Whitetail | Full Movie | Crime Survival Thriller | Tom Zembrod | Dash Melrose | Deer Hunter

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[Music] um so [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so time i reckon darryl how are you sir oh you know what to say my cause we're just hitting the brass bra but i'm here and i'm vertical so it ain't too bad who's young out there's donald he's my nephew tom's son this is his first hunting trip afternoon place looks exactly the same daryl you getting much business these days old time time yeah well hella hardly been here been over in waco with mary's family but all got left now so you need to stay close what's obliged now that will put you in a camper 25 yards outside of that uh marker there brought propane food i'm assuming don't worry daryl i told him you weren't exactly motel 6. yeah yeah nearest town's about an hour's driving north but they got a walmart and that other one there he got a target you still got whitetail out here yeah we'll tell truth to hadn't seen much of anything but it's always nice to get out of the city [Music] brother-in-law yep a bit of an [ __ ] yep yeah but uh i try to take it easy on him and the boy his wife passed away last month she's my sister all right so damn shame frank started to hear that with uh donnie and his condition we're just we're trying to work things out to be honest it's overwhelming funny in the head ain't slight gifted for sure boy i can draw like van gogh but not all there yeah well if y'all need uh anything just follow that road right up there 300 yards to my place huh okay uh y'all be careful out here don't go with himself last night propane ain't working motel 6. um [Music] down and grab your gear and bring it inside go now [Music] so [Music] [Music] so we wasted money on the [Music] i propane he had hunters coming at her all the time [Music] i should have went to broken bow like i said well forgive me for trying to stay close to home donny's got to be at school on monday time i'll go alone it'll be easier that way i'm gonna see if i can fix the damn propane donnie come over and sit next to me [Music] [Music] you know we're doing tomorrow right hunting [Music] all right gave me the spiel about deer and how they're skittish and all [Music] i never spoke to you about snakes [Music] and i didn't drive all the way out here for you to get end up bitten by one now people say that snakes hibernate in the winter well that's a load of horseshit they're out here they're scarce but they're out here [Music] and if you don't step or i step you just might get bitten by one [Music] you're getting bitten by one [Music] i'm gonna have to drive you all the way back into town to see a doctor [Music] ain't no doctor out here you understand [Music] why do we kill it's just what we do [Music] me [Music] [Music] uh you know i got the propane working you're late it's damn near seven we should have been going already make us hot chocolate and he's gonna drink coffee what i packed his hot chocolate that he likes you know when i was younger and i went hunting with my father we drank coffee he's gonna drink coffee donny here swallow it down and let's go they got a stock pond around here yep so you know your way around here pretty well well enough to get around let's talk puns that way it's really easy to find donny well if he's got a stock pond i suspect we'll find some deer around there we aren't wearing those it's safe tongue jesus donny you know when i went hunting as a kid we didn't have to wear yellow vests so [Laughter] so [Music] donny come over here [Music] come on now just like at the gun range all right slide your hand in right right [Music] steady deep breath set your sights on your target exhale and slowly squeeze the trigger [Music] oh [Music] take the shot [Music] well that's that i thought you said you missed i thought i did [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] oh jesus [Music] hey he's still alive i already checked shot in the gut my though oh my god john told me we were the only ones hunting out here look at him handle him gotta help him god damn tom what are you doing we ain't helping him until we know who he is the man's been shot he's dying for god's sake he shot in the gut why who shot him why the hell is even out here got to be smart frank i'm sorry please who are you what happened please i can't feel my feet what the hell are you doing man's been out here god knows how long we got to get him warm who shot you look if you don't answer me i swear to god yes jesse son of a [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] dying all right i'm going to see if you got a bullet in your gut you tried one goddamn thing i'm going to put another bullet in you just do it right down on this okay you ready ugh so i need a fire now hey i'm a cracker jack shot with this you pull out anything other than a blanket why are you doing this i'm looking for a friend i'm pretty sure he wandered into your property i got a lot of property yeah i know i spent the night walking in circles freezing my ass off i'm assuming that uh hear the blood out we're just gonna make his way over here looking for help until then you and i are gonna get comfy what's your name old man i'm jesse i'd rather know as little as possible about you mister just being honest i want you to find your friend and i want you to get off my property as soon as possible no no no no no no no i'm afraid it's not going to go that way mister hey i'm just being honest winks names daryl winks yeah my father used to read that [ __ ] you kidding me lure some more is a legend in his neck of the woods best western right on this side of the moon baloney uh so you know how to get the darrells from here no i do from the camper but out here at night i just walk in circles i thought you said you'd been out here hunting before excuse me for being a little out of sorts i didn't expect to come across a man's shot to hell all right i guess we'll wait till morning then we head out to the camper why are we gonna get him there can't walk did i say anything about taking him with us i can't just leave him out here we get to the camper then we can go to darrell's tell him where he's at he'll call the sheriff done he's gonna either die from a bullet wound or freeze to death get your gun frank [Music] probably just a critter why don't you relax oh all right poor kid his first hunting trip we don't even get the hunt at least he saw a deer more than my first time remember virginia planned that trip for months i quit my job because they wouldn't let me off for it and we're on the interstate and the goddamn truck dies ashley was so pissed at you i could never figure out why my sister was an odd one that's for sure yeah that was what 10 years ago oh no wait donnie wasn't even born yet it must have been more like 16 or so frank try to rest it was oil what she was mad at me because i forgot to change the oil that's why the truck died that's why we missed that trip i miss her i don't feel bad for telling you i think you could have done better while she was alive you just hunted ate slipped she needed you so did i and barbara they needed you more than anyone especially with this condition i worked frank that's what a man does in this world he provides for his family i did what was demanded of me and you you don't even have a family so you don't even know what you're talking about [Music] yeah yep you did just enough providing you know you walk around thinking you're a [ __ ] cowboy well i got news for you you ain't no cowboy you work in a factory you drive ashley's mazda when you're not hunting it's a 90s wake the [ __ ] up you might as well be dead to donny too because you sure as hell ain't here no more i know you hate her for it and i'm just sitting the way she did it i reckon i'll never know why she did it i have my suspicions so the way i look at it it's your fault she's dead not donny's if that's what you've been thinking you're wrong it's your fault uh crap [Music] where you going old man well if you want me to help you find your friend tomorrow i'm gonna need my sleep tonight sit you want to help me find my friend it's awfully nice of you you know what i'm gonna do to him when i find him don't you i'm gonna put him down like a dog that's if he's alive [Music] you want to be there when i do it you ever seen a man die [Laughter] hey when's the wife gonna come pick you up [Laughter] why do you ask [Music] well i need wheels i gotta get off this shit-smelling property no bother for me at all to put you down [Music] tomorrow afternoon good good you and i can stay warm until then maybe best friends when this is all said and done [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] skull [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i don't suppose one of you good samaritans would be willing to hand me my property there would you holy [ __ ] where are my manners my name is davey that that backpack that you got there is um well that's that's mine i'm sure would be nice if you could just hand it back over here why you got all this money so that that right there that is what you boys might call a fresh start see me and me me and my little brother we uh we're looking to relocate and that is all of our savings looks like you robbed a bank if you ask me well i didn't ask you i'm i'm sorry i i don't mean to be so agitated i don't know if you fellas have ever been shot and had to sleep out in the freezing cold for two days but oh i'm in a bad way and i really need your help we'll help you just as soon as you stop lying that's fair i've done enough sinning for one lifetime that money is from a bank see me and my little brother we're just looking to start fresh you know we're trying to make our way to the philippines see that money right there that is god's money it's true i i'm looking to start a church so as i can get out there and lead all them filipinos god's loving life did you know did you know that in some parts they don't even have a religion it's um it's like their minds are dark into it a bank robbing christian in the middle of [ __ ] texas this is the worst hunting trip i've ever been on why don't i say we do this why don't you make it worth your while all right and what's done is done the law don't know where out here you you boys could help yourself to a little of that and then maybe help me and the rest of my money get out of these woods and then me and my brother we will keep you safe i don't make it a habit helping criminals mister saving for that matter well maybe it's not so much you saving me as it is me saving you see while i'm here trying to set myself on the straight and narrow and do things according to god's plan my little brother he's well he's not quite a christian who they broke the mold when they made little ricky something else the way he cuts up a person it's like a artist with a brush i tried to save him from his evil ways but he's uphill battle god's love just can't seem to find his cold dark heart so if you fellas can find a way to get me and my money out of these woods i will do my best to keep him off of you tom let's we can get just the camper from here and then get to daryl's call the cops get him here tom is it is it tom tom listen you really should take this through heart i mean real hard you know you can do the right thing but you boys have a chance to save me and walk out of here at 10 or i'd say even 15 000 richer than you was when you came in that's a damn sight better than the old buck ain't it if we take him to daryl's him and his brother will try to kill us so we do what i said we get ourselves to darrell's without couldn't live with that he can get away with what he's done his brother could get here and find the money so this is none of your business being a father is think about dawning we're gonna get as far away from you as possible excuse me boys what is the plan here who's jesse what's that last night you said someone by the name of jesse shut you that's right that is one more reason why you fellas need to find a way to get me out of here jesse is a double-crossing son of a [ __ ] he's out here looking for me too between him and ricky you boys got yourself into a pickle [Music] but i can i can help you i wanna fellas i don't have much longer out here i feel frank grab a gun this is how it is you're a big old boy too big for us to carry you so you're gonna stay right here that'll tide you over till we're back with the sheriff please don't leave me don't take my money you poor sons and [ __ ] ricky is coming he will find you and he will kill all of you don't leave me riches do not profit in the day of wrath but righteousness preserves us from death [Music] [Music] my faith god me alive [Music] [Music] uh uh you sleep then god damn tastes like [ __ ] before i walk is it to the next property well if you're going to jeremiah's it's uh maybe 25 minutes to an hour steve's lands a good hour from your own foot if you're going to his house it is often looking forward to meeting the messes she's pretty for an old lady yeah you ain't going anywhere near her is that so yeah i'll get the truck from her i don't even want her knowing you're here tell me something why is it you do the things you do is it upbringing you angry with somebody there's always a reason why you people turn so damn rotten i just like money i don't like people so robbing [ __ ] [Music] it's a perfect career hey take it easy [Music] i don't just read westerns i like reading this book from time to time seems to set me straight when i was a young man newly married to my wife i had the wandering eye [Music] proud of it i worked in the oil industry and traveled quite a bit faced temptation everywhere i went um yeah i could see that with your rugged good looks and everything now one day i didn't like who i was i didn't like what i'd become so i opened this book and started reading and now you're the perfect gentleman no one is without sin no one is perfect but the verse that really got me the one that dug right in there and changed me was uh ephesians 4 32. let all bitterness wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you along with all malice be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another as god and christ has forgiven us that's the new testament right yep well i grew up at the old testament yeah i bet [Music] i'm gonna help you find that man you got your anger in your son and i see you're struggling with who you are you don't have to be this way [Music] mr preacher i think i'll take that t instead [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] quiet quiet [ __ ] maybe it's sterile whoever's in there you slowly come on out we got two rifles aimed right at that door all right coming on out don't you i uh i reckon this be your camper uh no well we were just renting it for the weekend we're actually just out here hunting yeah hunt up uh deer i switched and helped me deer in a good long while why are you in our camper oh awfully sorry about that mighty rooted me i guess see i'm just looking for my brother and friend his i thought maybe they wound up here this is private property why would they be out here oh well just down yonder down the road on the main road across from the flames they got themselves into an accident right outside this property is that right yes sir vehicular that is he ran his damn car right into a tree now i was awfully lucky to stumble up on that car i'm just trying to track them down awfully worried about their well-being oh hey where's my manners name's ricky and uh you gents are i think it's best you look elsewhere for your brother and your friend so you just take your ass back to the main road we haven't seen them so i'm sorry we can't help you we're actually just leaving are you sure you need to learn some goddamn yeah matters just said nothing deserve that kind of talk i'm being just about as kosher as i can be kosher is that what you call it when you go through other people's things now you hold it right there you need to put your hands up right now hey how are you doing son look hey you look a little bit scared y'all know it'll be nothing to be worried about i'm just looking for two fellas one of them hey he's a big sasquatch son of a [ __ ] and the other one ah he's this ratty heavy metal looking [ __ ] now you wouldn't have never seen him where's your little man huh hey you stopped talking to him i'm gonna tell you right now you pull that gun out real slow and you place it on the ground now this pistol my daddy gave me this ear pistol you're out of your goddamn mind you think i'm gonna give it to you i don't want it i just don't want you to have it right now so slowly pull it out put it in the dirt seems to me like uh we have just gotten off on the wrong foot here boys all right see i'm just looking for my brother now his car was in a bad way when i come up on i just want to make sure that he's still alive i'm going to go on this way i'll leave you boys to your hunt y'all taking my pistol with me on account of wild creatures and such i might just need to protect myself you boys have a good day now oh now now that backpack that looks an awful lot like my brothers well it ain't he's had that since we was in high school yeah we should sneak beers in the cafeteria with it so i'm pretty goddamn sure it is now if you just stumbled on it that's fine give it on over here i'll take it from you be on my way go reunite that with my brother because he is awfully fond of it we ain't giving it to you so you just keep on walking well now i'm guessing that you took a look at what's inside you know what's inside that there bag there sneaky peeky huh no oh yeah i think so hey you point that gun at me no i think i like to point it right where it is sir please don't you boys think this is the okay corral well let's make it the goddamn okay corral now i don't know how many times you boys have pointed guns at people but i know for me this makes it a good two dozen and sure some of those times with me just [ __ ] around but most of the time i had a reason and i can tell you that in all my years of pouring guns at people you don't hesitate to pull the trigger [ __ ] [ __ ] get to the truck keys [ __ ] they're in the camper get the derrals i'll keep a pin down you tell me where my brother's at you can't [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] me you shot my [ __ ] boat oh he's a damn [ __ ] good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i think oh [ __ ] hey come here okay you're okay what happened he ran off that way i suspect you'd be back couldn't find the damn keys in the truck though that doesn't matter daryl's just 10 minutes up this road we get there and get safe we stay on this road we're out in the open not like that we can make it the way i see it there are two men looking for this backpack that psychopath back there and that other guy that shot davey jesse so even if we make it back to the house and call the authorities it's going to take him at least an hour for someone to get out here good point my point is i don't like having this backpack on us because if they find us they're going to kill us to get it but if we hide it they don't know where it is but we do i don't think they're gonna touch us okay what if they touch us to find out it seems like he's the kind of guy who would do that [Music] yeah i suppose you're right but i'd rather have some kind of advantage and none at all first thing we need to do is get off this road if we head in the same direction we're gonna run to that house right hey you gotta get your [ __ ] together we are down in this and you need to get out of it you gotta be smart you hear me so [Music] so so so [Music] my wow [Music] you can hear me the [ __ ] are you boy [Music] stay here [Music] don't come in here so so [Music] frank donnie i told you to stay up good afternoon fellas i was about to have me some lunch don't you put your guns down and you can join me i'm a cracker jack shot with this yeah i had a boy so huh [ __ ] what do i do now baby ah you're going to be mama now you're going to look your best there you go you go with god just like you intended me brother here's a sign from you in it you want me to go find our money don't you i'll go get our money and i would do with it what you wanted yeah i want you to hold on to that for me i'll be back with the rest of it i promise [Music] um you guys hunting where's daryl oh daryl well he was a purse snickety son of a [ __ ] a funny one but tats self-righteous to boot so jesus all right he mentioned them a lot yeah that's all i ever talked about over breakfast i figured since he loved him so much i let him see him sooner or later your nose don't talk to him don't he now go ahead son well a friend of mine did this no actually it was a car but he caused it that's a lie i shot him in a gut we wrecked so i guess i caused it broke my own damn nose kicker yeah it's getting late i was waiting for a ride but you love the gentleman showed up so i'll just take yours so how about handing over that key we have the money money the [ __ ] you know about money i know you touch one hair in his head you ain't ever gonna see it so i see you've met my ex-partner is he dead yet i don't know we left them out there but we got that money we know there's some other fellow out there looking for some guy by the name of ricky ricky he's here you met him yeah blew the bottom of his goddamn ear off frankie shot him in the foot but i know he's looking for us he's looking for you too [Music] where's the you're going to tell me where that money's at are you going to be seeing jesus before sunset just like old darrell there tell this one to shut the [ __ ] up keep your mouth shut frank we telling you a goddamn thing and there's a lot of land out here to bury things [Music] and if you've hurt any one of us i swear to god you will never be touching that money huh ricky that son of a [ __ ] what a character i've been seeing him work it's like watching notice with a brush like me quiet down tony [ __ ] me i'll make you a deal you let these two go i'll take you to the money right now we will hike out there dig it up when we get back i'll give you the keys to the truck and you could just drive off into the sunset ain't too sweet it's the only deal i'm gonna make [Music] i'm about to put a bull in your son's leg let it bleed for a while [Music] so [Music] i'll leave him and your boy but they don't leave this house till we get back got me yeah that's a nice jacket hey let's go i'll come back to get you force it tight hey you know it ain't gonna go down the way you told your boy right i mean that's sweet and all giving the little guys something to hope for but i know ricky's gonna stumble upon that house and he's gonna find them you seem to be pretty scared of this man yeah that scared nobody just smart i swatted at the hornet's nest and there's hell to pay doesn't sound too smart you taking money from a crazy man like that ricky don't give a [ __ ] about money no killing his brother that's a whole different story david going all soft turning to religious nut can't work with people like that time to split up so he was really going to start a church yeah that's all i kept talking about that's why i took the money i don't want to go to work like that supposed to be going to brownsville meet his crazy ass brother i swear i did what i had to do with that car you know david's the only one that could put a leash on that bar and now he's off it man sticking around see what happens come on let's go come on [Music] i'm so sorry about all this donnie [Music] i'm sorry about your mom sorry about your dad [Music] he just doesn't know how to deal with all of it [Music] so goddamn hunting trip was my idea i'm just so tired honey [Music] i'm tired of all of it [Music] nothing about this is fair and that's just you don't deserve any of this [Music] i love you uncle frank [Music] you're so nice kiddo you really are you know that i'm gonna get us loose i'm gonna get us out of here i just rub these ropes i didn't know how to tie a knot hello hell purpose oh it must be christmas holy [ __ ] now which one of you [ __ ] killed my brother isn't that cow poke to shove my ear how was he no no no no your brother he was like that when we found him it was an accident we didn't mean to show you please don't please me we didn't mean [Music] it's all right it's all right it's okay oh oh why don't you uh tell me what happened okay yeah well we got here to call him yeah i figured that that's that's awfully nice here i was just um after you took my money and you left my brother to die no no no we didn't leave him we were coming here to help him we were going to call the sheriff so he could help him he was two he had a story no no no no he was he was we were coming tell me why didn't you just take him with you i mean he was in need of hell for [ __ ] sake he took a bullet in the [ __ ] gut i know no no we weren't we were coming here because we were gonna get help for him because he was too heavy we couldn't carry him that's we were gonna go back to get him and then that's when we got here and jesse was here and he he he was uh he's he's the one who shot him and he was looking for the money you get more money didn't you oh [ __ ] oh no no no no no no no we didn't we didn't give it to me hey that's good that's good news buddy that's all good you just you tell me where you hit it and i'll give you boys your little bombing time here okay um tommy hit it i don't know where he i was there but i didn't see where he hid it you know yeah he did it i told him you [ __ ] with me i just saw the same damn treat ten times you walking me in circles wasting my time huh all the trees out here look alike listen the pond's right up over that ridge i promise it's like two three minutes tops i promise um so that's hot the sun's shining bright today i'm feeling all right today burns i sing in a tune hooray oh what a glorious day [Music] oh what do you think boy huh think this old boy here is fibbing uh i don't know i mean i got you pecker in my hand i'm about to cut it off if you think any old boy be saying something but you ain't that kind of gets me digging [Music] [Music] oh i'm just [ __ ] with you old boy it's all right hey i'm not gonna move [Music] what about you uh some kind of [ __ ] or something boy what's your deal he's autistic he's all what autism sure yeah so he's a [ __ ] then that's why he won't look at me and he's off no right he has sensory issues makes him feel safe to avoid eye contact oh is that right i want you to look at me boy hey hey you get your goddamn eyes on me boy i said look at me stop it there you go hey it's all right i'm just trying to help the boy hell i was a [ __ ] when i was a kid i ain't no more though that's not how it works you don't just outgrow it i never said i grew out of nothing no you see let me tell you a story see i used to be stupid oh i'm stupid [ __ ] and i got my ass beat and then after that i weren't [ __ ] you here before all right [Music] i think we should all go for a little walk how long ago did you say they left about 10 minutes or so all right then get back [Music] god damn jesse you got done yourself this time [Music] here we go hmm [Music] all right that's your daddy i'm awfully sorry about the way that had to work out he left me no choice i gave him the twist to end it fast like so no suffering you know most people think that an unsavory fellow like myself is a product of bad parenting that ain't so no davey and me we had model citizens for parents yeah mom and daddy that loved that cell we just uh it was didn't quite turn out sarah davey he tried to be like daddy but uh god just went in the cards uncle frank wake up uncle i don't know that's another story altogether our uncle was a mean son [ __ ] i never didn't like you i hate that [ __ ] [Music] well and this here is your uncle that must mean that that cow punk who shot off my ears your daddy i want my book i want my book i want my book i want my book i want my book i gotta wake up [Music] i want my book i want my book i want my book i want a book i'll go break off go find my daddy here yeah that tire it's buried underneath it okay well get digging come on all right come on which way oh i'm embarrassing letting recharge show me the way not a [ __ ] oh excuse me come on you slow some left move your ass boy stop [ __ ] are you doing six huh well maybe in the summer there ain't no snakes out here in this cold hell my dad said they're here they're scarce right there well it's because you dumpshit daddy don't know what he's talking about boy now let's go to the pond come on wow here we go i'm coming buddy [Music] i want you to know the only reason i ain't got you yet because i want your daddy to see one last time i just think that'd be a kosher thing to do don't you you're [ __ ] fast boy you're on track or some [ __ ] come on let's go get up hey this way dumb [ __ ] [Music] oh wait that's a lot of money [Music] my friend what's that i guess so hey now you got the hike back you got the high ground you could see him coming you take that rifle right there you can take him out right now no need to hurt anybody else you have the money and then you can just let us go well with the good news and bad news good news is your son's with him bad news looks like the uncle didn't make it hey uh you and your dad are going hunting much i think i mean dangerous going hunting with the likes of you run off shoot your daddy in the head or something [ __ ] isn't that what people like you do huh you get spells there it is [Music] hey hold up here i'm drinking hey [Music] i said it was a crackerjack shot [Music] good night can't usually hit the butts of the barn [Music] get your ass back here boy there's a gun [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you oh [Music] [Music] johnny where are you [Music] [Music] bingo [Music] you throw your rifle over that ridge and i'll let your boy go [Music] i gutted his uncle back the house you know comes easy to fail like me chilling makes no difference what age they are donny here you know what he's 16 don't matter that rifle don't end up down here donny ain't going to see 17. i'm [ __ ] with you cowpoke oh where's yeah i think that dumb [ __ ] was smart enough to save his own ass tell me something is it worth it being a do-gooder all right i'm guessing his mama be dead and his uncle showing his daddy you all alone in this world just like me maybe i'll be his daddy now i ain't got no family my brother's gone he's up in heaven meeting his maker what did you say what did you say i said uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] i couldn't take the shot [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 153,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, whitetail movie, deer hunter, Tom Zembrod, Dash Melrose
Id: BgnuoZZElWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 30sec (7170 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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