What are the BEST Stratagems in Helldivers 2? (Complete TIER List)

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all right guys while I have you here I I want to take this moment I know that right now we're kind of derailing the stream but I felt that considering hell divers is popping off massively and I'm I'm so happy for it and I I hope it continues popping off I think we need to come together as a community and rank these strategy I have brought together with me today Professional Health diver o Les who will also help me in the ranking of this Les you are now part of this Les will be a part of the ranking of set stratums also we have twitch chat here which will also be helping us rank set strategems and considering we have unlocked every strategy in the game I feel like we have some level of expertise that we could share in this list now we have everything ranked from s to F tier and so I just want to start wherever let's what would you deem is s tier actually that l i got this i got this I know it's s tier go for it I'll let you know if I agree okay so orbital orbital strike s tier I need to just make sure I'm I'm looking at the right which orbital strike are you talking about orbital yeah orbital rail Cannon strike we'll briefly look at each one of these two that way y'all can see them uh and we we'll have this cut up in the footage as well orbital rail Cannon strike to me clearly s tier that is s tier it is s tier orbital laser I think I I think I think you're right Les I think orbital laser guys for those that don't know this is orbital laser is that big giant laser that sits there and just tracks forever and ever it does great for clearing out ads I think the the only bad thing about orbal laser it's got a long cool down and when you have like the modifiers that extends that cool down it's rough everyone in chat saying it's a tier what for real laser a tier really I don't know Chad I would make I would say s tier B tier really okay put in a tier for now I I think you should like kind of like change it as you go you know okay okay so the the comment that's being made right now and this is by the way this is a collection of all of us right here chat I want us to be all a part of this so some of you are saying that it should be an a tier because of the cool down the fact that that it can only be used three times a point I didn't think of that can I get a poll on this though can we just get a poll on this orbital laser s tier a tier can we get a prediction on that I like to believe that we have a bunch of professional hell divers in here who can make a good call oh it is not C tier are you guys kidding me orbital laser is strong dude it is strong it's really good like not just for like one enemy but like just a group of enemies it'll kill them all you'll get like 20 30 kills it is one of those things I just keep in my back pocket like if if I'm like feeling like oh my my God we're getting overwhelmed I can't handle it I throw it down yeah and you don't really kill your teammates with it either I have killed some teammates with it though Le I've stepped in my own laser and died it happens all right it's your WIS wow all right the squad has voted majority here says that orbital laser is in fact a tier okay all right fine fine okay next I'm I'm just kind of grabbing the ones that I use the most so where would you put the Shield Pack for those that that are wondering this is The Shield Pack right here hold on this is The Shield generation pack it's the individual Shield that stays around you at all times guys you're running around the map it's great for running gun situations especially if you're just trying to Zone in on just the objective where would you put it I put it like at B re Les you really don't like it I'm B tier for I I feel like there's other like it depends on the mode you're doing right okay I I Put A or B in my opinion I don't think it's like a must have you know I feel like with orbital like rail Cannon orbital rail Cannon you kind of need that you don't need the shield you know what I mean and it only blocks bullets it doesn't block like Melee hits wait it doesn't block melee hits from terance I don't think it does blocks Chad is that true The Shield doesn't block melee hits everyone's saying you're high less it does in fact block probably really good then that's you're really messing with my um intro I had for you about professional hell diver I need you to get your together I I will I was saying the higher ranks less I found that the most optimal Strat is cuz especially if you're running to do the objectives and this is for the 40-minute missions the 12-minute anything that's not defense missions Shield Pack rail Cannon it's like the loadouts it is like the load out and guys I I have to put it at s tier I person I personally think it's s tier that's just that's just my opinion I'm going to clear some of these rows because I don't think we need to have F tiers uh there is definitely an F tier in this game d you don't think D tier can handle that I'm going to clear some of these rows guys just kind of we'll have s through D I think those other two rows are a little too much and that won that way things aren't too vertical all right on the topic of rail gun though chat rail gun the beautiful thing I love about it is its ability to deal with armored enemies this is actually a look at rail gun right here I mean it it has it's ammo economy is fantastic you could rock it with the shield generator as well so it's like that combination is perfect personally guys I find Rog Ganon to be I think it's s tier I feel like I'm really stacking up the S tier but we're going to get to everything else it is s tier though but it is s tier Run's s it's nice okay now I want to bring up the most controversial one here at least for me where do we place the spear for those that are wondering what the spear does the spear is literally the best weapon at taking taking down B tits better than Ro G better at taking down B Titans better than taking taking down uh tanks when it comes to armored enemies the spear is second than none here's the problem with the spear spear it's tracking and it's lock on is for some reason extremely finicky has the developer said anything about the spear on why the tracking sometimes it tracks sometimes it doesn't like it just has a mind of its own it's lockdown if they would just fix the lockdown it would be S tier tomorrow probably a b tier in my opinion I I would have to agree with that right now guys I love the spear but nothing sucks worse than sitting there struggling to get at the track and then the moment I do get at the track the enemy is so dang close to me that the spear shoots up and shoots past pass the damn the damn uh ad I'm trying to hit if they ever do if they ever fix the spear it would be clearly the best strategy in my opinion in the game if they make it lock in easier or quicker I think it'd be us here yeah oh absolutely it needs to lock in quicker in my opin well not just lock in quicker it just needs to lock in like there's just times they'll sit there and it'll it'll go into lock and then it'll back out and go into lock it just keeps going back and forth and then and then it just doesn't even sometimes it just doesn't even give you the lock Cu uh I heard that it's an issue if there's too many Targets in front of you that you're trying to lock on it's like the spear doesn't know which one to to go lock into yeah all right next on the list I know we're jumping all over the place Les where would we put the 500k eal 500k oh that was so rough cuz it is very nice you just throw it into a nest and it kill everything and the nest is cleared but sometimes I've seen it like hit enemies like there's enemies in the radius of it and it just doesn't kill them really yeah I've seen it where like they're in the radius and it just doesn't kill them for some reason it glitched out I feel like I killed the enemies I kill the teammates I kill myself it's really good though like a a a or S tier low s High mid a can we get a can we get a vote on this where is the eagle 500k at on this list to me it's a tossle between s or a you could throw B in there if I got some of you are like saying it's a b if you want to throw that in the boat as well are we are we talking with like the modules on the ship as well or just the base of it cuz the ship module makes it nuts like when you get it fully upgraded the extended weapons vein let's I'm I'm I am taking it from the perspective of its most amped out form o That's that that it's most amped out form because I want to I want to not only like I don't want to just talk about base strategies I'm assuming everyone here that are also earning these strategems are going for the the best upgrades possible and so yeah the ship modules I'm I'm including that in that as well in that case it's s tier I would assume yeah I I think it's s tier with the ship module Chris Chris brings up a perfect example you get three uses you get a fast rearm yeah all right let's go a I guess oh my God you guys are still saying a tier all right that's surp okay all right that's fine A8 tier we'll leave it at a tier we adhere to the poll and the reason why I'm including chat in this is so that for my folks on YouTube that are going to be inevitably upset with the placements here I can shift liability it is not I I I play a small role and in the overall Democratic voting way that we're going about this considering this is a game about democracy all right everyone here has a vote everyone with their sh opinions and their sh suggestions you have a right to vote on where these strategems are placed and from my YouTube audience that extremely upset don't worry we'll have a list of everybody in today's stream feel free to track them down if you like come down here you can come right over here and just be like hey you that guy that voted for a you all right next on the list this is a a personal one that I use or I used to use a lot I don't use it as much anymore but it's still really really good EMS mortar century and that this again I'm speaking for the perspective of maxed out ship modules you know you've got the increased ammo the health again the EMS it essentially just stops everything from advancing I'm thinking a I too think a tier here's why I think EMS is not s tier I'm pretty sure this is the case but it only shoots out an a second mortar after the first one has finished its cycle is that can check and somebody confirmed that it's great for lockdown like if you combo it with like a regular mortar oh I goes off it's great for it's great for lockdown chat but because it has that delay but but some of you are saying that it shouldn't be an a tier do youall want to do a vote real quick a tier versus B tier it's not it's not s tier a tier versus B tier oh man so it's so difficult centuries are so difficult because if you don't have something defending the century then they get immediately destroyed especially on like the harder difficulties so like if I was to throw out an EMS mortar and I didn't put another Century next to it to defend it like like an autoc Cannon or or or the Gatling my EMS will just get run the over so I do find EMS to be very very good but by itself it can be immediately destroyed majority of chat right now is saying uh saying a tier okay okay okay can we talk about the uh Eagle 110 mm rocket pods what we saying with those hold on hold on hold on okay let me let me get to this the eagle 110 rocket pots man I love those man really I love them they they are quick and they do good damage and like you get a lot of Chances with it do that make sense chat's saying C to right now really I mean I've used it a few times less I'm going be honest I don't feel like I've maybe I just haven't looked at it long enough to see what it kills I I just haven't felt like I got a lot out of them Les can it take down a tank I don't I think it takes two to take down a tank I think it's not a one shot but it takes like two two or three I've had it miss several times I too have had it missed several times yeah really it always targets the biggest the biggest enemy I don't know if I'm just like throwing them wrong or what but I've had it I've had it or at least the laser the projection of the laser feels like it was completely off Target and by the way when we say things like it's it takes one hit to kill a tank obviously this changes depending on the difficulty right I'm kind of speaking from a a hell dive difficulty perspective here above everything else cuz we want to know what's going to be really popping off everyone's saying B tier I think B tier is fine but I actually really like him a lot I'm going to keep it at B tier personally my experience with it has not been that good some of you saying great things about it less is saying great things about it I'm going to keep it in B tier okay all right next the anti material rifle Les you use this a lot our gun the rail gun just does what it does but better I don't know it's just true man it's true the sniper is great for early game but after you start getting V Titans and tanks and stuff it's kind of like d tier yeah DC tier like it's not very that that yeah I wish I'm using it now cuz I don't have the real gun unlock but when I get get that unlock that thing's going in the B I'm going to put it in I'm going to put it in D tier right now we we'll just leave it there for right now all right a simple one guys jump pack where will we put jump pack see you know there are times where jump pack is so clutch right the problem is is jump pack takes the place of other great backpack options like if I could do a jump pack and a shield at the same time oh my Lord that would be nuts it's good for for you know speed running you know I've seen some Maneuvers with the jump pack um getting to high ground but again it takes the place of some of the other backpack options and and I just can't I can't use it over those other options chat I'm going to I'm going to put it in C tier I'm going to I'm going to put it in C tier here okay um on the topic of backbacks though I want to talk about the guard dogs um let's start with guard dog Rover guard dog Rover is the laser guard dog here guys and in my opinion it is one of the best when it when specifically against terance I think it's fantastic against terminat I'm I'm agreeing with Chad a a tier on that yeah okay the only reason why I wouldn't put the laser in s tier is I don't I don't know about you L do you like the laser against the robots though I was actually using it I think it goes through the The Walker guys the ones that are being remote controlled for some reason my Rover destroys them front I don't know why really yeah I don't know why I've seen it I've seen it like chop off the leg and it just Falls over I've had the reaction that I've or the uh experience I've had against bots is that the laser is actually worse with the Bots and and but fantastic with the the terminates but in that same note the regular g dog the one that actually has the Liberator assault rifle that to me is better for robots I found that this one is is really good for robots but when I say good for robots better than the laser but where would you guys put gll just regular G do it sucks because the reload and cool down so often I will say the cool down does suck yeah I can't remember what the what the laser does the laser have a cool down no ah okay okay guys I'm going to man this is so tough I don't want to put it in B tier because we've got Spear and chat I'm going to default this to you guys where would you put guard dog B or C tier it's it's one of those for me b or c tier the ammo economy is rough C tier all right everybody's saying C tier all right the C tier we go all right how does people feel about the ballistic shield backpack this is the back this is the the the riot shield that you have walking toward enemies I think it's honestly the worst one in the game if if if if I was to put an etier back in this thing it would put that there I absolutely hate this strategy it is never saved me once I literally sat there thinking I could block you know certain certain especially like against uh the robots and it didn't do jack for me and I haven't even tried it against Terminus are you guys okay with ballistic shield being D tier should we add another tier and make it E tier no say bad I'm going to add one more tier can we just skip e and just do F tier yes go with f i I'm I'm going to I'm going to do f F tier for this one guys we weren't we were going to stop at D but then I forgot about that strategy it's a it's a terrible one all right let me get my centuries out the way where would we put rocket Sentry I've got rocket Sentry right here it's great against robots and again I'm speaking from the perspective of of up upgraded ship modules right the ammo upgrade all that good stuff oo we've got some conflicting opinions on this one for sure some people saying A or B tier I put it at B and then mortar at a you think regular mortar is a mhm all right I'm going to put rockets at B tier because there are times where I wanted to lock on to things and it just doesn't do it and it annoys the piss out of me but hold on mortar at a tier L it kills people I've probably died more to mortar than any other Sentry type I don't give it clears ass for sure but it on your teammates pretty hard that's the fun of it oh my God everything in this game kills people cross it's like yeah but none of them have the the batting average that mortars have mortars actually there's one that actually contested which is the uh where is it the eagle cluster bomb one that one kills a lot of teammates I I mortar is sneaky I find that I kill more people with a mortar anything else all right hold on let's get a vote on this mortar a tier or B tier I do not think it's s tier yes it gets a lot of kills but I have taken out many teammates including myself with it hold up hold I do I do want to admit that for defense missions both the EMS and and the regular mortar are fantastic I mean they literally clear defense missions all right 40 74% of you are saying mortar is a tier it appears that mortar will remain as an a tier option we'll keep it as such all right moving on we have Les where would we put the machine gun sentury this is like the most basic one guys uh that you start off with but where would we put the machine gun Century good good for like super small ads of course but I got T everyone's saying d right now really y'all feeling D on this let's get let's get a poll on that I think in early game machine gun is okay obviously when we get it when you start getting suicide and you know impossible in Hell dive dude it it falls off pretty hard the thing is that if we put machine gun at C we have to put Gatling at B cuz Gatling is just a way better version of the machine gun would we agree with that I would yeah oh definitely better for sure G Gatling is way I have not I have no desire to go back to machine gun after unlocking Gatling all right so right now machine gun sentury is at 69% nice okay that's surprising all right that also means that from what Les was saying right there that Gatling which is right under this which is really really good and a way better version than machine gun Century we're going to put that at B tier how does everybody feel about Gatling at B tier autoc Canon Rockets are just way better y very sure here's the thing here's the thing I bring Gatling with me to defend my mortars but I get where he's coming from on that cuz could we say that the rocket centur is on the same level as Gatling I don't think so guys hold on hold on I'm going to I'm going to make an exact executive decision right now on this I'm going to move this down a tier and this down a tier I think that machine gun is D tier I think Gatling is C tier because when you start to get the higher difficulties you're looking for functionality over anything else yeah I agree with that Les in our destiny tier list I just run in there and just start throwing and I don't give a but I feel like we're making like a legitimate tier list today cuz this game is taken serious this thing isn't whoa whoa who uh on the topic of centry still where do we put Tesla Tower thing is I've never seen someone use it I've used it let me just say guys I I've tried using I've tried using Tesla Tower so many times for those wondering what the Tesla Tower is it's actually up here in the bridge it is such a lethal Tower it really is it will kill enemies it will kill you your teammates your teammates families like it's incredibly lethal here's the problem it's weak as an enemy especially like impossible and Hell dive modes they breathe on this thing it instantly goes down the calling time is also so long which you can get the upgrades which which will obviously fix this with the call- in time sometimes when I'm trying to call in a Tesla Tower immediately dude the enemy already moves out of the way and unless I can bait them or kite them back into the tower it's just not going to get the kills and here's the problem if you've got a bunch of enemies behind you and you're trying to kite them to the tower you can't run through the tower it's not like you can just Sprint past the tower and Tower is like oh that's cross don't hit him no it will just kill you and hopefully it will kill some of the enemies that come after your corpse but it's not exactly an easy thing to maneuver around so in that case guys I will put t Tower and F2 now let me say this about Tesla Tower and this is me I've already gotten the increase in health in this in the ship modules and even then it gets one shot if they would triple the health pool of the Tesla Tower I think I could probably use it in all right next gun we have the auto Cannon or the next next strategy we have the auto Canon D let me just say just the the sound of that Century right when it's nail and and the impact dude especially if you got the upgrades you got the ammo upgrade you got the upgrade where you can pivot and find the targets even faster he's beefy fellas S I wouldn't I wouldn't say s tier because at the end of the day centuries still run into the problem of a Crusher running through and just completely stomping it sometimes sometimes it can stop it if it beads in on a your ad or something like that then those other AD a bigger AB will come and crush it and again the centries even with the health bomb upgrade still get shredded pretty quickly in heal di most that's why whenever I drop centuries I have to drop like three centuries on top of each other I mean that's that's three whole strategems right there I have to do that because they have to defend each other cuz if you just drop one it singles them out too much I know placement matters too but here's the other thing about placement used to used to be able to throw a sentury up on that rock and it stay on that rock have you tried that here recently it hits the Rock and bounces off with that being said guys you're going to hate me for this autoc cannon is in B tier M that's a hot thing it's in B tier really look I love autoc Canon I do and look I I am a century I was a century mate I the first thing I upgraded in all my ship modules with centuries and in lower difficulties like any pro probably from suicide and Below you can get away with throwing at a a century by itself but the moment you step into the hell dive outside of Defense missions you throw an auto Cannon out there by itself give it 20 seconds it's about to get destroyed give it 20 seconds it's going to get overwhelmed is it is it worse than mortar though like will you put it next to rockets and spear I'm also going to do this as well because I know that we were going to be including chat in this selection process but I'm going to make a few decisions that I feel like I know more in this in this scenario based on my experience EMS is also B tier mortal is also B tier welcome to your new meta everyone's saying why is spear Spear and B tier because when it works it works so damn good look if B tier suddenly became more consistent they fixed the tracking and they made it activate faster it will it will replace real gun for you the lock on is Jen and that's why it's in B but when it locks on it fcks no way I'm going to assume you haven't unlocked spear I'm going to rail gun deletes everything so does spear and faster spearing does it faster and look I've got it in B tier for good reason right now because it's Jank but uh rail gun's an S tier spear smacks everything I know I know you can hate me now this is just I'm putting my own opinion here all right let me say this I have not used this at all the HMG imp placement I've got it unlocked this is uh the turret that you get on and it says that it's got Superior Firepower against light armor targets it's slow to turn place it wisely you know if they make this thing actually like counter armored enemies I would I would be down for this takes you out of the fight holds you in place D tier that is true it does take you out of the fight it puts you as a stationary Target I I I agree with that we'll have to put it at D tier all right let's let's kind of finish these up here chat what about the shield generator relay this is the big giant bubble Shield you put on yourself you can also have some good things you can shoot out of it you can actually hit enemies out of it they can't they can't hit you but it's got a cool down them ni 90 seconds and enemies can still push inside so if it's a melee enemy or like the uh the the the bugs they'll literally just push right inside it's all fun till a Hulk walks up and smacks you I've seen that too the hulks will really literally run up in there and just flame throw your ass guys show Generator relay I'm going to have to put it at C tier N I don't know should we do it at D tier would you pair it with a Turret though the the the issue is is in the majority of our objective missions guys you're running and gunning right and that's a kind of why again I I started off being a century main I mean we would we would leave matches with like 4 500 kills but the problem was we were struggling to complete those objectives cuz me stopping and fortifying myself with my Shields and my sentries and all that stuff that made me a stationary Target and even though I would get a lot of kills I was not assisting at all in the objective and and so the missions would still take super long and I I found I had to change my ways in order to uh to secure those missions more easily and again this is from the perspective of hell life mode you just cannot stop dude now there are there are moments that Shield is great now I I will admit there are great moments that Shield is great it it just when it's a melee based enemy or an enemy that plays aggressively and willing to push in and not just shoot you that really messes up the show against bugs is D tier against bots is C tier there you go that's why EMS is a tier you stopped enemies running after you I I know where you guys are coming from on the EMS let should I put EMS back at a tier I'm torn right now yeah I think if there was a centy that would be a tier it would be EMS but hold on I want to consult my high levels how do you feel takes a long time for EMS to place those slow Fields though remember it waits for the previous field to leave before placing another I yeah guys I'm saying this from the perspective of someone that has that has loaded up on centuries and went into hell Dives like hell dive mode like even EMS slowing enemies they get wrecked dude they just get wrecked so fast obviously in the lower difficulties they're able to survive much much longer and do way more damage and lock down zones but I'm leaving it at B tier for now okay it's great until you get stuck in a crossfire oh yeah or when you're evacuating citizens getting them with the EMS they just it pretty much just freezes them in place all right next we have incinerate mines guys where we put this fantastic for bucks I actually like it when this is like an additional buff to our missions I don't think I would I would go out of my way to load myself out with inser Minds though I just like it as an addition I wouldn't say F tier guys I wouldn't say they're F tier oh dude this is so tough cuz like the I put Tesla Tower here at F tier and the Tesla Tower will will abs abely mess some stuff up it just has no health and gets instantly destroyed both mines we're going to keep at D tier name me a time when you have use the mines over literally anything else in your load out Fair Point Fox Fair Point that's another thing we can't just we can't just talk about as fun you know I Fair Point only when they're free literally only when there are free additional buff to our loadouts all right let's hit some of the basic ones real quick where will we put the supply pack I don't know I like it when a teammate's using it here's the thing no one one willingly chooses the supply pack though God bless the souls that do but no one does Supply pack is like divinity Yes actually though I never have a teammate and run Supply pack I wish I did no one is willing to be that much of a a teammate all right so what do we want to put it Supply pack is B tier I think B tier is a good spot for it guys we're going to we're going to leave it at B all right uh next on the list the laser cannon guys I haven't even used this once a lot of these I've used but I have not used Laser cannon once and I've actually only use ARC thrower like a couple times I will say these guys are taking a lot of hits from it it's okay against bots definitely didn't look like it was good against the bugs that's for sure all right I'm being told Laser cannon is in fact D tier all right in that same vein where would we put the ark thrower projects an arc of lightning at close range charge up to project bolts and may discharge through multiple targets I never actively loaded out with an arc thrower I would only just pick one up if I came across one it is D tier or F tier damn really here we'll put this right here at D tier then if that will if that will satisfy you I I wouldn't say it's F tier I mean the few times i' I've used it I actually thought it was all right I wouldn't use it over rail gunless youd agree that Arc thrower is is uh is D tier Arc thrower yeah all right next on the list where would we put the Expendable anti-tank now this is the one use only you drop this thing you get one use discard it after every use a tier are you got hold on hold on guys you're saying that Expendable anti-tank is a tier but wait that would have to mean that recoil this rifle is s tier of which is not oh no no no no no recois is way better than Expendable anti tank way better recis can drop one shot a drop ship okay that's if you hit it in the perfect spot and I don't even know if he could do that in Hell dive oh my God I am I'm I'm I'm being thrown a loop right now Expendable anti-tank is better than recoiless rifle you can easily top off ammo though with recoiless rifle rle and a resupply and you can Auto fire with the teammates all right pull this what's better anti-tank or recoil this rifle by the way neither one of these do I use in Hell dive modes neither one of these would I use in Hell dive I'm looking for Pure killing power this is normally the way I look at it how many Rockets does it take to take down a b tie and in Hell dive Expendable recoil this rifle from from either either or you guys saying it that it takes two two rockets dude I don't trust y'all for sh on two I never killed a b TI and twoing hits from a recoil from a recoil or expendable you can't even kill a charger with that why just purely killing power it's more nuanced than that what the out what are we judging this off of looks it's girth what are you talking about I would take rail gun or spear over Expendable and recoil this recoil this one okay all right look I'm going to go ahead and just this is a complicated Affair I'm going to put both of these in the same category because to be quite honest with you I don't care to ever use either one of these in in ingame late game like hell dive mode uh they're both D tier for me the main thing is L would you ever use either one of these in Hell dive no being more or the Expendable maybe because I can move around recoil is just standing still no let have you used either one of these I've used Expendable one yes it's not bad just put both of them together they're the same thing essentially well one you can have a teammate autoload it very very fast and well I just find them neither one of them I would use but for the sake of this I put recoil this in C tier Expendable and D tier now some of you are saying that the Expendable does more damage is that true I thought the damage is the same for both Expendable can break heavier armor and hurt bigger things but recool can as well oh my god dude the two things that I didn't think would bog down this tier list Expendable and recoil list has bogged this tier list down to a halt I personally don't see a a difference at all between Expendable and recoiless other than the Amo that's literally it all right in in in in the meantime guys I'm leaving recoil is at C tier Expendable at D tier we will do some testing to see if that may change anything the reality is would I use either one of those of a real gun no or even spear no probably not all right moving on flamethrower I don't even own it if that tells you anything we don't even own it no cuz it's ass fuing terrible it's so good against bugs bro what the is it really that good against bugs it's not bad it's really good against bugs not really for robots all right that's fine but I mean how good against bugs or like could I use it against a charger no I wouldn't at least Chad saying yes you can okay but how long is it going to take it'll take a bat minute to kill one though just use a real gun at that point how are you making tier list without having to play with the guns cap that's why we're also I've played with the majority of this stuff but this is why we're also including chat on this flamethrower is the one that I have not played with or actually there was one other one I didn't play with I used it once and I lit myself on fire cuz the enemies would jump on me that sounds pretty bad that's sounds pretty awful guys I'm going to put I'm going to put it at F tier blame there is good at lower difficulties I don't care about lower difficulties I care about hell dive would you ever bring a flamethrower hell dive I'm not here for casual I'm here for the hardest ever that being hell dive mode if it can't be used in Hell dive I don't want it hell dive or death all right the starart when's the last time any of yall use starward or the machine gun I don't care about lower difficulties I care about hell so I a machine gun I think Mini us probably start off with the machine gun got the the starboard here as well uh it's just like a faster handle and or and faster reloader reloading version of the machine gun I feel like I would have to lump them both together you know I feel like they they would both be C tier for me it it is still good for ad clear Star War can be remove can be reloaded while moving higher fire rate better ammo economy all right so machine gun at D tier Star War at C tier I'm going to take one more poll on this because I've got people coming here and being upset about the flamethrower flamethrower should it be in D tier or F tier i' I've got folks coming in upset about this we're starting this right now and this is going to this is going to shift the liability from me all right 80% still on on flamethrower it shall remain at F tier grenade launcher last what would you put grenade La I mean for running gun for shutting down uh n pretty good uh and you know you got something that helping you out with the ammo economy it's pretty damn nice I haven't used it but I'm going to say guys I'm inclined to put it at a tier is it better than the spe well I mean the spear the reason why it's at B tier is because of it its inconsistencies okay and the grenade launcher is not inconsistent so maybe a high B this is also a complicated thing because like Chris brings up a good point grenade launchers will Ricochet off armor and kill you and your teammates I like grenade launchers probably for objective reasons like actually like completing objectives more than just like slaying out but with that I think I think we need to keep it at um at a tier for people saying why is spear at B tier again it's too it's tracking is too inconsistent I love the spear it's my favorite weapon in the game guys I would love to put it at s tier but I I can't I can't put it there you could do a tier with an autoc Cannon though centuries get on and ing game guys you'll have a beautiful record after you're done with that failed Mission cuz you couldn't beat the objective of of 3 400 kills and you you'll feel good about yourself but centuries get on too quick all right let's get the let's get the last gun here the autoc cannon autoc Canon is better is is a better grenade launcher a tier would be S tier but it's easy to kill yourself if you get swarmed dude I'm torn on this man me Les where would you put it y Canon I mean I definitely think a tier for sure would you put it at s tier no I I don't know it's better than a grenade launcher but is it better is it is is it better or as good as the rail gun it's the same as nade launcher I would just say a then and keep it there not when rail gun exists exactly yeah not as good as the rail gun it's crazy how good the real gun I can't put at s TI then it's not as good or does something similar I the reason why I bring it up if you do have a teammate loading you um the output's nice guys so the reason why I'm talking about you know as far as s tier goes grenade launcher and B then grenade launcher should go to B tier I don't know I mean I love the functionality of the grenade launcher orbo Gatling barrage or Gatling barrage what are we feeling like a like a c tier it's just I don't know you're you're doing what like a cluster strike would do in just a smaller area over a shorter little longer amount of time B tier for your ads disagree the Air Blast is better than the Gatling bar all right you're saying orbital strike C tier and then air air burst strike air bur that would put slightly higher okay it's like a it's like a higher C we don't have a higher C we have B or C tier okay I'm used to tier list being like you move things up and down within the C tier whichever one's closest to the left is better in C whichever one's farther to the right is lower in God damn we're not going that extreme no all right I just put in the C tier then the orbital air burst strike we we'll put in C tier is that how tier lists work really holy you made a lot of tier list I've never done it like okay okay I'm going to rearrange things after this then for everything guys left to right the closest thing to the left is Superior in that column I like I'm down I'm I'm ready to do it hold on hold on hold on I'm already I'm already arranging things here next on the list we have the orbital 120 and also the orbital 380 they're fun I don't know the the fact that you just can't aim them like you just like it's just so Random I know that you do have the ship modules though that that centers them more right from your plac do they Center them more or do they just make them deal more damage I actually don't it deals more damage even if you're a bit further than the initial impacts but a little more forgiveness though uh in terms of getting at least the enemies killed in that barrage the way that I view the 380 is like usually only one round like one individual bomb of 380 will actually hit something in which casee why am I not just using a 500 from the Eagle that's fair that's fair I mean all bares are F tier oh we say F tier man that's that's a little that's a little brutal huh where would y'all place them I wouldn't place them B tier I'd say C tier yeah I agree with you C tier is just getting loaded down with stuff it's the average one that's how it's supposed to be 120 should be F tier though we'll move it to D tier 120 on is 120 really F tier I mean I wouldn't say it's like cuz F tier items I feel like they're just like useless like they just don't do anything 120 help you I don't know F tier is a weird one too cuz I love Tesla Tower but the only reason why I have it there is cuz it's just too weak I think it's crazy that the anti- material rifle isn't an F tier because it's more useful in the flamethrower I put at the top of f tier I can agree with that I put in in D2 cuz Les loves using it Les is also level four chat so that's also why he he doesn't you could use a l than you my God you know what left us cuz I was being a gamer yeah I had more kill I was being a gamer I was I was putting civilians I want them my back I want them under mying arm I was toing them across Enemy Lines let's get back on track here over to walking barage could see it at B tier yeah like a midb cuz you actually know where they're going to be going you know what I mean yep exactly they're going to go forward I feel like the biggest one with that one is it's probably really good if you have the the the less damage fall off upgrade yeah I have not had much success with it is my experience with it but we'll put it last on B tier either last on B tier or high C tier how do y'all feel about it I can agree with that I mean it's better than the jump pack the jump pack is such a hard one cuz the jump pack is so like use case dependent it's either completely useless or really good yeah all right moving down Eagle smoke strike I feel like we use smokes quite a bit indeed I think that I thought it was really good until I got handheld smokes and now I just use handheld smokes i' say like a like a c yeah not the handheld smokes at the orbital smoke strike which one you talking about you just get handheld smoke grenades as part of your load out oh okay just the grenade itself is it's the exact same like thing I I realized when I was using them all like the orbital smoke strike and like the eagle smoke it's literally just dropping like the handheld smoke it you can put in your pocket and so those just negate all the ones that you take as a strategy yeah we talked about the smokes the other day because smokes are really good for evacuating citizens right you know it's showing enemies firing through it but smokes really messes With the Enemy correct me if I'm wrong if the enemy is in the Smoke do they stop shooting they just shoot randomly and even if the smoke is between you and them either they don't they don't even have to be in it if you're in the smoke or if the smoke is between you and them or if they're in the smoke I mean it's only good against bots but that's why I think the hand they're all bad because you can just take you like I'm fighting Bots I'll just take the grenade instead of any gem all right so orbital smoke strike and Eagle smoke strike where would we place that considering we have smoke grenades I can't place a smoke grenade in anywhere on here cuz that's just a ability so where would that put these two low C or D for me personally D tier on that one orbital D Eagle low C because at least with the eagle you fire them in a line and you get like four of them okay so low C on the on the eagle there okay chat there are definitely times where smoke is really really good on on objective game us really I know it sounds crazy but we have used smokes a number of times in our runs it just depends on the objective you're doing I don't know if I'm going to go through here and rank each one from right to left that seems like a lot of f work next on the list guys orbital gas strike make a new tier call it I don't know uh anti-democratic tier and then put it in there I I tried using it cuz I thought it would be fun and I kid you not I dropped it on a bu hole with the basic bugs and the basic bugs said oh that's cool and then they just walked out of it and didn't die like what are you supposed to do with that it has like has a 75c cool down it hits a tiny little area it lasts bar bar long at all and then it can't even kill a basic ad and I was playing on like tier three to help my friend level like what is that it's showing enemies dying right here how does it even affect Bots though oh it's showing them killing Bots it's nice F tier if you have to pair with EMS it's in the war crime tier oh my Lord if you combo it with the MS that's half of your strategy slots just to make a krosa smoke barely work ah yeah guys we're going to we're just going to put it in in F tier orbito EMS strike B that's B 75 second cool down you said b or d d oh okay I agree yeah Oh I thought you were saying I was like what I thought you said B I was like just use a mortar at that point okay everybody keeps coming here saying s tier did you even play this game I I'm telling you I think people are playing at like tier three difficulty at level five and they're like yeah I know what the meta is cross is D FX you're saying s tier 2 for real he's trolling CR I'm telling you they're all Xbox players dude I wish there was a way I can I can get like an icon next to everyone's name all right all right I'm putting at s orbital Precision strike bic is but where do we put it I mean like d maybe C I don't know it does damage at least just does unlock the real can is just so much better Grant difference of cool down I mean the 110 rocket pod is just strictly better than the orbital Precision strike it does the same thing with more rounds and a faster cool down guys I'm going to put I'm going to put more strike here prision strike at D it is a each here finish up these Eagles real quick Eagle air strike just basic Eagle air strike may I would put it pretty low so the air strike can be good because it destroys bug holes if it hits and also buildings like a bot buildings but even then yeah I just find myself never if I'm going to use an Eagle Strike it's going to be the 500k or the cluster strike yeah about the clust the cluster bombs yeah I don't know it's it's so hard because so many things like the cluster strike is just Superior cuz it hit such a huge area and kills so many things all right so what do we want to put this at tier for Eagle Eagle Strike B tier for cluster yeah s tier for cluster s tier for cluster really yes five uses destroys a huge area wipes out enemies and like remember when we were struggling to complete any hell Dives we were having that day where we just couldn't do it and just two people clipped a cluster strike and we did it no problem damn okay I mean so the Clusters can't kill Nest though yeah but just use your grenade pull it out of your pocket five uses is huge though yeah okay and the last two we have here we have the Napal strike let's light everything on fire looks good want to put the npal strike it B honestly cuz it's just good until you get your cluster strikes unlocked it's just the low tier cluster strike but the n b is below the cluster strike and un look Dre that's that's what I'm I don't know I just want to say Sor I mean until you get your Eagle bait upgraded cuz without the fully upgraded Eagle Bay the cluster strike isn't as good because you don't get the faster rearm time the more uses the fast CD and everything once you get all that upgraded then you remove Pals the fire is nice against bugs yeah all right so what tier what tier would that be for for Nom strike low low B mid B um somewhere in B and then finally we have oh the Eagle strafing Run that's our last one I'd give it a high SE cuz you get it early and it honestly ain't bad it just gets replaced like so fast like a mid C somewhere in C tier in my humble opinion so so mid midc is what you're saying okay all right hold on I'm just looking here how do we feel about this guys what would you rate this tier list the solid tier list cross I think it's your best one make it less thank you I worked really hard on it I don't know if you could tell or not what happened to democracy oh oh I do want to point out everyone here played a role in this everybody played a role in the choices we had votes up for for all of these all that good stuff this tier list is barely c m you see Yasha with that comment right there very Democratic of you thank you thank you slap that like button like your mama told you [Music] [Applause] right
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 362,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny, Destiny 2, Destiny bungie, Bungie, Destiny Aztecross, Aztecross, Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Review, arrowhead game studios, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers gameplay, hell divers 2, Helldivers II, Helldivers 2 Release Date, Game Releases 2024, Helldivers 2 Endgame, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 stratagems tier list, stratagems tier list, helldivers 2 tier list, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: fii4B7irLww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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