Haven's End | Full Action Survival Movie | Apocalyptic

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[Music] [Music] several localities across the metro area are in chaos at this hour reports of gunfire and explosions from multiple locations around atlanta continue to pour in it all started almost an hour ago when a man hijacked a postal truck and drove it through the front of a home improvement store in bucket the man then began shooting and stabbing individuals in the store since then police and fire units have been trying to respond to a growing number of incidents but the streets are clogged with rush hour drivers newscenter 8 has just received confirmation of another event jim according to georgia d.o.t what witnesses are calling a truck bomb has just been detonated on the 85 north ramplanes near the top of spaghetti junction the lanes affected by the run of the blast have crumbled and fallen dear god no word on the number of dead or wounded yet but an estimated 12 to 16 vehicles including a school bus were seen dropped into the destroyed roadway paramedics fire and rescue and keyword units are enrolled to the scene we'll keep you updated as more information comes in metro area hospitals are bracing for the incoming wave of wounded from these events newscenter 8 has received word that grady hospital is calling in all off-duty medical personnel to deal with the swelling number of patients other area hospitals are expected to follow suit so if you are a member of the grady hospital medical staff please report to work as soon as possible you are sorely needed are you seeing this well of course i saw it's all over the news look teresa you are gonna need every pair of hands that you can muster today [ __ ] administrative leave or not your privileges have been revoked allison you can't even set foot in the hospital without a board vote i am the best trauma doctor that you have you're a liability i need to be there not gonna happen stay at home and keep your head down i'll call you if anything changes but don't hold your breath look teresa i can do whatever the hospital needs it doesn't have to be a [ __ ] bureaucrat things aren't slowing down either the iconic marietta landmark the big chicken is engulfed in fire after an explosion inside a group of customers and staff have gotten out of the building but the blaze is out of control and currently threatening nearby structures we cannot confirm this fire teresa's lane you go in hospital's swamped it's all hands on deck what about the board i'm a doctor derek not right now fine then i will be a good samaritan and i will triage patients on the street first responders already have enough to deal with what if i just grabbed a gun and ran outside to assist the police with the victims and have other people to help them he broke the rules al getting benched as a consequence i know i get it i really do but it's wrong i mean i can save lives all i did was save a life we'll be back in action for the next mass shooting i promise that is not funny ally jess oh thank god i'm here and the doors closed behind me really overprotective much say hello to my wife hi stella see she's here and derek's here and i'm okay just you go to your briefing be careful and call me when you can i love you so i got called up she's being paranoid and she doesn't want me to be alone so sleepover sure governor's mobilizing a national guard sounds like a good call i don't know it seems like overkilling me yeah i thought so too but stella said what's happening is worse than what they're letting on i knew it i felt [ __ ] [Music] the center for disease control has been rocked by a massive explosion the blast was felt more than 20 blocks away and thick dark smoke is now rising into the air no word yet on whether the blast has reached any of the numerous laboratories or hazardous containment units inside but the damage to the structure is said to be extensive i gotta get down there are you insane we just had this conversation things are different now yeah it's a lot worse running into death isn't always the best choice it's the right thing to do derek guys are you seeing this in what appears to be an extremely well coordinated terror attack the greatest cities across the nation and now around the world have all come under fire within moments of each other social media sites are crashing under the weight of the cell phone footage documenting attacks in new york chicago paris london berlin cairo and a dozen other cities including here in atlanta more breaking news now the atlanta police department has issued the following statement via twitter cdc compromised immediate quarantine of surrounding area this is too much gunfire i can't tell the good guys stella situation's critical evacuate now someplace safe find you when it's over two minutes grab what you can i know a place we can go back to emery now as the chaos expands from the side of the nearby cdc explosion [Music] we should take the access road it'll get us to the freeway faster police presidents might make it safer on larger [Music] in a roads released moments ago representatives from the atlanta mayor's office have confirmed more than 300 deaths and well over a thousand casualties on the emory campus alone hazardous material teams have begun entering the center for disease control gathering bodies and debris for identification and testing the president has said that while martial law is not in effect he will be deploying soldiers and marines to several affected cities across the nation i'm still not getting anything the network damage must be massive might have targeted south towers maybe farther outside of the city rural towers could still be up i need to let stella know i'm safe i know she's worried about me trust me she's busy right now what he means is stella sent you to us because she knew we would do everything we could to keep each other safe she's going to assume the best until she hears otherwise and that's exactly what we are going to do the federal aviation administration has reported that all commercial flights are now on the ground and accounted for and all commercial air travel is suspended across the country police departments have instituted curfews some to take effect as early as sundown and with multiple terrorist organizations claiming responsibility for this worldwide tragedy and promising more bloodshed in the coming days here is rising [Music] hey maybe give it a rest for a while we should be getting something we're not that far out there's gonna be a warehouse up here on the left in a bit we can stop to get some more supplies and i'll drive from there it'll just be easier more supplies how long are you planning on being here it's not about length of stages it's about comfort i mean why rough it if we don't have to [Applause] right is anyone even here none of the windows are broken doors look secure harry's here and if i'm right this parking lot is pretty much the safest place in the country right now and if you're wrong just drive slowly and follow my lead you dumb sucks just won't learn will you get the [ __ ] off my property i swear to god i'm going to break so many goddamn whole swiss keys is going to be harry what it's allison nelson tom's girl yes sir little allison yes sir oh [ __ ] your [ __ ] [ __ ] hard num nut brother with you no sir he's not it's just my friend jessie and my fiance he's army barbie [ __ ] hell alison hoped you'd learn from your mama's mistake and know better than to marry a goddamn soldier well we haven't said i do yet so there's still time for me to wise up you open only for family come on in quick quick quick let's go let's go hustle sorry to meet under these circumstances last i heard you were in atlanta yes sir [ __ ] sounds like the cdc was one hellacious [ __ ] glad you all are okay so welcome to my palace i hope you're not ocd what do you think we could use some help perry [ __ ] you kidding me your daddy would kick my ass if he were here and i turned you away whatever you need damn good man her daddy even if he was army all you got against army what i got against army you know what army stands for ain't ready for marines yet semper fi dallas son did you get a soulja boy here with t-shirts lying around on the house oorah right hey harry yo you still keep the candy in the same place oh yeah plenty of candy in a candy jar whatever you need take double there's candy [Music] [Music] it looks like the nra threw up in here [Music] hey al yeah just in case just in case hey harry thanks for everything we really appreciate it yeah you're going off to your daddy spot gonna wait this [ __ ] out that's the plan you should come with us oh thanks this is my place we might have a little trouble getting at the reu out of here what's up and all this [ __ ] started a few mouth-breathing good old boys thought they'd come take what they wanted so they could play war and i disabuse them of that notion right quick but now they're back my guess is they were waiting for dark but they got perturbed when you gained entry they think you're taking all the good toys i think they'll listen to reason i do not i know these boys they are big and mean and dumb as a box of hair and most of them can't shoot for [ __ ] [ __ ] but if they start they're gonna spray around enough lead to hit something so we're going to have to lay down suppressive fire to keep tucked back while army here loads the truck you handle the cover fire i'll get this stuff to the truck i'm just as fast as you are short distances i'm stronger some of that gear is really heavy because we don't have time for political discussion somebody take the rifle somebody grab the card let's go okay here we go cover fire on the hearing no casualties on the left now go [Music] oh god [Music] okay i'm pregnant 14 weeks well thank god you told me i thought you were just getting fat you were an evil [ __ ] and no one likes you okay okay okay just breathe i got you both okay all right all right okay bullet went straight through i don't feel any chipped or broken bones that's good i don't like this bleeding though i can't close it up until i know what's going on in there we need to take her to the hospital nearest one's about an hour in the opposite direction property's closer head there done this is your pregnant friend with a bullet wound anything that i would need is in that emc kit i just need a flat surface and some room to work what about x-rays cat scan you got that in your back derrick stop telling the trauma doc what her patient needs i'm just trying to save the trauma doctor for repeating the same state what about the baby but there's no doctor in the world who would love this baby more than i do i'm your godmother after all are you i am now go harry grab the kit and make sure the table's cleared off the trailer should be open what the somebody here wow wow [Music] kevin what the [ __ ] are you doing here focus who's in the trailer uh it's it's hannah she's my friend get her out i need that trailer now get her out are you okay i'm fine but jesus christ hannah god damn it kevin get her out now okay now it's my sister and her friend okay hannah baby don't shoot anna don't shoot i need you guys out of the way out of the way kevin hand me that towel okay oh thank you kevin give me the medkit okay okay [Music] there we go yeah we're good please don't say we should have gone to the hospital it's only gonna ask us how i could help i think i got this now how's your arm oh gosh there's just a couple stitches maybe i feel better once i kick your brother's ass yeah i do it myself if i wasn't a little busy right now she'll be okay i'll we all will i won't [Music] i covered your friend up the blood was freaking hand out hey man i'm i'm really sorry about you oh that's for this guess we're even i didn't say that this place is a mess how long have you been squatting here i wouldn't call staying at her family place squatting a little over a month i'm not using allium clean i thought this would be a nice quiet place to focus on i can see what you've been focusing on all right here we go look if you are actually clean this time then i am happy for you but you are not supposed to be here kevin no you can't keep me from your girlfriend just killed a man that was an accident hey hannah you stay out of this okay i gotta handle it [ __ ] did i do that you told me to point the gun at the door you told me to shoot him and they were gonna kill us this isn't my fault can you find a safe place for harry yeah thank you what about my face you and i got off to a bad start i'd like to fix that i'm allison anna it's nice to meet you hannah um are any of your teeth feeling loose can you move your jaw that's good okay um may i oh this is gonna sting i'm sorry okay it's gonna be sore for a few days and you need to keep it clean okay i'm sorry that i elbowed you in the face i'm really sorry i killed your friend [Music] you're hyperventilating okay listen you're gonna be fine but i just i need you to breathe with me okay slow it down i killed your friend and being so [ __ ] nicely we don't blame you i i know that it was an accident it wasn't your fault okay it really wasn't [Laughter] hannah listen don't worry about that right now okay the police have bigger things to deal with trust me and when this is all over derek and i will go down to the police station with you and we will explain everything you won't face any charges okay who will we will you promise i promise thank you how is the girl supposed to get her beauty sleep with all this [ __ ] noise oh horseshit i don't care if you believe it or not it's the truth even the radio nothing on any station all that means you have a shitty radio cell service is down too that doesn't mean dick it's always spotty out here grab that maybe we can use it [Music] sorry oh why do you hate me hey you how you feeling like i got punched by a rhino she's gonna be sore for a while but no permanent damage what about the baby it's too soon to tell jess i'll know more in 24 hours but i'm really hopeful i'll walk some of the perimeter this is a smart spot secluded remote one way in and out clear sight lines i'll have a better sense tomorrow but we could secure this place good call the minute jess got stella's text just popped into my head it's always felt like a safe haven until tonight where's kevin hey there red how you feeling nauseated is that everything yeah i think so i can't believe dad still had this thing does it work maybe we need it too who knows when cell service will be back up it's our best chance of staying safe until the cavalry arrives [ __ ] the calvary mark my words kung fu grip this thing's real the government's behind it you mark my words you call me kung fu grip again i'll make sure this time you swallow your teeth ha i can see why you like him alley these heat kit units are pretty sturdy probably just needs a good cleaning and a couple of tubes replaced if you can find some of the parts out in the shed i should have this up and running in a few minutes all i need is a phillips head screwdriver oh and to not be shot hey you know what it's late you can work on this tomorrow you don't need to push it doctor's orders my doctor and the toxic masculinity twins can get out of my hair you can be my hands well i'm not leaving you can stay but no doctoring good now disconnect that wire so you're married to a girl stella these are next you know i i identify as bicurious i marched in pride twice you know i chose you to help me with this because i thought you were the quiet one look i'm not trying to be your best friend or anything but i just had the worst day of my life and i work better with background noise so how did you guys meet it's so mundane shop barista got our orders confused she took one sip and spit it out all over herself oh be sure to clean that or it's gonna give us trouble right there yeah i see it yeah oh what next well then just reconnect everything and we're done no i mean with stella oh i offered to pay for her dry cleaning she said take me to dinner instead i told her she seriously overestimated the worth of her shirt she laughed i laughed that was six years ago we've been together ever since never did get that shirt cleaned stella had it framed and gave it to her as a wedding present really that sounds like one of those documentary stories i think it's really sweet i think we're done huh flip it you can try again in the morning work you piece of [ __ ] good work i'm i'm gonna pass out now the last hour has seen another wave of explosions leading tens of thousands of victims dead across the globe the casualties are rising here at home as well that's enough in all 50 states and they are attempting to i can't believe it's real barely made it out of atlanta jesse got shot trust me it's real well you're safe here now we'll be out of your hair in the morning kev we can no it's fine i'm used to it find somewhere else to squat come on hannah we'll stay outside what's this problem kevin was always trouble but he got worse after mom died drugs alcohol when he was 18 he got arrested for petty larceny dad had enough didn't bail him out wouldn't let him back in the house kevin didn't take that too well i know we left the city to get away from stupid dangerous people but i can't kick my own brother out into whatever the hell is going on out there can i so hey you've been up all night we took some food and water like it's a few flares and the shotgun i thought he was bluffing should we try and bring him back can't force him to stay out i think they're gonna be okay do we really care i think we should go back if what they said on the radio is true we'd be safer no hannah we're not my sister and i we don't get along the best of days and you you did kill a friend well she knows that wasn't on purpose and she promised she'd tell the police when we got back that it was an accident that's what you said when she thought she needed you what is she really gonna say when she gets back to civilization well you don't trust your own sister we haven't been family for a long time family shouldn't kick you out well they didn't kick us out we left we could go back you're my family unless going back there isn't safe for us hannah bear i'm worried about you you only call me hannibal when you want me to do something i'm gonna be fine trust me i'll have it covered you doing okay in there morning sickness is hell with a gunshot wound did your stitches hold mm-hmm it's just really sore you're still feverish you really should lie down oh the nausea's worse when i lie down this is gonna give me something to focus on other than my rollercoaster stomach and the hole in my upper torso too aly this sling is pretty [ __ ] okay uncomfortable good you are seriously the worst patient i've ever had do you know that you love it all right listen to me if you're not gonna wear your sling i need you to keep that arm still and if you're not gonna lie down i need you to take it easy got it yes doctor i'm gonna go check on derek you call me if you need anything i just need to talk to my wife we could go talk to her and i'm sure oh hey no we're not going back but we could no hannah damn it you don't understand all right ally she just abandoned me my daddy you know what you just haven't anna anna real cute stop playing and a bear [Music] no [Music] hey you just getting back remove the suv in case we're forced to bolt loaded some emergency supplies too smart thank you we need to bury harry i thought you might want to pick the spot right [ __ ] i'm sorry al i'm an idiot you're wonderful i would like that thank you hey have you slept at all it's too much stuff to do just grab some coffee oh you haven't rested since this thing started you got to get off that leg the longer that you push i know my limits out i'm gonna check the perimeter hey no look we made a deal when the world gets tough we lean on each other okay i just trusted you to hold me while i wept for my friend you can trust me to take care of things while you take a nap okay okay [Music] what the hell stars oh hey well it's out of immediate danger i still can't wake him and i can't give him a stimulant because he might seize again did you find hannah oh did a full sweep 100 yards within the perimeter did kevin say anything that could help us get a bearing i think coherent just keeps rambling on and on about the lights the lights what do you think that is common visual hallucination his pupils are constricted i think he's high as a kite i cannot believe i believed him when he said he was clean but if he's just riding a bad trip where'd the blood on his hands come from and where's hannah i don't know we've only got a couple of hours of daylight left to try to find her we should get going is that a good idea that that doesn't feel like a good idea i'll go alone jesse's still recovering kevin's condition could worsen and hannah could snowball the woods five minutes after i leave okay i'll be the [ __ ] what if no one goes looking for her that she seems like basically a good kid but we barely know her the world's on fire and kevin's gone banana nut ape [ __ ] insane and we don't know what the [ __ ] is going on [Music] that's exactly it we don't know what the [ __ ] is going on we have to ask ourselves do we want to be the kind of people that would leave someone out in the woods to possibly die i don't want to be that person so what's the plan north until i hit the ridge then followed east she's out there i'll find her about as far as you can get in hours okay i want you back before dark with or without hannah she's not worth losing you i'll take care of myself you do the same here i guess sometimes right is better than smart [Music] anyone broadcasting you feel that feels like a happy baby doing cartwheels does that mean she's okay she's strong like her mommy like both her mommies [Music] so [Music] this isn't smart just give him a few more minutes if it were stella out there would you listen to me if i told you to give it a few more minutes of course not but i'd hope you'd try to convince me and for the record if i wasn't pregnant and nursing a gunshot wound i'd wrestle you to the ground and sit on you to keep you here instead i'll just say it again this isn't smart this isn't smart [Music] what were you thinking i was looking for you you just let her go hannah do you see anything else weird any lights no lights just this an awful lot of blood gonna need some shout out here yeah can you take watch of course no more than a few hours okay go [Music] [Music] kevin that's where hannah died kevin can you hear me we all saw the lights ally kevin [Music] come on takes full gas ignition sparks must be mechanical i can't keep working on this i got to go find hannah we have to fix it without it we don't have radio or clean water see you like after last night i'm not sure he's ever gonna wake up again that was weird as hell creepy as [ __ ] scary as [ __ ] i was going to say unusual but i can't argue your point you said lights are a common hallucination so does that make last night a mass hallucination we all saw lights right yeah i don't have enough data to form a hypothesis about last night has there been anything about lights on the radio uh a lot of stuff about helicopter lights searchlights maybe some weird stuff but i think hey kev move yourself out how you feeling fine why just didn't expect to see you up so early after last night you uh you feel up to working on this yeah dad used to have let me fix this thing with him when i was a kid remember no worries yeah i i meant because of hannah who's hannah you don't remember hannah kev what is the last thing that you remember from yesterday i went for a walk i came back here i went to bed i got up are you having any nausea any blurry vision can i see her ellie stop what the [ __ ] i'm fine sorry i'm just worried about you first time for everything right look we need the power i can fix the jenny if you don't want me to do it no no no no no you're right you do what you do we'll get out of your way what the [ __ ] was that he doesn't remember his girlfriend at all kevin's never dealt well with anxiety even when he was clean the seizures and memory loss maybe it's some sort of dissociative response to stressful stimuli you mean like some form of ptsd i'd consider murdering my girlfriend's stressful stimuli we don't know that he did anything we don't know that he didn't either the amount of blood i found the other day i can't imagine she's still alive out there and he's unstable i guess so i'll keep an eye on look we've been safe here up until now i mean there's literally nothing that draws attention to this place and the road in and out is pretty obscured but if you go 10 or 15 miles in either direction it's an entirely different story there's reports of militarized checkpoints continued looting quarantine zones you're saying things are bad no [ __ ] so what do we know officially our anton isn't the greatest we're getting everything secondhand from radio kids closest by but sometimes late at night when the weather cooperates we get something from farther out we're getting most of our federal info from a guy up in nashville and another guy down in central florida we're so close to fort benning they should be all over the air big bad government's not going to be saving your bacon this time knuckle dragger look i don't know why benny's been so quiet but in light of any official news the conspiracy theorists are having a field day right it's not the terrorists it's the aliens or rather it's terrorists acting on behalf of aliens unleashing the virus that causes the zombie apocalypse or my personal favorite the explosion at the cdc opened a gateway to hell kevin's [ __ ] false flag theory is getting some play nothing actually happened and we're all just delusional what about bites i'm looking through all my notes searching for something anything related to that the fact is whatever is happening it's getting worse not better the shitstorm outside is closing in on us we're not gonna be safe here much longer i need your help so how you feeling is that what you asked me here playing nurse for doc ally no but i get it no health questions there's marcus you want my help or not drawing a conversation seeing he is the reason we're here he's a former business associate next topic do you remember how harry died shotgun who shot him i uh i did next topic thanks for fixing that generator no worries where'd you get those parts i couldn't find any of them in the shed what's with this interrogation you accused me of something tried to crank my suv this morning found a couple parts missing under the hood i don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about dude don't lie to me i'm trying to play this off with your lost memory [ __ ] you stripped my suv you need to cut back on your inlet it's making you paranoid i see you and i know exactly what you are that's a choice you don't want to make kevin trust me [ __ ] you [ __ ] you better pray you can put my ride back together when it's time to leave yeah keep walking douchebag oh don't sick of eating mres you want to come with i guess that one's gone sorry if you're not gonna bug me with a bunch of medical questions why'd you ask me to come out here with you you know these woods almost as well as i do plus you're always a better shot you're lying okay i wanted us to have a chance to talk clear the air you've experienced some weird dramatic stuff out here you've heard what they're saying on the radio is anyone out there and i just want to know that my brother and i are okay okay you want to do this let's do this we'll start with dad why did i have to find out about dad on my own three months after his funeral are you kidding me i called every number i had for you kevin i emailed multiple addresses i reached out to your friends i drove seven [ __ ] hours to nashville to your old apartment because it was the last place i knew you physically lived i knocked on people's doors like a crazy person i had dad cremated so that i could delay the funeral and i did everything by myself because nobody knew where you were i didn't tell you about dad kev because i couldn't find you does anyone copy this transmission anyone over when you left home you mean when you kicked me out you didn't want to live by his rules he gave you chance after chance his rules changed after mom died everything changed after mom died she was the only person who could soften him even a little and and make him look at things no no i'm i'm not gonna stand here while you make excuses for the way he treated me you're right he was hard on me i need you to answer me stella i need to know that you're okay but he loves you kev i thought i was a [ __ ] you know the two aren't mutually exclusive kevin i love you and i think you're a major fuck-up i don't know if you're really clean or not this time and i don't even know if it matters anymore we're all fuck-ups does anyone copy this transmission anyone do you know why i was able to be out here when the [ __ ] hit the fan in atlanta because i [ __ ] up royally i'm not even actually a doctor anymore i ignored a do not resuscitate order this older lady her daughter brought her in i thought i was doing the right thing dad thought he was doing the right thing i realized now that we were both wrong i'm sorry that you weren't loved in the best way kevin but you were loved you still are thanks sis really it's not that i just i can't no that came from the other direction the answer be god damn it jessica honey stella sweetie it's me hey you sound so far away i'm in hell with our baby and we'll both see you soon [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] oh you still cramping can i get you something to eat are you hungry i've got dinner right did love here food i love wine and i love stuff i love you i love don't say your name please you're the best person you're one of the best people i know too jess i'm not the best [Music] i know she told me on the radio she's dead my baby's dead soon i'll be dead with you kevin jeff [Music] jess you want to be with me i know you do i can do [Music] not like this jess i said leave me the [ __ ] alone [Applause] [Music] have you seen derrick he's out patrolling the perimeter making sure there's no nut jobs out there please jess jesse [Music] jesse come on derek let's go it's time to go look for jess sun's up oh [ __ ] i got her i got her kevin come on yes wow ally oh what the [ __ ] dude she's got wounds on her arm just like mine wounds you gave me with that knife the knife i just found under jess's body he killed her out this sack of [ __ ] murdered jesse now you said she was despondent hallucinating emotionally fragile are you seriously trying to play this off a suicide she was butchered maybe you suicide maybe it was murder i didn't do it i haven't seen that knife in case no more lying you little [ __ ] come on man don't do this do this i don't know what's in the lights we've all looked at the lights we've all seen the lights they've changed us we don't know maybe the lights didn't enough with the lights [Music] secure transportation from these safe zones to government fortified locations will be provided to any civilian requesting it a convoy of transports will piss apart from locations midnight local time convoy will then procedure cq cq does anyone read departure coordinates will immediately follow this message communication will repeat indefinitely on this frequency c cube cq does anyone copy cq attention this is a us armed forces broadcast from fort benning georgia to surrounding localities under direct order of the pentagon local authorities [Music] just put back what you took out i already told you i didn't take anything then where are the parts einstein i don't know even if i had them look it's a mess in here the wires are stripped hose is cut it ain't moving i'm so sorry i couldn't see you just i love you always you remember the lights to save your ass but you forget the parts you stole from my suv you know this memory loss seems a little too convenient for me [ __ ] you derek what you're gonna shoot me now [ __ ] i don't need a gun to put a point cut stop it what is wrong with you this isn't gonna solve anything we have to work together from where we are with what we have are you calm yeah okay kevin go get the map and bring to the picnic table go kevin we walk we need to make it to safe zone alpha by midnight what's that 13 miles it's closer to 14. average person walks four miles an hour i could manage maybe three yeah but that's on flat open ground this is steep the terrain gets really rough okay let's say i averaged half that that's that nine hours which still gets us to the deadline two hours passed at the best now safe zone bravo has a 2 am deadline it's further away but the terrain is a lot easier once we get out of the woods it's all sloping hills and old farm roads that's less cover it'd leave us more exposed yeah but we have a chance of making the deadline it's gonna be really tight but i think that we could do it if we leave within the next hours let's get walking then allison and i will head for safe zone bravo you go for alpha what no [ __ ] way what about the weirdos out there you'll be fine cotton balls ellie i thought we were putting this stuff behind us we're gonna be family again kev this is not punishment it's redundancy when the alpha people get transferred to bravo if we're not there yet you do everything you can to buy us extra time before the bus leaves like what can you you could sabotage the engine [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right coming nose just give me a second okay this plane is [ __ ] it's the plan we have i know he doesn't trust me that's why he won't give me the shotgun but i don't trust him and neither should you why don't you come with me we can don't you don't trust me either kevin i haven't no it's fine you should know that i remember hannah sometimes it it's spotty like a tv with bad reception but i know that i didn't kill her just like i know that i didn't sabotage the suv and if i didn't do it then who did [Music] coming what about jesse i i honestly don't remember bye kev this isn't goodbye this is so you and a few right kevin you be careful okay yeah you too [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] valley wait up we were making pretty good time i thought we could take a break you've been quiet i was just thinking about something kevin said about the lights how's your leg you need some aspirin there's some in that pack car bars [Applause] [Music] [Music] allison [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i heard a gunshot of you whoa whoa whoa whoa why why you murdered derek probably jesse too no no i i i was following you i i heard the gunshots we had to be careful the ward we had to be quiet you were supposed to be going the other direction didn't want to leave him alone with you allie i don't know what's real the horde they're real we're to be okay we just have to trust each other put the gun down yeah we're family you're lying maybe that's the thing ali once you see the lights really see the lights the truth it doesn't matter so get that [ __ ] gun out of my [ __ ] face we both know that you're not gonna put oh sis i didn't think you had it in you oh this is gonna be a lot messier now you're my brother kevin i don't want to hurt you that's different to you and any ally i wanted to hurt you for a very very long time even before the lights told me too [Applause] [Applause] oh oh you can't leave me like that you always do the right thing [Applause] not this time [Applause] [Music] [Music] um is that new [Music] jesse [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 534,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Haven's End, zombie movies 2021, walking dead season 11, movies, full, movie, films, sci-fi, horror, drama, b-grade, comedy, hollywood, popcornflix, bigtime, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Movies, free full movies, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Full Movie, Action Full Movie, Horror Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Central Full Movie, watch free movies on youtube, latest free movies, english dub, Catherine Taber, Hannah Fierman
Id: xYkXAF8dI4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 41sec (5441 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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