POWERFUL MESSAGE! Bishop Kevin Wallace (Campference 2018)

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while you're standing on one you go to Romans 5 and micah micah chapter 4 Romans 5 and Micah chapter 4 thank you Father I'm not gonna I'm not gonna preach and teach real long but I am gonna minister in the altar tonight I felt like God's Gracie's just really here for that purpose tonight you know this you know this about the Word of God listen there's a reason why Satan hates the Word of God being spoken and declared over your life Satan thrives in secrecy he hides in darkness he speaks to our minds in ways that we watch listen very carefully what I'm telling you Satan does not walk up and tap you on the shoulder and say hey I'm get ready to lie to you he comes to you in invisible ways and speaks to your mind and tries to shape your thinking in the way that limits your life that's why he hates the word of God because this word I'm getting ready to declare over you is truth and when I declare truth over your life and when your leadership declares truth over your life what happens is it tears down strongholds and lasts it it absolutely reveals the deceptive plan of the enemy and you walk in the light how many want to walk in the light and in the truth of God's Word so that's what's done that's that's what tonight's assignment is about and this is listen I don't do water down I was like praying I'm like you know what simple thing can I preach look that go over their head but I'm just really convinced this generation doesn't need a watered-down Holy Spirit and they don't need watered-down revelation I really believe they need the meat of the Word of God so that they grow up I need you to grow up quickly I don't need you to wait till you're 40 to understand who you are in Christ I need you to like tonight get activated come on look at your neighbor tell them tonight we got to get activated I'm not talking about not growing I'm not talking about we're gonna know it all I'm just talking about tonight we start understanding who we are in Christ somebody say in Christ so I'm gonna talk a little bit about the kingdom of God tonight and I'm gonna talk about I think this is them if I'm gonna if I were gonna title this sermon I would I would title this sermon the king in thee look at your neighbors say there's a king in you [Music] somebody yeah I know there's a king in you and I'm gonna talk about that King tonight look at Romans chapter 5 first real quick Romans chapter 5 verse 17 [Music] for if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one okay pay very careful attention to these words if by one man's sin or offense death reigned through the one how much more those who receive somebody say this is me somebody say this is me how much more those that's us who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life how many want a reign in life through one man's offense and sin death reigned over everyone how many know who he's talking about right there Adam when Adam sinned in the garden in Genesis 3 what happened to all of humanity come on it got contaminated by sin right what Paul is teaching us here in Romans chapter 5 is that if death reigned because of Adam's transgression how much more through the abundant grace and the gift of righteousness through Christ shall we reign in life as bad as your life was when you were trapped in Adam's sin how much greater is your life now that you're living in the abundance of the grace of Almighty God can somebody act like you're happy about what's happened to you in Christ now I want you to go to Micah chapter 4 I want to go to Micah chapter 4 verse number 9 weary description then we're gonna get right into this how many are like I didn't know Michael was in my Bible Mike is in the Old Testament right and and it's a powerful powerful prophecy but there's this one verse I want us to focus in on it I'm gonna talk about the context of members in my message tonight Micah 4 verse 9 now why do you cry out aloud is there no King in thee has your counselor perished for pains have taken over you as a woman in travail is there no king in you I'm talking to you is there no king in you pray for me I'm gonna pray for you lord help us tonight for these next few moments may seeds be planted and in the hearts that are just ready to receive the revelation that you have given I'm asking God tonight that the seed would come back in one hundredfold return grayza apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers psalmist minstrels singers songwriters musicians CEOs lawyers doctors culture shifting generation changing men and women of God out of this youth group turn this youth group upside down and through them turn this city upside down I pray every school represented here tonight when we come back to school in just a few would notice that there is a significant difference among those who have been in your presence and stamped by the glory of Almighty God may there be a change lay your hands on your heart sight speak to me tonight God say Spirit of God changed my life in jesus name amen you can be seated so we just jump right into it I have been teaching a lot about the kingdom of God in my church for the last two years it's become sort of a pillar of of the responsibility and the stewardship of my life and the life of our church as we try to press into places that our city has never gone before and experience measures of the kingdom of God that we have never experienced before one of the things that's happening in this room tonight that is so beautiful to me and I'm telling you you don't know how rare it is is the amazing diversity in this room tonight the diversity of generations the diversity of cultures and races and and and ethnicities it is a beautiful thing this is what happened when the kingdom of God begins to be demonstrated I celebrate what God is doing in this house you should celebrate what's God is doing in this house because the kingdom is invading when the kingdom of God invades the kingdom of God invades and it doesn't ask questions like you know how do you want to have church what kind of people do you want to come to your church win the kingdom of God invades the kingdom begins to express itself and people who are sick and tired of religion get drawn to the kingdom people who don't want to just go to church as normal and do church as usual they start saying there's something more than just our little church there's a greater thing going on in the earth there is this thing called the kingdom of God say the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is watch wherever Jesus is ruling and reigning put simply the kingdom of God is wherever Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning so this is pretty incredible in the Gospel of Luke the 17th chapter people begin to come to Jesus and they say where is the kingdom of God jesus said some will say it's over there some will say it's over there but here's the deal the kingdom of God is within you how is the kingdom of God within me like this massive Kingdom this big incredible Kingdom how does it fit inside of me it's not that all of it fits inside of you it's that all of you fits inside of it come on when you give your heart to Jesus and he becomes the Lord of your life how many know that he has lordship and reign over everything about you how many want him to come on how many believe it matters to Jesus who we date what we listen to where we go how we behave how we speak you don't have to say Amen you can squirm but how many know that what when our life belongs to him everything about our life submits itself to the rule and reign of Jesus if there are areas of your life tonight that have not been submitted to the rule and reign of Jesus then I want to tell you you have pushed the kingdom of God out of your heart and the night we need to make room for the kingdom of God to have all of us because God doesn't want a compartment of us he doesn't want a piece of us he doesn't want a slither of our heart how many know he is a jealous god I said how many believe he is a jealous God come on this God we serve is not a God that like your Sunday morning only attendance he is a God who wants you every day of your life in fact in the Old Testament he is called Jehovah Quanah that the God who is jealous for his people that means he refuses to let you have other lovers I'm not getting no help right here he refuses to let other idols have your attention he refuses to let other things have your heart it's not that you can't have friends it's that you can't have a friend that's closer to you than Christ Jesus it's not that you can't have a spouse down the road in your future it's just that you've got to understand he truly is the lover of your soul I want you to know tonight that Christ is not satisfied with the part of us he wants all of us and this love of Christ that we sing about tonight it demands a response neutrality is not an option all the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God and we sitting no see when you come into a revelation that he would walk up any mountain and he would climb any hill and he would light up in the dark room and he would blow up haters and he wouldn't even get rid of everything trying to destroy you when you come into that kind of revelation of the love of God nobody should have to beg you to praise the Lord you should want to worship the one who loves you with perfect love his love demands a response neutrality is not an option and when we got saved if you're saved then you know it lift your hands if you say then you don't lift your hands it's not a rhetorical question okay so let me break this down because sometimes we who've been in the church all of our life and I have been we just take for granted everybody knows what we're talking about so when we say we're saved in our if you raise your hand and everybody who's saved and they don't lift their hand but there are some people who like safe from what see what Christ came into your heart he excuse you from several things number one he rescued you from you I didn't know I need to be rescued from yourself how many no self is the greatest hindrance to your future he rescued you for himself not only did he rescue from selphie rescued you from sin save you from sin saved you from hell but how many would agree with me that it doesn't just end with salvation being God getting you out of sin away from self and out of hell how many know Jesus saved you more than just to forgive your sins do you understand Jesus was forgiving sins before he ever died on the cross another thing the cross wasn't necessary for the propitiation of all men sin it absolutely was but here's the thing I'm trying to tell you the reason Jesus came to this earth to die on a cross and raised himself by the Holy Spirit from the grave three days after he was buried there's one there are reasons why he did this and one of them was to empower you to be the sons and daughters of God John chapter one to his many ass believed him can you handle some Scripture tonight - as many as believed in Jesus to them gave he power to become sons and daughters of God when Jesus come to save you he did more than get you out of hell he did more than forgive you of all your sins Jesus came to empower you to be who you were called to be from the foundation of the world now we call ourself watch this world yet say come on give me some names of what we call ourself after you say we're saved Christians right come over the body of Christ we're believers we're sunt were heirs with God join hands with Jesus Christ Bibles full of descriptions and adjectives about who you are in Christ but I need to zero in tonight on something that we don't talk a whole lot about at least I didn't and I think it's important for you to know in terms of identity what the Bible has to say about you and then a number of passages in the Bible the Word of God says watch this that we are kings and priests unto God say kings and priests that's exactly what Peter was talking about in 1st Peter chapter 2 when he said you are a royal priesthood say royal royal speaks of kingship now I know this sounds a little bit crazy because we always say Jesus is the king but I want to remind you what the Bible says about Jesus he's not just the king although he is he's the king of kings and he's the king of kings who are the kings he's King starts all the way back in the book of Genesis if you will know the truth about it God told Abraham watch this out of your lineage I will bring Kings out of your loins flip over all the way to the end of the book of the Bible in the book of Revelation and twice twice in the book of Revelation the Bible says revelation 1 verse 6 and revelation 5 verse 10 watch twice the Bible says Christ has made us kings and priests unto God I'm going somewhere hang on to me what I want you to know cuz here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna tell you who you are I'm gonna tell you what the enemy is trying to tell you you are and then I'm gonna end by reminding you of who you are when you got saved you joined a royal priesthood everybody stand up real quick hurry hurry hurry hurry stand up turn around and put your seat on your chair or your hand on your chair on where you were sitting how many feel a hotspot everybody look at me now everybody look at me now that is not your only contribution to the kingdom of God that heat on your seat is not your only contribution to the kingdom of God it worked you were saved for more than warming you you were saved to become a king and a priest on earth that represents the king of glory the king of heaven the king of kings and the Lord of lords he saved you watch this you can sit down he saved you because he wants you to understand his kingdom is a kingdom of authority rule and reign now if I had time I would teach the tension of the kingdom of God which is what we in and I don't claim to be a theologian but in theological circles there is this whole notion of the tension of the kingdom of God it is both coming and it is already here it's called the already not yet kingdom somebody say already not yet so here's what I mean by that the kingdom of God is already here but there are things that are going to happen in your life and mind that have not yet happened don't miss what I'm getting read safe you're taking notes you need to write this down and chew on it at like 1 a.m. in the morning tonight you are becoming who you already are you are becoming who you already are take a big deep breath let me said over here one more time you are becoming who you already are so I'm a king but I'm not a king yet no you're a king you're just not a king yet so are you telling me that I'm really going to rule and reign with Christ in the future and that I even have authority now that is exactly what I'm telling you and I know that somebody would say this is so ridiculous to preach at a youth conference like we need to preach that to mom and dad the problem is when we don't tell our sons and daughters this when they're in a spiritually formative state they grow up thinking they're nothing more than a Pew warmer and they forget that they are ambassadors of the kingdom of heaven and that when they're walking through their hallways in their school demon-possessed Oh God crazy people in their generation do not have more authority than they do we've just got to wake up the king in you and remind you that there is someone living on the inside of you that is greater than the one that is living and this one so in this story I read to you tonight there's one verse in the Book of Micah it is an intense passage because if you know anything at all about the history of Micah chapter 4 you know that Micah is writing in a period of time called captivity he's writing about a specific thing that happened in Israel's history called Babylonian captivity everyone say Babylonian captivity so let me put it in perspective Israel belongs to God Israel has the Ark of the Covenant Israel has the king Israel has the presence of God Israel has the favor of God but Israel walks away from God turns their back on your way and because of their persistent willful sin God takes his hand of protection off of Israel what happens a king named Nebuchadnezzar say Nebuchadnezzar a king named Nebuchadnezzar who is king over the Babylonian Empire marches into Israel and destroys the whole city and there is a king living at that time in Israel he was the king over Israel his name was Zedekiah Zedekiah has seven sons history tells us that when the king of Babylon came into Israel Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took the seven sons of Zedekiah and killed them all in front of the king of Israel history also tells us listen to this this is crazy he plucked out the eyes of the king of Israel Zedekiah so that the last memory Zedekiah had what's the memory of his seven sons dying in front of him if you keep reading history I know this is graphic but just hear me this is what sin will do to you they took rings put them through the nose of the Israelites threaded the rings with chains and drugged them like animals out of their city to a place called Babylon and in one of the Psalms when they started thinking about those days they spent in Babylon in captivity they said we hung our harps on willow trees we didn't sing songs because we had left our home Landing please hear me tonight sin will always take you further than you want to go if the church doesn't stop teaching sin management we're going to screw up an entire generation what we teach is let's cope with sin sin is really not all that bad we all do it and we all have to embrace it and we all have to just accept the fact that we're always going to dabble in sin please hear me you should always be thankful for the grace of God that cleanses you and delivers you from sin but you should never presume on the grace of God that it's always a license for you to act any way you want to act and then running to church on Sunday and walk in the favor of God the devil is a liar the Bible says in the book of Titus chapter 2 that the grace of God teaches us how to deny ungodliness come on slap your neighbour karate-chopping your neighbor next for you and tell him God wants us to live holy now I know holiness is not a word you hear at youth camps anymore but I'm gonna tell you tonight God hasn't changed his standard just because we're living in a little bit of a lukewarm error when it seems like everything that comes down the pipe is somehow just embraced as you can do what you want God is holy he called us to live holy and the good news is when you make up your mind to walk with God there is a grace released over you that empowers you and I to live in victory even in the face of a hostile world Zedekiah sees his seven sons killed watch this the entire city is raised they put hooks through their nose thread a chain through the hooks and drag them out of the city and that's where micah chapter 4 is written they're hurting they're devastated they're surrounded by what they think is their enemy they have forgotten how to call on the name of the Lord and Micah 4 verse 9 says why are you crying aloud they were screaming because their King had been taken away they were screaming because their children had been drugged away lost an entire generation they're screaming because life is not ever going to be the same it looks and they're crying out like a woman in birth and Micah comes along and says to them why are you acting like you're defeated forever why are you acting like you have no future is there no King in you I'm almost done preaching when I came all the way from Chattanooga to the Nexen to ask a question is there no King in you acting like the generation that I'm preaching to tonight is somehow so problematic and got so many odds stacked against them why are we acting like you're in great trouble because of how bad the big bad devil is in your generation I want to tell you something your generation is more hated than any generation that I've ever seen in 20 years of ministry Satan hates you he's trying to deceive he's trying to destroy he's trying to lock your life up in pornography bind you in all sorts of lust and perversion why does Satan hate you so bad I'm gonna tell you why God loves you so much and so my god I feel the Lord getting on me right here Satan understands if you ever come into a revelation of who you are if you ever come into a revelation of who Christ called you to be if you ever come into an understanding of the authority you have in Christ his days are numbered Satan's little Playhouse is in trouble I want to tell you that I still believe sons and daughters shall prophesy God is gonna move through you i prophesy over you now you're gonna turn your world upside down this Sunday morning casual Christianity myths is a thing of the past I declare over you you're gonna go you're gonna go get so on fire for God that this water damned weak anemic world that is trying to lure you away from the love of Jesus in the cross of Christ I come to tell you it's not going to work you are gonna roar louder than any generation before you where's the dude that was over here playing the guitar [Applause] I like you no no no I like you that's what God said to me about you no no no standing I'm just gonna speak over your life I didn't know when I was gonna do this I heard the Lord saying while you were worshiping I was worshiping with you God said I like him it was like God he got a Hawaiian shirt on he is a brother playing an acoustic guitar I think that is the most awesome thing I've ever seen in my entire lifetime and he's really good [Applause] but I want to tell you that anointing on your life that gift on your life those songs in your spirit those lyrics that come they're not gonna sell like mom and dad then I'm gonna sound like the generation before you but God told me to tell you he put them in you because he trusts you to open up your mouth and let him out so wherever you go I know you now to change atmospheres and to shift entire cultures with the sound of what God is gonna do through your life simply sit with me is there no kicking in you is there no king and you you are not helpless there's a king inside of you so catch this there's a king in you because there's a king in you there's a king in you you girl there's a king in you because there's a king living in you let me go over here and try let me go over here and truck there's a king in you he's like man I ain't never had him so many girls looking at me at one time in my whole life there's a king in you listen listen catch it there's a king in you because there's a king living in you some of y'all gotta quit living like beggars some of you know I told my youth group this a couple of weeks ago I was preaching at camp God spoke to me when I was praying for my our youth group firebrand that's our youth group God spoke to me and said tell them to stop wishing that they could do what their unsaved friends are doing we got peoples listen y'all come in here come in here let's side we got young people sitting in our church on Sunday mission they were at home recovering from a hangover wishing that on Saturday night they were bumpin and grindin in the club listen they were smoking stop wishing they were listening to stop wishing they was sleeping with and what you don't know is those Jokers you wish you were are looking at you wishing they had your joy listen they had your peace wishing they had you anointed wishing they had you [Music] [Applause] stop have a king in you slap your neighbors on you the next time your ex-boyfriend ask you who do you think you are ask that Joker how much time do you have [Applause] cuz I'll tell you who you are sweetheart you're the head and not the tail you're above and not beneath your blessing the city blessed in the field you're an heir with God and a journey with Jesus Christ you're the righteousness of God hidden in Christ you're the apple of his ha who are you that's who you are there's a pain in you God I feel like preaching up in this room tonight [Applause] is there no King in you why are you putting your hands all over her body cuz I like her shut up in fact I love her you are lying wonder you don't love her you're 12 years old you better get a job you don't love nobody you don't even know what love is [Applause] is there no King in you sisters why are you letting him put his hands all over you is there no king in thee the next time you pull up in a dark cold the SEC and he starts talking about baby ok so let me tell you how this went for me because I didn't have a girlfriend don't feel sorry for me either I didn't have a girlfriend till I was 19 years old 19 and that was too early I was 19 she was 24 no no come on y'all y'all acting crazy not what this is true story listen listen look at you never say is there a king indeed she took me to a cul-de-sac I thought was going to get lunch this is a true story this is a true story before the Lord she drove to an unfinished subdivision took me to a cul-de-sac and we pulled up in a circle I'm like man I don't see no Taco Bell I don't see no Burger King no McDonald's and I'm sitting there I'm going man what is going on here and I hadn't never had a girlfriend y'all she leans over she says I want to make out with you this is true story before the Lord she closed her eyes and leaned over to kiss me and I'm where my son that I laid my hands on her head when she closed eyes that leaned over to start kissing me she goes I want you to make out with me this is true story she leaned over to kiss me when she did I laid my hands on her head said shucks but it's a true story it is a true story why did you do that preacher because desert slap your neighbors say is there a teen in thee [Applause] sit down sit out women sit down there's a king in you huh she started crying I don't know you don't started a prayer meeting now lift your hands receive in the name of the law she drove me home this is a true story she drove me back to my dorm dropped me off I shouted all the way into my dorm room listen to me you got to start stop living beneath the king in you there's greatness in you and you live in life like I don't have a future but what I do today don't matter about tomorrow like where I'm going in life it don't matter I just know is there no King and you stop letting the enemy bring in one little temptation deal one little lie and get you in a posture and in a position of such defeat that you forget there's a king living in you there's a great story over in the book of John about Jesus coming up out of the water of baptism he comes up out of the river when he comes up out of the river the Bible says something in John that it doesn't say in Matthew Mark or Luke he says the heavens opened the father said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and a dove watch descended on him and remained say and remained what does that mean that means everywhere Jesus went the dove was resting on his shoulder you and I need to live like the Dove is resting on our shoulder and we don't want him to fly away because we get our praise on on Sunday but I want to start finding them people who love Jesus Monday through Saturday when listen your spirituality is never determined by how you act when the lights are on and the worship is going and no no your spirituality is determined by how you're living when nobody's looking so there's a king in you when you get born again this King comes to live Satan spends his entire life and existence trying to convince you that you're normal Christianity it's nauseating we're just another religion we're not just another religion God became flesh invaded the earth died for us came to live in us by the Holy Ghost we are the problem is sit with me you'll make me nervous the problem is religion has tried to make us so stop normal that if we ever get normal people are going to think we're abnormal you know what I just feel like it's gonna happen in Lenexa I feel like about a hundred y'all are gonna start a healing revival I don't know about that are we gonna do it at church nope you're gonna turn the cafeteria at your high school and all they will take is one girl or one boy who the doctor said is going to die or have a broken leg or some sort of physical problem and all of the takers wanted you to pray a prayer of faith and when jesus heals that young lady or that young man word is gonna travel around the school and the name of Jesus is gonna be magnified that's your job you're the preacher you do that that's the problem is there no King in you so here's my point tonight two things I need to tell you if you don't know the King I don't care if you know about him lots of people know about Jesus but do you know him is there a king living on the inside of you and if there is and you're living beneath the royalty Jesus there's a young lady in here tonight who's been abused molested got some chains in her heart because of someone violating you in your past and you're sitting here tonight wondering not even convinced or convinced of all that there's a king in you while I was preaching a few moments ago I heard the Spirit of God whispered to my heart he said tell this young lady she's a queen no no no no no let me fix it cuz I gotta say just like he said tell her she's a princess because her father is a king [Music] your heavenly father is a king and when you came into his family you came into royalty you're sitting here thinking I'm a nobody could God love me if they're so broken and violated pastor and the entire time you're believing that lap the reality and the truth of your existence on this planet is your father is a king that makes you a princess in the kingdom of God [Music] there's some young men in here tonight [Music] this is the first generation that has made it alright for you to decide your sexuality I'm gonna be I'm gonna be real plain-spoken but I do it in the heart of holiness when I say this but you need to hear me say it like this when God created man and woman he didn't give them a choice about what they wanted to be [Music] he gave me certain organs and women's certain organs can y'all handle this you don't get to determine your sexuality young men God did that for you for you to try to be embrace another identity is to reject the one he gave you do you know why homosexuality is so dangerous and it's not more listen to me carefully we classify sins in the kingdom of God now and we put people who are struggling with homosexuality and another class I think that's a horrible mistake as if Liars are going to get off at the end having no sin is going to cause many people eternal separation from God people who do not trust Christ as Savior hear me listen to me very carefully do you know my homosexuality is so dangerous it's because when God created man and woman in Genesis he said to them I want you Adam and Eve be fruitful multiply and take dominion when a man and a woman who love each other and come together in holy matrimony come together in sexual intimacy listen to this they have what's called a baby [Music] that was supposed to be funny and it wasn't my bad okay when a man and woman come together in holy matrimony and love one another they have what's called a baby thank y'all thank y'all thank thank you for getting my humor that was weird but if I'm better okay watch when a man comes together with a man [Music] tame reproduce when a woman comes together with a woman can you reproduce and guess who gets happy about that Satan why because Satan's greatest nightmare is the offspring of a woman why because in the garden God said that woman is going to have a baby and he will crush the head of Satan homosexuality homosexuality listen to me homosexuality filiz is Satan because it keeps the threat of righteous seed being reproduced in the earth [Music] there's a reason why I pray over all four of my children almost every day of their life for God to keep their spouse wherever they are safe free from demonic activity I have four Isaiah's the one to come with me how many enjoy it I say a young say rapping and I went out back come on I love you bro I'm so pumped he got to come with me this was awesome I try to talk like him and it don't work so I won't but I pray for his spouse he's these 15 why are you praying for his spouse because I believe when God brings them together in his time they're children and my grandchildren are gonna be the devil's worst nightmare just believe that so it's really important that we do this God's Way [Music] tonight some of you need to wake up the King in you [Music] cuz it's all funny and it's all cool until one day we see a generation it's a scariest passage in the entire Bible I don't know why it's right here on my heart wanna say it it's in the book of Judges it said there arose a generation who did not know God or he has works I want you to know the works of God and I want you to know there's a king so I ask you to bow your head I've taught long enough and I don't know who you're sitting beside if it's your bro your brother's your sisters your sister whatever your boyfriend your girlfriend your thing whatever [Music] here's what I want to know if you're in this room and there's not a king living in you Christ Jesus is not the lord of your life I'm not talking about some vague God I'm talking about Jesus Christ born of a virgin lived at 33 sinless years died on a cross they took him off a cross put him in a tomb in three days later he rose from the dead he ascended on a cloud went back to heaven and is right now sitting at the right hand of God praying for you in this very moment that Jesus is he the king of your heart it's either Lord of your life if he is I'll talk to you in a moment but if he's not I need to talk to you right now because any lie that's telling you you have all the time in the world to make this decision needs to be rejected immediately because the Bible is really clear salvation is today today is the day of salvation and anyone in this place thinking that you can get yourself cleaned up and you can turn it around enough and you don't really need Jesus to get your life together I want to tell you right now your willpower is feeble you can't break it alone but the good news is the king came to live inside your heart and he wants you to have victory he wants you to have joy and he wants you to have peace and what he wants from you is your faith and all of your life and I'm counting to three tonight for a young man or a young woman sitting in this room who would say pastor Kevin I need to get my heart to Jesus I've heard about him I know about him but I need him to take my life and I want him to have all of me I'm talking to you if you know you need Jesus to save you and come into your heart and live if you want the King of glory to come live in you when I say three where you're sitting heads are bowed eyes are closed shoot your hand up and say pastor Kevin pray for me I need to give my heart to Christ one two three now lift your hand hands thank you you can put them down everyone look at me stand up everyone look at me stand up here's how I do this I want you to in just a second not yet but in just a moment there's a person standing on your ID and on your lift you may have known them your whole life you may have never met them before tonight I don't know if you know them or not but I don't I don't want it to matter the most important thing we can do at this moment is be used by God to ask our neighbor one of the most important questions a person could ever ask them in just a second I'm going to release you to ask the person on your left and right do you need to go to the altar and pray and listen if you lifted your hand or you should have saying save me Jesus when your neighbor asks you if you lifted your hand or you should have when your neighbor asks you if you need to come to this altar I want you to look at him not your head and I want both of you to get down here as fast as you can ready ask the person on your left and right right now do you need someone to go to the altar and pray if you lifted your hand or you should have hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry don't wait today is the day of salvation tonight God is going to change your life I need everyone who's not coming to give God the biggest praise and to celebrate with angels in heaven right now come on come on somebody celebrate come on [Music] so I know not every one of you who came need to be saved some of you just came with people who did but now I want everyone who came to be saved listen to me very carefully I want you to make your way to the front of this altar right here close as you can everyone else take a step back if you did not come to be saved you're already to say no what you just kind of take a step back I want everyone who came to give their heart to Jesus - I always somebody help me praise the Lord for this tonight this is beautiful now listen I want you to start coming in behind them and gently gently lay your hand on their shoulder I want them to know they're not alone and I want all of you who didn't move to stretch your hands toward the altar right now and I want you to pray for them very quietly like you wish somebody would have prayed for you the night you got saved can you do that for me right now everyone who came to give their heart to Jesus look at me while they're praying all of you look at me I'm getting out because I can't see with those lights first of all you need to know this salvation is an act of the love of God he loves you I don't care what you've done and how long you've been doing it Jesus loves you tonight he's coming to live in your heart by his Spirit and His grace is going to be really God's gonna give you the power of the Holy Spirit to live for Jesus I want you to close your eyes lay your hands on your heart and say dear God I ask you to forgive me of all my sins Jesus I trust you are the lord of my life you created me because you loved me and you have a plan for me to spend eternity with you so tonight I open up my heart and I welcome you in thank you Jesus for making me clean and making me news and tonight there is a king coming to live on the inside of me and I take him into my heart right now now lift your hands all of you lift your hands right now I know it feels crazy but I want all of you to lift your hands and say come on in Jesus come on in Jesus come on talk to it talk to him talk about glory glory glory come on in Jesus let the whole house say it right now come on in Jesus we don't just want you on Sunday come on worshipers we don't come on fill this altar all of you fill this altar come on come on come on in Jesus Holy Spirit come on and Jesus I feel the glory of the Lord coming in here come on in Jesus let the King rise up in me [Music] come on Marcia I am inside to [Music] just divorces hanging the son he mess up [Music] in my father's house come out in [Music] [Music] freedom's falling come out singer 210 whom the son the son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on in my father's house in Mott [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna do one more time I want you to sing this loud enough for every dark spirit let's try to halt and hinder and told you to believe you're not royalty I want you to open up from your belly and stand in this love of God tonight and I want you to say who the sod [Applause] [Music] thus far someplace that's a place business three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm a child I'm a child of God armor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no more shackles no more chains no more I am free [Music] what tick-tick-tick Nomos Actos mirage Guinness Mexico bees coming no my shackles no more chains now my bondage I am free [Music] one more time trick no more shadows no Marte [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] I want to pray for one last group of B before I go sit down a group of people that are close to my heart because I've been there I've been hopeless I've been depressed I've been trapped by Shane I've been bound sometimes you see preachers here oh they've been speaking in tongues as they were born not this one I was a jacked-up young man but the Lord stepped in and set me free [Music] so I want to pray for people who are singing I'm a child of God yes I am but on the inside you need him to heal your heart maybe you were molested maybe you were left there's a horrible story of a boy named mephibosheth who was dropped when he was a baby and the rest of his life he limped because somebody else dropped him maybe you got dropped somewhere in your life maybe it caused you to walk with a limp in your spiritual journey I just want to tell you that when David found out Mephibosheth was alive he went down to lo debar and he found love to the chef and he said I know your feet are crippled but I'm gonna take you to the Kings table because the Kings table is a good place to hide crippled feet here's the point some of you don't know it but royalty is calling you in tonight and in your heart you're crippled someone else hurts you someone else violated you someone else abused you but I came to tell you Jesus as a healer if you need him to touch your soul and liberate you don't both hands up where you're standing this ain't for everybody this is for some precious young lady and for some precious godly young man if there's somebody near you right now with their hands up lay your hand gently on their shoulder spirit of God I pray you'll sweep across this congregation tonight and I pray the power of your spirit would touch every heart represented by those lifted hands touch my friend here Lord heal his heart Jesus set it free now God by the power of the Holy Spirit young man I Lucia right now from that that declare your freedom and stand in agreement with you now that you'll never be bound another day in your life Jesus Jesus come on lift your voice right here just turn your volume up for a few seconds touch my brother and sister God you see every hand touch every young lady Lord touch her heart be the king of her heart be the king of his heart tonight God your healing hearts from pain in the past won't some of us have a wounded heart from a father figure tonight the Holy Ghost is healing hearts tonight the Holy Ghost is healing hearts in the name of Jesus no both hands up say come in Holy Spirit come in Holy Spirit come on don't be afraid of the Holy Spirit he's your best friend throw your hands up say come in Holy Spirit fill this heart with joy fill this heart with peace come on ask him he'll do it right now fill this heart with freedom tonight God fill it fill it fill it Lord in the name of the Lord in Jesus name pastor Kobey's come and listen I don't usually talk about this because I'm not a promoter I'm not very good at that and Isaiah will tell you when I preach I don't say a lot about our school I felt very strongly tonight in prayer and I know there are some amazing schools here Church of the Hollanders here it is an amazing school we've actually sent a team down to see how they do it there they have an amazing operation of God's touching your heart you need to get there that is an amazing thing Saku I saw that too not I've heard amazing things about them and we honor and celebrate these it these amazing schools that have come redemption school of ministry is a two-year program it's immersive it's teaching and it's engagement in ministry without our staff our pastors are leaders in the heart of inner-city Chattanooga and I felt like tonight I was maybe it's just for one young lady or one young man if you feel like God's called you into the ministry and you want to prepare your life for the future I want you to go check out our sem org RSM redemption school of ministry RSM org get some information I'll be here tonight if I can help you with that and it may just be one young lady one young man whoever it is God touches your heart you want to come to Chattanooga and be a part of this there's some amazing things going on there it's connected to our church our leadership it's three day a week program and it's an amazing opportunity for you to get you immersed in a culture of revival where God is moving and prepare your heart for what God has for you I love you I've been honored to be with you pastor Matt Kobe thank you for having me god bless you all and I'll be back in November Lord well [Music] [Music] come on did y'all enjoy that word tonight [Applause] then I just turned to pastor Matt while Bishop was preaching I say we'll just show this video to again tomorrow night come on man what a phenomenal worm I'm so glad that God would I just think about how special you are to God then on a two day notice God would get a general in the faith like that to come here and to preach to you whoa [Music] can we just lift our hands one more time in God's presence [Music] then I've noticed a theme come on let's close our eyes for a second we're gonna worship for a second again I've noticed a theme that began last night and through this morning and tonight God is trying to reveal who you are in Christ come on can we lift our hands close our eyes come on can we just sing that I'm a child of God come on just that one line [Music] come on let's keep worshiping for a second come on lift your hands all over this place [Music] come on until it becomes real in you with you don't wanna tell you really don't wanna know you really see yes [Music] yes God just spoke something's very specifically to my heart who there's some of you you have a relationship that you settled for that you need to break up with them right now before you go to small groups you need to break up with them because they have you have lowered yourself because you think you need this relationship God says no it's time to end it now they may even be in this room in fact there are thank you for there are three relationship ships in this room that needing in tonight before you go to groups there are at least seven others besides those three that you need to call or send a text tonight it's L tell them that it's over in fact you have theirs there are a few of you in this room tonight then even during camp you've had somebody that's not here asking you for pictures [Music] guess what block their number tell him it's over never happening again say but I've sent up before who cares you're done it's over it's never happening again [Music] come on let's lift our hands all over this place because when you realize that you are a son of God that you are a daughter of God that you're a child of God when you realize who you are that there is a king in you get there it is a key in you would you realize that you'll stop steadily from feeding offered yourself settling for trash relationships you'll stop settling for what the world tells you you're supposed to have come on a child of God child of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] father tonight we love you woof we honor you in this place tonight ha ha Thank You Holy Spirit for a movement so specifically speaking to us in the way that only you can we believe that we are children of God or part of your family Holy Spirit I pray once again according to Romans chapter 8 that you would continue to bear witness with our spirit there were sons and daughters of God in Jesus name that we know that we know until we know give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you that the eyes of our understanding that they would being in life that we might know that we might know we're sons and daughters of God in Jesus mighty name come on everybody said [Music] about hours I wish we could take an extra 60 seconds come on if you're in this place that you believe that there is the key in you come on you believe you're a child of God can we take 60 seconds I'm not talking about scream and I'm not talking about yelling I'm talking could we take 60 seconds can we take 60 seconds and give our God some great praise are you ready come on are you ready [Music] to [Music]
Channel: OneightyKC
Views: 1,894
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Campference 2018, Generation, Kevin Wallace, 180, 180kc, OneightyKC, Oneighty, Oneighty KC, Powerful Message, Message for this Generation
Id: tLCx7InvbhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 54sec (4674 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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