Business English Idioms | Learn a Language for FREE with Lingoda (spon)

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Hi guys and welcome back to Love English. Today's lesson 15 business idioms to help you in the workplac. But wait if you're not interested in learning business idioms still keep watching although these idioms are specifically related to work and jobs it doesn't mean that we don't use them in general everyday English they are still incredibly useful to know now before we get started I have got an incredible offer for you from our sponsors a lingo de lingo de are an online learning academy that means that you can learn with native qualified professional teachers 24 hours a day seven days a week whether you want to learn general English or indeed a business English lingo de might just be the platform for you and this offer might mean that you can get a free English course thousands of people have already learned a language with a lingo de this includes not only English but Spanish French German they really do have so many languages to choose from by signing up today for their three month language marathon you could have the chance of getting all 100 percent of your course fees back that is a refund on all your money so when does the marathon start it is the 21st of January 2019 which might seem like a long way away but it's really not the marathon runs through until the 20th of April 2019 so that is again three months you have to participate in an agreed number of classes to qualify for the full refund so listen very carefully to this next bit you must attend the full 30 classes for each month over three months for the full marathon and of 15 classes for each month for the half marathon if you do for any reason miss one of these classes then you will no longer qualify for the full refund money back at the end of the course now love English have a spot offer for you you can save 450 off the enrollment fee that means you're paying 50 cents rather than the 5 euros simply enter the code study 12 when you click the link in the description box and follow through signing up to the lingo de maratha alternatively you can save 10% off your course if you choose the Pay Now option this will allow you to receive your first sets of credits up front and book for your classes straight away lingo de really is a fast convenient and effective way to learn a language and to fit around at your schedule so click the description box below to find the link and the voucher code that will take you through to the lingo de marathon sign up the classes are tailored to your exact language learning needs which means you can specify what kind of language you want to learn whether you want to focus on improving your grammar your fluency your pronunciation lingo that can provide a tailored experience I took the opportunity not long ago of having a Spanish lesson and as a former online language teacher I was massively impressed by how professional and organized structured these lessons were I really felt I was having an interactive interesting language learning experience this really is a great way to kick start your new year to get motivated to get started and for 2019 to be the year you become fluent in English now I think it's time we got on with the lesson 15 business idioms that we use in day-to-day English idiom number one to get your foot in the door we'd often say this when you get a job usually not your ideal job starting to work at the company where you can work your way up and get promoted I always wanted to work for that company and I finally got my foot in the door number two sounds like a food idiom but it actually is referring to business a slice of the pie to share money profits the benefits of a business adventure so he really wanted to have but his slice of the pie meaning he wanted to have his share of the money most probably the company made a really big profits and they all wanted a slice of the pie we really do like pies in English number three is to have a finger in every pie this describes a person who has multiple interest in many different businesses often in a negative way people might not approve of this he's interested in every aspect of the industry he's got a finger in every pie number four and I really do like this one to hold the fort if you ask somebody to hold the fort you are simply asking them to take control and responsibility for a temporary period of time a fort was traditionally a castle a fortress where people could not enter and it was protected by other people with bows and arrows however in this situation we're talking about the business or shop perhaps while the boss is out of the office I have to hold the fort to have a responsibility for a place a situation possibly someone while another person is unavailable number five red tape something that I don't think any of us enjoy red tape is often the rules of the official rules that can actually delay things they're usually very complicated rules that can cause a lot of problems and and really slow the business process down you have to go through endless red tape to start up a business number six is a nice and simple to get the ball rolling and this simply means to get something started whether it is a project or setting up a business come on let's get the ball rolling and get the investment money we need so let's start the project let's get the ball rolling now often in business you need to be on time and rather than say don't be late or exactly 1 o'clock people will say 1 o'clock sharp means exactly at that time not a minute before not a minute after so when we use the adjective sharp when related to time we are talking about being very very punctual meeting is starting at 1:00 o'clock sharp money money money there is lots of it in business at least there is if you're making a profit and the expression a ballpark figure means around about we don't know the exact amount of often money it is an approximation around abouts could you give me a ballpark figure on costs could you give me a rough an approximate number number nine bottom line oh right native speakers use this to draw things to a conclusion the bottom line is he really isn't good at his job so this is kind of coming down to basics to the essentials that is how it is the bottom line could also refer to a company's of businesses net earnings that's the money after paying taxes and costs so what the profit is that they make after everything else has been taken out of the equation so the bottom line but the first one I think is probably one of the nicest ways to use the idiom the bottom line is you need business idioms to put something in black and white means that you really do want something in writing which can be very important in business for well many legal reasons thinking about this logically a piece of paper is usually white and the writing is usually black particularly if it's been typed so if you have a verbal agreement with somebody you might say okay but I need this in black and white it means they want it to be written down now of course black and white can also refer to things being very clear right and wrong so in this case it's more general idiom but in business we're actually referring to the paper something being written down almost contractual now number 11 I actually think might be more of an American idiom I don't hear it used as often in the UK to blow a deal to blow a deal now in this case when you blow a deal it means you've ruined it you've destroyed the deal and it's not going to happen so that means that the business agreement that was in place has now been taken apart and destroyed the business won't go ahead he blew the deal and lost us at the contract number 12 a cash cow now obviously cows don't usually have cash they provide milk in this case we're kind of using it as a metaphor to say that something is providing a lot of money so a product or service that produces an abundance a lot of profit for the business this investment could be a cash cow we can make a lot of money number 13 is really referring to business competition dog-eat-dog now that doesn't sound great but it does emphasize how vicious and competitive business can be often thinking about people companies only thinking of themselves and not caring if they destroy the competition the only rule in this industry is dog-eat-dog number fourteen is flat out now this is a great expression to refer to somebody that has been working non-stop without stopping and really is now exhausted which is a bit how I feel this week I have been working flat out really early in the morning till late at night and I need her break so I've been working all week because I've got a deadline at Friday I've been working flat out number 15 our final idiom to be snowed under which is a great idiomatic expression for this time of year when you are snowed under you literally have so much work that you feel you are underneath and have all the pressure and you've got all this work on top of you that you have to do I've been so snowed under at work I don't seem to be able to get it all done guys I hope of those business idioms were useful and you will try using them in your workplace or indeed like I said comment below in the description box don't forget to of course subscribe if you haven't already sign up for notifications and click that like button if you really did enjoy this lesson then let us know so that we can provide more business idioms for you
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 32,754
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, business english, english idioms, business idioms, business english idioms, daily english idioms, english idioms lesson, business english phrases, business english expressions, business english lesson, professional english, english at the office, business conversation, english for business, business english vocabulary
Id: Jc60zYRTnPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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