Fastest Way To Farm Samples! 🧪 (Helldivers 2) 🧪

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this is how you get a ton of samples in the shortest amount of time first head to a defense Planet you know the ones where it says defend on top second there's usually an evacuation mission in each Mission set you need to head straight for the Evac Mission because this Mission only lasts 15 minutes we'll be using this time to collect as many samples as possible thirdly you need to choose a difficulty depending on the type of samples you need and depending on which you can do the higher the difficulty the more and rarer samples you'll be able to find be careful though there's a rare version of this mission that drops you into a smaller map than usual it barely has any samples avoid those Missions at all cost they're a waste of time now choose a dropping spot away from the center and make sure to bring smoke air strikes and a shield generator if you're not a high level enough to get the shield generator get anything you want as long as it helps you keep moving anything that helps with Mobility is a good thing here once you drop down down start running this mission is programmed to keep dropping enemies near your location and not near the objective you can use this fact to your advantage by bringing friends and splitting up to maximize sample collection but only one will be tracked by the enemies while the rest will kind of roam free so get your gear and start looking for points of interest that's where all the samples are and if you're done clearing a POI move in the direction of where you expect the next one to be and at this point you're most likely being tracked by a hord of enemies and this is where your smokes come in handy just drop your air strikes or your smokes on your location uh this will allow you or at least buy you time to start running they will keep shooting on the smoke and running towards the smoke but because they are tracking your last known location you can use this to Advantage by breaking their line of sight with the smoke and going to a different direction essentially saving you the trouble of dealing with them and wasting precious time because if you stay in a single spot you are going to die they're going to keep dropping enemies and you're not going to keep up unless like you have an entire team just geared up the teeth and just killing everything but even then they will keep dropping more enemies so don't waste time and start running again now this is where the most dangerous part of the plan comes to play once the timer hits zero extraction will be automatically called and you'll have exactly I think two Med to reach the extraction Zone stop collecting samples and head to safety but not to xfill if there's a horde tracking you do not go to xville this is the biggest mistake that costed me a lot of samples because the last thing you'd want is a horn of enemies tracking you to xfill and calling in more enemies essentially ruining your 15 minutes of progress because remember after that 50 minute timer there's no reinforcements there's no strategems there's nothing stealth is is your best friend after that 15minute passes head in the direction of the xfill wait for two minutes around the xfill but don't get too close and don't linger too long after Pelican lands you can't delay and you can come too early because if you come too early there will be enemies if you come too late well you've lost everything this method although is a bit risky in the end if you have a team move three or two even this is way easier if one person dies the rest can collect their samples and had the xfill and as long as One X fills with the samples the samples are all shared I've only lost about one out of 10 x fills and this is because I brought the hearts of enemies to the xfill and I couldn't keep up with them
Channel: Mahlium
Views: 53,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Sample Farming, Automatons, Tips
Id: F9-n4RctV4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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