Helldivers 2 - You Get Kicked Because the Host is Clueless

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what's the most frustrating thing in Hell aers 2 for me it's getting kicked because my teammates don't understand the game they act as if they do and they refuse to take any advice or suggestions on how things could work better and so they just kick you because you're the problem it's not them even though they've died about four or five times and the game just started can't be them it's got to be you this is an example of that and as I explained I urge you share this video with folks that don't know how retrieve essential Personnel missions work that timing worked out for me six or seven drop ships just went to my location and not the objective buying people on the objective tons of time giving them breathing room and they can now clear out the folks are there and press buttons in peace which is helping I might still get kicked and if I do then oh my gosh I drew I drew a walk away from yall you're welcome it's RNG at the end of the day only having one person outside the base means that you have less chance for it to really be beneficial but it's still good as we just saw I knew it it's so funny people are so smart players of video games are so intelligent dude I just typed out what was like what I could do it just happened and the guy just goes uh not on my watch man you don't know how the game's played if we're all in the base we're going to lose I've been through it many a time it took me I think out of 30 matches when when this game first came out on this Mission type out out of 30 matches my team with randoms won three times the video huo has been out for almost 3 months now and players still don't get that maybe you shouldn't be holding hands on the objective as a full team seeing kumaya if you want to do well in the mission and really me this Batman why would there be over 20 samples on a single POI on this mission in most cases there 15 plus on multiple pois if you're meant to be the objective for the majority of the match that don't make any sense but here's how the mission supposed to be played I [ __ ] hate these missions the play is to have at least two folks not on the objective otherwise everything goes to the objective and makes it almost impossible no everybody objected let's go yeah yeah yeah true true true oh okay no okay that's smart that's big brain actually I didn't think of that that's why we were running out there dying way out here to shoot and [ __ ] you all keep pulling it back to the objective okay well so yeah so if we all like run away way for a second I'll pull them mainly out here I joined this Mission 6 minutes late at the time they had seven folks evacuated and the base was overran I gave them advice they took it we beat the mission in another 6 minutes and 30 seconds all I'm saying is you can't sit there and say it doesn't work when they land the base chances are they won't quite like my shenanigans them dying instantly is a bad sign I have this feeling almost a SI sense can we respond 03 pretty please there's a concerning correlation between folks that have a terrible build die first as well as often and telling me how to play the game brother don't bring that load out and tell me what to do you're throwing and I'm cool with it I'm helping and you're not cool with it I had a feeling oh my God people are so oh my gosh they're so built different homie dies okay homie dies Li at split and it's my fault H what can I blame right now what can I blame I know this guy's farming samples a these Farmers gosh this community has been host left the game that's prob getting kicked but L bro is an idiot this community has been ruined by idiots when the game first started you had all these folks complaining about meta this meta that all these Farmers oh they're ruining the game they didn't even know how the game functioned let me guess so just host your own lobbies bro just if I if everyone hosts their own Lobby guess what's not going to happen no one's playing with other people if everyone is hosting their own Lobby who's going to join the host Lobby now do you haven't even given playing on the objective a chance I have many times but for sake of argument I'll goad and show you what that looks like with a pretty decent Squad eat it by itself makes no sense but we'll go and ignore that real quick I'm doing the rocket ship thing I just got here guys give me a moment boom [Music] boom I'm doing Auto Canon here in reality and then mortar here and then Eagle Strike is nobody going off to get this stuff they click the buttons that's actually genius I didn't even think about it and they tossed in a supply pack these guys are professionals these guys are professionals if we can't beat it with this Squadron I don't know what to say so far this Squadron is a well oil machine throwing down Supply packs instantly covering different points in the base providing good OverWatch and pressing buttons as a unit normally it's just me pressing buttons and the whole team's on the ledge saying good job bud hey man that one's green go ahead and hit it one more again ridiculous uh sir your turret's dead regardless it shot itself no no no I'm in a dangerous spot Thug grenades are nuts what if we had an upgrade for mortars and Sentry turrets it gave it a bubble Shields nothing crazy nothing too strong I want to go farm samples but that would make it so the Rockets don't instantly break your stuff which just feels really lame they can still break it it just wouldn't be an instant one rocket KO your dunzo I'm thinking right there again if we make a big enough hole it'll be protected this wasn't particularly the example I was going for in fact I may do it again to paint the picture way I want to paint it cuz I'm the artist here we're 614 and it's all starting to crumble right before our eyes you can't break this building bro oh my God I can listen team this mortar could do a few things left we can't stay this low long one thing I'll do for sure is grief you guys beyond belief so this is kind of what happens we had the load out oh my goodness rein launched that was going so well until it wasn't G4 you landed in the wrong spot you could have pivoted so if you die here it's not my fault I refuse to take any blame we are two way wow requ supp that was a terrible e strike reinforc say hello request approved reinforcements he has to die I have to live huge Norwest on my position reloading I was trying to reload my gun our hero I thought this hit them we lost that will be red I'm just saying brother maybe it makes more sense to have less enemies on the objective maybe just maybe you know it's not alcohol I need Bell cap over here this is mineral water this ball cap opener is not great tell you what it keeps bending the side but I'm not actually taking it off um are we Landing over here and then what are we doing go now and fear the shadow of death nor tyranny look for samples just so we're clear we're noticing the drop ships landing near me right all folks we've gotten the objective right now and the drop ships went to me two drop ships three four potentially five waiting five they increase the drop ships on this Mission 100% six seven they increased the drop ship count that's what happened that's why this feels so much more difficult than the bugs seven drop ships just went to me and not the objective or they try to go to me so how can anyone argue and say if you're farming samples you're throwing the mission stop farming I'm helping the mission and getting you samples and super credits and medals and requis I slips I don't know how folks can have a problem with that I guess they really enjoy wasting 15 if not 17 minutes that's their favorite thing in the entire universe and you know who am I to judge a single set of drop ships going away from the base is roughly a minute of time bot and it only takes you 5 to 6 minutes max to send in all the dudes if you don't kill them oh we've killed 675 shekels worth of people huh explain some things that explains a little bit told if they don't beat this mission that is perplexing if they don't I blame it on the fact that one dude didn't even have any weapons and the other guy had a quazar cannon the quazar is not the play it's just not the play on the bots in this in this situation and I wanted to sit there and fight on the base so I built my build around a base build it turns out they they wanted me to go get samples and I'll oblige truth be told this Mission makes no sense against the automatons right now it's much better and easier against the bugs you can consistantly beat the mission and get Max samples the automatons not so much and that's only changed recently I used to love facing tomaton play how you want to play my point here isn't to say that you need to play this by splitting up and doing whatever do what you want to do if you have a full Squadron and you want to play The Objective do that but don't tell other people not to do certain things especially if they're good for the mission success that's goofy makes no sense play how you want to play but don't tell me or other folks how to play if they're helping the mission with what they're doing that's the main point I will be making a video covering the best way to farm samples as a group on the bug missions it's not too crazy but I figured may as well show the success rate I had with random people I don't have a friend group I play this game with I play with randoms all the time so you can do it with random people too the whole R's gone and now we wait get you guys kill the other people because no no they left bro they they gave up after they were dead but they still gave up yeah yeah we don't work with super anymore defected okay we're Freedom Fighters we're just humble sample Farmers what can I say exactly I'm scared to next to my teammates might team kill not on purpose but just accidentally oh no oh no there's no way he killed me bro listen there's sample on the ground the samples matter more than extracting on my body on my body go good luck huge you killed the whole hey there goes the big guy easy oh look at that Pro seconds extraction complete oh my God over mine like the least earned death ever is walk these mindes sometimes they're blending in so well with the shrubs it's insane oh I did it again [Laughter]
Channel: OhDough
Views: 57,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 samples, helldivers 2 retrieve essential personnel guide, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 mission guide, helldivers 2 best sample mission, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 retreive essential personnel tips, helldivers 2 why you get kicked
Id: 7VHYkl-EkVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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