Haunted Cry Baby Tunnel (REAL CRYING)

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what the haunted tunnel I've been here many times every single time is a different story in the description to face drug and hits maximum before he lead oh yes [Music] there are many stories of this tunnel being haunted the answers are unclear [Music] every single time is a different experience one thing we do know is that there is something in the heart sitar [Music] [Music] getting that special someone a gift for the holidays before we get into today's video I want to give a massive shout out to Adam and Eve for sponsoring today's video Adam and Eve is one of the nation's largest marketer of adult novelties over 12 million satisfied customers worldwide all shipping is discreet and private and they have a 90 day no hassle returns policy not all about charity and giving and one of the things I love about Adam and Eve is that 20% of profits go to help fight the spread of HIV around the world now because you watch today's video Adam Eve are hooking you up with 50% off one item and free shipping to the US and Canada use the promo code right here it's gosh and take advantage of that 50% off thank you once again Adam and Eve let's get back to the video what is up fam hope you're having a great day today welcome to another haunted adventure it's been a little while since I came here this is Tiffany's very first time James is so excited Chelsea are you ready to get scared when you get out of the tunnel and you have to go back up this hill it's definitely winning it's kind of stuff TIFF likes likes going on hikes well the tunnel disappeared look it's all gone I'm serious it used to be right here mom's kid oh look a little bit further so I'm gonna be doing something a little bit different here well first of all James and I brought our spirit boxes sometimes we would bring our spirit boxes and they don't work down there because there's no reception so we're gonna do a spirit box session right outside of the tunnel is that oh that's attractive yeah they changed it up a little bit that's another girl that's got a naked chick yeah there's a lot of water down there that's the tunnel that's the troll hole I brought my 360 camera a lot of you been asking for me to do a 360 video so I am gonna add a couple points during this video probably put this down and do a 360 video which is gonna be cool that way you can really explore the tunnel the way I see it that's another reason I came during the day but honestly it doesn't matter you can come during the day and it's still just as dark inside the tunnel what about you are go fishing yeah it's a shopping cart yeah hey you know what I just notices there's like rocks over there they were painted and that was it like that that's must be new it's cold they look mo most Sergey was here most rd there's people in there you guys want to go in first yeah we're doing great details that way we can have completely different videos Chelsea and James are gonna go in first now we're gonna split up Tiffany and I are gonna go in after and I'm gonna start my 360 video right view I'll be careful [Music] all right family James and Chelsea went ahead of us pretty far in I did do a spirit box session right outside sadly like nothing came in and I think it's because my antenna is broken James however does have another spirit box and it's a really good work piece for your mom's so we might come out to the front and try to communicate we might try to communicate in here too so I'm not looking funny Tiffany said I look like a miner there's my 360 camera case you're wondering why are you so like what just water I'm going to turn this on got a cool little Lantern here Jaime's freaking out there only thing I worry about coming here is getting trapped all two ways on earthquake and somebody going to that side and kind of attractive doing the exact formal sense with somebody to pretend like just coming in and one around those employment I don't know it's my idea [Music] tarantula or tarantula I would take can we just get like a herd of our conscience and said Troy sure those are friendly so bad you're gonna get away that's okay probably not oh yeah oh it's moving it's a moving spider he's walking on invisible walls like spider-man wait spider-man there's a hawk oh he's got pink webbing somebody was in here recently one thing about the tunnel is you can have somebody way up ahead of you one more second tomorrow and it sounds like they're real close do you want a snack cool you like these don't you no yeah what does that say sucks you care brought what was that somebody coming not even that far from the entrance there must be really far ahead are you gonna have to go really wide here okay all right watch me professional all right up ahead is the fun part I [Music] just crossed this it's like the first man hole here in the tunnel and I turned off all my lights and you can see somebody just behind us with a flashlight or something and tiffany saenz he sees a light up ahead I think that might be changed [Music] yo so I heard like a whisper and then right after that was a loud tap you are here James like screaming up ahead of us look there okay what is this just a cup I don't spell I [Music] you know we have had some emergencies come up in the password somebody did have to see me be is that the tarantula chambers parlor probably from up there because it's warm I'm here it sounds like crying okay to go Chelsea we're getting to the second manhole tickle my pickle I can't imagine people wanna do retreat here it's very much of contained alien predators of them oh I don't know look there's there's like eyes up there looking at me No oh gosh should I climb up there that's probably covered in spiders Oh imagine if you had like if you were trying to survive if you had to go up there what was that noise I know it was like [Music] and it was followed by that I don't know what never heard a noise like that in his time what the hell love you here James freaking out he's freaking out I'm just hoping that there's nobody up ahead what was that one noise we heard - it sounded like it was really weird I don't see any more light behind us again maybe whoever was behind us got spooked right where [Music] sorry I accidentally stepped on her too I wasn't going to record all this walking look I want to keep recording because we're catching a lot of songs and it happens every time I turn a camera I would scream with my mouth but I have no tongue [Music] where the heck did James go and is so dark there maybe like slow down oh yeah because this is really deep I haven't heard from James or Chelsea you got a hot minute there's no other way in here I know don't even hear them at all oh my god what is that right there she right looked you right into right [Music] hey look it's a tarantula don't want to happen I think somebody pick somebody lost their pet so they they don't bite they shoot hairs at you but those hairs can find you oh wow I was moving it's moving it's moving oh my god I don't bother it he's just chillin alright give me a sample pretty I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I would never a poor guy oh you stay over there friend oh well he has a name now oh he's very furry forget even Harry Harry different here he had a little lamb little lamb little lamb Harry had a little wimp he grabbed took me burger boy so I was here chillin watching my 360 camera or you know I was just recording some 360 footage of the of Harry Harry's on the move right now and as Tiffany and I are just chilling here we both hear a very faint scream and we heard it a couple times and it was almost like a hit or something after it like somebody was talking behind us oh my god Palka how was this right next to this fighter I really feel like that's someone's pet he's really cool-looking you sure I think is somebody's pet oh my god you know that in some cultures like the I want to make a music video it's a big spoiler a big big big spoiler you should songified that sentence me it's a very big spoiler a very big spoiler tiffany is freaking out right now looking for more tarantulas think of it this way go like on a tarantula hunt because as you're trying to put for them you probably don't find them [Music] it's almost like trying to hunt a pink elephant though many times I've been in here looking for pink elephants yep I'm just saying it's ranch life never seen a tarantula in here follow the blood that says nah cuz - did you see that all right that's James behind me but there's another sound coming from this side sounds like a woman you here sounds like girls maybe ISIL is aware screaming sounds like a big meal [Music] you're that legit sounds like a baby crying now sounds like a man what if somebody's trying to think bring their baby in here i whole ask that we - something somebody's getting back that way yeah it sounds like somebody's crying or something what that's James behind us [Music] does Chelsea [Music] you probably all know the truth you see a light it's pitch black I hear water you hold it all right chill well that point out where it is we're not freaking out because we're scared we're freaking out because we think that there's somebody in danger or there's a baby down here they could have been left down here let's get past that water right here better daddy's going to die alone right now I don't hear any little screens in there what the hell was going on what was that they kept making same noises over and over again [Music] there's something there's a light within here I'll see any footprints nomatter see how we have footprints behind it I think James is trying to turn back James went a little bit deeper than us [Music] where well that he's a footprint somebody wasn't here [Music] there's nobody in here Oh like in the water so with us so wet in here or what I should be running right now but it's really slippery on the sidewalls we're not wasting no time do I want to make sure that there's not a baby up here I mean as a parent this is a devastate me I really hope there's not but it's gonna scare me because what the hell was that noise alright there's no baby argue thank God there's not even ripples to indicate that there was any special going on there's a side of me that's relieved but like I said there's a side of me that's wondering like what the hell it was continuing continual like screaming not not just screaming but it was just like like I don't know it was a very was a freaking baby crying there was time so that it could have sounded like a woman or something there's a Ouija board look a dad yo wow that's a good catch I would have never seen that and it's in really good shape those Ouija boards are made out of paper like that that should have just came right off you know James I think just took a nasty fall you are James you see him TIFF well he's standing up your are James I heard it from outside the tunnel [Music] took a nasty fall you all right no broken bones Dean got my stuff alway I do got a towel from the garden Oh Dan you are soaking wet yo did you guys hear like a baby no this was consistent though it was like some weird like that yes right over here and it's in good shape it's right down there yeah no look it's right down there yeah what is there another tarantula something behind you know was there anybody with you guys okay I was in there and I'm walking through the tunnel James doesn't remember any of this I'm walking through the tunnel I turn around James standing still like still further down he's done that before yeah I kind of like spaces out where she was standing still and I started calling him and he's not responding and then I walked towards him and then he turns to original users you were making noises like the weirdest noises so who was it making the noises was it you or was it James it wasn't me [Music] that's the baby crying again yeah listen do this please honestly I'm never coming back here I was hearing it it almost sounds like a cat sound like a baby like a newborn baby like like just crying yes y'all heard y'all heard it right now right running up on us really yeah [Music] alright fam unfortunately I wasn't able to explore as deep as I wanted to but these guys did James and Chelsea make sure to make your way to their channel so you can see what they found did you guys see any more tarantulas where you just seen that one was it the one on the right it was like gray and black yo Tiffany almost had a whole heart attack my Solar sillens either do hey you guys said that you saw like a white aura like around Tiffany or something are you guys talking about it so if you guys want to see that make sure to check out their videos and check out Chelsea's if you want to watch games to get terrible I did catch that on I caught it on my 360 camera girls recording oh I mean I caught the sound of it and I was like yo that did not sound good so if you guys want to see a little bit more of this tunnel make sure to definitely check out my 360 video because I show you all angles I heard sounds we both heard sounds we heard I don't know if we caught the baby cry maybe we did and we didn't hear it during the time I had the 360 camera recording but we definitely heard it here maybe you guys saw something in that video be sure to check it out send me screenshots on social media put timestamps here and kind of describe what you did see here on this video and the other video I'm gonna leave a little pop-up link here to my 360 video if you want to check that out if you haven't already we're getting ready to fly back home we got to drive to Las Vegas which is a pretty long drive from here so yeah don't forget to show our channel some love by leaving a like links will be in the description into the fame at Chelsea Luna I gotta go for now before you leave keys [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 863,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cry baby tunnel, cry baby bridge, haunted, ghost stories, top 10 scary, top 10 scariest things, top 5 scariest videos, creepy videos, haunted events, real paranormal activity caught on tape, real paranormal activity, real paranormal videos, omargoshtv faze rug tunnel, faze rug tunnel, haunted tunnel faze rug, haunted tunnnels, baby crying in tunnel
Id: gTRvcYGjwCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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