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the art of leadership the art of leadership the reason that art of leadership is very important is because is it very important for us because we are naturally bad leaders and the longer you resist the diagnosis of yourself the longer it will take you to move to the higher level that God has I've lived in Africa all my life I've never lived in Europe before never I went I went to school in Ghana I've never been to school outside Ghana even for one day so having been here for so long and having grown up in the country which first decided to lead itself God has shown me many many characteristics which the best thing to do would be to see and then overcome them so that we as leaders would be we as Africans would become great leaders in medicine when you can diagnose the problem you have solved 80% you know when we are when you are in medical school one of the things they do is that they'll give you a patient and you'll be with the patient for about 40 minutes you have to talk to the patient examine the patient and come to a diagnosis based on what you what the person said and based on your personal examination and then after that they will ask you how you are going to treat so when you finish in the final exam about four surgeons or professors will come and you have to present and the main thing they are looking for is that you have diagnosed the right problem because if somebody has a problem of malaria and you are giving the patient treatment for hypertension do you understand I mean you are going to kill the person two reasons the malaria gets worse when you haven't had malaria before and you have malaria once it can kill you that's why the missionaries died when they came to West Africa maybe that's why they came more here because you don't have that so much of that here I don't think you have malaria here you have malaria yeah we have a lot of anybody who has fever in West Africa in malaria number one fest you don't think of anything again it's not flu malaria but if you are not having malaria ever and you have it it becomes a very serious disease called cerebral malaria and many white people die from that just it goes very far so if somebody comes and you don't diagnose the right thing if killed a person and then when you you treating the present for high blood pressure and he's not we got high blood pressure the blood pressure will fall very low below normal and the person can die from that one so you are what a killer because you cannot diagnose so we asbestos well we can't diagnose ourselves we are killers and we are destroyers of ourselves and of those who follow us so honesty about diagnosing is very important but pride prevents us from acknowledging our weaknesses everybody has a weakness and one of our weaknesses every group of people one of our weaknesses is leadership I know a lady she was actually my auntie she went to the hospital and the doctor diagnosed high blood pressure he told her that her pressure was high she said I don't have high blood pressure the doctor said you have said I don't have their problem no problem yeah you know what she told the doctor she told the doctor that your machine is not good and she told the doctor that that machine that she's testing the blood pressure with she's going to another country when she tests it it is not high and that there's a fault with her machine she died so when you are proud proudly resisting diagnosis it kills you so don't resist the diagnosis we have a problem with leadership and in your own country you can see that things fall apart when the wrong person and the wrong kind of people are leading and a church - and if you look at the church in South Africa you have to ask yourself what is wrong with the leadership of the church in South Africa South Africa is such a powerful nation you make cars no other country in Africa makes cars you make cars you make helicopters you make missiles missiles which America uses you make what I'm sure you make shapes everything you have you do but what about the church never see a South African pasta was establish a church in another nation nada will you see a South African evangelist that oh you see that evangelist in Zambia is a South African amazing one before it would be a stranger seen a lion in the streets and usually when a nation is powerful that church is usually correspondingly powerful usually when that nation is powerful that jet is also powerful because the church is financed by the powerful nation which it is in you know because the church needs money to do whatever I was doing so when there's a powerful nation usually the church in that nation is so powerful that it reaches out and becomes a blessing to other nations when I went to Guinea Bissau for instance I was recently in Guinea Bissau for a crusade have you heard of Guinea Bissau you know if you know there is a country but is a country called Guinea Bissau when I went there one of my great surprises well was that I found so many Brazilian missionaries white Brazilians of them living in that country in the north in the South Africa and we went to all the corners and they were there Brazilian pass tests I've come to established churches and do the Welcome worker Brazil is a Christian nation and is also very strong powerful and financially very powerful now and the best agenda of the nation they have sent hundreds of missionary guinea-bissau and bola all the places where they speak Portuguese even back to Portugal usually when a nation is powerful the pastor's are a setting where they also pub you see them doing great things like the American church when the church was strong in America you see you feel the effect of America and catches everywhere even after today we still feel the effect of American Church everywhere when I came to South Africa since I've been coming the church which has influenced South Africa most is the American church I see because always the church there's always a powerful check somewhere that influences so we should have seen that effect of South African Christianity and South African churches maybe in Ghana who that we feel the influence in Nigeria oh because these south african ministries in Gambia the South African churches about there's nothing like that just in you amongst yourselves here yeah but economically you you see you we started to see ShopRite and other South African businesses in other countries so the financial people they they are seen they need to go out but even though the Holy Spirit is in South Africa is if the Holy Spirit has not been able to give you power to be witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea and Samaria and the uttermost why do you think you have the Holy Spirit what is the mission of the Holy Spirit why did God give the Holy Spirit what happened when the Holy Spirit comes when the Holy Spirit came immediately look there was a conversion of 3,000 people fools they say immediately the arrival of the Holy Spirit led with him an hour of the arrival of the Holy Spirit our souls were saved just within the first hour Peters and I said you are drunk then he got up any pre 3000 so we didn't want our of the Holy Spirit's presence 3,000 people were saved because he said you you and you shall receive power that's one it was it was prophesied before the actually came you receive power after the Holy Spirit come and you be witnesses of me not preachers of prosperity and money of financial managers a motivational speakers and all that law says that a lot of people are into now I call it those hands because in the church it is nonsense just like if I come and preach to you chemistry now it is no sense in the church I don't have to come here and talk about chemistry if you know I know a lot of chemistry and biochemistry and chemistry is good but in this pastors conference what am I saying chemistry for then I am I'm out of I mean whatever we don't money is not the topic of the church money is not the topic of the church prosperity is not the topic of the church itself is this a topic but in the chest fall death is out of context it's out of context that's a fact that is why you can reach out and they've got the Holy Spirit then you have then you have the spirit of the world lust of the eyes lust of the flesh and the pride of life but not the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit come you start to win souls I tell you the only Street is moving what 3,000 were saved at two acts three a great miracle of healing and asked for by best five another five thousand people were saved I mean you can't go far but the mission of the Holy Spirit is women of souls where's my book also winning the mission of the Holy Spirit that's why I wrote this book 120 reasons why you must be at solving up there is no topic up usually when I give reasons I'm preaching I given seven reasons six reasons three reasons but it is 120 reasons why you must be a soul winner I should you soon increased about 150 reasons yes soul winning is the main thing that is what to make you rich not preaching about prosperity if we if we work what you think we can come here you know how much the offering was yes at about three hundred dollars all your offering oh all and that's the cost of one of this box all the other at the Crusades about three hundred dollars the whole everybody it's not about money we didn't come here for money we are not looking for money we don't need your money you are not trying to get something from you or cheat you a lot of people in South Africa feel you are being cheated I think it's from their struggle because you are oppressed almost everything you think somebody's coming to cheat you say hey not somehow you have a meeting somebody's coming to cheat you yes yeah it's a it's our evil spirit that is in the church in South Africa almost everything you feel somebody wants to get something somebody is good to oppress you or somebody's going to teach you or somebody's not treating you right yeah you have inherited two evil spirits in South Africa from their struggle one is a spirit of you always feel somebody wants to cheat you which is not a good mind if you are a Christian remember jesus said the Bible said Philippians 2 Jesus Christ thought it not robbery that he should become a man he thought he didn't think that he was being cheated or he was being robbed to become a man he took off yourself the form of a man became of no reputation he thought it not robbery as soon as you think they are being cheated you always have a certain rejection of good things and of the will of God you always fight Authority yes and the second one is the same spirit of racism the racism that white people use to separate people right here now let's hear black here we don't want your color you will have this talent okay we will keep you away we will separate is the same xenophobia that you have now you don't want foreigners is the same thing but it's just in another what you call it but is there too and those two spirits can destroy you if you don't block it if you don't block it it will destroy you yes it's the same thing why it doesn't like black or black doesn't like other black is the same I don't like you only because of your color or only because of where you are from I mean how can that be possible I will kill you just because you are from Lesotho how I will put you in prison because you are color black and keep you in prison for 27 years how how can that be a human being why what has he done what did Mandel are doing wrong that you put him in a prison for all these years what did he do wrong you take away his life from him that's because of the color oh but you are doing the same thing is the same it's a prince it's a principality it's here it's a stronghold it's a stronghold and as you rose up against it that they are cheating us so many people have that spirit here almost everything hey there Chitra look at that book we are giving to you you see people they say this what are we doing we come to collect from you to show you love what do you even ful to come here one pasta across the one of the standard we went there was a slight scratches which we didn't even do but is that the size of a a pen he's come to chase a pasta somebody who was practical that we should pay thousands of run for that scratch the truck you can't even see that you can see it that's it pasen everybody hey you are teacher you have come yeah you foreigners and everybody speaks that way men it must be that way to ask us with you foreigners you can't come here and do this you can't come and do this it is a spirit just as you rejected a white pencil thority then it now will reject authority of reject anything that comes so it's the same spirit but it is in another way because now there is no white man to kick away there's nothing to struggle against there's nothing to say is cheating you accept your fellow brother now yeah I've never seen any government in the Parliament in South India president as you have done in your country I've never seen it before in my whole life ever anywhere no respect at all we watch it on we watch it on the video we see so nayfeh is like so don't let evil spirits control us here because it's the same spirit you look at it just the context has changed are you there you are going home chapter 25 of my book the art of leadership see the evils ahead see ahead and prepare for the future amen every good leader must see ahead and in South Africa you must see ahead if you continue in these two spirits the spirit of always being offended and thinking that somebody is trying to cheat you of something if you if you if it continues the country will move into anarchy because the the smallest law do this now you can't cheat us then slow let's go see see I why you can't come and tell us what to do not only to foreigners but even to your own leaders if you if you are a leader you must see this is what is coming a leader chapter 25 see ahead number one is see the evils that lie ahead you have to see this is the evil that is coming if you don't block and break that spirit of racism and tribalism look at Rwanda the future of Rwanda they killed look they imported cutlasses cutlasses you know catalyst what do you call it here machete no catalysis for weeding for grass for cutting forests think what you call it please atlas lawnmower no no that the big knife that we they used in the fourth bush knife bushnell they imported bush knives was it all mallamma dilemma dilemma they imported it and shared it they gave it to the Hutus that somebody who is a Tutsi kill him if you watch the video you see them killing the people with and they wrote your family next door just because you are from here they killed nine hundred and something thousand people in 90 days about 1 million people in 90 days 3 months they just neighbors same church members everything so you you it's a very bad spirit that's what Hitler did you I do I don't like you because you are I do go so I'm saying that you got to be careful see I had an authority you see that no one can tell you what to do when it's a you can't come and tell us what to do here you can't come from outside and I come I think I come here and say who do you think you won't come here you this foreigners you can no public Olivier pass up a second or even say Forest has come together for you can't even control them and as you go wrong you see pastors are not able to control their members come to the meeting come to church come on Tuesday come on test day it's all but at other countries you can't say all of you come they welcome nobody you say you can't come and tell us what to do it's not like that you haven't if you go around you see this not is not like how you can tell us what you think you can come and say whatever hold you to come from your country is talking you see ahead in the future it's you you'll be surprised so you better teach against it amen are you there you are going home not to see the growth ahead yeah and I'm a three see that changes ahead growth like when things grow things change amen at first you can't do a lot of things because you are a few people but with time you see that the course of growth all right and the population is going to grow in South Africa so you may need to have branches of your church maybe from here to the other side nobody can come to church here so you have to do another Church day so that the one Church you up in two places or three places the same church so the members here who come here the members there will come here remembers there will come here that's what we call branches but is the same church the same pasta the same everything but you have to see ahead as a pastor if you don't look far you are not a good leader somebody was criticizing Africa and said the African cannot think beyond one year they cannot plan beyond one year I don't know how it is in South Africa but in other African countries you can see that it looks like it's true unless they say crisis their road will be charged chime with traffic they will not make a new route you know make a bridge they will not make this do not do this a school of a crowd at universities no space nothing hey but I'm sure here it's better isn't it now planning many as ahead isn't it chapter 26 chapter 26 always learn new things as a leader amen a leader must learn new things if what do you know what I know is what I know now then I cannot be a leader there are new things that are being invented all the time amen for science that you are not learning new things I'm going to show you the sign that you are not learning new things why do I say you must learn new things because Ecclesiastes 4 best 13 says better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king who can no longer be admonished or who can no longer and blend new things amen number one when you are not learning new things you do not have new ideas to implement in your ministry there must always be a new idea that you are implementing I always have something new that I'm doing you can hardly find me since I became a preacher not doing something new and all things but doing a new way of doing the old thing amen like I used to just read the Bible then at a point I learned how to listen to tapes which I didn't used to listen before then I learn how to watch videos whilst I was praying I was how to learn about the ministry then I learn how to play music while some praying then I learn how to have all night by myself always having something new and even at this crusade I'm always learning new things always learning new things if you're a pastor you can't know you know the Bible tells us that God is doing new things orbit behold I do a new thing a man is it not true when you are not doing new things number two when you are not learning new things but all this is in the book when you have the book you don't need to write anything just follow what is I'm just reading the book to you when you are not learning new things you don't read much it's a sign that you are not learning you don't read nope people who read learn new things okay number three when you are not learning you are never under pressure you are never under pressure when you are doing something new you are under pressure as we are in South Africa having a crusade we are under pressure I'm under pressure because I have not had a crusade in Tata before is it not you yeah so I'm under pressure everything which pressure but the thing that gives the greatest pressure is when you are doing new things you start to see that you are under a new pressure that you are not but when you are not doing new things in your life your everything is normal and you are who you are moving on you are relaxed everything is okay but as soon as you start to do the new things that God is telling you to do you will notice that a new tension comes into your life yes and a kind of fear of failure and a kind of pressure and that is actually a good sign that you are in the will of God hallelujah that's a good sign that trying the will of God when you are not doing new things you see that you know everything you feel very great and prosperous you know and you also feel very good I don't know how you can be feeling good at this time when we have not yet reached heaven amen are you there and then the last one is when you are not doing new things no one will criticize you are you then no one criticizes you because you are not doing something you but if you start to do something new just be surprised what you will hear amen amen we are always under pressure and you are being criticized look if you're a minister and you are not being criticized there's something wrong with you because Satan does not attack a dead piece of wood Satan does not attack a dead piece of wood second Timothy 3:12 says that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution or all those who will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution some of you have even said negative things about us for coming here what have we done wrong against you what have we done against you have we taken something from you have we done charge you for anything I will not pay for our own crusade nobody has paid anything for us nobody's paid anything for us we are giving you things all the things we have we have reduced everything just giving it like gifts and for that you criticize us Wow it's a sight and I'm doing something new and they say that I'm in the will of God won some big criticized is a sign that I'm I'm doing the work of God yes but you are never criticized is because you are living in the safe safety zone you've length the things which people don't like and you've learned not to talk about them and to avoid them so you are now operating in safety now when you start look there are people even there's there's a pasta you know they started reading my books they started implementing some of the things it's just my best are criticizing the when when he invited me to his church his church members told him don't invite this man again yes and he said I'll invite him I will invite him I like the changes that are coming into my ministry through these teachings I like it his church members so you see I want you to know that doing the will of God always attracts criticism hatred ridicule in a way Saul died when Saul was about to die he told his armor-bearer he said take your sword and kill me less this uncircumcised Philistine come and abuse me this is what the enemy wants to do to abuse abused you yes the enemy and he knows that if they get me they will abuse me and even when they got there and they got his dead body they cut off his head they cut off his head and went and his body you know on the wall so once you are anointed you must know that you are a target of ridicule abuse yes because Saul was anointed when he died David Lama they said oh how how they anointed us falling mit has fallen anointed of the Lord that is what happens to people that God has called most of the people who got us really used I have been abused by the enemy and by wicked people and the Christians too you know that is pastors who killed Jesus Christ I'm Rob base and tips were sleeping on that Friday Good Friday it was past as the priests they rose up to kill the Son of God prostitutes were arrested in their houses from a beam 40 customers every day thieves were arrested from the things they are stolen wicked matters were all addressed on Good Friday pastors church leaders rose up to extinguish the light and to kill the Son of God pastors they are the most wicked people sometimes you see you can ever find who can harm a fellow pastor yes you will be surprised that a pastor would chase you will say might look at back scratch it's not as fragile just that you can't even see with your eye or a pastor noticed in our that the sinners gave their life to Christ instead of making a donation to the crusade and say wow you have been such a blessing we want to even buy fuel for your car oh what a shame five new things that God does number one Isaiah 43 verse 19 behold I will do a new thing amen God is doing new projects number two God gives new languages these signs shall follow them that believe and they shall speak with new turns God is going to give you a new language instead of shouting hah these people you can't come here you start hearing the Word of God and flowing in humility amen you have a new way of talking I said you have a new way of talking instead of criticizing you'll be full of praise number three God gives new instructions a new commandment I give unto you today God has given you a new commandment I don't know what your ministries about but why don't you listen to the voice of the Spirit God may be giving you something brand-new and new well a new direction a new commandment give I unto you always expecting that this is he when you start following a new commandment of speaking in a new way you come under pressure and you come under criticism I'm preaching from my book lot of leadership readily embrace new ideas chapter xxii after three number four God makes us into brand new people therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things have passed away behold all things have become new the anointing and the anointed they anointed and his anointing and the books on the anointing wonderful books especially the the sweet influence of the Holy Spirit this one I believe that God makes us into new people by the anointing you'll be a you be a different person you'll be a different person instead of being a racist and even instead of having xenophobia afraid of other Nationals you start working with other nations that's the anointing because God makes us into new people amen are you excited about that how many well to become a new person oh yes God wants to make you a different but like people would even even recognize like how you are yeah you know my mother my mother comes to my church one time she was telling some matter when I see my son preaching since III don't know how he became worried how he's doing all this because I didn't teach him he said I don't recognize my son when the anointing comes on you you change so much people will not recognize he's a completely different person now I don't say the same anymore God is doing new things I said God is doing new things are you ready to be turned into another man yes by the anointing so behold God is making new creatures amen and then I'm a 5 God makes new agreements hallelujah chapter 23 value people value people you must value people I'm preaching from the art of leadership three people whose value was revealed Ruth the value of Ruth was was revealed in the Bible all right in the Book of Ruth the value of Ruth was revealed when he said it was spoken about Ruth that he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life and an Orisha of thine old age for thy daughter in law which loveth thee they were talking to the the mother-in-law of Ruth my daughter in law which loveth thee which is better to live than seven sons has borne him amen Ruth the woman Ruth she is the one who said where you die I will die where you go I will go where you are buried I will be buried loyalty he said this woman is worth more than seven cents this one girl is worth more than seven cents yes I have girls like that in my ministry they are worth more than seven cents oh yes this one person Ruth worth to you more than seven cents you must learn to know the value of people people are more important than machines computers most of the great achievements in my ministry have been through people I mean even this crusade somebody came here ahead of you I don't know if you received him well he's over 60 years was getting to 70 the man who is walking around here yes is over 60 years old working in the ministry come left his family come and be here and and and some of us here they know showed the kind of respect and the kind of welcome behravesh showed suspicion in questions about everything you must learn to value people that's why Jesus said o Jerusalem didn't know the hour of your visitation I came amongst you they didn't know what I was doing you rather crucified the Son of God you must learn to know the value of people otherwise you will never never never know that you see when you see the value of Nelson Mandela if you want to know the value of Nelson Mandela go to Afghanistan and you know that value of Nelson Mandela now because there have been a lot of big noise about Nelson Mandela it is easy for you to see the value of Nelson Mandela but a lot of people there's no noise is made about them but they are very very valuable and I am sure that even in South Africa there may be other people are come from Nelson Mandela who did a lot and maybe even more but you wouldn't know or see what struggle what they play role they play if you want to know just one man go to Iraq go to Syria and you see people who can never forgive so brothers and sisters Ruth was worth more than seven sons and some of us pastors we don't know the value of women that's why your ministry is small a woman brings children in the natural and in the spirit and in church work there is no church we'd become big without women working a lot of women are active women are not only the cause of sin they are also the cause of growth there are also the cause of growth women cause a lot of growth people are afraid of women but I tell you that thing that you are afraid of is the same thing that can give you a lot of blessings yes it's like electricity it can kill you but it can also do a lot of good like we are enjoying air conditioning enjoying likes enjoying hot tea is it not true but the same thing can kill you yes I know somebody who was working on an electricity I think they had this big electricity power and he was just worried a thing then suddenly he became still they have put on the electricity by mistake he was just he was just dead like that just wouldn't my little sister one day she would she she was playing and she put her finger inside the lamp there was no Bob she put her finger in and everything but she's still using electricity today I know she touches her mobile phone today she's using the ions her closest making teeth listens to music and uses electricity even though it has ham hair before so the fact that woman can bring a lot of troubles doesn't mean we shouldn't use them to boil the tea and to drink let your powwow Alleluia Ruth was worth more than seven sons as evidence is a lot because for one woman to give birth to seven sons it's not a small thing it's not a like seven human business seven sons it means like all the people that are in your life this one woman is worth more than all the people that can be in your life seven sons and many of you don't value people you don't know how important the person is so the person is not there number two Elkanah that is the husband of hammer right she said to hammer she said then L cannot said to her husband Hannah why we Pez now why it is download and why is thy out grieved am I not better to D than ten sons yes ten Elkanah was with a fella was explaining to his wife that look I might not worth more to you than ten children so that our people who are worth more than ten sons there is a man you can have in your life is worth more than ten people one day I had a crusade somewhere and one of the pastor's there of a Methodist Church he said to me he said not to me he said to somebody he said if I have one of your crusade director one of the person just one of such a person the whole Methodist Church would change that's what he said if I just have one person like the the crusade director that I sent he say if I can get only one person in the whole of the church the whole place will change here ever he recognized the value of the person I had sent ahead he realized that the person was well and he said Elton I said I am am I with more than ten sons there are people that one person alone is more than 10 people that are walking with you Wow may you know the value of people and may you have valuable people number 3 David the king was worth more than ten thousand Israelites but the people answered and said thou shalt not go forth for if we flee away they will not care for us neither if half of us died they would they will not care but now thou at worth ten thousand of us definite is better that I'll succor us out of the city ten thousand amen so 10 David they told them that you are worth ten thousand they said you are the light of Israel there are people that are worth ten thousand people in your life yeah ten thousand not everybody is the same people are different and people have different abilities so you must know that different values and place value on the right thing otherwise a valuable thing comes to be with you you don't recognize it and it goes away and that's it it's over he said you are worth ten hours end of us today as I'm preaching to you I may be worth ten thousand members you know me T Kenneth Hagin was was worth maybe more than ten thousand members do I have more than ten thousand people in my church yes I have more than ten thousand people in my church meeting him and getting that tape and reading his book was worth to me more than ten thousand people today if I need a car I can say I need a car there are so many people buy me a car plenty all over the world they will buy if I just say I want I need it was worth more than ten thousand so you see sometimes we don't know the value of things so we play with it we play with it we play with it and then when do you know something that is happens or that when we have a crusade it's at the end of the to say the process realized how important the crusade was and they said oh if we had known after at the beginning the way we would have behaved the way we would have flowed with the crusade the way would they don't know they don't value what is coming the after they realize that a very good thing came to the city that it's like it's too late then they start asking so so when will you come back so come come we ask that you come back next year so we want you so where are you going can we come can we come back this that is standard almost everywhere we have to say this lever because when they think I'm they don't do say this is what I looking for money they say these people are from West Africa these people are this this island ganya these are material this is this like that this you didn't find you what was coming to you I you listening to me right now I want us to stand to our feet for a moment I want us to stand to our feet for a moment father thanks a million for the blessing of your word yes Lord in the name of Jesus Christ we give you thanks ask God to give you the grace to be a great leader the grace to be humble humble my lord and my god I thank you for what you've done in our lives in the name of Jesus Christ and everyone said amen you may be seated [Music] [Music] if you need someone to say go anywhere [Music] whatever the cost baby I'll be there if you need someone to beat machine if you need someone to show some love [Music] someone to care I'll be there [Music] how when you call for me [Music] nor delays there no excuses [Music] here [Music] if you need someone to counsel them if you need someone to talk to them [Music] I'll be there [Music] if you need someone to pray too fast someone to stand in the gap I'll be there [Music] I'll be there when you call for me [Music] no excuse [Music] if you need someone to go witness it yeah if you need someone to win a soul [Music] to Jesus [Music] you can't count on me I'll be there I'll be there whenever you need I'll be back [Music] Oh on me and on ah [Music] [Music] just call my day [Music] yeah so lift your hand and be a witness ah believe me take whatever you need [Music] will you be there [Music] just call my name I'll be there hallelujah I'll be there for you Lord amen Wow now today I want to share with you also about loyalty and disloyalty loyalty and disloyalty are very important subjects especially because this loyalty was what ended the ministry earthly ministry of Jesus Christ his ministry was ended by a destroyer a person called Judas so today I want to ask the question why did you destroy Christ everybody's gonna have Judas because if Jesus had Judas you can expect one to somebody who tends against you all right and Judas you know Jesus said of Judas is that did I not choose you but one of you is a devil so that means that if we want to understand what it means to have a devil in the church it means to have Judas in the church because jesus said I chose you but one of you is a devil so if one of you is a devil that means that Jesus had a devil in the pastoral team because Jesus said I chose you and one of you is a devil so what does it mean to have a devil in the church it means to have a Judas or a disloyal person in the church and a destroyer person if you don't know what is disloyalty you will not know that to be destroyer half there are seven different ways you can describe a disloyal person a disloyal person can be described as somebody you can say somebody who is destroyer or you can describe him as somebody who forgets those and I've written a book for each one because it's so important because if the Ministry of Jesus was ended by disloyalty of Judah's then it is very important and this book those who forget is also about disloyalty that's why there's layers and these classes on the cover but is though so far there are people who forget things you they forgot you laid hands on them they forgot you preach to them they forgot you helped them they forgot you you recommend that them I mean some of you nobody will have known us everywhere ordained or appointed or thoughts or trained or introduced let's say somebody comes to sing nobody will shake your hand or wear that you are saying I like your song if I don't also introduce the person to come and saying yes so but there are people don't remember anything at all no matter what you do for them they don't remember you know when you all know the story of Gideon with the three hundred three hundred people that he used to go and fire there but the story of Gideon really has two big pots or which one is the story of when he was alive and one was 20 when he died the story of when he a lot was alive was this fight with the 300 people you know that he he wants so many battles but yeah that story was that he had 71 children yeah he was a lot of children a lot of wives you know and when he died one of the children Abimelech was the death son of a concubine and he got up and he said he was from a place called Shechem and he told the people that do you want 70 people to be your leader or one person that was the discussion he brought you 170 people to be the leader like a parliament or one person which one is better and that because they drew one person so he asked them to kill all the 70 children of Gideon and they took the same picture and killed all of them on one stone they cut off the head on one stone get beyond children the people from shaken yeah you know and well one of the sons escaped Joe Tom and he came and he came and gave a prophecy he said look a fig tree was called come and be our leader I said should I leave my sweetness to come a roof no a vine tree was thought to come a rooster should I leave my wine which I'm refreshing people with to come early he said no another I forgot a cedar tree should I leave my whatever I'm doing I come then they called at tones and he said look that tones it was a parable in other words what was Xena a tone tree is coming to rule over you and he said that what you have done you are forgotten what my father did for you and fought for you and the Bible says God gave Israel forty years of because of gideon he subdued the people for 40 years people forgot all and they killed all his children and he said let fire come and consume you from the leader I said let's fire come from the bramble tree from the tonic tree let it come and consume you you see and in the end the end of the story was that they killed the man himself killed and God sent an evil spirit between the people of Shechem and Abimelech and they quarrel and they fought together and Abimelech killed all of them and after they killed all of them he was going somewhere and then a woman took a stone and threw from a tower and it fell on his head and he also died yeah they both died everybody died and he said because they forgot what did John the good works he did for them there are a lot of wicked people I tell you even Judas he forgot he was appointed thousands of people did chose him one can you imagine that they Jesus came down the monster you you you you you twelve people he was one multi-tier Allah the Tatars had come it was a is it me no not you you do not you know if those who were they are the most dangerous people people who can remember in South Africa you have to remember the people that you are even fighting against South Africans saying that they are foreigners the people who helped South Africa Thabo Mbeki went to school in Ghana Mugabe went to school in Ghana and all the lot of a freedom fighters they were there they were sponsored and look after and fought for we will Ghana again young could not come to salah bobby said we don't accept south africa our passport always had a stamp not valid for South that means you cannot go to that I've got we doorstep South Africa's a country all my life I had that stamp in my passport this password is valid for all countries except South Africa because of appetite yeah we couldn't we couldn't never even who never except British a call they were coming here because they had their business about we Africans we don't accept it so don't forget it because it will cause a fire to come out from those who forget yeah you gotta be careful it's a bad thing he said for forty years the people of Israel had quietness because of Gideon and when they when the time change and give your diet the collector his son seventy of death and kill all of them say not remember that goodness that did you want be to you it's one of the term of disloyalty those who are ignorant it's another type of disloyalty ignorant people are the most disloyal uneducated people you see you can shop is homina homina homina we know go sit down it's our time no one can cheat a cicada but when you come into power you see that you cannot rule and such uneducated people easily rise up in rebellion but you don't know what is involved in leading in France the French Revolution the other French Revolution what happened was they were Finnish angry and they went to the king's house they said we are hungry we are tired of starvation you are enjoying here and they entered the king's palace and the entered was there they took him to town then they left him then he went again they took him and in the end they took their own king they cut off his head they took their queen they cut off her head Marie Queen Marie Antoinette she's the one who brought fashion to Paris yeah all the fashions you see now is from her the cut off her head then they cut off every important person head and Nepal of Nepal no soybean Epona was a young soldier he saw I said no I don't like this they a man called guillotine a Frenchman invented a way to cut heads and they rose up against Authority they said they even changed Monday to Friday didn't want people to go to church so they said that day that a week must have ended so soon so that the Sunday will be confused so that people will not go to church so many things all those things were overthrown and they came back to square one and Napoleon became the Emperor again yeah ignorant then you may think you are doing something but you you cannot take away the fact that some people work harder than you and some people even not everybody is the same we are not the same and not everybody can do the same thing and some people can do more and should be rewarded for working more but ignorant people think everybody's the same we are all the same we are the same look we were having a crusade about last week when we were stained that Cobra came Cape Cobra a cape cobra it's when it bites you you die in five minutes 5 you're 5 minutes to live breathe five minutes when we saw the Cobra the Cape Cobra just outside where we were staying all this security guys was none of them went to catch the Cobra nobody even attempted I also didn't attempt what about loyalty I didn't use anointing - because we are not the same they caught somebody who knows how to do it he came there I tell you he brought some stick he held it then he held the tail right in front of us to kick like that put it in a bucket and took it away we are not all the same some people can catch Cobras we both are you cannot catch we don't have to try some people can't catch progress and you cannot force all of us to be the same are you understanding what I'm saying you cannot force odda I am the same as you you are the same everybody is the same people who are ignorant they don't know that there are differences and they think the hell we can all do it we can only wish our time is oh yeah we shall okay wow that's what we did in Ghana in 1957 we have the right about our leader said we have a right to manage or miss manage our affairs this was his words we have a right to monitor mismanage office and since 1957 we have read aware railways they have not added even one yard or one meter of railroad would order the dough if you work the train doesn't even work it works but it's very old you be afraid to be only everybody is not the same those who are ignorant yeah very dangerous people that's why I like to educate people I like to educate yourself so that you not be you not be jealous it's a form of disloyalty those who are dangerous sons a son who tends out on you see the story of the prodigal son is a story to encourage all parents not all sons turn out the way you expect them to turn out God Himself is suffering from that problem and people that he are his children don't love him and not following him the way he ought to fall and there are some sons that are very dangerous like ham the son of Noah when he came out of the ship he made fun of his father instead of protecting his father so they are dangerous sons and it's also a type of disloyalty and there are those who accuse you those who accuse you you can come to this country and do it what country what you can't get that but you can't just say who are you why is it those who accuse you your mouth is like a sneek mouth yes fair non accusations suspicions come from your mouth all the time the slightest Anuj speak suspicions of things that are not true at all things that have no basis though always negative thoughts come to your mind those who accuse if you are a pastor and your members are accusing you you will never do well even when you are preaching about tithing they'll say you need money you want money that is why everything you do there was other reason why you are doing it you not know even what to do a man was riding his horse and when he got to a set in town he was with his son their son was walking on the road and he was riding the horse when he go to that town the people in the town said how can you let us a small child look at the short legs he's running following the horse you are very wicked man so he decided to let the son sit on the House floor that he walks when they call it you will go to the next town the town people said can you let that go not be walking and that child is the one riding the horse you are not training of your child well you are a foolish man the child is going to drop and become a monster because he is riding the father's walking so then the man decided that he would join the son so the Son and the father sat on the horse together and this continued the journey when they go to the next town they said this is animal and what animal abuse animal abuse how can two people sit on the back of one horse this man should be arrested for animal abuse so the man got off the horse he and his son and the two of them pulled the horse and they were all going and then when they go to the next time that people said this man is on it drops in jorts you are got the horseshoe roll right there horse in Badajoz you not ride the horse the horses walk in fear you are walking - are you a horse accusations serve the purpose of guiding you and leaving you alternatively dings - the Holy Spirit like when the Holy Spirit is leaving you this way the accusation will leave you this way because of what somebody said it's okay then I won't go here I'll go here rather what this person said I was taught this and I'll do this what this person said about me I'm going to go here I remember one day I went to what I visited one of our churches and somebody gave me this nice big in Ghana we call it a boo boo you know like a Nigerian type of dress big with flowing rope so I visited the church I visited the church no no this this one is too small this is nothing please note that it's not what I'm wearing this is nothing so I visited a church and I was wearing one Hey one of the people in the chest said who does he think is is done with whatever he thinks is a big money's worth from that day I never after the war nothing again it guided me not to wear such a thing I gave in my life yes accusations they are very dangerous yeah and you see that you are taking them off it that's why that's why services cannot take offerings because of what people say and what you yourself have said when somebody was taking offering what you said it is fighting your own accusation is fighting you like Paul Paul that is that Paul did fault Paul you know Paul was the one who taught people how to beat pastors remember how they beat who is it Steven it was his ministry to be pastors so when he became a pastor himself he was big Tina until he died it was big and big because he has released a spirit in the church the spirit of fighting and beating pastors so you have to be careful of what you are releasing in the system or when you criticize something you are criticizing something that may fight you later yes those who accuse you am I finished those who leave you those who leave churches they are the egg you see when they are having a crusade I'll show you the effect we have been the crusade and somebody starts living people have closed the eyes when they see somebody's walking back then they look as if people are then everybody starts to live because those who live you have an unspoken message to those who are staying behind they are say to that people will stay behind there is no need to stay you can go now so when a pastor who is your assistant or a male person bows away is telling their of the people you are a fool to stay there can't you see God has given us with no mall that's why you have foolish person to steal are you staying there you should live so those who leave you I wrote the biggest book for them because they are the finishes of churches your chest can finish by one person living yeah I had a church in a town of Zurich in Switzerland the plaster left but before he left he did his homework well I'll give him that he spoke to everybody he told them you know bishop taki what mills is sitting in ghana doing nothing and we are here just following him what he's doing we have to be careful this and that they spoke to every all the people one day he wrote a letter to me said I have decided to write resign from your organization I asked him why he wouldn't say then later I said a prophet spoke to him and you see we have why people leave you one of the first chapters is one of the resistive prophets prophets instead of professed living people to Christ they are living people out of the church out of churches because prophets are supposed to lead people to Christ and save them from going through hell but Jesus Abraham told the rich man you they have their prophets let them hear them let then listen to the prophets they will not come to hell but today's prophets they are rather leading people out of churches so he wrote to me he said a prophet told him that a new day has begun in his ministry I knew what a new day and a new chapter that says the Spirit in the new day he left and he took every body in the church and left the empty home went to a new place and the hall was empty without instruments without any without anything just a hole so we have to close that change so that church is closed those who leave you they are very dangerous people but a fire will come out of them in that fire will return and consume them yeah you see one of the reasons why those who leave you and those who have betray you one of the reasons why they struggle in the ministry is that they are sowing seeds of disloyalty and teaching everybody that you don't have to remind a person is in authority that's what has happened in South Africa as you fought against the white oppressors now they are gone so that's the fight is still there so who shall we fight we shall we fight now whoever anybody who is there whoever is there even pastors rival let's fight them you can talk you can tell us to come on Tuesday while we are working you can tell us to come on Friday why you can tell us to do this you can tell us a lot you got so lord destroy our people they plant a seed of destroy out and nobody can be loyal under them so you need oil t0 those who pretend retain Dez Judas was the perfect pretender do you know that asked on Thursday the day before Jesus was betrayed nobody knew that Judas was going to do that only jesus knew so the loss of other self who is it you know you know I mean which of us he was perfectly blended in that is what they tell spice FBI CIA yes I wouldn't be surprised if they are spies here they are they are taught to blend in don't wear a different dress don't come in a suit with that glasses know you dress ordinary and you when they are but you are taking notes that are recording yes I wouldn't be surprised that CIA or FBI I mean your what is your what is your own called South African spine scorpions and I yeah I'm sure there's some around us we are going around around bio means the other following listening check in recording sending messages sending messages this what they are saying one day there was a spy in my church and the spy was a lady but she didn't know that we have we have caught her because somebody who knew her so dasa when you ask this girl where does she work she says she works at the airports so one day I was I look at the girl we were having a prayer meeting she was she was pretty look I said a very bad spite we were her work that she's not to remember her work is to spy return this watch out for people who pretend they are part of you but actually they are not part of you Judas was perfect if you want to be a spy follow Judas it was the best spy no one knew what he was doing only Jesus Thomas didn't know Peter Matt you know it doesn't is it is it Tomas is it Peter is it no I knew Jesus knew that he was a thief so a good leader knows people are not genuine you have to read this book to learn about those who pretend amen so loyalty or disloyalty is very important now let me just quickly tell you before my time is up because I just have a few minutes to and my session about why Judas betrayed Christ amen Judas was the most trusted person with money number one Judas was the odd one out anytime you are the odd one out you must be careful Judas was from carry off and all the disciples were from Galilee so watch out hey what are you taking pictures for brother you see this guy's not a spy because we can see what he's doing the real spies they don't they don't behave sit down don't take pictures now the real spies do not behave like that they'll never come out and be seen yeah this prize do stay there amen you'll be writing notes amen amen so the DB stand-up you say hallelujah and they'll sit down number two Judas perhaps was disappointed at his training he didn't want to be treated as a nobody because they were ashes they were waiters they were doing errands scavenges is that not true are you there number three Judas was maybe not happy with the lack of accommodation good accommodation that was being given to them as disciples because jesus said the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head and they were following him where he has nowhere to lay his head number four Judas was maybe disappointed at the poor transportation because Jesus was the only one riding on an ass everybody else was walking maybe he was in the ministry was not getting a car I was not getting a big car number five Judas was not happy with that type of food that he had to eat since he became one of the disciples the Bible says they fill the basket with the fragments which remains above for those that are eaten Jesus sent them to go and pick all the fragments and Judas was saying to himself look at me going to collect fragments I've become a scavenger these that have no respect for me look at the food if I was in the house with my wife to think I'll be collecting the leftovers of people that have eaten and appspot out their bows I should well collect that food to eat what do you mean nonsense number seven Judas did not like the way Jesus was being treated specially remember when the woman came in for the alabaster box of ointment Jesus Judas said if you want to know a Judah said Judah doesn't like somebody to be special oh if you are there like you have a better car or a better a they don't like it at all don't invite that don't let them come to your household very dangerous people Judas objected to Jesus's special treatments doodahs don't like you as a man of God to be on it why who are you who do you think you can come here just do what I do you can't just come here like that this way mm like such things if you are Judas in the church any time your pasta is on it it worries you if the steps you are not happy with it check all the Judas is in your church if you have to take an offering for your pasta you will see that all Judas I against the offering they will say why waste this money we could have use it on the poor nama eight Judas did not like the emphasis and the direction of the ministry maybe after beasts around for some time he now knew everything just listen to the preaching and he now says no he shouldn't have been preaching about this he said we should have rather given this to the poor we should be emphasizing on the poor we should be doing more this this more of this more of this who made you the commander of the ministry small opportunity we give you to be around you are now saying what we should do there are some people if I allow them they will tell me what to preach yeah I've had people try to tell me what to preach don't preach like they don't do this don't say this anyone I was writing my books telling me don't write like this I told that wait were writing a book write it that way I'm writing it the way I'm writing it Judas had accused Jesus of misusing the church finances amen Judas had accused Jesus baby Jesus was accusing Jesus remember this usually people who are doing something are the ones who accuse others so Judas was a thief so it's likely that he will accuse Jesus of being a thief because it takes a thief to catch a real teeth I tell you sometimes when you hear some accusations you can't even believe us it has got or care to you before I realized that people who are a setting with very upsetting ideas occurring to them or if you are maybe you're a policeman you know bad things or a lawyer you know what bad things people have done but usually it is people who are a setting with that you even or catio this man is doing this or this man is David or this mind is this oh this one is because that's how you are because nobody should not care to you when you see something wonderful you should think innocently and have good thoughts but you have negative thoughts where do the negative thoughts come from because you you are like that it comes naturally Wow the next one perhaps Judith wanted to get rich quickly you just wanted to get rich quickly he wanted more money faster the money he was getting from the ministry was not enough so he wanted thirty pieces of silver in one day one one ministry one one one one session money money is must never be a reason for ministry or anything you are doing even even business money should not be your aim people get more money by not trying to get money than trying to get money when you try too hard to get money you don't get money when you try too hard to everything you are doing to get money you rather lose I've lent it in the ministry otherwise we wouldn't come here South Africa is the country with the lowest offerings of all the countries we've ever been to in Crusades then lower not even like let's say one step lower like if everything is ten nine eight South Africa's offering is like one two three the lowest ever if we plus money we without food lip South Africa now and not come here to continue doing any Crusades you lowest participation lowest income everything lowest South Africa we are not trying to gamma if you think about money your ministry comes to a fast complete conclusion and Judas ended his life in his ministry by trying to get a bit of extra money but you cannot do that with the ministry ministry is not about money you must believe it genuinely in your heart you mustn't preach about money all the time you mustn't think about money you mustn't think about the profit you mustn't think about not losing you mustn't think about about not losing yesterday we asked a process with the Makarios we said this is the registration every town with beer if explaining that this is how my distinct costs and this is what really some people did not understand if they felt they were being cheated like I told you you have that mentality here always think that somebody is cheating you when I had about I said give it to them like that it's okay it doesn't matter if we weed it's even it's already it's already a loss it doesn't matter in ministry we don't think about losing you don't think about getting money we didn't come here to get even one round from you try to believe it don't let your anti-apartheid mind go into anti-authority antipasta and evangelist anti-christian until everything because the anti-apartheid will flow into everything untii everything it's not a good thing it's not a good thing it doesn't let you do well yes just for a little bit of extra money there's no need to have a discussion or even a meeting why should they even be a discussion sure something is not working well because of a hundred runs please Judis because of active pieces of silver his whole ministry came to a rapid conclusion Jesus you know Jesus but a lot of bad people I want to say to everybody who's ever thinking about being disloyal of all the people Jesus met he never said what he said about Jesus about Judas Judas he said it could have been better that he was not born I mean I've never heard that Jesus had I mean thieves like Zacchaeus he had was this guy prostitutes woman of Samaria so many bad but darling and all Devil's process but for Judas he said look it would have been better that he was not born don't chop with disloyalty don't choke with this life is a strong thing yeah should have been back you know when I understood that Scripture it's what I used to comfort the ladies in my church whenever they lose their babies sometimes you know that they have abortions like maybe after three months the pregnancy comes out they start bleeding I just put my arm around them and I say don't worry my dear maybe it was Judas who is coming out you know because Jesus said it would have been better that he was not born so maybe it's Judas you were about to give birth to Judas and he has come out eyes [Applause] [Music] yes now my level perhaps Judas had become too familiar with Christ what is familiar familiarity when you know somebody familiarity means to know something so closely or so well as to lose your sense of respect you lose your sense of respect and not everybody can work close to someone some people if they even eat with you once hey what they will say the job you like chicken oh you like check it too much you like meat just because the person allowed you to sit at the table once you have stories worth sending pictures look at the meatiest eating a lot of meat he likes eggs he can eat one ostrich egg himself hey why because he invited you just for wine come and sit down and let us eat some people are not good for close work they are better for far they are better for fun but they are not so good at clothes when you are closer it affects them but some people are good for clues like John John in the Bible he said that which we have handled that which we have held we are we have our eyes have looked upon we have handled we've touched him the word of life that is what we declare to you we were very close to him but it has made us even have a greater sense of admiration we have two types of Christians in the in the house of God those who can be close and those who should not be close the closeness worries them it would be their undoing for them too if ever come to your house if they come to your house I affect them and I came to the house I saw one one guy he came to a pastor's house he said but I will never play tights again when he came to the pastor's house after this I'll never play tights again so what I saw in the house gadget yes sound system satellite and so many things hey he's using our mummy in stores in our honey is using our money I will never pay high tech and I will not leave the child but I will never pay tights again Judas familiarity as I said my own familiar friend has lifted up his heel against me I'm a 12 perhaps Judas realized that they knew that he was a thief they were going to bring out the case soon so it's better to just sell Jesus so that the case will never come up I'm a 13 Judas thought that if Jesus was to die he would lose his job so he had to secure himself yes secure himself whenever you try to secure yourself you go out of the will of God whenever you try to make yourself safe you go out of the will of God God did not call us to make ourselves safe he called us to serve Him and if they're serving him involves danger is part of the calling hallelujah he came from heaven to f22 the midst of wicked people but he came amen God did not call you to secure and be safe when you try to do that you lose the safety rather you rather lose the safety because real safety is of the Lord I've known a lot of people who have tried to prosper themselves but prosperity is from the Lord if you love God if you love God and you give yourself to God that is where you will see prosperity it's not what they are doing real prosperity is for God loveth I said real prosperity is for God loveth the blessings are for people who love God John 14:21 he that has my Commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me will be loved of by my father and I myself will love him and manifest myself to him the manifestations of God's blessings the visibility the visibility the manifestation of blessings of God for people who love God love people who love money he that he that has my Commandments and keepeth them he it is that loves me and he that loves me will be loved by my father and I will also love him and manifest myself to him the one who loves me they service we have been using for tragedies when evidences sad thing we always use it all things where to go when you go to it somebody that somebody has that is oh you say all things work together for good for that verse is not for Christians no no no Loulou is it's been misused because a lot of it was after you quoted that verse I couldn't see how all things were working together for good that vest is for God loveth he says all things work together for good to those who love God who love him is for God loveth that all things work together for good not just Christians you must start to love God choose God and love God God is the person you must love love God don't love money love God and be in love with your father and be in love with your God and be thankful to your God he said because he a set his love upon me therefore we like to live for him deliver us from evil belongs to lovers of God not lovers of money and lovers of so many other things if I was satisfy him with long life I will show him my salvation I will pay with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him he says because the reason is because he has set his love on me not because he loves himself he loves anything don't try to secure yourself she does you just love his own life was trying to secure his life make his life safer get some silver to buy babies truth we don't kissin to build a house somewhere establish himself in Jerusalem it turned the other way around love God and God will you he will appear who manifests the cars will manifest the houses will manifest the prosperity will manifest that things that you are chasing will manifest themselves [Applause] I'm ending amending my 15 perhaps he thought that the power of Jesus was finishing perhaps he thought the power of Jesus was finishing listen nobody decides when somebody is finished God is the one who decides yes let us open our hearts and rather follow the anointing cause ask you follow the anointing you'll not be deceived yes you will not be deceived so instead of thinking because Jesus was always talking about I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die you think that his power is finished be careful with unwanted people and I'm not that person best liking to Ally on playing with the Cubs when you see a lion play with Cubs if it's like a it's like it's one of the most attractive pictures of a very nice and loving mother lion with that Cubs place you turn around there will be plays you play with them that very lion in some few hours time you see killing an elephant bring him down a tear us bring him down a buffalo in the most brutal way Lions can eat you alive and you see them playing you be careful with Jesus you said you had no power you think it has no power he has a lot of power when he was on that cross time tend to the teeth one of the tip was insulting said if you are the son of save yourself save us we want to experience your power this is a remind him but he was not called to judge he was called to save we didn't do judgment at all but the other guy he said please remember me and Jesus tend to him and that is the only display of power he said today you'll be with me in paradise [Applause] hallelujah so don't think some of you you older pastas some of the other pastas look weak some of them you may think their time is past be careful of old people oh you must fear old pastas they are the most dangerous people because they they don't have any power except their weights and when they speak you'll be surprised it will pin you down to pin you down yeah you see when when a person is blind or when a person is blind the ears become very sharp or when there's some disability the other part takes over like like like when Stevie Wonder came to my office see that he's very sharp they can't tell the size of the room by the ears but they can't see they can't tell how even that there are people there from the hearing very sharp when a pasta is ordered I maybe he doesn't have money or even people don't listen to him so what he has is his spiritual authority that is why the most profound words were spoken by the older people in the end of their lives in the ministry when he said he said blessed are those that bless you and cancer are those that kiss you up to today's working in the Middle East there you see all the countries are on Israel are confused Syria Egypt this Iraq every quest chaos only Israel is peace today Isaac was blind he was shot in the spirit he couldn't even fast so they brought him food to eat it was a bit after yet that the anointing came more that he blessed Jacob that is when he blessed him not from fasting but from spiritual authority after eating he said you are place and when he so came back that I was on the best I have already said what I've said I've said it I can't change it he's blessed you bow down to him after eating are you listening to me are you still around so brothers and sisters pastas especially grown up pastas you must fear them even when they are joking they must fear ever what am i met a pastor I told him let's go and visit this man over said no I will not go he said because if he went it can easily catch me by mistake what's that guy he can speak a case easily you know he is just say something then your life would change he said no I don't want to go there that guy so he didn't come he say he may say something and I give me about two or three instances when he just pointed as somebody I said this behavior this thing it will become this it changed he's changed he said his whole life in Miss Rita he went to prison yes in Ghana he made fun of him he made fun of him the opposite they made fun of him yeah I know a lot of people that have made fun of him some of them are paralyzed some of them have strokes some of them died many of them died he friend things up yeah you have to be careful of old when all I hold in authority I remember one past I had him I had him kissing somebody wasn't kissing a person directly he was talking to me but he lifted it lifted his body you know you can hear even when somebody's smiling you can hear it on the phone he lifted his voice and he said his end shall be like the end of Absalom he will hang himself he will be hunt he hung himself it happened practically yes whatever it meant it happened so be careful Jesus is saying that he is going to down the crow don't misunderstand it don't misunderstand it don't misunderstand some of you have no respect for other pastors people that have been in the ministry for years you have no you said you can't come here tell us what you can do what do think you are everything you can tell us why did you learn that from everything no one can speak about to you no one can correct you know I can tell you what to do why do you get that spirit from the anti-apartheid spirit has become anti-authority no one can even tell you as a chorus that to talk for especially facile you can't even speak to a barista they will not listen you'll be offended just now you have to apologize to the barristers fantastic be careful with spiritual authorities yeah yesterday I was preaching out order a lady she told her daughter you will sell beans you sell beans she was going to the University her mother told Lu you would sell beans she went to the University did everything and came back and selling beans outside the house be careful of people that are you aware fathers and mothers and spiritual authorities be careful amen so Judas look at the end of Judas you got the end of Judas Jesus said it would have been better that he was not he was not born it shouldn't have even come some of you shouldn't have even been in setting churches for you to turn against your path do some other sins but even if I mean if you want try some other sins Janice that what add up you want to smoke or drink or work but disloyalty a message well smoke and drink oh but I'm saying that even is better to smoke them to be destroyer it's better to be a smoker than to be disloyal yes it's too bitter to drink to be it to drink them to be on up a disloyal Jesus said it would have been better there is nobody on earth it has been said that he shouldn't have been born only Judas Jesus a look it should have been better that's why I always comfort a lot of mothers when they are bleeding the baby say look don't cry this as Judas has come out screen out now his thumb into the pot he has fallen into the pot is come out are you listening to me how many are going to be Judas Iscariot of M Tata no never in Jesus name you are going to be a sweet lawyer family humble in Jesus name humble in Jesus name humble in Jesus name [Applause] listen as I conclude disloyal person is born out of pride this one really the book title should be those who are proud because really pride makes you speak you can't come here and tell us what to do we are big we are great we don't need you is that not what it means and is it not pride yes God gives grace to the humble so embrace every opportunity to be humble everything that makes you humble thank God for it because it means he's giving you grace this is one of the most important books I ever wrote I knew that it was important that's why I tried how to write it humility humble if Judas had been humble he would have been he would have been in heaven today all he needed to do was to come back to Jesus and say I'm sorry but he denied Jesus once and Peter denied Jesus three times but hey I want to talk to anybody I want to see why don't you say hello to see Jesus you can't talk to me I don't want to see ya Pete I want to see I don't want to see him please Peter and Thomas want to see you to talk about reconciliation no I don't see anybody give me a rope myself you cannot talk to me nobody can talk to me I don't want to see anyone that's pride no we were talking about reconciliation with Christ no no no no I don't want to see them but these are your guys with these guys for three I say I do want to say give me rope give me what I don't want to talk about this I don't want to apologize I don't want to have a meeting who is Twitter who is better to talk to me without to talk we are all disciples who is Matthew you know I was up before Matthew was called we were 12 hour the dead before my field haha nobody can talk to you nobody can advise you Jesus I need to have been better but this guy was not born you see there was more to Judas that even the money the pride the arrogance may you be humble in Jesus name thank God for humility what a blessing it is me you never suffer from all the place of Judas may never be said it would have been better that you didn't come no I made always be said that oh thank God you came and God you came receive a humble spirit I said receive a humble spirit receive a humble spirits I said receive a humble spirits for true humility you shall rise for true humility you shall flourish for true humility you shall go to the place you never imagined you will go to through humility you shall pass through the doors that those of ministry that those of your life the doors that lead to the higher things and the greater things of the Spirit through humility you shall gain access to what was covered and hidden from you and for humility shall be the knife that will cut away disloyalty humility shall be the telling points even when you start to make mistakes and you have gone down the road of error for some time to humility you shall return to the ancient paths through your military shall come back home you shall find your way again back into the paths of righteousness say the holy and mighty Spirit of God I shall surely bring you into new rooms icy rooms I see a house I see a house with rooms the rooms are painted white they are special rooms rooms of Elijah rooms of Elijah groups of ancient prophets lentils contain in this room sir there are special treasures in these rooms are yes I see a Honda I see a hawk on the door yeah I see you entering the room yeah you shall come from you but how will you enter how will you be able to go in you shall enter through the key of humility for I said you become like a little child and you becomes small and nothing in your own eyes you cannot enter the rooms of ministry the rooms of ministry the rooms of my work but there are many more rooms the rooms upstairs I see many floors with many rooms many rooms many chambers with treasures with tables there are tables with treasures on the table there are places with comported blessings and and compassion and great things from the Lord yay-yay you shall enter you shall enter how shall you enter how shall you enter Hammurabi enter enter how shall my army enter they shall have the master key the master key the master key the master key of humility Marie separado mighty general shall enter mighty can also enter by the offices in Miami shall be humble and they shall go through the doors and enter the room of the Hyades of the kingdom of God a surprise and I see also a room of treasures I see a room of financial treasures I see a room of treasures of this earth they are cut off from the proud they are hidden from the sight of the proud and the mighty and does not exalt themselves but I shall keep them to the humble ones my hover one shall enter those rooms and shall enjoy all those treasures men shall see the treasures all about them because I shall give it to the hot ones and those who have the key of humility literally received a key of nobility before you [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba will give you praise we give you praise Jesus Jesus thank you Father thank you for the the blessing of the open doors doors of ministry does of the kingdom doors of great grace we enter each store in each arm in Jesus name thanks Abby thanks a million in Jesus name Amen maybe see that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I see a corridor leading to rooms you don't know what is in those rooms there are keys to cars he's two buses keys to trucks he's two houses I see the corridor it's going to more rooms the rooms are photographs of your ministry photographs and pictures great things things that you have accomplished things that lie in the future and I see another room in that room is the presence of the Lord Lord Himself is waiting in that room to be a reward himself his presence his presence shall find him in that room to enter these rooms you shall need to bend down for you cannot enter as a big person they must be small you must be small in your own eyes you must be little must come down and accept littleness smallness for my doors in my kingdom I shot doors and only the key of humanity shall open those doors walk on now walk on now walk on now walk on until you come to the room where Jesus is there his presence shall engulf you and shall be manifest all around you his presence shall be there with you in the day the night his presence shall fight for you his power shall engulf you and we run about you is glory shall go all around you and go forth before you for that says the spirit many have a ministry without even a drop of his presence a drop of his glory baba day is coming to an end my glory shall be found again upon my children and upon my church my church will not just be a building but my presence will be in the building my church will not just be a classroom my present shala la la Lala la ilaha farah de la plaza de vida presenta brass peta brass Bella Rose Villa da da ba ba zebra Zama Radames every dollar what you never thought you would see you'll see what you never thought you will see you will see what you never thought you will see because you said I'm too small I'm nobody but you will see but I will do it say some spirit now come down my son from your ladder I see you going up on a ladder that makes you too big come down now come down to the ground be little again be small in your eyes again Fidesz our own ozone and deals ammonia for that is the fall of who was blessed when he was small in his own eyes but when he became big in his own eyes my presence left him he was left to his own devices and spent the rest of his life chasing people who are going to them accusing them throwing javelins arrows at people who are annoying tents you shall not spend your life throwing arrows at anointed men and accusing people that I have called assaulted for you are being called to humble yourself and be small in your own eyes it's time to land again it's time to land what you think you know already it's time to read again what you think you know it's time to say again I want to read what I thought I have read I want to go back on the pages and study again what I thought I knew I want to go back I want to go back take me back I want to go back where it all began I want to be small again I want to be small again condos in Connemara Lamar Jesus Jesus Jesus is walking in our mix right now receive a touch of his greatness and his great presence be healed in your hearts of stony hearts are changed today to soft hearts hear his call for his colleague is calling you said you were called father suddenly this is the call this is the call is calling now receive the call of God who is calling thank you Jesus father thank you so much for your blessing on our lives today we are so grateful for speaking to us you have done it again thanks for raising up many ministers talking to us again and again we are grateful lift your hand and thank him for his blessing his calling is new for you today for you said you were called but I hear him saying is actually today that is calling you received a call receive the call of God thank you lord thank you Jesus [Music] amen you may be seated [Music] [Applause] [Music] how many of us know God is speaking to you God is calling you God is calling you thank you Lord Jesus [Music] if you need someone to set go anywhere do anything whatever the cost may be I'll be there [Music] if you need someone to feed the sheep if you need someone to show them love [Music] someone to care I'll be there [Music] I'll be there when you call me [Music] no delays there will be no excuses you will hear [Music] here I stand me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you need someone to talk to that yeah if you need someone to someone to share the word if you need someone to stand in the gap I'll be there [Music] now be better when you call for me we'll be we no excuses [Music] Here I am [Music] Oh [Applause] if you need some parts to go witness it yeah if you need someone to win a song and leave them to Jesus I'll be there [Music] I'll be back I'll be back whenever I'll be there [Music] I'll be back I'll be there when there ah [Music] live show be a witness Oh [Music] just called [Music] will you be there will you I'll be just call my and I'll be there [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 404
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Healing Jesus Campaign, Healing Jesus Crusade, Salvation, Miracles, Healing, Evangelism, Gospel preaching, Evangelist Dag, Work of ministry, PASTOR’S CONFERENCE, MTHATHA, SOUTH AFRICA, REASONS FOR LEADERSHIP, 2015
Id: eoqcbIEXA44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 49sec (8689 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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