Watch the Flow Prayer Meeting with Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills

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the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus yes jesus thank you for the name of jesus in the name of the lord jesus let's turn our bibles to isaiah 59 and we are going to be praying from this chapter isaiah 59 verse 1 i says the lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have separated between you and your god and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear so i want us to pray and confess our sins john wesley said that one of the strongest methodist societies in his journal he said that he found he fought that they formed was formed by 10 people who met every week to confess sins weekly that was all that they did and it formed the strongest of the methodist societies one of the strongest so let us pray and start to confess our iniquities and our sins before the lord shall we pray thank you pandola montevideo lift your voice pray confess your sins confess your iniquities ask god for forgiveness ask him for mercy ask him to show you mercy mate varaha delay may cause sunday delimited [Music] [Music] we confess our iniquities we don't want to be separated from you oh god very make a sin we don't want our iniquities to separate us from you oh god may tavara middle of our motherland pray and confess your iniquities pray and confess your sins pray and confess your shortcomings pray and confess them before the lord ask him for forgiveness ask him to forgive you ask him to have mercy on you ask him to forgive you oh god remember for our sins lord we ask you for forgiveness lord have mercy have mercy have mercy and draw us close to yourself lord have mercy once again on us oh god remember confess your sins sins of omission foreign the sins of commission pray and confess them pray and confess them pray and confess them we want to see your face in this prayer time oh god so don't let our sins oh god make you hide your face from us we confess our sins we confess our sins confess confess confess your sins confess your thoughts the things we were supposed to do which we have neglected lord we ask you we ask you we ask you for mercy we ask you for forgiveness we ask you for mercy and we ask you for forgiveness lord rama the sins of our lips the sins of our mouths the things which we have said oh god words that were unclean where is what our ideal which came out of our mouths which are sins towards shalom father we pray that he will cleanse us cleanse us from all this lord cleanse us o god cleanse us in the mighty name of jesus pray wherever you are and ask god ask him to show you ask him to show you where you have gone wrong and pray for forgiveness pray for mercy pray for forgiveness if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins your iniquities have separated you from your god our iniquities have power to separate us from god but thankfully when we confess our sins god is always available god is faithful he is faithful and he is just to forgive us praying and confess pray and confess lando sunda confess your iniquities and confess your sins pray and confess god will forgive you god will forgive me god will cleanse me god will cleanse you abu sanders remember enemies lord we have come again we've come we've come to spend time with your god but we don't want to regard iniquity in our hearts oh god we pray we don't want to regard iniquity in our health we ask you for forgiveness we ask you for mercy we ask your god to pledge us we ask your god to cleanse us [Music] the sins of our hands the sins of our eyes oh god forgive us oh god we pray that you'll forgive us lord remember to say things that we have looked at which we are not supposed to look at lord forgive us forgive us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and ask him to forgive you ask him to forgive you remember we are praying with isaac 59 and verse 2 but your iniquities have separated you from your god pray lord i don't want to be separated from you i don't want to be separated from you i don't want to be far from you i want to be near you oh god i want to be close to your god later let not my sins hide your face from me oh god let me see your face in this prayer time lord let me see your face loca saran da la ma ma rama de la mo vallamica ceremony i pray this moment and i ask you to forgive me i ask you to forgive me i ask you to wash me with your blood i ask you to wash me with your blood i admit i am a sinner lord my sins are ever before me i acknowledge my fault i acknowledge my sins i acknowledge my iniquities thank you for the power of forgiveness thank you that you alone can forgive there is forgiveness with you o god that you may be feared pray everyone pray and confess pray and confess the sins of your heart the sins of your heart the sins of omission the sins of commission the sins of your hands the sins of your feet the sins of your mouth [Music] [Music] if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us oh god we acknowledge we acknowledge we don't want to be deluded lord we don't want to walk in deceptions and delusions so we come before your god lama madalama sincerely confessing that we've gone far from you we've seen oh god we've sinned against you and we pray for forgiveness we pray for mercy we pray for mercy we pray for mercy thank you that your mercies are new every morning for greatness your faithfulness lord have mercy upon us lord have mercy upon us personally confess your sins personally confess your sins talk to god and pray and confess [Music] your iniquities have separated you from your god your iniquities have separated you from your god la costa llama do not allow your iniquities to separate you from your god by confessing pray and confess pray and confess lord zaptosa make confessions with your mouth make confessions with your mouth open your mouth and make confessions for with the mouth confession is made unto god make confessions pray and make confessions [Music] oh god anywhere in my life that i've gone wrong i've done bad things against you i pray that you forgive me forgive me for their lies lord forgive me and have mercy forgive me and have mercy forgive me and have mercy oh talama dala me do more neces [Music] [Music] pray wherever you are and ask god for forgiveness [Music] your iniquities and my iniquities have separated us from our god madoka very menace oh god oh god we pray for mercy we pray for forgiveness [Music] we want to have you near us oh god we want to have you in our lives we want to have you in our lives oh god don't let our iniquity separate us from your god we ask you lord we beseech you for mercy we beseech you for mercy we beseech you for mercy oh god grant us mercy grant us mercy grant us mercy grant us mercy clanton's mercy grant us mercy [Music] pray for yourself pray for yourself and ask god continue to ask him continue to ask him monday cover my sunday remedy he removed [Music] your sins have hid his face from you we want to see your face or god the countenance of your face mother bisou [Music] delivery remnant yep adobo ceremony [Music] confess your pride confess a rebellion confess your bitterness confess your jealousy pray confess your hatred made sofradaliane moramanda casa meremena vidoba los se veremener quesi teraman vobanes te rama von bene lord examine our hearts if there be any wicked way still within us oh god we pray that you may expose them the lord will be forgiven we'll be forgiven we'll be forgiven we'll be forgiven lord madala masala we don't want you to hide your face from us we don't want you to turn deaf ears to our prayers oh god lord have mercy have mercy from heaven have mercy from heaven on our so-called molly la cristo moly la cristo moly la [Music] we are praying with isaiah 59 your iniquities and my iniquities have separated us from our god lara madala pray and call on god pray and call on god london sander video bo remember remember david m your sins and my sins have hid god's face from us pray lord madoka nalama let me see your face let me see your face lord in this prayer time [Music] pray for yourself pray for yourself pray and confess your sins [Music] [Music] now we want to pray in isaiah 59 we want to pray from verse 3 it says for your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity and your lips have spoken lies and your tongue has matted perverseness you know um for those of you who just joined i was saying earlier that um john wesley in his journal at a point he said one of the strongest methodist societies which is like methodic branches they had were formed by a group of um 10 families that met every week to confess sins that was all they just meant to confess sins you get it yeah they said they form one of the strongest societies i think it's real now if you notice when you read the bible it sounds like they are talking about somebody somebody you've never met somebody you've never you don't know such people it says invest three your hands are defiled with blood if your hands are defiled with blood it means that you have taken somebody's life and reduce somebody's life to nothing or totally destroyed somebody's life blood is life the life is in the blood then your fingers with iniquity again it's like these are people you don't know so let's we are listing the sense your hands defiled with blood whose life have you completely destroyed what abortions have you committed whose life have you changed forever and brought to zero number two your fingers with iniquity your fingers can be used for sin and remember in today's world we type with our fingers like i said most of the time it's like you don't know anybody you don't know any any of these people in isaiah number three your lips have spoken lies yes your lips have spoken lies so lies i find that when lies are advanced they don't know the difference between when they are lying and when they are telling the truth i don't know if you've met a very good liar they are not even sure of themselves anymore they can look at you and tell you you are not there i can't see you i've met a few by the way one of the reasons why we tell lies because the truth is painful so that's the third sin i know you were confessing if you started with us but i i know that you'll be confessing some light weight friends so lies then the fourth one is your tongue has muttered perverseness perverseness is something that is unjust it's not it's not right she didn't have said it number five anything you shouldn't have said or saying it something it's really something to say certain things it's really really some way it changes everything that you open your mouth to speak certain things in your in some cases even to say to somebody i love you may be a game changer and a life changer it's a perverse and sometimes it's the biggest deception saying i love you maybe let me do this evil with you and i know a person you love you care for it will not hate the person or damage the person or take the person's life number five none call f for justice people may say quietly that uh oh i don't agree with this but when it comes for them to stand up for it you find maybe one percent of the people who don't agree with something stand up to really stand for to call for the right thing to be done one percent so the sin of not calling for it not just saying you know yeah chad is somewhere but the sin here that he's saying that your sins have made you far from god one of it is that you don't call for justice the right thing no plea death any plea death for the truth you will speak out you'll speak out when the wranglers are speaking out you will not speak out you don't plead for the truth they trust in vanity and speak lies and conceive mischief planning evil hey are you a demon and bring forth iniquity then how many sins is that about seven huh seven cents then the hatch cockatrice eggs which is viper's eggs and weave the spider's web he that eateth of their eggs diet and that which is crushed breakers out into a viper you know their product the fruit of their activity is an egg and the egg you know whether you eat it or whether you don't eat it and it hatches brings forth something horrible the product is all together evil may you never be the producer of evil in any way form or fashion whether i look at it this way as to whether it's eating before hatch or eating after hatching or encountering it after hatching it's a heat that eateth of their eggs diet you fry it i'm asked to to make an omelet and you die from it you don't fry it and it comes out naturally it still brings death you know jesus said you shall know them by their fruits that's one of the ways to know somebody that's how to know when someone is demon possessed because demons don't show any change in temperature like if there's a demon in you and you check the presence temperature it's not raised nor his blood pressure nor his anemia his hb nothing changes it's the fruits that reveal demon presence all right so your produce your eggs what type of eggs am i producing their feet run to evil and they make haste their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity wasting and destruction are in their paths so let's pray whatever is wasting or a waste you know one of the things we don't realize is wasting is a big evil we know rich people don't waste things rich people they don't waste poor people are the biggest waste test often if you look in west africa you know it's amazing that china is now producing cocoa more than a year it's more than hours now yeah and kente and everything and you see the forests we have the rainfall rain that never stops falling we have snakes we should be producing the greatest anti-venom factory in the world you know one valve can cost 200 euros we have the snakes we have more it says wasting and destruction i know some countries where they are banning the trains they are destroying the things that are being built removing the rail tracks selling the steel i don't know if you know any star country it's fantastic so let's confess wasting wasting of things yes that have been made and done it creates poverty and distraction how many sins do we have yes are we wasting in our church the books the teachings the messages the series the things that people don't have the points you know when somebody doesn't preach with points even though it may be even nicer it's not easy to reproduce that message you see and i wrote my books in points and the preachings are also in points are you wasting it you get it yeah every standing now you better get out of your bed now in the name of jesus father the one who is lying down i don't want to pray for backache but get out now so that we can pray genuinely and seriously amen lift your holy hands and all the nine sins amen all right um let's make it ten number ten all right the way of peace they know not yes so we don't like peace let's confess no those who always there's something wrong always there's a meeting to resolve to discuss to solve how would you not be happy for how many i mean years will you be married without happiness huh why is there a long discussion about most things oh the way of peace they know not and there is no judgment in their goings you say you are emotional you say you are emotional that's why there is no peace they have made them crooked paths and whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace so we are praying lord make me a man of peace a woman of peace so let's confess i said started by saying that john wesley said the strongest one of his strongest methodist societies i think it was in the city of hal in in england he said they they just meant to confess they're not praying for grace or power or anything just confession confession confession confession confession and it's true because after the confession he said that his hand is not short to save and to heal and to deliver amen let's lift our hands and pray in the name of jesus yes father we are now confessing these 10 problems we will not we will not say we don't we are not part we are all guilty have mercy on us in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] confess these sins lord we pray we ask you for mercy lord for each of them in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] pray and confess your iniquities confess your sins lord my hands they have been defiled with blood lord forgive me forgive me forgive me lord remember anyone's life you have destroyed pray lord have mercy my hand so good lord sarah madala mendez [Music] [Music] [Music] we are praying and confessing our iniquities according to isaiah pray and confess your iniquities rama dilemma the lives you have destroyed pray pray for mercy pray for mercy pray for mercy la ma da la badala lord we come before you and we pray let me confess lord the distractions we've made the lives you have destroyed [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] pray and confess them pray and confess them mon just see their marriage foreign [Music] lord we confess we confess we confess yes [Laughter] [Music] we are praying to god for mercy we are praying to you for forgiveness until [Music] pray and confess the lives you have said the blood the blood it says you have you have your hands are defiled with blood like people's lives are on your hands that's what it means do you see now you may not think you've destroyed somebody's life but the person may feel think that you've destroyed his life or her life yes that's how distraction is you you destroy but you think i was just plain or it's nothing but you don't know the effect on the other person lift your hand and pray the blood lord barakasa your hands are defiled with blood your fingers with iniquity your your lips have spoken lines your fingers pray and confess your fingers the iniquity you have committed with your fingers foreign [Music] [Laughter] nobody thinks you can tell a lie like that nobody suspects you yes and so you feel that it's okay to tell lies forgive me i mean you say that a white is black black is white you say you've never done something but you've done it many times your innocent face doesn't reveal [Music] you [Music] wicked [Music] [Music] [Music] but you are a liar [Music] delivery [Music] yes you didn't speak for justice [Music] [Music] m [Music] you watch as evil goes on but you don't call for justice none confess the hatch cockatrice eggs and weave the spiders you're planning evil confess your sins my sister evil jesus but you don't speak out [Music] amen manipulate everyone yes producing evil eggs producing evil eggs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] now the bible says their works are works of iniquity all right their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity wasting and destruction are in their paths let's confess whatever we have wasted wasting opportunities wasting your position wasting your money wasting the things god has given you wasting your life wasting the grace of god wasting everything that i mean wasting money you know let's pray because i tell you wasting is the reason for a large proportion of the poverty that we experience and poverty of life poverty of happiness poverty of joy wasting what is good pray about it because later on when the distraction has come you look as i always said this it's good to know that you are wasting maybe sometimes in the middle of the waist so that you can backtrack or even cut it out lift your hand and pray confessing wastage he says wasting and destruction are in their path mercy lift your hand and pray what am i wasting lord what am i wasting is it my time how many years do i have am i wasting these years am i wasting my life pray about wasting pray about wastage [Music] [Laughter] hey [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] we pray and confess lord whatever we have wasted whatever we have wasted [Music] the moneys we have wasted the times we have wasted the opportunity of wasting lord have mercy have mercy have mercy lord john the lemon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] pray whatever is wasting my life whatever i've wasted lord i pray that you have mercy upon me lord the privileges i have the opportunities i have the moneys i have the times i have the blessings i have which i have wasted lord i pray that you forgive me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my god we pray and we confess our iniquity my god los angeles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Laughter] and the last confession is praying confess not allowing peace the way of peace they know not they don't know they don't know peace you know the bible says the fruit of righteousness is born by those who make peace amen it's it is fruit of righteousness is something that comes out of people that make peace is born in an environment of peace amen so the fact that you don't have peace in your life and that there is never peace with always good reasons do you see it's uh a revelation and it you always have a reason you always have a reason we are never at ease and no one is not that no one some people are not at ease in your presence let's pray because i think that some of the most non-peaceful people think of themselves as people of peace if you've lived in the world a bit have you lived a bit if you've lived a bit some of the most a main problem causing tension bringing people they see themselves as people of peace in fact during prayer time they leave their hand worship it's beautiful hey they are the most spiritual scriptures so let's pray that lord may i be a person of peace that brings peace amen peaceful the more issues that are and sometimes there's peace in your house because everybody has decided i won't say anything about anything anymore another is peace it's like europa you know europe is an armed camp europe i mean they really like fighting you see if you go there you feel that it's a very beautiful and peaceful place but i tell you there is no group of people that have fought wars more than europe from the time of uh julius caesar napoleon world hitler i mean so right now what they've done is that everybody has bought nuclear weapons and has kept them if you bomb me i'll bomb you so every the whole place is an armed camp of nuclear powers is a nuclear power you are just waiting if you press one who press the return so so the peace is not caused by peaceful people no it's caused by a circumstance which said that if i press this this will happen and i wouldn't want that so i've decided to just hold on so they look like france looks like he's at peace with germany germany looks like he's at peace with england you know so i don't know what nuclear weapon maybe the two parties one have got nuclear weapons oh god so now there is peace mercy let's pray for peacefulness confess no we are not praying for it we are confessing that we don't have peace we are not peaceful we are confessing sins please and god is forgiving us amen lift your hands and pray lord i want to be a man that brings peace the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those that make peace confess paramazon da la mada hando parandali makata paron de la de de da de [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pray and confess you're not liking peace you're not allowing peace pray lord i pray and i confess have mercy on me lord have mercy on me [Music] yes lessen the remnant [Music] [Music] [Music] my god we pray and we confess our not allowing peace our not making peace lord forgive us forgive us forgive us [Music] [Music] we are praying and confessing our iniquities oh god we ask you to have mercy upon us as we confess we ask you to have mercy upon us we ask you to forgive us foreign [Music] [Music] we make prayers we confess his lord manchester [Music] [Music] [Music] we pray that from now lord we will know peace we will lack peace we want peace lord lord [Music] everyone call on god and pray lord i confess my not liking peace oh yes oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we pray and confess so we are not separated from you alone we confess our sins we confess our iniquities lord raman jakar saiyan the eminence that makes us not to like peace [Music] lord we know ourselves that we don't like peace we don't want to allow peace we pray for forgiveness we pray for mercy ceremony [Music] [Music] in your marriage pray if you are the type you are someone you don't allow peace pray and confess pray and confess pray and confess in any relationship london [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] eternity [Music] yes jesus [Music] thank you for giving us this same integrity to pray and confess them lord to pray and to confess them lord [Applause] [Music] we are praying to your god [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] father thank you for listening to our prayers yes in the name of jesus now before we finish confessing our sins and i think we are it's good i want us to confess the big one okay are you ready to confess the big one hmm isaiah 13 verse 11. that's the big one i will punish the world for their evil and the wicked for their iniquity and i will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease and i will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible messy now this is the big one pride all right pride the invisible one is the big sin i i think that of all the sins in the world you have eighty percent of the sins in the world are pride and 100 are pride related do you see yeah so if you ask me what is your big problem what is my big problem what is arabic problem pride so it says i will punish the world for their evil the evil in this world is pride do you see is it not true i mean if some people were humble enough they would even say oh we tried independence but honestly it hasn't worked and if you can take over suddenly the things may change oh we've tried to run a currency but now we spend 50 billion dollars to buy one loaf of bread we can can you help us can we use your currency but you know there is no ability to be humble it's amazing yeah so it says i will cause the arrogance i'll punish the world for their evil there's an evil in the world and the evil in the world is bright so let's pray you know you know just before i came i saw a mini vision and i saw a number of people not orangus or such people but just people that exist in church and in each one i just saw like a rod of rigidity and the rod of rigidity was the spirit of pride the person is a rigid the person was rigid this is not flowing not easy not flexible not childlike not young i just saw them like that i won't tell you who i saw because i saw their faces yes it's something something yeah being a grown-up is good but there's something that must be and and it is in all of us all girls still like children or adults and all boys still like men still like toys it's almost like but we don't want to allow the child in us to be free we have imprisoned the child in us true or not true yes so let's pray this is a big one all the 10 sins you have confessed put all aside and this this is the main one let's pray why wouldn't you want to be in full-time ministry why wouldn't you want to be a pastor why would he want to save god why wouldn't you want to just accept whatever it is do you see lift your hands and pray we have now praying isaiah 13 and verse 11 is the big one that one should be in capital letters and the verse should be laid out so that we see it and remember father we pray concerning the arrogancy of the hottie the arrogancy of the proud [Music] i will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease the haughtiness of the terrible foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] forgive [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we confess our pride forgive us lord [Music] in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Music] yes [Music] m [Music] jesus [Music] deliver me lord [Music] oh [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] deliver me lord foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] lord we pray that you welcome us work on us lord work on ourselves work on us lord [Music] father we confess our pride our arrogancy have mercy on us we pray that you cleanse us lord from the heartiness the pride the arrogancy thank you for your mercy lord and your forgiveness in the name of jesus we pray with thanksgiving amen all right you can sit down if you are standing or stand if you are sitting we are getting to the end of our prayer meeting but we want to give an offering amen and an offering pray with this sacrifice we want to make a sacrifice sometime when you sin you have to make a sacrifice for forgiveness of sins and that's why jesus sacrificed himself for our forgiveness amen it's a symbol of what to do amen and that is why when you have committed sin like we all have we pray and we make a special sacrifice now i want us to make a special sacrifice towards our pride amen i tell you it is not easy to know that you are proud i tell you in fact there is a lot of evidence that you are humble let's say let's say like you are awake now praying say oh i'm humble i mean i'm prayerful i go to church i pray i'll do such topics you see i mean i'm i'm in the ministry i'm i've been a pastor i'm this i'm that i'm whatever i don't quite my roommate even knows i've never acquired with a roommate before all my friends know everyone this this and that that it's not easy to see that you are proud yeah but it is in us that is the that's the reason why we even die is the sin that is in us you know i want to be like god not needing a man amen not needing not needing anybody so take out your special offering today uh we are praying god should forgive us and uh then we are going to move straight into a new topic that we are praying for this morning amen father we thank you as we present our special sacrifice remember that hebrews chapter 7 and chapter 8 says that a priest is there to offer gifts and sacrifices lord we offer and we come before you with our sacrifices we are making a sacrifice today we are making a sacrifice today we are making a sacrifice today and we pray that as we make this sacrifice our saints which are many even if at all lord will be revealed to us lord that we may be delivered from our pride and our pridefulness in the name of jesus we pray with thanksgiving amen you want to give an offering it's right on the screen there there are numbers there you must become a giver you can send money straight into the bank or use mtn or what's the other one vodafone and airtel tigo there are three numbers and from outside ghana you can also give mightily and also wherever your church is some i know some people are part are not even in this church and you are all part you are joining you are in a group whatever it's fine give your offering where you normally give you are giving it to god and god is blessing you amen what is blessing whatever you are doing whatever you are giving wherever you are give giving the way you can give and let's pray that god almighty hear my prayer and let indeed my sacrifice come unto you sacrifices of praise you know the fact that jesus sacrificed his life doesn't mean there will not be sacrifices again there are still going to be sacrifices and so that's what the bible says the sacrifice of praise and even when paul received an offering he said it's a sacrifice a sweet smelling sacrifice to the lord so the fact that jesus is sacrificed doesn't mean there will be no more sacrifices the fact that he took his cross doesn't mean there'll be no more crosses there are crosses and there are sacrifices hallelujah what an amazing blessing now i want us to look at genesis chapter 18. all right and we're going to pray for miracles amen and he said my lord uh the lord appeared to abraham you know we we started in genesis adam and eve and we are we are with abraham now okay we've passed all these enochs and all these guys we are now with abraham amen amen and abraham looked up and three men stood by him probably angels father let angels appear i don't know if you've watched the video with the angel that appeared behind me on sunday evening if you haven't watched it make sure somebody gets it because make sure you get and have a look at it because you see it's a manifestation of the spirit to see into the spirit and actually to see an angel standing behind the preacher you know people say i saw but this one is on a video and you can see i mean you can turn it any way you want analyze it try the light try do everything if you are like me you not easily believe but yes check it out and and have a look at that angel it's just amazing somebody saw a second some people saw a second angel as well but at least the main one is there and you see it physically standing there it's fantastic so just do that so that you encourage yourself you know it's amazing yeah if you've not seen it it's there you want to see that angel why not okay yeah there it is look on the right side of the screen you see the angel moving his arms and wings let's show it again one more time this is a manifestation of the spirit look at it on the right side of your screen it's just too fantastic it's just fantastic i mean i mean let's watch it one more time just just to be sure that you are seeing what you are saying it's amazing yeah look at him hey it's still fantastic see the angel was just flexing his wings so i don't know whether he has wings or what he did something like this to just show that he's there anyway so the bible says three men stood by him yeah and said my lord if now i have found favor in thy sight pass not away i pray thee from thy seven let a little water i pray you be fetched wash your feet so he was very hospitable if you want miracles you must be friendly okay and you must be hospitable so those of you if we come to visit you you give us gary and boiled egg with salt you get it you have to improve you get what i'm saying you must improve your hospitality because what are all these i once visited somebody and that is what i was given gary and brought egg with salt [Music] now an abraham hastened all right and he went to verse seven he got he got a calf i mean an animal that was alive i mean it would have been in the freezer if it was in our time but there's no freezer so you have to walk around till we need you then we kill you and we eat you because there's no there's no freezer there was no electricity all right then he took butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed and set it before them it was not too much work all right then they said to him where is sarah thy wife and he said behold she's in the tent he's in the room all right and he said all right to her he said i will return to thee according to the time of life and lo sarah thy wife shall have a son now sarah was eavesdropping she was listening and behind the tendon which was behind him all right and you know the time of life is a it's a king james way of speaking because the elephant takes two years if you are pregnant if you're an elephant you'll be pregnant for two years yes before you have your baby that's quite a long time so the time of life it depends you get it and everybody has his time of life so for us it's nine months okay now uh sarah and abraham were old and well stricken and it had ceased to be with sarah after the manner of women that means that she was post-menopausal okay so she no more had a normal monthly cycle that is normal all right then sarah laughed you know within herself saying i am waxed old shall i have pleasure my lord being old also you know now this is a triple miracle where somebody who feels he's too old for certain things that you have to break her mind because sarah said abraham's son isaac was not born of a virgin it was not by the holy spirit it was by abraham you get the difference do you understand the difference it was by old man abraham so the lord said to abraham wherefore did sarah laugh is anything too hard for the lord at the time appointed i will return unto thee according to the time of life and sarah shall have a son and then sarah now lies said the night i i didn't laugh i laughed not for she was afraid and he said nay but thou didst laugh so she was a liar as well and she was proud do you understand and she was not young in her mind to know that even at that age i can do well oh so many barriers but because of abraham's faith you see the miracle came amen wow and he rose up from there and looked towards sodom okay so now the miracle is promised i want us to pray for miracles you know there may be something in your life even it's three steps away for it to be possible it's like it's impossible number one impossible number two impossible number three you get it what do you think there are things like that it's impossible because of this impossible because of this and impossible because of that so everyone should stand up please we are praying for miracles miracles and what is a miracle is an intervention that is unexpected and supernatural in the affairs of life the normal cost you can see by all means i'm going this way but by a miracle there can be a change so we are praying for general miracles and i'll come and show you seven miracles that we should pray for so just generally pray for miracle because what what a miracle bible says that the working of miracles is a manifestation of the holy spirit so miracles come about because of the holy spirit so lift your hand and let's pray lord let miracles happen in my life miracle of life come to me baba in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's pray that we'll have miracles in our lives full of miracles miracles miracles [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] oh [Music] miracles that god will help you to have miracles that god will intervene the miracles will come your way miracles will come into your life save laura let's pray for miracles [Music] ceremony [Music] [Music] in our [Music] [Music] supernatural interventions of god [Music] [Music] [Music] is too hard for the lord amen a miracle's heart for the lord no god can work out the miracle in your life pray that the miracle happened in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we are expecting miraculous law james expecting miracles from you lord amanda flanders [Music] [Music] pray that the miracle will come your way today pray that god will work a miracle in your life today pray that god will intervene pray that you're impossible shall be made possible by god [Music] praise praise praise my god my god my god my god los santorimeni [Music] lord we are awaiting the miracles we pray in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] my yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes lord yes lord jeremiah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] m [Music] oh [Music] [Music] everyone calling on god for a miracle call on god for a miracle you deserve a miracle you deserve a miraculous [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] themselves [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my miracle today lord i pray for my miracle today the miracle for my life the miracle for my life [Music] monte claire bada [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord jesus i lift up my eyes [Music] expecting my miracle [Music] i am oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] out a miracle for you today a miracle something called a miracle something called a miracle an intervention of god prayer it is possible it is possible it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] now we are going to pray for seven miracles amen amen number one we are praying for the miracle of marriage amen in tanzania there are 10 million more women than men and i'm sure this problem is everywhere i'm sure there's more more men everywhere more women yeah and it's not that easy to get a man to be committed to you that's why we're praying for that all right miracle of marriage and let's pray for it i mean we have seen a clear miracle that god did for sarah i mean out of the course of the natural what should have been and i believe that every woman who understands the grace of god but unfortunately many do not will know that that is when they are married that it's a miracle that you are married that you don't maybe just just have a child with somebody but it's a miracle and i see your husband or something many of them don't see it until that person is dead yes anyway so miracle of good marriage then number two a miracle of a good marriage yeah because that's also another miracle because many of the problems are marriage problems you know and sometimes it's like that's what we want but that's what causes all the problems too if there were no marriage problems there would be very little counseling in the church whether beloved counseling pre-marriage marriage post-marital meetings meetings meetings meetings ah there'll be nothing almost nothing to talk about we'll just be talking about heaven eternity and so on but there's always something because two fallen humans have come to stay together it has compounded the mantle of the fall and the mantle of the fall has been multiplied times thousand are you listening yes and the bible says a faithful man who can find so then you start to see unfaithfulness it's the common what do you call it the faithful man who can find faithful man i don't know why the woman who knows we've left us out again so that's the second miracle good marriage third miracle miracle of children it's a miracle to have a child a man it's a miracle to have a child once again a lot of things look natural till it doesn't work then you find out that whoa it is a miracle to have a child ah yeah as a miracle to have a child number four miracle of good children it's also another miracle because you can give birth every prostitute has a mother every thief has a father every murderer has a relative i mean rarely do you have prisoners who don't have visitors yes every thief in the prison has somebody visiting him so every child can be a bad child except the power of god and the miracle amen and then number five miracle of financial breakthrough amen now remember what jesus said the spirit of the lord is upon me he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor at least to come and give some good news to the poor and one of the meanings of the good news to the poor is something that the poor would like to hear most people are wanting to hear something about money that's going to improve things huh preach the gospel to the poor so when when elijah when jesus gave the example that there was healing for for a miracle he said that in the days of elijah there were many widows many hungry people but it was only to the widow of the rapture that he was sent so that was one of the miracles to solve a financial problem so whatever miracle financial miracle you need god can do it and it's happening in this flow prayer meeting yes i'm giving you the topic so that we just pray we can pray in the spirit no interruption amen we it's already getting to seven so we'll be closing at seven so it's a short time short prayer but all the miracles are needed and the next one is miracle of healing jesus also said there were many lepers in the days of neymar and the syrian which is now a medical problem you get it and only to this one was uh elijah's sense so anointing and miracle power releases miracles of healing and god is a miracle healer and i believe that today whatever pains you are having whatever fears you are having whatever diagnosis you are contemplating whatever thing wants to be plastered on you by the power miracle power of the holy spirit and by your prayers and intercessions to god you shall not see death before your time amen number seven and now i have eight so i don't know whether i should give you seven or eight yes number seven a miracle of help help in your crisis so miracle in the time of your crisis whatever your crisis bible says there was a great famine in second kings in samaria and behold they besieged it until an arse's head was sold for four score pieces of silver that's 80 pieces of silver to buy the head of a donkey now it's expensive do you see 80 pieces of silver is to buy the head of a donkey to eat the bones in the head and their brains that's expensive it's an expensive donkey's head and then a cup of dubs dung for five pieces of silver so a little like a little the handful of the dung the faces of a dove was also going for five pieces of even today you bring five pieces of silver and let's see that's a very serious crisis and as the king of israel was passing by upon the wall there cried a woman unto him saying help my lord o king and he said if the lord do not help thee when shall i help thee out of the bound floor or out of the wind if god doesn't help how can i help so today we are praying for help god is helping you in your crisis and number eight the miracle of forgiveness yes yeah luke chapter 7 verse 47 he said wherefore i say unto thee has sins which are meaning are forgiven for she loveth much but to whom little is given little is forgiven the same loveth little by the way that's a key to get forgiveness he says her sins which are many are forgiven you see for she loveth much she was forgiven because she loved much if you want to know how to laugh much this woman can show you how to laugh much she has all the keys about that but 15 keys of loving much in this woman's life yes about nothing less than 15 keys to love mad like how to love big lab a lot of people have a very small love like a stream like a little trickle they don't have much love they think they have love oh yeah their life is very touchy you understand what that means all right now then they that sat at reach with him began to say within themselves who is this that forgiveth sins wow this shows you that this is one of the greatest things that jesus did to forgive and until you have been wounded seriously you will not understand forgiveness that forgiveness is a big thing yeah most people are ahead moving around with unforgiveness but to forgive somebody for a human being to forgive that's why who is this that forgives that guy is great power the guy is really great he forgives and the bible says forgiveness is we did that thou mayest be feared it's a fearful thing to meet somebody who can forgive you yeah there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared it's a wild thing to be to be able to forgive so if you are ever forgiving like you really do something wrong and you are forgiven you know sometimes when you see marriages and somebody does something wrong realize that from that time the marriage is brought and it's difficult to recover few are able to recover we have the same genuine smile apart from these photograph smiles that we have these days have you not noticed everybody who's taking a picture is smiling yeah a photographer will even tell you to smile are you listening yeah who is this that forgives sins so the ability to forgive and to be forgiven they are too wild forgiveness is a miracle whether you are the one forgiving or you are the one who is forgiven they are they are world so i have eight uh miracles you look sad are you okay all right let's turn to our feet and pray this one is non-stop prayer so choose one of the miracles write it down okay we have it on the screen write it down remember we are closing around seven today write it down miracle of marriage and what the miracle of what good marriage which is is it not miraculous if you experience you know that a good marriage is also a miracle apart from marriage some marriages are like chewing stones and others are like chewing granadas not nice peanuts mercy are you chewing stones or not or peanuts huh and some are like chewing rice with a stone in it that you didn't see what are all these and then the miracle of children and then the miracle of good children amen and then the miracle of financial breakthrough for your life and the miracle of healing like niman the syrian the miracle of finance is the widow of zarepta amen now pray for the miracle of help in your crisis when 80 pieces of silver is used to buy the head of a donkey what i mean have you ever gone to buy the head of a donkey before ah is it in a donkey we don't normally eat it would have eaten a cow or goat or sheep but now it is the donkey that is being eaten and not only the meat of the donkey but the head which even the lions live when they are eating they leave it but you are now buying it it shows you that the problem is deep every deep problem is solved today by your prayer in jesus name amen help is coming to you help is coming to you help is coming to you and pray for the miracle of forgiveness forgiveness whether you are the one to forgive or you are the one to be forgiven it's all a miracle yeah the one who forgives is a miracle worker and the one who is forgiven has received a miracle even to forgive yourself it's also part of the miracles yeah because sometimes you've been forgiven by you don't forgive and you always assume that somebody is remembering your sins when you are happiest man he said i know you are remembering my sin i have not remembered your sin lift your hands father we come before you for miracles give us miracles lord you gave sarah a miracle give us also a miracle man my a sarah receive a miracle i'm mandolins [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are praying [Music] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah now listen i'm hearing something in the spirit you know he said according to the time of life sarah was going to have a child so what he was saying is that is not going to interrupt the time a certain time so that time will a certain time that the nine months will be there but the miracle of having a child at all is going to do that so there's going to be a miracle some things will go by a natural way and some aspects will also go supernatural and then also you are not going to be born of a virgin so you must know what to do yes so three things you need to know that there's supernatural part then there's the timing part which may not be interrupted with and then you must also know what to do that's why it's called the working of miracles not the receiving of miracles you work it out there are some workings you need to work out and you are praying for marriage and you will not be humble and now you will not get it and you are praying for happy marriage you'll not be humble i mean is he anyway so we are praying according to the time of life and then number two what the supernatural part and then number three you must know what to do yes now everybody take out a special offering about one of these right now take it out right now we are sowing a seed it's not an offering time it's just lord i want to sow a seed into this direction yes pray with your seed take your seed and pray with them sowing a seed in relation to one not eight please if you need maximum two but one okay one of these one of these one of these all right pray either the miracle of a marriage or a miracle of a good marriage or miracle of children or miracle of good children or the miracle of financial breakthrough or the miracle of healing or the miracle of help in your crisis or the miracle of forgiveness either to be able to forgive or to be able to be forgiven i mean they are all miracles true or not true yeah yeah take out your special miracle seed this is not the offering time not free time is going to come but i just feel you want to give a hundred dollars hundred cities hundred pounds hundred of anything special hundred lord i believe if you don't believe please don't do it you're not raising funds okay we are not raising fans we are giving we are sowing we are believing god hallelujah oh i see angels being sent to help to help to support you i see good husbands coming they are walking to you they are waking up from bed right now they didn't join the floor but they will be joining after some time they will join hallelujah i see good wives according to the time of life yes being brought according to the time of life i see financial breakthrough according to the time of life yes that time that normally it may take to get a financial breakthrough i don't know maybe three years maybe it's two years of working maybe it's one year i don't know but according to the time of life the miracle that you are praying for today i see help coming your way forgiveness coming your way mata alabaka according to the time of forgiveness yes take your seed hundred pounds hundred dollars hundred for a minute we are not asking for something that will normally happen it will not normally happen it will not what normally happen i'm telling you it's not going to happen naturally but a miracle from god can make something happened and we are praying for it you don't have to pray for a miracle if you don't want to or you don't believe in it you can just go to bed shake your neighbor and i'll say you can go to bed we are praying for a miracle right now lift up your seed father we are sowing this seed in in addition to our prayers as you said the prayers and the arms of cornelius have come up before you bless us with a miracle one we are praying for one particular miracle out of these eight miracles thank you everywhere in the whole of this country and every other country that is praying we pray for miracles we thank you we receive it in jesus name send your seed right now and lift your hands and pray as we pray right now for miracles to flow like a river mama no sunday so [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] pray for [Music] [Music] los [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] never change my mind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the miracle of a good marriage we pray [Music] pray because it would normally not happen pray pray about it pray about it pray about it financial breakthrough it would normally not happen [Music] [Music] [Music] let's pray for the miracle of [Music] [Music] [Music] the miracle of hell in your crisis quickly [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no [Applause] [Music] [Music] remedy [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] m and now lord we pray for the miracle of having children in the mighty name of jesus let this graco happy lord let his miracle happen lord let this be lord [Applause] [Music] godly children good children my god my god we pray that this miracle will happen we will not miss this miracle we will order ourselves into this miraculous [Music] [Music] [Music] the miracle of financial breakthrough prayer to the lord allah i pray and i believe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m healing for your body healing for your mind [Music] a minute [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my my god pray for your miracle you will pray for your miracle it must happen it must happen it must happen in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we pray for your intervention that this miraculous lord let this miracle [Music] personal miracle your personal miracle what you want god to do for you what you want god to do for you which miracle do you want from the lord pray about it pray about it pray about it my god my god my god my god let me remind him we pray we believe and we appropriate this miraculous lord in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus oh remember [Music] [Music] [Music] pray for the miracle of healing pray for the miraculous healing it is not too hard for the lord it is not too hard for the lord it is not too hard for the lord he can intervene he wants to intervene pray and ask him pray and ask him for the miracle man [Music] [Music] we ask all god in faith we ask you god in faith we ask all god in faith for these miracles [Music] friendships graduated to marriages lord in the mighty name of jesus miracle power your miracle power your miracle power your miracle power los angeles we pray for the manifestations of these miracles in our lives the manifestations lord the manifestation is lord the manifestations of god financial breakthrough financial freedom financial breakthrough the miracle [Applause] [Music] it is a miracle it is a miracle it is a miracle it doesn't happen normally pray to the lord pray to the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father we give you thanks we'll give you thanks lord for a miracle yes the miracle we prayed for now lift your hands may god answer your prayers amen whatever you have placed before him yes john 15 and verse 7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will in the name of jesus and it shall be done unto you may this miracle be done unto you amen what you have prayed yes what you have asked what you have sought yes may it be granted to you in the name of jesus may you not be denied yes access to your miracle in the mighty name of jesus we pray with thanksgiving amen i believe now if you have somebody in your house with you hold the person's hands if not hold somebody's hand matthew i'm using two words to link us to god john 15 7 and matthew 18 19. if two shall agree concerning anything hold somebody's hand if if not hold the air and hold the holy spirit hold an angel somebody with you amen if two of you shall agree concerning anything or touching anything that they shall ask it shall be done for them it will be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven father thank you that it shall be done we agree we agree we agree concerning the miracle we have prayed for today it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven we agree that it shall be done for us by you which is in heaven thank you thank you for the miracle of marriage of good marriage of children of good children of financial breakthrough of healing thank you for the miracle of help lord the miracle of forgiveness the miracle of helping a crisis helping miracle of forgiveness we lift our hands john 15 7. we stand on it today if you abide in me my words abide in you you shall ask what you will it shall be done unto you we receive it now in the name of jesus we believe it now we receive it now in the name of jesus if two shall agree matthew 18 19 shall agree concerning anything they shall ask it shall be done for them by my father which is in heaven now lift your hands and thank god [Applause] it shall be done for them it shall be done forever [Music] your thanksgiving ascending before the father my god foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] now take out your thanksgiving offering take out your thanksgiving offering i believe god has done for you what you cannot do and what will not happen in the natural it will not happen but a miracle will happen now god has done it god has done it take your thanksgiving offering this is our final offering for this morning take out thank you take out your thank you take your thank you take your thank you take your thank you pandolo take your thank you thank you for this miracle [Music] foreign every battle you have fought every fight you have fought jesus you shall come out victorious in the name of jesus in the name of jesus amen by saying thank you you are exercising faith in the name of jesus you are exercising faith because why do you say thank you for something that you have not received yes why says thank you for something you don't have my god you have it i have it that's why you are saying thank you name of jesus lift your offering lift your thanksgiving father thank you you've answered our prayer oh yes you bless us you bless us you've given us something out of the course of nature an intervention a supernatural interruption [Music] is supernatural entry entry into the situation and you have blessed everyone and so we thank you that as we have asked you according to john 15 and verse 7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done we receive it and we thank you that it is done in jesus name amen amen sow your special seed sow your special seed amen amen and your offering is being used to build beautiful churches everywhere and you are blessed to be part of this great work amen amen and all the missions that we are doing everywhere are being blessed by offering this is uh martinique martinique uh one of the islands yeah all right yeah martinique island and the the missionary went there is starting the church and um this is uh sudan i believe yeah this is sudan is it khatum what what south sudan juba juba our cathedral project yes has begun this is our cathedral construction not in martinique not this is in juba yes in south sudan all right and this is havana this is our church in cuba having church service and that's our apostle little apostle she's a baby girl she's my baby but she's she's a huge apostle in havana cuba next time you're in cuba yes that's uh havana church cuba all right and they took some pictures after church as you can see many souls have been saved in havana you'll be there soon all right that is her apostle achi and then these are all pictures and then we have enugu in nigeria apostle peter is there he's a he's an apostle he's been to many countries now he's in enugu by the way enugu is the home of all the nigerian movies are here is the nollywood that is where the films are made i hear i don't know if i'm right but that's what i've been told so we are now where the nigerian movie so don't be surprised you see our church members in the next nigerian movie yes the church in enugu beautiful all these they just this their first service in enugu very fast church service in enugu all right and then we have bukavu in democratic republic of congos and the eastern part of congo they are also doing wonders and yes that's our apostle there uh what is his name ludwig he's doing one desk in bukavu i don't think he speaks french but he's got french people you don't have to speak the language these days through google translate you are if you are modern you are more than a speaker so this is another of our churches in congo it's called mitendi this is on the western side of congo congo is a huge country and this is another of our young apostles who is this one tintin apostle tintin detention in the comic we have one and he's the one there all right first live church in the midtendy having dancing stars and then this is another in congo king cole it's yet another congo church another one and they are all having this is king cole cathedral then this is lumumbashi this is another one yet another one going on yeah building all right prayers are working and this is uh in zambia you know because of the covey they had to come out of the church to have open-air church service so they have opened they had open air the cathedral they built is there but they have moved outside and they are having church outdoors is it not amazing are you excited about your church in zambia and that is uh bishop clement first love church the first love bishops are young guys no no not yet developed potbellies like the the ground that like the some of the grown-ups and this is a lusaka macanet church it's another denomination and they have this is their cathedral they are having their church in this cathedral in lusaka and that is them in their cathedral yeah yeah beautiful and all the your offerings are being used to do all these wonderful works amen beautiful all right hallelujah it's fine father thank you for all these in jesus name you can get your communion ready as we just pray for a couple of nations but today we are going to pray for cities instead of nations so the first city we are praying for is embodiment in congo let's pray for embuji maya bhuji my i've sent a missionary there and i want us to pray for cities some nations but cities in the nations so let's lift your hand and just pray get your communion ready we are we're going to close in a couple of minutes in bojimai look at it on the map there it's in congo it's in the center of congo father we pray for him for salvation in congo and marigos now [Music] we send somebody to kananga he's just arriving kananga pray for kananga now kananga is on the map salah mandola mananda [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] get your communion [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] lift your hands and pray for ibadan in nigeria [Music] we are building a mega church [Music] hey [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] let's pray for nairobi nairobi capital of kenya mandola mandela [Music] mandalay [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now we pray for malawi we pray for im zuzu in zuzu in malawi in zuzu mandolin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] and pray for musa [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now lift your hand and pray for angola angola angola for the city of luanda rwanda and lobito and lubango and huambo the city of puambo mandala amanda [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father we give you thanks in jesus name take your holy communion father we are grateful for the opportunity and as we come before the holy body of christ let everyone that is partaking of this holy communion receive supernatural healing supernatural strength and supernatural restoration through the body of christ we are healed you are healed from whatever is wary in you whatever is disturbing you whatever is confusing you receive healing the body of jesus christ be blessed with the body of jesus christ amen so [Music] now the cup of blessing may the blessing of the lord follow you as you receive this cup every case operating in your life is neutralized by the cup of blessing be blessed of the lord the blessing of the lord may the blessing now neutralize the cast in the name of jesus may the lord himself rise up amen on your behalf amen and administer his miracle power in your life yes whatever you lack jesus whatever you have fallen short of may you experience a supernatural restoration the lord bless you and the lord keeps you the lord have a good and friendly attitude towards you the lord be happy with you the lord smiled on you the lord lift up his countenance over you and give you peace let every storm in your life calm down now calm down calm down i say peace yes be still yes in the name of jesus of nazareth be blessed [Music] is [Music] and these are the days of the harvest [Music] of the lord
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 10,041
Rating: 4.9716816 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills, Evangelist, Prophet, Flow, Prayer, Meeting, First Love, Prayer Meeting, Psalm 1, Nations, 190 Nations, United Denominations, Loveliness prayers
Id: L1NQY3owQZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 41sec (13001 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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