HE JUST VANISHED | French Painter's Abandoned Mansion

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Almost completely obscured by unruly ivy and trees that have been allowed to grow out of control, lies the former mansion of a French painter. 11 years ago, he and his family went into the wide blue yonder, and never returned to their beloving manorhouse. Filled with clutter and treasures from decades ago, their home is now a time capsule from another era. Enjoy another exploration back in time, as we show you the art of decay inside this French estate. (♫ Official Explomo Opener - Intro title) It has been a year since we had this place. And today we're standing in front of it - this grand French mansion. And welcome back everyone on the channel! It's good to see y'all. So, this place used to belong to a man who had a passion for painting. And that's all we know. - Well, let's make our way inside. What do you see? Well, I have to admit that it's not looking very promising here. - No, you're kidding?! Yeah, for real. I mean, the window's smashed. It seems that this room's already ransacked. - Damn! Man... this place used to be amazing, right? This place was incredible. I can't believe my eyes. This is, actually, utterly sad. So, the mansion has actually been abandoned since 2009. And have a look. - A lot of rat droppings, damn. Yeah, all those rat droppings here. You can tell it has been abandoned for 11 years already. And it was owned by the family "Chantrelle". Look over here: some glasses. - Hmm. Ah, look! Some child pictures. Probably their grandchildren. Oh! - And then, we have the fireplace over here. Well... You can definitely tell that people just smashed everything here on this table. - Indeed. I just wanted to say the same. This room's actually such a big mess. This mansion used to be very beautiful, right? Yeah, it used to be untouched, and now those coffeegrinders and everything are just smashed here. Oh, and look! Those are some old pictures. Oh, and this was definitely inside! You can tell, they had a passion for art. - Oh, yeah, indeed. And then, over here's the woman. - Hmm, with the child. Well... oh! All their food, and all their liquor. Oh, yeah, a lot of liquor, indeed. And indeed, all the food products. Look over here. Oh, and that's so moldy. - Well, yep, just some files here. Haha, a meter, alright. A very strange watch. "Chaussures Francois". Okay... and then, yeah, this is actually a kitchen. Look. Okay. Oh, and over here's actually still a lot left. It's completely filled. - Oh, look at that furnace with the aluminium foil. It looks disgusting. Yeah, and then over here, are all their kitchen tools. - Literally everything, right? Over here's even a complete set of knives. - But I need to say that this kitchen is pretty modern, don't you think so? Yeah, well, a lot of things are pretty modern for that time period they lived here, I think. It's definitely after the 2000s. - But, well, at least you can tell that this is smashed again. And I don't know, man. I don't have high expectations for this location. Seeing these two rooms, to be honest... It's not looking very promising. And then, look over here. Still, all their glasses are left inside. And then, actually, over here, look in the fridge. - Yeah, there are some bottles. And also have a look in this one. Oh! - That looks disgusting, man. Yeah, it's not looking very well. - Oh, damn, look! The expiry date says "July 2010". - Yep, and now we're a decade later. Well, it makes sense that the calendar was 2009, and the bottle of water is expired from 2010. - Yeah, well, the can of coke is not from the owner (because it has a later expiry date). Over here are all the spices too. - Yeah, still perfectly in place. Oh, and I think this used to be a little washing area. Oh, yeah, it is. There's a washing machine. Oh, and you can tell the big amount of animal dropping here too. They are literally everywhere. - That's nasty, isn't it? Yeah. - Very nasty. I'm glad we're wearing masks. - Yeah, true. And a lot of spiders too, man. Yeah, and very thick spiders over here, actually. I mean, have a look over there. Right over here. If that thing ever crawls over me inside an abandoned place, hmm, I will scream like a little girl! So, the calendar over here is dating from 2009 as well. And then, to be honest, this room... oh, yeah! This room's beautiful! - Yep, this is what we remember from the pictures we've seen. Well, most of it, at least. But still, it's very beautiful. Like the French would say: this place is "magnifique" (magnificent). - I would say: "Bellisimo". Yeah, that's what the Spanish/Italians would say. - (Remon laughing) Oh, and look at the model ship here too. - Indeed, it's very beautiful. And it's so well-detailed. Maybe the man had a passion for sailing, or for ships in general. - And then, there's a beautiful fireplace. There's this thing in front. Oh! Damn. That was quite clumsy. - I wasn't expecting that to happen, but... please. Yes! You see? Yeah. - We should rebuild these places. I'm very good at it. And look over here. All these tiny figurines inside. - And also this. It's like a clipper for clothes. You see? Oh, yeah. - It's very beautiful. Oh, and here are even more of those tiny figurines inside. Then, look on the wall. - Is this a hand-woven painting? Yeah, some embroidery. Oh, and there's a beautiful painting here. - With the red flowers. And another one, just a nature landscape. I'm wondering if the man made these all by himself. - Yeah, indeed. But on the pictures I've seen, there were definitely more paintings than there are now, so, I'm afraid some of them have been stolen by now. Well, this must've been the grand dining room. I mean, have a look here at the middle of the table. Then, the cabinets and drawers would've been filled with all their plates. - Yep, this was for silverware. Oh, yeah, silver cutlery used to be inside. - A very beautiful box, man. An elegant print. Always a struggle, damn. That went very tight. - Yep. But yeah, you can see all their plates inside. - And over here's definitely another box. Yep, also for silverware. It has all been stolen. Damn, that's sad to see. Yeah, that's very sad. - I remember once I found a silver set and people estimated the worth around 3000 dollars, 3500 dollars... something like that. It's unbelievable, and that's the reason why people with wrong intentions take it home with them in order to sale it. Oh, and look, here are even more of their plates. I think this is a box for another silverware set over here. Oh, yeah, it used to be. But it seems that this one has been looted as well. They definitely used this cabinet to make up the table. - What is that thing on top? It looks like a guitar. Yeah. - But it's a bottle of liquor, I guess. In the shape of a guitar, though. - Haha, cool. And then, we're going on. And have a look! This was actually their hallway. And it's beautiful! - Yeah. Look at the spiral staircase too. - Damn. It's leading all the way up to the first floor. - Oh. Is this a clock? Well, the clock has also been looted. - Are you kidding me? Oh, yeah, indeed. It has been looted. And look here on top of this cabinet. This is one of those old lights that used to stand on the train railway. - Hmm. All the faces. Well, then, let's have a look. Oh, look what I've found! No way! So, he definitely did painting himself. - Indeed. Look at all these plates, and also over here. - Oh, yeah! He definitely did it all by himself. It even still feels sticky. Yeah! That's actually really cool. - Alright. So, the man did not only had a passion for art... - but... ...he also loved making art himself. - Damn, this is all so stuck in here. Yeah, let's leave the other ones. - Yeah, indeed. Oh, look over here. It's an actual piggy bank on top of the record player. - Yeah. From the brand "Silver". I guess they also loved listening to music. - Yeah, indeed. Alright. You can definitely tell that the main door has not been opened for 11 years already. And then, right next to it is an actual taxidermy bird laying on the table. - Oh, yeah. You can definitely tell that this is taxidermy, because look. Oh, there's the head. - Oh, this looks nasty. It looks like sort of a seagull. - Yeah, indeed. Some old letters here too on the table. Haha, and this is cool. This was used to hold a painting. Oh, yeah. A very tiny painting. And then, actually, right in front of you right now... - Damn, you know, you can show it to them first, I will come next. Yeah, this is going to be really good. Have a look. Oh, wow! This room's like a time-capsule. Look over here at the piano. - Alright, yeah, this is very beautiful, man. Damn! This is not what I expected when I walked inside. I was totally not expecting this, but this room's almost completely the same as on the pictures I've seen one year ago. - Luckily, it's still like that. Look over here at the clock. - And also, a beautiful painting of a street. Oh, and this is actually a beautiful oriental-style table here. - With all those different sizes. Oh, yeah! - And look at the details on them. Yeah, you could fold it open. Wow, it has all been painted on it. The black and the gold pattern. Oh, and there's even a vintage radio over here. - Hmm. And also, this bottle of Cognac. Oh, and then again, there's a beautiful painting. - All from the nature, actually, don't you think so? Landscape, nature... Yeah, it seems that the man was interested in landscape, in nature, and of course, look over here: in sailing. - Yeah. You can see the ship over here, it seems to be a part of a harbour. And then, there's another painting again from a landscape. - And then, right over here we have a beautiful fireplace with the mirror on top. Yeah, look at this. - And what is that? It looks like something to collect coins. Yeah, perhaps. It's actually really cool. Over here's another porcelain thing. It's an egg. - Is there still something inside? Nah. - Of course not. Some other chinaware sets. And then, look at the fireplace, actually. It's beautifully designed, and those are actual claws. - Oh, yeah, indeed. I didn't even see it. Wow. And what's right next to it? - Yeah, I was more fascinated about this. Well... hmm, that doesn't feel stable at all. Well, have a look at this. All the chinaware is still pristinely left inside. So many little details. - There are so many, right? Also, all these shells here. - Haha, very cool. I will carefully close it up again. This doesn't feel stable! Alright, well, it seems that it's closed again. - (Remon laughing). Dominos. - Haha, a domino set. Oh, and that's a tiny game of chess. - Yeah, indeed, a very tiny set. With magnets. That's cool. And what is down here? Hmm. This is very cool, haha. And what else? Just game, just some games, and... Oh, those look like some old letters they wrote to friends and family. - Oh, yeah, they are very old, man. Wow. - All hand-written. And as you can tell, damn... yep, these are very old. Probably those were all letters they received from their friends, and they just all stored them over here as a memory. But it was no ever-lasting memory, and it was like they vanished out of nowhere. Where did these people go? - That's a very good question because this is in a pristine condition. A beautiful home. So strange. How can you just walk away from such a beautiful property? And actually, this neat table over here. - It's a marble table. It used to feature a very old globe as well, but I think this one has been stolen, as we have not seen it yet. - Sad, right? Yeah. - To steal something like that... I'm the one who always tries to open everything. I'm fascinated about the things that are actually inside. Look: an old book. Oh, yeah, it has been very decayed! There's some perfume here too. - Some interesting things, indeed. And also, on top: the vase from dragons. An oriental theme. Yeah, it seems like. Look over here, some more little puppets in that jar. - Well, and then it's time to show a very beautiful thing... Wow, yeah, look at this. - This is the first thing we saw in the room, right? Yeah. It immediately took my eye. Next to this very old typewriter from Remmington. Those were one of the first typewriters. There's actually this piano. And have a look. - Erard, Paris. A typical French design with the candleholders on each side. And actually, there comes the test. - It's still working! (Playing piano) - Hmm... It doesn't sound very well. - No, pretty false, actually. And then, look on top as well. Again, a painting of a ship. - And actually, a French ship. Do you see the flag? Yeah. Oh, and look on top here too. There are actually all some spices. - Collected in tubes. Yeah! Some ginger, paprika... there's a lot. Over there are some ships too. Oh! - What is that, indeed? This is his painting kit in this box. - Oh! Wow, that's really fascinating. So, you can definitely tell that most of the paintings inside this mansion were made by the man himself. - Made by himself. Yeah, indeed. Well, what do we have over here? Oh, it's a small make-up kit. Oh, yeah! It definitely belonged to the lady "Carnell". - What is this? It looks like a part of a gun. Oh, yeah, from a revolver! - Oh, yeah, it is, indeed! Damn. So, you can tell that the man once owned a Revolver. Probably, when they left, the Revolver was still inside. Because concerning the fact that they, literally, just walked away and left everything inside, the gun definitely used to be still left inside. - That was definitely still left inside. Well, we have the choice to go upstairs, but I see a door right over there. In that case, let's first check that one out. So, what would it be? - Hmm. Oh, this looks very messy at first glance. And it actually is. - Yeah, indeed. Man, what a mess. This was definitely done by human, I mean, somebody literally smashed the bed in the center of this room. - Yeah, this is looking very sad. Oh, but look over here. All the canned food is present on the shelves. And even on that side over there. Wow. That was actually quite cool. - Well, but I think over there's a better room. Okay. Oh! It looks like they also had little children, or maybe grandchildren. And look at this. Oh! This was definitely his office and reading room. - Yeah. All the books are still on the shelves. Man, there are so many! - And you know what actually immediately takes my eye? This fur coat. It's real fur. A very thick one. Damn. Man, look at all these books. There are so many of them. And imagine, throughout their whole lifetime, every single one of them they would have read. - And now, they are just decaying in time. Oh, yeah, you can tell. Because look at these books. They once used to be brown, and now they are filled with a thick layer of white mold. - What is this? They look like nails. - I think, actually. No, it's a pen. A pen, indeed. A beautiful signature, haha. Those were literally in here. Damn. I can't do anything. Alright, I'm just going to put it back. - And look at all the books here. It's so fascinating to look at all these books right now behind us. Some of them are just covered completely in mold. And they've all been just left. - Left to rot. Literally, to rot. And then, look over here. - Indeed. It's hand-carved, like... Yeah, this is hand-carved wood. - Beautiful, man. They actually put a glass plate in front of it. This is a very cool thing. - Well, oh! Some traces of black mold. Yeah, that's not looking very well, and this was his office. It's looking very plain now. Only the telephone is left. And the typewriter actually used to be on top of this office. But right now, I think somebody has just replaced it to the room with the piano. - Yeah, indeed, indeed. What's this here, actually? - Is it a fish head? Yeah, it is! It's a fish head. Man, that's some terrifying stuff. Yeah, look at the teeth. - Oh, look at the hat over here. Oh, yeah! - It's a real fur hat. It looks repulsive right now. And what's this? Also fur. Is is a hat? Oh, I think this was used by an animal, like a cat or something. A little bed for the animal. - Oh, damn, that's nasty. And look. Maybe this was a rope where the pet played with. - Hmm, indeed. Oh, and then over here... no way! Take a look! This complete part has just collapsed. I mean, everything. The whole ceiling came down. - Haha, look at that scary friend over there. Oh! - It's literally staring at you. I don't know if you're able to see it, but that's a dog, right? A dog's head. - Yeah, it looks like. Okay, now I really want to get closer. But this is going to be a tough job, because you can tell that there's a lot of collapse. So, let's carefully try to do this. - Is it doable? I think so, I almost made it. Yeah, I've made it! Oh... just be careful with the collapsed ceiling over here. - Yeah. Because you don't want it to fall down any further. - I'm also going to try it, but yeah, today I'm wearing shorts people because it was very hot. Yeah, it's the heart of summer right now. - But it's not smart, if I stitch myself somewhere around here, I will have a lot of pain. Damn, there's even a car over there! Yeah, I already saw it. Have a look. There's even a car left behind. And then over there's the dog face that we saw. - It's looking very angry. Yeah. Man, it's actually really cool. You can see the roof above us is not present anymore. - Damn. There's even a bottle of wine still standing there. - (Remon laughing). And there's still wine in it. Wow. And then, actually, behind us there are some bats. Two of them. - Stupid. Well, they are tripping because of the light. Probably. But you can definitely tell that this was a working space, and it has been left in a very good condition. - You need to be very careful with these bats, right? Yeah, at least, I'm wearing a hat, so, they can not get in my hair. Well, there's the other one, hanging on the wall right now. And this one's still... - Oh, yeah, Mo! Alright, it's going to chill out. If that one stays there too, I'm a happy person. Because take a look. Literally, all their tools have been left behind. And over there's still a bicycle. All the mechanical items. Yeah, I'm actually not disappointed at all that we checked this out. - No, I mean, the car's very cool. I actually want to get closer to there, but... You saw the bat flying next to your head? It went to there. I caught it on camera. - Oh, for real? Yeah, it flew to there. - Well, luckily, I didn't even see it. Okay... I think we can not get there, man, but... - Well, I don't know, man. I mean, this is collapsed, but... No, leave it, man. You're pushing this part over here. If that falls down further, we will not even get back to the door. I mean, this is sufficient for the viewers, I think. Let's care about our safety. - True, true, true. But it's an old "Alfa Romeo" Maureno, it's an old Alfa! That's a cool car! Yeah, it's very beautiful. At least, we've seen it now. - Yeah, but from this distance... Alright, let's just leave it. We'll go. Alright, time to go on now. And again, you can tell that there has been a lot of vandalism in this corridor. - Oh, yeah, definitely! But look over here. Wow, this is another bedroom! - Oh, this one's very beautiful. Yeah, it is! Maybe this was from their children, as there are two single beds. - Yeah, indeed. Over here's a sewing machine. And you can tell that one of the family members loved sewing, as there's also the sewing box that we've found many times before. - Oh, yeah, indeed. Everything's still inside. Well... An old family picture? - Yeah, indeed. It's an old family picture. Beautiful in the black and white color. - All are women. Okay. - Well... Oh, wow! Have a look here at the vanity. - A make-up set on top of it. Yeah, this definitely used to be the girl's room, or the woman's room. Look at all the make-up. Crazy. All the grooming products. Wow! And look at this decay too. The wallpaper just resting on the lamp. Again, an oriental vase. Look, there's another old picture here from a woman. - And over here's also a picture of... Oh, this is a very scary picture because it's so... - ...blurry. Yep, indeed. Oh, and look here. There are more black and white pictures too. It looks like beautiful memories were made in their life. But then, why did they leave? Did they depart this earth? Or did they vanish with a good reason? - Hmm, you never know, right? Sometimes you're really wondering about the story underlying a property like that. And look here in the wardrobe. A lot of ties and scarves, and literally, all their clothes are still resting inside. Unbelievable. How could the family have just walked away from all their belongings where they worked hard for in life? (♫ Mysterious ambient music) We're making our way through this corridor, and the wall paint is just peeling off. Over here are, still, some umbrellas. - (Remon laughing). And there's actually a basement too. - It looks like a castle's basement. Yeah, with all the stones. Well, let's first pan out these rooms here. - Hmm. Well, this is a bathroom. - A tiny one, right? Yeah, it's not very big. Still, the toothbrushes are even left behind. - All the pink things. The morning coats. Oh, you can tell here on this wardrobe there are some white mold spores too. And even more clothes. I mean, have a look. Well, over here they had their toilet. - And I don't think there are many more special things there, right? There's a staircase. There's a staircase! We did not even check out this part, but there's a staircase. Where is this leading to? Well, we gotta be careful because this does not look safe. - No. Maybe it's leading to the collapsed attic. - Ah. Okay, that's crazy. There are actually a lot of sheaths left on the washing line. - Oh, and it's very hot in here. Yeah, it was such a hot summer day today. Oh, and you can tell that they used to have a cat. I mean, look over here! They owned a cat, and even a set of weights. - I'm even more amazed about the homegym. Finally, we can train again! (Laughing) Is it heavy? - It's so light. It is very light, hahaha. Oh, yeah, and over there are even more rooms. Have a look at this. - Damn, this is storage. Yeah, loads of storage. It seems that nobody has walked here for a pretty long time. There are also so many children toys. - And even some tags, for example this one of like francs, look at the ground. Do you think they even sold children toys? I don't know, but it's making me sad to see all the children toys just left unloved. Oh, yeah, and over here you can definitely see it. This is the collapse, but then from the upstairs perspective. My gosh. My gosh! I'm standing on the edge... of glory. Unbelievable. The complete roof has just fallen into decay. And then, over there's an aerial shot of the Alfa Romeo. Crazy. Those are definitely the staircases to death. Okay, so, we're back down again and have a look over here. There are even some shoes still standing from the former occupants. A lot of cleaning products here. This was definitely their cleaning department. Oh, and over here even all their jackets are still hanging up. It's so strange. We've mentioned it multiple times now, but it's, literally, as if the family just walked away. Wow, look at the fireplace there, actually. It seems that this was another room that was used for storage. Well, some jars over there for canned food. And look at the ceiling too. It's actually quite traditional. And then, we really wanted to see this over here. The basement. Let's see what's inside this castle-style basement, all made out of stone. Alright. There are plenty of bottles. A lot of jars. Look over here. Actually, even more canned food. All these cherries. They were definitely wine drinkers, and that makes sense. Because the province we are in, is very well-known for its wines. Drinking wine is almost a casualty if you're from this area. And look over here. And then, actually, there's another part over there. - Hmm, it looks like a wine basement, but... Yeah, there were already plenty of bottles. I'm curious if there are even more. - I'm curious if there are any more bats in here... And yeah, there are! Look. Even more wine bottles. And it's bat-free. - Yep. Well, you know where the bat went? So, there comes the moment, Remon. You were very sad that you couldn't see the Alfa Romeo with your own eyes, but right now, you can, literally, walk to it. You can even touch it. - Well, you know, I was scared for that one over there. The bat is right over there. Alright. Well, it flew away. Ah, spiders! Well, I don't know... There it is. - That's a beautiful Alfa Romeo, to be honest. So, from what year is it dated? - Hmm, good question, to be honest. For real. You know, there are the old-fashioned Alfa Romeos. I hope we'll find one like that one day because people are in love with those. But I think this one's from the 1990s, something like that area. The license plate seems to be from the UK. Can you check out whether the other side has a white license plate? Then it's from the UK. - Alright, wait. Meanwhile, you can check the inside. Well, it's looking very dirty. - Well, I've seen some old cars that had a familiar license plate. No, it's from France. Okay. - Yeah. Then I think it's just an old license plate from France. - Yep, indeed, indeed. But I think the car is dating from the 1990s, something like that. Alright. Well, then we have one thing left to explore and that's going one level up. - Indeed. So, then, ultimately, it's time. Now, we're actually going to walk up this beautiful spiral staircase. Look over here at the oriental fan. Wow! - Yeah, this is also beautifully left. Look at the windows there. This is properly old, man. - Well... That looks oriental too. - Indeed, indeed. Do you think it used to be a status symbol to have oriental furniture in a French manor or castle? I do think it was just a passion for them. And maybe they also traveled to these countries. - Yeah. Well, let's check out this cabinet over here. Alright, it seems that there are just some everyday items inside. - Yeah, indeed. But then there's actually a bedroom I think. - Oh, yeah, it's a bedroom. Oh, wow! With a typical French-style bed. Have a look at the bed. - Yeah, this is typical French. We've seen it many times before now in France. And I really like these types of beds. They are actually looking so cozy. Oh, look on top of there. There's actually a very beautiful portrait of two girls. - Two young girls reading. I really like that one. - (Remon agrees). Then, what's in here? Well, some everyday things again. Some towels here. - Hmm, even a babydoll. Oh, yeah. There are actually so many toys and dolls inside. - So, it could've been possible that they sold them. Over here... - ...are all the old files, right? Yeah, this is actually an old suitcase where they are in. - (Remon agrees). Oh, there's actually a passport of their son. This is all I'm going to show. But it's worrying that this is left behind. Look, identity card it is saying here in France, "carte d'Identite". - Crazy, right? That this is left. Well, I thought this is a box, but it isn't. Look, it's a little oriental box. Very cute. Also, some little beads inside. Haha, a hammer. - And look at this table, actually. I mean, it's a very beautiful one. And you can even lift it up. It is so detailed. And what's inside? - I think these are even some more, well, no passports but... Purses? - Yep, indeed. Some purses, yeah. And then, this used to be the vanity of the girl or the lady. And you can even see a part of the make-up set again. This is where they applied their make-up every morning. And then, they were looking outside at their garden which is actually completely overgrown by vegetation nowadays. Finally, some fresh air too, because it's very hot here. It's actually located right next to a busy road, but you can't even see the road anymore because of all the trees. It's also crazy how the chair has just fallen down in the front. It's just broken. - Yeah, it has just collapsed, right? And then, let's see... clothes, clothes, clothes. Some knitting tools. Hmm. Yeah, it's very crazy, man. Okay, so, the last room that's left for us. And this is, actually, another bedroom. Have a look at the elegance here, wow! There's a typical French-style sleigh bed again. - Indeed the French style, right? And then, I really like the painted portrait right over there. Oh, there's even a baby carriage. - Hmm. But look at the portrait here. It's so detailed. There are also so many flies here. - Yeah. Maybe you can here it on the camera too, but... Look here. Another portrait of a boy. - Well, and... Actually, look over here. This is a fireplace. - And right on top of it are some flowers, fake flowers... this hat. Man, they owned so many fur items. I really dislike that. - And also an animal paw. Hmm. Quite a big bed. - Yeah, indeed. And these are all still filled? Yes, of course. Completely. Oh, and look at the beautiful painting on top too. And then, over there's a huge jug. And then, what's actually on top of this bed? - Yeah, it's a doll. It's an China doll. Yeah, at least oriental. Look. I think it's even a statue. Let's feel it It seems to be solid, in my opinion. And yeah, it is, and quite heavy too. - And then, have a look at what I've found. Another bullet? - Yeah, but it's a plastic one. It's a fake one, no metal one. And look over here. There's an actual bible. They were definitely religious too. - Oh, yeah. And another portrait from ships on a harbour. Wow. Even more fur coats. Man, why are they killing animals for their clothes? I don't get that point. For real, man. Well, I think we've reached an endpoint of this video. - Yeah, indeed, indeed. So, that's where we want to close the video, and this was such an exquisite place. We definitely got a good imagination from what the family was like. It was a man, a woman, they had children, probably also grandchildren. The man had a passion for painting, a passion for sailing and ships. On the other hand, there's the lady. She loved sewing. The man also used to be very handy. You saw all the mechanical items in the shed. And in the end, it's still a question why these people left, and why oh why did they leave everything behind?! I just can not get my mind straight about it, and normally, you are also really speculating in the comment section about it, about what you think what happened with the family. And now, I want to ask you for the favor to leave that down in the comment section right down below as well, about what you think that might has happened with the former occupants. And then, in the end, all I can do is say: if you enjoyed it, that you know the drill - hit the like button, subscribe down below, and also leave that comment down below. Also, make sure to ring the bell notification button up there too, in case you enjoyed this video and don't want to miss out on any future videos. And it's very hot here, so what we're going to do is take some rest and drive to our accomodation. And then, jump in the pool. So, if you want to see that, check out the vlog channel as well. And then, I want to say peace out, and we'll see you on our next adventure! Bye-bye! (♫ Outro title - Special thanks to all our Patreon supporters)
Channel: Explomo
Views: 83,681
Rating: 4.9254279 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion, abandoned france, mansion, abandoned places, family vanished, vanished, just vanished, just, he just vanished, he vanished, he, french, french mansion, abandoned french mansion, untouched, everything left behind, french painter mansion, painter mansion, abandoned painters mansion, painters, painters mansion, urbex, urban exploration, urban exploring, exploration, exploring, explomo, exploring with josh, steve ronin, the proper people, painter, lost, explore, vir
Id: C29_qXh9N_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.