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in this video we're going over an element of the bleach world which i've always wanted to cover in my videos but with the recent release of the latest one-shot chapter there is all the more reason to make a video covering this topic yes of course i'm talking about hell within the bleach universe this is a special realm separate from hueco mundo and the soul society wicked individuals who have committed horrible acts while being alive whether if they are arankas hollows humans or even quincy are sent to this underground realm so in this video i'm going to be going over everything that we know about hell as well as this theory which suggests that the soul society was the real help and the hell that we have seen up until now may have actually been heaven so without further delay let's get into the topic of the video so if you were around for my last video discovering some of the topics that arised within the one shot chapter then you'll know from that last video about hell butterflies that i've wanted to make a video about the topic of hell for a while hell first appears within the anime in episode 5 and debuts within the manga in chapter 12. we know that evil individuals who have committed horrible acts while being alive are sent to this realm now the logic behind this realm is explained to us within chapter 12. when the gates of hell first appear rukia explains to ichigo that she had told him that zampato cleansed the soul of all of its crimes this is done so that it can enter into the soul society but on special circumstances after a hollow is defeated by a zombucto not all of them make it to the soul society this is because aizampakto can only wash away the sins that a soul has committed as a hollow for those individuals who have committed horrible acts while being alive are sent to an alternative realm the shinigami of course hand them over to hell this is the only way for them to cleanse themselves of their horrible acts that they have committed we know that the human who had eventually become the shrieker was a very evil individual while alive he was referred to as a serial killer as he traveled around hunting and killing people as far as we know he had killed eight individuals and yet felt like a celebrity that he was being mentioned on tv we know through chapter 11 that yuichi shibata and his mother were his final victims he had stabbed yuichi's mother several times while she had been protecting her son we know that yuichi had grabbed onto the shoelaces of his mother's murderer and this had resulted in him losing his balance and falling off of the balcony of their apartment not too long after we know that the shrieker had transformed into a hollow but he had still held a grudge against yuiji because of this he had ripped the soul out of yuichi's body and had placed it into a parakeet he had wanted to play a game with the boy he had told yuichi that if he could survive for three months from his hollow form then he would bring his mother back to life of course we know that this is a lie and after those three months pass the shrieker didn't hold up his end of the deal we also know from chapter 9 that the shrieker had devoured two shinigami who had tried to perform a conso on the soul of yuichi even after leaving his human form and becoming a hollow you can see just how much of a twisted individual the shrieker was and this is the caliber of people that are sent to hell when the gates of hell first appear you feel no remorse for the shrieker after knowing everything that he has done you feel like he deserves going there when ichigo had defeated the shrieker he had slashed across its hollow mask and this had resulted in a beam of light appearing from the crack in the hollow mask and shooting up into the air so we know that the gates of hell appear from the energy of light which emits from the wound that is formed on the mask of eye hollow if you look very closely at the appearance of the gates of hell you can see that they are chained shut and on either side of the doors there are two skeletal figures the top of their skulls all the way down to their forehead is completely bandaged and it appears that some charms or talismans are attached to these bandages now if you look very closely at the overall figure of these skeletons then they appear to resemble a butterfly now this is strikingly similar to the hell butterflies that appeared throughout the one shot chapter and it further adds to this notion that hell butterflies originate from hell now when the gates of hell finally open within chapter 12 you can see that on the inside of the gates there are two thick ropes which prevent the gates of hell from being opened completely and once again these thick ropes appear to have the same talismans and charms attached to them we don't know anything about what is written on these charms but hopefully we get to find this out in kubo's upcoming hell arc that he is writing now the shrika is enveloped in light and the body of the hollow is completely pierced by a sword we see that from the gates of hell emerges a demonic large creature it appears to be holding the sword that had just impaled the hollow we see the left arm of this mysterious being as its shoulder is covered in armor and its skin appears to have these strange black markings which appear to resemble tribal tattoos then in the next panel we get a glimpse of the face of this mysterious creature as it stands behind these two thick black ropes after the shrieker is skewered like a kebab he is dragged into hell now what you'll notice is this demonic being is laughing while the hollow is being pulled into its domain then as quickly as the gates of el appeared they immediately shut and the entire structure of the gates of hell crumble and crack and disappear into thin air now this aside from the continuity of the hellverse movie is everything that we know about hell now what i'm going to do is talk about the special hell verse chapter that kubo had created prior to the release of hell verse now this is a complete 19 page chapter now i'm sure you know after watching my review of bleach movie 4 that that movie is not canon to the continuity of bleach and it leaves this chapter that kubo had created in a funny kind of place so i'm not going to be treating it as complete canon but we will have a look at it to try and see if we can piece together any information that we learned about hell from it the main reason why i want to look at this hellverse special chapter is that xyle apoto appears within it heavily and of course as you all know he makes a big appearance at the end of the bleach one shot chapter so let's look into the first glimpse of hell that kubo had ever written into his story through this chapter that not many people would know about it begins with a very short poetic verse they will not swing open they will not fly open the gates of hell will not open this chapter is officially titled imaginary number one the unforgiveness a sentence explains that downward they plummet the screams of sinners do not echo in the underworld we see that two individuals are screaming and plummet into the ground as it is revealed that the two espada zylopodo and aruniero have just entered into hell now before continuing i want to quickly mention that the star of this chapter states that the gates of hell will not be open now if you pay attention when the shrieker was taken into hell the gates of hell were not completely opened they did not fly open nor did they swing open they were held back from this happening by these two large robes now what you'll notice from the bleach one shot chapter when xylophoto is impaled and dragged back into hell by ukitake those two ropes are not present so we can appreciate that from the one shot some change has occurred anzal apollo was correct that the balance has collapsed and now the gates of hell can be opened from the other side continuing with the chapter we see that the two espada quickly get into an argument as aaron yaro is about to attack him zaloporo stops him as they start to discuss their surrounding location aruniro appears to be adamant on killing xylopodo we then get the appearance of one of the antagonists from the bleach helves movie who explains to the two spider that they have arrived within hell she ran comments on how the two of them have been speaking about killing each other he reveals to them that they are already dead after xylopolo remembers that he was killed by mairie he attacks shurin for the reminder he then asks him if there is a way to leave hell so that he can return to hui komundo but shurin reveals to him that the only way to survive within hell is to listen to what he has to say then is three goons appear out of nowhere and attack the two espada zaloporo then activates his resurrection and unleashes a grand ray cerro and in true fashion it appears that zylopodo is interested in experimenting upon the individuals who reside within hell the chapter quickly concludes as it appears that shurin has defeated xylopodo he appears to be disappointed that the power of the two espada is not sufficient to open the gates of hell instead he sets his sights on bastarda ichigo as he devises a plan to bring down ichigo into hell so that he can somehow open up the gates of hell through using the abilities of his vast odore form now looking at everything aside from the introduction of the movie four villains this chapter is indeed correct when it comes to the appearance of xylopolo within hell this is confirmed by his appearance within the one-shot chapter now when we look at the surroundings of hell that kubo depicts within this chapter we can see that it just appears to be a barren wasteland not much is elaborated upon and you can even say that it resembles hwakumundo so let's now talk about the appearance of hell within the one-shot chapter we can see that when an aranka is sent to hell their appearance is altered their hollow hole appears to move to the outside of their body and at the same time they gain new powers as when xylopoda was attacking renji he had fired these black chains in his direction of course these were abilities that he didn't have previously aside from punishing sinners another key aspect of hell is to contain the dense ratio of captains of the gote 13. because of their incredible power their rayatsu is too dense to be absorbed by the soul society so a console racee ceremony is conducted 12 years after the death of a captain unknown to the captains and lieutenants of the soul society by conducting this ceremony they had been sending their former captains to the underworld we learned that head captain yamamoto captain unohana and captain ukitake have all been sent to hell we are not sure as to what changes the captains completely undergo when they enter into hell but we do know that their zambakdo become one of the swords that impales the sinners and drags them back into hell this can lead us to believe that the captains were sent into hell act as wardens or gatekeepers of hell another very important point that is mentioned within the one church chapter is that just as a balance of souls exists between the human world and the soul society hell also has a balance of reaction that must be maintained xylopole reveals to ichigo at the end of the one shot that the immense reaatsu of both yuhabak and eisen had been keeping the mouth of hell shot we can assume that zylopodo is referring to this portal that both he had emerged from and kazui had created at the start of this chapter with the disappearance of these two antagonistic forces it appears that the dwellers of hell can now open up these portals and enter into the real world so with the disappearance of yuho back and eisen and the three powerful captains being sent into hell it resulted in an imbalance occurring thus explaining how xylopoda was able to appear within the human world out of the maw of hell this imbalance is signified by the appearance of this willow wisp or phosphoplasm from hell which are these black blobs that appear within the soul society and the human world when it appears within the soul society and the captains interact with this phosphor plasm it appears to be harmless when it is touched but when one of the black blobs lands on chun sui zambakdo it appears to be burning into a zambakdo like acid there are a lot of questions that arise here so the individuals who reside within hell can now appear within the human world but this doesn't stop the gates of hell from appearing and dragging them right back into hell will this always be the case or eventually will the denizens of hell be able to freely move without ever being sent back into hell and what do the hell butterflies have to do with any of this we won't really know the answers to these questions until kubo drafts more chapters for this arc another point that i want to touch upon is that xylopotter was accompanied by creatures called beasts of hell now there appear to be large hollows which originate from hell and that appearance differs from traditional hollows as instead of having typical hollow holes within their chest their rings are protruding on the outside of their body and in addition to this they have chain-like markings across their body and again we don't know much about them aside from the fact that they are able to sneak up upon even lieutenants of the soul society as that large hollow was stood behind ichigo renji and the other lieutenants none of them could sense the presence of these hell beasts and it was thanks to ichika who had seen this large hell beast and had alerted renji and the others to it otherwise they probably wouldn't have known and it adds to this idea that these hell beasts probably don't possess spiritual pressure typically found from arankas hollows humans or even shinigami now moving on from this i'm not going to bore you with surface level discussion and theories like what old villains are we going to see again instead i'm going to be talking about the implications of this one shot chapter on the world building elements of bleach from bleach can't be your own world it is revealed that hell even predates the separation of the soul society the word of the living and wacom window from the can't be your own world light novels we know that the soul king had separated one realm into these three separate forms it is also revealed that the human world was created to serve as a lid to seal off hell from the other worlds so from this we know that hell predates the soul king and it has remained in its original form and not being altered by its parallel world being divided into three different worlds now i'm going to talk about a theory that was posted by a japanese twitter user who had come up with this speculation after reading the one-shot special chapter now this twitter user with the handle saigo zudon begins his bleach discussion by discussing the holes that appear protruding from the hellbeast's bodies the entire theory that he comes up with is that the hell that we currently see within the bleach universe used to be heaven this is because the circular holes that appear on the outside resemble the halos that angels typically have while the current afterlife that is denoted with positive connotation that we can assume to be heaven is the soul society and this is where the grim reapers or the shinigami reside and it's an excellent parallel and juxtaposition that this twitter user brings up and it's stuff that even i wouldn't have come up with he goes on to question why is it that when captains died they are sent into hell and he uses this question to further theorize that hell used to be heaven as in the past when captains used to die they may have been promoted and sent to heaven but now this reversal has occurred where heaven has become hell is kazuy somehow aware of this reversal that has occurred and is this the reason behind why he is sending human spirits to hell instead of the soul society does kazuy know the true identity of hell which is heaven tatekubo appears to like this idea of the original sin and the original sin is talked about within the count for your own world light novels it's described as a event that occurred which resulted in the formation of the soul king we know that shinigami can wash away the sins of a hollow but is it because they cannot erase the sins of their original sin which was to use the soul king as a fake god to rule over three different realms that they created does kazuy know this does he know that hell is actually heaven and does this explain why there is so much poverty within the rukongai district within the soul society is this because the rukongai district is a remnant of the original hell prior to the creation of the soul king i mean haven't you ever wondered why are there gods of death or grim reapers within heaven why is the soul society closely linked to these grim reapers in the traditional sense shinigami are not considered to be good did the people who originally resided within heaven rebel against the idea of the soul king were the people who resided within heaven previously quincy since a lot of the quincy attire and abilities revolve around this holy or angelic pretense you can even see that the quincy have holy forms were they truly angelic deities in the past yuhabak didn't agree with the soul king we know that eisen didn't agree with the soul king and most of the shinigami who reside within the soul society don't even know the truth about the soul king but yet all of the work that they do is to ensure the balance of the worlds so that the soul king can remain intact and that the three realms of the human world the soul society and hui can continually remain to coexist along with the soul king who had created these worlds now i'll link the original twitter thread in the discussions but this twitter user speculation had blown my mind and it's things that nobody had come up with previously it's really deep and confusing and goes into the law of bleach but if this turns out to be true then kubo would have succeeded in trolling all of us these theories of quincy being angelic and hell as we know it being the former heaven really shed some light on the poverty within the rukongai district now this twitter user's discussion goes into further depth as he speaks about the original sin and talks about the inversion that has been created by the creation of the sulking so i suggest reading that thread and even checking out the can't view your own world light novels while it heavily goes into the original sin of the shinigami and how the world used to be prior to the formation of the soul king i'll talk more about this theory when i cover the can't for your own world light novels as i've just received the final volume in the mail today but overall i want to know your thoughts on the realm of hell these theories and speculations that i've mentioned at the end of this video have you ever considered them in your own mind do you think that they are going too far or do you see some truth to them i'm really fascinated by this topic and i can't wait to read all of your speculation within the comment section so let me know your thoughts about the truth of hell and the current state of the soul society quincy shinigami and most importantly the original sin and the soul king thank you for making it to the end of this video and i can't wait to see you in my next bleach video if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it then please consider supporting my channel on patreon i have multiple tiers with the rewards including access to an exclusive discord server video scripts as well as being the first to know about unreleased upcoming videos thank you for your time and whatever you choose to contribute i will appreciate and it will mean a lot to me [Music] you
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 114,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach hell arc, bleach, bleach manga, bleach chapter, bleach new chapter, bleach hell, hell in bleach, bleach hell verse, bleach movie 4, bleach new season, bleach hell movie, hell verse, bleach hell chapter, espada in hell, bleach hell gate, bleach anime, ichigo, bleach continuation, bleach sequel, bleach news, bleach explained, bleach discussion, bleach breakdown, bleach analysis, return of bleach, bleach sequel manga, bleach sequel anime, bleach 2021, bleach 2022
Id: sFlsA2Tlpfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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