Helldivers 2 Completely Surprised Me (REVIEW)

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what have I told you that hell divers 2 is one of the best games that has launched this year believe me it's blowing my mind even saying that you see the first time I saw the trailer to this game I thought it was just going to be some over-the-top actionpack shoot some aliens and call it a day and that's essentially what it is but what if I also told you that hell divers or more specifically hell divers 2 is a legitimate PVE game no joke fellas if you ain't packing in this game if you don't have the right setup the right gear the right builds the right teammates you will find yourself getting absolutely boned into Oblivion by a horde of alien bugs or an assortment of giant robots this game is a game that is unyielding it says hey you like to feel overwhelmed well how about we Crank that up to 11 how about we just bring enemies on top of you non-stop until you and your entire Squad break and what's crazy is because of the comical over-the-top nature of the game you think this is not a serious game or that it wouldn't actually pose a challenge fellas that's the beauty of Hell divers 2 yes it has that that over-the-top humor that Starship Trooper we're here to kill these alien commi bastards all in the name of Liberty and yes the one liners your character says throughout this entire thing is freaking hysterical like I'm shooting my machine gun and bugs are literally overwhelming me and my character is just screaming Freedom who does that hell divers do that which is essentially what you are in this game but I just want to be clear before we go any further despite the comical nature of this game it is not to be trifled with this is a game that will punish you for not playing strategically that will punish you for not committing to loadouts and most notably will punish you for dropping air strikes right on your teammates because Friendly Fire is on in this game and yes air strikes really hurt and if you're like me and you've got teammates like I have had for the past few days they love to drop orbital air strikes amongst other air strikes literally in the middle of the squad my favorite part is when they're running out there with the orbital air strike and then they die which of course results in the orbital air strike falling to the ground on their corpse which happens to be right next to me which results in my ass being blown to orbit 5 seconds later even though friendly fire will annoy you in this game it's an add an element that I think needs to exist in the chaotic nature of Hell divers 2 and despite the comical intro of this game you'll find that hell divers 2 truly feels like you're in the midst of battle you feel it the combination of audio the amount of enemies that are swarming you the debris the Warfare the destructible environments the things that you're shooting that are also blowing up all the destruction around you you can literally walk watch a nuke go off and you can feel the blast almost as if you were in the game the realism here is crazy and I can't express how strange it is to say that considering how comically over the-top this game is but let's go over everything you need to know about hell divers 2 hell divers 2 takes place a century after the first game ended super Earth became Victorious versus the terminat and its other foes at the end of Hell divers one and discovered faster than light technology to assist them in exploring and conquering the Galaxy but using this new tech came at a cost it required a steady supply of substance known as e710 which is easily found in the corpse of terminat now you see what's happening here so back to where we went baby this time setting up terminate Farms to gather and house as much of this Resource as possible eventually the terminants end up breaking free of their farms and at the same time a new enemy appeared out of nowhere the automatons thus the superar Armed Forces mobilized the hell divers once again and they need every man woman and child over seven to help combat this growing threat and that's a literal quote from the game now you don't play as your own personal created character like most games you play as hundreds of soldiers that your personal destroyer ship holds when one dies on the battlefield another gets sent down to replace them now because of this you also don't upgrade or customize your character either all upgrades and unlocks are done to your ship giving your Armory more weapons your ship more technology and your soldiers more armor then you just outfit your ship's hell divers with what you want on the field now after a super basic tutorial the game talks you up by saying how easy this is going to be for you because you look like a natural hill diver and with quotes god-given talents but then when you're thrown into your ship and then allowed to pick your own mission that's when things get wild now the galactic War map in the front of your ship is where you actually go to select and view the war effort and select those missions and currently we're finding a war on two fronts the terminate inhabited planets which is the orange sections and the automaton planets which are in the red sections this is where the community comes into play we all have the same major order a goal for all of us to reach before the week's timer runs out the first week's goal is to liberate all planets between super Earth and the barrier planets those being Heath and Angel's Venture the two terminant infested planets you also have your own personal order that when complet it will give you metos which are used to unlock new weapons upgrades customization options and don't worry guys we're going to dive into that here in just a bit but back to the gameplay you choose one of these highlighted regions depending on which alien you want to fight against the map will then zoom in to show you all the the planets within that region which have been liberated already and also which ones the hell divers are actively fighting against highlighting a planet will then show you a Liberation progress bar letting you know how close a planet is to being fully liberated by you and your fellow hell divers now choosing one of these planets will then Zoom you in again and offer you multiple zones with missions within them across the planet surface you'll also see ongoing missions that other players are in that you can join and these will be the white hexagons that appear and disappear across the planet now when you overover over a Zone it will show the operation status with three symbols these just indicate which three of the mission you've completed in that zone completing more missions in a single zone gives you increased amounts of metals now once you click into a Zone you're given multiple missions to choose from now the missions examples include conducting geological surveys launching nukes evacuating civilians collecting e710 destroying nests eliminating high value targets these are just some of the main objectives and there's lots more to do on the planet like sign objectives looting taking down enemy posts and how much you do depends on how quick your team is able to coordinate and move from objective to objective this is because each Mission has a timer some missions you have somewhere around 10 minutes others 12 minutes and then you have missions that have a 40-minute timer those are your big ones yes some of them do take the entirety of 40 minutes now the time it takes you to do things will also heavily depend on the difficulty you select which can be changed at the bottom of the screen when viewing the map beating the hardest available difficulty though will unlock that next difficulty and the the beautiful thing about the high difficulties is they give you more experience they also allow you to find rare samples and not just find rare samples you will absolutely need those highing difficulties to get those super rare samples which are necessary for your ship upgrades and believe me fellas this is what makes all the difference in your loadouts depending on what those upgrades are is the difference between you being some pissan Cadet or an actual hell di now let me just bring up a point about selecting your mission that I love I love when you select the mission you can walk to the front of the ship here and and you're literally traveling to that point on the planet you're seeing this happen in real time this is like our Helm in Destiny 2 if our Helm actually did something then you proceed to walk over to this pot you'll get in it select the abilities you want to bring on that mission those abilities called strategems and then you launch yourself down into the planet to start wrecking aliens in the name of democracy Now the game play is really the meat of hell diers 2o and this would be the reason why you like this game no it's not necessarily the best in terms of third person mechanics you even have an option to aim down sights shooting in first person and by no means is anything here bar setting what hell divers 2 is though at its core is a strategy game except it's real time strategy you're in the midst of a horde and like I said a second ago this game really turns things up to 11 when it's suddenly just like hey you've got three four ads maybe in front of you how about we just put down 10 drop ships four tanks and we suddenly surround you with artillery fire look I don't know what kind of AI system the ads here in this game operate off of but let me just say you can find yourself being surrounded so damn quickly now when you're immediately thrown into an alien world your map shows objectives and your team can plan where they want to go in order to tackle those areas the issue is is that on the harder difficulties even in the areas that are supposed to be safer quote unquote safer the moment you land all hell just breaks loose I find for like the first 5 minutes after landing which is right at the very beginning of the mission it's just a fight to survive it's almost like you're trying to gain a footing to even be in this area so before you can even move to these objectives you just got to live through this onslaught of enemies that are constantly coming at you when you first land now the Arsenal Weaponry you have to choose from includes a primary weapon a secondary weapon grenades which ranges from frag grenades to incin grenades and others and strategems which have a variety of different things that will greatly change how lethal you are you've got orbital strikes jetpacks stun bombs minefields sentries heavy weapons rail guns dude you can literally get a drone that follows you around everywhere and shoots at everything you shoot now what's amazing is that it's not a one- siiz fits-all you see just obtaining that higher ranked thing is not suddenly going to make you better in every single encounter this changes depending on the activity that you're running or most notably the mission objective if you're having to blow up Nest over and over then you want to kid out your entire Loadout with air strikes literally just load it down with air strikes so that you can make it rain on each of those alien nests if it's a defense Mission you want to rock centuries I literally have a mortar Century a mini turret an autoc Cannon and the mission where we just have to kill a number of enemies and survive as they triy to swarm us I just load out my entire kit with nothing but centuries and at the very beginning of the mission when we land I start throwing these things down again I made the comment earlier in our stream that this is like a tower defense game except it's not just you placing defenses or air strikes around the map and then you just let things play out no you're on the map you're in the you misplaced an air strike you just killed your teammates or yourself you put down a turret but your turret is suddenly getting run over by an alien you think standing next to it is going to somehow help you no you get run over too that's the beauty of it I love the game is like this you will find yourself getting overwhelmed to the point where you're like oh my God I think I need to strategize better than this because this is painful now you do have a set number of lives that you and your entire Squad start off with and in order to succeed at a mission you want to complete the objectives most notably the main objectives you can also do optional objectives and you want to extract now the resources you're extracting isn't loot but instead experience or at least Full Experience on top of that you'll find rare materials throughout the map that increasingly become more and more rare the higher the difficulty is and if you die and don't properly extract you don't get to bring those resources back and those are the resources you need to upgrade your ship so the gameplay Loop here is very simple land on a Planet complete main objectives while finding to survive extract from the planets successfully Grant yourself full experience and the currency you need to purchase upgrades and and on top of that you will also obtain metals that you can use to purchase new weapons new grenades and more from the warbonds now you don't really want to rush through the main objective too fast as doing the optional objectives or those secondary objectives can net you good resources number one you can come across samples which is what's necessary to upgrade your ship number two super credits this is actually the microtransaction currency that you can find literally in these missions and you can use those to purchase items in the shop or the premium war bond and then you have the currency Republic points which is what's used to purchase new strategy now there are tons of enemy outposts that range in size and difficulty and believe me guys they range greatly some Outpost just have a couple normal enemies then the next thing you know it you got this giant freaking alien bug that's literally the size of the helm that's defending this area but again this all comes back to the main objective that is the priority you have to beat the main objective and you want to try your best after beating the main objective to extract believe me it is so easy to get sidetracked and attack horde after horde or at least defend yourself against horde after horde but you don't really want to get too carried away doing that over and over because you will eat through your time and this is where teamwork and communication is so important when you and a team are like working in unison dude when you get that Synergy down and you're a well-oiled machine you will be running through these enemies at least until you get to the higher difficulties yes there are points where you do get checked but again it all comes down to how well you and your teammates operate with one another which is why this game has a ping system but personally guys for this game I think you need open communication especially that difficulty is insane and above nothing sucks worse than when you're over there trying to input arrow keys in a terminal and your teammate throws a damn air strike right on the terminal which is why you need a mic to say hey what the hell I'm trying to play obj right now now I'm going to talk about the Arsenal of Weaponry you have to choose from there's quite a bit guys from assault rifles pistols to shotguns to rail guns rocket launchers to machine guns one thing I do do like about the game is that the weapons feel real the reason why I bring that up notice the circular reticle that's actually where your shots are shooting and if it's a heavy sluggish weapon it takes time to actually get that weapon pointed at the enemy which makes sense but that's a level of realism that we don't see in other shooter games it's like yeah I've got this 2ton machine gun that I can just whip around like a feather and have no issues going from Target to Target that's not the case in this game however when you do aim down sights it is a bit easier to go from Target to Target granted you do feel that level of sway especially on some of your more heavier weapons now the devs also did a really good job of limb separation and I know this seems like an odd thing to bring up but this is a built-in system here where you can literally see the limbs and the enemies that you're shooting as they begin to break down and this is an important factor you can literally watch the armor on certain enemies break apart you start to see points where the enemy becomes vulnerable you see areas that you need to shoot you can blast legs off of bugs to slow them down you don't like the chainsaw arm of this robot OT shotgun it off this is that level of realism that I really like now something that some people are going to either really love or really hate is the explosions in this game and let me just say guys it is everywhere when someone drops a hell bomb and then activates it you don't just step over 50 m and go okay I'm going to watch the hell bomb come and wreck everything in front of me brother you're about to get destroyed you need to get the hell out of the way do the moment I hear an air strike and I see that light next to me I am running for my life I can literally feel it in my soul as I'm sprinting away from that because I know I'm about to get destroyed the explosions in this game is insane explosions from your teammates explosions from your own weapons explosions from the enemy's weapons and enemy artillery hell there was one time we found a nuke that was buried in the ground and I dropped a simple Supply pot and it hit the ground and hit the nuke and we all died or at least everyone on my team died except me for some reason I had one shot of Health you're going to find that your body is going to get rag doed all over the place and the the only thing that is keeping your limbs together is the power of Liberty I guess in this case Liberty trust me guys when you start listening to these onliners they just embed themselves in your mind now with all this being said and despite the comical nature of everything the hecticness the chaoticness despite all of that I just want to kind of step back for just a second just say damn it this game is beautiful the planets look alien but also grounded as if they could be real planets sometimes you're trudging through a snowfill biome and you can feel your character being sluggish and slowed as they're going through that snow and yeah you want to stop for a moment and just be like oh this is so nice maybe I would make a snowball and throw it at something if I didn't have aliens constantly trying to kill me but you can feel the heat of the sun battering down on you or admire these large open areas filled with water by the way you cannot swim in we're called hell divers but we can't even go in water don't even try guys I tried swimming instantly died sometimes you'll find yourself though in a forest-like biome at night and you're barely able to see or along long stretch of planes sprinting like a mad man from hundreds of bucks it's hard to appreciate the beauty of these areas and the realism of these areas as it's constantly blowing up all around you and you're finding aliens that are all trying to rip your head off but I got to just say guys this is a gorgeous game now something I want to bring up that's really interesting about this game a little customization is that if you hold your reload button you can actually change the rounds per minutes of your weapons which is really cool because you can do this while on the Fly you can even change the zoom of certain guns I don't believe this was actually even said in the tutorial but it's a neat little thing thing here that the devs here at Hell divers at it now let's talk microtransactions we've already went over ship models strategems how to upgrade them how to get all those things and yes all of those things are assessible but I want to bring up War Bots this is the gamees version of a battle pass there's a free version and a premium version which costs 1,000 super credits here is where you're going to be spending your Meadows which you can get from completing missions finishing orders and exploring word bonds consist of tons of gear and customization options new guns new grenades boosters and these are actually items that give your entire Squad at big buff things like spawning and respawning with full ammo increasing radar range increasing reinforcements traversal Buffs you've got also armor present in these battle passes capes player cards emotes and of course super credits now both the free and premium war bond works like a fortnite battle pass where you can only start unlocking items that are in the later pages when you spend enough medals on the earlier Pages now the reason why we're bringing all this up is because we need to talk about microtransactions in this game the game does have a shot and it rotates items every day that so far has only included armor now some of this armor does have passive boosts like legitimate benefits one being 30% reduction to recoil when prone or an increase to grenade inventory and if you have the premium war bond which costs a th000 super credits that gives you access to weapons that are only found on that premium pass and these are weapons that can do Elemental damage or armors with different stats and passes entirely new grenades and new boosters and that's kind of the conflict right now considering that this game game is not free to play but instead a paid game but you do have options and tangible benefits that you can get by paying for you can pay $10 and get the premium war bond and start using your medals to unlock the items there immediately now with that being said you could also get super credits in the game itself remember we just talked about going around the map and exploring the map you can use those super credits to purchase the premium warbot Now will it take you a lot of time you damn right it will but you can do that now I'm not trying to say hell divers is terrible for this but when we talk about pay to win or pay for power understand that's the ability to spend money on a game to give you access to items that give you an advantage over other players who do not spend money most notably my armor set this is a fantastic armor set that I got with like the deluxe version of this game this game technically speaking and again I love hell divers too it does have some pay to win features by spending money you gain access to things that other players will probably eventually get access to but it will take them so many hours to get to and yes these items offer tangible benefits it's not like these are Cosmetics no these are legitimate weapons and legitimate armor pieces and legitimate Buffs that do in fact make a difference yes you can obtain super credit bundles from the free war bond but instead of using those medals to purchase weapons you're using them to purchase super credits which is going to limit Your Arsenal for quite some time I just want to point this out guys and I'm really curious to see where things are going to go from here I don't like seeing tangible benefits locked behind money again none of this is making me want to stop playing hell divers 2 but i' never like to see anything but Cosmetics behind the pay wall overall guys I'm enjoying hell divers 2 it's a fun hysterical game I'm curious to see how it's going to change week to week depending how we as a community do in fighting back these alien forces in the meantime if you're on the fence about this game we will be live streaming it quite a bit we're enjoying it we're already jumping into ingame I have no idea what the plans are for the future of this game from the developers it was a a little vague they simply just said that the Universe of Hell diverse 2 will grow and change to give our players refresh gameplay introducing new tools new challenges and new threats from around the Galaxy I'm being told that possibly they could be adding Vehicles which sounds crazy but yes considering the size of the maps I guess you could do that what I would love to see hell divers do is add more alien races and add more objective modes something with a little more spice right something that really puts the higher levels to the test I believe the level cap for hell divers 2 is LEL 50 the question is is what do we do then what's the plan after that but I will say guys it is quite the grind to get to that point so if you do pick up this game for what it is now you'll have plenty to do fellas and ladies thank you all for coming and watching and as always slap that like button like your mama told you [Music] [Music] right [Music] la
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 387,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny, Destiny 2, Destiny bungie, Bungie, Destiny Aztecross, Aztecross, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 before you buy, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 weapons, helldivers all stratagems, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 ps5 gameplay, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 best stratagems
Id: PbKM9L-BiG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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