HE IS SIMPLY INSANE 😱 | Escape From Tarkov #24

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the only spot he could have gone without me seeing him is along the wall I'm gonna put this building here buildings clear sucks scab boss might be here oh yeah he is I see his guards oh my god there's three guards at the back of the [ __ ] building Jesus Christ the right one right one okay wait you might actually do pop up on the roof look well I've killed three so nice nice nice nice three guards that at the bank [Music] [Music] radar from here I hate this one I died here pretty quickly one time when I smiled as a PMC I ran across we were running now and the scab boss was going from building the building and they lasered me it was really sick really great design literally was so stupid I was running along it just they walked out of the building and just on me like oh there's a [ __ ] here who's that that's so fast who can get you Scout boss what can i am i you running gonna say yeah AP e63 okay just curious I don't know what the that's that's good for like people not so much for scabs but super people you just hit him in the head they'll die action kind of responding algorithm it's always open oh this is no there's no middle middle middle they're running up you're going upstairs do we need it we rained aids in there yeah we good I think they might be inside like this - yeah there's definitely too spraying around holding bottom in cases I think both these guys were up top now okay one could still be in the building working his way up I don't know it's still creeping I think they're inside the dome all right I'm on the second stairwell now not that work my way in there I'm innocent I'm gonna stay on this little balcony and just kind of watch as you creep up that's cool okay someone walks out I don't think they're in there but maybe oh there man clear the rest there's definitely two sir I heard somebody jumping as they it's me all right yep ma'am that was definitely two though there's definitely two I think he's inside the building that's clear in here yeah I think he's inside go check yeah buddy pepper hunter I thought that was Sam Scott now we're good we're good thought that was Evan was not him everything's fine it's got us so quiet get a gold chain yeah nope said more stuff more important up his butt and there's definitely two though we got to be I remember her to fits us two sets of footsteps I'm gonna go clear from the bottom thirds clear first is clear going to the stairwell and one second come on second as well maybe this bathroom nope a thermistor I swear I only heard someone but I don't know when I was up there I heard concrete and metal at like the same time so maybe you could hit transferring wood but then he could just be outside what are you go ahead and snap I'll try and cover you you in a bush right nope I'm inside oh I think he's on the left of the fire escape the way we came yep good maybe one more no I think that was the only one I'm on the roof yeah it looks good yes I heard a bush bow oh [ __ ] alright wait he was trying to extract was he yeah he had his pic that's why he was here he was hiding right I think he was extracting in that corner I don't think they're trying to kill it he's just trying to dip six totally makes sense I named nose man killer develop yeah it is yeah it's it's actually one of the best pain killers she doesn't really make much sense to me Nikita to make it like an Ergo both player no at the red-bellied of the tower yeah yeah he's by the red bin to the right of the tower Wow I might have killed him on that last shot but and laid it enough yeah you gotta you gotta learn to aim with the horizontal Mills yeah probably yeah I might have killed this guy by the way I don't know he's not that red container by they words building yeah literally just at the along the wall before he gots the wall I took one shot and it might have killed them me oh I see him in there if you look straight left right now you'll either see a body in a bush or you'll see him along the wall I can see your [ __ ] laser that freaked me out sorry nobody should be right literally on top of you nothing ok well then he's alive the only spot he could have gone without me seeing him is along the wall I'm gonna put this building here buildings clear sucks scab boss might be here oh yeah he is I see his guards oh my god there's three guards at the back of the [ __ ] building Jesus Christ the right one right one okay wait you might actually just pop up on the roof looks like you killed three so nice nice nice nice three guards that at the bank so hopefully Golkar will get on the roof that'll just be easy claps for you you're not the back of the building right no no I'm in front of you right now okay four guards behind you hey no hold on find girls guard did you want my trail yeah yeah okay four guards dead so that's a lot of loot back there yeah in the back yeah look look at look I don't know if you have a scope but if you look at the back of that building there's a pile the top of each other baguette Edie it's nice I join energy good yeah I got food stuff so bad sucks I never kill that player but well so much loot back there jeez hopefully they get up on the roof sometimes they split up I mean they could have been in that building on the left loop don't move from time to time but jority time if they're in that building they stay in there pretty much for the whole [ __ ] raid even if the train comes they don't look I almost wonder if I could go on Queen and look through the windows Queen may be White Knight hemos likely a better option name is phones anyway Knight occupied yeah true I'm all down I'm down for going in first yeah we came out because like I said a lot of the time they will just hop up on the roof right there a Black Knight and you'll just be able to pop them don't even [ __ ] move when you shoot them they literally just sit there and get shot loading the bags real slow four out of six right yeah there's six of them god there's so much loop back there Justin see if you got go car I didn't and I checked I could I can tell their guards cuz they all the same pants blue ones a chicken window right next to the white night simple I think I just saw something move in there well it's pitch black so yeah right try get the skill he might have the ash tall but that thing will [ __ ] on us especially when he uses exit doesn't have any recoil when he shoots it any shoots with full auto well we can hold a little bit longer and maybe he'll go does he he doesn't really go outside I feel like these last two are like solid roof he will go on the roof yeah but that's only a that's only if somebody goes white night and like kind of like if he sees someone he'll go on the roof I feel like I don't think he just goes there I'm self I think he may go up there if the train comes I don't know but there there's something that triggers him to go on the roof for sure last time he was on the roof was when you were like we were fighting him across [Music] you just gotta aggro him he doesn't have a helmet usually I mean he does usually have the like a little three helmet but put some nine Mel right in his face you should be able to take him to plus you can aim punch him which is nice so many bodies back there yeah I'm just guarding them my life I don't want to scab to get off that yeah you want to go and white knight at first you just want to go right I want to go hey dude throw some aids get him to move around [ __ ] maybe you could force him to get on the roof I mean I could try that if you want you get back on the rock and I'll go there and like a groom and try and get them together put on the roof that's possible let's try it lad I mean shoot him if you have to but I'm gonna try not to kill him I just want to rustle the jimmies there are some nades like near the building I don't know I hear aggro already right next to me look right behind the gas station I'm gonna run back now oh really maybe in those bushes or something I don't see some something at something agronomy see you I don't see him back of the building I think you heard me oh yeah he is someone who's back there hold on watch his guard wait he's gonna stop or he's dead okay one lap does blue car all right if I can a girl that worked well they're all of the same spot all those bodies bro yeah I'm wearing gold cars gonna be right over there tooth you're gonna body me stupid eh I will car peel off mean by all the bodies I don't see any of them Walker oh [ __ ] I heard something yell I just I'm not taking that are you good yeah I just need I thought I heard someone in the bushes I just needed it just in case you know where's that gas station Yulin by the truck I think it's a regular cab I see you I think yeah yeah this guy's my gas station all the guards are dead you could probably get up in Golkar space and kill them with your mp5 yeah that's what I'm thinking come I mean it'd be super cool if I could learn amount you can snipe them because I just like using this tactic right here it's going their way to work for one yeah there's someone behind me that's get down here soon I'm already running okay good yes hear me that you're sure I mean to be honest until I realized you weren't a high good knows what I mean be able to see him sounds like they're in that little alley yeah I have an angle but I see nothing go through the back yeah I'll get all this loot after we kill him oh I heard of I heard of yeah he's right I think he's right think he's right here in this room I think it's not just throw Nate in there he's not he's in the garage and they took three years to Bob yeah I'm 67 hold on yes right here could be above you some more hey Otto he was at the back closet here good guy thank you card for me that's funny I feel like he should smart with the t7 thermals honestly yeah I'm gonna strip over all their parts yeah questa [ __ ] I had a feeling he was there the audio was deeper you know what I mean yeah okay now hopefully we don't have to save this yes a lot of dude he's got an RP k holy [ __ ] dude that's a lot of juice right here I don't know what the Claire Scout is gonna be happy this [ __ ] it's gonna get pretty dope looking at before no optic oh it's just kind of whack of how we're just like looting and there's just like all this this is fine dad I'm pretty much good when you were this guy's got some 60 rounders in his rig this guy just got a hefty 560 rounders taken aid I've got 60 Raiders well I'll take these all right Joe did all their pockets yep you pulled the valve questa seems I can see him in the white night exactly on the roof I think I just saw the muzzle flash I don't see anything you gotten about yes I do the bow that we pulled on I think you can have a bit spoiled by the index Mike yeah yeah this headset that's pretty good it is it's comfy it sounds good I don't know about the mic I haven't used it but I'm sure it's not bad but the index mic is so good build that extra strength you know that point oh one that's that's actually what I see a lot of rumors do is when they go in labs in Co readers they'll just take their grenades and just throw them when they just like loot them experience I can't wait until they change the skill system you don't get like much at all it's really not even that worth No then you can do it it just takes [ __ ] forever yeah yeah yeah it was a great rate you're gonna get like 300 thousand rubles I killed one person that entire raid and I'm totally fine with that I got like 19 gigs you killed all of the guards and just struggling now we gotta get spawn look great over right down here Tea Party Party you pot yeah come on nope I'm looking way out on the towers for these bonds yeah if you see people entirely don't [ __ ] him with an a launcher should i fret needs no I brought one I'm gonna kind of watch our left side here mm-hmm make sure nobody comes up this way I can maybe try to kill Raiders this raid our quest yeah yeah we could try and get him to spawn in I see nothing nobody's going in our Tower yeah that's quiet you see anything out in the hills the left bunkers nothing nothing over here really what about the sniper I can't I can't tell if there's anything in that tower over there I can't see far enough get up dude I have like scouted these like four spawns and no one spawn there that's pretty wild yeah no gunshots yet either I always hate it let me get into read like this it's way too quiet this is really weird I want to extract with some scabs honestly I want to get some fence care packages yeah ice you know I want to as well I was on that house playing interchange and oh oh what's she doing shooting some brie keys so I was playing interchange right and I was doing my like I was really like a scab quest so I had like an mp5 and I ran into three Mo's and Ling's and I killed two of them and the last one was so scared cuz I had him pinned and he kept voice lighting and he was telling like he was like trying to get me to not kill him so then I voice laying back I told him take his knife out he walked out and then I brought him along with me he trusted to me I brought him along with me we went to the kid I opened up kid before him there was the m4 like so Pro or whatever I don't know that one and then I gave it to him we walked out and kill a couple scares we were about to extract and he got popped in his back by an AI I felt so bad dude I wanted him to get out because he had nothing you know kind of stuff it's fun it's fun meeting randoms and grouping up with them because it never really happened yeah if he if he ever liked crates like an environment we're like you're actually encouraged as a PMC to help other PMC's instead of just shooting them in the face all the time I wanted to help him out I wanted to give him the m4 I want to get him some loot and like he'd have been so happy if he got out but then he just got oh yeah got owned by an AI on his back it looks so far away didn't have armor it was like a vent or something right in his back one shot but that was like my first experience chatting with somebody who's kind of fun we were homies I trusted him I stood still to see if he's gonna Mosin me in my face he didn't good tap yeah no not merely many scams over here actually I see one perhaps our mantle yep oh he's gonna get out no any extract like that yeah he's naked tried to hit him in the leg I just didn't think it would work I didn't think that'd be the such a large radius if he had a m67 grenade you can actually throw it down there cuz they have more range in longer for you so you can throw them further crazy [ __ ] he's probably out by now damn subsonic rounds do you have to lead these shots and raise them soma ain't nobody in a tower and I guess that nobody's anywhere what suck in let's move around be mobile let's sit down here I guess in these arms buildings there's really good at that there's like there's like five suppressors in those buildings each one has a bunch of them I know I'm one for you I'll buy the building a scaled old mountain then I'm walking into the building in a sec and I am it yeah you can like just scale it down milk are you yeah probably though are you making okay well the lead shot name on the roof look weird rain probably just a bunch of hatchlings spawning in later in through the read yeah I mean I put him in a serious disadvantage especially on this map did you catch a hatchling like spawn late especially if you're set up already and then it also give time for AI to spawn because you could beat AI in a lot of maps you can like I've been an interchange into AI spawn before you know like I've ran straight to Cuba so I don't know I also like the idea of like threat level so like if a scab sees a hatchling in he like a grows and he visualizes he's like I got a knife he literally just he follows that hatchling until he kills them and just like he doesn't he just knows where they are all the time they just constantly get followed till they get killed by scab whereas if like iscap saw me probably just run away if they saw me you know but like you know obviously if I engage them that have no no no choice but to defend themselves but basically having my threat levels so if you're going in to have something it's just a lot dangerous there's a higher chance you're gonna get some good way to counter it all three of these items here sis it's like a hundred that actually could be scab boss with the m4 maybe behind her in the building thing I think it's to the right right right building I think unless it is right under us I don't really know there's a dead guy right now by the chopper you kill that guy yeah player yeah I think the player yeah I thought it was like behind it to the left but like yeah close to it maybe in between the two buildings I don't know somebody's gonna shut up shut up is that the guy shoot now there's an m4 somewhere though it could be scout boss maybe not I don't know it's so dark in those windows hello it's the weather turn the light on login it's an overcast yeah whenever it's foggy there's an overcast you can't see inside the windows but if it's sunny then they're quick like weather effects the interior buildings way too much really annoying I forgot it doesn't insta loading window I don't know what's worth what Manas but hey you under me anything actually don't mind this roof he's dead he's just outside our building PC yeah either that or a player scab but it was definitely a player right out the side just to the right of the bunker door there's a Bunter switch okay yeah well I don't know who's a player or please yeah but I'll go check it out that's funny I just hurt someone under me and said just right on the side of the building look provide you all right there right straight right under me right directly under me okay was it a player let's go gonna give it was it was a I you would have break Eid and looked up sugar sugar one of the region's Tim so I you should actually use this when you're sniping it's actually really nice what is it it's uh basically increases your stamina and increases your stamina region nope not I mean I have a [ __ ] beacon before these people wait till you get another roof and you see what I'm doing hello over here somebody shoot me where'd you go I'm coming upstairs we got an email dealing with some really stupid [ __ ] with Spotify solid yeah basically I have a really big like lo-fi playlist that I promote artists on there for free I don't have them like pay me or a few contracts or anything like that and I have a feeling one of these record labels who try to find my followers off me in the past has been reporting when I play this with plots because whenever I try and put low fly in the title it gets reported and when a report goes through it deletes the image the title in the description essentially like unplugging it from the algorithm and I'm dealing with definitely to me since my still hasn't given me a permanent solution to it I can't put the genre of music in the title well I don't listen to music no idea what for the music but I'm stream i'm just i'm waiting for the reckoning of DMCA's and i don't know if i want to be a part of that so if I listen to music I might start listening to people like bands that I know won't do anything to me or like royalty free because DMCA's are gonna come down they're gonna come down hard and we're gonna see a lot of content writers get banned probably pretty soon do you think I mean it's only a matter of time and people are watching all this crazy [ __ ] listening to like music I just I don't like like streaming is getting so big it's not gonna be allowed hey stop it it's not gonna be allowed you know you're not allowed to just listen to music and [ __ ] it on they launched there it'll happen soon maybe soon could mean a year two years switch maybe awesome Raiders yes you still got the same four guys somewhere it makes me wonder if Scout bosses in one of these buildings that's actually let's loop around this is really apply to stream though absolutely they do absolutely a maybe Scout boss like a wreck the [ __ ] players guy or something also another thing this is why twitch which clips are very dangerous in themselves they're really popular right which clip served like they're all over reddits and [ __ ] that's how you'll if you're gonna get caught that's how you're gonna get caught so if you have a popular clip and you're listening to music in the background and that could let that clip popped off because something funny happen you will get a strike and you get three of those you're banned for good and you can't be saved so like yeah it's dangerous bad scary stuff [ __ ] it's real that's super sketchy actually actually forgot that's why it light ever gone I've never gotten anything good from this room I'll open this erm to the left a shrimp and a Glock awesome oh my god there's IDs here bro that's what you need to get as your side on bro it's Colonel I got something I got some little loot over here oh hey man oh man I was about to get hyped I thought it was about to find like a key or something in here god damn it okay what you should do is your sidearm bro get a Glock 18 and put the buttstock on it make that your main sidearm oh I bet I do that goes gonna put this long thing is uh what is the things I get thousand rpm 1200 rpm drum it seemed like scab bosses here maybe is inefficient building and the thing to worry about the what I'm saying is honestly it doesn't really matter for bigger streamers I feel like they could somehow weasel the weasel their way out because they they have like yeah they've connections you could talk to people they talk to people I mean but smaller it is on twitch it's it's like it's like a double standard there's a big double standard on twitch for sure but smaller streamers bro you'll get banned and you're not gonna be able to do anything for probably years or at all it's it's kind of messed up how you know can have like bias against like certain streamers and there's like favoritism I guess you could say apple juice you ain't I knew you're here really soon expect you'd like but to be in my face I'm so dead scavs probably the m4 man by the balcony I will investigate say again there's a dead scab by the balcony here this is kind of where the shots came from I'm assuming assuming this was our man yeah dead player scab right here with a shotgun another dead players you have here this is probably what happened I'm four guys it's probably actually just a player and he slayed these two over on the overhang balcony anything but yeah it's not about it's not about favoritism it's really not it's more so about like if you are a bigger streamer you have more connections you can talk to people you it's way easier to to be like hey like you know help me out here but if you're someone smaller they're gonna they're they'll probably look at it but it might take them a long time you know that's that that's the difference there yeah no not no tower not that I see no she was a scav then he just [ __ ] gone out Oh true he could have killed right here something oh yeah pick teapots yeah I was gonna say a little teapot spawn and gazebos yes I'll go in cover my butt here actually cover my butt let's just hope I don't kid melted here so scared Carly in here well it's a clock yeah it's I got a clock place I mean that's three of those is armored yeah den four folds are pretty decent I hope that's you walking please say it's you not I'm inside the [ __ ] I swear I just heard someone next to me I didn't hear metal either just come in the hole just clear around me real quick like in the bushes looks good okay that was weird I heard not metal but you were in the helicopter so I might have just been like one step that wasn't accurate here this is a weird raid very very plant very you know you can take those VP O's and break them into weapon parts really yeah yeah tomb behind up yeah one VPO of everything is to choose your weapon parts and then he could turn the one weapon part into an 8k so dude there's some [ __ ] really good martyrs for weapon parts of mechanic you get like [ __ ] F fails and [ __ ] yeah you ever like need to grab something real quick and you're about to get out just grab one of those and break it down somewhere you heard me I'm gonna check the server rack here Budhia not use it right I don't know where somewhere in dorm buildings could've been the scab I did the same ik same exact thing I was like what's this the same devs that made this game - they didn't make they didn't make soccer did they know that was GSC Ukrainian developers B if she's made contract Wars and hydrops somebody's really trying to convince my chat that this game was supposed to be soccer - soccer - soccer - that's coming out next 24:21 made by GSC man there it is I talked to the GSD developers from time to time I'm hoping soccer tutors we're gonna be pretty sick dude I have a pretty nice innit life stalker yeah weird no that's fine I think if you ever wanted to play stalker you should check out some of the mods yeah docker anomaly yeah it's a sandbox you can customize it to make it super hardcore and challenging or like running gun and it's very akin to like fallout new vegas & like metro alright he's really good there's a lot of like end of the features i mean like the gym well I was in the gym oh the oh I oh that's the gym okay I thought this was another workout area over here let's uh see if we can find some Raiders that man's not gonna say a word again after he just heard that splash I'll try to get another suitcase so I'm not gonna buy it or anything but I'll I'll collect the borders I'm sorry yeah I am trying to get a sick kiss though and luckily I bartered for mine before it went up the they use the back side they had they increase the bar over this occasion it was just absolutely day after I bought her stuff yeah more food instead of ten nails it's twelve and instead of 700 horses and I am zoom into his soul no PMC's tool okay so there was definitely a big gun here maybe somebody's waiting a train I think scam hospital owned these people true they were do [Music] I'll see anything I didn't look like it but [Music] somebody had a kind of a chunky gun around here though one here left gotcha absent here he's on the oh [ __ ] eat on the roof I don't like this is going on here yeah it's kind of scary they'll they'll laser you through the little crack if you walk past it so it's kind of like [ __ ] is going on I'm clearing the floor down here looking for [ __ ] whoa bye train yard I don't know what the [ __ ] that was how was that I think these guys are pretty thick I forgot a splint let's back up a little bit I have a broken arm and I'm splittin I don't use EMS on it or something I'm gonna see a mess really quick back here and train if they're Raiders there they will push so I got [ __ ] shot so fast same suppress that be five men those things you're a [ __ ] cut off on the 50 Cal and [ __ ] them up got it yeah there's two they look like beefier though yeah you know straight well we're about to see some Raiders come out of the ground something just prone right in front of me he's right behind that [ __ ] and stack of brick wait yeah oh [ __ ] far far far pulled up [ __ ] my god I got a dude I almost do thank you very good trader disco almost had one of those I was I literally at my finger was hovering is that a reader already just prawns yeah there's readers I'm waiting for the reader to stand up oh my god got it [ __ ] is the auto shooting in HK there's two more I think there's two more Raiders inside train alright killed one actually okay there's maybe one more all Z play oh is that that wasn't you right he's around the coop push it up push it he's running away come here [ __ ] yes man did not want to go down native media they need to bury out these Raider loadouts a little bit more I'm tired of finding like the same guns on them all the time want that guy's HK I'm the one that I killed was produced okay you still end spawning again so we getting in the Train I think we'll be alright they're usually just patroller oh you're one of us yeah I'm gonna meter the left here I'm like inside the middle thanks dude like this angle you can like lean pretty far in here dude that the one at the HEA died like right next to the Train oh my god I almost died there's another one I hear it same angle one left I'm done you see my spec I know you're good TV 110 is that better than tactic uh it's bigger but it's on the oval form tactics 5 yeah and it repairs better TV tents not bad no I've been trying to convince Nikita to make all the chest rigs and only cover the chest level 5 so that way they're a little bit more viable it's like they only cover the chest you know you know you know we get stomach protection yeah feel like it'd be fair incoming work yeah he's not suffered before but I heard macaronis holding we need these Raider kills so this is cool I can't lose it Bonnie I damn it want to make your way to the Train yes do these Raiders are gonna keep spawning Oh someone just shuffled here on the right looks fine it was at you yeah that's insane sounded so close to me yes that was you this one has an empty yar what does p90 right here I'll take that p90 I'm gonna cross to the other side this one had Oh an MDR Shh all right come on the Train I might drop my p90 and take the MDR just so I can get it back I want to do it sure the p90 yeah I want to drop the p90 on the train wait you brought a p90 in this room I'm sorry that's what I meant yeah use the p90 as a backup dude salute this guy hey did you let this one down here probably why are you in the Train [ __ ] I'm gonna double up I want to drop the DL hazel make some money you know how I got charisma leveled up by looting that people double ten finish my quest I wonder what happens on the train what do you think this like goes with the like you know what happens here I think it'd be cool if we actually had to ride the train out instead of it just like extracting us right away I like the trains long enough to the point where Raiders are waiting at the end and you have to like fight through as it's moving clocks work okay hey barter love it when was the first time he played tarkov what do you think the first time I played tark out was before you played for the first time off stream and we played till like 5:00 in the morning remember yeah do you ever what that was two years ago that goes more no I don't know maybe I mean I've been playing EFT since November 2016 started streaming December 31st 2016 and I think I want to say that was like spring 2018 no no maybe earlier than that I don't know honesty bro I don't remember I feel like I feel like it's literally been three plus years well if T's been out for about that long now the NDA lifted December 31st of 2016 so it's like three years ago [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 20,573
Rating: 4.5952382 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: DUQMce9CA1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 42sec (3762 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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