The Last Home Run [1996] Full Movie | Seymour Cassel, Tom Guiry, Danielle Comerford

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(birds chirping) (children chattering) - [Coach] Let's get something started over here. Go Jed! (gentle music) ♪ Wintertime in the frozen river ♪ ♪ Sunday afternoon ♪ ♪ We're playing hockey on the river ♪ ♪ Rosie ♪ ♪ He'll have that scar on his chin forever ♪ ♪ Someday his girlfriend will say ♪ ♪ Hey where ♪ ♪ And he might look at the window ♪ ♪ You skate as fast as you can ♪ ♪ Til you hit the snowbank ♪ ♪ That's how you start ♪ ♪ And you get your sunny from the catalog ♪ ♪ Use your rubber boots for goal posts ♪ ♪ I'm walking home ♪ ♪ Don't let ♪ ♪ The Sunday afternoon ♪ ♪ Get away get away get away get away ♪ ♪ Get away get away get away get away ♪ ♪ Break away break away ♪ ♪ Break away ♪ ♪ The sun is fading on the frozen river ♪ - [Coach] That's better, that's better. ♪ The wind is dying down ♪ Jumping jacks, ready begin! One, two, three, four, five, six... (indistinct TV chatter) - [TV Announcer] Right center field and it's a base hit. It'll go all the way to the wall. Take a look now, the instant replay. ♪ Sunday afternoon ♪ - Make it louder. - Dugan. You wouldn't hear it even if you were standing on first base. - I can hear your mouth, woman. And I advise you to shut it. - Dugan, mind your own business. - What do you think about the lemon drop yellow with the fern green? - Not now, Francis. I'm watching my nephew, David. Play ball! - Come on, Emma. David Winfield is not your nephew. - [Emma] Is too, wait and see. (jazzy bass music) Jonathan! - All right, you couch potatoes You're not gonna just sit here watching a ball game. You're gonna get out there and play one, Emma. Upsy daisy, there you go. Don't forget your cane. Let's get some young blood circulating in these old veins, huh? Come on, Dugan get your mitt. Gonda, you get going. Head to the Gonzies. Come on. (indistinct chatter) Come on, let's go. Get a batter up there. Come on, get a batter. You guys wanna practice. Honey, you gotta go on third base, sweetheart. Come on. I'm gonna pitch now. I don't want you to hit. The ball comes to you, you catch it. All right, Emma. Here's a fat drop right for your big kisser. Okay baby. (laughing) - Run run from Emma! (group cheering) - Did you say run? Sorry my man. Emma's running days are over. - Come on, let's get one. Oh that's beautiful. Come on, let's go. Make a good throw. Jiminy Christmas, stay down on it! Come on, let's go. Stay in front of it! Come on! Let's go! There you go. Come on. That's a joke. You guys should be playing with those old ladies over there. Let's go. What the, give me that! Let's go! (soft panting) - [Man] Are you okay man? - I'm fine, okay! All right, that's only two out. I'm fine. Emma, look. Look, see everything works, okay. I'm fine, let's play the game. - The game is over. - Oh Emma, no! - She's right, Jonathan. Tomorrow's another day. - Is that a guarantee? - You want a guarantee? Go buy a toaster. - Let Emma make you some lemonade. - Oh no, no, no, I'm fine. I'll just take a walk. I'll get some air in my lungs, okay? (slow music) (indistinct chatter) - [Coach] Hold it right there. How many times do I have to tell you, catch the ball with both hands! - Hey mister, you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine kid. - [Coach] Because you didn't move your feet. - You don't sound fine. And you look even worse. - [Coach] You want your body to move, you have to move your feet. - What's that supposed to mean? - You sound terrible. - Yeah, well I'm an old man, all right? - [Coach] You gotta stay awake out there! - You mind? - No. (slow music) - I wish I had the chance to play baseball when I was young. - Why didn't you? - For one thing they didn't have little league baseball then. The country was in a depression. And that, that pretty much affected everybody. - Why didn't everyone just take Prozac? - Well, it wasn't that kind of depression, Jenny. - [Coach] Is that what you're gonna tell the other team when they whip your butts? That's loser's talk! And there's no room on this team for losers! - Now that's not right. Yelling at you like that. Don't your parents ever say anything about it? - He is my parent. He's my father. He's not a bad guy. He's really a good guy. He just gets hyper sometimes. - [Coach] You gotta be kidding me! Hold it, hold it! - What's your name? - Jenny. - [Coach] Jenny, Jenny get over here! - I gotta go. - [Coach] Donalds, let's go! Keep your eye on the ball. Let's see some follow through here. (girls giggling) - It's nothing, Emma. I'm not concerned. - The truth, Jonathan. - I met a young girl today. Just like my Jenny. And her name was Jenny. - I asked you a question. - Shortness of breath. It's not significant. - Who says? - Emma, I'm a doctor. - All you did was deliver babies. Anybody can do that. I delivered my sister's youngest child, and I'm no doctor. Let me feel your pulse. No pulse! - Here, Emma. - Well. You're still going to see a doctor the first thing in the morning. A real doctor. ♪ I would walk for miles for you ♪ ♪ I just want a smile from you ♪ (muffled cheerful music) (slow piano music) Well? What did he say, Jonathan? Out with it. - He said nine innings is too much. He said that I'm not a kid anymore. Can you imagine that? Telling me I'm not a kid anymore? - What did he say, Jonathan? - He said that I should try to make my heart better. Maybe I should think about a bypass. - [Young Woman] Pill time. - You and I need to have a little talk. - Don't look good. - What do you mean? - What do I mean? What do you mean what do I mean? They're talking serious here about a heart bypass. What do I mean? - Don't get surly with me. - Surly. - Look at that, Emma. When I see those kids over there playing baseball. You know, at night I dream about being a kid playing baseball. And now they're so organized. They have little leagues. When I was kid I didn't have time to play baseball. Now there's time. (slow piano music) I'd give anything to be one of those kids. - Anything? - Anything in this world. - Mr. Cassio, this is Emma Gray. - [Cassio] Yes, Emma? Have you made up your mind? - Yes, yes I have. It will be a man. Jonathan Lyle. I think he's ready. You see his heart is failing. - [Cassio] How do you know he is ready? - Well I... He said to me he'd give anything. - [Cassio] I see. - [Emma] Anything in this world, he said. - [Cassio] I see. Does he have a family? Wife, children? - [Emma] No, none. Oh once I think there was a girl. Jenny, I think. But she passed away suddenly. Long ago. - [Cassio] Okay. You must bring him here. - [Emma] Yes, Mr. Cassio. - [Cassio] Emma, does he know there is a price? - [Emma] No, he does not. I decided that I'll pay the price. I thought it out. It's my time, Mr. Cassio. I know it. And so I'm going to pay the price. Just as my sister did for me. I'm ready now. It's my time. (indistinct radio chatter) - I'm gonna light a candle for you, Jonathan. Both ends. (speaking in Spanish) - You might find out when you're gonna get sick? - Now please, don't start with that after life stuff, okay? It's just that I'm going in for a few tests, a second opinion if you will. I'll be back in five days, right? (jazzy music) - Jonathan. - I thought you were crazy, Emma. Now I'm sure of it. - Don't you trust me? Come over here. I wanna show you something. That's me, Johnny. Oh Mr. Cassio. (mysterious music) - [Jonathan] Could you just explain? Yeah but... - On Friday at exactly six o'clock he will change back. Do you understand, Emma? - I know, I remember. Thank you, Mr. Cassio. But I wish I knew how you did it and where I was going. - Emma, there are many paths. What we call time. You see, time is like a force that we wander in while others hurry through. You will never be lost, Emma. You are guided from within. (gentle music) (thunder rumbling) Drink this. - [Jonathan] Can I ask... - [Cassio] Mr. Lyle, these are paths in time. There are an infinite number of them. But these here represent all of your past, present and future. Mr. Lyle, you will not remember anything. - Wait a minute. What do you mean I won't remember anything? - You will try. But you will not remember who you are these five days to come. - Why is that? What is about to come? - [Cassio] You will recall your spirit, but not yourself. Do you understand? Mr. Lyle. The interceptor. (camera clicking and popping) (indistinct chatter) (video games beeping) (laughing) (birds chirping) (cheerful big band music) - Evening, Mr. Lyle. Welcome to the hotel. Great to see you. - [Older Man] Hi, Mr. Lyle, how are you? - [Man] Evening, Mr. Lyle. - Hi Jonathan. (indistinct chatter) - Jonathan, how are you? - Hi Mr. Lyle. How are you today? Charlie, will you help Mr. Lyle to his room? - Hi Mr. Lyle, my name's Chuck. May I take your bag? Okay. (slow music) (indistinct sports radio chatter) (cheerful music) - Balance like this. Left foot on the bag. If you lean back you can't get a jump. You get off too far and you lean towards second the catcher might pick you up. Donald, you try it. Let's go. Maximize your right foot position. You gotta be able to dive back as quick as you can when the catcher throws the ball. Alright, Jed, Victor, let's go! Not straight in! Reach for the outside of the bag. Touch the corner of the bag with your left hand. I assume you know your right hand from your left hand. Next. On your toes. Hold it. Not you. Reed, get in there. - What do you mean not me? - Just what I said. Come on, let's go Reed. - Why not me? - Because I said so. Off the bag or off the field. Your choice, right now. Well? Come on, Reed. Stretch off. Get off there. - I am, coach. - Hey, you gotta be able to get to the next base. You want to get to second base don't you? Come on, more. Alright, come on Victor. Oh my gosh, that was the pit! You gotta be... Oh Reed. You all right, bud? You all right, bud? - Is he all right? - He probably just had a hard fall. (upbeat pop music) - Hey look. - He's cute. - Who is he? - I've never seen him around. - Who's he? - I don't know. Who cares? - [Boy] Looks like a new ball player. - So what? - So we need somebody to take Reed's place. - No one's taking my place. - You're on the DL, Reed. That's the rules. - He's not that big. - Fast. - I don't know, a new guy? - Play offs man. You gotta be able to go to your bench. - You from around here? - You play ball? - Baseball, yeah. Why? - Who do you play for? Hey, what school you go to? - School's out. - Why don't you stop by tomorrow at the batting cages? That's where we usually hang out. - Which one? - [Boy] The one right here. - Oh yeah, okay that one. - I'm Jed, that's Tommy. And that's Rashid. - Jonathan. Jonathan Lyle. See you around. (machine humming) - Way to whack it, Tommy. - Right Thomas man. - [Boy] The machine sneaks pitches sometimes. - Be my guest. - [Boy] You know there is regular practice this afternoon over by the old field. - Dorky stance, man. Look at the way he holds that bat. - If he keeps them all mixed in he'll ride it right on out of here. Might hit a tower records. - We'll see. - [Boy] Nice shot. He's not exactly Barry Bonds. - Yeah, well neither was Reed. This kid's not bad. - I'd pitch him one outside. - [Boy] He should use his body more when he swings. With that hit he'll never get past the pitcher. Check out his wrist action, not bad. (machine humming) (loud thudding) - Nice hit. - Okay, let's see what you got, Jonathan. There you go, that's using your head. Try a pop up. - [Boy] Better in the outfield, man. - [Coach] Stay with it, a little better. - It's no fair. He gets to play and we don't. - Such a crock man, we never even see the kid before. Could be a spy from another team or something. - What's he gonna do, steal our signs? - [Boy] He could have done something to our Gatorade. - There you go, that's using your head. Try a pop up. - Kid throws like my grandma. - Okay gang, here's the deal. Reed's out for the year. And we're allowed to add somebody to the roster. Jonathan, right? - [Jonathan] Yeah. - Jonathan here you prefer John or Jonathan? - [Jonathan] Don't matter. - Showing a lot of hustle out there today. - Ass kisser. - [Coach] Shut up, Tommy! We barely made it to the playoffs and we're down a man. - We guys can come off the bench. - I can come off the bench. - [Coach] Hey, John could help us. But I'm gonna leave it up to you guys. - I say you go with the guys you got. - It's not fair, he gets to play and we don't. - [Coach] Hey, everybody's gonna get a chance to play. - [Boy] Pinch run on, big deal. - What if somebody else gets hurt? - Hey, Jed's got a point. Once the playoffs start, that's it. - I'm playing hurt. Rashid's playing hurt. This time of season everybody's playing hurt. - That's why we need guys who can come off the bench. - We don't need him! - [Coach] Calm down, calm down. I'm gonna put it to a vote. - We've been together all year as a team. We don't need this guy. - Hey, arms out, come on. On the count of three. Thumbs up or thumbs down. Are you ready? One, two, three. (slow piano music) Okay Jenny, it's all tied up. It's up to you. Let's go! We haven't got all day for this! - Down! - [Coach] All right, it's official. John's on the team. So let's start acting like a team. Come on, everybody up here. Get your hands in there. Here we go, come on. Who's gonna win? - [Team] Giants! - [Coach] Ah, come on you can do better than that. John, get your hand in there. (cheerful music) Who's gonna win? - [Team] Giants! - [Coach] That's better. Jenny, go get me that box of shirts. The rest of you guys, get the equipment. Let's go back out to the field! - Okay, I have 12, 17 and five. - Five. Five was Joe DiMaggio's number. - Say who? - Joe DiMaggio. - Some old guy that does commercials on TV? - The Yankee Clipper. - [Boy] Wasn't he the guy they made a movie about? - You moron. That was Babe Ruth. - No, there was another guy. - Lou Gehrig, pride of the Yankees. Mickey Mantle, the Commerce Comic. Bill Rezudo, the Scooter. - What's up with you and Joe DiMaggio, man? - He's my favorite player. - Joe DiMaggio? (siren blaring) - Hey, how come you wanna wear a dead guy's number? - He's not dead. - You calling me a liar? - No, I'm just saying I don't think he's dead. - That means you're calling me a liar. - No it doesn't. - Yes it does. - No it doesn't - Then say Joe DiMaggio's dead. - What's the matter with you? - Say it. - What's wrong with you? (boys shouting) - Hey, hey, break it up! (boys shouting) (slow music) (motor humming) - [Coach] Come on, let's go! Come on, wake up! Come on, we got a ballgame to play. - [Announcer] It might be only 62 degrees in Lake Worth today, but it'll be steaming hot on the field. The once beaten Aces, winners of 11 in a row After an opening 16 five beating now face the comeback kids, the Giants who just three weeks ago were next to last. And now are just one game away from going to the championships. - [Team] Giants! (crowd applauding) - [Announcer] Bottom of the fourth, score time. Six all. The Giants with one up. And batting for the Giants, True Broadham. Elliott Rogers, ready with the pitch. Now here comes the pitch. Rogers deals. (crowd cheering) - What! He was nowhere near the bat! - No, no! - He's safe! He was nowhere near it! He was safe! Come on, he was six feet off the bag. Everybody in the park knows it except you. Six feet! What the hell are you doing out here if you can't make a simple call? - Think we should go on the field? - I don't know. - You know what I do for a living, Jeff. I'm a dentist. - Well then what are you doing? Inhaling nitrous oxide or what? You blew it, you blew the call! - What's the matter with him? It's not like him yelling like that. (indistinct shouting) What's your mom say about that? - Well he's mad at that guy. He's really a good guy. He's just like, you know, hyper about sports. (indistinct shouting) - [Coach] You blew it and you know it! - Jeff, please get off the field right now. Let these kids play baseball. - You're not drilling my teeth anymore, Glen. I'm not letting some blind man put a drill in my mouth. (indistinct chatter) - Did you see it? He was on the base. - [Announcer] The Aces lead at eight six. Jenny Neil at first and here's Tommy Byer. Right hand hitter as he stands in. The Giants just two runs down. The pitch is lined and center field. Lam coming on and the ball is gonna be right through his legs. (crowd cheering) The Giants have a chance to tie it up. Neil heads toward third with Byer right behind. Two runs have a chance to score. Neil around third, Shield scores. Here comes Tommy Byer and he scores. Two run score and the Giants tie the game at eight. (crowd cheering) This playoff game is everything it's cracked up to be. In the fifth inning. (indistinct chatter) This is it, winner take all. Bottom of the sixth, game tied at eight. The Giants have a chance to win in their hand. And Jed Blake will lead it off. Right hand hitter. One of the best in his league, getting in five inning. He swings and lines a drive toward right center field. It's in the gap, amazing. Blake rounds first, he heads toward second. And he's there with us. - Be patient, keep your eye on the ball. Don't try and hit it a mile. Hey, are you listening to me? - Yeah. - [Announcer] Up next is Jonathan Lyle. - Hey, you wanna be a hero? Here's your chance to be a hero. Come on, let's go! (crowd applauding) - [Announcer] And Lyle comes up with a chance to win the ballgame. A base hit should win it. With Blake on second base we are tied at eight in the bottom of the sixth. Lyle, a right hand hitter as he stands in. He gets inside. Lyle, standing in for the winning run at second base and a tied game. Pitches. - Stop, stop! You know where that pitch was that you just swung at? Two feet over you leg. Come on, win it for us. Let's go, bud. Come on! (slow music) (crowd cheering) - Strike two! - [Announcer] And now Lyle in a hold, oh and two. Jed Blake ready to go on second base. He is the winning run. - Come on Jonathan, let's go. Come on babe, be a hero. Let's go! - [Jenny] Come on Johnny, you can do it! - And here comes the wind by Rogers. The pitch. (crowd cheering) - [Announcer] And way back in deep center field. That ball is over his head and it goes all the way to the fence. Blake will score. The Giants win nine eight! Jonathan Lyle has done it. He gets the winning hit. And the Giants are going to the championship. (crowd cheering) - Tommy. Tommy, wait up. Listen. - Lyle, get the hell out of my face! (slow music) (indistinct chatter) (crickets chirping) - [Child] Mom when are we gonna go to... - [Jonathan] Hello? - Hi, Jonathan. This is Jenny Neil. - Oh, hi. - Listen, do you want to go rollerblading with me tomorrow? - Well, I'd like to, but I don't have any roller blades. - That's okay. I have an extra pair. - It's not only that. I don't know how to Rollerblade. - [Jenny] You don't, you really don't? - Honest. - [Jenny] Well, I can teach you. If you felt like it. - Well yeah, yeah. I mean, I've, I've always wanted to learn. - [Jenny] Hold on a second. - [Mom] Honey, what are you doing down there? - I'm on the phone. It's my mom. I'll be off in a second. - [Mom] All right, 'cause your dad's expecting a call. - I gotta get off. I gotta go humor my mom. She's pregnant. - All right, bye. - [Coach] What do I have to do around here to make myself clear? Can't somebody take care of the dog? (dog panting) - Mom, are we almost there yet? Marley's getting one of those weird lipstick things again, - Jenny people don't just live in hotels, you know. They stay there, they don't live there. - That's all I know, mom. - [Mom] Well, is he staying with his parents maybe? - [Jenny] I don't know. - Is he rich? - I just met him yesterday. - I bet I know what part Jenny likes. His butt. - Kenny, you know I don't like talk like that. Look we're here. Is that your friend over there? - One word out of you and I'll nail your tongue to the nearest tree. - [Mom] Jenny, gross. - Hi. - Hi. - Oh, this is my mom and that's my brother, Kenny. - Hi, I'm Judy Neil. And you're Jonathan? - Yeah. - Jenny's told us so much about you. - She has? - Are you enjoying your stay here? I guess you're here with your parents? - Well not exactly. - You know, Jenny never mentioned where you live permanently, I mean. - She hasn't? - Let's not do Oprah Winfrey now, mom. Come on, let's get the blades out. - Oh, it's okay. We can do it. - Oh Jonathan, that's really sweet. I know I look like I'm about to pop any minute, but baby's actually not due for another 10 days, so I'm fine really. - Okay well thanks for the ride, mom. See you later. - So are you hungry? - Oh no, it's okay. Where do you want to go? - I don't know, where do you want to go? - Um, the park. - Okay. - So you really don't know how to Rollerblade? - Really. - That's weird. Everyone I know knows how to roller blade. - Well not in the city. - That's where you're from, the city? - No. - What do you mean no? - I don't know what I mean. - Okay. Let's go lace up. - [Man] I got it, I got it. - That's okay. - I got it, I got it! I got it, I got it! (gentle music) - Here, let me show you. - Soap. - What? - Uh... Your hair smells like soap. - Smells pretty good, huh? Now you gotta keep your balance. Just take it easy. Don't try to walk, just push off. Glide. The faster you go the easier it is. Ready to ride? - Yeah. - Oh, keep your balance. You're doing great. Just try to keep your feet more together. - I think I got a handle on it. - Yeah, you're doing great. (thudding) Ow! - You okay? - I'm fine. I just hit a pebble. (cloth ripping) - Just a little road rash. That should do it. - Did you learn that in health class? - What? It's just a stupid bandage. It's not like I did brain surgery. Think you can blade? (upbeat pop music) - Sure. ♪ All right ♪ ♪ Well now do it do it ♪ ♪ It's the tag game do it do it ♪ ♪ It's the tag game do it do it ♪ ♪ It's the tag game do it do it ♪ ♪ Well now when Paul ♪ ♪ Starts up the tag game ♪ - [Bellhop] Evening, Mr. Lyle. ♪ Well I get this old feeling ♪ ♪ Well old like son and daughter ♪ (indistinct TV chatter) - Is this your mother? - [Jonathan] Yeah. No. Well no. She is but she wasn't when the picture was taken. - She's beautiful. Who are these people? - Grandparents. - All of them? - Well no, I mean a couple of them are. Well, no, no none of them. Come here, I wanna show you something. I do this all the time. I'm gonna call the front desk. - [Concierge] Hello, front desk. (water rushing) (giggling) ♪ Do it do it ♪ ♪ It's the tag game do it do it ♪ ♪ It's the tag game ♪ ♪ We're going up to eat ♪ ♪ To tell about the tag game ♪ ♪ Well now when Paul ♪ ♪ Starts up the tag game ♪ ♪ Don't let me be ♪ ♪ Sitting on the side saying ♪ ♪ Stuff about me ♪ ♪ Well I can see Paul looking around ♪ ♪ Time for tag that's got to be ♪ ♪ When Paul starts up his tag game ♪ ♪ Call for me ♪ ♪ Oh do it do it ♪ ♪ It's the tag game do it do it ♪ ♪ It's the tag game do it do it ♪ ♪ It's the tag game do it do it ♪ ♪ F now look out F ♪ ♪ Well now when Paul Bank ♪ ♪ Starts up the tag game ♪ ♪ You wanna be there ♪ ♪ And if it's ♪ - What do you mean, why aren't you here? She's at the hotel with Jonathan. - That's nice dear. - Well who's with you guys? Where are his parents? They're alone. Jeff, what are you doing? - I'm gonna get the car keys and I'm gonna go get her. - Just wait a minute. All right, Jenny. Well at least you got around to calling me. Give me a call when you're finished and I'll come get you. In about an hour, okay? All right. She's having dinner with Jonathan. - At the hotel? Just the two of them. - [Mom] Apparently. - Our daughter's with a boy in a hotel room? Do you not have a problem with that? - [Mom] Jeff, they're 12 years old. - 12 year old girls are having babies. Read the papers, honey. - Jenny's not gonna have a baby. They're having dinner and she's gonna call when they're finished and I'll run over and get her. I think it's sweet. (slow music) - [Coach] Oh my God. Come on, let's go! More out there, Kenny! - I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it! - I got it, it got it. - What's the matter with you out there? - You okay? - Yeah, you okay? - Yeah. - Are you asleep? I asked you a question. - No coach. - [Coach] No coach, what? - No, I'm not asleep out there. - That's the kind of stupid mistake that gets people hurt out here. Shut up, Victor. Are you trying to get somebody hurt? - No. - Dad, it wasn't his fault. - Stay out of it! You think or you sit. Is that clear? - Yeah. - You either have your head in the game or your butt on the bench. (sirens blaring) Is that clear? (alarm ringing) - Kid, where are you going? You can't go in there. There's a fire in there! - Miss, you okay miss? (coughing) (sirens blaring) (flames crackling) (indistinct radio chatter) - [Firefighter] Okay we'll take care of her. You go with him. Come on, we won't leave this run, come on. Ma'am, we'll take you up and get you out of here. Come with us. (coughing) (indistinct radio chatter) (dog barking) (siren blaring) - I'm fine. - You all right? - Yeah, I'm fine. - You've got some black stuff on your nose. - Oh. - What made you do a crazy thing like that? - I don't know. - You could have been killed. - Hey let's come over here with us. We'll have to check you out. - No I'm fine, really. - You have a ride, you all right? - [Jenny] Yeah, he's coming home with us. - Now I think I'd like to listen to his heart. See what he sounds like. Come on, come with me. It'll just take a minute. - Dad, go get the car. - Okay, you take care of John, all right? - [Mom] Jonathan, do you need anything? - No thank you, Ms. Neil. - [Mom] There are plenty of towels in there. And you can use the bathrobe on the hook behind the door. - Okay. (water splashing) - That's me on my first day of school. That's me when my brother was born. That's me with my parents. And... - Well let me see! - You can't. - Why, because you're naked? - No, you just can't. It's private. - But you were just a baby! - I don't care. - I've seen lots of naked babies. - Where? - I don't know, I just have. - Sure. Listen, I was wondering, are you going out with anyone? I mean, I was just wondering 'cause I'm not. And I mean Tommy said he would be my boyfriend. But I never said he could be. And he's been acting like such a jerk lately. Um, would you wanna go out with me? You don't have to tell me right way. Like, you can think about it. - Well, I'd like to. But it's... I don't know if I can. - Why not? - It's strange but when I try to think about things it's like I can't. It's weird. - [Mom] Jonathan, your clothes are dry. You can change in our room. - I heard what you said. Jonathan, do you want to go out with me? - Do you know what they do to spies? They shoot them. - Heroes, in honor of our hero. Oh, let me take a picture of you two before we eat. (slow music) - [Coach] I hope you saved some of your heroics for tomorrow, John. Tomorrow's a big one. - Really Jeff, saving someone's life. That's a big one, too. John, whatever possessed you to do that? John, don't you think you ought to give your parents a call? Let them know you're all right? I mean, wow, this has been all over television all day. They probably were watching from where was it? New York, or some city? Or someone that you know might be watching and give them a call. I know how parents worry when they don't hear from you. I think you ought to give them a call. - Why? I don't know anybody. Nobody's going to call me. I just gotta make my heart better. Excuse me. (slow music) - Johnny! You know, you didn't have to buy him all that stuff. - Me and Kenny are buddies, right? (indistinct movie chatter) - [Woman on Screen] Look at that baby! (woman screaming) - Knock it off. - You gonna make me? Moron. (giggling) - [Kids] Shh! (giggling) - [Kids] Shh! - So how was tonight? - Tommy threw popcorn on Jonathan's hair. - Well, that was mean. why would he do something like that? - 'Cause Jonathan was trying to kiss Jenny. - [Jenny] He was not. - He was too. - That's not true. - It is, too, I saw him. - All right you guys stop it. You know, I let you guys go because I thought you could act like a bunch of (car horns honking) grownups. - [Jenny] Are you all right, mom? - Oh boy, well. I think I'm going to have my baby. - Oh my God, what are we going to do? - Are you sure? - Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. - Okay, there's more room in the back. - [Boy] Hey mom, mom. I gotta go pee. - Oh God. - [Jenny] Maybe we should stop a car. - Just go all the way back. - [Jenny] Mom, you okay? - What are you doing? - Just trying to help. - Oh! - You sure you know what you're doing? - Yeah, yeah. (mom moaning) - Okay, is she all right? - Yeah, she's fine. - You all right, mom? - Okay okay. Breathe, breathe. Breathe, breathe. - What can I do? - Breathe, breathe. Just um, do you have any forceps or anything like that? - [Jenny] What do you need forceps for? - All right, push push. Push, push, push. Okay bear down, bear down. - We don't have forceps. - It's fine, it's fine. (mom moaning) All right, come here, come here. Hold her hand. Okay, all right. (mom panting) - Squeeze my hand. Keep breathing, keep breathing. - Push push push. Breathe, breathe, okay, okay. (mom panting) Okay, all right. All right, try to relax okay? Try to relax. - I can't believe this is happening. - Come here, come here, come here. Okay, just try to relax. Okay, push. - If we had a car phone we could call somebody. Everybody but us has a car phone. And a beeper. - Shut up, Kenny. - Kenny, we're gonna have a little.... Ah! - Big push, big push. (mom moaning) Big push, big push. (mom moaning) (slow piano music) (baby crying) It's a girl. - Is she all right? - [Jonathan] Yeah, yeah, it's fine. - Where have you been? - [Jenny] It's a girl! (baby crying) - Oh no we have three women in the house? - Hi pretty girl. - [Mom] What's happening? - [Jenny] We're going to the hospital, mom. - [Mom] Who's driving? - Just relax. - Why did it have to be a girl? - Be quiet, Kenny. (car horn honking) (baby crying) - Guys, guys, there's a woman in there. She has a baby. There's blood. Stat! Her pulse is taching. She's she's hot and diaphoretic. Come on, Kenny. (indistinct radio chatter) (slow music) (indistinct intercom chatter) - Excuse me, I'm Jeff. - [Jenny] My dad still can't believe it. How'd you learn how to do that? - What, the delivery? - [Jenny] Yeah, that and driving. How'd you learn how to drive? - Uh I... I watch TV. - [Jenny] I don't mean to ask so many questions. People shouldn't ask so many questions, you know? - Like what you asked me before. - Yeah. - [Jonathan] Well I'd like to, I just don't know. - Why not? - [Jonathan] I feel funny about it. - What do you mean funny? - It's confusing. Feels like I don't know anybody. I mean, I like you. And I like everybody here. It just feels like I'm not going to be around for much longer. I mean, I might be, I don't know. I can't explain it. I don't even know how my parents are. - What do you think about her, huh? It's pretty nice, huh? There you go, Stevie. Take that bug. Go get yourself something. - Let's see what you have there. - Oh, she's just newborn. - She's beautiful! Look at her. - I don't know. You don't think it's disgusting? I think it's disgusting. - No, actually it's pretty cool. Happens every month or so. The egg goes through the, the the fallopian tube. I saw it on my Grey's Anatomy CD Rom. I'll show it to you sometime if you want. - [Boy] I don't care, I don't have the money right now. - [Man] Which one of you guys is Jonathan Lyle? - He's the kid batting over there. - Come on, man. - [Man] Thanks. - Aren't you um... - Jonathan Lyle? Jonathan Lyle? - [Jonathan] Yeah. - Hi, I'm Dave Winfield. - Yeah, I know. - I'm Aunt Emma's nephew. The lady you rescued from the fire. - Oh yeah, how's she doing? - I wish I could say she was doing all right, but she's in pretty bad shape. But she did want me to come over here and thank you for what you did. Hey, you know, I liked the way you were hitting. You have that wide stance. Looks like me. - I can't believe he's getting batting tips from Dave Winfield. Why him? Who the hell is this kid anyway? I don't know, but there's something really weird about him and I don't like it. - Jenny seems to like it. - Shut up! - If you would open up that front hip just a little bit earlier, you'd generate a little more power. Try it. - Hey! Oh. Hey Mr. Winfield. - Wow, that's much better. See what I mean? - Well, I think mine's a little bit more like Joe DiMaggio. - That's Jolting Joe all right, but wasn't that a little before your time? - A little. Thanks. - Hey, I'm the one who should be thanking you. That was a very brave thing that you did. - Well I hope she gets better. - I do too. And she mentioned one more thing. She wanted you to be home by six. I think she said you had to change. Well, thanks again. And you take care of yourself. All right, I'll see you. - Bye. - Bye. - What'd he say, man? - Yeah, what'd he say? - Oh just some stuff about hitting. - Why you? What's so special about you? - Nothing. - Who the hell do you think you are anyway? Acting like you're some kind of big deal. I know all about you. You're some stupid rich kid whose parents are getting a divorce. - Your parents are divorced too, Tommy. - He didn't mean it. People just say things. Jonathan, please. I don't have to be your girlfriend. But I'm still your friend. And you can tell me anything. I won't tell anyone. Not my mom, not my dad. Not anyone. - There's nothing to tell. - Okay. - Wait. (slow music) I'm Jonathan Lyle. And I live at the hotel and I just gotta make my heart better. That's all I know. - What do you mean make your heart better? Are you sick? - No, I'm not sick. - What do you mean make your heart better? - I don't know. - Okay gang, this is the big one. Remember what I said. I don't want to see any stupid mistakes out there. Stay focused. - Coach. Can I say something? - [Coach] Sure John, go ahead. - You know, people like Dave Winfield, they're professional baseball players, but we're not. We're just kids. You only get a chance to be a kid once. I guess it should be fun, but it's not fun when you're just screaming at us and calling us lazy or stupid. And it's not fun when you're so scared to make an error that, I know how bad you want to win. And we all do. It's just that we're kids and it's just baseball, and we should have fun. - Have some fun, all right. Everybody in here. Who's gonna win? Who's gonna wanna go out there and have some fun? - [Team] Giants! - [Coach] What, get back in here again. Who's gonna have fun? - [Team] Giants! (gentle music) (Star Spangled Banner) - Play ball! - [Announcer] It's the Bombless Bombs leading the league in virtually every offensive category up against the comeback kid Giants who continue to shock everyone with upset victories over the Hawks, Eagles and Aces. - I know you can do it. - [Announcer] Little Victor up. - Hey Victor, I'm proud of you buddy. - [Announcer] The pitch, swung! (crowd cheering) Little Victor gets one. (gentle music) Tommy Byer ready to pitch. He gets the sign. He looks in at the hitter. Here's the wind and the pitch to Fred Caney. (crowd cheering) He was gonna need a plane ticket to catch that one. Tommy Byer gets shelled here. And the Marlins are going wild. Jenny Neil will stand in, a left hand hitter. Jenny oh for three on the day. And here's the pitch. Swung and line toward right field. It's a base hit. It's a tweener gone to the wall. Jenny Neil scores second. She heads toward third. The throw to third is over the third baseman's head. Here comes Neil. She is going to catch them all. Line drive base hit to right center and Ace's errors and the Giants go ahead, 12 11 in the sixth inning. Jenny Neil going all the way, getting hugged by her teammates. What a great moment for the Giants. And they still have to get three outs to win the championship. (crowd cheering) Tommy Byer just one inning away from a victory. He needs three big outs. Now he's about ready. And he deals to Moses. (shouting) Off of Byer's leg. Byer goes down. Scrambling to his feet trying to find the baseball he fires. - He's out, call time! (indistinct chatter) All right, bud? - It's okay coach. - Hey, just take it easy. - Come on, all I need is one more out. I can do it. - Hey, first thing's first. Let's see if you can stand. Come on. - It's okay. - Okay if he throws a few up? - [Man] Take as many as you need. - Okay. - Let's see if you can throw, come on. Okay, okay. Here it is. Jed, you're going to relieve Tommy. You go play first. You did a great job, buddy. Come on. We only need one more out and we're the champs. Come on. Your turn. Atta boy. Right like that. Can you get this guy? - Yeah coach, I got him. - All right let's go. One more and we're the champs. Let's go. - [Announcer] Scott Elliott will dig in for the Aces. - Elliott's a right-hander, and a very strong hitter at that. Now Blake threw the one and his first pitch is in on the ground foul, outside of third. A dog gets it. Well the count oh and one with two outs near the bottom of the sixth. The Giants leading 12, 11. Jed Blake ready to deal. Scott Elliott digs in. Now Blake, the right handed to the wild. And here's the pitch. (loud thudding) It's swung on and driven to deep center field. That one may go. (crowd cheering) (camera clicking) (crowd cheering) Oh my goodness! What a play by Jonathan Lyle! The most unlikely hero who has saved the day for the Giants. They win it all 12, 11 in one of the greatest endings ever in baseball history. (indistinct chatter) Right now we're gonna have Jed Blake coming to the stands. Jed had a league leading 16 batting average. This should be a proud day for the boy. Jenny Neil with an exceptional season this year. Coach Neil must be extremely proud today. And next is Jonathan Lyle who made one of the most spectacular catches I've ever seen. Jonathan Lyle. Where is Jonathan? - Did you send someone to look for John? Did you? - I don't know. - Where's John? - It's probably all the fuss that scared him off, Jen. Everybody's got their friends and family here. Jonathan's just being shy. Believe me. - [Man] Come on Jeff, we're waiting for your speech. - Okay. Jonathan Lyle. He's only been with us a short time, but he's made a very important contribution to this team You saw him make the winning catch out there. Well John, he showed us something more important than just winning. And that's having a good time out there and having a lot of fun. Well, we had a lot of fun and thanks to John we won this game. I'd like to thank the Marlins and my Giants for a well-played game. So John, if you can hear me, bud, come on back and enjoy this victory. You're a Giant, boy. - Kenny. I know you don't know me and you shouldn't talk to strangers. Would you do me a favor? Give this ball to your sister, Jenny? - How do you know my name? How do you know my sister? - Would you do that for me? Okay? - [Boy] What does it say? - [Kenny] How should I know? I thought you said you knew how to read. - I do. Come on, let's go. I know where we could put it. We could put it under Jenny's bed. She wouldn't notice. - [Boy] Nah. (soft pop music) - Jenny. - What are you doing here? - What does it say? - Where'd you get this from? - A man gave it to me. He said to give it to you. - What man? Who was he? - [Kenny] I don't know. Just an old man. What does it say? - How old? - I don't know. Just old, like maybe a hundred. - Here, bring this back home. - And I'm keeping this. (cheerful music) - And follow hit team. It's driving line back. Back back back at the wall. He leaps, he's got it! Oh my God! (indistinct shouting) - And so I said to him, as long as you have to have the painters fee for the kitchen, why not redecorate in here too? - Oh Jonathan, Jonathan. - What's the matter? What happened? - It's Emma. She passed away just a little while ago. - It was exactly six o'clock. She smiled at us, and she just closed her eyes and was gone. But she was smiling. You know why she was smiling, Jonathan? 'Cause she fooled us. Dave Winfield is her nephew. - She wasn't fooling us. She was telling the truth. - Well that's what I mean, What better trickery than to tell the truth. (indistinct TV chatter) - You're right, Dugan. You know when you're right, you're right. - Jonathan, oh I am so glad you're back now. Now I want your opinion. What do you think about the lemon drop yellow and the fern green? What do you think dear? - It's very cheerful. - It's a change. That's the main thing. It's a change. - You're right. - Jonathan we were so upset about an Emma that we didn't even ask you about the specialist. - Oh yeah, what did the specialist say? - Oh yeah, the specialist. Well, I suppose that made my heart better somehow. Seems I have the heart of a 12 year old kid. He said, go on out, have some fun. - I'll drink to that. - You'll drink to anything. - That's a good news item. - Does this mean that you're going to have us running around outside playing that game? - Baseball Francis, it makes us younger. - For you it's baseball. For me it's redecorating. - Jonathan, it's too bad you didn't get to say goodbye to Emma. I know how close you two were. You're gonna miss her. - Sorry, Max, what did you say? - [Max] I said you're gonna miss her. - Yeah. Going to miss her. All right then! Let's watch a game. (slow piano music) - Have you seen a boy here? - Checked out. He's gone. ♪ You watch the slow train moving ♪ ♪ Through the city late at night ♪ ♪ Adjusting back and forth against ♪ ♪ The darkness and street lights ♪ ♪ I know that you're feeling bad ♪ ♪ But I'm glad you didn't lie ♪ - I'd give anything to be in that game right now. - Me too. - You would? - Of course. - Sure. - Well. (indistinct TV chatter) (gentle music) ♪ The life is the red wagon ♪ ♪ Rolling along ♪ ♪ The life is the red wagon ♪ ♪ Simple and strong ♪ ♪ The life is the red ♪ ♪ Is the red ♪ ♪ Oh it's no big deal ♪ ♪ But when the feet are dragging ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ You pull for me ♪ ♪ And I pull for you ♪ ♪ You pull for me ♪ ♪ And I pull ♪ ♪ For you ♪ ♪ Past the teeming marketplace ♪ ♪ And the blur of faces there ♪ ♪ Past the silent dockyards ♪ ♪ And the darkness looming there ♪ ♪ Maybe it won't work this time ♪ ♪ But that's the risk you take ♪ ♪ And you want to take it ♪ ♪ And just as long as it feels right ♪ ♪ Doesn't matter just as long as ♪ ♪ Doesn't matter gotta feel good ♪ ♪ Though you don't know why ♪ ♪ Life is the red wagon ♪ ♪ Rolling along ♪ ♪ Life is the red wagon ♪ ♪ Keeps the feet upon the ground ♪ ♪ Life is the red ♪ ♪ Is the red ♪ ♪ Oh it's no big deal ♪ ♪ But when the feet are dragging ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ You pull for me ♪ ♪ And I pull for you ♪ ♪ You pull for me ♪ ♪ And I pull ♪ ♪ For you ♪ ♪ You pull for me ♪ ♪ Life is the red wagon ♪ ♪ Traveling along ♪ ♪ Life is the red wagon ♪ ♪ Simple and strong ♪ ♪ The life is the red wagon ♪ ♪ Simple and strong ♪
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 7,653
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Keywords: encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 40sec (5680 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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