Helldivers 2 REMOVED from 100 Countries on Steam - PSN Backlash

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in the early hours of the morning devastating news has been dropped hell divers 2 has been removed from over 100 countries on Steam this now means in those regions you cannot purchase the game what this means for people that have actually bought the game in the regions already we don't exactly know we do believe they can still access the game as of the recording of this video but maybe that access will be ultimately removed we do know that one of the community managers did state that they are trying to work kind of way to allow these players to keep playing however this is dire it is an absolutely dire development for hell divers too we've also got the CEO making a comment on Twitter a rather cryptic comment although I think it outlines his mental state at the moment as to what's been going on with the game CU it must be absolutely horrific being over at Arrowhead seeing all of your good work essentially being undone by faceless corpos at Sony so what is happening here well we're not entirely sure who has issued this removal now it could be Sony it could be steam what is happening is Sony cannot sell a game in regions that they are going to revoke access to because you cannot sign up a PSN account because it's not available in that region so there is the chance that this is steam retroactively or well maybe not even retroactively actively I guess is the word I'm looking for coming in and just saying right we're not not going to allow the game to be sold in these regions because well you're about to actually not let these players play in those regions so we're about to get hit with a ton of refunds and we're not going to deal with that because the other component in all of this is yes while I'm sure Sony Support Arrowhead support are getting hammered valve and Steam support will also be getting hammered with people issuing refund requests and all of that stuff obviously loads of negative reviews and all of that stuff but it's mainly the refund request that will be coming in and steam it looks like are refunding people if you simply say look I don't agree with what's going on with this game refund me or hey I'm not in I'm in a region now that the game's being bloody blocked in CU I can't sign up with PSN give me my money back and steam like okay so it could be that steam are going in and saying right we're not going to allow the game to be sold in these regions now the other way of looking at this is It's Sony and if it is Sony this is the end this is actually the end this is the the the argument is over it is finished it is make a PSN account or go away that's literally it because if Sony have now come in and said right we're removing the game from sale from these countries cuz obviously you know we're about to block them because they can't sign up PSN accounts and there's been people saying just use a vpm yeah sure you can use a VPN but in the terms of service for PSN they can actually terminate your account if your account is activated with a PS with a a VPN so it's just insane it's like there is literally no way around it even if you do get around the restrict rtion they can still ban you for getting around the restrictions they put in place it's actually insane it is it this is the biggest fumble I have ever seen it is honestly insane but I think the fact is guys if this is Sony it's game over if it's steam then it's well things are still to play for and things are still being discussed but it doesn't look great does it now talking of things not looking great this is the current review status of Hell divers 2 so it's got three 331,000 positive reviews but in the last 48 hours this game has essentially gone down by 295,000 negative reviews now sure some of these reviews possibly were just you know people just didn't like the game whatever but obviously the majority of these are people coming in it is the reaction from the PSN requirement which again just to give a very quick brief rundown of that it is not simply because they're asking users on PC to just make a PSN account it's the way it was hand L the way it was delivered you could buy the game on Steam you didn't have to register a PSN account 3 months go by and then Sony come in and say oh by the way make a PSN account link it to steam or you can't play the game no more that's the insanity of this situation which gets even more ridiculous when they were selling the game in regions where you can't even make a PSN account so what the hell is that it is actually the biggest fumble I've ever seen in my entire literally in my entire gaming create it's it's actually insane this is like to go from what what is basically over 300,000 posit postive reviews to essentially 300,000 negative reviews and have this massive negative backlash it is completely justified by the way but it is insane it like all Sony had to do was nothing they just had to sit there and go no it's nothing but you know they wanted those I guess fresh accounts on their q1 or Q2 earning reports to go W well look at this we grew BSN by a shitload yes instead they've annihilated what was truly one of the great new IPS of this generation so looking at Steam support here we've got a screenshot and this user said Sony has retroactively changed how the game works and force legal agreements upon me I do not accept and steam have come in and gone hey your purchase has now been refunded and look at this player over 97 hours of game time so steam don't care about your game time for this they don't care that it's over 3 months if you want a refund go and get a refund it's the only thing that's really going to affect Sony cuz like they don't care about anything I mean you have to understand as well there's been people out there saying oh yeah you know let's boycott Sony Sony is one of those companies that is just too big to fail it isn't just PlayStation it makes everything consumer electronics software movies I can guarantee you most of the stuff you're watching um on the TV it's got some sort of Sony proprietary technology involved whether that's cameras editing software there's just loads you know I'm probably using Sony software here without even realizing it or Hardware you know I've my well actually my camera is Sony you know what I mean it's like you Sony don't care if they could literally just turn hell divers off overnight it don't matter what will affect Sony is if it's causing brand damage to PlayStation which is worth orders of magnitudes more than hell divers too and that's what this whole thing of leaving negative reviews refling the game and all of that is an attempt to say look get come on just remove the PSM requirement you don't need it you don't need it Sony but come on just stop being greedy and let the let the you know let this Golden Goose just keep laying its eggs but they've basically just pulled its head off and it's just it's such a such a desperately sad situation the CEO has just tweeted this literally as I was recording the video now um I can tell you right now in this this is very meta but in this video it's 10 a.m. this came out at well it's actually 10:16 a.m. this video came out at this tweet sorry came out at 954 a.m. so literally just happened this is CEO of Arrowhead and this sort of gets us into um you know his mental state and you know the the morale I guess of of the studio he says waking up to the sunshine of yesterday replaced with a dreary drizzle and shivering winds make me reflect on how I spent my time those rare few moments when all was perfect which you know that is literally before the last couple of days where everything was perfect the game's on top of the world they've just announced their next war bond everyone is like wow look at the weapons look at the armor they're getting hyped for that and yet the very next morning Sony dropped the PSN insanity and it's just they've I mean to say they've torpedoed it they ain't torpedoed it are using aliens reference they have nuked this from orbit to be sure they have absolutely nuked it from orbit it's insane Yan goes on to say yet the rain is essential to growth and what changes spring into summer I would just have to wait for Sunshine to return now that could be seen as an acceptance of defeat in a lot of ways because look it's raining just got to accept it but you know there'll be better times ahead so let's just try and focus on what we can control which is making a good game making you know good game updates and hopefully players will come back to us and everything will be fine I think that's the way I'm going to view it I don't want of you it that way I I want it to be like actually no we're still fighting for this we're still going to try and get things sorted because the issue with this is it's just going Way Beyond gaming now it's going into that sort of Arena of re it's consumers versus companies and the way companies are treating consumers is just like idiots basically it's insane it's actually insane this is guys I'm going to leave this video at that I could go on and on and on and on about this but I again we're still a developing situation but as of right now it doesn't look great this looks like Sonia just doubling down on this they've just removed let all with a Sony narrative they've removed all of these games from uh these countries from Steam so you cannot buy the game in those countries that's impacted countless amounts of players but it's not just about those players it's about the other players as well it's about what hell divers is meant to be hell div is this massive Community we all fight together for the same objective and well in in the most horrific I mean it's almost funny isn't it really like the horrific comedy of this insane irony where they've just oh my God guys I'm out of here this is insane all right guys I hope you enjoyed that if you did let me know what you think about this in the comments below and uh yeah catch you guys in the next one see soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 258,165
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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