Helldivers 2 | Ultimate Automaton Loadout Guide | Updated Meta for ALL Missions!

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incoming transmission hey what up ladies and gents it's your favorite asan robot and what we're going to do in this video is we're going to go through all the different loadouts that the super Earth lead forces use for the automaton faction okay all of them will be timestamped so you can uh fast forward or go wherever you need to because there's quite a variety to cover and each one has its own unique purposes strengths weaknesses all that kind of stuff and it's important to know what you're doing with each one all right so without further Ado let's get started let's dive straight into our first load out here we go okay ladies and gents the first load out that we're actually going to go through is the eradicate Mission Loadout you guys would have seen me use this on eradicate missions on streams if you guys are interested in the gameplay make sure to tune in streams this is what we use when we have to do an eradicate Mission and it's pretty darn fantastic what it generally comes with is two mortars all right EMS and the regular mortar we'll use a support weapon of choice It's usually the autoc cannon or AMR or one of the others and usually a offensive strategy if you have the AA guns uh operation modifier where you cannot choose a Ford strategy then it's best to have the two mortars and your support weapon all right let's go through it in detail okay ladies and gents this is a detailed explanation of the uh eradicate Mission Loadout now for this one specifically we're going to go through the Primary Weapons secondary weapons grenades armor and the strategems used all right so I'm going to try and make this explanation as quick and painless as possible let's get started immediately for your primary weapon what you're going to be using is the cb9 exploding crossbow this is from the Democratic detonation war bond and it is generally considered the best for the eradication missions the Eruptor is also a fantastic choice but features slightly less damage and and the handling of the Eruptor is a lot worse so although this thing doesn't even seem to say it has armor penetration the fact of the matter is that you can kill Devastators with it you can kill um pretty you can even kill Hulks and tanks with it although you have to hit the right spot but basically this weapon is like pure explosive all right so it actually does really well the thing you have to account for is the bullet drop because this thing has very severe bullet drop it's basically like fire it's like basically lobbing an explosive crossbow bolt slightly better bullet drop than the grenade launcher I think but it still has pretty significant bullet drop so be aware of that the fire rate is quite literally double of what the Eruptor has all right and it's it's obviously not bolt action but the magazine and the capacity are exactly the same so the ruptor and the crossbow both have 12 magazines um and they each and each magazine comes with five rounds so between the two the crossbow is generally considered the best choice for eradicate missions you of course can use other Primary Weapons such as the sickle jar plasma and scorcher all the standard choices but in our tests basically this is what has been most efficient if you really want to clear the eradicated Mission and do it at a high speed because once the enemies Clump up all you do is Chuck your crossbow bolts and you're done okay for your secondary weapon Senator this is a pretty standard choice for bot missions this is what we enjoy as our most efficient choice but if you enjoy anything else please choose whatever else you like the senator is a recommended Choice it's not the only choice but it's pretty good because like let's say one of those jump pack guys comes in I can just pull out my big Iron shoot him in the head hopefully so he doesn't detonate on me and then carry on with my day the Redeemer can pretty much do the same thing but may take a couple more shots which I don't really like I'm a one shot one kill kind of person so the senator is my choice okay for grenades we currently run stun on the eradicate missions some people have been favoring impacts or thermites but uh quite frankly the stun is the most useful because when a Hulk is barreling down on you you throw it stun him and then you use your autoc Cannon and finish him off all right so that's basically what we've been running in terms of grenades now for the armor okay when it comes to armor in general I favor the exterminated armor this is what I use on all the automaton missions it is up to you what you want to use people have asked me is heavy armor viable medium armor viable light armor viable all armor is viable choose the perk you like choose the armor you like and go for it okay just as long as you're not choosing based on Aesthetics okay that that's not how this works choose a perk that helps you with your play style for me The Recoil reduction is excellent the explosive resistance is excellent the Exterminator is my choice and it looks pretty s wanky with almost any Cape so there's that too okay let's move on to strategy it is like I said pretty standard in case you guys have forgotten over these last three minutes here is the loadout and here's what we use okay so what do we do in terms of strategems for this Loadout well there's a few things in here that is pretty good and a couple of things that are optional it's really your choice I'm going to go through them really quickly so that you guys so we can move on to the next Loadout and you guys have a good idea of what we're using on stream okay let's go all right first and foremost the two mandatory items I feel are the mortar Sentry and I know a lot of people hate the way I pronounce it but I'm going to keep pronouncing it that way so sorry and the EMS mortar Sentry okay both of these are extremely useful when paired together and the standard for the bot eradication missions is to stay on the Outer Edge which you would have seen on streams we stay on the outer edge of the mission and then we just let the mortars rain in on the base while we handle any automatons that come out of the base to get get us so that's pretty much uh the standard way to play EMS will keep the enemies in place your actual mortar Sentry will absolutely destroy most of them this includes tanks hulks with those explosives raining down they will die so you know this this is pretty much the musthave strategems now in terms of your support weapon you can choose whatever you like a lot of people favor either the AMR which allows them to shoot hulks out by uh smacking them in the eye or the autoc cannon which does the same thing you throw a stun grenade two shots to the head of the Hulk it's dead other honorable mentions would probably be something like the laser cannon and quazar both of these are often used but I find that the laser cannon doesn't really do so well in the eradicate missions because the need to focus the beam generally requires me to also take a shi because if something just pokes me I get into trouble whereas the autoc Canon and the AMR both just fire fire fire and forget that's it so yeah I don't like having to keep the beam on the target but you can use it if you want quazar Cannon same thing if you Flinch during the shot you miss and then it's wasted but if you're very good with it please absolutely use it all right other support weapons can obviously be used but it's your choice whether or not to use them uh what we found is most viable is the autoc cannon and AMR for eradicate Miss okay um in terms of your last strategy we usually go for an offensive strategy such as the 500 kg bomb this helps to deal with unlikely tanks you know hulks groups and also prevents you from killing your teammates because quite frankly it's a more controlled explosion than the entire Eagle strafing uh sorry than the entire Eagle air strike so the eagle air strike especially once you've upgraded it is less used in eradicate missions because it can be more dangerous to your teammates that being said do use it if you operate well and don't frag your teammates then absolutely go for it otherwise go for the 500 kgr bomb this is our choice um there are other things you can choose but I leave the choice to you because that'll be at your own discretion what we found works well is the 500 kilogram bomb all right that brings us to the end of the radicate mission Loadout let's move on to the next Loadout all right we're going to go through it here we go okay ladies and gents the next Loadout we're going to go through is the blitz Mission Loadout now this one is going to be different from the eradicate missions and it's different from the rest of the standard missions the standard Mission loadouts are going to be also separated by the type of Loadout they are because there's quite a few viable choices for these standard missions um that one is going to be a longer segment but for the blitz Mission we have a pretty standard setup that we like to use and pretty much this is it we like to use the Eagles okay a laser so we can get through the Fabricators real quickly and autoc Cannon all right it's all for maximum fabricator destruction and I'll go through the primary secondary weapon and grenade weapons really really soon so without further Ado let's get started okay ladies and gents so as I mentioned before the load out that we're going to go through is the blitz Loadout for the automaton faction and for the blitz missions we have a particular selection of weapons armor and strategems that we like to use okay so let's go through it now first and foremost let's talk about the weapons in terms of your primary weapon we favor the r36 Eruptor which has just come in the Democratic detonation war bond now this thing can close Fabricators by shooting at the vent it is so easy and so good to use it has AOE effects you could deal with whole hordes of bots if you want to what's the big drawback the big drawback is this it's a bolt action weapon it has incredibly poor handling and a slow fire rate all right so honest to God you have to decide whether or not you really jamm with this weapon or not if you don't don't use it what are the other options jar five Dominator this one is a fantastic weapon that can take out hordes and Devastators okay what else plas one and scorcher can take out hordes Devastators and Scout Striders okay the Eruptor can also take out Scout Striders by the way so plas one scorcher is another great choice the last 16 sickle takes out hordes and Devastators but not Scout Striders jar five doesn't take out Scout Striders by the way so but this one has unlimited ammo light armor penetration very fast fire almost no recoil all right so it's really a pick your poison situation what we favor right now is the Eruptor because we're pretty good with it and we find that it gives us a lot of viability and a lot of options but if you feel like using the jar five you feel like using the plaz one you feel like using the sickle hell you even feel like using the Slugger go for it what you need to understand is that for a blitz Mission The crucial thing for your primary weapon is to deal with number one hordes number two Devastators as long as your primary weapon can deal with horde enemies meaning the regular trash Terminator looking mobs and it can deal with Devastators you're good scout Striders are less of a worry because that's mostly handled by your autoc Canon uh support weapon all right so you don't have to be as concerned about them but a lot of people still favor the plas one Scorchers so use what helps you deal with the primary targets hordes Devastators these two things okay all right let's move on for secondary weapon on the blitz missions we prefer the senator same reasoning as before this thing can help you onot a lot of the trash mobs and it is a little better than the Redeemer in terms of what it can do all right if you favor the Redeemer by all means please use the Redeemer it's your choice okay um other weapons can also be used but there it's literally at this point it is a your choice kind of thing we recommend the senator but we also understand that it's not for everybody because reloading can be a pain in the butt uh we understand the Redeemer is also not for everybody because some people get annoyed with its lower level of damage really you got to choose and pick your poison all right Senator is my choice in terms of grenades we favor the stun grenade it is the universally useful grenade right now in the current uh game environment we've stopped using impacts primarily because there's so many weapons that can deal with things like tanks and Cannon turrets to the point that we just don't really need these impact grenades anymore after all this fighting with the automatons it is much easier for us to use stun grenades and just deal with them in that way so that's why impacts have sort of fallen out of favor if you really like some of the other options like thermite go for it but be aware that this is affected by the dot bug um which you may be experiencing we don't know which players experience it or which players don't so this might be an issue if you're not the host of the mission so yeah we find the stuns to be the most consistent they work pretty much universally and they are highly useful in pretty much any combat situation you could still use impact grenades if you want but they're not necessary and certainly nobody uses high explosive anymore especially if you're running the Eruptor because the Eruptor takes care of the Fabricators so St grenade is pretty much the universal choice right now all right okay that covers the primary secondary and grenade now let's talk about armor in terms of armor medium and heavy armors are still pretty much the choice of choices this will literally not change for any of the loadouts all right so if you interested what I use personally is the exterminated armor you can get it from the Super Store it cost you about 400 super credits and it gives you the Fortified pass passive 30% reduced recoil 50% resistance to explosive damage this armor set gets me through everything if you prefer heavy armor go for it if you prefer light armor go for it armor is entirely your preference just don't go for it based on looks please choose a perk that will enhance your play style and the way that you you know do your gun play or the way that you kite around enemies this is so so crucial and I cannot emphasize it enough because so many people are like but what about this armor perk but if I take it won't I be ineffective in this situation I literally have to tell them it's literally your choice you have to be aware of what you're giving up like for me I can't live without the recoil reduction but some people are like I can't live without Servo arm we have some of those people in the super Earth Elite it's all about what you prefer so please choose accordingly to your preference all right that's the most important thing with armor all armors are viable against bots but you need to understand you it it's really a preference thing choose the right person choose the right armor for your play style all right what helps you win most is best my recommendation is this but it's not for everybody okay helmet and Cape as you know is just whatever because uh they don't offer any perks or benefits now for those of you that have forgotten all right for those of you that forgotten in general we pick three offensive strategems and a support weapon for the blitz Mission Loadout why do we do this your objective is just to blast the Fabs as fast as possible so let's go through that orbital laser throw this on any base and it's going to die except for a heavy base heavy bases usually require two lasers but can sometimes be dealt with in one if you are smart about where you throw it how you position it and what you've already killed because the laser will try and kill the units inside the base as well medium and light bases will obviously be taken out but it's best to use against objectives for example you see a mortar in placement all right warning you are in range of enemy artillery you hear that throw a laser on it you got the a guns all this kind of stuff the laser clears that it's so useful so the laser is always in our recommended Loadout next Eagle air strike where is it where do I not why do I not see it no I'm just kidding Eagle air strike is right here Eagle air strike once you've got the ship module for the XXL weapons Bay and I was wrong in my initial video when I talked about this but the XXL weapon Bay will add one extra bomb to your Eagle air strike doesn't sound like much but here's the fact the eagle air strike gets so much stronger when you use this it covers like you you see kind of Gap in the center of it yeah it it covers that Gap and this makes it so much deadlier and so much stronger so I love the eil air strike right now it feels so good to use this is very good for taking out light bases and medium bases all right throw the eagle in there blast the units blast the bases move on okay this is why we use the eagle air strike on top of that we often use the eagle 500 kg bomb why 500 kilogram bomb when you've already got the eagle air strike well look I'll say it again your job is to blow the base and go okay no sense in sitting around wasting time throw your 500s throw your Eagle air strike go go go get out of there it's a blitz Mission now the downside is that we kind of do need to collect samples because the last few upgrades are ridiculous so we're trying to collect as many samples as we can Blitz missions aren't really ideal for that but my job job here is to provide the information for you to complete the mission as fast as possible so that's how we do it last but not least we take the autoc Cannon as our support weapon why the autoc cannon when you've already got the Eruptor and all that kind of stuff because most people may not take the Eruptor a lot of people don't jel oops sorry wrong thing a lot of people don't gel with the play style of the Eruptor a lot of people gel with other weapons and that's okay if you take a sickle you don't bring an autoc Cannon and all your Eagles are on cool down what are you going to do then what if you get teammates that are fullon dirt mode and didn't bring anything to help you with the situation what do you do then you use the autoc cannon the autoc cannon if you aim at the flap of the fabricator it'll just Ricochet inside and kill it okay so this is why we do it easy choice there's there's no need to debate for a blitz Mission the autoc cannon is what we choose that brings us to the end of this Loadout now we'll go into standard Mission loadouts all right like I said if you are bored please use the time stamps okay because this is a long video with a lot of information here we go all right guys what we're going to go through right now is the standard Mission Loadout standard missions are like launch ICBM go uh evacuate civilians not the one not the one where you evacuate critical Personnel on defense no the regular one it's the uh go gather data missions these are all regular missions because they don't have a special classification and what you're going to quickly realize is that each of these has their own well I wouldn't say their own but each of these has you know an optional load out that you can take there's actually quite a variety of loadouts that are suitable for regular missions so I'm going to try and cover all the details that I can all right we're going to do this the same way as before but this section is going to be a lot longer so again use the timestamps to navigate so you can find the specific information you're looking for otherwise stay for the whole explanation because pretty much all of it's important and all of this will help you decide what load out is right for you okay so let's get started okay ladies and gents we are now going to go through the standard Loadout um as I showed you before there are quite a variety of uh of loadouts here like the offensive strategems relatively the same with the support weapons the backpacks all these can change so just be aware that uh there is a variety of ways to play this uh I'm going to try and go through all of the necessary options so once again use the time stamps as needed okay here we go for your primary weapon what we have been favoring over the last few streams is actually the Eruptor the Eruptor is excellent for dealing with hordes of bots and once you're used to the bolt actually it is a great choice however some people also prefer the crossbow same thing but the Eruptor can close Fabricators the crossbow cannot this is the main difference between the two the crossbow also has a faster firing rate so it's not bolt action but it has a lot of bullet drop off it's got better handling but a lot of bullet drops so you have to be careful when using this it's a decent weapon but for most of these standard missions we prefer the Eruptor okay you can also use the jar five Dominator do not underestimate this weapon it is so strong a single head shot will down a Devastator you can also kill almost every bot in a single shot the only thing it cannot handle is Scout Striders from the front but this is not usually a problem this is something that the Eruptor and the exploding crossbow can do so in terms of seeing a scout Strider the TDK is faster if you use either one of these weapons that being said the plas one scorcher also handles Scout Striders from the front it's fairly decent against uh most of the normal horde enemies and it's decent enough against Devastators so plas one scorcher is still heavily favored by many people who enjoy fighting the automatons okay the plas one scorcher is still very well used even in Hell Dives so do not underestimate this weapon next is the sickle the sickle is a favorite of many many players it is rapid fire takes out any horde enemies and Devastators assuming you aim for the head the problem with the sickle is that it is light armor penetrating and does not do as well on hot planets compared to other weapons sure you've got multiple IES but what you have to take into account is the fact that you can still end up out of ammo so on hot planets generally no people do not favor the sickle but it's really up to you what you want to do on hot planets still some people are using the laser cannon so you know and in fact the laser cannon load out does work on hot planet so it's really down to your choice and what you want to do here all right you have to kind of pick your poison and pick the strengths and weaknesses of each one to determine what you are going to be able to take on for us if you want to know what the superar elite choice is right now we're all all loving the Eruptor and the crossbow these are generally considered the best for these standard bot missions because they take things out in an area so you don't have to worry too much you don't have to worry about targeting each one the jar five is really strong but you have to Target each one you can also use things like the Slugger several of the other weapons plasma Punisher is still popular it's really up to you but these are more Niche weapons that are based on whether or not the person who uses them specializes in them all right A lot of people have been asking about the adjudicate I do not like it but some people find it efficient it's really down to personal preference our recommendation Eruptor crossbow these two are currently what we feel is the best but you can choose your own poison all right in terms of your secondary weapon Senator set it in for the other loadouts I'll say it here again oneshots most things it is pretty much what you see us use on stream almost exclusively some of our members do use the p19 Redeemer but it's really up to you okay for your grenade what we use for standard missions is stun grenade exclusively now why do we no longer use the impact grenades okay there's a lot of stuff in the loadouts like the Eruptor and things like that that can now open up crates and also deal explosive damage so we are less reliant on impact grenades and therefore we are more reliant on stun grenades because stun grenades allow us to stop hulks giving us time to line up a shot with their heads this means that we don't really need heavy weapons to take on the Hulk and that is super super good so stun grenades are pretty much our choice also if you've got a horde of Berserkers coming at you stun them all take out the front liners with the Eruptor with the autoc cannon whatever it is just universally good thermite got a bit of attention but unfortunately the dot bug prevents it from being used to its full potential like right now highx is no longer used because again there's a lot of options for taking out Fabricators and stuff like that even down in your strategy so the stun grenade has sort of fallen out of favor it is no longer as NE necessary as it was before okay we also make less use of Sentry turrets because ours is more of a run gun move type play style right now okay all right that about covers it for the weapons and the secondaries and the grenades let's talk about armor for a second much like with all the others my recommendation is the Exterminator set however what I want to say is that for the standard missions um heavy armors have been getting a lot more popular popular popular popular okay the f-55 Devastator is currently a favorite um maybe it's because of the look it's also from the latest war bond but this one is something that I do like running myself as well all right it is tough it is tanky it'll keep you preserved but here's the problem you can still get head shot quite a bit so just be careful all right [Music] um if you ask me based on my personal experiences I still prefer the Exterminator it's what you'll see me run on stream I did try the heavy armors they weren't that bad but I I just didn't like losing a bit of my Mobility so I still favor medium armors light armor still totally okay Arcane uses them all the time it's really down to you and what is your preference again like with the other loadouts please pick your perk based on what you need and what enhances your play sty do not pick the armor set based on looks that's really not going to help you and you're going to die okay so please understand that okay now let's move on to strategy I think it's time we go there okay f for the standard missions strategems are a bit more difficult to go through why because although there are quite a few similarities I think you can see the laser and the eagle air strike in all of them for the average standard missions your support weapon and the backpack are going to be varied based on your needs so you're going to have to decide based on strengths and weaknesses of each what you intend to run first I'm going to go through what is pretty much standard excuse me for any of these missions and then we'll go through the rest okay so what is standard what what what what do we always bring for all of these missions like for example ICBM or whatever we always bring the eagle air strike now once you have the improved Hangar Bay upgrade which is the XXL weapons Bay it is actually so so good to use the eagle air strike because it actually works so well against tanks and hordes and Fabricators and everything it it's kind of become our Universal item okay you throw it on tank that tank is going to die you throw it on fabricator that fabricator is gone all right so the eagle air strike has become our go-to when there's a bot drop I throw an eagle air strike right away as which you'll see on stream and then I throw a stun grenade I stun him the eagle air strike just mows them all down so this is why we like the eagle air strike next what we also I just realized it didn't remove my camera but anyway you don't need to see you don't need to see a bit of the extra stuff uh sorry about that though the next that we like is the orbital laser we absolutely love the orbital laser because when you're running those standard missions what is the one thing you're going to encounter the most you're going to encounter things like detector Towers mortar imp placements AA guns the laser you throw this on those and they are gone now you have to be a bit careful with the detector Tower take out some units first then throw the laser it is guaranteed to wipe out the detector Tower but if you leave too many units there the laser May focus on the units instead of the detector Tower which is a problem however the laser is just so useful we tend to thr two lasers on the heavy base and just absolutely decimate it or we use the lasers on particular objectives and it's just a gigantic middle finger button for most of the stuff so the laser always gets picked always okay now we're going to go into some of the optional stuff so what do we consider optional okay for your third and fourth strategy slots you're mostly going to be dealing with a support weapon and a backpack all right but what about other alternative strategy let me first talk about something we call the shield generator Shield generator relay okay this thing was popularized by my previous metal Loadout I love the shield generator relay but you won't see me using it very often nowadays why is that the case well it's not just because I'm running with my you know team Pros that we we know what we're doing so we bring offensive strategies no defense not because of that but because speed is so crucial right now especially with the orders having gone so intense we've stopped making use of the Shield generator relay because while it offers some good protection especially we used to use it on the command bunker type missions which have now changed to have three command bunkers so we're kind of pigeon hold into using the laser rail Cannon and all that um there just isn't room The Shield generated relay is a bit of a luxury one or two people can take it but definitely not a recommended meta anymore so this is why we no longer use it but if you want to bring it as your third strategy go ahead okay the other the other strategy that we recommend for our third is always the rail Cannon strike what do we primarily use this for you got one really annoying Hulk chasing you throw this you got one really annoying tank chasing you throw this all right this orbital rail can or you got a cannon tart that's aiming at you throw this all right this thing will get rid of those straight away so the rail Cannon strike tends to see a lot of use for that why not the eagle rocket pods okay let me talk about that for a second um when it comes to the eagle rocket pods they are certainly better because you get three uses okay and they arm at the same time your other Eagle's arm but here's the problem as I'm moving fast I sometimes forget to rearm the eagle if you never forget to rearm your eagle or you don't mind calculating the waiting time and all that and being without Eagle protection for periods of time then absolutely use the rocket pods but the rocket pods do have a weakness the DraStic weakness of the rocket pods is the simple fact that the rocket pods cannot handle hulks they handle tanks really well they'll destroy Cannon tards really well but they suck against hulks whereas the rail cannons a g guaranteed one shot so that's something you have to consider they don't do well against hulks at all because I think the Box body is like twoo armored for the rocket Bots if it hits the back it'll destroy it but the angle that it comes in at is quite important so that this can be difficult all right so just be aware of that rocket pods have not really worked well for us okay all right that about covers the offensive strategies now let's talk about the support weapons the support weapons are a whole different matter that I think a lot of people are going to have to work out and get into this section is going to be long so it's going to get its own section in the video all right okay now this is this is probably the longest part of the video H as you'll see there's already a bunch of different selections for your support weapon and your backpack what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through the support weapon first talk about it and then I will talk about which backpack goes with it all right if that is an option so if you're ready then let's get into it first and foremost I'm going to talk about the king of kings also known as the autoc cannon this is the king of kings it holds the throne it is absolutely everything okay let's talk about the king first the autoc cannon comes with its own backpack so you don't have to use another stratum slot on a backpack all right the autoc cannon can take on any enemy drone gunships everything the only thing it cannot kill is the Walker tank and it cannot kill regular tanks from the front Okay it can kill it if it explodes the vent however the factory Strider uh cannot be killed with the autoc cannon the Drone gunships however can the autoc cannon can also destroy Fabricators blow up crates it deals with Devastators regular enemies it's just Universal so it gets a lot of attention a lot of Hell divers will generally use the autoc Cannons against the automatons because you don't really need a shield when you've got the autoc Cannon as long as you're you get good with it you know you'll just be sniping out Targets this is what I use the most on my streams and it is very popular on a wide variety of missions including the eradicate missions and the blitz missions so the autoc Canon is the universal King all right we use this and you don't need a backpack so you can take a third offensive strategy or defensive one if you're really into that okay that's the first thing next we're going to talk about the antimaterial rifle okay the anti-material rifle is a fantastic choice I really do like the antimaterial rifle it now after its recent buff does everything that the autoc cannon does except closing Fabricators okay you can take out drone gunships two shots of the engine same as the autoc cannon same as the auto Cannon it'll take out Devastators it'll take out hordes you have to understand though that the scope is slightly misaligned you need to aim with the upper left part of the scope okay which you'll see me doing on stream if you really need me to show you you can always ask all right but most of the time that I do use an AMR I show you that I'm generally aiming with the upper left part of the of the site okay so the AMR gets a lot of love right now you can even use it with a backpack so Supply backpack that's a good choice or our standard choice is to actually use it with the shield generator backpack okay the shield generator backpack is still very useful now I know some of y'all like the ballistic shield backpack go ahead and use it if you like but I still favor The Shield gener because it helps protect you against rockets it can help stop the initial spam of the heavy Devastator or if you're going to peek out toward the tail end of its burst before it gives you that extra moment where you can just tank a few shots align your sights shoot and kill so I really love the uh AMR with the shield generator pack speaking of The Shield generator pack this is also used for the next support weapon choice because guess what the next support weapon that we're going to talk about is the laser cannon the laser cannon has gotten a lot of love even on a hot planet because this thing is fantastic it is medium armor penetrating which means that it can take out hulks if you hit the head it does everything that the AMR does all right except that the AMR is a single shot burst weapon this is a continuous fire weapon where you have to keep the beam on the target to achieve Max effect but you can take out hulks all the same you can take out Cannon turrets all the same you can take out the mortar imp placements you could take out the AA guns we've used this even on a hot planet and it is pretty fantas fantastic what's the downside you have to keep the beam on the target keeping the beam on the target necessitates the use of The Shield backpack unlike with the AMR you cannot take a supply pack Supply packs can be very useful for teams on operations so I'm always happy when Arcane brings along a supply pack with his AMR but unlike with the AMR where you can forego the supply pack you can't hear with the laser cannon because flinching means your beam is off it might not cross the final threshold the enem is still going to be left with some hit points they're going to come in and kill you so for the laser cannon unfortunately the shield generator is a must have and is a two-handed weapon so you can't use it with the ballistic shield anyway so you've got no choice Shield generator it is the laser cannon is strong but you have to know how to use it okay very important so Laser cannon also gets a lot of love last but not least let's talk about the heavier support weapons right now one of the big things is the quazar cannon the quazar cannon is so strong and you can take any backpack with it a lot of people like to bring the shield generator pack you don't have to but the quazar is just Supreme the quazar is supreme two shots to a Hulk's body will take it down you can twoot tanks by shooting the turret up top you can um two three shot the cannon turrets from the front the quazar can do a lot what's the big downside big downside is that it has a charge up time and it's got a cooldown time of 10 seconds which is surprisingly not affected by hot planets which is really weird but whatever um the quazar is just the universal heavy the uh option and because you don't specifically require a backpack you can actually just bring along um like if you don't want to run a backpack just don't run a backpack just literally bring the quazar along in a third strategy you could do that you could do it together with a shield generator relay you can do whatever you want the quazar gives you a lot of options and with the Eruptor now being a thing the quazar has sort of come into prominence as well because the quazar can be paired with the Eruptor and you can pretty much take out anything in the field so it's a really good choice do not knock the quazar all right in the similar vein to the quazar because like I said you don't really have a backpack stock with this what you can also pick is the infamous spear or recoiless rifle now Spears targeting doesn't work for everybody I personally have had a lot of issues with the spear targeting so I've been unable to use it the recoiless rifle is more my speed because it does pretty much everything that The Recoil that the spear and the uh quazar will do but you can manually aim it so this thing is pretty darn useful because any heavy enemy like for example a Hulk shoot in the head it's going to die in one shot you can double shot the tanks all you need is like either someone to reload you or you can reload yourself but please do it from a safe location okay so the recoil as rifle uh will take up your backpack slot as well it is just generally considered a useful weapon you can even use the eats this is actually this strategy is actually sort of come into popularity because um of the Helm's Deep defense Mission but the eats will do everything the recall this rifle does just that you have to call it in each time you need it so some people consider that hey you know what I'd rather run around with an eat so they prefer this but me personally because of how easily the Bots can swarm you and people often forget that they can swarm you I don't like to rely on eat I'd rather have everything strapped on to me so that's why we don't you personally won't be seeing us use the at except on the helm steep defense Mission which we really like okay but yeah the Expendable anti-tank also a viable strategy um other honorable mentions are basically everything else in this load out except the flamethrower Flames against bots doesn't really go very well uh even with the upgrades but everything else is pretty useful um a lot of people have asked me is the ark Thor viable anymore for automatons I'm going to have you to give you a sad answer on that the ark Thor in my opinion is no longer as viable why because the arc Thor has major issues against aerial targets the the 35 M range doesn't sound like much when it's on the field right okay it's a big problem against those drone gunships and your support weapon is one of your best ways of dealing with them otherwise you have to rely on your other three teammates to deal with them and that's not always very good if you're in a coordinated team and you're going to go Frontline you know you can still run the arctor as a Frontline thing but as soon as you see those drone gunships you're going to have to scream help help help drone gunships but and we tend to spread out for collecting samples so we prefer more independent methodologies that allow us to do that so the arc Thor is no longer one of the Met picks for us but there's a lot to replace it all right it's up to you pick your poison choose accordingly just know that there's a variety of ways you can play all right that brings us to the end of the standard missions you've done well surviving this long I know this was a long ass video with a lot of different loadouts being discussed but thank you for sticking through let's go to the closing all right let's go do the closing all right ladies and gents if you made it this far you've done well thank you for sticking with us this long thank you for paying attention to all the things we're saying let's do a quick summary and a recap first and foremost you have the stand ardized Loadout for eradicate missions this load out features both the mortars the autoc cannon and the eagle uh 500 kgr bomb this is extremely useful if you want to survive and if you want to blast targets what are your primary weapon selections we prefer the crossbow we have the senator and a stun grenade all right armor is usually medium for me I prefer the exterminated armor set but you can use whatever else you want all right next in the line is the blitz Loadout for the blitz loadout out we tended to prefer Two Eagles the eagle air strike and 500 kg bomb along with the laser cannon and the autoc Cannon as the support weapon in terms of my primary weapon we preferred for this particular set we prefer to use the Eruptor okay because the Eruptor is just generally good for the blitz type missions but you can also use jar five plaz one sickle it's it's really your choice unlike with the eradicate missions where the crossbow is the champion for the primary weapons and where there's one standout Choice the others give you a bit more flexibility what about the standard missions what about the standard missions and all the loadouts there the standard missions as you guys know have a lot of variation in their loadouts there's a lot of different varieties of stuff that you will see in the standard missions and all of them are different all of them have their own ways all of them have their own Styles so knowing what these Styles can do and knowing what each of them brings to the table is extremely crucial if you guys remember from standard missions there are loadouts with backpacks loadouts without backpacks okay there are some standard strategems for the basic missions like the ICBM and all that in general strategy wise we've got the eagle air strike and the orbital laser these two are must have the third slot is usually a support weapon it could be any support weapon of choice such as the autoc cannon or the AMR the fourth slot is usually either the backpack if the support strategy doesn't come with the backpack or it's a third offensive or perhaps a defensive strategy really it's your choice adjust B based on your play style needs what do we normally use for standard missions primary weapon we've been favoring the Eruptor but you can still use the jar five you can still use the plas one scorcher you can still use the sickle you can still use the Slugger it's it's really up to you pick your poison go with whatever you like and whatever you are effective with all right just because we favor the Eruptor doesn't mean everybody has to use the Eruptor I mean I love erupting all over my enemies but that doesn't necessarily mean you need to do the same thing secondary weapon is always the senator stun grenades are currently the top here so we're we're more or less using mainly the stun grenades okay that brings us to the end of this video thank you very much for watching this I know it was a long one test Freedom democracy for real Liberty I'm ending my video for realage democracy test complete here I am trying to end my video and that thing's going to come in okay okay okay okay okay no no all right all right okay thank you very much for watching don't forget to like share and subscribe we appreciate I appreciate you having watched this I hope these loadouts and all this information helps you guys out um I know a lot of people like to show gameplay with the loadouts but I don't because a lot of that you see on stream and i' rather show you practical situations where I'm using my load out where you guys can see me using the loadouts that I've talked about in these videos and then you know you can actually ask questions one-onone so that's my preference um you know I know it's not as exciting as the other videos that have gameplay and all that but you know I hope this helps you guys thank you very much for watching I hope you guys will um benefit from this and now let me thank some of the top supporters that make all of our content possible so April's top supporters our top Tipper V toxic top Tipper list includes Leo top Super chatter is Teddy lasso top Super chatter list includes next weekend crows flight grum thraka track hoodie daza Rebo Zone Olivia Moses thank you guys so much Top Channel membership gifter is grasshopper Top Channel membership gift a list includes Lord J and Vinnie thank you guys so much for all of you support and also let me thank some of the top channel members right now okay here we go let me thanks starting right at the top at the highest possible level thank you teddy lasso and N for being only fans right now thank you to Arcane silver and death donning for being plus Ultra thank you to all of our Prestige and honor robots as well you guys are amazing thank you for keeping this content alive thank you for keeping this channel alive and I'll see you guys in the next one y'all have a good one I'll catch you later okay thanks for watching this long video bye
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 26,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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