HELLDIVERS 2 is Becoming Insanely Tough

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there he is I'm so chilly I need to warm up there's my buddy oh my God like wait where' you go oh he disconnected I disconnected already they said you left the mission no he didn't want my my hug start he didn't want it I I did press e maybe it was like press e to cancel or something give me a warm embrace oh yeah thank you welcoming with open arms welcome to the ship definitely needs a middle finger emoji was a danger we need like a banner for democracy oh yeah see I pressed e to interact with your remote Conor but when you first in enter this area it says it says return to your ship you can actually troll people with that then that's pretty funny lach Mission all right here we go here we go we go here we go we're dropping in I ruined it last time people got really mad and I'm not kidding I'm not kidding they actually got really angry because I ruined oh shoot there's M here shoot I'm already oh watch out for the mines watch out for the mines watch out the move there was a mine immediately I'm de well got these guys that's mine don't need that no no I'm just I'm running past it don't worry oh shoot I was like bro no don't this is already pretty crazy dudey it is on alive difficulty isn't it this this is on alive I'm get about to die oh wait I didn't know I could find the wait are you murdering me oh my God oh my God there's a nuke there's a nuke there yeah I know I know I know hey how close literally on that oh I think something hit it no no no no no oh my God your mortar hit it somebody's mortar hit it that was extremely dangerous jeez I love that as soon as I pointed out it's like mortar inbound this is a good place to start right yeah this is fantastic okay don't die oh yeah drop an ass on my head no it's Direct that's a direct one I need help with the shield man the rocket pods are pretty good yeah yeah yeah I need help with the shield man working on it oh God enemy artillery we need to do with this um Cannon come to me if you guys can oh no I got the first person bug no is that a bug I don't know I swear it's got to be one of my settings just watch out don't run forward this looks so funny uh we have a patrol over here standing in an eagle okay I'm going to see if I can just ruin these guys might be able to take out with that you go oh yeah ra guned they haven't seen me yet they haven't seen me yet hold requesting air support oh oh my God love you can shoot those guys out of the was so sick dude when they jet pack over yeah the best is when you do a charge rail gun like a ski shoot pull pull dude that was so cool I got samples I'm turning I'm turning on the uh turning on the terminal yeah I'll wait up here there's a terminal nice I got to get that Shield generator I forgot to buy it it's really good the thing is if I want to use if I want to use the a Cannon I have to have the backpack so it kind of ruins everything I'm going to get another one in 4 minutes you don't have a backpack Tom and are like fighting over this switch no it's mine I want get away from it I want to generate it sucker son of a I can't even button you down either cuz you have the shield on wait wait let's see let's see yeah that's messed up oh that's so messed up Friendly Fire you don't have sh can hit him you can't regenerated hit me hit me you know what I'm all right actually exactly oh it's broken now get him now no that's me that's me wait what the hell I was like wait I was so I was so overzealous I was like yeah we finally got it don't do it we're uh you do it oh my leg that's half my health oh my God that's half my HP took like some fall damage or something what is that oh rare sample here some samples watch up the mines yeah we got some should we go lit just said you know you know when you said watch out for the mines I was looking at the map and I generally thought it was Tom no no no no I wasn't even taking the pis I was I was literally had my map open so I was just like yeah yeah where do we need to go wonder if my shield protects me from the M damn it dude I didn't say it enough I think it would yeah I feel like yeah you didn't that say enough yeah yeah I wasn't I wasn't sure that you should wait it didn't even blow up I don't think yeah I think yeah I think there is mines you know definely killed me woo free samples okay I got the first person bug hold on shoot him in his stupid face that might make him even easier to shoot in the face or we can shoot him in the back hole as you can Sprint and stuff in that first person bug like it actually feels like first like is an actual first person bug like I'm running around in first person right now the H yeah that's pretty nasty actually it's on fire probably oh yeah where's my weapon inspect oh we got a lot incoming quite a lot run back run back I'll check an eagle a support oh that was really good that was good that was good that was six seven man oh I see another little base though do you need a oh big guy with a flamethrower one of us oh my to you I got one shot by a rocket full health goodbye like I should be able to dodge those n oh I just two shot the big guy it just goes I need help with this oh you're dead you're dead call that Tomo I died more at The Friendly Fire than anything else I didn't see freaking respawn that for a considerable amount of time how reinforcement there let me call an Eagle [Laughter] Strike reloading damn dude maybe I'll hold on to the samples how about that I'll hold the sample out of the Pod and then immediately got eviscerated an reloading reloading reloading keep me covered keep me covered I got you nice that's beautiful 13 kills nice we got him we got him big big on the right mediums medium messing them up messing them up nice we're clearing these guys out rocket launcher guy all right chucking in some democracy need to reload hold on there's another uh over there oh St look at that no no look at the sun behind o oh dude Sunrise no that looks really cool ah it's nice I'm going to try and K this okay we got one more ahead we don't even have to go near that one this should land the oh yeah rocket pods I actually really like those I didn't think I was going to enjoy them but it's a quick call 110 mil yeah it's only like three or four buttons ah so you can just do really fast yeah it's like boom boom boom done and now like I can just resupply all of them when I want dead yeah you got him nice job oh careful now nice thank you that was pretty nice oh they got two Shield guys two Shield guys grenading okay yeah shooting in the back panels one's dead one's dead I think the grenade does a lot to them I messed them up pretty bad we're getting mored we're getting mored from North there you go north or is it yeah yeah oh no I see it I see it I see it I'm going to I'm going to 500 kg oh you want to destroy this I was going to do it with the explosive Barrel no no no you press t or your things and you can call a h bomb cuz it just takes some time to set up no it's 2 seconds look it's coming in got him I got the more I think run away Tom run away don't be stuck in the wreckage engaging terminal oh yeah they got drop sh coming in coming in hell bomb going off over here don't come back backom we're good here yeah yeah I'm in a little I'm in a small oh yeah small amount of trouble uh yep you got quite a few enemies behind you all right I'm I'm I'm going to keep moving along oh oh my god that actually made me Flinch IRL what was that what was that the uh Power you have to gun it oh yeah I see well if you want to do that yep I'll uh I can laser it I can laser it you want to do that I'll just go the other way I'm lasering it it should it should kill it it should kill it it's getting it it's getting it we're in range of the artillery there you go nice got it okay now arery I got the first person bug again eus delus bounced over oh my God come on bro I got you I can't see like the arc because top of my sh I got I got N I got it I got it they also said you think this is bad wait until you go to their home planets because these planets that we're fighting them on aren't the home planets of each faction so like it's going to be like the you see the end the matx yeah support in the back please land please land in time oh I think I got the big gy nope I actually hit no no no that's on him that's on him and he's bringing it to it's okay doesn't it doesn't track him the um the supplies do if you stick them with that okay you can like stick acrosser with a teammate reinforced and it'll follow and land on them no the real gun's too good man yeah it is literally handles so much well you you even need a backpack for the gun yeah that's why I need it 20 shots you can resupply it 20 shots dude sitting here with babby's first rail gun takes on takes on tanks it takes on the turrets takes on bab's first NERF gun yeah look I've got I've got babby's first rail gun before it and I have to like kneel down to reload it and God damn it yeah but that one's pretty good still cuz you can oh we have incoming over there it's really good against medium yeah but you can also use it against those tunnels too it one shots those tunnels yeah that's true okay yeah I mean you're complaining about it but you are out the entire over there to be it's yeah I think I think yours is better for single Target this is better for like uh Med lots of medium yeah yours has multiple use yours where to go uh West uh West oh so we can't even see it I will see it I'm going to see it I'mma hug it oh I'm not going to see the nuke then embracing democracy praise praise the sun praise the sun yeah yeah oh yeah it's a great Sunday actually let's take this uh let's see how quick we can take this turret down okay yeah hold on let me shoot it if you have the auto Cannon start as long as you shootting thee no no no quickly quickly quickly okay shot have you got on on safe mode com yeah it's oh oh it's dead it's dead I think someone was there too so that's exactly what happened to me watch out watch out I'm about to shoot you in the forehead that's all right I'll take it I got your shared samples bro we can probably get up this dude I I I you need help you can walk around this CL where all right I'm right this would actually be op strats if you like last second gun how not oh I almost shot you in the forehead I almost shot you in the fore dude I I almost got one banged by that thing going in a good run prevails that still felt manageable you know yeah cuz we didn't we didn't hit the final 10-minute [Music] cap I want to go fight one of the uh the Titans now that I have a rail gun what the bile Titans yeah yeah yeah we can do that do you want to do um the yeah for the next one yeah yeah which is impossible nah I think the word is manageable no no I'll tell you what I'll be level 20 by the time we get there as well so I'll have the rail gun too perfect that'll be great 3500 kg nukes with rail guns yep that'll be a quick Mission how about that super Earth am I right am I right am I am I right guys there we go I love that you're turning your head anyone anyone anyone Tom I really don't wait wait wait wait I really don't want to hug you Tomo go no no no no not wait can you do up and down you had walls doing it this looks so bad L hang on oh my God wait do that again D it looks oh no oh oh dude that looks oh God that's terrible man okay okay I saw there's there's there's 150,000 players on the other planet for the Bugan on one planet I think a lot of people don't realize you can fight the the other guys oh the robots yeah oh R rare sample oh my God okay got a bug breach like straight up right there got got it I got it again and is that watch out that's right now remember the um the spewers the spewers do artillery on this difficulty mhm oh this is a longer countown green ones oh do we have like delay we have delay oh dude that sucks delayed is let's just go for the missions oh oh that is one of the missions oh we have one behind behind us oh okay I'll seal this up behind us okay I think he's mad at me couldn't possibly understand why I'm not going to use my ordinance on it because it will definitely not hit him that's a good thing we didn't go with 500s mhm there we go that's one dead Titan dude it threw me you got it you got it you got it okay it threw me across the map we to go top left or mid left I need some Amo I I need I need well I would give you my ammo but currently uh it's in it's in the array of oh okay go for his legs faster than his head shot oh okay b as well by the way okay this is pretty hard oh 15 seconds on resupply coming in okay yeah yeah yeah it's pretty cool there's a Crusher I'm having fun I'm having fun what am I slowed by no I'm stuck in a tree how many okay got it I've called an eagle here y right where I died actually yeah I've only got like the entire map uh over here that's pretty good oh there yeah I mean yeah okay you to yeah that knocked me over to the Titan Titan killed me cool all right how's it going over here do uh yeah you know I'm having a good time here come my way come my way I'm going eight seconds on this one okay uh that's maybe maybe okay you know 3 seconds yeah you might make it no you're okay that's good 20 kills 20 kills that's good that's good that's good that's very good okay some this behind us keep running yeah yep I like that yeah you know what yeah you know yeah I pretty like that pretty easy that seems like a good one yeah yeah it's pretty nice how many kills he just came out of nowhere 27 one exit right right move close to objective use once it goes orange you can shoot with your normal gun okay normal gun easy there you go nice there's a nuke here oh yeah um I me did I do that maybe bait into that nuke Corner yeah yeah haven't I haven't it yet don't shoot it yet no no I'm coming get everyone past it I need some help bring over here bring over into a nuke it's too late I'm shooting it I'm shooting it okay goodbye St it's nice you and am I dead I don't know 14 kills there you go okay nice it's right leg is ruined okay another am nice dead YY once you once you learn how to handle them you know well now that now that we're actually like all together and set up we're we're okay okay we got another Crusher here I honestly think I think we're a little outside where we're supposed to be as well in terms of like our levels and upgrades oh yeah we we're probably being a little bit overzealous with the levels but it's okay okay there we go done oh my God checking cluster get away from that oh okay uh that might hit you a little bit Tom I don't know I think you're okay I think you're okay you might be okay I don't know for sure though leg leg Yeah we Go's gone now shoot no the where is he there we got oh God he just spat everything on me help hey you SE that b by the way oh that was good get him he's dead no he's alive I could laser him if you want I think he's almost dead with a couple shots okay I'm going to throw towards him spitters re I'm going to call in my laser over there oh it's a Titan perfect timing oh oh God where dude they're so stealthy what M no dude it bounced off and killed me again oh God these grenades are going to get me killed so much calling you near the Titan marking it yeah yeah yeah I'll land on it I think it's dead pretty sure the beam is getting it but I'll try and kill it Mar if you can did he's dead nice I on fire though okay next phase of the terminal man spitter guys are annoying back yeah yeah I'm getting it now got to reload this I hear a b sign or something that there's a couple dud Crush yeah you'll be fine if you run back towards me I could do it okay on you acculate yeah you see seconds you got time just oh yeah okay you don't have as much time anymore you're running yeah that was good I got a few uh yeah I can give you okay I don't know what I that wasn't mine I don't know what that was no idea what that was we have a few more here right leg the first Crusher kill him got some spitters here got him got him got him nice I'm activating you're knocking me over that careful one right by speed yeah they're dead I think they're dead mhm uh do you have a resupply throwing Supply Beacon oh no more need one there no extra another bug breach another Titan can do the laser let me we do it re okay dude how does oh it's bouncing another B time two two B time no no oh my God I'm I'm calling you kind of close yeah yeah no no I'll go for the one at the back let me go for the one at the back I got it I might get yeah I got killed by my well well we only got one reinforced guys we only got one stay alive this is it that's that's it no more reinforcements after this okay I need ammo we need to stay alive now we have a resupply Now activate the drill okay okay cool there should only be I think one more thing to do nice okay cool now we can just leave start heading back yeah go this way go right go right go right have you got um resupply stuff grabbing right now sneak around this way to the right I think this is the way okay reload right leg gone te one more minute calling an air strike near you st well that might be good this could be pretty good shot him in the head what am I slowed by oh my God we get another reinforcement so even if one of us dies it should be okay we're not dying use no laser on him this should get him nice yes yes I think he's dying you should be dying oh I think I'm dying no just survive I can't move from here I'm going to gun him got two second on me and they're going sio mode I got him I got him I got him Titan's dead yes dude come on any more you good 10 seconds oh they spawned on us they spawned on us where where where where where literally right here oh uh oh that's an eagle Eagle Strike on you Tom I think okay okay cool cool cool Jesus more fire power okay no no careful jump straight in this one do not wait another Titan another Titan just spawned oh my godp jump in jump in jump in there's a Titan on can come to me this way this way this way come to me this way this way I'm I'm going to get in I'm going to get in oh my God I got no dive yeah Jesus that one was nuts man you have maintained our actually that was pretty easy yeah that was to be honest you know what up easy to be honest I think I think they made it a bit easy am of times St killed himself with a grenade bouncing back yeah only only like four times there get you too I was like Tomo behind you I was like yeah I'm all right Tomo there's two enemies on you they're gone don't worry about it Tom where you gone where Tom go I see p him there on the ground Tomo get up dude hey Tomo give me a hand Tomo open your eyes bro hey
Channel: Aculite
Views: 269,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 aculite, helldivers 2 best, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 new, helldivers 2 max graphics, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 highlights, helldivers 2 loadouts, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 best loadout, gaming, gameplay, pc, highlights, aculite, funny, moments, best, steam, game
Id: p_mUBJUk_54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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