straight up giving it an extra 40 damage I mean that is insane that is a massive buff that is an absolutely massive buff for this weapon so this is going to be super strong but again it's still going to have the issue of you don't want to fire this at close range cuz it still explodes it will still blow up buildings uh cargo containers factories um you know bug holes and all of that stuff it's so it's still explosive and fences and stuff like that so it'll still do that but it's now got 40 damage so this actually is a massive buff for the weapon and uh I mean yeah this is one of my favorite weapons so I love it buff the weapons so that's all it is for the weapon changes now we're going to move on to the enemy changes increased shrier sight and hearing range slightly increased gunship hearing range slightly now I think this is to counter the fact that you can uh well it's very easy to blow up the mushrooms isn't it where the shers spawn from um and they don't really you know just destroy it from range if you got an auto Cannon eat Rockets anything with range you can just blow them up from miles away you don't actually end up fighting the shers I think what they're trying to do is make the shers a bit more Angry so they will they will basically see you a lot earlier and hear you a lot earlier and then move over to engage you so it'll add a a different Dynamic to taking them out what's interesting with the gunships is they've only done the hearing range now I'm not sure what sight and hearing range correlates to is I mean imagine the sight range means they can detect you further out and hearing is if you're not seen but they can hear you you know if you're like hiding behind cover they know you're there and they'll come around and find you the thing with the gunships is they generally know where you are anyway and it looks really odd cuz they've got this sort of like red scanner laser beam at the front and you think they'd need to scan you before they'd fire at you and they sort of well sometimes they do and sometimes they don't I don't know it's a bit odd but anyway the flying enemies are going to be more deadly because they're going to be able to engage you earlier cuz they're going to be able to detect you earlier although it looks like the shers have been buffed more than the gunships let's move on to the fixes we have fixed issues with the way damage overtime effects were being applied this should fix issues where only the network session owner could apply them and other cases where they would be applied inconsistently now this is the big giant huge change of this patch because it means that finally for the first time in almost 4 months the flamer will actually function for anyone who selects it instead of it being a literal roll of the dice to hope that you end up as Network host so your weapon will work if not you've come into the game with a weapon that simply doesn't work now this obviously extends to things like um I forgot the name of it the the I want to say the incinerator it's the incend Liberator thing you know it it extends to that um oh no it's not the Liberator it the change that concussive it's the shotgun whatever the one sets things on fire that will now work for everyone that will now be super strong the flamer will now be super strong incend mines will now be much stronger than they were before the thermite grenade will now be much better than it was before cuz it will apply its damage over time for everyone irregardless of who is the host so this is going to be huge against bugs honestly massive the flamer is very strong against bugs it can annihilate charges you basically can kill everything apart from bile Titan so this is just insane right massive buff get out there and use flame weapons they're now crazy crazy strong firing the plasma Punisher while wearing a shield backpack no longer damages the hell diver again this is a good change this was obviously insane that this actually happened but we actually know why this happened cuz one of the devs confirmed it's to do with changing the hitbox size of the plasma punishes round when you fire it um and that meant it would interact with the shield um but they fixed this now which is good news fixed issues with some weapon Scopes not being aligned in first person view now I've not actually tested all of the weapons as of the recording of this video I hope this means the AMR is fixed cuz the AMR is one of my favorite weapons but the scope is misaligned and it's absolutely annoying to use cuz sometimes you think oh yeah I'll just stay through the scope oh wait it was misaligned now hopefully they fixed that but this is good news cuz this again was one of those annoying janky things that made the game feel not as polished as it should be so this is good stuff nice one Arrowhead the sound when stemming no longer plays while being interrupted that's a nice change as well cuz you think you've stemmed yourself but you haven't and this happens like literally 10 times every game especially against the bugs you've got the hunters jumping on you and you're trying to stim sound effects going off but your health bar isn't going up you're like where's the stem but it's because you've been interrupted while you were about to stem yourself but yeah that's good because this is a better audio Q so now at least we'll know the stem hasn't gone off major orders with the kill task now track score correctly previously it counted the entire squad's kills once for each player meaning it would multiply the score by the number of people in the mission this is now amended so this is an admission that when we killed 2 billion bugs we didn't actually we killed 500 million and it was multiplied by four so so the next massive order we get to kill loads of bugs or Bots or whatever else uh yeah it's going to take a bit longer to finish hell divers can no longer land on tall rocks in The Horde defend missions now this is just a change to stop you getting to a position where you were kind of safe from any attack other than long range attacks so I guess it makes sense hell divers can no longer land on top of bug pillars in deactivate termined control system missions so again same type of thing they don't want you up there cuz obviously the game isn't really designed for players to be hidden miles in the sky on some piece of terrain fix for the reinforce strategy not being present if a hell diver leaves the session before readying up and then hot joining the active session and this leads us into the crash fixes so let's blast through these fix the crash that could occur when all players were dead on the deactivate termined control M system Mission fix the crash that could occur on game shutdown fix the crash that could occur when leaving the mission and rejoining fix the crash that could occur at the end of cuts scenes fix the crash that could occur when driving into missions a diving sorry not driving who's who's driving into what hell divers mate diving into missions fixed a tutorial crash that could occur on PC when ult tabbing fixed a rare crash that could occur when using beam weapons fixed a rare crash that could occur for players and start up when using VPN fixed a soft lock that could occur if the player would open the text chat while having the strategy menu open other General crash fixes and then we've got some social menu fixes so PC players adding friends through the friends code can no longer show up as unknown fixed overlapping footage inside menus steam friends should now be visible in Social menu even though friends list is not set to public in Steam privacy settings recent players list will now include hot joining players um players are now able to unlock players unblock sorry why would you unlock a player unblock players that were not in their friends list beforehand uh fix an issue with empty friend names social menu Lobby privacy mode text updates immediately when changed player names longer than 26 characters should Now update properly in the social menu fixed issue where nonhost players could kick others indiscriminately including the host what total purchase counter on the right side of the robotics Workshop Workshop section no longer displays seven of 8 despite all strategems being purchased thank you and uh resolve some edge cases related to steam app ID related errors on login so there we go ladies and gentlemen those are the patch notes as I said big news is the flame weapons the damage over time weapons are fixed and I guess the Scopes are fixed as well go out there test these weapons let's see if they're actually fixed um because I don't want to just sit here and go oh yeah it's all fixed it's all working great because we we're not we're not sure we need to go test this um but yeah good news is at least they think it's fixed so they put them in the patch notes if it is then I think flame weapons are going to be incredible and remember the Eruptor has got a massive buff here as well 40 damage that's actually insane all right guys thanks for watching the video If you enjoyed the video do leave a comment like the video subscribe to the channel and I'll catch you on the next one too soon supp
Channel: Stylosa
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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