CITICHURCH - Prayer Changes Everything | Coney Reyes

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[Music] but afternoon please have your seats take your seats I'm so blessed to be here this afternoon thank you for inviting me thank you for having me that's the warm welcome from City Church I've heard so much about you guys and your faith and your your praise and worship is just wonderful hi where will I start kaya I think I I think I should be here to incur to be encouraged and not me to encourage you it's a wonderful day isn't it look at me my dear brothers and sisters I am a living testimony of the goodness of God of God's amazing grace of His mercies that are really just so tender but new every morning I am a miracle of God I am a walking miracle of God those things that I went through even just physically you'd think how is she able to manage to do all the things she's doing only by the grace of God only by the grace of God I've had eight surgeries including my three cesarean operations veteran as a surgery at age 11 I had a tonsillectomy at age 14 I had an appendectomy and then I had my three cesareans or even before that I had a cyst at my back that had to be operated on and then in 1996 I was diagnosed to have malignant thyroid cancer my kids were very young at the time youngest if I'm not mistaken was six I mean I I don't want to do the computation right now but about that time and he was his teacher told me that he was just always walking around the classroom so I had to talk to him and sit him down and tell him you know ask him what's what's wrong what's the matter and then he said mama they said you're sick then I said yes so do you know what I'm sick of do you understand yes cancer you went like that and he looked at me and then I said do you know what cancer means and he said that you're gonna die and my heart broke even now as I recall it and see his face I can see his face I left retardedness he said that his tears drop then I just hugged him and said but God can heal me son and guess what truly God healed me I did not go through chemotherapy I didn't have to go even through rejection it was a talk I said if I had radiation at that time I would be separated from my children for about I think two weeks and not sure anymore at the exact time that I would be away from them and I don't I couldn't bear thinking that I'd be away from my children specially my youngest son for two weeks because I knew it was really gonna just freak him out okay and what was the eighth surgery my OB said I had two groups each bigger than my uterus in my stomach and so they did a total hysterectomy so no more ovaries no more fallopian tubes no more uterus nothing even before I reached my menopause stage the surgery took more than six hours because they said that each growth was as hard as cement and my oncologist had to scrape it off so through the time I was still you know working working in between I had to make a living because I children three children but also at the time the Lord was just sustaining me the Lord's grace was sufficient truly in our weakness is strength is made perfect so that's the physical aspect how about the moral aspect of my life it's okay you can laugh at me now I can laugh about my life I can laugh about the things the crazy things the unspeakable things the shameful things I've done of course when I was doing them they were all in secret but God is so merciful and so gracious that all through that time I just found out that many people were praying for me even fasting for me and I just found out later on even some fans not just my friends but even some of my fans they would come to me give me tracts gifts gift me with Bibles or write me little note saying they're praying for me I appreciate that the prayers appreciated the concern but of course I felt I already had a relationship with God I knew God I knew Jesus I was doing my novenas I would go to Baclaran you know Baclaran every Wednesday I was there not Wednesday daytime but Tuesday going on to Wednesday because there are a lot of people there so I have to go midnight or at 2:00 a.m. I would even walk on my knees from the door onto the outer I made all those sacrifices walking even from somewhere in Quezon City along you know White Plains antipolo every Good Friday I would make all those sacrifices thinking that those will get me closer to God thinking that those sacrifices would make up for my sin and that God would not look at my sin if I made those sacrifices but the thing is before I do those sacrifices and right after I do those sacrifices I'd get right back into sin it was like not like it was a bandage I couldn't get out of it and I did not know how to get out of it I grew up with the religious mom who was the one who taught me how to pray was the one who taught me to do all the novenas she even let me make lmao my sister in a Beatle she made me wear since I was a little girl a white dress with a blue sash like an abbot owed to the Our Lady of Lourdes she promised that I will wear it until I get married but the thing was of course when I was in my teens when I'd go to church I didn't want to wear that because I wanted to be fashionable on Sundays so many things in my time in my life but the wonderful thing is truly payer changes everything I'm a product of prayer fervent prayer sincere prayers of my loved ones my dear friends who I would even mock I don't know if you remember the late Helen Vela she was like an arty arty to me to us actually to Vil my own Vilma Santos and Tina we were like a group of four that just shared our lives with each other secrets little did we know that Helen was already praying for us and miss Tapia of his school buckle you mark I did go to school buckle diba she became very close to me it's just like a nine and I and too many of us so she introduced me before to fortune-telling she she was the one who introduced me to all these idols and give me idols you know the one who holding a money bags and and all that stuff she gave me all those so when when she surrendered her life to Jesus I became a burden to her a burden in a sense what I mean a burden to pray for to come to know Jesus also and surrender my life to Jesus so she introduced me to eventually to prayer and fasting but I'm going ahead of my story when how when Helen celebrated her birthday in 1989 she wrote me a note asking me to come to a gathering much like this one and I said to me really passionately gallo market yahwah but because I loved her even if I sent my driver home I just decided I'll just elf and drive myself to church and when I got to the church it's like her friends and me stop also there they were all just so well I'm not even say ecstatic maybe they were but they were crying I just coming to me and saying you know dito basilica st bar i tonig on D to knock oh hello and they sat me right there first row the first row so Wow the postman my partner going on the bun and say hello to that yanggaengie no Avenue say hello to the person to your left we present your right person in front of you whatever so honey mahogany tall so somebody will say welcome sister corny welcome sister Connie welcome and then defensive defensive the constantia asesina sabi ko I'm here because it's Helens birthday Oh subplot da can you know man I'm here because it's Helens birthday I mean because Helen invited me top was not breached nah oh my let me you feeling vinick's a subpoena to not be preached natto in a demonic or sin avenue Hale in Latin buhay KO or much is my seat oh no no no don t be no no no demonic gossip shows a llama by Gore got a no feeling Kody bah how many of you know what I'm talking about urine and apana Eddie siempre the King giggling Rocco and then somebody came to testify just like what I'm doing right now and he said what he heard from the pastor being preached before and he mentioned yet I was listening I looked at him and come to me the Lord is saying come to me all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest I couldn't help it I started crying sweeping because I was tired so so tired tired from all the problems tired of work tired of life I was just hoping thinking of my three children I attempted suicide a couple of times one when I didn't have children and at the time when I already had my two older children trying to drive off a cliff and praise God you know I stopped right there why I would always say Lord I had the relationship it annoyed the bus I become a lord are you under Peleg I missed ah you or no and I'm going up this cliff okay laughing okay laughs I'll I'm gonna man you manic or you love my children you're gonna take care of them and they'll go straight to you in heaven that's what I used to be Oh God but that always come to a screeching halt papa brakes going stop like there was a time like almost in the cliff press agreement annakodi but not at Roman asana Anila I'm sure it affected them and yes it had because I also had some problems some issues with the sum of one of my children so I'm like you know floripa good now hi Johanna so I ran up went in front well no no when I heard that verse come to me all you who are weary and heavy-laden I will give you rest I raised my hands up and I said lord I surrender I surrender my life to you do with me what you want to do use me however you want to use me and from that time on it became kind of different not overnight but I had to make decisions like realizing that obedience is better than sacrifice all the sacrifices I've made but God just wanted obedient first and then I realized you know one of the first verses I'm memorized was Matthew 11 33 sick he first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else he will add unto you you can just imagine how excuse me how long it took me to memorize that verse but I wanted it but that got me started that got me started that's that got me starting to memorize verses it's so powerful it's just different when you know the word the enemy can't lie to you if you know God's Word that's the sword of the Spirit and you will beat at him but if you don't know the Word of God then how can you will your sword you don't have any sword to wield and you don't know God's promises you know is his word then you don't know what to say to the enemy anyway so obedience is better than sacrifice seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness everything else will be added unto you and on to Matthew 6:34 which said do not worry about tomorrow tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own that helped me in my life because when I decided to follow Jesus and I turned my back from sin it was so painful it was so difficult some people thought it was so easy for me to do but it's not that's not true it was very hard but I wanted to obey God I wanted to obey Jesus I wanted to follow Jesus and I knew that because after I got married and had my to children I got separated I had my annulment then I got into a relationship with a married man and then I eventually had a son with this married man my marriage was annulled but his marriage wasn't annulled even if he also eventually got separated so it was sin I own a no sin I wanted to please God I wanted to obey God and so with all the people praying for me then I made a decision a decision to obey a decision to turn my back from sin I would cry every day I'll get so depressed I really just get so depressed but then I just knew that's what the Lord wanted me to do and I had this ayah who was a Christian and she would leave little notes beside my bed and on my night table and I'll never forget one of the verses that she gave me when I was just saying manna you know she's an older lady manna he heat up anaconda cahaya one day she just put this note and said in first Corinthians 10:13 no temptation has seized you except what is common to man but when you were tempted God will always provide a way out for you to stand up under it it ministered to me so much it ministered to me and I memorized it first that's why I memorize you know the verses that really ministered to me and so it's good you store them up like a bank in your heart because the Holy Spirit will remind you what the word that you read the word that you memorize the word that you know God will memorize you to the power of His Holy Spirit so when you need it it's there it's there for you to wield so when I'm like when I'm like getting really depressed and really getting down I mean I just go and say no no devil I resist you the Lord's I submit myself to him and resist you devil you will flee so flee in the name of Jesus I submit myself to God I resist the devil it did they submit yourself to God and kind of resisted ever I just say Oh devil manana Lucas no no no resist means to really just make a decision to just get away from it resist it I um oh so I always see that allow the devil can't read your thoughts only God can so you need to really say it out loud say out the verse say out that word of God so I say submit I submit myself to God I resist you devil so go away flee it did not say flee Belial Islam flee means sorry passion and taboo but a packet in shame denied even man does not live by the butt but man does not live by bread alone but by the word by the Word of God that comes put up I got confused man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out from the mouth of God there I got it cuz it can tell I mean it's out there and I got a pretty good night Polly asana who did for many things and I just want to share them with you pretty fast yes prayer changes everything so I encourage all encourage all of you to pray at all times and not just when it's convenient pray for your loved ones pray for people at work pray for your friends pray for yourself pray just pray communicate with the Lord prayer doesn't always have to be in a kneeling posture there are times we really need to get down on our knees and that's great I got down on my knees this morning because I said lord please be with me there in that meeting I can't be with God I can't be anywhere sharing what God has done in my life without really just getting down on my knees and asking God to really be with me because if God won't be with me Lord they open alone don't bring me there if you're not gonna be with me help me Lord because I need you I acknowledge I need you I am nothing apart from you I can do anything without God do you know that my goodness we can't even breathe without him hello so pray pray prayer is the greatest privilege that you and I have prayer is what's going to release the greatest power on earth and there is such power in agreement in prayer when two or more agree in prayer it is done when two or more gather in prayer the Spirit of God is there and so can you imagine and I just like to add I don't know the exact verse stir she love you you know verse about in first Peter I'm talking here about husbands and wives do you realize husbands if you're in agreement with your wife in prayer you know God's gonna not nothing is gonna hinder your prayers that's gonna answer your prayers that's why be in agreement love your wives and love your husband's Parana 111 queens in Asarco well I'm gonna go so sabi ko na Indy column you know knee nothing will hinder your prayers it says Wow can you imagine God will really answer your prayers hello yeah chaos having any sister she rotala Gondo in agreement just supportive wife or the one very good behind behind a successful man is a woman loving and praying or you're the one on your knees always there are four things that I'd like to share with you I've learned this through reading reading books listening to podcasts listening to preachers that really helped me through the years and I have an acronym for it it's comme ca LM and as I read them as I share this with you I just like to share the verses that ministered to me the verses that might help you also in your walk with God you might have your own hope ever God speaks to you but this was so alive in my heart this was really just so alive I've learned to number one celebrate God's goodness we need to celebrate God's goodness okay in a fence can you have that the verse how do you celebrate God's goodness you just realized for it is by grace you have been saved through faith and it's not from yourselves it's the gift of God not by works so that no one can boast Oh a demon I abandoned oil dandy know a part of valor de Ajo so heaven oh ho vegan onion we are saved by grace through faith isn't God so good you don't have to do anything you just have to accept him and what he did for you and me on the cross when we ask for forgiveness he will forgive is that so good of him grabby I think I have another verse some 107 1 give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever it did not say his love will endure overnight his love endures forever ever and ever for all eternity we need to remind ourselves this and we need to declare thank you Lord for your good your love and Joy's forever the by another one in some 34 8 oh it's tense that the Lord is good blessed is the man who takes refuge in him of course blessed is the man and the woman I know and when you know that the bad so number one is celebrating God's goodness number 2 ask for God's help I always ask for God's help but on anything not just with the big things not just with the difficult things even in the main new things the little the little things just ask God it's Corino as a parent or as an elder brother or sister or as a friend nipple butter how nice if your child will come mommy daddy can you help me with this but I'm cute cute Emma okay then thank God but in God Papa God God is Jesus help me with this even in the little things the thing is sometimes we wait until we got big trouble that's when we go near him are you a banana yeah it's nice to just be in communication with a lurid the whole day praying and ceasing Li the little things even in the traffic I mentioned this yesterday in the group this is a little thing maybe for some I don't know but maybe maybe if I find me even weird it was raining and I was driving and I knew that no one was gonna open the gate for me at that time that I was going home so I knew I was going to go down every and been dog ate myself oh my so cool and I indeed Langosta olan olan said just as I asked God for parking and as for parking I don't just ask for parking space I asked Lord you my lacking space hopper akhiok omec particle cuz they put money behind equine pumas opens a parking gonna normal break a gun and cachaca chika so anyway so sub good lord now already like in the street near our village I was going to that Street almost to entering the gate I said lord please no one let the rain stop so that by the time I'm already in the street of our gate of my house Lord 100 lon I know but it's impossible parody but nothing's impossible with you call an uber so you know what to make Estella got you cool and as I was approaching her house Odaiba I see in Hua Mulan I sing while a kite shower kite drizzle that's a be bold be bold in praying it's okay the worst thing that will happen is that he won't answer your prayer but be bold trial on his trial long because if it's time if what you're asking for is something that he really wants to give in its time and you're ready for it go but if it's not yet time then he will let you wait and in the waiting comes many many lessons do you know that while you're waiting I singles and not just for the singles also waiting for something as an answer to God's prayer about work about family Alam nor in the waiting so many things are being taught us I know Co means and I'm Sofia Sofia meropenem sing in the Lord Lord I just embrace whatever you're doing or whatever you want me to do because I also know if I don't embrace it hmm and you resist it and you go the act away and disobey what's gonna happen it will take you long oh it will take you longer where you are by all authority and thank God what to TuneIn more young lesson that God wants you to learn hey you wanna Lord gusta como be listener so ask for God's help trust in the Lord with all of your heart proverbs 3 5 6 try so many people when I wasn't really surrendered to the Lord yet they would give me this vs. right me my birthday the proverbs 3 5 6 D comment Indiana but only to lit and trying to understand it you know in the spirit is not in you you can't understand telega anything so you ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand give you wisdom help you in understanding what he's trying to say when you read the word so trust in the Lord with all of your heart lean it on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight he will direct your paths by myself exploratory knee and you know Helen explained the spirit is being holy spirit just move mightily today opener fights Lord yes first Peter 5:7 cast your cares unto the Lord because he cares for you a home isn't in Avignon copán Lord I cast all my cares on my burdens all my worries my fears Oh lallan epicness a beach Odaiba Lord Rama Nana man Lord stay open the talk he repeating it again he told me only towing problem I give the problem to him I can't do it Lord so you do it I guess you said to cast my cares unto you because you care for me because you care for me you'll take care of it Isaiah 41:10 so do not fear for I am with you shut up no do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand epic snapping I'm insane but param but seen obviously Lord Yin reassured the rescued God you just know and you know and you know he's never gonna leave me he's right here with me through the waters through the fire you define me what nilin Nikhil gifting India telega okay and my favorite one of my favorites Philippians 4:6 7 do not be anxious about anything but in anything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus so it says do not be anxious about anything did it say do not be anxious about some things do not be anxious about like this like this or like that they know do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God so with Thanksgiving na Thank You neva God thank you Lord de ba parle de Canaan in Walla not Rangeela bah-bah cannula and be bold yes sorry gonna dicen a goody-goody nothing saccade the bar we know the story about the two women neva canal it include sacado DS i can judge the bus so what did the judge relented gaiden i am ashaming longtime acquaintance anya me alone number three leave your concerns to God family bubble Melia core sorry Melia Honam versus the gun okay we'll ask God for help I should have sorry anyway John John 14:13 John chapter 14 verses 13 to 14 when you ask God for help and I will do whatever you ask in my name so that the father may be glorified in the son as many ask God for help tiba and you know whatever you ask for in prayer believes you've received it it is yours but there is something that you need to do before there's a continuation of that verse whatever you ask for in prayer believe your receive it it is yours but if you have something against anybody or somebody is something against you you need to go to that person first and make amends make it up the bar say sorry canyon but I'm a soccer team players I'm sorry did I confuse you I'm really sorry but anyway at James 1:5 if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God so this is about when you ask God for help I mixed up the verses I'm sorry I got confused if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you so ask God for wisdom he will give generously he will not say no I only give you a little or I only give you I'll only give this person I'll divide it among you know you ask him for wisdom and He will give generously even if you haven't been praying or you haven't really been obeying no buts that whatever it is whatever it is in your life you need you trust that you can go to God Vibha I said no one is perfect Elega in the you panel I have to do this first before God will listen to me come Abajo go before God anytime anywhere not by appointment voila what appointment inside my Gulen but not in me appointment diba okay in Sam 12:2 everyone lies to the neighbor they flatter with the lips but Harbor deception in their hearts no this is not the one I'm sorry anyway anyway so that was my second point about asking God for help and then the third point is leave your concerns to God God in the PowerPoint Canelo cough oh yeah okay sorry did you get confused Thank You Lauren God works things out for the good of those who love him according to his purpose he turns around with the devil meant for evil into good thank you at least 1800cc Lord nominee Holy Spirit come and exhibition uni but Allah willing vessel means and weak and the fourth one so you have celebrate God's goodness ask God for help leave your concerns to God number four meditate on the Word of God meditate on good things we need to pray the word declare the word okay so in Joshua 1:8 9 even as a new believer I will I just loved kept this book of the law always on your lips meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it then you will be prosperous and successful have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go so Brenda may be assurance is going to be with us wherever we go yes another wonderful verse that's something that I really love also Philippians 4:8 the brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is noble right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things there's such power in our thoughts and in our words so we need to fill our thoughts with things that are pure and lovely admirable excellent praiseworthy these are our right things that are true facts are not always the truth of God the by but some people would say oh it's like this is like this it's a known fact no it's research proofs know what doctor says sometimes you know you know you just need to trust that God can turn around things for you you believe that I don't know what you're going through right now I don't know if you still trust in God or already just doubting what he can do for you but my dear brothers and sisters there are things that we really can't do which we need to trust God with all of our hearts I trust God in the timing in my life I trust in God's timing and I'm not going to strive at least by his grace not try to strive anymore or frustrate myself by trying to do things that I know only God can do Levi will always make peel it what we want we always try to force the things of God to happen but the things of God will happen in his perfect time but we need to just be stay in faith stay in Hope persevere perseverance builds character character hope and what's important to him is that he's building our character through the trials through the challenges through all the problems god is just one just after one thing he's building or character making us more and more like Christ it's not easy it's difficult that's why we need capital on we need at least now Holly's nothing the little company landing na landing yeah anime welcome when we're going through hardships just remember remember God's faithfulness in your life the times he answered your prayers the time that he was walking with you that you knew he was there and that was strengthen you that was strengthen us for the future you know what there's just one thing that I want to live for and want to for Christ no matter what they say I'm not perfect I'm far from it and there are many things that God is dealing with me until this very day but I choose to be molded by God he is my Potter I am the clay I have to go to the heat to the fire sometimes but I want to come for us as pure pure silver pure gold I want to be a really wonderful pot made by the Lord that he will mold me to be the person that he wants me to be and I want to share that with my children my prayers of my children and my children's children and the generations after us we love God obey Him honor him and serve him all the days of our lives I pray that mine will be a life lived for God because oh that a life lived for God leaves a lasting legacy that's what I want to leave with my children I just want to leave with the world but they know and they'd know someone asked me before how do you want to be remembered I said I want to be remembered as someone who really loved God and obeyed him so if you haven't obeyed God and you know that the certain areas in your life that are gray I strongly urge you to submit yourself to God faster so with all the things that have happened in my life I carefully give back all the praise honor and glory in Jesus name god bless you you
Channel: Citichurch PH
Views: 1,942,630
Rating: 4.7667103 out of 5
Keywords: Citichurch, Citichurch Cebu, Jesus, Bible, Faith, Pray, Prayer, Hope, Obedience, Church, Philippines, Love, God, Savior, Messiah, coney reyes, Coney, Reyes, Prayer Changes Everything
Id: 6vYdFziwUEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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