2. How To Wait On God

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just clap for those outside everybody else i should come in no no not you i'm saying that people outside should clap for hallelujah are you excited to be here right now i realize that let's pray father thank you for the gift you've given to us for the blessing you afford us guide us by your mighty mighty power holy spirit we are thankful in the mighty name of jesus amen now i realize that [Music] when you send people as missionaries many of them or not many some of them cannot do well because first of all they are not spiritual people that's one of the big things they are not spiritual you see when a man fell in the garden he fell from being [Music] god conscious to self-conscious he became aware of himself but before he was aware of god before falling he was aware of god after falling he was aware of himself are you understanding yeah before falling he was aware of god the spirit of god and god's presence after falling he was aware of other things so that's why anytime you see somebody who is very conscious of certain things you know is affected by demons if somebody is too conscious of what is a man as men as man a man man we are men this demon has affected martha [Music] yeah so um consciousness of god and of who god is is very important to distance you from sin if you are too conscious of a woman we women women and women it's demon demons are working too conscious of your country we americans so americans very conscious of america with the great nation but god is not building a great nation exploring christianity he's building christ the two conscious of education or we you know you these are idiots and you know we a demon is working so consciousness too conscious of everything other than consciousness of god awareness of god and even awareness of yourself and with your sins is actually there's something wrong and it's difficult sometimes to shake off but the consciousness of god when you are able to attain to it in the midst of your difficulties is a high attainment yes it's a great achievement so many people are not spiritual that's all you don't have the capacity to pray and to wait on god and to just be prayerful so we are not here to have teachings on prayer if you want teachings of prayer i will recommend to you a camp that i did called everything by prayer and nothing without prayer that was a camp if you want teachings on prayer now we are not here for that now a person who is not spiritual can best be likened to sea sand yes sea sand you know sea sand is different from the sand we have around here the soil it goes all the way from black here to white and white sand there's a beach called white sands it's like an unspiritual person the person cannot preach even if the person preaches it's more like a lecture because when you are spiritual you don't have to talk much and then you realize that it's having some kind of effect on the people that are listening to you [Music] are you there yeah what was i telling you about yes sea sand only coconut trees can go there yes apart from the coconut tree nothing works yes yes only coconut trees csun so i'll tell you i'll give you an example i met a sister and she told me something she said that she was an atheist she didn't believe in god hallelujah now we are here we are here to pray it's a prayer camp we are not here for teachings amen but above all we are here not just to pray for an answer but to develop spirituality this may be the point i'm trying to make that we need people to be spiritual you need to become spiritual how many have noticed that like there are some people they look spiritual and how many realize that some people don't feel spiritual even that's what i mean whatever it is that's what i'm talking about yes rarely will you find anybody doing something do you see for god without that particular characteristic spiritual a spiritual person of some sort first corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 says concerning spiritual not gifts the great gift is in italics it's not added it was added by the translators so it's concerning spirituality and you see that he goes on and then he he makes a comment do you see and talks about all spiritual things throughout the chapter beautiful but then in 1st corinthians chapter 14 and verse 37 he gives a lot of meaning to what i'm saying by saying that if any man think of himself that he is a prophet or spiritual any of these two let him acknowledge that the things that i am writing to you are commandments of the lord and this was about women the verse 34 says let your women keep silence in the church it's not permitted for them to speak they are commanded to be under obedience which is the meaning of being in silence but silence being silenced i don't know why you know i i tell you something the instructions of paul we may soon have to vote about which of them we are going to discard yes because i can see that the church has discarded a whole series of paul's instructions including these ones and if we are going to discuss these ones if a man is a spiritual a woman should keep saying this the only time that he used that he said look if anybody a spiritual or a prophet let him accomplish what i'm saying is from the lord that the women should be quiet and they should be under obedience they should be obedient to listen so anytime you have a woman who doesn't listen it's not obedient she's out of the spiritual order but we will soon maybe have to have a consensus of the things of paul that we are going to discard women should cover their hair we've thrown it out women should wear dress decently we come to church in trousers now instead of carving the hair is a new style of everything you mentioned keep silent you if you put on tv and almost every channel a woman is preaching yes women are everything women should be quiet no not quite obedient to husband not obedient you have more of them bible one of course we are going to have to add a laser bishop should be as one of one wife is also we added to the list of things to discard yes not because it's like paul paul is not writing the word of god so let's list all the things that are not that are not from god you see how you are hypocrites [Music] you swallow you swallow a camel and when it comes to a little ant they say no i can't it's too big for me the ant is too big but you just swallowed a camel few few minutes ago this one is a camel if anyone says he is a prophet or spiritual in any way he should acknowledge that this one is from god that the woman should be under obedience and they should be quiet you swallowed the whole you said we swallowed that this one should be discarded then a small one bishop should be the husband of one wife something that all the people that we are following none of them had one wife abraham isaac jacob solomon david the psalmist all our fathers [Music] anyway you can think what you want but remember that jesus the people that he didn't like at all in this world were hypocrites yes he didn't like them at all yes anyway you are making me divert from the topic if any man think of himself to be a prophet or spiritual these are two high qualities a person who is spiritual and a person who is a prophet i think you will not struggle with the idea that somebody is a prophet but the concept that somebody is spiritual you see it's not something that is so common but it is it is equality and a state do you see that you should be in yes and that is why we are having this camp not to learn new things yes but to become spiritual and when you are not spiritual that you can bear fruit that you send some such a person and the mission will say that he cannot do he's only doing internet jobs he's only doing things it's just a coconut tree is the only tree that can grow there yes after years of working there's nothing because there's something that is not there yeah and that's what people don't realize like i was saying i know the testimony of of a brother of a sister who went to church daniel gave a similar testimony the other time he went to church and he was you you were you had decided he had decided that he would never go to a church even if it's a wedding or a funeral he will never go to the church today he has hundreds of members in his church in the uk yes but were you an atheist i i believed that there was a god but didn't get it do you believe there was a god the person i'm talking about was an atheist yeah sit down and when he went to church what did he preach about and when he went to church he thought it was a church like in a cathedral and there was only one member and he was the only member in the church so the church was starting it was a starting church and he was the first person to listen to an invitation and to come to the church he was the first and that's the day that he who said he would not go for either a funeral or a wedding was there and he was the only person the person who invited you preached he did what the person who invited me did project projector yes and somebody else did what and the pastor was on the keyboard and praise and worship was his wife and another um brother yeah and then i think there was somebody on drums and then i was the congregation you are the whole congregation yes i was the congregation do you know the topic that they preached about abrahamic success abrahamic success that's even a nice topic you can get polygamy out of that okay sit down but this person i'm talking about was more advanced than him because he believed that there is a god but this since i did not believe this there's nothing like a god so somebody invited her to church when she went to her amazement she was the only member so the congregation was here and then the pastor came to preach this time not on abraham excuses i'm talking about spirituality but he came to preach on tithing yes and he preached on tithing for a number of weeks yes and this lady who does not believe in god has come to a church where they are preaching about money not a ghanaian an atheist from a different culture apparently and sat there and the power of god touched the person you don't know what is a topic it's not the topic it's the power of jesus saving people yes yes one brother told me he went to a church not our church he was telling me how he got saved but he was in the church and while the service was gone i think his wife made him go to church then he started crying yeah he started crying and after crying after church he went to oh he went to the pastor's office and started crying in the pastor's office nobody has said anything to you the holy spirit has arrested you that's how he got saved and he's in church today so i'm talking about spiritual people so the reason why i invited you to come to this camp is for me to come and stand and give teachings to listen to on whatever we have a lot of teachings on prayer and even books but it's the ability to be spiritual and the ability to seek god you see that's that is what i think above all things makes a person spiritual why do i say so because the bible says draw nigh to god and he will draw nigh to you so a person who takes time to draw my to god experiences god drawing nigh to him the spirit drawing night to the person the person also has god around him because he's a god seeker so if a person is not a god seeker he is not likely to have much of god around him that's a reality that's that's what's missing yes and people cannot seek god and to seek god you need to know because god's power is real god's power is real and spiritual things are real whether you believe in them or not so my prayer for you is that in this camp so what in this camp meeting which is a prayer seeking god camp you will have the time to be you see in as much as we are in a group you are on your own oh yes it's not so much of fasting as in seeking god it's not so much of fasting as it is in seeking god going away for god you see that's why for me i would advise you not to learn how to eat a lot like those who like you like eating and you like food and a lot you you will suffer with god your work working for god will be difficult for you because each time you have to seek god means something drastic something violent you know it's happening to you and it's not a good thing i mean it so it means that seeking god is something extreme and it's something unnatural yes you you need because see there is no prescription in the bible about what a fast is what it is unlike the sacrifices in the bible which were detailed do this do this do this do this do this too fast it's been left you just say fast so fasting is like an open check you can decide what fasting is that's why every church decides we are doing 21 days we are doing 40 days we are doing seven days dry we are doing five days we are doing danielle's fasting is a pleasant bread etc but ultimately it is to seek god that and to become spiritual i mean if i seek if i draw nigh to god and he draws night to me and i don't fast i'll be very happy if god draws night to me even if i have infested how many will i go to draw night to you i mean even if you have infested so all the rules that we make you get what i'm saying you can make them according to what your belief is i know a man i went to visit a church and they said we will take you out for lunch when we went they showed where the lunch was i went to dish myself when they came they were staring at me and they said i said is there a problem i said no he said we are surprised that you are eating because we invited somebody from ghana to our church to minister and he never act till he left he said he was fasting he first stepped through out yes he fasted through out so the main thing is to seek god these same people told me a story of a pastor who was fasting for 70 days and the first was against a religion yes yeah that was his topic i spreading religion he was fasting i said wow and he died after the fast as soon as he finished he died yes as soon as he finished first he said the pastor told me he said that he was this man was fasting and he was passing through the airport you can fast when you're flying he was passing through the airport so he said look i went to the airport myself with water and i gave him i said drink it and he said he obeyed him and he drank it he continued that fasting 70 days as soon as he finished he died yes yeah anyway so i want to draw near to god and i want god to draw near to me and i want you to learn how to draw near to god i am not interested in sending unspiritual people on a mission because many of you are going to be missionaries i believe it's a these are leaders or who are here who are those here pastors leaders basanta the center center everybody i need you to be spiritual yes now one day i met a white man because of the culture and the accent the way of conducting himself and the accent and everything you know we don't usually associate white people with spiritual things he was a pastor so you got a feeling of a certain type of minister but he came up on stage and he gave a testimony when he gave the testimony and he said he had a dream in the dream god said this and that and so on and then god told him go here do this and i said he has a huge ministry yes not an american no you wouldn't think that somebody like that would have them but as soon as he started talking he said that he's a spiritual person without being a spiritual person you never do anything much you need personally to be a spiritual person not just knowing scriptures scriptures are important because if you don't know scriptures you don't have an anchor and you're about to go into any direction the waves blow you and a lot of waves a lot of waves you can go in a thousand different directions yeah but you need spirituality and when i say spirituality i don't mean fasting but fasting is one of many things and fasting for those of us who are like you can sit down and eat four balls of kinky is it is it is it a lot or the balls are smaller now isn't it so far it's not oh it's okay so how many is too much eight six six and eight you mush one so like six balls of kinky eight balls of kinky you you will struggle with spirituality is true spirituality is going to be a struggle for you because your flesh is so tuned with a big petrol tank and it's always being filled so when you have to even reduce it to half it's like it's a big thing such people don't even know how to drink tea it's true yes it's true because if you had lent moderation do bubble teaches us to do all things in moderation if you are learnt to do all things in moderation being only on tea or even coffee or coffee with milk and sugar would have been even enough i've been on many coffee fast i didn't even know i was passing out just drink coffee i just i'm okay i just drink coffee coffee and biscuits and i can be there for days but some of you when you even look at it it's like a cast to you so anyone and i'm not teaching you to drink tea or coffee for cultural reasons a person who is cultured so tea is a social drink especially in certain places if you don't know how to have a cup of tea it immediately shows you are from deep within the forest i don't mean big tea full of milk and sugar that is not no no no no and when i say tea i don't mean milo some people think tea is milo tea tea tea coffee tea no no no that's more of a milky sugar drink yes you didn't know yes but apart from the social reasons higher social reasons spiritually you can't drink tea and just be moving or coffee and just be moving yes people take coffee to stay awake to learn i take i've taken coffee to stay awake to pray see that i'm on coffee yes see that i move coffee i don't drink much of it so much nobody see that i'm moving on it yeah it's not that i'm high but i'm higher yeah i'm higher are you still around yeah so spiritualities if anyone says that he's of these two great things he should acknowledge and it is true the higher you go spiritually you will realize that a woman is not a man when it comes to spiritual things it's not yes you will see the difference all the things he said you see they're all true but you don't know it at a certain level at a certain level a woman is like a partner but a certain level can never be a partner yes can never be and if anyone is prophet or spiritual he will acknowledge but when you get there and realize there's nothing like a partner nothing like a partner for ministry yes but it's not not normal you will not know it at a certain level you you will see that oh wow that's why i said that anybody who gets there will know yeah if you can get to the level of spirituality or a prophet if god forbid a pastor was not alive don't stand up don't stand up for this one if i was not alive i would not appoint his wife as the pastor of the church of the church and i wouldn't think that his wife is now the bishop of the church i don't see them as partners even the we the bishops council don't see it that way yeah some churches it is like that so you must understand you know so spirituality uh is something to attain to it's something to attain to yeah you become spirit conscious god conscious father we block this example of death in the name of jesus refuse it in jesus name amen yes after the spiritual yes yeah so i want especially the brothers to be spiritual look at luke 18 29 is there somebody on this machine put it there for us okay yeah it says and he said to him verily i say unto you there is no man that has left a house left parents left brethren left a wife left children for the kingdom of god's sake [Music] verse 30 who shall not receive money for more or a reward you actually get a reward not a punishment in this present time and in the world to come have everlasting life now is it such a scripture is it you you need to be at a certain level [Music] to appreciate such a scripture because this one is giving you a reward for living your wife read it read it and see read it and see read it in english 29 29. there is no man on earth who has not left left is to live it's in english i don't know if you know english leave left present continuous is what living and what other has left left will leave leaving left leave houses everybody will clap for that ah are you a good man you've left houses parents ah don't mind them they are they are unspiritual they are demons veterans don't mind your brothers leave wife leave your wife family man children unless you don't please don't be angry with me i'm i'm feeling this take on jesus personally just deal with him personally is it everyone not spiritual such verses don't apply to you and a stupid person who is just cannot following things cannot apply such a scripture there's a certain level that you get to that such a scripture can apply most people are at the level where you have to listen to the scripture which is husband love your wife which is also from paul by the way remember we were going to choose the ones that we may not be following since you are into leaving paul's scriptures you see ladies on stage leaving praise and worshiping tight trousers yes tight trousers and tight whatever short things and exposing whatever see them on stage leading whatever we are full we are receiving all with new hairstyles and a lot of painting when peter said that charlie this painting of the face and all this this has won all those things that said no no no you are peter we are following jesus no jesus said this is the jesus let's have you anyway so my prayer to you is that you become spiritual spiritual matthew matthew matthew 26 please though i should die with thee yet will i not deny thee see one of the signs of lack of spirituality is talking too much and talking quickly oh god has called me this and that take your time i'll never do this i'm always this you know for what you are only standing by the grace of god don't talk too fast too much so when you see people talking a lot immediately they say ah are you peter are you peter um 36 then comment jesus with them unto a place called gethsemane and he said to the disciples sit here sit here you see spiritual training starts with the ability to sit here stay here just stay here sit down yes you cannot stay stay here for how long we don't know for how long just stay here while i go and do what i'm doing yes be around unspiritual people cannot sit in one place for a long time you have to get up you have to get your phone you have to get your phone you have to go out you have to organize something you have to see somebody you have to be on facebook oh yeah sit here just stay here that's all while i go and pray something i don't know how long is going to take you get it yes because our waiting on god could end this evening just it's over that's why we give ourselves up to friday because humanly speaking by the weekend we may have to report back to wherever you get it yeah so in case god needs my 24 hours i'm providing him with 48 hours uh 72 times 4 is what four times 24 96 [Music] that's why we declare certain number of days because you can go and wait on god and he'll speak to you even before you get there once he sees that you are going to wait on him yes he can decide that he's going to speak to you stay here i told you to come i have just come stay here exactly what jesus told yourself stay stay here you stay here and pray i'm going to pray while i go and pray means over there the next verse and he took with him peter and the two sons of zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy you see when you are spiritual you will come to a place where your emotions are affected by spiritual things you see some people are only sad by events that have taken place oh i hear the what about i mean this has happened and so oh it's very successful oh the funeral of so-and-so is taking place oh oh that's the window of oh the whatever is doing is oh that's that's that's jesus was that jesus was not receiving time that somebody has died that's why he was sorrowful he was not receiving information about any tragedy that has happened in the world spiritual things made him sorrowful spiritual realities made him sorrowful and very heavy very heavy he was heavy to talk to heavy to relate with he was not himself he was different you become different when you are spiritual you see the reality if you see the realities you become heavy because the realities of the wickedness of man of the deceptions and the evils were so abundant and he was heavy if you go if you are sent to any country and you go and intercede if you are spiritual you become heavy it will happen to you you will be sorrowful and heavy he began to be so you see people there is not the slightest inkling of spirituality sorry about what they are praying for their own physical issues not about spiritual things not about anything deeper nobody in jesus family was dead no tragedy has happened when will you be spiritual to the point where you are sorrowful and heavy are you from rwanda yes heavy when i went to rwanda i felt heavy yes when the first night when i slept and i woke up i got up i felt i was working on blood i see the whole of the whole country spiritually not so people go to the one's house place has developed i never noticed all those things i just noticed the heaviness and the sorrow spiritually i've not seen any anything bad if i told i saw good things look you can't do much for god if you just as a normal person you need and you see so now you see that the person is speaking with some emotion about something you don't know so how do you get that feeling that you have you seem to be passionate about this so how do you maintain your zeal so these are radio questions for radio journalists and so on come on man are you a journalist read your bible sit down here so i don't want to see you on your phone outside making calls and so on you'll make all the call so i tell you if you are busy i am i am if you have a if you have 10 things to do i have thousands i'm more busy than you don't know how you don't have any idea you have one thing to do i have a thousand all your things i will not have to come up to seven things the things that concern you that are important huh you do believe what i'm saying or you're agreeing with me [Music] if you have one i have a thousand he began to be suffer about what about the realities and he said even though jesus suffered on the cross his suffering was brief for a few hours so he was not being heavy and sorrowful because he was going to suffer this is all right it should be painful no god granted him many things that alleviated the pain and made it very brief his suffering was brief they arrested him in the night after this prayer meeting which must have ended around maybe 9 10 he was taken to kaffa's house in the morning they dealt with him and from there straight he was taken to pilate's house and depending on the account he was on the cross by 12 he had to be on the cross by 12 to 3 it was finished before sunder in in israel when you go they give the day the days and the server starts 5 30. yeah they will give you the time the subject starts at this time 5 30 2 6 00 rise to sunset sunset to sunrise sunset to sunset the day before 5 30. so sometimes you see that supposed to start to 5 32 yes then it means that nothing can happen so you have to finish everything before that you finish it very quick it was a short suffering oh yeah i'm not saying that i wasn't wild but i'm saying that the sorrow was for more more there's more at stake all of our salvation all of our lives the lives of the human race the wickedness of the devil and the devils who are also a fallen race that's a lot at stake and he was sorrowful and very heavy yes very heavy are you heavy that's why sometimes you shouldn't fast because sometimes instead of being able to be caught up emotionally with god and feel god's presence you are just waiting for six o'clock that's all that you have you see that it's an effort to stay till six o'clock that's the only thing you are doing so you are not able to relate with god oh yes and that's why sometimes when you wait on god you shouldn't even speak much sometimes you have to be quiet you see benny him sometimes he talks about be silent before god silence be silent before god he often talks about just being silent in the in god's presence and to experience god in the silence the beauty of that silence yes be still so that's why a prayer meeting is different from seeking god oh yes he said but a prayer meeting can be converted into something that you see god if i want to see god i won't lead you in a prayer that's why i wasn't here last week oh yes i wouldn't i will not come in come and lead a prayer meeting when i lived in private i'm not seeking god i'm leading and permitting i'm leading you to pray i'm not seeking god it's different i'm now preaching to you i don't i don't usually become sorrowful and heavy but i become sorrowful and heavy even when i'm going to pray i become sorrowful and heavy before i go there and when i'm there i become sorrowful and heavy many times oh yes so the prayer come is an effort to help you you see and the the prayer meetings that we have is an effort to help you to pray for a long time but you see the prayer for a long time is part one out of maybe three or four parts in getting near to god you see because just because if you stay for a long time you should be able to pray for a long time too but some people cannot pray for a long time so praying for a long time is just part now waiting on god and finding god yourself is that's that's a spiritual person so you are the aim is to make you a spiritual person who can walk around you may see the person walking alone too quiet maybe just that you may be crying you may be feeling heavy heavy burdens bad days like what is wrong we don't feel what is wrong we don't see anything that's nothing everything is okay why are you not okay you can never be used to save souls until you you you are heavy and you at the point there's some deep burden and sorrow for the things that are so sad so sad you know when i see the violence in the world you may not notice it but when i see and hear the violence in ghana the meadows that are taking place in london more people were murdered last year than in new york or wherever in america more more killings all over the world bombings in kenya terrorism threats everywhere you you you just oh the police have to do better we need more intelligence we need you are just a canal man you see you cannot be a missionary i hope you are getting what i'm saying but the more spiritual you become the more you sense heaviness yeah if you are spiritual and you are in ghana as successive governments come you'll be reading how to neutralize cases and becoming more sorrowful as you see the manifestations of cases being fulfilled practically and unbelievably before your very eyes yes and you become more heavy and sorrowful because you see that it's hopelessly helpless the implementation and fulfillment of god's word is hopelessly helpless like the way it happens yeah verse 38 then he said to them my soul is exceeding sorrowful amazing when you become emotional with god and emotional in god's presence you are going higher oh yes i watched bernie in the other day one year he was having a crusade and then he fell down on the stage and started crying and he wept like a baby he cried at first i wasn't sure who was crying i thought somebody who had been prayed for so i i really want to see who was crying he was beeping exceedingly sorrowful exceedingly exceedingly exceedingly sorrowful you know rejoiner said the lord said to him in the book you cannot be my servant without knowing pain cannot cannot be myself because and it's true there is pain in the world and you are called to minister to the world who are also they are not enjoying so if you don't know pain may not understand that's why most people have a certain experience and enables them to minister they go to prison they become prison ministers or they have this problem then they start this ministry so we need to do things without experiencing them yes you don't have to be blind to help the blind tarry he here and sleep no watch everywhere you see the word watch is talking about staying awake so the ability to stay awake i grew up learning how to use coffee if i drink coffee to learn pet i'll sleep i do come when i drink coffee i sleep i let you use coffee to be more higher than i was actually i have actually developed there's a certain taste in my mouth when that taste is in my mouth i feel spiritual although i may not be so spiritual at that moment but it has been associated for so long with that type of praying and yes that is it's associated you know things that you can't associate there's some music when you hear you feel sad it's associated with this there's some music where you hear you feel happy that's what you did with this and that taste became associated with praying and spirituality and revelation and kind we when i think of it i think of arwano format colibu when we started the church i feel i feel that that i can just eat any one biscuit and coffee and i'm higher than i was everybody say higher and higher oh yes oh yes tiring just be around hungary so you see people say what time do we start what time do we call that's why you shouldn't come here that's why you shouldn't come here what time do you start what time is the preaching that time is your nose and your mouth yes we are carrying carry here and watch and the people that were following him were not spiritual so occasionally you go with some people and he said that not all of them could go that's what he told he told peter put the scripture there here who is that person he told peter that come with me yes sons of zebedee peter james and john the two brothers james and john and then peter he said let's go just just you guys the rest of you still you don't always have to start why are they not calling me while they come it's not necessary they're not calling me for this meeting or you don't understand what i'm saying yeah what's the next verse verse 38. my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death verse 39 then he went a little further i'm telling you how to be spiritual and fell on his face a prayer that you are praying you only know how to stand and walk okay look at jesus he fell on his face so you can see that the whole being is drawn up into the prayer the being of the person he's drawn into the praise not something that we've been asked to be here till fall his being [Music] he went a little further and he fell on his face how about anybody falling on his face he must have some something that is happening to him you see all i'm saying is that if you no matter how unemotional you are look if you want to ever know an unemotional person sounding and looking is derek prince derek prince when you've been here in speaking you can easily fall asleep himself would say he had used a certain word to describe himself if i remember what i tell you but when you listen to him for some time you will see why he had a worldwide ministry worldwide worldwide as he got older somehow when he gets up on his prison he starts to cry when he when he talks about the cross and he sins and his life oh this is something you have made yourself an iron rod assistant seasoned spirituality cannot come come out of you yes so when you are spiritual the bible says you have an action from the lord and you know things now one day i was choosing some guys to pray for me i called them and i said well come come to my house and pray i'll show you where to pray when they came i said i said no i don't want this guy to pray for me and i changed today it's a no wrong way that's fool around you know things you start to know things you start to see things you start to recognize people this person is this this person is that i said i don't want this this guy to pray for me i just remember and he was one of the most powerful praying people that you can ever find it looks very powerful i don't like this word to pray for me sounding so i'd like this non-powerful person in order to pray for me to pray for me this one should pray for me not this one yes now he went a little further and prayed saying father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but ask our wealth you see you can't be praying and not know what you are praying for some of you have been praying don't know what you are praying about you're just speaking entirely four o'clock that's why i say that seeking god is not necessarily being in a prayer meeting i would say that this prayer meeting is just training that ah this is possible to pray for two hours especially for three hours possible to pray for a long time but within the prayer meeting there is the seeking of god that's why when you see people on their phone this busy whatever and so on you see that this one doesn't know how to see god doesn't know anything about it yes if you have a thousand if you have how many things if you have ten things how many do i have thousand it's true those who find it difficult to serve weight of god are callerics clerics clerics find it difficult to wait for god but there's a trick for a choleric to wait on god why why do colorists find a difficult weight of god because they always want to achieve something they want to do they have to get this done i have to move i have to get this done after this one but there's a trick and the trick is to get to the point where you believe and you see that waiting on god is an achievement then a cleric will be the most to wait on god than anybody else because he sees it at one of his achievements [Applause] that's the way when you make the switch you see like the bible says anna she served god day and night with prayers and fasting that it's a way to save god by just praying and fasting it's a way of serving god we don't do anything i do this do this do this dude all these many things if you have ten i have how many thousand are you still around yes she said god look at it anna she departed not from the temple it was just in the house of god 84 years yes and i'm raising up more prayer people yes that's why there will be an all night today it is all day and from here i'm showing you the next from here we are going to the prayer gardens [Applause] from here we are going to the prayer gardens 100 answers your future is secured by the spirit are you listening one of the places most difficult to wait on god is a prayer meeting yes you see i don't consider a prayer meeting to be waiting on god a prayer meeting is a training every year i have that conflict should i leave the people in prayer or i should go and wait on god myself because it's about time this is the time if i do this i can't do this if i do this i can't do this but i know that you want to lead the people to teach the people how to pray but that's not the same as waiting oh god it's not the same thing i don't feel like waiting over five little prayer meeting i don't feel like with you don't god at all it's true you see it sounds funny but it's true father if it is possible let this cut pass for me verse 30. then he come up to the disciples and find them asleep so waiting on god includes getting to the point where sleep must come it's not that the disciples were in disciplined fools just sleeping everywhere they go every function you go you just fall asleep no it was time to sleep it's been a long day if you because all of us here come fall down and fall asleep for me we have been here praying you are not fools you are not in discipline you are disciplined you are here i mean it's time to sleep are you with me he finded them asleep and he spoke to peter you see but some of us would have spoken to jesus when they wake up jesus what time are we going and how long so that we can text our wives you are not married if we can text our wives to tell them when we are coming jesus didn't have that problem to tell somebody that he's coming why have you now come for somebody to tell you that it's upset for you to come at this time yes some people experience that when they go and they come they are told that it's upset nonsense how can you come at this time yes it's amazing you should have called you should have you should have said this yes that's how that's what some people experience yeah i pray you'll not experience that in jesus name what jesus peter said what jesus said what one hour you can't pray one hour time it's important mostly because you don't know when you finish praying what about if you finish praying at 4 24 hours 27 minutes and you decided to pray for three hours let me see you you stop praying one hour 27 minutes before the answer landed so you need longer times to set longer time so that the finishing can be within the hours that you set or you don't understand what i'm talking about yeah you know if you are hoping for a brother to propose to you and you hang around where he is he may not he may not notice you the first time the second time but he may notice you from the 17th time [Music] so if you decided that i'm going to go for this meeting three times and then that's it it may be the 17th time that he will notice you and you say sister yeah it's the same thing with waiting on god you never know when you never know how you never know what where god is going to answer but that's why you even learn when you can hear from god there are times that god has spoken to me before i went to pray so he was actually speaking he saw that i was going so before i went as i was packing then he started to speak to me and then he was like i didn't even need to go because the revelation that i needed to carry me on was already there but i still went i still went yeah that times that i waited on god he didn't mind me for the whole time i was waiting on him sometime to the last day yeah he began to be heavy heavy heavy and sorrowful so time is of the essence when it comes to prayer you can never say oh god hears or he knows there's no need to repeat the one who said there's no need to repeat the one who was praying for one hour there you have to understand god's word in context everything that is said there there's the the two sides jesus said your father knows when you useless repetition useless repetition but not repetition use less repetitions some repetitions are not useless they are useful and some of some repetitions are [Music] pressurizing could you not watch with me for just one hour that's 41. 41. the holy spirit wants me to say this that's why i'm saying all this i didn't plan to say all these things 41 watch and pray that you enter not into temptation not fast and pray so you see if fasting and praying watching them praying is more powerful than fasting and praying yes because why because that is a command watch and pray watch therefore and pray so praying with aleckness is more important than praying with drowsiness and semi-comatose conditions but it feels more powerful when you are semi-comatose yes during the week last week at that point i i could see that i was going to collapse and i've collapsed before but i could see i could see that i was going to collapse if i stand up and i see that i'm about to collapse and i knew that i was going to black out yes it feels powerful he says oh wow i've fastened to the point where i'm going unconscious it's like i've gone into the spirit but you you benefit more by being elect and being able to pray that's why i said we're breaking out fast at four not six oh you don't want the bible i'll just you can read any book you want now prayer affects spiritual things and even affects the flesh that is why prayer the spirit is willing the flesh is sweet so pray it affects the spirit and it affects even your flesh yes your flesh which wants to do evil is affected by prayer there's power over these things because some of the things you are doing they are spirits it's true the suggestion to do certain things the temptation is not always when you feel something that is a temptation when jesus was hungry it was a temptation from the devil so he didn't follow it anything the ever says anything that i will say whatever is wrong anything the devil says no matter how good it is don't do it so it was a temptation but later on when his disciples in luke i think chapter seven or one of these were walking through the field and they took on and they were rubbing it and eating they challenge jesus why are your disciples eating then he told them that do you remember when david was hungry and he went to get food from the temple jesus who when the devil told him when he was hungry said no he's giving an example of when david was hungry and he was guiltless guiltless yes so it's not always that you have a feeling for something that is a sin yes but when the devil component comes in it's a sin and that's why jesus said no no um he said have you not read what david did when he was unhanged and they that were with him and verse four how he entered into the house of god and did issue which is not lawful for them to eat neither of them which were with him but only for the priests verse five and have been already in the lord how on the sabbath day is the priests in the temple prophet in the summer and now blameless blameless yes anyway back to where we were please matthew 26 watch and pray the flesh is affected yeah so unspiritual people they're never able to control their flesh women who are very emotional they can't control emotion steady and go by logic it's not spiritual don't be deceived who cry doesn't know when you grow you will never receive christ when somebody says stop it even in court when you cry so please you can go out you cannot just leave go out of the court the judge will ask a spirit judge go out now you come to try to confuse us and deceive us go out when you finish you come back just why is it not in court we'll be back in the afternoon you just close this who does that the judge will close the session have you seen it before yes a number of times what's crying a witness was weeping and was trying to plead with everybody he said please put yourself together when you compose yourself and then we'll be back in the afternoon after lunch compose yourself don't cover money play the whole the whole court to have mercy on you and to pity you yes so when you can't control your emotions often you are down you can't control your flesh fasting is a it's impossible that's why i said that from today learn how to drink tea some of you have never tried only by watching buy tea bags buy tea bags buy tea bags go and buy tea i need two tea bags not melody and learn how to be spiritual are you listening beautiful it affects your weak flesh and it affects your willing spirit it gives your willing spirit the ability to do what your willing spirit wants to do your willing spirit wants to serve god when you pray it helps your willing spirit to serve god more and your flesh which is weak and always pulling you down it helps you to control this flesh and it's not only a man who has a fornicating desiring flesh how many brothers have a fornicating desiring flesh women's also have other fleshes with other things [Music] more things all right verse 42 and he went away again and prayed the second time repeating repeating you are saying we shouldn't repeat stupid tell me about slap you if you tell me not to repeat my prayers my jesus even repeated his prayer topics for two hours it did the same topic you must have a sense within you that you haven't finished praying about this thing i can never tell you when you know that you're having faith that's why i said that if any one of you says that he's spiritual or a prophet where are my brothers from rwanda i want to send you back to rwanda as spiritual people in jesus name yes go back to rwanda as spiritual men and you do more for your country than any politician can ever do i tell you yes all of you sit down only three of you are here now only three of you are standing stand up again i said i count 12. ah i see two more there but i don't see one one one's flesh didn't bring him here one is missing okay sit down how many you agree with me that when a spiritual man comes to a place a good thing has happened to that place huh best thing so those of you who are lecturers in a bible school you need to send people who are spiritual people who know how to wait on god and just be teaching them lectures if we want to learn philosophy we go to legon all right i hope it's clear we need spirituality we need people that can stay just praying prayers just like jesus i'm giving you the example of jesus not even paul you people have been thrown away paul's commands you know yourselves choose and you select and throw away what more people are going to i wouldn't be surprised jesus doesn't come in a hundred years time many of paul's things will be out yes more but there are several things say no no this one paul was just just out of context you know a woman should cover her heart you should be silent know how how he should be silent how actually true or not true yeah so from here we are going straight to the we're going to the gardens yes but i'll let you refresh yourself so that you can watch i don't i don't need you to be in a coma you you'll be you'll be saying you'll be saying that oh i i fasted till i was unconscious i was in the spirit it sounds powerful but the more you can watch watch via let and pray the more spiritual you'll be amen verse 43 and he came and found him asleep again now don't be sad when you for me when i fall asleep when i'm praying i don't feel sad because i fell asleep when i was praying and that was the night that i caught the anointing yes so i don't feel sad [Applause] no no no no if you are having a prime minister your pastor is who is leading has fallen asleep you don't have to it's part of as part of every extended prayer meeting includes sleep oh yes i can pray for five days without lying down on a bed yes i only sit in a chair i consider it as part of my prayer that of necessity i have to fall asleep but i will not lie down on a bed no i've touched the bed i only sit down yes where i pray and i sleep there and then i continue oh yes it's part of prayer to sleep over a long period you don't have to be encouraged if you spread for a short time you'll be encouraged if it's a long prayer sleep is part of all long prayers sleep is part of all long prayers you can write it down sleep is part of all long prayers it makes space for dreams sometimes god needs you to sleep so that he can give you a dream that's different from short prayers when you're falling asleep all long prayers include some sleep yes all long prayers include some sleep yes yes i mean if we continue praying if you if you you've dosed off during from the morning till now it's normal you may even have a revelation and but when you wake up you see that you've been revived yes oh sleep is part of all wrong prayers so that's why it's like it's a long prayer so we are here we are praying we may go back come go come there's no agenda we may close on thursday may close on friday we close on saturday we have just praying in the house of the lord are you still around he came and found them asleep again that's different from those who just come to sleep see i know those people and they say i'm talking to spiritual people this is a spiritual message for spiritual people if you are not spiritual all the things i'm saying don't apply to you oh yes the message about the women and what is if you are spiritual and you are it's only at a certain devil setting things up it's true jesus said i have many things to tell but i cannot there are many things you can't see yeah you can't say that because this is all kind of people paul said i wanted to tell you but i have to speak to you as i'm talking after talking i have to change the message and make it a certain way and then say but i can't see things i can't if you can become spiritual in this season for the rest of your life yes so we are going to we are going to go we are going to the gardens from here gardens will be there yes why not find a place be around listen to messages if you don't have your message center with you i pity you yes you need your bible you need to hear from god you need to be praying yes verse 44 and he left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same word repetition for three times three hours by our savior so those who can't pray three hours they're not following jesus to a certain level okay is it beautiful and we have tongues which is even helping us but you see you must know what you are praying about you can't speak in terms till you don't know what you are praying about there's a way of speaking in terms of you don't know what you are praying anymore where's the wonder that's what i presume are you a buddhist verse 45 then he came to the disciples and said of the sleeper now yeah it's okay to sleep loud first you shouldn't have slept my sleep is not going to change the will of god sleep on now take your rest the hour's hand the son of man is betrayed to the hands of his sinners in other words his prayer is not being answered he had just been praying that if it be possible immediately knew that he's going this way it's going the other way from how he's been praying a son of man has been betrayed yes all evildoers should take note and learn from judas because judas never you see when you read about judas at a point you feel sorry for him because you see that he didn't actually intend for jesus to be killed if you look at chapter 27 studying chapter 27 of matthew then when the morning was coming the priest they took counsel to put him to death verse two quickly keep going changing when the bounty led him to pontius pilate verse three keep on when judas which had betrayed him in the morning he saw that the thing has turned this way what he repented in a way which most christians don't repent how he reversed his actions he brought the money back to them the money that he went for them he brought it back he said thank you man i don't want money you don't know me i'm a pastor i don't want money it's not about money i didn't do this about money because you see regina says that jesus may be was hoping for jesus to use his powers so he was trying to provoke him i don't know but he really repented bible says he repented himself and then verse four went and killed he said we have been have betrayed innocent but you know he was telling them the man is innocent their man is innocent so dude that's kind of said the man is innocent the man is innocent the man is innocent he told them that he said my friend please sort yourself out with god don't don't don't don't what is that trust me we don't you don't know what you are talking about verse five he threw the money in front of them and he cast the money because they were not taking he just take your money and the patent away that high himself when you read it you can't feel sorry now this teaches you a great lesson you may not intend to do something bad but you are doing something very bad [Music] so there are people who are doing bad things and are hacking people but when you ask them and if you look at them then you ask that they are motivated they don't look like they are trying to hurt anybody people who are doing some negative things they are doing the negative things and always defending themselves me you don't know me [Music] meanwhile they are destroying the person yes so watch out those who are always claiming me god knows my heart have you heard it before have you heard it before god knows my heart he knows what i'm gonna fight my fights gotta find my battles i leave it to god tell about her but what you are doing is having this effect what you are doing is destroying the ministry of jesus what you are doing is making them kill jesus what you are doing is ending the preaching the nice preaching that we've been hearing what you are doing is fighting god what you are doing is killing the world me me is that what you are saying about me today have you heard it before yes you did you hear people arguing never agreeing never because they said me my intention my heart god knows that god himself [Applause] holder he said me today you are saying i am not that old i am your mother mother god knows everything god himself will speak church god is the church daniel god is the judge this is how people talk you should know that even though you have a pure heart and a good heart and a good aim i'm just trying to bring correction i'm just trying to warn i'm just trying to prevent i'm just trying to even though you have that's what you are doing i don't know why i don't know why he didn't want to kill jesus read your bible please i don't know why you are angry with me today i didn't write all these things in the bible please you hear it by all means in this life but remember that jesus said for judas it would be better that he was not born which is very serious i mean like i don't can't even imagine the judgment that is coming to judas i can't even imagine it because he never said that about all the bad people but he said that about judas i don't know why i'm preaching to you because i'm supposed to be we are having a prayer meeting but you can listen to this message it should be on the podcast to help you to wait on the lord yes you i was i was just trying to help our relationship really really judas if you are going to see him you want to kill these me kill jesus do you know when he appointed me as a financial may kill jesus but that's what you did what you have done and what you are doing the effect of what you are doing is what you have to see that's why god said after eve he said what is this what have you done do you think if all of us are his children do you think she she i inflict on you cancers diseases car accidents tragedies sorrows funerals recently i was in england i was in a cemetery as i was driving through i remembered eve i thought this was somebody full of people i said hey this woman she has brought something back into this world as far as your eye can see the coffins and the the the graves as far as the tombstones yes that's why one goddess what have you done what are you doing so you see you have to find out what is the effect what are you doing you are ending the ministry of jesus i was just trying to advise my man of god you are just trying to advise your man of god because god will give you but you are ending his ministry by talking the way you are talking and all this so-called whatever yeah and you pay heavily jesus said it should be better that you are not born to be better you end somebody's ministry you'll be shocked god knows my god knows your heart god knows your heart you does god knows your heart you pay you pay if i was the judge i probably would say yeah judas is true you have a pure heart last time i saw you in church you were singing give me a pure heart how do you sing that song if your heart is there's other songs about pure heart god hear yourself lord make me pure in heart make my heart proud and true i stop do that singing it's it's your righteousness they'll see lord make me pure in heart beautiful see jesus was telling us lord maybe so that's not what i'm trying to do i know that's not your driving but that's what you're doing you are supposed to have sex with your husband you are driving him you are driving him somewhere but you are sending him away you are sending him out go to town god knows my heart god knows god knows your heart but that's what you are doing that's what's happening that's actually what is happening you are sending him on a mission you send him out there yes me god god should come look at judah so you people i don't know whether you are angry with the bible today it's very scary so stop sitting there saying god knows what i'm not i'm trying to do and those of you who are accusers accusing every day of this accusing they are spoiling your relationship fool look i didn't mention your name before you are full but that's what's happening that's what's happening if this didn't destroy you i destroyed checking the phone checking this checking this accusing this why are you looking at this person why are you talking to them yes probably you are cloying down your are you saying i should give your advice you are giving is destroying the world yes you are doing the work of the devil that keeps out the bedroom and you are ending things don't say you didn't end it you ended it every pastor has met athlete depending on how long you've been a thousand people who say me is that one day a brother told me i gave him an example of a lucifer walking in the midst of the stone so far so i was explaining to him that you see when you traveled and you were walking in high places he told me me are you telling me that i'm lucifer walking in the beast of the stones of fire i didn't say you were lucifer walking in the midst of stone so far i'm giving an example that where you've been has affected you me that's why it's not easy to be a judge if you are the judge sitting there for jews many of you would have pardoned it so it was a moment of whatever but jesus said to be better because the bible says see method a small thing for the lord to cause you to approach him don't think it's a small thing to be brought close those of you who are brought close you don't know what you've been given brought close symmetry but a small thing to you that the god of israel will bring you close so a small thing and then you you you become judas oh but i was just trying to bring out the truth we can't talk about truth and okay i won't talk again and you become moody and you've made your face anybody can advise you it's not a small thing for god to bring you near so take it carefully jew does end that jesus preaching and that jesus travels and that jesus healing and that jesus christ out of the devil ended his life she got sought if he was going to mind he prevented his marriage prevented everything cut off his whole world and ended him brutally in the hands of wicked people so me to that you are calling me a bad person you've not seen it before you've not heard it before god will fight for me what you are saying i can't believe it you have some tissue stupid fool learn from judas so i'm afraid as i'm preaching i'm watching i said jesus i didn't intend i'm not intending to do this but that's what i am doing as the effect of what you are doing now came to jesus and he answered is it is it is it i he said how i said verse 26 ah yes so jesus warned him is it i told him you're the one i'm talking about so he was warned like you have been warned us and preaching now you people the preaching you hear is more than counseling yes it's a swimming into every area of your life because nobody can say certain things to you if the person even attempts you will be rebuffed on a number of occasions my passes have been driven out of people's homes yes they've been driven out go go when they go they say work out one lady she told the person why have you come to brow beat me so they didn't understand the brow beat so they went to check from the dictionary you can check the browbeat check rabbit you can't come and browbeat me you can learn english by being a pastor intimidate typically to doing something with 10 or abusive words huh to use threats or angry speech so she told the person you can't come and brow pick me in my house walk out they walked out humbly like humble dogs with their tail between their legs and walk out brow beats you can't even say anything so you don't say anything anymore may you never be at a place where nobody can say anything to you about anything anymore stand to your feet well how long have i been giving the prayer topic for amen i'm here to give you the prayer you know i was actually coming to give you a prayer topic but i have not given you the prayer topic but i believe that this is more than a prayer topic because it's a topic to make us spiritual amen so we are going to spend the next one hour or so praying for spirit i want to be a spiritual person amen how many want to be spiritual or a prophet so i one of the two either spiritual or a prophet so we are going to pray god make me spiritual or a prophet now i told you you can never pray well or wait and go without time so we are going to pray till about six getting to six and then we will break we just this is a short prayer just an hour plus that's short for those who are prayerful and one of our prayers show one of the shortest prayers you can pray like you're not serious and just pray for one hour how many are learning that i'm sending spiritual warriors into the world many of you are going to be missionaries many of you are going to the nations of the world many of you are going to be the answers to people's problems many of you are going to be mighty pillars yes see a pillar like this it's a mighty pillar a lot of things are standing there's a lot under so before you see this one there's you cannot i don't know if you can imagine how deep if i go into the hole is far higher than my head the whole of where this is coming from under the ground far below where i'm standing i would descend about two or three floors before you get to the foundation so you need something people just see the tip of the iceberg but there's much more so we are going to pray a short prayer for just about an hour after that we are going to take a break for about two hours and then we'll start in the prayer we'll start in the prayer gardens and over the whole school the only thing you don't have to step on a snake that's all yeah but you will not step on a snake in jesus name and all over we are praying oh god the same thing yes so i don't know whether we do we have to come here first before we go to the gardens i think so we'll gather here and then from here we'll go to the gardens to pray there we'll be praying till when till your nose comes off your nose you see i don't want to insult somebody you get what i'm saying hmm why do you want to know for how long i tell you a time is going to come you wait on god you see that you just sleep is just a break in your waiting that's why sometimes when i'm waiting on god i don't i don't go to the bed because i don't see the need of sleeping on the bed i just sit in the same place the place that i'm praying i stay there and then i sleep when i when i finish wake up a few hours then i continue you are just in one long prayer there is sleep involving all long prayers is it fantastic yes god is blessing powerful how many realize that if i send you after this camp i'm sending a spiritual person yes how many realize that you are not so spiritual yes some of you are in the bible school but are not spiritual [Music] but you are becoming spiritual that's the essence of the school is to produce spiritual people if if you want intellectual knowledge i would suggest so many universities to you where you can go and get a degree we don't give secularly accredited degrees we give spiritually accredited diplomas and degrees amen hallelujah if any man think of himself to be a prophet or spiritual let him acknowledge that the things that i write unto you are the commandments of the lord so these two ranks i need you to have either a prophet or a spiritual person yes lift your hands holy hands father we pray for spirituality deep spirituality to engulf us to take over our lives cause us to be filled with the holy spirit to the point where we are spiritual cause us not to be just human and earthly minded carnally minded but spiritually minded minded spiritually minded thank you jesus thank you jesus father thank you thank you thank you sit down please now i want to just before we continue in our prayer and because it's good to be on a podcast you can listen to it so it's helpful when you are praying listen you see that there is a difference between a prophet and a spiritual person but don't misunderstand a spiritual person is a very great person now a prophet will see a vision a dream or hear god in a certain way now if you take there are other people who are not prophets that have deeply spiritual you see and the person that comes to mind is john wesley you you not you not read of john wesley's dreams or visions no but you can't walk far in ghana without seeing his fruit on the earth yes a spiritual man came to the world very spiritual with a deep desire to be perfect before god so when he was dying now there was a lady who had been appointed to look after him so she was asked to move to the house to stay in the house and look after him about maybe a month or two i think before he died she was asked to she was asked to come and look after him he had been alone his wife was away but left him for 20 years before and then he was alone after she died when he when he died she was he was informed later and he was deeply spiritual deeply don't underestimate a spiritual man who doesn't see visions as you call them vision this is like somebody was talking about [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i was privileged because he invited me to come and eat with him so i went to eat i was interested in the food i was interested in what he was saying i ordered anything to just keep the time going longer everything he said confirmed what he said what paul said my realize was a deeply spiritual person from his experiences but when he was younger he didn't believe all that he told me i didn't believe all this so spirituality but he's not a prophet but as a spiritual person yeah so in this meeting and this season you are becoming either a prophet or a spiritual person tell your neighbor either a prophet or a spiritual person is it beautiful is it fantastic is it a good aim yes if i was a girl i wouldn't want to marry somebody who is not idi prophet or spiritual [Music] yes i wouldn't want to marry a brother who is not prophet or spirit or spiritual because if you are not spiritual you behave like a normal man and a normal man is attracted to many people attracted to you today is to talk to somebody else on wednesday wednesday you see somebody else how many brothers have been attracted to somebody on monday somebody on tuesday somewhere wednesday somebody on thursday somebody on friday somebody else sat down if you are here raise your hand [Music] you get what's confused morning evening sometimes you can try to support the morning another first in the evening [Music] but when i say this is people think i'm being unethical or maybe i'm being immoral or i don't know what what i don't know what you are diagnosing your mouth like whatever but the brothers are only now yeah is it true sometimes in the morning and then in the afternoon sometimes just a few hours difference it's true i feel the presence and the power of god yes i feel god is here and i feel that people who are nothing are being overshadowed by his power and his power is telling you into something yes that's what i feel i feel it so enjoy that presence and receive the presence which makes [Music] ain't nobody into somebody that's jesus name amen as his presence is with you be blessed be healed be delivered amen be rescued be called be anointed be empowered yes be changed be healed be set free goliath is lying down before you only the presence of god can do that lift your hands and just begin to pray lord thank you for making me either a prophet or a spiritual person [Music] baba [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] make it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] oh uh um [Music] [Music] story [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] he's [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] foreign dream perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] 100 [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus thank you lord yes father thank you for the blessing you've given to us in jesus name amen sit down father we are grateful for this blessing in the name of jesus amen what it is is that our prayer camp is taking the format of just continuous praying so sleep is part of prayer so for a few hours you sleep then you just continue so what time we are so we miss we are having all night every day we have day all day all night all day all night like that so it's just prayer and sleep prayer and sleep all right so now what time do you want to come nine or ten nine or ten ten okay all right so what it is is that we are not we are not going to pray till the day break because we have to sleep and wake and come for the day prior meeting so if we continue to sex then it means that pardon yes when another one will be a crime we are sleeping here all right take your offering out have you given an offering since you came well electricity is on this is as a meter with a card we have to buy it before we come and we have to pay so as we are on is burning fully and the money is getting finished we have to go and buy more put it in slot pay then it's been an hour till it's finished so no dinner is really free you get what i'm saying no dinner is free my wife used to say that all the time no dinner is free all right anyway so since you prefer 10 we come at 10 so we'll go to we will go till about 3 and then we'll sleep and then we'll be back in the morning for all day all night all day all night on uh so if we are tired of being here those things don't know what they are doing there if anyone is either of these two he knows a lot of things so it's not about either a doctor a lawyer it's either a prophet or spiritual yes yes it's not about a doctor or a lawyer or science or art student it's either a prophet or spiritual whether i'm a student or scientist it's not it's not what is important is that choleric or phlegmatic it's a prophet or it may be a phlegmatic prophet or a pragmatic spiritual it's just the two key things are either a prophet or spiritual and you know what i told you today oh lift your friend let's pray over there father thank you for the give paying the electricity bill in jesus name amen did they give you a lot of free easy to stay here isn't it huh there's water for everybody wow what about coffee you didn't mean coffee for everybody oh how many want to be higher not higher i feel some excitement for you because i feel you are going to be mighty prophets and spiritual please sit down because we are taking the offer yes higher hallelujah so we are just you see we are just going in and out prayer sleep prayer sleep prayer sleep asleep you must be searching for everybody here must have the mechanic you have the machine on you the full mechanic the current machine the one that ends on uh he the reward for hard work is more recall some i think that would be the last if you or candle in the dark if your if your macanet does not include up to that and it's about how many 100 and something you must have it now as foreign because of what you call it internet whatever everybody can have you have to scan all of them and choose something that you what is this one about and play a mysterious one you'll be shocked how god will bless you yes when i'm when i'm waiting on god i'm always trying to see if i will find something hey navigating to the archives to see if i can see something find something that will it will give me some it's like fire inside my spirit hallelujah are you excited now lucifer has planned to wipe you out but through this meeting it will never succeed [Music] have you finished the offering come and pass satan is going to find you one of the most resilient candidates check the word resilient resilience when you come to church it's also english school browbeat you learn browbeat today now we are learning resilient check resilience able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions wow you know some of the conditions you face they are spiritually organized the floods that wiped out the whole human race was organized spiritually angels moved in broke rocks and past the fountains and huge tsunamis came onto the earth and wiped out the entire world this is a spiritual event cataclysmic spiritual event organized czech cataclysmic check cataclysm you'd be surprised the satan is going to find you no he's going to find you able to withstand and to recover wow that's resilient cataclysmic means what a natural large-scale event violent yeah so that was how the end of the world was when the noah's and another one is coming that's how the last days would be another one is coming cataclysmic event but before then he's going to be looking for the noise few people are called noah you know so how are you i'm i'm noah it's not common it's one of the precious people who worked with god yes so those of you who are planning to have a son if you have a daughter i can be noah leo no elena noah now now i want to also make a particular point hello our prayer meetings don't need to have any particular person leading the prayer meeting for the prayer meeting to be working that's what you must realize because jesus said sit here i'm coming and when i was there was a group like that prayer meeting they just said shall we pray then the leader even goes to town yes he goes to do so many things in town when he comes and you pray you see that when you come at four o'clock you see everybody they are lying on the floor praying all those people are pastors today all those people are pastors because we were trained in prayers and waiting on god and long times of speaking in tongues and continuously sit here stay here yes so some of the missionaries have sent out they should come back for training yes yes should come back for training that's what we are not spiritual you can't be watching movies you know somebody said but you you've been mentioning movies now you'll be surprised that to watch a movie the same movie that is one hour 30 minutes long i can watch that movie for six weeks every day i watch five minutes like that the same film it can be in the dvd player for four months yes because i don't have time for such things yes that's the truth at a particular time if i get it then you put it on and when my wife comes and she starts talking i has to go to silent because she she she controls the chatting so i cannot hear the film unless it has subtitles yes so immediately it becomes a letter then i rewind so somebody said but we have watched this platform yeah but when you were watching you were talking so i put in here so one even sometimes i don't even understand the film when i watch as i have my watch i said i don't know i have to go back so you see people sitting there three hours you are not serious i don't want to lie to you it's a personal thing between me and you i'm just tell don't tell him what i could but i said you are not serious yes huh you are watching a whole season [Music] 22 episodes one episode is how long yes and these films in seasons i've not watched some before since i was born i've never watched these things that this series that they they haven't i because i when i grew up there was it was not in existence so i have no worship season one season two season three and all that yeah i'm not saying that it's it's something that you cannot but you have a lot of time to do that you are not spiritual usually yes because the time that you should be sleeping so that you wake up and pray you are watching season four [Music] that's why you can never wake up how will you wake up to pray let us be serious so if right now we take a break and you are going to watch season three we are going to watch season two you are going to watch or even after this time you are doing all these kind of things you will not have the ability to be spiritual because it cannot be that we can finish with god in two weeks how can you finish with god that's one of the things i don't like about this season of prayer because it gives you the delusion that you finished with god for the year like god we've sorted out god god has been sorted out are you okay you are all right we are going on to the year now we are finished are you okay god are you happy we shouted for a long time have you we have fulfilled our righteousness okay we are going on with our lives now there is nothing like that that's that's one of the thing because it it unfortunately has that effect yes and the way the year is it's difficult to get times like this but you see when the new year starts people are afraid of the new year so like will i die this year will something happen this year so let me pray and bind all these things to secure the year you see all churches full of people afraid like something that refers to it like that or what i'm saying is not so i i want us to have that attitude just calm prayerfulness and if fasting and praying now will make you not pray during the year i would like us to stop from tomorrow morning we will eat kenke and fish fully so that challenge we know that we can pray throughout the year we call the kanke sellers to come early in the morning i'm sure they are waiting for us to come out we are fasting is it amazing is it fantastic all right so sit here sit here while i go and pray yonder sit here i'm going to pray here you stay here and watch and pray also yes i must be able to and i'm doing that i'll say pray here i'm here also doing what i'm doing you to pray here it's not all that all prayers that the leader has to be with the people sit here once i go to this side with peter james and john or whatever if we don't do that we'll never have the prayers that we ought to have and it's only when jesus was alone that he could be heavy and sorrowful deeply commune with god yes i pray that was not even answered second moment he has brought a lot of trouble so and you see he's planning to take you with him because he used to be in heaven he was like a super angel you know two days ago they had something they called the super moon that's the day that the moon is closest to the earth and it's very big so it's almost like daylight i saw it a couple of days you see it like that not it wasn't it wasn't here some parts of the earth but i saw it where i was i could see it and it's like daylight you think that the night is this day yeah so lucifer was a super angel somebody who used to be in the presence of god so much so that even since he's been cast out he seems to be able to go and come yes yes i mean we have around those people who have been somewhere to the church they come and go sometimes they come so they didn't come around they go they come they go yes but he has been punished and will be punished for his rebellion and his same and he's constantly claiming that we too have also done something you know how many have been a child and when they take you they say this this one to her dancing i did the same thing that i did and that it's not fair if i'm the only one who is punished it's not fair who has said that before and that is what satan is saying now it's not fair if i am to be banished these people should be banished but he really so jesus has come to pay for us that's how come we are here yes that's the work of jesus is it amazing and we are going to be resilient what is the meaning to be able to withstand forces or recover quickly from difficult conditions yes now some of you you come from a back background you see such that you shouldn't be able to recover and be normal i tell you how many have been into things that you shouldn't be normal raise on your all right you don't have to raise your left only on your right look at right hands all over the place you should be able to recover but you are recovering in jesus name now he's going to find you even more difficult to deal with as a believer yes and i want you to take up three things that if you were the devil you would want to make happen to you you understand the prayer i'm giving you a topic like if you were to advise the devil on how to take you and advising that number one try this number two this number three this or if you can't think in that way look at somebody who is like you and what bad thing has happened to the person and you know that is what satan wants to do to you so those three you see when you don't know satan's aim you fight like a man who is beating the air but when you know satan's aim for you say this is what you want me to do so this is the this the thing i will not do this is the three temptations of jesus there are always three pillars of attacks targeted at someone who is rising into the ministry yes what satan wishes for you oh yes and you have to target them and decide this thing is the if i do other things this particular one i will not do it god will help me yes god will help me amen what do you think i pity people who don't pray directly against particular spirits one day i was praying against some demons i wrote them down but i knew that if somebody ever sees that they will know that so i wrote i wrote in the code many things i write i write in the code this one this one this one i know them i know them i know you see their eyes like wolves around you hunting for you we will do this to you this will happen to you this would say no no he will find you a resilient target and the demons will pray for another assignment apart from you in the name of jesus do you believe what i'm saying [Music] how many find the devil is going to find you like a flexible iron rod that's how they build buildings in japan they don't build it on a foundation they build their foundation tall screw 40 floors on wheels so that when the earthquake comes the building just rolls like this o'malley i will not fall down i will never fall down i will never fall because i know your aim that i should fall i said i will never fall [Music] so when the thing comes to the buildings they rock i i couldn't believe it when i found out they built it on it wheels like that it moves like that it just moves [Music] i'm not going to fall down you will never fall in jesus name the father satan has planned for you some of you ladies satan has planned for you to become jezebel yes today you are not jezebel but one day yes as you mature he's planning for a jezebel intrusion but it will not happen in jesus name satanism i hope you are still around all these parts of the sleep we are sleeping now we are sleeping and gathering kappa for when you go to rwanda people they will be afraid of you i tell you yes you know when i travel i see darkness i become heavy become heavy satan has guided certain nations in africa that they shouldn't speak english that they shouldn't speak even any international language so no books no nothing can believe people there like that they are cut off past everybody it's what there is no country not even one country that i have not seen heavy hand of devils including ghana you can see heavy hand of devils trying to spoil the whole place but you are exempted in jesus name the prophecy you believe the prophecy that you receive in jesus name amen all right sit down so 10 o'clock we are going to gather here then from here we are going to go to the hundred percent answered program now why are we going there we are going there because jesus didn't pray only in one place when he don't know what to do what jesus did sometimes in the wilderness sometimes a desert place sometimes a garden all kinds of locations because if you stay in one place sometimes the physical things that you see will not even let you pray so that you have to let me go here and when i stand here for some time if i'm praying somewhere and there's after saying that sometimes i pray dancers then i go upstairs and i present as i go to this place and i pray that or sometimes then i come here and i go here that i stand sometimes i sit sometimes i walk but i have to do something so as i go out i have to just move out yes different just took his disability that's where he was transfigured when we go to israel you see all this [Music] shame allah [Applause] i want to take you to jerusalem you know i want to show you where the blood was broken all over jerusalem yes the places where the blood was sprinkled hallelujah all right so we are now officially on you're going to rest more you can eat you can drink because i need you to watch i don't need to be in a coma like you see if you need to go and eat four balls of kinky i find there is something wrong with you some of you have never eaten spaghetti even yes you see spaghetti is not a when i say spaghetti i don't mean um italia or whatever you put on the underwater like a small sprinkling it's true some of you rice is dessert it's true rice is a dessert to some of you bread is a case sit down in france the main food is bread the french revolution happened because there was no bread lebanon you see that flat bread when you go out lebanese will take you for lunch or for dinner they'll give you that flat bread that is that is the yam that is the food that is the bamboo that's flat bread don't say ah that is it so you see you you have not you have tuned yourself because those who eat bamboo every day for food every day eat it every day it's like they don't eat there are some people when they travel they travel with the condo no no it's today is the end of that thing in jesus name you rather have to be calm so that because when you eat a lot then it even affects the next day you start to feel more angry it's like what you had has not actually done the job so your body now calls for more what you gave me yesterday i need some now i need more now do you see how i'm leaving a prayer meeting you'll lead with prayer meeting one day for hours you lead young people amen pray to god in jesus name amen amen is it powerful beautiful amazing hard followers [Music] hard followers beautiful so i'm releasing you i started releasing you some time ago but it's all part of the release the process of release is taking place now hallelujah are you glad you are becoming giants and spiritual men and prophets if god doesn't open your eyes for visions and dreams at least not that at least you'll be a spiritual person and that's a beautiful target in jesus name father thank you for blessing us powerfully in jesus name amen all right you may be seated you may not go you may be seated i will go first before you go okay you
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 23,483
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: _6uLyOhGZIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 5sec (14105 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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