Helldivers 2 - Adjudicator is F Tier & Here's Why

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how hello I'm do hope you're doing great I have good news moxin rifles are going to get buffed and the reasoning is probably because of a new addition the adjudicator this is such a terrible gun it has sparked thought that maybe marksman rifles aren't in a good spot and it's not just me saying that out of nowhere the devs in the hell ders 2 Discord made this poll what do you think about marks rifles in the game and 78% of people out of 51,000 votes so 40K people voted they they need a balance because they're underpowered and the reasoning makes sense and I'll explain why it makes sense at least in my own view but first what makes a weapon good in health average 2 I'll give my interpretation of that a weapon needs to have utility or damage or handling or some kind of Niche that it fills some kind of rooll that it properly fills to be a good weapon now you can enjoy using a weapon isn't good that is a completely different conversation if you like using adjudicator love that for you but here's the facts right quick it can't even consistently one shot the smallest mob in the game damage is not looking spiffy but what about utility we have medium armor pen that is it you can go through the hive guard face plates takes roughly 10 shots you can also damage the tank heat sinks I'll show later and there's a downside here which is damage being low makes armor pin not that ideal most the time this is a great example unless your gun is explosive and has armor pin chances are it's not going to feel too great when you're shooting armor cuz the damage itself is too low so I'd say it's two strikes surely the hand leg makes up all these massive bitf Falls not even close you pull that trigger down your gun is shaking like it has shingles and I've been there not a fan why does it have to violently shake my screen as if there was some altercation it had a moment ago with the gun what is that there's a 1 V one happening every time I pull the trigger it's not between me and the mobs it's between my screen being stable and the gun with the trigger being pulled I don't get it all they'd have to do is make it more stable and it would feel better to shoot you have to give weapons a reason to exist this does not really have a reason to exist and I don't know what the fascination is with this game and crazy sides not not to really be the person thror shade here but can we say something about this hey it's realistic that'd be really kicking crazy listen br br what listen bud it's a video game there should be some semblance of enjoyability when shooting weapons and at the moment most Scopes are made in a way that nobody wants to scope in nobody wants to do this even though though they want to do this but because of how the Scopes are in the game currently they don't that wasn't aim for his face I was just shooting to shoot and I find it to be a pretty big problem we have marksan weapons with what they have red dots that are worse than the red dots my family has in real life what is that about and I get it you know we're we're just these soldiers sent to slaughter we're hell divers we're replaceable we're clones why would they give us good weapons in the first place listen have you seen my kill count I think I've earned it I feel that I I come back most of the time I complete the mission the Clones using my bloodline should definitely get better guns than normal maybe not some of Y but me I'll be putting in that work except for the missions where I fail and I shouldn't be posting those cuz now you guys have you're like oh you're terrible bro You' be dying on missions I show you the real stuff okay don't hurt me go hurt me I could stand up just stand up when you get deep in a squat how do you get up you just stand up there's this gun and then you have the sickle the sickle feels amazing to fire it's automatic and that's a big difference but why can't this be a little bit like a slightly more recoil having gun than that considering the damage is much higher the sickle has 55 damage this has 80 and yet when I shoot it I legit get motion sickness almost and I can't scope in cuz that's even worse there's no winning man there's no winning you mer there you see that circle out here pull on it's put on a dance party I'm playing hell average 2 it's playing Mario dance party too I don't quite know how I'm supposed to counteract that cuz with the scorcher I can be deadly accurate and it takes one shot to kill it with a shotgun same thing so why is a marksman rifle feel so Jank to shoot like that and you cannot just say go ahead and lay down hit the shot lay down against what this and this happens a lot too what the wait a minute it said head shot head shot one shot body Shot Two Shots guys we've already covered that I'm not saying it's a adjudicator problem but I had to change my sight to 100 m to hit head shot consistently on targets that were not that far away they are not 100 me away and yet I had to go this far in for the shots to seem more accurate vers the automatons adjudicator does not bring much of anything to the table takes a while to kill these Marauders around half the magazine for body shots and around seven head shots but hitting those on these guys is kind of tough at least for me and so it's not exactly worth it and when you try and shoot a tank on the weak part which you can do with the armor penetration of medium variety even roughly a full magazine does not make it Flame or go on fire at all now how do you buff the adjudicator very simple make it a marksman rifle have the shots be more precise reduce the recoil the weapon sway just dial it in a little bit there's no reason it should be that intense for a weapon that has the drawbacks that these weapons do they don't have many shots per magazine they don't have very many magazines and the damage is not that crazy the highest it goes is 128 I believe that is nothing to write home about compared to other weapons why can't they at least have more precise aiming they're marksman rifles it makes the most sense to me increase the damage a little bit maybe to 200 at maximum we'll see what happens I think at minimum they should do 100 damage a shot they should be able to One-Shot Wilbur that that should be a that should be a baseline metric they try and meet and aside from that that would make it more fun to use if it just felt fun to shoot I wouldn't be making this video but it feels terrible to shoot that recoil is atrocious don't ever do that again my screen should not be shaking more using that gun than it does the the freaking heavy machine gun that's crazy that is crazy to me and if you are defending this gun saying it's amazing and other folks that don't like it are simply bad at the game you are a snake oil salesman or you do not have an opinion that anyone should be listening to ever cuz you're crazy you can like the gun I'm not saying that you shouldn't like it I'm not saying you shouldn't use it I'm just saying it's not good simple as that why does it feel actually I was going to ask a dumb question why does it feel better to use a rail gun than this gun the rail gun has a much bigger projectile as far as I can tell and if not it still stands but the rail gun's retical sway is far less egregious than the other marksman rifles and I don't get that make them fun to shoot that's all that's all it comes down to make them fun to shoot and you can dial in the power later but that's a missing factor for these Marksman weapons anyway I appreciate y'all for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 43,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 adjudicator, helldivers 2 marksman rifles, helldivers 2 weapon review, helldivers 2 review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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