Revival Wednesday | William Mcdowell

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pastor William McDonough [Applause] [Music] and we give Jesus praise in this room we give I know we already have but can we give him more can we give him more hallelujah okay that was that was that was okay that was almost equal to the applause that you gave to me for that we can't do that so let's try that one more time can we give Jesus praise [Music] [Applause] you can be seated so good to be here a Calvary Christian Center and we want to send special greetings if Pastor is watching it takes a great deal of trust to have a guest in your house when you're not there and so we are grateful to him for allowing this to continue I offered to come at another time so that he could be with his family but he insisted that we be here tonight and so that must mean that the Lord wants to do something significant if you are I don't know where the sound people are but if you could give me less I see you now a little less keyboard and a little more microphone in the monitor I'd be very happy I want to you've gotten a chance to shout quite a bit already and I want to acknowledge my friend John wilds for being such an amazing worship leader we've known each other for years and to watch the trajectory of his life and how the Lord is using him as significant and so we're very proud of you for what the Lord is doing and okay I know that's why you you got me all right very proud of you around the world and it's pretty amazing to watch that happen when you've known people for a long long time you get to know each other as locals and then you get to know each other as Global's and and so we're very grateful for that I also want to acknowledge a few people here and then we'll jump right into the word of the Lord I still want a little bit less keyboard even though I love the way he plays it just will keep me on focus I brought my own what I call traveling with home court advantage and so I'm so grateful for David parks who's going to help set the atmosphere tonight as we minister yeah you can clap for him that's okay [Applause] we have several people from deeper Fellowship Church in Orlando here but I want to start by acknowledging my mother is here and so I want to acknowledge her you're not gonna wait for any big Bible readers you got that and so the truth of the matter is without my mother's cry what the Lord is doing in my life in the earth would not be happening and so I'm so grateful for her I'm also acknowledged a couple of our pastors are here and leaders as well and so pastor Jerry and his wife Karen I hear you gonna wave guys and so the reason why I'm asking you to help me give them honors I get to travel all over the world and they don't all get to go with me there's there's one that gets to go with me all the time but most of these people are the ones who are praying for us behind the scenes and they're the ones that then we call to pray you know stuff happens on the road just the other morning we were landing from I just came back from Nigeria two days ago and yeah Nigeria and no place like it on earth and came back and landed in JFK Airport in New York and we were followed by a witch for about an hour trying to curse us and so it's good that we have people who are praying so that's why I want to take a time to acknowledge them amen you know you're doing something right okay it wasn't cuz I was doing something wrong it's because you know Amen so I think now it's pastor Jerry who helps lead our intercessors in and does whatever we ask him to do but that's one of his main functions in our houses so we're so grateful and then pastor Caleb and his wife Celeste pastor Kevin gets a job with me all around the world and he his chief responsibilities even around the world in addition to to encouraging and prophesying is interceding and so I'm so grateful that even being here he is doing the same thing so I want to acknowledge him and his wife as well all my deeper folks I know I could spend a whole lot of time doing that but I don't want to keep you forever tonight um so I just want to acknowledge these folks sitting right here y'all just make some noise real quick and anybody else from deeper that is not sitting right here if you happen to come ask because I was out of the country on Sunday they didn't even announce that I was coming and so I'm so glad that Caffrey showed up so that way we at least had people who were here so we're we're so grateful for that but thank you for pastor Josh and and and all the wonderful team here for for hosting us the way that you have we're so grateful um now I know that that you are under the teaching of the pastoring of a great pastor here who preaches to you with with a great amount of vigor and energy and volume and and all of that stuff and you can barely sit down whenever he's preaching to you and so we acknowledged that and then I noticed that when Pastor Josh is up here he has that same thing on him and so you guys are used to just responding in such a way and I'm just gonna tell you right now that your response attendant to my style is most likely gonna be provoked by the Holy Spirit but not by my style I'm just gonna tell you that now I'm gonna tell you that in advance it's not my attempt my goal or anything like that to actually roll you up stir you up anything like that by the style of my preaching but yet the word that the Lord has has put in my heart should probably make you say Amen or ouch there there is there is something that the Lord wants to do tonight and I'm scanning the room because there was a woman who was actually down here and I think you were also in the back I don't know if she was one of the pastors or I'm some where does she go faster everybody's calling her pastor Jackie is her name he said she's in the back back like she's behind the curtain in the back she's like why are you calling me sir you don't even know me it's okay the Lord brings amen apparently everybody loves you [Applause] so there's two things I have before we start and I guess this means we started already so there's two things that I had there's an individual you have some sort of arthritic condition in your hands and the Lord's gonna heal you tonight it causes pain in both of your hands makes it very difficult when you move your hands like this and I don't know where you are or who you are there's a few people that are saying well if that's a few people then somebody might want to touch the hem of His garment and let him let him let him make you whole because the Lord the Lord wants to do that for him to do that he wants to do that he's gonna take away your pain give him a see he's gonna take it away before the end of this service somebody's gonna jump up and say it's gone [Applause] so you were sitting or on your knees here and I was trying to say Lord I I just don't want to start this way because I want you to confirm this but but all prophetic acts are weds of knowledge are really at the release of faith and so ultimately there are times when he will confirm that for us aver there are times even I'm learning I've had some experiences in God those who who are close to me or attend our church I've ever seen before I'm sometimes I have experiences in God where literally there'll be certain parts of my body that will that will heat up that will actually indicate an area where the Lord is healing and and I got used to that manifestation is so therefore I used to assume that when he was doing that that meant he was healing but but now I have a manifestation I don't care for that much one of the ways that he shows me that he's healing something in a room is he allows me to feel the pain of the thing he's healing this is how I knew about your hands I didn't actually feel heat and I felt your pain but then it's gone which means yours is going tada there are moments I see another deeper person it's okay yes yes there are moments when the world will begin to speak certain things and I'm like okay you're gonna have to help me with this but he's like no you're gonna have to walk in faith so there there are some things that you've been praying for a house of petitioning holding before the Lord an answer that you've been seeking for quite some time and it's been something where you you're not impatient or upset with them but it just kind of it's been taking a long time it's been a thing that has been waiting for quite some time and the Lord sent me here in this moment to tell you that the answer has been released I know that's a good place to right there but but I wanted to hear the whole thing okay that's a good place to clap he's released to answer here's the issue much like with Daniel in the Book of Daniel where the answer was held up by the Prince of Persia there's been a fight for the answer that's been released but he wants you to know that it's actually on the way and and today he sent me really to pray to break this delay from the answer off so that you can begin to walk in it in a fresh and brand-new way and so would you stretch your hands here there is going to be a significant release for something she's been believing God for for quite some time he didn't show me exactly what it was but he did - he did let me know and there's a petition that you've had before the Lord for quite some time you've been patient you've been waiting but the Lord is saying that the answer has been released and tonight delay is going to be broken off of your life and so father I thank you that in this moment you release her into a brand new season and answer that she's been seeking that was she's been believing for that which she's been walking in faith it's going to be released and I thank you that the answer comes to her quickly and the tonight is the night that delay it's broken in G name now father I thank you for imparting it to her afresh grace a fresh grace being released upon her now in Jesus name receive it pastor Jackie receive it Cassie Jackie yeah that's it that's it yes it I think if there's anybody else has been experiencing delay you might want to give praise to God with her with her with her with her [Music] answers are being released tonight from this moment forward it'll be praise not just asking but praise [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus because only you can satisfy my homie you can satisfy my soul homie can satisfied [Music] Jesus Jesus homie you can satisfy the Lord's here like other people in this room only you can satisfy so only you can satisfy [Music] hmm would you lift up your hands and we're gonna speak in just a moment someone that deals with a chronic migraine on a regular basis the Lord is touching you in this room there's someone else is a pain that radiates from your neck and shoulder area the Lord is healing that is touching that literally loosening that in this room someone else the Lord is actually touching your eyes I don't know what's going on with their eyes with the Lord is touching your eyes he's he's doing that in this room the Lord is in this room it doesn't come from a man this is comes from the Lord Himself by the power of his spirit he's moving throughout this room he's moving throughout this room right now he's moving throughout this room right now in fact there's a person in here you're actually beginning to feel the sensation of heat on your body that's beginning to take place now that's the Lord I'm actually showing you that it's doing something significant for you allowing you to step into an experience that you want to ensure it was real but the Lord is actually doing that for you in this room I don't know who you are with the Lord is he's actually giving you that same sense he's giving you that that same sensation that that's happening for you right now he's he's moving in this room it doesn't take a lot of effort just takes submission to him trusting him trusting him thank you lord thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus somebody give him worship in this room [Applause] thank you Jesus I wish that the Lord sent me here with this really really deeply encouraging word and it is encouraging depending on how you respond to it because the Lord is giving us an invitation into something and whenever he gives us an invitation into something our response to the word of the Lord determines our experience I know that many of us don't actually think that we think that we just hear it it'll just automatically happen but actually the scripture lets us know that that our response to the Lord will turn the word of the Lord will determine your experience our responses not determined whether or not it will happen our response determines your experience with it when when when Elijah was prophesying and and he was saying that tomorrow about this time everything is going to be different the economy is going to be completely changed and everything is gonna go back to normal but the King's attendant actually said that couldn't happen even if God opened up the windows of heaven and the Prophet respond at all you'll see it but she won't experience it with your eyes you will see it but you won't actually experience it and so the very next day everything was just as the Prophet had spoken but the people were so excited that they ran over the man and trampled him to death he saw with his eyes but he never actually entered into it because your response to the word of the Lord determines your experience I wish I had something lighter but I don't so just put a smile on your face and say okay by 8:30 or so we'll be out of here and if I don't like it what to say faster Ali please don't bring it back and if you do that's okay because I have a church in Orlando that loves me I know that we're in a referent moment but we've begun something at our church that that just I don't know we used to do it when I was growing up in more traditional church but we don't do it anymore cuz we have great buildings and great multimedia and really comfortable chairs and once we sit down after been standing for a long long time we don't feel like standing anymore but I want to read a scripture to us and I've just learned that that since we are inundated with so much information and we read so many things and we read so many books that perhaps when we read the word of the Lord we'd actually do something different than when we read every other book to acknowledge that it is his word that we're reading and not just another book so would you mind standing as we read the scripture and I gave them one scripture I'll be all over the book but I gave him this one scripture just to help us and that'll be Luke chapter 14 Luke chapter 14 I believe they'll have it on the screen and I told them the New Living Translation it's just ease of use it's not one thing better than another actually sometimes certain passages are certain translations of the Bible do actually render original language better and whenever we find it original language is rendered better for a particular passage will use that passage but typically for for our overall consumption I typically use a the New Living Translation mainly because it's how most of you talk because you don't talk in King James English anymore I don't know anyone else who says I'm going hitherto any more I just you know and so so what we'll do that if they have it they have it if they don't I'm sure all of you have it on your phones okay great this is what the scripture says and I'm gonna actually read verses 7 through 14 for context but actually I'm gonna spend my time starting with verse 15 but just to give us contextual understanding we'll read this together when Jesus noticed that all who had come to the dinner were trying to sit in the seats of Honor near the head of the table he gave them this advice when you are invited to a wedding feast don't sit in the seat of Honor what if someone who is more distinguished than you has also been invited the host will come and say give this person your seat then you will be embarrassed and you will have to take whatever seat is left at the foot of the table instead take the lowest place at the foot of the table then when your host sees you he will come and say friend we have a better place for you and then you will be honored in front of all the other guests for those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted then he turned to his hosts when you put on a luncheon or a banquet he said don't invite your friends brothers relatives and rich neighbors for they will invite you back and that will be your only reward instead invite the poor the crippled the lame and the blind then at the resurrection of the righteous God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you hearing this a man sitting at the table with Jesus exclaimed what a blessing it will be to attend a banquet in the kingdom of God jesus replied with this story and man prepared a great feast and sent out many invitations when the banquet was ready he sent his servant to tell the guests come the banquet is ready but they all began making excuses one said I have just bought a field and must inspect it please excuse me another said I have just bought five pairs of oxen and try them out please excuse me another set I just got married so I can't come the servant returned to his master returned and told his master what they had said his master was furious and said go quickly into the streets and the alleys of the town and invite the poor the crippled the blind and the lame after the servant had done this he reported there is still room for more so his master said go out into the country lands and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come so that the house will be full for none of those I first invited will get even the smallest taste of my banquet now before you see that let's pray for him on my father I thank you that in the next few moments you will speak to us you will challenge us you will encourage us you will illuminate your word to us and give us revelation I pray father that should move by the power of your spirit with everything that is not like you in this room would be bound in silence father I thank you now that you will move may the hosts of heaven be with us I pray that you would be glorified and everything that is said and done and father operated you would move us from one place to another place in our experience in our expectation in our relationship in our desire with you father I pray that in this moment you would move with mighty power pray that you'd use me as a vessel it should be glorified and as always I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditations in my heart will be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer in Jesus name Amen you may be seated I they they told me that I had time and so they didn't put the countdown clock on me but at the same time I want I want to to also be cognizant or conscious of when you normally get out and so because of that a lot of times when I begin these messages you know we I have a specific assignment or burden from the Lord and travel which is a little bit different than my assignment at home as it relates to building up for strengthening the body of Christ my assignment when I travel the world is typically centered around stirring up or provoking hunger that's my specific assignment and I recognize that assignment and at times when you've been given a specific assignment or burden from the Lord you know every week at home I get to preach a lot of different things but but specifically on the road and and even though this is kind of home a little bit we're in Florida I still have the same nature of the same type of assignment but for part of the way that the Lord has me to provoke or to stir hunger typically is to the telling of testimony and so a lot of times I'll tell a number of testimonies in and there are a number of testimonies to tell because one of the things I understand about testimony is that it creates faith for the future testimony creates faith for the future and so there are a number of different testimonies that that we could tell specifically as the Lord has been moving in Orlando and moving at deeper Fellowship Church we've seen a number of things that the Lord has done marked firstly by his presence now this is very very important because I'm a lot of times the testimonies that I'll tell will be testimonies of healing significant healings the Lord has done wherever wherever we've been and wherever we gather together I'm and but what I've discovered about healing is and healing doesn't necessarily always change people's opinion about God okay I know that this is a challenge but but let me let me just throw this out there it's not really my message here but but let me just throw this out there when Jesus went to his hometown the scripture says that he did not on one of the translations says could not but that can confuse you because you can actually believe that your unbelief can cause him to not be able to do something but that's not true but the description says that he did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief they were offended by him now now you wonder okay I just want to know anybody's ever watched Superman or unbelief is not kryptonite to God he can he can heal in the midst of faith but he can also heal in the midst of skepticism so it doesn't actually really matter if you're in an atmosphere or if we're in a church or if there's lights or if if somebody's playing and there's a nice atmosphere we love those things we love to operate that way particularly in church we love to operate from the platform operate with a microphone but did you know that God can heal people in the break room when everybody else is around you like what are you praying for I'll just watch so-so but when the scripture says that he did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief is not actually talking about the fact that their unbelief limited his power if actually he recognized that there there if he did the miracles it would not change how they saw him because they said is this not the carpenter's son and so he knew that they that what would happen if he did miracles there in his hometown where they did not believe that ultimately what would happen is they would say come and see what Joseph's boy can do and because he knew that the miraculous would become a sideshow he didn't do it are we in the room so I actually have a theory I'm a theory that probably the Western Church won't like very much but one of the reasons why we don't see the miraculous in the velocity that we want to see the miraculous has nothing really to do with lack of faith which is what a lot of people talk about it's lack of faith it's actually something different is that it wouldn't cause you to live different and if it wouldn't cause you to live different what's the point if these first three rows don't give me an amen I'm a sickness y'all better say hallelujah so I've discovered that that a lot of times we'll start there but but one of the things about starting there is it's when when we tell testimonies of the miraculous I've discovered that that it exposes a lot of things in a room one of the things that that exposes is low expectation I'm telling testimonies of things that God is doing I'm causing other people to almost be like well well how come that's not happening with me or or it caused them to expose the low expectation one of the things that God is doing in the church in the United States is delivering us from low expectations yeah yeah I've discovered I've discovered I'm something so amazing um that if I put a picture of an empty wheelchair that of somebody that the Lord is healed or a cane or or something like that it gets fewer likes than if I put a picture of my slice of pizza we don't want to talk about stuff like that we but it's actually an indictment on where we are because it's showing us it's showing us something about where we are now if I were to ask this question and I and I know the answer but I'm gonna ask this question anyway if I were to ask this question this specific question is Rome which I'm getting ready to and I do want you to answer and if you're waiting for me to preach I've already started how many people in this room want to see a move of God yes I've tried again for the people who thought it was a trick question it's not a trick question how many people in this room want to see a move of God [Applause] I've I've part of this burden that I am carrying tonight if I were to a lot of times when we talk about provoking hunger the messages will be about crying out to God or or or hunger or desperation and things like that those response based messages they invite people to respond and it's so much easier to be honest with you because it's easier to engage people in that way because ultimately people can respond to what you're asking them to do and still go back to receive me the same we have trained people in church if I could be really honest to do Pavlovian responses for those of you who did not study psychology in school Pavlov was a psychologist who actually trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell when he put out food but there came a time when he was sound the Bell and not put out any food but they were still salivating and so we have this epidemic going on in our churches right now we just don't want to admit it where where everything sounds like he's here but he's not oh okay okay and so so we have this thing this this assignment says culture that that that you know we just come to church and people tell us what to do lift your hands bow down shout scream dance span jump whatever and we do it and and that actually doesn't require much from us now now now here's the part of the burden that the Lord became to set on me and I was like okay god I wish you would just let me do something else but he won't we're in Florida now I get to travel all over the world around 50 countries or so now and and we get to see a lot of things but there is something there is something special about Florida if you if you are listening to the choral essence of prophetic voices that that are speaking about the move of God in our land if you you're listening to the voice that are speaking about a revival in our land that a lot of the words about revival or a move of God center around our state a lot of people speak about our state as being a key to the move of God or a key to revival or being a forerunner for revival or a forerunner for the move of God and so that's exciting to a degree but it also places on us a great responsibility because I want you to know that that even though this is the heart of our Father it's not just one of those things that will happen without our participation in cooperation can I say that again I think that some of y'all are still trying to judge whether or not you just wish I was saying and I just shut up and saying no no no no God has something to say without our cooperation without our participation I want you to know that that the word of the Lord will not return to Him void it will accomplish that with a tea scented what to do here's the key it will the question is will you I wanna I want to help you I just want to help you with a history of our God because he is full of mercy and compassion and slow to anger but one of the things about our God is he's patient he he thinks and moves generationally and so if there is a generation that won't cooperate with them don't think that we don't have a history in the scripture that will show that God will sow this way the way that the scripture and in light of eternity describes the brevity of our life is of the vapor here today and gone tomorrow so if he has to wait on your stubborn self it's just this long I think some of y'all missed that right there to God he just I'll just wait for another generation that will actually participate and cooperate with that which I long to do what I've discovered is that is that the way that the eternity works because it's too big for us to comprehend is too big for us to understand it's too big for us to to wrap our mind around because we are set into time by a God who lives outside of time but controls it so so because we are set into time by a God who lives outside of time um there was no beginning to God he began the beginning it's very difficult for us to wrap our minds around the fact that that that he always was always is and always will be um we can't understand so you're like wait wait wait so like when you began the beginning in the beginning God created but before the beginning you just existed yes because to God I'm eternity is not actually defined by increments God the Eternity is not defined by time - God eternity is that ever-present now so so so so the omnipresence of God is not just that he's here there and everywhere at the same time the omnipresence of God also means that he feels all times at the same time which means that he's in the past in the present and in the future at the same time he's not walking into a future that's why nothing ever occurs to him and nothing ever surprises him are we here now we live in time we're going somewhere we we we live in time and because we we live in time one of the things that that's amazing about time is that that time now I don't want to mess with you too bad but time is actually manipulated by faith and time actually serves faith okay some of y'all like yeah and the rest of y'all are like please please explain that I'm so glad that you said that um time serves faith in other words the way that time works according to us as time works in increments or time works in sequences or a sequential order that's the way that we don't go crazy that there has to be a noun and there has to be a next and there has to be a future time doesn't actually stand still because if you take 20 pictures in 20 seconds there's 20 different moments even if you don't move so you captured a moment in time but it was a different time every time the way that that we processed time is by is by sequential order however and that is just in the earth so that we don't go crazy okay I'm trying to help I'm trying to help so so I said that that time actually serves faith which actually means that there are certain things that you are believing God for to do in in your so-called future that it actually taken place for you in the past okay okay let me help you on how the scripture defines that the stripes of Jesus it uses it in present tense in Isaiah it gives the impasse tense in Peter with his stripes we are healed after the cross of Calvary by His stripes we were which means that there there was a stake in time by which for every believer I want you to know that the majority if not all of the things that you are believing God to do in the future have already happened 2,000 years ago this is this is so important this is so important praise God for that right there because because yeah I see some light bulbs coming on right here because the enemy has lied to some of y'all and told you that there is a time to come in which God is going to bless you but I want you to know that you are already blessed you are already healed you are already the righteousness of God I already have peace I'm not fighting for it in the future I don't need to sit on a councils couch for the next ten years and telling my troubles when I can find peace in the presence of God just one moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] better is one day in the house of the Lord and thousands anywhere else time the way that time works the way that time works and how it serves faith and this is really I'm just explaining this this is not really my message yet it's my introduction but I'll still get you out in a good time pastor Josh there was a Centurion man in Matthew chapter 8 now I'm saying pastor Josh because he looks interested but I'm talking to all of us the Centurion man in Matthew chapter 8 he comes to Jesus and he says my servant it's sick and Jesus says I will come and heal him and the man said you may have to step foot inside my house for all you need to do is speak the word and my servant will be made whole keep it up listen I'm a man under Authority I'll say to one go and he goes I said to another come and he comes and and so I see how this works and and actually if you really were to take the history of the moment he's like listen I've seen the kind of authority but one person calls the census and the whole earth around me has to move and I've seen it when you speak the universe moves so so all you have to do is speak to work now the Bible says this Jesus was amazed by his faith the description doesn't say that very often I'm I just noticed pastor Joss that every time the scripture makes the demarcation that Jesus was amazed by somebody's faith it was as a Gentile person they were talking to I need us I need us to understand that for just a moment I'm Gentile people amazed Jesus with their faith why did Gentile people amaze Jesus with their faith because they went outside of the Covenant of God they were outside of so the Covenant promise of God now it's very difficult for us to understand this because all of us have a Bible on our phone but imagine being a people who were not even allowed to hear the process who were not allowed to read the promises and who no one had ever preached to about it they were literally like people who were standing around the chosen people and like trying to get a glimpse if they could if they could just kind of hear something in earshot that was saying wait a minute you guys have these kinds of promises stay with me that they didn't actually know the problems this is why when Jesus was talking to the woman at the well in John chapter 4 he said we Jews know what we worship you Samaritans don't know he was literally saying you you you worship without understanding but but they were essentially saying okay and so the woman is like well well you know you Jews worship her here is fine and and and and our forefathers say worship of Mount Gerizim is where we ought to do it he's laying listen the other day come away with doesn't matter where you worship it matters how he was given some clues and so so jesus said something that probably should have caused him to be crucified right then and there except for the fact that people didn't understand how prophetic he was he said he said I've never seen such great faith like this and I tell you the truth that many Gentiles will sit down at the feast with Abraham Isaac and Jacob but for many who the feast was prepared they will be thrown out where there'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth and he spoke and the mansard was healed now now you're saying why are you telling us this story and what does this have to do with everything you just said about Florida stay with me the man received the blessing of God even though he was an outsider to the promise because of faith he was demonstrating that the grace of God is accessed by faith and because he was demonstrated at the grace of God was accessed by faith what he was doing based on time was reaching into the future and pulling a blessing that were designed for the future into the present my faith what was happening time was serving faith he was actually able to go into what was the natural future and receive a blessing that had not yet been given to Gentile people and if I if I be lifted up I will draw all they were literally grabbing future promises in the natural and pulling them into the present except for the fact that was that what they were really doing because the our Bible tells us that before the foundations of the world the lamb was slain which meant that there was a natural manifestation of a spiritual thing that already happened which meant that what they were actually accessing was not future blessing but it was stuff that already happened so they were actually showing us that we are not limited by time okay okay okay so if that's the nature of our God and we're not limited by time and he doesn't operate in time then what is it that we are sensing prophetically how is it that we can receive a burden from the Lord or something that we are sensing what we call spiritual urgency a sense that that God wants to do something now how is it that we can sense this this urgent feeling that God wants to do something now if he doesn't live in time because then you are actually then making a false statement which is that their God is withholding certain things until a certain time I want to challenge you with that because the scripture says no good thing will he withhold from those who walk upright before I'm in the book um so so so so this idea that then I want I wanna challenge you okay are you ready this idea that God wants to somehow send revival a year from now or two years from now or five years from now it's actually not something you and I should embrace I just told you that he's outside of time he's not waiting for a particular time he feels all times at the same time and every promise is just an amen or at the New Living Translation says every promise finds its fulfillment in Christ and if the promise find its fulfillment and Christ and he's already done the work then every promise that he's ever made is available to me right now I don't feel the sense I feel that I feel pregnant that I feel like I'm carrying something why am i tossing and turning at night how come I can't sleep why did we just fast for 21 days why are we going into another time what are we going into another season why because we are sensing an eternal longing that's looking for an expression whenever there is an eternal longing in the heart of God that's missing an expression in the earth we sense urgency there are things that are on the heart of God always he does not want a valley of dry bones there are things that are always on his heart and whenever there is an eternal longing that can't find an expression he begins to stir something in people that says there's a need for our revival there is a need for a move of God I wonder if in this room there might be some people who are pregnant with the kind of urgency this is I'm not gonna lead this life or even leave this room until I encounter [Music] the issue that we have is this this is the part that I labor with this is this is the part of the burden this is the depart of the thing that I came into the room wishing that I could just make a shout and go home and be great the challenge is this I read to us Luke chapter 14 because because God has is making announcements to us Calvary he's making announcements to us deeper he's he's making announcements to us for them he's he's letting us in on his will he's he's letting us in her on his desire he's he's letting us in on his eternal long and he's saying I want to do something in this land I want to do something in this nation I want to awaken I want to awaken people who who have fallen asleep and complacent in their relationship with God that they they think that everything is it's fine because because we're I'm comforting one another in our own sin and in solving one another and we fool people into believing that they're okay with us they're okay with God and and so we got this whole thing going on and and and so really comfortable with we built some of the biggest edifices and we had we had all this wonderful stuff and our technology is great and everything else for a while we thought we were trying to compete with the world I had no idea what that was about but I think we've at least tried to calm that down we we had this whole ideology that if the world has mice then we need to have better lights if they have screens when they have better screens and all that kind of stuff but we have something they can't compete with we have the very presence of God I thought I'd get a few more amens right there the kind of thing that would cause people to say the things I used to do I don't do anymore the places I used to go I don't go anymore the relationships that I used to have I don't have anymore the things I used to say I don't say anymore why because I had an encounter with the Living God and he changed me I came as I was but I left completely different and it wasn't a light and it wasn't a microphone and it wasn't a screen it was the invisible power of God all I know and I stepped into the room was a sorter I stepped into the room smoking weed but I had no more tapes or I came into the room with alcohol but it wasn't something that somebody brought it was something that Jesus did [Applause] [Music] [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah I wish some change people would give him praise right here the kind of people to say I'm not going back to that kind of life he gave me power to overcome it he gave me power to walk away from it I'm not who I used to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm just saying you get that phrase out I got a couple more minutes is this hallelujah it just sit for just a moment I only got a couple more minutes I'm not gonna keep you forever I know the target time they told we have an invitation spiritual invitation it's an announcement it's a prophecy it's a prophetic thing it's that the declaration of the heart of God which is being spoken over a generation on earth right now multiple generations on earth right now that that are just he just want to saw offering he's alright amen so so I mean I don't do that kind of thing or whatever but you know I just don't want to stop people from doing what they feel like but thank you for being attentive to our you have witches finally around in airports y'all laughing but it really happens God makes this announcement he says I want to do this I'm inviting the generations on earth right now to embrace the fullness of what I want to do that is called the first invitation the way that it reads in Luke chapter 14 I read it to you I read the first part for overall contextual understanding but really wanted to focus on the second part of that because because there is this this this invitation that goes out and that the the problem with the invitation and the problem with our posture the debt that must be challenged is that that in Luke chapter 14 in that second part it starts out with that with a man that the Bible says hearing this hearing what Jesus was talking about as their less the banquets and everything else this this man said what what a privilege it will be to be at the banquet of Lord it was what we call the assumption of inclusion it's the assumption of inclusion it's the idea that just because I heard about it I'm inviting it's it's the idea that just because I came to church that I'm actually walking with him it's the idea that that that just because it was preached that I got it but but revelation hasn't actually taken root in your life and who it changes the way you live in terms the way you think the changes what you do so a lot of times we we that's the problem by the way and I'm not going to get off into a whole tangent but that's the problem by the way of being in a house where there's good preaching because if you're in a house where there's good preaching it can law you into a false sense of security that you're actually getting it the the problem with that is this the scripture says that we are responsible for the revelation we hear oh so if you don't really want to be responsible you might want to go somewhere where I'm not that's a desert joke y'all didn't get it okay I think I'm gonna get that Bill Johnson box of any men's or something he has the assumption of inclusion is this I'm assuming that just because I am in earshot of it that I'm gonna walk in it and this is the part not where everybody shouts and I recognize that I'm glad we got our shouts out because the assumption of inclusion has the danger of lolling the church to sleep because in the time of this particular scripture in which it was written there were no clocks so it wasn't like okay I'm preparing the banquet and you show up in a certain amount of time and and then you know everything will be ready actually what they would do is they were sending a servant out to tell you that you were invited I'm preparing something for you um this is this is what the Lord is doing right now and his prophesy in the Florida he's saying that I'm preparing to do something I need you to hear this that this is this is maleeh it's really it's really awesome to hear all the prophecies about Florida it really is it really is it really really is but it's gonna take some of us who walk in an apostolic grace it's gonna take some bus and walk in a pastor or grace it's gonna take some of us who walk in a teaching grace and even in a prophetic grace to kind of let you know that even though he's saying these things it comes with a stipulation it comes with a stipulation and this is the part where all of us said I didn't trick you we're being honest I actually believe you all of us said we want to move of God right we all said I'm gonna write the beginning it wasn't a trick question I'm not about before you now make you feel bad for raising your hand you should want a move of God all of us said we want to move of God right so when we hear these words and maybe maybe some of you are like we haven't heard these words well if you haven't it's okay but I need you to know that for those who are paying attention to what God is saying prophetically both in the earth and in our nation he's speaking a great deal about our state which makes coming here tonight significant because because he's saying something to us and if we're we're gonna be pastors and prophetic voices and apostolic voices in this region then we have a responsibility to make sure that our people are not logged in to the assumption of inclusion oh it's getting a little bit more quiet now you see the first invitation went out I am preparing something go and tell them and upon the announcement of preparation everybody said I'm coming everybody said I'm there I'm in it I'm doing it yes count me in yes you're gonna do miracles yes count me in you're gonna pour out your spirit yes count me in you're telling me there's gonna be revival yes count me in you're telling me there's gonna be a move of God yes count me in I'm there I'm there Oh pastor went first Wednesday night every Bible the first one they are you kidding me yes count me in I'm gonna be there because I want revival the issue is this the first invitation is do you want it that's the first invitation the second invitation was to say it's time the first invitation was assayed do you want it the second invitation is to say it's time now I want you to get how the scripture begins to outline how people responded when they heard it was time that the announcement that it's time is also the invitation to leave whatever it is that you are doing or however it is that you are living in order to experience it this is the part where we trip this is department where we miss it this is the part where generations miss it because God has always had this heart that's why I said there is an eternal longing that is looking for an expression it's not a 20/20 desire it's an eternal one but where generations miss it is that in every generation there is a prophetic word about the prophetic potential of that generation every generation has one I need you to hear it we're not unique in that every generation has a prophetic promise over it about its potential the question is most of us when we hear we say I want it until we're required to leave what makes us comfortable that's the moment that causes us to miss it the second invitation is the same are you going to give your life priority over me that's the second invitation are you gonna say I can't come because I just got married I can't come because I just bought some oxen I can't come just got some property are you gonna say I've been waiting on this moment on my life and whatever it is that you are asking me to give up whatever it is that you are asking me to walk away from I'm willing to do it if you say fast that's what I'm gonna do if you say pray that's what I'm gonna do if you say cry that's what I'm gonna do if you say be in here all night long that's what I'm gonna do if you say give that's what I'm gonna do why because I heard the first invitation and now that you're telling me that it's ready I comment it's so easy it's so easy you can stay standing it's so easy my deeper folks are like I can't believe it yeah it's so easy it's so easy guys to come to church and say I want it I want a move of God it's so easy but the truth of the matter is we have a culture that is fighting against the very thing we're saying like I'm gonna give you a really practical real-world example that's about to slap all of us in the face you ready I have you standing right now because there's a certain time that you're used to getting out and so I have to end in order to respect the time that you're used to getting out but what if I told you that the move of God doesn't necessarily happen within your time frame since is about to stop all of us in the face right here and I'm not saying it's good I want to preach longer that's not what I'm saying I'm actually saying that for most of us we want to fit God inside of our box now that's what we want to do we we want to fit him inside of our box we want to make sure God we want to move of God as long as you do it by 8:30 God we want to see people get out of wheelchairs but can you do it before 8:30 cuz I got to get home and do some other stuff see see see I know I just offended half the room I make this statement quite a bit are you ready for it if you miss an appointment with God he's not obligated to reschedule [Applause] in our church we've seen hundreds of miracles do you want to know when most of the ones that happen that people report about happen after dismissal you want to know when the first wheelchair was empty after everybody left you want to know when the first blind person received their sight after everybody left you want to know when God healed the first person with rheumatoid arthritis their hands were so shriveled up and they opened up like a flower and completely normal and healed their lupus after service was over because we have a certain thing that we do we would say okay well God if you're gonna do it you have to do it within this time frame you have to do it on our times you have to do it on the way that we that we want you to do it and if you don't do it within our time frame then then then we missed it it's gonna mess with us you know we talked about Africa a lot you know we talked about South America a lot and we're like oh man they see this is not me and pastor Caleb and Trinity we were in Nigeria this weekend and during the service you're like we even have some people come up and testify about the things that God has done and one of the first testimonies that came up this girl say this is my brother he was dead but God made a prophetic promise to us and we held on to it by the time I got to him they already had the coffin and we're getting ready to put him in the ground some of y'all don't believe it at all like was it staged nope how do we know because the other miracle that happened right in front of us that night do you know that service began at 9:30 at night and ended and 5:30 in the morning it was planned that way they're like we're staying here all night that's our third time in Nigeria in the last 10 weeks and every one of those services went all night yet we say we want to move of God and in five minutes I'm gonna give up this mic so that we can go back to our normal comfortable program thing now can I tell you prophetically what God is really challenging in the earth you like you haven't been yes I have been but can I tell you some more God is prophetically challenging a system in our land and order here me prophetically in order for there to be a genuine move of God in the earth the system of saw must die saw represents the system that will lead or do church without the presence of God most of us won't talk about it now but but the truth of the matter is um we're so professional at it we're so good at it we have it so time we have it down to a tee we know exactly what we're gonna do we know exactly what we're gonna sing we know exactly what we're gonna say we know we're gonna preach nine months and now there's one amen it's alright and most of us would never actually admit the fact that we've learned how to do this [Applause] there there has to come a people who will say like David that I cannot do anything without the presence of God the very first act of David when he was anointed as king over the consolidated tribes was to go and get the Ark of the Covenant what he was saying was saw the way you did it I can't do it that way because the scripture says that at no point during the random solvent that he inquired of the Lord he let people for 40 years without God and so now there's an invitation that's been given prophetically by the Lord and it has a dual implications the first invitation is an individual implication which is this are you willing to leave or give him priority over your own life that's that's that's an invitation that the Spirit of God is challenging many of us because the easiest thing to do in the even in a moment like this is to have an altar call and say if you feel like that then run up and crowd to God and all that kind of stuff and probably that also before with a bunch of people who would come down and say God that's what I want and you'd cry out to God some of you might even cried tears and everything else and you go right back to your house living in doing the same you've always done so I'm not looking for preacher confidence the kind of thing that you come down here and it looks like I was successful not interested not interested it would be better for us to search our own heart and said God if you're asking for this if you're asking for that if you're telling me to stop going there if you're telling me to stop life you're telling me to make you the priority of my life that literally you want to sit them on the front of my heart and that literally I'm not just giving you ten minutes of my day at the very beginning and five minutes at night and saying I'm saying I'm good as long as I come to revival Wednesday I'm revived you could say god I'm hearing that you are making an announcement that I'm doing something I'm preparing something but when he said it's ready when he said it's time what are you willing to do at that moment to say I will give it all because I'm not gonna miss this not in my generation I'm not gonna miss this no no no no I'm not I refused to miss it I refuse to miss it and then there's a second there's a second corporate prophetic thing that's happening and this part is really uncomfortable for almost every church because because in the last twenty to twenty five years we've gotten really really really really good at this we've gotten good at doing church and gotten so good at it then ultimately we're like well I can't I can't change because if I change people might leave you want to know what cost God John to rip the kingdom from so he started counting how the people were leaving okay the rest of your life please help us they were getting ready to enter into a battle and Samuel the Prophet told him to wait wait on God wait on God wait till I come but when he saw that waiting on God Pastor Josh was causing people to leave he decided to offer a sacrifice himself in other words I want to make it look like I trust God I want to do something that looks spiritual so that people won't stop living that's the system of saw Samuel came said what is it that you've done today the kingdom is torn from you because God has found a man after his own heart what is a man after the heart of God someone who said I don't just want him I needed someone who says that in my life God is not optional in my life I meet him he he he is my everything he he is the air that I breathe is not an option for me he's not an option you know was never looking per se for the kind of outpouring that we're having I wanted him and as a result of him everything else is happening who are the people that say I'm willing to leave everything you see most of us were like what does that mean are you talking metaphorically nope not talking about metaphors I'm talking about a completely change of the way you live life and when I wake up in the morning my thoughts are him when I go throughout the day my thoughts of him I talk to him when I talk to other people I'm an introvert it's funny that God would call this introvert to do what I do when I'm an introvert but I learned I'm in good company cuz I think Jesus was one too because the Bible says that he often retreated because he understood that even while I'm here on earth I need to commune with my father so whatever it is I have all sorts of notes and stuff like that and I'm not there whatever it is that the Lord is inviting you to change to give up to say god I said I want it so bad that whatever it is that you're asking me to do I will you know my friend I'm not about to sing it right now but my friend Jonathan and Reynolds he he made this song said I will breathe so you don't think they can't live here so please leave and me I will I may grow for you and I [Music] creeper foot so don't think you can [Music] so please and me [Applause] [Music] there is this system changing thing that is happening in the body of Christ right now you can't see it with your natural eye but the Lord is removing his hand from Saul system churches and he is laying his hand on presence driven houses and I just want you to know that if you're gonna be a part of a house like that it's gonna mess with your schedule it's gonna mess with your convenience it's gonna mess with your comfort it's gonna mess with your complacency you don't want to be in God's gonna start to come down your street and begin to expose some things he's gonna begin to cause things like pornography addictions to be exposed you can be free so you can be in his presence so that the enemy can not have chains of guilt and bondage all over your minds causing you to not feel like you can enter into the presence of God in fact right now the Spirit of the Lord it's in this room to break some chains off of some minds right now people who are actually saying I don't feel worthy enough to be in his presence well I want you to know that the Spirit of the Lord is beckoning you right now and he's saying that the reason I'm saying this over you right now is because I want intimacy with you and I want to draw you into a brand new place because I am lifting my hand off of complicit Church and I'm putting it on a people who are saying you're not optional for me I don't just want you I need you I need the presence of God and I'm gonna respond to the invitation I'm not just gonna hear the first thing but when you invite me to give it up that's what I'll do why because I want you I'll make room for you I'll create Spencer you move whatever I need to on the way because I refuse in my generation to miss the clarion call of the prophetic thing that God wants to do come on Florida if you want a move of God want to thank God whatever it is [Music] would you lift up your voice now this is just a moment for you to say God Here I am let my voice be heard other people may say they don't want it but I'm saying calm if you're saying stay till two o'clock that's what I'll do if you're says they till midnight that's what I'll do and your sin stay until 3 a.m. that's what I'll do I refuse to leave here I have an encounter with you you made a promise for this nation you made a promise for me and I'm going to receive it and I'm going to walk in it lift up your voice now [Music] come on somebody reach up reach up reach up reach up come on if you desire nothing more nothing less then a supernatural encounter with God come on lift up your voices for a second come on lift up your voices for a second you an open up your hungry people open up their mouths hungry people open up their mouths god this is our heart's desire we want you we want you all we wants you come on tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him we want you we want you we want you we want summe wants you he wants [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] 60-seconds so filled this place out of earnest desire gonna fill this place with worship come on fill this place with praise come on without a band come on without singers fill this place fill this place come on open up your mouth a sense the presence of the law I sense the glory of the Lord in this room a citizen seer provoking of God's Spirit from his spirit to your spirit deep calling unto deep tonight come on take 45 more seconds and fill this room come we'll lift up your voice get outside of your comfort for just a moment and that the Spirit of God begin to rule you in the places that your heart and your soul so desires come on don't you dare relent don't you dare relent just a few more moments in the presence of the Lord don't you Darrell and I feel the glory of the Lord moving in this room oh I feeling her I sense his presence [Applause] [Music] [Music] I feel a wave of glory sweeping this place I feel more than inspiration in this room tonight I feel transformation being birthed in this room tonight God is shifting you [Music] come on don't get quick don't get quick don't get quick come on God is working God is moving he is wooing us he is wooing us [Music] [Music] something is happening something is shifting [Music] even if you need to get to this altar get to this halter if you need to get on your face get on your face I don't I don't know where just or something just shifted in this room the Spirit of the Lord the spirit of Lourdes in this room whatever you've got to do go I dare you to get desperate for Mom I dare you to let your desire be on display for just a moment he is wooing his calling us I'm up high come upon I hear you Holy Ghost you say come up I [Music] come up high [Music] come on don't let anything distract it for just another moment don't let anything just don't let anything rob you of getting what God has already prepared for you don't let anything stop you hold you back [Music] some of you are feeling God in a fresh way some of you are experiencing in God what you first experienced in God God is renewing [Music] respond I hear him say accordingly respond respond respond respond I give the spirit of the little respond [Music] but this is the sound of a move of God this is the sound [Music] once we want you we want showing what we need [Music] can you just take it up a notch can you just take it up a notch come on with your prayers and with your worship you just take it up enough can you just get outside of yourself for just another moment come on beyond your normal praise and beyond what's comfortable to you for just a second that's where the comforter is right outside of your comfort zone ease he's just beyond what you always do and how you're always he's just outside are you willing for just a moment to get just a little bit uncomfortable just a little bit of good I hear the Lord say there's some stuff just outside of your comfort zone there there's some things you've been looking just outside of your comfort zone are you willing to just be a little bit uncomfortable with your worship it a little bit uncomfortable with your praise and a little bit uncomfortable with your prayer life for a moment come on don't you miss a moment don't you miss a moment go [Music] sterben us a spirited stir stir stir us with a pen god we repent we repent of complacency and mediocrity we repent we say we're sorry if we made it about anything else so that you will only repair Lord invade us [Music] [Music] [Music] he is breaking us so he can build us [Music] outside of ourselves to be conformed Elizabeth I want I want to say two things two things at this moment I just keep that here in the spirit of Lord to speak to me I hear the Lord saying tell the people that near is non-directional the word says it if you draw endeared to me I will draw near to you but nearest non-directional near starts with where you are and the moment you take a step no matter where you are he promises a feeling he promises that no matter where you've drifted to the moment you take the next step back towards him he's coming in your direction if you draw nigh to me I will draw nigh nigh and mere Arnon direction some of you in this room feel like you're too far you're outside of what God can reach but the truth is you were never too far you could never be too far no matter what you did what you said you're never too far and if you make up in your mind to draw near for just a moment to draw nigh but just a second I promise he's coming in your direction ii figured there's no way you can really end a moment like this second thing i hear the lord say this there are people out there that feel like in order to do this you would be losing something in the kingdom that is upside-down only to those who are outside of obedience to the things of the kingdom please know that you never really lose anything you only gain everything you need to become everything you're called to be in God so Jesus would say things like if you want to find your life lose it [Music] he would say things like heed my flesh and drink my blood or else you have no part of me radical moments he was saying in order to gain destiny you have to wave the white flag surrender in the culture we're in looks awfully negative non inviting they're certainly not appetizing but in the kingdom the only way you get everything you're supposed to get is if you give away yourself till there's nothing left of you so in this final moment there is an invitation from the Word of God from the man of God from the gift of God to surrender so would you take the final 60 seconds of this moment and whatever you've got to do is you got to close your eyes if you got to get on your knees if you got to grab your whole family dad your whole family mom there is an invitation just surrender oh that's you want I pray this last 60-second you would simply say God you can have it all are you ready come on relinquish yourself come on surrender all across this room tell him he could have it all every part of you every gift every ability some of you are so worried and your self fear filled relinquish give it out let it go and say god it's in your hands because I'm in you come on whatever looks like you got 45 seconds there are such an anointing in this room and anointing to provoke [Music] tell him again Sain of God tell it again young person he can have it all he can have it all everything [Music]
Channel: CalvaryFL
Views: 29,966
Rating: 4.8755832 out of 5
Id: RYirv5ZMR0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 34sec (5854 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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