Volcom Pipe Pro 2017 FULL TV EPISODE | Red Bull Signature Series

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if Y is a Surfers Paradise then the Banzai Pipeline is Nirvana the epitome of the perfect barreling waves pipeline or simply pipe leave both competitor and spectator in all at its sheer beauty and that raw power any server who's ever dreamed of getting the perfect barrel knows they have to come to the North Shore in hopes of navigating that thin line between the perfect ride and the realistic danger of being impaled on an unforgiving reef today we have an international feel of the best surfers in the world who will compete to determine who will be crowned the warrior and get to take home this coveted trophy this is the Volcom Pipe row and you are watching the Red Bull Signature Series [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi everyone Sal Masekela here your host of the Red Bull Signature Series and allow me to welcome you to the world-famous Banzai Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii it is here that Volcom has coined the term the proving ground young surfers attempt to make a name for themselves empting fate pulling in as deep as possible in the barrel in the hopes of emerging the astonishment and wonder of the fans were just a few hundred feet from them on the shore break it is both beautiful and it is deadly pipeline and back door they are the essence of tube riding perfectly barreling over a sharp and shallow reef which allows surfers the opportunity to go left or right respectively today we have some of the best surfers in the world here including the newly crowned 2016 world champion John John Florence we're up with pipeline as his backyard this guy already has a record four of these warrior helmets and he would like another one at this year's welcome pipe throw other pipeline specialists include Adriano de Souza from Brazil and the Hawaiian legend brew science first quarterfinal is in the water so I'm going to check in right now with Chris Cote and North Shore Charger lifeguard bow hunter and comedian Dave Wasel Aloha gentlemen thanks al and as past years have shown us always expect the unexpected here at the Volcom Pipe row in earlier rounds two shocking defeat Kelly Slater and Jamie O'Brien went down now that leaves the door wide open for a potential Dark Horse to come from the beginning of this contest and win the whole thing and lucky for everybody the talent pool here at the Volcom Pipe pearl runs as deep as the ocean absolutely the waves are here we've got perfect pipeline and backdoor on offer that means we're going to see some big barrels hopefully some big scores and hopefully one of our underdogs will make it to the final as they've done every year in the past exactly you always seem to see that story starting to develop and we've seen it throughout this entire competition and we're going to see more on the beach right now we've got Tina Dixon one thing that really stood out to me here at the Volcom Pipe row is the crowd just take a look around me all these people that showed up today and it doesn't matter if you are a retired couple on vacation or you're a kid that's being introduced to the sport or you're a die-hard serf and this is where you want to be on the North Shore you pull up your beach chair a towel find some real estate and enjoy watching the best in the world and unlike other sporting events you don't have to buy a ticket you just kind of be able to find a parking spot you're absolutely right Tina don't one thing harder than finding a parking spot is finding a barrel at pipeline which is exactly what the judges are looking for 100% Chris and as you can see on your screen right now there is our judging criteria yes terms do count but nothing counts as much as getting barreled here at pipeline well we're looking for big tubes that we've got for surfers here that we'll be able to find them Leandra sue Nicole Smith so Lee Bailey and Hank Gaskell two surfers from distant corners of the Hawaiian island chain also Sully Bailey from Australia and Leandra Asuna from Argentina now to get it this far in the contest you've obviously got to have skills we've seen many different conditions in this year's Volcom Pipe row so all these surfers to get this far would have had to battle through some challenging conditions to start us off here in quarterfinal one it is so Lee Bailey threading the needle through a high-end tight tube not quite a clean exit he's looking for but he does fit in a nice turn after that tube gave when you start a wave like that you kind of fight through a barrel you do a turn the judge is going to be excited but it's not going to knock them out of their seats is it you did a great job to get busy you know getting the judges eyes right on you first wave always a good start and not to mention on the way back out you can always try and schedule yourself into another way let's go to the replay great ride you can see he actually pulls the ebrake pulls in nice and tight comes out like you said not as clean as you wish for it but then he just changes gears and goes blitzing right into a sweet little turn you know not that big classic back door barrel that were used to seeing sometimes here at pipelines but you got to do the work to get the score so Lee Bailey now officially on the board see a as conditions start to change a little bit on the morning so Lee Bailey again this guy is aqs warrior I mean he knows how to surf through a heat so he's just catching wave after wave that way is not going to do much for his grand total at the end of this heat but it's all about building up that score line so it slowly Bailey makes his way back out there let's go to a feature and show you some highlights from earlier around here at the Volcom Pipe row an incredible contest from beginning and we'll see what happens at the end but here's some look at what we saw in the early heat in this contest incredible pipeline barrels non-stop to writing perfection now pipeline has many faces as we've seen throughout this event we've seen sandbar rights on early days this is a great look look at the sand on the inside that's usually a reef right there it's actually a horrifying reef but you can see that on a couple of these waves like that right there Makua Rothman endpoint right has written all over it backing it up right behind him another Hawaiian mace at home some beautiful images of a don't really death-defying way of these surfers handling pretty tricky conditions here at backdoor you know seemingly with ease but we know the skill it takes to ride any of these waves are watching just crispy conditions as good as a get light offshore breeze you couldn't ask for more and right there is le'andria's Oona our self American champion getting barreled so barrels on barrels on barrels but what we sell in those early rounds mostly right and then as the day's rolled on here in the Volcom Pipe row 2017 we saw a couple left coming through but the biggest scores they all happen at backdoor and this was a gem from one of the earlier rounds absolutely breathing monster that thing tried to gobble him up the young man from Brazil get an extremely barreled Lucas Silveira as you see back ciders front ciders both guys on either side of this way of pipe line and back door it wasn't easy to make it through these earlier he's in that ends because of this local contingent we have as well as incredible travelling surfers to get back to quarterfinal number one speaking of one of those travelling surfers the Andre Osuna a little bit of a slow start for Leandro but again he is a highly skilled competitor his heat IQ is among the best of the best so that means he knows exactly what ways to take to get the scores he needs you see another quick ride surfer in black so daven looking at these conditions it really is all about selection and about you know utilizing these waves to their utmost capacity that it's also a lot about luck it is it is definitely got to choose the right way but you've got to make the most of the situation now as we look at this replay Leandre suna gets a quick barrel but then comes out and jams it straight into a turn great great way of maximizing scoring potential and then right behind him the second wave the young man gets another quick barrel but then opted not to do the turn maybe that was a strategy to get back out quicker but with four man priority he's still at the back of the line for catching the last wave surfer from Maui Hank castle has been right half his life trying to get waves at backdoor Pipeline and really doing a great job of that we know that Hank asko's want to be best when it comes to heavy situations at backdoor and on his backhand koulos smith from the island of hawaii a quick up-and-down and looking at that wipeout Mike seem benign but those are some of the ways that can absolutely put you in harm's way he's up and piling back out he's got a front-row seat at so lee bailey a nice clean ride big finish and he goes down that was a great point Chris you look at the choice of ways ridden I'm looking at there's a bunch of bump on the face but the second wave is always smoother solomon bailey from australia is playing a smart game letting the choppy ones go by looking for this clean face to his amazement backdoor smiles and to a young man in blue not so much this turn has everything on the line just downshift is through it on a rail but wasn't able to capitalize still the damage was done had that been a completed ride that score would have absolutely been in the excellent range but solely Bailey's still proving that a nice clean barrel will keep you in the game we got more serving to come John John Florence will be hittin the water you're watching Red Bull Signature Series this is the Volcom Pipe row we are halfway through our first quarterfinal and remember only two of four of these pipeline Warriors will make it through to the semi-finals so we get right back into the action from Hawaii koa Smith opting for a rare left-hander at pipeline and that wave did not pay off for ko Smith look like he was going to come flying out on the red carpet but somebody just pulled the rug out right from under him it's a great angle of the action if we look from the outside towards the beach and you see a conditions starting to wane a little bit from the pipeline perfection we saw in earlier rounds but still good waves on offer Leandro Asuna with an elevator drop from top to bottom unfortunately the rest of the way it didn't pan out but what a way to start that wave for Leandro soon and right behind him rapid-fire succession of way of paint Gaskell a quick in and out smart move going for that second wave but like you said Chris the conditions are changing there's a lot of trade winds very common with pipeline the win often picks up in the afternoon speaking of conditions let's get an update from Tina Dixon on the beach I just lost the contest director Marty Thomas who said the size of the wave six to eight feet now there is some side wind which can make things a little bit tricky out in the water so wave selection and strategy is going to be key today now in the quarterfinals there are a couple young hungry surfers like Griffin Cole of Pinto Makai McNamara and with what we've already seen so far in this event that hunger could potentially translate to a win guys thanks Tina and thank you for that conditions report you see a little bit more wind coming through that will not deter these surfers in the lineup they've dealt with all kinds of conditions over this entire contest and so lee Bailey now again opting for the left at pipeline looks like these pipeline left I've been starting to come alive but no real meaty scores as of yet yes and that's due to a lot of sand on the reef that you talked about earlier you know days prior we have a giant northeast swell which actually push sand from the right of your screen across the left the pipeline's a beautiful face but you never want to mask it you want to get barreled and that's exactly what the judges want to see that's why they'll throw out those big scores Leandro is suna now he was hunting for the to be some a little bit of hesitation what it looked like a start of that way but that was really him trying to seek and find that elusive tube time unfortunately did not pan out for Leandra is your next heat prepares to head out there Leandro again finding an inside gem stalling for the barrel gets completely covered up not a super deep tube but he makes the most of a smaller wave right and we talked about the priority system where once you catch way to go to the back of line but if nobody else is going for it on the way back out Lee under your shoe to squeaked into a great little score and history has told us from shown us that sometimes your best waves come from the paddle back out to the traditional peak there's Leandro trying to listen closely scores are actually being telegraphed from the beach via loudspeaker to our surfers in the lineup so they can actually let it figure out what they need he goes Leandra Osuna hunting for a score hunting for the score but really maximizing everything this wave had to offer a quick barrel nice turn epic rebound and then sets it up one more time with a check fade into another little pocket great great job by our water Patrol guys on the ski bringing us all the different angles no place that you'd rather be than in the barrel up backdoor Leandre Asuna from south america showing how it's done and with that last wave Leandre loose tuna that's just enough to squeak into second place advancing on to the semifinals with Australia's so Lee Bailey with 6 1 7 and a 4.0 giving him a total of 10 point one seven so Lee Bailey gets the win alright surf bands the 2016 world champion John John Florence is preparing to hit the water reporter final number 2 you're watching the Volcom Pipe pro part of the Red Bull Signature Series you welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series I'm your host Tom Masekela and this is the Volcom Pipe Pro not since 1993 has a native of Oahu's North Shore been crowned world champion of surfing why it takes a lot of pride that heritage and surfing plays a huge role in that and its culture I mean after all Native Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku he's considered the father of surfing so having a world champion represent the island of Oahu means everything to this community so it was never really a question of if but when this talented surfer would get his first world title now at the young age of 24 the most dominant Pipeline surfer of the modern era has finally brought the world title back to the North Shore hailed as the people's champion most agree this is just the beginning for John John Florence John John was my student he was a good student [Music] he was really good at paying attention and knowing that you were saying something and it was important for him to know it we sixth grade right a chicken soup for the sixth straight soul what I learned in the sixth grade by John John Florence I learned that if you want something you have to work for it you can't just sit around and something will magically come to you well do something you had better start now if you had started when you were little you would have had all the time to practice I'm definitely proud that he has a change it doesn't matter what you win it matters what you are that's John John John influences every single kid here in Hawaii as much as he does every other surfer regardless of age around the world even though he's already the best in the world he's still trying to get better you know and I think that is something that is a trait that's really admirable that the kids can look up to John John's still trying to get better you know we should all be trying to get better there's only been four other people from Hawaii to win the World title it's a rare thing people just think like tons of world champions from why there isn't but John John is the first one born and raised on the North Shore and it gives everybody here a sense of pride and everybody's mind he's that cute so a headed kid who grew up right here at Sunset Beach Elementary literally graduated from walking across the street playing in the sand becoming the most famous surfer in the world Jojo champion but very rare that somebody realizes their destiny you could see it was very apparent even at the age of five that he had a special gift and that gift was he was one with the water it's something tangible for every single kid here on the North Shore and that what's important is that sense of personal pride for us but he also shows the world and all these other kids that yes it is possible to achieve your dreams so John John Florence of just 24 years old with nearly two decades of experience out here at pipeline John John will be going up against three other surfers who are ready to take his crown Mitch Colburn Griffin Cola Pinto and Brian taught Griffin 18 years old the sole teenager in this quarter final Heat number 2 3 surfers in the unenviable position of competing against one of the all-time greats here at pipeline John John Florence Ann we're going to start it off there are 2016 world champion John John Florence with a blistering frontside snap follows through with another vertical attacking turn on the inside of what could really be considered John John's front yard his front yard is better than most that's for sure John John what I've noticed about this young man is he's so quick to adapt to what the wave has to offer reading it perfectly looks like he took off looking for a barrel and just went nope it's not going to do it I am gonna just attack the lip too horrendous frontside bashes off the top making it look way too easy there's a bit of that acne that we talked about nuts from all that sand on the reef John just goes you know what it's a nice sunny day the water Patrol is a little hot I'm going to do my best to cool them down throw in a ton of water in their direction you know at the beginning of this contest we always talked about how the judges want to see you get barreled but if there's no barrel on offer doing two turns like that is going to help your effort to make it through any heat so John John Florence with a great start now right behind them up-and-coming surfer 18 years old Griffin Cole Pinto into oblivion a very dangerous position for this young surfer from San Clemente to be in and right behind him on the island of Puerto Rico Bryan toss back-to-back wipeouts as John John Florence again making that a trilogy of terror now as our surfers reset themselves in the lineup let's go to the beach as soli Bailey is waiting with Tina Dixon and so you said earlier that you were just going to wait for the ways to come to you and that's when you were going to get the job done but it doesn't seem like that's going to work right now yeah you know I had to change my strategy from the last few hates but the state just now it was kind of a game of just catching as many good-looking waves that I thought as possible and and just trying to capitalize on it and and just be able to build a house moving on to the semi-final how far do you want to make it today I always want to win the event that's that's the goal in every event so I'm you know that's the plan and and hopefully it comes off thanks for your time best of luck Thank You Tina John John Florence and the rest of his three quarter finalists now have reset themselves from three crazy wipeouts in a row and here's our first look at Australian Mitch Colburn on his backhand Dave how much more difficult is it to surf these waves on your back end than it is going on your forehand back door on my backhand no thanks let's just put it that way Mitch Colburn making this wave look way too easy Hawaii's known for a lot of short waves and that wave just kept on giving mr. Mitch Colburn just keyed off a number of times I think he hit the lip five different times not what he was necessarily looking for as far as a barrel but a great start to heat yeah and we keep saying you have to be able to adapt to the wave that comes your way here goes 18 year old Griffin Cola Pinto again adapting nice through the big frontside hack goes into a second turn possibly looking for an air section on the inside the opera knife snap loader maneuver finishes off in a tumultuous piece of whitewater but that is the completed ride so that way will be scored from beginning to end Griffin Colpitts well you can't say enough good things about this young 18 year old from San Clemente really just solicitor's right through that turn you know what I like there's no wasted movement everything has its place and then you saw it he was telegraphing down the line looked like it was going to be an aerial but he did this awesome rock and roll floater over just inches of water the wave tries to knock him off and he comes out victorious behind Colasanto was Mitch Colburn as Dave said this wave is not easy going front side but back side just picks up the difficulty meter but I like what Mitch did on this way great job of staying busy like I said amazing that the wave just kept offering sectioning sections and eat just complied by belting it front and center good job Mitch with those last waves coming through that's going to mean Griffin Cola Pinto moves himself into first place that puts John John Florence now hunting for a score meanwhile Mitch Colburn opting to go front side at traditional pipeline goes for the big fins free aerial 360 unfortunately gets caught up as he goes for the landing and goes down so Mitch Colburn back out there the hunt for more his previous score was enough to move him into second place so you're talked to you right now Cola Pinto and Colburn as a local threat Makai McNamara get psyched he'll be coming up in the next quarterfinal Cibrian thought having a pala here looking right going last pulls into it nice little cover up but asked the body serve his way he becomes a torpedo person shooting out of a barrel but you got to be on your board to get the score Brian Toth he knows how tricky backdoor can be he's sticking to his game he knows pipeline but with this windy conditions you know the lip it's a chandelier effect where it falls from the top and actually land on the nose of his board and knocked him off so trying to navigate a tricky way that pipeline did not go the way that Brian thathe wanted it to mean while searching for a score it's going to be Mitch Colburn finds himself on a little runner tries to go for the big finishing maneuver goes down that's not going to be the way the Colburn's looking for John John Florence now could find himself on a gem and he throws to meat hook turns finishes strong with a nice closeout maneuver so again adapting to the wave that is handed to him John John Florence that is going to be a score up in that excellent range with three incredible maneuvers so John John Florence right now kind of shockingly sitting in third place having to fight for it there here we go Brian Toth on his backhand and he crosses over with Griffin Cole Pinto now the way this four-man priority system works you really have to give way to the surfer who sits above you in the priority line and that was Cola Pinto so that will be an interference unfortunately on our strong goofy footer from Puerto Rico Brian top and that is going to be so advancing through a quarterfinal number two is Griffin Cola Pinto and John John Florence the world champion moved through this is the Volcom Pipe row you are watching the Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series you are watching the 2017 Volcom Pipe row from the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii and surf fans get ready our third quarter final is in the water do Carmo from brazil luke Shepparton Reus irons and makai mcnamara all representing Hawaii this is going to be an incredible matchup the waves are still pulsing through a little bit more wind on the water but these are for surfers that know how to deal with adverse conditions starting with Luke Shepherdson Luke Shepherdson is one of the local heroes here in Hawaii the guy really knows how to throw it on the line in fact he went so big last year the Aikau family picked him for the number one spot into the Eddie Aikau big wave Invitational and that is an invite for the ages Luke Shepherdson that's not an invite you want an invite to be taken to the bottom of the reef by backdoor pipelines the Luke Shepherdson this is a guy that if anybody could have made this barrel he's the guy to do it unfortunately it clamped down on it casual Luke always cool as ice double arm stall into the barrel and as you said crisp mother nature just not opting to let it off so that will not be a score of note just yet for Luke Shepherdson to see four surface in the lineup jostling for position and in the sweet spot Brazilian surfer known as the passionate one David do Carmo big snap on his backhand with alone goofy footers left in this event only getting a one maneuver wave so most likely won't be up in that excellent range but it'll be enough to get his campaign started so as David do Carmo makes his way back out in the lineup let's go to the beach with reigning world champion John John Florence he's with Tina Dixon and someone that knows the many faces of pipeline that we've seen throughout this contest John John Florence we've seen you get barreled out here but today that heat it seemed all about turns yeah it was and it's kind of in that transition so we're still looking for the barrel but just had to kind of struggle and switch your mindset of doing turns and it's pretty hard is the current driven right now it's even hard for turns that was an interesting heat you sat on a pretty low score what were you thinking during that time I was just waiting for an open wave to come in and I felt very confident than open wave did come and it just kept time just kept counting down and counting down and I'm farting there's a couple minutes lessons like walls cuz I have a four into one I know you have a lot of fans out here looking forward to seeing you in the semis thank you so a lot of confidence with John John Florence but you saw a little bit of stress there as well what a consummate professional he knows how to deal with this pressure and he knows that he can count on a good wave to come to him because he's got that mojo speaking of mojo can Makai McNamara get it working if he paddled into a smaller bit nice looking right here at backdoor unfortunately if a wave like that even if that size lands on your back you're going down there's no surfer powerful enough to resist the urges of backdoor Pipeline you did a really good job by staying high and tight at the first part of that wave it looked like for a second it was going to turn out to be a great little barrel ride here it is from the water angle stops on the brakes pulls in high and tight and the wave just kind of goes almond Ian lands like you said right on his back forcing him face down horrifying position right there as a takeoff of backdoor it's probably the most unforgiving reef on the North Shore he popped up in one piece and that makai McNamara has an incredible aptitude for surfing backdoor pipelines of he couldn't do it no one can and right behind him Bruce irons this is a backdoor legend in action Bruce irons cranks it off the bottom finds a nice little pocket ride at high speeds beautiful carving snap a nice casual mellow approach for Bruce irons but with that style with that wave you can only guess the judges are going to eat that up like a bowl of cereal Bruce iron has proved himself once again to be one with pipeline and back door on a day that is challenging to everybody Bruce always seems to find those golden nuggets so with this last wave tour coming through a 6.33 for Bruce irons now your Heat leader look at this perfect style and perfect placement right into the tube absolutely picture-perfect couldn't have done it any better Bruce making the most out of what looked like a kind of a funky wave to begin with as it rolled down the line it found the shallow part of the reef started to barrel and then he maximized it with a couple of great turns on the way out now one thing we know about pipelines you can't get too greedy you know you can't try for too much tube time you will lose that battle - Bruce irons doing just the right amount of stalling and letting that tube catch up to him if he went in and out of the barrel the judges loving it now behind them on the one of the bigger waves we've seen others heat Luke Shepherdson into oblivion Dave what happens when you wipeout on a wave of that size all that really matters is that you pop back up and go out and do it again get right back on that bike and go for another try that is the worst place of the world to be right in between back door and the next break off the wall that is a ton of water coming down your head fours in one piece in one piece unfazed Luke Shepherdson will get out there and do it again a true warrior Luke Shepherdson in a position that would send 99.9% of us straight back to the beach he's right back out there let's take a look at this brutal wipeout a great take off the wave looks like a 10-point ride from the beginning and then just that extra bit of water on the end we talked about that chandelier effect just came crashing down and I'm forcing him down glad he's all right I'm speaking of all right this guy's had an all right career edge your honor just there was a former world champion he's won everything there is to win he will be back out there for a quarter final number four and if you look back out in the lineup this is where surfers start to feel a little bit of that pressure start to well off the score coming through for Luke Shepherdsons last wave only gave 1.5 so you know a professional boxing even when you lose you get paid it's a lot different for surfing if you lose if you fall you're not getting paid out a 1.5 for a crazy wave by Luke Shepperton now we go back out to David do Carmo with the ops for the left and somehow fight through a small but could be impactful barrel another big snap David a common low center gravity really working out for Duke our most favored on that last wave very challenging conditions but very smart going from his backside a back door to his front side a pipe line staying very busy going okay maybe I'm not going to get the best barrel but I can sure do the best turn nice nice maneuvers 5mr de caramel sticking to his strengths there we go Makai MacNamara he's going to stick to the right here at backdoor close to the opening smack it's a little bit hung up in his first turn as he's just trying to fight for every point he needs a 3.34 to advance through that's actually Mekhi McNamara's dad legendary pipeline surfer liam mcnamara they've got it a little signaling program worked out between the two of them trying to give his son the advantage it gave him such an advantage last year the Makai MacNamara actually made it from the very first round all the way into the final we'll see if it pays off here so as your surfers now again reset themselves in the lineup is going to be Bruce irons going left they call that a peg dog because he's trying to just pig-dog his way through that barrel meanwhile on the right Luke Fortson then ice carving snaps on that split peak Shepherdson needs a four point five one and while Bruce irons is in the lead that was only his second wave scored as they get to the end of the heat Shepherdsons score two point seven three not enough bruised irons with a score of one to three will be advancing through along with David do Carmo the 2015 world champion Adriano de Souza is heading out for quarterfinal number for your watching Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series and the Volcom Pipe row here on the North Shore of Oahu I am your host Sal Masekela now outside of actually pulling into one of these massive barrels one of the toughest jobs might be forecasting for when the waves are actually going to arrive and what days to hold the contest literally all eyes are on you from the competitors the events that the safety crews the men and women working behind the scenes to bring you these incredible images and of course the fans that are watching from around the world over the years technology has advanced and leaps and bounds with satellite images computer models that make the job a little bit easier but in the end Mother Nature has the final word on whether or not competition is a go the basics for surf forecasting is the stronger the wind is blowing over the water the larger distance is flowing over the water and the longer it blows over the water the larger the swell can be so with surfing nowadays we're very fortunate to see the forecasted throughout the week most of these events they have about a 12 day window and take around 3 to 4 days to complete the event so what we're doing is we're providing to create information to make good decisions on when those three or four best days and that 12 day window are going to be so that's condition for pipe is you want a large long period west swell with wind that's either out of the east or south east that light to moderate levels we're trying to figure out what's going to make that type of swell in those type of winds then we're looking for a storm that's out in the ocean preferably that's coming right off Japan then that storm has to be strong we've got forecast models that will tell us a storm may be developing ten days from now we use satellites to measure basically the wind speed the wave height that all the kind of variables are met you know we see really strong wind we see the storm tracking towards Hawaii those are all really good signs that we're going to get a great 12 for five I will send out an email every night the contest director and say this swell is kind of right on track or hey it's a little bit different than what we were thinking and that kind of impact if that particular day is going to run or if there's something that looks better three days out five days out seven days out might wait for something that looks a little bit better we're going to try our hardest to make sure that we get the best surfers in the best conditions allowed in the next two weeks we feel good about it we want to go all right day one hunt yeah eight o'clock side okay good yeah all right we are lucky to have the best in the business when it comes to surf forecasting and while you know 10 days might seem like a lot of time in the real world for a surf contest I mean that might not be enough all the time you really got to get three days of competition out of that ten days and luckily for us we've got it quarterfinals heat number four is all Lucas Silveira Seth Moniz Adriano de Souza and a rich Arab guru hitting the line up the waves have stayed with us Dave surf line forecast has been spot-on they've been all the help of ace up our sleeve helping us pick the eyes out of it and speaking about picking the eyes out of it the young man from the Basque Country returned brew getting off to a quick great start so a rich looked like he got the best of that exchange he split the peak there meaning he went one way and the other server went the other who was Seth Moniz who has really kind of put himself high in the pecking order meaning oftentimes when pipeline is firing Seth mone even at just the age of 19 has put himself in prime position to be the future of surfing a pipeline and back door but a risk I mean he is no slouch when it comes to tube riding he's kind of I would say underrated one of the best two riders planning and once for a long time on the World Championship Tour here he is on the qualifying series trying to get back into that top 32 seed so a risk Aaron Burr got the better of that exchange as we see testimony's just a quick up-and-down he'll get right back out there they're set navigating his way back out of the peak so as our surfers reset themselves let's go to the beach David do Carmo is with Tina Dixon David those last few minutes that was a nail-biter it was a nail-biter for us on the beach and for you guys how did you make the decision to go on that way because you didn't really need much yeah those nerves are there because any way of needle is more scholarly discover it's hard to find a good way so I just can come down and waited for the good one but never Commer so little less come to me than I made and then I just give it to me through something so I had to make the same final you did get the wave and you are moving on best of luck thank you thank you guys David do Carmo he's already made a huge statement here at the Volcom Pipe row in past years we'll see if he can continue that row here we go Adriano de Souza former world champion and it's because of turns like that that he has been such a just influential and insanely highly ranked competitive surfer de Souza right there just from beginning to end utilizing that entire way for everything that it's worth that was some incredible surfing I mean just belted the lip took off gave it one big fat lip and then the wave went crying off with two black eyes apparently Miley Cyrus isn't the only one coming out like a wrecking ball Oh huge turn Adrian D'Souza a tenacious competitor great smile on the beach but don't get this guy in a heat because he will take it to pieces it's got one of the highest winning percentages of any surfer past or present Adriano de Souza is a guy that rarely loses and with surfing like that he is looking like a lock as he it's a mid-range score that's going to be enough to get in the driver's seat but who will face Bruce irons and David ooh caramel in the semi-finals the conclusion of quarterfinals when we returned to the Volcom Pipe Rose you are watching Red Bull Signature Series you welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series you are watching the 2017 Volcom Pipe row from the North Shore of Oahu we're halfway through quarterfinal number four conditions changing rapidly our competitors are going to have to adjust and making that adjustment it looked like having a paddle was surfer in flew past Moniz and now he finds himself right back in the zone he's digging very nice looking wave at backdoor pipeline cranks it off the bottom straight up in the lip a beautiful opening turn for Moniz but not much left after that first turn for our young Hawaiian and that was a case of maybe not choosing the best wave out of set the great top turn you saw the fins come all the way out the back but nothing on offer after that Stephanie is quick to make mincemeat out of that lip he did an angle from above a lot of whitewater on the face I makes it really challenging for the fins to engage right incredibly difficult you know what he has come up against so many difficulties in this event so far conventions top would be defeating Kelly Slater 11 time world champion and he did it convincingly with two excellent scores seth has taken a Ross road to get here to the quarterfinals but can he advanced through having a paddle now surfer in black a risk Aaron Burr ooh he's got a nice looking right here pulls up high and tight into the tube gets the exit goes out from the lip now that is just blue collar surfing right there doing exactly what that wave dictated behind him Lucas Aveda in red dropped in goes down Lucas Silveira don't count him out he is a Brazilian junior world champion he knows his contest savvy better than anybody woo I'm not sure if he got hurt or perhaps his equipment he was looking back towards the beach will have to tune in to find out the salaita so look at this replay here this is a rich erin burrow and this is kind of the polar opposite of what we saw some savannas ways and great comments blue collar surfing get and work done all down the line drops into this wave looking at the mechanics of pipeline checks under the hood gets right up in it comes out telegraphing down the line and just set this one to bed with a great top term bang incredible water angle thank you mister this is the reason why these surfers have what we call board caddies on the beach the lucas Aveda snapping his board on that previous wipeout now this is going to eat up freshest time for so Vetta who is right now not advancing through but meanwhile testimonies on his backhand a Herculean effort somehow still standing after the weight of that heavy wave at pipeline crashing down on his back it looks like he split the peak there with adriana de soto surfer in white paddling back out now these could be two scores of note as both surfers are looking for this elusive advancement we'll see what a adriana de sousa did on this right a little bit of that split peak soup what I've noticed is everybody in this heat quarterfinal has paid attention to the others and they're staying super busy there's like a million waves being ridden as compared to Bruce irons who only road to wave same with John John prior these guys are staying busy now your top two waves will count and only two surfers will make it through to the semifinals to meet up with Bruce irons and company so the scores coming through mone is a 3.5 just those a two point eight three so as it stands a rift Aaron Burr in the lead Adriana de sousa in second says Aveda and Moniz both looking for waves as we see a chunk of the Pacific popping up for Lucas Silveira cranks it off the bottom quick speedy turn to start it off just another quick snap two great turns but the judges are going to be extra picky now as we get deep into the quarterfinals most likely won't be enough for Lucas Oh vada who is hunting a sizeable score he's chasing about almost a six and a half point ride right now but he did good by taking off in a wave although he might not have gotten the entire score here on this way of a loan he definitely narrowed the margin for him making it into the semi-final realized Chris not you don't have to get first place the top two surfers advance so as quarter-final number four draws to a close tell vada with one last-ditch effort big snap another open face and lay back hack where he actually laid down in the water and somehow continued with speed standing up down the line to one final turn go still vada he likes it he feels like he got enough with seconds counting down will that beat I'm not a judge I'm going to leave that up to the pros but he's definitely feeling it right now he thinks he got it the judges did they agree a couple of sweet turns right off the bat not the barrel he was looking for but definitely stayed busy all the way down the line looking at this oncoming section and he just goes ham on it throwing everything he's got including the kitchen sink double fist pump will it be enough well the judges have spoken it's not going to be enough for Lucas so vada so advancing through a rich Aaron Burr ooh and Adriano just shows up the quarterfinals are done we're looking forward to epic matchups North Shore native and current world champion John John Florence entering the water for the first semi-final when we return to the 2017 Volcom Pipe Pro this is the Red Bull Signature Series you welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series and welcome to paradise here at the 2017 Volcom Pipe row from the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii semifinal number one is underway Australia so Lee Bailey Leandra Osuna from Argentina John John Florence from right here on the North Shore and Griffin Cola Pinto from San Clemente California who's going to start us off here in semifinal number one it is going to be the North Shore's own John John Florence having a paddle so it looks like it could be a grower nice opening snap for John John now their big turn straight up and into the lip unfortunately John John Florence goes down very uncanny of the 2016 world champion John John Florence not known for falling a humungous first turn and setting it up for the next one you just look at the way he pushes against that lip mother nature says oh yeah and pushes right back causing our world champion to falter so as John John Florence makes his way back out the lineup the score comes through a three point one seven pretty good for a one maneuver wave most likely not good enough for advancement behind John John Leandra Osuna dragging everything he's got to slow down enough to get himself inside that tube he does nicely won't be an excellent score but most likely be right there in that mid-range a great start for Leandro Asuna he did really well too just to get that wave off of red there was a bit of a paddle battle at the takeoff speaking of paddling and battling Griffin Cole a Pinto up and into the lip once twice telegraphing down the line looking for a third and there it is ooh you've got to complete those final maneuvers to really get the full attention of the judges comment it with two nice snaps to start so fortunately couldn't get that finished largest opening turn really reminiscent of the one and only Andy irons great call Chris great call the kid is that talented he's yet to win a world title but he's definitely on his way making his way through all that whitewater the fins come out and he falls there was that paddle battle that I spoke up early early on very soon are doing a great job to just sit on his rear end and park himself right into a sweet spot good opening score for the young man from Argentina so it's a judges deliberate scores coming through Griffin Cola Pinto gets a three point one three not a huge score but could be enough to build his way to a lead so as we wait for more services to catch wave let's go to the beach tena Dixon is with Bruce irons Wellum Bruce with that not much to pick from you are able to find that barrel and get the score that you need it just tell us about that yeah took me a little while to find a wave in them yeah the RIP went through the lineup for our heat those and I got a real tricky out there and you know I just waited and waited and I missed the wave that there's a really good way but I I didn't go on which was I look like the better that heat would whatever it doesn't matter I made the heat you know moving on how much at this point you just have to adapt and figure out what's going on in the water when you're actually out there yeah today's a real day of knowing the lineup and because it's so tricky out there you got another read the rip currents and stuff and it's going to be a you know we're going to be finding the ways to win the contest thanks Bruce guy seen if that knowledge pays off well if anyone's got the knowledge it's Bruce irons he has had some incredible heat wins out here and we'll see if he can keep that role going so with conditions ever changing here at pipeline we wait for our next surfer to run the gauntlet who's it going to be going to be surfer in red so lee bailey having a deep paddle looking like one of the bigger waves we've seen thus far in the semifinals dropping down the bottom of the wave in and out of a tricky heavy end section barrel Dave that's exactly what the judges want to see the risk will equal the reward solomon bailey has been on fire all day hey great waves nice smooth face waves the ones that are going to offer the barrel we can see he knows this wave is going to barrel and he's just waiting waiting waiting drops the back hand gets the cover-up binds the doggy door and the score yeah that doggy door exit meaning that small precise exit these surfers need to navigate in order to complete their ways to the judges eating that a completed feral ride the scores coming through a 5.0 there's a nice chunk of point or so lee Bailey absolutely crisp and especially on this day where you can see that many Whitecaps out front the good thing about pipeline although it does get windy midday it settles down in the afternoon that's what these surfers are hoping to see as well as surf and to assist in lining the beach throughout this entire event solely bailing out surfer from Australia one last ditch effort finds a tube nicely ridden in and out barrel for so lee Bailey we talked about those conditions Chris there's just so much chunk on the face almost as if it was acne these guys are just punching their way through all sorts of trouble here comes Solomon Daly punching his way through the lip on this wave to yet another completed barrel ride so slowly Bailey getting it done score comes through a four point four zero so John John Florence now needing a little help from Mother Nature to advance to the finals will the current world champion get the wave he needs if anyone can pull it off here at pipeline it's John John that and more when we return you are watching the Red Bull Signature Series you welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is the Volcom Pipe Pro and we are in the middle of semifinal number one with current world champion John John Florence battling it out but trailing in the pack got his work cut out for him if he wants to advance to the finals you can see on your screen Chris not only is there a bunch of Whitecaps there's a bunch of current these guys are constantly paddling like salmon trying to get upstream they know that they have to maintain their lineups but here sitting wide getting a great little cover up mr. Griffin Cole Pinto not able to find the exit you know we mentioned it earlier the doggy door that small exit these surfers are trying to find that is an example right there I'm not finding the exit Griffin Cole Pinto goes down score coming through just a 1.43 now we see John John Florence he needs a sizable score to get himself back into contention but again if anyone can do it it's John John Florence he knows this wave like the back of his hand paddling into what looks like a gem of a wave here at backdoor beautiful opening snap but only a one maneuver wave for John John Florence and this is a big maneuver but will it be enough exactly what are the judges looking for as John John goes to this tournament they're looking for this type of turn but a series of them I mean in my book that was a 10-point ride I'd take that any day of the week but for John John Florence being behind the 8-ball will it be enough slicing his way through that open-face of fact or beautifulness well the judges having a reacted to that one menacing snap they throw out the score it's enough to get John John Florence into second place a three point five seven now Cola Pinto and Leandra Asuna has to do some work to get back in the seat your current leader slowly fairly now looks like he could be in position get away van here we go paddling into what looks like a tricky section in front of them somehow solely barely finds an exit on a wave that looked like it was going to give him a minimal chance to escape the barrel that so lee Bailey showing his veteran knowledge on the qualifying series gave him the tenacity to fight through that barrel and right behind him Leandra Osuna trying to fight back into the seat as well beautiful opening snap nice finishing maneuver for Osuna and he throws the hammer fit the whistles come up from the beach and now we've got some tense moments as Griffin Cole a Pinto gets in the mix Griffin Cole Pinto exactly what the doctor ordered in and out the doggy door I'm claiming the barrels going to top the to top turns from Laila Yasuda and the judges agree a 7.3 7/4 Cola Pinto meaning John John Florence is out so lee Bailey Griffin Cole Pinto advance to the final 2015 world champion Adriana de Sousa prepares for the second semi-final Winry return to the Volcom Pipe Pro you're watching Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull signature Syrian as we passed by the beautiful Turtle Bay Resort here in the North Shore of Oahu this is the 2017 Volcom Pipe row and we are ready for semifinal number two the pipeline legends in this heat Bruce irons in Adriano de Souza who won both the 2015 World Tour and Pipe Masters event that year Bruce and Adriana will be going up against a rich Arab brew and David do Carmo this is going to be a heavy heavy heat David the conditions blazed have stuck around but the wind has popped its ugly head up hasn't it it has but there are barrels to offer we saw quite a few actually top scoring ways in that last on semi-final and here on the first opening ride getting busy Adrian D'Souza just taking it to the sky his back end is among the best of the best no barrel in that way but two nice turns a great way to start for Adriano de Souza your surfer in black so there's that particularly an effort that you need to even stay in place the current running through like a river and there's that big backhand snap to open it up for Adriano Davi Rhodos Adriano de Souza is one fit young man always being in the right place at the right time and capitalizing on every way if he takes off on you know one thing is note when you get a wave going left at high plane like Adriano just did it could actually deposit you back in a great place to back up your previous wave quickly as Adriana de Sousa finds himself on the right spot of the reef you see him in black right there somehow finding himself again right back in the sweet spot the ops to the backhand again beautiful bottom turn straight up in the lip throwing spray to the heavens as Adriano now takes it up a notch from his previous wave beautiful backhand surfing from Adriano that was very interesting Chris you know there was a couple other surfers out there in contention for that wave but they didn't even look at it and Adrian D'Souza just went to town on it fully bettering his choir right you're absolutely right the score comes through a 4.5 for Adriano and here's why I look at the meat and potatoes serving here BAM power tax on Adriano's back in just non-stop cutthroat surfing on that lip like a precision surgeon who just went to town took something and just made it his own Adrienne D'Souza has come to play and the judges they are coming to play as well dropping another sizeable score for D'Souza 4.50 so now surfers in this field have to react to a blistering start in the former world champion Adriano de Souza so while we wait for more waves to come through let's go to Sal Masekela in the Red Bull Signature Series studio thank you Chris Cote did you know that the Volcom Pipe row has only seen three winners in seven years history pipe aficionado Jamie O'Brien and 2010 current world champion John John Florence in 2011 12 13 and 15 and the 11 time world champion and most dominant surfer in history Kelly Slater you have any favorite moments from those past competitions people let us know share them with us there's plenty to talk about how about you strike up the conversation for all the red bull signature series on Facebook Twitter Instagram the snapchat hit us up with the hashtag Volcom Pipe Pro or you go to the rebel Signature Series comm where we have plenty of exclusive content that we've made just for you plus our schedule for the entire season and you can also download the rebel TV app to watch this episode and all episodes from every season why because we love you watching the Red Bull Signature Series and this is the Volcom Pipe pro from the north shore of allah [Music] welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series the Pacific has come alive here on the North Shore of Oahu our second semi-final is on is the Volcom Pipe row and halfway through this second semi 2015 world champion Adriano de Souza is hanging on tightly to the lead he's got the feet in a stranglehold so far those two opening scores but not to be outdone his countrymen David do Carmo up on this left ledge of karma sticking to what he knows going last at pipeline finds himself in a quick barrel but a nicely ridden wave that looked super challenging to even reach so much whitewater coming up the face of the Carmo it basically as good as you could do on that wave which did not have a lot to offer I think he made the most of it definitely made the most of it to me it looked like he didn't know exactly what the wave was going to do is he going to go for an aerial a top turn but right here he parks it underneath that cascading lip it's a great little barrel almost comes unbuttoned as he comes out against all thats Moltres whitewater but mr. the Carmo is so strong that he out battles pipeline and complete his rival the judges knowing that that tough wave to surf warranted a nice score so did Carmo its rewarded with a four point one seven now if got the action coming and hot as surfers are vying for position is a nice chunk of water moves through the lineup going to be surfer in white a rich Aaron burrows high speed drop into a barrel any exits cleanly onto that open-face big carving real turn for Aaron Burr ooh this is looking like it's going to be a solid scores he pulls right out to see Bruce irons going left dragging into a barrel using that hand to stall himself to allow the wave to catch up to how fast he's going down the line so Bruce irons with a perfect read on this wave at pipeline what a ride and there it is once again Chris they called it that pig dogs down it's that three-point stance as uses every part of his body to stabilize himself and slow himself down in the barrel coming out to completion a risk Aaron brews doing the same on the right-hander both these gentlemen know exactly which kind of wave they want to take off on and they're waiting for it and it's proving to be some of the top scores of the heat so far a great exchange between irons and Aaron Berger Aaron Burr gets a 5 to 3 Bruce irons a six point seven seven now Adriana de Sousa hanging on to the lead Bruce irons jumps up in the second place a rip Aaron Burr Oh in third David do Carmo in fourth now a rich needs a score of a five point two three it gives himself a shot at advancement into the finals like he sees a chance he takes it paddling into a nice right-hander here at backdoor pipelines wave just didn't give him the chance he wanted nice slicing finisher but not much on offer for a risk Aaron Burr ooh who needed a decent score of 5 to 3 I don't think the judges are going to make it that easy for Aaron burrows he look back to the outside on the right David do Carmo dropping in his backhand dropping off the bottom off the top this wave grows throughout the inside and he just rises to the occasion there it is that fist pump which was definitely warranted as he smashed that lip and free Phil over inches of water David to Carmel posting the score so here we see a a split peak situation Bruce irons going left you karma going right you see that free fall after that blistering backside turn to karma hammering the lip again so two big maneuvers for Brazilian surfer David do Carmo that second turn that was high speed and high risk do Carmo somehow escapes disaster pulling out meanwhile Bruce irons going last not much on offer Fabrice but this is a great Bruce irons he's staying busy in that last quarter final Heat he only caught two waves he's already maximized new cleats course tool so far and let's see him do that again on a another wave come on Bruce so Bruce irons previously sitting with that 6.77 that's the single highest scoring wave of this gate and now remember only two surfers will advance through this semi-final into the finals of the 2017 Volcom Pipe rope he will it be Adriana just Rosa wants his name on that list pulling in nicely to a quick right-hand barrel backdoor pipeline grabbing the rail powering through a nice roundhouse cutback Adriano just throws a little bonus section on the inside and of course we know what Adriano is going to do if you give him the opportunity they'll take it a beautiful way of our Adriano de Souza I've noticed thing that the ocean is settling down there's not so many Whitecaps out the back and there's a lot more barrels on tap Adrian D'Souza coming in hot right out of that Easter egg hunt it's a keg party crisp tap himself into the fund so Adriano scores come through a 5.6 now that's going to move Adriano just shows it into the lead now Bruce irons need to score Bruce sitting with that six point seven seven needs something sizable if he wants to advance and there's finalists slowly Bayley getting ready for what could be one of the biggest heats of his career he's got to watch as Bruce iron paddles what will this wave offer Bruce and we see a nice casual approach Bruce irons Palvin disappears and he comes out Bruce irons with the last second Hail Mary gets a perfect barrel at backdoor pipe line that was an incredible wave and absolutely stellar performance by Bruce irons what I also noticed he's on a different board the board he rode in his quarterfinal if he had the Rising Sun on the bottom and that one didn't here we go on his backhand return brewer looking for the barrel and it's just not going to happen and with that last attempt not coming through iron Bru goes down that means Bruce irons picks the win along with Adriana so that now let's go to Sal Masekela to lead us into this epic final we got ourselves a final friend 21 year old out of nowhere Australian soli Bailey Brazil's Adriano de Souza the young man Griffin kala Pinto out of Southern California and the legend wine brew science all set to compete and determine who is going to be the 2017 Volcom Pipe row champion and get this helmet our first new champion in the seven years of this event you are watching the Red Bull Signature Series from the North Shore of a walk back to the Red Bull Signature Series a beautiful look at the North Shore of Oahu and the Banzai Pipeline this is the Volcom Pipe Pro and we are ready for our final which has some veteran pipe masters and some young up-and-coming talent there will be a new champion this year as all the previous winners are out of competition so Lee Bailey Griffin Cola Pinto Bruce irons and Adriana D'Souza will do battle as the conditions appear to be improving 100% crisp we can see that the trade winds are backing off and the tide is actually getting lower a lot more barrels on tap here we go looking sharp all the way through the contest so far Solomon Bailey first ride nothing to speak of well he is uncorked the champagne so to speak and we are off and running in this final and they see all business on the beach for surfers in the lineup no advancement this time this is for all the marbles who will take the title here at the 2017 Volcom Pipe row so Lee Bailey that score comes through nothing of note just a point three seven who will draw second blood here it's going to be San Clemente surfer Griffin Cole of Pinto in his first final ever here at the Volcom Pipe pro fights under the lip for a quick yet really went barrel ride on a clean tube like the judges like to see but it will be a decent start and a better start than Stoli Bailey had Griffin kala Pinto is on the board this is true Chris the judges have spoken they've seen enough turns what they want our barrel ride and that's going to give you the score and that's going to give you the win here at the Volcom Pipe Pro Griffin Cole apisto doing his best to keep his head from getting ripped off his shoulders now this kid is an absolute star in now always we've seen what he did in this year's Vans Triple Crown of Surfing some heroics finishes we've seen what he can do in small ways his air game is among the of the best but can he match Surrey Bailey with his Q s veteran knowledge weaving through a fast long tube going for the second getting a little gritty with his tube time but I feel like the damage had been done on that first section which the judges will deem as completed ride as he did exit that first portion of the barrel I see Solomon Bailey building momentum the guy's a juggernaut will anybody be able to stop him he's been posting more excellent scores than anybody else he has definitely proven to be the man to watch here at the Volcom Pipe row here he is parking under the hood completely out of sight barreled and just as you know what I want more I want more well this is the port the portion of this way if the judges were looking at that barrel from beginning to end so tough to ride you see he popped out that told the judges I'm still going I'm still riding this wave so they basically stopped their scoring right there but it came through it it's sizable a five point six seven four so lee Bailey so he family comes into this final as the underdog as the other three surfers really household names already at this point here goes Bruce irons almost got the read he wanted Ken now it's pretty rarity Bruce irons going down on a back a backdoor wave like that but could not find the exit with lots of time left I've got all the hope in the world that Bruce irons will find another gem lots of waves on tap as you can see there's quarter way to the horizon now Griffin Cola Pinto finds a nugget of a wave here pulls in a VIN but goes down so Griffin Cola Pinto maybe putting a little bit too much emphasis on stalling to allow for that tube to catch up for him he goes down that score comes through just a 10.13 there you see the beach is absolutely packed sir fans are fired up for this final speaking of fired off a tremendous those are opting for the left nice grab rail back side to bride that's our first real wave of consequence in this final of course who is it Adriana bestows a mr. consistency mr. consistency taking it to the judges saying you want to see a barrel here you go pal serving it up for you a hot and fresh but take us through this way of Dave I mean this was just expertly read extremely well-written that ability to drop from the sky and then hold onto the wave and just dump all your speed is so hard to do he actually had to look to Jamie O'Brien for some help to teach him how to surf pipeline and it worked out he's got a Pipeline Masters Trophy to his name looking for another near the Volcom Pipe row a new champion will be crowned when we return you are watching Red Bull Signature Series welcome back to the Red Bull Signature Series this is the final of the 2017 Volcom Pipe row here on the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii the young gun out of Australia so Lee Bailey is currently in the lead but is going up against some wily veterans with plenty of experience out here they're going to try to take that lead away now here comes another set straight back into it Griffin Cola Pinto our rookie threat on a massive back doorway pulled in bravely facing but look like near disaster and in fact it ended up in a maelstrom of whitewater coming down on Cola pintos head Griffin Cola Pinto is my new favorite surfer in the world really throwing caution to the wind coming from Southern California I'm pretty sure there's not too many ways that resemble backdoor but the kid has absolutely proven himself to be fearless in all types of conditions now as you see the water coming through the waves are just getting better and better which is exactly what we wanted to see on the day here and the finals of the Volcom Pipe row here goes Griffin clopin Joe what happened here Dave everything went wrong the whole wheel came off right about there as he falls out of sky and just an anvil of water lands right on top of his head oh and the judges can be so unkind even after that massive effort only a 1.83 that would be the hardest fought 1.83 of young Griffin Cola pintos life meanwhile slowly Bailey stroking into what could be a solid wave and it is standing tall in a beautiful backdoor barrel this Aussie threat is on fire backing it up with a second tube and a nice carving snaps so lee Bailey making his intentions known solomon bailey is like a kid left alone with a matchbook he has just set this heat on fire great great ride by the young man from Australia and did better than his first score and got that second Onis feral on that wave yeah let's remember solely Bailey's first wave of 5.67 the judges have to throw out a massive score for this wave just unbelievable Steve eNOS as he comes out of two barrels and then throws it up into the lip he's feeling you can actually see the elation he's wearing it on his sleeve you know what Griffith gold Pinto actually thought probably a great view of this wave as well so and if Griffin use his inner judge he would have had to agree with our actual judges score comes through and it is massive a 7.3 3 4 so lee Bailey that places him firmly in the lead Adriano de Souza in second Griffin Cola Pinto now in third he's in a combination spot meaning he needs two scores to even give himself a chance to get back into that top spot Bruce irons is in fourth place set keep rolling through here at pipeline and it looks like surfer in blue thank Linney's Griffin Cola Pinto having a dig he goes right and that way it ends up much like his previous effort a disaster Griffin Cole Pinto is swinging and everything that comes to his way speaking of coming his way once again Solomon Bailey is this the only guy in the heat parks it for another great backdoor barrel and then takes to the air well we said all along it was going to take skill fortitude you were going to have to throw it all on the line and you were going to have to have a little bit of luck on your side and that's what we just saw with soly bailey basically finding that diamond in the haystack right there as he paddling back out that wave just swung right to him and look at the way he surfed this thing I mean this is just effortless for soli Bailey absolutely picture-perfect positioning as he parks it under the lift and then goes to the air because he's not there that's just the exclamation point and once again Griffin Koloff is so stuck inside to watch his compadre Solomon Bailey get yet again another excellent ride and it's deja vu for Griffin who has to just watch it Bayley this keeps the pedal to the metal score comes through and he will improve and extend his lead a five nine three four Bailey's last wave so Sulley Bailey just keeps himself firmly entrenched in that number one spot Adriana de Stowe's at Griffin Cole Pinto Bruce irons now all playing catch-up and the ocean is looking like it's cleaning up more waves are coming through this is how you want to end an already incredible event as you see set marching on to the reef Griffin Cola Pinto this could be his final shot he's opting for the last Griffin grabs his rail pulls up on her lip could he have an exit no pipeline there's other ideas for Cola Pinto at key goes down now Bruce irons looking left on his back hand goes into a deep bottom turn just a quick snap and the body language tells us right there that is not the way of Bruce irons was looking for but Bruce still not given up throws it into backside Ariel 360 this is like Thunderdome for men enter one man leaves second place doesn't amount for much you're here for the wind Solomon Bailey will anybody knock him off the throne well Griffin Colasanto right here looks like he has a chance and that wave did not give him what he needed that it's not going to be a score of note so Griffin Cola Pinto most likely will stay down in third place and Creek Adriano just closer now is going to be searching for something he's the only surfer right now who has a chance at catching up with so lee Bailey we've got the lead early and has hung on to lead throughout this entire final so now the tension mounts will Adriano have a shot away it comes through HR under the snows up paddling will this wave be enough with 10 seconds time ticking down Adriano knows need something huge will that be enough I'm no judge but I love the barrel and so does Solomon Bailey raising his fist to the air and ladies and gentlemen it is official we have a brand new champion at the 2017 Volcom Pipe Pro it is 21 year old so Lee Bailey from Australia we talked to the winner when we return this is the Red Bull Signature Series well Australian surf fans are rejoicing as so lee Bailey is our brand new champion you know before this final went out nobody on the beach was picking so lee Bailey had Bruce irons in that final Adriana de Sousa and Griffin Cola Pinto has been on an absolute charge but it's always great to see an underdog come through with a big win and here is that time-honored tradition is when our champion gets chaired up the beach so you see how he's got a couple of his big mates and one of his smaller mates helping him up and this is going to be the ride of young Sully Bailey's life that needs to be the screen saver on his phone is every to having a bad day just take a look at that Solomon Bailey because you my friend are on top of the world and here's where the beach just falls in to madness it's been a long event with days off days on giant waves coming through tricky waves coming through Sully Bailey had to fight through many different conditions here at pipeline to get this win making this not only a well-deserved win but also has to be supremely meaningful - solely in his campaign to make it the World Championship Tour this is the first concept of note in the 2017 world surf league series for the qualifying getting onto that Championship Tour he is not only getting cheered up the beach right now but he's getting cheered up the beach with 3,000 valuable points putting him way ahead of everybody else onto her so Sully's got the point he's getting the big and most importantly now he puts himself on an illustrious list of only four surfers on the planet to own the Volcom Pipe scroll trophy Kelly Slater John John Florence Jamie O'Brien and now so Lee Bailey who will add his name into surfing history by taking out one of the toughest surf competitions on the planet so Lee Bailey a young surfer from Australia now has his time in the Sun as we go to Tina Dixon for an interview with our new champion well slowly there was so much that happened in that heat I mean take us through the very beginning from catching that first wave then you end up on the beach with a broken leash and you got to go back out there but you still caught two more back door barrels yeah you know it's just amazing the waves turned on so good out there as much as it starts to break my leash and get that wave on the head it was amazing because it was the first big set that came through and was this perfect yeah I'm baffled right now you know you told me earlier that you wanted to win this you want it to go you know all the way and finish on the podium in fact there's only been three guys that have ever won this and now you're adding your list to that or name to that list what does that mean oh it's a it's seriously a dream come true this is the best event you know to win in terms of waves and just this place is amazing I'm I'm baffled us and I'm speechless it feels really good enjoy those congratulations thank you going into this event the 21 year old byron bay native sully Bailey was never in the discussion of potential winners that was reserved for previous Volcom Pipe Road champions and pipe masters like Jamie O'Brien and world champions Kelly Slater and John John Florence however the young underdog prevailed and kept his composure throughout this competition with patient timing waived selection and yes even a little luck that helped this young Aussie surf to the top of the podium congratulations to so lee Bailey for coming in first in every beat he competed throughout this entire contest and putting together the two biggest waves of the finals for the wind and capturing today redbull signature moment another epic Volcom Pipe Pro in the book gave final thoughts underneath that jersey solomon bailey has a cape he is a super hero and with that let's turn it over to Sal Masekela thank you Chris man what a party thanks for joining us at the 2017 Volcom Pipe row here at the Banzai Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii incredible surfing from both sides the Beck and the Rising Stars and after seven years of the same three champions the Volcom Pipe row finally has a new champion let's hear it for the underdog so lee Bailey from Australia the biggest win of his career as well as congratulations to Adriano de Souza Griffin kala Pinto who you'll be seeing a lot of in the future as well as brew science once again Mahalo for the hang friends and on behalf of the entire NBC Sports crew including Chris Cote Dave Wasel and Tina Dixon I am Sal Masekela and we will see you next time Aloha [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 822,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, surf, surfer, surfing, barrel, barrels, shred, rip, gnar, wave, waves, ocean, slab, break, breaks, surfboard, pro surfing, pro surfers, competitive surfing, surf photography, surfing photography, surf video, surf edit, surfing video, surfing videos, big wave surfing, red bull tv, jaws, peahi, volcom, volcom pipe pro, pipe pro, kelly slater, jamie o'brien, JOB, Makai McNamara, bruce irons, day 4 highlights, surf warm up, volcom pipe pro 2017
Id: Iy5TTcxy3e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 25sec (5125 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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