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with all precious things mm-hmm so you may have the wisdom to build it okay but to fill it with members to fill the church with a thousand members so your church has become a mega church it takes knowledge this is Bible it's not it's not a personal revelation is a Bible this is the wisdom builds a church glorious gospel International Ministries incorporated Church of Christ as an object so our bill today but to feel the change the Bible says you need knowledge so until a certain knowledge comes you will not be able to fill it not because it is the will of God for your ministry but because you did not have the knowledge if you get a permit and this week as evangelist dark menaces to you you will have knowledge that fills your church your church will not be an empty text you will no longer say that God has called you to build a little family church you can also be a pastor of a thousand members oh yes oh yes you are here you are a leader and Yaka has got only six members who don't sing well anyway through knowledge that your powerhouse can be filled to a hundred members your car itself can bring such booth to your church way as a knowledge it is knowledge it is knowledge it is knowledge those who have it balanced the countries with knowledge on how to make about how to make a car they advance those with knowledge who don't have any knowledge about how to build a car and all their knowledge about how to grow sugar cane they are also some way it is always knowledge if you don't know it you don't know it is that by wisdom a house is built and it is by knowledge knowledge knowledge that it just failed that's why I'm excited that this morning I'm going to receive the knowledge that will help me to feel if you who hasn't read this book is encouraged to occur this book actually there is this package here the macarius the Makarios library it is a library of 40 books 40 books ministry books full of knowledge that can fill your chest full of the knowledge about how to be anointed how to be anointed many of us think we are not it but you may not be able C to speak with America and salons does not mean you anointed [Applause] [Music] or to speak as if you have eaten silly Pepe [Applause] does not mean you uh this morning one evangelist dad comes to Sandia you hear that he will be speaking with single weights 1 1 1 1 K barbarous [Applause] [Music] that is why the book cuts the anointing and steps to the anointed there is a way to be another there's there's a type of wisdom that leads to the anointing and we will learn it from Proverbs that he will lend the wisdom so this very important resource is what is going to guarantee you the continual Ministry of evangelistic word Mills after these two days I mean think about it what can he say in two days he can take one chapter in a book and talk about it for one week a chapter in a book for a week how much can we get from him into not even to these warnings but you see in the same way that Jesus also came and left but he left us with a Bible that has patiently taught us as well over the centuries this makarios library will also guarantee you information knowledge strength anointing that will stay with you long after evangelists like what Mills has left the source of Capetown so I want to encourage all of us I don't know how many of these packs are available I'm here to find out but the early bed will catch the way by the we're not webs this is great this is great I want to encourage all of us to believe God to acquire this either on behalf of your church your ministry can I park this for you do I have some figures here oh I see I guess I should buy one myself here because the figure I'm Celia it's a discounted figure evangelist duck has reduced the set of 40 bestsellers from an original price now it is selling for just a hundred and sixty dollars but please don't leave the hall now don't say you are going to buy now please sit down but during the break it to be very helpful come I just won six dollars in rant thousand thousand two hundred Rand like a hundred and sixty US dollars we about 2200 run that's not too much because the original price of this you don't even want to know about it I think I myself should carry this with me in Ghana because the one we came to the conference evangelists that reduces the prices of the products so that as many of it as possible can reach the the the passes he his burden is to be a blessing to us let's clap our hands for Jesus so what took me to this is the book the megachurch I want to ask all of us to change our ministries wherever you I ministry there's a higher level there is always a higher level to where you I ministry I'm so there's a 10,000 member pasta here that's a pasta here with 10,000 members or 15,000 members there are something bigger than 10,000 and these books can take you there you are here you are passed off a 200 members a day will come the size of your church will be mentioned in thousands yes I said the size of your chair to be mentioned in thousands now the reason why a mega church and this church growth it is possible this is a very beautiful title church growth it is possible and I'm Adam and I'm repeating the phrase it is possible it is possible for me it is possible for you no matter how small your church's your check can grow your church can grow it can grow into thousands and tens of thousands it is possible can we all say it is possible it is possible to see us as I travel around I come to one very sad conclusion all the time that for many passes the existence of the church is their ultimate vision that the church is alive and is not collapse the church hasn't folded up the church hasn't closed down the trash is still there hooray my church has not closed down my church after 30 years is still around my church after 20 years is still around but ladies and gentlemen the existence of a church should not be the ultimate vision of a basa God hasn't called us to ensure that our churches merely exists would you be happy if your son merely existed without growing he's 14 years and he's as short as three books belt on top of vision will you be happy if your son never grew in height and this project he's alive he eats he maybe eat more but he doesn't grow the call of God is not a call to just ensure that our churches merely exists the call of God is a call to ensure that our churches grow grow the church must grow a church must grow if you read the megachurch the first chapter there are 25 reasons 25 now when something can be given 25 reasons then it means is very important if there are 25 reasons why something must be done think about it 25 reasons why you must marry and you are not married it is that's a problem if I can give you 25 reasons why you must go to school and you haven't been to school that's a problem if I give you just one reason you could just throw it away but if you can have if I can give you 25 reasons why something is important then it means it is really important and it is important that your church grows 800 is not the largest figure your chat canal can I tell you something am I allowed to say something see shh-shh-shh has got numbers associated with it just like any game there's football here in south of we have Orlando Pirates Mamelodi Sundowns and so on can you imagine um it's a football match after 90 minutes what's one of the scores we expect 2 1 4 2 0 0 0 1 once a while we hear 7 l 2 1 3 T that is the skull we expect on football did a basketball in sort of a basketball who knows of a basketball at the end of a basketball game what are some of the figures we expect to one sorry-sorry 14 basketball what we expect sorry hundred hundred what 98 durable basketball can you imagine there's a football match and the scores is hundred ninety-eight football match plays I German it wins every game has numbers associated with it the one you say you are playing basketball and you Mason for two we know that you are not in the game hello what is Mason 98 1 or 7 in football we are confident that you are know what you are talking about any endeavor of life has got numbers you see that is what I'm talking about the mega check that your tak becoming ten thousand two thousand is not the preserve of a few selected special passes because your church also has got one we say change they are numbers in the Bible they are numbers just as basketball cricket baseball I mean those of us who are married if you want to make your wife pregnant then then this if you go and see a doctor maybe after two years you've got being pregnant and there are some problems like this the doctor will do a test a cement test and by the way to make your wife pregnant you need only one spare what a single sperm one but even though it is only one single sperm you need to touch your wives egg there are numbers if you do if you don't have those numbers you you are not going to be great Wow clap your hands I can yellow south at all Wow are you excited already yes I was talking about how a man will make his wife pregnant so when the doctor finds out that your numbers are few today expect 40 million 40 million spins and you will have got only 120 spells you are not in the game you're not in the game you have got only 10,000 steps in the in decade of making your wife pregnant we have millions when we are talking about making somebody pregnant we speak in millions 40 million 80 million hundred million so if your sperm count is hundred or 1000 or 1 million it is the doctors responsibility to boost your sperm counts to rise to 40 million this morning your sperm count is going to be beside yes because I've told you that in this movie you landed a judge has got numbers football has to 1 basketball 98 1 or 2 1 become to change we must hear thousands 1 Peter preached 3000 5000 when we talk about church we don't mention a 320 200 at this year beginning estimate we allow it because in the in the basketball match also when they start there is 5 4 5 6 by us and builds up the scores increase this morning your scar will increase so that you'll be in the game of building up attacks are you excited do you believe God has something to put into your ministry I can't hear you at all yah yah yes is too weak are you expecting something to happen to you these students ladies and gentlemen I'm happy to announce that that time has come as evangelist dark man assess your ministry will be boosted anybody would me you are someone who cannot bring forth children would be surprised at what you are going to become after this conference and without wasting my time I want us to welcome Ida to bless us with a song [Applause] Shepherd of my soul I give you full control wherever you may leave I will follow I have made a choice to listen for your voice wherever you may need I will go you are the Shepherd of my soul and I give you full control wherever you may leave I will follow because I have made a choice so listen for your pores where ever you may leave I will go be it in the choir pasture biochemistry the Shepherd of my soul is by my side and so that there's a mighty mountain or a valley dark indeed the Shepherd of my soul to be my guide Lord you are the Shepherd of my soul and I gave you full control wherever you may leave I will fall I have made a choice to listen for your voice wherever you may need I will go be it a quiet pasture by by a gentle stream the Shepherd of my soul is by my side she's not fair some 90 mountain or a valley dark indeed the Shepherd of my soul will be my guide yes the Shepherd of my soul be my god thus a part of my soul will be my god [Music] hallelujah [Applause] let us pray father thank you for this morning the great opportunity that we have Holy Spirit we ask you to guide and lead us let your will be done in Jesus name Amen you may be seated it's a blessing to be here thank you all thank our hosts for welcoming us to this beautiful church how many of us here are pastors how many pastors here Wow a lot of us it's wonderful today I want to share with you about loyalty and disloyalty can you turn with me to first Corinthians chapter 4 why is loyalty important amen loyalty is important because number one it is a requirement for pastors for stewards I'm sharing for my book here loyalty and disloyalty it's a it's a requirement 1st Corinthians 4:2 it says it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful amen so faithful is the same if you check in dictionary the synonyms for the word loyal or loyalty are the words faithful constant the same no change amen so God expects stewards and all of us who are pastors I saw fire hands so many of us hear pastors write that it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful so it is required faithfulness or loyalty is not something that is a special teaching of back here at Mills not at all the rewards that we are to get in heaven and the words we hope to hear from Jesus are the words well done good and successful seventh well done good and rich servant well done good and faithful a man so faithful means to be the same to be no change to be as you are you know and that's what we all hope for when we get married that we would be faithful you know every woman wants to have a man who would be faithful he is not going to change his mind when he meets a pretty new girl he's not going to change his mind and not like his wife anymore when he meets somebody who is slimmer than his wife he's not going to change his mind when he beats somebody who is more cheerful than his wife so a lot of wives are not so cheerful after some time they are no more happy always angry always not excited sometimes you see young girls look more excited and happier they'll be waving looking cheerful and the wives look angry not so excited so that if it makes the whites more frightened that a very cheerful girl is coming to replace me and so everybody is hoping to have a person who cannot be moved by all these things is going to stay committed to the person that he married and when he said I do I will it remains the same and there's no change is that also the husbands are also looking forward to a faithful person who will also not change as she was cheerful at the beginning she should still be cheerful yes and she was happy at the beginning smiling waving she should still be happy and waving and how she was happy to see you when you came to visit her before she might you married her so I'm so happy Hey and she'll still be happy when you come home not be asking why are you now coming you are so late you are always late we'll be waiting your food is there we are also hoping for a faithful person who will never change a man is that other case yeah so that is what God is also hoping for in us the ministers is hoping that we will never change when he calls us will be faithful and what he called us to do that is what we will always do and that he is not going to find us completely shifting from what we originally gave ourselves to many of us wonderful pastors we came to save God we came to serve God that is why we came into the ministry that's why some of us went to Bible School that's why some of us gave ourselves to this work because we really wanted to just follow what God said to go to the ends of the earth preach my word but unfortunately because loyalty and faithfulness are not things that are taught and are not things that are you know good things in the church have been given a bad reputation a good word like holiness has a bad reputation in the church it's almost like a bad word now to say words like holiness words like submission they are like bad words and loyalty is a good word it is in the Bible now you find out that instead of following being faithful to the original gospel of Jesus Christ many of us pastors know have changed we are not faithful you can see when you listen to pastors preaching you wonder whether is a pastor or a banker [Applause] yes pastors today you wonder whether they are pastors or bankers instead of staying you see what I sell faithful as I used the dictionary if you don't want to any problem stay with the meanings faithful lawyer it means don't change God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have 10 cars and 20 houses and a $12,000 dog no God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life amen that's the gospel it will never change success without limits living good lives having money and all these rather the message that most of us are preaching and we are imparting a spirit of lust for material things and the lust for money is coming from the pulpit it's coming from the pulpit this what we are this what we have ministry and it's a departure from what God called us to do God hasn't called us to make people rich not to preach it you cannot take things out of context I can have my bath there's nothing wrong with me up in my path but if I decide to pass here right now is out of context and it becomes wrong God is not against us from screen and all that but if you take it out of its place and make it the highest and greatest thing that is continuous and all the time that is all that we have in the church it's out of context it's completely out of context and it is destroying the church is what I'll destroy the church that is right today you have other religions getting in the ascendancy and becoming more popular Christianity is not the life fast as well religion anymore Christianity is not the fastest growing no existence began either is it strong as it should be because from the pulpit is coming an impartation of desire to be like the world just like the world to have what the world has to do what the world is doing to be just like the world birnley burnley million as you see it churches today they put books together and they call it million last kit this is a kit for becoming the billionaire this book this book at that book how to be rich a billionaire nextdoor different messages good life a better life now life everything good here you have forgotten the pure gospel and the way we are to be saved we are not saved by money we are lost saved by becoming rich we are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ that he shed on the cross for us and Christians are supposed to take up their crosses and follow Jesus Christ example can I have an amen so faithfulness to the message it's not a special doctrine I just read 1st Corinthians of the four best key it is required in stewards that a man should be found faithful which means loyal which means constant which means no change don't change it don't change and that's what people appreciate basics so that all he just which is the basics I preach the basics you have bucks living in your apology the basic it's completely departed from the gospel and totally shifted away you can look quick you you can many pastors karate be preach the gospel of Jesus method if you put them there as they preach about Christ they can't even do super 1-hour preach about about Jesus they can't do it I had a deal with your son for six weeks every day from John 3:16 six weeks every day to 360 postures today you put them John 3:16 they are sample will get finished in five minutes preach the gospel anymore but you give them prosperity the eyes they will come up with how the wealth of the world is about to be transferred to the churches and prosperity for a person and God Himself is sending the wealth of the wicked receive their money you see them they become inflamed and the full option when you start to talk about prosperity and money is coming from America it's come from America America is Baraka has always been our leader in the church we all Christianity a lot of you send it to America they are the ones that have brought great churches like establish of caught in all these they have always been our leaders and our fathers all of us have benefited from them as they have also gone the way they have gone television you see it's all about having something badly is that whatever the rest of us have also followed because we are like wildebeest we follow they leave it like this where they are going we all go if is to the river we are all going to the river Joe and we don't even realize it mussels don't even realize what kind of people we've become you know so God God is calling us back to the original gospel yes God is calling us back to the original gospel yeah when Lazarus when the rich man went to hell he said please I have five brothers they are just like me they are going to come the einem can you send somebody from the dead then can you send somebody from the dead to kindly go to Mitchell's plane and talk to them and Abraham said no because you see if somebody were to write sure if I told you look I was dead last year for two weeks and I came back and this one I suppose of you wouldn't believe it even if I brought that doctor's report you wouldn't believe it even if I showed you the video of my funeral you wouldn't believe it is it not true yeah people will come up with all kinds of stories so when he said they have the prophets the profess the preachers let them share them and then you come to the chechen what are we saying you wonder whether you are the University they are teaching about management they are teaching all kinds of techniques of how to have a better life good life money success without limit abundance and whatever you tell me the message you know that these are the messages that we are preaching and not and what do you have nothing all this prosperity people happily debts is only death they have deaths have mortgages and loans they have nothing if you ask them for money but they cannot give you anything yeah all this prosperity whatever have just led to more deaths loans mortgages people have flashy things but there are debts and loads if you owe money you don't have anything till you or nothing you are still poor yeah so brothers and sisters faithfulness and loyalty is what God is calling us to Jesus said take up your cross doctor just helped me with this book thing take up your cross all right and follow me take up your cross follow me that's why I wrote this book losing suffering sacrificing and dying and you know I wonder I went to America and elder there was a it was a book something such a book that's what she said jesus said if you don't lose your life of my sake you do not care if he said you must lose your life for my sake Philippians 1:27 says we are called not only to believe in him but also to suffer it's our calling to suffer to follow Jesus Christ and to suffer but because we only preach good life money car houses prosperity business the churches are always agonizing business for fora for for the people's or business world we are meeting the business marketplace ministry marketplace business and temporal action in the treasure all that is nonsense intelligence or bosses hey if you are a preacher stay with the gospel be constant if you want to be a businessman resigning well do your business and we all know that your life business not the gospel but what is this thing that you are changing the gospel and you are impacting something else from the portrait listen I've been in University for seven years I studied medicine I can study and give you a lecture on anatomy physiology and biochemistry I'll speak for three hours on chemistry and biology is that what you came here to hear when I bring this chemistry biology and I stand here for two hours talking to you about chemistry and talking to you about physiology and Anatomy and psychiatry what is going on here and it's not that it's not true but it's out of place that should happen in a medical school or in school but here yeah yeah - yeah about God about Jesus Christ about the gospel that's what the church is for these businesses just because there are a few scriptures in the Bible that encourage prosperity and say I wish above all these Italians prosperity health doctor this is 11 that if you obey me and selphie you spend your days in prosperity oh yes a pleasure you can't bring one or two scriptures like that and make it the gospel no sense I said to you nonsense I said to you you are out of context I said to you it is rubbish I start the churches for self it is this rabbit in the church it is Ross's it is masses in that church it is rubbish you want to teach the Granicus school and teach all those things yes God is not against chemistry cutting the word is not against physics but I can't come and stand here and start giving you lectures I've been to medical school let me tell you seven years I was in the university studying medicine you think I don't know all those things I know a lot of things that I'm not saying here because this is not a place for that everything has its place if you want to be a businessman reward money stop pretending that all the Bible is so you hear people say Jesus said more about money than any field Hey Jesus said more about money than anything else Jesus Christ the same Jesus I read about in my Bible said more about money than anything else you must be joking but out of your mind [Applause] you know we're looking for we're not here looking for for anything for money I hear preaching that about Jesus losing take up your cross and follow me what is a cross what do you do with that cross what do you do with the cross what do you do with the cause we've thrown the cross after the church in fact most modern churches don't have a cross anymore in the church first Corinthians 1 taste for the preaching of the Cross is the power of God that's the power to preacher that's why we don't preach about suffering in the church that's why the rate of HIV is the same in the world in the church same no one is prepared to pay the price to suffer wait pastors don't preach our suffering we don't preach about it cross don't preach about all these things we want to preach for money for people to invite us sometimes you feel somebody like me who doesn't give your money because it needs anybody to invite him I can't even go to the places to go to is financed by us one is giving us a dollar for the crusade and all these programs we are doing [Applause] doesn't really need the money it doesn't media favor doesn't need you to like him and I told that lady you know that I don't know if I told her but I did not write this book to make money not I write any of my books to make money I don't care if anybody reads it or not in fact this book had had nicer title the title used to be take up your cross I said no the title is not clear enough I wanted to be very clear to the people in DC so I changed the title to losing suffering sacrificing and dying less let's take let's take sacrifice let's take sacrifice from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible you see sacrifice from Adam and Eve Cain and Abel Abraham Isaac Jacob anybody who knew God they were sacrificed David Solomon thousands always up to the New Testament the prophets always spoke about the sacrifice up to the New Testament present your body a living sacrifice sacrifice for God's suffering it's amazing and we've taken it and truly when you preach about such a is like a strange and you have people they are offended by such preaching offended Hey don't be offended don't be offended is what I'm saying is not in the Bible just throw it away it all says because I don't know anything with only what's the vibe if it is in the Bible then just because you are a minister honestly look at it and ask yourself what has become of us it is it is it on our watch as ministers that the church has declined it is when we were pastors it is not what other people were possible when we were alive today where the ministers that the church has gone down you hardly find a young man wants to creature is amplify the young people who want to do the work of God all the pastor's are old and gray head you hardly find young men who want to preach recently I was in Los Angeles in a church the biggest church there the members of the church of people like Denzel Washington the Stars and I preached about missions and one of the pastors who is in charge of that told me after I said no was she when you were speaking said we don't have even one long-term mission you know the church in America used to have what you have missionaries have died here I don't need to know there must be cemeteries with missionaries who died here point to me he said we don't have any then and yet this is chechik money which starts then they call for the quad but the park came I move like that [Applause] [Music] 20 check your age 20 and see whether you be here and you see this we have people but they say you people want to live we want to die you want to live we want to die for what we believe ready to die for it but and I want to ask you which religion has a leader Hassan beta or a founder the English but when you go somewhere you know you are going to die then you still go there what is the coordinate suicide suicide mission so which religion do you know a leader would knew that when I go here I will die and he people advice avoidance without what is a quote in English is called what let me start again what is it called when you go somewhere to die you know you are going to die if you intentionally put there so that you die it's called odd suicides sacrifice what about suicide suicide out suicide homage which religion in the world has a leader who went on a mission knowing that they are going to die but he still went you are afraid to mention Jesus isn't it you are afraid to mention Jesus yes that's that's Christianity that's Christian is not a no other religion as a leader who goes and went I know this will kill me and I want to die I will have come to die I want to die I want to die Oh to by next week we have to admit him to hospital in suicidal tendencies we are so far from Christ we have departed so far past is angry with what I'm saying Christian yes I got a genuine Christian yeah a genuine person you look and you see what is money saying is true you know I'll tell you something else I'm just on my listen there is a man called Rick Joyner Rick Joyner he has written a number of books but there's a book called the final quests and in that book there's a chapter well there's a chapter a very good chapter they're called the white room which you should read everybody to get that book especially if I administer but towards the end of the book he describes a a meeting he had in heaven with Apostle Paul and just as he was leaving the Apostle or his ten hundred as Apostle Paul is that something you would want to give as a message to the church and Paul said no I have no message what I have said to the church I have already said it and written that's my message to the church but then he changed his mind said okay I have one I have one message and how many want to do the message or out for us today only 18 people here want to know so the 18 and see me after church what about this side he want to know what opposite Paul said he said that apart from a few places on the earth he said we in heaven while watching you cause remember we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses he said when we watch from heaven we cannot recognize the message you are preaching and we cannot recognize the ministry that you have yeah you cubed it is called the panelist wrote it it's not mine it's not mine so if you want to be angry you have a second person you have you angry with now there's two of us and then the third person be angry with his Jesus okay three people he said apart from the few plates we cannot recognize the message or the ministry so Regina turn to Paul and ask him what do you mean by you cannot recognize the message or the means what exactly do you mean this is going to shock you and this is what inspired me greatly he said when we were in the ministry on earth the message and the ministry was sacrifice and today we cannot recognize anything like that in the church he said it was a big sacrifice to be in the ministry and it was the message of the Cross the message of sacrifice was the main message and he said that is what inspired me to look and study more about sacrifice then I found the sacrifices everywhere everywhere in the Bible losing suffering sacrificing and dying South Africa you are you not the richest country in Africa sub-saharan Africa I know the greatest mightiest nation oh I I don't see any South Africa missionary anywhere in the world if I go to Zimbabwe I don't see let's say your church there's a one in Zimbabwe or if I go to Zambia don't see a South Africa I mean like someone who is going all out to give himself to go and preach the gospel or in Ghana or Nigeria or Cameroon or any country that you know like you're just within yourself working whatever but somebody who go out with in South Africa you will hardly move from Cape Town if you jo-jo have his back if they are anywhere to do anything it just we have to stay rich to us prosper walls as a have a good life now abundant living success without living a good life better life abundance that is the whole message something you will access them nobody will ever do anything for God no one will ever hear that they are called by God yes listen I'm telling you I would encourage you you know God is deposited in us a new seed that seed if you receive it and you don't reject it will germinate and the potential that this nation has and the potential that this church has don't expect are preaching to be praising you really love your ministry god bless you wonderful spirit Oh wonderful about you you won't have to always present worship you well read your Bible says rebuke exhort with all longsuffering or follow the Word of God we are lost we are lost how do you think the world is going to be reached how do you think we come here you don't our fight is to come here do you know how many people we come there with trucks and buses and people do you know what it cost I don't want to bother you with that I don't want to bother you with that we black churches all over let's do something for God and we are sitting down together praising ourselves and we are not also getting them to just get in more debts God bills both voltages we should be preaching about maybe I called yeah you should be teaching our people that many have fault by god this is my favorite book many are called maybe are called by God is not a few people but for it's not just this frontline of pastors ha ha ha if you were God and there were 7 billion people in the world would you call just a few people with a conscience a few people to do to burn spread the message and save the world people are called my CFO cause if the pastor is not even telling us that vania fault I will many people know that they are also called to serve God to do something with their lives we are not faithful we are not faithful and it starts with constant and those who are trying hard to be faithful and to be loyal we are rather finding bad words to describe what what they are doing Paul said I cannot recognize the message I tell you or read it yourself final quest get it on an e-book and google paul that search for fog come right to the page if so clear vision he met pastors who died in heaven there was one processor look the guy said he regrets he said no he said the Lord had to keep him in sickness a very humiliating sickness to take him out of out of the F because he was just crossing over from from so many other things and they said when I caught you I started to pray that my followers will also get that same humility disease so that they will change and also come and be saved Borini to yourself is in the chapter for the white road is not my book and I have no shares I've never met Rick Joyner I just read it are you still around all you are living [Music] hello take up your cross follow Jesus take up your cross oh yeah every day don't be I said don't know to say that you know here [Music] counts the cost take up your cross follow here why don't you take up your cross and follow Jesus take up your cross every day and don't be a say that you know he say you know it counts the cost take up your cross follow here whoa what are you doing for your king have you freely given everything you've given everything to the one who gave His life one to all of you for you for you [Music] and don't to be satisfied just to know he's the one who save your soul have you forgotten what you need to do what you need to do save up your car yes and follow Jesus why don't you take him your call Oh [Music] every day and don't be upset [Applause] say that you know him oh say you know him counts the cost take up your cross counts the cost sake of your car cuz the cost take up your cross follow he so today can be a crawl follow Jesus apologies my past I'll take your car oh yes everyday yeah don't be a shame yeah say that you don't he counts the cost take up your cross counts the cost take up your cross counts the cars take up your cross follow me man loyalty and faithfulness one day I was and he keeps coming to me I want to say that was in Tulsa attending a Canon Hagen winter Bible seminar can I take it stood up on the first day said his topic was the ABCs of faith now he said that I was not happy in me and I said ABC I have traveled about 10,000 miles listen to ABC of it I want something more fantastical something portable than ABC of thing and why don't you rather look and learn one of the greatest secrets of longevity this man is 86 years old God told him to preach faith he was 18 years old it's been almost 70 years and he's still standing to be faithful to be faithful means to be constant to be faithful means you've not change the be faithful means you not deviating ship to the side God told him preach about faith and this is what he's doing faith I tell you pastors you see our we are we are falling to the sin of Saul Saul said when I saw the people stuttering you know that I decided to make my own sacrifice and and suffer to the blood love made a big mistake is that you would have been there forever but because of this mistake of being afraid of people living afraid of scattering afraid of losing that is what the pressure from the people have made us go into error in the ministry that is right because if you preach about money in a normal congregation they will be happier with you than if you preach about diet and losing it and people love to hear things about men but we all eat money so the pressure from the people and the pressure of the people causes our message to shift from our original calling so the Lord said to me ABC of faith the whole place is filled with senior ministers when he died there were thousands of ministers present at his funeral and I tell you he stayed fake and a lot to me learn it learn how to pick from this and stop saying ABC faith I bet now the next reason why loyalty is important is to fight the fifth column [Applause] John 14 verse 30 the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me the fifth column is the the column that represents the devil in the church and there are always people who fight from within this story goes back to the story of Troy where it'll be the story of Troy exactly but something just like the story of Troy where there was a commander invading a city and he wanted to enter the city and destroy it but the city had very high walls no one could enter so a young man came up to the commander and asked the commander how are you going to overtake or take this city and the commander said I'm gonna use the fifth column and the young man said but you have only four columns or four battalions and the guy said I have a fifth column at 5th battalion and they are the ones inside for the city and the other ones who are going to open the doors and you know let me in and truly it was the 5th column that was used to gain and get the victory all right so when you talk about destruction of the church or your church or any Church it is the fifth column the group that are in the church that can destroy the church your assistant fast that can destroy the church more than anybody else a sister fastest choir leaders people that are high up Associates important VIPs people who are been in the church for a long time opinion leaders great men Doublemint all kinds of people are there that destroyer they can destroy a church not from outside not from far away from inside they are the ones who can do most a lot of ham look Jesus would not have come to that cross if it was not for Judas he need that Judas to work things out so in a sense the Ministry of Jesus came to an end through Judith's not really because it was the will of God the God was using what was allowing him to do what he did and because Jesus knew what he was going to do if you wanted to stop him he would have stopped it but he wanted to die for us because we are not saved by preaching we are saved by the blood of Jesus so Jesus was preaching but you have to shed his blood you can preach forever but it's only the blood that has been given to wash away sins amen are you still around so in every church there are the fifth column hey when they break away when somebody who is an assistant or he is a pastor one of the main breaks away and starts to speak and criticize you see the whole chat is trembling and shaking from the ministry of that fifth column the one within and so if you are a leader and not building a church all right it is madness to build your building and just leave it to expose it to the wild animals and wild people who can come and destroy whatever you are building the many pastors don't know that to build is not only to build but to defend what you build if you don't defend what you build every regret blocks you late in the night somebody's going to remove 60 sometimes of a little every who's doing that when you put hundred on that is why churches never grow that is rise of judges cannot increase and cannot flourish because somebody is always fighting from we did take it away from the Baptist making people have a bad mind about the church and a bad feeling about the pasta hey taken away from his reputation taken away from his Kurata so when his tongues there people are looking at him with all kinds of ideas in their head when it's time for them to give offering they have they save their head why should I give an offering in this place that's why the finances of the church are down because the fifth column is fighting you that's why the strength of the church is down the members are down things are not increasing because it's not only about building but also defending what you are building and you must know those who spoil churches the people whose power churches are the top group here so just leave it as right sure those who are disloyal which is what I'm talking about generally that topic and those who are ignorant those who are dangerous and a dangerous son is somebody who raised up as it is a son to you but he can attack you like Absalom Absalom attack his own father Absalom attacked his own father it wasn't that it wasn't that David was not his father David was his father he was a product of David there are people that are product of this change that have attacked this church products product pastors leaders people that kill your sons of the heart you attack the one who brought you into existence those who accuse you I tell you if you are in the ministry you will be accused of everything look if you don't want to be accused resign now if I be as soon as we close bring your letter and just leave if you don't want to be accused just just leave now if you it's ready or not experience that you hear accusations and you even just believe them when you've been around for some time when you hear an opposition about somebody you'll remember that you were also accused of something like that just two years ago and it was in truth the web part of that those who destroy churches is accusation then those who forget I have written a book for each one of these people I didn't I don't want it to be a it just one sheet it's a book for each person yes because they are worthy of a book each they are worthy of a book and you will find out that such before how worthy of a book of studying them to see we talk about those who forget you prayed for people you let to Christ you brought up in the Lord this person is talking in this way as if he was never seated in touch crappyland right he knows and say coming after that pasta thank you so much my life is so changed since I came here I don't know where I would be before you god bless you in one of those when they are leaving didn't say bye-bye admitting it goodbye goodbye bye-bye bye-bye they can say bye-bye or you don't have such things in Cape Town or some of you are those who forget isn't it and then we have those who leave you those weally people leave churches and when they leave the church they go on that campaign look before I forget those who forget Judas is the best those who forget he forgot all the miracles somebody you've seen walking on the water you forget it's not I'm not very impressive you are about to sell for 30 pieces of silver he saw him raising Lazarus from the dead after four days forgot about it you see forgetting is one of the most dangerous literal mistakes you can ever be that's where everywhere we go we have to say I maintain a relationship with all the people that hosted us because the Bible says God is not righteous to forget you the work of labor the work of love you don't have to forget some of my best a process before those who were with me from the beginning it's not when I went mine what everybody wants to be your friend but somebody won't let you eat that in a dark room in a dark corner of your life and this person I'll take with you ever you must never forget this type of people this is his the nature of call you don't forget things people who are wicked they don't remember anything those who leave you hey the prodigal son when he left his father when they meet him when they met him mother pig the pig guys at the culture you know we are cleaner agriculture what do you call it university of every University at course practical work with the pig farming you know does your father know you are here oh I'm sure he knows how he knows he knows everything Wow when he was living you can imagine that promotion that it cost why is he going what is happening and as he was boy he was probably telling stories you don't know my father I say look at the one who stays with him I know what I can tell you never believe it when I open my mouth now my father cannot stay in the city that's why I'm going let me just go in peace I don't want to say anything bad about my father but everybody knows that he's a wizard I don't want to say anything bad about it those who leave you they add some of the most dangerous people then our churches have which would have been 10,000 members 5,000 members no but for those who leave and when they leave that things they do they say the judge cannot grow there are tensions in Kakaako because of those who leave you to study business and start to fight it with the strength that you need see it is a mistake in war to deal with the enemy in a spirit of benevolence I'll say it again it is a mistake in war to deal with your enemy in the spirit of benevolence yes yes first my book that put general is it here they don't have it ok you don't have to you don't have to be speak make a mistake with some people you talk with them why out there so if I pasta you'll be surprised what happens with the Ministry you can believe it there are people who have attacked me as I preached about loyalty when they experienced just one those of it they start to love this official what you said one guy you know he saw my book loyalty just to know this is this is nonsense till he had one he had 47 Thanks I said look one day I met him and he was talking about a very unfaithful associate years so the way that guy left him and the guy turned against him and what he did and the things he said at the point I was scared he was going to die I suppose you see that he was incensed I said calm down calm down but his leg was still shaking his back what he told me now I carry five puppies the one who said my bookies noses he said now I carry five copies of your book everywhere I go and he said to me if you need a salesman for that I would like to apply for the job this is a book about what a man who is a Christian and a ministry who are at war jobs everyone the life of man upon earth is a warfare is my very popular a good one of the chapter says it is a mistake to deal with the enemy in the spirit of benevolence you cannot be kind to a destroy a person you must know how to fight it fight it with strength yes you know you know you know gave it when people came to David and told David and the one who killed saw and the one who killed saw a young master would have welcomes oh come and be one of my leaders be one of my self you kill so I see and you killed you can be one of my cell leaders and we just put you through the program and you become a one of the pastors soon but not David they say your words have condemned you because of me look this man says he kills her right now you joke with disloyalty you are joking with your life your ministry your finances of your church you may be discouraged you can never reach out do you think that would be here if I if I if I don't have faith with people I've left my church we are here Christmas preaching big churches I am in my of my original Church which I started which I pastored I left it then I built a new one which was dedicated not one to have left it alone to start another one do you think do you think if I don't have faithful people I can just be big big churches and doesn't moving around I'm not pastoring that's you youth children yes do you think I can do you think I can [Applause] do you think I can do that if I if I don't have when you leave you're starting the puppet when you volume he will stop taking in situations and you say now Liberty has come for the next two weeks thank God that the Holy Spirit can move again put your hands together because the Holy Spirit can move once more in our mixed and yeah that's why some people don't have a system faster just be away me and I wiped out there's no other adventures I don't want trouble some people even the wife I know I change the wife also became destroy took half of the chair the husband also took half of the church and then the last group is those who pretend all right so loyalty is very very important because of the fifth column and the fifth column are deserving people those who pretend those who are ignorant those who are dangerous are those who are cute those who forget those who leave those who are disloyal dangerous very dangerous third reason why you must have loyalty is so that the love of God can fill the church amen and peace and also fill the church peace bubbles is the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by them that big piece if you don't have peace in your church you cannot do much you cannot build without peace if you don't have peace you cannot build you need peace to build a church a pastor doesn't have to get up wondering what is happening every day but you must have stability and faithful people and you must declare war on all destroyer elements and confusion bring us number four the fourth reason why you must have faithfulness and loyalty is to have a large ministry a large mega church with branches I want to see Cape Town pastors starting churches in other parts of South Africa and other parts of Africa a large church a mega church a mega church Africa meet you your voice is not heard South Africa your voices anyway it's like there's no voice no price and you criticize Nigerians when they come inside churches here why don't you pass at the church in Nigeria you criticize in Nigeria when we come to start off somebody you come from West Africa you criticize them why are they coming here for these people from the north and one day and why are they whatever what about you going there to study chatters a hundred and fifty million people waiting to hear from you and as you criticized and your ministry cats forecast is white you are criticizing what you don't understand nations are Finland for other religions Christians are world reaching out no one is going anywhere other religions are just taking foreign nations so recently I drove to some countries in West Africa I just found my head look one of the days I was see when you send a cow keep me this conference in one town in Guinea there were two benches and the facet just like this morning in that night the people come because of healing miracles and all of them belong to another again all of them give their life to crack pastors conference that was the bank chair with two people on it that's all they said there's no pastor in the town no churches we are sitting there clapping for ourselves oh Cape Town the unholy boys river is flowing yet God is moving in Cape Town Wow what about the rest of the world go into all the world preach the gospel go into all the world and you will have the spirit of you you shall receive power after my spirit comes upon you you shall have a successful life with more cars you shall have a better bigger credit card whether its credit facility on your credit card and you shall you shall go to America three times and you shall go to England Wow I didn't write the Bible by the way you shall receive power after the Spirit comes upon you and you shall have two houses you shall receive power after the Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem number 2 Jerusalem number 3 Jerusalem another for Jerusalem some of you are getting ready to die because you wouldn't go from Jerusalem to Judea and you wouldn't like you wouldn't go to Samaria no no Samaria is too far for you some areas below you below you is Christianity look at Jesus he humbled himself became obedient to company some seven took off his reputation nothing came became obedient even Ophelia two of the death on the cross and look at ask us to propose we must fly jets we must have this Bank we must take munches mop these cars you have a car you can't even pay for the car you can't even buy petrol for your car is it the Holy Spirit or the spirit if is the Holy Spirit there where is the witness to Jerusalem to Judea what about Samaria what about the uttermost parts of the world I don't see it I don't see it where is the larger ministry where is the large ministry loyalty is received don't be against the president that is what and will enable you jerry sarah if you're going Capetown jerusalem skip town for you Judea will be where Judea look Jerusalem is still South Africa so that because Jerusalem Judea is South and Africa Swaziland Botswana Namibia those SWAPO those 10,000 countries what do you call this a deck yeah that's Julia did you get I like you but not Jerusalem then Samaria Samaritans they are different color a different type it was an insult to be called a Samaritan some of you to some of you I'm a Samaritan because I come from West Africa like a different color different whatever different type thus Samara Samaria then uttermost is Japan Indonesia Beaufort China to the ends of the earth to the ends of Judea Samaria I didn't write it yes Jesus I believe in you and I will go to the ends of the earth to the ends of the everything for you alone are the Son of God and all the world will see you are you are God oh yes Jesus I believe in you and I will go to the ends of the earth to the ends of the earth for you alone are the Son of God and all the world will see you are God you are God oh yes Jesus I believe in you and I will go to the ends of the earth to the ends of the earth for you are you and lo now the son of God and all the world will see that you are God ah you are alright hey man lift your honks a I'm gonna have a megachurch I'm going to the ends of the world stand to your feet for a moment please just let your hunter Albany up has God spoken to you today are you sure with your hand and pray about it for a moment please thank you Lord in the name of Jesus thank you Lord in the name of Jesus thank you Lord in the name of Jesus thank you Lord in the name of Jesus [Music] Sofya to the ends of the earth for you alone are the Son of God and all the world will see you are gone you are Jesus I believe in you and I will go to the ends of the earth what is the world what is to say to you you my god oh Jesus I believe in you and I will go up to the ends of the earth to the ends of the you know not the Son of God and all the world Russia you are God you are God oh Jesus Jesus I believe in you and I win oh yeah I see to the ends of the earth to the Sun [Applause] the spirit of Jesus no not the son of Oishi by God Jesus you I will go yourself to the ends of ear I'll go to the ends of the earth for you you will lure down the Son of God and all the world will see you are gone you are the baby seated now in this last little segment here I want to share continue sharing with you about loyalty and I want to share with you on the important stages of disloyalty which has number one stage of Independence independent spirits all right now God has not called us to be independent some 95s six and seven says come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord our God army for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture just the Sheep of his hands just the she we are sheep that's what a friend we are not boots we are Gnostics we are not lizards we are sheep amen have you ever seen a man leaving 17 sheep along the way in the field before have you seen it before on a film on television sheep a lot of sheep following somebody have you seen it a shepherd with sheep before how many have seen that before you understand what I'm talking about have you seen a man leading seventeen snakes before somewhere 17 black mambas are following him humbly 17 black mambas have formed a good fellowship and they are all following so we are following our leader have you seen it before no are you a snake oil sheep so a sheep is not a dependent a ship is dependent if you watch all these animals zebras wildebeest in Palace and so on they follow the leader they follow their depended sheep are the most dependent animals and Jesus calls us sheep a shepherd so if you are a church member you must be taught to be a sheep how is shifty apes I have a book called the art of shepherding it's about how sheep as opposed behavior all right sheep and how a Shepherd is a faster is a shepherd so when you are a pastor you have to treat training of people not to be independent otherwise you cannot leave independent people in South Africa I've found many pastors have fabrication for total body you can't tell them all of you come here everybody sit down come for meeting tomorrow come at this time even weekday service you can't make them come to church so when you have that you are not a good shepherd because you have thought and the reasonably Khrushchev as does your purpose have not been trained to be shifted to see in the world everybody is trying to be independent we want to rule and govern our own affairs even if we be Spanish that we want to do it ourselves we want independence to punish or miss manage our affairs yes that's why every country in Africa is independent we were under colonial masters some years ago and we said no more we have a right this is the world talking about the world we have a right to manage all this manage our own affairs and we have truly be Spanish our face true or not true Ghana is the first mismanagement and that these are the words of our first president we have a right to manage or miss manage our own affairs we want to do our own thing if it's wrong we want to do it that may work in the secular world by doesn't work in the church and in the church you have to teach people to be dependent shift and not to be a lot to work independently not to teach them you are a and if you are here you are a church member all right and you have this conference remember you are nothing but a sheep I am nothing but a sheep we are being left by God and truth is Shepherds when you do that you're going to be less they're going to come to green pastures still waters you're gonna join the rod and the staff of the Shepherd and people are going to be less it's not a bad thing being dependent it's not a bad way see I said good things are being called bad things submission following they are like bad words in the church but they are rather good words landing copy from your leaders they are not bad words they are good words hallelujah so ship must be taught to be dependent not independent and you must wear a leader you are assistants in the church you must not be independent you can help your pasta will say okay we are all part of the Crusader usually I don't see why and and West African should come in and tell us how to run a verb to say that I don't see I don't see what I mean the point of this meeting said you can give you a UI pasta and you can't assister fastest you can't do that is an independent spirit and is a people spirit we have been all over South Africa you see churches pasta with the picture I [Music] tell you and because you can do that you can make them hate Heights you cannot make them give offerings you come to church you cannot have weekly services you cannot have conventions during the week Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday cause everybody's allowed and you promote healthiness in the church you think you think you are America look at what American at all look when you go to America you find out how an American you are some of you having been there before but you step there just be a Christian Christian be a sheep be a sheep here sheep come let us bother come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture just the sheep sheep of his head just as she that's oh yeah we are nothing we are just simply I guess sheep that's all she abuses ship in Africans Scott Scott Scotty Scotty we are stopping [Applause] now when you have a spirit of Independence in the church is a very dangerous thing you call for a meeting you tell the person's all of officers are wearing black and white and you see somebody who come you wear black you can't tell me to wear black and white I'm not in this kindergarten I don't I am in the choir and I wear what I want to wear you tell the person we are having a meeting from Monday to Saturday every day and he's a leader and he's supposed to be dead you say you rule myself I will myself I wrote myself wow [Applause] you better learn to wipe out that independence coming in the Bible there is a very good example of this with David the king and draw up its commander we are making friends with the commander of the other side and you're upset no it's a bad idea like maybe this crusade so this crusade is coming we are making friends with the safe oh we like we shall talk about those in history so we want to listen to his book or read his book or listen that stuff that's not we have to listen to choice bear we don't have to listen to oh is that what no no no no we are going to listen to Joyce married a shipment tomorrow yes max what we meet he said his brother out of leadership with this know what we don't need a tow we need too much that's what he and his part to do what God his baby know is that he was such people when you were at a committee meeting with them if you like with an idea he won't always come with another idea like if you said we are all going like you said I think you know this one is better is it like yeah like that he's mature or he's like this is been around for a long time so that I should know a thing or two and as my opinion must be listened to yes isn't the word we are supposed to opinion we are preaching the Word of God is not my opinion on your opinion such people when they speak so job said no way I don't accept this guy and he killed him he killed it another time David said my son Absalom my son is fighting now when you go there don't kill him bring him back to me and the house arrest I want to talk to me I want to talk to he must have gone off in his mind and I need to he's my baby he was [Applause] I know what is good for the nation but TV said don't any make this eye boy watch out for people who don't do what you say since long as somebody's always doing a different thing when you say let's go this way I'll talk to you but just slightly to the right I always have a different idea of what should be done and how it should be done another time David came out Sarah Ann I've got another family issue I want to discuss it's best not my son I've decided that Solomon should be my heir someone is going to be the next king jobs jaw drop so the son of this woman that's gonna stack Isis and so I thought to bring the media to be the king so you see I explained it to you and independent as somebody who is with you he doesn't leave the table he stays as a fat but he's always separate having a different mind is like his mind was different you are the leader how not leave you but I do things myself repeat the system watch out for independent people they are very dangerous for your church and dangerous for your life i I remember I visited a church in love in a certain country when I got to the church was large for at least 1000 chairs fitted there but that they were only arranged maybe two hundred chairs and other two hundred it wasn't full but could have taken a thousand and I saw their chairs of the back so I asked well then we're that more than best before members what happened why Pass is a long story I say I have time for long stories I like the stories he said our pastor's wife used to drink and then she used to take I think medicine for depression or something it combines anyway one day pasta was suddenly she died ommm was a great man he was a leper leprosy small lacrosse in the marriage it's affecting the boat and she said two years later our pasta decided he said as soon as he asked video baby - orders like that how long after said to clear a year went by Hey as soon as he married Ellie the people said no more you can't marry this one why don't you marry this one we shouldn't marry this lady about us up there oh you should have marry this lady that's not our choice for you all of them left it was left with those hundred people look everybody you can't go big funky ever happy touch everybody you see the pastor's choice yes it's like they are operating independent of the pastor's choice you choose the dog with you but you see if your process chosen this person this is my wife I've chosen to marry this person who are you to say why should you worry that she's too beautiful you should have fired an older somebody you said it's ball weather-beaten it's somebody with a little more you know mileage know what I'm saying [Applause] you need somebody with some more mileage because the lady was a young it was a much younger lady yeah much less mileage Wow watch out for independent members they are very dangerous you must teach your best to follow don't think that it is authoritarianism adopting any bad word on don't start dictatorship don't stop bringing bad word that's what you did to holiness that's what you did to submission that's what you do to most of the Christian words until we have been thrown out discipleship everything is bad until there's nothing left in the church yeah so independence will stay number two is offense yeah gotta watch out for offense now the Bible the Bible teaches like that because many shall be offended amen many shall betray is that not so Matthew 24 verse 10 many shall be offended and shall betray one another Matthew I'm just really from this book make sure you get this book as well as all the my articles and all the books get them all of them are a different message very wonderfully blessed very cheap is not for business they are not mean for business if it was business if I tell you how much it cost for the crusade you'll be embarrassed I can't I don't I don't know how you tell somebody privately but you don't have any idea what it costs yeah you don't have any idea there is nothing there is no panic in any way there's nothing there's no offering this other you can't keep don't even reach the other cost I'm just telling you for so that you do not think of money when you are thinking of these days it is we are trying to be a blessing that's all when when when I appreciate you I cancel them now offenses in Leviticus right the Bible teaches us that the Bible teaches us that a priest should not have boils boils what is the point a boil is a wound that is not head that is going to you like if you cut and it doesn't get you then it swells up then it becomes a boil boil boil and I want to learn Afrikaans specia boxia let's see it yeah smear what see it okay when you have a boil it affects the hex ie since the blood and you gotta get what we call septicemia and then you die from it so it is offences that cause people to be trained against so you gotta watch out if you like Minister don't behead don't be offended anybody more paint don't let it get into you it will cause you to be cut off your look pastors are the most sensitive insecure people you can find we are more insecure than you see your wives masters we are more insecure than to see your wives yes we are they didn't let me sit in the front the baby sit on the second row and they didn't acknowledge my presence they didn't say this they didn't say I mean they think I'm not important they acknowledge this presser and what is this man who is this man compared to me why should I worry about college me this is fastest we are look you can't come for a meeting like this you even live with a head if they have no respect for me when he was preaching you wave his hand in my direction and people thought he was talking about me [Applause] somebody told him something about me that is why he was speaking the way it was speaking you were speaking that point was emphasizing a fight and I know it is because of me do not allow yourself to be het in the ministry it's a very dangerous it leads you to turn against the people you should never turn against them don't don't allow it don't allow it when do I act and you are offended in the ministry opens the door wide for evil spirits to come into your life and all kinds of things turn in many as a guy remember you know we had a faithful church member she belonged to our church in another country and she was having her wedding in Ghana she sent a message she's coming down well usually when we have a wedding the church goes there fire close and everything make it a nice celebration if you know they don't live there we do it all for them we do everything for them somehow the message didn't get to the office he and her wedding came on and we were not that the fire wasn't there blah blah blah she she had spoken about the church he's a wonderful church not the age that was it when she went back to the country she didn't come touch it anymore I travelled that I called I went to my house I spoke as a listen we did not get the message and even if we got the message and we didn't come we are sorry we are apologizing title to make one or two mistakes that's why we have toilet paper because we are all allowed to make mistakes [Applause] we are sorry we are sorry she would not listen she was happy that was the end so is he offenses make people at and turn against you and they offend even wars they are peeking from offences why should you treat us this way right you do that's why even in South Africa when apartheid was ended everybody was scared is it going to become a war and the black people who come up and say okay you did this class now we'll show you pepper we are pepper in this country do you see so dela was like a wonderful bridge you know to to to to let us cross over without somebody taking his axe and following it through but Christians so we need to be very careful of this spirit and it cuts you off from the church if you had a bad experience with the West Africa and North Africa East Africa doesn't mean all of them are like that it may be Satan's tragedy to cut you off of what would be a blessing to you yes he said I'm starting to cut you off some of you have have or know bad things about certain countries yes one of the one of the countries you may have had battles about Nigeria but even but there is a place where there is a move of God Nigeria one day I took all my pastor said we are all good tonight you have to land I carried all of them in the bus as well as the biggest church is there the biggest is there the biggest church is the chat with mob branches redeemed Church of God they have their when when they give their life when you give your life to Christ is 2 million you give your life to Christ you take a path to them to the stage you catch your bus well it's funny you can't walk there so you go to the side you catch a bus and the bus takes you to the stage to give your life to Jesus that's a megachurch some of us when people give our life to give their life to Christ they don't even have to move there they're already in the front [Applause] stage 3 passivity what is stage number 1 independent spirit stage number 2 a friend state number 3 passivity jeremiah 48:10 care said is he not doing the work of the lord deceitfully and cassidy's he that keepeth back his sword from blood amen you must be careful when you are offended you can become passive amen and when you are passive alright you don't get involved so you see everybody laughs but you are you just your face is straight everybody says Amen but you don't say Amen Oh everybody's writing notes but you are just watching everybody is happy but you are not impressive enough and you become quiet when there is a meeting you don't talk anymore you decided to hold back your soul and the Bible says in Jeremiah for the case is that one who has decided it's a way of fighting against you by holding back one day I was I was I was with a guy I said why don't you talk anymore with me you don't say anything you pick up what I'm afraid of you must be scared of white people white people are scary why don't you speak they're just quiet looking you know what he said he said I have decided not to say anything I've decided not to say anything about anything anymore let's all say together I decided not to say anything about anything anymore what kind of person is this he's sitting that is made up his mind I'm just watching these guys I'm not going to make any comment I'm just just watching them when he said even I said when they are laughing I said when somebody's jumping up a hallelujah you are passive but you used to be happy used to clap used to write notes but you don't write notes anymore watch out when you put your thumb right don't say Amen what not put it on say it has been looking at you buzzer that's the same amen they do say Amen when others are smiling they don't smile watch that I tell you you are watching something that is coming you see in this book I teach about the 39 signs of disloyalty yeah this the same book this 139 science of disloyalty you you must know the side you see Abel and Cain the Bible says that Abel offered a sacrifice and cloudless evening and the Bible says Cain's countenance fell Abel even know the science of this royalty if he had known the science of disloyalty just seen his face maybe ever would have been alive today listen to me preaching yes but he have not read this book so he didn't know the science of disloyalty somebody who is not happy a cause even awesome fusion I can see those who don't like my message much like I see those who don't like my message all you want me to say I can't see I can see but these guys are happy with my message over there and usually it is people who are this lawyer or about to be this lawyer who don't like such Thanks tell your neighbor it seems he has located you it seems yes located [Applause] okay now in the Bible the best example again is in the Bible you see unknown remember epsilon and epsilon and his brother unknown unknown had Absalom had a sister called Tamar I'm not ripped here okay and then Absalom was very angry his sister but the Bible says he speak to her neither good nor bad for two years video Bible watch out for those who don't say anything good or anything bad does the passivity neither good nor bad so maybe after we close somebody who said that was a powerful message you know I really enjoyed that loyalty part and the other person says [Music] [Applause] I was once in a car with a lav was driving the police stopped him why have you squeeze as I've stopped she was angry that you have in stock the police she said that is it but I did that I knew that that is two years Absalon decided to have a party and invited all his friends and he decided to invite unknown I'm not hot not read this book so I'm long decided to go for the party listen if somebody doesn't talk to you for two years he doesn't smile it doesn't say whatever and he invites you for a party don't go to that party [Applause] don't go to the party don't go to the party Unwin for the party and the result will have some more beer can I have some more kebab okay let's abolish it was citta happy having a good and Absalom for two years he had no set ever yep smelled in touch he had not loved in chat yet never stood up he anniversary is a good word nothing for two years because that a dagger is well direction when you take a short stop him cut out his axe and bring it to me I'm going to use it to Vegas to meet you watch out for the people who are become possible don't give me bad job I'm just quiet what for science the past time you have a system process and their wives watch them and watch their wives once the comments they make when you say something what is happening what is going on stage number four critical stage criticizing Philippians 2:14 do all things without memory and disputing watch out for people who criticize you criticize number 38 Miriam and Iran speak against what happened to them to God leprosy what happened to the Israelites when they complain about Moses those of you complain about your leader Church in Cape Town cannot grow because company about your posture all the time what happened to those who complain all the time all the time all the time complaining they were filled with evil spirits of death and they all died it attracts evil spirits amen one day I was up I had a vision and in the vision I was walking on a lonely road and I was flanked by two guys one on my left one of my right and I was talking with them and suddenly in the middle of the vision I began to criticize a pastor I was criticizing the past just steadily water and I was also talking with my friends and I kept they were not I well I was I still think coming and coming and coming on the road until it get right then I realized that there was some kind of danger and I tendrá and this animal in the vision jump into my chest and I woke up sicknesses diseases death and to yourself what happened to the complete he said I can't take it he said man will enter the promised land you are sacrificing your destiny by criticizing both sevens if one of God's ever has a problem with his merit it is none of your business why don't you stop praying about your marriage you know what is coming to hit you in two years time you know what is coming for you in five years time I don't you stop praying about your personal marriage there's a product in Canada if you see your friends yet Spotfire when we fetch water and keep it by your side because never know when your pet is good to catch fire yes stop criticizing Fosters it is because of this vision I started watching wildlife yes because I realized that when I put on the Christian television and I see the fastest I realize that I'm tempted to say something they get it about them so I switched to animals because when I criticize a leper daddy what happened to me when I put aside the lion will have to resize a giraffe when I criticize an Impala I'm free if a leopard is not able to catch the Impala and I criticize him for not be fast no problem there is no problem to me but why should I talk about Benny Hinn about his marriage or about any pasta and his marriage it was what is his marriage that they were talking about that he got leprosy it was his marriage that we were talking about my right is one of the most complicated problems that people have yeah I tell you enough a marriage of a pasta and it's widely different from an ordinary ceramic wire and it's also different from unbelievers Anna loved a lot of people's have marital problems the one pastor his wife was worried was travelling how he was travelling he told his wife he said their lives party words he said I hope I never see a wicked face again this was his last wish I hope I never see no wicked face again hey and the person I'm talking about is no other than John Wesley you will never know because in marriage with ministry in marriage ministry the balance of power shifts to the wife she has the power she can do all sorts of things that is like if your ministry that is going to be sacrifice if you like people people people have fun in case you are the one who lose you are pointing your ministry or whatever so it's like you can misbehave and do anything and you can we give people - that's right don't Wesley said I hope I never see your wicked face again [Applause] yeah you see husband's table of food what master taught me I must have enjoyed my house scavenger he's a scavenger in his house scavenging for food all the time yes yes they can't they can't even have sex you see them beautiful they'll do up all kind of dresses and things to come to church but does it is just for sure just for sure at home try it's nothing it's just for show it's just a show it's a fast wave in it there are two people the one you know and the one he goes [Applause] anyway we are not talking about marriage so let's continue loyalty beyond loyalty watch out when you criticize you don't know everything that's what I'm trying to say you don't know you don't know much you don't know what is happening yeah in all most of the cases that I've seen where pastors are having problems is from the way marriages but that's a different type of is it different because you can't get you can't get a man to be faithful I'll talk about it pastor I'm talking about a faithful person somebody would never leave no matter what you never know you can that's a Joseph a good man and you will never open his mouth to say anything bad about Mary remember Joseph who married Mary if your wife came and told you damn pregnant is a hardly Debra your gab has set for six months is that was the Holy Spirit Wow Holy Spirit made you pregnant but Joseph Joseph in the Bible Joseph Joseph says he was a and he wanted to just he didn't say anything so you said the Holy Spirit I don't have any comment you just separate privately and you know what the angel said take note of the Angels because the angel said do not be afraid you must be afraid to marry them [Applause] do not be afraid I used to around on your way home yeah do not be afraid there are some people I tell you what anyway Stage five political stage marriage politics is when you form groups and there are people who love to form groups the front group they said this is the their bank friends parinita Friends of Devon those of us who came to keep down from them they are form a group and friendship parameter on Nigerian don't libre des associations within the Church of West African prayer meeting and they are in the church and they are formally what artists artists I had one guy he said his community or David's club David's club I said a what is the Davis Cup there are people people need other people's opinions to be strong so when they are alone they they want to talk to somebody what do you think about what I kind of see so as as you leave this conference you'll be calling what do you think about it then gradually you form a group and I just want that group then you start to say wow a lot of people are not happy with what you said they are words that you can write it down saying many people are not happy or many people are saying a lot of people these are the exact well you can write it I want it up in check your if you are been in the church for some time you hear a lot of people saying you know a lot of people happy with the way you were preaching it but waving your hand in this direction and unbelievable I say you should have said it this way it's not maybe it's you and your two friends that's right you are your two friends do not be look in the ministry do not be afraid of hey it was powerful everybody knew him everybody liked him people didn't like that was the deal they didn't like they like because he was the people's man he was friends with so the whole check started to turn against ya you always criticize if you see that was the beginning of my check they were used to discussing at is he called the main question was whether God had called me we're always discussing my sevens man but I'm not really polish and I got to know that I was the subject of discussion so on Saturdays because I was in the afternoon to the toilet because before I was so scared then on Sunday when I to preach but I will be shaky and my mouth will get dry because these politicians have been meeting and discuss it and my mouth will get dry and I need water give me water my tongue will get stuck the next discussion was it was a lady that was the next why is this lady bringing this water to him who is she why does he have to drink water was his duty then one day I had a vision in the vision I was a boxer I was wearing red shorts my opponent was wearing black shirts and we're fighting then suddenly I woke up I was sweating do you know who the other box out it was a lady who used to sing before I preached and the Holy Spirit showed me this man is obscene some of you your singers are boxing you I tell you she used to sing with a guy who played the guitar the two of them were saying every Sunday always have music sing sing live boxing then the Holy Spirit gave me a scripture cast out this corner what this is this proverbs 22 mr. cast out this corner and strife Confucius shall go out so I call for a meeting I said all the politicians come especially my main assistant and we sat down and I said you don't deal with don't think about God cast Lucifer out out so I told him listen from today I am dismissing you from this church you don't want to meet you do the announcements or do whatever I could just be the church without I said no no I don't want you to be the Ketut oh don't come to this church again go away now what and he went out he went out strife words with him confusion with trust 1988 from that piece to build peace to develop please to grow that was it some of you you are kind of you see some of you are kinder than thought like your love is greater than the love of God some of you if you were if Lucifer each okay I'll complain to stay here don't be shy to follow the example of Almighty God that was his big imitators of God out you can't please everybody and you be weakened by the presence of an accuser so I set out don't be afraid of being few few and loyal minions well we were just a small group a small group us groaning spoke of us grown small is what you can build loyal you can't build despoja and big you have nothing I say out amen up till today I stopped practice that if I feel that you don't believe in me I say you know just be a beside and be there in the next stage is deception we are ending and ending deception deception impede this by a person is deceived your disloyalty does is not right because I am a sinner every person with a V that is also a sinner we are all mistake makers I cannot be righteous as I'm standing here as righteousness how good I so let me stop pointed out my faults is my fighting out the inner abilities of the disabilities of a it's like laughing at somebody who is sleeping and said yourself all of us all of us are live we all of us are bending over you can't you can't attack a that's the most terrible thing and so to attack me because of my sense is that there is not righteousness is righteous if you are righteous stand up and I'll point out your fault you just none of us have clean hands it's the blood of Jesus that we are all amen so don't be deceived and the last stages are execution open rebellion and exit people openly with their confidence so I'm sorry just feel I know I know something about him I had a guy he said to be a Buddha write a book about you you cannot stay amazing you should hear them talking when people leave churches you people those who forget those who leave you and the for chopper the filter and other different groups is that the topic is why you see if you will build for nothing when it becomes high is like a sandcastle teaching how many of you realize that you would like to be a display office only six would not like to be so the rest of you like to be strapped you know Jesus fed many bad people but it was only two thousand said I'm the woman of Samaria but cute [Music] so brothers and sisters faithfulness loyalty is it's what we need in the church stabilized what we are doing so that we can build changing and continue to build one thing after we we have to start by being faithful as their leaders and stop the nonsense of teaching chemistry change can I have an amen stop teaching physics in change stop teaching and the blessing of the Lord will be on us stand to your feet everybody just a prayer just stunnin less how many have been disloyal before you realize you'd be disloyal before let's all lift the hand and ask God for messy and cleansing mercy and cleansing messy ends in forgiveness in the mighty name of Jesus mighty name of Jesus mighty name of Jesus the mighty name of Jesus heal us Lord deliver us Lord of messy on us [Music] Makela low Sunday me O God take away from us an evil spirit of disloyalty confusion rainbow Hahnemann delegates we give you thanks I [Music] wanna be I wanna be a vessel you work through Leo Hudson had father cleanse us from criticizing complaining politics independent spirit offenses and the evils that are in us Lord we are sorry for all that we have criticized we have criticized your servant slow we have spoken against great people people who are great in your eyes we are sorry low we turn away from all these things and we come to you Lord give us a sweet spirit of faithfulness faithfulness and loyalty to you to your will to your word that we may follow a walk on in the mighty Holy Spirit Lord we are so sorry for that criticism don't let us be destroyed the way the Israelites were destroyed don't let us be destroyed as they were destroyed because they banned it but let us live Lord as another chance a second chance to live to serve you faithfully with a good spirit and a good attitude help us - Lord apologize and repent of this wickedness that we are practicing that city that churchy that nation thank you for this healing thank you for this great blessing with Johanna just thank the Lord for healing and for forgiveness and mercy by today a man you may be seated hallelujah how many are blessed my really amen one of the things that I I really want to encourage you is to get this set of horse why because it makes more sense and if really you want to really be blessed one of the things about books is that today you beat this book but tomorrow you need another one but you don't have it you will never need all the books at the same time but a time comes I I wish I had this other but there are so many things ministerial ethics understand a higher time formula for humility daughter you can make it demons and how to deal with them 123 since ye should be a soul winner and a cash how to pray what it means to become a shepherd top ten mistakes that pastors making like those laypeople and volunteers he that hath shall be given more wine on tithing returns become when our tiny creatures can't possibly be coverage the blood of Jesus the art of hearing the art of finished the art of following the art of leadership transfer via pastoral industry amplify your finished with miracles signs and wonders stepped sweet influences of the Holy Spirit steps to the anointing catch the anointing church planting church group the mega church they are all different and all the loyalty ones that have already many years ago I just want to say it's something somebody gave me a book by Kenneth Hagin and that is what introduced me to the ministry that I am enjoying today and that is why me to help that use it and not make the books available to you at which that my time if you ask me given that you said we have that night and everything I would say one of the main things is to put the books in longhand it's virtually free these are 40 books there are so much books that are not included and so I'm saying that you know God sent His Son Jesus he stayed with us for three years but he left us the Bible everybody here knows got through reading those who say they've seen Jesus well I'm also trying to see Jesus because I'm something I really want to see but so we think we'll make no God anyway everybody Hank people's well not even yet pastors spend money you need to spend because this is very very cheap and available now and get for today my carriers and also my new books can I have a good general the good general and there's another book called how what it means to be a spy satellite you don't know what's it that yeah what it means be as wise as a serpent I know you know what I have paid one for you some of you only read children's books pictures this book has pictures so it's going to be and this is about my fifth book of the anointing yes they are not in the collection because they are just so receive it let's welcome dr. Oporto just take us to the next we are ending but he's gonna take us to the next hallelujah clap your hands what a conference what a session let your hand clap will be louder defined LS want to say a big thank you for blessing us what please don't move out don't move out the conference is not ended we are going to have a short break we'll come back and have a session there will scold us something for your life I accessed and up to put our hands together for them for the message I received this morning [Applause] let's show appreciation to the servant of God for you know Turin is hot hot these words we have had this morning would three grid transfer like this one I told you me you knowledge will lead to your advance how many of you believe that you have received new knowledge new knowledge is going to change your life and change your beliefs please put your hands where the once again and you may be seated I've just got an announcement for you I hope they're gonna take that's a 15 minute break but before we take that break I want as you know the finalists God said that we are not there's nothing you can do or give not pay for this position and it is for that very very true it takes to be here all the requests but I believe that there is also a blessing in planted a seed actually those of us who are fastest and fathers just below the alphabets know that when a child shows into your life it's not because he spit in your heat hello the Bible says in Galatians 6:6 there are those who are taught the weather should minister to those who teach them there is a relationship that exists that you and I went with all our philosophy cannot change that the one who many says the weather for team deserves a set administration and it is not because the person needs money actually most of the people we saw into their lives our people need what we have and we give not because they need it but because we need a blessing in our lives amen so this I believe that the anointing that is upon the healing is as can be can also be transferred into your ministry a certain grace can come upon your life what do you see evangelist dad ministering this morning there are many things that have come together for him to be what you see including even people helping him which many pastors don't have and it's a it's a blessing of God for God to touch people's hearts to help a lot of ministers are alone even the band playing the keyboard will charge you money the one who comes to lead praise and worship will collect money for me yes but you have people won't be mr. freely it's also a blessing which can come upon your life so I believe there is a grace on this ministry that a seed from you into the ministry will transfer and beyond everything it is just right yesterday Africa is not because they can't meet but because you meet a set Greece some of us can never give as a ministry that can plant a $10,000 into the sea I leave it I but I want SS to be here my students but Reinhard Bonnke of South Africa in the next 20 years all you have to be 50 run all your money so it into this 20 years time you are standing to minister the Wonder and it's speculative phenomena so see farmstead incorrect I wonder complications I am hoping a heretic not very to say otherwise here for two hours you want to god bless you for taking can I have some omelets does anybody have mine blue sir and also have sieved a very unknown tech man of God Here I am behind this can looks to share for me god bless you as you take these emblems what sorry daddy will help keep coming even if the envelopes finished by your own emblem but now we are our aim is to finish the emblems here but in case the envelope schedule is by your own my god bless an anointing has entered kept on this one this we have no idea what is happening here go to Malaysia go to Indonesia go to Korea and tell them you sat at the feet of Bishop tak uot Mills they will consider you one of the most blessed people on earth this week god bless you we are planting seeds doctor said I will give people the opportunity to also plant seeds it's a blessing you are not yet to share please I'm telling please come God blessings god bless keep coming those of you here there are someone sitting down you need to rise up and come those in the middle you can bypass them and come this way yeah nobody's coming for them oh and you can clap your hands at the sign clap your hands we are we are taking a 10 to 15 minute break for you to visit the books and there but before we we take that break I want us to take an offering look into your bag look into your pocket laser can offer Zawadi come on the final session we just have it for just 20 minutes and then relief Wow I've had some good be our host Church has got some snacks for us yay wow you're hung up I'm surprised that you're happy so to LA oh it's normal here please lift up your offering ashes sweets let me take that please lift up your off we let me pray we're offering not the emblem emblems a special seed you are sweet just look into your part your pocket and bring out an offering bring it out and let's be further bless us as we sow the seed in Jesus name Amen amen so please all titles are available at regular price and there are some hooks when you buy one you get one free you buy a book at once a 50 runs and you get one free those books are all outside and then of course the macario's which is 160 dollars 2240 run is also available at the door that quantity we have buy it to be a bigger blessing to you so the ashes are taking their offering then we will step out for some 15 minutes we'll come back for a final session I believe it's good to be a great blessing and then we are hope to get ready for the great things will happen to us tonight hallelujah oh please oh please wait let's finish and take their blessing they often M pray we are all pastor so I don't think there'll be a difficulty getting you to understand we must prove our offering before we leave here ashes are waiting for you hallelujah our ashes are doing very well because did a little speed but thank you for your patience god bless you just finish it great for 50 minutes just go this is the books it's a books break you can also go for that snap you had three more ashes what a blessing what a conference what a teaching you will not be the same again we are coming back for edge a short one tomorrow morning we are here come early because great weights are coming out this week and our lives mysteries massively transform father we thank you for the privilege to give an offering at this conference thank you for touching our hearts who support the spirit way bless as law they will also experience help that we cannot give ourselves no matter how much we try thank you God for angels that have been dispatched to support us as we also save you because we stretch our hands favorably towards your seventh remember the sacrifice and may it bring blessings into our lives in Jesus name Amen god bless you so 15 minutes we will be back and I believe this is going to be a great blessing thank you so much
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 2,081
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Healing Jesus Campaign, Healing Jesus Crusade, Salvation, Miracles, Healing, Evangelism, Gospel preaching, Evangelist Dag, Work of ministry, PASTOR’S CONFERENCE, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, WHY IS LOYALTY IMPORTANT, 2015
Id: iLiEctra4bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 8sec (12248 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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