Has Anyone Known a Killer Before They Killed, What Were They Like? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories

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has anyone known a killer before they killed what were they like boy a couple years my minor in high school he was always the outcast in his classes he dressed funny talked funny and said disturbing things that some recall as threats mostly to the girls of the school after graduation he ended up butchering a homeless woman he was i can't say living together or in a relationship with i'm not sure what their status was either way kitchen knife drained her into the tub in court he showed no remorse and was proud to have finally ended someone's life his father was my professor in university he took it very hard one of my parents friends used to come around all the time he was probably only 21 nicest guy ever type of guy who wouldn't hurt a fly a couple of years later he moved and we seen him on the news for murder turned out he got on the ice and his girlfriend convinced him to kill her ex with her they then buried him in concrete only reason they got caught was because they wrote their ducking names in the concrete yes was hired at the same time as him w walked right next to him for several years he was one of those stoner guys always bragging about the parties he went to he was a little obnoxious in a bro sort of way so i always skipped hanging out with him after work after i left that job a little while later he killed his ex-girlfriend while her five-year-old was in the apt watching tv took the kid on a road trip to texas and smothered her on christmas morning and left her in a suitcase on the side of the road i graduated high school with dr death chris dunge he was an [ __ ] he was charming with teachers and people who could benefit him he was awful to everybody else i didn't see it but one or more awkward and vulnerable classmates said he bullied him relentlessly and i believe it he was easily irritated and if you got on his nerves he would really lose his cool remarkably mean and people would just shrug their shoulders and say that's just how chris is my little sister dated a guy when she was in high school who ended up murdering a couple he owed money to for heroin this dude beat them with the ducking baseball bat and hammer he almost got the death sentence but ended up with life in prison with no possibility of parole he was a seemingly nice polite teenager i used to drive him and my sister around for various dates and things he was quiet but not oddly so he just seemed like a normal teenage boy edit sorry i just got some clarification on some details the murder weapons were actually a microphone stand and a hammer he is eligible for parole after 51 years this happened in 2015. a few years ago i hired a father-son handyman team to help me get my house ready to put on the market among other things my outside doorknobs were in bad shape so they installed new ones the dad seemed pretty nice even did a little bit for free on their third and last day at my house he was pretty fired up about a big job they were starting the next day three days later he killed his new clients because they were unhappy with his work a neighbor saw what happened and ran into her house and hid he kicked her door in and shot her too i was terrified until he was caught i knew this guy before like literally the night before the crime he was at my house talking about a new job he thought he'd gotten how he was going to be able to take better care of his daughter a new tattoo he was going to get just random stuff some backstory he had a brain tumor when he was i think 9 or 10 not sure what kind or where but he was a make-a-wish kid i think he went to disney or something but they did manage to get it out with surgery so he was a little well he wasn't stupid or disabled but i'd say slow basically he was a little it through his teen years big pants loud music fast car yo i'm gangster kind of thing but when he met his girlfriend and then especially when his daughter was born he seemed to change a lot for the better he was the younger brother of a friend of mine i went from you can't not bring eddie to my house and i don't even want him to know where we live to sure eddie and you can come for dinner so yeah lots of change the night it happened we played dan that evening and he was as boringly normal as he ever was actually he'd never expressed any anger or anything toward the girlfriend's mother at all he'd said how happy he was that she was letting them live there and helping with the baby after we only saw him once more in court when he was sentenced we went with his mom who we knew and at the end he turned his face and wouldn't even naught at us i just don't get it i don't think i ever will i went to high school with a girl who poisoned her father no one knew until she confessed a year later watching a shakespeare play in college she was a little weird in school but i didn't think she was capable of that she confessed to my cousin btw sheesh he was really nice and i had gone to k12 with him never knew him to be the kind of person that would even get upset then i get a text a couple years ago asking do you know about x him and his brother killed their parents edit i'm out of the loop on this one younger brother was cleared he was an [ __ ] i'm not surprised he killed somebody he killed a 65 year old man in a revenge drive by shooting he shoot at the wrong house the guy he intended to kill didn't even live in that neighborhood i worked with a guy that murdered his gf he was a cool dude i sat with him a lot on my lunch breaks we talked about football school life etc pretty normal stuff never would think he was a killer he was not an aggressive person at all i spent three months on a study abroad with the special forces ex-fbi guy named sir joe we were a small group of mostly students whereas joe was older in there as part of foreign immersion training for the military he was a little odd awkward at times and didn't share too much about himself which we mostly attributed to the age difference i described joe as very intense but kind-hearted the military was very important to him and he always seemed very focused on that but occasionally he'd make a dry joke or let his guard down for a moment with the group he was very into photography and shared lots of great photos from the trip he was also somewhat the protector of the group and we always felt completely safe with him one story i'll share was when he was walking over a bridge and spied some guys in the trees waiting to jump down and rob him he pulled out a large knife he carried on him and casually brandished it as he walked by the guys smartly decided not to mess with joe but after he crossed he saw them sprint across the bridge and hide behind a building two policemen showed up shortly after and joe showed them where the guys were hiding so the police could arrest them anyways a few years after we got back i heard the news that he had killed someone and took his own life he had been training for a new position and his commander deemed that he wasn't physically fit enough for the job the judgment effectively ended his career and he felt he had been unfairly judged he brought a gun into the base and shot his commander dead then killed himself i dated a guy who later stabbed his mother to death he was psychotic and abusive and i fled the state because i was afraid he was going to kill me i found out years later that he murdered his mother just a few months after i left him he's still in prison it's been 20 years and i still have nightmares about him and i still feel a little sick talking about it my sister was killed by her fiance he was well normal took good care of her during recovery from surgery a bit weird but nothing stands out weird as in opposite interests and shy where my sister was outgoing never would have expected it from him until they had to clean out their place and found a bunch of guns and crap load of knives and it one of my best friends when i was stationed at fort bragg ended up getting into some sort of drunken altercation later on in his career at fort hood went back to his house to retrieve a pistol went back to the party and shot a dude it was absolutely insane to me when i heard about it because he had never shown any tendencies towards violence when i hung out with him pretty much every day for over two years probably drank a little too much but he was always just a good dude raising a good family last time i talked to him was three days before his trial he ended up changing his plea to guilty to receive 25 years instead of life he's at leavenworth now going on probably seven or eight years now feel bad for the family of the guy he shot he was a medically retired vet and didn't deserve to be gunned down like that as much as the murderer was my friend he gets to go home one day the guy he shot never will i was friends with a guy who was accused of physical abusing his son he went through the courts to fight it the ex-girlfriend finally admitted she made it up because he cheated on her he ended up killing her then himself i played basketball with a guy a few years ago in high school tried to find him on facebook and turns out he was being tried for murder apparently he and some of his friends were looking for pot money so they broke into this guy's house and somehow they guy ended up dead everyone in his group said he pulled the trigger but he denied it maybe he did it maybe he didn't but i can say that he was a genuinely nice person when i knew him never would have expected him to kill someone but i guess my mom was right about hanging out with the wrong crowd kid was in my dad's weeblo troupe and hung out with my brother really arrogant and mouthy biggest thing he did in junior high was when he was in seventh grade he dismantled the toilets in one of our school's upstairs bathrooms a couple of years later his mom passed and he found her started to get in trouble theft then fighting few years later he raped a girl went to jail after he was released he wound up killing seven people my neighbor's father murdered his entire family and then killed himself shortly before he was to be indicted over a ponzi-esque scheme i knew the whole family well the dad was always a little weird and would do things like wear a full three-piece suit to a child soccer game never showed any signs of being violent though the mother and two daughters were wonderful people it was a real tragedy he was seemingly a really nice dude he worked in our college dining hall always friendly polite kind to the students and he made me smile or chuckle more than once it turns out he stabbed a homeless woman over 24 times and was arrested for murder i suppose some people can just snap or are really good at hiding true nature not sure which category he falls into our room mate killed a 16 year old over some money he thought he stole i have to testify in court soon actually edit here's the article if anyone wants to read it my best friend's older brother killed her stepmom strangled her and burned the house down he was just like any other teenage older brother a bit rebellious but nothing out of the ordinary he was kinda goth and liked heavy metal and had dark humor he played goldeneye with us and always let me use the see-through purple controller he teased his little sister just like any brother would one time he took us for a car ride and did doughnuts in a church parking lot while blasting a big shiny tunes album and it was really fun nothing ever indicated what he would do later in life i used to live in a shared house with three other dudes this one particular guy used to go to work every day come home go to the club for a few beers i left the house several years later a young lass was stabbed to death not far from where i was working police came in the next day and asked if anyone recognized the photo low and behold it was a dude i used to live with my old neighbor's stepson he was an over-indulged rich boy type he stabbed his mom dad and brother then locked their dog in a crate and burned the house to the ground i know it sounds bad but the dog thing always bothered me most of all one of my childhood friends had a creepy little brother she told me he killed some kittens in their driveway with a basketball and that one night he woke her up by standing over her bed with a lighter watching her he was only like six or seven years old couple years later i find out from her that he's been institutionalized until he's 18. she told me she was really worried for herself and her parents the day he gets out which now that i think about it may have happened already or it's coming soon edit as for how i remember him he wasn't like my little brothers as in he didn't get excited about games or toys and he never smiled my manager at work was a pretty chill nerdy guy he was really nice to talk to and a fun boss then he smothered his infant son and it kind of messed me up for a while this was a guy that i almost considered a friend everyone at work was shocked and didn't know how to handle or feel about it of course we talked about it when there weren't any customers around but most of it was the expected i can't believe manager did this talk i was school friends in high school with a guy who ended up murdering his ex-gf and her two friends on the side of a highway one survived he drove them off the road and executed them before committing suicide the guy was an active member in the mormon church he went to the activities dances camping trips seminary scouts ptc but he was always a little bit rebellious he was aggressive and very much tried to be the alpha he was a very good football player and was very athletic if he was your partner in gym class he would hit you not full power if you ever made a mistake he used to talk about chasing cats down in his truck if he saw them on the road and would laugh about it later he also was an avid hunter and enjoyed killing things which isn't that uncommon in alberta since everyone had a family member who lived on a farm and shot gopher's pests at some point we all thought that he was just aggressive because of hormones dude was jacked and had the voice of a 30 year old at 17 but we never expected him to turn out the way he did p.s i never really met his parents so i don't know if he had issues at home but his sisters were a year or two older than me and they are lovely people they were always kind and caring and would go out of their way to make sure nobody was left out high school classmates murdered a college student at random and was given the death penalty executed in florida he had a difficult home life but was always the life of the party i went spelunking with a girl who shot people at penn state we worked at the diner together her husband was the maitre d and she was the cashier i was a server he was nice she was nice she was apparently booted from the army for not taking her meds then she worked at the diner seemed fine then stopped taking her meds i never would have thought or expected it they were both a bit weird but we all were about a month or so after our spelunking trip she went old main lawn hid in some bushes and just started sniping people some guy stopped her and got stabbed trying to do so never would have thought her capable of that r.i.p to the people she killed sorry for the people she injured weird time haven't thought of that in a while edit link update 2 before i get yelled at for false reporting she was booted from the reserves for not graduating high school and she got stabbed by herself not the guy who stopped her sorry it's been a long time update 3 if i recall correctly the cave system was called j4 which is now closed tl doctor at the end never knew this guy personally but in my hometown there were four kids in particular two of them being the victim believe it or not we'll call them eric and matt who i did know personally and then the only survivor of the attack had the killer who we'll call jake was celebrating his friend matt's 21st birthday with eric and howard everything seemed okay at first but as the night went on jake seemed quiet and sort of detached which is about the time matt and howard went to go chat with him and check on him soon after eric noticed he was getting a bit fidgety and walked over as well as he walked over jake had pulled a knife and stabbed matt in the throat howard having seen this immediately turned to run while eric tried to stop jake jake was then able to stab him several times until he died howard was able to get away with severe injuries but luckily lived to tell the tale jake turned himself in not too long afterwards everyone who knew him wasn't surprised that he did it i guess he always seemed a bit wacko tl dr local kid is celebrating 21st day and stabs two friends to death and hospitalizing third friend with seemingly no motive in sight edit it was not jake's birthday as i previously stated it was mats yes a kid that was in my english class killed his girlfriend he seemed like a normal friendly guy it's not my personal story but it's my dad's he used to be a special ed teacher assistant and he met all kinds of kids when he first started teaching while one occasion he used to always talk about one kid in his class that was extremely anti-social and never said a word during class screwed up partly this kid in special ed with kids that have disabilities when this certain students didn't have any my dad ended up getting to know this kid he was very shy and said short sentences my dad realized he was very intelligent and reached out time him about high placement principal declined the request and the kid went back into his shell one day on the news all i see is a murder at the high school my dad worked at and turned out the kid went to school with a loaded gun on a mission to kill the principal cops swarmed the school and swat came in to detain the student swat ended up putting 17 bullets into the kid later my dad found his notebook and turns out the kid had a dream to being a teacher like my father and help others with depression and neglect a girl that lived with us for a while had a boyfriend that would stop by and visit the go out he loved his myth according to her they moved in together he beat a man to death with a baseball bat over some drugs she helped him hide the body he testified that she knew nothing about it so that she could stay out of jail to raise the kids my childhood neighbor and sunday school teacher children's church classes recently murdered his wife in cold blood he is like 70 years old he always gave me the creeps and i could never figure out why once when my brother was around 15 he was over at their house with our mom helping this man's wife do some renovations on their house the guy showed up and went off on my brother as if he were trying to get with his wife when my bro was forced to be there by our mom to help this elder lady odd fast forward to now my dad works at the jail he's at my parents were divorced so my dad never knew him before an elderly lady recently visited the killer in jail and had a health emergency while she was in the visiting cubicles and my dad called the ambulance to help her or whatever later on this guy shakes my dad's hand and looks right into his eyes with a seemingly genuine thank you for saving this lady my dad said he felt a chill run through his entire body and compared the guy's smile to the cheshire cat from alice in wonderland creepy i knew a guy whose best friend beat someone to death he got woken up by a phone call from his mate telling him about it and thought ijt was a sick joke a few days later he got arrested as an accessory to murder and spent six years in jail all because of a phone call poor guy had a real hard time trying to accept his mates actions and the outcome for himself i grew up with a kid who shot and killed a gas station clark execution style while robbing the gas station while high on sherm he was a ducking d when we were in elementary school middle school junior high and high school so i was not even remotely surprised that he grew up to be a murderer he sent me a facebook request from prison a few years ago i didn't know her well but i attended a wedding with a member of the bridal party some years back the maid of honor seemed like a cheery funny person i had a good time at the wedding and we chatted a bit about six months later the more shot and killed her husband i don't know if i ever found out why i made coffee for bob minutes after i met him seemed like an okay person young and carefree quite looking forward to an evening of beer and bbq steak with his dad he and a friend frank were on their way to bob's dad's house to celebrate the dad's birthday followed by fishing the next day late in the evening frank decided he'd had enough beer and went to sleep a couple of hours later bob shook him awake saying i done it i killed him i done him with the axe sure enough bob had embedded an axe in his dad's head frank wanted to go but bob was still hyper and a bit manic so he had to wait until bob finally dozed off near dawn then he walked 10 km to town and told the cops what had happened frank was arrested on the spot for being an accessory to murder because he hadn't immediately leapt into bob's car without the keys and tried to drive away the cops found bob still sleeping and his dad still dead bob went to jail but i forgot how long for it was a long time ago and he's probably out now the cops dropped the charges against frank my ex-boyfriend's best friend in school ended up breaking into his girlfriend's house with another guy and beat her to death i remember hanging out with him in two classes that my ex didn't have with us he was really funny and a smart ass he got me in trouble a lot for laughing during class he was also good at drawing and coming up with raps when i read the article about him years later i was kind of shocked guess people just change when i was 10 had a friend from the next block over who had an older brother of 16 or 17 one night his brother had a fight with his mom over a bad report card from school it escalated to him chasing his mom out of the house and shooting her with a rifle i had met both his mom and his older brother but in that way that 10 year olds meet parents much older brothers just passing through on our way to play or go ride bikes his brother just seen a brooding teenager that in retrospect smoked a lot of pot and had anger issues really didn't want to have anything to do with us cuz we were lame for some reason i think's it from toy story with a cowboy hat no i did not hear the shot of the ensuing police stuff even though it happened maybe 50 yards away from my house brother ran they caught him quickly house went for sale the next week never saw my friend again never found out his verdict sentence i was 10. my aunt was a surgical technician who worked closely with michael swingo the killer doctor at ohio state's hospital she said he had very poor bedside manner and didn't seem even slightly concerned when his patients were in pain he would often bring in food for the other staff and people would mysteriously get sick after he eventually got exposed after the roommate of one of his patients victims heard him inject a lethal dose of medication into her iv and told the woman when it gets your other arm you will be dead by the time he was found out he had already fled the state my aunt and several of her co-workers were interviewed by what they were told was the state medical board but it was actually the osu board of directors there was a large cover-up from the university to protect their university and swango was allowed to kill over 100 more patients before he was caught there's a really good book about swingo and the cover-up called blind eye my aunt was interviewed for the book and said it is the most accurate description of the killings and the politics that allowed him to keep culling [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: 1VXJF5sKt_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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