English Collocations and Expressions with 'DO' | English Vocabulary Lesson

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Hi and welcome back to love English I'm Leila and today I'm going to help you with collocation again that's right and this is the next part in our collocation series looking at common verbs that collocate with various nouns now why have I chosen to create a series on collocations well this is an area of English that you frequently make mistakes in and of course that really affects your fluency and how natural and native you sound so by looking at collocations in English not only are we going to boost your fluency but we're also going to broaden your vocabulary and by learning collocations you are learning English in chunks you don't have to focus on single words or big grammar structures simply learning CHUNKS of language can help you boost (typing error in the titles of the video above. CHUNKS (sorry) your vocabulary range instantly so today we are looking at collocations with do previously I looked at collocations with make and I'll put a link to that video at the end of this one we all know that you guys make a lot of mistakes with make and do make my homework make a test but how can you actually improve how you learn these collocations before we get started I'm going to give you a few tips and tricks to help you learn collocations faster but before we do get started don't forget to click that subscribe button and of course follow us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter and you can also go to www.adventuresinvisibility.com so how to learn collocations as with anything the first step is to be aware of them so be aware when you are listening to someone speak or reading or watching a television series pay attention and listen out for these collocations you may choose to focus only on one verb for example look at all the nouns that collocate with take or even listen just for a specific noun and which verbs collocate with that noun there are different ways to do it but essentially you need to be active in your listening and reading pay attention and look for those collocations treat collocations as single blocks of language as chunks as phrases and remember it's not only verb noun collocations but there are a vast array of different collocations that you will come across so for example the verb remember remember vividly remember rightly remember distinctly remember I distinctly remember you saying you're gonna be here at 8 o'clock a vaguely remember saying that so there we are looking at one particular verb and the different adverbs that collocate with it and of course when you do notice these collocations make a note in a vocabulary book be active in your learning and take notes so that you can review them go back and practice using them reading I know it might not be your favorite thing to do but in fact reading is one of the best ways to boost your vocabulary because you'll be seeing the words so you make that visual connection rather than just listening and of course you could also use audible books which gives you the best of both worlds you'll be hearing the collocations and reading them of course learning collocations in groups whether that is by topic travel collocations health and fitness collocations work collocations or by verb take make do get you can learn collocations in groups that way you'll be making the connections with the same word or topic so let's get started today we'll be looking at collocations with do one of the most common verbs in the English language but again one that you frequently make mistakes with when it comes to collocations now what does the verb do actually mean the verb do is associated with obligations something you have to do you're required to do actions and repetitive tasks which includes things like housework not something I really enjoy so let's have a look at 49 of the most common examples of collocations with do I know the thumbnail said 50 but I'm going to ask you to add one see if I have missed any collocation with due out so number 50 will be up to you to add number one do a course do a course I did a course on cooking do a deal do a deal you do a deal in a business situation do a favour would you mind doing me a favor and helping me with my bags do a good deed meaning to do a good thing for somebody I helped an old lady walk across the road I did my good deed for the day do a good do a bad do a terrible do a wonderful job of something meaning to complete a task well or badly depending which adjective you use do a report or of course you can write a report but often we would say I did a report on the topic do anything do everything do something do nothing do badly I did badly in the test do better do better you can do better next time in this case we are looking at some good examples of adverbs of that collocate with verbs remember that an adverb describes the action it describes how you did the verb so you could kick a ball hard for example or kick a ball badly in this case we can use do with do better and do badly do good do well or do harm in this case that actually a noun to do harm to someone is to cause some kind of injury that could be physical mental anything that hurts them in some way to do harm number 10 of course you can do business do business do the crossword do the crossword do a puzzle do damage she did a lot of damage to my car when she crashed it do exercise of course that's not something I'm very familiar with but Sabre is a little bit better than me at doing exercise you can do an experiment do an experiment do your homework do research do to someone wrong if you did wrong by someone this is an expression to say you didn't do the right thing for them she did me wrong when she cheated on me do something right do something right or you can do right by someone a nice expression there for you you've got to do right by her and propose ask her to marry you or do the right thing and ask her to marry you of course there's do something wrong do something wrong or you can do wrong by someone do wrong by someone in the same way that you can do right by someone do sums do maths do mathematics now we're looking at a few collocations related to mmm housework something I'm not very happy doing so let's have a look do the cleaning do the cooking do the dishes do the washing up which is essentially the same thing you do the dishes or you do the washing up unless you have a dishwasher like me which is much better do the housework do the ironing ooh hate ironing do the shopping do the laundry that means washing your clothes if you do the laundry or do the driving for example if you're going out with a group of friends you would say who is doing the driving do the maximum do the minimum do the paperwork do your best do your duty do someone's hair do your makeup do yoga do judo do karate do gymnastics and even do stretches that was a very poor stretch there so those collocations are all looking at sports activities some things that you do but usually on your own you don't necessarily need to do it in a group in a team when you do something in a team we would usually use the verb play so play football play basketball play tennis you're doing it with other people whereas do can be more of a solo activity you don't need others to do it but you can do it in groups it's an activity so that's it 49 collocations with do some pretty common expressions and collocations there but still ones that you may have previously got wrong now I want you to find number 50 read a book look at a magazine or watch a television series and pay attention to collocations with do can you find number 50 thank you so much for watching I look forward to seeing you next time with more collocations next time we might be looking at take or get or have so many collocations thanks for watching fine
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 16,353
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English
Id: I0lGNo0K9Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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