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[Music] thank you Lord in Jesus name we pray before we take our seats you want to pray about our own hearts as we receive the Word of God God is going to speak to us we are all doing ministry at different levels in different ways but there is surely a word for me and a way for you as well and it is not just God ascending away to us we also must be posted to receive the word and the Bible says that we receive the word with meekness with meekness it's an attitude it's an attitude one who pray this morning and asked the Lord for the right attitude for the right mind that would be open would be humble that will place ourselves below the weight and not above the weight so that what flows from God's vessel will pour into our lives and into our hearts shall we pray let's pray let's pray let's pray thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Father thank you Father we are so grateful to you we are so thankful to you you've made a way for us to be here this morning and we pray committing ourselves grant us a heart of openness a heart of openness grant us humility grant us humility openness Lord to receive your word thank you Lord send us away send us a word Lord send us away Lord send us away Lord send us away Lord yes we need something for our lives we need something for our ministries we want to hear from you we need to receive from you we need to receive from you send us away Lord send us away Los Cabos at a Ramos upaya da zhi mikoto robo shot mi aguh send us away let there be a change in our lives let there be a change in our lives we thank you Father in Jesus name we pray amen please be seated on behalf of the evangelists I want to welcome us all to this morning's conference amen and this conference is a pastors conference it's for the wake of the ministry hallelujah and everything that will be done here said here will be to help us as pastors church workers as vessels God is using in different ways to be well positioned to build his church amen oh I said amen I think I will kindly ask you to take a look at your phone and see maybe you've not received a call for some time but it may be on so you want to check and see if it is off or it's on mute please check your phone so that we do not disturb the atmosphere with your phone ringing because go to change how you approach church work how you approach the ministry I believe that God has something for us all and I know that my life and your life will never be the same again hallelujah are you ready this morning to receive what God has for you oh I can hear your yes there's no energy in it clap your hands for Jesus and I want us with joy and stand-in to our feet to receive God's servants evangelist Bhagwat Mills to Minister the Word of God to us let us pray father thank you for the blessing of this morning thank you for guiding us into all truth we love you we thank you in Jesus name Amen you may be seated sound I don't feel the sound up here hello yeah thank you Father in the name of Jesus amen this morning I want to share with you about the ministry you know first of all I want to say that many times we have we study things which are meant for ordinary Christians but when you are in the ministry right you must go for things that are for ministers I mean do you understand me you must go for stuff that is for ministers so how many of us here are pastors your ministers beautiful how many are not pastors but you are working in ministry beautiful thank you now when you look at the tabernacle a tabernacle of Moses brighten my sound a little and increase of volume please now when you look at the tabernacle of Moses it had three parts it had three parts the first part was where everybody could come to ordinary people and there they had the altar of sacrifice then they had the lever which was a place where you wash your hands and so on and so forth all right now after that we go to the holy place where only priests go and in this holy place where the priests go you have in this holy place where the priests go you have the shewbread so that's a bread that only proceeded I with me so when you are in the ministry there's bread that only you are supposed to eat that is ministers manner of ministers food now many pastors feed on food that what you call it ordinary Christians eat all right but it's time for you to read and feed on food that mean ministers alone can understand right now no TBN TBA television TV n yeah you know one time I was watching TV n and I felt to myself that I'm not being blessed as I should be blessed so I thought there was something wrong with me the things that were being said we're all good things and they were nice things and they were true things and they were I'm sure things from God but I realized that for me I was not being blessed but I was ashamed or afraid to say so so one day i was listening to benny hinn who was teaching a small class and he was he started to say that he does not enjoy watching TV n and does not enjoy these programs because he does not feel get blessed as he's watching them so by the word of two or more something is established and then I realized that it was a real feeling I was having that my spirit as a minister not as a Christian as a Christian is is different as a Christian you get blessed but as a minister who is into serious ministry you need to feed on ministerial things because an a minister is a step of many steps ahead of the congregation now what the Shepherd eats is different from what the sheep eat the Shepherd eats lamb chops with potatoes and steak all right but the Sheep eats grass okay you cannot compare a shepherd with a ship so if God has called you to the ministry you must eat the food of a shepherd not the food of a ship that's the reason for your weakness your muscles are not strong and your spiritual ability is not great and your strength is not what it should be because of what you eat you see now the Bible says strong meat belongs to those who by reason of use or people with experience people who by reason of use have their senses exercised same good and evil strong meat so the what has some aspects that are described as strong meat and the word God also has some aspects that are described as milk and he says as newborn babes desire sincere milk but notice that in Hebrews 5 verse 14 he says that by reason of you switches from experience you are experienced in God you've been around for some time you are supposed to eat meat no baby is kept no human you cannot say you are drinking milk if you are drinking milk every day you'll not be sitting here today you have made malnutrition problems so you see that many ministers deficient because they don't eat the strong meat hard food now the presentation that I have for you is a presentation of strong meat the books that are here and by the way there are almost 30 million of these books not 3,000 or 30,000 almost 30 million of these my books have been published as we speak all over the world yes so these are not just we are not trying to sell books personal I don't I don't get I don't n even a dollar if you buy this has no effect at all is my ministry's my work my calling you know one day I went to my my where I pray and then I sat down I was a little tired so I just sat in a chair and I was wondering what to pray for so as I was sitting there I said Lord what can I do to be fruitful as I was sitting in the chair suddenly I saw a vision in this vision I saw a hand and the hand was holding a book like this and then it disappeared this is one of the greatest surprises of my life this vision because I thought the Lord was going to show me that my greatest fruitfulness was going to be through the churches that I had planted because I have over 3,000 churches and the Lord showed me a book like this just like this so these books they are great keys for people that I don't even know yes and I know that God is going to touch your life through these books amen now the point I was making is that pasta's reading feeding on light material and you need to read things I have a book here called the act of leadership this one the art of leadership in this book one of the keys to moving forward as a leader is do hard and difficult things rather than nice and easy things do have things and difficult things rather than nice and easy things if you want to move forward because in a day you will see nice things to do and easy things and on the right side you see hard things and difficult things when I was 18 years old I had a choice to start working as a clock in my father's chambers my father was a famous lawyer my father was a famous lawyer in my country and I had a choice to start working as a clerk in his chambers I also had a choice to work in my hotel my father had the best private Hotel in Ghana at a point with the owner I also had a chance to be a jockey or a trainer of horses because my father had the best racehorses in Ghana at a point all this is at the point because everything is at a point you are also at a point yes what is your life it's a flower that appears for and goes away everybody's nice at a point at that point you are not so nice it's just you have to buy hair to be nice your niceness is finished if your nice s is not finished bring your real hair and your real face as it is don't paint it now I had a choice to do any of these three jobs but I rather choose to go to the University and study medicine which is very difficult to do medicine and I studied anatomy physiology biochemistry pathology bacteriology virology parasitology pharmacology chemical pathology obstetrics gynecology of Tom ology orthopaedics internal medicine pediatrics general surgery for seven years very hard hard and difficult and by the time I was 25 years old I was a medical doctor and I have no regrets for doing what is hard and difficult at the age of 18 then doing what was nice and easy to be a jockey or a trainer of horses something I love I love horses I used to go riding at dawn at 5:00 a.m. with my father's racehorses we'll have about 12 or 15 horses very muscular a powerful race horses that can run 15 felons 18 felons very strong horses we used to train them at dawn I used to get up at 4 a.m. and go training I will write one of the horses very strong horses yes I enjoyed it but instead of doing what I I had the joy of doing I did what was hard and difficult and it moved me forward in life I by now I will be feeding grass to cows and horses yes so it's important that you modify your diet now some time ago I was writing books you know and a man came to me and said that he's going to give me a topic to write because he was a publisher immediately I sensed the devil not he was not the devil but I sensed the devil some way and he was going to give me a topic that people would be interested in to buy look I am NOT trying to write things for people to buy you see and that is why if you look carefully at the books I'm trying to explain some few things about this material before we carry on if you if you if you look carefully at the material there are no Milky Way chocolate messages here this is not a milky way chokolate message are you with me yes it's not for happiness is for ministry yes take a book like this how you can preach salvation it's for pretty easy salvation is lovely for Christians to buy it's awkward to buy you know is for how to preach it every night to say I preach one of these days 110 of them and every night I choose one of these and I preached from it yesterday night I preached from this book how you can preach salvation yes and if you listen to yesterday nice message is a beautiful message on salvation come with your burdens come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest salvation pure salvation and followed with signs and wonders Alleluia so this is not for ordinary creature that's what I was saying that your diet your spiritual diet must change start chewing the hat boots the hat things and watch yourself moving forward faster than ever in the ministry and take another book like this this one losing suffering sacrificing and dying this is the topic of a book you know it used to have an isotopic that this book I had initially when I wrote it I called it take up your cross pass sounds like that take up your cross follow Jesus but I realized at the point that message is not clear so I changed the message and made it to be Claire losing suffering sacrificing and dying it's not fun when you have to be serious to buy this book yes and one day I was in America and there was a lady there who was a publisher and these books were on display not these ones but some of them including this one when she saw the title she remarked to the whole conference this is the West title of a book that I have ever seen now the reason why such a woman would say something like this is because they are doing business and trying to get many people to buy books you see they say that when Christianity went to Rome it became an institution and when it went to America it became a business so many people have Christianity as a business and for a business you have to do something sweet that makes everybody buy but trying to make you buy you're buying or not buying this book has no effect on anybody here is an only effect on you amen now God wants to bless you mightily the the way to have power in the ministry is to preach the cross of Jesus Christ the Bible says the preaching of the Cross is the power of God if you want power in your life real power you need the cross and the message of the Cross and the message of the Cross is the message of losing not winning losing Jesus that if you lose your life of my sake you will gain it is the message of suffering there is nothing like genuine Christianity without suffering within you take out suffering you are preaching deception we will have to suffer the Bible says in Philippians 1 verse 27 we are taught not only to believe of as 29 we are called not only to believe in him yes and to you is given not only to believe in the behalf of Christ but also to suffer for his sake we are called not only to believe your column is not only to believe if you think your column is to believe only then your understanding of Christianity is very limited and that is why Christianity is decreasing while other religions are increasing all over the world I don't know about Namibia and Christianity is not as powerful as it ought to be yes because we've taken away the importance of suffering for Jesus Christ amen yes they're sacrificing present your bodies sacrifice not only sacrifice even living you know the first time when I first began to watch wildlife I was horrified at some of the things that happened and one of the things I saw one day I was not happy at all but it reminded me of the scripture of the living sacrifice you know a Buffalo was running away from some lions so he ran into some water which was not very deep but he got stuck there so when the Lions followed him into the mud they realized that the Buffalo was stuck so instead of going to the front of the Buffalo to try to kill it they decided to eat him alive from the back so they just act the Buffalo from the back to the at him he was alive and they just at him peacefully from the back the meat of the bottoms and everything became physically alive so it's not about tying to sacrifice but living and being sacrificed and that's what the Bible is telling us as believers yes that we are a living sacrifice unto God which is wholly acceptable and reasonable Wow reasonable service so without the ministry and the presentation of the truth of sacrifice we are not having reasonable average ministries today what is preached in churches how to prosper surpass this we are prosperity preachers how to prosper abundance without limits how to have a good life happy life how to make your first million dollars how to be rich in one way or another always talking about money you have the pastors of today pastor if you are preaching all about that you are a sick pastor you are sick I came to tell you you are you are sick mentally and spiritually sick that is not the gospel if you want to talk about money go and go to some kind of financial institution to talk about money every day this is not the place for that yes we have a lot of sick people behind the pulpit who are preaching out of the a spiritual sicknesses nonsense about getting rich all the time Jesus did not come to make us God so loved the world that He gave His only because whoever believes in Him should be rich and have houses and cars oh not true not true not true you are you need to go to the spiritual hospital and get yourself diagnosed if I came to diagnose you you need to be treated of your spiritual madness you Ahmad I tell you but spiritually mad yes yes nobody who said God is not blessed all the people who said God he blesses them he prospers them if we were not prosperous we could not come to Namibia to preach because we have been asked not to take offerings is the only country that we have ever been to it is the 26th country in Africa that we have health campaigns is the only country that we have had to say that we don't take offering and it's not a blessing it shows the weakness of the church and of the fastest that even that God for the government to be able to come in and even for pastors to prescribe something like that and somebody's coming to preach you tell the person don't take an offering it's like they are now telling us what to do when we are having a spiritual activity some as an external person who tell you what to do and what you should not do is also tell us not to have communion they also tell us not to have commune let's also tell us when to pray don't pray for more than five minutes don't pray for mother tastes good for people to pray for too long yes it shows the weakness of the process and the weakness of the church when the government would tell you what to do when you should be telling the government what to do or even the fastest can even have the audacity to come together and tell people that don't pray for the sick don't do this don't do this when you are having your spiritual service whether the service is under a roof or is in the open air how that what difference does it make but it shows the weakness yes and the sickness of the chechen of the pastors and the leadership yes but if we did not have money I think we could come here we you know why we've driven our convoy from we are coming from darkness Allah welcome from you can awake away from where idiom in Gulu the top where endearment comes from that's what we've given to different countries that we come in now the Last Crusade we have we have people all the flown here with money well Olivia nobody is giving us any house here to stay nobody's paying anything here or in any of the cities we are in nobody is giving us food or money or anything we come at our own expense we are conducting our own program here and somebody can tell us don't pray don't have communion don't take offering don't do this don't do this don't do this it shows the weakness of the church and shows the prosperity of the organization which has come if we were not prosperous we could not come here so when I tell you to preach about that you are preaching about money it is madness to preach every day about money it's not that will not prosper everywhere not prosper oh yes more prosperous than us then we got ok go to Zimbabwe and have a crusade so that I see that you are anointed and you are prosperous when you put next on habit to say that I already know you are cold and now you are prosperous and are your message of prosperity is working across the border go next door and preach and goal is I'm gonna is just here I've never seen you having a crusade in Angola mercy so please know that this message is strong mix yes change your diets when you are reading the Bible you see things in the Bible that seem to be against you read it more don't quickly move to some some I mean 91 or some other sound that is in your favor read one more said lord I am not moving from this scripture I'm staying here till you speak to me yes you you will find yourself advancing in ministry when you take on what is hard and difficult rather than what is nice and easy and you find that in this book can you tell me which chapter it is the art of leadership do what is hard and difficult rather than doing what is nice and easy chapter what is it please yeah beautiful amen now I'm just introducing a few bits of material and this book is called victory secrets victory now which victory are we talking about we are talking about victory in ministry victory in ministry chapter 21 of this book it's doing hard and difficult things rather than what is nice and easy art of leadership is the name of this book the art of leadership it is a very famous and blessed book you blessed when you start reading and feeding now victory secrets this is about victory in your ministry amen why you must enjoy victory in your endeavors you see God has called us to serve him now in my small world when I send somebody one of the things I don't want is for people to come back to me to tell me the reasons why things are not possible you understand I am expecting you to come back and tell me how you overcame the problems that you met but not to come and give me the list of problem that you've met the reason that I sent you is because I know that there are big problems day and you are expected to overcome these problems on the ground and not come back with stories about how things are not working God doesn't want people to come back to him and tell him that only maybe is poor oh and the media we don't have this Oh in Namibia the people are like this over here we have this oh yes I know what we are interested in hearing Namibia is just another field every country has a lot of problems if you don't know then is because you don't travel that is why you don't know the problems in the world yes if you go to Nigeria you see problems you cannot even imagine yes 150 or 180 million people with a lot of oil and very poor people the whole country is full of poverty and mix up with amazing things you have never seen or imagined before oh yes one day I was in Nigeria having a crusade when suddenly all the police came around with guns on the stage and I was one of us while I was preaching there was a bank robbery going on some meters along the route live oh yes oh yes it's a different place and you see God is expecting you not to come back two stories why you cannot do his work because of this because of that because of that no go to South Africa and the problems that are in South Africa you don't want to have them here yes very dangerous country I was speaking to one pasta he said to me I have a problem he does not live in South Africa he lives in Mozambique he said I have a problem my father does not want to come to visit us I said she said no my wife's father is a relative of a bishop or an act Bishop and not be shot by a bishop in Ghana Catholic bishop and he said this Catholic bishop went to South Africa and when he left the airport in a car the car was attacked on the way he was wearing his he was wearing his Catholic regalia and the thieves robbers accosted him and they told me he said she's officially bishop and so what they beat him they change the cross yes and the father of my missionary is a relative of closure of this act Bishop is afraid of such freaking go there yes the problems they have you may not want to have it here if you go to America you'll see another set of problems or England or Europe where it's becoming student and Gomorrah when I was leaving England the last time I saw a big flag I thought it was a country on the terminal the airport Heathrow Airport I thought it was a country not knowing it was the flag of homosexuality gay flag cluster only they were happy celebration a nation which is celebrating a method of having sex a national flag must mount and trans to the mass to the nation yes a method of having sex and it stopped now in the schools to children people I've been demonstrating that you are you are impacting that knowledge and that minds to children one of my process came home in distress said that child they went to school the ten year old child was they changed the child from being a girl to a boy or a boy to a girl at the age of ten in a class now in the mists of obvious God is expecting you to be victorious and to minister yes in the midst of every difficulty in every country and that is why this book victory secrets of victory becomes important how to have victory in different areas of your ministry and of your life how to be a good general a good general this book is called the title of this book is a good general one other things you notice is that you don't have many books with these titles a good general what is a general and general is a fighting leader and when you have pasta you are a fighting leader you always be fighting til you die you know one day a pastor's wife you know this woman was quite something I wrote a book for pastors wives where is it huh yeah this is only for pastors wives the beauty the Beast and the pasta the beauty the Beast and the pasta so if you are not a pasta or a pastor's wife don't buy this book it's not for ordinary cuz its meat yes he strongly this is not about taking pictures husband and wife taking pictures and posing with pictures in the front of the church that is milk the meat of it is that many you see appearing happily on a picture together is not a proof of a happy marriage yes that is not proof of a happy marriage and the long marriage is also not proof of a happy marriage and the milk of it of the marriage is husband's love your wives wives submit yourself to your husband that is the milk the meat of it is something else where Paul said that many people you know he would wish that many would not marry and be just like himself as the meat is a key key yes that indeed many people are not helps to their husbands at all they are hindrance you see the milk is that behind every great man is a great woman but the reality is that behind many great men are difficult women the meat of it all the true so I have a special book this and you know Jesus even advocated the need to leave your wife sometimes does the meat yes yes why your daughter is very divided or she leave a while Luke was the best help me dr. Luke I want to show you the best because I can't see something that I would out of this and either this find it for me gone out of my mind now that's the beach so a good general as a fighting leader and pastas need to eat meat and learn how to be a fighter amen and then this book says what it means to be as wise as a serpent yeah Matthew 10:29 yeah look 18:29 yes not the one I want verily I say unto you this is the meat but there is no man that has left his house or parents or brethren or has left his wife or children for the kingdom of God's sake that was going to happen to him he'll be punished no he will receive a reward for leaving his wife and his family and his children yes please if you want to be angry be angry with the Bible don't leave me out of leave me out of it I have nothing to do with this he will receive money food more in this present time and in the well to come life everlasting yes there are indeed but you see because what I'm saying that there are things you are to share with ministers is talking about the ministry no more preaching that we teach in the church we teach husband's love your wives that was important be faithful love them care for them write notes to them send messages take them out spend some money be nice be a good man we response to provide don't be lazy get up and work out this is what we teach Molly in church but there is a level you get it I'm talking about I started by talking about strong meat look 18 29 it says there is no man I tell you and there are situations like that that a person may have to leave his house his parents his brethren [Music] Oh children for the kingdom of God's sake yes and he's going to get a reward amazing so all these are part of the Bible but it's not everyone who is ready to receive something like this are you with me yes so today I'm sharing with you that pastors need meat if you want to grow you need meat yes you need to change your diet you know one day my father's horses we're in the stables my father had a large table with many horses so one day I went there they used to won't cut grass for the horses every day they were eating but one day when I came I saw something new that they were feeding them it's called gimmick oh yeah a nickel not nomicon gimmick on little little little hot corn and I said oh this one they give it to the racehorses it helps them to be strong to run well and I realized that the diet has changed because of the racing and pretend to do well yes the diet changed so today your diet is changing amen now turn with me to Matthew chapter 16 and let us read verse 19 Matthew 16 verse 19 okay now these people are so good they have this beautiful screen thank you so much what does it say I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven now what he is saying this is also again for ministry God wants to give you keys what are you going to do with these keys you are going to do things in heaven and things on earth in other words you will achieve things in the heavenly realm and you will achieve things in the earthly realm to build a beautiful church like this is an achievement - its you achieve things in the heavenly realm and you achieve things in the physical earthly realm all right now without the keys don't expect to achieve those things okay you need the keys that make you an achiever spiritually and physically because we are as we are seated in heavenly places but we are also here in OSHA kotti so God wants to place in your hands the ability to actually that's what you bind shall be bound you know it's not it's not talking about ropes or strings there's nothing to tie what you tie in life there's nothing to tie or bind in that sense it's talking about letting things work and restricting things you don't want to restrict it you don't want to be around loosing is to let things flow and work and binding is restricting negative things that are not good for your life or that are not good for your ministry so the power to let things work and the power to restrict the enemy or restrict what you don't want is given to someone and is given by the keys you need to have a key are you with me what is this key Luke 11 verse 52 let's find exactly what these key how many want to know what these keys are are you sure you want to know what these keys are left it's where Jesus tells us what the key is it says woe unto you lawyers for you have taken away the key of knowledge the key of knowledge the key of knowledge so here in this scripture we see that knowledge is a key you know I was just talking about the keys of the kingdom and we are seen right here that what is a key what is the key knowledge knowing things is a key when you have a key you can do the great things Jesus was speaking about you can achieve spiritually and achieve in the F amen now knowledge is a master key for anyone that is why these books and the knowledge that it brings not only the books by the preaching which can be found in something we call them maconel that's why I came to share with you what God has given me as a great revelation that has built many churches now some years ago when I was just 25 years old I became a pasta all right now when I became a pastor I was entering what is called the pastoral ministry pastoral ministry being a shepherd this book says what it means to become a shepherd what it means to become a shepherd and this book says the art of shepherding very good book the art of shepherding and this one says transform your pastoral ministry transforming change it transform the way you work as a pastor now when I became a pastor I was actually a medical student can you believe it I was actually a student in university now I was a student but now a pasta of just a few people about 20 people 25 people now I had a dream and my dream was I want to have 100 members this was my life school and I said Lord if I can achieve my goal of having a hundred members then I can die because I have achieved my goal of having 100 members because I couldn't see how I would ever have a hundred members if I can have a hundred members and I'm ready to die yes I prayed with all my heart with all my life to achieve the goal of having 100 members now the Bible says that I will give you the key of knowledge you see the key to achieving something in the spirit and on earth is the key of knowledge or if you like wisdom or any in that category why because it's also a spirit knowledge is a spirit so I needed to know how to be a shepherd how to be a pasta in some languages there's the same word used for Shepherd is the same word used for pasta you get it like in the Yoruba language Swahili as well you you you don't have two words for pasta and Shepherd here - what do you say here woah fitta on Vita on theta is pasta and on Vita is Shepherd yeah so the shepherd is a pastor but how to be a good shepherd you know I was really seeking to be a good shepherd but the key was knowledge so I found young he chose David Young eachother a pastor of the largest church in the world and became interested in how to become a pasta of more people now we did a short time accomplished hundred members to my amazement and then I pray to God please forget about my earlier prayer of dying after having 100 members how many one got to forget some of your other prayers [Music] yes now our church was in a little room a little classroom you know in a school a classroom in a school and all that I wanted was to achieve coming out of a classroom and being able to move into a canteen which was nearby alright and this was a great achievement to be able to move there so I move we were able to move from a corridor a classroom to a corridor to a canteen now whilst we were at this contained we had pressure to leave the canteen because the canteen was also in the middle of the hospital and they said we were making noise we cannot stay there we have to leave so we didn't have money the maximum money we had was $70 and we didn't even take offerings you see knowledge is very important in ministry knowledge what to do you know a brother came to see me because now we needed to buy a building which in our currency cost about 35 million of our currency all right now in our church we didn't know how to get money because I started the ministry from the point of being a medical student and as we are medical students we didn't need money because we were not in the ministry for money and then I became a doctor I were not in a ministry for money when the Ministry for ministry so offering was not something we took seriously and we didn't know what what you use the money for if we took our offering we had no nothing to do with money we were happy in our capital having a church there was no nothing we need it you understand yeah but then suddenly our church was under threat of blows down every church here who does not have a building listen to me I'm prophesy to you your church is under threat of being finished closed down take it from me I am commissioning you to build church buildings don't be happy to rent little spaces okay you must build a church in Luke in Luke II the Bible Jesus became to see Jesus because he has built us a synagogue don't be happy to have your church without a building otherwise your ministry will not last long jesus said I have ordained you John 15cc and called you and ordained you that you may go forth and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide how can your food abide if you don't build a building so get to the job and stop having big cars without a building drive a big kind expensive commode kids but you don't have a church building and you have pasta in the huts or a pasta in a tent you know you need to rise up and do better you cannot have weddings in a tent every day you have a wedding in a tent nothing is developing this is very serious anyway so our church was under threat of being closed down so a brother came to see us to see me and he sat me down and told me you need to take offerings in your church seriously and the actually sucked me down and showed me how to take the offering you know and then to take tides this book is called wine on tithing Christians become poor it's actually a book about tithing and it's the only one of all the books I've ever written that God gave me in a dream I was in France and the Lord gave me a dream I woke up in the morning and the Holy Spirit spoke to me write a book on tithing I said Wow tithing what a topic I don't want to write a book on time this book is a master key to your church's finances you know God has not called pastors to be businessmen a lot of processes they they're so happy to say they have a crossover appeal you know I have a business I do this I do that I do that I'm not excited about that I'm excited about doing what Jesus said you know and living the way Jesus said we should live as in the ministry our our income is to come from tithes and offerings that's how we live we don't live by charging registration fees and charging it what do you call taxes or entry fees and so on no one on one was that something you have in Namibia you know so this brother showed us this master key and I decided to do what he said he actually taught us how to have envelopes how to take offerings how to do tithes I mean everything and he eat children as I do this nun in front of your checks take it like this hold the envelope let people pay tithes do this do that many things he said and I decided to do it God blessing yeah he's dead now but he helped us you know so I decided to do what he said and although we had only $70 and we needed $100,000 at least we were able to get this money with and actually buy a building through a secret of knowledge secret of knowledge it says he looked 1152 won't to you lawyers you have taken the key of knowledge knowledge is a key look at mark chapter 6 verse 2 mark 6 and verse 2 beautiful now when the Sabbath day was come Jesus began to teach in the synagogue many hearing him were astonished saying from whence hath this man this wisdom and what wisdom is this which is given to him that such mighty works wrought by his hands okay from whence has this man these things where did he get these things from you see and what wisdom is this which is given to him that even such mighty works do you want to do mighty works mighty works are the fruit of wisdom what wisdom is this what wisdom is this what wisdom is this what wisdom is this that such mighty words are wrought by his hands how many want to do mighty works for God yes if you want to do mighty works for God it's going to take a certain wisdom and a certain way of thinking Matthew 13:54 Matthew 13:54 alright guys I thought you were fast guys or not yeah when he was coming to his own country he taught them in their synagogue and some other they were astonished and said same thing whence has this man this wisdom and these mighty works Wow so today marks the beginning of your season of mighty works and you are going to do mighty works through the wisdom and the key of knowledge some 104 that's 24 some 104 verse 24 what does it say all Lord how manifold are thy works how what manifold is an old word which means plenty plentiful how many want to have plentiful works plentiful works for the Lord you see how plentiful your works now in wisdom in wisdom again notice in wisdom thou has made them all you made these mighty works through wisdom the earth is full of thy riches so when you look at the earth you see the riches of God and the riches of his wisdom and the greatness and the power of the world that we live in is made by the wisdom of God which the only finding out little by little now you know the wisdom that God has had all along to make this world we are just finding out little bits of it every day we find out something new about power you know look at the Sun the Sun is so far you know the Sun if you if you if you look at the Sun the next planet is mercury and then after that you have Venus and then we have us the F ok so when you when you go to the mercury you see the sun's quite big then you come to Venus it's still smoke that's more like it is here it looks like like the Sun looks like the Sun when you are in on Venus because Venus is our sister planet is near to us Venus is like a beautiful girl who is not nice to marry you know because Venus is beautiful he was named after the goddess of love she looks very the most beautiful is that is because we call them more the evening style the morning star she was named after goddess of love but when you go to Venus you find out that the temperature is 450 degrees that's why it's not nice to Mary because when you get nearer is changes is everything is different I mean who would like to live in 450 degrees Celsius sister Venus you get what I'm saying don't call your child Venus I tell you yes and the pressure the atmospheric pressure in Venus is about is like the pressure of going and the water how many have ever swum and you go under the water and your ears begin to press years like you just go down to 10 feet 12 feet it starts to break now the pressure on Venus is like going down more than one mile there's a kind of pressure on Venus yes and by the way it's raining in Venus all the time but it's not raining water is raining acid and as it is as sulfuric acid so that's why I told you don't marry Venus is very beautiful just look and don't go near isn't it there's somebody here you are seeing somebody that is like a Venus to you don't marry that person because when you get into it you'll be shocked passing will be falling on you every day and the pressure that you be under you'll never be happy in this life as she caught us abaya de la ba na as we keep going further away from the Sun to the next one will be Mars and Jupiter and Saturn and so on when you look at the Sun the Sun becomes just a little star because actually the Sun is a star so if we want to ever know what a star is like it's like the Sun it's only small stars now look at the earth full of stars the world full of stars so far there is no technology that can ever take a human being there some of the stars are 650 miles light-years that means that when it it gave out the light it took six fifty years for the light to come so when you look at the style you are seeing what it looked like six hundred and fifty years ago you are not seeing how it looks like today you are looking at what it looked like in the year twelve what is what what are we in 2090 like 12 19 yes that's how it looked like a lot twinkle you saw was in 1219 it's now reached us here at the speed of light so great is the universe so great is God and that's what he's saying how manifold are thy works how did you make all these things how do you make in wisdom has now made them all and the earth is full of thy riches so God is going to use you to do great work like you are going to build churches you are going to evangelize you're going to win souls you are going to go you're going to fulfill the Great Commission well prosper in the ministry how are you going to do these things in which what wisdom is this Matthew 13:54 maxixe - what wisdom is this that is given that such mighty weight mighty works mighty works in the ministry are done through wisdom through wisdom knowledge understanding don't under estimate the power and the impact of a book a tip on the knowledge of God it changes you you don't know things that is why you can do things you don't know things that is why you can't do things yes you don't know things that's why you are not doing things proverbs 3 that's 19 proverbs 3 19 quickly the Lord by wisdom by what wisdom has founded the earth beautiful wisdom has founded the earth the Lord by wisdom yes used wisdom to create and to make things the beautiful things we are seeing they have made a wisdom of God so I want you to decide to become seekers of knowledge and wisdom it's going to change your ministry amen now I want to give you two master keys to wisdom one of them is in my book here the art of leadership all right and in this chapter it says if you cannot lead then you cannot read if you cannot read you cannot lead if you cannot read you cannot lead sorry now somebody said if you want to hide a secret from an African you put it in a book he will never see it now reading is very important Daniel chapter 9 and verse number 2 let's relive maybe verse 1 and 2 in the first year of Darius who was made King best - in the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books I understood by what by books a man the number of the years wore off well of what dr. Reed is for me please the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books II the number of the years where of the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the Prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem Wow I understood by the books now listen to me box the way you are going to understand or have understanding and knowledge yes books through books your ministry will escalate and dramatically change trust me trust me on this one books a book is the secret of the great magnification of your calling and your ministry without books is it Daniel was a prophet equally but even as he was a prophet he was also reading books even though he was having amazing visions today people call themselves prophets and are not reading books a real prophet of the other of Daniel is a reader of books look at it hi Daniel I understood by books I understood more secrets and mysteries in the ministry and I want you to determine listen I'm going to tell you a story are you interested in my story this is a story that I found shocking now in this story it is the story of Martin Luther how many have heard of Martin Luther now Martin Luther was a priest we have all heard of him but he was an ordinary priest in fact he was a failing ordinary priest priest because he was not successful in fact the first time he tried to do communion it failed and there was a scene and you know he was so embarrassed and his father was embarrassed now salvation in those days by the Catholic Church was by paying penances and doing certain things for instance you have to see certain things in room then you'll be saved or experience certain things and then your salvation comes for instance I was once in Cologne how many new cologne cologne is in the center of Germany and I went to a big Cathedral which has been there for hundreds of years in fact it was the only building left standing after the Second World War because the pilots left it they did not bomb bit so that they would use it as a guide to know where they were so they bombed everywhere around it and left only that cathedra so that they use it to tell their way that we are in Cologne now so we come bump here and leave this one now this Cathedral when I visited this Cathedral you know it was big magnificent and all that but at the very beginning of the Cathedral where the priest stands I saw something shining in the air and something golden so I thought what is that but I was walking slowly because in this Cathedral you have people buried you know tombs all along you know they buried them in the church so you have tombs so when you go to Westminster the cathedrals and so on they have people buried including people like the man who brought evolution was his name Darwin and others they are all in the church yeah amazing yeah now when I got walked slowly to the beginning of the church I saw you wouldn't believe what how many will be surprised I what I'm about to say you're going to be surprised I saw three golden coffins suspended right over the puppet area in the in the air held up Bolden puffins I've never seen ago look I've seen coffins but not golden this was golden coffins three of them held up in the air and surrounded by a special glass casing so I said wow this three people must be more special than the others who are buried in the ground because these ones are up in the air and they are suspended in gold yes so I asked who are these what what have they I mean what special and you know what I was told I was told that these are the three wise men who came to look for Jesus when he was born yes so I said how can this be then that's why we found out that you see the Catholic Church has all these different things when you see them then you receive salvation so they were going to Rome to see you know there were half milk there so this is milk is from Bavarians breast when you see it all you taste it maybe you you'll be saved this is a tooth from Daniel in the lion's den one of the Lions had a tooth and you can have it then there was there was a special staircase called the Santa Scala which means the stairs on which Pontius Pilate stood when he was judging Jesus when he was saying Jesus you know you choose Barabbas over these de steps he stood on was called a Santa Scala so if you can walk on it you'll be saved many many many things now this is the environment in which Martin Luther King - and he was struggling with all these things now one day you know he was asking so many questions and the priest said no this Martin Luther is a problem priest so let us solve the problem of this problematic priest and send him to the Bible school so that he becomes a lecturer and there we'll have peace because he just has to teach the same things all the time so he was sent to the Bible School you can read the stories history so when he went to the Bible School he was given his lecture topics do you know what his leg cut off his world Romans lecture from Romans lecture from officials which he had never read before he the priest was never read the Bible and then Psalms the book of sounds so when he started reading to prepare for his lectures that is when he saw scriptures like we are saved by grace and by faith I received not by turning on the scientist Allah or seeing the three wise men or drinking milk from the veggies breasts yes oh by pain Amen so then he said if you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth you shall be saved and we were surprised we are saved by grace not by works of righteousness but by His grace alone Wow so he kept reading this and he was shocked as he was reading so after he decided to so he was just lecturing then at a point he got to the place where you know he started he was becoming sure of what he was really said now what I'm reading is different from what I'm doing so after two years he came to the church and summarized his teachings you see a would never benefits you until you are able to reproduce it in a way it hasn't really benefited you so when he put it there that started what we now know as the Reformation and he became the world-famous Martin Luther you know if Martin Luther had wrinkled all of us will be Catholics today there was only one church in the whole world called Catholic Church as I believe in the Holy Catholic Church the whole church was a Catholic Church till Martin Luther King now has so many different churches so you see your ministry is changing you become a worldwide phenomenon by what a book I read in a book you have already in your hands yes so books have master keys to the change of your ministry the change of your life there's a book Martin Luther's ministry was changed now many of us here don't know the value of a book and a seat amen Luke 8:11 now the parable is this the seed is the word of God the seed is the word of God it is a seat into your life a book is like a seed into your life very very valuable sha la muchacha la vaca balland Arava many years ago somebody gave me a book by Kenneth Hagin a man a prophet called Kenneth Hagin and I read this book and when I read the book I said wow what other book is there by him and I started to listen to his preaching and it's changed my whole life and my whole ministry in fact I have these books here called the anointing touching the anointing yeah is one of the topics I preach about a lot steps to the anointing the sweet influences of the anointing they are all different touching the anointing and they anointed and his anointing now what is it all these anointing words what are they for very important you know in acts 10 verse 38 the Bible says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good and healing you cannot do good and heal without the anointing you cannot miss this this is this scripture is a an encapsulation and a summary of your ministry acts 10:38 God anoints you number one number two you have the Holy Ghost and power number three you go about you travel a good minister travels the reason why you are having immediately ministry immediate ministries that draft like ministry or a non growing thing is because you don't travel many Libyans don't travel so you are cut off from the world that you should not be cut off from because the body of Christ is the body of Christ the Christ body is the body all of us make up the body including Catholic Church is the body of Christ every Church mix of the body of Christ all our mistakes all our successes are joint successes and joint failures is because you are cooled off you are developing abnormalities in the church because you are not exposed to other things and because you don't travel and so you are developing abnormalities and sometimes deformities because you are ticked off in a little world a little well that you know about the only world you know and it creates abnormalities and that is why God brings seeds from outside you know one day I have cows you know I just had eight cows I put them somewhere in a big space there and at the point I became worried at what was happening with my cows because I had only boo do you see and so this boo was the husband of all the other eight cows you understand now in nature you see the number of the ratio of women to men rarely do you have a ratio of one to one in nature it's one to a number of females yes in nature and it's a teaching browse it does not even nature teach you yes as well as difficult sometimes to be married because you see that you are struggling against nature yes it does not even nature itself teach you anyway back to my topic with my cows do you want to hear my story about my cows listen carefully is a very important story now after some time I saw that my cows were all giving birth all the eight most of them had babies now the babies grew up and some of the babies baby cows where main cows or male cows to understand so when they grew up one day I saw the son the son of one of the cows jumped in on his mother then I realized that the mother was pregnant with a son you understand what I'm saying yes and it was like I said no how can this be and this this one is jumping on the ante on the mother children it was too much so I killed all of them I said no you you have to die now you see where you don't have a seat from outside it even creates abnormalities yes that's what we call incest where a brother is giving birth with them a sister you know they don't have anything from outside so you just they just marry internally one time I went to preach somewhere and there were so many strange diseases on stage strong will come as family everybody is deaf and family will come everybody is blind a family come with strained deformities so one medical doctor told us that there's a lot of incest in that area and it had led to all these abnormalities now in the church world there is a lot of abnormalities because there is no outside wait or outside seed is a CEO in tell now you keep on with your little teachings and your little doctrines internally nothing comes from outside so you are now forming deformities groups of blind members groups of deaf and dumb members groups of deformed members and deformed pastors deformities everywhere because you have no external feet it's true and this is something that happens in denominations in churches and in places you realize are you are cocoon off and no external powerful seed has come into your life and that's what happened you know when Martin Luther received the book that changed his life he was actually receiving a seat from outside very important so today we are bringing you a seat a powerful seat yes that is going to change your life it's gonna change your ministry is going to change everything if you are open to receiving you know I never knew that seeds were so valuable I have a story to tell you shall I tell you that story are you sure one day I watch a film a documentary about a famous horse this was a racehorse that was winning all the races and one day they owner decided that my horse is too dangerous for the hospital run in the race because they were so fast and so good that if something happens in the race fall down it gonna be a problem so he decided to take his horse and keep his horse in the stables and put it in a field all right then he made a big sign and advertised anybody who wants to have to cross my horse have sex with my horse like you have a horse female you can bring those my horse is a powerful very famous racehorse and he is available for weekends each weekend you pay and you can come for a weekend to cross Wow now just the seat of that horse do you know how much he was charging how much how many people want to know how much he was touching for the seat of the horse are you sure you want to know he was charging two million dollars US dollars for a weekend you can come to cross with your horse to have sex for two minutes I don't know if there's any process you do has a charging to hunt two million dollars for once session hey two million dollars for a state justice see that shows you how valuable it is for you to get a book into your life into your life a seed into your life a seed into your life more than two million dollars worth yeah just a seed you know many years ago Kenneth Hagin hours are home when somebody brought me this little book and I read it and I said wow what a blessing now because of that that was in not have been like 1979 when I first got into or 1980 and I started to read his books now when I was in medical school something happened to me in my final year God did not allow me to finish medical school without doing something you know in the medical school we have to go to the village to work for one month so that we are trained in rural medicine so I went to this town and I had to do so many things like go to the slaughterhouse do immunization for children go to other smaller villages I did everything I was supposed to do and I had extra time so I started to pray a little more and wait on the Lord now one night I was in this room in this hospital in my room and I was I was just praying so I knelt down by my bed like this and Kenneth Hagin was preaching in a tip that was just down by the side there was she was preaching all night long because it was auto-reverse in those days we used tapes so it goes here then it comes back it goes yes so it was on all night all night from morning I mean from this way then it goes back was this Kenneth Hagin preaching and I was kneeling on my pair like this and I fell asleep don't be sad right yeah I know you're not surprised because it happens to a lot of us we fall asleep when we are praying so but anyway I fell asleep but I woke up again and this was about 2 a.m. and I was praying like this and suddenly something jumped out of the tape yeah and entered my belly and then I had a voice and a voice said from today you can teach from today you can teach yeah and then another voice said and I will I will prove it to you yeah this was in 1988 I was 25 years old 1988 and I tell you he has proved it to me Here I am standing 30 years later and almost 30 million books yes my ministry is quite similar to what Kenneth Hagin was doing when he died he had 63 million books published yes and many many many pastors read these books many all of other words some of you have read before I came true are not true yes you see the anointing is it's from the seat that was introduced to me if somebody gave me this book it was like God was giving me at the day the man gave me the book I didn't know he was giving me my churches you know I have so many churches I I don't need to work again for the rest of my life I have enough churches to look after me all my churches are my check they are not franchises and it's not like KFC you know that is there's a different owner for each one no no no it's not like that it's the same church everywhere with buildings and cathedrals all over the world literally oh yes so when the man gave me the book like this I didn't know he was giving me he was giving my sketches it was giving me my ministry it was giving me my event you giving me the crusade just a book like this now hold it it was giving me something I got thoughts I've almost given me a book it's not just a book it was giving me tracks it was giving me it was giving me miracles hey he says Luke 8:11 I like that verse is short but it's it's powerful Luke 8:11 says now the parable or the mystery is this a big mystery that the seed is the word of God and if a hot seat can be sold for 2 million dollars now how much more a seed into your life and your more ministry just a seat it's the most powerful and most important thing is to have a seat from outside coming into your life and into your ministry so today God wants to raise you up and anoint you and so that night I received the anointing oh yes that's why I always talk about the anointing steps to the anointing the influences of the anointing the influence of the holy spirit is something that you can tell what's happening you see you sense that you are influenced but you don't know even that you are being influenced by the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit is working through you and he is making you do things now there's a chapter in this book here it says the sweet influence of the Holy Spirit on the emphasis of your ministry you know let me just make this point many people emphasize the wrong things in ministry and it's because of the lack of the Holy Spirit if you have the Holy Spirit you will emphasize certain things what does the Bible say in acts 1 verse 8 it says you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you and you will emphasize financial riches prosperity in Judea and investments in Samaria and what else motivational taxation speeches nonsense in the uttermost parts of the earth no no you receive power after the Holy Spirit comes so when the Holy Spirit is in you then what happens you become a witness you start talking about Jesus Christ you start preaching about Jesus Christ you topic changes and you start if untell ism I have a book here that says tell them 120 reasons why you must be a soul winner yes today a few pastors talk about soul winning and few pastors preach what I preached yesterday come unto me all ye just a simple salvation message people don't know how to preach salvation messages we know how to preach sad John - but we don't know how to preach John 3:16 3rd John 2 says I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health isn't it we are expect of that one but you can't preach John 3:16 oh yes DL Moody he preached John 3:16 for six weeks when I read it I said six weeks on John 3:16 how many pastors today are preaching John 3:16 for six weeks you don't even know what to say Pacific in one hour you don't know how to walk to talk for one hour John 3:16 that is the most beautiful verse in the Bible is it not John 3:16 then why why can't we preach about it it shows that it's not the Holy Spirit we have we have another spirit because if you have the Holy Spirit you will be emphasizing on being and witness of Jesus Christ to the ends of the world and the end the influence of the Holy Spirit this is what I'm talking about the sweet influences of the anointing you would be affected to keep moving you ask yourself why why did we come to Namibia do you think we are not important where we came from very important very important I'm important where I came from my president helped me to come and go my through my presence the president of my country we spoke to you the president of your country to allow this crusade to come on otherwise we do not have [Music] if it was not for them knows me personally I've had him in my house in my home to help to have lunch with me it's not fun it's something fun important where we can where we are coming from come from we are important we don't need to go anywhere to become important the emphasis the influence of the Holy Spirit makes you go from Jerusalem to Judea from Judea to Samaria and from Samaria to the uttermost parts of the earth that the effect of the Holy Spirit in your life yes he will make you move and keep on moving that's the effect of the Holy Spirit you know I question what spirit you have check your neighbor what spirit it's a check your name or what spirit are you were well spirit are you carrying messy what spirit I must feel what food are you carrying Hey now one day I was listen one day I was I saw a vision of one of my churches everybody was lifting a hand ride up praying and the Holy Spirit said to me it's not my spirit I said what yes it's not my spirit he said it's the spirit of the world I said what do you mean he said the spirit of the world is love not the world neither the things that are in the world for all the things that are in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life the pride of this life that counts the houses they mummy the impressions the clothes the hotels notable of the Lord not of the Father but is of the world and you are not supposed to love it if and he said if you love the world the love of the father is not in you so he said to me that is not the Spirit of God is the spirit of the world today if you like put on a Christian to channel and see the pastors preaching you don't see the Holy Spirit much you see the spirit of the world they impact grasping you can write down the web grasping to grasp things from the world to get things taking things from the world trying to be as well bleep powerful as possible rather than having spiritual power so let the anointing to anointing of the Holy Spirit come upon you and receive the mighty seed of the mighty Holy Spirit the anointing into your life believe in the unknown thing you know look up posters today ask myself what do you want as a pastor what do you want what are you after what do you want have you ever asked yourself what are you looking for you know when I went to Korea jung-hee Cho said something David Young Hee Cho the pastor of the largest church in the world at a point he said your vision makes you you don't make your vision he said whatever vision you have in you it it makes you become what you are what you are becoming and it's true I have a vision to build a mega church it is a vision I have a vision to obey God to follow him to do his will is my vision amen what vision do you have I want to go to America he's got a good vision to go to America I do have such a vision I want to be rich I want to have this car I want to have this house they have not good visions for your life all those things shall be added unto you your vision must be clear to do this will to preach his word to cover your ass to go and preach way to a bill us to preach the Lord John chapter 3 verse 2 Jonah Jonah chapter 3 verse 2 rise and go to Nineveh that great city and preach unto it the preaching that I picked thee to that city and preach the exact region I told you to preach not a different preaching first of all go where you want to go he's telling you to go a specific place he says go to Nineveh and that was the first calling that he gave you go to Nineveh the same place God told you to go that is where he wants you to be and you see pastors I mean I don't know about Namibians but there are Ghanian pastas with 40 members in America and Germany if they were in Ghana oil or some other part of Africa they would have 4,000 but they are so bent on being in America having green cuts and have an American passport a British passport and letting their children speak with American accents they want their children to grow up and and speak yes daddy hi daddy you know what I'm talking about fish fish fish bottom ring they want their children to speak in a particular way that's why your ministry does not amount to anything it amounts to a hill of beans there's nothing to you because you are not preaching that I baby don't change it and you see why the church is becoming more and more relevant for for a government or even a committee to be able to tell you don't take other to say then don't take an offering don't take an optominute pastors conference it shows how weak we are or you are yes it shows weakness it's a preach that breaking this specific preaching and what about this preaching he said go and say all of you are going to die everybody's going to be banked you are all cast you see pastor they don't want to preach what God says we should preach we are only prophesy good things oh you are going to be rich this year's your year off to be near your year of success your your happiness your yell back to your Yelp advancement your yo raishin sometimes you wonder if buses are physics teachers you know acceleration as collision of maintain am a different highways arise for your life torah is the example and when you are not tweeting when you're not even ever you be in the belly of the fish is the alternative to being in in ever for someone who is called yes how many have heard of yummy Cho shall I tell you a story okay sure the pasta in Korea over one of the largest churches there now young he chose said something one day I was listening to his preaching and I said Wow he said you know one day he was going through his old photographs and he came across the picture of his graduation from Bible School and in this picture he saw all the young man who graduated from their Bible school at the same time the same day as he looked at the picture he saw everybody in the picture he knew them and he saw this one is having a church here number two this one is has a church here this one is preaching here this one preaching five only five of the class the rest this one became a well done you know what a well dies do you have world as this one became a cap in time this one became this this one did that so I was doing business baby out please baby out please very important baby out No this one became what a welder but I remember in particular dwell that because just the particular one I remember that one was a welder now all the people in the class we're dead the weld that was dead capital was dead teacher was there everybody was there except the five people who were sauce the pasta sauce I teach preaching preaching preaching 500 at that except five yeah only those who were in the ministry arise and go to nineveh the option is the the belly of the fish that's alternative all of them about forty five of them were dead only five left with a five dot were actually in the ministry arise and go to Nineveh and preach the preaching that I I told you to preach what I said should preach don't come up with any fancy messages about money and about success and about happiness Christ never called us to be happy going through the world and be happy no are you listening to me stand to your feet let's pray for a moment : God how many feel God has spoken to you already pray for a moment pray for a moment for the Lord speak to you color machado la vaca bus lift your hands lift your hands and let's pray let your hands talk to God about your ministry your ministry your calling your work as a pastor God has called you yes is giving you work to do there's an assignment for your life lift your hands and pray about it talk to God about it this is the conference God has brought you in for a change mikata saya Monday mama signal ah bah-bah-bah pray pray about your minutes where to go what to preach your ministries Mottola bought our land a Karuma Cindy Rhema Honda Lama yeah pocket abba-baba-baba Lord change my ministry Lord change my ministry Lord anoint my life anoint my ministry change my life Lord makalah sati papasan de la ba ba ba lay Kato so Fatima rain bailable Ramos Unni my and al-abbas leave mama your will be done in my ministries not my will not my ideas not my way your way Lord your way Lord your way Lord your will Lord Monte Bosa market a Porsche cars Libra dossier on de Labarre la papayas a papa day your will or your purpose for my life your purpose for my life you're calling your calling I want to follow you Lord want to follow your plan for my life want to follow your plan for my ministry what you want for me is what I do he wants me to be is where I'll be where you want me to go it's where I'll go I'm healed in now Lord Hilton I'm healed and changed my ministry changed my life Matt Assad Lindy reposted ayah Allah Satori kilobots very chilly vasanas anteprima cinema shots McArdle abbas zafar dolia malik otra mas malok Oh Tomas sama my yard a period olive Jones live concert oh God lift your hands and Conchords lord have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy my ministry my ministry that's my life that's my life Lord my ministry joints and Colour God that you'll be why he wants you to be you preach when what you want you to preach you go where you want you to go play your were Lords mandible is Lobo Sata's khatallah pods that you'll be in love of his wills of his knowledge is where his where is worth its weight capital opposite alibi inane the Ramos in dollar bowls la Mesita la Mesita Hassan dollar rolls asan de la voz Lina most admire gods Lizzie potables de la basura abaya Jesus Jesus thanks I love you Lord in Jesus name Amen [Music] you may be seated now I want to I believe that all that I have shared with you is very important and I believe that you are going to become someone who is into all these books they are blessings if you are humble and open to a new seat Luke 8:11 the parable the mystery is this the seed is the word of God now specifically this morning for just a few minutes before we close I want to share with you on demons and how to deal with them in the ministry demons and how to deal with them I have two books on this matter one is know your invisible enemies and the second one is demons and how to deal with them alright now match up to five and when they came over unto the other side of the sea unto the country of the gadarenes when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains in of tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worshiped him and he cried with a loud voice what am I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High God I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not for he said unto Him come out of the man thou unclean spirit and he asked what is thy name and said my name is legion for we are many and he besought him that he would send him away out of the country and now there was there nigh unto the mounds is a great herd of swine feeding and all the devil's besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them amen and you know what happened they entered into he gave them leave they entered into the swine this one ran violently down a steep place into the sea and there were about two thousand and were choked in the sea amen now this story gives us the ultimate profound effect of demons on the ministry why why do I say that because you see everything has a range a range of effects if you take somebody who's suffering from diabetes right there's a range do you have malaria in this country got malaria here is it come on not so come on okay what is your common disease HIV HIV come on okay there it is HIV but I think HIV everybody can relate with HIV now if you take HIV you somebody can have HIV and you have no idea and then somebody has HIV you just see the person you know immediately this HIV it's lost weight if thin is dying sick looks like a ghost and you wouldn't you would be afraid to have sex with such a person all right but on the other hand you could see a voluptuous juicy girl coming Venus yes coming your way and you you would you would be tempted whereas on the other one you may not be tempted but you'll be put off and you would you would feel you would cringe and say wow this is disease coming towards me alright so now when it comes to demon activity you also have a point where the demons are present but it hasn't had the full effect so the presence of the Devils is not fully understood or what it can do to you but in this story which Jesus told and in this book you have a little bit of that revelation there you have an idea of what it's like when the devil fully takes over because the Devils Devils are present but not able to fully take over are you with me yes so this this story is a very good illustration and revelation of what the Devils are doing and trying to do in your ministry and you need to know so that you combat these evil spirits because they are present I've seen the devil at least three times or four times in a different different in different ways and when you see the presence of the devil you realize that you need to be very careful one of the things you must know about the devil is that he intends to kill you yes intends to kill him there's nothing halfway about the devil it's an all-out plan to wipe you out and to wipe out the church so it's very important that you you take note of these things and begin to combat it spirit spiritually and directly now the first thing you notice is that the Bible says always day and night all right he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones so the first sign of the presence of Devils in your ministry is fear now most people don't like cemeteries true or not true yes when the devil possessed the man the devil took a man to the cemetery and took the man to the cemetery in the night he was there in the most cemeteries when you go in the day even you have a spookily how much more in the night so from today watch out for the sensing of fear in your life and your ministry because it is an immediate sign of the presence of a devil because that is what is after to make you afraid God has not given us a spirit of fear second-team of God has not given us a spirit okay so you immediately know that the devil is at work when you sense this fear because it is contrary to what God has given you now if there is ever anything that will keep you from your ministry it's the spirit of fear fear of everything I was afraid you know in this book here many are called see this one I think so many are called God calls you to serve Him if I am going to give a scholarship to people to come to the Ministry Bible School from OSHA kotti if you are interested yeah I have already a number of namibians who have been to our Bible School and I'll do you hundreds in fact our church is one of the largest churches in win-win hook today that's a pastor radiation of all products of our Bible school training Amen now fear you'll find out that keeps you from your calling so is that it is one of the demons that is affecting people preventing people from taking a step go forward in the ministry and the spirit of fear whisper something to you and then you go back when I was when I was going to see an asymmetry I tell you it's a place of fear one day one of my pastors rented a house and he told me shortly after I rented that he's decided to move from his house I said why he said because when I rented a house I didn't look outside the walls but after renting when we moved there when I look behind the wall was a cemetery there were graves so he said I cannot stay in the night the breeze blows from that side coming into the house and I don't want to stay in this house so he moved because there's some fear now anyone here being stopped by a spirit of fear or cause every new step for your life and ministry is brought by this particular spirit yes and if you all Damona is off demons yes it's not a mood and such a feeling is a demon when I was going to when I was going to start a church I was so scared I said maybe it will not work so I discussed with my assistant and he suggested why don't we start the church outside town so that if it doesn't work nobody you know that it didn't work no but the problem will done is that if we start outside how can people come there easy with anything of that but they said there's a fear for everything that you are supposed to do in the ministry to travel the devil will tell you things about West Africa ah be careful of these people from West Africa how did you have that before you've had that we have also had be careful of these people from southern Africa also habit so you've had be careful of us and we have had be careful of you blood people have had be careful of white people and white people have had be careful of black people you know my mother's wife my mother is Swiss and my father is going in so I'm not on the black man side or the white man sighs I'm on God's side yes my mother's pure swiss-german she's still at home she's at home she's alive it's 80 years old yeah so I tell you don't let that don't let notice the presence of Devils keeping you back when I was going to when I was going to write a book I said nobody nobody will read my book I was wrong many people read my book mainly you know the first time I met a man from Russia you know he had translated this book out of leadership into Russian and so many people were buying this book in Russia now he wondered permission to translate more books in the end he said now my books have become his main business many people have my books are their main business except me it's not business to me but to them is their business I was wrong but the devil once said no don't do that when I was going to do Crusades the devil didn't want me to have Crusades and he would he would speak and say oh nobody's going to come when I was going to go into healing ministry the devil said to me nobody will be healed you know that nobody will be healed you know it yes there's a devil and he is the master stopper of your Tony and your ministry and you must be conscious of the demonic forces that I released against your life fear that you'll be embarrassed fear that you will fall feel that you will not make it feel that you be poor the Bible says and the devil took him into the cemetery and said stay here in the night alone yes so that he may see ghosts and other things a bit terrified and frightened you know in my ministry one of the times I saw some of the greatest miracles I've seen including the raising of the Dead I mean actually somebody testifying on stage about being dead and rising I saw it in Colombia but what happened was that I was invited to South America so I was I went to Panama but there was this man who wanted me to come to Colombia and I said initially I will go then I got a message they said that there was a priest a Catholic priest who was having communion in Colombia and he was shot in the church as he was doing the communion and then I got another message don't go to Colombia because a pasta was coming out of his church and got into his car as he was getting to this guy he was shot on the carpark so when I had those by then and I got another message for my pastor in America that America has issued a warning that it is not safe to go to Colombia so when I had it I said I have received confirmation that I must not go to Colombia are you with me so when I went to Panama - I finished pretty Capernaum eyes next to Colombia pet him in his flight I was going to come fly back to America and come home but on the way there I had a dream I was sitting I was sitting the economic class with my pastor sitting by the emergency exit so there's a little more room there and as I was sitting upright I I fell asleep I fell asleep sitting there and then I had a dream and in the dream God spoke to me I can't tell you the details of the dream but he told me he said don't try to preserve your life just go where I asked you to go and that was it I said I will go so when this man came to me in Panama he said as I've heard you are not going to come I said how come don't worry I'll be there because God had given me a way to overcome the demon of fear so I took a flight from Panama cross over the forest and arrived in Colombia in a city called Barranquilla when I arrived at the airport not at the airport actually at the plane a small plane the doors open and as soon as I stepped out from the aeroplane - the thing that tunnel that you walk on there were two soldiers with machine guns and I thought maybe they were looking for somebody and they said you are he would that it were done he would milk I said yeah come with us my heart started to beat you know I was saying that now you see I've had all these warnings don't go to this country and here you are I've never been met with soldiers with machine but here I was now these people with machine guns took me I didn't even go through the immigration they took my things from me I don't know it was like a whizz we were just passing to everywhere so just everywhere was soldiers and guns and finally we came out and they said go in quickly it was like a movie it was like a movie when I entered a car there was a man sitting there driving the car and initially the windows were low but then they went up that's when I saw the thickness of the glass it was a Land Cruiser the glass was like this and I realized that I am now in a bulletproof Land Cruiser and the man who was driving set of a top speed and he had a gun in the middle I've never been in a car with a gun that was in the middle yet he had a silver gun with a silver gun in the middle and there were motorcycles with machine guns everybody with a special machine gun I don't know if you've watched Delta Force it's a film Delta you can watch it after church with machine guns these guys were all around and they escorted us to the hotel when we go to the hotel quickly went in and said we go up went up in the lift as soon as we got to the and I go to the hotel room when I was going to say they said wait I said why didn't you wait then they opened the door they entered the room inside objective under the bed everyone said what is happening I have to preach I just came to church I was more afraid but you see I had obeyed God he said I should come and then in the night we were taking to the crusade a huge stadium 80,000 never seen so many people but at this crusade I tell you the miracles that I saw initially I didn't even know that I was actually on trial the man who invited me he was also sure of me so he was going to try me for one night and there were other people so I was the first person to be tried like to see whether you come to justify your inclusion and what I preached and prayed for this thing this is 19 years ago the miracles that happen my interpreter told me said you are the you are the preacher for every night no one else is speaking after to what happened tonight you are preaching every day for five days yes black 19 years ago the year 2000 blind people heal cripples wheelchair the whole state was lined up with wheelchairs and then the day that a dead person listen a dead person's child a child that that child was raised they went to that clearly the child was declared that brought the child to the crusade the child came back to life she came on stage my child was dead my child is alive the news spreading in the city the next day when I came they had brought more dead people to the to the to the crusade when I got on the stay they saw me there's a dead man on this side I said are you sure he said yes I said so I went on the stage and walked to the end of the stage and there was a a dead man lying there covered with a white bed sheet with live the face for me to raise from the dead and then ambulances thousand and will chase more than 5,000 will chest spread the whole all the trucks the trucks athletic trucks were filled with will chance throughout yes nineteen years ago and I saw things I've never seen blind deaf dumb dead everything when I was living the sixteen soldiers soldiers in green uniform with boots and machine guns then now that they said we have never seen anything like this before pray for us we want to we want to give our life to Jesus Christ ladies and gentlemen there was a demon called fear which was standing there to say you will not see this don't go here don't go to your Pauline don't go to the day of your increase the day of your eyes that day of glory don't go into that day the world which we are making a world of fear from your calling in your ministry yes listen to me it's time to deal with the manifestations of Devils first John 3:8 says that Jesus came into this world to destroy the works of the devil and the works of the devil in your life are beings destroyed today in the name of Jesus Christ you are released from powerlessness in the ministry in the name of Jesus Christ now the next thing is that the man wore no clothes in look at 27 neither aboard in any house now many of the things that demons make you do you'll be surprised are things that are not healthy are not helpful not very clothes day and night you'll get skin rashes you have a lot of problems your chest sicknesses so many things which we think are natural that's you know I just do behave like this I just behave like how my family behaves and many times the way of family behaves or your culture you'll be surprised is demonic and it's demonically influenced and you have a demonically influenced culture that is that looks like something natural but it is actually destroying you and will destroy you now the next thing was that he was in the mountains cutting himself with stones John 8:44 says you of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning now the Bible says that the man was cutting himself with stones now one of the things that the devil does which you have to also watch out for is in cutting yourself with stones doing things which are self-destructive amen because you have to know that Satan wants you to destroy yourself and there are many things that demons make you do that destroy it makes you destroy yourself nobody destroys you you destroy yourself drugs are like that and sometimes friendships and relationships are like that they destroy you no they want not nothing comes from anywhere but is orchestrated by the devil to destroy you so that you destroy yourself yes serve destroy says continue myself with stones and crying many times I've seen pastors and you know take steps that are self-destructive he lives in this town and his wife lives in another town do you have such things in a media yeah and you see that yes you are doing something to destroy yourself yes you are you are cutting yours not as somebody is cutting you you are taking a decision and doing something with your own hand that fights yourself and the harms you he so that's what demons make you take steps that destroy you by your own hand yes you cut yourself with stones so you see people taking such decisions or making such moves and not knowing that the move that you are making and the steps you are taking are self-destructive and will destroy you yes so in the ministry if you were to ask me what is it that destroys pastors and ministries you'll find out that it is what the pastor's themselves do to themselves that destroys their churches and destroys their ministries because people take decisions that cannot help them and they take decisions that that fight themselves yes so when you take a decision not to read a book not to expose yourself not to listen to certain things or you take a decision to fight or criticize things that you don't understand you take this you are taking a decision to destroy yourself there are people who criticize us before we came to OSHA kotti yes you haven't even seen us before you are speaking against us we have never taken anything from you or done anything against you you are already criticizing so you got to watch out for self-destructive tendencies yes and they are all demonic things that reveal the web of devils imposters and in churches the next one is that you see that Satan was trying to kill this person but you see best in the pigs as soon as the demons entered into the peace into the water and they were chipped in the sea now many people don't realize that this story is actually the story of demons in a man and demons in animals and the difference between demons in humans and demons in animals how many want to know the difference between the effect of demons on a human and net effect of demons on animals this is the difference as soon as the demons went in [Music] two thousand of them they killed themselves and they died as I said Satan wants to kill you is it's like it's like a lion you may be feeling the lion but it will kill you it's like a reflex to kill a person so they killed the pigs that would even keep them now why did the man not kill himself that's the difference between animals and pigs and animal humans the man has a monistic because you see you see a mad man naked and you see a big bust coming and the bass will blow the horn and the madman who is mad will jump out of the way and he's not but because of a small level of understanding it limits the work of Devils in the man's life it brokes the west of Devil's in your life understanding knowledge helps to prevent the work of demons in a person's life so the madman the demos wanted to kill him so they just they could just take him had him do so but the other big thing that they wanted to do was not working because probably they want him to cut off his head and maybe the madman or that I will not do so I would be cutting myself but I can't kill myself so that is why understanding and knowledge and wisdom is a must to blocking the wax of devils and demons and maneuvers of unclean spirits in your life there is a level of understanding when you have it demons are not able to have their free range and do anything they wants to do against you yes yes I mean if you say demons are causing sickness like malaria when a bit of understanding on how to treat it how to prevent it came it blocked the works of the devils because all animals are blocked with wisdom not with strength you don't fight a lion with strength you use wisdom to cut him understanding touches what animals and most demons are animals like the lion or the dragon so you are going to overcome this spirit you see a pastor driving at top speed top speed then the first time I was coming to South Africa first time I was in a car I was in a plane and I met a pastor said where are you going - I'm going to bury my friend who is a pastor I said what happened he said he died in an accident and car accident and you see people driving at 200 km/h and they are pastors by what you don't realize is that you are open opening yourself to demons that's one to kill you already and they are so happy that you are going at that speed yes and you would think that all it is not a work of the devil but these are the demon when the demon was fully manifested you see that they kill they kill they kill they kill they make you sick don't make you self destruct yes so many times you know one time I was driving I drove in somewhere at a certain speed and a man was standing there he said we are not 50 years old that's why we are driving at this speed but one day I was going for a program with my car and I was driving at a certain speed not so fast but still fast enough and we somersaulted and the car turned over and if this the road is on this side of the building we ended up outside here some assaulting some assaulting and facing the other direction we almost died all of us 5 pastors you see and that was a turning point in my life it was a major turning but all my books would not have been written yes it was before I wrote it in all these books he wanted to kill me and that's why the Bible says give no place to the devil yes so whatever you are doing that is opening the door for demonic tivity you know people think that the devil is comes in the form of a witch who looks scary with a very funny face and a bad Hestia but I tell you that demon activity that was in this madman is a revelation of how Satan wants to finish off God sevens the next one is demon activity is revealed by depression and sadness the Bible says he was in the tombs crying now crying and weeping one of the things of pastors you see pastors discouraged and weeping churches are not working churches are broken up sometimes you have a church that's somebody that you trusted and that you invested in turns against you and the church gets finished I've seen pastas losing all their members yes one pastor said to me he said I had three thousand members and I went on a holiday with my wife he comes from a country whose name begins with an S and he went holiday in America and when he came back his assistant told him God has asked me to leave the church and he said to his assistant why do you want to leave knives assistance that God wants me to leave now but he said I just came back from my holiday just yesterday he said yes our God has told me I have to leave now so he left a church of three thousand people sitting there all the three thousand people followed this assistance because during the holiday he has spoken to everybody and he was left with 19 people including his wife and his children 19 people left in the church you know that is why you see people crying what makes a person cry and depressed you know I read a book by Regina he was talking about the demons that affect pastors and one of them was discouragement discouragement is one of the top evil spirits that works on pastas you wonder what you are working for the church gets finished as you are preaching members are no more coming income is down Church is not working you wonder what are you better mistake in coming into the ministry your children don't want to be in the ministry no one wants to serve the Lord and the Bible says he was in the tombs he was among the dead crying so I will tell you something instead of sitting down for the devil to finish you off start to land the master keys of church growth mega church and chedule church growth this book is called church growth this book is called mega church this one is called church planting where is it church planting yeah you'll find out that when you plant churches you become encouraged you know recently when we have we have something we call swollen Sunday and the church has a huge attendance on the Sun there's some happiness that comes into the church when people come to church as something so you need to counteract demonic activities in your life anybody here crying and struggling with depression and sadness you are an that demonic affliction and that the pollak affliction is breaking today in the name of Jesus Kenneth Hagin described one day something that happened he said somebody invited him to church to preach in his church and when the person invited him to preach what happened was that during the day he was left alone in the check so he had a chance to pray in the church building so like he was praying like here this is a good example because this church has exactly what I need as he was walking in the church he looked up and as he looked up you see this you see the church you see the ceiling the ceiling suddenly disappeared he had a vision the ceiling just disappear and right behind the ceiling was a monkey a big monkey creature this is a spiritual vision a spiritual monkey sitting there and this monkey has in the church and it has been there and that is why the check wasn't growing these were not working in the church nothing was moving you preach you do everything nothing works so he said come down and he was alone in the building come down as he came down out of the church go out and the thing went out of the building out of the gates and he went down the street and entered a nightclub and that nightclub bent down the next day there was a fire the next day oh yes oh yes these things are real do you think that you are battling with human things and that's why I wrote the book you would know your invisible enemies and what you are dealing with I was in it in a city in Germany now this city is one of the regional cause the city there a gate of hell you know Sarah is say it's a city to which a lot of evil come I think Cal Max was born there and a whole lot of the crusades started from that town the Crusaders now when I go to this hotel room III went into the room and I lay down but I could not rest I could not rest I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't and and it wasn't it was inter and it was in summer and there was no heating in Germany and the room was cold I couldn't lie down I couldn't sit up I couldn't I didn't know what to do I tried to work on the eyes I called the people hours I said how these people they put on the heater do something we there's no rest here this is in Germany so finally I just lay down on the bed as soon as I lay down on the bed the same thing that happened with Kenneth Hagen happen the ceiling above me just rode away and above the ceiling where these creatures that were flying about there they were all in the room flying and I just Hey and then the ceiling came back and I realized that there were a lot of evil spirits in that place so when you come to a place you will think that you are dealing with Namibians or you are dealing with black people or white people or collect people abroad people or drugs but you are dealing with evil spirits so when you see a pastor who doesn't pray you might as well go and find a job in shop right or some other place and do something else because being in the ministry is a spiritual work yes you are dealing with a presence of darkness that brings everything you are doing - nothing this evil spirit was bringing this man's life to nothing to the grave long before he was supposed to go to the cemetery he was there then the Bible says he wore no clothes look 8:27 now wearing no clothes is speak speaks of disgrace many attempts they are to disgrace pastors yes any attack on your life to embarrass you it's a demonic work yeah to disgrace take off your clothes I mean why take off your clothes why not even afflicted person without taking of the clothes but is to embarrass the person watch out for anything that is intimidating you and trying to embarrass you yes Kenneth Hagin had a vision there was a pastor who got divorced from his wife was his wife went to become a singer in a nightclub she became a singer and a forged pastor's wife for 20 years and she left him I went to become a singer in a nightclub oh yes 20 years in the ministry now it was a big problem for the pasta and Kenneth Hagin happened to visit this pasta to preach in his church and when he went to this pasta in the pasta had a little daughter and he said the clothes Church le and came home when he got home he was sitting in the kitchen with the pasta and his daughter pastor's daughter so they they were talking in the kitchen and he said he had a glass of milk other words speaking in the kitchen suddenly he checked the time and they realize that was about 11:00 and they had been talking for two hours so his daughter said daddy why don't you pray with me come and prove it because he had deep raise with hair I think they were just two of them why don't you come and pray with me I'm going to sleep because I think she did it every day so she went and the pasta went with his daughter then he changed his mind I said let me come back and let's pray with brother Hagin so they came back to the kitchen so so Branigan why don't you pray with us she's going to bed so he got up at the kitchen and he he pushed his chair back when he pushed his chair back he he was kneeling down and suddenly the whole room disappeared and Jesus was done in there for two hours yes and Jesus said to him anytime my seventh is being intimidated or harassed you must know immediately that is a demon let's not embarrass my seven to intimidate them to fight them is always demonic you don't need to pray about it then he spoke about the man and he called him his friend even though he was divorced he said my friend who is whatever it's my friend yeah Anish and he showed how the devil had entered the man's wife he shouldn't play now after this vision some Assemblies of God pastors went to see the wife and she was wearing a nightgown she came out of the hotel nothing she was naked under she came out with the nightgown open she came out to the five passes she said go to hell with you and your Jesus and all that someone was been in the ministry for twenty years she just came out she didn't care oh yes so the Bible says this man wear no clothes so you must realize that Satan is trying to embarrass you intimidate you fight you and point your calling and your ministry and scare other people from the ministry are you still around yeah so you are being equipped to understand what you are dealing with and to fight the devil then the next thing was that the demon said invest nine when Jesus asked what is your name now in this vision when Kenneth Hagin knelt down right there let's point that out this story to him he said that you notice that I asked man what is your name and what is your name is important because you need to know what you are dealing with and when when I call your name if I say stand up stand up stand up but you don't Stella what's your name please huh Gabby Gabby stand up Jerry stand up you see that I'm getting a response now because I know her name if I didn't know her name I just shouting generally so when you start to mention the actual names of the things you are dealing with you start getting different responses from the evil spirits that are fighting you so that is why you know that this is a spirit of intimidation spirit of embarrassment spirit of fornication spirit of adultery spirit of divorce whatever it is called then you start getting different responses thank you now he said what is that my name is legion now this word legion shows you that number one is he is a group really are you attacked by one thing it's rare you have one problem you usually have a group of problems financial problem with Church growth problem with marital problem with many things combined they all come together at the same time but God is empowering you to reject and over Tannen overcome all powers that are coming against you with the name of Jesus Christ because this is to empower you and give you understanding against darkness and evil spirits now you notice that the term that he uses the word Legion Legion is a military term you see he didn't say we are group we said we are legion and this shows that the demons probably arranged in a military format from the time before they fell are still operating in that military group we are legion I mean if I ask you how many of you are there with a battalion no you would have suppose a church or you know his choir but he used the word that is using the army so that shows you that demons are militarized and they understand rank they understand rank and authority that is why there are certain things that respond to certain people but will not respond to certain people yes depending on the rank of the person because the demons understand that and that's why you must be of a certain rank before you can take upsetting things yes that is why when this seven sons of sceva went to see this madman the man said yes Jesus we know for sure we know him we have a lot of problems with him and Paul we also know him we recognize him we know when he's in town but yeah we don't know you from anywhere and they picked up the boys because there are things that need a prophet or an apostle or somebody of a certain rank before it yields and it keeps up and it obeys and that is why there are certain things you do in the ministry it will not work till you get to a certain rank then you see that it works easily and it's now moving on because you have been elevated in the spirit to a certain rank one time I came for a miracle service in our church and there was a lady standing in the car park and suddenly her eyes open and she saw an angel the angel was guarding me this is her vision I all these things I have not seen them there are people who see them so you can ask them after I stopped but she saw this angel and him Joe said that the Angels changed a senior bigger angel came to replace the angel that was with me on the car park and said that it was like a Simeon angel needed to do the security work may you have senior angels being released into your lives and your ministry when you arrive changes the rank of your angels also change and as you're right both higher devil powers will bow to you in the name of Jesus hallelujah we are finishing many teams of Darkness and then you notice in verse 10 they besought him that they would not send them out of that country we will go but not out of this country as is the manner of some now just last week I was in our car van Gogh region by the Okavango River now where we were staying was near the river and I was told that crocodiles he posts snakes everything a complete solid of animals in the river over there now I checked the window of my door of my room and I realized that it did not have even a lock then I also think that the window was glass and I was checking the strength of the glass if it can withstand the invasion of a crocodile or a hippo none of it was good and I realized that I was in great danger of being attacked by a hippo a crocodile at the Last Crusade but then I knew something that is what I'm sharing with you that these animals like demons they are very territorial they don't move away from where they are where they are is where they will be from here to here they will never go out oh yes so I slept in peace even though it was a glass from glass then I'm outside and there was no lock I was at peace I knew that this thing cannot come and there are certain evils if you don't go near them they will never it will never come to you like drugs and pornography and prostitution if you don't go into it and don't touch Tampa with any of the homosexuality no it will never come near you once you go so I was looking at the river and I thought to myself can I go in I want to board nearer the river then I remember no when I heard me and a couple of stitches I was calculating the speed of a crocodile crocodile chasing me how fast I can be and you see some of us have engaged with demons by going near to things that you shouldn't go near to yes every country and area has demons even roads have places where accidents take place one day somebody saw a skeleton in the spirit standing and holding what we call a calabash it's like a little Bowl you have DeLaughter calabashes with blood in it it was like he was he was standing at that junction to drink blood of accidents that happen at that place yes Namibia has its own Devils they don't even move to live in Botswana they stay in Namibia issue and you guys are affected by the Namibian Devils just like I am affected by the Kenyan Devils and Americans are affected by the American demons and your ministries are affected by those demons and you will not know till you travel around a bit then you realize how affected you are yes it's amazing and that is why they need for you to travel and to move around otherwise you you you don't know how much you are affected yes it is only it's only that they're religious spirits that are here that can say to somebody don't take an offering in your church service and then there are pastors who will be so powerful that they can end or something like that or if you say something like that so it is the spirits that are in a country one day I spoke to a pastor who got divorced he was in America when he got divorced and I asked him do you think you would have been divorced if you ain't gonna he said never never because the Spirit of divorce status in America not fine eating Ghana that way is true there are certain things that will happen to you when you travel to set in places you never you never see it where you are as soon as you move expected one day Kenneth Hagin was invited to a church to preach and he said he will not come and the pastor who invited him can I think it's a great prophet in America he's dead now and the pastor invited him he kept saying I will not come then one day he met him and he said please tell me why you will not come I can take it the wrong don't want to tell you then he really professor please tell me why why why have you decided that you will not preach in my church then he said if you really want to know do you really want to know I don't want to tell you then can I take in decided okay I'll tell you he said it's because of the stingy spirit in your church stingy you know what stingy mean with money when it comes to money very mean and the pastor was shocked he said how did you know how did you know he said best industry well they take money they won't give there will be a very mean I know one church the pastor went to preach in the church first I went to preach in the church am i preaching too long [Music] the person went to preach in the church preached in the church they say the pasta shouldn't have any money they buy everything for the pasta in the house here is soap toilet paper they come to check the house for the toilet roll in your bathroom okay we are buying two on that row you have only two you have two more extra then here is soap you need one more everything they buy for you sugar milk everything you you are supposed on you don't have to have anything so kenneth hagin told he said strange a spirited the process said ba I've been in this town when I came I became a pastor they agreed with me how much they would pay and there was nobody in the church and they said we would take our expenses you can have the rest and there was very little money he said that he he just preached in the mists of the poverty as soon as the church had a little bit extra money they came in and they said no no no we can't you can't have the money what we told you you can have it we change it and they change everything so he talked anything I am surprised that you knew that does the spirit in my church run by the board and there are spirits like that if you are pasta in that time you are doomed hey you have this why do you have that why do you do this why do you do this you can have this they are all demons and we overcome them with understanding and knowledge and teachings oh yes it's a lot of demons are territorial and you are I declare and telling the powers that are here you are rising up to telling the media or psychotic Devils and principalities that are resisting you in the name of Jesus Christ yeah column and Oliveira are you still around yes finally demon activity exist side by side with worshiping Christians the Bible says and when the madman saw him he ran and worshipped Jesus he worshiped in mark 5 he worshiped so why she press can have Devils hey what if you got it the madman full of demon possessed with a legion was worshiping y-shaped past and half Devils the most wicked people are religious people Jesus was not killed by armed robbers he was not killed by gangsters he was talking about our prostitutes were sleeping that Friday night they were all asleep everybody was resting all of them were arrested from all the things they have been doing it is pastors who rose up to kill Jesus Christ on Good Friday you know pastors we have to be careful when you criticize and when you attract you realize that is because of jealousy your ministry that the Bible says in I think is in mark it says that Jesus was crucified because of envy most pastors are envious of a rising star or a mmm as a successful ministry why would you criticize a pro look wouldn't you like to have a prophetic word of knowledge when you see somebody you can know your house is here your car number is this wouldn't you be happy if suddenly you knew things I would like to have something like that so if I see somebody doing that I don't see why my first reaction should be the reaction of a loser are you a loser why should your first reaction builder it's not real it's a lie this is a dot why wouldn't you like to have in your ministry people testifying that they are being healed then why should your reaction be immediately that these people have been organized to come and tell lies on the stage how can that be your first reaction it shows that you are looser you are a losing cuddling criticizing failure the miracles in your ministry where are the miracles in your ministry shame on you you are just a school teacher you are not a pastor minister but a school teacher that's not wanted in your life no miracles no word of knowledge no power just criticizing you I lose I tell you out of envy you speak against God sevens yes how can it be that the very thing you are dreaming that God would use you I mean Jesus told is it Nathanael he said I saw you under the tree you were eating he said yes officer I would joined said yes you say you see more things than this you see more than he told a woman of Samaria you have had five husbands one two three four five she said I surrender all to Jesus why is it that when you stop somebody starts to have symptoms of Jesus ministry you immediately bring the person as a false person or as a satyr shame on you shame on you shame on you [Music] keep your mouth your big mouth shut your mouth is as big as a hippo tell us is how little one day a baby people asked his mother mommy why is your mouth so big and a mother said you grow and Sue see why my mouth is so big understand do not attack what you don't understand shut up and pray for the gift of God to happen in your life yes pray that God will bless you with eyes Balaam said went along introduce himself he said the one whose eyes are opening pray that your eyes shall be open to pray that your ears will be open one of my pastors you know he was driving on a highway you know like from a rune do to hear that type of road it was 250 K kilometers and he had a voice in the car stop your car back to the car then he had a voice they can park your car they thought he was imagining here in the middle of nowhere so he said no I'm dreaming then he said no something is happening practica so he just slowed down and he just pawed and you sooner so what am I going to do this as he was sitting there suddenly he had a noise front tire exploded I see on the side a yeah he would have been driving at top speed with the front tire exploded but aware you see he had it he was described you see we were discussing two types of visions video visions and audio visions and he was telling me how he had an audio vision he had the voice said pack the car and he parked by the side of the road exploding front tire explode he was coolly parked by the side when the tax prudent he went and changed a tire and Cooley window is still alive up to today preaching God is about to give you many gifts God is about to change the level of your ministry yes you must open yourself and not be just criticizing fault-finding person the man who was given one talent he found fault with the master who gave him the one Talent he said I know you are a hard man I know you reap where you don't show that's fault finding how do you find fault in things everything you see you see the faults as we've come to have the crusade yeah how do you see our faults but obvious we have faults but why are you seeing them you shouldn't see faults did you see good things you should ask yourself somebody has driven from Ghana to here to come and preach I look for faults the second is working in your heart yes it's a demonic thing yes you are sitting in the church I'm preaching come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden what do you want to find wrong with this message do I lose I tell you there's something wrong with you spiritually finding fault with everything so these people are not healed are you sure that way let me tell you everybody who comes on stage to testify they are coming there after the Ministry of Health all the doctors in Namibia all the hospitals in America finish working on the people that is what is left of the people and we are also pulling for them what is wrong if we pray for the people shame on you the one who I received one talent came and said lord I know you are it's time for you to move away from demonic activity and overcome the invisible enemies that are fighting your ministry today marks your victory your victory over demonic forces in your life and ministry stand to your feet lift your hands and I call on the Lord to bless you and to give you understanding to fight the devil in your life calabasa pitch to the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] baba baba is very important is the [Music] masala Baba lift your to answer of the law to take you higher you cannot remain the best level of the disco friends you can only go up you can only move forward you can advance you can only grow bigger you can only go higher whatever you are doing [Music] [Music] before you came here yes you can only go higher talk to God about your life father we thank you Father we thank you Father we thank you father we bless you and truly talking blizzards and thank him frankly
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 15,717
Rating: 4.8662615 out of 5
Id: xlXjujJznz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 57sec (12837 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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