Hart Lines 2017 FULL TV EPISODE | Red Bull Signature Series

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the Motor City no other place in US history has had more impact on four-wheel vehicles to Detroit Michigan today four wheels definitely rule the Big D once again but this time in the form of skateboards with the top Street skateboarders in the world descending upon downtown Hart Plaza for the skateboard competition of the year with heartlines you're watching the Red Bull signature SKUs [Music] [Music] this is [Music] hey everybody Sal Masekela here your host of the Red Bull Signature Series and allow me to welcome you to Detroit Michigan the Motor City Motown Detroit Rock City is the town that has a number of monitors throughout its past which is probably due to its rich iconic history of the Midwest this is the third year that the Big D hosts heartlines and in that short time the city has really come alive and been revitalized streets bustling downtown is busy with activity and of course there's always been an incredibly passionate sports town so heartlines is back this is a very unique event that focuses on speed style and flow on a technical course it's situated and almost like a gladiator like amphitheater at downtown's Hart Plaza if a bevy of international skaters here including the man himself Ryan Sheckler last year's winner Nyjah Huston and the up-and-coming superstar out of Brazil Kelvin poplar our finals are about to begin with competitors ready to do it on lane 1 so we'll check in with Todd Harris and Chris Pass just for the call Thank You Sal two legs two runs per lane the runs are timed and that is very important sport out of 100 crispy is a huge element yes that's one of the things that makes heartlines unique we've got a slightly smaller course this year and the judges are really really emphasizing difficulty out here at hard-lined all right before we get started let's check in with Tina Dixon thanks Todd we actually just wrapped qualifiers down here and there's been a couple big surprises first off our number one qualifier was Alec Medeiros who earlier today in practice claims that he broke his thumb in fact he showed it to me and it is quite swollen and bruised obviously not letting it bother him our number two qualifier was Kelvin Hoefler who told me that he received a late invitation about a month ago but already proving that he does belong here of redbull heart lines now ryan scheckler missed last year due to injury he's excited to be back here but guys he barely squeaked in to final and will have his work cut out for him Todd all right thank you very much Tina great to have Ryan Sheckler in the final man behind the heart lined competition it's good to see him in the final ten yeah you know Ryan Sheckler was sitting on the sidelines last year and he's a co-creator of the event as you mentioned Cod and Ryan is just looking so strong this year for heartlines 2000 2017 absolutely fit as a 27 year old out of San Clemente California and he will get things started Lane one run one for Ryan Sheckler absolute superstar in the sport as he is off and running and we are set to go [Applause] Ryan go for that frontside half cab flip sticking it in there's a 350 cliff night go for the kickflip five-o not quite going 500 like you wanted but still a solid run so far from Ryan Sheckler Lane one run one and as we've talked about Christine is a factor if this element of the scorn of the judges and SEC for not having any problems feel me yes ollie over the big speed bump gap there in that five oh great run so far frontside flip got to stick this final trick into the back side nose grind nollie 180 out that was an excellent excellent first run from our co-creator Ryan Sheckler so we'll small touch to the air but not a major deduction nice crooked grind there through the hallway into that best slide on the big wall setting his feet up for that Smith grind great lines from Ryan and there you see control back side nose grind on that hubba there nailing out backside 180 hands touchdown but we will take it that is a contest mate covers the course in system to 35 seconds it's 480 3.33 for secretary standing by with Tina yeah thanks guys and there's no better person than Ryan Sheckler to get this started this contest started going Ryan you missed last year because of injury just what is it like to now be back it's good to be back you know it's just like I put in a lot of work putting a lot of time to just be on my board and be happy and like I'm not here skating the contest I'm here it's came with my friends and I finally had a really comfortable place in my life so I'm so you know I was watching you earlier in practice and you were just acting like a kid in a candy candy store how is this course it's amazing it's just like that you know it's like you get here and you expect something and then it works out a lot better than you had expected so this is just great the guys that build this Detroit Red Bull like can't thank you guys enough it's an amazing event thanks Ryan have some fun guys so 27 year old Ryan Sheckler sets the mark to be 80 3.33 as we go back to the top of lane number one and this is a rookie to this event 24 year old Paul Hart out of Jacksonville Florida of course reiterating Chris you get two runs on each lane and then we average your two best for sure and here you see Paul Hart dropping in nice frontside half cab cliff Paul is primarily known more as a video part rah street skater so great to see him out here competing at heart line a couple 5050 is not laying out through the hallway there sets himself up for that super basic look very difficult trick on a rail that long at the front side nose slide almost pulled it time is of the essence is he make quick work of that fall back up on his board and riding the good news is he gets another crack at lane work yeah setting himself up for the final trick here what's Paul Hart's got don't think he quite wanted that backside 5050 but like you said Todd best of to run so Paul gets another crack at lane number one you see that frontside half cab flip perfection and there's that front side nose slide a basic trick but really difficult on a handrail of that grade that that's that's that long and we see backside 5050 solid showing yep so much going on in that run his time though 37 point one so adjusted score is a 51 for Paul Hart and that has him slotted into second place another rookie to this event chase Webb he takes on lane one for the first time when we return to Hart Plaza here in Detroit Michigan this is hard line and you're watching the Red Bulls get your series back in Detroit Michigan for a Red Bull heartlines part of the Red Bulls Signature Series Todd Harris Chris Patras and Tina Dixon you are looking at Chase less a 22 year old at a myriad of California a rookie to this event and this is a challenging event to be a rookie actress because you can't go back and hit it for twice you basically have to move forward at all times for sure and while chase is a rookie to the tart lines event he is not a contest rookie chase entered his first contest at age six in 2001 the chase knows what it takes to do well in a contest as you see em cruising through this course absolutely flying through the course numbers there's a timed element at heartlines and right now chase Webb understand the importance of speed as he makes quick work of the course in under 30 seconds that was an amazing run from Chase Webb all-terrain vehicle moving very quickly through the course there you see that frontside air on the massive wall straight into that nose bluntslide precision and then the long backside five-o gapping out to this backside lipslide adding some difficulty by taking it to fakie great great shilling for round number one chase Webb so chase Webb with an adjusted score of 81 and he is now standing by with our cheetah Dixon down in Hart Plaza yeah and chase making that vert wall like a V chase I was watching you earlier in practice and you seem to be really enjoying this event oh yeah highlight I like the style of it and like I said earlier I like going fast and yeah this is awesome you know speed is such a big part of this event how do you guys balance going fast and also being technical of can't really pass anything up but sometimes you're going too fast I played that's the only way you could kind of like did that points is missing stuff but trying to get the speed too so it's been fun to watch thanks chase guys thanks Tina back to the top of run number one lane one you are looking at resilient Kelvin Hoffler the 24 year old out of come follow yet to make his first run remember it's two runs on each lane but tiny is an element and then of course Chris you have to factored style consistency and food definitely and difficulty is highlighted here at 2017 heartline there's the Kevin getting at will click on that course they're not quite cool in that frontside flip but this guy has a very high contest IQ he knows exactly how to recover so now is this just a recon run for him knowing that he's already had the big fall to start you know a guy like Kevin with that much contest experience just pretend as if all doesn't happen just like in sports got to keep it moving keep that confidence up gapping out to that noseblunt great finish great recovery fee Kevin so Hoffler checks in with a time of 32.5 a little slower but once he got things going after this fall it was rock salt yeah that would have been a really fast run had not had that fall we see the back side over crook gapping out to this nose bluntslide perfect Kelvin knows what it takes to do well in contests he's won the SLS super crown 2015 73 6-7 puts him currently in third that's his adjusted score so Kelvin hospital head back to the top Alec McGarrett's the 21 year old out of Rochester Minnesota now residing in Southern California you look at this start list for the final you got the veterans the newcomers and then just the rock stars like McGarrett totally yeah and alec is primarily known as a video card skater he filmed three video parts in one year last year which is unheard of so it's great to see him out here competing at heartlines he knows what it takes to do well in a contest but primarily known for really really technical tricks nice backside sniff around there and the frontside feeble good run so far even though we've got one fall still a very quick time as Madera stops the clock at thirty five point seven so again you factor in that fall it could be a whole different story but he does get another crack at lane one yes there we see the 180 ollie to fakie fifty-fifty that's a really difficult trick you got washed out on that and then the frontside nosegrind grabbing frontside was great and then we see the gap out frontside bluntslide adding some difficulty by taking it to fakie great first run from Alice March Eris even though he got washed out there on the first turn we packed a lot into 33 points seven seconds comes up with an adjusted score seventy-eight he's got another crack at it last year's champion fan-favorite Nyjah Huston will lay down his first run on Lane one when we return to heartline from Detroit Michigan you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series I am your host Sal Masekela and this is heartline this is year three of this one of a kind of event and the focus has been primarily on the finals but there's much more to it than just the final runs you see 21 international athletes of diverse backgrounds were invited to Detroit to show off their skills with only three skaters qualified straight into the finals based on last year's standings eighteen skaters battled about in the qualifiers for the seven spots remaining this event was created to highlight the best of the best skaters regardless of what country you hail from whether you're a competition skater or not diversity is king here in Detroit so we're going to break down the elements and the competitors that make up hard lines Red Bull hardline Hart Plaza the cream of the crop in the world of day boarding huge crowd here come the top skateboarders in the world here we go hard lines underway and cover to redbull hard line well here we go Oh there what [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] / - defconn well just getting an invite to this event is huge and then making one of the top ten spots Chris shows just how good a skater you are yeah these guys are handpicked by Ryan Sheckler it's a super dynamic and diverse group of skateboarders Oh enroute to find our best overall Street skater well there is the man right now the defending champion twenty two-year-old Nyjah Huston at a hunting to beat California it seems like whenever he steps on the course everyone else stop you know the competitor is going to see what knife is going to do Nyjah Huston has the highest contest IQ in skateboarding and there you see it at work nice nose one slide and the five-o grind to the hallway and it is Smith grind yeah nausea is also currently the most winningest winning it skateboarder back side over trips here comes with element art line into the plaza gapping over those speed bumps oh my what a finish and under 33 seconds the good news for the fan he gets one more crack at lane number was not so good for the rest of the competitors that was an amazing first run from Nyjah Huston there you see the 360 flip and going into this competition the question was can Nyjah make adjustments the course is a bit smaller a bit scaled back and the answer is a resounding yes Nyjah can make adjustment here at heartlines 2017 so what's going on in there and there you see goes in the first place with an eighty six point six seven Nyjah Huston in first place and we're just on run one he blew Tina and eyes are moving into the lead with that run nice that you're coming back if the defending champion so is there more pressure with that less pressure how do you approach it because with what you just did there so this look like you had an impression yeah definitely adds a little pressure you know but I still get out here all it is this practice management act in this course and gonna get unstuck you know you got to sit and watch everyone actually do qualifiers is that tough for you at all no I mean if anything is good you get to see what other people are doing out there just to think about what you need to do to win so uh yeah stell go out sometime thanks Nyjah guys Thank You Tina Nyjah Huston in first place with an 86 points six seven ahead of Chase Webb and Ryan Sheckler currently sitting in third just ahead of Alec Madeira when we return the skaters will get a second run on lane number one here at heartline you are watching the Red Bull an inter series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series and heartlines here in Detroit Michigan I am your host Dom masta Killa how you handle adverse situations molds who you are not only as an athlete but also as a human being 2016 was an especially difficult year wrought with injuries for many in the professional skateboarding community the visionary behind hardlines Ryan Sheckler he had to watch from the sidelines last year due to a knee injury and Felipe Gustavo also suffered a knee injury and tore his ACL during practice for this event last year both though are back competing in the final so the question is how have scheckler and Gustavo turn the pain and misfortune into an opportunity to excel in the sport that they love and an event that they are both very passionate about our lines last year ended up tweaking my knee a little bit one man that's not competing the creator of this contest is Ryan Sheckler last year I was hurt Wow thank you landed up before he planned to that's here here for my ACL my needs oh no beauties all right a lot of tots went through my head that I go never be able to skate again when athletes pretty hard you know like a lot of people switch they never come back [Music] if you get injured you can either go through the process of getting back to being on your board or too much for you and you get out for us we all have to figure out how to get back on the board last year I couldn't skate because I tore my meniscus put me out for six months I was like a long seven months without skating once in a gym for like six seven hours day I just learned so much about my body like eating better and like stretching and doing all this stuff and making a better table to be a conservative over our bodies but at the same time go full force it's really tough watching our lines last year I mean I think it was a positive for me to actually be able to see how the contest is run this year though I'm skating I feel like a 13 year old hit again that just wants to do I need feels like a steel metal now I'm like better than before so I mean can't wait just like so hard line [Music] well Chris unfortunately injury is part of the game yeah tough injuries and coming back from them is part of pro skateboarding how bad do you want it and if you're Felipe Gustavo you want it very very bad you heard him talk about all those hours in the gym and here he is at heartlines 2017 looking solid starting off with a nollie flip there lately not quite having the same taste that we saw from Nyjah or Ryan Sheckler yeah you know Felipe is much more of a technician take the raw Street where you see him getting through our hallway doing that backside Smith grind and that crooked grind much more of a raw Street Gator there you see that wow that was one of the most difficult tricks we've seen at heartlines 2017 a tick that knows one side it was amazing Wow not quite hanging on going for a switch stance backside tailslide that's actually it's difficult enough trick regular and he's going backwards trying to switch Dan there's he a kickflip into a nose grind controlled as you mentioned Todd not to taking the fastest route through the heartlines Lane number one but definitely controlled and some very very difficult moves like this kickflip nose bluntslide one of the most difficult things we've seen all weekend so his time was just under 38 seconds adjusted his score now is a seventy three point six seven for Felipe Gustavo who's back from injury he's now seen by with Tina all right Felipe Lane one is done well how would you judge that run I don't know we're just trying to lend something Japan dinner first Varney now and then I'm not even caring about speed I'm just I'm fine doing the trick that I love to do so I know cool you know last year you missed it again because of injury there was a couple of you guys just would be back competing I know a lot of people are really excited to see you factor that's the winning for me you know just be able to skate again it's game with everybody just being in a contest again that you know it's been a year for now and as the long I was a long time not kidding but happy to be back and then let's go you know I know the fans are excited to see you as well and a smile on his face great to have Felipe back is a small weather system seems to be moving over the Detroit area and that means a little bit of rain and Chris obviously have to slow the contest down actually bring it to a stop for now for safety reasons yes Todd we are down town Detroit in the streets and with Street skating comes the weather factor so we've got a bit of a rain delay on our hand alright for more on how they're going to address this with sticking with Tina again Todd we have had a couple rain delays today now it is quite dangerous for the skateboarders when this course does get wet the would get slippery the rails get slippery and even just a few minutes of rain and this course needs to get basically dry for the event to continue on again now you can see behind me the course workers working a way to do that dry the course and you see that that's essentially a leaf blower and it it just drive blow dries everything and they do have mops and that mops up everything so even a couple minutes of rain the course gets wet but they can dry this course relatively quickly as well and we get back to the event Todd all right Thank You Tina keep dry out there and the fans are not deterred by the rain and they're willing to wait it out we're going to take a quick break they dry out the course when we come back right to the competition this is heartline from Detroit Michigan you're watching the Red Bull they get your theory welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is heartlines from Detroit Michigan I am Thomas mikela and we have had some weather move in which puts us on a temporary rain delay so while they dry out the course we're going to check in with my friend Tina Dixon who caught up earlier with a very special heartlines qualifier Brazil's Leticia Bufoni when organizers were looking at the criteria as to who to invite this year to Red Bull heartlines Leticia Bufoni you found yourself included in that list what an honor what were you thinking when you first found the yeah found out your invitation so when they first invited me I was kind of like scared because last year the park was really big but then I was like you know what I'm going to do am the only girl skating I think it's going to be amazing and yeah I'm supposed to be you and be able to skate with the boys no it's not a women's event it's not a men's event it's a skateboarder event how does this push women's skateboarding and how does it push yourself yeah it pushed myself a lot to be skating with the guys because they're so good so it forced me to skate better and better and this is awesome for us because we don't have anything like this women's doesn't have it only has like only two events a year so it's good to be here to be representing the girls it's been so much fun to watch you skate and guys something to note I'd say Leticia has the most fans here in Detroit we'll send it back to you Thank You Tina it is so cool to see Leticia not just competing but holding her own amongst the men how do you feel about that at home huh about the return of Ryan Sheckler and Felipe Gustavo to competition and the pure dominance of Nyjah Huston can he be beat we have plenty to talk about so let's have a conversation follow the Red Bull Signature Series on Facebook Twitter Instagram any manner in which you get social just make sure you do so at our v6 Series and tag us with the hashtag Red Bull heartlines or of course you can go to Red Bull Signature Series calm or you have plenty more exclusive content just for you about this event plus our entire schedule for the year and if that's not enough you can also download the Red Bull TV app we can watch this show and catch up on every episode from every season you're welcome and the weather delay it's over the course is finally ready for competition and Australia Tommy Finn is at the start ready to drop so I'm going to send it over to Todd Harris and Chris Patras for the call Thank You Sal for handling all that business you are right there is Tommy Finn the 28 year old Australian set to drop in on his second run on Lane whenever there's two lanes everyone gets two runs on each one and this is crazy how just 15 minutes ago the rain was coming down and now look at the skies Krista's done is shining great weather for skateboarding Sun Coast is head out he's calm he's been off to a good start nice nollie nose manual into that 360 clip nice backside five-o Tommy one of the more precise street skaters we've got out here at Red Bull heartlines nice backside lipslide with a crooked grind Tommy is that twenty eight one of our oldest competitors but man he really has been just getting better and better with age one of Venice only comes on blue the very end third people like precision from Tommy Finn and great speed and well we see that 360 flip booyah into the camera into a nice backside lipslide they're maintaining his speed straight into the crooked grind and then a kickflip into backside lipslide almost hanging on well the Justice score will be a sixty eight point three three for Tommy Finn and congratulations and thanks for the course workers for getting that course dried out so fast for Tommy well the weather has not curb these fans enthusiasm as Canadian Ryan disenzo signed a few autographs we'll be back with more from the Motor City here at heartline you are watching a Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is hard lines from Hart Plaza downtown Detroit Michigan Todd Harris joined by Chris pastor huge crowd here to see some the top skateboarders in the world compete on this course with fun is now out and shiny blue skies are above us and this is run number two on lane number one it's alex Medeiros yeah and with the judging highlighting difficulty this year this really opens the door for a guy like Alex McCarran he's got very difficult trick that's the same body craft on run number one yeah you know that's a hard line to make you got to make a 90-degree turn there after that bump to ledge and then get right into these other ledges into the massive ramp there straight into flat rail so that 90 degree turn has taken out more than a few competitors and it really slowed his climb down which is a key element in the scoring so it looks like Alex Medeiros a 21-year old originally from Rochester Minnesota is going to stay with run number one and that 81 yeah alec is that we've got an enough contest experience to know this runs throw away he's got an 81 for run number one so he'll definitely be sticking with that court so here it is one more time this very dicey corner for McGarrett yeah you see after that bump to ledge it's a 90-degree turn the course is a bit slippery and slick so it's proved tough for some of our competitors and there we see the frontside feeble backside 180 out nice recovery from Alex more Gareth so he will hold on to his first run on lane number one remember we still have lane to where the athletes get two more chances as we send it down to Tina Dixon who's with Alok McGarrett well and Alec you're still sitting in fourth place but you know what impresses me with skateboarders if you guys can fall and you can keep getting back up just how do you keep the resilience in the frustration from not getting to you especially on a run like that I don't know I just try to have fun you know it's not always going to work the way you wanted to but it's got a fun you know all the friends are here it's all just fun really okay now you talked to me earlier about your thumb and I got to follow up on that how is the thumb doing especially on that first crash yeah actually I was like the first trick when I got here I felt like I'm on some kind of funny and tweaked it and it hurts but at least it's on my foot or my ankle you're not get so skate so I'm glad about that all now moving on to lane two have fun thanks Alec bit of a positive outlook for Alec Majoris as we go back to the start and this is Ryan disenzo the 30 year old out of Vancouver Bruce Columbia we see Ryan waxing up his board the common tool for street skaters for those rails ledges you got to wax up that board making slippery nice frontside 360 into the kickflip backside nose grind all Ryan is getting a lot of it yeah he is a really really diverse skateboarder just really well in a best-trick format but skates transitions well skates rails well can film video card so Ryan decenzo definitely has what it takes you here at heartline be well in heart line and a great time my disenzo even checked in at thirty two point seven second so fastly lifting the course but very strong on lane number one for disenzo as he has done with lane one as we look at one more time to highlight yeah that run now started with a bang and ended with a bang what a contest machine like Ryan disenzo wants nice back side nose grind their controlled gapping out to this backside lipslide I was a great run from Ryan decenzo so the sends those adjusted score is a seventy four six seven F locked and currently in fifth place as he gets ready for lane number two the top of the course we go this is Belgium's actual Kreisberg just 22 years of age he took burst onto the scene with competitions like heartlines where everyone got to notice kidding he's got so much style Chris yeah you know axel has been doing well in European contests for a few years now and he burst onto the scene at last year's heartline placed third and put the world on notice echo echo Kreisberg has arrived like five waves right in that Smith grind keeping its key I think the challenge at this year's heartlines with the smaller course will be difficulty for a suprise version will the judges see this run as difficult enough Wow add the flow at thirty four point nine seconds in length it seems like we hit almost every single feature on the course a little something extra for the fans here at Hart Plaza yes there you see a nice switch nose manual controlled making that tough 90-degree turn that's caught up a couple of our skaters in a nice long five-o into the Smith grinds through the hallway solid run and then the switch frontside boardslide will our judges think that run is difficult that is the question so he's looking for a bit of an improvement 67 3 3 2 the first one score and it does go up a little bit sixty-eight point six seven that has Kreisberg currently in eighth place for the belgium skater but everyone's chasing this man right now 22 year old Nyjah Huston at a Huntington Beach California he is the defending champion at Red Bull heartlines in here encore for a second run yeah Nyjah has a great run in the book so expect a bit more difficulty this time through the course now that he's got his his safety run secured because they're going to be watching just so smooth and effortless and it's not easy what he's doing out there yeah he added in that kickflip backside lipslide there that was very very difficult and controlled picking up some speed for this final trick what's he got Oh another kickflip frontside boardslide perfect 33 point seven seconds of absolute beauty from Nyjah Huston Nyjah is a true competitor and he's been able to adjust to the heartlines format the speed factor the wow factor there you see a kickflip frontside boardslide the precision kick flipping over that gap down to frontside boardslide on that handrail Nyjah Huston ladies and gentlemen well impressive score of 89 adjust to 85 so he stays in first place and lane 1 is now complete no surprise the defending champion Nyjah Huston leads the way with at 85 he is ahead of chase Webb and Ryan Sheckler Alec McGarrett's they're in the mix in number 4 ryan disenzo cracking the top 5 but we still have lane 2 to go the skaters including the current leader there Nyjah Huston now take on lane 2 when we return this is Hart line and you are watching the Red Birds Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is Heartland at Hart Plaza which has been transformed into a gladdie or like amphitheater with a skateboarding event of the year Hart lines two lanes two runs per Lane and runs our time and your score out of 100 and you have to skate in a forward direction each obstacle can only be hit once per run and remember time is a huge elephant time placement is subtracted from the overall score to determine the final score we are set to go with Lane to run one is Australian Thomason dropping if you starting out for the nollie crooked grind there you know Tommy Finn wants to improve on his Lane number one scores in Lane number Q stop to a good start so far he's currently sitting in ninth place after lane number one he's just going to work at this thing just a little bit of a variation here but they're still coming into the plaza and the fans now get their first look at Tommy's been dropping in yeah Lane number two starts off big and fast and it seems to be favoring Tommy's been skating so far much faster - he comes in at thirty two point two second so the Aussie out of Brisbane has completed one of two runs on lane two you see the nose grind on that big hubbell edge recovering perfectly executed 360 flip there and then I up the handrail for the kickflip backside lipslide perfection Tommy Finn so much going on there his scores in 81 is time thirty two point two so it adjust to a seventy one point one seven and he latina thanks guys and Tommy you stayed on your board but how close was that to what you wanted to do I I don't I want to do different trick at the end I just wanted to make sure that I'm set up right when I get to it just saying I wasn't set up quite right I just did it the easier trick but hoping to take my next one I get it you know that's interesting how much of your runs are planned and then how much is on the fly real close like this a lot of myself kind on the slide usually I'm more planned and like I know exactly what I'm doing but this is kind of like hard to try check over and over because it's not quite big some of the obstacles and it's like it's hard to practice it over and over again you know and your body kind of looks like kind of know if you do it in my mind you know and just kind of go for it and the run comes up and it's working so see that's tough luck on the second run in lane two guys so Chris some interesting insight there from Tommy thin going organic and a lot of these guys are drop it in and like on the fly this is what I'm gonna do totally and I think he's talking about a kickflip backside noseblunt slide instead of the kickflip backside lipslide at the end of his round so maybe we'll see that on the next run so this is twenty two-year-old sheets with about a myriad of California getting set to drop in on lane number two this is run one for him wow that's hot yeah clipping out on that kick with five out of ten the covering with the crooked grind case has been dominating practice dominating qualifying and he's a few points behind Nyjah Huston so I think Chase is trying to add some difficulty to his run that's why he went from the quick ticket 500 the tops of lane number two there well he'll have one more crack at it and almost a full pole there for chase Webb a beautiful run other than that early fall great recovery it was exactly what to do pick it up and keep it moving nice crooked grind there in the big hubba one of the only competitors we've seen hit that wall front side wall riding there and then going into this gap to blunt slide great recovery and one of the fastest times we've seen today at 28 27 seconds so the justed score is a 77 point one seven that foot chase Webb currently into second place Ryan disenzo is getting ready to hit Lane two for a shot at one of these beautiful trophy this is Hart line two Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit Michigan and you're watching the red phone mr. serious welcome back to the Red Bulls to get your series this is Hart lines through the Detroit Michigan the Sun is out and the fans are enjoying the action a man behind this event Ryan Sheckler signing autographs for a few of them and competitors now getting ready for lane number two and this will be run number one on that lane two for Ryan disenzo out of Vancouver British Columbia fifth place after lane number one but because you know descent those got all kinds of tricks up his sleeves and he can uncork something beautiful right here on lane to definitely I believe Ryan is going to want to crack the 80s with the score to make podium there you see that switch tailslide off to a very good start so far nice nose bones a big quarter pipe there long blunt slide hanging it waxing up his board worked and after that brief rain delay the Sun is out in the track looks very fast Wow Wow tonight frontside foot to end things off there Ryan disenzo that was an amazing first run for lane number two that switch tailslide on the massive Bubba and there we see a blunt slide a pretty basic trick but not easy on a handrail that long then perfectly execute executed frontside flip landing over his full total control great run from Ryan disenzo well you call they did crack the 82 85 but would be adjustment for time you go 79 8 3 for the Senzo he's been viral people yeah and Ryan your big bump up into second and you told me earlier you were better in lane 2 so what do you think of that score in that run um that was exactly what I was planning to do so hopefully I can step it up in the next one and I mean I only got one more so we're going to go all in you know when you say step it up where can you change things up what variations can you do I mean you can put in a harder trick at the start or try and go bigger right at the end I mean you can always go faster kids and always go faster and I know you've been working on that thanks Ryan best of luck so from the Canadian to the Belgian axel Kreisberg set to drop in on lane number 2 this will be his first run just 22 years of age he's one of those skaters as you pointed out burst on the theme really when he came over to Hart line for the first time but he's really been making a name for himself in just 22 years of age one of the best in the business yeah axel has had an amazing year so far and hope we can put it all together here at heartlines 2017 or you see a call on that disaster attempt and late number 2 is big and fast just like actual like this gate so hopefully puts it all together and run number two lane in the kids would you say it's harder Lane to harder than Lane one definitely the more difficult options some gnarly obstacles it started off with that gap to the ledge and then you go straight into that map publi and straight into the quarter pipe so it's a more difficult section 30 cm half cabbing over the stairs into that bank switch 50/50 almost pulling it landing on those trucks but a little off and there's a fall for actual crab birds not the round he wanted 61 3 3 on adjusted timing standing by with Tina thanks guys and what's interesting Axl you did tell me earlier that you were hurt you've got that ankle injury yet you still came out of skating yeah I'm just trying because it's like fun to be here and it's fun to skate this contest so I know might as well just try but even if it's like painful whatever this one you know a lot of the guys have two full days of practice yet you just showed up last night yeah I just like at the hotel like last I just I seen my foot like just chilling and I don't know I just wanted to skate today but no no it's not like 100% but I'm just happy to be here and it's cool oh we're happy to watch the skate thanks max I think you guys well Tina can you sense a running theme here Chris everyone seems happy to be here and having fun of the key words and no one epitomizes happy fun like this man Nigel jumping 22 years of age absolutely owning this court alright start with that backside clip yeah he's smiling after his run he's all seriousness and business before that pay she flipped into that Bank was super super difficult it was taking a unique line with that kickflip off that high hip and then that backside Smith grind all business for Nyjah Huston man that's got 7 X Games gold medals you know he wants to win again here at heart and perfect yet again under 30-second heels not how to fall in this competition the defending champion is just laying it down that super difficult fakie kickflip over the stairs into the bag making a couple critical decisions there on what to do next there you see the backside Smith grind perfect and then gapping out to this nose one slide perfect run in the book Wow Nyjah Huston is absolutely on a tear here defending his title from a year ago his for a 90 point six seven adjusted for time it pillows rock solid with an eighty six point eight three he was currently in first place so this is what the leaderboard looks like as of right now with Houston in the lead with 86 8 3 then Ryan disenzo chase Webb Tommy Finn Felipe Gustavo has now moved into fifth place and a final opportunity for the man who thought this whole thing up this is Ryan Sheckler 27 years young at a San Clemente California looking fit and ready to attack lane number 2 on his final run yeah you know Shaq wanted after sitting out last year he's back with a vengeance hopefully has a run we are all used to from Ryan Sheckler showing that creativity oh that massive backside flip hanging on with his toes there in a frontside 5050 picking up some speed nice backside flip getting composed for the final trick he needs this got a little lost there with his footing and definitely did not get that last trick looking for something more oh for sure yeah he would have needed it for sports there's a kickflip five-o there's that massive kickflip we saw Nyjah take that front side and there shek solid 50/50 and then setting his footing up for the final trick this is a key section to the judges scoring and unfortunately didn't get the trick off that he wanted didn't get set up correctly so we played it conservatively on that last trick but does land it so Steckler comes in with a score 78 points 3-3 adjusted for time at the 76 33 and he currently resides in fourth place but it's still good just having him at his own competition for sure he's skating three this is Hall Hart at the start of run number two on lane 2 young man out of Jacksonville Florida remember two runs on each play and then we combine your two basket your average and that's how it will determine the winner wow that fakie ollie to fakie 5050 that is really really difficult doesn't look it but very scary truth in the nollie heelflip Paul's been all smiles all weekend long the crowd is really taking a liking it's all heart good energy nice tail slide there setting up for the final trick you can need this for scores Oh so Paul Hart can't land that last trick on a second and final run but a really good strong technical run here yes you see the fakie ollie placing it precisely into a fakie 5050 backside 180 nollie over the stairs there and going for the backside nose one a very difficult trick almost locked it in but not quite he gets a 65 but it's time with a little longer than most thirty point six seconds to adjust that he drops down to a fifty five point three three competitors and fans getting ready for Run 2 from lane 2 when we return to Detroit Michigan and heartlines you are watching the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] welcome back to the Red Bulls signature series this is heartlines from the Motor City Detroit Michigan the crowds are getting their souvenirs from our top skater we are ready for the final run of this competition Tommy Finn the 28 year old from Brisbane Australia set to drop in remember it's two runs on each lane and it all comes down to this - Tommy pins you know he's crooked grind matter start things off in the nose grind Tommy's career has really been picking up momentum the last few years remember he told our teen addiction he had something special possibly planned to this last hit as he makes his way into the amphitheater here at Hart Plaza yes Tommy rides for me a stereo skateboarding is really one of the most nice humble guys pleasure dealing with Tommy said to be capper final trick there there it is the kickflip backside nose what that's what he was hinting about in the interview with Tina nailed it great run what a way to wrap up the competition for Tommy fin nose grind avoiding that wall very precise there and then the 360 flips every time eyeing up the final feature of the rail kickflipping landing and locking into a backside noseblunt that's one of the more difficult tricks we've seen of the contest it's done perfectly by Tommy Pham there he's equally big Gustavo congratulating his scores an 87 of Justin for time it checked in as a seventy three point one seven so tell me Finn currently sitting in fifth place yeah that was a major deduction for tying up Kelvin Hoffler of Brazil keeping the international flavor going we just saw an Australian now a Brazilian and Hoffler has not had his best time here at heart lines that this guy is still capable of big big scores yeah Kelvin Hoefler is a warrior and precise Nyjah Huston I'd say he's got the highest contest IQ so I guarantee he's studying scores and making the adjustments you need we talked about contest IQ how much is he watching other guys knowing what he needs to do or just getting his own line a guy like Kelvin Hoefler is studying scores and other people's runs as you see he's really added some difficulty here at Kelvin Hoefler knows you need to make a joke not scoring the way he want and there you see him adding a super difficult trick at the end of his run like that kickflip one slide to fakie and how about the speed 28 seconds yeah I think Kelvin got some deduction that he didn't like in lane number one and here you see him pick him up picking up momentum and speed that frontside bluntslide and then ending things off with this super difficult kickflip frontside bluntslide to fakie that was an amazing that was one of the best runs we've seen out here I don't know how he landed that 86 3:3 adjusted for 79 and that means Kelvin hopper moved into second place and he's now with Tina cloud he just turned to me and I don't know how that happened hole Kelvin it was your final run and you made it happen just how does that feel especially when it matters most he's always like that always the last one lets me know you know my wheel like on ice we're right now but yeah it's fine great contest things happen for me up and uh thanks so much congratulations what a great run go Kelvin Hoffa with a fantastic run and look at this the stars are still lined up can anyone take down Nyjah Huston the next command to try is going to be young Alex McGarrett yeah Alex definitely has the difficulty it takes to match Nyjah Huston we see the frontside crooked grind oh that blunt slide scraping against that ball down that hubba nice back that Olli nosegrind it's a great run so far from Alec McGarrett [Applause] lobby up easy definitely Wow not only on how pitted you have clean and you see that time that was 485 seconds for Alec McGarrett yeah knowing in that frontside boardslide he knew he needed a fast time here there you see the front board front blunt excuse me into the nose grind as you mentioned Todd going super fast through the course trying to minimize those deductions and there you see the nollie front board folks well there should be another big score for Alec Madeira the final round of the competition adjusted score 8117 he goes into second higwood Tina and Alec with that run you just moved into second resilience you kept it but did you do everything that you wanted to do in that run I did I'm pretty high couldn't be happier really you know it's really fun you know you were our number one qualifier with the injured summit everything what made today just click for you I just didn't think about the pressure I just kind of wanted to have fun with all my friends so that's the easiest way to think about it you know no stress and it seems to be working and paying off thanks Alex and Thank You Tina we are down to our final competitors here at heartlines before we see those we send you back to the studio and Sal Masekela Todd my friend deja vu or something because this is very reminiscent of last year's competition once again the field is asking themselves can anyone match Nyjah Huston mastery of this course coupled with his blazing speed we have a couple of competitors left to take their final runs before we crown a 20-17 heartlines champion so stay with us we'll return with more from the Motor City as you are watching the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to Detroit Todd Harris joined by Chris Posterous and kina Dixon and we are in the last runs of lane two of our final this is Canadian Ryan disenzo now he is going to need a monstrous score to try and overtake nyjah huston and it all starts right now yeah Ryan is definitely a contest better and he knows what it takes he knows he's got a near-perfect run that has to go down in order to catch Nyjah I got the great start on the what many people think Chris the more difficult lane lane to Lane 2 for sure the more difficult of the two lane bigger faster and we're seeing that from Ryan decenzo right now oh and a set up and he comes off the board on the landing so disenzo had a good one going there not sure if it would overtake a nyjah huston but a strong effort yeah definitely a strong effort I think he's going to stick with his run number one score there you see a switch tailslide setting himself up for that blunt slide so long locking into it and then we see the nollie out to boardslide almost hanging on and the score coming in for the Suns own he will in fact stay with that run one score so he stayed currently in fourth place with just two athletes to go one of them being the defending champion and this man from Belgium axel Kreisberg just 22 years of age the only man left in the competition to possibly be thrown the reigning champion Nyjah Huston need a really really difficult run here to catch me I didn't even have cabinet in the bank big disaster it totally has the speed element unlock yeah he made a huge name for himself at last year's heartlines like we mentioned and actually come dreading this year coming off an injury but definitely a strong showing I think he's been challenged by the smaller course of it selling to the Dixon is the ankle the kept ice all last night and that can't help his cause as Axl Kreisberg final run comes to a conclusion in half cabbing into that big bank getting speed nice 5o grind and going for a switch big spin heelflip not quite hanging on he wanted to add some difficulty well the adjusted score for Kreisberg is going to be a 64 8 3 which locks them into ninth place and that means it's victory lap time a 2-time champion at heartlines Nyjah Huston one more time a young man from Huntington Beach California Chris let's just enjoy this final run because he's going to put on a show and going to make it look easy oh wow hey what he just did was just so insanely difficult the backside 360 kickflip at nollie heelflip receive a massive kickflip you just can't help being consistent well right on that racket is smiling before dropping smile before chopping in he's a happy man right now well Ryan Sheckler thought this contest up but it's Nyjah Huston and has owned it for the last two years and that's this first fall of the entire competition for run and just one fall for your champion Nyjah Huston crowd is going nuts back-to-back wins bring ideas take a look at the final standing that's Nyjah Huston clearly out in front with the 84.8 three Alex with Gareth Kelvin Hoffler Ryan disenzo and chase Webb rounding out the top five and it's checkered thin gustavo Kreisberg and Hart Tina Dixon is standing by with a two-time heartlines champion Nyjah Huston thanks guys and Nyjah continues to remain dominant here redbull heartlines Nyjah I watch you skate and you are always pushing yourself but what would you say were the biggest challenges here red ball heartlines I'd say I mean always the biggest challenge is just the competition you know all these guys out there are stretching and I mean it's never easy and this course isn't like that you could skate either you know some of us like aren't used to skating some of the transition and some of the obstacles but yeah well and it was not only about transition and Rell's I mean it was everything including the speed yeah yeah the speed part is really interesting and you definitely have to keep that in mind yeah consistency seems to be the name of the game for you where does that come from yeah consistency I mean it's always the most important thing in contests you know and I mean it's honestly just a ton of practice ever since I was a little kid I was just like practice tricks over and over and over and I mean unconscious like this like you you want to like make sure you get down like a good first run so then you allow yourself to be able to try harder tricks in your second round so yeah congratulations on another big win thank you alright guys we'll send it back to you thank you so much Tina going into this year's heartlines all eyes were on Nyjah Huston the 22 year old dominated this course last year clearly was the favorite for today's competition pre qualified for the finals Nyjah did not disappoint or succumb to the pressure the elements of speed style and flow that make up this contest are perfectly suited for Nyjah speeding talents even with the modifications to this year's course Nyjah attack both lanes of this course tricky all the features and in a blister speed congratulations to Nyjah Huston for becoming our 2017 heartlines champion and capturing the Red Bull signature moment so once again it's nyjah huston swirled and we're just playing in it but the man who put this whole thing together his brainchild ryan scheckler is now with Tina Dickson well Ryan this is the third year for redbull heartlines I mean how has it grown from the first year to now it's so impressive to me you know these guys come out here and they state their hearts out you know Naja just won again and it was like so deserving and so rad to see just how much here it's doing and like everybody here rids so much too but it's not that it's the fans the fans stuck around all day long we had four rain delays and they didn't care they're so diehard just skateboard fans Detroit fans like this is where it's supposed to be like hardline feels right here and I had a blast I feel very blessed I got to skate the contest today didn't land exactly what I wanted to but that's skateboarding and that's what makes it fun is that it's unique and you know you're never going to get the result you think it's going to happen so god is great thank you Jesus this is amazing I'm so stoked we'll be back next year and I can't wait yeah we loved being back here in Detroit for three years been looking forward to it forth all right guys Chris the operative word today has got to be fun it was fun Todd and the question going into this event can Nyjah Huston make the adjustments to the smaller more technical course and the resounding answer was yes congratulations Nyjah Huston that'll do it from Detroit skate city as we sent it back to the studio and Sal Masekela Thank You Todd and thanks to all of you for joining us at the 2017 heartlines here in the motor city of Detroit Michigan he has been here twice in the three year history of hardlines and stood on top of the podium full-time dominance congratulations to Nyjah Huston and pulling off that repeat and to the Minnesotans Alex Medeiros who kept on charging despite a broken thumb because it's skateboarding kids about broken bones and of course our first-time competitor the Brazilian Kelvin Hoefler rounding out the podium once again thank you for hanging out with us and on behalf of our entire NBC Sports Group including Todd Harris Chris pastors and Tina Dickson Masekela and we will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 331,376
Rating: 4.7762074 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, Joey Brezinski, TJ Rogers, ryan sheckler, skate, skateboarding, skating, skater, red bull hart lines, Hartlines, switch, ledge, kickflip, ollie, gap, hart plaza, joey brezinski, curren caples, red bull signature series, hart lines, skateboard, flip, detroit, hart lines 2017, skateboarder, pro skateboarding, x games, leticia bufoni, Red Bull Signature Series, Red Bull Signature Series hart lines, signature series, transworld skateboarding
Id: tUJl5oTaS-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 12sec (3732 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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