Have and Take Differences | Collocations and Expressions in English with Have and Take.

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Hi guys and welcome back to Llove English I'm Leila and today we will be looking at collocations. Now collocations are words that generally go together that match. Sabrah, in her last lesson gave you lots of tips on how to build your vocabulary and do it much faster! In this lesson I'm going to focus on one technique to help you improve your vocabulary range and to sound more natural in English! We're going to be looking at collocations with have and take now have an take are two very common verbs in the English language and they are something called a delexical verb delexical. Now you don't have to worry too much about that meaning but basically HAVE an TAKE like MAKE and DO or GIVE and GET are verbs that often take their meaning from the context in which they are used, so from the noun they are used with so for example you would have a coffee and have lunch now lunch what do we do with lunch we eat it so in this case have takes on the meaning to eat but with coffee it's a liquid so we drink it and in this case have is taken on the meaning to drink I'm drinking a coffee I'm eating lunch but that's not how we say it we use the collocation I'm having lunch I'm having a drink this is natural English and I'm sure in most of your languages you will have collocations that make you sound more natural and fluent before we get started don't forget to click that subscribe button and of course the notifications bell until it looks like this you can also follow us on our social media Facebook Instagram and Twitter all if you're really interested you can take a look at our new web site www.kpbs.org/news/evening with the lesson have an take or take and have collocation so collocations we've have an take we commonly use nouns like shower or drink with have and take as I mentioned earlier these are de lexical verbs basically they take their meaning from the noun part of that meaning from the noun is taken out and put into the verb and of course we'd often put an adjective in front of these nouns so for example I had a cold shower I took a long nap meaning sleep now sometimes you can use both have and take and the meaning doesn't really change very much the most common difference between when T's have and take is British versus American English in American English we would usually say take a shower take a bath take a nap but in British English we're more likely to say have have a shower have a bath and have a nap asleep this isn't a big difference and of course if you do feel more comfortable saying take that's not a problem it doesn't change the meaning it's more so you understand the difference in the way that we speak so in American English it is take that's most commonly used with things like washing resting eating or drinking but we would use have in British English and I'm going to give you those collocations in just a second so in British English we would say have a holiday are you going to have a holiday this summer but in American English we would say take but not holiday vacation so are you taking a vacation this summer are you having a holiday this summer exactly the same meaning it is just a slight difference in how we express ourselves so let's have a look at some nouns that can colic ate with have with food drink you can say have a meal have breakfast have dinner have lunch be careful with those last three because you wouldn't use an article with them you don't have a lunch but you can say I had a lovely lunch or a big lunch if there's an adjective there then you can use an article otherwise zero article you can have a snack a cup of coffee or a cup of tea or even have a glass of wine we also use have for talking this is my idea of talking so you can have a chat have a conversation have a discussion or have a talk I had a great conversation with sabra the other day with washing as I said more commonly have with British English to have a shower have a bath have a wash have a scrub if you're really dirty you can have a nap have a sleep have forty winks there's some slang for you or have a rest and of course have a holiday you can disagree with someone and use a have have an argument have a disagreement have a heated discussion heated means you're almost arguing have a quarrel or have a fight you wouldn't take a fight you would have one or hopefully you wouldn't have one and that's it I think yeah you can also use have with nouns formed from the verb so you can have a look can I have a look at your car can I have a look at your homework just to check mine you can have a bite can I have a bite of your sandwich I'm starving you can have a drink a drink of water you can have a listen have you had a listen to that new Ed Sheeran song it's really good or you can have a swim do you fancy having a swim down the beach tomorrow now in all these cases have is not an auxilary verb it is the main verb in the sentence so you don't need do or did or have if it's the present perfect so remember if you have negatives or questions you will need an auxiliary verb this could be an error that you make for example we had their breakfast this morning we hadn't breakfast this morning we didn't have breakfast this morning I have a talk with my teacher today I have a talk with my teacher today I've had a talk with my teacher today I've had a talk with my teacher today you have lunch at home most days you have lunch at home most days do you have lunch at home most days and of course you can find have in many different tenses for example to have a baby if someone's in the process if they're pregnant or actually giving birth you can say she's having a baby she's having a baby I'm having lunch I'm having lunch I'm having so much fun right so those are a few collocations with half I'm going to go through a nice long list in a minute after I explain take now take you might think of as simply meaning to remove something from one place to another I took my brother home I took my brother home yes it does have this meaning but of course as a deed lexical verb when we put it with certain nouns at that meaning will change so of course in American English you can say I took a shower would you like to take a bath take a wash these are perfectly acceptable in both British and American English but of course you will find these collocations more commonly in American English resting again that you can say take a sleep take a vacation take a holiday take a rest take a nap and you will hear this in British English I would suggest that take sounds more like an imperative it's more like you're suggesting somebody does something why don't you take a wrap you look exhausted now with transportation we can use take and this is both British and American English so you can take the car take the bus you can take a walk you can take a taxi or take a cab in American English you can take a plane take the train all of these are referring to transportation you can also use take where the responses or action so take action take charge he took charge of the situation he took control of the situation you can take a decision although often I would say that make is more common but take a decision may be a little bit more formal and used more in business English you can take responsibility for something it was me I crashed the car I take responsibility you can take a chance or you could even take a risk so something that could potentially be dangerous he took a risk and gambled all his money we also used take with time so if something is a long period of time we might say it took me ages to finish my homework you could also use seconds it'll take a few minutes it might take a week or so there are lots more collocations besides and I'm going to give you just a few of those now we can also use a take again like have with that some nouns that are formed from the verb take a look at this let's take a walk why don't we take a swim again this is more common in American English than British but again it doesn't change the meaning so that's the great thing about these collocations but be careful some nouns can only go with have and take and it is important to learn these I'll put a copy in the comment section below for you if you want to copy them so you can try remembering them so have let's have a look we would say have a good time have fun have a laugh have a party have a barbecue have a talk have a chat have a discussion have a conversation have a word with someone if there's an issue you have that you need to discuss have a baby have a problem have difficulty with something have trouble I've had a lot of trouble with our builders recently they're driving me crazy you can have a relationship you can have an excuse if you have a grudge against someone it means you're holding something against them they've done something to upset you and you haven't forgiven them yet you can have work I have so much work to do you can have a breakdown a nervous breakdown you can have a headache the truth clay sorry a toothache you can have a stomachache in fact any kind of ache would be have but those are the most common you would hear earache you can have an earache take you can take care of someone you can take a decision or make a decision but take might sound a bit more decisive and businesslike you can take exercise again I would say do is probably more commonly used but you will hear take exercise you can take notes in class you might take some notes remember transport take a flight take a taxi take a car take a walk take a bus transport take a look take a bite also have a bite have a look take an exam have an exam not much difference in meaning there take a photo take a picture you can take a risk you wouldn't have a risk you can take an interest in something if you take an interest again it has a different meaning to have an interest to take an interest shows that you're making an effort to be interested in something but you might not have been already but if you have an interest it's usually pre-existing so I took an interest in football trying to impress my boyfriend there are lots more Abyss sides and you can find a list of those below in the comments section so that is have an take collocations are a fan plastic way of building your vocabulary range and making sure you sound much more natural in English why don't you practice in the comments box below use some expressions with have and take and take your time make sure that you have understood the lesson and that you can use some of these collocations in English I'll correct your sentences below and remember these D lexical verbs are everywhere get give make do don't just try and learn the collocations with have and take there are many more besides and this will help you build your vocabulary much much faster thank you very much for watching I hope you've enjoyed this lesson and have taken an interest in learning collocations bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 40,130
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, have and take differences, have vs take, confusing verbs, have and take, have expressions, take expressions, have collocations, take collocations, have and take expressions, have and take collocations, enlgish language, english collocations, have or take, collocations in english
Id: rgZn6NWMr8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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