Red Bull Crashed Ice | 2017 FULL TV EPISODE | Red Bull Signature Series

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this is the third stop of the ice cross downhill world championship traveling from Northern Europe's frozen Finland to the frigid Midwestern United States the field of competitors are not only going to have to battle the elements but some jet lag the third race of the season with st. Paul's magnificent Cathedral as its backdrop and over a hundred thousand cheering cold fans and attendance the world's best ice cross downhill skaters are here to put on a show tackling a track the length of a football field with jumps rollers sharp turns and a wall ride with temperatures plummeting below freezing which one of these guys are going to able to stay on their feet this is crash site st. Paul and you are watching the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] [Music] [Music] hello friends Sal Masekela here your host of the Red Bull Signature Series and allow me to welcome you to the chili capital of st. Paul here in Minnesota now the first two stops took place in Europe now the series shifts to North America hosting its sixth year in front of the majestic st. Paul Cathedral this location continuously draws over a hundred thousand fans a year since 2012 and in freezing temperatures no less why you might ask well speed the sheer spectacle and of course good old home country pride what's better than a little head-to-head racing on hype add into that one of the most difficult starts that we've ever seen in crash size history and you got crash site st. Paul who are the fearless humans willing to take on a course like this we'll begin with Team USA max done and camera nos they sit one and two in the world championship standings and with home ice advantage they're looking to extend their lead in only a second full year competing max Dunn's are taking a second place in both France and Finland where as defending champion cam Knox has a win under his belt in Marseilles and a third for his Finland finish and only 30 points behind in the world standings in third place is the 2015 world champions Canadian Scott Croxon took home his first win of the season in Finland we're set for the men's round at 32 so we will check in with Todd Harris and the NHL Hall of Famer and my ice skating coach Jeremy Roenick thank you very much cells we welcome you to chilly st. Paul Minnesota thanks for doing the heavy lifting as we bring you up to speed on what is going to happen 1,000 points for a win and remember it's for men and erase the top to move on to the next round gate choice is based on qualifying time no pushing is allowed but Jerez we know a lot of incidental contact takes place and the world championship standings are at sal mentioned max den of the USA leads the way followed by camera nods the defending champion don't forget got e crossville of canada currently sitting in third place well talk about this course st. Paul always a great venue and they come out in force to support these athletes yeah I'm one of the more dangerous courses in the crashed ice venue if you watch this start it's amazing deep drop into that first mogul hill and over the BFGoodrich drop zone right there and look at this tight turn actually go up the embankment and have to turn hard to only come down with so much speed these guys really have to be careful injuries will be very prone in this track and they make their way through that rhythm section still more heavy features to deal with here at top speed and four men battling for clot for more on this technological marvel we check in with lo Christian thanks Todd well no surprise out here on the weather front it is Minnesota in the middle of winter and it is cold about 28 degrees Fahrenheit out here right now and these below freezing temperatures and making the ice very brittle and giving us some very speedy race conditions controlling that extra speed but knowing where and when to use it on the track is going to be absolutely crucial for our athletes those timing tactics are going to start for them straight out the start gates as they face possibly one of the most technical start sections we've ever seen in Red Bull Crashed Ice history another important factor here tonight is going to be racing clean any contact any fool is going to be costly especially at the end of the track when so much speed needs to be carried just to get up and over that huge corner just before the finish so the key for taking a win here tonight in st. Paul say mentally alert physically agile and most importantly stay out of trouble guys back to you and will for you stay warm as we get set for our first race in the round of 32 it is heat number one for athletes with just two moving on to the quarterfinals and we kick things off with a real bang here with jim de Paoli he comes to us by way of Switzerland Cameron aza defending champions second right on your screen he'll move a more set of Canada and of course alike writer of the USA in the dark blue well Cameron Ives in front of his State fan she's from Minnesota he's going to love performing in front of his family and friends he likes this track he's won it before we'll see how he manages this start write down a steep drop in right there you see he may does it really well no strides and making sure you come over that first hump it's in control as they go up the wall riding his camera nods he had issues with hole shots and starts in Finland not here in st. Paul Cameron odds that if any serious champion out in front it is the old bull de Moura set of Canada City in second place and other athletes in the back having issues with traction but not for camera nods makes his way up the wall and right back down for an early round of 32 wind taking he'll be way more set with him into the quarterfinals wow what a smooth run for Cameron Oz right there just started off so perfect look at that explosion out through the gates and then dropped into that hole he skates him perfectly at the same time and look no strides because you want to come up this first embankment making sure that you stay tight to the wall keep that lead and being tactical is very important here coming up over the Dino bridge you have to make sure that you keep your speed because as we'll talked about if you don't do that you're not going to get up that last embankment that's going to take you to the finish line so it is Cameron nas and Gil move a Morissette moving on to the quarterfinals we are just getting started in st. Paul more athletes hit the ice literally when we return to craft size you are watching the Red Bull and Nick you're serious [Music] welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series I am your host Sal Masekela and this is crashed ice saint-paul hosted its first crash diets in 2012 very few Americans had ever even heard of the sport nonetheless competed in it local skaters made their pilgrimage to the shadow of the st. Paul Cathedral to try this bizarre course that you could have actually fathom that included a guy named Cameron oz who was quickly named Rookie of the Year since Naz has emerged as the leader and face of Team USA while also recruiting the best athletes to compete by his side he also befriended Canadians got Krakow which created a healthy rivalry between teams USA and Canada occasionally forming an alliance when it feels like the world has gone up against all of North America so who are these fearless North Americans I think that we're better so I want to be on podium lifting that number one trophy we always want to beat the Canadians I want to win we've been on top for the last three years now it's kind of Canada us it's just a great competition North American versus the world is the real thing North America is by far the best do in most of the races US and Canada we're always at the top so I wouldn't say it's North American versus the world but I've at the same time we are always at the top Europe is definitely having some more success but I mean if you look at canon in the US you've got myself Scott Kyle in the top five every single year you've got more guys from the US coming up recently done killing it I think that the US and Canada just have more town [Music] is there rivalry between Team USA in Canada yeah of course this it's the biggest rivalry in the sport you guys push each other and we're always talking smack in the locker room and the results cheer from each other there isn't any like animosity or ill-will everybody just loves to compete you know you want to beat them when it comes to race time but you're always you know cheering everybody on so it was adds a little extra rivalry as soon as the gear goes on it shows super competitive but it's very friendly as well we're good buddies off the ice on the ice the whole different story we're still friends but you can see that competitiveness in ER and J are five years ago Team USA was not the force they are now but they are absolutely loaded with talent as we get ready for our next race yeah max well done seriously has become one to watch in these races pushing camera knives with Scottie crocs ought to be better and also a native of Minnesota and there he is second on the right blue with the green shoulders that is max down the 26 year old from Burnsville Minnesota he is joining this one by another American 25 year old Tyler Witte also of Minnesota Marco seola Finland and Shane Renault of Canada round out the four trying to get that hole shot and get some clean ice out in front look at this three-wide is they coming to the corner as they separate themselves around the wall ride well I would have start the speed that they have coming down that first drop in is just amazing they all managed it pretty well now coming in max well done looking pretty smooth coming across the moguls and this is where you can take advantage of the speed you have to get up over that corner in order to take that last race right down to the final and Marcus the Ola of Finland with a great burst around that corner he handled that bridge the best it is you love Finland moving on max well done also who led for most of the race is moving on to the quarters as well well no time to really think about this race that drop in right there you have to stay poised and concentrate look at them coming over those moguls and it's a timing of how they get in look at the battle the crushing of that sets turn you've got to love the competition look three at one time it's amazing that could stay up but again max well done holding that lead tyler woody also in the mix Shane Renault of Canada and the all black out the back and he has a problem there in the GoPro corner yeah like there you can't go up too high on that face as you can see if you have a bad angle you won't be able to make that turn very easily max well done does it pretty easily and this is where you all have made the turn look at it goes up high has more speed and done goes to his knees but still enough momentum across the line so it is your low Finland and done moving on right now we check in with will Chris who's standing by with Cameron oz of the USA thanks Todd can you seem to have this track very much dodged you're looking comfortable and confident out there and you won here last year how are you feeling knowing that you're behind in the points race right now but skating the way you are feeling good only the halfway point of the season so I'm not thinking about points at all it's just another race take a deep eye heat we'll see what happens we saw you get out in front early you kept it clean you stayed away from any contact how important is that going to be here and simple extremely important to get that hole shot if you don't get the hole shot you're in a battling with someone and it's not fun to battle on these technical features ok thanks so much but thank you will as we head back to the top of the course there you see the beautiful cathedral here in st. Paul Minnesota it is heap number three the round of 32 Vaslav costner of the czech republic dan witty of the USA Kristen do girdle of France extremely fast skater and your favorite junior John Fisher of Canada in the pink giving us the way yeah he always gives them kiss in the way for good luck right there he has an inside track very tough place to start from but then when he is a very mean it's a very good starter John Fisher is and he starts off a little bit slow but see if he can make up some ground how about Dan woody getting a great start up and around the wall ride and Fisher now sitting in a non transfer position it's only the top two moving on to the quarter-final the main thing about this practical junior is the speed these guys can carry well that's right that's exactly what happened witty misjudged those moguls right there catches an edge goes hard down as John Fisher takes advantage of a real bad fall by Dan Witte that looks like it hurt and you know what's bad when John Fisher almost came to a stop to check on Dan Witte but it is Tristan d'hubert ill of France who gets the win John Fisher comes in a second that's a great sight to see Dan woody coming through to finish the course but he took a hard hard fall right on its face and chef yeah if you don't time these moguls in a race that's this quick with the speeds you're going at you're going to miss that second mogul there's a lot of double back-to-back moguls and that's what happens right there is feet hit right into one he misses the opportunity to pick up his speed and boy when you hit these things hard it hurts and that ice as you see it's so cold the ice is really hard and the hit as hard as Dan what he did just a good thing that he finished the pace right here you see how he hits that mogul right there stops his momentum and boom crashes shoulder-first into that last bill john fisher coming by just a check on and he's got to finish the race one more time look at it again it's the timing it's the timing it's such a dangerous for it will show you what exactly would happen when you're not paying attention to where your feet are and making sure your center gravity stays in a certain place and John Fisher does a good job of maneuvering it let's check in with will thanks guys John this track is really claiming some of the races tonight we saw Daniel if you go down right in front of you try to stop to see how he was what was going through your mind at that point well you see someone go down like that and you're worried about them but you know Racing's racing there's a I'm not the guy to take care of them the paramedics are and and you feel for him but I'm moving on to the next round you know you got a transfer spot will be then John guys thank you will John Fisher's fellow-countryman got Crossville and the Moriarty twins are yet to hit the ice we'll have all that when we return to craft ice st. Paul a part of the Red Bulls in tertiary welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is fresh dyes from the capital of Minnesota st. Paul saw tears joined by Jeremy Roenick and will Christian and we are jumping straight into heat four of the men's round of 32 22 year-old Alex Mercier of Canada 26 year-old Daniel Bergesen of the USA out of Rochester Minnesota Dean Moriarty the 22 year old out of Montreal and Yanni Puteri Minton in of Finland rounding out the four top two moving on to the quarterfinal I love the start of this race the backdrop of the church to the Cathedral and look at that drop into that speed slot oh my gosh we have carnage early to see how difficult it is coming into the bfgoodrich wall ride out front it is Dean Moriarty of Canada the man in feed being closely watched by American Daniel Ferguson in the black it is all Moriarty making his way through that rhythm section and you see the distance all the way back to the flying pin Yanni Puteri Minton him again a very clean race for both Moriarty and Bergesen taking advantage of an early mishap at the top this race is so quick and you see what happens when you're coming over the mogul section just making sure that you keep your pace keep your center gravity keep those knees bent Todd that's the most important part of this race and again look at the start when you miss your feet on that drop in really early as mention too did you go over and you're out of the race real quick Ferguson takes advantage Moriarty takes advantage look at that tight turn the ice getting chippy right there but they keep the speed and keep that turns nice and tight up onto the wall ride it is still Moriarty and Ferguson out in front and they just seem to work together j.r yeah they know that this is the two of them not make a mistake and they know they're going to move on very important that they come over that jump and just keep their center of gravity low their shoulders stay nice and poised and square to their escape Dean Moriarity of Canada Daniel Bergesen of the USA are moving on to the next round it'll be the quarterfinals when they hit the ice necks and a little time for celebration for Dean Moriarty is now standing by with our world Christian thanks guys see anything that you've really got this track dialed in your head how important is it out there to get into a rhythm that's important to get into a rhythm I mean that's around the 64 is the toughest round of them all once you get a clean one there I think it flows the whole way through the night and as I spoke to you earlier you talked about this track being perhaps a little more suited to smaller guys such as yourself as you're more agile would you say that the case of the evenings going on yeah for sure it's a bit more technical and the smaller guys out a little bit of an advantage I mean we can get some strides where the bigger guys can't and hopefully stay ahead great thanks guys all right we'll we're moving run into Heat number five and another international leap loaded with Canadians and one Swiss writer Derek Costa Magglio of Canada Stephen Cox of Canada and Scott Crocs Hall number 26 keep an eye on him Derek wedge also in this one in 2015 Red Bull Crashed Ice world champion Scott eke Rockville has got to be the favorite here Derek because of its start you had no question and also Derek wedge because he's willing to take chances that's one thing that you need to do in this short race Scott Crocs all in good position knows exactly what he needs to do gets out in front right there nice move to the inside allows them to get that first place again Derek wedge coming in in third and right now it is Stephen Cox who's gonna transfer position trying not to get wedged out as wedge makes his way in as they make one more big left-hand turn and what a finish at the very end is Derek wedge who looked like he was not going to move on it looked like Stephen had it all wrapped up and in the end it has got croc Ville and Derek wedge that will move on to the quarter Wow again in such a short track mistakes end up being very costly as it was for Stephen here's we'll start right there again making sure they get up that jump perfect perfect transition right there by Scott crocs are you see that that nice tight tuck and getting in there these guys are crazy when it comes to the speed and Scott Cox you'll see when he comes into the last position here's that first GoPro turn right there they're all in nice position but when you miss out on those moguls like Scott Cox did it's totally ruined your rhythm and your speed and that's where Derek wedge really took advantage Scott Fox all coming over again again perfect position and wedge coming over allowing that inside lane to play second and move on perfectly time by Derek wedge Scott Crossfield Eric Wedge moving on the 2015 world champ is standing by with will thanks guys so you're looking strong out there but you are against a very strong local contingent here of races we saw you come in second last year what's it going to take to take that top spot in the party of this year yeah I'm focused I've had a lot of success here and st. Paul in the past few years and I'm just going to keep rolling keep keep one heat at a time good luck thanks guys gods brothers a 2012 world champion and three-time winner here in st. Paul Kyle crocks all caked on this track when we return to crash site st. Paul part of the red ball indenter serie welcome back to the Red Bull TV series I am your host dumbass akela and this is crash ty st. Paul having an experienced hockey background is only going to get you so far in Red Bull crash diets as our own Jeremy Roenick can attest skating on a flat surface does not prepare you for the jumps drops turns and technical features of a crash diets course with an eclectic variety of skills the men and women who compete in this sport have a unique training regimen that includes everything from competitive water skiing to downhill skiing to what many call aggressive rollerblading even with a strong background in multiple disciplines the bar of athleticism is so high that each and every athlete who has the hopes of cracking the top ten must train hard in the offseason and with no actual permanent track to practice on anywhere in the world exactly it's have found a myriad of ways to push their mental and physical capabilities so they can stay in that competitive zone for the sport they have grown to love [Music] I do a lot of things in the off season to Train mostly in the gym Tangletown crossfit in minneapolis we do the guys that work out with I go to a lot of skate parks Pineview BMX track up in Saint Cloud Minnesota so I seat at acceleration Minnesota which is skating on treadmills and they turn on the incline turn up the seeds do all that sort of stuff for me I also go to skate parks in the summertime and in the offseason and then as well as hitting the gym trying to do a CrossFit high intensity type workout I think our offseason is a little different from most the ice cross downhill guys and our summer we're both on Team Canada's varsity show team so basically a 40 minute theme show we do massive pyramid barefoot water skiing ski jumping basically anything you can think of on the water behind the boat [Music] I'm probably one of the few that actually has a family that does this so I have a wife and three kids and I work full-time so most of my training happens over my lunch hour when I can sneak in an hour in the gym but I try and make the most of it I know that it is what it is and I just train when I can I train mainly by rollerblading in the summer because we don't have a permanent track anywhere in the winter so you put rollerblades on and you try to find you know cool spots or cool skate parks to go and practice taking features when I first got into the sport it wasn't taken so seriously a matter of fact it wasn't really called a sport or an event I think that and the work ethic in the offseason I think it just trickles down to all the other athletes when they see success and then they see why the success is happening and just making everybody want to work harder and making the sport better [Music] so folks you heard it here first aggressive rollerblading late that could be breaking out junior you can do an aggressive rollerblading not tired I don't think I'd like the road burns I'd have after after that training session as we move on in the round of 32 this is Heat number six McHale urban of the Czech Republic Kyle crocks I'll keep an eye on him in the black and red miracle Latvia Finland and Lucas Cole also of the Czech Republic Kyle crocks all needs to get off to a good start right here with his strength and power can really hold off the speed and the moguls of the start and he does that just perfectly right there as he comes up over the BFGoodrich wall right what a quick turn by Kyle cross saw allows him to get out of there unscathed and he is a big man no easy task getting around Kyle cross well and that's the cave right now for miracle Latvia Finland who sits in second place so crocodile out in front lucky sit in second place what's on the line the top two spots are moving on to the quarterfinals it will be croc song from start to finish la Paix of Finland taking second again a nice clean race right there not too much bumping that's too many Falls the ice seems to be holding up okay Kyle crocks all very happy to be moving on right here but you start to see that start those three four strides and that drop in and look at him come up here look at the edge work look at them turn turn into that crazy area where all the ice is really chipped up right there he maneuvers that really well trust me as a hockey player getting your edges caught in there could really mess up your center of gravity and your balance but Kyle cross-sell holds on to a tight lotty holding on to that nice poised position making sure he doesn't lose pace with the leader as they come up over that last hill into the final drop into the finish line Kyle rocks off moving on so it's Crossville and lucky moving on to the quarterfinal here's will with the winner thanks Todd called you come into this round with the most wins here in st. Paul and the performance like that you might well be on track to do it again yeah for sure I had a nice clean run the first two I always love to track here suits me well won three times and trying to go in the final and do the same again great thanks so much good luck thank you well our last two men's round of 32 heats are up when we return to crash'd I state Paul you aren't watching the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bulls to get your series and crash site over 100,000 fans are braising the goal of st. Paul for a glimpse of ice cross downhill greatness Todd airs alongside Jeremy Roenick as we get set for heat seven of the round of 32 top Americans in this one TJ Albrecht the 29 year old out of Minneapolis Minnesota Martini's Necker of Germany Luca De Lago of Austria and Torey MERS also in the USA at a Lakeville Minnesota just 24 years of age why you get all the cash ice guys from us or from Minnesota it must be a lot of hockey out there everyone right now is taping the man out in front and that is Luca the lago of austria this guy just sawed out of the start like a bullet the man trying to track him down is Torre MERS of the USA in the black and white stripes again look how they got prepared for these four moguls right there they all got around them pretty easy and it's coming over this last Dino bridge to get that speed that gets them up for fell over the final turn Wow look at the Lago that has got to be where the fastest eats we've seen so far touring murders in there unfortunately martinis knackered TJ Albrecht have been eliminated yeah this was a smooth race right here and look at the technique right here kind of strange but he gets all the way to the top of that mogul and this one again right here just lifting his knees not really propelling himself over that last ledge finds himself a little bit out of control but manages to hold on to it that's what makes to start this race so tough for these competitors Luca De Lago using his own form and he flies over that one obstacle but it puts him out in front as Tory MERS was close behind but unable to close that gap God to strengthen these guys legs is absolutely incredible take away the ice conditions but it's the the height of these jumps and making sure that they keep their legs in good position their heads in good position their bodies in good position I'll tell you the concentration is amazing an amazing air awareness by both of those minutes they are moving on to the quarter-final as we go back to the top of the hill heat number 8 Villa Moriarty of Canada Tommy Mertz of the USA Marco De Lago of Austria and Michael eggy Illya yellow of the USA coming out of Charleston South Carolina but he's originally from Rochester New York but we'll see if Marco De Lago can join his brother Luke Oh De Lago in the next round two brothers that thrive in this competition and love this track right here because they love speed and what a difference this course is what we saw in Finland the one in Finland twice as long this one they are more of a sprint McMahon you better be on your center of gravity absolutely there's no question that one little mistake whether it's a skating mistake or an angle mistake or it's just a timing mistake that you have right here on these moguls they all go over them just perfectly making sure their head stay in perfect position and use those leads as shock absorbers and what a final we got coming down this little wire Marco De Lago look like he had it thrown out but it's villain Moriarty who comes through at the end it was like a Talladega turning NASCAR three-wide and it is Moriarty of Canada's moving on Marcos de logon also getting a transfer position wow you see the excitement at the finish there is excitement in the start the best race that we have seen so far again no strides as they come through the speed slot off the start coming into the GoPro turn again that steep drop right there you have to get in the perfect position to make that tight turn look at everybody dragging off each other coming down into that nice slip slip Rico boom nice tight turns but this final stretch right here to be able to come up out of the air and then make that turn to dash for that final spot at the finish line Todd it is unbelievable on some sliding and some striding but it's the skate that counts as it goes across clearly Dillon Moriarty of Canada gets the victory as De Lago gets second let's check in with will Christian thanks John Sarah I think you had to work for that win harder than we've seen anybody so far this evening talk me through that I got a I got cards around 32 at Tommy Merton market I go to amazing skaters and just got a a good gait start just ended up in third waited the whole track really patiently and knew I can pass at the end so I took it on the inside and possible them and ended up finishing first just kind of get up the gate starts and try to get that hole shot to win it fun to watch Thank You Galen Chuck thank you well the quarterfinals are set and the world championship points leader camera nods and max done faced off in our first team stick around this is crash dice they call a part of the red gold Signature Series this is crash dice a part of the Red Bulls Signature Series team USA fans are ready for our first men's quarterfinal which includes favorites and world championship points leader max done and camera nod and this one is absolutely loaded with Gil move a Morissette who's been very strong young man out of Canada mark Osceola of Finland and Cameron oz the 27 year old at a Lakeville Minnesota and max well done 26 years of age at a Burnsville Minnesota definitely two of the favorites in st. Paul can the Naz max well done Kevin Oz loving this track the speed is so perfect for him his lower body Todd his legs are so strong perfect for the first part of this race and he gets over very very fluid over the first moguls and up into the feel-good rich wall ride look at how quickly he gets around there to open up his lead carrying a ton of speed camera Naz out in front he's got Maxwell's done on his six and four years ago you never would have said that to Americans coming to this quarterfinal are the odds on favorite but they are showing it here as camera nods and that will guy going down hard good it is close enough to the finish line that he gives himself just enough insurance to get to the finish but Wow almost missing out on the semis is max done as he has a crash right at the finish bit of pain wow if I get this right he landed right on his head as he came over that last mogul this is that turn at the BF Goodrich wall ride camera knives look how tight he makes that turn staying in on the nice clean ice as he extends his lead as done behind him holds his footing gets a little bit late there with his back foot but again the agility and the athleticism that Maxwell done showed there again keeping on that nice ice that's where we lose one of the competitors and then it's a race around this last corner and this is where they can really open up some spaces right there bang he hits his head max well done unbelievable that he can get off of this face being able to get down in there if it wasn't for the contact of the head on the ice but again the strength max well done showed right there to allow himself to finish the race is incredible nas and Dunn are moving on to the semifinals and Max's would will thanks guys max there's a lot of nervous fans out here watching yourself and the points Peter Cameron has faced off so early in the quarterfinals and then you took that for everybody held their breath what were you thinking at that point I was nothing I just felt the pain and was like I gotta get up gotta get up make it I honestly I thought someone would pass me but no one was there so I just kept fighting and what's it going to take at this point anything to take a win here tonight and perhaps move on to the championship in no more mistakes like that one I gotta get clean run thanks max nice all right well we are moving right back to the top of the course this was quarterfinal number two and another good one two men in pink in this one you've got John Fisher and Dean Moriarty to Canadian then Tristan do girdle of France and Daniel Bergersen of the USA Bergesen in the all-black kit yeah this strength I think is what we're going to hurt John Fisher in this one coming down this first leg we talk about how strong Kyle clocks off Cameron azar John Fisher I think is really struggles off the start like that as you can see he's in fourth place with the GoPro on his helmet Ferguson there with a beautiful inside line from third into second and now he's got a great battle going with Francis do girdle but out in front it is Moriarty Dean Moriarty the 23 year old out of Montreal leading the way yeah this is a straightaway that they have to really be careful those bumps right there are higher than they seem it's exactly what happens if you get too much air landing that is pretty tough in Moriarty and Bergesen come in one two and move on what a finish Dean Moriarty in the pink with the Canadian leaf on his back a great finish in Danny Bergesen of the USA strong as well yeah good start again coming off into that first drop in as you can see on the left hand side Fischer not as strong as the other competitors a little bit more cautious coming through the start through the BFGoodrich wall ride more he already handles it really well a nice pass right there by Bergesen Furguson now has a little room to breathe but superval going down almost take Ferguson down with that state that came out but in the end just enough what the pika white almost clips again you get a little bit too vertical and you don't stay in that tux position and it's really hard to land that jump so it is Moriarty and Ferguson moving on into the semi-final Delvian semifinal number one John Fisher has been eliminated both men proud to be moving on here in st. Paul our next quarterfinal is getting ready in the gate with fist pumps and high five more racing action when we return to crash site state ball you're watching the Red Bull dinner series a sea of spectators are on the edge of their seats and standing for our third quarter final here in st. Paul for crash site part of the Red Bulls to get your series as three past world champions are loaded into the gate this might be one of the best races of the night right here the two Crocs all brothers Scott Crocs all's been dominating Kyle's a big strong brother and then one of my favorites Derek wedge weeks already talked about his crazy way that he tackles these these races I love the way he's always on edge he'll take chances in this race got croc salt will get the lead the man in black but it's his brother right on his left-hand side so a dangerous for the rest of the field of Crocs all brothers are going one and two wedge on the outside looking in the man in fourth place yeah I'm not a surprise that we see Scott Cox all out to an early lead he's going to want to hold it because he knows strength is important he knows his brothers bigger and stronger nice transition up to the wall over the Dino bridge and look oh look at that's the guy I was talking about look how much that Daniel Weds actually went after Derek wedge goes crazy over that to try to make up ground but it's not enough as a Crocs all brothers advance miracle Ozzy and Derek wedge doing anything they could to get past the wall of Crocs all but it's not to be as got Crocs all his brother Kyle they are also into the semi-finals yeah there's a reason why the Crocs all brothers have dominated the sport for so long actually Kyle dominated this before Scott God has really improved over the last couple years and now probably better than Kyle but they're showing their strengths right here lotty hanging in there tight look at the points look at this way that their knees come up their head really doesn't go up too high and even when they get out of position a little bit their strength they're able to overcome it that's why these guys dominate the crash dice races and this is what I love look at Eric Wedge comes over this and tries to get something a little extra to get in there but it's not able to hold the landing and finish he went for the high-risk high-reward maneuver it was Kyle Krakow that had that lime covered look at this just launches himself as wedge comes up just a little bit short the Canadian flag is flying the Crocs all brothers are into the semi-final so take a deep breath and get ready for a fourth quarter final another great one loaded with talented athletes Dylan Moriarty of Canada Marco De Lago and his brother Luca De Lago in this one together and Torey Murs of the USA the 24 year old at a Lakeville Minnesota so it'll be interesting to see like the Crocs all brothers jr. if the De Lago Brothers can work together well it seems like the brothers they always seem to do very well in this competition because they train together they have that competition together and always have me seem to have the best technique so helping out each other's brothers is a big bonus here and especially in st. Paul right here the Gallardo brothers love fast ice and out in front right off the bat the man with the yellow shoulders that is Luca De Lago in front he's the younger brother of Marco these guys are going after it they are not afraid of this track right now not afraid of the injuries of ice seems to be holding up okay but the speed oh my gosh I spoke too soon Ashley's going down face-first on the rock hard ice and that is going to allow the De Lago brothers to coast home what a finish amazing carnage out the back gotta make sure both those guys are okay Wow what'd I hit by Dylan Moriarty first and then Tori MERS of the USA also taking a hard bigger into the eye yeah we talked about carnage we we saw earlier max well done falling hit in his head as you see Moriarty's touching his face right now he went slamming headfirst into the face of one of the moguls and that's why it's so difficult going at that except those moguls with such pace the technique is essential to make sure that you hold that center of gravity again good start by the De Lago brothers again okay look at that leap they didn't fall into there they jumped into that first leap and look at Moriarty he's going after it early too coming into that first turn where you really set your separate yourself Moriarty is just going after you got to give him props for his aggression but this is where you get really important this is the strides where you pick up the speed if you don't hit these jumps and try to land all of them at first staffs what happened a double shot to the head hurts Moriarty's chances of winning amongst other things and how about this reaction from the world champion Cameron not oh my yeah he knows what it feels like when you fall into the ice at that speed as the just blah go brothers join the croc soul brothers and there you see the marks left by the ice here in st. Paul on the face of Dylan his brother Dean is part of our first semi-final when we returned to crash dice they Paul you're watching the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series our first men's semifinals in the gate here at crash scythe state Paul taught Arif alongside Jeremy Roenick will Christian as we get ready Daniel Bergesen is in this one out of Rochester Minnesota Dean Moriarty who just watched his brother Dillon knock himself silly and then of course the reigning world champion Cameron odds and Maxwell Dunn of the USA three Americans one Canadian in this one and odds on favorites got to be Cameron oz on the left side your screen there if he gets that hole shot jr. yeah well Moriarty also is another guy that I'm going to look at what the speed that he has I'm sure he'll be really cautious after what just happened to his brother but again look at Cameron knives come out perfect transition nice poised through the GoPro turn and here is where he's going to separate himself and really take off with this power stride and look at this Dean Moriarty you called it the 23 year old out of Montreal trying to track down the reigning world champion a man in big Moriarty having his issues with the American but he gets around the last court it'll be Cameron and Dean Moriarty moving on at the celebration begin as those two men are into the final what a race mostly for Ferguson had done their night is done well Bert there's max well done climbing over the wall right there if you remember what happened to him early in the race he banged his face coming into that last turn and it seemed like that he was thinking about that right and saying listen I got to be really careful it was extra careful because he came down with a crashing halt right before he hits at that final final hill before the turn but it could start by camera nas around the BF Goodrich wall ride see max well done look at him come really far inside because he comes that far inside he loses his momentum and allows Moriarty to go past them nas looking very comfortable with a good start off the top of the hill look up camera nods hugs the wall there on the GoPro banner it's just amazing these guys know exactly the angles that take it's really important to find that nice ice surface late in the round because you see right here see the ice how it's so banged up right there you can lose an edge there very easily but jeez you can't imagine how good of a skater camera Naz is to be able to come through there is easily as he does so camera Naz who gets the holeshot and just slides down the hill now watch this this is where it gets a little dicey almost takes down Moriarty that's it that's exactly where max well done room really went for it right there he didn't get enough height and cut he kept his body too straight up and he wasn't able to land it early enough to get up Cameron eyes and Moriarty finish one two and move on let's check in with will thanks son Dylan to do that hard for you take you just have to watch your brother ace from the sidelines while you're nursing your wounds back we heard you chomping don't let him through don't let him through referring to Mac son who was right on his tail did it take Fame to bail him out like that but without causing any serious contact yeah I had a great start with Cameron and then he's in second and you know it's Dunn's a good racer and he just took those blocking lines not the not the time Shara line just to block him out and get in his way and he held them off till the end and it showed him then he is on to the final some after my brother you continue to watch him thank you guys two more races and a champion will be crowned in st. Paul right now we sit it back to our host Sal Masekela Thank You Todd Harris how about the dominance of teams USA and Canada they're killing it how about Cameron nock and this guy get the win in front of his hometown crowd and raise your hand if you would like to see more of the women's championship races yes you friends at home given the opportunity would you lace up the skates and take on this course no you wouldn't because it's scary trust me I've done it it's funny to talk about so why don't you get involved in our conversation follow the Red Bull Signature Series on Facebook Twitter Instagram the snapchat anyway you get down socially just make sure you use the hashtag Red Bull Crashed eyes or in go to Red Bull TV series calm we have even more exclusive content for you about this and other events that we have scheduled all year just for you and you can also download the Red Bull TV app to watch this show and catch up on every episode from every season why because we love you you're watching crash sites from st. Paul and this is the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to st. Paul Minnesota for crash side towards Red Bull signatures theory most athletes Sibley's here from the sidelines for our second min semifinal it's two sets of brother versus brother and once again will they work together Marco and Luca De Lago of Austria they're on the left side of your screen they'll be facing Scott Crossville and Kyle crocks all of Canada this is going to be a race I cannot wait to see what happens some of the best skaters in crash dice see if Scott can get off to a good start again as they come down that first drop in it's a crash site for the hatfields and the mccoys as the de lagos and the coastal go head-to-head and its de la goes right now but it changes quickly here comes the croc Ville going to and three look at the Lago out in front now they go to the wall and look at the log of stays on his feet wow what a transition into this straightaway Luca De Lago looking real strong Marco De Lago coming right in afterwards in the Crocs all our Scotty cross dog can't maneuver he doesn't even get up to call oh my goodness and it's an upset I say what do you think that's unbelievable to the Lagos the Omaha goes go one and two and the croc souls are eliminated and immediately Kyle croc Ville is talking to one of the officials well there's a lot of contact in that race I'm sure Kyle is wondering we got to look back and see if there was any contact that was not legal as you see Scott is going to be done because he couldn't even finish the race very surprising about that well let's go back into the replay see we can see what Kyle's arguing about if you see it stop Luca grabs Scott's helmet right there even knocks the GoPro right off his helmet and then the battle ensues as Marco goes down because he cut that corner too much and then it's coming into the next corner where I think Kyle and Scott get a little agitated the battle is intense here as they come around Kyle actually gets in in place and in position but you see here again look at Marco he cuts that corner too much Kyle gets inside we already saw the GoPro go down tremendous battle by these three but watch coming into the next turn you're gonna see Luca he's going to have a lead and hold off Kyle right there which causes Kyle would go into the board will see that a better angle right here it's the end of the race Kyle clearly now in third place and he pulls up immediately crosses the line and checked in with the officials but I think they're going to get Luca De Lago because he had not one but two shot to the face of a croc celebrate yeah I'm Way ahead of myself but I'm excited because it was such a good race and Kyle is all frustrated as Scott is with Luca De Lago and we're going to see some right here down here look at Luka holding off Kyle with his left hand actually takes him off of his edges and smashes him into the boards amazing that all three of them stood up to watch the face of Kyle as she starts his stride right after you can tell the anger is just zipping through his body there we go so Kyle crocks all the gloves come off immediately Marko talaga smart enough not to take his gloves off meanwhile Scott cocktails having worked with Luca and not happy about him not once but twice going up high with the hands into the face of a Crocs all brother the hockey instincts are coming out yeah Scott all is not happy and the official ruling is now coming down Marco De Lago and kyle croc sole will be advancing to the final Luca De Lago is disqualified and Scott croc still has a DNF you cannot go backwards on the course so if you don't make the hill climb at the end you do not finish but tempers flaring there and Scott croc salt is not happy as you shouldn't see but boy I'll tell you what what an amazing race is you see Scott right they're going to Luca he just tells them exactly what he thinks of the dirty race with the hands in the face pulling back almost knocking his brother off Marco trying to come in to help Luca and Kyle say leave them alone see this is more my style Todd looks like we're going to you love the technique of the gloves coming oh yeah we're going to go into an old-fashioned hockey brawl right there as scott crocks all very disappointed that he couldn't finish the race and move on just gives Luca De Lago a nice shove to the ice and st. Paul his brother comes over to aid him not so much my brother's got my back well you can understand why these emotions get high this is a very tough sport it's a physical sport and Adrenaline's high Wow what a turn of events to sort it all out let's check in with will Christian who's standing by with Scott croc so who is not moving on thanks Sonia I'm here with Scott now Scott that's any final result more conflict than we have done in any other race tonight we saw how frustrated you were at the end there and now you've ended up with a DNF what's that going to mean for you um it just means I scratched this race then I look forward to Ottawa and trying to get back on that podium we saw you getting in and out a little bit at the am with the de la Garde brothers talk us through what happen in the race from your perspective yeah it wasn't really clean racing on their part you know they kind of took me out right out the first turn on the wall ride and then after that next turn I got taken out again so you know it's not very good sportsmanship not not good to see it from those guys you know there's supposed to be buddies of ours on tour and it's not just not clean racing it's not good to see your brother have made it through though so we'll let you go there so you can watch and support them in the final guys back to you well that sets up an amazing final as things have calmed down just a little bit here in st. Paul before we get to the big final let's check in with Sal Masekela Thank You mr. Harris we are down to our final four with a chip on his shoulder Kyle crop so again facing Marco de la go on the ice for the men's final joined a camera nos and Dean Moriarity Kyle Marco and cam they've all taken home first place trophy from st. Paul will experience actually help them to cross the finish line first or will Dean Moriarty be like no it's my turn I'm going to find out when we return you're watching crash sites from st. Paul Minnesota and this is the Red Bull Signature Series before we get to the men's final women's final is getting into the gate let's set it over to a will Christian on an update on a point for the Women's World Championship thanks Todd well American skater Amanda translocate into the simple race here tonight with a 350 point lead over Candice Jacqueline her share that means that potentially she could actually wrap up the World Championship here tonight but in order to do that she must place at least since now Jacqueline didn't make it through to the final all eyes are going to be on trans oh can she handle the pressure guys thank you thank you will we're about to find out here in the women's final from st. Paul a loaded field but all eyes will be on 27 year-old Amanda trundle from Blaine Minnesota does she have the goods to deliver tonight and take home the title before we get to Ottawa in this plaintiffs Tamara Kaja the 25 year old from Ontario next to her on her left it will be City Lundqvist the 25 year old American had a st. Paul the veteran of the group 30 year old Miriam Trapani of Canada and wrapping up the final 27 year old Amanda trundle from Blaine Minnesota she needs to finish first or second and the title the overall title will be heard well this track is so difficult strength is vital with these women battling it out it's going to be very important their pace and how fast they can get over some of these hills you know leading into that final turn that uphill is going to be detrimental if you don't have any speed we'll see if they can handle it [Applause] and a great start by all of them as they check up their speeds for panier ad in front and a trunzo immediately digging herself a hole as the two Canadians junior go out into the front yeah trundle just not getting her feet underneath her as she comes down makes a little bump right there and tough situation for her to try to gain that championship though caution and for panier lead the field front though trying to make up the distance and one Canadian goes down and just like that front zone now in second place if she can maintain this position the title is worth always she goes down one turn away from claiming the overall title and it's Marian Trapani of Canada who gets the victory Amanda trundle will have to wait another event to try to wrap it up what a turn of events they are right before that last turn trundle was in second that's all she needed to wrap it up and she can't complete the deal well it started at the top and trundle had some problems getting into that drop zone you see her skates getting a little out of control a little bump right there she hits that roller stops all of her momentum doesn't hurt her too much here as the Canadian skaters get out to a nice lead buffering that speed right there coming up over that BF goodrich wall ride to the ice is really really chopped up finding that clean ice is important these rollers again if you don't go over them at the right pace you see what can happen a head over heels takes you right out of the race real early runs we'll still in a good position but there it is that one spot right before that little hill and she is down and out yeah and unfortunately you see the little bump right here look at her skate sheet Oh fix right there her knees come up she goes off balance and falls right into that hill and the momentum no way she can get up over that last turn and Will's with the winner thanks Todd Merriam huge congratulations to you your first win of the season you know there's a strong women's contingent out that we saw Jacqueline go out but Amanda was right there with you what did it take to bring home the win here this evening you know from the start I just knew I had to do my race and not worry about anybody else on the course and that was my focus throughout the thing and that's what I did and that gave me the win tonight we saw you win in Canada last year now we're going into Ottawa for the next race how do you focus going into that last race of the season at home you know I'm going to try to carry that momentum into the Ottawa race of course I'll be at home but again all I want to do is do my race and let everything else happen and we'll see what goes on in Ottawa we'll see you then congratulations again guys back to you Marian well done as she gets the victory here in st. Paul as the 100,000 plus fans have braved the cold temperatures for this the final race of the evening and it is a good one after all we've seen tonight in st. Paul it comes down to one race Marco De Lago is here Dean Moriarty is also in the rain Cameron odd the defending world champion and Kyle crocks all well tell you Marco the log of what he's been through in that semifinal with a near fisticuffs then you've got Dean Moriarty representing Canada next to him though he's got the speed merchant the defending champion Cameron oz a 27 year old from Lakeville Minnesota and let's not forget Kyle Cox all Jeremy Roenick his emotions are sky-high yeah and he got into this final with a disqualification of Marco Gallegos brother so he's all happy to be back in the final it's been all Scott crock saw but not in the finalist style this time and Cameron oz in front of his home home fans of Minnesota and Dean Moriarty having a chance to have his first ever crashed ice win it is speed versus strength as Cameron Oz goes to the front but not quite service blade positioning and look at Moriarty takes the spot camera nozzle out to work from behind and you got to love this GoPro view right here as they come around this lab stretch all of them very smooth and then very important hit these moguls perfectly as Moriarty does comes up over that last hill that's going to zip them up heritage final corner Moriarty pretty standard speed and he does just ahead of Cameron on oh my goodness Marco De Lago was in fourth and DOMA cross the line I was waiting to see him and Crocs don't get it mixed up again but in the end it was Dean Moriarty as they went in high into that last corner and he was the man that was able to maintain his balance ahead of Cameron ah Wow look at his brother Dylan just he probably even more happy than his brother is watching this race what a great start that's Kyle crocks all jumping out just falling into that first first dip look at Moriarty look at camera Naz how tight he makes his turn one of the best skaters in the world is hockey background obviously helping him with his edge work but Moriarty going after his first win look at this this is just amazing all four competitors tight turns again in tight you see Cameron Naz bumping the board's right there probably losing a little distance and Moriarty finding that area to make this last turn and he just absolutely turns it on coming around this corner look at nYSCI gets held off by Moriarty's arm right there look at Moriarty's right arm that keeps camera nods out to the outside he can't hold his finish as he goes into the board kind of crocodile goes down and Moriarty finds a way to get over the finish line for his first ever oh crap ice championship victory what a finish look at the camerawork by De Lago he sees the car is in front of him more we already able to stay on his feet and by a matter of inches just edging out Marco De Lago look how closest it it's the blade that has to cross oh that's about eight inches look at that what a finish congratulations to Dean Moriarty he gets the win De Lago second camera not third al crocks all in fourth as we sit it down to will in a winner thanks I've seen two days ago your brother Dillon told us you were going to take this race but this was your track you stated brilliantly evening what is it about it it seemed so perfect for you I mean I've kidded good to hear last year and it's almost the same shock and I made a mistake on the dyno last year that cost me and uh that's here I just improved on that and uh took it home if there a sense of redemption up for you finally getting this some poor word for sure I had a bad start to the season and just coming here in North America I'm gonna have a better second half and a good start here congratulations being go and enjoy it guys there's a champion back for you thank you will it's now time for our Red Bull signature moment it goes to teen Ltd skater and today's winner Dean Moriarty coming in second two years ago Dean came to st. Paul ready to finally prove that his skating skills could take him all the way by keeping a cool head of state on his feet he was able to slip past the carnage and finally skate to the top of the podium congratulations to Dean Moriarty for his first ever Red Bull Crashed Ice podium and today's Red Bull and it's your moment [Music] well as we take a look at the current standings with one event to go Jr it's on to Ottawa but it is a log jam at the top it's anyone's world championship your thought yeah st. Paul did not disappoint again this year and boy these skaters show why they are some of the best athletes in the world no question about it we thank st. Paul for once again being great host and we send it back to Sal Masekela Thank You Todd and thank you for joining us here at crash diets from st. Paul Minnesota congratulations to Team Canada Dean Moriarity and Miriam Japan yay were taking the top spot in the men's and women's division respectively and congratulations to the Austrian Marco De Lago and American camera not rounding out that men's podium thank you for joining us today on behalf of our entire NBC Sports crew including Todd Harris Jeremy Roenick the legend will Christian and myself we will see you next time you
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 294,529
Rating: 4.7966509 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, Ice Cross Downhill, ice cross, St. Paul, Saint Paul, Crashed Ice, Red Bull Crashed Ice, Scott Croxall, Crashed Ice 2017, crashed ice saint paul, Red Bull crashed ice 2017, red bull crashed ice st paul, red bull crashed ice 2018, red bull crashed ice 2019, crashed ice 2017, crashed ice 2019, ice skating, red bull ice skating, crashed ice marseille, red bull winter sports, red bull signature series, crashed ice st paul
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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