Hebrews 9:1 to 10

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and welcome back robber breaker here and we're starting in our verse-by-verse Bible study in Hebrews chapter 9 we've been going verse by verse through the epistles of Paul in order of when they were written and we finished up chapter 8 last time and I was like wow wow finally got through that chapter and it's been a blessing I've enjoyed going through the book of Hebrews a lot of people have emailed and even sent letters saying brother breaker we greatly appreciate you teaching us verse by verse through the Bible and especially in this book called the book of Hebrews we really appreciate it so today we're going to start chapter 9 now I hope you remember what we've gone through I hate to always review but I think it's always good when we start a new teaching session or a new class or a new video like this that we review a little bit well last time we looked at chapter eight and I told you about how the book of Hebrews is without a doubt written by Paul and how the first pretty much seven well pretty much six chapters or so it's all about who Jesus is in our seventh chapter she has seven even eight chapters because it goes into the not only that Jesus is Melchizedek but also Jesus is the high priest so much of the book of Hebrews is just that it's four Hebrews it's for Jews and it's all about them understanding who Jesus is he is their Messiah but then the end of the book the last couple chapters starting here in Chapter nine I believe and even in a little bit in Chapter eight it's all about what Jesus did and so it's so amazing as you go through the book of Hebrews I don't understand how anyone could think that it wasn't written by Paul it's clearly written by the Apostle Paul the other day someone sent me an email they said I think Peter wrote the book of Hebrews but okay well that's what you want to thank you help yourself I clearly see the Apostle Paul and I think we'll even see more of that today now today we're going to look at the tabernacle we looked at it a little bit last time but here in chapter 9 verse 1 he starts to talk about the Old Testament Tabernacle in the wilderness and he goes into the deep tell about it and talks about all the different things inside the tabernacle so I've gone ahead and I'm drawn up here what the Old Testament Tabernacle looked like and I'll label each one of these for you so you can see and if you remember last time I touched on a little bit we'll talk about it more this time how this tabernacle is a type or it's built upon a pattern of a tabernacle up in heaven so I drew one up here up on top - it's smaller just so you'll get the idea of the one here on earth and then up there there's a tabernacle in heaven and so we're reading through the scriptures and Paul was talking about in chapter 8 about the New Covenant that's going to be made with the house of Israel the New Testament and it goes more into that in more into detail here in chapter 9 and this word tells us about Jesus being the testator and the death of the testator causes the New Testament so the New Testament the New Covenant the Covenant that God came to make and what he came for so let's go ahead and read Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 1 then verily the first covenant what is the first covenant that's the Old Testament in verses 1 through 5 here of chapter 9 all describe the Old Testament Tabernacle so it's going to talk about the tabernacle so that's why I went and wrote up here I'm gonna try to explain to you what the Old Testament Tabernacle is I don't want to go too terribly in detail but I want to give enough just to where you'll get an idea and then my hope is that you'll go study out some more hey man I can't I can't feed you everything you got to feed yourself sometimes amen it's good that you study about the study to show yourself approved unto God we need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so sometimes you need to study for yourself but I'm gonna give it up here as much as I can and give you an idea of what it's talking about here in this chapter and hopefully you'll study this out more yourself so in Chapter 9 and verse 1 it says then verily the first covenant what is that that's going to be the Old Testament law had also ordinances of divine service in a worldly sanctuary I think that's so interesting it called it a worldly sanctuary in another place that we're going to look it's called the earthly tabernacle and here it's called the worldly so I hope that's what it's called what did I just read yeah the worldly sanctuary okay worldly sanctuary so that Tabernacle that God told Moses to build in the backwoods of nowhere in the middle of a desert was a sanctuary for the people of God to come and meet with God it was the earthly tabernacle compare that to the heavenly tabernacle the heavenly now I just kind of put that up there it should just be up in heaven it's not part of the timeline okay so when you're looking at the heavenly tabernacle it's not part of the timeline it's it's what's in heaven now and has always been up there and God made Abraham excuse me Moses God told Moses to build this tabernacle here on earth and he told him to build it according to a certain pattern and we find here in Hebrews chapter eight and nine that that pattern was of the tabernacle that's in the heavenly or in the heavenly tabernacle so we're reading here in verse 1 it says then verily the first covenant I hope you understand that's the first Testament we're in a New Testament now we're not under the Old Testament at the time that it was new what's called the new company well now we're in the new testament so it's a new covenant a new testament that God has with man so we're in the new testament there is a new testament there is an Old Testament we're no longer in the Old Testament where in the new you'd think people would get that but there are many within Christianity today that don't even understand that much of the Bible then barely the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service now notice the word divine what is divine mean if I means godly or of God so there were men who we looked at before that were the Levitical priests the Levites and the Levites under the Old Testament were the ones that did the divine service so they worked for God and they did God a service in that tabernacle and they were working for the who the divine they were working for so God mandated the building of this tabernacle and God mandated how they were to wait upon God and how these priests were supposed to do their work and it says and of a worldly sanctuary so the worldly sanctuary versus the heavenly sanctuary is what Paul's going to talk about here in this chapter so I want you to see the worldly sanctuary the earthly tabernacle here on earth was what God told Noah I think Satan is wrong first I said Abraham then I said Noah what God told Moses I'll get it right here in a minute I guess you can tell him a little bit tired I mean but Moses was told to build this tabernacle it's the earthly tabernacle and it's a pattern of the heavenly of what God has in heaven so let's go to Exodus chapter 25 and look at this real quick you can go back and read these Old Testament books and boy are they hard to read sometimes there's so much in these books but they're detailed and that's good it gives you details of the way God told them to set it up the next is chapter 25 verse 8 and 9 the Bible says and let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them sanctuary is a temple I have a note here there's seven temples in the Bible an old gray tent then Solomon's Temple then Herod's temple now Christ's body is a temple your body is called a temple or a tabernacle we might get into that a little bit and then in the tribulation there should be a temple on the tribulation that the Jews rebuild and then there's the Millennial temple as well there'll be a temple in the Millennium in which so there's seven Tabernacles or temples in the Bible how cool is that always the number seven amen that I may dwell among them so here in Exodus chapter 25 verse 8 God tells us the reason that he wants this sanctuary built in this world this earthly tabernacle is so that he could come down and dwell with his people and this is where God dwelled in the holiest of Holies and we'll get into that a minute but this is the place where God would literally come down and dwell upon earth with the children of Israel verse 9 says according to the all that I show thee after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof even so shall she you make it so God told not knoweth not Abraham God told Moses God told Moses this is what you'll do and you do it this way God told them the dimensions and the size and how many cubits and a lot of people say well how long is the cubit some people think human is from from here to here and I personally think that a cubit is 18 inches because it's about 18 inches from here to here and the reason I think that is because that's 666 that's 6 plus 6 plus 6 18 cubits and 6 the Bible says is the number of a man so I think 18 cubits makes one cubit there's another cubit that I think might be a little longer but if you measure in the Old Testament all the measurements are given of how big how long and everything that this Tabernacle here on earth was to be built now is it that size in heaven I don't know it could very well be that same exact size I don't know all I know is that God told Moses this is how you build it and this is what you build now go to Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 5 again and we read there who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things and Moses was a Modest of God when he was about to make the tabernacle for see sathi that they'll make all things according to the pattern show to thee on the Mount so God said make sure you get it right make sure you build it exactly to specifications the way that I told you to do it I think it's interesting verse 4 for it for it if he were on earth he should not be a priest see so there it's mentioned about being on earth again it's the earthly tabernacle this is the tabernacle on earth and clearly it's built to specifications and it matches a tabernacle that's in heaven ok so now let's go to Hebrews chapter 9 in chapter 9 and verse 23 and 24 hebrews chapter 9 verse 23 was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these verse 24 for Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us so Jesus Christ when he died on the cross he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and we're told that when he rose again the third day where did he rise up to here I rose again up into the heavenlies and Paul is telling us here in chapter 9 that he did not go into the holy place here on earth he didn't go into the literal tabernacle or temple in Israel he went up to the tabernacle in heaven so Jesus rose again from the dead and when he did he went into heaven and so Jesus went up to where to that Tabernacle and I could told you last time I literally believe that when he went up there I believe Jesus took this blood with him and I believe that Jesus took that blood and he put it up in heaven and so I believe that the blood of Jesus Christ is still around today I believe it's up in heaven I believe when we get saved we get washed in that blood that Jesus shed on the cross I can't explain it to you how that happens all I know is it does because that's what the Bible says but notice what it says here into the heavenly verse 24 but under heaven itself it says for Christ is not entered into the holy places notice that it talks about the holy places so there's two different holy places in the Bible you have the holy place which is this and then you have the Holy of Holies or the holiest I guess is the way to call it the holiest place so it's interesting the Bible mentions holy places and as we're going to look at this Tabernacle today this is a place that men could come but couldn't come any further the priest could come into this place which is called the holy place but they couldn't go any further only one man per year could come into this place and that man was the high priest and the high priest was the only one that was allowed into the holiest place which is where the Ark of the Covenant was and by the way it was the Ark of the Covenant that every year he would come into and he would offer the blood on the mercy seat and so we look at that as well so there's so much stuff to get into here in chapter 9 of the book of Hebrews so let's go back to Hebrews chapter 9 and verse verse 1 again been barely the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service in a worldly sanctuary verse 2 for there was a tabernacle made the first wearin was the candlestick in the table and the showbread which is called the sanctuary okay so he's talking about this place so it seems like the sanctuary includes this area as well and they says the first three and after the second Vail the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all so that's the holiest of all of the holy place and this right here is the Vail and it says here in verse 4 which had the golden censer and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid round about with gold wearin was the golden pot that had manna and Aaron's rod that budded in the tables of the Covenant and over it the cherubims and glory shadowing the mercy seat of which we cannot speak now particularly all right so let's go to the Old Testament now and go to Exodus chapter 40 and let's find these things that he's talking about here in the Old Testament and again the Old Testament God gave to Moses what God said for him to make and as you read through Hebrews it makes it very clear that all these things weren't just things that God off the top of his head said oh let's just do it this way it had to match the way that God had things already in heaven now I don't know why but it did and the way my thinking is well God's coming down from heaven to dwell with them we saw that verse earlier so if God has his house in heaven he would want his house here on earth to remind him of his house in heaven he wanted to be the same so if something to it I don't know exactly what but there's something to it chapter 40 let's read verses 1 through 7 Exodus 40 and 1 and the Lord spoken to Moses saying verse 2 on the first day of the first month shalt thou shut up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation 3 and thou shalt put there in the Ark of the testimony and cover the ark with the veil and thou shalt bring in the table and set an order to the things that are to be set in order upon it and thou shalt bring in the candlestick and light the lamps thereof and thou shalt set the altar of gold for the incense before the Ark of the testimony and show and put the hanging of the door to the tabernacle thou shalt set the altar of the burnt offering before the door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation and thou shalt set the Laffer between the tent of the congregation of the altar and shall put water therein so basically what was given here in Exodus chapter 40 is the thing that the Apostle Paul is talking about here in Hebrews chapter 9 so they match and so he's telling them this is what you do so here's what we have here and I'm going to go ahead and write it up here in the holiest place or the Holy of Holies that many people call it this is the Ark this is called the Ark I'll just write a line over there this is called the Ark of the Covenant you know you've heard of Moses Ark I was about to say Noah's Ark you know that's a different arm this is the Ark of the Covenant this is the thing that they carry with them and then they set up the tent again and this is the thing I think they made a famous movie about what is an Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark that's the ark that they're talking about so you have the Ark now also in Exodus chapter 14 verse 4 it talks about the table of showbread that would be this here table of showbread sh e w b r e ad so Brett I think that's so fitting because bread is a type of the scripture probably the Word of God the Bible says in second Timothy studied to show and they spell it SH E w in the King James Bible instead of SH Oh W today we spell the words show as they Cho W but I love the SH E W because it reminds me of the table of showbread it reminds me of the word of gods like bread we need to eat the Word of God daily just like we eat daily chapter 40 of exodus verse 4 it talks about this this is called the candlestick and so every day the priest would have to bring in this showbread and they would have to put new bread on now the Bible says there six here and six here there's 12 pieces of bread if you look at that side-by-side well that's 66 I just think it's so interesting that there's 66 books in our King James Bible and the Word of God is like bread and here you have light the Bible says the word thy word is like lights and they were to come in here and they were supposed to light these candlesticks every day we're never supposed to let the light go out and the candlestick is like light the Word of God is like light it gives light to our path so yeah the cancels it now right here is what's called the altar of incense so I'm just gonna call that the incense altar and I and I learned something through all this I always thought the instant altar was outside but according to what I've studied here it's on the inside of the holy place notice that the Old Testament Tabernacle is divided into three parts this part over here is called the knee court this is where anybody and their grandmother can come into but only priest can go into the next part and then only the high priest can come into this park so this is what it looks like we have over here this part called the LAV ER this was a water ladder this was for washing I guess I'll use a little blue here and this is where the priests would wash in order to get clean in order to be clean because they couldn't do their work if they were dirty God demanded them to be clean and so they had to be clean and then over here was called the altar I always called it the brazen altar but this is the altar of burnt offering and this altar of burnt-offering the way it was set up that would bring these animals after they had cut the blood out and they would cut out the good meat for the people that were the priests to eat and then the rest of that animal went here on to this brazen altar and it was like like there was this this charcoal grill almost there's this grill over it and they would put it on top of the grill in the fire was never supposed to go out in this thing here and this fire went up and burned that animal up and burned it to a crisp as it burned and so you can imagine what it must have been like to live in the Old Testament and you go and when you said well you'd have to bring an offering for your sin to the priests so you would have to come through this door right here into the court and you have to wait and then a priest would come out there you go yeah and you say yeah I need to make a sacrifice I sinned and then you would take your hand and you put it on top of that animal and you would cut the throat of that animal with a knife and the blood would pour out and the priest had to catch that blood and he'd offer some of that blood up on this offering here and then he would take that sacrifice and he would take some of it for himself according to the Bible says he could have some and then the rest of it would burn later so I just can't imagine it's it's all dirt floor because they're in the middle of a desert back man and you would smell it would smell like burning burning animal but it would probably smell like a steak house almost probably was not really good and then these priests would wash in this la verne then you have the instance the table of showbread the candlestick and then the Ark so this is this is the earthly tabernacle this is what it was so back to a hebrews chapter 9 let's read it again verse 2 for there was a tabernacle made yet there sure was where was it made well God told Moses to make it in the wilderness after they had left Egypt and they did that now there was another tabernacle or temple made by Solomon and it was way bigger and way different I guess there were a lot more people during the time of Solomon and so God allowed for it to be a way bigger but this is the one that that was the first and this is where the Old Testament started this is where the Old Covenant started with Israel I've got a lot to say about that but it says where there was a tabernacle made the first wearin was the candlestick okay so verse 2 where him was the candlestick the candlestick is here in the second and like I say there's three parts to that Tabernacle three parts well that that reminds me of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost I think that's so interesting there's three parts I mean almost makes you think of a Trinity but there was a tabernacle made the first one was the candlestick so the candlestick would have been here and the table and the showbread well here's the table of showbread it's a table with with bread on it which was called the sanctuary so he's calling this holy place the sanctuary verse three and after the second Vail the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all so after the second Vail so there must have been some sort of Vail here something closing that off but it sounds like that that remain open much of the time but this part here this is what's called the Vail v e IL and maybe you'll remember that I think I'm going to talk about this a little bit later that when Jesus died the Bible says the temple veil was ripped in Twain God in heaven was saying look now you're no longer under this law now you can see in here you see the people were scared to death if they were to go into this area if they would live or not there's actually a story in the Old Testament I believe the guy's name was doe hog if I remember right and he was he was in the army of Saul or David I can't remember exactly but he went into this place and when he did God killed him so if you were your average Joe SMO Israelite or anybody you are not allowed into this place the holiest of all the holiest of Holies that was God's domain and only once a year did someone ever go inside there that was the high priest so if you would have gone in there you would have been killed by God himself and we do have in the Bible an instance where that takes place somebody just marches right in there and got kill some dead is that amazing so this is where God dwelt here on earth when he came down in the Old Testament and where he met with man so verse 3 says and after the second Vail the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all verse 4 which had the golden censer and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid roundabout with gold so this is what the Ark of the Covenant was now I at a time when I was reading this saying what what is he talking about where the golden censer well then I started looking the golden censer was something like this it kind of looked like a bowl and it had this these these chains on it that were connected and what they would do is they would put these these coals these hot coals that would burn inside this bowl and and it was on fire and there was this smoke and the smoke would come out of this and then they put some sort of incense and the incense would make this beautiful smelling smelling smoke and so when they came to God they had to come with this sensor this golden sensor some people say they spun it like this in the Catholic Church they do something similar to that today where the some priest goes around with something similar listening he goes like this and the smoke goes in the smell but they couldn't come to God without blood and they and they had this sensor so I was looking at that and and somehow I guess they stored the sensor in there or they had to come into there with the sensor and that's what that golden sensor is that it's talking about there in verse 4 it had the golden sensor and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid roundabout with gold wherein was this golden pot that had manna and Aaron's rod that budded and the tables of the Covenant so inside the Ark of the Covenant is the ten commandments of Moses that broke and the pot of manna I don't have time to go into that what that was you'll read that in the Old Testament and Aaron's rod that budded so that's what's when inside the Ark of the Covenant so here we have the Apostle Paul telling us this is what the tabernacle was like now he would know because he was what a Jew and we're not juiced today the majority of people in Christiana don't juice so we look at this we don't do this we don't practice this but it's there in the Old Testament so clearly the book of Hebrews he's writing to juic she's ring reminding the Jews and explained as you say guys you remember that that's our religion basically that's what we do this is how God set it up that we're supposed to come to God remember that well now he goes into now you don't need one of these Levitical priests anymore because he's going to go into explaining that Jesus is the priest he's saying here in this text in this chapter of 9 of Hebrews that this Levitical priest he was the one that was working in the earthly tabernacle but then he's going to go into and tell us that we don't need the earthly tabernacle anymore Jesus is now in the heavenly tabernacle and he is the one that we trust he's the one that's doing everything that's done at all jesus paid it all we don't need a man anymore we do not need a man a priest that's a man here on earth to get us to God we can come to God now through Christ which is in heaven who a lot to get into here so here we go let's go to chapter 9 again if Hebrews where we are and I believe I started reading there in verse 4 so let me continue there in verse 5 and over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy seat now what is over it well verse 4 he says the Ark of the Covenant and he said over it are shadowing the cherubims of glory now if you go back to the Old Testament when they built the ark they were supposed to make it and it was supposed to have a cherub and the cherub had wings and he had two wings behind and two wings in front and so he had four wings now that's odd and he was engraved they're made out of gold and whenever the priest came in every year we're gonna find out here two men when we get to it about this yearly sacrificing I can't wait to get to that very few preachers ever preached on this yearly sacrifice and the one time every year did the priests went into this area because I can't wait to get to that but when the priest came in he was to put the blood right there on the what's called mercy seat and the mercy seat is this area right here mercy seat now that's very strange that it's called a mercy seat and because that's so strange many people have tried to say well that's not the right word the King James Bible should be translated yeah deputy deputy ibw and people just I don't understand why people hate the King James Bible it's the only true Word of God you get more light from a King James Bible than you do any other Bible and this is a case in point mercy seat this spot on the top of the Ark of the Covenant is called the mercy seat and the King James translators translated it correctly when they they put mercy seat you said why brother breaker do you think that was translated correctly what's the big deal about the word seat well let me show you what the big world a big deal about the word seat is go with me to second Thessalonians when the Antichrist comes in the Tribulation Period we're told in the Bible that the Jews are going to have their temple rebuilt and when the Jews rebuild that temple they're going to do it the same way that it was built in the days of Moses and they're gonna have the Ark now I don't know if they found the Ark some people say that the Ark's been found other people saying has not you can look at this man named um Ron Wyatt he claims to have discovered the Ark of the Covenant and if so well then the Jews have it and they will be using the same Ark or they might be building a new one I don't know but they're gonna build a tabernacle just like this one in the Tribulation Period who knows maybe been for the rapture they'll build it but in the tribulation they will be worshipping God because the Jews still think they're under the first covenant they still think they're under the Old Testament but when they rebuild that the Bible tells us that that as soon as the rapture takes place the Antichrist is going to come in and in the middle of halation he's going to kick the Jews out and watch what he does go to second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 through 4 this is why the word mercy seat is translated correctly in a King James Bible second Thessalonians 2:1 now we beseech you brother by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him that should be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand now I believe he's talking about the rapture the rapture is at hand the rapture is coming soon let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there be a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition of course the falling away would be the apostasy in the last days and then as soon as the apostasy takes place in the rapture comes then comes the man of sin whose other name is the son of perdition now what does the son of perdition do verse 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God where does he sit he sits in the temple there must be a temple rebuilt in the matriculation period so that he can sit on it showing himself that He is God but notice what it says there he said it in the temple of God he sitteth the Antichrist sent it in the temple of God now wait a minute do you know what there's one thing that's not mentioned in the Bible that's in this temple or tabernacle a chair nowhere in the Bible did God tell Moses and now you make this chair that you can sit down on there was no chair so the Bible tells us that the Antichrist comes in the Tribulation Period and he goes into the temple and he sits down and he says I am God where would he sit if there's no chair well I know there's place called the mercy seat well there's a seat for him to sit down in do you see why I love the King James Bible you don't get that in other versions other versions take away the word mercy seat they say when we call it the propitiatory a-- or i don't even know the words they use but they they hate the King James Bible and when you get away from the King James Bible you get away from the light and the truth and you lose connections that God put in there for us to see clearly this is the place the holiest place where God dwells I showed you that in the Old Testament the devil wants to be God so the devil is going to go and march right into the temple of God and go to the most holiest place where God's supposed to dwell and he's gonna sit down in there and say I'm God where's he gonna sit he's gonna go in there and look around and go well there's no chairs here so what do I do well there's the mercy seat while I might as well just sit down right there he's gonna sit down on the mercy seat sit down on the Ark of the Covenant and I think there'll be plenty of room there because these angels are there with their wings up high like this and so it looks like there'd be plenty of room for him to literally literally sit down and then have these wings of these cherubims over the top of them and the Bible says that God sits among the cherubims so it's a picture of where God sits in heaven and the devil wants to be God so he wants to sit right there like he's sitting in the middle of the cherubims and say now I've made it I have arrived I am God and God heaven says little does he know he only has about three and a half years I hope he enjoys his time because it's not gonna last long so mercy seat that's why I love the King James Bible I believe that the King James Bible is the way God wants the words translated into English any other version of the Bible I reject vehemently in the English language because it comes from different text than the King James Bible it doesn't come from the right text I don't have time to get into that I do have a video on YouTube thanks about two hours a little over two hours long about the King James Bible and why it comes from the right text and why it's the one that God gave to us so now let's go back to Hebrews chapter 9 and Hebrews chapter 9 says verse five and over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy seat of which we cannot now speak particularly why not why can't we particularly speak of that now why does Paul and I believe Paul wrote Hebrews why does Paul say now can't to that right now what is that that sounds like he's insinuating but I'll tell you about it here in a little bit well do you remember the order of books of the King James Bible go back to my website the cloud church supper look at the list and guess what we found was the first book that Paul wrote other than Hebrews why it was first Thessalonians and then second Thessalonians I just took you to first and second Thessalonians and there he talked about the mercy seat and the can of Christ sitting on well it's almost like Paul is writing this book of Hebrews one I'm not gonna talk about that right now but very shortly in my next epistle then I'll talk about it and we just read that's where you said the end of Christ is gonna sit on the mercy seat just you know another one of those little coincidences that that points to the fact that you know Paul's the author of the book of papers pretty much yeah so anyway it sounds like to me that Paul knew all about the mercy seat and you know I was thinking about the other day you remember when Paul was stoned it Paul went up to heaven and he said he saw things that weren't lawful for him to talk about he said I can't talk about these things I wonder if that's what he saw I wonder if he saw the tabernacle in heaven and and I wonder if if he gave God asking God now can I talk about that and and slowly over time and more and more of his epistles God allowed him to mention more and more I I don't know I've always wondered what was that thing that Paul says it's not lawful for me to talk about this one thing that's the one thing he couldn't tell us I wonder what it was but the more I read the Bible the more I see Paul is clearly the author of the book of Hebrews now go with me now to verse 6 Hebrews chapter 9 verse 6 now when these things were thus ordained the priest went always into the first-timer tackle accomplishing the service of God when these things were ordained okay so God ordained through Moses the children of Levi political priests were to be those that did the service and so they did a service and what was the service the service of God they worked as God's men priests and the service that they did was when a man sinned and he brought a sacrifice they were the ones that caught the blood of that sight and offered it up so in the Old Testament to be saved and in that sense of having forgiveness of sins it's very hard sometimes to say saved in the Old Testament because when you died in the Old Testament you didn't even go to heaven you went to Abraham's bosom so that it was very different and people want to give me heck all the time because there's a hell Robert breaker such an idiot he said salvation is different the Old Testament New Testament and I just look in the Bible when I look at them and I look at the Bible look at them ago the Bible says it is different do you even read the Bible I just stuff I don't know but anyway a lot of people say oh salvation has always been the same throughout the whole Bible okay then all right when was last time you offered a sacrifice was the last time you went to a priest you happened as you won't and you shouldn't because there are no priests today don't give me this stuff that salvation is the same in the Old Testament as the New Testament it is not in the Old Testament you needed a priest to do you a service in order to get that forgiveness of sins and it was the priest that offered up the blood you couldn't do it yourself under that law you had to go through the priest so it was very very different and so it says there that in verse 6 now when these things were thus ordained the priest went always into the first Tabernacle accomplishing the service of God so they always did what they were told to do and they did that service for the people they were God's servants serving the people now verse 7 but on to the second went the high priest alone once every year not without blood which he offered for himself and for the errors of the people alright so when an individual now this is what I want you to understand here let's see is this where I happened in my notes or do I have it a little lower down probably have it lower down but now's a good time to explain it there is in the Bible the salvation of the individual and there is in the Bible the salvation of the nation and God was such a wonderful loving God that he knew that poor people couldn't make a sacrifice for their sins God knew that if a man was dirt poor and had nothing that that guy could not and offering to God he couldn't bring her sacrifice for his sins so God made away in the Old Testament that that dirt-poor individual could get forgiveness once a year the way God set this thing up in the Old Testament was when an individual sinned he as an individual could come right through this door and offer up a sacrifice for his sin but if he didn't have a sacrifice he could wait for that one time of year when that priest went into here and offered up the blood on the mercy seat and when that priest did that once a year that covered the sin of the entire nation so individual forgiveness was given by people on an individual basis coming in every time they send but if they couldn't afford that then in a nationwide forgiveness once a year that priest would bring in and the entire nation of Israel would be forgiven now I'd never hear being preached on that I think that's one of the most amazing things God is such a merciful God you know I don't believe that the salvation is the same throughout the entire Bible I clearly see differences but this is one of the reasons why I say I believe there was some grace in the Old Testament because it was God's grace to do that God didn't have to say and you know what once a year I'll just forgive everybody when the preach does this but he did that's just more of the grace of God offering forgiveness to everyone Exodus chapter 26 and verse 33 let's see if this is the verse I want Exodus 26:33 here I'm going to get to this here in a minute I wanted to give this verse I forgot this verse Exodus 26:33 and thou shall hang upon the veil under the Tosh's I thought bring us down here when there's no avail the Ark of the testimony and the veil should divide up to you between the holy place and the most holy place so we've got the holy place which is here and then we've got the most holy place all right so this is what I want you to get when the individual would come in the priest they would come into it from here to him and meet him they would come from the holy place but the one time of year when God says now you make a sacrifice for the entire day that's here in the most holy place and only one person could go in there and do that that was the high priest I'll just go ahead and write him up here the high priest and the high priest was ordained by God once a year once a year to make a sacrifice for the entire nation now that we're gonna see in Exodus chapter 30 so since we're so close let's go to Exodus chapter 30 and verse 10 Exodus chapter 30 verse 10 says and Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it once in a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements once in a year shall he make a tone about it throughout your generations it is most holy unto the Lord so one time in a year was a one once yearly sacrifice for the entire nation but during the rest of the year the individual person had to come and seek forgiveness but there was one time of the year when God would say now if you'll do this I'll just go ahead and forgive the whole nation for every son they've done isn't that incredible now go to Leviticus chapter 16 and let's look at this a lot of preachers they don't even read the Bible I bet you it'll be a YouTube video tomorrow Robert Reich from heretic he made this up and yet it's in the Bible because people don't read the Bible they they hear something they never heard before it's here that that's not true well let me read it to you Leviticus 16:30 it's just amazing to me how many people will just attack attack attack without even studying and reading for themselves Leviticus chapter 16 and verse 33 34 for on that day shall the priests make an atonement for you to cleanse you that you may be clean from all your sins before the Lord 31 it shall be a Sabbath of rest unto you and you shall afflict your souls be a statute by statute forever 32 and the priest whom you shall anoint and whom you shall consecrate to minister in the priests office in his father's stead shall make the atonement and shall put on the linen clothes even the holy garments verse 33 and he should make an atonement for the holy sanctuary and he shall make an atonement for the tabernacle of the congregation and for the altar and he should make an atonement for the priests and for all the people of the congregation one sacrificed one atonement for all Israel one atonement per year forever and then it says Universal before and this shall be an everlasting statute unto you to make an atonement for the children Israel for all their sins once a year and he did as the LORD commanded Moses so there was a time in the Old Testament where there was a once-a-year sacrifice that brought forgiveness to the entire nation and that happened once a year not I've looked I can't find when that was I wish I could find it probably Passover but I'm just guessing I couldn't tell for sure but the rest of the time when it wasn't that year if you as an individual sin then you had to bring an individual sacrifice and how many sacrifices there were in the Old Testament I don't know but you know there was probably a million or two million people in the backwoods of nowhere in that desert imagine that many people sinning how often they would have had to come no wonder there were no chairs in the tabernacle because Levitical priests had no time to rest they must have been working their butts off all day long because all these people are standing in line to get a sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins and I bet the people were so happy that one time for a year I bet the priests were happy for that one time per year because then they're like whoo we finally get to rest now it's all on you mister high priest now you go do it so in the Old Testament there were individual sacrifice for men's sins but there was also a one-time national sacrifice for the sins of the entire nation that was done once per year now let's go back to the book of Hebrews and you know why this is interesting is because that was a picture or a type of the one sacrifice of Jesus now we don't have individual sacrifices every time we sin nor do we wait for a sacrifice once per year now we go straight to Jesus for salvation and by his blood we're forgiven of all sins past present future what grace what mercy what love what a blessing so back here to Hebrews chapter 9 verse 6 now when these things were the surname the priest went always into the first Tabernacle accomplishing the service of God verse 7 but unto the second went the high priest alone once every year not without blood notice that verse not without blood that's that's one of the most important words in the King James Bible not without blood you see you couldn't come to God without blood it's all about sacrifice there's today there's people to say well I just want to come to Jesus oh Jesus saved me amen you didn't get saved because you came without blood I preached before on the Bloodless gospel the only way to come to God is through the blood for the forgiveness of sins so he says here not without blood and so the priest came in once every year not without blood which he offered for himself and for the errors of the people so this was the one-time yearly sacrifice for the entire nation in which the high priest only came in through this veil see the all year long the veil is closed it's the one time they opened the veil up and he goes in they close it behind him and he puts that blood right there on the mercy seat and God takes that blood and he says alright I'll accept that for the sins of the entire nation and that whole year up to that point is forgiven and then they start over and then when they send well then they had to as a vigil individual bring it again and just hope to god they didn't die until next year and so that was the setup that was the old testament set up way of salvation under the Old Testament law aren't you glad you aren't there aren't you glad salvation is much easier today through Christ through the blood verse 8 notice what it says he offered for himself and for the errors of the people he wasn't sinless he had to offer for himself first and then he could offer for the entire nation so that sacrifice was for him too the high priest was also a sinner it was for him as well now verse 8 the Holy Ghost us signifying the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest well as the first Tabernacle was yet standing and what does he mean by that not yet made manifest because the only person allowed into the holiest of Holies the most holy place was the high priest Joe Schmoe that comes up to the tabernacle couldn't say I demand to see God and forgiveness and walk right in through here and walk right up to the mail and open the veil walk right in and say God forgive me right now if I said a man if he'd done that God would have killed him right there on the spot because God said none of that Oh see there's an order here there's an order of salvation you just march in before me as a sinner and expect me to give you forgiveness cuz you tense it says you begged me for it there's got to be a sacrifice first and there's got to be some blood you can't come in without blood and receive forgiveness I don't know why people think today you can get saved without the blood that they do today it's very common I was just on the phone with another brother and he was telling me he was witnessing and going around witnessing to people and and he he talked to this woman at a cash register and said hey ma'am are you a Christian man she said yeah yeah I go to church and he says well are you saying do you know about the blood of Christ and you know how important it is to trust what Jesus did for it because I don't believe that no you just go to God and say oh God safety and you're saved she said just ask God to save you that's that's the gospel that's what I believe he said no no and she said oh well whatever I don't want to talk about it you see that's the mindset of modern so-called Christians many people within Christianity today think that you can come to God without blood and get forgiveness and they instruct people will just go to God and ask him into your heart or ask Jesus in your heart ask God to save yours or repeat the sinner's prayer and beg God to forgive you what are they doing they're trying to come to God without blood but what is it saying verse 7 not without blood not without blood you cannot come to God and find forgiveness without blood that's why Jesus had to shed his blood and so this Old Testament is a type of New Testament salvation and it's showing us that through this it's through blood that we get forgiveness of sins and you can't come to where God dwells without blood today you can't get saved without blood you must come through the blood of Christ by faith in the blood and we'll get to that here in a minute but I want to show that to you this signifies the way was not yet made manifest for whom for the individual the individual could not come directly to God yet he had to have an intermediate he had to have a priest who who brought what he brought to so in the Old Testament you hadn't have someone help you to find forgiveness you had to have a priest today we don't have to go through man today Jesus Christ the priest did it for all no one but him could go before God you couldn't come to God yourself you had to go through the priest verse nine which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience so the Old Testament was a figure of New Testament salvation just as salvation the Old Testament was through blood atonement why today it's through blood atonement the only difference is we don't have to go through a man to get to God now we have a high priest named Jesus Christ and we come to God through him and through his shed blood and you cannot get to God the Father you can't get to heaven unless you come through the blood of Christ if you have a bloodless gospel and you think you're gonna get to heaven because something you did or you said and you're not trusting in the blood from the heart you are lost I say it time and again but that's what the Bible says and I hope people get it I hope people get it so this signifies that it says there that this was not yet made manifest it says there in verse eight signifying the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest Jesus shows up he says I am the door he said I am the way the truth and life no man cometh to the Father but by me what was Jesus saying it's through me now that you get to the father I have the high priest I'm the one you come to you don't come to a man to get to God you come to me and so clearly that Old Testament shows that Jesus is now the high priest and he is our what well he's gonna tell us here in a minute he's our mediator I love that word mediator so we go here to verse nine which was a figure for the time that president which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the surface perfect as pertaining to the conscience so you could not be made perfect under the Old Testament law all you could do was get the forgiveness your sins that you've done up into that time but the great thing about the blood of Christ is when we're safe today by faith in the blood all my sins past are now forgiven but also on my sins future and I'm forgiven of all trespasses now that's not an excuse for me to go sin a lot of people look at that and say well now I can go do whatever the hell I want I've heard people say that quote I want to do whatever the hell I want and I could no no no no that's not the thinking of a true Christian when we get forgiven of all sins our first instinct isn't alright now I can go do whatever I want our first instinct is I'm forgiven of all my sins man I just want to thank God and do whatever I can for him because he's given me this wonderful gift of forgiveness so I don't think that way I don't think alright I'll do whatever the hell opener that better than even enter in my head to think to do that I think that's horrible I think that's horrible so here we have this here and well we're almost to our time and I'm trying to find out here when would be the best time to stop here let's go ahead and do a couple more verses and then we'll pick this up next time so it says here in verse 9 which was a figure for the time then-president which we were offered both gifts the sacrifices it could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience verse 10 which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and Cardinal ordered the carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of the Reformation now the time of the Reformation is when the Messiah was to come and so this Old Testament was to be until the Messiah showed up so here's what we have here we have diverse washings meats and drinks well there was meat offerings there were drink offerings all throughout the Old Testament talks about this and it talked about carnal washings they were told these priests that they used to wash a lot so they had to wash in this laugher or labor however you say it this is where they washed was all about them clean and being cleanliness it was all about cleanliness of your body and so you would do all these things to have forgiveness of your sins but it was able to cleanse your soul the blood of Jesus is the only thing that can cleanse our soul so many thinks here I mean I I hope I'm doing this justice the best that I can to explain this to you and there's so many things here this is so profound notice what it says here in verse 10 diverse washings and carnal ordinances now once you look at that word ordinance ordinances what is an ordinance will an ordinance is a law you drive down the road down here and it says something like under city ordinance five seven fart Oprah or whatever you can't have a dog without a leash or something like that an ordinance is a law under the Old Testament law of Moses there were many ordinances ordinances are the little subsections of the law now the Bible tells us that we're no longer under the law but under grace the time of reformation it says so this Old Testament law was as it says here imposed on them until the time of reformation until the time when the Messiah came and when Jesus came he came from the time of reformation he came to bring a new covenant a new testament and so the law is tell Jesus of course there's no doesn't verse that says the law was until John the law and the prophets were told John well John was the forerunner of Jesus so Jesus came to do away with the law and to save us from the law because the law couldn't save us all the law could do was give you forgiveness of your sin by bringing a sacrifice or if you wanted to wait for once a year it could forgive you for all your sins up until that year but the law could not forgive you of all of your sins and the blood of animals could not take you forgiveness and take you to heaven when you die your soul still went Abraham's bosom it took the powerful precious blood of Christ God manifest in the flesh to forgive of all sins now what does the Bible say about ordinances let's look at this what are the ordinances let's go to Exodus chapter 18 and I'm going to go a little bit in detail about this because there are some people that try to tell you that the ordinances were something else and I want to make this very clear that the ordinance says that the Bible talks about are the Old Testament ordinances they're not ordinances that we're given in new testament these are the Old Testament law is what's talking about Exodus chapter 18 verse 20 it says and thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws and shall show them the way when they must walk and the work that they must do so under the Old Testament there were works that you had to do and the Old Testament law was full of ordinances now we go to Leviticus chapter 18 so it sounds like there were some works involved in the Old Testament done it hmm now girl Viduka chapter 18 verse 4 here's another time we see the word ordinances Leviticus 18 for you shall do my judgments and keep mine ordinances to walk therein I am THE LORD thy God now go to numbers chapter 9 and verse 12 so when the Bible is talking about ordinances it's clearly talking about the Old Testament law numbers 9 12 they shall leave none of it until the morning nor break any bone of it according to all the ordinances of the Passover they shall keep it so the Old Testament is full of ordinances the Old Testament law is a law of ordinances carnal ordinances that men had to follow under that Old Testament law now what does the Bible say about this there are people out there today that try to tell you that we are still under the Old Testament law those people are heretics I don't like to throw that word around lightly I don't like to even use that word but it's true anyone that tells you we are still under the Old Testament law today is a liar it is someone has no idea what they're talking about and it's someone who is not telling the truth the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came to abolish the law go with me to Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 15 I want you to see this the biggest church in the world that teaches that you're still under the Old Testament law is what's called the seventh-day adventists and the seventh day they they go by the name SDA the seventh-day Adventist Church say we're still under the Old Testament law we have to keep the seventh day we have to do this we have to do that and many of them are lost because they think that you have to do the works of the law and so they think I believe in Jesus but I got to do the law and so it's faith in works and that's not how you're safe it's either by faith alone or works alone but you can't be saved by what you do and then expect God to forgive you based upon what he did either jesus paid it all and forgives completely or he doesn't it's not Jesus and you it's either Jesus as the Savior or he's not you're not a co Savior of Jesus you don't help Jesus save you you either come to him for salvation or you don't if you're still in the mindset that I have to keep the law to be saved then you are lost if each of this 215 says having its buck is speaking about Jesus Christ verse 13 but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ verse 15 having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of Commandments contained in ordinances for to make it himself between one new man so making peace so Jesus Christ abolished in his flesh the law even the ordinances so it's through Christ that we're no longer under the law we're saved by Jesus and his blood now go to Colossians chapter 2 and verse 14 Colossians 2:14 actually looked at verse 13 who first 13 is good and in you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses you see under the law you're only forgiven as an individual up and to the point that you made that sacrifice or you can wait to that one time of year and you can have all your sins of that year forgiven but under the New Testament under the blood of Christ we're forgiven of all trespasses all sins forgiven through the blood of Christ what does the blood of Christ do verse 14 Colossians 2:14 blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross so the ordinances of the law are nailed to the cross they are taken away we are no longer under this Old Testament setup we are under a new covenant we are under the New Testament so we weren't under the law anymore the law was the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ now the wonder Christ were no longer under a schoolmaster galatians chapter three crises the end of the law to all who believe Romans chapter 10 verse 4 so we are no longer under that Old Testament so back to Hebrews chapter 9 I guess we'll have to close and I think what I'll do is I'll leave a lot of this up here for next time and we'll go ahead and continue this and I'll go ahead and tape it so I get a little bit ahead and then I'll post this the next week after you see this one here it says back in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 10 which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation so the Bible is very clear the law of Moses was opposed upon the people of Israel until a certain time and once they hit that time they were no longer under the law what was that time the time of reformation what was the time of reformation that's when Christ came to reform I guess is the word Christ came to change it up and he says hey no more is it going to be you have to go through another mortal man to get to me now you can come directly to me God through my blood that I shed on the cross so we'll stop there and I will continue there next time and we'll continue here in this chapter I just enjoy this this is just such a blessing and I just thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ so we'll continue here next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 12,389
Rating: 4.8413596 out of 5
Keywords: Hebrews, King James Bible, Pauline Epistles, Bible Study, Verse by Verse Bible Study
Id: qfQoXp-qFV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 25sec (3805 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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