10 English Idioms and Phrases for an AMAZING English Conversation #englishidioms

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hi guys and welcome back to love English I'm Leila and today I want to help you have an amazing conversation in English now this is not about grammar or topics that you should be having conversations about but rather it is the language that we use all the times that native people use all the time when they are having a conversation with each other I'm going to be looking at 10 idiomatic expressions we commonly use when we are having general conversations in the same way that we would use Proverbs in English to help explain maybe more deeper meanings in conversation we would use idiomatic expressions to speak more naturally to speak a little bit faster sometimes you can use an idiom and it kind of makes everything more concise and of course some expressions actually help soften your language meaning you're not gonna sound too rude or direct in asking particular questions or giving instructions to someone before we get started do make sure that you click that subscribe button and of course the notifications bell until it looks like this you can also find us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so on with the lesson 10 idiomatic expressions for an amazing amazing English conversation expression number one to cut to the chase cut to the chase to talk about the most interesting most important or relevant part of the conversation of the topic and not waste time giving too much detail with things that really aren't very important I didn't have much time to talk so I cut to the chase and asked for his help number two to make a long story short very similar to to cut to the chase but it's more about giving factual information and again leaving out the detail that might not be as relevant or interesting to the main point you're essentially given the conclusion of a story rather than telling the whole story itself and it means that you're not really going through a long narration and boring someone so to make a long story short I got the job now if you want somebody to get to the point if you want them to explain something or to ask a question that you know they want to but might be scared to do you could say don't beat around the bush don't beat around the bush or I won't beat around the bush if it's you saying something so when you beat around the bush you are essentially avoiding talking about what is the most important thing this might be because it's a sensitive issue you might feel it's a little bit difficult and you're not sure how to approach the situation the conversation with someone but when you say come on don't beat around the bush or you know what I won't beat around the bush you're saying you don't want to talk about the things that aren't important and you'd rather talk about the main issues don't beat around the bush get to the point do you want to come out tonight or not number four spit it out now spit it's not a very nice action it's to expel water from your mouth saliva soap spitting but it essentially means to spit it out you are telling someone come on I know you want to say something so say it it's when you're feeling frustrated and you want them to say the thing that's on their mind and it might be that they're unwilling to speak or speaking really slowly so you would say come on spit it out what happened so say it tell me what you are thinking now number five is a great expression when you are talking about something that you might not be sure about the outcome or the final situation if you tell someone things are a bit up in the air at the moment then you're explaining that you don't really know what's happening things haven't been planned or things haven't been secured and dates haven't been set so for example if you've sold your house and your friends ask you how's it going are you moving soon and you don't have a date yet and you're still waiting for things to progress then you might say really don't know it's all a bit up in the air at the moment so essentially you haven't fixed plans or made important decisions just yet it's all a bit up in the air now number six is a really useful expression especially if you can't remember a word or worse a person's name it's on the tip of my tongue what's that word what's his name oh it begins with an S Sam Smith Simon Scott so when something is on the tip of your tongue it means there's a word or a name or at the name of a place and you can nearly remember it but it's there it's it's on the tip of my tongue what's the name of that film with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts it's on the tip of my tongue Notting Hill number seven is a wonderful expression that we use regularly in English to pull someone's leg if someone is pulling your leg and you say come on are you pulling my leg or if someone says to you just pulling your leg so you would use this expression when you're trying to tell us one something is true and it's actually not true you're basically having a joke I have tea with the Queen last weekend no really you're pulling my leg you didn't have tea with the Queen did you no I'm pulling your leg remember it's only one leg not legs number seven is a lovely expression when you are talking about something that was perhaps a negative thing something negative that happened to you but actually the outcome was positive it was just hard to see at the time we'd say it was a blessing in disguise it was a blessing in disguise for example if you were fired sacked from your job and then two weeks later you were offered a better job with more money you would say well getting fired was a blessing in disguise something good and positive that came from something quite negative number eight easier said than done this is a very simple expression when someone gives you some advice and actually the advice sounds really good but doing it actually committing yourself to the action to doing this thing is a lot harder than perhaps it sounds oh come on just quit smoking easier said than done number nine is a great expression but it might not sound very nice to kill two birds with one stone it's an expression that I love to use and I frequently do use it because I love to kill two birds with one stone now this is not literally killing birds that's not very nice but it means to achieve two things with one action for example why don't you go to the bank on the way to the supermarket kill two birds with one stone often we do shorten this down to two birds with one stone people generally understand what you're talking about number ten is an expression that I'm sure you all know it's not my cup of tea again this is an expression that we would use to soften a language rather than say I don't like it I don't like him we'd say hmm not my cup of tea he's not my cup of tea it just sounds a lot more polite and it is such a British idiomatic expression that you will regularly hear people using it after all we love to be polite in the UK so have a go try using just one of those expressions a day in your conversation with a native speaker or with friends of course so make sure you let me know which of those expressions are new for you can you try and put them into a context that is personal to you explain to me a word that was on the tip of your tongue recently or a time where you killed two birds with one stone comment below and let me know thank you so much for watching don't forget you can watch some of these lessons to help you with your English conversation as well bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, English idioms, english idioms and proverbs, english conversation practice, english conversaiton, idioms for ielts, english expressions, english expressions for everyday use, idioms in english, idioms, idioms and phrases, idioms and phrases in english, conversation english speaking, how to, learn english
Id: zgwgyHOpiOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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