Vanished: Left Behind (2017) Full Movie | Dylan Sprayberry | Tom Everett Scott

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[Music] you [Music] staring back at me in the mirror but there was a day when i was free not a care that i could see so could i barely could believe that it was happening oh [Music] [Music] when i was [Music] she was beautiful [Music] she how do we end up like this living lives that we don't care about [Music] too busy fixing [Music] so good i barely could believe that it was happening oh take me back again [Music] she [Music] now this particular specimen dates back to the plethorillium period the plethorillium period yeah yeah very big with the plethorillium stegosaurus whatever it tops oh i thought that was a new app where'd you get this one again gibbard woods camping trip with my dad three years ago nice how's he doing living the small-town life what's this one i picked up when you asked me to homecoming oh yeah eff's at fhh firestone high homecoming and by bff i assume you mean brilliant fetching finlandian man that's exactly what i meant checked instagram lately last time i looked we were blowing up 214. what that's a lot of likes josh has a lot of friends isn't it time for us to go annie's mom said she could eat over good we have a few minutes i'd love to hear more about homecoming he's got to go yeah i gotta go maybe another time is harlow say hi to your folks tell your mom i loved your chicken salad recipe i will be careful walking home yeah into the hall is a dangerous neighborhood so are you and josh still best friends yes we're still just friends are you sure the two are so cute together can you please just stop honey i just want to know what's going on in my daughter's life a little late for that hey are you okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my god my wife [Applause] she was right here [Music] mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] we're sorry [Applause] [Music] [Music] so claire annie gaby it's me are you okay i was afraid i'm fine i'm fine where's claire i don't know i didn't see any empty clothes you know about that my parents their bodies are they're gone my mom too what is going on i don't know if claire's clothes aren't here that means she's alive somewhere where would she go josh look she wasn't here when it happened she went for ice cream hey [Music] get away from her hey i'm just take back off are you okay no he helped me when those guys came in and danny she disappeared it's okay safe in here she looks pale give me some water i'm pastor barnes this is our church i'm josh i'm gabby this is my sister claire my name is flynn and he's not with us do you know what's going on the believers are gone others believe this would happen someday our church made these to explain i guess i never really believed we'd use them there are computers in the other room watch it take it to heart i wish i would have it's not going to be easy going forward dad i've been calling and calling i couldn't get through do you know where your mom is she's gone she was right there and then the next minute she was just gone it's happening here too dad dad i want to talk to daddy there's no signal he'll call back what did he say what are we supposed to do claire hang on wait what's that smell it's a gas leak head to the door [Applause] get in and go where come on oh hey what are you doing we can't stay here this way where are we going this is where you take us what was your plan right nothing we can't stay here will you please stop gabby where's mom we need to get small i don't know where she is you were with her where is she i don't know we need to get out of the city we can go to my dad's but we need to find mom she's going to be looking for us claire let me think i'm not leading without mom where is she she's gone okay she's gone clear get away from me let go hey hey look at me all right it's okay we can't stay in the city if we can get to the train tracks we can follow them to albert i can find my way to my dad's from there no not happening it's not your call you kidding me we don't even know him i can't deal with this right now it's fine we have to go i'm hungry how long is it a while hey maybe we should have told them what's back there they should have told us what's ahead [Music] where is everybody they can't all have vanished can they well somebody did this i was just looking for food us too have you heard anything about what happened no have you well there's nothing left here good luck [Music] i don't have answers and [Music] this isn't easy this isn't clear and you don't need jesus till you're here with a heart [Music] you want some more water nope you should drink or you'll get dehydrated i'm not a baby gabby i'm 11 years old [Music] i didn't mean to tell you about mom that way i know i just need someone who could help me get some sleep this isn't clear and you don't need jesus till you're here [Music] breaks [Music] it was like they just disintegrated how does that happen i don't know maybe it's some kind of chemical warfare that makes everyone disappear at the same time i'm tired and hungry so am i what happened to the people i don't know their clothes are here but they're not just like with annie where'd they go i wish i knew sorry about your mom did your parents disappear a long time ago hey we found some bread and peanut butter great claire loves peanut butter what about targeted radiation terrorists with x-ray machines like it i got a signal sorry all circuits are currently busy i've seen it before seen who before flynn you know him i don't know him i've seen him a couple times you know where the homeless guys are by the old fountain gabby hello shut up what what about an alien invasion makes about as much sense as what you guys are saying the pastor at the church he said the believers are gone believers you mean like people who believed this was gonna happen hey i recognize this place we're almost there that's dad's truck dad daddy claire where's my dad well hello where is he your dad eric harlow where is he gee honey afraid we don't know the house wasn't due one week out here come on let's leave we're not leaving they are you got a mouth on you don't you hey it's all good gabby here oh it won't open go go go they're coming this way ugh forget it they're not coming back gabby my leg it's okay it's okay hang on claire you're gonna be okay it hurts i know claire i know but i need you to calm down okay i saw this big farm it's not too far i saw some women there hello please we need help please open up my sister cut her leg she's lost a lot of blood later on the bed okay all right there you go hey what's your name sweetheart claire i'm sarah uh she cut her leg on some glass it's okay my sister's a nurse is she gonna be all right uh well first i gotta clean the wound and then we will see what we got what's your name gabby claire's my sister well gabby i'm gonna take really good care of your sister but right now i need you guys all to step out so i can work no i'm not leaving her come on boys your little friend's in good hands sarah's as good as any doctor or better she doesn't need a piece of paper from some college to prove her worth come on i'll give you the tour and get you something to eat this shouldn't hurt now all right i'm gonna stitch this so you might not want to look i'm fine you got a lot of medical stuff here yeah that's my brother for you prepared down to the last detail although i never believed we'd need it all the fruits and vegetables even the grains and meats all grown right here thanks larry who are these people neighbors people who walked in everyone laughed and i said i didn't trust the system now they're all hoping for a handout i mean i'll share but everybody has to contribute how long have you been here i got here right after everybody disappeared just like everybody else but damon's been building this place for a long time years isn't this sort of a big place for one person yeah well my brother's always been a bit different when i was chasing after boys and riding horses in junior high he was building a wind turbine in the backyard wow yeah we always thought he'd end up at mit or harvard and he could have they wanted him but life went in a different direction all of this will soon be hydroponic gravel for root sport instead of soil the crops will get a balanced mixture of all the necessary ingredients in a liquid form intense yeah it is sort of intense but my method yields 10 times any conventional agricultural method here smell no i'm i'm not really an herb guy it's rosemary we're gonna have it with the chicken tonight it's really delicious oh let me guess you go chickens too free range we feed them scraps the chickens fertilize the vegetation and we both have created this complete perfect loop here sanctuary sanctuary mm-hmm you know the word yeah it means a place where people can escape to and a place that people can live without interference or fear of reprisal reprisal from what from whatever damon always said the time would come when people couldn't rely on the government or modern conveniences people eventually would have to survive on their own does he know why all this happened well he certainly has his theories it's not a theory what's happening is we're suffering the effects of an emp emp electromagnetic pulse it's complicated but basically an emp is a short burst of electromagnetic energy which causes a solar storm our world relies almost exclusively on computerization and the electricity that feeds it the cmp whether natural or man-made has disabled civilization as we know if it's man-made who made it the north koreans have been working on something like this for years or maybe it's even beings that we don't even know exist either way everyone was completely unprepared except me i get how an emp could take out all the technology but it doesn't explain why everyone disappeared my guess is it has something to do with certain individuals electromagnetic makeup so the emp just vaporizes people that's a simplistic way to put it but yes it's conceivable this guy back in the city said something about how the people who disappeared were believers right that's a fringe religious theory believers who believe in the right god in the right way get zapped up into heaven without warning oh so what if you become a believer afterwards people just keep getting zapped up oh no they think it's a one-time occurrence it doesn't need to make sense people rely on religious superstitions because they don't understand something i'm a man who deals in fact not fiction and never fancy there she should be just fine we're just gonna have to watch her fever we were lucky we found you oh i'm just glad i could help do you live around here no we're from the city my mom was one of the ones who disappeared i'm sorry but my dad's still alive he didn't live too far from here maybe you know eric harlow did he ever come here no sorry but maybe he uh maybe went to look for you in the city if you're my daughter that's what i would do when i built this in places people thought that i was crazy you know they were the same ones with their careers and families and tin gods but that world's gone now suddenly i'm the sanest guy on the planet you're right chicken's delightful okay her fever has dropped a bit you two can hold down the fort for a little while can't you yeah okay thank you she seems cool but uh i'm not gonna lie her brother's a little weird so is this place what do you mean i don't know just just the vibe as soon as claire is better i want to go back to the city anyway my dad might be trying to find us yeah it's probably your place right now i'm pastor vernon billings since you're watching this the promised event of first thessalonians 4 17 has happened people you know and love have vanished and you've been left behind i know right now you're feeling lost and afraid and it seems like the world has gone crazy and in a way it has but i'm here to explain to you what has happened and that there's still hope for you one minute i'm standing there talking to my mom and the next minute everything just at least i still got her yeah she's a good kid she said she's seeing you before i did sort of meet her once she gave me her french fries one day you know just stuck with me how long you been on the streets about a year what about your parents they lost custody drugs oh yeah i bounced around some foster homes then i left you know it's messed up sometimes but uh you just steal i thought we had it bad compared to you my mom drank a lot dad worked all the time he was just being clear pretty much the last few months i think my mom was trying didn't drink talked about god started going to some church she seemed like she changed but i don't know this doesn't matter now you just deal right you know hey what's up i was just gonna show you the thing the pastor gave us what let's see the event that has happened is called the rapture believers have been caught up with jesus in the air to spare them from the coming tribulation on earth you seriously believe that i seriously don't know well it makes just as much sense as emps are chemical warfare oh i better get some sleep what it would be rude to point out that you snore loud massively loud so i won't good to not know something for your collection tonight was homecoming wow yeah high school feels like 100 years ago [Music] may i have this dance of course [Music] show me how to be brave hold me till the sun drives all the shadows away after all this time you make me feel a [Music] [Music] we've been friends for a long time bff said fhh it's okay [Music] hey welcome back such a long time how do you feel i like a sword you're an awful dancer [Music] is a new beginning [Music] some water thanks farming seemed so much easier on tv maybe i'm just a wimp trust me before i get here the only blister i ever got was unscrewing my nail polish bottle let's see damon's already put you to work yeah lucky me i'm gabby by the way rachel what's with the gun supposedly for protection that is better to not ask too many questions rachel you ever meet anybody here named eric harlow he's my father no sorry i've gotta go be right back you okay hey come on maybe i should just go home now i mean my dad's obviously not here he's back in the city looking for us i have to find him for claire i should go with you but she can't walk that far i don't want to leave her i wonder if i go home and he's not there hey hey it's gonna be okay but what if it's not okay hasn't been that great up until now he just can't be dead [Music] it wasn't right between us and it's okay it's not okay [Music] it's okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you want to go back not yet are you tired no i was just thinking about my mom you miss her a lot don't you yeah i still don't get it i mean why did she just disappear because she was a believer that's what the other guy said what does that mean a believer did your mom ever talk to you about god yeah but i didn't listen didn't seem to have too much to do with me i didn't listen either but it was predicted that the believers went to heaven do you believe that i do now but there was this pastor we saw don't pastors do a bunch of good stuff why didn't he go to heaven well it doesn't really work like that your job doesn't make you a believer and you can't really do enough good stuff it's more like a gift something you're given not something you earn do you think i could become a believer if that's what you really want but if i'm supposed to pray or something i'm not sure i know how to do it right oh don't worry it's just talking to god i supposed to close my eyes you can do whatever you want god will hear you either way jesus this is clear look a path try to keep up all right come on [Music] get in i said get in hey you really think this is a good idea you want him to listen to you don't you how else are we gonna build this thing this is no joke it's us or them don't you get that shut up you keep that up and you're gonna stay in there another day come on gabby that was right back wait what's happening where'd you go answer them where'd you go they're going for a walk something wrong with that let's go talk to damon see what he has to say you too you like it here gami it's okay i guess buy you flynn like josh said chicken's delightful well at least we agree on that i owe you guys an apology for what i should have made it clear i should have told you right away those woods were off limits so why'd you guys go out there this is bogus come on sit down there's a problem people understand that i'm offering survival they trust me with their lives with that trust comes respect respect for me respect for the rules and respect for the concept that i lead and they follow so i'm gonna give you another chance what did you see out in those woods trees sit down damon they're not obeying the rules let me hand them they trust me just tell me what you want please make them understand how we do things here are you okay i'm fine come on we gotta get you guys out of here claire wake up gabby shh why don't you tell me my dad was here he's not daddy's here i saw him damon's got dad and some others they're prisoners wait what yeah i saw them at some place out in the woods but i'm sure you don't know anything about that either it must have happened after the fight damon lost it one night when i contradicted him in front of a group he went after me your dad stepped in and a couple other guys but the next day they were all gone damon told me he asked them to leave and they left so i just thought that your dad went to look for you like before we before yeah he was going to get you when he had the accident you mean the truck all he could talk about was getting back to you as soon as he got better so after the fight i just assumed that that's where he went maybe i should have known differently damn it could never let anyone walk away i'm sorry now please we really have to leave follow me all right come on okay come on here i got you okay you got it you okay okay and are you sure you can find your way in the dark aren't you coming with us no i'm still needed here but i'll be praying for you okay and i'm really sorry that i didn't tell you your dad had been here i did that for your protection i know okay all right you gotta go be careful [Music] dad gabby daddy are you okay it's okay honey gabby it's not safe i need to get you out of here careful [Applause] daddy let's go let's go oh my god what do you mean he's gone how has he gone i don't know somebody must have helped him you know if anybody finds out what we've been doing it's gonna be bad no one's gonna find out anything cause we're gonna find him and he won't be coming back to talk to anybody what you know what i mean look i've done some things in my life but killing somebody i'm open to suggestions way i see it they forced our hand we need to get you away from here get you someplace safe hey but what about everybody else we have to help them i will help them but not until you're safe all right we'll see how claire's leg feels after she's had a chance to rest i'd like to keep moving if she can i'm really sorry gabs for what for not protecting you for leaving you and claire when i couldn't hold things together anymore it's okay we managed now you managed but only because i forced you to it's whatever no no it was wrong i made a lot of mistakes and you suffered because of them before uh a lot of us went through life just trying to get by i paid the bills did what we needed to do just looked for whatever comforts we could find i never really thought about where we all came from or how we fit in or where we all go when it's over but everything's different now and it can't be ignored i need to talk to you about what's happened what it all means and what do you think it all means well i believe no i'm sure why we weren't taken and why others were what your mother was the believers are all gone you're seriously gonna get religious on me no religious no it's not about religion it's about what i've seen uh it's the only thing that explains what happened and it's why i believe now too you yeah me suddenly this all seems different not just some accident i want you to know what believing means save it dad okay okay i've heard it mom gave me the hole jesus came down and jesus died stuff i mean it's fine if it works for you but but you've seen it with your own eyes miracles are everywhere gabby if you just let yourself you'll see them jenna you helped me didn't you yes i did are you too stupid to realize you just jeopardized everything damon i love you but you've got to stop don't ever tell me what to do dad no you're gonna be okay you're right i know where i'm going guess but i couldn't let you die i want you and your sister there too believe daddy daddy you know where i have to go back right because of dad he wasn't gonna leave those people there we can't either we mark the spot so we can find you when we come back see that road if we're not back by the time it gets light start walking it'll lead to a farm or town you're coming back i know claire but you have to promise me you are coming back i asked god to keep you safe we know what we're doing right i'm good yeah if one of us doesn't make it you have to keep going we have to get back for claire no matter what let's hit it then hello who is it i'm a friend of eric's i'm gonna get you out uh they'll be coming any minute i've almost got it hey hey hey the fire set the passageway was locked um eugene it's just us here put it down we were supposed to be with the kids at the lake house the kids loved the lake house you don't want to hurt us right i was just trying to keep them safe i swear i am not this guy i know i know we're walking out now okay i swear i'm just a dad i know i know rachel pass the word we're leaving come on [Music] sarah gabby i'm gonna get you out sarah you know where the key is damon's got it but you can't be here it's not safe i'll be right back you don't have much time okay it's fire nikki come on hey boys come on come on get the blankets get the buckets come on come on come on come on where is everybody i knew it i knew you were gonna be okay okay have you seen gab here josh no they'll be here don't worry should we have everybody yeah where are the keys i got oh my god oh my god i'm ugh i don't know which is which i'm all over it you know how to drive let's hope so he's coming um there's a dirt road around the next van we can lose him hang on stop the car stop the car i've got to get clear i'm coming with you okay there's an abandoned farm at the end of the road go we'll meet you there [Music] daddy we gotta go okay hey where'd she say the farm was do we even know if we're going in the right direction not so easy to hide in the light is it [Applause] uh let's go hey guys [Applause] this is very exciting but you're wearing me out we have to get back to the woods hello are you listening i'm talking to you [Applause] so ah [Applause] so stay there go go he's coming grab on go without me no i'm not leaving without you take my hand take my hand just stop okay can i say you can move just let us go shut up choose what choose between your cute little boyfriends i don't need both of them choose who goes gonna let you decide i i'm not gonna hurt you i need you at sanctuary but i can't have the two of them they're troubled together i just need one of them to do the heavy work no you can't just i said choose no no you can't say no you don't listen how can i explain this so you hear me hear me hear me life is full of choices hard choices i had to choose between being a leader or a follower and that was not always easy no it's my world you can pray to me jesus kill him both no i said oh you doing okay yeah i just keep thinking about today what are the chances you know that everything worked out the way it did i don't know i guess we got lucky maybe it wasn't just luck maybe it was something more than that so it's a beautiful night dad maybe you're right hard to believe it was all an accident god jesus i don't really know what i'm supposed to say but i'm ready to do this if you are i believe where are you gonna go we're just gonna try and find some food i wanna come too no we still don't know what's out there you should stay here with everyone else there done i didn't know you knew how to do fishtail mom taught me she taught me too i used to love it when she'd comb my hair me too you know why didn't you come with us when did the power come back up day before yesterday approximately 75 of chicago is back online reports all over the country and even internationally hong kong england russia are much the same shelters are being set up already all over the city people are starting to go back to work the military has set up curfews and barricades to maintain order it's time to go home i don't know if i'm on the right road up is down it feels like i'm all alone and your voice goes round thank you sarah are you sure i can't talk you into staying we need to figure out there's anything left at home my friends are there they need to know what really happened okay [Music] i'm going to miss you you'll visit though right only if you promise to visit me [Music] [Music] [Music] and your eyes [Music] and my heart goes [Music] i'll keep on fighting for you keep on fighting for me a new deceptive darkness that will pervade the world scripture tells us in revelation 13 that the whole earth will be amazed and follow after the beast this beast is a great deceiver the antichrist he will be drawn to this man as he masquerades as a savior forming a one world government for a world craving direction and order it as daniel 8 24 says his power will be mighty and he will destroy mighty men and the holy people [Music] not what is it [Music] i won't give up on you i won't give up on you please don't give up one day [Music] looks like things are getting back to normal yeah whatever that is now we come together at a crossroads between fear and hope between disorder and integration between civil regression and a global community we have restored calm to the world so let us rise to this moment and put aside our differences and move forward with one accord into one new world a world where everyone is free from oppression where humanity reigns supreme this world used to live only in our imaginations who's he you don't know a dream that's nikolai who's that he's within our grasp he's the guy who's going to save us all join me as we move from all that separates us to all that unites us under one government under one currency under one belief there is no need for doubt he scares me he scares me too there is no need for fear you are all safe trust me [Music] if we found out that the world was gonna end on tuesday morning what would everybody do [Music] it's funny how the thought of that can make some things real important and a lot of things seem pretty worthless too but i'll be there [Music] [Music] now that i think about it maybe i always is gonna end like should [Music] the world [Music] [Music] love to anybody who came close enough to listen and if someone had done me wrong i'd call it tell him i forgot and then i'd be dancing [Music] [Music] now that i think about it maybe i should always live like the world is gonna end [Music] through the [Music] [Music] but we know that you are god yours is the victory and we know there is more to come that we may not yet see so with the faith you [Music] come alive come alive [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh oh come on [Music] [Music] oh come on
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,488,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Full Movie, EncourageTV, Movies, Christian movies, Faith, Dylan Sprayberry, Tom Everett Scott, Mason Dye, Amber Montana, Science Fiction, Vanished, Vanished Full Movie, aftermath, rapture, Post Apocalypse, survival, Vanished Left Behind movie, Vanished Left Behind full movie, Vanished Left Behind 2017, eschatology, christian film
Id: EjchTndBYkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 7sec (5287 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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