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we have a great man of God who has been impacted by the Ministry of evangelistic word Mills and I would like us to put our hands over their welcome he shop Vincennes that's why Oh my friend is here wow I didn't know you are the one god bless you oh yes praise the Lord thank you thank you very much man of God they can't miss our our great evangelists who changed my life through books I started reading his books our church changed and today I strongly believe that my price and that I've been praying and say God if this man can come to us then I even dreamt I told my wife yesterday I trimmed him praying for me and I was releasing an offering therefore I've prepared it yeah you must pray for me before he leaves I may run short of words to say it but our church members are here from racing Christ Ministries you can tell if you have been there what is doing wonders it just changed me I'm a reader all these books are at home when we're in Soweto I found myself buying these books repeatedly I discovered that I bought a the model for marriage three times all of them I in the house because reading his books is not a waste of time you may never know man of course sometimes we may speak this thing and fail to express ourselves you changed my life I'm no longer the same I believe maybe you might have come for the other preachers but I also believe you came for me our change has changed and everything we started teaching the leadership before we started building our auditorium by the grace of God we are towards the end now they started honoring me they're great people and all the people educated people people who are caring money but they bow to disarranging through the teaching of submission through the books that you gave me I love you I don't know how to become the member of your whatsoever I will push I will do everything I can before you go back let me just end it thank you [Applause] clap your hands what a blessing do you want another testimony let's welcome apostle Jethro Alan dct and also bring us custom Wow a place at morning tea shop we are so much grateful for your life say in 2007 one of my dear friend pasta gave me the poke megachurch in China and then now I just took the book went to China no I started reading it reading it and we believed in the words and the spirit behind the words and for three years we had just only got one book and we were practicing it teaching it 25 reasons why must have a megachurch we believed in it while we in fagnano started a building according to the pattern laid on that book and 14 reasons for the principle of church growth we just sort ourselves in it and as we were raising pastors by 2010 I went back to my bond and we started churches branches here and there because of those that material when I went to my one to the same dear friend I found three moments of a Papa and then I say to him the other time you blessed me with that Meritage but now I want where did you get this folks tell me your source and I had not seen the last page of megachurch that there were many books he has written because I couldn't come to that I was just eating the meat inside now when I saw that the passer gave me number two irreverent and ajumma and then I called him I said I run Andy I had but you are selling these books can you tell me how many titles do you have and then they told me all the titles even the short or the small ones and know about 67 now we are on the phone and I say can you give me that 67 for me and for our nine pastas every set said said said said then they said what where you know Hawaii I said don't worry just come to it will you pay say just come now whether when mrs. and ahjumma came to in sang I know we made an appointment that will meet at KFC and then how he's she sold me said I'm looking for pasta jet says it's me said no I'm looking for somebody bigger than hero you you can't buy you can't buy all this will you be able to pay us no don't worry then I showed her the makeup church book I said from this book God has invaded our ministry and now I need everything Bishop has ever returned I may not know what he has written but I just need everything even for our pastors and we followed that we ate the books now in 2011 she gave me the momentum are coming I said I started sorting myself on the macrame one of the beloved message I got they they they it was the Shepherd feminized Shepherd hey my ministry began to be tempered with oil because of the width the shame in anointing I was just following only then 2012 or an SMS code to is I you need more of these then we went to Ghana with my pastor Simon we're sitting at the back and as we are sitting at the back I said wow this is too much I need it the following year I called all the pastors said all of you you are going to can we meet this 29 of us we went to Ghana and we came with a handshake and the following year again from that time 2007 our ministry has been changed the shop thank you you have really lost our lives and for you now coming to Swansea left it's a great trace hitting us and wanna tell you will love you so much and you have given us a voice today we have started churches in almost all the parts of this nation and outside this nation you have got branches and many branches now we are going to 24 because some ourselves you told us that even if it's a small right it's a change to a sister Church and it is growing we thank you so much and we believe even all of us who are here salt into the books get the mark on a a - amen anointing it will give you light some way they love bless you [Applause] is it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for you too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because you might change your policy son replace you and bring in someone because I have a feeling them away Tim very [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why are you why don't you wanna move [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] always but you have excused [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah lift your hands and thank God for bringing you here today God has a plan that's why you are here what a blessing Lord God for the spirit of wisdom and understanding to be upon you my god thank you fondling make a banana my son deliver Dola by the remaining popping in a minute Palamon and Ashanti cabled up and down same thing and even label it anything they really believe in him yeah do lavaca daily been all along really little edition oh yes Lord you were not waiting vain for us you will not wait in vain we are here Lord we are ready to you will thanks a million we are grateful in Jesus name it may be seated I want you to really open your heart as pastors and as Africans to wisdom because it was said of Jesus what wisdom is this what wisdom is this which is given unto him that such mighty works wrought by his hand it's not that easy even to understand that mighty works are proofs of your kind of wisdom what many people don't realize is that the bridges and the skyscrapers and the aeroplanes the rockets the cars products and proofs of wisdom and a way of thinking what wisdom is this what wisdom is this Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and said you have taken away the key of knowledge he called knowledge a key knowledge is a key through which you will be able to enter doors and go into new rooms for your ministry he said you have taken away the key a key the key of knowledge not a key of money not a key of money the key of knowledge today you will receive the key of knowledge people are going to talk about your wisdom soon they will say what wisdom is this which is given unto him that such mighty works wrought by his hands amen that is the purpose of the books our ministry has enough money to give every one of you a full set of books we have enough money to give everybody yes I lie not we have enough to give everybody but we will not because because unless you value it when it is given to you or not even read it that is the only reason that is the only reason because the crusade we are having is not [Music] to make money we finance everything we are not expecting anything from you we only take offerings if you give and anybody who helps some people help the crusade and do so many things to help the crusade we receive it as a bad without anything we are not expecting anything from you we have come to work and it is our turn to give and to be a blessing to you if you are touched by the Holy Spirit you sense the need for your life to be changed to a higher level you will take all the money you have and acquire I believe this thing has being discounted quickly isn't it you to do surprises to them and all that yes yes it's not being so than the real prize you will greatly greatly be changed for me you know because I didn't go to Bible School I didn't go to Bible School right I learnt the ministry from books and tapes so that's why I find it so vulnerable to give in fact if the books were not present let's say the printer hadn't printed the books we wouldn't come to the crusade because I believe one of the main reasons for coming is to give you the opportunity to receive the books and all these other materials that we have what wisdom is this what wisdom is this which is given unto him that such mighty works wrought by his hand words of this month this wisdom and these mighty works where did he get this wisdom and these mighty works Matthew 13 you have taken away the key of knowledge and the key of knowledge for chest growth church planting building churches mega church has been taken away from the church and rather what is being lifted up in church world is what people think is a way to get money yes that is why we have a lot of businessmen pseudo businessmen pseudo pastors today I don't do business any form of business because I want to have one master my master is Jesus another master that contains for your attention is called maman I don't want two masters and you can never have too much this I don't want another master apart from Jesus hallelujah what a blessing so I pray today that you will really open your hearts go and get even alone if you know I don't believe in borrowing but if it is for a book there's worth it yeah far more worth to get the wisdom for this than to get a loan to get a house oh yes because by wisdom a house is built I wish summer house is built unless you don't believe the Bible which religion are you which religion you belong to do you use a Bible here the Bible says that by wisdom the house is built hey no I want to talk about I'm sharing from my book church planting I believe in planting churches and building churches I pity pastors who are building businesses rather than building churches I pity you yes I pity you because you have laid aside the wonder of the project that Jesus himself is doing what is Jesus doing he's building his church and grab building your little company what wisdom is this is from heaven when we follow the heavenly wisdom your life is ten times better now when you are following secular ideas hallelujah so church planting very important I'm on chapter twelve how to diagnose Berenice in a pasta and in a church in what do you call it in Swaziland do women want to have children okay you know in Europe now some of them don't want children but at least where I come from every woman wants to have a child really really they want it do you have that here two women really want children isn't it yeah really and and if you don't have a child it's a baby thing hey you do have a recently I saw a lady 71 years old in India she was on television she has just had a child she had not been able to have a child and they use ivf 71 years old so she you see a grandmother with a very small it's like to come into this world and not give birth no one lady she was 55 years old the doctor told a look you are too old for this she said I would rather have a child and I don't do not have a child yeah so she had a charge he had twins and she died as soon as you give a she died yeah that is how desperate people are to get away from fairness now we in the church must have a hat to get far from Baroness as far from Baroness as possible amen John 15 verse 8 herein is my father glorified that ye bear much fruit 2nd Peter 1 verse 8 for if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ so some people have the knowledge of Jesus Christ but are barren and unfruitful in that knowledge you will never be barren after today oh when please pass by you and you don't say Amen it just goes to the next person I say you will never be barren after today [Applause] if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ amen so how can we diagnose fairness I'm going to give you 20 definitions each one see whether it applies to you number one to be barren is to be unfruitful to to be sterile sterile means you don't have seeds okay three to be barren means to be childless LS and issueless childless no child anybody who thinks he's a big pasta ask yourself where is your child where is your successor I know most of us don't think we can die now we never have imaginations of dying but if God gives you wisdom one of the things you think about often is death a wise man thinks about death often when you are not wise you only think about life but when you are wise you think about death and if you were to die now what will happen to your church you haven't thought about it one day I was traveling to the north of my country and when I was almost there just a few more kilometers we had a terrible accident this must have been about how many years ago fifteen years ago maybe it was a new car I was not expecting to have an accident and I left home early in the morning must be more than 15 years but I left him early in the morning six o'clock seven and I was driving all the way and I was going to preach when I got there and I was with four other pastors and I told them I turned and I said you know I thought I was a pilot I said we shall be arriving soon in our destination I was pretending to be a pilot but I've always wanted to be a pilot I never managed to fulfill that dream thirty minutes we'll be there but in 30 minutes we were not there in 30 minutes we were in the forest yes I was surprised just as we were going knock down the road the good road smooth no climbing no going I was just only me and I was the one driving and suddenly a bicycle man was driving along in front and I blew my horn you know I'm coming soon just stay where you are but he decided to see who was coming and so when he turned he drove into the middle of the road and there I was coming straight I was going to drive over him right over this guy so I braked applying my brakes and my car started to skate and it was no longer controlled by the steering wheel you may not understand how accidents happen but other with press my big the cow was no more controlled by the engine it was controlled by the speed that it was going at it was controlled by the speed and by the weight balance so that was aiming streets I was going north and my car on its own decided to rotate back to the south and started to slide is no more controlled by brakes by Kari will do you think I would steer the car into the forest and we continued and there was a deep valley and we fell into it and started somersaulting like this so in the car if if the cow was driving where the yellow the Wallace we ended up outside there far inside the forest were so deep that cars which came to pass no one saw us was shortly after sub-caste but no one knew that we were there when we got there the car had been mushed so no dog could open and then he started to pain in the engine here so we were able to come out through the the roof had a glass little glass part that's what came off so that we were upside down like this but we came out to the roof of the car cause none of the doors would open and all of us came out alive and as we stood by the car there was one of the pastors who was with me he said if I had died today I would have been very surprised are you listening to me most of us have no intention of dying or plan but when you get older and from that time it's okay to be the one you can't die because I thought because I was working for God no I cannot die now well God knows I'm very important it has to keep me alive to do his work but from that accident that fought it out of my mind yeah and that is where you start to think of who is there if you are not there yeah and that's what my sure ministers and ministries do but many people don't have that and if they die the church is take some arguments and whoever strongest takes over the church yes so when you have pastors who can take over then you're you are you have borne fruit that's it that's your sons yes I have a lot of pastors and bishops who can take I'd that's not even to take over anyway because I've handed it over to them already I know my I know more preaching my church where I used to preach the chair that I started I've been I gave to somebody that was dedicated by Jung hee Cho it is it is with one of my bishops and then the church that we build a coat - where we have I gave it to Bishop sake which must be my assistant since we started a ministry and now I've asked him to give it to some other which also he has also given it to them and as a grants not a church just like me I've also want to start a new church so the church is even there before if invited I didn't even notice it on Sundays because I never preached there I don't I don't preach I preach to children and sound it up with young people so when you have sons and you said I can't I can't I three times out to be looking then you are bearing fruit now when if you go there is a major crisis yes then you have not really bother I'm telling you how to diagnose that actually you are bearing actually you are bearing there may be members but there's no one who can just be the one there Berenice means to be non-productive number five it means you are deficient in production number six it means you are not producing at all number seven you produce in very small quantities very small quantities number eight you don't have to write any no just get the book after it's I'm just reading from the book - you don't bother to write just listen and then the book is there available buy one get one free a wasteland it means your waistline numbers 9 you are not producing the normal fruits you're barren if you don't produce normal fruit you're barren oh yeah if you have goats in your house does it mean you have children is that got your child yes so you must know the ton of two fruits you are expecting we all know it's better to produce good as there after each array there are the goods in the house must produce a certain kind of fruits to be barn is to be depleted members are getting finished depleted DS netted when when your members leave hundred of them leave half of them leave they are deserting you these to be deserted is these are English definitions in the dictionary is Baroness ohh Baroness is trying to befall you that is why a pastor must understand loyalty and must understand a topic like those who leave you very important so that you can fight it postures look a pasta is a fight my new book is called a good general it's about fighting if you want to make yourself just a man of peace you get it people will come and take everything you have labored for and light fire to it and burned down all that God has used you to build that is very dangerous so a pasta is not just a man of peace and be nice no you must know how to fight for the church that you are building otherwise people would come and take bits and pieces what pasta I started a chair of good churches he looked on the internet he was trying to break my church in Switzerland I was trying to break my church's whistle ah then he told me because it was a constant battle with him and I was constantly fighting him hey Jesus and I chose you about one of you is a devil and we are supposed to fight Devils so when one of you become the devil you are the while we are fighting direct he looked on the internet and he said but I saw on the internet you have 1,200 churches at that time so why don't you leave this one for me you have 1,200 I can leave this one for me I said I will never leave and this guy has got four children I said if I come to your house or somebody comes to your house when the person is going he said that I see when you are looking for one of your two you call John why are you John Jack why you Sally she come Susie Susie wife Susie then if I'm a visitor who came has taken Susie away and when you call the business alibi soda you are fortunate I'll take it one you have today you have today I don't have any up taking one of your will you accept it never accept anybody to take even one of your members even a child don't give anybody even a child or a student even one member never you are a fool when you see the other pew have said and they come and take one you are a fool for a lot to come and take it no way we are against kidnapping spiritual kidnapping allow these kidnapping pastors to kidnap your members and take them away sydenham imitating tyrannous so don't allow yourself to be deserted speaks of dryness dryness a parenting can be described as something that is not copious apparent land is s continent we want to see more churches not as Kunti presentation of churches across the nation's yes when you do that other religions who come in yes a parent individual does not produce after his own kind and fairness speaks of needing the power of conception parent places are impoverished and barren places are untellable so being in this state is barren it so how do we see it in the church number one when there is no growth in the number of your church members you must have more and more church members recently we had a service in in what we call our Independence Square in Ghana and we fill that whole square I've never seen that Square feel like that before thousands and thousands of people Good Friday service and we started a chat with five members you see but it has become a lot of people so growth in the number of your members very important number to it there are no combats there might be more confidence in otherwise you your you are barren there must be growth in attendance attendance in your church must be increasing instead of going down must be increasing otherwise the spirit of pi-ramesse is on you there must be growth in the number of full-time staff you must always need more people although it is not good to employ many people there must be that constant pressure and need for more people to work in the house of God number five there must be growth in the number of people being baptized the number of miracles and healings there must be growth in the number of Vedas you have in the church otherwise Baroness is descending on you but that case is broken today Jesus their number numbers eight there must be increase in the knowledge of God if there is no increase in the knowledge of God your church is suffering from fairness now let me say this fastest look if all you will ever know is what you know now then you are to be pitied pray that God will give you a baptism of new knowledge because new knowledge takes you to new heights faith for a baptism of new knowledge like thank God for what you know already you like it's great you are not ignorant like you know about there is so much knowledge more than you know and thank God if he allows you to begin to know more than you know yes and as you know more you are having more keys to doing well amen there must be a in the depths of your relationships if there's no growth you are not getting deeper in your relationships then it's not growing see once it's not going it's dying you know you only go like this or like this yes there's always a change which way is the change going there must be growth in the number of visions and dreams by the holy spirit in the last few hours the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about the Caribbean I don't know I been to the Caribbean once you know the Caribbean islands Jamaica and what Trinidad and st. Lucia and Bahamas and so on about about about the people there and about the need for churches I don't know anybody there I mean we have a couple of churches there but it's like God is impressing on me to pray for them and to pray about having churches there yeah because it's not about what you have today it's about what God is leading you to do that always brings fruitfulness be fruitful and multiply that is a command from God thank God for what you have achieved so far there is there are higher heights there are deeper depths there are greater things expect great things attend great things I said expect great things and attempt great things for God there might be more visions this sitting in your church and just giving them one Sam on every Sunday are you not tired of I mean the same old thing in the same old way with the same old people who are getting finished as you are preaching to them God will be giving you more visions and dreams if I have not pressed out I'll still be stuck in one place and I'm pressing out fishes we had successful Crusades in West Africa we've been to Mali places you can't go Molly would be to Mali we'd be to me share we had Crusades there we've had Crusades in in in areas where these other religions will come out with banners that's why we changed our our crusade from healing Jesus to say to healing Jesus campaign because they say a crusade is something that fights with them hey you have to change the name to campaign I got another see and it went see for campaign within their synagogue Dhaka definitely had a place for watching video would show you all these countries I knew Kimi libary across the whole country from one end to the other serial everywhere who saved in and preaching but that's not all you know when a woman is having a baby the woman who gets pregnant she can easily get pregnant again is when they are not having children that is when it's a struggle but if she's able to be pregnant the pregnancy just come you have to try have a problem to control it you know what I'm saying so once God begins to use you to Bethel is that more fruits are coming I see more fruits coming in your life fruits actually were dead and the law started impressing me South Africa and solved in Africa and we started to prepare we've been preparing for about four years oh yes even as I was bearing fruit somewhere I've been planning to bear fruit somewhere else because it took us years to even buy these trucks that you see we've been buying it for years and packing them when we get money we buy one and wait so we have enough equipment and things to come oh what we are using here is different from what we use yourself is the same when it comes the same everything the same and I'm here I'm dreaming of other you know when you are having a baby please another one can come almost exactly a year later another one can come eight I see the spirit of fruitfulness on you more visions then you are you are not parent amen are you there growth in the number of missionaries it has no program to send missionaries LeBaron yeah what I mean by missionaries you have a church and the church will send somebody to another place with a Mesa that church is there and it gives birth to a human being and the human being comes out of the church and goes somewhere and another church is born that means the church has given birth or is not true if the church which many churches are not giving birth to another church that church is barren or is it not a corrective which in terms of English language like you you are an entity like a dog gives birth to a dog a good gives birth to another good or three more Goods so a church gives birth to another church and gives birth to two more churches then it means that church is not parent but if the church gives birth to nothing just saying that Oh today we are having men's breakfast tomorrow we are having women's lunch the next day we are having me unless summit and I say we are having success without limits dinner the next day we are having children's camp meeting the next time we are having all couples between will be married from zero to five years competing the next time we are having businessmen's forum the last time we are calling or successful businessman to impact our business leaders in our church the next time we are having an empowerment summits for all enterpreneurs in the church the next time we are having a social social development conference for the development of the social economic status of our members the next time we are having an educational forum talent show and all this does not lead to church growth all this does not lead to church clothes and not judges flooded out of you then you'll be sitting down and wondering why another religion is taking the whole of the north or the whole of the south and they are taking over because actually you that chat I am Baron Church even though you have a pastor who is famous and his own television and is doing this actually you are parent because the definition of balance is to give birth to what is like you to produce after your own kind I mean who wants to give birth to a good how do you imagine giving birth you go through the labor while you come home yes my god I gave birth to a good and churches I'm not giving birth to judges churches are not giving birth to other churches although the passes are the passes are into financial empowerment success without limits abundance without borders million I saw a channel advertised a million ask it like this is the million s kids different books for millionaires say mostly circle about how to be a millionaire and so on so he'd rather kicked four millionaire so millionaires kids you know and thousand year skated other kids for different things Wow how to how to maneuver within the stock exchange in our world today [Music] managing debts conference and foreign marketplace and a lot of fanciful names which amount to no sense as far as the kingdom of God is concerned we when we come to the kingdom of God stop trying to be clever it's because a lot of pastors hadn't been to school you come on boozled them with beasts kind of things me I've been to square went to university for seven years i've been to university for seven years to become a medical doctor 7 could yesterday from 1982 to 1989 yeah with hi great excellent two outs when you mention this come upwards and whatever said my friend be look we are preaches there is a reason why we are here if it was these things we wanted to do we would have stayed there and done it they said reason why I said because you hadn't been maybe you are not educated when they mention the you know the socio-economic nation wet you brought you are afraid as a pasta so you feel that there are higher things that you don't know this is like the artists you should get into motivational nonsense listen there is nothing more motivational on the Word of God than the Word of God can you demote yourself and degrade yourself to become a motivational speaker when you were a pasta just to get money that's why you be poor you'll never be rich you're watchin see you'll never be rich you have a brother taking up two masters and you are going to have a lot of files two masters one will suck you soon Wow I don't care what you think about me doesn't really bother me Church and you give him back to a church what are you giving back to it is it any chat which you know I don't know there ladies yeah I don't want to worry any woman okay you come right at him this is a lady if she has not given birth she's been married for some yes he has not given birth to a child we would say that unfortunately she is barren but she has three children so now if she has not and you give him birth to a puppy oh you've given birth to a chicken are you giving birth to a goat we will not be able to say that you are not barren you have have you given birth to a human being yes and I want to ask everybody who says you I change my posture where is the church your church has given bear - where are the churches where's the next one after you get better with the network where is the one outside Swaziland yeah Swaziland you think God is expecting expecting for Americans to come here look Americans are now afraid of everything 20 what they'd usually say Africa look do you see them giving Testaments well glory to God you know I want to thank God for my life you know uh I really thank God I was not born in Africa you know I thank God I was not born in Africa and you know I saw these things yeah afraid of Africa afraid of Africa you think a white man is going to come here to come and do this work No hey one time I invited an American I said what would you do come to Ghana I said if it is safe if it is safe to come together in America which one is more dangerous look at what they are doing it to themselves were there we don't want to give birth we're not giving birth to fellow pastors you I passage even better other pastors you like church are giving birth other churches yeah check planting that's how it's funny how we going to react to the empowerment of the will to power mentally or the Society of the community and an emancipation of the people and and and and liberation of the masses look at all these big word means nothing it means but I just using big where to bamboozle us we are not afraid of those words yeah we are not afraid of you and all the things big big things you are saying yeah man see patient liberation empowerment social economic development yeah okay there is no missionary coming out of you I have missionaries coming out I have them waiting waiting I'm trying to send them yeah sending them everywhere I said missionary choice rather than some years ago yeah I'm sending more missionaries hey I cannot be parent look a 17 year old man can give birth your sperms are at a peak when you are 25 years old that's your peak amount of spends then it starts to go but there are some day always even at the age of 70 you can give birth biologically so there is no time where we can say you are finished with church planting ruff matured out of that you are into higher things trying to empowerment social economic development liberation and emancipation of our people where do you get these words from taught you this to listen to what you listen to you are listening to the wrong things that's why we are so impressed with such things it is a great thing to be a pastor it is a great thing to preach about Jesus Christ it's a great thing to build churches it's a great thing to plant churches it's a great thing to learn how to make a church grow far greater than all these many things that you are teaching this is the wisdom of God which is the wisdom that cometh from above is superior to any earthly wisdom that you are dealing with hallelujah all right quickly no waste of time let's move no growth in the finances of your church yes as you grow that should be growth in the finance of your church not more loans you have more laws every time more to play why where did you learn how to borrow when the Bible says that you shall be a lender and not a borrower and the desta let the borrower is a servant to the lender why do you want so many masters in your life how many the book and you marry he said God you said the bank to business always borrowing you can't see that is a trick all these texts and loans of churches and pastors you can see they said trick to keep you everything you buy is a loan it's a Maltese you don't even know you are laboring and that the clever deceptions of a satanically engineered society look into the world google go t go when you finish go on the internet and Google searches for sale in America yeah chat is for sale chatted buildings data for sale you see the page because you don't understand the wisdom behind the mortgage the wisdom behind market and lose is to employ you as a seventh the bank managers they have a lot of problem when they when they don't get more people they want to get like all of you to be on via whatever you bring thousand thousand thousands every month you bring they have so many people that are bringing their all their servants the whole of Suez line is full of servants of the bank's f NB a-- this is very clever they cannot pay I don't believe in debts God should be by showing me practically by blocking people who are going to lend to me no one ever lends to me when I went to the bank first time we'll go to Bill - I said Len we are sorry we cannot lend to you because we don't know how we can sell your church if you are not able to pay the building anytime you meet a stubborn person who does not yield always remember that God is at work because God said I will harden Pharaoh's heart he will not let you go the one making him stubborn God hardened the heart of the bank and they say no so from then everything cash there is nothing but you see that is it being paid for in a man not there's no nothing here that we are doing I don't have a car house check nothing we have made me not to be one date yes everything is free yes can you say that for yourself and and I thank God you know I have I have a friend in in in South Africa he has one of the largest churches he told me so when I heard you say that I received that wisdom and contrary to what contrary to what everybody is doing said I put my chat with cash he said all this you see he was telling me all this you see I do anything if I take offering it is real offering so before you take offering you see that Viper is waiting to drink one this one is waiting liars everybody's waiting to be the offering banks are waiting so there must be a growth in your financial liquidity and solvency you want big watches in it in some few big words liquidity Wow not increasing debts how can you celebrate when you get a mortgage you are rather happy somebody came to see me what I've got a I've got a I've got a mortgage I've got a I've got a butter house how so a mortgage they say all it is about a house I say easy simply say alone you know the picniced of your house are with the bank yes you you are all very biased imaginary being up there all day when the time come to activate and say out of the house is for us Read Across number nineteen see you see that the house is not for you it is for us plus number nineteen see it is for us 19 see III it is there the house I don't belong to you yes but you see when we say this you not believe me when I wear blue ball there must be an increase in a number of scriptures you know it must be an increase in your experience yes number of outreaches growth in outreach I'm having more to say that I ever used to have more ma if it was not for this xenophobia from here we were on our way to what is he called Wellington that was a place called Newcastle from there we were to be time I respect them as well to whom Blasi on Blasi to touch with Chatsworth - were all lined up we have got posters done everything ready for us well moving we were affinities crusade next month we turn after turn embark usted muscles muscles I see the doors are closing is it was it the night cometh when no one can work that's why Jesus said my qualities Davis a time will come you hear an announcement when you share enough I said I do cannot work and you can in imagine what is happening well that all the places where your head of Ebola we've been there every turn where Ebola started and where the people that we preached there I wish I helped who says Indy me in my Center kissy boo boo Kim BIA is the recurring huh JK do that when that when the Ebola was all those times I drove slept in my truck I slept in the car travel to their places but we burn water the state everywhere preacher all these towns and after that people like him screws them and night cometh when no one can win so we've learned to preach and do the work more whatever you are doing do more growth in your understanding and growth in your fellowships and branches amen now how to fight fairness I'm going to show you how to fight barony how many relegate some forms of barrenness in your life oh it doesn't apply to you if that's absurd I go to something else okay it applies number one Sarah was barren amen the Bible says sarah abraham's wife bear him no children so consider Sarah to be a church she had no children she had a handmaid an Egyptian whose name was Hagar and Sarah said unto Abraham behold not a lot has restrained me go to my mate hey now number one if you want to bear fruit and break out of barrenness do not transfer that job of outreaching and growing to anybody else that's what Sarah tried to do to break out of barrenness she wanted to transfer to hey girl hey guys should give Beth and this was some passes oh oh we have an outreach department we from a prayer Department but until the pasta himself is filled with the spirit of evangelism no one will really have an evangelistic spirit no one will ever go on a church planting unless the path find himself beside her I am using myself to do that work that is a reality that is for all our churches are filled with fairness and people are not prepared to do anything I mean I was telling the churches in South Africa South Africa pasta come to Nigeria to start a church they say they are the richest country in Africa I've never seen in this South African man standing Zambia in Kenya but he is a topic and he is thought that in Kenya in Ghana in Nigeria in England that stop Africa is doing that I haven't seen it and you criticize Nigerians you criticize people who are doing that but you're supposed to be the richest whatever see the pastor's are into empowerment and success without limits we are not into such things we are and you say oh we have an outreach department you have transfer Sarah if you want to have a baby you cannot transfer to Hagar yourself get down to the job and do that yes it's like prayer the pastor you are self not spread you can say a prayer the prayer department I in prayer the practice partners I have assigned them some prayer times when you the posture you are not into prayer you are assigned to the prayer department I do mean by that you have assigned outreach to outreach to the outreach department I have some young men they are very zealous for the Lord they will should become empowerment financial Christians because as they see their leader the pasta is not into soul-winning he's starting to church planting he's starting to church growth he's talking to any of these things that God has said he's writing to all these other things it's just a matter of time all these guys are going to become financial what not 1 plus I told me he said look I give 1 million dollars every year for missions but I don't have anybody to send so he asked me where do you get people to say it where do you get people how come you are people you can send you can send yeah you can send hear that sense of somebody to send shows that you are him nobody you attachment go anywhere based on the message will appear for him to prosper to get this to get this is budget without me your nest meetings and other mission and power all go you said it was about me when I go there my prosperity vision and my idea for becoming the first tree on their ability of swaziland cannot be manifested at that place were sending me Watts that place is too poor is too far West Africa this daughter nobody wants to go because of the kind of spirit of the world and work history to get in the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the love of riches then the last of the I thought the spirit in the Holy Spirit you know one day God told me I totally God spoke to me he told me he said that's Holy Spirit it's not a check I said Lord don't say big things that I'm not true don't say big things and I'm not true and Allah said when the Holy Spirit is in a church huh he's the spirit of the world is what is nature has replaced it's too big father don't say such things and he said listen to this and you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall set up medium to large scale enterprises with medium to large scale enterprise companies with investment banking centers and corporate offices with a crossover appeal from the wealth to the church and you shall be a political social business or business or spiritual off-site meeting business leader no he said when this you shall receive after the Spirit comes and what will you do you become like witness witnesses witnessing witnessing telling people about God telling people well the Holy Spirit comes on you there is only one attack that we can use to see that the Holy Spirit is on you is that you become witnesses to the ends of the earth Jerusalem Jerusalem is is Manzini Judea is at the border of Swaziland his first murder Judea is just outside Swaziland Jerusalem Judea Samaria that is West Africa East Africa and other parts of Africa in the ends of the world Asia yeah I want to see my first Swaziland pastor in Indonesia Schatzi Schatzi pasta in Singapore Swasey pasta in Bangladesh Swasey pasta in India Oh what I've coated is stuff from the Bible you see is this in the Bible what is the sign you see when you say please can the three of you stand up one two three I'm sorry I don't know how important you are in the English words Allah but I beg you don't be angry with me but if we have these three pastors and the Holy Spirit or a spirit is on them whether is a good spirit evil spirit medium spirit I don't know how can we know let us be told that one of these has the Holy Spirit two of them have other spirits this man looks nice able spirit can be small also looks very handsome you have a wife isn't it yes very nice this man is also a very nice man Khalid Wow which I have the spirit of the world is it a spirit you cannot see but the effect of the spirit you can see you cannot see the wind I cannot see which wind is growing over this man which wind is blowing over this man which wind is but I can't see but I can see the effect when the Spirit of the Lord you shall receive power when the Spirit comes and you shall be the best business planta of this worldly system you shall develop your corporate offices in Johannesburg and Manzini and Lusaka you shall receive financial power when the Spirit comes on you and you shall be into farming industry and into corporate businesses is that what will happen when the Spirit comes on you when the Spirit comes on you you shall receive power you'll be witness and you'll be telling me about your mission that you are working on in just in Botswana God has touched your heart or a brain about it and you'll be telling me about how you are trying to reach out to and part of Swaziland people don't think they don't like it before that is a poor place by God as touch of hearts who are reaching out there you'll be telling me about how you are witness and we are moving out there to reach out to people that is what will happen when the Spirit comes on you spirit is really moving these days because you see Mike is so beautiful Dakar God through the Holy Spirit give me this Chi Christians are testifying God is movie - you can call this movie I have a mortgage the Holy Spirit is moving but alone thank you process I don't know who you are but thank you has lost itself onto the church you see posters with big ministries television ministries everything paranal parent it was up neither child no church comes out of them there is nothing just bigness and Warnie and what have you an impression and name that is bearing when I said parent I mean I will produce a child that looks just like you if your church is apostolic international angel Church I may see do we have another AI AC in Impa Valley Wow so you may be big but barren one guy he had a very large penis and so when he got married he thought he was very powerful yes listen you just listen to what I'm saying he thought he was a king column he thought he was a power is like on the power magnet moving through after one year there was no child after two years new charm and this big thing is top him my God my god I say you can't be big but Baron when he went and did a test when he did it contest somebody was being going around from girl to girl him whatever family as married thinking that he's a mister powerhouse when he did the test there was not even one Spenny yes zero zero zero zero point zero so you can be big but what Peron quick tell somebody don't transfer a duty of outreach to anybody you are going to be an outreach in person number two I'm teaching you how to come out of barrenness using the strategy of Sarah and one is don't transfer the duty to Hagar don't do that it's a mistake don't say I am into empowerment my little children are into outreach nonsense number two don't reject the prophetic word that is coming to you now when Sarah was spoken to that we are going to have children she lovable is there for Sarah laughed within herself saying I am wasp or shall I have pleasure my lord being old also she laughed don't find what I'm saying funny when I say that techies are barren is not funny don't find it ridiculous some people considered ridiculous who even preach what I'm preaching this life is swimming it's ridiculous - I did I'm coming to more mature somebody told me I need that I am now I am I pretty basics basics I've come just instill in the basics somebody spoke about myself he has no revelation so I have no revelation I'm just into basic teachings yes it's what I've had before this how some people describe it the real gospel to you scalawags hey some people can speak oh he's just basics that was a basic go out into all the world and preach the gospel it's like it's PC you shall receive power after the Spirit has come on you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and to the ends of the world in fact basic he has no revelations just basic teachers don't find it ridiculous be careful they were all white the ones out there was why that's why she why she look down there as white as room right some of us process even consider preaching the gospel as below you is like it's small like York we should be born again to give your life to jail like those are not what we are into now we are getting to higher things going to be able to deeper revelation wow it's funny to you trying to empowerment of our people every day our people our people our people don't reject today God is speaking to you is telling you listen come out of barrenness come out of badness it's time to build churches it's time to build a mega church it's time to send people it's time for you to come up with more churches and to develop and spread the word of God now sit down for other religions to come and take over the country and later ubx exclaiming and complaining believe God number three believe in the preaching of the word walk in your calling look in it walk in the colleague God has given you that is the wisdom God is giving you it's a perfectly wisdom Sara to assess how to be someone to give somebody your friend love your sister home to other wonder core tasks or not to accept it you know I've had time difficulty to accept the calling when God told me started churches and I said why there are churches in London what am I quit doing handing again when I will start churches today are churches one of the biggest churches if I said oh this one should do it this one should do it this was writing books when I was going to write the book I just I just did it because you know cause it to it I never thought anybody will read my book when I get testimonies like this this is so fantastic to me the man who dedicated my books is this father he dedicated my book when I first time I launched a book he said to me you know you should be Greek although he was a bastard I know University he said you should get a degree for this and I said professors don't laugh at me I mean I thought so ashamed of my books yes you see because when God calls you and say you are the one going to do this when you look at yourself is like it's not really you but it is you you are the one that God is expecting something from you Sarah stop delegating giving birth to hate us and others who are not part of that calling do you know why God wants you to do it Anna people read my book in Russia look one time I went to Siberia Russia the end people they killed with television cameras one guy asked me a question they asked me did you ever expect to be you understand of what you are asking is did you expect to be you I don't mean by me to be me I am me everyone did that has my book in Russian all these books are in Russia you ask them what what book have you read she will have to really do that so what is that Oh judge growth evident River what is that out of leadership Wow happy book in Russia you see corners a reason for intending to use you Sara it is your genes in your color when I open I tested I write in the book when I first saw the writing book I got some guys to help me edit they would change these they were chained their changes there I said no don't change it I guess I was these are really really really then I said one day I said no no never don't change it that's how I want to say and my wife you know sometimes you tell me don't say that you say that it's not it's not the right width then I tell her when you approach and say the right way when I'm preaching I'll say the way I am saying it is it because there is a child coming from Sarah is different from a child coming for yes and everybody says it different and the way I say you may remember something that may be different from if somebody else after all these scriptures have you not read that before have I read any scripture you don't know before but it's the same scripture but I'm saying in a way and God has a way that he was an American to write a Korean has written a book on childhood I have also written God said write a book on Ted code write a book on leadership write a book on loyalty right what you have seen he told John he said that things you have seen that tissue assist they said write it and send it to the churches God knows why he's calling you a Swasey man he's not calling a cannula to do that or in Nigerian there are things only as Swasey pasta can do that a Nigerian or a white man America nobody can do only you can do it you can law set it aside and suit up and do the work you can't do that you can't you can't you cancel fish up duck he what nose is going to do what do you mean by that things you this child was supposed to come from Sarah not hate so even when he got her that just that got the point it was not about this I wanted dog so God is not interested just in the book he was my book because I'm writing it in a way I'm treating it in a way yeah so we better respect your colony and I respect your vision you better respect your dream that God gave you you better start respecting what God has told you to do better start sharing God and fearing is worth to you better start fearing God's wisdom is not your wisdom you don't know why what you are bringing to the table don't be shy of your calling let me share I believe so step number one don't delegate that way to don't find it ridiculous 3 belief in personally and number 4 take practical steps that lead to fruitfulness even if it looks like something for younger people now Sarah was how old was she ninety have you seen a 90 year old woman before you cannot even imagine a 90 year having sex maybe some of these younger one 40 and they have resigned already they are free time how much more an old lady like this have you not seen an already before do you know that when you get older sometimes you get smaller big gets smaller Sarah water with the walking stick maybe she has stopped smiling - it has been a long time a lot of whites have stopped smiling to their husbands yeah they are just strict headmistress hey do you have it in Swaziland have breasts used to be like lemons big oranges and now they have become like rubber slippers reacts just stop kissing the husband long time as a lot of Marika they don't kiss yes you want you kiss me to bring it so truths to bear fruit air you have to be humble now how to get Abraham to have an erection this another project 42 day I've retired there was no diagram CAD work for the Abraham she not have to try to be a bit sexy but shall stop all these things long time transferred it to Higa you see this for young people is for small boys it's for newcomers is for newcomers we are reaiiy into maturity this is your maturity this is what you call maturity you have to get down humble yourself lie down sham whatever you have to do do it if you have to preach it a new way preaching a new way yes sometimes your preaching style has to change if you are going to bear fruit oh yeah many many my preaching style had to change yes had to change my teachings I one day I had to change my pitches down yeah because what I found was that when I finished push and I hand over to my assistant to take over the church suddenly become more happy it's like when I finished in October he takes over it comes alive he's something wrong with the way I'm preaching I decided to modify hey whatever you have to do you realize that as you are wearing this dress it's not working on Abraham still since you received a prophecy no erection has come to them yeah since you receive the professor destroy yourself up to see that something has to change yes Sarah decided to go shopping yes have to go and buy some nighties she was not used you now see Sarah in the shops looking for panties temple yourself you have to come down come down to what young people do if you want to bear fruit young people and young people flow young before us energy Hey instead of being slow premature aging you are not dead but you are dead already why living dead Sarah was breaking out of RMS she was humble yeah you know since I started my new church with the young people I feel what I asked them you who is younger people that can be my children yeah my members my preaching changed when I went there yes all my gifts came out some of you are dead before you did dead long time before you died oh when you get to heaven you regret you see and do something I sort of became old to any I thought I've done enough today in Jesus name Amen start your feast unto your feet everybody we breaking out of Sarah's Baroness let your hands and thank the Lord lift your hands [Music] Johanssen traders come out of our anus we are coming out of our eNOS God's power I see as you pray open your heart and pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray you cannot be an old man anymore no matter your age you can do what is right let your answered prayer say lord I thank you for your word I receive new energy new fire pray for new energy new zeal new fire is coming upon you as you pray your industry straight open your heart and pray thank you Jesus Arkon Tobiah le baka da MUA MUA MUA amma wi alcohol woman or man Anu and nitrogen is coming upon you yes you are breaking out of weariness you are breaking out of marinus your ministry is changing color yes yes those who knew you before will not be able to recognize that new ministry God is handing over to you Candlemas anvil a bow shock I'm ELISA kabandha leprosy Tomo llamosa comedy Bourassa abba-baba-baba you are being included you are be included you are being included before this girlfriend she have been excluded he went outside you were outside you are not even number but today you are being included because you are learning how to practically come out of foreigners brake caliper bars live Mandela me baby baby not which was asleep is sitting up now pray pray that which was sitting up shall stand that would stood shall walk that which what shall Ron you are moving you are moving into out of fruitfulness train I'm on Tomas a la la ba da ba ba ba ba ba ba ba him until a busy man ibadah a new day a new day a new day a new PD streets Zemo liebe degradation thoughts Liam Broady st. Alabama lemon de la ba Comorian enemy suddenly the ministry is becoming important suddenly the ministry is becoming excited praise received at least received at least is coming up on you a new ministry a new ministry a human history that is fruitful praise remote Arriba hallelujah you may be seated breaking out of fairness the Paradis of Macau when you look at the barren women in the Bible you can see why they were barren and how to break out of it so when you look at Sarah you can see why she was barren and how she broke out of it when you look at Macau the five of David in second summer six I'm going to read myself listen to my version of the Bible the Somoza seconds almost six Davey went home so he could ask the Lord to bless his family but Saul's daughter Macau went out and started yelling at him hey you were really great today she said you acted like a dirty old man dancing half-naked in front of your seven slave girls David told her the Lord didn't choose your father or anyone else in your family to be the leader of his people the Lord chose me and I was celebrating in honor of him I'll show you how great I can be I'll even be disgusted to myself but those slave girls you talked about will still honor me and Macau never had any children Macau is the classic familiar wife who does not honor greatly the husband that she has you know and what is familiarity familiarity is the reason why many pastors are Peron Macau was Peron never had children because of him attitude towards her great husband we see their leaders great we see they she didn't see him as great anybody you don't see as great you cannot benefit from the person once you become a bit familiar towards the person he loses some power to impact you that is why if you are not good at handling closeness it is not good for you to be close to a man of God not everybody can be close to a man of God some people are very bad at being close in fact we become close it will destroy them it's better for you to stay and see the person only in the puppet and then that's it don't ever go to his house never be to never see what it does never see something as now the person is doing it's not good for you got how you are you are not the type that can see such things and do well and there are some wives also like that that their husband is greatly admired but they don't admire him when they when they talk with their friends you say you don't know him you don't know this man I know him I stay with him you think it is oh this guy and you hear them talking and see that the mirror of the congregation admires what a terrific mother the wife would tell the husband and the one who can tell you the truth I don't know why would knows you as you really are those people don't know you but I know you if they knew you such a woman you shouldn't have married a pasta you should have married a bank manager should have my the bank manager should have married a pasta we should have really seen the manager of empty and for you to marry him than to marry the pasta as you are not good at staying close to great things and still have a wonderful eye of Wanda for that thing yeah Amica was like David gave up dancing tape it tape of dancing praises and he some people don't know how to dance it's true but he cannot start to criticize the pitcher and as he was very free the people who have been too close and seen the man of God feeling free in hot cases she was cast by David Noah's son huh came into his tent into his best ass piece when she saw when he saw his father bears yeah why is what you see he was naked and their bottles were their bottles of alcohol were there he had been drinking and home said he took out his phone they taking pictures of father Facebook Instagram what's up Twitter and the pictures were going we should have allowed you into that internal space it wasn't good for you you see familiarity means to know someone or something very well and in such a way as to cause you to lose your admiration and your respect and your sense of all that's what it means familiarity to know someone in such a way as to make you lose your admiration and your sense of all and your respect number two familiarity is the great test block to receiving God's power from there is nothing more powerful than familiarity to block you from the power of God not the mozu not which is not with that familiarity listen to this no matter how great the gift of God is it is neutralized by familiarity and I'm going to prove it to you from the Bible do you hear me I said no matter how great your gift is or a gift is it is neutralized by familiarity when Jesus came to his hometown now this is Jesus ooh not a junior pastor or someone one day I sent some pasta to someone's to see someone and the person who receive you said let the senior pastor come himself I don't listen to apprentices I don't listen to apprentice Wow this was not an apprentice this was Jesus we are apprentices Jesus is Jesus and he went out from them and came to his own country and his disciples follow him and what a Sabbath day was come he began to teach and preach and maybe where a stone is saying from whence has this and these things and what wisdom is this which is given unto him that such I two works are wrought by his hand they listen to the familiarity is it not this the capital is it not the son of Mary we went that when he was born they were offended at him and he could do no mighty work he could not do mighty works there that is where he could not do mighty works where the people analyzed him and knew him that's why many people don't know the principles of having Crusades when you go back to the same place to have a crusade that effect can sometimes be far less because the people know you yes so sometimes you see if Vangelis had people rotating around the same places all the time and they are wondering whether the anointing the power is getting less it's actually because you should be going further not going round way around is different from green feather because every time you come back to the same place I'll speak to one who say director of a great man of God in America most of you know him and he told me so we went to do Jessie the first time we were 20,000 the second time we went we were 12,000 he said the last time we went with a 5,000 we are stop doing Crusades but I took a new place that where this man was to go 250,000 people will come but as you keep going around to the same place people know you in such a way this level of admiration and all that they have now when you stay around for some time something is around you loose your admiration when you lose your admiration you cannot receive when you cannot receive you cannot be blessed and that's what causes Baroness yes that is why I may have a book and somebody who is outside my church not in my church may receive the book and the way the passer will be elevated and lifted by that book will be greater than somebody who is with me in my own ministry who has the advantage of having me all the time talking to him meeting talking meaty talk him eating talking meeting but the sense of power and admiration is not there as someone who is from outside and doesn't have that familiarity that's why I said that sometimes it is better for you not even to meet somebody it depends on how you are I don't know how you are known as a man of God that I greatly admire in America I see him as one of my spiritual fathers you know one day I was on a plane coming to Ghana from Europe and I sat by someone who is his very good friend he said I hope riding bicycles with him yeah oh then I told him how much I was telling him so many things about it about this man of God and he said you know you should meet him I said no there's no need for me to meet him I don't need to meet him yes and I don't want any one day I look on the unit and I saw so much describing this man as a choleric so he said Col Eric something personality I told myself never consider this man as something pastelito I just seed anointing that's what I be receiving on being told personality something he's like this is like this is what is all that succeed in the way you are able to receive the person so brothers and sisters many of us we are not able to receive what we ought to receive because of familiarity and you must you must learn to see things the way they ought to be seen if God gives you the chance to be close learn how to be close when you even see a fault or weakness or humanity you have to rather think in another way think you're so bad hey the power of God is very great because even a human being the person is normal and look at that you can see this thing is from God that's how you have to take when you are with your posture have to think up a house that likes chicken on this dolly he likes food oh he likes chicken it's always eating Marty it will water this you have this it when you get all these things from one day I went to one day I went somewhere and I made a mistake of allowing somebody who I didn't even hardly know she was the one who had been sent to drive us around in this city it was far away in another continent what the waiter brought the food I said to the waiter look you have to change something about this I don't like it like this so they took the winner which I took it change it did whatever but I will never give your food to the waiter never give your food away tax go and come yeah I learned that you know don't give you a food away yeah so they took the food and brought it back as we were eating getting to the end of the eating this was led to the lady she said I can see that you are fussy about the food I said you I don't know you from a new today the first day I've seen you it happens that we are just eating know what you are saying I should let you come to sit down with bitly to be analyzing what I'm eating that you are telling me that I am and fussy about food glasses you see this on people you don't have to let them come close yeah States they receive receive from that place you see it from there it's good for you to receive from there when you bring them clothes you are wearing them yeah it causes Bahrainis that is why many of our past you see I am a pasta I have many churches over and many are pastors under me that I trained many of them have to achieve even just with one Church what I have achieved in many many many places but the sense of admiration in the sense of all it's not there because when you grow up with something you used to it all you know is something that works even if you take one aspect of my ministry that's the only the books or only the Crusades it's bigger than most other ministries before in the churches or any area yes but you see somebody with just a few members in his church with one church still you know is not tuned to see in a way that will make you receive something great that was his death he could do no mighty works because the spirit of Macau when David was rejoicing and singing Thomas one of the song David used to say when David was seeing what she was running looking at look at how his shots have come oh look at how his whatever those girls look at that one Miriam and that's one whatever look at their they are looking at she I was on something completely different but that's how we know David singing it is the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I be the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked one even my enemies rose up against me to eat my flesh they stumble the one army may and the warmer eyes are began to me [Music] one thing have I desired of the know that one thing will I see these are the songs of David that I made well perhaps to behold the beauty of the law this is what we call the spices to inquire in his temple this is what we come was not impressed with this glory be to the Father and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end [Music] ah [Music] ah but this is what my cows are impressed with all diesel familiarity is aquila of a great thing this great deal was by Mika she was probably useless dismissed or something that ice was once something useless oh there's some passes there are terrible things he knows you can tell you nobody can speak to you does nobody afraid of you about afraid of you but there are some people they can be they're like the two other sons of Noah they saw their father lying there and they said you know this man is a great man he built the Akko we would have drowned all my classmates are dead my friend I used to text him we are all dead my card my cousin's at the other side they all drown everybody's drunk we are only three of us we are only three letters this man is a great man they said it would I drink or heat any feed we know it doesn't really bother us we we see what he has done for us save our life and they came the opposite they walk backwards imagine we don't want to know about that he won't talk words there are some people who can't well me anointing and not be affected by humanists that's why somebody will have the audacity to say that Jesus will have something to do with Mary Magdalene yes this is the opposite because you were allowed to be near it didn't you just read it in the Bible the presence of Mary Magdalene at the grave is enough for somebody to concoct a story the presence of Mary Magdalene at the cross is enough for somebody to come up with a cock-and-bull story and that person has not repented a people fled people a stream just to even read that this she was here she was here she was here is enough for your story already your mind is polluted there are some people I tell you they can't stand in form of exposure are you there you're going home so pastors know how to conduct yourself in Jesus name how many are blessed with breaking out of fairness yes break out of darkness in Jesus name stand to your feet everybody lift up your hands and ask the Lord for your blessing [Music] [Music] Alleluia you may be seated now I want to share with you something important okay got it it's a Greek word I'm a kazoo and a cousin of a little book and a castle and a castle it's a little book but is a very important subject [Music] [Music] [Music] you can [Music] [Applause] treats the annoying you cannot do very much for it is by the anointing we can build a mega church we can preach we can't eat here [Music] no one can see the wing no one can say it's here or there but everyone can see you begin to teach being noisy you cannot do very much it is by the anointing you can build a mega church you can preach you can teach you can heal gather crowd do your novel receives the young it's the son [Music] and without the anointing you cannot to bear for its by big anointing you can build a mega church you can preach you can teach [Music] [Music] [Music] Luke chapter 14 Luke chapter 14 let's turn if you have a Bible verse 16 then he said unto Him these are the words of Jesus a certain man made a great supper amen and invited many and he sent his seven at supper time to say to them that were bidden come for all things are now ready and they all with one consent began to make excuse the faster unto him I have bought a piece of ground and I must needs go and seeds have me excused another said I have bought five yoke of oxen and I go to prove them I pray thee have me excused another said I have married a wife therefore I cannot come so that seven came and showed his Lord these things then the master of the house been and we said to seven go out quickly into all the lanes of the city bringing the hither the poor the maimed the blind and the seven said Lord it is done as Dowers commanded and yet there is a room and the Lord said unto the seven go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in compel them to come in amen my house may be filled by saying to you that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper amen now the word there Luke 14 verse 23 the Lord said to the seven go out into the highways and hedges and come tell them compel hallelujah is a word and a castle alright and it means to force hallelujah necessity imposed by someone you must impose necessity on the people amen in such a way that they will they will be forced to obey what you are saying distress to make it necessary that's what it means it means to constrain to constrain to force to make it necessary to necessitate alright whatever is going on so this is a famous story that Jesus told and you see another Greek word which is closely related is the word Piazza in Matthew 11 where Jesus said the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force that is Piazza the force okay so an acausal is an important word beyond so everybody say Piazza it's also another important word isn't it and then there's another word also important is an idea those are a Greek word it is the story when that person came to pray ask the judge to intervene and the man said because this woman was not because of her importunity the word opportunity has shamelessness in reaching out to me so these three words sort of yeah words that Jesus used so they are important to us an acausal which is to compel people forcefully to come to him amen and be forceful so this story this great story is a very important story that I believe all of us must know and actually it's one of the main things that I believe in and I teach in four years and it is what I'm practicing to come here amen it brings prosperity it brings what the things you are trying to get up in business we get it when we do we practice this amen what is the key to prosperity you know all this talk about prosperity and money what is the key God has given me a key and I was recently surprised to hear a pasta of another church say that God he asked God the key of prosperity and God told him sick he friends the kingdom of God and His righteousness all things shall be added that is my key to prosperity if I have prospered in any way I can relate it to that scripture seek the kingdom of God best amen and His righteousness and then things with people are setting for will be added unto you now Ana Kazu is a very important word amen it says a certain man made a great supper and invited many people amen and a castle is important because without compelling people right many people will not turn to God as you can see it has taken some force for us to come here from Ghana huh I mean imagine a team of Swaziland pastas and Swasey where castes Christians rising up and flying to Ghana to grow and reach out you say that these are the most forceful Swaziland process we have ever seen is it not true yeah so it's some kind of phosphonate that is necessary in Christianity and if you are not forceful you are not going to reach out to many people amen ana castle is important because people that will fill our empty churches and not found where you may have an empty time where you can give an invitation card you know God said go to the highways go to the hedges you know sometimes we've finished rotating around and around and about in our ministry and God is not sending us to go round in circles but it says go out go you've been to the streets and the lanes now go to the highways and the hedges and acaso is very important because without it your church will be empty when you are not forceful your church will not be big forcefulness is necessary otherwise you cannot achieve much that is why Nigerians have big churches Nigerians are more naturally more forceful and that is a very important characteristic of a good minister and because it is more natural for them it combines with the anointing and they achieve a lot for God so you will find Nigerian based churches here and in anywhere but not Swaziland teaches Swaziland pastors maybe you don't have as much on a classroom are you listening to me and ghanians also have more on a kazoo but not as much as Nigeria yeah our seniors when it comes in size they are the giant of Africa and Ghana is the star of Africa Swaziland his words there were the word the pulpit of Africa wow I didn't know that the pulpit of Africa that's a blessing to be the pulpit of Africa that's a blessing number four without anak a so many churches are going to die and natural death yes we are always losing people in our churches you may not know or if you are not phospho a chat will finish right before your eyes how many pastors have seen that happening raise your hand if you've seen that give me a wave so that it's like what I'm saying it's not it finishes whilst you are standing there it's finishing yes if it gets finished as you observe its finishing nothing you don't do anything is getting finished so if you are not forceful in rigid out you preside over a collapsing and a decreasing ministry all the time it's a very important concept that concept of being practicing forceful Christianity not just gentle Christianity which is just always maybe waiting for things to happen by osmosis and gently number five and mikasa is important because there is people are becoming more busy and practicing and mikasa for every evil thing now businesses practice Anika's oh you cannot enter a country and not see a mobile phone company which is forcing their chips on you forcing their beer a country you come here you see they are forcing you to drink beer showing it as shoving it under your neck and a thousand other activities that are advertised strongly strongly whilst we sit quietly and meekly expecting the people to flow through the power of osmosis into our congregations no this is Jesus listening not me it's not my idea many things that Jesus said if Jesus having said it I would I would not even do them then it will occur to me this is how to practice first for forceful and aggressive Christianity forceful and aggressive Christianity expanding Christianity and not a total defensive waiting is type of Christianity and matt cassel it means to force look jesus said go out and compel them first them compare that and their heads don't sit down gently and think that things are just going to change the devil is very forceful look when Jesus came to this world he took him up on the first occasion Jesus hadn't even started preaching but I knew him said I knew that he had come the couldn't believe that he was in time they didn't know exactly what he was doing so Satan did what he could do best tempt and kill accuse tempt accuse and kill tempt accuse and kill and he caught him in the garden in the wilderness I have been to the amount of wilderness in Israel where Jesus was tempted the Mount of temptation is just outside Jericho the wilderness very hot brown the Mount of temptation there is a cable car that goes up to the mountain area of temptation pray about it and Satan God Jesus day when he caught him there he said look till that you are the son of God just prove it did now Satan is forceful you've seen the Son of God were not afraid who's that you have a son of God sure ask your real power Jesus didn't mind him three times he didn't mind him and after that he started his ministry in fact when Jesus was going into the world and as Michael and the other angels he asked them to wait everybody waits he entered into the wilderness alone to be tempted Lord Michael and others were there just fought with they were old enemies yes they're looking for him already it would have been a big battle in the wilderness jesus knew that he had to experience the temptation so when he went into the temptation it overcame and he said get out Satan he fled and angels came to minister to him the Bible says they came to minister to him when Jesus was now on the cross about to die the same devil came with almost the same weights prove that you are the son of God just come down we will join your church just come down we'll all join you never give up never giving up never said I will never give up on you trying to fight you trying to destroy you to the end if you are not wild that's why you see that it's only Israel that knows how to fight in the Middle East they they they big they're setting mind you Bob we bought we don't ask questions we just yes I'm water than you you surprised now surprise you ten times that's how they are able to stay there yes so from today you are going to be the number one and a castle pasta of swaziland Satan is going to now see a different kind of person and I'm showing you that character is how to practice anak resume number one make a great supper Wow make you see I've made a great supper all these books is a great supper is it not a great supper look at this gospel blitz its videos beautiful videos you will love them I've made a great supper mcallen I own mechanic all the ISI conferences on video I know audio sorry Makana extra all the newest camp meetings McKenna original the original camp meetings so many preaching of the evangelists yes pastors are going to learn how to preach gospel how to preach heavy in hell if you want to learn how to preach you have to get this one some of you don't know how to preach our hair one day one of my little girls church members she told she told me said Bishop today you're preaching what if I said why she said normally when were preaching about salvation I become afraid she said when if I do Bridget I become scared yeah I said today I wasn't there was no in the I was going good mood so that is why you were not afraid today but normally be afraid there was a reason that is why yes as she sees she notices it is right proper when you please people should be afraid to give their life to Christ yeah this is about their life you have to persuade them it's the evangelists 200 different different sermons different languages some of them so I've made a great supper so it's time for you to develop yourself spiritually yeah prepare a great meal in your soul so that you have something to give you cannot give if you have not received you see I'm only giving you what I have received anything I share I received that's why I'm sharing it number to invite many people a certain man made a great supper and invited many many people not just a few hallelujah amen invite many so let us now go wider invite as many let us start building bigger churches let us reach out to more people let us go to the ends of the earth and do the work of God in us as much as possible it is because we are not doing this work that is why all these ideas of business justice have turned away from the gospel and I turn into business and I'm saying here another it's nonsense and I mean it if it is replacing the gospel it is nonsense it is sense if it is business to business but a church you are chained the work of a church into the web of business you are completely imagine I come here and I start to let are you in chemistry what did you come here for did you come for chemistry lectures so when I come and I spent most of the time teaching you chemistry because I did chemistry and the doctor and I teach you about chemistry chemistry biochemistry pharmacology and so on I go to that's simply the sign that causes of this that diagnosis and so many lectures what is thought to you is that why you are here yeah so when people come to church do you God God things of the anointing of the Holy Spirit Jesus and here you come with your big bamboozling words of kind of business because you see somebody on American television that's what he was talking about but also going into abundance with whatnot and success of this and disempowerment socio-economic whatnot come on man there is so much to be done that is not being done calculate and see few people have been saying to feel you you see South Africa as if it is their Christian nation what's a stratum is a Christian nation what about Swaziland I don't know about Rosalynn you may say why Chris when you do the calculation you'll see few people are going to church is self-deception we have left the real work and we are not lettuce of tapestry cannot become a chemistry biology teacher instead of preaching the true gospel word of God come on Costas come on also money answers all things money for a purpose all those money forever where we are using any money for even getting the money to yes make a great supper and invite mini seven billion people in this world Christianity is now not the fastest growing religion in the world is not Islam it has been it has been it has been confirmed fastest growing religion in the world is Islam spreading everywhere yes in every continent fastest growing religion also we are in to empowerment financial they said what have you is solved God more than that and you see some pastors who say you know Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus spoke more about money let me spoke about anything toward a god what gnosis is that Jesus spoke more about money how did you read that Jesus Christ stop what about money that is talk about everything stop trying to twist the Bible into your greedy and grasping ideas to try to get money and you are using the Bible Jesus mental check up for them let me access your mental health I've got a doctor right here he will check for depression and schizophrenia but I want euugghhh all bonkers let's see what disease Reyes are free from bipolar disorder stop it if you want to talk about money she says don't say Jesus don't don't say don't even mention Jesus what did Jesus ever if you listen to what Jesus says about money he'll be afraid of man he said those who have said lay not a precious watch me while you are teaching 13 steps to raising Lane up more treasures 24 step to multiplying your treasures which is a don't lay up treasures jesus said jesus said you cannot save money in me we are not compatible it's not my words jesus said jesus said we shall in richmond enter into her with me the like the more money you have and the more rich you because because more difficult to go to heaven I'm surprised you say that Jesus talked about money these ideas come from these are the ideas and delusions of backslidden pastors who have laid aside the cross and I've taken up a corporate plan and taking up computers and laptop instead of taking the cross exchange across for a laptop let us prepare a feast for people let's invite many the next one never cancel or close down your ministry because you feel there are not enough people those topics don't stop and tend to other things rather go forever you see when he invited the people and people didn't come it's normal all of us experience disappointment we'll fight people they don't come as we expected them to come they don't tempt us with it that doesn't mean an away from that mission and start moving into chemistry and biology and physics and financing and banking yeah and the reason they will give me money almost the same money this was a bluff five option five new taxes I'm using for my business number two I've bought laughs number three is what I've got a marriage my rich woman woman is the cause of many problems the first sin was caused by if it's protecting the ministry so no problem if it is not working okay not that you should shift and then we are moving from going out into something else no let's go further he said go out into the middle lanes and the streets you see faster is your friends next one is lanes and streets and then he said change that type of people that you are ministering to changes the original it was your friends it was people with money before with cars people with oxen people with learned people with whatever talking about those people go for the poor now go for the men go for the heart change the type of people that you are reaching out to outreach in a different area but not as you change the message and say you are no more going out to make a sapa you've changed the Sapphire you are making a factory now now going to manufacture matches and we are going to come and factories no is the same supply I say the same suffer with the same food we are going to give the same food but we are changing our strategy and we are going further and we are going to different people and we are not going to bother ourselves with those with money those with houses those with cars those of you pastors who are just hoping to line the front row of your churches with rich people and politicians woe to you woe to you your ministry will end very quickly because those with five yoke of oxen and those with Landy are sealed people feel and most of them don't obey they don't count they don't do what we want them to do you have limit that your ministry you have limited your calling you have living that you're calling to reach people those are the people who are proud of to having you attached businessmen have to study sit in front of your church sell us of catching materials and carpets I are Ross Esser Mandy less those are the people you need to have in your church jesus said forget about is it no I look for blinding but look for people querida querida querida to the touch [Applause] people kabadi likes nobody respects bring them bring them I see today's fastest we are into having members with Lexus Lexus and Mercedes Benzes and big big things Jaguars yeah with five yoke of oxen and people wanting to ideal marriages Wow ordinary people know when they went and they came there was still room and a castle will never accept even one space you are a pastor you have space on Sunday something is wrong rise up my posture rise up my pasta and decide that every space will be filled darkness SAP to have one space go out to the highways now get onto the highways which means kaustubha a Mastretta English we West Africa ms-13 West Africa I'm a statue in West Africa I'm expecting to hear of you there never criticize anybody who come to do any work of God here don't they don't dare open your mouth I want to see you look at how far we throw flutes saved our people here almost a hundred people to fly who say they are doing so many things and money try been doing this working are you visiting that release I said we are coming to get money or we are selling whatever what can you buy to give us even 100 of what we have spent to come here it's a pity the way you think you have never fainted out of the five yoke of oxen type of people only big shots and big people with wonderful ideal marriages you see them walking together strutting husband and wife Wow you see the movies here oh we are we are having a romantic time you know we just came from our anniversary holiday we'd be mine for 12 years we are having a rollicking time you know I don't understand why people have problems in their marriages you know is it we're full of the principles of marriage number one husband like your wife number two spent time number three send love notes number four and go for walks together and laugh at it go for lunch on Sunday now saying to the marriage case man mr. ideal man you're the ideal Christian a one guy the world is perishing out there as you are having the ideal good living today every day a good life and how you are having a good life and everything is good for you people don't even know what is marriage as you adjust so you and your wife you know because of my my wife and I you know my wife and I we can we haven't come to the program as my wife and I we have a special dinner every Thursday night we go for dinner together we sit opposite each other we look into each other's eyes eyeball to eyeball and retie tell I love you she tells me mr. ideal you are the ideal Christian ideal marriage ideal everything and the world is perishing not just preparing more idealism more fantasies when the world is blinded by you you know the progress people have when we have presented we prefer the sick you see the people who come and what you see the problems you see people people are such suffering you don't know they are suffering as you're sitting you I do it Jesus said go to the highways hedges go one more go further go to the poor go to the young go to the people who don't have land don't have oxen don't have marriage don't have all these good thing they already had a child they don't have the husband they have three children without the husband they don't have a wife they have HIV they don't have anything go for those people don't go further mister man stop depending on the rich stop nearest into the region those who have things and those whose lives are ideal a lot of people who are not ideal at all like husband and wife and living happily together after ETF not seen son before they have not they have not go out go out go out and compel them compel them now he said there comes a time hallelujah you must faster people you must you must be first for if you are not forced will you never step out of your natural cycles there are some people when you just pick your phone you know who to call I call hi how you know yeah you know we'll have the program what invite you but your phone list is maybe hundred people finish what about the rest you know Christian you should complain if this country is taken over by another religion one day and you are forced to have another kind of Lord never complain as you sit there thinking that Christianity was spread by osmosis Christianity will spread by pretty only to reach people and people who have money these are the people you care for these are the only people you love these are what your heart is in why where do you get that from how did you have such an attitude is all these things from no change in the Bible why are you changing Christianity while I was filing everything Jesus what he said what he said look at the people struggling as long as there is room as long as there is room we are going to go out there no not gonna listen to the voices of backslidden men who have set aside the Bible take the words of Jesus read it if you like a day preach from the words of Jesus just preach what Jesus says that from look and preach beneath the red pad and see how long you can last and see whether you don't become afraid I'll listen on reading is it not different from how I am is it not different from how I am I tell you take your Bible read the red part and use the red part to preach and see wait if you are preaching this what will you say well ladies and gentlemen we have to reach out further and our business is to you know we have to extend to other markets in the marketplace the first market is this a yoke of oxen and others in a second marketplaces these townships and so we want to establish malls and other Wow is this the meaning the meaning of these days are breathing to established malls and other markets you are trying to expand your horizon into other markets and whatever you are calling it markets do you know that do you know the mark of the beast 666 is the Mac of trading money when you see it on a poster so he said trader he said without it you cannot buy no sir so when that mat comes on the church it comes on a pasta is the Mac of business you have you have become a trader and I'm there 660 that the mark of the beast it's the Mac of business trading is a satyr well don't take don't take what I say just go read your eminency what what market is don't be angry with me just read your Bible it's the Mac of what it's a map of what that's what my book is not a business we were having Crusades in a in a Malaysian oh I just took my I said we can't come there because not that I can come my people on the ground are in danger of being killed by your Zillow I gave them the set of my books all of the past I guess we can give it is a blessing to you we cannot come because it's not a business if it is business I will not doing it this way it is my ministry I don't want of buying and selling that stump of trading that stamp of profit I must get for I must make money that's time should not be on anything that I'm glad I don't understand I'm here for ministry I'm here to do the work of God and I tell you until you check off these impressions of riches and whatever you can never really walk away Anika's ooh under CASL go out now and compare them compare them that people have brought to church when I was practicing and I kind of just as an individual I invited them to church they say they can't come when I finally see eye on that so I wait for you to apparently for you and anyway there we go and a kazoo first make it necessary push them encourage them one of my past as he recently became a bishop the day that he was consecrated as a bishop there was one guy he said there's one point I want to remember him today as I am becoming a bishop he said yes I go out I don't know if it's him but he said it's him yeah he said this guy I was an unbeliever in my house drinking truly and he hired a taxi no not the best a little taxi like what do you call it here okay can hide a cab kept in Ghana we call it tax but inside of that he called the bus taxi cab here is taxi IRA taxi came to his house early in the morning to pick him when he got the guy said although I can't come to drag from yesterday you know really outside this Anika's were compelling the and he he put on his clothes he said I'll wait for you the texting wait wait put on his crews took him to the car when he came to church He gave His life to Jesus and that is today he's a bishop today is a bishop of many churches under CASL don't sit down and expect people to come by osmosis now people are doing outreach of evil one day I met a sister she said I'm looking for somebody's penis to suck this to me so I go out on outreach a real person I'm looking for somebody she moves into the school find a boy come near them and she she's a partridge she's on Anna Castle for evil the Bible says many mighty men has she sling many mighty men and they are seceding what about us what do we have to offer something great from God that's rise with drink 20 forcefulness and out there say I don't have clothes one of my young people I told them how to do an acausal so you can have my chit give you my no no I couldn't I also if you take my shed I wear something else the people come please okay then I come with you and they give their life to Jesus they give their life to Jesus you are the next person anointed to walk in an acausal in Jesus stand to your feet everybody tell somebody I'm ready to operate in an acausal Wow are you ready to operate in an acausal [Music] you know how my book spread no American wanted to publish my book when they saw the title losing suffering sacrifice what one American publisher said what a terrible title of the best in a West title than that the Word of God a Christian publisher Christian publisher I said no I'll publish it myself all over the world all over the world is publishing being published and there's an annuity in the book my book is like a crab you sit on the floor eating he's dead but when it gets up and starts walking walks on the screen it goes by itself yes how many have read a book and being blessed publishing recently some Americans came to Africa to come and do research to see books what books Africans are reading and they came and they said all Africans are reading American books and they said there is only one African author whose name appears on the list of books that are read by Africans and that he would Mills according to their research data via the web the web they use the word they use it there's only one African who cracked the list Crandell is like he was able to break into that list like I said the people they read is this man from America this man but it's only one Africa author they did a research in kenya angola and some other countries there's only one African who cracked the list and a canceled Wow Anna Kazu you would never have an empty church again you will never have an empty program again you never have an empty seat again Anna Kazu go out and compel them let them see Nigerians they are good at it hey you you will attend I saw a guy he made a banner and what the banner that was advertised in the program Jordan as his dress so as he walks through town he's a walking advertisement and he said the pastor said no one in this town will not be aware of this program he said everybody would know where it see the advanced cancer so when we went to Nigeria we decided to apply on a casual there hey we had people's houses we paint the whole house with the crusade from talk to downstairs and upstairs everything orange we've painted your house for you we'll get right on it so we have houses that were advertised and the houses there who say this coming Anika's ooh what a blessing some of you are only forceful about bad things today that it is a spiritual quality but Jesus said go out and show the people to come into my house may be filled the house of God insulin will be filled in Jesus name lift your hand and thank God right now oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes and also British appraisal apples very key Bravo son deliveries Douglas bling it up gross legit when we bring a star boss be jelly many giving mandola for a pallet are in the Lebanon elevator I got my God my God my God my God [Music] hallelujah father we are grateful this opportunity thanks for on a casual walk in it in Jesus name Amen you may be seated on a kazoo very important book very important word very important story very important words of Jesus Christ amen now I want to tell you something and it is in relation to all these books that are here one day I had a vision in the vision there was an army maybe a trans there was an army out on the field with listening training ammo metals a lot of metals that's what I remember a lot of metals and in the vision suddenly I got up let's say this was the army I got up and I started walking across the field so what's the army people started shouting hey you're going to be killed now wanna be killed but in that film I was still walking towards the people I was wondering myself what am i doing this we're not gonna kill me I walk towards the people then suddenly as I got to just in front of the people I put my hand in my pocket I was watching myself I put my hand in my pocket you know what was in my pocket seeds put on was full of seeds and I threw it other people when I threw it this whole section came down so Wow more seeds through this whole section came up and I keep throwing the seeds and the whole army fell down as though they were being slain by the spirit all of them the Lord told me something he said the seeds are working the seeds have called you to spread they are working and they are having impact don't stop sewing the seeds these books these books are seeds and I want to encourage everybody especially what we are calling here the materials which is that collection because every plaster must have a library you will find out these are the easiest books because God how many understand when I'm preaching do you understand when I'm preaching that's how I write because nobody writes for me even editing nobody edits my books no one ever I write myself everything if I don't write it's not written I write it no one no one writes it for me no one puts it together or anything like that right everything wait for it and I don't I like I know that people who have ghostwriter somebody writes and oh there's nothing like that so you will find this book to be a simplest book even those who don't read able to read my books how many relevant or if I were able to read my books can I have a wave so many people can say that yes so I want to encourage you especially if you don't have to get a book like why my library because you will need it at different times yes different it's like food at different times you need and you see it's so valuable why a seed this is a seed God shall be the seed you had a couple of testimonies of books look let me tell you something I know you find it difficult to believe one day I was watching a film it was about a horse this was the fastest horse in the world I don't know at what stage in life it was the owner of the horse decided one day that I my horse can run him by maybe get an accident so he decided that he will keep his horse in the house and anybody who has a female horse who wants to cross with his horse come my house will give you the seat and you give birth to a champion horse I see champions coming out of here listen listen listen to this part do you know how much he was charged for you to bring your female horse to come and have sex with his to get this seat do you know how much a child for one session either one session or one weekend or one pregnancy I didn't know how how it was done do you know how much do you know how much for one either one session one weekend or one break the season I don't know but it was one something you know how much it was two million dollars for one yes not it's not it was not a film is a documentary because something later on and the horse died and the man the owner was claiming insurance for the horse I mean that was the story was something it was a criminal thing but he was doing how the session Oh a weekend or a season whatever I don't know how they calculated it back I don't know what honey pasty pasty because some people don't get pretty well you stay there for a long time I never get him pregnant I'm sure there has to be a time by which maybe the horse will not be attracted with a new female that you've brought but when I have it I thought to myself two million dollars for a seat why because it can make all the difference to your life two million dollars per receipt God is bringing a new seat into your life through these materials all these are seats but you may not know how valuable it is a new material you know yes it goes somebody came to me with a book it was a book by Kenneth Hagin that's how I got to know Kenneth Hagin I didn't know where the man was giving me the book he was giving me all my job my life my money everything I saw in the newspaper they say I've come with my fleet of whatever class I was laughing to myself and body guys I don't have anybody yet they have bodyguards I didn't know when he was giving me he was giving me my house my car's the tracks my churches anything everything all the invitations to all the world I've been to everything in the ministry that book it was a seat that was coming into my life let us change everything may you receive that change may you receive that change become a reader even if you are not naturally a reader you see I am NOT naturally a reader but we have two types of students we have maths and science to them then acts as people are the readers did history reading those type of people like my wife is like that she cannot do much at all my wife is an Arab science so I don't like reading too much that's why my books I write this in points number one about too many things I can't I can take it are you with me God is trying to put a seat into your life that's all there's no business is you so this my great recommendation get whatever you can get those and get the mechanic for the mechanic you must have and the other ones you see you never know whether there will be a message somewhere does gonna change everything you know one day I listen to a preaching message by Kenneth Hagin the preaching what was called the greater one in you it became my favorite preaching especially you know at the end he started to speak in tongues the way you listen to messages a lot you start to like different things so the personally being preached is telling stories different is speaking in tongues one day my wife came and she made a promise is as for you and this man I thank God he was on the tip she said as for you and this man as for you and this man I was in a militia on an island called Penang Island she came into the hotel room and I was listening to him I found another active that he was speaking in tongues for a long time so I was listening to the tongues it was very nice to me you see you cannot receive from somebody you do not man when you admire your spirit becomes free and open then it's like suddenly things drop into you but when you start asking why are you what did they ask Noah why you drunk or become worried how to dance you know there's a way to dance as a king and you start to see things different you don't receive you become barren when you're relaxing and the way that clothes came of it like the clothes were anointed to anybody who touch the clothes would be blessed I wouldn't have anybody held it your other thinking that he's exposing himself the your way of thinking is twisted yes I was listening and receiving receiving receiving she keeps my father my father when he lied I went to heaven Elijah didn't say my boss my boss he didn't say my friend my friend it is a my colleague my colleague it is say my acquaintance my acquaintance he being not African and South African he said my father my father and the power of God just came on you are the next person to receive an impartation of their Monty yes I did not know when he put a book in my home he was giving me a car you know today I don't even have to think about a car it's nothing is that a sniffing he's the least I have so many checks you can buy me a car what day is today today Friday Sunday if I call puzzle buy me a take an offering to give me a I'll get so many cars new you know all our churches are the same churches one church it's not a different different independent yet nobody's independent of anybody one one church one pastor one shepherd worldwide from my last car to do to keep town yes one shepherd one flock that's why we don't mind if this judge move to this one we don't mind was the same church yeah when he gave me the book he was giving me even he was giving my job giving me a job the people that work for me I have nothing 50 medical doctors who work for me Buddha let me turn Rani will be surprised this person's what is a medical doctor in lawyers and bank managers working for me yes civil engineers you see the girl seven years medical school not a doctor you buy for 200 dollars into that doctor doctor from America talk about real doctor for stepping yes in school they left their jobs and they came back for me second piece you see them top class when they were giving me the book they were giving me my life as we have come here we are key I'm presenting with you life wait wait I beg you don't miss the opportunity yes because there's a time that God just says you know I'm bringing something to you this is your time don't don't joke with the book don't be familiar don't be like me cow don't be like me cow don't be like me cow otherwise you lose your chance yes and don't worry if you say I'm not a reading type then you and I will form a club after church see me we register okay yeah we are all together that's why I say keep your book in your toilet yes this book this one out of leadership all of you have this one in your toilet put it every time you go there even if you are short stay you know we have long stay and short stay even if you are short stay the chapters in this book are so short and they are so powerful that even if you are short stay you'll be blessed before you leave you know my book is like have you seen a crab on the floor and then you think it's not alive and it suddenly gets up and starts walking yes that's how the books are the first time I met a man he said I want to just translate your book into Russian Russian if somebody wants to waste his time translating my book to Russia why not so I let him do it then he started to say you know this man I don't know he didn't know him from anywhere he told me now I used to be a publisher publishing he mentioned different American said no only your books is my work yes only your books and I met a pro surfer a russian-speaking fella from UK said my chat I have so many thousand men said everybody must read this book in the church all my church is required to read in Russia amazing I'm just telling you these testimonies to make you have faith and something that possibly maybe change your whole life you are the next Tao Swaziland you didn't hear that one I said you are the next time of Swaziland and I'm gonna hear of you outside Swaziland because you are going to go to the streets the lanes the highways and the hedges hedges forests forest forest edges out of leadership put this one in your toilet when you go there whatever your project just take this one you'll be surprised I promise you God will begin to speak to you you know something listen me I didn't write my book for businessmen or for politicians but I knew that they use them yes I have met a number of bank managers one bank manager to me I use your book and at a zoo it was in a manager of an investor and back is I used the book on a castle to advance my business and I met in another business that I used megachurch when I was on a mission to establish my bank and one person went into a president's officer I saw this book of leadership on there I don't to tell you which President on the press are very huge country on his desk this book but I didn't write it for them I wrote it for you the pastors in the churches for your church is to work and click God to bless you don't let businessmen take it and benefit more than those whom it was written for are you listening to me is it a blessing is it a powerful blessing you have a lot of Chardonnay clap offering let's welcome dr. o go father thanks a million for the great blessing that has been administered to us we are so grateful a great blessing in Jesus name sit down yesterday dr. ago dr. ogle gave some envelopes now I want to say something before I leave how many realize that we are giving you things only for people realize that we are giving you things the rest you realize what more if you have realized I want I believe you were given some envelopes yesterday but I want to give you again because I know that many of you did not give a good offering I am presenting to you an envelope from your church yes from your church and from yourself give a blessing of blessing to healing Jesus crusade by our fuel by whatever it is transport be a blessing and why as you saw you will be blessed there are pastors we are busy meeting every day with various scriptures using you know I'll tell you something we went to see Rennie on it's really where our track down yes when we were in Sierra Leone elusiveness mountains is a bit like Swaziland the truck was going down and the soldiers came out no it was very stable can so just came out with guns pointing at the track so the driver was a bit scared or whatever and I think instead of to go back and the track fell came off a mountain and fell down and got destroyed it fell on a car miraculously and by the angels of the Lord nobody was hit nobody died nobody got hit even now of all the churches we were there when a church witnessed chapel witnessed chapel do you know witness trouble brought us a check or money of a large amount of money as a seat we have seen that one of your trucks have been destroyed in this journey this is blessing and I always remember know at that church you see when Paul writes this letter no other person communicated to me the man of giving and receiving except you dead Philippians therefore my God shall supply all your needs according to it's the same thing know that if he minded us all look at us winners chapel pasta he sent us a huge offering well you see there are many pastors and churches we are not even generals and if it's time to give you an evening if you know how to talk to make people give money but there are some things you can never win by just giving principles it's the examples that work the sample of your life not the principles you are teaching I'm saying this to say that sometimes you see some people you may be producer this person has money land land so I believe that many of us here have to give a good offering from your church and for whatever to show a seed in a good Minister is there a good minister is not a good ministry is it a blessing or it's not a blessing and it is your duty according to Galatians 6:6 let him that is taught communicate and with him that teacher in all good things it's a covenant so I want to encourage many of us maybe you are giving but you realize that you would like to get and give properly come and take my envelope so that tomorrow whenever tomorrow I think is the last conference you can bring the envelope come from my envelope pastors in amen you are blessed to take the fists and the best in Jesus name whatever you want to give one thousand dollars two thousand ten thousand it's a blessing - god bless you whatever you have from yourself from your check let your church so a seat so that it can be said about you that no one communicated except this one that is a blessing god bless you pastors and leaders come after more envelopes be blessed as you give today tomorrow whenever you also have to say it's one day one day you'll find yourself in a foreign country preaching and you say I remember 13 years ago a crusade happened and I went to support it god bless you god bless you we bless write a check or give a big offering a generous offering that is comparable to what you are expecting for God don't just drive a nice car be a giver those of you who have nice cars your offering must correspond if you are driving a Benz your offering must be the biggest mercedes-benz drivers please your offerings must be the largest followed by Jaguars god bless you mom bless you yes bless you and those of you who have your envelopes that from yesterday that you've brought please bring it to the front now come and put it here if you have you were given an envelope yesterday and you've brought it now just come and put it in one basket just drop it in what a blessing don't just drive a nice car give a good offering tell your neighbor I've seen your car and I realized that you are the type who has to give very good offerings so tell the neighbor I'm surprised you've not yet gone for an envelope based on the Jaguar you are driving the BMW you are driving and the level of prosperity you are displaying I'm expecting something more from you god bless you this envelope is a seed of a blessing for you sir in Jesus name you'll never be poor again after today today is the last day of your struggle in three months from this time you will be found at a higher level in Jesus name I didn't hear any image so it has passed to those outside those outside are receiving blessings can I have some more handles please amplifier with money what is this this is not a place to give offerings whose envelopes are these with this money okay maybe somebody's giving offering wait god bless you god bless you don't sit in the church without giving an offering that would be a tragedy we bless the Blessed father thanks a million of these wonderful saints of God all that you are using them to do in Jesus name
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 506
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Healing Jesus Campaign, Healing Jesus Crusade, Salvation, Miracles, Healing, Evangelism, Gospel preaching, Evangelist Dag, Work of ministry, PASTOR’S CONFERENCE, MANZINI, SWAZILAND, HOW TO DIAGNOSE BARRENNESS IN THE CHURCH, 2015
Id: c3u-TQemfQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 46sec (14206 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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