5 ways to be a BETTER Hellbro in Helldivers 2!

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there's five ways to be a better teammate in Hell divers 2 check and protect let me start by asking you a question when was the last time you turned around to Simply check if a teammate was okay if you play with your friends the answer might be yep quite often but if you're like me and you don't have any friends then you have to play with randoms a lot of the time and it can be a very solitary every man for himself kind of situation even though you're supposed to be in a tea and protecting the lives of your fellow hell divers is very important because it saves reinforcements if you can prevent them from dying so pay attention to the cues that one of your teammates might need some help like their cries of pain hearing this hell bro screams I come running to help him because that's what a good hell diver teammate does and I've maybe saved him from becoming bug food which is ultimately save the team a reinforcement ticket and watch out for that situation fighting bugs people very often get molded by groups of hunters and a little assistance will definitely increase their chance of survival and the same idea against bots if people are being chased down by a gang of Berserkers keep an eye on the mini map as well for signs of an ally in Peril if they're covered in red dots then maybe they need some help so stop turn around and lay down some covering fire to help them out congratulations you just saved another life be especially aware if stalkers are on the map as well because like this guy being chased by four stalkers he's probably doomed without any help so again we're just saving reinforcement tickets by looking after our teammates fight as hard to keep your teammates alive as you do to keep yourself alive it's in your best interest after all and and this applies when teammates are preoccupied doing terminals somebody cover them here my three teammates are stood right above me just chilling out pretty much and guess who ends up getting muled by stalkers if you said it's you Zer you'd be correct a death that could have been completely avoided if a teammate was simply watching my back the game doesn't do a great job with audio cues letting players know when things are coming up behind them so covering each other is pretty essential for a good well organized team and if you're in a pretty safe position and your teammates are in Risky positions maybe use your ad Vantage of safety to cover them a little bit because as I say it's all about saving lives and saving reinforcements but looking after your fellow hell Bros shouldn't end until everyone is on that shuttle personally I always try to be the last man on the shuttle making sure everyone is going to be able to get to it without any problems because while you might be in a position to easily get on the shuttle not everyone is like poor old F3 here he's got a bunch of bugs after him so a little bit of cover fire helps him get up here without any problems and we can all come home for Christmas but you know sometimes you just can't save them all got to launch in 20 seconds and sometimes that might be natural selection so turn around to check and protect once in a while because you might just save a hell Bros life and especially look out for the guy at the back of the group because he's going to be the one all the enemies are aiming for I've played on a lot of teams sometimes with friends and community members other times just with complete randoms and I can 100% say things go a lot smoother when a team is all looking out for and covering each other it's all about avoiding those unnecessary deaths which rolls me nicely into my next two points actually reinforce smart not fast this next Point again is all about helping to avoid those unnecessary deaths and reducing the amount of unnecessary extra work for hell divers to do now the perfect reinforcement might look something like this you die and then get reinforced on the spot of your death meaning you can land where you died and simply pick up your stuff and carry on the mission sadly a lot of reinforcements don't work out this way because a lot of players just have this reinforce as fast as possible mentality which has good intentions to get people back into the fight but can create extra work for the reinforced player or even cause their death as an example notice A3 here as he dies right next to me I'm going to finish off the enemies around him and then try to reinforce him exactly on the point where he died but old B2 has beaten me to it and has done the old speed reinforce which now means that A3 has to run all the way back over here to get his stuff which has created an extra task for him to do before he can get on with whatever he was doing before now in this case it's not that far for A3 to run ammer at the end of the mission it doesn't matter so much here but you get the idea B2 has created this work for A3 that he didn't need and if he just took the time to look where the guy died he could throw the reinforcement in that direction or see that I'm nearer to the guy so I could maybe put down a better reinforcement for him so when somebody dies don't just speed reinforce right in front of yourself look at where the skull icon is that shows you where they died and at least throw it in that direction or wait and see if any better position teammates do it instead and furthermore if you throw them into what looks like a bit of a dodgy situ sitation with loads of enemies around maybe go over and cover them while they get their stuff back a little bit of check and protect if you will but of course use your head about this if somebody dies in the middle of a bug Nest don't reinforce them back into the middle of a busy bug Nest put them nearby where they can wait for the right opportunity to get their stuff back because like I say when everyone dies that is the first thing you want to do before anything else you want to go and get your equipment back otherwise you'll be underere equipped and that can also lead to Deaths as well so don't be like this guy who reinforces me into a recent destroyed shrier nest with still loads of shers all over it which is nowhere near my equipment by the way making life unnecessarily difficult for me to have to go and get my stuff back and to try not to get killed by shers on the way so remember reinforce smart don't reinforce fast look at where somebody died reinforce them near their body unless it looks a little too dangerous cuz you know they died there for a reason and if it does look a little bit dangerous go over and help them be ready to cover them when they land because this is proper reinforcement this allows players to get their stuff back instantly and be back to full power rather than running around with no equipment being underere equipped and taking risks to try and get their stuff back and then dying again before they do there is an exception here of course though if a player's equipment has come off coold down and they can just call a bunch more down when they land well then obviously it doesn't really matter where they land and maybe you could make a case that there's some kind of emergency situations where a speed reinforce might be necessary especially if you're going to reinforce multiple people and you can't all put them down in the right place although if they're working together closely as they should be then it shouldn't really matter but yeah reinforce wisely because it reduces those unnecessary deaths which ultimately helps your mission don't be a traitor with friendly fire so you're rolling with the squad distributing some freedom and then suddenly you see the Warm Glow of a friendly laser behind you ah this guy's checking and protecting but then that laser gets a little bit too close perhaps and then you're dead because he pulled the trigger like you weren't even there like you didn't exist here's another one I'm running take note of little U1 here in front of me I look behind me to see what's going on and then I'm dead because all U1 really needed to shoot that charger in the face for no reason absolute bag of clown dicks or maybe this guy using his Auto Cannon right next to me when I'm on low Health when we've got no reinforcements left by the way now of course Friendly Fire is a big part of the game and accidents do happen and that's fine but there's accidents and then there's just downright stupidity and disregard for anyone else but yourself this kind of selfishness leads me to believe that these people people might be bug sympathizers but in all seriousness the point I'm getting at is simply those unnecessary deaths again a lot of Friendly Fire can be easily avoided by simply just being aware of where your teammates are and if they're between you and an enemy you probably shouldn't shoot Learn To Hold Your Fire have a bit of Trigger Discipline because people don't have eyes in the backs of their head and they can't see where you are at any given time so it's up to you to maintain control of the situation and you know not blow your allies heads off just a bit of situational awareness to foresee potential accidents about to happen like this teammate about to decapitate himself on my laser if I just simply stopped firing for one second I may have just saved his life and would you believe it this applies to strategems as well maybe when your teammate is fighting hard to stay alive and fighting off the bugs don't drop an eagle air strike on his [ __ ] head especially when the team is low on reinforcements and be careful not to kill yourself with your own air strikes as well like this guy who manages to kill himself a teammate and nearly me as well so again there's accidents and then there's stupidity try to take a little bit more care with every form of damage with guns grenades strategems just try to be a little bit more careful because as I banged on about in the previous two points it's all about saving lives and saving reinforcement tickets because without those you're probably going to fail missions hell diver lives matter godamn it so take a little extra care to preserve hell diver lives whether they be a friend of yours or just a random and that's at all times in the mission I think people can get a little bit more careless when they see double digit reinforcement numbers in the top Corner oh it's fine if I might accidentally kill this guy with this strike if everyone thinks that way you're going to run out of tickets quicker than you might think so if everyone takes a little bit more care to preserve not only their own life but also their teammates lives I guarantee your missions will go a lot smoother and it's like ancient military Mastermind sunzu always said Friendly Fire is for weak [ __ ] yo Teamwork Makes the Dream workor now as I mentioned earlier I believe a team working together and going around together is the best way and most efficient way to play this game but you could certainly make a case that there's some benefit to splitting up a bit every now and again and that's fine but in my experience a team that works together fights together and can support each other is the most well-rounded and able to deal with any bad situation mainly because of the roles that need to be filled within a team by each individual player now to illustrate these roles we will use this radar chart with one of the roles on each of the points starting with anti- heavy at the top this is the role that has to take down the big boys the Chargers Titans Hulks and tanks you need to bring equipment to deal with those things that's your anti- heavy next what we'll call anti-large this is the larger enemies but not quite as big as the Heavies stuff like brood commanders maybe Hive guards spewers stalkers Devastators Striders a lot of the stuff that's just a bigger enemy or has medium armor so anti-large is the ability to deal with that and then we have hord clear this is the ability to clear away lots of little enemies typically scavengers hunters and Warriors for the bugs maybe a large group of Troopers if you see that for the Bots and then control this is equipment that can allow you to maintain control of enemies and situations this can be done with the Stagger of weapons like The Punisher or the concussive Liberator or the plasma shotgun or things like stun grenades and EMS strikes anything that can allow you to push things back and just take control of a situation a little bit and lastly destruction probably the least essential this is the ability to destroy stuff shrier nests bot Fabricators bot Jammers being able to take those things out from range without actively having to go over to them and go into them and planting hell bombs it's a lot easier with a good bit of Destruction so before a mission when you are choosing your load out you need to consider these five things how much of each of them are you bringing are you bringing heavily in One Direction or two directions or are you kind of well-rounded and you can do a bit of everything cuz after all you can do that and that is what allows people to do solo runs so this applies to everything your weapons Maybe your armor as well but mainly your strategem strikes and Supply equipment you need to be thinking about not only what you're bringing to the table but look at your teammates and what they're bringing to the table for example as I prepare to go into this Mission I'm going to look at the teammates and see what they've got and what they can do Eagle bomb That's anti- Heavy in destruction rail Cannon strike is anti- heavy Arc thrower may be anti- heavy anti-large you get the idea right all the different strategems have their strengths that they can bring to the table and when you look at that as a whole you can see where the strengths and weaknesses of a team lie so going just off this not including the weapons just on the strategems our radar graph might look something like this we've got a lot of anti- heavy a good amount of anti-large only a little bit of hord clear not really much control and not a great deal of Destruction so me seeing this can try to fill the holes that the rest of my teammates have left in this case we don't have a lot of hord clear so I'm going to try and fill that hole in the team I'm going to bring gas which is good for dropping on nests and breaches Napal for the same reason it can also act as a bit of control cuz it's got a bit of area denial and the flame which is probably one of the best Horde clearing weapons in the game and with that our graph now looks a little bit more well-rounded with all that horde clear added in but of course I'm not going to be much use against some of the Heavies like Titans so I do have to rely on my teammates to deal with those but remember that's just an example with stratums weapons and grenades come into this as well so you get the idea right if you want to be a better teammate you've got to work with your teammates and fill all the required roles which means you shouldn't just pick whatever you fancy playing with for that mission without thinking about your teammates at all because I guarantee you if everyone's doing that and there's some big hole left in your team you are going to feel it if you're against bugs and there's no hord clear you're going to be covered in bugs all the time on higher difficulties anyway and it's going to be an absolute Nightmare and make the mission a lot harder if there's five bile Titans walking around well then maybe your team doesn't have enough anti- heavy or maybe your team's anti- heavy player or players aren't doing their job so recognize the roles of a team and your role within It sharing is caring let's start off with an obvious One ammo everyone needs it so throw it down where everyone can see it typically and Mark it up as well because there's no indicator on the map for where ammo has been dropped it's really quite helpful to people if you show them where it is and if you can keep everyone fully equipped and fully armed missions will once again go a lot smoother if somebody has ammo they can use it to protect you if you need it with their checkin and protecting Mark ammo boxes on the floor as well they can be easy to miss and generally just don't call them down if it's just for you because obviously that will leave your teammates empty-handed and you can see the indicators if somebody looks like they need ammo or stems they obviously need that resupply too another thing you can share is information Mark things up show people where threats are like these bot turrets people often get caught out by them so they can either then try to avoid them or take them out if they have the means the same with any of the more dangerous enemies B Titans Chargers hulks mark them up so people can see where they are and either avoid them or take them out one of the most important things to mark up is patrols because this can help other teammates avoid them which at least gives you the choice to just straight up avoid them or to engage them when you feel ready to engage them rather than someone accidentally AG gring them and making life harder for everyone as an example here I'm running it's foggy visibility is low I mark up a little Patrol on my left I noticed there's a guy behind me and you can see he was about to run that way straight into that Patrol but maybe my marking helped him see it before they got too near and spotted him and now he's gone back round the other way and avoided them I also think it's important to mark up turrets so that your teammates know they're there and where they are because as I'm sure we've all learned the hard way turrets do not discriminate and they don't care whether you're friend or Foe they are just going to keep blasting they're a lot like normal players actually going back to three but because they are a threat two players I do believe they are worth marking up you can also share your meds if you see another player like this guy I just heard scream he's low on health he's low on steems so I'll give him one of mine as I've got full stems and I guess this is kind of a form of checking and protecting as well looking out for your boys and ultimately saving their lives so you can can save those tickets although sometimes it is just a waste of meds if you want to be the ultimate sharer and carer you can bring the supply pack which will allow you to give other players ammo and health and grenades that can be very helpful and allow you to play somewhat like a team medic running around looking after everyone if you want to and definitely don't do the opposite of sharing which is stealing somebody else's equipment I'm sure it annoys everyone when this happens and when someone politely asks for their equipment back and then that person just proceeds to ignore them you are free to execute them I give you permission to commit friendly fire in this situation unforgivable the only time it might be forgivable is if it's a life or death situation if picking up somebody else's Shield Pack is going to save your life then it's going to save a reinforcement and that's okay but at least give it back afterwards and go to retrieve yours or if it's come off coold down you can of course just call another one and that's somewhere where it's kind of okay to steal equipment too if the person's equipment has come off cool down and they can just call down another one it's not really a big deal and take note of when equipment does come off cool down if a teammate has lost his equipment somewhere and he can't get any back and it's too far away to get and he doesn't have his off cool down you can offer him yours like this guy I see didn't have a shield generator pack so I called him down one pointed it out to him and now he's all shielded up so share the love share the equipment and then you'll no doubt share in the victory so there's five ways to be a better teammate in Hell divers 2 if you enjoyed this please check out the rest of my works on this channel or over on Twitch you can check out the link in the description thanks for watching
Channel: Zerk
Views: 1,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, pro, tip, trick, guide, team mate, teamwork, top 5, loadout
Id: ueD-HruS4xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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