Global Meltdown | Full Movie | Action Adventure Disaster Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello is anybody home hi hi there my name is karen what's yours ashley what'd i tell you about talking to strangers she's not a stranger she's karen dr karen kavanagh i'm the researcher from eastern state oh my god yeah it's a damn shame trying to offload the meat you know make up for what i lost and will but who's gonna buy poison sheep [Music] what does this one do i what about this one ashley you're talking cavanaugh it's okay i could use a research assistant and what about this one that analyzes soil samples to see if there's anything in the ground that might be poisoning the animals and this one that checks for pesticides or any other poisons that might be sprayed in the crops and this is just a camera for taking photos ashley ashley actually what happened i don't know i looked up and she was down she's barely breathing i don't have a signal dr rose's office is just on main street come on we need a hospital closest hospital is two hours away bring it back here her pulse is strong she's breathing steady now from what you said on the phone i'd say this is hypercapnia but i never heard of anyone getting carbon dioxide poisoning in an open field are you sure she wasn't locked inside somewhere cameroon what's that miss oh thank you there she is how's my baby girl i'm not a baby dad i was afraid i won't be able to finish my work without my assistant [Music] do you have a computer i can use i need to check the internet back here there's this lake in cameroon hey it's an emergency alert look at that regular programs will resume following this breaking news a mid-pacific earthquake has now been confirmed there are growing reports of a coastal disaster what you're seeing is video from our san francisco affiliate just moments before the satellite link went down it seems everything south of sacramento has gone dark all phone internet and satellite communication was lost almost simultaneously about reports of the possible collapse of the west antarctic ice sheet remain unconfirmed appears to be a major seismic event and the situation that is still developing what we know so far what is this oh hi i'm davis no i know it sounds like a last name but it's not it's my first name oh this is aaron [Music] i can't believe they're setting us up in this is it even safe to fly erin relax if i can take off in a blackhawk under fire in fallujah i think i can handle newschopper 9 with a hangover hangover getting the chopper down [Music] it's like that all the way up the coast at least as far as we went anyway it couldn't have just been a wave it went on forever like the sea levels rose you know but all at once we headed inland in santa rosa refueled a reno but there was an earthquake there and it's exactly the same in boise boise where were you headed well i've got family in bozeman but it looks like i pushed my chopper a little too hard well you're more than welcome to stay here as long as you like you'll be safe mayor that may not be the case dr kavanaugh was it karen have you ever heard of cameroon cameroon back in the 80s thousands of villagers near lake nios were asphyxiated just like barnes sheep it was carbon dioxide it hovers off the ground no more than three or four feet which is why ashley was affected but not us what's causing it lake nios is in the crater of a dormant volcano we don't have a volcano that's not true yellowstone is 90 miles from here all those hot springs i mean that place is one giant volcano you think yellowstone's a threat now look i am just trying to piece together what happened to ashley the sheep and now their story how does a tsunami have anything to do with a volcano and dead sheep the news report that was on before the tv went out it said that there was a massive underwater earthquake which would explain the tsunami the weight of that much water shifting on tectonic plates could string yellowstone to the breaking point okay but you don't know this for sure after what i've seen today i'd be inclined to take any warning look i wish someone could tell me i'm wrong do we know that everything's down landlines cell phones internet how about a cb or a ham radio oh no not him why does it always have to be him friendly not one of these survivalists please don't use that word or prepper and ms cade it's mayor wally amos we're here because well hey i know why you're here so you all can just turn around and back away from my property it's an emergency yeah i'll say it is tayotta wacky the end of the world as we know it i'll give you the count of ten wally state of emergency rules i can confiscate it wait a minute what are you trying to set him off i knew when it finally happened i'd be getting an unwanted knock at my door wally i just never figured you'd have the guts to do it hi mr cade my name's dr karen kavanagh we need your help doctor huh why don't you go ask your insurance company for help i'm not that kind of doctor i'm a scientist and i think we might be in real danger here so if we could just use your radio you're unprepared and it finally hits the fan the phones and the computers are down and you figure you'll just confiscate what's mine i'm sorry the chief shouldn't have said that see this concerns you too if i'm right your safe house might not be so safe after all don't patronize me doctor i'm not one of these country yokels yellowstone she thinks it might be priming the blow i'm not a conspiracy not either mr cade farmer barnes lost a herd of sheep to co2 venti an early warning sign of volcanic activity you sure about that no that's why i'd like to borrow some time on your radio [Music] wally you ought to let the lady doctor do all your talking and i lose the whirlybird i can still hear you yeah i know anything yet just some crazy rumors and conspiracy theories though this is kade's radio what do we know for sure nothing good one guy claims that seattle's underwater and eastern washington is under martial law yeah and there's talk of a refugee crisis in new mexico and nevada anything about yellowstone farmers east of idaho falls west of cody wyoming and south of livingston all with that livestock nothing from the authorities just the emergency broadcast recording on the military frequencies hope you're not counting on the military i did for two tours in afghanistan combat infantry desert storm 91 whirlybird man you're really good with nicknames even without confirmation from fema or civil defense i think karen's right this is a high school science teacher yeah i think i know what i'm talking about and you really think yellowstone's gonna blow even if it's not a full-blown eruption this valley could experience catastrophic quakes gas pockets hydrothermal explosions if the wind's blowing in the wrong direction an ash cloud could poison the air the reservoir or more co2 venting in one morning nobody wakes up we've been reviewing these geological maps our best bet is to head for higher ground in the rockies north of here evacuate if i'm right everything within 100 miles of the caldera is dead no warning sign no time to evacuate just dead when it blew up last what half a million years ago 640 thousand it was an area the size of los angeles it seared the earth as far as the tetons and south to jackson it was the equivalent of ten thousand mount saint helens with all due respect dr cavanaugh we're talking about half a million years ago barnes sheep died two days ago you want to wait until lava is rolling down main street look this thing is fed by a molten magna hot spot underneath the earth's crust it extends in a southwest direction across the idaho montana border we are right in the line of fire how much time do we have [Music] even if i had usgs data it would still be a guess karen what do you think 24 hours 24 hours i'd say go now if i thought that was remotely possible mayor you gotta come see this [Music] foreign everybody calm down please one at a time i can't just leave my farm mr barnes what happened to your sheep was a warning sign our best bet is to head north into the mountains for the protection of the granite bedrock why not a city spokane or boise the coast is flooded and the inland cities are choked with refugees and i saw boise it's a hole in the ground who ordered this evacuation is it a federal thing well actually i'm ordering it oh why why mayor are you sure about this shouldn't we wait until we contact the authorities wait until when until it's too late i was in san francisco we had no warning you really think my dead sheep means we gotta evacuate the whole town i do you all saw the giant crack outside the school we stay here we die out there at least we have a chance everybody calm down we don't need someone else to tell us how to react to a crisis we are intelligent people who can reason and deduce i don't need a government committee to tell me when i'm in danger don't wait for someone else to hand it to you be the hero of your own story [Music] i'll be right back [Music] final preparations for the evacuation of pleasant creek are now underway [Music] exodus residents are gathering all the food water and medical supplies they can carry for the exodus of pleasant creek she does know that she's not on the air yeah but someone's got to tell the story right let's just hope someone's left to hear it grab anything non-perishable and see if you can find first aid kits in the pharmacy oh i know what you're gonna say you have to find a way to make everyone go what more can we say you want me to force people to go i don't have that kind of manpower all i can do is order the evacuation i can't force people to do it there has to be something we can do are you sure we're doing the right thing maybe we are overreacting oh come on wally not you two i hope it's enough and this is gonna be the most valuable resource out there people might even kill for it what do you think they're gonna do when the food runs out the water just get them to the mountains all right you'll figure out the rest as you go along just face one disaster at a time you mean as we go right you're not coming i've got a sister and nephew and bozeman i i gotta see if they're all right just keep an eye on kade he's all blessed her he might be playing nice now but if things get rough he could be a very dangerous man that's what's dangerous a little spark or something a lightning strike and it's a rolling death trap i wish you were driving it well thanks i may have flown blackhawks in afghanistan but even i'm afraid of this what aaron said to time how long it took you to bring up blackhawks they'll listen to you how do you know because i would what's going on i'll give you two guesses but you only need one kate hey juice crystal kade what the hell are you guys doing protecting what's mine they're trying to steal from me nobody's stealing from you you crazy bastard we're just taking inventory what's mine is for me and my own what if i felt that way you're not gonna sweet talk me darling you ain't got nothing to protect without the rule of law first they come begging then they come demanding well your welfare state is over you can't take what's mine just because you didn't think ahead look kate we're all in this together says those with nothing to contribute you just figured since you could sucker me out of my radio that i was just a [Music] sucker [Music] go ahead take your shot who's gonna help me carry all this stuff you can't get out of your legends movie go karen i'll get the fuel truck thank you ashley hey come on oh no karen we have to save them how many lost i don't know but we can't stop here i'm here to go back i can get in the truck and i can see if there's anybody karen there's nothing to go back to that's why you have to keep it together we gotta keep moving [Music] [Music] how's ashley is having diana with her she's pretty broken up you too scared to keep riding the death trap i gotta go i understand i know how to get to triple divide maybe i'll see you there take care of yourself davis remember what i said about kade hmm where's it going something he needs to find out for himself is he coming back i don't think so [Music] so it looks like we take the i-15 to dylan then take uh highway 43. uh hold on see the problem is all this through here that's more dangerous than where we came i guess we could get off the i-15 on 278 loop around i just don't know any other way it doesn't take us on the i-15 at least part of the way i do where's your bad area doctor okay that's easy you take blacktail up to dylan or the 278. it keeps you off the i-15 yeah but how do we get to blacktail there's a mining access road that runs parallel he's past the next junction nine to ten miles up how do you know about that i was looking at some land up there for a bol and i got priced out by some hollywood types i have absolutely no idea what you just said vol is a bug out location i did a story on one of those prepper apocalypse shows yeah those shows are all garbage it's propaganda cheap are you sure about this road uh in the property that you bought i didn't buy it i couldn't afford it no yellowstone is so dangerous why is the land there so expensive i thought this whole volcano thing was just a real estate scam a cover story to scare people off you know a conspiracy huh blacktail 278. i'm sure amos doc i'm really glad to have somebody like you on our team we're not on the same team we're just traveling in the same direction [Music] time to eat guys we lost a lot of the food so make it last there we go you've done okay sweetie yep there you are thanks why did she get so much she's 10. every time i think there's a decent human being in there he does everything he can to prove me wrong [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] so so [Music] hey get out of here man this house is mine this house belongs to my sister nothing belongs to nobody no more trust me you don't want to be here no he don't hurry man [Music] get out of my house look we saw nobody here that's the truth empty your pockets now look now okay here you go [Music] so [Music] stop what do we do nothing we can do no one can survive that oh god we got to get off this ridge before there's another earthquake back in the truck sorry we gotta go ugh ah let yourself be ruled you wanted to feel safe under the skirts of mother government to feed and clothe how can they be the only one broadcasting where's that security now where's the government that said it would protect you why is someone speaking the truth so where is this damn straight they're all holed up in their mountaintop fortresses or their private space stations just waiting for the rest of us to go feral destroy each other [Music] thanks where'd you find that hey pass it here you're holding out on us hey ms kate i'm disappointed in you darling share and share like and how this is gonna play out now you're a smart girl you know that we need to work together hey i told you before what's mine is for me and my own i thought so why don't you just scare broke back the cap you can keep playing commander-in-chief all you want just remember one thing ain't no one ever ruled over me and no one ever will [Music] well go on what are you waiting for she's waiting on me hi davis mr lot mr whirlybird let's see if you have the guts to pull the trigger i ain't afraid of dying anyone who stockpiles guns hoards food and booby traps his own home is terrified of dying it's okay davis it was just a little misunderstanding he was pointing a gun at you and now you're pointing one at him let's just call this even and talk about it tomorrow with clear heads ain't nothing to talk about doc i took your measure tonight i know how far you'll go you can't say the same thing for me you remember that the next time you sneak up on me in the dark let's go [Music] are we safe here i don't know if anywhere is safe let's just hope whatever's gonna happen here already happened do you hear that is that [Music] it's ashley actually karen what happened ashley screamed that was him uh it's my fault i caught them off guard i didn't mean to scare them what are you doing here exercising my right to free speech wait a second you're the conspiracy guy the one on the radio conspiracy guy that's what i get conspiracy guy yeah well yeah that's me i used to broadcast out of my house until they figured out what i was all about then my place was bugged harassing phone calls black helicopters [Music] maybe they did me a favor if i wasn't here when the whole damn town went to hell i wouldn't be here at all do you know what's going on what happened well i i won't pretend that it isn't bad it's bad oh wait but i can show you i was able to download these before the grid collapsed this can't be it's really all possible i just can't believe it's really this bad we all know this was man-made right they let this happen on purpose they knew [Music] i hate to say i told you so but i told you so i mean i've been talking about this for years for years what about the rest of the world have you heard about anything from europe or asia go to that's exactly what they want everyone in the dark who exactly are they them the royal bay the illuminati a new world order puppet masters that control everyone cia darpa the the kremlin and what exactly do they do area 51 mkl trip gm crop manipulation weather control mind control you think that's fluoride in the water and the damn chemtrails pumping chemicals in the atmosphere making us all impotent maybe making you impotent sutton but my gear works out just fine no vince this is where you and i disagree i just don't believe that government workers are clever enough to run a conspiracy they sure as hell don't care enough actually agree with you mr cade did you assume i was just a conspiracy nut [Music] so i want to go home [Music] me too sweetie where we're going is going to be our new home we'll see of course i will whatever happens we stick together right you're my assistant [Music] equipment the antarctic is in the south right and there's uh an ancient like that that might have been before the planet shifted on its axis and the ice cap moved that was like it could have been atlantis la mora or moon but anyway it was like a major alien bank you missed all the conspiracy talk lucky me hey i wanted to thank you for coming back you saved my ass george what's he doing what is all this i mean in hearts and minds you know i'm not sure what his play is but i'm pretty sure he's laying the groundwork for a coup d'etat hey everyone got a little surprise i've been saving thought i might share it with you all why do i have such a bad feeling about this because you're smart i'm glad you're here [Music] the barrels cover your head with this and pull it tight tight as you can i'll be right back help him out help davis [Music] my all together we've got a dozen cans of food a handful of water jugs we should fill up what we can before we get out of here let me see what i can do [Music] well we got the truck running but for how long i don't know not enough fuel to get two vehicles up there anyway we'll figure something out wally aaron aaron you okay i found this well why don't you go see if it'll do any good sweetie [Music] so [Music] how is she [Music] i found this all right see for like a skinny or a paper cut i just i don't think there's anything else i can do she's already septic and she's burning up with a fever isn't there any anything make her more comfy i guess is she in pain i don't even think she knows where she is isn't that cruel i'm gonna go see if there's some broth or something we can give her um do it it's the humane thing to do you might as well pour that broth on a pile of dirt and pray for flowers do it [Music] thank you is everything okay i just kate's still in there with her i'll go back it's the right thing to do you all knew it but no one had the courage to do it leaders got to be willing to do what needs to be done and that includes deciding what to do with these bodies can't count on any more pig meat you son of a [ __ ] please [Music] come on three days into those mountains with no food you'll realize the mistake you made no mistake choice not to be an animal i don't take any joy in the idea of eating human flesh but if it's between that and dying i'll do whatever i have to do to survive see that's a line that you won't cross but i will now outlive every single one of you and you know it get in the truck karen you confiscating my gun we gave you a fair share cut of the supplies in the office we need a gun to defend ourselves that's not my problem anymore damn it cage what do we do now we follow them on foot you know any shortcuts i don't know any shortcuts i'm a survivalist i make [Music] bless the food and the water save it for ashley we have no choice we need supplies and i guess we risk i-15 hopefully we'll come across a truck stop before too long [Music] [Music] [Music] what is that oh sweet merciful heaven ah she stinks looks like she killed herself check the glove box never understand what happens to a person makes you lose the will to survive some people just lose hope it's not about hope radio man it's about will time you should start asking yourself how far are you willing to go [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh guys somebody's already bypassed the electronics i think i can get the pump working we'll make it fast whoever set this up could come back we're not the only ones looking for fuel somebody's coming just fill the pickup we'll leave the truck maybe they're friendly we gotta go what we think somebody's been living here yeah i know and they're back come on we gotta go now let's go actually let's go sweetie they're not friendly they're shooting arrows leave the truck get in everybody in we gotta go come on [Music] we gotta get that shaft out of there ah i'm serious leave it in it'll get infected and if we take it out i bleed to death lot of good options here [Music] are you sure we're still heading west we're heading west but how do you know i mean this whole thing could be some kind of magnetic reversal right north and south switching polarities even compasses would be useless the sun still sets in the west [Music] you taking a break i could sure use it no breaks for you mr shortcut [Music] how's he doing we need a hospital i sure wish doc rowe was here me too this just wasn't here oh no oh man this isn't good we're gonna have to double back we can't get through this you promised me a shortcut well i mean i didn't know how was i supposed to know the hell are we supposed to do now kate we keep moving we stop listening to anything this dumbass says how was i supposed to know you better find some hidden talents if you want to stay useful to me wally can you say well enough maybe we should stop i'd rather see a cliff before driving over it it's thick but i can see you what's that smell like burning matches that's sulfur dioxide co2 must be bonding with the water vapor should i pull over wait it out no no it could be toxic enough of a concentration you get sulfuric acid let's just see if we can push through it okay oh what the hell what happened now i i didn't do anything it just stopped pop the hood are you okay keep the window closed all the plastic is melting it's melting the car is melting what the hell is this the stuffer does whoa i need help get out of here now go guys over here over here is everyone okay davis doesn't look too good let's move on further back [Music] i'll be right there wally where are you going we need you back here wally it's too dangerous should i go after him no can you see him falling over here wally come here over here run this way it burns it's burning my eyes oh no no i need a baggage water more water no it's an acid it'll just make it worse [Music] [Music] it was a very stupid and brave thing you did thank you wally [Music] hang in there wally i'm gonna stay here right one two three hey there stranger i didn't think you were coming back to us you feeling [Laughter] good there's can you see the splotchy blurs count in this case yes no i can't see how else are you doing how's your stomach i've got to be honest karen i don't feel too good i'll get you some water no no don't don't don't go i hate to do this to you karen but you're just gonna have to be stronger all right just stop it and get them there any way you can especially ashley she deserves to have a life in a couple of days you're gonna feel so embarrassed about this speech you just gave i really wish i'd met you before the end of the world don't do this davis funny all these blackhawk missions and i get taken out by a little missed [Music] do this [Music] [Music] [Music] they've been here okay relax they're just nervous wouldn't you be let me take care of it hey there we're just looking for some people to pass through here don't worry we don't want any trouble hey hey there's no need for that maybe we can help each other you got something i want i got something you want tell me what happened to the folks in that truck and i'll serve you dinner what dinner served [Music] ready yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] mommy look at that [Music] you think there's fish in there it's a river wally a beautiful mountain river [Music] let's go [Music] hey did he catch one all right [Music] after what we've been through it seems this is the finest meal i've ever had clean water stars in the sky this is the new world order count me in i wonder if they made it kade probably ate them that's not funny [Music] he might have i like vince he wasn't such a bad guy crazy but the world was a scary place even before all this happened for some it's easier to have someone else to blame it was them they did it [Music] makes it seem less random maybe you don't have control but somebody does anyways we should all probably snuggle in and get some sleep tomorrow we gotta start on shelter first light oh my god what she fell in the river that's not all i found you left it worried see you i'm thinking if ashley hadn't screamed he would have killed us all in our sleep okay i forget yeah listen to me very carefully get them and head up reverse far as you can and don't stop until you find some place with some cover i'll catch up to you if i can the last thing davis asked me was to make sure that ashley got a chance at life and i'm gonna do that karen i'm not losing anyone else i think all the survival stuff's gone to your head how are you gonna handle cade huh i may not be a survivalist but at least i'm prepared get them to safety larry volgo i'm counting on you [Music] [Music] i was really hoping you'd be bringing that bottle with you i knew friends weren't happy about having to give it up you okay don't worry about her she's just fine let her go kate this sweet little lamb i don't think i could bear doing that she's just cute enough to eat so why don't you put that scattergun down because you're making those boys [Music] twitchy come to me ashley come on over here don't this isn't something you can win karen it's not a negotiation there's nothing you can offer me that i couldn't just take from you and what is it that you want kade i want my radio back you know if it wasn't for you i'd be safe and sound with all the confidence at home right now if it wasn't for me you'd be dead in a hole in the ground where pleasant creek used to be don't bid ons i'll tell you one thing i wouldn't be out here in the middle of nowhere with nothing to eat if you're mad at me take it out on me let the girl go it's not gonna happen you took everything from me and now i'm taking everything from you and i do mean everything you know you were wrong kate wrong about what karen being a leader isn't about who's willing to take it the furthest or choosing the right path it's about how far is too far and knowing when to stop i'll write that on the mark if we leave over your bones after we lick them clean [Music] damn all right come on come here baby oh hey [Music] bye [Music] oh my god we didn't think that they'd find you they wouldn't let us go along what is this i'm not your face how'd you find them they found us come here ashley come on let this nice lady take a look at you you sit next to mayor wally it's okay they have to check us out before they let us in and where who are they but it's then which just like vince said a new world order they have a bunker that goes down 20 stories i don't care who they are as long as we're safe they could use something relevant now so we trade our freedom for security kid was right about one thing [Music] you're conspiracy now [Music] what was that acronym kate used to use geo toki or tiotiwaki the end of the world as we know it i'm not sure what to believe anymore it's gonna be a long winter [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
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Keywords: movies, full, movie, films, classic, sci-fi, horror, drama, comedy, popcornflix, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Movies, free full movies, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Full Movie, Action Full Movie, Horror Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Central Full Movie, watch free movies on youtube, latest free movies, english dub, latest hollywood, V Movies, Global Meltdown, full disaster movies
Id: hN776kEp9H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 56sec (5216 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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