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[Applause] this thing's going crazy right now look what does the fam my name is Omar welcome to another haunted adventure today I am back in Delaware with one of my best friend CJ what's up everybody also got Tiffany there in the background that's my girlfriend and it is one of the first haunt adventures I've ever brought her to and she's already saying that she can't really breathe that well going at the end of that bridge right there this is the infamous Maggie's bridge a lot of history here there's an old wives tale and I mean there is some truth behind it I guess in the 1920s a young woman was driving a car here and she hit the side of the bridge with her baby and her baby ended up becoming decapitated she went over to try to look and search for the body of her baby I think it was a newborn baby now this woman's name is Maggie and she does haunt the bridge there's been so many sightings of seeing her and hearing babies of course and one of the rituals that I've never done here I don't think CJ has even done it is where you put your hands on the bridge and you summon Maggie how does that go like you have to say Maggie I have your baby and you say Maggie Maggie I have your baby three times like you're supposed to say that one term three times what happens likes people have like said that there they've got back to their cars and their lights are going crazy some people say that you know they've gotten back to their car and like there's gas leaking out oh they got a flat tire now before we explore Maggie's bridge I wanted to share something so cool being that you love my scary adventures I just had to show you one of my favorite games called left to survive left to survive is a zombie third-person shooter game where you have to survive in a world the post-apocalyptic world inhabited by flesh-eating zombies the graphics are so amazing and so detailed that you could feel yourself getting attacked by zombies if you let them you get to use rifles shotguns even a chopper to destroy zombies and enemy bases this action-packed storyline multiplayer game will leave you on the edge of your seat building customize your own encampment from zombies and rivals while located survivors and move materials to overcome and take back the world before its zombies to get over now if you're wondering what I do on my downtime when I'm not exploring haunted places it's plain left to survive I use my promo code right here and get an exclusive special bonus just for being a brand new player I can't wait to see you there let's get back to this video all right over here you can see that it does say Maggie just a little while we're gonna try this out now you haven't tried that out yet no I'm literally I've never done this but my whole entire life here Delaware that I've lived like that's what everyone says that like you come here you do this and you will swear by paranormal this reminds me of the crybaby bridge yeah we should go there maybe sometime in next few days how about that if you want Omar and I to go to the cry baby bridge comment below right now like literally pause the video if that's what you want comment below that right now that you want CJ and Omar to go to you a fry baby burger we'll make it happen what what he just said right now okay that's like a dig look NASCAR is gay alright if you didn't know my boys DJ was a professional and NASCAR driver are there YouTube videos of you [Music] 39 car 4cj face already green flag racing continues in the drives over 150 ecj crazy I have no idea what that is over there almost looks like a toilet seat well it's too big to be a toilet seat you're like a piece of a boat right in here is where the body of the baby was found I heard like a growl no now CJ was telling me that some people have reported when they do the summoning Maggie well look this is just one of those stars like a witness but they say that they after they summoned Maggie that sometimes they'll come to their car and they'll be like like vandalism or sometimes their lights start flickering in the car they'll come back and their car has flat tires on it and stuff I'm gonna stay kind of near the car and after we summoned Maggie we're gonna investigate and let me show you the car real quick so Nissan Altima is my rental car good thing I have the insurance plan on it but you can see it's in good condition no flat tires so hopefully if there is a flat tire I got some snacks in here what's up ah okay yeah I seen I've seen one over here too no way I'm just looking for flats just in case we come back and there's a flat tire people say that the Carley gas and we gas the gas but that's not a good thing popular would that I've heard that everyone runs into is their car will not start when you get back in okay okay we're gonna put put the keys on the hood yeah like that Tiffany's been tripping out ever since we got here she said that I mean before we even did our intros she went to the end of the bridge she was like look I'm not even kidding you something about this bridge like I feel like I can't breathe when I get to the end of it and then right now when we were you know we just put the keys on the hood he said it was in my ear that's why I like looked at y'all like right there the heart start to be real fast not even a lie you've never done this before ever done it lived in Delaware my whole life so many people that went to high school where they've done this but I've never personally done this good thing it's daytime okay I don't know that makes me better I mean well I can see we have to walk home we can be at it you there is like maybe an hour worth of sunlight so yeah if anything does go wrong Lisa will be in the dark for too terribly long hopefully yeah excuse it's in the car all right so you do the Maggie I have your baby birth it seems like Maggie really favors you I have a really good idea you have a baby I mean if I don't have her baby but me I'm gonna tell her I have her baby don't we have to put our hands on the guardrail awesome right where the baby went into the water out like that both hands out like this and basically you know say Maggie Maggie I have your baby three times that phrase three times from you have your EVP okay girl yeah EMF meter I've never messed with that stuff again so like how I'm not really into no one I'm nervous because I get this very talkative this thing has been going crazy ever since I pulled it out I mean from the moment we drove up come touch this meter Maggie [Music] dude I'm gonna be a girl I have plenty of space or something possessing what is sounds like a truck or something my shadow kept lit up he doesn't put it over the six of us was excited to see it oh damn oh my god what was that what was that sound like a door there's literally no traffic on this road now this was one of the most popular roads in Delaware at one point Maggie's here Maggie did you ever find your baby Maggie if you bagi if you are here with us right now I need you to give us a sign of some sort and if this is a level of disrespect for me holding my hands over this bridge and Omar cuz I'm not doing this alone I don't either but like man that is weird it's solid like it's yeah and it's not going into the red right now oh definitely some activity Maggie I have your baby do you want your baby back apparently not I want more baby back baby baby baby baby baby play right now so maybe we provoked that under if we put it here - well it's still still going yeah it was really active like at the beginning of the bridge I'm thinking impact happened right around here and the baby flew into the water well said the baby was decapitated what decapitated the baby though was it on the car accident Roxie yeah and honestly like this probably wasn't here back it's like you know what I mean you're right yeah you want to do the ritual yeah I mean yeah and now I'm just gonna do it I just want to see if something happens to the car though you can clearly see all my battery's about to die on my camera for real they should get that record that but getting ready to do that rattle my battery's getting ready to die but they're like that Hank there's the keys right there on the hood still in my car I mean what if we get messed with another car that's my honestly that's my biggest concern right right what if we end up taking Maggie's ghost back home with us like especially me to Florida yeah cuz you don't say that just want to apologize to Maggie in advance I've been apologized profusely Maggie literally did not be my little trance dance in the middle of your bridge I do not mean any disrespect no harm nothing like that we're like clearly just trying to see like whether this is real or not it's how we're doing if Maggie did exist really sorry you lost your baby I'm just saying yeah okay wait all right and on the count of three we resume Maggie Maggie I have your baby okay like you're supposed to hold it like you're holding the baby Tiffani's so scared ready 1 2 3 Maggie Maggie I have your baby Maggie Maggie I have your baby Maggie Maggie I have your baby all right maybe this could have done it over there all cars got louder around this is that a sign with the cars on their cars like really far from here yeah should we do it on this side Maggie Maggie I have your baby please down Maggie Maggie I have your baby Maggie Maggie I have your baby that's now was that an animal you guys heard dad what that was that was dude what the hell was that what there was nobody even near our car I know what this thing's going crazy right now look oh my god it was going crazy yo Maggie's here dude Maggie just got think she wants to take a trip record show that was awesome sorry is there anything underneath that car I don't even think I had the alarm on I don't know if that was a screamer like it was some kind of animal in the woods but it was right when we got loud with Maggie so we heard I don't know some kind of weird strange noise EMF meter's going crazy our cars I don't know it was like the alarm went off or something the lights were going crazy dude out no flat tires oh no no flat tires maybe broken windows and that right there yo that was scary dude but it was pretty awesome at the same time I mean what are the odds [Applause] what what's 1/2 a stroke feel like I want to get into that car let's just if uber even reached this far out y'all will be driving on your own oh I know I like what we just caught we're in the middle of nowhere you get that car I think before I leave I'm gonna put my hands on that car and I'm gonna say a prayer azar think it's ever happened I do you like our little haunted adventure today I don't know what to say would be honest with you but like just Victoria I literally do not mean any disrespect and I am completely 100 I was responsible here I kind of got loud of Maggie I mean she was you know what she was clearly like being cool with us as soon as I yelled out I have your baby she I don't know name my car go crazy what kind of animals are out here I know if you didn't know some of my favorite videos are done on like haunted roads haunted bridges I do that was not me I swear to God I swear to God I got these in my pocket put it foot here I'm gonna storm right there in the background do it again Maggie that was bizarre mess with my car game Maggie I don't give a damn what anybody says that is like this isn't most legit thing that I've ever seen in my entire life like that is not even cool and I feel like I got a transformer car the meter like bumblebees about to show himself maybe he's a couple probably Maggie this thing keeps going crazy yeah I love haunted roads and haunted bridges I'm like I don't know maybe some kind of people like they can't start their car and they I guess leaking or a flat tire never heard of somebody like alarm going off well let's let's investigate all right sometimes what makes an alarm usually go off like sensitivity sometimes you know like a music system maybe some kind of movement some force yeah but there was no there's there's some kind of force that was messing with the car right now to make the alarm go off I mean blisters don't think underneath the car which you can clearly see these well I'm in shock right now I mean even when I kick the wheel nothing's happening it's like something electronic is going on with the car hope we could get home later they do mess with your electronics sometimes one thing that I've learned when it comes to the paranormal spirits things like that your batteries can get drained II oh that makes sense do you dream the car battery and the alarms are usually hooked up to car batteries I really hope the car starts - not even think about that I almost want to almost want to try and see if the car starts so before in this video they find the keys here this is like remote like you know like push button start you know just to say that y'all not biessing okay these are the keys to the car I mean you can see here there's the battery dead oh wait a minute okay there we go see yep me on walkie I mean that's hot flat oh no I hope it's not know what sticking of the tire I hope it starts blow up Oh oh gosh what who's driving [Music] Maggie was driving okay Maggie must be like 5 foot 2 / 5 foot 3 row 5 foot 4 you're gonna be driving because Maggie clearly clearly cannot even drive over bridge I did uh um I think it was it was a video on Instagram this is you getting in the car after your girl's been driving a screenshot that you can yeah oh yeah I'm literally like I can I can lick the steering wheel hey babe how's it going who needs a four-door we are a Nissan Altima do they make a Nissan Altima Coupe I don't know well there's a car coming car really squishy in here I got plenty of legroom I really do try to push the button keep there still might idea what I'm not starting it is not starting 100% not starting I think I got all the juice out of it when I put my seat up this is like if you mess with me right now as no dude it won't start I'm pushing the button you see that oh yeah probably call a tow truck come get us lucky for me I did get the like the most insurance you could get on a rental vehicle and I could just say that don't mention anything about Maggie or anything like if they coming I'm not making anything there's your help it's like the one car that just got the real Redskins man we don't think them to help us I don't care who's nothing you are we need help she's a Cowboys fan oh that's why we're on the road all right there is a possibility that we're gonna be probably here at that time hanging out with Maggie all right so so we have coffee we're gonna go ahead and start ending this video my battery's about to die here in a second I don't know maybe I'll do an Instagram story update on what happened here let us know if you want us to come here at 3:00 a.m. and do the Maggie Maggie challenge again maybe with a completely different vehicle I wouldn't recommend coming out here with an electronic car or electric car you know a car that has a ton of batteries because I've already gone two through two batteries as bad as you can ready to die and I have nothing else after that be sure to check out my friend CJ his channel link will be down below in the description big shout out to him for bringing us out here even though we're stuck here on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere on a haunted bridge I am still really happy that I came here because I love capturing evidence of the paranormal and there's clearly evidence here it would be so cool if you came to visit the Maggie bridge here in Delaware if you capture anything cool please let me know send me a message maybe on an email but please be careful beware these spirits out here will suck up your batteries bring plenty of batteries and maybe an extra I don't know a jump some jumper cables or something that would be extremely helpful right now even though the one car that passed through right now didn't didn't stop up I don't know we'll try that if the tow company takes a little too long if you like my videos and you want a little bit more variation of content be sure to check out my other channel have a vlog channel and I upload I try to upload there just about every single day it's you know just another channel if you want to get to know me as a person a little bit better it's a little bit more personal my family is more on that channel a little bit more about me and what I do behind the scenes be sure to check out anyways I gotta go for now before you leave [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 3,769,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omargoshtv, family vlogs, family vloggers, exploring, ghost hunting, HAUNTED BRIDGE, scary videos for kids, scary videos for children, WE SUMMONED MAGGIE ON A HAUNTED BRIDGE, family friendly, cry baby bridge, haunted cry baby bridge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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