An Absolute Beginner Learns Hearts of Iron IV - Part 1

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as we go higher to service by requirement all little Serb and scraping a barrel that's also causing a penalty to your nation since you're pulling people from factories from different areas to well guilted army and fight and die in vain [Music] ok hey guys how is it going welcome to another world war Wednesday where we have a little special episode I did my kind of tutorial thing a couple weeks ago and it well didn't go that well so instead we decided that we are inviting a very special person to the stream say hello who knows which way we're supposed to look nice my name is Saguna and I'm the community ambassador for bloodlines - and I'm here to learn Hawaii for the first time yeah God so you said you had about 20 minutes in the game we're gonna have a very basic set up what we're gonna focus pretty much 100% on war this episode so we learned that part and slowly from there hopefully we can expand upon that throughout well I don't know two three weeks of this and we're not gonna play any one of these nations so you can press like country air and we'll pick on the map instead and then scroll to the left and we'll find the great and most powerful country or Brazil Oh scrolling yes I was like do I Drive watched here nope I'm scrolling alright got it be press pasilla and in place start this is Henry I'm everyone's like it's this person you'll be fine it will fine like I'm super excited for this and I hope you guys are as well we're gonna see really hard to build up a player from the very early beginning - well I'm power-hungry mad woman so you have played the other games a bit at least like you're from a the paradox concept yes I have played a lot of hours into EU for yeah that will actually help us quite a bit in a sense every every one of our games kind of go up from the same concept we have allert bar telling you this stuff you can do we have the toolbar where all the stats and all the important decisions and everything everything is visible from you from the very start screen so we're gonna go to war very quickly and it's gonna entitle us to do well we need to do a couple things to do that we need to switch ideology so right now big communist or fascist where do I do that no no no you just pick right now we're gonna show each and every step order okay how do you wanna make comedy so fast I want to be communist you want to be communist okay so we have this perfect revolution and we need to bring the liberation to everyone in South I was gonna say Africa day about South America okay so communist is the path to true salvation but before do anything you press your flag in the top left corner yes you can see this is our political screen we are Brazil currently the non-aligned party is in charge we have the estado novo if you check that nicely the bar we have a hundred support for a current party yes and zero percent support of our communist if you look dead scroller over here you can see see representing you support our Communist Party we definitely need to fix that so that's gonna be one of our first priorities neutrals in this game Kampf declare war freely communist and fascists they can so that's of course why I ask why are first that should be it and since we're focusing one and percent on I want you to be at war at the end of the session and I want you to have let's say taking over we require okay so we we need to do every single decision that as quickly as possible moves us to that duration right here in the top of the political screen you see something called natural focus it kinda is your guiding path of what can you do in this game or how can it lead you forward Brazil sensibly not a major part or second war have something called a generic tree it gives you some basic research bonuses it gives you some basic factories some basic political decisions but you play something like Germany they might have stuff like that on slush a historical decision they made in the in real life and we kind of guide it that might be something you want to do in to kind of lead your country forward but since this narak it's much more shape your own destiny and that works out perfectly well since we want to switch to calmness okay so the first it's like if we take a quick look at the tree in general we have army effort but basically it can give you tech bonuses to your weapons to your army tool and doctrines we're gonna go through what each of those things are very very soon so don't worry about it if AV Asian naval they're pretty much the same but for Air Force and Navy then we have industry it's kind of how you build your own buildings and how you build military stuff like weapons tanks airplanes okay and then on the far right we had a political path and that's what we're gonna focus a lot on right now in the very beginning since we need to kind of motivate your people to embrace the gracefulness and true spirituality that is communism if you call up in the top part there we go political power that's kind of what your leaders can do it's the political might they have to do different decisions pick advisor change laws and they have a different cost right now you gain to LA and to kind of simulate this is also political decisions just in a way of at reform to form your path forward so if you want to make political effort if you hold over that natural focus you press there and then it opens up what this actually will do and what effect is each valid and political thing right here cost one clip hour a day to sustain that will cost seventy play power for seventy days and if you press start right there finishing that one in 70 days will grant us 120 Pollock power so technically we go up 50 plate power plus by doing it so then without a one-time thing or is that something we could do again and again if you press on that political effort on the natural yeah and that's a one-time thing and it's gonna unlock the stuff beneath it yeah but if you checked we can do a very quick check yes here we're not gonna look into it Oh if you look here continuous focus once you have done 10 or the other focuses it will unlock some you can just keep on forever that gives you more a permanent bonus in a certain area and we are writing to in polite effort why we doing political effort it's because we want to hire advisor that would propagande common is support your nation so let's just shift down to lost government research production and military stuff that's your current how your government is looking like it will show you lost I will show you cabinet minister what military officers you have hired so basically the yen will bonuses every nation you can also see in beside your portrait it says national spirits you don't have any right now but that's like affecting your country in general and can be more like France for example have something called Victor's of the Great War it makes it kind of simulates how they were overconfident and it's gonna take quite a bit to remove that overconfidence so they might want to change and update your military tactics then sit in a ditch pretty much but them what for if you press a well if you actually look at it three symbols we have right now in lost in government it's our volunteer know how many men you're currently recruiting from your population so only one point five percent of everyone in your nation is well conscripted to your army what's the eight percent well what would be considered like whoa that's a lot of you pressed answer thing you can see from disarm nation that's pretty much only United States entire well that starts there right but the higher we get the more percentage or people are recruiting but as we go higher to service by requirement all little Serb and scraping a barrel that's also causing a penalty to nation since you're pulling people from factories from different areas to well guilted army and fight and die in vain in general all decisions regarding loss and advisers and military and production cost 150 clear power okay there are some small exceptions but I don't think there are any for Brazil the one thing I want to look is the next button the empty government houses here is we want to pick our well communist revolutionary and he's gonna slowly and steadily per day switch so our nation comes more and more communist and that's what they want our first 150 people in power come from hopefully the gives you a small grasp what you can use political for yep okay though now as all and most part game Sweetman gonna go food like the alerts currently creation and that's gonna pretty much go through all the other buttons you see on the left side it might be a bit overwhelming seeing oh I have ten different buttons there and then I have seven different alerts holy what's going on that's time how I felt at least ya know that's how it feels I think startin a grand strategy game is just like a lot of things but you know we were thrown by ones okay thank you yeah so resource resource research nice one Daniel yes you begin new nations with eater two up to four resistible Brazil isn't super amoled or super high-tech during this time so you start with two which is well not that great honestly but hopefully later we're gonna fix it if we continue playing with Brazil or if we're gonna move you over to a large nation once you have a better grasp or sermon all right and in the very top you see very many like many different tabs that's like all the different things and we're gonna go well go through them a bit quickly so lambda if you press the first one again that's infantry infantry and weapons are like a main part of every single army in the time world no matter if you go one and percent focus on tanks you're still gonna need any weapons it's like the one big affecting factor and I'm gonna give you a bit of a golden rule right now unless you're going to war well now always kind of try to keep your weapons up-to-date and when I say up-to-date you can see that there are different dates at the top of this which says if I show you in 1980 1936 this is kind of when historically these kinds of equipment were unlocked and one I think and research something that was ahead of time it's gonna give us like resource spent a research penalty but with some bonuses if we very quickly I take control and show you right here if we percent before excel picked equipment well equipment effort we get a 100 and bonus for infinite weapons and if we had that one we might be able to pick something that's a bit ahead of time and make it a bit cheaper so it's actually worth picking it so you can kind of combine things from different areas to briefs or research but yeah call the rule we're going to go to war as soon as we can and we really want to work on this exactly we want that one straightaway well this one straight away so we can actually start producing the new weapons so there are two different types I guess always research maybe even three different kinds some that unlock something you can build which is like weapons one motorized one armored cars that's something you actually research and then you build it to be able to equip your units right and we have the other ones that are more like this gives your previous equipment and units a bonus and then we have things that are like in-between which are like rockets nukes that are you're not really building it but rockets not really a bonus yeah exactly but yeah they're weapons and things that are very related to weapons if you press the next tab this is something in your division you can have different modifiers think of this like special more if yeah special equipment special modifiers this gives your infantry if you check the very first one it says engineers if you press there if you attach one of these companies to your units there would be a bit better in moving in like marches they will be able to get or reverse better and if you have like Miller police they whipped to press units if you have feel hospital stay will survive a bit more so it's a modifier to your division so it's not super important but it can be really really helpful in certain situations next one arm or its thanks all right now it's thanks kind of school it's a new type of equipment they're pretty nice but very very expensive for a country like Brazil so when you're this will be going a bit ahead of myself but what you're thinking ratios of what you have for infantry to say tanks or things like that what are you looking at this game and artillery and stuff oh no not like it's very interesting because well I'm gonna get absolutely slaughtered right now from all the four members and they're very hardcore competitive community but when I played Germany I try to stay like eighty ninety percent and then obvious a small very very strong quality force of Tanks right so I can do different breakthroughs I can surround units with it rather than keep more massive aerial just fifty-fifty so it's really a this small core elite force I'm trying so but we just say in general our people were 50/50 well in general for normal players twenty percent maybe okay okay all right that makes sense okay Lorraine you attach them to your units or tell you it gives a bit more soft attack good against other well under soft target which our units not good against tanks and they're good against well airplanes anytime good against tanks it's it's something extra it's like this very common you have infantry and artillery and you have intact so it's like you kind of combine them together one isn't really good without the other so if you do infant army you need a killer LAN doctrine which is next up it's kind of what's the general plan of your nation mobile warfare doctrine is kind of based upon how Germany fought about war quick actions quick tanks quick units severe firepower kind of the fault that us had that you should throw ammunition enough men into battle so high damage high quality grand battle plan is kind of France Italy you sit behind this bunker you make a big plan and then you throw everything together alright so long time planning bonuses and mass assault doctrine kind of Soviet Union here's a man go there you don't really need a weapon just go go to the frontline you'll probably deal with it everything will be fine yeah exactly a quick look at the two next tabs are basically named enable units and this is both the bolts itself and their upgrades very very don't think so many different options we'll go through that much later next one is land of greens but naval doctrine same poor but like boats then we have the same pair airplanes it's very similar to the tank tab it's a bunch of airplanes and a dork dream is the same thing for Aaron well land enable what kind of doctrine you had what kind of plans and faults you had around air warfare engineering now it becomes more exciting again this is one tab we also take a look at electronics engineering and everything below that that's like research speed and radar and that's very quickly what all those research bonuses are pretty much and then we have of course the funny one atomic research and experimental Rockets very late game tech nothing will look through right here come an industry production and construction industry we don't ever think about synthetic oil right now we just put it aside we're fine but production is how much your factories can put out so if you have two factories and a bunch of production tech they will be able to produce more than something without that construction how quickly you build something and industry that's the bit more one bit more difficult to explain construction is basically how good are your factories like it so you have how much they can do how good they are how quickly you can build them all right so to begin with the new weapon let's get that one set up weapons one and then you research it and you can hold over ok yeah obvious can say you can hold over here and their base up here basically see well let's take it right here right to see why it cost a certain amount so we have the base cost they saved so we decided that you can save up to thirty days so we don't need to be something on it they would like oh I need to pick a new research you can take it a bit TC oh yeah so you can save up to 30 days it's like yeah you were researching it but you hadn't just selected it and we should speed you have our nation wide at recess speed as it is and if it's any like bonuses like research or if it's out of time yeah and then pick the first one like their research speed always good always try to keep it in time it's just generally a nice tab the quicker you get something done it's nice that once unable thing you looked at it gives a bonus to enable piece of equipment well since we are not gonna worry about it I was like don't look at it too much yes okay okay good we don't research for now hey here comes the thing that most people are very very confused about so if we look at the top tab yeah so I just quick run-through right here so that was the plate of power yep next to it we have the stability of your nation the higher stability the more good benefits you have it gives benefits to believe power consumer goods factory that's what we're gonna go through but also how much like how good your factories are and how resistant people are gonna be once you take them over you could work for donation well how happy people are and to find more how quickly they will mobilize and how good they will attack or defend on your home territory and command points we don't have look at that right now manpower how much manpower you can't you have how much free manpower which is very very important to highlight this is how many men you can still like squeeze up with your current recruitment law you can see we have five hundred forty seven thousand that still are willing to join the army currently in your army you have fifty seven thousand five hundred men for your Air Force you have formed 84 Navy you have eleven thousand and that's this then it just kind of explains where you get the numbers from how much time poor you are and here factories this is where we want to get to so we currently see we have three military factories we have two naval and eighteen civilian factories and you can see that some of them already nukes we kind of did a very very basic set up for the nation so if you started a game right away you'd have something before we set everything up consumer goods usually people are a bit confused by it but hopefully I can explain it a bit better now so where does the confusion where does the confusion come from what consumer goods are and why like and how they pull away from the factories because if you just look at the numbers and try to figure out yourself it's like but that that percentage does not like it's not correct okay but then what people miss is so you take all your military factories free of them and all your civilians add them together that's 21 okay and if you go back to the very early we look at mobilization or you can see civilian economy requires consumer goods factories 35 percent right right but it's only civilian economy that can produce consumer goods so 35 percent of your civilian industry will be restricted to produce consumer goods such a but here's like the twist it counts on your total factories military and civilian not enabled military and civilian and takes away from that total number but only from million 35 percent of 21 power yeah exactly it's twenty is seven point three five I think oh so I guess the shaft will completely break me if I was wrong right there but but it only removes no civilian so that's why seven of your 18 sunna factories are restricted and says in use for consuming goods that's yeah so if you just took 35 percent out of 18 well become something completely different are we completely lot of doing that movie game not let's go below that seven or if we do we'll get penalty we can't like it it will always restricted 7/11 if you for some reason would loose more factories then it would simply be you can't produce anything you can't produce or you can't actually trade for trading we use living in factories you'd like 401 your factories to get some resources but we'll get to there you're gonna build military factories and that's the only thing we're gonna build one we play Marcel so you gonna press there and then you can see the map changed it kind of shows you there one of the two sources basically how many slots exist in that state left you classy pro/5 then it's free slots ready and then you can see a number of benefit which is the current in dot and M infrastructure value the higher infrastructure in a certain province the more supply came on through there but also it goes quickly to build something there so we ability in the highest place ever it's either one of those 50 areas oh one of those 350 areas cool and now you see it appeared right there in South Pole oh you are building 1 million factory with 11 out of 15 that's basically you can at most use 15 civilian factories at one collect one single production area let's let's add one more military factory but not in that area yes already we've already fill here ok yeah every and anywhere where should where it's not blue ok so let's go then concede there it also appeared in the line but it says see how 215 it's basically you don't have any more factories it will begin producing as soon as you're done with the first one gotcha now I'm gonna show you some tooltips just you strap you smashed much takes factories to make factories X ducting you can see next complete you can see exact value or the output construction speed and two different bonuses and penalties how much it costs just everything is listed down here so you hold over the black bar right there to basically see it so here's kind of where hearts my own splits from the other games we have it you're playing a four before you press on an infant unit you press on the map and it builds the infant unit it's not that simple in house fire unfortunately we have a two step progress where you need the manpower and you need the equipment it has so here we produce equipment the units are having right now we have infinite weapons and support equipment being produced what did I say always fit together with your units if you had tanks or you had infantry weapons and putting on the spot right here I was like a support like support we're producing that yeah and and like anti-infantry or Attila T there we go no just make things yes I'm for stressing you up so you can remember it because now I'm never gonna forget that infantry support equipment and artillery okay so we're gonna produce that there's tons of your buttons right there tons of different stats very quickly here you can see what current like how much resource you have left you have a 50 robber you can use you are already - - in steel like your I'm gonna show you that later coldly that's that's not so bad what like oh you'd like it's only - - in steel like yeah let's actually very quickly go through what resource are otherwise it's kind of confusing so I'm gonna press on the very last one right there all right resources are if you see on a map you can see we have four steel in this state over here but let's just quickly go back right here we have ferny robbery right here and four but if we have Ferdie why don't we actually have fairly left to use well that's because of our trade law our trade law is currently saying 50% of everything we produce must be - must be put in the global market so and we can't do anything about it it's the only trade law if you change it if you switch it up then that's gonna be like the current ratio you are spec remember tooltips for everything if you wonder what something is where somebody come from they should be a tool to telling you though here in export focus it says resources to market 50 percent luckily since we are also that we are open Asian we get a lot of bonuses as well because people are trading people are using people are like think you have an open market and of course trading occurs like from the small level the same as consumer goods goods exist there also trade partners India nation that trading with shudder it's open it's nice it's free so you get some bonuses there all right but them yeah so currently we are extracting for steel 50 percent of that is put to the open market and right now our need is four we go back to construction right there that's why we're missing two right now every single piece of equipment so we don't have a stockpile of resources we more have current need out of what's currently extracting so you can take it can't just sit around and stockpile how very much you want but your account using what you are currently have producing and extracting if we look on the far right here if you skip through everything right the end look and the far right here to steal and the one below it it requires one aluminium and steel as well but it says zero with a red sign which means we don't have this steel you would have to trade for it or do something similar so each piece of equipment it's kind of having a upkeep it's better if I explain that way what and this is per factory right so for each factory it has a certain upkeep if you would you can see that you have a smaller green factory it means you have one you military factory side to this production line as we call it and if you press one more on infantry we're gonna remove it but just to show a point even yes if you hold over it you can say okay gotcha adding more factories well Cynthia is gonna add one you hold over there you press and now we assigned two factories to it oh yes also we want you to yeah yeah yes to basically show how it works now you can starting yes now I can see that we're missing four they call I mean you can see that number is now red saying we don't have enough resources for this production line but let's respect well it just not make it or I'll just make it slower if it will on this level make it slower like if you are very small deficit in total it we'll think of it you're like stealing from I don't know normal industries to put that you military you're still producing it but very slowly until you get to a very large amount which is different depending on how much you are extracting you will suddenly get a 10% penalty 20 30 and then you know you will not produce it at all gotcha but the press on one factor again just remove the current one you assigned excellent cool and artillery we want to produce more artillery trees and in yeah okay I don't have to explain anything yeah actually setback right there in your sleep you know there's little pictures there okay cool so here we can also see in the very top we see basic equipment basic infant equipment and we can see in the right corner right here if he is taken for whitey you can see it costs to steel to produce right so that's where the value comes from that's steel per factory if you check down there support equipment one aluminum to steel and we won't produce artillery that's cost one times ten and two steel if you press there since you have one available factory it automatically wants a sign right there as you can see we require both tungsten and steel for it and we're now missing four again okay so I think we should since we want to focus on war quickly and well quickly ish I guess probably should say we since we're talking mostly I think we might want to trade for that yes so we show off how that works as well we're gonna jump to the very lost one right there insufficient resources so here's kind of the world market of all the resources that I put up to market everyone's trade loss every resource every different tabs for it and at the very top similar factories how many you have how many that are currently used and available so here they're available our technique the ones you can trade with your right now using them to produce your own military factories but it's still available in the sense of you can trade with it if you just reduce the number and reduce the speed of how quickly you are actually building your miniature factory right okay to do a little bit of both building and trading or if you want to be like no I want to just build and get it done and then trade and get it done you're okay service since trading is something you do like it you are boring one factory you're giving it out it's something that's long-term it's not something you can like be done with so if we press if we right now to do this trade and then explain it behind so I press this tab right now to switch this table and you can see that US is currently exporting 507 steel well yeah tones tone to it we have nothing of it you press on that tab for us yeah yes and you can see United States since we are technically still land connected with them through all the nations in well South North and center American and we're not at war with any one of them we still have a land trade route so we don't need any convoys converse are used for while trading overseas where you don't have a land connection and also some other things but we don't have mentioned right now okay and it automatically now selected a by amount of eight set for one similar factories so we will give them hey US you can use one of my similar factories and I will get a HC permit it's nothing you can do about it it's the open market like they will use them okay I have one more similar factory but they can lose it at any point when you decide I don't want this trade anymore okay it's fully up to you and yeah you press send so since it's not even a case of like your negotiate yeah alright you want it use it they can change your trade law to close trade so they'll get no bonuses but they will have all the resources free dockyards send him right there you build bolts but here is where the it's kind of similar to other games when you build a boat you get that unit it's not that you build the different parts and then put it together to a boat here you build a boat and you have a boat okay but yeah let's spill a boat let's use something else and unless that's a key bill Conroy's we might need a couple of them so at the very top right there so the ones we use of trading it's also used for this one yes it's also used for transferring supply by sea so it might be useful for us to have later but let's just press right there and set up two factories on that since we will have the extra steel right now it says we're missing six buttons one post we're trading for eight so we're gonna be killed yeah and then Nick goddammit do we have time yes I think we do no divisions in basic training so here comes the production plus the manpower put together so we have two different division templates right now if you press edit on that one yes excellent you can see that this is currently how the division will look on the map different from other grant strategies yeah yeah exactly so this is your division you can customize how that division will look and what kind of equipment it will happen okay so base stats are something that yeah all units will have in some sense their speed HP organization we're gonna go through each and every one of them one sketchy go to war okay but right now base stats concept we don't have look it up you're gonna look at though the far-right one right here equipment cost but correct manpower 8300 for every one of the CIL map training time yes it takes I'll take some time train fuel capacity we don't have any tanks or any motorized so it doesn't concern him kill and fuel usage if you have a very heavy tank we drain more fuel than light your time but infant equipment and support equipment and that we were producing in a production menu so it needs a lot or infant equipment it just need a few pieces of it but where does all values come from it comes from if you look at the left side of this pop up you can see the different infantry buttons and little Spade so the Spade is a support company and that's where that entire tab in research if you're if in support companies that gave special modifiers to the rest of units and if you press on that one actually actually you can see it right there as well if you're back hold over you can see at the top you see all the stats so it's gonna modify it in general and at bottom right you can see infantry equipment +10 support equipment plus 40 if you wouldn't have it there then it would simply not cost any sport equipment to produce okay and is it default that like our our division that we have here will always come with an engineer company like just by standard for this nation yes right okay okay yeah and like Germany then they have a completely different default setup we kind of also base that upon how historically their divisions won't look like all right a tiny bit to the right you see the different about infantry helmets it's basically a thousand manpower a hundred infant equipment that's your your most basic basic unit nothing special really one of those submissions have now been told you want to trade in this one division and it's gonna eventually come out on a map once it has so you're currently producing equipment once it's produced it's gonna be transferred automatically right here and it's slowly but steadily gonna fill it up and since you have available manpower that's just gonna instantly be filled up otherwise if you don't amount power maybe racing the law it will also stall but sell it as and when they have both manpower and equipment they're also gonna train in like behind the scene so they actually have a basic knowledge of how to actually use a weapon you can see it currently if I take him - all right here this isn't if you had like several people you can see the total need for these divisions are right there and separate so let's just move on but the total aid if you will have several divisions beneath here and the current need for this one unit so each and every one here would be one division that would be transferred over to the map equipment zero manpower 8300 all good right there yeah and this for equipment see rata Verde once would you bill to go back to the equipment menu because our rather the production menu to show me how many are we making sure ok yeah ok great ok so now I have an idea of like how long it would take to get 30 support ok cool god we have so many small things that haven't even passed over I hate this you know the game right that's why it's so good like I was like oh of course it's obvious but no this is why I love having you here right now so you're like picking up on those small things I miss right there like I'm like of course it's written there I don't need to go through that and he also he tells us right there how many were actually looking to build for so we have the 30 and 804 yes alright ok sick bundle and yeah I exactly here the current reinforcements needs plausible you need but if you wouldn't be producing any units we have another tab in the far right here called yes logistics this is like a stockpile equipment so you can't stockpile resources but you can stockpile equipment ok so there's no no ever there not any reason to ever like I won't use this because I want to save this resource it's always always use all your fees I always use it for something yeah that takes a little bit stress off because yeah stockpiling resources could be quite stressful you trying to manage up if you literally have a say a mound and you're like ok I know I'm using their aluminum for XYZ ok yeah that's it it's stockpiling equipment rather than resources cool but yeah we don't really have more time to run off right there we do have you 4 MP that's coming up right up there but I like this hopefully you enjoyed yourself you'll know boss it's kind of getting a bit more grass yeah definitely a lot less scared eh yeah like it's ash only this tiny tiny piece left like it's you have gone through most part of the game right now ok all that's left it's kind of making army attack those guys ok so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this first look at them Daniel tries to teach someone hard so ironic or something I hope you very much enjoy kit yeah nice we'll be back next week I think we're gonna continuous Brazil but we'll look into that maybe actually gonna begin a cellar larger [Music] [Music]
Channel: Paradox Grand Strategy
Views: 65,011
Rating: 4.9242535 out of 5
Keywords: Paradox Interactive, Stream, Developer, Multiplayer, twitch, cKnoor, Da9L, worldwarwfh, HoI4, Hearts of Iron 4, Hears of Iron IV
Id: Disb20E_8zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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