Helldivers 2 Stealth Weapon NERF and Community Manager FIRED!

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ladies and gentlemen hello and welcome to the channel and it would not be a hell divers 2 update if the patch didn't actually work all right then let's break this down so we've got two big problems with this patch we've got the Eruptor and then I guess the other one isn't really a big problem but it's the sight issue with the Scopes still not being correctly aligned okay let's break all of this down because uh you may have caught my video earlier on in the day where I went over the patch notes and I did specifically say we're not sure if any of these actually work but I'm reading the patch notes off because you would hope that they do work because well they're patch notes we can say though that the flame weapons do appear to be working and the Damage overtime effects are working for everybody in the lobby which is good news however let's talk about the Eruptor because this weapon has been reduced to I don't want to say garbage tier I think it's still got a use but it has been nerfed into absolute Oblivion so check this out this was the buff only it's not a buff so the Eruptor got an extra 40 damage on explosion however it had the shrapnel effect removed now the shrapnel effect basically generated a ton of little projectiles that fired out from the explosion so you had the explosion damage and then a load of shrapnel firing out now there was some cheesy Che well it wasn't really cheesy it was Advanced tech let's say you could do with the Eruptor which you can no longer do and you might catch me trying to do it in this video in the background and I'm just completely failing cuz the weapon doesn't work anymore but you could fire the old Eruptor into the ground underneath the ass of the Chargers and it would explode on the ground and Fire the Shel into the charger and do generally enough damage to almost kill them sometimes it would just outright kill them that is a great little um thing you you could do with a weapon now you've got to remember as well this weapon had its magazine capacity the amount of magazine sorry reduced it may have had the capacity reduced as well basically you've got a lot less shots with this now um and this Nerf now removing the Shel means it's just it's just basically lost almost everything that made it an effective weapon now I think the way to to combat this is to uh I mean they're going to have to increase the damage even more um there is a comment though from the de so let's take a look at this twinbeard was asked on Discord have the on duty CMS noticed how divisive to put it conservatively the shrapnel removal is I'm hoping the team can take another look and reevaluate the importance of the shrapnel and twin beard responds with we are already there are two or three things we've noticed aren't working as intended even if we check them beforehand that's one of them so there's still some other issues with this patch I hope it isn't the damage over time cuz I feel like that's working but maybe it isn't I don't know I think it is though um but yeah so it's good news here that they've noticed this so it could possibly mean that they haven't actually added the extra damage to the explosion on the impact of the Eruptor um I don't think we're going to go back to seeing the shrapnel be added because obviously you know it was removed for a reason and it was resulting in a lot of well it was it was straight up killing you um if you were anywhere near it when you fired the thing um but I think keeping that shrapnel component well it's kind of like the skill shot element with of the weapon was isn't it and it's I don't know this is a difficult one what would you guys do with this I almost feel like I want the shrapnel back but yeah the shrapnel was killing me over and over again so I don't know I don't know oh dear the Eruptor but basically at the moment it's gone from like an incredibly strong weapon I mean it's incredible against the uh automaton to a weapon which is like you don't really want to take this anymore it's bad now the other issue is the Scopes again these are not correctly fixed now to be fair the patch note says fixed issues with some weapon Scopes not being aligned in first person view now if you go around and look at all of the Scopes look at the Scopes like the uh AMR it's still not correct it's still off by a little bit if you look at scopes on the heavy machine gun and the machine guns they're still off a little bit there's a whole host Scopes that basically are not correctly aligning and this is a bit of an issue if you're using first view now I will say um I go through phases with first person view um or aim down sides ads whatever you want to call it um where you know sometimes I just like to play third person sometimes I like to break out first person if I'm using the AMR obviously I'm going to use the scope with that cuz it is a sniper rifle going to fire that willy-nilly and even things like the Eruptor you'll see me using the scope on that as well cuz again does make a bit of sense if you're going for like slightly longer range engagements but yeah this is a frustrating issue and I hope they can fix this soon cuz it is yeah it's janky and it just doesn't feel great there's also an update from Arrowhead about the whole situation which has happened over the last couple of days which I'm sure all of you guys are aware of what's happened with the PSN situation anyway twin beard says this hell divers ideally we would have liked to have had some more information before posting an announcement here however as questions about the details surrounding account linking keep pouring in and understandably so we feel it's better to say something even if it's not much we don't have any updated information about the account linking yet particularly of anything related to players outside PSN regions to clarify as per Sony's earlier statement mandatory account linking will not be going forward there are still ongoing discussions between parties about the details and Weir Arrowhead acknowledge and respect that it could take some time to sort these out we therefore kindly ask you our cherished Community hardcore hell divers and precious players try to be patient as well as soon as we learn more we'll post an update in here so obviously this is good you know this is a crucial time for communication from the devs and I think they're they're doing quite well with that at the moment um and yeah so this this is being worked on but obviously remember the PSN requirement is removed now so even if you're in a region without PSN you it shouldn't matter now there are I think some other lingering issues things like when the game was delisted on Steam uh in some regions you might not be able to play the game still um we're waiting for that to be globally updated once again um and there may be some other little issues with currency and stuff like that floating around but this is going to get sorted and yeah that's the good news and obviously if you've left a negative review on the game on Steam as a result of the PSM requirement there's obviously quite a strong uh push back now from the community to go and revert those reviews back to positive reviews but like I said let's not forget what happened you know cuz it was it was disgusting t beard also says furthermore while we have your attention we're approaching 1 million users in here crazy that means that for any topic with a large general interest there are hundreds sometimes even thousands of mentions and DMS aimed at as Community managers and moderators during the workday we can't reply to all of it but we see a lot a warm thank you for your Everlasting support of the game and believing in us at Arrowhead equally important however is trying to be respectful of each other and of our colleagues as well the last few days have been challenging for everyone no matter to whom you're writing or what you're commenting on remember there's a person on the other side with so many people here we're band have different opinions we all make mistakes and we learn from them that's as it should be in life when possible discussion is always a better option than arguing we ventured Into the Storm together and we'll come out of it as one as always happy hell diving so yeah kind of just like you know a little bit of um well I I guess that's uh you know Community Management in the Discord server right so talking to Community Management uh it looks like there has been a casualty in all of the PSN drama so Spitz is no longer a community manager um for Arrowhead and uh we've got got a couple of comments here from spits and uh this is what he said uh spits got demoted for our sins generally it's not a good idea to tell people to refund and leave negative reviews when you're a community manager today I learned and you know this was like uh you know the the guts to make this decision was crazy you know like I mean I'm sure it was a um emotionally charged comment that spits made but I think you know to be honest I don't think we're going out on a limb here to say that probably what Spitz said was a major component in getting all of this reversed I don't think if you know spits never said that it would have been a lot more difficult to see Sony go back and deal with this however there have been consequences Spitz goes on to say I appreciate all the support and I appreciate even more that everyone can play the game again without restrictions I knew I was taking a risk with what I said about refunding and changing reviews I stand by it it was my job to represent the community and that's what I did taking the rest of the day off not feeling super well love you all so I mean at the end of the day yeah suppose spits did spits did represent the community in the ultimate Way rallied the community together and then as a result of that you know we ended up with the PSM requirement being removed I think this has just been an absolute insane for maybe 5 days or so for spits particular obviously for everyone on the community team for hell divers and even the devs you know they've been through the ringer the community's been through the ringer everybody has really um but yeah this is um yeah this is just you know somebody had to fall on a sword I guess and at the end of the day I'm sure Sony will like look listen here we can't have your staff going around telling people to refund the game because it's an official communication and so something needs to be done and unfortunately uh spits has been moved on from the position that he held anyways guys that's about it so what we've got at the moment is the Eruptor is not working as intended and the devs are going to fix this but I I feel like it's not applying its extra damage or maybe it's got too small small of an area of effect when it explodes maybe they're going to increase that good news is they're looking at it the flame weapons are definitely working I'm sure they're working I I I literally haven't lost my mind I've been using them in games today and I've just been burning stuff down and I I feel like they're working which is good good job Arrowhead and also it's nice to just be talking about patch notes again and even getting I don't know a bit miffed at patch notes rather than some absolutely massive you know industrywide disaster which hit the game over the oh my it's been insane honestly it's been actually insane all right guys I guess yeah we're just waiting for the uh new war bond to drop in a couple of days major order is progressing I mean to be honest I need to get back in and look at all the details on the major order I think we've got a ton of planets now we need to go and liberate um I think we've managed to uh deactivate the TCS though um so the barrier planets are all liberated apart from Meridia um which is still the super Colony but bugs have spread out from the super Colony but I think we've just got to go around and clean them up uh and yeah it's back to Hell diving I guess all right guys thanks for watching the video I hope you enjoyed that if you did let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below do leave a comment do subscribe to the channel and do like the video it helps an absolute ton when it comes to the YouTube algo all right guys I've been STA and I'll catch you on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: Z2IpGmmtGM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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