He needs a break! | Talks With Tony

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hey tony gaskins here now popping in for another episode of talks with tony and i got a coach in uh a little bit so i i have to get off the phone at a certain time on this one now i know sometimes i say that but i got a coach in uh about 45 minutes 42 minutes plug my computer in so i ain't got that long on this one but this one is not too long of an email but it's long enough i had to skip two of them because it was too short so with the ones that y'all asked this real short that's just a question that i answered like in a general video not a talks with tony i need a little more detail for the talks with tony videos hello tony i've been watching your videos here from texas i'm going through the waiting time of my boyfriend deciding whether or not to break up with me he was going to break up with me and after us talking two hours about our situation and said it's for the best and this is that this would be the third he would break up with me the third time he would break up with you y'all got excuse a few typos here so when he said it again i said is this for sure and he said yes when we had given our hugs he said i love you so much you don't know how hard this is if you need me for anything i'll be here i immediately responded with no don't come around don't think about me don't care for me and he hugged me while i was saying it and we both were quiet and started crying and he then said give me a week to give him a week to think about to give him a week to think about it again when he needs time to think he will go days without talking to me is that okay i don't know what to do don't get me wrong he is a good guy but what's troubling in our relationship is because ever since we got back together there was a situation where two people were involved in our arguments back then when we broke back then when we broke up and when we got back together i told him i didn't want it to happen again now y'all gotta forgive me i think she's doing talk to test she uses absolutely no periods so y'all gotta forgive me on this he'll read i told him i didn't want it to happen again i wanted him to respect that by him cutting communication with those two people which are a mom and a daughter he said he was going to respect it after a whole year the woman kept messaging him through facebook mostly every other month since ever since we got back together i know he didn't message her but he kept that door open for her to keep communicating with him till recently he had another convo with her telling her he was going to make her something he hasn't even offered my mom like i confronted him about it and he knew he had messed up he apologized but i was still upset at the fact he knew he did wrong but why now did he actually stop after a whole year and he was upset that i had looked at his phone and that he had changed his password to see how many times i snooped around where that put me in a spot of is he hiding something he said he hasn't given me a reason it's me the one trying to find something but yet i've told him about this situation and he never stopped so that was my reason because i didn't check him check him up on that he would have never told me so that's where we stand us of now saying he lost trust in me for doing that i just don't know anymore if i'm the wrong or he's wrong are we both wrong but i would have thought if he really came back and wanted me but i would have thought if he really came back and wanted me me being his girlfriend i would think he would put me as a priority so this would have never been going on if he saw me like that i may be wrong but i just need some insight thank you for your time god bless sent from my iphone now that iphone 9 now we got piers and stuff on the iphone so i'm guessing they will talk the text now let me take this all in because i i could have very well missed something right here sister i know you was you was uh texting and driving and so i could have missed a couple things but you know what this is a good topic i did not read this before the video so this just gonna have to be a video it might be short so i might get to shoot multiple videos today but listen to me right here whoo but it had sucking on my head well i just got my wife washed my hat for me this thing came out and scrunk oh my goodness i'm gonna have to switch to too much to my big hat just well let me wear this to scratch this side now this switch to my tg hat look and she got my mentor.life on the back all right back to the email now listen to me right here if there are clinicians out there who will give this a a term and they will diagnose this but what this man is doing to you is a form of abuse all right a b u s e all right people ask me why i can't say the word it's because some words are not allowed on youtube you know certain things is not you ain't supposed to touch on everything when your channel is monetized and so understand that this is a form of uh and so that's what he's doing to you let me tell you what this is he does not want you okay point blank period if you if you had to go before seven minutes he don't want you he don't want to be with you he don't think you he or his wife he keep breaking up with you this will be the third time he will break up with you he keeps breaking up with you because it's a game to him it's fun to him he is lost oh okay i see your name i knew that you were hispanic i say this person here hispanic the way she writing it sounds like is a spanish your first language that's what that is that's what that was this ain't talk to text this oh is he in texas okay yeah all right okay it's all coming to me now so all right yeah first generation okay it and uh i'm hoping he spanish too you know um really this probably mexican which some i talk to some mexican people and they say tony we say hispanic because the forms that you have to fill out when you're filling out a form it doesn't say mexican it says hispanic so that's why someone say hispanic but then when i call the mexican hispanic uh the widow alright his spanish we are a mexican that is not hispanic i'm like oh not listen okay listen i don't know every little division of the denominations but okay i'm not african but on the paper it's a of african descent it's a black african descent i was born in america but they know okay from africa so y'all but i see she expanded i tell about her last name she's hispanic and [Music] hopefully he is hispanic and so and what i mean by that is that he know he knows you your culture your type and it sounds like it is this don't sound like a black man i know sometimes y'all deal with black men sometimes y'all deal with white men um not as often but sometimes hispanic deal with blacks and then deal with hispanics this sounds like hispanic man because and he sounds like he's a little soft because y'all was quiet and y'all started crying and then he said give me a week that let me know he got a little simp in his blood you know he's he's a little soft there because if he was a savage he wouldn't be going on a third breakup with you you'll be done he'll be then cheated on you you'll know he cheated he'll basically give you his butt to kiss but what it is is this is a grown boy this is a weak man this is not the ma this is not a type of man you want to be your husband because he's a double-minded man and he's unsure of himself he doesn't know whether he's going or coming and then he like to play with women like the juggle women around and then he gossip he going to another woman mother and daughter i'm not sure if he was talking to the mom and the daughter about your business it sounds like that's what the case is hopefully the daughter is an adult but i mean i would imagine every mom is also a daughter so he said which are a mom and daughter so i'm thinking it's the mama and her daughter he telling your business too and then she keep writing him so unless she's some kin to him which don't sound like it since you told him to cut her off and she messaging him through facebook it sounds like she might have some hope there and she thinking he gonna get done with you and then go to her the other side of this is you know you're gonna have to cut this all the way off but i could tell by your message that you're not that strong right now you're gonna have to get strong you're gonna have to you might need to get on mymentor.life and get a life coach and you may need about four sessions so that you can find your strength so that you could be so life could be spoken into you and you could be encouraged and uplifted and reinforced because what you got right here this man is abusing you and the way he's doing it is this what's happening and that's why men do this what he's doing when a man uses this tactic this is what i call the debasing tactic a debaser okay not like when i say you tried me like a baser meaning tried me like a freebase of mean and tried me like a crackhead when i say debasing let me see if that's a word reduce in quality or value that boy i got all kind of vocabulary words no that wasn't my vocabulary d bass see what he's doing with you is debasing you let me see how you use it in a sentence okay the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama okay well they really went all the way in with that so listen he is debasing you and what i mean by that is every time he break up with you let's go to the definition he's reducing your value degrade is another is a synonym for it so when he does this now look what's happening you sitting there twiddling your thumbs okay all right 601 okay 601 30 seconds okay let me email tony guys guys with this iphone okay quando c6 c8 dos escuchar luvides okay translate okay let me see okay hi tony i've been watching your videos listen you sitting there and you in the waiting period when you sent the email to me october 27th so nine this week should be about overnight cause this oh yeah that we gone oh yeah lord i hope you ain't go back to this man if you went back to this man and you seen this video and you see this video leave his butt leave his butt listen to me because this man playing with you he does not want you and so he's leaving you because every time he is decreasing your value and look what you're doing you're sitting there and waiting on him it's like if a man don't want you and for the third time he don't want you you got to get him your butt to kiss you hit me i mean you have to move on with your life don't ever in your life again sit and wait on a man to decide if he wants to be with you and see that's the thing he knows your personality so he knew you was going to park faith while he said that he got to break up with you and he said i love you see that's part of the trick i love you i'm here if you need me that's what it is he's such a punk send this to him yes you are a punk you are a grown boy get your life together okay come over here with the nonsense if you want to get your life together man you sitting there dragging this woman through the mud got her waiting on you while you on facebook sniffing booty and you are here oh give me give me a week what man get your life together and decide what you want in your life and and let this woman go about her business because you do not want her and you know you don't wanna so what this man trying to do he's trying to make you an option he want to reduce your value debase you so that you feel like an option so that when you come back and if you notice every time you come back you let him get away with a little bit more every time you come back you come back with a little less value and you've put him on a little bit higher of a pedestal so you treating him like he's the prize he is not the prize you got to understand you the prize he's not the prize so if he don't want you that mean you're not his prize that mean you belong to somebody else you you the wife to another man this not your husband because your husband is don't have to leave you three times now he might lead you one time just send you a little message you got a little attitude issues need something to work through you might get left one time everybody might get left one time male and female but three times no no it's three strikes in baseball you can't have three strikes in your life with somebody so listen let this man go because he does not want you and see the reason why he keep breaking up with you because he keep meeting these women on facebook or the women that he dragging along on facebook he need to break up with you so he could go spend a week with them and it might be if it's not in person then it's on the phone or she come to him and they get all that good quality time in and but he got her in a space to where she just get a week every so often and so he's breaking up with you to cheat in peace technically it's not cheating because y'all broke up but what i mean is he trying to play the field in peace so that's why you said earlier you said when he breaks up with me i don't hear from him let me see what you said exactly you say you don't hear from him i need to see if it's safe for weeks time to think when he needs time to think he will go days without talking to me see that's the thing he'll need no time to think a man knows a man already know if you his wife or not he don't need no time he ain't got that much brain cells to be thinking he think he think for five minutes his brain is done the brain just quit on just uh we done bro we are we logging out law guy we're not gonna be doing all this thing for 24 hours 48 hours 72 hours that man ain't got enough brain power to think and that's how i know he got enough brain power because he telling his business to a mama and daughter on facebook and then he left you three times and then he got a nerd to be hugging you you know i love you so much and when you need me you know just understand me or more mucho grusty us man going somewhere with that nonsense you don't love that woman and so that's what you have to understand that this man wants no moss okay all right what no moss means yo those y'all who did not take spanish that mean no more all right spanish class all right getting spanish all right i got the babble out so this what you have to understand is let this man go vamos you see what i mean because he does not want you and what's gonna happen if y'all back together right now he gonna leave you again in about three to six months and then y'all gonna get back together again because if you went back to them this time that mean that mean you didn't gave it you didn't gave up you just like all my value out the win i'm i'm great value on walmart clearance rack unlike the great value sale in walmart just come get me just smile 99 free 99 that's where you don't put your value if you went back to this man a third time and then so guess what he gonna break up with you again and then he gonna keep breaking up with you until he meet the woman that he feel like she could be a long-term woman and then he's gonna be with her and he gonna give you his butt the kiss when you should have gave him your butt the kids he gonna give you his butt the kiss so listen to me listen to me every single person listen male and female who listen this don't ever let somebody break up with you more than once if somebody break up with you more than once go about your business go about your business that is not your spouse border in court bordering the court the verdict is going about your business i'm tired of that being a verdict but listen go about your business because three to what they tell y'all who believe in this stuff three times is a charm i only believe in charms but for y'all who believe three times in the chart all right broke up with you three times then he said give me a week and then you sit there waiting you like and then you write me i just don't know what to do go about your business is what you got to do and then listen just like i said in the other video y'all listen to me now listen to me now when you say something you have to mean it you said to him what you said to him let me read it now i immediately and this you throw immediately in there to get some credit you don't get no credit for that jessica you said it immediately that don't that don't mean you strong because you said it immediately because you immediately responded but now you immediately waiting you see what i'm saying you said i immediately responded you could just put i responded you take that immediately out there cuz that's that means urgency you see what i mean i immediately responded with no don't come around don't think about me don't care for me and he hugged me while i was saying it and we were both quite she meant quiet but the word got flipped around you know how i fallen do you and we were both quiet and started crying and he then said give me a week and she put give me a weekend all caps give me a week now you see how that that that right there is like on the school yard that's what the first grade girls do and my son first grade do not touch me i'm not your friend anymore and do not play with me anymore because i am done playing with you and then the little boy just give me until next week i want to be your friend again give me until next week that right there is grade school what this boy going you through taking you through and that's what i mean by a grown boy he having fun on the sand yard in the sandbox he got you in the sandbox you know i love you and i just want you to know i'm here for you you know why because it's fun to him he likes seeing you cry for him he likes seeing you stress he like breaking you down because he feels like nothing he feels like a punk he feels insignificant he is not a man so he wants to debase you to make you feel less than him because he doesn't feel like a man so he wants you to be a fan that's what you have to understand men who are not men and have not become a real man want women to be fans and when you understand that you can release yourself stop working for tmz as his paparazzi chasing him around the town trying to snap pictures of him treating him like he a celebrity and like you is his paparazzi his fan you see what i mean instead you got to flip this and treat him like paparazzi and that's what we should i was saying say man you treat me like paparazzi and that's how you got to treat them you got to treat them like paparazzi just uh get like what kanye used to do google kanye with paparazzi on youtube you'll see how you used to doing get that camera used to be chasing them people just knocking all kind of cameras out there that's how you got to do him like a plague like you trying to get all the way away from because if not he gonna keep rolling you up and then this the thing you're gonna be turned over to a reprobate mind meaning you're gonna go crazy you're gonna lose your mind dealing with a man like this right here and on one of these breakups it's going to make you psychotic and you're going to be slicing tires busting windows you finna be you know what i am done with this and you're going to lose your mind and it's serious this is serious man you will you get baker acting this kind of man right here get your baker acted i ain't gonna tell you no lie listen to what i'm telling you this kind of man right here i can get you back acting i'm not gonna tell you know like he would drive you crazy and some of y'all don't know what baker acted is but i used to work in a group home so y'all forgive him hey and lastly what i'm gonna say y'all forgive me i'll be going off on y'all i just for me it's kind of like a brotherly love whether it's a man or a woman you know y'all i'm your brother that's how i see it and and this is the thing for those of you who don't understand i had to block a lady the other day talking about i was going too hard on on answering one of these questions blah blah blah hush we got work of the lord to do over here the reason why i got to go hard is because people do stupid stuff already like people do stupid stuff on their own and people who write in to me if i get them all solved well you know it's not that bad you know one week i mean let's just be happy it wasn't a month you know and if he comes back you know welcome him with open arms you know be christian and love your neighbor as you love yourself and treat people how you want to be treated and so you know just if i'm in here twisting the scriptures trying to make you think that you need to lay down and get ran over and be dogged out people will take that and wrong with that and and this stuff right here this stuff life and death your stuff life and death so that's why more often than not you're going to hear me say go about your business very rarely you're going to hear me say work it out because if i see something that could lead to somebody losing their mind lead to somebody getting hurt to be safe imma say go about your business going about your business and if it's something i feel like it need to be worked out and i'm just not the type i'm not the type it's other people paige that's going to talk to you all nice and calm and just [Music] i'm not that tight i'm not that tight i'ma get to your blood raw that just me so you have to watch somebody else pay to get that balance that you need you need somebody to talk to you softly you need to send your message over there and then you could tell them you if you don't like you could tell oh tony guys and he was just so rude with his answer and i just do not like that that is not even a life coach i might not be no life coach then because you come over here i'm going to tell you like i s eels you hear what i'm telling you because i'm in the trenches i see what this right here turn into on my six o'clock my nine o'clock my 10 o'clock my 11 o'clock news i see what this right here kind of stuff turn into when people pamper in the situation and baby in the situation and okay in the situation that's why i'm so adamant about this because i understand that in love is war and that in a lot of these relationships every relationship is life and death a relationship can give you life or it can dry you to an early grade whether that's with stress emotional stress or whether it's physical so i don't play around with it i do not play around with the the insight and the opinions that i share and yes this is my opinion so you as an adult you make your decision because you got to live with the results but this just me speaking from my perspective of dealing with these situations all day every day seven days a week hey this is tony gaskin god bless you i'm getting off my getting off here 13 minutes before my calls will be a good time but god bless you we'll talk and my son got a sock game today so i don't know if i'll be able to shoot another i thought i was gonna be able to squeeze me one end but my son got a soccer game today and i'm gonna have to get onto his good roll oh you know what i'm actually if you my three o'clock today i actually didn't text you i got to cancel cause i got to get on the road to my son's soccer game so me and you hopefully could talk later tonight hey god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 34,617
Rating: 4.9567957 out of 5
Id: xmwDxh2S4Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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