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what is up guys welcome to another adventure with your boy Omar if the name doesn't say much about the place will guess what yes this is a clown themed hotel the rooms that me and my friend checked in are the most haunted in the hotel we're gonna spend the night here I'm gonna show you around I'm gonna show you into the office where all the haunted clown dolls are we're going to show you the cemetery too [Music] [Music] no I forgot to mention this my friend Ryan is here on vacation with his wife his wife is inside here right now she is here to face her fears and that's something that a lot of people do that have a fear or a phobia of clowns they come here to do how's your wife it's my friend Ryan that's I thought I think so because this is probably those CDs going yeah yeah looking at you in the light that right there it is so windy - hey there Jennifer what do you what do you think of mr. mr. creepy that's his name right want to spend the night with it sure put it right in the bed Nikki this is gonna be fun well you know that there's a cemetery right next to us right yes oh yeah I have seen the cemetery and it looks really creepy have you seen it at night no what do you think of paying a visit to the cemetery at night you seen it yourself real which hand was it the left hand or the right one oh it's missing some fingers look at that was it the guy on happy gilmore hey hey it looks like his hands right I'm seeing I've heard the voices mail boys female voice have also a strong scent come through did they say anything specific could you actually there's an --them I could not understand them it was a gruff man's voice and it was on this side and I told him leave me alone cuz I don't like that voice thing I've had it it's a different language it's I don't know what it is but it's a male voice I know that oh wow it's it just started spiking me leave that whoa it's going crazy we haven't had that thing go off once so no we put it next to it goes off immediately well someone donated him and they were I guess gonna destroy him and here you can read the letter and says dear clown will tell you our willy the clowns last chance to find a home he promises to be well-behaved and would very much appreciate if you could find it in your heart to give him a new home because the alternatives are not nearly as appealing for him thanks Eddie that doll is he's haunted but supposedly he is helped people get over their fear of clowns that's a sad face that's the sad face one now we were given permission to take that haunted clown are you scared of this am I scared ya know so you've had some psychic say that is this where you've seen that apparition you were telling me about I kind of got that sensation when I went in there and used it restaurants just right I know you're going to think this is nuts but no not at all ooh no but I just I felt really eerie just being at the front door did you guys just close the door no bro the door just started moving again who's missing wrong twisted or the horse baby bro how did we close the door from back here thank you oh you know that that door just moved on its own right now bro a clothes dryer I thought you closed it no I have my hand on one camera dude look at everything look what I just had a bunch of spikes right by that door look at that look at that look at that yeah there's definitely some here I'm not sure if it's evil or what but so something just moved that door too so we just got permission from Marlena to come back we're gonna come back at 3m that is considered like you know the devil's hour the witching hour if anything's haunted it's usually haunted at 3m right now they're getting ready to close the office so they're gonna hook us up with a key to come back in here we're only gonna come in here for a quick minute or two and kind of survey the area it's gonna be dark so yeah we're gonna go check out the cemetery right now and come back at 3:00 a.m. the students we're gonna go to the most haunted part of this area you can see that this cemetery is right directly next to the clown motel which is probably another reason why it's haunted buried here are many of tena paas pioneer residents including the victims of the Tonopah Belmont mine fire of February 23rd 1911 as well as the victims of the 1902 Tonopah plague whoa I think it was yellow fever is what I wrap was it there's a lot of deaths here for just ten years oh it's that big I thought it was just right here dude this is scary no I never grabbed the names operator the ones that died in the fire why is there a shovel there this says pneumonia yeah they actually put the reason why they died or when they died yeah and they put the age let me know if you guys see something cuz there's apparitions that people have caught here there's a little girl that is buried here that is said to haunt this area too Wow a lot of people died in pneumonia yes as the mine fire that's so sad this guy was only in his 20s well what is that I don't know that cap yeah is that what you're using to keep warm those blue gloves I brought those for dumpster diving raw it's better than nothing because it's literally like 37 degrees it's so cold your boy Ryan let me use a bandana - anything I can use I got four shirts on dude me too use wet pants jeans two pairs of socks look I'm wearing two sweatpants here I'm wearing three shirts and a sweater it's freezing in I got my gloves on [Music] [Music] [Music] gunshot wound wound yeah while she was yelling 43 I'm not feeling like really weird or anything here but I do feel a great deal of sadness like a lot of Tears work shed where we're at right now and I know that's the case with a lot of cemeteries but I think this one was more of a tragic event that happened to me a lot of people lost their lives at a very young age all at once I mean think think about this area it's a very small town a lot of people knew a lot of people so it was it was almost like you know imagine you getting a phone call like you lost like 10 friends and ten family members all in the same day I mean that's the great deal of suffering that I'm feeling right now like imagine losing that many people like people that you're close to people you see every day people that you grew up with family members I mean a ton of people that's what happened here very sad Agustin Legrand life became a burden for her what is that supposed to mean she committed suicide I just made it back to the inside of the hotel office where all the haunted dolls are it's really dark in here you know what's weird though is this sign said closed and now it says open so all right come on in guys yeah it is I hate I hate all creeps me you know you don't like Ronald McDonald no they were coming back to the room dude this battery's drained again this is a brand-new battery I just put a new battery in here man good thing I got another one charging hey this is where I was earlier where the door started moving I'm not going in the toilet yeah you go in there this is where I got the reading right here it's not doing it now do my battery's about to die this is look show that on camera look at my battery that was a brand new battery I literally I've only recorded two minutes with it maybe three minutes see something in the corner oh I just I keep hearing things what the heck just close that door okay look I just got a reading right when that happened hello anybody here hello whoa was that one of you guys no bro we're right here I'm figured out oh dude that clowns foot is straight now remember it was crooked earlier which one did you get a reading on oh that one over there is it moving although okay I thought you were trying with this one yeah I am feeling uneasy in this place somebody not gonna do it videos a customer see that dude was that real did I did you guys see that it's nobody here bro you guys seen that right I don't see anything did you see that right it was like a shadow what where I'll see anybody I could have sworn it was like a shadow or something I don't know what we just seen right now but somebody knocked on the front door right now we still gotta lock it up we got Jennifer guarding the place right now we're gonna lock up yeah I should probably freaking out this girl is terrified of clowns now we didn't see a clown right now it was more like a dark figure please let me know in the comments if you've seen anything I mean this is stuff that we seen stuff that we witness stuff that we heard I know that there might be some other stuff we have yet to even spend the night in our hotel room we're gonna do that here in a little bit I haven't even showed you the inside of our hotel mean it's like Ryan's doors open hey your door is open Ryan to 11 your doors opened I haven't shown you guys yet the room we're gonna go ahead and go in there and start this overnight challenge hopefully it goes okay well let's go ahead and do this [Music] they're warm anyway I can it's pretty cold so this is our hotel room it's not what you would think when it comes to like a clown themed hotel there is a really creepy clown painting here though and he looks looks pretty sad we're gonna spend the night with this little guy right here I'm not sure what his name is but there is a spirit that haunts him so they say so we're gonna spend the whole night in here and I don't know let's see what happens I'm gonna find out I heard like a knock so um yeah it's not much to see here just two beds I think it adds to the creepiness I mean look this is like a really old TV but this is not why you stay at the clown motel that's haunted it's pretty clean the bathrooms clean let me show you the bathroom you can see it's very basic it's clean and one thing that I found it was really cool is the toilet had this thing on it saying that it's sanitized for your protection the overnight challenge begins well it kind of already began but we're gonna go ahead and start going to sleep I'm gonna have my camera close by in case something happens in case we hear some weird noises I can hurry up and grab it and record so that's it I'm gonna get in my jammies and get snuggled up under the covers thanks for being here with us hopefully I won't have to pick up my camera Oh we'll see if this is as haunted as they say it is the room that my friend Ryan has they say that you can hear somebody walking up on the roof now there's not a third floor here so it would be like somebody walking on the roof I'm not sure if we would hear that on our side but let's find out maybe maybe they will come learn and everbody please excuse my morning breath just woke up my friend James is missing in the last couple minutes like I heard a whisper and I looked and of course my friend James is not here but I heard like a whisper and it said dude like dude like that so I'm not sure what that was all about I heard that as I was waking up and James isn't here so like where did that come from and I don't know if James is messing with me but pretty sure this doll was not there last night I did not put it there it was over here like on top of a microwave I think I heard a toilet flush and when I looked James is here sleeping and that's it other than that like I had a pretty good night's sleep I'm gonna show you guys what this place looks like during the day especially that Cemetery because it was hard to see it at night fysop calm really cool though got some awesome mountains over there they were surrounded by you know the desert just like a real small town hey what's up man give me so much good information really that's when it goes off it goes off and I open up the front door the morning come right around here right about here and then it goes off the locals here they will talk to you they're very friendly they're really quick to open up about the history here I want to quickly show you the cemetery here this place is really cool just as cool during the day if not cooler there's a lot of neat graves here there it is right there 1901-1911 guffin [Applause] it's like a it's like a junkyard what the heck do where all these cars come from this is a legit like junkyard there's a four-wheeler over there I guess he's selling some of this stuff back here yeah haunted junkyard I don't know if I want to touch it we were told by the receptionist that the owner of the clown motel likes collecting stuff and that's why there's Frank a hundred sheds back here and he takes some of this stuff and he makes money he sells the stuff and yeah I guess he's a dumpster diver like us I mean you know on a much larger scale I found some ice skates here all those roller skates right there he finds a lot of this stuff here in town at their dump which is really neat you can see you know some of this stuff's in pretty good shape there's a wheelchair back there my friend Ryan's wife took an uber home in the middle of the night last night I'm not sure like what exactly happened you're gonna have to watch this video to find out also my friend James has a cool video you might be able to see some different things different elements in each video I know all of our videos are unique in their own way like I mentioned a lot of my videos make sure you go and look and study the video really good and let me know if you find anything if you hear anything some that I may have missed during the editing process I will leave a link to the clown motel as well make sure you show them some love if you have any haunted creepy clowns or even just a clown collection that you want to send them and donate to them I'll leave their address here in the description thank you so much for watching before you leave yes peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 5,959,983
Rating: 4.8603139 out of 5
Id: pgtzX5klRw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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