What If We Lived 1000 Years? | People Stories #436

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if humans average lifespan was 1 000 years what jobs and businesses would there be that we don't have now multi-century investment schemes imagine investing in a moon base in 2100 then retiring to your moon mansion in 3000 because you're getting up there in years and your bones can't handle normal gravity all that well or investing in a dyson swarm because the roy would be insane and you could spare a few centuries to wait for your investment to mature retirement on the moon sounds fun interesting question so much would be different i imagine youth would be considered anything under 100 or something along those lines also it might be normal to change careers though out your lifetime also how long would someone be viable that is at what point would they absolutely have to stop working for health reasons would they start to get dementia and other issuer at 800 if so that would greatly expand the elderly care industry conversely if people make it to like 990 until they need help then elderly services would be a very small industry family reunions would be huge though i think continuous education would be sufficiently more important think of how people over 70 struggle to keep up with modern computers now imagine more than half of adults were born before the modern concept of democracy good lord imagine what the supreme court would look like they would all be 900 plus years old 500 year mortgages i guess houses would have to made out of super wood or something longevity for everything would have to be better so all our materials would have to be stronger the mortgage would be for the land not the house itself memory services essentially you would hire people to meet up with you on occasion to go over the past week month year of your life and they would write it all down for you so you could remember it there would probably be tears of service like daily writers to manual writers and probably options of written memories to video memories you could make a cool book out of this about a guy with his job that starts having mild psychosis and throughout time doesn't know what memories belong to him or his customers and the entire thing is told from his fricked up point of view i think population control would be a stated and accepted goal of every government and there would be a massive state apparatus for determining who gets to have children and when it would have to be imagine if the people born right after the battle of hastings were still alive consuming resources you couldn't let everyone breed at will it would be every issue the modern world has with overpopulation urban sprawl and pollution but in overdrive i think risk aversion and risk prevention services would be a bigger industry okay sure you want to use a car but that's too unsafe you may die 400 years from your prime you just walk instead walking from buenos aires to toronto could be described as a pleasant two years adventure vacation a civil war veteran would be considered a young whippersnapper by the middle-aged founding fathers who themselves would be regaled with stories about the good old days during the crusades from the old men eating at golden corral so my answer is buffets would certainly still be a thing the only thing that i think that would be different is that recycling businesses would be different in that they'd actually be recycling if you knew you'd actually be around to see all the degradation to the environment you'd actually change it the effect is probably different for a person who is 500 years old and digs up a plastic container from his past and remembers throwing it out 400 years earlier you'd consider trees to be pets and there would be conversations like i remember my first tree and you gotta look after it a tree is for life not just for a decade global warming would be something we'd control on purpose we'd plan for a nice hot period 300 years from now and then bring it back because who has the wardrobe for that weather all decade long am i right but for jobs specifically probably interplanetary bus driver it will take seven months to get to mars so for someone whose job is to shuttle people back and forth they gotta live long and one thousand years is probably a career of only 600 round trips surely spacecraft will be able to travel faster than that though but i do see the economy being dictated by how much of one's life someone dedicates to their job of course the rich don't do any work i think pawn shops and antiques would be through the roof people wanting to get rid of their old stuff for new and then younger generations wanting the antiques like yup i've looked at this painting since 1654 i think it's time for something different we would be years back in technology because we'd still be stuck in superstitions that only died out because the people believing them did the correct answer technology and culture only advances with new ideas and new ideas only comes with new and younger people old people get accustomed to things and ideas from their youth i'd say that living 10 times more would hold us back 10 times more also we would still be living in pre-history era power would accumulate even more with the old you think boomers are insufferable now imagine someone with 500 more years to accumulate wealth this is a primary theme in altered carbon sexual education would be a religion as in don't have unprotected sex until your 800 stroke 900 years old or else we will have another food land shortage and mass extinction event like every other generation has had people would definitely already leave the earth the short lifespan is a big obstacle on having to fly to another solar system since it results in lots of other issues good point so space travel companies and astronauts and stuff like that would be way more abundant pretty sure planet well-being would be a lot more important so you would have terraformer as a profession and all the rnd towards changing back the climate effects would have a higher value collecting space trash collecting the pacific garbage patch stuff like that also space travel would get a huge boost i wouldn't hire a person less than 300 years old and then you have to work for minutes wage for 100 years before you get a raise and a promotion only hire workers with 250 years of experience with a skill or tech that has been around for 50 years there wouldn't be any type of construction jobs or jobs that have a high death rate if so those jobs would probably pay a lot higher or maybe they would be made by people in their 800s who are just short of their retirement with a lot more safety with a lifespan of 1000 years i fear that i won't qualify for anything for the first few centuries teacher requirement 300 years experience super duper masters degree in patients tolerance and brain deadness minimum seven colleges you eat it through with 3.5 gpa also you get paid next to nothing due to inflation over the course of centuries hr for these 1000 year lives must be fun too imagine the student debt does this mean pregnancy lasts about a decade if so that is most of the new business the keeping a pregnancy healthy is hard enough on a 10-month time frame borders on madness with a decade time scale i am not sure about other new businesses but i think some existing businesses would struggle to exist airlines are top of mind three weeks to cross the ocean isn't as bad as you live for a millennium what about governance england could still be ruled by henry viii or something the first human and prophet adam is thought to have lived 960 years and stood 60 cubits tall he was meant to live 1000 but gave 40 of them to one of his descendants this pops up in christianity judaism and islam so there's that i guess just did the quick maths 60 cubits is 90 feet tall he's a titan it's questions like this that make me angry there are super smart people that have helped humanity progress so much in a short life could you imagine what they could have done with more than 10 times the amount of time what could a normal person do in that time but i bet that because our perception of time would be different they wouldn't too big of change think of the collaboration that the greats could do together it could be amazing interesting that you say the average lifespan is 1 000 years that means some people will live to 2 000 years or more education would last longer right now americans are normally in school until they are 17 or 18 and college for four years or more beyond that other countries are similar those numbers would at least double similarly age to vote and drink and possibly drive would rise nobody younger than 30 maybe 50 would be taken seriously when they voiced an opinion on serious topics ancient history would be something you could interview seniors about imagine asking someone what it was like being the son of a roman legionary for your history paper and recording the answer on your cell phone regarding the actual question i think environmental sciences would be more advanced pollution and environmental change happen too slowly to notice day to day by the time you're old enough to notice that the forests you grew up near are gone or other changes you're probably approaching retirement if not death but if you can live a thousand years you'd notice these changes just when you're getting out of college which is right when most people's mindsets are most given to making a mark changing the world and joining activist causes they'd still have centuries to look forward to and they'd notice the trends and work very hard to keep them in check perhaps it's just wishful thinking but i think businesses that clean up the environment would be a significant sector of the work economy and would face much less resistance by the old guard than they do in the real world at the same time certain old industries would be slower to go away you would be able to find blacksmiths out there even in 2021 for instance and they wouldn't be artists or recreationists they'd be catering to a dwindling customer base but there'd be folk out there who never wanted to learn to drive one of those newfangled automobiles and i'm sure other trades would fade away slower than they did in the real world as well food imagine the foods chefs perfecting their craft for a millennia the increasing population would be astounding assume the current population multiplied by 100 the entire world supporting 800 billion people recycling industry would be very much in demand highly efficient water recycling and prominent use of grey water systems to reduce energy use of producing drinking water plus multiple water use systems and large buildings larger buildings would move to an arcology style of building to minimize power usage part of the vetting of an apartment complex with the quality of the crops grown with the drain water from the building the crops grown in the building would be part of the rent and delivered to your door as they are harvested lowering energy usage because the crops are grown on site multiple water use system could include something like this drinking water comma then drains to building planters calmer than drains to toilet comma than drains to sewer this gets three uses out of the same gallon of water and this is a simple version of it more advanced versions could also include septic tanks where the solids are drained to sewer part of the waste water is drained to sewer and part of the waste water is drained back to the planters high nitrogen content this method requires a lot more care because of the potential of infection due to people urinating stds and all sorts of other goodies in the sewer lines thought two you will have industries that are geared towards selling products that can last a lifetime thought three rich people become dynasties where the children their children and their children are all in the family business for hundreds of years needless to say inheritance would be a duty of a lawsuit because of how long people live they will be expected and required to change jobs every 20 years this is to prevent companies from becoming ossified by having the same leadership for centuries and every 20 years out of a hundred you are expected and required to take a retirement vacation where you are completely out of the industry for several years likely a decade to allow you to completely recover and rehabilitate and when you come back to work there is the expectation that you learn a new trade that new trade can complement your old trade in some way if you want maybe you want to slack a century where all you do is be a retail worker after working in high pressure stock sales last century because of the length of your life taking a slack a decade would not be unheard of as you ease back into the workforce then learn a new trade and find ways that the old trade can complement your new trade thought four marriage comes with a time limit like a hundred years you can renew at that time or go your separate ways no must no fuss probably none of them because all else being equal it would put us in direct competition for resources with about 15x as many people as now and that's assuming we aren't fertile for 15x longer too in which case we'd make even more people to live 1000 years and slow down the rate of mutation evolution and make us perpetually vulnerable to all kinds of diseases and conditions we've never heard about accelerate the rate of climate change and other ecological horrors to the point where even if we made it to the industrial revolution we certainly would not make it through perhaps the more interesting question would be what would have to be true for humans to be able to live one thousand years and for them and the planet to still be recognizable to humans as we know them centura management life a life coach for what to do with each century of your life after the first invest in your second century hustle in your third retire in your fourth and grow a forest in your downtime forced sterilization companies not rich enough to buy the right to have children too bad living that long would fill this planet very quickly i don't think it would change much if you think about it human age is all relative just like how dog and cat's ears are calculated based on the lifespan humans would end up being the same our sense of time would speed up just like a bug that lives for one day might feel like it lived 75 or so years the only thing that would change is that we would be watching the world around us changing quickly we would be watching evolution take place over one or two lifespans and it would feel like our pets laster only a few months and then die also it would kind of suck because the sun would be setting over and over again and if the day when the sun is out is 12 hours long the day would only feel like 1.2 hours long considering one thousand year lifespan is ten times a one hundred year lifespan i think there would be more jobs related to conserving wildlife because if time in our minds moves ten times faster but other wildlife still live short lives we would need to be very attentive of their needs otherwise they could all die off very quickly because they would have such short lifespans relative to us this one takes all the fun out of it i would like dogs and cats included in this longer life scenario long-lived pet stores with tortoises donkeys toyotaros parrots and other long-lived pets who really wants to bury 100 good dogs is it the same development span and you spend 900 ish years in senility or like the normal human cycle just spread out over 1000 years i would like it to be we age normally to 27 physically then stay 27 until like 950 then we start aging from 27 to like 60 and anyone living over 1 000 years would be considered old like you know we consider 65 pretty old and 70 80 and 90 is definitely old that honestly sounds a bit like the movie in time i imagine it would be dystopian paradise with a lot of commercial slave labor and very strict control on who can be born or have kids for those who are part of society think about it one thousand year lifespan is a very long time for someone to die naturally so the elite will exploit everyone's time to the fullest or control the lifespan in an artificial way i think there would be more fricked up industries to please board rich people who have done everything like in altered carbon my thought is just about all the craftsmen and artisans who would have hundreds of years to master a craft just think about how nice a pair of shoes from a 700 year old cobbler would be i think a more established and official chronologer would be a thing obviously historians write many things down and record significant events but 1000 years is a very long time and we don't have much written down from 1021 probably because of literacy rates beyond significant happenings i can't say what jobs and businesses there would have been but obviously there would be a lot of people i mean a load of people overpopulation you know cough genocide anti-aging technology for sure you've seen how crappy some people look when they turn 80 now imagine the effects of an additional 920 years of gravity on that skin i am considering 100 of those years to be equal to 10 years of this age i can't think of a new business but divorce lawyers will be earning bank i guess all those annual subscription things would be decadal insurance for a year nah netflix for a year man give me the five year pack also people would pursue more than two three careers in their lifetime mass effect did a good job explaining how the assery handled their 1000 year life span some highlights are that anything under like 200 or so is considered a child young adult lyra was 200 i think in the first game and complained about being barely considered an adult about 200 to 400 is the time you're expected to explore the universe some become indentured servants to pay off debt exotic dancers have relationships with other species that don't live so long humans to a nursery are blink compared to the 800 year life span of a krogan around 400 they start to feel some baby fever and want kids after about 700 you're considered older and wiser probably so you can let councils and do diplomatic things i don't have the law in front of me so the years are a guess i think they did a great job with how a nasseri would live their long life hopefully a group of people to run checks and balances of power think about how much power influence mitch mcconnell has amassed in his couple decades in the senate think about how much power and wealth jeff is also amassed in 20 years now scale that up by a factor of 10 definitely definitely would need a group of people running checks and balances maybe even adding a hard limit to how much money you can have i think people would have different attitude towards museums visiting museums would be more like a nostalgic trip instead of learning about history watching famous paintings from 1600 would be like seeing memes from five years ago incest preventer imagine the colossal family tree where you can be a great great grandparent and happen to be interested in a family member who you may or may not know is a family member mostly likely one person forever is going to become obsolete and you may have tens or hundreds of spouses over the 1000 years if human life spent was that long we would probably behave like elves do in fantasy literature and advancement of science would be slow since it would be up to few passionate individuals often elves are pretty xenophobic too since ideas dilute over generations i think many people would have been farmers and we would be having brutal wars for the land area since we couldn't ever risk starvation for our people i am fairly sure that if humans lived 10 times as long many of us couldn't even read and electricity probably wouldn't have been invented the job for finding how to shorten lifespan the job for complex calculation will be created therapist will have a harder job i feel like healthcare would get a step up now there's more people who get ill or injured since the life spin is one thousand years well for one i think our education system would be worry more lacks off we had 10x the amount of working age like they'd probably start serious education later and let you have a good 10 years of before college if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: what if scenarios, if we live forever, what if we lived 1000 years, what if you lived 1000 years, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: a5ObIxjewtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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