BULLETPROOF 😎 | Escape From Tarkov #35

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I wonder if the guy the guys I killed thought the same thing and they're like what the [ __ ] just happened let's break this [ __ ] curse please he probably goes right don't do it again game please stop I'm on the right side so I'm just they're gonna just gonna blow up look Arthur said there's the play right here a dead good guy talk to people outside right or left ones close back ones far right-hand side of that door one behind I'm gonna shuffle my back I think it's a yeah I don't know bro just died are you kidding the team of three out there I'm [ __ ] up my arm broken so I'm gonna go be Windows even though I'm [ __ ] up did you kill right right yeah there was one on the left Masumi though the bushes assuming they're gonna hear me may windows but hey stupid or the one on the left-hand bushes finish on the back a Pekinese bay windows stupid black boys so don't scare players can spawn that fast yeah I was getting [ __ ] shotgun by one I think I think the guy outside is holding close left cuz I heard bushes and I appreciate his clothes left isn't that outside the little planners yeah I don't know if you can get an angle on it from up there the thing is I can I just don't know if he hears me are you walking now you just oh I got this guy on my level look clear scandalous sis Christ just a player scab up here walking right past me that was scary stealing my arm I thrown under hand out of the window yeah I don't know what to really do here guys all 40 here there's crap you guys looking a smoke down here you saw at the front run down the stairs you want to try to swing on these guys there now so there's three out there well there's one on the left and then you killed the two one on the right and you said there's two yeah anymore I don't think we go out the front I think they're just holding it I mean I'm down though I'll [ __ ] spring to this treeline I don't care well where did you get shot at I was sitting on the right there's two left I'm gonna sprint out cuz I'm stupid on top of the truck he's on top of the truck laying down I killed the one on the right you still there what a spot I just don't see so use it must have been on the road then if he was on this road is there anymore oh he's still down there somewhere shot at something I don't know where the [ __ ] is I think they got him I'm assuming that same anyway weird for that that to be somebody else you remember his name oh this guy's making wanna punch my mama D just crash Sam that's gas let's just hope I don't get shot by someone else actually I don't even want to loot this guy blaming the father I'm gonna assume that that's him maybe hopefully Al mac-11 we'll see he was watching so he's on this a green truck I guess I have an interesting angle there's so many bodies there's such thing as a team of four I think I needed one of them know so they killed I killed the person that ran in from the team there's thank goodness [ __ ] all hell's breaking loose out here in here holy [ __ ] there's a battle going on in that in the mall hydraloop I think I will oh my god yeah there's a battle going on in there and I might there might have been a team of four and I see two bodies next to the area that I needed so I think I might have needed one of them maybe I'll have to check God it is so scary looting out front when I know people are fighting inside like what oh it's this look at those are my chat oh come on who's gay see if this guy truly died to an aide no he died to Olmec Oh Christine this was the gunshot I heard grab your helmet I was like went back for him forgot I missed one thing hop up onto God the God shroud ever since I watched on your stream I have to buy a PC to play keep up the good work Thank You Jeremy they didn't have honestly anything good [ __ ] no that pretty du du Louvre they just had some crazy perimeter we probably shouldn't have walked out the front but I wasn't the play for sure anyone I guess in the end but yeah sure I should have walked up once I heard him shoot me to the right and looked at the bay windows little just shot him probably top of him free we're here sitting yeah I didn't I I guess I should have done that too it just I for some reason thought they were heared and they're gonna be aware of it but I don't care about these stupid voices give me kill oh yes dying so frustrating and then on top of not finding Killa we're doing this yeah it's gonna be really shitty like we're six nap hours in with only five kills yeah we've been we haven't seen killin for like yeah I think we haven't seen him in four hours yes that is that actually doc I'm actually like but I wonder guns thanks so much today doctor doctor doctor he's gonna keep very many if that's truly you I hope you're enjoying this game just know you'll never be I've gone through it down seven armor so that means seven loadouts have died that's walking sprinting whatever it doesn't matter proning literally just running around or walking around so the more you play like eventually somebody who plays like a thousand hours a wipe we'll probably get endurance max because a thousand hours is a lot of hours and I have like I don't know how many hours I have but it's not a thousand so this has definitely become one of my favorite guns oh it's just like i-10 I was an inspect animation mode so yeah that's why I went back to cover gather spawn sucks if someone was on that jump up you can be literally holding this easily oh there yeah okay uh do they do see you I'm moving forward holding right here in front c1 c2 there very lately dude I think if we hold this they might be on the other side of the truck hey let's just walk up there very lightly geared oh I just saw one all right why am I not shooting what am i doing I'm gonna sprint right behind them just shoot him in the back hopefully there's three yeah yeah kill another this is me right next year like I was so close to you maybe was just - I don't know I think we have better luck with the guns were using way better nothing yeah no it's no risk no risk only reward we're really unlucky man extremely unlucky we didn't get him again ciao how are we this unlucky I don't understand this is the main reason why I'm finishing this so so slowly kind of hurts making me look bad you know I think someone's behind this trailer I think he was in fight with this guy I can't really kill this it's so far away how far is this man whoa needs back there oh [ __ ] there's oh [ __ ] fall there's another player the tents those you see the white huts the tents closest to the big brick walls there's a player in it they were in a fight is a 2v2 or something told us what we do here you know where he was exactly the worry is getting one path by the guy from tents so please not looking ever there's not peeking out anymore so I'm looking for this guy on the Left I don't say [ __ ] heard that oh that sucks yeah we needed to I don't I don't I don't know either or kind of like being pinched between two fights is what happened right there I just wish I knew or saw this guy on the left so I can kind of gauge how to flank it might just get end up getting one tamp in a second oh oh that's oh no oh we're so Fox they're in the tower bro they're in the tower I'm so [ __ ] on this prize I'm going I'm going all the way bro I am pushing this guy I will make it good hit broke my arm again man think somebody give up [Applause] [ __ ] boat committing this guy wonder if this guy's like dude this guy won't stop just the [ __ ] terminator over here will you do that I'll be right back thank you sir here it was [ __ ] - that's a good name it was - bro they were both just thrown holding me you guys don't think I'll fight to my death I [ __ ] will I don't give a [ __ ] I had a broken leg broken arm come at me [ __ ] oh it was just one I think he's right here who's this guy oh wait did I kill this guy I did and I'm assuming I killed this guy too what about your [ __ ] weenies bro taking your armor [ __ ] sir that's all I gotta say I hate what people do that man they're using just something like cheap and [ __ ] ass gun I just owned with it I'm thinking I'm taking everything dude oh well I probably can't take everything but we nice you know it sucks Patrick gears Patrick's gear is probably gone trying to do shooter born in heaven maybe maybe but at least bring a better gun if they had a better gun they'd kill me not that [ __ ] easy peazy nasaw you like an s-video wait can you do it yeah you could do an SVD I need their meds actually are you guys for real god I own these guys so hard I felt really good actually these guys don't have meds no way he's got some I guess what's weird is that they just knew I mean I guess they might have saw me do the full [ __ ] the whole truck through maybe you know what I do here I think that player that was that teammates friend I think I stayed towards tenth side because if I stay towards tenth side I can maybe catch him I'm assuming he already looted his friend and probably looted Patrick unless he's very much afraid which is possible for I saw him in here somewhere Hunter Bevers me now if he's really smart like 200 IQ smart he's watching Patrick's body because he knows there's two oh can I just share one in this in this Hut or something no way okay that's weird this was my audio back welcome back you take him out it was to water vapor players yeah I [ __ ] haul the ass now I'm looking to see cuz I saw this teammate I'm looking to see if he looted your body or something I don't know where you died at RIT I think I did yeah wait his teammate his teammate is Lutz you're still so the worry is that this guy's got some big old brain and he's watching your body damn you are dead in the open backpack oh yeah you got looted for sure a little clean what gun did you have that was not an episode of shooting that's my see if that was not be 7up can I go for him I I'm pretty sure I know who did that and it's probably this guy's teammate oh I love to find him I don't think I mean yeah I don't know what's weird as this guy isn't looted sure for me I'll test it and see if it's a trap not looking like it I think it's shot at I guess he literally just took your here and ran sorry what sucks about it is is those Hunter players weren't holding us it would have been fine I'm an easiest [ __ ] I can't believe I did that I'm a maniac I be hopped across both of those guys are shooting me and they saw me the whole way and they set up a [ __ ] angle and I turned the corner and they still [ __ ] up I turned the corner one was prone and was crouching right above them and I full sprayed both of them one mag as they broke my leg and my arm at the same time oh my god that was interesting [Music] that was a lot of fun actually but I feel bad that Patrick's Luke guy snagged I literally sprinted across the open field of two snipers to kill those guys oh man I killed a lot of players that that game No Oh how [ __ ] high in dude you'll see where we spawn and you'll know where I already am the second the second contender somebody's fighting killa someone's at the front of the store meeting needed Bank I'm in a brutal wait I might not be Killa I don't think they're fighting Killa I just killed the scab though they were fighting unless he is there to there at the front though down the stairs in national have him I haven't pinned he's in the you know where you jump over he's in there there's throw name real quick perfect dead okay I don't know what the [ __ ] about to happen I think there was more than one run to the store I in the metal sheet with you was that you okay I was confused man sorry I thought you were still in the cubby on the right I know you Tran I had you covered but now you're dead oopsies my bad dude did not know you were there oh I think the first guy I folded was good I'm not sure I could bring your stuff back out I'll see what other guys have if they have like the gear just bring my gun let's guess my bad DT MDR and I killed him the cubby here and for a one with shitty ammo now you're good I can give her stuff these guys aren't that sick I'll just strip them for their parts I'll just rip their guns for their parts and move on dump the armor grab that m4 I have a billion armors stick them for as meta so I want to say it's meta but you know it read advanced tube and everything you said it I mean I'll take it I'm more so feel bad that I decayed you know not it's not like that bags like I could get you out it's not like it actually affects anything I just yeah it was just so dark in there man I couldn't lie couldn't get a profile and I just didn't know you cross I feel like I should have known that right as you stop adding like stop having a view on me is right when I moved to the opposite corner that you saw me and originally yeah I just had no idea that the cross happened I knew the guy was pushing cuz I heard him and I was gonna cover you snows gonna watch the cross and then I was like oh [ __ ] maybe he already crossed and then you were there and I thought he got there but you can't you can't get in there I didn't know that you can't get in there you gonna get in there from that one side I thought you could get in there from the back so I thought he crossed without me knowing like there was some weird angle I didn't know about that's why I was really confused well I got your stuff I guess that's so fast it was just the panic like point shooting how because I got tk20 now always do I always do HP last so I could save my Grizzlies much as I possibly can your regen isn't as insane so I don't think it matters I can get by the time I have my kid out and I'm pretty quick with the kit I can have like an additional 200 HP they're having a hell of a fight against a scares killer or something I did the need that they missed bro they missed the Nate and it rolled right under my feet I just like I managed to turn the corner to brutal before it went off but it was scary like a roll tu dead no matter what they blow up like immediately I took your attack - I'm sorry yeah I think there's a way they could do some sort of microtransaction thing correctly but as of right now I don't think we're gonna get any form of microtransactions we're a very very very very long time [Applause] it's crazy I saw your read or your your blue laser on that wall on the other side of it so you were looking at the wall in front of you and I saw it on the other side of like the metal door yeah lasers tripped me out I feel like they're really really bad like they're good for point shooting but I think it's actually a good idea to click them off it's very obvious like them I wasn't shooting no how's it going Oh finest or ten on a river clearing a dick halt Oh people coming from Rasmussen here in Rasmussen that's around the corner [ __ ] my grenade did nothing shocker that one did it blow up again there we go finally there one more nade for good luck they were very lightly geared we don't have to contested yeah and I'm pretty good getting a deep Ranko there was two I just needed one glamour come take this backside here Oh game is really laggy right now I really want to know what what this guy had curious curious about his gun I use all my knees for that guy I'm just like no no no not the guy from the guy that was shooting here it's the press again I don't know what it was Oh way back there to to to way back I can see all the way back there yeah he's like the boxes nothing so during the main like I don't think they're going through no they're sprinting from left to right so I can hold this front it's up to you I'm already at the store I don't see them anywhere ever here now she's asked absolutely spawned in from black my arm I use for anything yeah rounding my corner good ones good not anymore needs and not peeking okay I'm just outside the second set of doors the box was on the right he's on his luck he's on the left here peeking gonna jump across here my thing yeah he's there just hi head head nice okay they're black well they're armed now the be hopping is soapy man those guys do you think they tried so hard and they just did nothing to me I'm moving fast as [ __ ] assuming these guys were [Music] fine you mean the head my helmet saved me I don't know how I didn't that John a mess of [ __ ] he was right he was just oh he's getting close I know he's outside he's running my right he's about yeah hold on right there I'm gonna pretend to I don't know do something and he's gonna beat that wonderful tennis print this way keep holding I'm gonna put this side I hit him twice he's in front of the trailer hold the little tail see kind of drawing it yeah I was drawing him to you a little bit I stopped shooting because I didn't know if it was him and then he started moving and I was like I could've killed him I normally just guys jab RPK action little - before okay [Music] probably the most gear that have all of those the yes mp5 okay thank you okay I'll take it no you took it that's fine we're on our way to extract anyway so I'm just grabbing whatever I'm so lucky man my helmet the helmet strikes again dude saving my life we're good let's go exfil helmet fun fight I had needs a fight would have been so easy I was gonna I was thinking about throwing it over you know how we how we said that one side you can throw it over I tried I lined it up but the hit G and nothing happened said [Music] I feel like I've gotten pretty good at needs cuz this killer stuff so we have so many it's a good way to farm F ones just kill bosses yeah like so drop like is he playing against real players chat both play it real players and AI we just to be forward those guys killed four people Patrick probably killed many people did you kill three he pecks those are like my right those are like I'm always down to kind of play those games you know if I have say if I really don't know what to play those games are always there for me now I'm chef stay low it's time I don't want to go around I wonder if even when I play peewee if that games gonna come up to one of my all-time favorite like top ten games I feel like it could be because I like games like that I just got to learn it there's like I don't know I can only compare it to Diablo but there's there's content like Diablo where you can kind of just not too hard for you just like hope for good drops and you just do the same thing over and over again alright that's the thing I play that game actually yeah less game I don't know nothing beats in POS leagues and their constant changing of service about that scab shot I don't know where it was near declared dead on the fort was a gang clothing store in the hallway this is rough cuz there's still this guy in the clothing store that guy's the bamboo pistol I take your dunes yeah well this guy's national oh [ __ ] there's three teams here team and national team and clothing store unless that's Killa that he's shooting [Music] I shouldn't peek like that he's laying down and baited me into fighting it it's gonna get interesting can't kill the guy national got one I don't know how many people there were so honestly might have been one just jumping between three spots just really faster now let's do one I'm about out of bullets though I need a pack well the other players do the laser yeah snow Killa just a bunch of [ __ ] stacked people everywhere when you pack my bags in case there's more it's not laser disadvantage against skier players I mean it could help you know I don't know what to do who to check so are the guys in uh National Guard God I'm gonna just hope that it was too and just go straight to your body you had somewhere out front of mantis right Jim you died in a pretty safe spot I got a little decent as I died when I was walking back in after a peak so I got all your stuff will dump it i overlay dump it yeah probably huh hello who's out there that who's in the kitchen no look crazy right hello p90 on this man level for respectable I bet you his buddy brought that out for him I just have not killed a fully G stood as ass cavity my bullet bounced off his helmet crappy rounds level 12 these guys were geared for what level they were a damn nice I like it when I see you low B's and nine nine five oh you guys you shouldn't have they're so nice nice you're somebody when I left I have to see if there's more just gonna have a cake ill is armor oh I don't think this guy's worth looting just the a keg I will do I had a hunter if ur not worth I was a fun fight for me anyway before for geared people I just probably shouldn't have peaked the way I peaked did you like swinging prone or was he prone and he swung on him he was prone the first time I saw him I saw him I shot once and then I peeked that one more time risk it you didn't kill me look I'll do it again yeah being somebody that's prone just [ __ ] scary man yeah I just don't trust those guns they are really fun when the server works but I don't trust it like I feel like sometimes I put these single shots of their chest and they should die but they don't but then again you never know with the work where you hit them right cuz this game has so many different hit boxes like if you have 995 straight to flesh it's not like that sick like the arm and then of course fragmentation chance that's also very deceiving like one fight somebody can melts in like two shots and another fight takes like seven you know that's why I think the a KBS is so good 17% chance to fragment is so worth the less spin does that shit'll [ __ ] rush somebody when it frogs my sounds so weird to say in this game okay well what happens the timer runs out you don't extract the council's going like a wall and your character is lost in the field nice rate but no kill oh I know sucks yeah it's a great raid but no kill us so was it a great raid don't know Paul II think for the embers here's 20 20 I can't believe those guys were geared as four and twelve that is a respectable sky had like a [ __ ] kid at HK with 95 that game started way too fast what one minute and started in one minute I don't like this I got a bad feeling about this one I'm 15 seconds late that's probably why it started so fast that probably means everybody's already spawned so either they're already set up or in the mall or well I guess they want to be in the mall yet but I could very well be set up out here I could just get one shot outside this is a very very good spawn to get one shot to be honest if I go into that garage really he goes to the back okay he's looting the box there's a weapon box down there I will wait for him I will shoot him should come out over here I guess he could just come back out this way I should wait though you should be coming out in a second sir the [ __ ] why is he taking so long oh now he's coming I think he just jumped I don't understand why he's just chillin back there unless he knows people run up this hole and he's trying to catch him in the back in what are you doing back there my friends [Music] ah that was good I like that dude how many [ __ ] players am I gonna kill I've killed like six guess kill isn't on here that done my part might me to go for the loot they had gear but it wasn't like insane I think the first guy had an m4 and then the other two didn't really have much and then I was getting poked by somebody further and that's that's why I continued to shoot I continued to shoot because there was somebody further away shooting at me so I was just kind of laying into him hoping that a stray would maybe hit him invite him I don't know if I have if I have if I have six player kills five six player kills then I for sure killed them if I only have five then I've been it that's fun did it's crazy the difference man if I had died 95 those guys would have melted literally would have been it was it just they would have died so fast but because I'm using these tracer rounds just because it is way more intimidating to get shot by tracers they just didn't die that guy took so many bullets he tanked like 20 of them shroud as a raid boss 100 round m4 I think they needed him I think they need a boss with m4 they have a boss with aks they have a boss with snipers they have a boss with like I said jeez sometimes they need to have it they need to have a you SEC boss they're all bears or scavs or whatever they're all speaking Russian anyway they should have a scab boss with you know American voice lines whatever English American guy voice line the shroud boss load em for muttered rounders I'll scream into the mic for battle state games I'll scream as loud as I can what do you find it about four and five I'm changing my reticles and lasers and stuff like my scope and laser did I haven't killed kill in years feels like I'm just stuck at 68 oh I did oh I forgot to clip it oops the [ __ ] machine [Music] that's so funny actually oh my goodness damage dealt 992 and push East a hundred and ninety twenty nine hits I killed three zero to ten players to 11:30 and 1:30 one to fifty four you sex - bears - headshots [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 36,998
Rating: 4.4712644 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch
Id: oI3yBBpJzWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 56sec (5576 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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