Helldivers 2 is breaking RECORDS..

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where is my 500 kg bomb have you have you lost it must have misplaced it oh well what armor is St wearing I'm wearing light armor that gives me 50% damage reduction to explosives which means I can Sprint forever and if I get exploded on I don't die as badly fine I still die St when will you ever not be a kadat you're 21 am I I I did change it every time I change my stuff it just changed like right we have to change it ourselves oh yeah right here oh wow already he right there oh hang on um no no I'm on fire down support okay okay cool yeah just uh p on the floor that would be good he's dead we've smashed him we've already used Gatling guns in the starting area I got my stuff down here why not I mean sure I'll save mine I'll save mine well cuz we're going to move out of here I I see we're right on the objective that's fair enough that is fair enough breach detected excellent okay I'm going to go uh where is it up here I'm going to set off the uh yeah I'll cover yeah terminals on oh got bombed on get back get back I can grenade him he's gone isn't he grab that terminal we'll just cover got it by me now I can I can take someone's back extra backpack if you have one when you call it in again bring the SSD hatch call down SSD and insert the SSD into the hatch I thought that was Bloody ammo damn it little bugs over there no bug small ones yeah little babies baby do that little thing where they spew up into the air though and it calls the big ones couple of big boys over these Warriors what these the big ones oh yeah there uh what do we have to do SS's in upload some virus or something yeah malware nice okay easy easy GG and then we go down Southwest got some supplies there if you need it oh there is supplies I lost my mind I thought it was a it looked like a turret from the back cuz they have the little yellow pouch underneath the gun yeah yeah oh I I'm so bad at the reloading thing I'm just throwing mags away Left Right C actually I've actually never swam in this game so that's new can drown those starts oh you can drown he's going down no well I was like oh this is fine and I started swimming across and it did let me swim across for a little bit oh I love swimming what about the what about the things right so we've lost some samples there no like two like two samples I could grab them real quick can I if I just dip in real quick and just grab them no yeah swim yeah little swim you know what's it yeah go on just look just a little dick freestyle how long do I have before I die I don't know how's your front craw I mean I'm just how long do it take to kill come on no come on come on you're standing up there I'm looking at you're standing on Solid ground but it w but but it won't let me I don't think I can grab if I'm not standing there a charger no well that's gone well GG's GG's how long on the call back in oh uh probably 5 minutes that's F it's fine I've got the best gun in the game oh yeah nursing bugs don't like the grenade dropping this is a Spore tree you saw oh yeah wait hang on this Crush has already smashed his leg off we can just shoot his leg hang on I'll just shoot his leg my leg comments in my video saying that apparently we should be shooting the front leg Yeah Yeah with the rail gun you shoot it four times then you shoot the front leg and it dies instantly there you go really poor thing yeah how many shots with the rail gun to like knock the shield off um what Shield just one four okay oh grenade launcher on these what you want oh come on that works wait why does it say I got killed by I don't but I don't really understand how I died is it CU he blew it up Sean yeah yeah I think was Shan oh that's a breach right there I mean Say by right there I'm going to air strike over there don't grab your stuff to get deep oh my God no no no no no oh yeah yeah that well I'm all right I'm not dead that's the good part still breaching that Sentry is absolutely Majestic right there right on the money hey I could use my too going go south what this is a suicide mission we put yeah it's on seven seven yeah you can see it in the top right oh yeah it's not too bad we could probably push it up by one next next just that resupply time so much nicer on this well that's actually a that's a planet bio modifier oh hello yeah yeah oh hello H well he's going to try and beam me some of the things I read in YouTube chat uh beggar believe hello it's me guys having a bad afternoon it's been right actually oh no you you had a bad I've shot I shot his arm off he's he's dead crushing claws I'll get you oh husk of a dead one block my bullets [Laughter] then samples it was a rare sample around here mental keep your eyes out for the uh I found it right ahead of us guys that rock there is the is the ultra rare sample tree or Rock how do you know it's just look it just looks like that no maybe it isn't maybe it looks similar to these similar to this one here yeah but but it's a bit floaty and then oh so that's how you know yeah and it always has the like the the mega rare resources at the bottom of it um so that's not actually it's a bit more floaty than that okay let's keep a look out um where's the um Spore tree I saw it from miles away but I that's not where I wanted that to go never mind oh my word I got four of them but um I wanted to go a bit further in I'll get rid of it do we have a oh okay I'll I'll need the things I'll n the holes fine okay mortar is knocking me down got the tree gun oh for going to stay you oh boy if I didn't get knocked down by the mortar everything would be fine probably yeah I need a rest thank you spe I got the dead they excent might uh Sentry here yeah it's quite a is right here is it might be worth it there more grenades is the solution yes is there another sport Tre or something teing it there right who's using the Mt Sentry not me I'm dead I'm not using a m Sentry now I'm using a Gatling how am IAD yeah I think I just got Gat oh that's not unnown it was a [ __ ] giant disgusting oh oh no I've been GED try land on the crush if you can well I got one of the well right let me we need to close these holes pretty soon Freedom Forever This is a breach and a nest isn't it yes right okay cool I'll just climb the Sentry of myself right I'm moving around right let's see if I can close these holes then yeah yeah go for it oh my God no what the timing of these probably needs rail yeah quite a lot Lads around he's killed my Gap sry oh my God I got it nice nice oh was a nest yeah yeah right and a breach yeah which have now both finished yeah I got him I got him don't worry there's still a Crusher at large oh he's right here o gave me a tickle refor perect perfect perfect he's dead it nice oh he's not dead he's very much alive oh oh oh oh now he's dead now he's dead um I I I need my rail gun again don't I re this isn't even an objective that's is yeah just build up here we called that Spore tree I really want to find the R I didn't even realize we were on a planet that had the uh or difficulty that had the oh yeah extra rare stuff there's an artillery uh dog over here oh yeah AC to charger okaying to Sean right I'm going to set off the old uh might have to do this jump over here and then run this way and then and then hit myself but also survive the scaf artillery over here I think do the artillery before we do the objective or I'm doing the objective here okay you go I should be okay I should be okay there'll be heat coming in know where I am oh it's there sounds busy start it's all right actually it's not too bad here very cheeky all right what I'm here now oh okay ning ning ning I don't have a n got it SED oh it's the radar Tower isn't the oh yeah I should use the Gatlin as well on so many oh B he hang on do I have do I have something for that got a rail gun I got an orbital laser so I'll use my what ohtan why did it just one shot me was at the bomb I don't know maybe maybe maybe the bomb from the yeah maybe the bomb from the bar side one shot me that wasb he's getting absolutely ruined yeah yeah yeah he he seems to like it yeah he's enjoying it oh this looks so epic I want to hide but I want to watch I mean he's got Jesus he's not gone oh my word we this there he is he's gone he's gone so many samples here wow we got to align the tower out right grab all my stuff again no just pick up your stuff thank you you didn't have a backpack did you reloading thank you Sean thank you Sean right I've got a Sega Mega Drive um guys a small problem I can't actually insert it because the bile time can I that's what she said hang on hang on oh my God you can just sneak Underneath Him lovely that's very good very good very good I just need to press the button it's quite Sly around it isn't it as well bit samply samply I've not seen any actually I see these little things I think yeah samples yeah wait we've not finished it we not finished it not done and now there's a bloody Crusher hang on let me just it's on come on reloading nice station done looking pretty nice I'm trying to shoot the that's good that's good some damage not much shooting his legs I lost Cannon he's dead he's dead yeah ra gun's pretty insane good yeah it's mad right so um we have now yeah actually spotted everything on the map which is good thank you all right it's time it's time to free the prisoners evacuate priority citizens oh boy oh that breach is right there oh dude I used to love Planet Side absolutely love it which one do we think I'll be able to see if it's the it's the mega rare resource not that that's a bunker okay I'm just heading for the final objective I'm looking for this floaty thing you talked of you speak of oh I'm getting bed on oh boy and we're missing one person I'm I'm here I'm just getting some samples from you know across the way okay I'll be fine St I I'm making my way downtown you're walking at any particular speed or um walking rapidly yeah with great haste with haste suppli reare sample acquired oh there's a bunker here but I can't do it on my own surely you can I believe I I I don't think I could stretch that far this 10 rare samples here guys I found a couple I'm just going I'm going through all of the oh we have we used a scanner so we can see everything yeah yeah we have yeah so so we should go to all the little places those are all the [Music] samples yeah well I feel like we need to take advantage of that before we exct re I found them I found them you see what see to be honest it looks very similar to a lot of other things that yeah but it's it's a particularly floaty Rock isn't it the same as one you point out earlier it looks like um a fist actually a hand kind of thing like a tag fist punching out of the ground reloading oh my God we just two shot the B what both just rail gun him twice he dies yeah we just we just hit him four times in the head with the rail gun he died oh yeah yeah yeah that that is insane what what they need is make the overcharged damage the normal damage and then half the normal damage and then I think it probably we're about to kill this charger that said when you play on H they take a lot more damage how much raun them on that even on Impossible that's ridiculous maybe I should use my Gatlin get some s the oh nice nice oh T shoot him in the face shoot him in the face never momy's very angry I'm going to get onto his level slowed I'm slowed jump in the face again nice bring him down bring him down abely ruined on the right Sean hang on I can get him I get him in the face got him in the face again he's angry me I've just used all my ammo on him no hang on my word reloading come on let let look give me a good look at the face I'm going to overcharge it just here's the time got it oh charger coming in I needed a good a good proper charge shot on the face there a there's a bunker here with someu and whatnot injy what injury where the bunker Sean Oh you mean me I wasted more time cou of BIOS Speers coming in L careful just grenad their toop by mistake no it's fine I've got 50% damage reduction but now I'm going to get spewed I almost got spewed got rid one of them he's gone grenade launch reloaded yeah so the rare samples are actually very hard to spot I thought you meant it was going to be like glowing but it's not glowing it's literally just a a weird Spire yeah yeah I've never seen them yeah and they're like like floaty bits of mercury around the base of it yes it looks like yeah yeah I know it's a water droplets you know in a way um what the hell's that over there oh he did the spewy thing oh he did oh no ow I'm being eat alive and a b turn on me oh my God another one another one and he's he's bed on me funny enough funny enough he's bed on me what the odds Sean right towards him um I definitely need a resupply as well one just came in you have um do you have ammo B no you don't guys let's use this shall we I'm going to beam be as well two beams he's already dead you can never I was just about to say you would never have too many beams it turns out you can Jesus Christ oh reloading okay no no the double Beam on the crusher yeah beam double beam he's oh my god oh how is he not dead oh my God what's going on I think maybe two beams was too many too many yeah uh yeah we need a rest there's been a beaming I've you I you right where you died get me samples oh and where am I uh oh is this not a bug breach what is going on what's this I think it's just this thing it's just anger and Hate there it is over here lovely your samples B thank you if you're looking for him there's a pack here okay all right let's uh do the objective I gu oh then bloody H good boy he's wor I got the big one nice I mean the fact that you can shoot through armor with the rail gun is uh May the fact I don't even have to worry about weak spots you just shoot wherever you feel like in the whole world I wonder if just like maybe ammo reducing is the balance uh or way longer reload so it's like cuz they would be yeah it' be sad if they got rid of it being you know kind of like a nice a targeted weapon feel like you need it on the on the upper levels yeah maybe that's just the way they balanced it they just want you to have a really strong weapon for the really hard missions you try using the ra gun on like mission on difficulty eight or nine and the the they take a lot more shots to the Head yeah I feel like potentially the weapons are balanced for the hardest difficulty which I think is fine like if they want do that um how do we set the you said the let three oh we have to confirm someone needs to go on the little the little thing just open the bay doors the tablet yeah sure I've done it escort them ESC release the men release the men relas the men men come on men I'm going to climb can I climb up here but even overloaded on the hardest difficulty the wild Titan takes a lot more shots hate having to chase people to give them ammo like oh I I was literally I was L doing I was doing an assault course and and my thing bounced off anyway so never mind relas more Man's dead it's just bugs uh there's a b Titan resupplying fre small humans loading oh my word look at the size I just don't think this going to get old just looks great just it's a look at the men just dodging the beam oh the men are all dying de he's almost dead almost dead almost almost there was men underneath him it's uh yeah get out of here oh oh B oh yeah oh don't want that yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm going to go let some more men out yeah release the men he not looking good at it someone just described this as an overhyped game I think that's not what happened literally what happened is the game came out it didn't have that much interest and then people realized it was good people realized it was good and now it has 400,000 players just on PC alone I think I think that's the opposite of what you said very flattering that people think that I've just been paid to s the game oh you weren't paid well no oh dude I just got my check in the post actually oh really yeah I've got like a chest of rubies and emeralds arriving tomorrow I think yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no this is the opposite of like a overhype game it was underhyped and then it went crazy like you just have to play it once and realize this is incredible time tried it when it came out and went this is [ __ ] excellent and like we no no no no I watched it on a couple of streams and I was just like you watched it first I two T I did and I was like this is boring and maybe it's just the streamers but um no I literally thought this looks quite generic I was like I've seen a hundred of these games you know Tower Defense build up your stuff it looks really thing and then and then you know you use that first uh cluster strike this one you know you use your first cluster strike and you watch it come down and kill 20 enemies at once and you start to understand you start to understand how it feels to be a man on a planet killing alien yeah if only the men were cmen well maybe they'll have a c Edition maybe we'll have a water World online water yeah yeah maybe guys better learn to swim I'll tell you that right um we need one more man by the way we got a couple men on the way yeah this game isn't even advertised no that's what I'm saying I just had a wish list I thought i' make a video on this see what's going on it is yeah it's the thing is though this game doesn't do anything that's particularly like hyper hyper special or unique but it just does what it does very very well it and there's so many games these days that don't really do anything very well at all so it's nice to just you have a game a game you know it doesn't need you know an overly rought incredible story that brings me to tears yeah I I know sorry continue um but yeah I I I I just think it's excellent no I agree so some people in my chat say they watch it and they're just like I don't get it I'm watching it I it this doesn't look very fun it looks like it's going to get boring and it's going to repeat itself you know me that that's that's that's the thought process right you look at it and you go this is going to get boring because you're just doing the same thing same enemies same missions yeah but I've been I've been mining I've been Gathering stone on Minecraft for 10 years true to build houses it's the same thing every time but it's a little different oh no I'm on the wrong side of the I'm not swimming again it's the chaos yeah a lot a lot of games are similar each time similar things that happen um start head to the exit I mean all I'll say yeah i' I've played a lot of hord Shooters and I've just gone yeah whatever and I get like 5 hours in I'm like all right I'm done but I'm 25 hours in now there's a lot of stuff to unlock on this I think once I've unlocked absolutely everything and you know once I've seen every enemy in the game then I'll probably take a break and then wait for a new faction and then come back yeah no but I I agree from the outside it does look repetitive you know what I mean you it does seem like oh yeah you're kind of just shooting the same using the same gun the moment to moment gameplay is so fun though that it doesn't feel repetitive no and you end up in situations that are different every round which I think is interesting but I get where you're coming from story every time beginning middle end you drop in you know got to extracts great I I get it I I get where people are coming from say try and stick to the bug mission until You' got like at least level 12 or something because sometimes you need the heavier armor stuff to like deal with the robots and it can get a bit frustrating yeah and the shield as well got the live service yeah there's a galactic map and whatnot and that could be uh very excellent but that everyone who plays this is working towards the same objective as well as cool yeah requesting oh my word I've got a gat incoming I got downoad they really pop on grenades those spearers come on turn around beam him now I've hatched open a for more treasure in here and and to be honest at the beginning I thought the aiming was weird cuz obviously look you can see this doesn't actually aim 100% And if you go into first person my god um but I actually like it as a mechanic cuz it forces you to be um what's the word it forces you to be intentful you know what I mean the one I'm looking at yeah you got like Crouch and you know if you don't move you're more accurate it's not just about every movement matters because if you try and aim quickly to your left and somebody's pushing your right the right thing will kill you by the time you've aim left you know what I mean it's like look oh God rail something and um I I'll quickly like pop to first person just to make sure I get hit the head and then switch back to person because it's not a PVP it doesn't matter that much no that's I'm say yeah it's not war zone where you're fighting a assist reload don't remind me I'll be back on that on Wednesday it's like it's like rush back it's like going to prison I know my I know my date they're going to pick me up from the house they're going to strap strap on the little uh they going to strap on the ball and chain and say right you're back you won't believe this assault rifle you won't believe how good this assault rifle is now that it's broken again let's just not let's not say Let me let me live about it until it until it happens let me believe that I can reloading I've just sented on your Sentry it might destroy yeah I think it's going to destroy it yeah yeah it's going to my is definitely better than yours wait how long's our extract is it 4 minutes 1 minute 20 left oh that's fine then got loads of time I just throw a laser why not where are the enemies at also the music is absolutely fantastic 10 out of 10 one of the best things about it is the music if I want to oh the double beam is it look at that look we're crossing the beams we're crossing the beams never cross the beams oh the beams are crossing right I'm going to 500 IQ this okay I'm going to not well not getting killed by the Gatling gun would be good but then we're going to attract the attention of these ones over here shoot them with the cluster bomb and then watch the cluster bomb here he goes oh I actually didn't kill that many actually quite it looked Co it did look really cool it looked great and honestly you guys don't know how many I killed I could have just said I killed 20 and you believe me deep why not was worth it yeah it was it's fine and now and this is what I mean if you got if you saw the last mission which was the easier difficulty and then you saw this Mission would you think maybe there was something wrong with the last mission maybe I mean I don't want to say it but it is crazy was it the automatons aat it changing that's it it's insane I think no someone was saying that the level six is actually bug then it's harder than the hell diver for some reason we I told you that my head sometimes bong I don't even use the first person aim and I just kind of guess when my head's about to explode and I'm [Laughter] dead it had it had to land there didn't it it had to it had to land it had to land right there didn't it oh [ __ ] wow pull you in start uh it'll be fine it'll be fine prar toart wor no I'm almost in oh grab my grab my S grab my I think you did I think I think I got you got them yeah you got them you got it is it's still impossible now today you I think we're ready for hell though a long climb to Liberty Patriot play at least 50 missions got I can taste the S I've already done 50 yeah didn't feel like I've done 50 I was like really have I done 50 yeah I just got that achievement the [Music] 501 anyway the point is clearly the game's popular has 400,000 players like I mean you can't argue with that get forc St there we miss and it's not even free to play that's what's crazy that's the sort of numbers the freeto playay game would get all all that's important is that we got the uh the mega rare is this game not for solo players the matchmaking is a bit messed up at the moment so even if you wanted to play with the group as a solo player it's really hard but I think you can play it solo if you really want a challenge that's what I'd say nice you definitely can play a solo though lovely not really you have been grinding Sean's been Sean's been smashing them's been grinding as well yeah yeah yeah what have I got I've got grenade launcher that's what I want I've been using the incendi grenades but I've realized they take a while to explode and sometimes a little bit too long 2.9 seconds I guess it's only half a second doesn't work properly because it's a bit bugged don't say it um but then I think it's because of the trees some of the bot missions you're in like the jungle and I think the the the spear doesn't doesn't track properly in the jungle M wait you can I didn't even know there was body types yeah yeah different like speed different Health body typ has no no body typ has no impact on gameplay I can I can either be thin or thick thin oh yeah thin or TH brny or lean I've got I mean I think I think I'd rather be thin maybe maybe it low as my hit box mhm going finger guns uh Victory pose hug emote I think just to raise the no no you have you have to have the hug emote I think is actually yeah you have to have it I've lubed up one of my it's a right of passage change from Cadet all right Sergeant now I feel a lot I feel a lot more how do I change my uh title no that's not what I can be Chief yeah chief chief I'm got Chief unfortunately no no you're not you're not you're not quite there yet will you're not quite there yet I'm a chief that must be level 20 then greetings hell dier the galactic War awaits joh you might as well be a chief and just makebe you know rub it in yeah yeah so somebody said that the the armors are you get the armor ratings random I don't believe that what what do you mean saying like they in their game they check with their friends yeah and they had different armor ratings on the armors oh like but I I I just don't I just don't [Laughter] care cuz then you can't roll the Army you can't destroy it and get another one so that would be insane right come on B come on do you guys play on heavy arm or medium I play on light I play on medium I play on light which but because this armor is is banging yeah the best one's probably like light with extra padding or resist fortified light reduces recoil when crouching or prone and provides 50% resistance to explosive damage now how do I still die mostly explosive damage the only yeah the only problem is if I ever get beaten down and beating off they do get do it very quickly right come on Come on B all right all right come on I'll tell you what he's just he just wants to you know we're trying to rid the Galaxy no well you know you can do that later what about super Earth b super Earth isn't going to survive if you they're good people of super Earth my question is is how do the bugs invade a planet or are they already underground big bug ships I'd love to see them do you want to kill nests or do you want to uh collect the the the the goop the liquid Nest Nest Nest coordinates let's go baby let's do it into the pods H pods primed I just love how smooth the camera is when it's moving around it on Ultra sampling it looks so insanely good wait what Ultra extracts over there so let start top we go down do that yeah start up here all right I like the way we get to click we doesn't do anything no but it's just more of a suggestion isn't it I'm the going be leading the kill team this weekend huh laser uh I'm going get laser laser was laser was a bit boring didn't like it when they crossed I might go I might go for the Gatling yeah I'm like the Gatling so I'm going to go 500 kg no it's already got Gatling tur or Gatling bar Gatling barrage Barr a little bit of a widespread though but you know that's what it is that's what I mean I don't know if it's it's it's not as fun as I want it's not Prett get the Rover take the Rover with me yeah the laser one yeah I'm going Roy it might kill you so be careful yeah oh we go I'm so excited the [Music] music like for instance if the bugs were to attack another planet are we to believe that basically they had a base inside the planet and they've just broken out randomly and they they didn't know they were there cuz I don't think they have bug ships I mean it's possible what did you say and what how did the bugs invade other planets I'm guessing they had to just be there the whole time like [ __ ] ass and he fires the other bugs out of his ass into space I I think that's the most reasonable explanation what was the Starfield law they sort of there like a what was it like a bacteria sort of thing they spread around yeah just Giant spores so they start growing as mushrooms and then all right let's load this artillery I'd love that uh don't you need to turn it on first I've just done that oh you've already done it uh make sure you don't put smoke grenades in cuz B we don't want disgusting smoke AC fact that you can do that and just like tap e and constantly run with it basically make it just make it faster to walk with them so yeah but it's it's a strat though you feel you feel like you've discovered something let them let them have fun uh two charges over there by the way we need two more those uh shells why are they just chilling just relaxing the day off where are the shells I don't know don't see any I've got one more here I yield explosive nice do need why are they just chilling no Mass I'll take even Crushers need a holiday where is it where's where's the last one it's not here does exist got it I'll put one in oh I found it I found it I found it I found it what was it it's red it's a that's all red I've never heard Ked it there you go two two Crushers dead they're not to called Crushers are they what are they called chargers chargers I'm going to call them Crushers forever well I think tanks you know they should just be called tanks um do we want to go where do we want to go first yeah the close one first all red pretty much excellent how are we playing this on PC got do we got I'm signal strength that's the one yes yes L job initi the artillery system when you want to call it end it doesn't tell you which you're going to get does it you don't know know it's just in order that you put them in you have to remember that they don't you well they're right help me with these uh help me with these bugs ow I've just been beamed is the hardest one I think no no God damn it dude what game is this blaz just the every answer that isn't the game it is uh oh that's eggs oh that's eggs all right I mean that hammer G he's take yeah he's just like can't believe that it takes that much damage to destroy those [Applause] oh it's very laser beams ow ow ow hang on no who's lasering me I need nades on the on the holes bug hes bu is it bug Nest holes yeah yeah there's one right in front of me isn't there where's it G right in front of you on your right there you go you got it just try some eggs be egging step this takes far too long we're clearing N St yeah yeah yes got him nice I could see an egg left I can't all no no it's fine it's just a lot going on here three suppli here by the way um thank you Sean oh Westy's going to join us on Thursday by the way let's just piss off and leave it w't they follow us that' be fine probably just give up what next on the menu I need uh do you have any ammo do you have ammo for me B ammo bong ammo I can't give you ammo the I need grenades wait you can't give me ammo I can't press e on you so no this looks like something manmade here though no isn't often like stuff yeah yeah uh we need to throw nades everywhere here I've got just going to run past there we shoot his leg shooting front left front left front left front left front left front left I'm just shooting in the head like oh no what's happened Will's Will's lasers lasered me to death oh it absolutely beamed the back of my head off many apologies who am I playing with today I'm playing with bong that place it was a big round for me who's throwing me over here this where my stuff is that's uh I did all that work to do to be beamed by my own team I can just easily do it yeah um if we can find yeah that radar Tower will be very useful cuz if we can find the the mega rare resource that will come in handy let's do then nice uh yeah so we need to yeah we need to head south anyway oh thank God this isn't all covered with bloody um the fog I hate the fog got to get those trees down there you know Outpost oh I've got an air strike with me I didn't bring anything got laser don't bring an air strike how close am I to blow my own head up I've got laser as well Crusher right arm I'm going right yeah going for right going for right right arm right arm I'm out of ammo wait for him to turn kby he's dead nice I need um ammo can you give me ammo now B gotay in 5 seconds no it's fine it's fine I could have met a game that and giv you s l i could I should have stmed and then taking his stuff yeah um oh more bugs I'm going to do something with this yes requesting a support right wait three three oh wait wait this could be good don't shoot me yet don't shoot me okay 3 one and now don't shoot me yet no let them sit there yeah yeah now now they can come now they can come come on there you go oh yeah uh front right front right front right yeah I see it right what's this obsession with the leg because it one it one shots it no it one shots it it's way better it's like four shots to the leg and it dies it's four shots to the Head withun kills it as well yeah but then if you but the the leg's an easier Target I can always say right leg but not everyone can shoot the head all right start we'll we'll find The Meta on this side yeah we've already meted it up people got mad at me earlier for not playing The Meta they were literally like God you guys are terrible why are you using the SMG why are you using I was like guys we're just we're just chilling out too short you know what I mean by Titan uh I'm ging it going laser it ooh he hit me oh yeah that was actually quite a nice um I'm I'm shooting his face off oh oh oh oh I'm slowed no oh okay he was actually a lot closer than I thought he was by me he's dead nice job that was that was fast dispatch nice laser still going as well yeah I I wish you could press a button to T this guy yeah we need any more laser now thank you control yeah no but that's part of the fun is to die to your own laser well yeah um is there some supplies down here oh by the way when I say right arm I mean it's arm that's facing us not its actual right arm you know what I mean okay I mean the arm that we can see to its to our right so that if that's not confusing for is it I like it good I'd actually like you to say which armor is in relation to the compass what about Farm in relation to the North Star yeah whoa whoa whoa assassin bag on me oh my God it almost killed me oh there stalkers yeah I hate them that was actually horrendous here reloading um right I'm doing the side mission reload obviously so low come on come on when are you going to pop how's there anything left on this guy he got no armor left still oh my God it's behind me that's so Cool's rail gun rail rail G thing is incredible is that limited or unlimited shots just got a long cool I know the the laser is only a set amount of shots yeah you get three don't you I think you get three laser shots with the oh the um the oral beam yeah uh there's going to be can someone go and find another man oh no for him oh the B Titan yeah yeah I see the yeah yeah yeah I'm I've got something for him big Laser Time big laser energy F why is he doing that he's after me he's after me oh yeah um I'm going to die well I got beamed i b basically got stuck in a corner could realize I couldn't jump over the wall so I had a stalker he hit me and I turned around and looked at him and he just went hi yeah I had no choice but to run directly into the beam oh the B me ready deliver I was editing on on a video when we played on Friday yeah and I kept replaying a bit when you we're ignoring you and you go the bile Titan must be killed so funny we're just chatting about something else to turn around and just getting crushed by this B TI oh God that was close I think he's on his own or dead it's fine that's normal that's fine oh yeah oh St oh that's probably what Sean was doing good job Sean than Sean yeah the stalk was the thing that was probably killing me sir thanks John beautiful I think let's go these egg let's get those egg eggs I think we can go I think we can go up a level well we we did I did uh what's it called yesterday I did extreme what the no impossible impossible yeah I think we could do it yeah we could do it can you get collaps with the rail gun um um oh come on that didn't blow up in the hole sure in the hole nice I got one of the holes on the left is there another hole I wonder if a 500 kg bomb will work here let me just goodbye a look is not going to hit is that going to kill me it might no you're right oh it did one there you go it was one off you have unlimited of those or you have like yeah you get unlimited of the 500 kg oh yes it takes a while to it takes 2 minutes to come back there what I went through his head resupplying guys here found something ooh big lad big lad oh they is that is that a large B Titan there oh no it's just a it's just a big lad yeah I'm going to go and deal with this B got one egg left but I want to find these Mega rare the you know the there's there's a small base over here that we might want to do once in a generation hell is two talent I think yeah I think so quite impressive oh good yes that's exactly what I wanted to do yeah and set myself on fire that's also what I want to yeah difficulty with I don't think it actually scales the number of people I think if you it does it does it does oh it does scale yeah I think so found something apart from the men missions they they probably don't bugged bu breach where is that big time bug be but M I'm putting a laser on that that uh going to artillery super credits let's go baby some more grenades well you want to know a secret you already done it you can blow open these uh containers yeah I've I've already done it see containers basically in these occasion if you see any like shipping containers in the floor shipping contain you throw a grenade at the front blows them open there's stuff inside got things that Laser's doing God's work I mean it's all going on still over it gatling's flipping run out of ammo the Gatling need ammo dude you stay still I can give you ammo thank you still alive I'm a bit Frozen I didn't see that exploded that the oh God It's So Satisfied uh I'm going actually call in a new Supply pad of some supplies I'm going to head Northeast did you see the break dancing chair hell bone on the Rock is there a hellum on the rock yeah you can shoot them oh yeah look run bong all right well there you go I never I've never I never spot them nukes on the thing forget them what this way reloading some sort of flashing Beacon yeah I'll get it the thing I like about light armor is I can just I can Sprint for so long it's ridiculous we haven't cleared that is the beauty of uh I die a lot this cuz I'm using medium here for the first time in a long time much better okay right I'm going to try and beat them here and and I've got to run I've got to run oh my God absolutely destroy well just a little um just a little uh loot loot cash absolutely destroyed that um charger there some loot in there as well what this met yeah I believe it's really addictive to say that I don't know why Robbie Gold train oh yeah love Robbie why is everyone ranting and raving at this game right we just like go go back 30 minutes go back 30 minutes go watch Tomo's video think like the second one he made on it watch the first minute he does such a good job of explaining why this is so good just s Tom's Way that looks friendly in there I'm going s around the other side I'm not anywhere near those things just constantly lasering well it's quite yeah it's quite beamy and there's three of them at least it's not as bad as the mor bong that's all I'll say bre around there somewhere yeah look go back 30 minutes and you'll understand I just I discussed it in in great oh we got a lot of bugs over on the that side there see a hole oo blinding brilliant me me own laser oh my god um ow goodness me that's a bit a b isn't it I might right left leg left leg oh you AB you've killed him yeah he gone yeah he's gone I'm inside him I can't move uh yeah that's yeah yeah that will happen you've been eaten you you have been eaten by the way literally right well how about I put a 500 kg bomb think I'll be yeah I think I'll be protected as well by the husk I think he'll seep into the ground eventually and then I'll just be to walk away yeah you will so but in the meantime I'll just sit here inside inside just the goo this is like uh St Wars when it gets inside that thing the TA that's it is it taon or T I thought ton is that in suers smell bad on the inside the outside yeah that's oh you ruined the Line This is a disaster your Star Wars license has been revered Star Wars is [ __ ] right no no no no no that's I'm losing Subs by the second if you say that do not do that God what have you done it's very mediocre no no I mean guys I'm still inside it I me I'm now on my screen I'm just fully inside it I'm sorry but that's a that's a red card I've gone first person I'm just inside this this animal oh he's dead good he's still in him I don't know if it's going to despawn I'm just still here I mean it's just are you still there me are you still are you still stuck in it I'm still I was inside I mean should we blow you up and then give you a salute as you die you can just 500 kg my head yeah I could do yeah if you want that if that's what you want worth it I've got the little bit of laser I don't think it' work no no they're killing me don't worry they're killing me I can't even shoot them they're just they're just snipping at me ankles right bong we're going to give him a I'm out I'm out I'm out you still want me to throw the 500k yeah I mean I mean not really feels like a waste you know right I'm going to go and set off the extract it's fine okay on the way oh hang on we haven't found the the the mega rare material yet that was like an at home Spa there for a do I care though that's my question well do you all your ship stuff you know I try not to care about oh I mean I've not seen it I haven't seen it no I haven't seen it either you see I feel like if I'd seen it then I'd care an extraction whoa You've Got 2 minutes to find it B you I've got to get to you in 2 minutes away let go yeah you'll be fine uh right leg then is it too far from extraction shuttle aborting in 15 seconds pile Titan big man right I stopped it oh yeah I see there that's a by and a charger reloading oh the ra Canon strike coming in and the laser watch for the laser boys oh this uh bring him down bring him down oh me it's War there another bile Titan there a Hot War there's another bile Titan um 500 K 500 Kg on it 500 kg here he comes here he comes oh dude this is going to be good this is going to be good did I get him oh I one shot him oh he's gone not exactly one shot we lasered him we no no no no no that was all me that was all me I think it was different one yeah it was it was the new one that was frh that was fresh bile that did I get it yeah yeah he's gone he's gone medals for us guys on my excursions so you know who's the real hero healthy yeah oh yeah as long get on the shutle until I'm there it won't leave without me what if I did but you'll miss out on the stuff I got oh did you get the samples no not not those ones but I got some medals and some stuff I didn't see it unfortun I think I'll be there it's quite a nice uh a little close no living on the edge the artillery in why not in going to grenade launcher towards them feel like I got a clap with the rail gun there by the way I may have got a clap with the rail gun then on big things yeah I think so watch out for the the plane yeah they killed me last time didn't it all right you ready everyone ready yeah let's go nice that's up that's up the difficulty cruising too easy cruising altitude another victory for the right side of History the right side of History Nice Nice Nice the drops working yeah they're working you watch for an hour and you go onto your inventory on Twitch you click claim then you go to the glory for super Earth website and then you link and then you redeem it and then you go PC or PS5 and you get your code you redeem the code and it's as simple as that and then bam you've got the armor and make sure that you follow study on Twitch in order to get your own armor as well and don't remember to subscribe with prime yes because that also um the only reason that's the only way to get the armor is is prime it's just as simple as that freckles it's it's a simple 12-step process surrender some personal data by the way someone came into my chat earlier and said a grown man playing video games at this hour you should be in a factory and I was like what on Earth is going on uh well who's going to help out the people of superar it's not us that's what I'm saying that sound a bit out of touch they do I mean yeah I like all right well somebody came into my chat about an hour ago and said how long is the Sea of Thieves um maintenance going to be on for and I was like what I don't work for rare uh I haven't played C in quite a while why are you asking me is it because you look like a pirate well that's what I thought I pirate bong you look like you work in the pirate industry somehow you but the thing is I bet you didn't know the answer no well you know I just said a couple of hours I don't know oh that's funny right well I'm ready for the finale Mission muscle enhancement give you all hell able to Traverse difficult terrain with ease oh 70 that costs pagea B do you want to hug uh yeah I'd like a hug actually you go well have hug here ready yeah yeah what you're just shaking your mouse yeah yeah do it Dr your mouse up and down up and down [Laughter] really it's good stuff that good get in the one more Mission get in the factory maybe he thinks I should be an automaton that's what he means yeah oh yeah yeah there are some good Factory based games what's the laser back called maybe yeah that's what he want I have I actually got enough money for anything let me have a look I've got 14k I want the I want the um the orbital I want the orbital um snipe whatever that's called what is that rail Cannon strike what is that yeah yeah let's get that yeah I don't know where it is I've seen it I've seen it I've got it I've got it right I'm ready I'm going to buy the last five scythe and try it out I think it's all right I think this is actually the kind of game that appeals to the slightly more mature players what adults no you don't think so people people that like Starship Troopers no I mean well I mean this is a kids game you old enough to know what Starship tro is I mean yeah I tried the SMG and it was fine I don't think I like it that much though look so beautiful just look so beautiful have we got confirmation that those are other people's ships uh said they are yeah they are yeah it's it's it's it's just Rel relative to how many people you're currently on board the hammer of science yeah I'll I'll try I feel like the last five s is only going to be good against robots though signs of disloyalty should be reported to well I don't know I mean it's energy based right go on send us in coordinates Hots primed engaging thrusters good bug it's a dead bug right uh let's do this actually let's do this top left one first and go down do that one up to there back to there bingo bango Bish bash laser guns are trash yeah I thought they might wait where are we staring no no surely no no yeah I guess we do the big circle we do the big circle yeah cuz it's that's nearest the extract and we've got to do it cuz it's a sub orbital rail Cannon got that I want a I liked what we had before that was a good combination need that 500 kg St just too good okay yeah I'll take I'll take the 500 kgs that's two big booms then for me or aut Cannon and then I'll take a I'm going to take a Gatlin Gatlin cuz the G the Gat the Gatling doesn't work very well against it doesn't work very well against the robot the Gatling barrage yo Birdman thank you for the prime where I didn't have to queue but maybe it's cuz we loaded the game yeah if you load it early you know 11: a.m. rather than 1:30 in the afternoon I know it's cuz we're not in the factory yeah what if you had to work in a factory what Factory would you work in I actually did used to work before when in a plastic factory interesting as a temp yeah well there you go and I'll be honest this is better I yeah I could see I could see that I could see that oh it's lasery oh I forgot to switch I forgot to switch my [Music] weapons oh okay be careful yeah well let's get all our stuff then shall weo yeah but I tell you what he's a lot LS in there he's destroy destroying all my things we already got a laser beam laser beams on their heads that's going to laser me that's not my laser beam oh oh oh oh I'm going to shoot the um my Rover is around here somewhere where is it I've got I've got a rather large ah just a bugge isn't it oh I'm going to need the Gatling I think um of a problem I'm trying to just work out where I want to do it got the lovely that was uh loading oh just minced you up like a young wet dog yes shoot him in the face left leg left leg left leg left leg refor I'm going to get this Crusher got it one oh there's a lot oh four Crushers by the way um oh yeah landing on this one he's gone nice that's going to be a good Sentry oh oh lot Lads on me here boys I tell you what don't careful they're everywhere they're everywhere oh my God they Crush yeah yeah get some get some nice nice front left front front left front left front left front left okay you can see it he's weak he's weak see I see it I see it got it he's gone now the now the gatling's useless nice is there like a spawn near us yeah there's a spawn over the hill over here let's go get somebody come with me to deal with that and somebody start doing this Mission I'm coming I've got the grenade launcher I'll shoot the oh I didn't take the 500 kg no right well the disrespect we'll see how it goes is this the gatling's already gone grenade launcher there will oh yes yeah maybe a marker for friendly grenades but then I suppose you wouldn't kill each other as much it wouldn't be as fun so yo Birdman thank you very much chunky monkey thank you for the four the tier one sub AG chunky monkey thank you and oky gorilla thank you for the six months and I got Harvey D thank you thank you Oki that's good oh we need to we still haven't done all of the stuff it wants us to do yeah that thing's not do you think they're going to allow modding or is that too much I don't think it needs modding no I mean it would be I you can tell exactly what they would do with mods can't you well that it' be Tes wouldn't it well oh yeah that's what I that was my first thought yeah not Starcraft Warhammer or anything else it was telletubbies no was terrifying when you look when you look at it now it's like Cy um we need to open one what's not open uh yeah one of these isn't open which one sometimes they bug I hope it hasn't bugged are they are all yes they go um front left I think yeah front left front left see his re you can choose r on I think I will oh yeah there you go is's almost dead another Gatling no we haven't got time oh another one here oh Christ yeah a guy there I got one of the crushes I think no I've blow his side up there you go no that he doesn't like it reload it's going to happen he's just standing still just accepting his F shot his tickling him uh do we have a resupply do now supplyon he really doesn't want to die do he not that turret is he we okay we've activated this pump that's done right resupply on me watch out how close can you get I've not actually been killed by one of these yet I just happened to be level 20 no don't take give me some now I I've just toed you all off thank you thank you I love a good topping right are the charg I mean it's Chargers world is it yeah Char us charg us BG breach reloading breach B breach I'm lasering i' had enough I've had enough no oh my thank you no I know I know that one just jumped at me yeah well bugs are definitely communist aren't they cuz they it's all for the queen Hive and all that help me this monchy um let's go yeah just sorry hold don't move is this not one of those uh fancy rocks thatc Legend of yeah yes the floating fist rock yeah there you go your eyes may not have lied there what's that one you think it's a is it a super rare looks like it uh let's have a look tastes like it too but y I can see the globules now this will be my second load of super R uranium oh yeah that's good that's exactly how they collect uranium space with their mouth yeah just a straw slurping it that's how they do it they they don't they explain that in the in the science works but that's how they do it out poost spotted prepare to this is a complete Miss ending in an eagle it all looks clear here I'm I'm bringing up the rear what are these skeletons here well maybe they're a teaser no but look look look it looks like there's a big worm creature yes um Al alai or whatever it's called Al yeah look look at the state of that just that burst the ground and trying to Goble you yeah it is that very June with the mouth there with the tee [Music] reloading got for them over there something laser no not this one bird that'll do it that will do it reloading I'm I sometimes reload a little bit too early like them apples down technically yeah the as long as you don't overheat the laser it never runs out of ammo then I suppose you're limited to how much damage you can put out side yeah oh yes killed myself with my own turret nice reinfor that's a lot crushes oh I just shot a crush his head off uh my Gatling gun is in the floor someone says here bong there were big there were Big Worm creatures in boss fights and Hell divers won when we push the bugs back to their home planets ah okay uh B it's disappeared new enemy unlocked let me um yeah I've got Las wait no no I've got an orbital laser let's let's give that go I'm let's see how this goes Bea oh it did it did it did beam him but it didn't one shot he's he's he's wounded he's I mean he's that is ridiculous over is that cool down is 3 minutes for the orbital Gap the orbital rail gunal okay uh we got that's it where are they where's the other one goop the name of um celebrity's um candles that smell like a vag yeswith P's sideline yeah yeah no no no yes no it is no we mustn't no we mustn't no look I'm just saying a male celebr no no maybe maybe I could something that smells like my I don't think it's as popular when it's a man for some reason can do what you want this candle smells like my knob I don't think people would buy it no well I you what I think people would and you got be wored I do you know what actually they would buy it as a joke for their friends yeah that's what you tell yourself to sleep at night or they yeah no they do as a joke not because oh god um right there's a small Nest to the South but we can just Fu that off and cuz we've got the mega sample we don't need to explore yeah I shouldn't have mentioned that the uranium yeah yeah we never talk of this again oh that's why is there a spew here I've not seen any of those just one lonely spear in this whole map yeah spear yeah that's definitely that's in isn't it yeah I mean if they're saying it was in hell as one then surely that's just also there's a Tyran creature that looks exact like that called like the the truck L with a big face you know yeah I'm going to run this way what primary am I using it's the the auto shotgun yeah if you can get medals That's Good Meds uh Sean might be dead sorry Sean no you're fine he's alive fine a store there if anyone wants a machine gun I suppose you do me you want top up I'm all right actually I'm good good I'm good sure might need some help him yeah he's he's just very gifted he's dead GG yeah I'm pretty sure I just got a collap with the I definitely just got a collap with the rail gun okay okay so you can so it's even more overpowered than we ever thought I just got two heavy creatures with the rail gun beautiful stop talking about got it a TR gon that's it there's a oh they're going to Nerf it because I talked about it God I hate I hate content creators they ruin everything an influencer trying to self push your knob candles on us yeah well I've not actually started selling them yet they're still in they're still in production in my factory you say I should be in a factory well have I got news for youpreneur something I'm certainly building something millionaire mindset oh hello oh yeah calling down a s strike come here you we beasty overkill on him it was totally under control it looked good it St good things that's a sample oh oh yeah o oh look at this poor guy suspended in what injury the Spider-Man webs oh yes can we release him no no he's bound forever missing a leg asset that will never come to life nice soers are down AR they that's right yeah we play on private servers it's it well we actually on whisted streamer servers with with cheats enabled with it seems to be working for us we're on number seven us maybe lot of baby stalkers around why do I reload after shooting well I've got my grenade launcher so get get in find theit I'm bit late Sean's down thr no I hate when they body block the uh the grenades it's like they're trying to protect their homes how dare they how dare they and there it is uh bug breach bug b breach right I'm I'm destroying it oh big man hello hello there I'm dead to an explosion is that my own explosion I don't really know I wasn't that close look at the three beams on him be oh look at that oh my word I think he's dead I think he's gone yeah not sure though oh that beam's going to be o look at that I think I think wow the trifecta of beam something never seen before um any samples in this Nest any samples good question don't see any any there's usually like a couple of 14 of 36 is there any sort of Subs like a radar there is a radar down there that'll show us where all the things but basically the exit's just here so but that's not the exit that's not true the way it is the wrong way to the exract we're not extracting it we haven't fin Mission no my eyes P youon there's more than one of those fancy rocks per Mission no there's only one he tells you there's three of three so we've got all the all the that we can get this Mission exactly we'll just leave Sean to that freedom forever he'll be all right be yeah yeah he's got it he's got he's got this automatic how do we turn this on oh it's the it's the Wangler putting the Sentry down this one yo haxi thank you for 35 months thank you lovely thank you dude now you want to see five three three 500e which one is one a the one a I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking a stalk there's a stalk oh they're just the worst tis lovely yes I'll do it oh these guys just outwhere one a well of course yeah it doesn't really say where it is but it's um don't like the guys that suck you off you little [ __ ] oh yeah L people on me here oh boy find this thing I'm trying to find this uh last one I'm not finding this this um I think there's a stalker cuz there's a lot of stalkers around I can't see on the map though I can't see wouldn't it be blue would it yeah it's like a blue it's like it's like a little it looks like a stalker on the map why how we not where's the valve we need I can't see it are we done are we stupid no well I think so I can't see the valves maybe there's one over here it's probably hidden in the gunk isn't it I'm looking oh is this it is that it yeah that's the one good job that good yeah yeah it's it's red it was already red so I couldn't tell if it was I which gun and armor am I using I'm using light armor with fortify and then I'm using the auto shotgun Auto breaker I got theal yeah I like I like it I do die a lot though cuz I've got very low armor value but it's fun hang on is this just what we're just invading the buget for their oil is that well I wouldn't go there they're not they're not using it they might baath in it you don't know maybe it's the maybe it's their their juices well yeah the hose stalk yeah there you go Sean got it there AB bloody miles away there reloading h come on Pump It Up don't you know Pump It Up what the more thinking Pump Up the Jam yeah but Pump Up the Jam well I guess it could be Jam Release the fuel hose oh idiots I still need to unlock my more boosters what he released the H you haven't released a h well he was right I hate to say it but he was right just chill like it's fine I got the big I mean he's dead I mean yeah that was too fully charged yeah I mean what can they do what can they do not the fuel hose the transfer pump I'll I I'll do I I'll work in the oil factory then you guys just you know how they said they want to work in a factory mag's empty you're more likely to read the chat than the UI you know what that is actually true requal strike but not for advice six shot uh B he wait why is the ban dead how did the the ban died instantly I didn't really know what happened that's lovely what be reloading I mean this gun is just ridiculous I mean they can they can they can hide up behind their armor where they want they're going to die this gun well you can ra gun through their heads it's yeah it's a little the Warriors are pretty tough lot of men over there of men oh okay what if on the harder difficulties they made it so that occasionally they would Dodge the ra gun shot they jump out the way well that would be that would be pretty nasty yeah uh I'm going to let's just you've eliminated me stop there's two oh on the floor there you yeah I'll suck I'll suck it up I'll suck it up I've sucked it I've sucked it even though you could have easily got it yourself that gun I have turned off the safety on the gun you're mad lad yeah I know all about unsafe mode don't you worry you only got two super samples B uh I had two and three in the top right yeah it says three right guys what we're going to do is not shoot this no no no no no no will you've maybe killed me you've definitely killed me what what we're going to do is not do that right well I've got the rare s you can't say that immediately going to shoot it the voice just took over you shut the hell B is that it yeah right where where's the oh my God these little ones are Brut um I need oh don't tell where's it gun it's over here I picked up some stuff but we haven't where's the other ones just over here they're over there I me I died here I picked up some yeah I can see pick up mine cuz I had one where's my where is my stuff I oh there was absolutely no way I was getting away why' you tell me to shoot then I what Stone will Stone will remember this oh yeah get up there get up there be a critical moment of the teacher where be next to us start it's just you alone long live the king now the robot missions are not we need help with the robots the reinforcements well we'll go robots next round I welcome our new robot overlords yes but we will beat them up would like to remind them that I can work I can encourage people as a TV personality internet personality I encourage people to work in the Silicon mines a fe or a factory in our case but yeah yeah yeah we've done great that good I just unlocked it so I'm just trying it out I don't know what have you unlocked oh oh uh young right what I'm going to do we're going to one shot it ready and I'm going to shoot in the face the hands C there we go now we're ging he's dead he's dead not dead now he's dead that's enough yeah I've just requested never 1 minute 50 on this careful and we're out right oh here they come from the uh from the West after this Sean it can overheat the last so they to reload it oh yeah it's B the same as the the the dog the Rover dog has on it epic oh B time wait when did he just drop him from the sky dead they a dropping them now we can fly oh that Laser's coming in oh so dead already difficulty seven when Tom's on we'll do difficulty eight yeah N I think seven the thing is I think Seven's The Sweet Spot because it's it's challenging enough you can get the rare samples you know and it's not outrageous like that one we did with Jack was [ __ ] wor it but was that was that a what was it what kind of mission on Impossible we can do a hell dive if you want but I want try no no no no we didn't have to do a hell dive we can just do an eight what's the hey let's do it hold on all right go for it think of the tit not against the [ __ ] robot though I can tell you that yeah well that side objective over there oh just a pumping dog um supp definely don't get killed by the uh machine St uh the flame think we we're finding this easy oh yeah I'll stop no there's no way that hit you there's no way no you're over there I put it over here there's no way need to go for the samples there's no way I'm annoyed I'm annoyed for you bong even though it was me where did you go down I got I got it I got that was perfect here we go we're all alive we're all alive got to walk up it oh God I'm not in an mant where are you n you'll be fine you you got lovely lovely lovely yeah I really wanted to change I wanted to change my stratum keys to my arrow keys but guess what I've got a 60% keyboard I don't have any arrow keys damn it [Music] dude no no no no no no guys I'm just preparing you for the evening games oh my God what is going on here hang on I might actually have to buy just for this game I'm going to have to buy a macro board with arrow keys on it just so I can do my strategems I don't know I need I'm going to turn off this follow alert that's what I'm going to do yeah guys you have to follow in order to get the drops don't forget guys come on don't forget to follow because otherwise it won't work you get double drops actually maybe yeah L you know link your Amazon Prime account with your Twitch account as again is it going to get repetitive well that's entirely upon your personal it is repetitive but what game isn't a bit right but it's about that minute the repetitiveness comes from how fun the minute to- minute gam play is I know I've said this before but it just depends how fun the minute to- minute game play is and if that's fun and V and varied enough and exciting enough it actually doesn't matter that the it's got the repetitive Loop well because I I I thought dark dark tide I feel like for me you do the same well dark tide is a good example because that's the car but I felt that the minute to minute is can be fun but it's nowhere near as fun as this game that's what I'm saying so I I I found that dark tide was didn't quite hit the mark for me even though love 40K and everything so it's you know you had 94.9% accuracy he do miss anything to doesn't Miss Clara my PC I'll try these um hang on I turned off my someone was saying orbital EMS strikes or something I would probably I would just hide the follow notification just they've gone mad is that right yeah I've turned them off at the alert Box level but it doesn't seem to have worked cuz it's still going it when can I get drops come on you don't get them boy um it's just because we did this thing isn't it give give give them to me well give me a taste is it yeah give me a taste and well from work follow us to get drops as well please last streamed on Twitch over a year ago but you know what he's it's coming back coming back into fashion come on gole could go under you never know the Sentry EMS is solid all right I'll give that a go then just send my uh on on Twitch can't uh they were they're doing test they're doing tests for it and then they will so you can I actually have access to it right but currently they're just doing tests for you have to share four streams over 8K and so there's I literally have to have a lower quality 1080p stream do you know what I mean so my highest quality would have to be low I've applied for that thing but we haven't got access but oh well yeah it's not worth it yet anyway so the multi broadcast would be cool but yeah um yeah I just want the av1 really uh there's nothing I I want to save for the Sentry I'm for 500 kg but I'm also thinking if we are we going are we going to go do robots now no we I thought we were doing bugs boy you try hell we do bugs bugs H or we can do level seven robots that's abely bug is good bug is the one all right I think did I send that I want to use a different gun don't I 300 off 500 kg ass up pick your P it's just one of Tom's POS he likes to do on stream what does the trait onehanded mean so I could wear I could have a shield yes there's a ballistic shield that works with the SMG you could try that I want to try that been against the robots that as far as I know there no projectiles are they with the can I use the yeah ex bugs the The Shield's not great against bugs good against the robots thetic sh though I'll give that a go then you want you want the little night what's it called the night SMG or something I don't know anyway I'll give I'll give it a go it also means you can f it also means you could fire and stim yourself at the same time that's pretty sick the dog out right we we'll use that we'll use that once we go back to robots we'll use that once can I that I love that video is there anything else uh let me join on you guys why is that not works right uh so is it bugs or or men then we're going to do a hell of bugs aren't we yeah sure let's do that go it's absolute [ __ ] nightmare which obviously will be go back to difficulty 7 robots yes I like that I like that cuz we can we've done that before it's doable eight just becomes [ __ ] I don't know hell I mean we did eight yesterday and it was hell but it was fun yeah it's good though I like the difficulty it's it's still on your keeps on your ass does it I love the way why doesn't this pistol do more damage when this one does 60 this one does 60 but this is a straight upgrade I don't I've never underst said that of Steel and now I've got this problem where I got to try and join you oh well bong does bong does bong even have hell dive difficulty so we might be we have to join you he does cuz he's completed an impossible mission so got it yeah that's good then sometimes I can't join bong though for some reason and I don't know if it's just the game why does my my game always reset my emotes yeah mine do that as well I've got them set to random but it's always just the same one some random wait hold on so I want how do I unlock another need to get will to level 20 yeah the ra guns to be fair though I think just two having you only really need two the grenade launcher is still extremely and the auto Cannon is extremely useful still I think dude why are the boosters not I can't even see them kill 15 Devastators is my for oh that's the robot thing have you guys done that what yeah we did that we did that we can do that one in let's try hell dive let's do hell dive bugs yeah I think I'm going to go back to the um Liberator explosive over the LZ oh the the laser the laser is awful I think it's [ __ ] it says damage per second 300 [ __ ] yeah it's a lie I'm checking what's in the um yeah but think about it if it's damage 300 sweet they got really good armor in the having that they they got the um that's a nice helmet which one it's a light armor but with explosive resistance you already got one like that I don't have one yeah got that is this light armor look light a juggernaut well apparently the armors are broken yeah so you might as well just use light arm you might as well use light because it gives you the big exactly what I have are the Exterminator on oh no that's medium [ __ ] that's medium they're both medium I yeah you see I've got the I've got the best one I'm going to take medium with the Fortified though cuz I still think that's good I think medium you can get you can still run around all yeah yeah it's just ridiculous yeah the Exterminator armor looks [ __ ] excellent I love that yeah it's some very cool armor in this I'm looking forward to see what's in the new pass that should be that's going to be next Thursday or this Thursday maybe next Thursday th look at this execution armor I got it's tanky but it looks excellent yeah I like that but that's the problem the heavy is not worth using at the moment that's the sad that's the sadness of but when they fix it you know I've got some heavy yeah I've got loads of heavy I yeah I like the um The Hurt Locker this one oh yeah let me just change that to an actual good armor you can actually do it when you're in your pod as well lining up whats what what are you doing to me whoa you're what you mean that was too much you you were you were like NE did again I don't what do you mean I don't understand look at that can you seeing wait guys I'm not doing anything what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean look at him what you mean what are you doing I what do you mean I don't understand no it's fine so I don't understand there's nothing wrong oh you dirty boy you dirty Pig I don't like that that's horrible um let's do sector I guess Prime it's almost actually cheing and Prim are not liberated at all what's happen what do plan you haven't done today okay um we did Snow planet have we or have weika or HM sounds really nice hire we've never done what's that over to intense heat eggs and IC yeah well that sounds bad what's the effect I like it then temperatures incre Stam dra speed up he eggs some kind of mountain with a you choose do whatever you want the refill is a really annoying Mission though I probably wouldn't do that one eggs anything you like one oh yeah but just saying the refill is like maybe it's all right what's that one that one three missions as well they're all three we might not there's nuke and there's egg eggs nuke and egg nuke and Nest is Good Egg N so there's two of them okay we'll do either one of these yeah yeah I mean I don't think I don't think we're leaving this place alive clear The Nest St yeah [ __ ] it SE and Destroy after all why not why shouldn't we hell dive all why shouldn't we hell dive hell be my first hell dive yeah well this will be yeah my this will be my first hell dive tooe I think it might be my last epic out there look at that wa welcome to hire hire yeah like a nice hug on the I think it is I genuinely think it's worthy bringing the nade launcher for bugs because it's so good at clearing giant like swaths of them anding and ceiling bug well I'll take the rail can be launcher I'm going to run what I run last time it was very effective you do there's a Char whoever fog is it lovely love a bit where is yeah B get to choose anyway so well yeah well does make difference [Music] well would would he uh we bringing r or what we doing here I'm going I'm going crazy um strike cuz I really like it what else can I use I'm going to bring a over cuz I really feel like I need it they're so good on the little ones yeah I'm bringing the backpack you know two launchers two ra guns might be optimal here yeah I think it 100% cool down by way on the things so don't throw your things on going put in the orbital laser CU I think we're going to need it I wouldn't say mine's a beard type carinus but I mean you know I appreciate the comment and here we go I've just got Ginger stubble Ginger [Music] St that looks [ __ ] excellent that that looks insane yeah oh yeah I like the chips like coming up there before all right so it's going be fog then is it right we've got to we've got to [ __ ] people holes here oh my goodness gracious we've only we've only got 12 minutes oh where's the fog the fog's gone good there's no fog no I'm I'm I'm glad there no F there no deal with him get already oh yeah is that the big big cool down on that the is it really in the game in the game uh and why do I have the laser cannon that's not what I wanted oh no And So It Begins there's a stalk conest nearby I don't know where obviously oh this sucks oh watch my beam boy oh we're being mored by the bugs I'm using the scythe and it sucks the's awful right there also we're on a hot planet that means it heats up F yeah terrible so this was the worst gun okay well what happens is one of you going to die one of you died I'm taking your gun my yeah I'm taking oh I'm taking your gun where's your gun give it give it me I've got a liberator for now Auto shot is really good you haven't died though so I can't take it my grenade launcher was up the hill did you grab it no no no I left it I mean barer is coming in I've got nothing got 7 minutes on the cool down don't stand still whatever you do rad here I'm cing it's getting a bit interesting put it on unsafe I'm it's like a dog that the aut can't look up it's so annoying I'm going to work back for my uh grenade launcher I'm trying to get the B artillery hang on yeah oh I'm going to die this lo I got it I got it I got the artillery we need to find [ __ ] can't stand them yeah we get well can't see where it isad no not stalker but once the Radar's up we'll be able to all right well how do we do it radar Tower's going up now going to be nearby fast already aligned yeah done yeah two stalk South I'm stuck underneath this big huge thing yeah wait why can't we see it drop in the face drop in the the face show him in the face get him away he's almost dead he's almost dead he's gone oh my God he's going invisible go should we go south to clear the stalk God right oh I got it oh dear it's already hell here we go hell dive hell dive hell dive those are the wait let me shoot there's a gold glowy over here get it boy where is that giant musroom see the radar station uncovered all the yeah all the G are we not going we're not going for the thing I thought we going for the go get the at the nest let's get both those nests cuz the stalker nests are just going to they're just constantly spill out of them it's the worst the worst they're so deadly aren't they oh there's one there's one there's one well I think they're programed to attack you from off camera as they you there's one program to attack off camera's a bunker here anyone want to uh where is it I've just pinged it here I found the nest I'm on it I'm going to destroy you've got it okay there's about a million B guys coming behind you guys um how you [ __ ] kidding me oh oh oh oh what just happened just and that was it what have you got I'm stealing your gun grenade launcher I've got and the uh I'll wait here and oh there you are where is it come to me can somebody call you uh yeah yeah yeah uh here we go oh I'm in trouble a BL we only got eight minutes I'm in trouble oh my God I'm being it's okay I'm need alive okay that's not that okay actually why can't I get off this okay that's [Music] fine uh rail gun yeah this should be good yeah this is going to be good yeah this is good yeah yeah this is good yeah this is good come on get come on get it come on niceo me [ __ ] Big B boy nice um this is terrifying let's go down to the other stalk nest and then go and clear the big do all right all right the samples on the map see that yeah yeah ow oh boy let got I'm dead how did you die where did you die um well I had to run away from about 300 enemies chasing me down the hill or I get vomb I don't know where he died oh uh yeah just call me in anywhere please oh you get your stuff B yeah yeah yeah just sing next to you now yeah I know I got it I've got one oh almost on youel my word I need stems artillery over here it's a lot of bad things over there a stalk is coming behind you I think I hate this gun and I hate everything about it I've got no STS I need to St here you come here the hill I can I can stab you Tommy come stab me B please there's a stalker somewhere I don't know where he is you're very low on health will watch out I know I'm trying stems on his Supply got it we need to actually find The Bu holes now but I can't see them on the map this thing sucks H awful yeah well we need to go find there's over here I can see some um I need to go and get my my rail gun otherwise I'm ruined me careful man lot of B artillery on the hill you see that b artillery I like it yeah actually better off using my bloody pistol there there's there's holes here we need to close oh [ __ ] these are new I don't what these like a different Warrior variant they've got like a red mouth and an eye in it that's horrendous the holes I can do it Kobe oh I got it nice oh it's not overl Goodness Me strike yeah running running running eag Just Launch me let's go and get St back let's go with st yeah yeah we only need we only need four more holes and then we we can where's my stuff oh they there's two here there's two oh yeah yeah they camping my stuff oh my God you going to kill me ooh this feels this game feels like the end of the film aliens where she's like the music's going mental and she's running out of the [ __ ] the nest and it's just it's just just that forever like Ping back there b old bastards got me incoming guys don't stand still I called you right back there thought you one your stuff it's going to be bad at the yeah oh my God I found the the super uranium I found six of them ow ow ow ow ow yeah yeah I found them found them no oh my God I'm just a bile bath I'm trying to see I'm trying to see these mushrooms we need to find some more holes otherwise we're [ __ ] looking for red I mean there look how many coming from the top is there not a hole up there help but there's a Spore thing at the top I'm TR I'm trying to see it I can't see it well it's cuz it's covered in gas no cuz it my stuff's gone I can't go back for it that's all right let's just I'm just trying to get eyes on call you oh no I'm dead sorry I can't I'm dead I got you I got you P me back in to the right where you died I have back in one second why can't I see it I should be able to see it requ yeah there's a b guy four terminate holes left one dead how is he not ding think I can see it he's just vomiting on my body it is just left there I think I'm sh it no I've got to give oh almost it right finally I got the spores there's a stalker that destroy they're everywhere Warrior we got to run we got to run I'm dead is there an end game is there an end game to this game you're watching it just everywhere This is the End Game oh Lord I'm dodging I'm dodging dodging picking up samp I need some ammo has anyone got ammo I can't do it make sure everyone grabs at least one of these back packs so they get a cheeky um Dam where is it coming right behind it's on you you just land on you reinfor right there yeah yeah you got it oh got it I'm really bad at the reinforce at the moment I'll get Max anyway on respawn so it's good oh charge it I'll shoot his but minutes oh my God got okay we've got to find more so oh B um I'm going I'll get him I'll get him I'm going or strike I need my shotgun nice I'm dead by me range oh no we don't want to use your uh where did you die uh I don't know okay I'm put you near where you died so you can on the looking good I don't know how I just died spe I mean I want to find that we've got to find these [ __ ] holes where are they oh my wording to the one of the Titans is dead get oh no did wa did he get me back there's more Nest there's more Nest holes on me one my body is I need a reinforce back back back okay good I mean where are we going to find these nests there was I can see some on me got one minute here you sure it's not a bug breach bug I'm not sure actually no oh B Titan and everything we've got 58 seconds otherwise it's over so yeah I know I'm ring one of the BS I mean I'm literally just running in the hopes that I run into it some around I don't know' well 40 seconds north north of the top oh no this is insane no no no where the you still trying to see if there's just a nest somewhere where I dropped my stuff where I dropped my stuff there was nest we I think we've we've no we've gone the wrong way I see it it's here on me you you got get two more that's all 18s 187 one more one more bong yeah let's go super samples right yes I got the super samples right let's go let's call it I'm going to call it in and I'm going to hold cuz you guys need to get here cuz it's going to be it's going to be 4 minutes me you I call you here my samples back but it's not that big a deal I've got I've got the big samples I've got the r on let's just protect St I've also got the worst primary weapon of all time I mean I don't think I'm going to be leaving this place alive ah we have we we don't have any more things I'm in I'm in trouble to the right oh my good Lord this is what what we're going to have to we're going to have to rely on the rail guns rely on the rail guns run run run he's spewing Fus oh of course we can't reinforce either can't reinforce we can't air strike we can't just run back never going get it Focus um the only now is just simply run all the way back this is insane never mind that never mind that I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh my Gody get Super S on me and then the shuttle's coming in one minute you have to just ignore everything here s when you get back to sim I can't I'm pressing Sim right now no you can't you can't unless you lose Health you can't Sim I thought you could you have an explosive thing just shoot near you but don't do yeah you take a little bit damage hey look mission complete but we didn't get the super samples which is kind of sucks that doesn't count wow wow wow wow I mean I just got I just got spew on yeah oh jeez we did we did yeah did all right yeah that's didn't get any samples but it is what it is 250% XP yeah glorious sacrifice lovely still done operation St is still done I can't believe that count is done I killed more bug nests than we needed so I mean so much definitely done 5 that was interesting it was actually going all right just right up until the last like few minutes and then it just didn't go we literally clutch did the objectives just by chance time to things on the extract did we cuz we see where they were so it's kind of hard to dog it really stalkers are just horrible aren't they they're just the worst uh yeah I don't like them they're not just terrible not what's that like the the beam strike th what's it called uh you mean theal ra Precision no orbital rail ra and okay need 2,000 more requisition I don't think everyone needs I I I made a huge mistake by taking this yeah the side I'll be honest crippled you on that mission I I did so bad the sidee sucks yeah I did ABS it's okay to have one as a backup on the Rover but the honestly the best gun I still think is the SG 2025 breaker I think that's the best gun not the you don't need the incend Edition though just the normal Edition is good I like be able to hit things at range with the I've got the rail gun for that the rail gun and the auto sh is a really good really good uh yeah I think the Liberator penetrator is good am I liking the game of course dude absolutely love it 25 hours in 30 hours in now all right next mission let's go yep yep let's go let's go baby got fashion souls for every mission yeah the medium actually was all right there fine I'm going to take that you're the mission oh yes yes you're the mission all right let's let's watch our's do get more time for this I find eggs the hardest sometimes this makes me biter bomb is actually really good for the eggs we've lost our hug yeah oh it's always this gas man syned yeah we love bit gas gas terminate illegal Broad yeah just happens on its own sometimes yeah yeah yeah yeah right ra gun try and get some more boosters cuz we're rail gun um what else 5 500 kg I'll take instead of the laser yeah I'm going to take the cluster bomb for the eggs here I'm taking all my heavy stuff but maybe the laser in case of bar no I'm going I'm actually I'm going to the auto what do you think what else do you think is going to be good guys I don't think the centes are that good on these missions because they just get instantly destroyed by the bugs unless maybe for the hold out points they're good but I take it but like you throw them behind you as you're trying to run away from enemies and they do distract the enemies off you and they'll I think the Tes Tower be better for that then if you have that the TLA Tower you know you're not going to go nowhere and it's just for pure distraction oh we've got no turrets here that's zero turrets don't really last very long I the turrets aren't that useful they last like 30 seconds and they're gone anyway well it's ammo Bas not not the we've already used the Boost just go goodbye that's that's it if there's a charger he'll just literally immediately destroy it and they can't protect themselves against the Chargers it' be nice if you can enhance your turrets so that they they can't be instantly one banged by stuff like charges I just have a anti-tank thing on my side I mean how bad can it be it's just eggs well yeah and I eat pieces of egg for breakfast yeah yeah often true you just have to shoot a little bit and then it's done isn't it yeah terminate broadcast you actually need to throw something on it okay we got an explosive my uh oh yeah somebody got the 500 let's just work out how we've got to do we've got to do North First North First North first check it in there yeah check it in it I'll check it I'll check it I'll check it all right no one run towards me again again yeah in that let go is it yeah yeah we' got two cluster bombs here so let's just uh where is Thee I mean the shotgun is night and day difference yeah in it can actually kill things we have to go north though uh there a nesting TW oh there a big lad I'll deal with them where's the grade launch so good somebody kill that chargeran ban um I can maybe I can get him already I can get him already I'm focusing him stri laser too I'm yeah Las good laser and ra Too Close what did you put down I a grenade but it bounced kind of off his carus and got me here oh boy lots of charg Ste B don't don't oh my God B yeah let's just uh keep yeah we're going up to the north eggs first yeah we have to we have to yeah yeah yeah this is horrifying reloading okay well we took them out Tower I've already used every my ammo it's fine watch of the Tesla Tower send it in Don't Go Near It Don't Go Near it cuz it'll [ __ ] kill you uh only three charges all good um well there's two on me so are you killing them the tower they just they've run straight past the tower reloading ow look him going what are we doing he's climbed oh this is so cool there [ __ ] Nest there he's gone he's dead yet go a sphere on me but oh yeah uh is there here there's a place of interest you just ran past that well I mean I'm just trying to survive it I wish this charger would piss off man we're not friends like oh my God there's a Millions viewers behind me I'm dead sounds bad behind you where where where did you die just literally right behind you it was right here got three charges on me three charges on me three Char laser you get it three times there you H is that no it's only a b Tian yeah yeah just a simple btan F simple and easy this Miss is it yeah oh [ __ ] I'm dead I got here in 10 seconds there's too many of those B spe around run run run what is that what is that I can't get away no I'm alive I'm alive I don't know how I didn't take damage then care right there yeah it's right I'm shooting in the face killed some nests around here going to work out where I don't know my Char as he's going hit me I'm going to die that's aade launcher oh oh my God Char it's fine it's all good all right moving I see them they're over here got this Mission lock so we can yeah yeah just go for the objective we'll we'll draw these guys away well I'm going to go get my stuff back and I go I got it got the B Focus charge now where where where bug bre bug breach bug breach giv me [ __ ] anxiety like everything [Music] I need alen I need ammo though need I need Alan I need Alan desperately we split so they won't get it um oh my God we've been pushed to the edge of the map here oh that might kill me actually that was not a wise decision by me actually no it was wise it was wise no no it was a good decision I survived very very B it's bad for you I think it's bad for you cuz I'm away now you need that right where there there this artillery you guys yeah wait wait have you got the on you okay sorry yeah I'll come back um okay I'm coming I haven't got laser available I desperately need the resupply I've just I've just yeated myself out of the compact on one of those fles yeah why did that work I'm going to die I'm going to die I've forgotten where it was oh get the things wait I'm I'm a traitor they're going to shoot me I'm going to run to the enemies I don't know where the resupply is I'm getting shot cuz I'm a traitor I can I'm dead I don't know what just you you've killed me I killed you yeah what was that I'm a traitor I don't know what happened I'm calling you back I'm calling you back why did I die I'm trying to head I'll throw you toward I don't know what happened four charges oh good okay well I'll not go that way what just what just happened I don't want to be calling your traitor area oh I see I see you because you're a traitor they're mortaring up position in killing us yes that's right let's meet at the CF artillery hang on hang on common samples hang on I'm grabbing I'm grabbing resupply cuz I need it I'm going to call okay resupplied I'm fully resupplied that's that's all I needed that's all I needed so I fled myself out of the Zone yeah yeah sadly the old use the traiter thing to kill them is not actually as useful as you think cuz it just no I didn't mean to do I flued myself out of the out of the map in the end we were the only flubs I got fled all right let's try and get these eggs get my grenades back I'm going to head up the hill should be fine oh can we kill this [ __ ] F I'm getting my stuff back yeah yeah there a ball over there oh yeah a cute little I can beam him in the face though on my [ __ ] I got him I got him be right should we do let's get let's get well I don't think this time it's fine you got this time I mean you can do it you do it you I'll Focus the eggs you got you guys you go that it's like a nice warm massage Min nuke let's [ __ ] go reloading he's dead he's dead he's dead will can you start the console and I'll start yeah I'm I'm right have you got something to destroy these eggs BBE not he just summoned oh I died instantly I just died instantly bong i' I stepped out I'm dead right bong please get me in there yeah I'll call you in just call me in right where that where I died that'd be fantastic I'm trying I'm kind of ignoring him for now and hoping it's fine I'm scared he's not he's not going for us well s okay all right destroy one spew they've turned around and they're going to cry and Maul me to death uh coming for you you're not this new for a reason I hadn't done the console I asked you to do the console you ignored me and I went I said I was 30 seconds away didn't well yeah but then and I'm dead no how the [ __ ] why did that I hate the way the uh spewing aim you oh you called me in in the wrong place stuck on this bugs okay well we'll have to stay together then I've called you on the went you didn't go near me um right I got 8 seconds at least until I get my rail gun back in decid to take he coming back to you coming back to you hang on let's just oh can we just STI together I'm going to Las him yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know why we're doing this here because we it's really really useful kill clear Nest instantly so that be lovely yeah oh um the B is dead I did Kill the B dead he's just sinking he's sinking look at him he there's one loaded I think I put it in I put one in okay I'm getting my stuff backed first though so just static field smoked yeah I don't want that got any explosives are good just coming in well let's not use the uh I'm still dead oh let's see if we can reinforce you on him yeah you got yeah they should land straight on him request appr Dey reinfor through the spine sort of not i' absolutely yeah we beam there we go there we go of his thorax like right back to the eggs come on right we finish finish it's F uh these are just smokes there a mini nuke an explosive for set first then a mini nuke then another explosive so right come on then uh there's another B Titan by the way I need am got any we do have yeah throw ahead of us throw resupply ahead of us will right I'm doing it there you go head for that should be good right what I'm going to do is I'm going to shoot this B Titan in the face six times and then I'm going to run back and get that four times as well have we lost any like uh okay we're here the B where the where theegg um over here oh Ashley over there oh bloody let's go towards the exit I didn't mean to do that Speers Titan yeah I've already hit it once with a cluster but going can should do it nice reloading that was a quick kill on him yeah I'd already clustered him I grenaded him up the tip um there is a do you have a grenade launcher if you want yeah you want to break that Nest yeah yeah Spott it's hold on it's on Wheel it's on whe I'm dealing with I'm dealing with Spears right now I got grenade launch too oh can you get this hole I can't he has one more I'm dealing with too many Spears here I can't even do anything nice that awesome right there we go let's meet at the eggs yeah I'll meet you there yep I can just I can just 5 kg the eggs yeah but it doesn't always work yeah well you can try might mean yeah give it a go you got to actually land it like actually in yeah so it has to be inside this thing here look yeah yeah yeah yeah trying and get a look we might be just get in to be honest yeah I'm sneaking on the side I'm going to have the SP I'm destroy I have to destroy the Speers cuz they'll one shot you every single time whoever just oh you beam almost got be my beam yes apologies okay little ones on the right the beam should get it that's why the beam's so good it just deals with the small ones whil you're exactly I'm spe there go there's the EG there the eggs right here got the spear right there should be good someone's is here way you can take it it's from mine from there r as well right need six more eggs six more EGS I'll come to you I'll come to you I'll finish the EG I'll finish the I should be able to get B TI with the um the target strike I've got it easy here he's still alive gone more than one of them now yeah one of the nest holes all right we need to head Southwest now yeah I got it I got it I got it I got the B I got the B good good good out out the beam resupply 20 seconds I'm going to need that should we go should we go out of the nest though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just heading with st to the other eggs yeah yeah yeah let's get out of the nest going to be a breach you know it no are we going we're going for the EGS yeah there's two places of interest right next to each other might be worth it yeah justed me do you guys have any ammo do you guys have any ammo resupply yes that would be fantastic where is it Mar might well keep using it just going down over there on the right okay cool cool cool someone ped him here after there's a thing with a dual control thing there's nothing here I I just [ __ ] charger yeah come tap this got it got the resay that's all I needed more eggs wait wait open open this right it's got in it it's one of these things with the door I need someone else no they're not worth it they're not worth it you get medal and I'm yeah yeah no I you only get like One Medal and maybe one measly is AAL as well mom coming in move back move back move back move back yeah that was good that was good there it is right come on them back in charger charger super credits I'm going to get sh in the face sh in the face need a nail for for this hole here i' got my grenade launcher where is it reloading it's not actually a nest hole though it's just like a hole that just is in the world it's bit weird yeah you get these occasionally Christ I'm heading next got him he's gone I might pop the mini nuke in here actually behind you Tom yeah it was actually on me I think I stopped him I think IO I got got got it no the bug breach is still very much at large bug breach is going with the holes gone where is it Mark it please I can do something about it hang on oh Tommy run run run forward or back I don't know he's probably going to hit you sorry I'm going to save my laser I could lasm for me oh it did it did mess them up but it didn't hit you luckily thankfully [ __ ] I'm going to die [ __ ] hang on hang on hang on com there's something inside my ass the B shooting him in the face dead dead Dead's dead dead where's the other one oh my God in the face shot in the face I'm lasing chares he's almost dead oh I'm taking damage this is insane this is insane this is insane this is insane this is insane this is insane this is insane right nuk going in the nest yeah do it remove yourself from the nest I can't I mean I'm just running away have no hang on grenade my goodness me is nuke in the nest is that good yeah nuk going in the okay that should be good that do it that do it yeah can anyone see the SP tree there he goes 44 out 60 we still need to finish him I'll do I'll go I'll go and finish it I've got no ST left I'm going to I'm swarmed by creatures resupply in 20 seconds I'm coming over I'm just running them around I'm running them around I'm just rushing to you yeah he's pretty lit though that charg is going to be really low yeah I'm [ __ ] I'm try I'm [ __ ] on ammo here I'm coming over to you guys all right I'm getting the eggs and finish off me me boy yeah yeah me boy oh nice nice nice man eggs are done he's gone right let's let's let's speed this up a little bit speed it up a little bit let's do it he's not gone he's still very much low he could be oh yeah he spewed me I've I've I've yeah I'm okay for now is there a SP in the face he might die he might die after this relo I I've got one more have you got one more ammo sh got B's dead B's dead um can I have a any wait where's the ammo we can resupply I'll do oh I'll do I'll do where's the [ __ ] sport tree I know I can't see it anywhere oh I see it I think I see it oh you can get that you're Legend there's a nest here let me get rid of it nice you got it that's huge yeah get that Nest huge yeah yeah going be huge right I'm full on ammo that's amazing there's a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] on me Tom okay just keep running then I've got cluster bomb behind me where they at where they at uh right I'm heading to the new eggs I'm heading to the final eggs oh [ __ ] there's load behind us oh [ __ ] there's four things in front of us oh [ __ ] I'm being speed on oh crap we just going to run on start or we going to help no no no no no we'll run ahead like a spring chicken you got it oh there's a there's a nest here oh we have to just ignore it don't we well you have a bit of time but we might as well just go to the final area and beat this off yeah uh okay I would just be alive genuinely there's like 20 things chasing me right now oh de y y there's a charger got my kg if we need it face sh in the face sh in the face he's just taking it yeah we need to head we're going we're going right this is fine got it marked 72 on my comp I'm going to check and make sure there's not any nice loot here I'm looking for the Special Tree as you getting rude uh hang on got drifted shot it in the butt yeah he should be so L it's good yeah bug outst he just got the movement is he oh is he got the is he slide canceling that's what it is yeah okay I'm getting to these eggs I'm almost there could pop a SE in it what do you have another mini nuke or no no it's just explosive and then static Bui and smoke I think yeah I might need some help here with your 500 kg bomb will in here somewhere oh no I've not got will are you coming yeah I got one more to do uh is it done okay oh nice Jesus reloading I'm just going to I'm going to focus this [ __ ] I'm dead I'm I'm I'm crushed can you call me down on on my body right charger dead there's one more bule there one democracy on me now he's he's spewing up the wall you guys in the next nest we're getting there remember the extract will be like 4 minutes probably so there's too many here we're just going to get here oh three stalkers on me three stalkers on my oh my God one of me one of me one of me one I'm dead yeah I'm that was three four stalkers we need yeah yeah yeah we are ruined then right you're the last one we need to focus the stalker Nest wherever it is where the I need where are you oh my God I I can't see anything this is insane look right I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die it's so good can you just drop me where I died I'm going to come back towards bong and try laser should just CLE clean them up should be good um where's the where is the St Nest we need to destroy these eggs dude we dog oh my God this thing almost killed me the assin almost got me I've got two charges on me yeah I'm coming I'm coming I've got ra strike I can use dude the Assassins are insane I'm dead yeah I just got assassin well we' running out of reinforcements we really need to be careful and I and I'm and I'm the culprit y spew no we need to be really careful I can call I'm going to just 500 kg over the wall when you when you run away have you resed me yeah I I can't 5 kg actually cuz I just it's fine can we just shoot with the shotguns yeah of them destroyed already okay you're not in the nest you said I am yeah I I can find over hang on no no I can do I can just get I'm just going to do it I'm just going to do it by I'm doing it by hand I'm coming around I think there's on me I can't see any more eggs where are the rest of them I'm looking I'm missing one egg keep going keep going spe spe he's G I'm okay I'm just going to get my stuff again hold on yep hold on um supp your eyes stalkers are you [ __ ] serious I'm getting back oh no no no no no no no okay that's okay we got to go no no no no no no we got to go run no I need my rail gun I'm I'm going to have to leave it I'm going just go just start going start going there's a bug on the [ __ ] thing well keep running keep running towards me keep running towards me that is a huge yeah nice nice nice good yeah we turn around turn around we can fight no no no keep running keep running no we can fight they're gone they're G you get your ra gun are you sure easy easy easy clear just call me on the okay I'm going for it going for it I'm going for it yeah I'm with you with you nice you hit some really nice TRS there here we go by hang on hang on I can't move hang on yeah yeah I'm getting it I'm getting it I needed that dude trust me I put one I put you on I mean there's so many of the extract guys it's outrageous yeah we're rushing we're rushing okay we're coming we're coming there's two Titans on the extract I don't know what to do it's fine I've got my I've got my strats I've still got my strategems nice we're coming we're coming we're coming just try and run just do a run around I'm literally being footballed yeah yeah yeah all right I'm always there I'm always there oh you got killed by hang on had to put up myself I just there so many requal strike that orbital Strike should hit him hopefully yeah y all I know went for the crusher instead good and that's good is it yeah sometimes it does that it's kind of annoying um can I can you actually have you called it in yet no we haven't called we haven't called in anyone near the thing okay let me rail gun it then we're now we're now we're here now one B Dead one B dead got it shot the other one Warriors here need to go oh stalker me I'm going to die oh nice real stalker or a mini boy oh my God uh second second V Titan dead a concussion or something can you get to the third B wait careful careful careful careful careful we need to not die here nice did you do it did you get the extract I'm dead yeah yeah just stay we just need to stay alive now I at my samples back but I mean it's a distant dream at the moment there's so many samples oh [ __ ] no no no just just stay alive now just stay alive seriously Fu off sorry if I hit that close man I had no choice I had no choice it doesn't even damage the [ __ ] thing it does I'm shooting all the other things the spe on you though Tom too far from extraction no we got to go back no went back to it I put a on thect no it's still here we're still here we're still here nice well I can't hear you by the way yeah I put a clust from the there just too many there um we need to stay just stay alive honestly Focus just on stay alive cuz if you die that's it you're done you cannot be reinforced now just run [Music] around I mean I actually can't see anything right now if you die you're gone I can't see anything I'm trying to run run around there really not much we can do here why can't they hear me I can H you now I just run around guys yeah just run around we just need to stay alive I've got 500 K can drop it behind well you better doing now another B just spawned yeah another spawn oh no oh no he's stamping on me no run super dead dead dead dead nice there's another one 35 seconds just stay alive if we just strong AR to the left and we can get back around just stay alive I'm I'm I've got four Commons for six rare on me but there's no point he never going again do we just exract or no we won't look at the B times I me 15 seconds 15 seconds just stay alive got no for that yeah it's easy no I mean there's two B three charges you ain't getting all them you guys ready to get on yeah but we got I mean keep running you can't stop no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh it's B I'm running I'm running I'm running oh my God my that's he said we no no no I didn't yeah we were too far you I think I'm dead I know but I'm going to they it you got to start it again really oh it's GG it's GG too no that's g in it it needs like an alarm noise when that happens yeah this you got it you got it don't wor don't wor you got it wait I'm still alive hello oh now did oh my God that is ridiculous mission accomplished all right here we go yeah back good Joby coming back wait if you run away we can get the reinforcers and come back yes we can okay yeah just fully run away trait no no no no no no no no no 50 1 minute 50 we respawn we can get it back we we can come back from this we can come back from this minutes we can still do it look how much stuff is on the [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah if we all respawn and then just basically lead them all away yes I like this idea keep running keep running keep going just stay far away I guess he has to keep get he has to get his stamina back there yeah all you got to do is reinforce so get your stamina back a little but I don't want these guys to look this gu in front of me as on you like in front of you and don't go to themes I can't really there's not really any else to go everyone's got to run and we can get back to full strength that's not going to get me is it just just clearing a little area for us mhm okay watch out for the spewers cuz they'll one shot you reach he's Jing yes okay it's behind you that's okay 44 seconds and there's two B Titans over there [ __ ] off I'm off see it on that be intense if we do this this would be crazy yeah oh you got no no no no no you need to turn and shoot in a second oh no okay it's [ __ ] three of them heal yeah I walked into a so is it insane oh the stalkers are just how many B Titans in the extract that's mad six six we did the mission though so we did the mission we did the Miss we're completing the missions but we're we're getting no Sands for doing this so yeah that's all right it's a bit of a laugh yeah yeah [ __ ] impossible to actually I love it though it's good but we nice from the last the operation we can actually extract that would be nice oh and there's a B on anybody they're going to add an Exo Suit to yeah yeah the are in the first one so they're going to L back in hopefully they get some new stuff as well H well then it sucks that you have to be that close to the extract that's so annoying well it's obviously actually there was no way I was surviving if I ran closer to it I know yeah I wonder what we could change up sometimes they you can take the aggro by the way this is impossible without the rail gun I'll say that right now let's just go back in let's just let's just get in there don't need to get anything else no uh you think the Tesla Tower was worth it wrong think it's worth having just something else to like actually like Target just another like call in or something like a I actually think the Rover with the laser although it does kill us sometimes is very strong so good it's very good for getting the little things that NI at your heels yeah I thought it was really good bong's got the supply pack so more have an obviously the orbital rail Cannon would be good and Co next B is drops maybe might have to that's right how do you move and calling Str at the same time on PC you got to change your bindings don't on arrows put on arrows B the Str keys to arrow keys let's go up the top here cuz it's got a podge and then there go it's like here you can click Maybeck any we're not all in yet you can't click until cuz your click will put us in yeah the middle here at the top and that's quite n yeah I think um is good but it's a bit team Killy like yeah I think having the single Target stuff is just ridiculously useful mhm yeah it's going to be worth I think the lasers and as long as we don't use them all at the same time yeah yeah I think we did quite well they doing that hold on sorry I'm just thinking about I'm thinking about there we go as starts going same same loady as me yeah it's pretty good as long as we don't kill each other the clust do anything that's you know see if we can get that Spore BR mushroom as early as possible absolute nightmare playing on H what's the best strategy forids well you definitely need the rail gun the Rover is really useful for just clearing stuff that's dipping your heels oh I landed on something reduces you have to worry about if you have the wow this is terrifying here uh what was that be amazing we can do us what the hell was that yeah it's not not good we've started on a nest we have well they can climb you see they're Warriors not stalkers about these pile Titan you say yeah Lely lovely beginning lovely yeah I'll use my oh no it's not Valentine's going to be dead soon get my grenade launcher and I'm drawing them a lot they're all coming for me slow why why right I'm going to do this I don't know what this does but it might be fun I want to call my grenade launcher somewhere yeah mwhere it's in the nest K by I just [ __ ] turned around and shot an enemy behind you and you just stood in it's the smoke I couldn't see enemy goodness meate no oh oh what's the beam all right right I'm just uploading some Escape pod data by the way no I'm not I'm going to die another yeah another one one there there another one here there two B tit on God a charger and a load of warriors on me um well let's move away from here yeah I might just flew him away I went through him yeah why does it I don't understand why it doesn't work sometimes I don't get on it oh my God oh my God we need to we need to go back to will I think Will's in in the right spot got you got your big cannon for him um hang on Oh my goding he was looking at you and then he killed me I'm trying to just get around without one I need a reinforce that's good there's two more B on absolutely outrageous look we got it we got it we got it we got it where's your nade launcher it was on the floor somewhere I can't find it good I mean this is I've got one of the hro in the nest so like did I not finish that I didn't get to finish the thing I was doing but never mind I can't be asked uh see launcher this is [ __ ] outrageous no we we've got to clear these enemies like we're just yeah we got to get rid of these hes first here right gone how's it gone the light Nest has been Eric well done okay fantastic oh [ __ ] hell we need to get towards just well I had I had no choice I got separated need there was there was two bile Titans between me and you yeah but just come back around or something right go yeah we wait till split coming back there there where is yeah hang on just right there right I'll try and land that again I need to go back get I'm trying to get to you guys oh just missed I'm dead maybe not no how did that get me man that's [ __ ] ah you to call me back in there's too much stuff up there we can't go there that's what I'm trying for FOC for a second I don't have my St left oh good lord yeah bug breach where is that a charge on me stay still for too long but it just put endless bres on you oh that the armored guys are now really annoying to kill as well because they're armored they they armored they won let me shoot them over thep there's just too much spawning let's just try and I think let's just run over I a little bit distance here from things sping a lot it's the bug he called me someone called me in but just put me on my corse uh I'll pull you again n it doesn't work so what happens is you just get called in and it's just a picture of your corpse instead have you tried to call me again or uh an ping back again how many of these some else has to die before it fixes again yeah what you do are you dead right now okay okay uh right let's I don't want to be piled ooh this is quite dangerous what difficulty is this this the hardest difficulty this is H at the we're on the objective I think we 26 seconds or 10 seconds till all laser two lasers in 10 minutes going to get three hang on I'm going to die it's just too much on me I'm I'm on my own just with like a hoorde of bugs behind me and I've got no low over I'm trying to fight this B right tell me come back towards me I'm literally surrounded 360 by enemies like I can't do anything yeah come towards me look at this [ __ ] you're fine my good lord it's the armored ones that are ruining me cuz obviously I I can't actually take them down oh stop they're here oh yeah yeah uh when there's no this reinfor my going to put them in front all right don't run forward will run towards me yeah I'm sorry you you warri I'm put I mean I just put on the but he went right this is impossible too much so I can't I can't oh what the who too much at once breaching everywh if you all run off in directions though it starts more and more breaches you just have to stay together but we're on the objective well I'm trying to I'm trying not to get killed by this I mean at the start we kind of all just went off in a different directions and now it's spawn so many breaches on the map we just we can't deal with them I got the terminal Never Say Never right I've done the the sil me the yeah I'm here nice right we seems to have calm down there's a radar at the top as well I've got a cluster over there here time don't get too close Jesus 500g back up kill any of them well there's two Crushers here yeah Grenade Launcher but I mean got ra I don't have a rail gun right now cuz I lost it the beam he's just guarding it all oh there's too many charges looking at me you're good I got he's a friendly Char he's a friendly charger he's just let you do it I think we abandoned the CF unless you've got something that can least kill and there's a ball Titan time as well let's just kind of not annoy them St yeah they seem pretty good have I done it by the way got your grenade launchers how many what else do I need to do I cuz I died your left where else is there guys there big stuff coming in I see that we need 2 a where's 2 a minut there he's oh these crushes are really friendly they're not doing anything they're just sitting here yeah oh they on just side anything for that b a few a little while next objective let's go 50 seconds we have to clear the [ __ ] that's spawn in us we can't just keep spawning stuff so let's just work on clearing the to them so they'll have to deal with it yeah we run off we just SP more I've been punted like an absolute that's that's a joke calling down a support weon right please let's to deal with these to Titans and the charges yeah yeah just trying I mean simp we kill everything that's alive that's good there that's what we need to do oh yeah yeah that's right B Titan taking an absolute beating chasing what the [ __ ] hit me there I got his G his sa gone careful left careful left he's chasing reloading um very weak that was what was that just got a stri yeah no it was just one I put down for some enemies but I didn't real you would know knew when I put it down but it's just such a wide AOE okay got no ammo for this B Titan guys we just I think we have to surely we just have to keep moving now or is it just just constantly spawn stuff if you do that you have to clear the stuff that spawned and then go as a fall like we just get this thing where we just we're nonstop spawning enemies right now yeah but we don't know where to go we lack Direction yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm not purposely running away I just don't know where we're supposed to go okay let's well we just have to say as a four that's all I'm saying I don't think it's worth like splitting on this m can I get reinforc please yeah nice B's dead I'm trying to stick near you guys yeah we're all together now for let's get this charger done got like another 10 minutes on my stuff there cuz I got I have no uh I just got it back do you have um ammo bong uh yeah yeah I'm reloading hang on I'm going to be back to watch out my [ __ ] record nice nice nice That's good get in boy lovely there's an achievement for killing them with a supply drop actually got him with one I know he didn't he's very much at large right there's an extra wh gun on the floor there I don't know if anyone needs it yeah I have it there doesn't seem to be many Speers oh no I've just been pted into these no okay [Music] no you just got this back for God's sake gone down where is it it's uh okay we're here the problem is is that it's all great staying together but we we're literally doing nothing up here do you see the problem went for that okay we just on top of another one like this is a waste of time we're just killing all the bugs but we're not actually getting any objectives though something like that doesn't really work that well just like that killing the bugs is great but he gets nothing done what the hell a cluster behind us you know baby stalker so annoying just need my Rob so badly got a pack of some kind yeah there's loads down but we can't we could back for them I guess all right let's uh yeah there's so many down on the map look I know I think we should go finish the CF cuz we did me and Bong put two in we could all go back and finish it there okay okay hey B's dead eight flipping Warrior is head Jesus I've marked the off on the map right yeah well it's right in front of us yeah get we're fine Freedom Forever everything's fine all right oh I think my stuff useful just having the right so now we just need to load up some more right so we don't want do we want smoke just in dream really AR they okay see I think we just need to complete one on Hell dive and go right we we've done it once and now let's go back to difficulty 7 yeah I love once you've fully upgraded your ship and you there's nothing left to a lot then yeah two mini nukes does get second to many nukes another one in there two there's two many there is another one back bloody lovely right I'm just going to put where you do want to put them in together and then yeah off you go we got three mini nukes leted in this no there's there's no more there's no more after that just put just put something random in yeah I'll do it right there we go now we need to go south immediately this is [ __ ] absolutely mental tell now all together we're just it's good cuz we're not just spawning okay let's uh which one do you want to go to an objective there objective down here yeah oh yeah the one one below or maybe yeah yeah we have to do that we have to do that honestly he's walking away just run away just run away we got your Rob back well yeah yeah manag to get itad have an ammo B about eight down there than you this is up here we go got to make some progress here what's this um was that exploding it's not H bomb is it I think so I was just was exploding when the beam went over IT supplies at least there's not spewers in this one uh we go with st some through here honestly I think I prefer the Speers cuz it seems to we've got more charges than Speers this round and I don't like that what the hell's going on up here uh there's a giant bug nness here oh it's bad maybe run left what do you think behind you guys not coming in Ace C of Li oh that was a good one I can put stri behind us oh no no no no no suddenly and suddenly there's a million enemies suddenly all my seem so away oh boy now [Music] aan I believe in melting in start where are you I'm having to I had to go past the base and then you got to stay with us man please I don't think we should be sticking around shooting all the bugs no we're it's a waste of time they're just going to keep spawning you've got to stay as the far in this cuz you're spawning sure but we didn't move for 10 minutes getting bumped down in them I'm dead he's spanning away that's it no cuz we we're not moving anywhere we were together us us three together [ __ ] miles us yeah cuz I'm trying to get to the objectives cuz we're sitting around fighting the bugs there's nothing no you don't know how it works man you're spawning breaches and then we're getting bogged down in them I'm just asking you to stay with this that's it it's not much to ask wasting time doing nothing fighting bugs and then getting bugged down yeah we are getting bogged down cuz not moving I can't even get now yeah I I can't this just no way I can get out of here trying to get back to my stuff there a gun there but I just I can't get back to it what's the C learning curve like for this game well here here you go this is the hardest difficulty though out Ow like we're not do like it annoys me that we just kind of like we hung around in that area for 20 minutes we need to go dude we've got one objective done in 20 minutes it ain't the way back where you died yeah right right that's my uh there you go I didn't realize you died that that long ago well no we're we're just getting nothing done we why is it like why is the kind of a red glow the world now up it okay that was weird am I with you yeah thank you right there's a I want to get my rail gun and Rob back cuz there on such a long cool down I have to get them back there a charge from me I think it's kind like where you in was right by it but it's put me on the other side of the mountain down supplies maybe it was a different little different where is it it's up here I need help get my stuff back if possible all of us aren they okay there's there I got it I got it think I need to get mine as well I'm down have any ammo they're breaching here the breaches ain't going to stop what's coming out of it though you got your stuff back from down a well or not no no I'm just no just no I've got 20 seconds on a rail gun and 30 seconds on a r so I can call them back in for you I'm running out of ammo now um well this is the problem we're not moving we're just sitting in one place getting bogged down which is the biggest problem moving hold on just get that R reload nice okay cool are we all there two more don't think you can go down there well there's just too I've got call I can stop this easy I I can call in over yeah I'm probably going to die reloading there another three B two two B yeah three ballon I've got yeah I'm just I've got my orbital rail Cannon very shortly 30 seconds have you got yours well I might die and just die used on I'm going to get to the objective I'm on you and then I can call in okay I'm going to call in stuff for you then as well it dropped me nowhere near like it was so annoying yeah just there was like a ridge it th dropped me on the other side rail gun and guard dog is coming down just after you land well thank you let's all stay here wait for this all to blow over right reactivate the power generator there's another one another one where is it uh just over to the Southwest there two yeah two over there that's just uh found the I found the hard drive nice right now we need to reactivate the power generator we only have 19 minutes that's load load time it's the time's not the problem it's just the [ __ ] reinforces uh still these Titans in focing left I mean we can do or we could just run to the next one I don't understand how he's not dead Trump so many times we were all shooting we like oh oh [ __ ] M got him this is triple caution another one on the right yeah triple guys guys run this way and we can get around them look over here come to me yeah yeah I like that come to me come to me and we can just move all the way around and then we can throw all our ordinance behind us yeah yeah yeah yeah that guy yeah so run along this little route here and uh chain them this way we didn't get the radar at the top that would have been good is this a ster Nest nothing on the map this I don't see still going us net yet all right keep going keep going keep going run Tom away from us keep coming keep coming keep goinging we yeah this is the right way to well there is there is a nest here though so maybe we'll have to push right a little bit yeah what the hell was that was that a n no run this way Run This Way Run This Way ra Ram is this SP particularly G spores as well I see it I see it guys I get it nice okay we're almost at the power generator uh there is a b Titan camping us though but if you can avoid him maybe nice just avoid him he's camping it yeah I'll try and I'll try and avoid him he's on top of why we just [ __ ] do himate because we could get around him and get and avoid him what about if we just [ __ ] nuke the bastard I'm running out of ammo big nest here start Jesus [ __ ] Christ right I'm going to I'm going to mych right keep running around keep running around avoid this Nest there is a nest here and this is going to go crazy so be ready for that it's an absolutely huge Nest maybe we should just clear the nest we've got grenade launcher right someone yeah I was about I just called it in but but we only have five lives left oh God okay well let's the turn started cuz we need help we got this charger coming behind oh wait no no run will oh well well well there is a cluster on you there is a cluster on you I think you're going to die don't wor don't I'll just eat I'll eat for breakfast h that's actually all right it's actually right I like it really well yeah I'd love to you got it yeah uh keep running towards me I don't know if we can even get this Nest done H just stay up here to be honest like guys I'm I'm at the next object here yeah just start it I'm going to try and hold them back oh breach okay all right terminal yep keep running it can Will B get away trying to can you help turn around please please please please me me me me baby okay performing systems check being Beam by your own beam I know I mean that that thing does not die just nuk the two things and they uh oh my God I can play all right engaging terminal got two the fuses lovely have you seen there are four B tit I think n i [ __ ] there's four there's four I can count three on the screen try around to then sign strength good W around we'll do a WP around WP around okay Vol there's a stalk on us oh no oh God almost killed me Freedom never SL I got him I got him is there a time on you yeah what I know he's still alive he's still very much alive oh [ __ ] I got to leave into the nest it's my only hope I'm coming WR and voltage is almost done please activate Transformer okay I got it I got it I got it right final part and then we have to extract after this as well we've only got 1550 minutes and five reinforcers let's go let's go got do the rocket left to deal with theit I'm trying to get to you this okay stalkers behind you rning it's okay I'm good I'm I think I'm good are you guys well I'm going to hold off for a little bit to hope will can get out I'm trying to help do we have ammo no I'm coming resupply come on looks like there's a there's a there's a small for me my friend looks like we have a small Gap yeah if you can wa you can bloody get it need help yeah yeah yeah I'm got him oh my God destroy one dead is it where's the I where's the stest where is it it's here right isn't it I mean yeah there's a rail gun here there there there here just dropped it get it get it I'm back with good luck well yeah no good got clear L side between us I tried to save you was not yeah know no it was to one is that it is that the nest no should the another one done hey right that's going be really helpful cuz at least yeah yeah we won't get crept up on and killed instantly I have no ammo so I mean um yeah we have a resupply in one minute I just called in my am pack and it's now dead oh god I've got loads of rail guns so we won be all right we only got 13 minutes though yeah remember no reinforces on that count down as well yeah we're already out of almost out of reinforces so it should be oh my God this is [ __ ] mental okay uh how long left on ammo uh seconds seconds there's ammo here there's a little bit here I'm going to leave it for you I'm out of shotgun I'm out of I'm literally down to my last night on everything we got time it's uh very nearly here 30 seconds life for super we got uh unlock the uh unlock the Jerry uh Sims here someone's not got s s up on here to do the unlocks yeah yeah yeah machine we'll resupply right here yeah um yeah 10 seconds yeah I think it's clones nuclear code new killer right reload the unlocks already done see on the second stage not the fourth the fourth is where it says do it but it does let you do it from the second it's weird anymore right the extract is going to be absolutely mental just take one re yeah yeah reloading okay there's a uh machine gun here if anybody runs out of yeah switch to it the other but I can shoot in the face Char just sitting there I we I say oral this [ __ ] we got save that for the big boy behind charger yeah yeah yeah us behind us yeah try that where's the bug reach support all right I'm trying to do avoid hitting you guys with the out um oh my God yeah Che it down where where where deaden his exposed neck sack three charges after three charges Jack and there's one on me I'm dead instantly oh 10 I've got 15 samples Dr there we get we we have to chares on three charges uh can call me on one doing it chop me down on top they going to move they get back around them that's lovely reloading one I can't move the Pod sometimes when it SPS me I can't move the pods oh and there's more but wait there's more hang on there can't be this many yeah well there is there's like seven or something like what the [ __ ] two are dead two are dead isn't it re launching hang launching right let's go to the extract now right now go where's the ex the other opposite side of you I think this way this way towards me m mhm right we at least got the uh thing done but extraction is going to be absolutely insane so I'd like to get the yeah I would we're going to do it this time B Titan's chasing you guys yeah but we just I think we should just run well he can walk faster than us yeah well not when he not when he spe here keep running a slightly different route because I got cut off from you guys yeah that's what happened to me earlier that you got mad at me about oh good call very good call very nice call just going to keep moving really nice we could there's one CF we could use on this just a smoke I think but static field but you might as well Chuck it down screw it yeah it might do something that we can't predict or a bit of ammo here bit of ammo bit St we this I don't think there's no no it's not worth itys not worth it not worth it was a static field but maybe charge my get off yeah this is going to be a mess here as you guys run ACR keep running keep running keep running keep running keep running just Chuck it on your feet and run ow y keep oh this is a problem this is a problem I'm dead somebody's trampled I've been trampled by two crushes can you get me back there yeah on your stuff or yeah on my Stu on my I threw into an IW into a nest that yeah he set directly into the [ __ ] Nest yeah yeah it's pretty I sealed it oh you sealed it that's good that's good it's sealed all right I'm I'm running right keep running keep running right I'm going to get on this extraction and I'm going to arm it and then we we'll see what happens stay next to the thing though we yes as long as one of us stays near it as long as one of us stays near it I mean we've actually completed the operation somehow right we need to stay near this do not do not do not and I do not so far let's just set overlapping fields of fire and full back by squads until we reach the drop ship that's what a what's his name Aon what's his name on Aliens resupply here grab your stuff grabing my stuff uh big boy coming INE we grenade launcher just randomly in case we die yeah you should put I'm going to put my rail gun down as well yep yep yep can you actually see I can't bloody see no just stay together okay just focus the B Titans maybe you know one minute on the oh whoa who oh [ __ ] off crushing we can use you this here yeah refor well those n launchers are getting tasty I missed good attempt reloading is it yeah oh no just a couple just a couple just a couple just a couple of Titans just a couple of Titans no problem at all oh good God have that rail gun cuz yeah put one down one down and then and then I'm going to strike it yes I've got in a second as well uh two more B Titans two more bile Titans impossible just stay alive 33 seconds we just need to stay alive in 33 seconds that's it toward careful okay no remember just stay alive 20 seconds guys 20 seconds 20 seconds stop left yeah yeah just stay as long as one of us gets out it's this is a success no no ST stay close stay close don't get too far away I'm dead I'm dead just stay alive I got K right just stay go in the the shuttle extract no no leave the samples leave the samples leave the samples just get out of there no no it's it sh Landing it go go go go go you guys just have to survive and get out just get out just survive and get out just survive just survive and get out you've got this you've got this just survive just survive I'm out guys good luck just survive bong bong's in bong's in bong's in yes come on I lost all my [ __ ] samples right yeah H is not the place to get samples oh my God we did it right side of hisory oh dude that's so that the extract there is outrageous maybe you do need the tets for the extract on hell that was unbelievable is the am they put down the all your to will be instantly killed wow we got one guy out we did it literally I I just didn't want to get too far away I didn't want to get too far away and have it basically just end cuz it yeah we did it we did it I ain't [ __ ] doing it again oh can't get samples on it it's just not possible is it you just don't get anything you get a lot other stuff you get XP XP and medals are good for hell if it's not for your samples though is it you just love the samples we got one that's the only progession in the game I've got so yeah I love it everything haven't you I've got well I haven't UNL all the requisition things but you know I know what they all are so that was absolutely crazy well GG's guys that was unbelievable all right now now robots well I'm I'm off I've got to go you cooked I've I've done my 3 hours that well we're going to continue of course of course of course right if you'd like to follow some full-time streamers no no no follow son follow St today he doesn't have drops so he needs a help he can get please 46 coils guys going to be honest kill leader all right g g GG's I think my I think my Game just crashed as well that's good Tomy that's nice that's nice all right well GG's guys yeah my game crashed bye bye bye bye nothing you get nothing no bye uh that was good I think my Game just crashed right at the end there uh chat if you want to watch more hell divers in in a future near you make sure you're following uh the channels subscribed whatever um it helps me out a lot um that was insane we finally it took how many it took us like an hour and a half to do all three of those missions absolutely mad uh appreciate you all hanging out to watch us fumble about for literally almost 3 hours so very good um anyways thank you guys very much for watching today appreciate you uh appreciate all the support thank you for all the subs the reubs gifted Subs leab breu uh wondering how they're going to balance the mechs probably they're probably going to make them quite powerful but thank you for the two by the way uh thank you for the reubs thank you for the subs sorry if I missed anything um Thanks for liking uh and thanks for just being here I appreciate it as I said uh should be more hell divers this week going to be playing some hell divers with Westy at some point for sure um and yeah it should be a good time either way thank you guys so much appreciate you have a lovely day and uh More Hell diving uh excitement soon all right see you soon bye-bye now team purple on the other hand uh Team purple you've got
Channel: Stodeh
Views: 94,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sniper, Sniping, Warzone 2, DMZ mode, MW2 DMZ, Warzone DMZ, DMZ Sniper, DMZ Sniping, Dmz gameplay, DMZ livestream, DMZ unlock, Warzone 2 DMZ, DMZ Season 4.5, DMZ new season, DMZ Update, DMZ pvp
Id: hGYs9V5yTkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 45sec (11565 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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