Whats acceptable to have to explain to a child, but unacceptable to have to explain to a adult?

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askreddit what's acceptable to have to explain to a child but unacceptable to have to explain to an adult not everything on tv is real some people on the internet lie to you you really think someone would do that just go on the internet and tell lies how it isn't okay to throw a tantrum when you don't get what you want my favorite reaction to this situation what were you hoping to achieve with that display they'll just make something up in an attempt to justify what they did teaching the concept of personal space too many adults do not understand it a man was standing so close to me in the supermarket queue that i had to ask him repeatedly to take a step back every time the queue moved forward he would be jammed up against me again in his incoherent response he seemed very concerned that i wasn't jammed up against the next guy in the q2 as if that was just an open invitation for random people to jump into the gaps ahead of us few years back i went to a haunted house with my friend and this lady kept standing stomach to butt behind us in line we took turns being by her until my friend eventually just snapped at her but i don't think she understood a word my friend said because she was doing it again five minutes later lol i went to a haunted house once and ended up holding hands with a stranger it was dark and i thought it was my friend she told me not to worry about it she's a mom still feel a little weird about it after living with a 32 yo who behaves like a 12 yo for a year don't shoot that slingshot in the house don't take other people's things without permission don't go through other people's things without permission don't trespass on private property don't eat candy for every meal don't follow a bear around in the woods don't chase the livestock don't torment the pets and the list goes on being an adult means you know you shouldn't shoot the slingshot in the house but choose to accept the consequences of shooting the slingshot in the house my husband used his bb gun in the house to the consequence of a wine glass a decorative flower pot a cookie jar and my work entry card that i had to tell the operations mgr that i have no idea why it no longer worked the bb gun that he can no longer find regardless of how much he looks for it where babies come from no [ __ ] i had to explain this to a 19 year old who got his girlfriend pregnant he seriously thought that because they were both virgins that she couldn't get pregnant she did i had a dumbest friend who legitimately thought two nuts cancelled each other out i've heard that the second one won't get her pregnant of it so soon after the first one that you haven't made more sperm but never that the second load just nullifies the first don't pee on the toilet seat if you accidentally pee on the toilet seat wipe it up with toilet paper so the next person doesn't sit on it how to eat with your mouth closed i recently privately asked my mom how my sister managed to grow into adulthood chewing with her mouth hanging open she said she gave up in her teen years when nothing she did was making a difference i had guys when i was in the army that would stuff half a hamburger in their mouths talking to me while chewing and swallowing their food without their lips coming even close to each of the fun facts half of them also don't know how to keep their saliva to themselves please and thank you unlimited breadsticks are not really unlimited and that you eventually have to order something to someone who flipped a table while shouting i shall no longer patronize the garden of olives how to do basic functions wiping your ass using a knife and fork tying laces etc that you shouldn't kiss out touch sniff complete strangers but did you know if you put your ear up against a stranger's leg you can distinctly hear what the duck are you doing got a good laugh out of this way back a long time ago i was really drunk at a bar the day before thanksgiving i was bald at the time still am now but it was then too i saw that my brother was trying in vain to hit on a girl that clearly wasn't entrusted with a friend looking unamused i went up to the girl who he wasn't trying to hit on softly grabbed her hair and said i really like your hair it's super soft and i miss mine we ended up casually dating for a few months i would not recommend anyone try that though look both ways before you cross the street if they hit and kill me i don't have to pay my student loans why they have to repeat third grade thanks a lot next semester i'll be 35. the importance of keeping your hands to yourself agreed and it's both whether your hands touch someone else or something that isn't yours that and standing cluelessly in the way of other people and doorways walkways etc women have a urethra and a vagina pee and menstrual blood don't come out of the same hole as a female 17 i didn't learn this until i was 15 insane how it's not taught as often as it should be don't feel bad i went to nursing school nursing school with a woman in her 50s who had absolutely no idea that women had two holes down there so i asked her if she ever thought it was weird she could pee with a tampon in you could literally see the light bulb turn on in her head she didn't make it through the program to use their inside voice when they're speaking too loudly sometimes it's time to use no voice when you want somebody to move we say excuse me not move it my supervisor didn't take it well when i wasn't gonna take his rudeness that the earth is indeed not flat the earth isn't flat nor is round come on people don't you get it it's obviously earth-shaped any lessons you could easily find in a children's show prime example britney's when the new mlp series and britney's were at their height i was in my early to mid teens i watched the show because my similarly aged friends all liked mlp when they were younger or have fond memories of it i didn't grow up here in america and i wanted to relate to my friends more and i have always also liked cartoons anyway even if they are simplistic and the messages of the show are pretty obvious be nice to people you don't understand apologize to your friends when you have wronged them don't lie to others just to please them it was nuts to hear 20 to 30 year old grown-ass men talking about those lessons like they were revelations when i was in college i overheard ibrani seriously explained to his other brony friend why the obviously shitty thing he did was just like the comically obviously shitty thing rarity did in one of the episodes and britney know two had a galaxy brain moment i couldn't believe it this children's show was written to give children a basic understanding of how to deal with issues as they grow up it's meant to be a stepping stone to more complex issues and it was being referenced by 20 sums in college it's like watching an adult just learn that if you add four quarters together you get a dollar man you should have known that 15 years ago i can't really hate some of these bronies though maybe some of them are on the spectrum or had developmental issues growing up or grew up in a very mature or repressive household i will hate on weird horny brownies though i guess that's another one that's unacceptable to have to explain to an adult please don't beat your meat to the fictional child horses sweets and other treats are okay in moderation and it is important to get some sort of exercise even if light walking why cruelty is wrong we don't vote for someone just because they are male or female we vote for them because we agree with their politics and or think they are the best for the job in the last local body election i copied all of the candidate statements and removed the names pick my favorite one based entirely on what they plan to do then figured out which candidate matched the statement i liked and voted for them consent that showering is a societal requirement this is something really specific but new brother had to explain to his friends that reptiles and retillion were referring to the same thing they thought that reptilian was someone you would name your kid this was one day before they graduated high school wishing something is true does not make it true why it's not okay to remove your pants to piss at a urinal how babies are made i had to explain this to a 25 year old frnd she thought they magically appear from glowing light like it's shown in indian soaps when you explain that it's not necessary to get to treat for pooping in the toilet or not peeing in your underwear overnight brush your teeth everyday like holy [ __ ] i found out one of my friends only brushes their teeth once a week furious tantrums under good look that you shouldn't play doctor with a five-year-old vaccines don't cause autism how to be nice to people who are nice to you waiters drive through staff basically anyone in hospitality and how to use your manners whoa you made it to the end you're a ducking beast i'll cast you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content bruh it's free and that's a great price [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Sir Reddit
Views: 41,452
Rating: 4.9673572 out of 5
Id: h2M_RTKMvi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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