Fresh Fire V: Bishop Marvin Sapp, "I Am The One", November 20, 2019

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] such a they even just tell them say he's been good to me some of y'all ain't saying they're like y'all mean it to touch somebody all right Ian left look at him his smile and say he's been better than good to me suddenly I'll steal quiet I'm looking right at you I said touch your neighbor and just tell him quickly he has been better than good to me some of y'all still quiet I don't think you believe it yet tell him say he's been better than good to me now if you know he's been better than good why don't you act like it why don't you open up your mouth and bless the name of your God because he has been better than good [Music] that's the name of the Lord you all can be seated I'm just so I'm so honored I'm so honored I am so honored to be here tonight and to have this opportunity to stand at this capacity I recognize that I'm not here because of my goodness nor is it because of my kindness but I'm here because of His grace in His mercy amen the truth of the matter is is that all of us should have been concerned but God who is rich in mercy he decided to love us not for where we were but he designed us to love us for what he wanted us to be the songwriter says there's something like this he says that he looked beyond my thoughts and he saw me at the point of my need aren't you glad God look past and stuff in your life y'all ain't saying it like y'all really thankful I'm I'm glad I'm so glad he looked fast and stuff in my life because some of the things that I've done should have disqualified me but he allowed those things not to be my devastation or my destruction but he allowed me to use them as testimonies there helps somebody come a little bit further so I'm grateful to God for tonight and I I think in for traveling mercies and I appreciate and I'm grateful to your leader let's put our hands together for the bishop Walter Scott Thomas that's my friend I like him I really do [Applause] I appreciate his flexibility I messed up my schedule and I was supposed to be here tomorrow night but thank God for my fraternity brother and my brother beloved that he was able to switch with me and that's dr. jamal harrison brian and y'all want to make sure y'all hear if you're having tomorrow and my thank you got all campus this week did you know that Kappa last night kappa tonight kappa tomorrow night it's gonna be some crimson flow up in here i'm telling you that it's so we're grateful to God and I thank God for him I really do because and at the most difficult challenging moment in my life when I was really trying to figure things out again he made space for me and and and that's that's amazing the conference that he does every year and I called they asked me to come for years and I never came and I was just trying to get my life back on course trying to reignite my passion and picked up the phone and called and said can I please come to the conference they said Martha we don't have no space I said I don't have to stay where y'all stay if y'all just find me a little shanty over in the corner somewhere just give me a pallet and a pillow I can't get no help here I guess y'all are oh no pallet is y'all live up this way give me a pallet and a pillow I'll be fine and they found a space for me and they allowed me to come and I am never gonna miss because it last year in particular last year in particular it's what helped me where I am now last year in particular this year actually and it was it was in February of March this year they talked about succession and I just took over for a pastor that has passed through the forty years and the church is turning a hundred years of age and they installed me on Sunday as the senior pastor in the Fort Worth Texas and the tools that you the tools that you all use at that week literally is helping me transition and shift I'll tell anybody when when God tells you to do something that is outside of your comfort zone it's a strange thing I started my church I'm not gonna preach long anyway so I'm good I'm looking at the clock I started my church 16 years ago I planning it and when God spoke to me and told me that it was time for me to go I rejected him I rejected him I had three prophetic words to come to me and tell me Marvin it's time for you to leave man Rapids and I'm rejected all three of them because I was looking at my church I was like okay God we we about to be dead free and I've been pastoring for 16 years without a salary of any sort now you gonna tell me that after I paid this thing off that is time for me to go I'm casting on this imagination of everything that exalteth itself this tudela so I packed my bags by myself left a 7,000 square foot home on three acres and right now I'm staying in at 864 square foot apartment y'all know understand I walk in my apartment and I looked around I said God just just this can't be you that I'm living like this and I went by myself and no one's down there with me but when I tell you in the last eight weeks God has literally shown me that this is where I'm supposed to be it's amazing [Music] if for no other reason yesterday it was 77 degrees and sunny and I was driving with my top down in November I something y'all may not understand the significance I have been in Grand Rapids Michigan my entire life there's snow on the ground where I live right now and I called back and told the Saints man and then [Music] the gospel corn is saying Luke chapter number six that's one a Saint Luke chapter number six I'm an expository preacher I like to deal directly with the tax upon my completion of executing the text of the best of my ability I go to my seat but can I say a little bit of salt my saying that would have made it right now ain't nobody gonna be here but me and doctors Scott you ain't leavin me you stay until I finish preaching I'll sing it after our preaching but there is a song that I keep hearing I keep hearing you put me in e-flat no that's not it is a flat No [Music] applause it won't fall [Music] share prosper here God will do what he said stoner dude not a man that he should lie he will come through God will it's gonna do not a man that he should lie he will [Music] Oh [Music] whoa weapon that is for [Music] Oh [Music] he will stand by his word [Music] father we thank you they give me glory today we honor you for this moment now we pray that you would welcome an out each and every aisle that's with eternity seed that you would sit on each and every person who did not allow them to leave here in the same way they came into these doors would allow there to be a metamorphosis that takes place all wings as always though you wait around execute your will in your authority we made a bit our minds be purposed in our hearts that we're going to give your praise honor and glory now God breathe in this house like never before anoint me indeed afresh in immunity anointing that causes teaching and preaching to be easy when yolks do not be broken because in these broken things can be fixed but they also be destroyed under the way that your glory I think even now I praise you even that much is more in Jesus name we pray and everyone in the building said Amen gospel on his neck like Saint Luke chapter number 6 quickly tossed upon his Saint Luke chapter number 6 quickly a man a man I love a I love a church that honest the word of the Lord verse 6 when you get there just how let me say I got it if you don't have it say wait up it's on the screen it's on the screen no but the writer says it says then it came to pass also on another Sabbath that he entered into the synagogue and taught and there was a man whose right hand was withered and the scribes and the Pharisees watched him whether he would heal on the Sabbath day that they might find that an accusation against him but he knew their thoughts he said to man which had the withered hand rise up and stand forth in the midst and he arose and he stood forth then jesus said unto them I will ask you one thing is it lawful on the Sabbath thing to do good or to do evil to save life or to destroy it and looking round about upon them all he said unto the man stretch forth thy hand and he did so and his hand was restored whole as the other if I could Bishop if I could if I could tonight I want to look at verse verse 10 because it says something I think that we need to examine for a little while tonight note what the writer says it says in verse 10 and and looking round about upon them all that he said to the man stretch forth thine hand and scripture says and he did so young y'all missed it you missed he checks out everybody that was within his ability to see after looking at everybody that was in the synagogue the reiner declares that he makes the decision to focus on one individual after he focuses on that one individual he gives that one individual a command and the command was very simply stretched forth thy hand and the scripture says and he did so y'all missed it one more time he checks on everybody that was in the building after looking at everybody that was in the building he makes a decision to focus on one individual after he focuses on that one individual he gives that one individual and instruction and/or a command and the command or the instruction was to stretch forth thy hand and scripture says and he did so y'all mister one more time he looks at everybody that was in the space and in the place after looking at everybody that was in the space and in the place he makes a decision to not talk to them but he focuses on the one individual and after focusing on that one individual he gives that one individual and instruction or command and that instruction or that command was the stretch forth your hand and scripture says and he did so y'all missed it one more time one more time he checks out everybody that's in the building but after checking out everybody in the building he looks at one individual and after looking and that one individual he gives that one individual and an instruction and that instruction was very simply stretched forth by hand and the Bible says and he did so just look at somebody real fast before you take your seat and look at them and smile some of y'all they smile since the seven perspires ago and while you smile at a time tell them say neighbor I don't know about you tonight but one thing I do know that is I am the water that's what I want to talk about for a few moments just touch somebody say I am [Music] that's normally talked about for a little while I am the one I am the one my beloved brothers sisters all of you who are part of the household of faith indeed because of his death his burial his resurrection which has in turn made us all heirs and again joint heirs that there are many things that I've learned many many things that I've learned over the last 36 years that I've been a born been again believer many things I'm learned over the last 36 years then I have been a born-again believer but there are many things that I've learned over the last 30 years of full-time ministry many things that I've learned over the last 30 years of full-time ministry be it preaching and or singing in the gospel of Jesus Christ there are many things I've learned over the last 26 years of pastoral responsibility being that I was a youth pastor for ten years and then walking in the office of a senior pastor for the last 16 many things I've learned of the last 26 years of being a pastor but one thing that I've learned beloved brothers and sisters is I've learned that one of the most difficult things about being a child of the king one of the most difficult things about being a child of the king is simply cultivating the ability to see what you don't see I'm going somewhere with this I've learned that one of the most difficult things about being a child of the king one of the most difficult things about being a believer it's literally cultivating the ability to see what you don't see being able beloved brothers and sisters in other words to expand your faith literally beyond personal expectations this can be challenging it can be challenging on so many levels it can be challenging for so many reasons it can be challenging simply because it deals with beloved brothers and sisters literally believing beyond reason for example for example it deals with the whole counseling aspect as you as an individual believer having to put your faith in someone that people cannot see but you know that he's there it deals with the whole concept and aspect of you as an individual believer having to put your faith into someone that people cannot hear but he speaks to you in a still small voice it deals with the whole counselman aspect of you having to put your faith into someone that people can't feel but the reality is is that you since his tender touch on an ongoing basis the fact of the matter is is that if you have not learned anything in the last how many years you have been a born-again believer you should have learned by now beloved brothers and sisters that building your faith can absolutely positively be a grueling experience and that the reason why it can be a grueling experience is because if you have not learned yet you should have learned by now that to develop it you have to literally have the capacity to look beyond traumatic occurrences you have to possess the ability if you will to get past missense and many times beloved brothers and sisters you even have to get past faithless people in order to get exactly what it is that God promised that you are supposed to have and there reminds the challenge my beloved brothers and sisters there lies the challenge the challenge it isn't getting past if you will difficult circumstances because we as individuals have learned if you will how to navigate through those things it isn't us getting past a challenging mishaps because we have learned how to even navigate through those things as well and we've learned how to compartmentalize and put them away and put them in their proper space and put them in their proper place but the challenge is getting past the opinions and unsolicited commentary of people who literally don't have the power to deliver you is quiet but I'm going somewhere tonight and therein lies the challenge beloved brothers and sisters the challenge isn't getting past your circumstances that may be hard the challenges are getting past difficulties that may be a challenge but the challenge is just getting past the opinions of people who name the name of Christ who feel like that they have a responsibility to share with you and to tell you how it is that God is supposed to work in your life and that's why in this season of your life it's so very important that when you come to the house of God that your focus should not be on who he is or who is not there but that your mentality and your mindset ought to be but whenever I come into the house of God I'm coming to the house of God with the mindset of the mentality that I'm not going to leave here until I get exactly what I came here for there's no need of me having to fight through traffic to get to the house of God and allow myself to be distracted by an individual that does not have the same need that I have does it make sense that I had to come from work and after being there eight hours today or 10 hours and happy to deal with every type of heathen there was on my job and then have to come to the house of God and have to sit next to somebody that's going to try to dictate how it is that God is going to flow and function in my life I made up in my mind that when I walked through those doors that my mentality and my mindset is is that I'm not coming to touch anybody other than him even if the preacher tells me to tap my neighbor I may tell them they may tell me to reach out and grab them I may reach out to grab them may tell me to hug all them I'm a hug holla but the reality is is that I understand that that's not the touch that I really came here for can I preach like i feel like preaching so I mentality a lot to be is that whenever I come into the house of God that my mentality is again is that I'm not going to leave here until I get exactly what I came here for that I'm solely focusing on experiencing God and receiving the breakthrough that I desire from him however this can be easier said than done because sometimes again people want to dictate when and for whom God should move for and therein lies the problem the problem is is that people think that church catch this it's like their job and because they think the church is like their job they think that because they've been here a certain amount of years that they have tenure I can't get no help and because they have tenure they want to explain to me how it is that God is going to function in my life but if you ever spent any time in the Bible you would know they noticed that God always performs differently in every individuals life prove it to me Bishop I think I will cuz there was a time when he told one man the dip down in a dirty river but then there was one time that he spit on the ground made play put it on somebody's eyes but then there was another time that he spit in somebody's face but then there was another time when he told them that as they go that they were going to be healed but then there was another time when he didn't even tell this particular person how they was gonna be healed all they did was sneak up behind him and touch the hem of their garment what are you trying to tell me bishop I'm trying to tell you stop listening to people who are trying to tell you how it is that God is going to work in your life but your mentality ought to be when you walk into the building anyway you bless me I'll be satisfied and that's why in this season of your life beloved brothers and sisters you are going to have to go by yourself sometimes in this season of your life you are going to have to spend by yourself sometimes in in this season of your life you gonna have to silence your critics you gonna have to tell the people that are close to you don't say another word why because I'm waiting to hear from God and I know that if he gives me the right instruction that everything that's in my life that's wrong it's gonna be made right and maybe I'm not talking to everybody but I know I'm talking to at least about 1,600 of you tonight that came up in this house with the mentality and a mindset that god I cannot leave here the same way I came into these doors because I've been catching too much hell I've been dealing with too many situations and god I need you to straighten this thing out before years in I stopped by here to encourage you tonight just to tell you that if you just follow his instructions breakthrough it's not gonna happen next year it's not gonna happen next month it's not gonna happen next week but I promise you it's gonna happen in the next few minutes because I brought the anointing in the house and the breaker is about to set you free can I preach like i feel like preaching proactively bishop marvin let's look at the text here let's look at the text because this in the text where we see this whole thing as it pertains to following the instructions no not what happened to the text beloved brothers and sisters because it's in our text today we find jesus watch this he is just entered into a place by the name of galilee and the Bible begins to let us know that he's not there for any other reason than to function in his purpose on that day what was his purpose but the Bible says he arrives there watch this on the sabbath that he goes to the synagogue why is he going to the synagogue bishop Marvin I'm so very glad you asked me because the reason why he is going to the synagogue because his assignment for that day was to teach in the synagogue his assignment was to teach the people that was in the synagogue so Jesus now he is there in the synagogue he is there for the purpose of teaching in the synagogue the purpose of God for his life while he is there catch this he's looking at the August body of people that were in the synagogue on that day and while he's looking at the August body of people that was in the synagogue the Bible says something that blows me away what does it say to you bishop martin the piper says that he notices that there is a specific man that was in the crowd catch this who had a noticeable disability y'all gonna get in in a few minutes he had no disability it was not something that he could hide it was not something that he could disguise it was not something that he could conceal but even though he could not hide it even though he could not disguise it even though he could not conceal it he was still there for the worship experience okay y'all gonna get it in a few minutes i'ma say it to you one more time they be making it impractical and plate Angeles for this specific reason he is there to teach in the synagogue and he is the guest speaker for that day he shows up and after looking at the August body of individuals that was in the synagogue on that day he notices that there is a man in the synagogue catch this who had a noticeable disability it was not something that he hit the skies it was not something that he could hide it was not something that he could conceal but even though he could not disguise it even though he could not hide it even though he could not conceal it catch this he made up in his mind that I'm not going to allow my condition to keep me from my worship experience oh I wish in this 21st century in this year 2019 as we get ready to enter into 2020 I wish that we had more members in this the end time that was like this man in that day and time because as soon as somebody CEO struggle as soon as they see your challenge as soon as they see your issue the first thing that you want to do is is you want to stay home and you want to have a pity party you want to put on that old tacky robe I take it no help up in here that no tacky lace front you still ain't saying nothing there mo beat up house shoes and then you got the audacity to be angry because they nobody calls you and asked you where you act the truth of the matter is is that you are in the wrong space and you in the wrong place this man did not care if they saw that he had an issue he did not care if they saw that he had a struggle he didn't try to hide it all he knew was is with my messed up self I'm still gonna come to the house of the Lord and I just wish that we had more folk that was like him somebody tell him you better stop not coming to church y'all looking at me strange tell your neighbor don't you stop coming to church coming to church babies they just had them before you knew about it I can't get no help in the church so what they saw you with a crack pipe and not you then got a little bit delivered you might not be totally delivered but you still come to God's house because if you keep coming to God's house you might have an affliction right now but after a while you're gonna run into Jesus look at somebody and tell them don't you stop coming to church oh come on come on talk to somebody tell us they don't stop coming to church so what she then made a mistake you still keep coming so what you then fell short you still keep coming so what folks saw you do it the only reason why they saw you do it is because they was there doing the same thing but so mind-blowing is is that it goes even deeper it tells us watch this that this man had a noticeable disability had a noticeable disability but yes I began to read a bit deeper I begin to note if you will and notice that in Luke the physician he goes forth and he begins to literally identify exactly what his condition was he goes on and he says that this man had a withered hand but that's not what blew my mind what blew my mind was is that he goes and he begins to identify which hand was withered now let me pause here for a minute because I'm the type of preacher that whenever I read something in scripture like that so so so when I know that he said that the man's right hand was with her immediately what I decided to do was is I decided watch this to literally cancel out all the left-handed people so I said well this passage of Scripture cannot be for the left-handed individuals it must be just for the right-handed individuals in particular he said naw Marvin you got to examine this thing even that much the deeper so as I begin to examine it that much the deeper it began to really blow my mind I said Todd what are you trying to tell me said well Marvin you need to understand the significance of what I'm trying to share I said what the scripture says that the man's right hand was with her he said yes I said well what is the importance of us identifying that it was his right hand he said what you need to examine it begin to look in the deeper I found out that the right hand catch this in it speaks of thority touch somebody say he's going somewhere I said touch your doggone neighbor and tell him say he's going somewhere with this the right hand speaks of Authority he said he yes I said so can you make this thing the planer from me can you please he says well Marvin you need to understand that the devil is not concerned with your shout I said he's not concerned with myself he says no son he does not care about the fact that you're shouting I said okay he says the devil don't care that about you running around the church I said really you don't care about if I do it victory lap he said no he said he don't even care if you speak with other tongues I said no I said he care about my wife doesn't he care about my pants why doesn't he care about my run why doesn't he care about any of the things that I think that's important he said the reason why Marvin is because that's not what the enemy is after in this season I said what can you tell me what the enemy is after he says Marvin he's after your right hand I said he's after my right hand he said yes he said what the enemy is after in this season he's not he's not dance he's not after your run he's not after your tongue what the enemy is after is he's after the authority that I have released into your hand so y'all looking at me strange so let me stay here for a minute because that was a time in the church Authority y'all they go like this but I must stay here anyway there was a time in the Church of God that people would come to the church for one purpose and one purpose only they came to the house of God because they wanted to be delivered okay it's quiet in this Presbyterian Church they came because they wanted to be delivered they they wanted to be set free there was a time when the mothers of the church they when folk was sick and when they had diseases that the first thing they would do is they would call for the elders they would they would run to the mothers of the church and and they would have them to pray why because there was a time when the church had something called power okay y'all they gonna like me no mo but now we're living in a tent at a time which the church gotta shout but we don't have power we know how to praise and worship but we don't have no power but God told me to tell you that in this season what the enemy has taken from us he's about to give back to us just look at somebody and tell and say I'm about to get my power back that's why the devil's been running you at your house that's that's why the enemy been fighting you in your marriage and it looks like he's winning because you don't have no more power he he's been messing with you and your children and you've been wondering when is this going to end God says it's about to end real soon he said because the night when you go home you'll have to do something you ain't even thought about doing in a very long time you survive to grab your oil and you about to walk in your house and you gonna grab your baby sneaker and you gonna plead the blood over your baby some oil on your husband's pillow go for your job and see the blood the poppy [Music] just look at somebody and tell him he's about to get my power back you gotta keep coming to church because if you keep coming to church he's gonna turn some things around if you keep coming the trucks you go runnin to give me a few more minutes what blows my mind is when we begin to look at the text catch this when we begin to look at the text Bishop the first thing that we notice is is that God or rather that Jesus notices a man who has a withered hand but notice if you will that he was not the only one that was in the worship experience know that there were slaves and there were Pharisees that was in the worship experience as well but you need to understand catch this but the scribes and the Pharisees that they were not there to worship Him they were not there to experience worship they were there for the sole purpose catch this of making sure with me making sure and ensuring that the traditions they were accustomed to or disrupted oh god it's quiet time these scribes of these Pharisees they were not there for the worship experience they were there for the sole purpose of policing Jesus making sure that Jesus didn't do anything that disrupted their customs y'all are gonna say man I disrupted anything that was normal for them and I got confused about this because that the fact that they asked Jesus to come speak in the synagogue should have told them something they should have told them the simple fact that whenever Jesus shows up but he shows up to disrupt your tradition the only gonna talk to me I'm by myself maybe only read the Bible that I read I know and notice that when ever Jesus shows up in a situation he shows up to disrupt what you have been comfortable with and somebody in here's looking at me angrily now but but let me try a real bomb in this building if your worship service has been the same for years I want to suggest to you that Jesus quite possibly has not showed up because whenever Jesus shows up just look at somebody and tell them I need Jesus to show up but tell me y'all still looking at me I said touch your dog or neighbor and tell them say I need Jesus to show up and shift some stuff in my church okie-doke experience why don't you just mines this Sunday and fall in the place to the point what the preacher can't even preach because can I feel I feeling me I feel him in the building and is that the Bible against the BLA Minds because it begins to let us know that the Pharisees and the scribes were there and they weren't there for the purpose of worshiping and not defying God but again they were there for the sole purpose of ensuring catch this that their traditions were not upset that their traditions were not upset that they were there to make sure that their customs worse that's that they stayed in order that they stayed in place and what I've learned is beloved brothers and sisters there are two types of people watch this that come to church week after week I've learned that there are two types of people that come to church week after week the first type of people that come to church week after week those that come to encounter God as they come to encounter God in other words before they left their house they they put a mandate on him they put a mandate on him they they tell God I don't know what the preacher gonna preach I don't know what saying I don't I don't know what the praise team gonna do but one thing I do know is is that I've been going through too much this week to come to church and not get something from you god I'm coming into the house of God with the mentality and a mindset that I don't need them to preach me happy I don't need them to sing me happy I'm coming with my happy you only gonna help me here I'm showing up with it only because to come to the house of God and leave here even more depressed than I was when I came in the door so there are people that come with an expectation they come with the mentality they come with the mindset they come with a focus of encountering God other individuals that show up catch this those who are struck in the traditions of their mindsets those who want to maintain the structural form of what they've become accustomed to those are individuals that don't come to encounter God but they come to counter God y'all y'all gonna get it in a few minutes they don't come to encounter God they come to counter God and the reason why they come to counter God is because they're stuck oh god I can't get no help here just touch somebody say don't get stuck don't don't don't get stuck some of y'all still looking at me I said touch your neighbor and tell them say please don't get stuck on the word that they heard before because the reality is I'm not learned anything I've learned that you cannot live off of what you have heard you can only live off of what you are hearing okay y'all gonna get in in a few minutes you cannot live what you have heard you can only live off of what you are hearing prove that principle to me Bishop Marvin I think I will come here Abraham I need a witness I need you to testify Abraham but testify I know exactly what he's talking about because there was a time in my life when God approached me what he promised me he cast me to offer up as a sacrifice not my mistake Ishmael but he asked me to offer up Isaac I submitted to the will of the Father so now my way to offer up sacrifice walk with me slow please I'm on my way to offer of sacrifice it's Abraham and Isaac and his men they get to the pace of the mountain and the Bible says that he leaves his men at the base of the mountain with the asses and then the Bible says that Isaac and his father are now on their way up to the mountain to offer a sacrifice I see Isaac having a conversation with his father and the conversation with something like this daddy daddy daddy I see I see the world I see the word daddy yeah I see the word I see the fire to Daddy because you got the fogger in your hand I see the fire but I don't see no sacrifice I can see Abraham talking to his baby boy and saying no worry about it son why because the Lord will love provide the top of the mountain family and when they get to the top of the mountain then the Roe's begin to shift because many theologians and scholars will tell you that this particular point in time in the life of Abraham and Isaac but now it is in shadow of God the Father and God the Son of God the Son to the point in time that Isaac welcome me now he decides to submit himself to his father the submitting yourself to his father now he is about to become the sacrifice that is about to be offered what happens now beloved brothers and sisters is that the hammer reaches back with a knife he prepares to kill his son Isaac but the Bible says that the heavens begin to speak to him Elson something profile what does he say to him bishop Marvin I'm so very glad she asked me God says in so many words don't kill your son why because there is a lamb in the bush I'm about to drop a major bomb in here because you need to understand that if I stick around the Abraham would've did what God told him to do if you were to just did what God said he would have killed Isaac but because he was listening to what God was saying he learned that there was the RAM in the bush what are you trying to tell me I'm trying to tell you don't get stuck on what he said because the same God that told you to do one thing it's the same God that possesses the ability to speak to you again and that's why some of y'all are stuck in church now because you're so busy talking about how mom and them used to do it and how grandmom and them used to do it but you need to understand that mama and Grandma I ain't here no more and God said I'm trying to do something new in your life so I don't want you to know me as Grandmama's God I don't want you to know me as mama's gone but what to do in your life I'm trying to get you to know me as your God and I just wonder is there anybody here other than me that made up in your mind that night yes my momma knowing yes my grandmama knew him as well but I want to know him more I don't want to know the same way they doing because they might not need in the same way that I need him can I preach like i feel like preaching so as i began to examine this thing and literally begins to blow my mind family because I began to see now that God in His infinite wisdom and knowledge he begins to deal with these Pharisees and I begin to see how he begins to deal with the man who had the withered hand and as I begin to really study this as I begin to look at this as I begin to examine this I begin to realize something that literally blows my mind because when I look at it I noted and I noticed that the scribes and the Pharisees that they weren't there for the purpose of worshipping God they were there for the purpose of policing Jesus so they weren't there for the worship experience they they were just there to make sure that things were not disrupted they wanted to make sure things that were happening we're happening the way that they were customed happening to look at this thing the deeper and I begin to realize that because they weren't there for the purpose of glorifying and magnifying God I began to realize Jesus did not show up for all of them y'all get in a few minutes for all the individuals that was in the building on that day but I begin to realize that the real reason why Jesus showed up but is that she showed up for one individual and I just got one question to ask you tonight before I get ready to go to my clothes a lot of people in this building but I just want to know are you the one that he showed up for okay you know you are the one because there are some specific qualifications will qualify you and will let you know that you are the one even when folk talked about you you you the one you the one you you're the one you're the one you're the one here it's focal light on you and stab you in the back and mistreated you but you still can't come into the house of God you're the one yeah yeah the one if if people said that you would never make it if they said that you will never amount to anything if if they throw you away and cast you away you are the one what qualifies you is is that even in your afflicted state you made up in your mind that you are going to not allow the stairs in the stairs and the nasty conversations of people to keep you from coming to God's house but you came to experience God in a brand-new way just touch your neighbors say I am the one soul in beloved brothers and sisters and you are the ones in understanding there are some specific instructions you have to be willing to follow in this season of your life you know that you are the one now you have to make up in your mind beloved that you're not going to allow anything or anyone to keep you from experiencing God the new level that you aren't exciting in to experience imagine you have to make up in your mind that you are going to be willing to do exactly what he tells you to do when he tells you to do it and how he tells you to do it in this season look at your labor real fast touch them almost for the last time and tell him say follow his instructions I'm so very glad you said it because when I begin to look in the Word of God the first thing that I noticed that Jesus does is Jesus gets the man's attention and then after getting the man's attention he gives him one specific instruction now what was the instruction that he gave him bishop Marvin where the Bible says that he tells the man he says I need you to stand up in the midst of the people and the Bible that's exactly what the man needs can I preach like i feel like appreciate what some mind blowing is is i begin to have a conversation with the god of my salvation and I think in that ask all the questions I said God why in the world would you have this man stand in the midst of the people can I tell y'all what he told me he said the reason why I had the man stand up in the midst of the people he said because for years I have been working miracles behind closed doors he said but this time behind closed doors he said but this time bless this man right in the face of people that don't wanna see him be delivered can I preach like i feel like preaching come by here to tell him that's exactly what god's about to do in your life he said for years I've been working miracles in your life closed doors for years I've been bringing you out and I've been making lees [Music] [Music] right in your face I'm gonna write this look at your name night and save somebody I'll still looking at me I said look it's only two people left right in your face he's about to open the door right in your face he's about to make me you don't want to see me come out but he's about to make away [Music] [Applause] because everybody be quiet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta let you go only got 1 minute and 45 seconds but can I tell you what God told me to tell you I said can I tell you what God told me this hell you go to my seat begin to talk to God why I was hitting my room today and I said cuz I said why in the world would you tell this man to stretch his hand you already knows that his hand was wizard you already know that his hand was broken you already know that he didn't possess the ability to stretch go up this hand but can I tell you something when God told me this bishop it messed me up can I tell you what he told this pose you go home if they don't remember anything let's just said tonight why you're on your way you want me to tell them I really want me to tell them tell him he said the reason I'm telling you the stretch [Music] you don't remember [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's better right it's been a challenge it's been difficult but I'm reaching forward every check for some challenges [Music] now but I'm reachable now you one thing [Music] I tell you one more thing I tell you what man [Music] I'm strong [Music] Oh [Music] I'm bill [Music] I said having a little bit Oh he brought me food [Music] because I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get out listen I think you define one person sitting on your line to your left you don't know what they came in any with you don't know what they got to go home to but death of life [Music] slowly [Music] y'all still too quiet i do to the finds for my tea quickly they may have tears rolling down their face but I need you to tell them say neighbor I got a word for you talk to him courage you talk to somebody builds you talk to them look into the faces I did you speak [Music] if you made [Music] you
Channel: New Psalmist Baptist Church
Views: 83,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6FokzShJ3mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 49sec (4069 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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